#It's terrible but I gotta start somewhere
yellowcourtains · 2 years
-For the first friends I've ever had -
I'm trying not to loose my mind looking at the calendar.
Last year seems like yesterday
and these nights leave us waiting for another train.
Look at you three years older and far away.. Not yet, not yet, I keep saying to myself.
Is it worth buying a camera now at the end of our night?
Surely isn't right wasting this time we have left on sentiment.
Can I text you late at night?
We will still drink on Fridays, right?
Will we ever wake up at lunch or go to sleep while sun rises again?
I'll miss you more than anything, I'll miss you like old man misses his good old days.
Promise me, promise me anything, please even if it means you won't stay.
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daz4i · 19 days
starting to consider the option that i may not be the worst person on earth and i actually may even be p decent. will keep you updated as i find out more information
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niishi · 7 months
If u have bad mental health and you're misery obsessed, literally just stop feeding yourself poison all the time. Your mental health will improve. If you're only primarily consuming extremely angsty fiction, stuff with mentally unwell conflicts, abusive relationships, etc, you're only keeping your own mental status locked in a box of this one thing. If you're miserable irl, and obsessed with fiction centered around misery, it 1000000% IS making it so your mental health will never improve. When you see healthy relationships in fiction? Learn how to appreciate them and idolize them, and dissect them and understand them, instead of turning towards fiction that depicts this healthy relationship as abusive and toxic. You have to start somewhere with yourself. This is an easy way to help improve your overall mental health and worldly outlook.
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gaminegay · 1 year
I just had what feels like every stress dream ever in a single hour
#Strangers coming to my house for a party unannounced when I'm trying to sleep#Cant find my phone (this is still true)#People from work also at my house going nuts#Fish and worms have somehow grown in all my glass bottles and now I gotta find tanks for them but i cant afford that but i also dont wanna-#-kill them and they've started eating each other. The people are still at the party. Still cant find my phone#Random ladies show up demanding I answer questions that make no sense and I wanna help but idk how to respond#People from work are still losing it. It's raining and pitch black out. Still can't find my phone. My father is there.#Some guests get their hand on a device that let's you shape shift?? But you gotta jam a giant needle right into your chest#And I was down at first but then i see people whose faces shift between multiple people frozen in agony#And people whose faces just look like objects an it looks painful and a friend from work wont let me leave and is gonna stab me#And finally one person who got the shot gets like. Millions of tiny mushrooms growing out of every pore#Their entire body transforms into a fungal bed in the slowest most painful death imaginable. And this happens to everyone#And I just fucking booked it out of the house finally acrew the phone screw the rain screw work.#And at THAT point I'm like wait fuck this is a dream. If I keep going something terrible will definitely happen again#Thankfully just the adrenalin was enough to wake e up and I didnt have to dream-kill myself#I gotta write this down in more detail somewhere#Alda rambling
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sparkle-fiend · 1 year
Eddie is six years old, the first time he hears the voice. 
It wakes him with a jolt – sends him tearing through the house, searching under every bed and behind every door for the boy he hears calling his name.
Mama finally stops him. “Sweetheart, what did you lose this time?” (Eddie is always losing things.) She looks impatient, standing with a laundry basket balanced on one cocked hip, curly hair spilling out of the messy bun on top of her head.
“I heard somebody saying my name! I gotta find him, I think he’s hiding.”
Mama’s whole attitude changes, all at once. She sets the laundry aside and drops to her knees in front of him, squeezing his little hands between her own. “Oh baby. That voice means you’ve got a soulmate!”
She smiles bright as the suncatcher hanging in the window, and presses sloppy kisses all over his face until he screams with laughter, squirming to get away. 
“My lucky, special boy!”
Eddie’s never been lucky before. It’s exciting.
In school, they learn all about soulmates. About how rare they are. Uncle Wayne is the only other person Eddie knows that has one. 
When he found out about Uncle Wayne’s soulmate, Eddie was so excited – bubbling full of questions, like a bottle of fizzy pop. But whenever he tried to talk about it, his dad got real mad.
“You keep your mouth shut about soulmates,” he said. “Don’t talk about that shit in front of your uncle.”
It’s hard. Eddie starts staying over at Uncle Wayne’s trailer more and more when Mama gets sick. And Eddie’s never been good at following rules; especially when he’s curious about something.
“Uncle Wayne?” Eddie finally asks one day. “Where’s your soulmate? How come I’ve never seen her?” You have met her right? is what Eddie’s really asking. He can’t imagine waiting until he’s as old as Uncle Wayne to find his soulmate.
His uncle goes sort of brittle, tensing up like every joint is made of glass. His lips press together behind his beard, and his denim blue eyes go shiny and wet – like he’s trying not to cry.
If Eddie could take the question back, he would. Suck it right back into his mouth, like the smoke from his uncle’s cigarettes. This is why you gotta listen better baby – that’s what his Mama would probably say.
“My Lorretta died a few years ago. Before you were born.”
Eddie never considered that. In all the movies, soulmates die together. The thought of it leaves a queasy feeling squirming through his stomach.
“I still hear her though,” Uncle Wayne says, with a terribly soft look in his eyes. “Still hear her singing our song.”
“Like a memory?” Eddie whispers.
His uncle shakes his head. “Time don’t matter for soulmates – no more than distance. I can hear her still, across the years.”
Like a ghost, his uncle doesn’t say. A ghost that will haunt him forever. None of the dry textbooks in school ever mentioned that part.
It starts to worry Eddie. As he gets older, his soulmate’s voice starts to get clearer. He always hears the same thing – a desperate, grown-up voice screaming at him to “Run Eddie! RUN!!!” 
It must be from the future. But his soulmate sounds so scared. What could possibly happen, to make his soulmate sound like that?
Eddie starts to listen to music more. Loud, heavy stuff to drown out the frightened voice. 
Late at night, he curls up under the covers and softly sings his Mama’s favorite song – hoping that somewhere, somewhen, his soulmate will hear him.
That it might help, the way it helps Eddie when Mama sings him to sleep.
Eddie is twelve years old, the first time he really listens to the voice.
Mama's been dead two years, and his dad keeps pulling riskier and riskier jobs. Tonight, he's decided to try and break into the pawn shop on Fifth street. 
Eddie is the lookout, stationed on the opposite corner with a pistol weighing heavy in the pocket of his coat (just in case, Ed). 
He doesn't want to be here. He tried to argue with his dad. Said, "I've got a test tomorrow. I've got homework and..." and I hate this life. (He doesn't say that part.) I don't want to steal cars or break into buildings or mug people. I don't want to be like you.
His dad just gripped him by the arm hard enough to bruise, and said, "You like to eat, dont'cha? Well, lookouts get to eat. Lazy little shits don't." 
So Eddie is standing on a street corner in the middle of the night, watching his dad furtively attempt to pick the lock on the front door of the pawn shop, when a cop car slows down at the end of the street.
Fear floods his bloodstream so fast it leaves him dizzy. The cop has clearly noticed something. Eddie can see the shadowed figure inside the car reach for his radio. 
Eddie has two choices.
He could pull the pistol out of his pocket and fire a few shots down the street, forcing the cop to take cover long enough for his dad to get away (which is what his dad would expect him to do). Or he could... 
The sudden loud voice, echoing between his ears and behind his eyes and inside his heart, startles him into flinching. 
"Run Eddie, RUN!!!" His body obeys before his brain has a chance to process the words. He's halfway down the street when the siren shrieks to life. 
Later, as he sits in the backseat of the social worker's car on the way to his Uncle Wayne, he can't quite believe he did it. He bailed on his dad - left him to get arrested and go to prison. This is Frank Munson's third strike; he'll go away for life this time. 
I'm such a coward, Eddie thinks numbly. Such a chicken piece of shit. He digs his ragged nails into the soft flesh of his palms, squeezing hard enough to draw blood. 
As if he'd spoken aloud, a soft voice responds, "You're not a coward. You're one of the bravest people I've ever known. Running isn't always a bad thing, okay? Sometimes it's just the smart thing to do."
His soulmate sounds so fierce, so certain. Eddie blinks hard against the hot burn of tears. The smart thing to do.
Eddie holds onto those words, like magic talismans. They provide comfort, not just in the immediate days after his dad's arrest, but other times too. Every time he runs away from a bully or a cop or a deal gone bad, Eddie thinks to himself - I'm not a coward. I'm just smart.
It works... until the night he stumbles out of his uncle's trailer, leaving Chrissy Cunningham's broken body on the living room floor. He's so terrified he doesn't have time to think, not until after he's ditched his van and taken shelter in Rick's boathouse. As he leans against the splintered wall and catches his breath, it hits him.
I left her there. What if she was still alive? (She wasn't. She couldn't have been. Not after... not after that.) He grabs fistfuls of hair and tugs until his scalp aches. Wracks his brain trying to figure out what happened, what he could have done to stop it.
He's never felt so ashamed before, not even when his dad was cursing and screaming and calling him a coward through the thick glass of the visitation window. 
His soulmate's words whisper in his ears, "...sometimes it's just the smart thing to do," and Eddie pounds on his skull with his fists to drown the voice out. "Not this time," he snarls. I should have done something. I should have tried to save her. 
He doesn’t feel smart this time. He feels like a cowardly piece of shit.
His soulmate’s voice falls silent. 
Through all the craziness to follow – finding out that monsters are real, running for his life from an angry mob, fighting alongside Steve Harrington in an evil Upside Down version of Hawkins – Eddie doesn’t hear his soulmate again.
Not until he’s staring up at Dustin Henderson, realizing that he can’t run away again. As he hesitates at the bottom of the rope, Dustin calls out nervously, “Eddie, what are you doing?”  
“I’m buying more time,” he says. He ignores Dustin’s screams as he cuts the rope and slides the mattress out of the way – making sure the kid can’t follow him. 
And then he hears his soulmate say, “Wait, wait a second. Eddie?! Is that you?” 
Eddie is twenty years old, the first time he recognizes his soulmates voice.
He pauses at the door of the trailer and squeezes his eyes shut tight. “Hey Stevie.”
“Holy shit, it’s you,” Steve whispers in awe.
It’s the first time they’ve been able to speak to each other like this, responding in real-time. Eddie wishes it could have happened in different circumstances.
“I’m so sorry Steve.” 
“Eddie? What are you doing?” Steve sounds alarmed.
Eddie doesn’t answer. He slams his way out of the barricaded trailer and grabs one of the discarded bikes, hoping to lead the swarm of bats away as far as possible. 
He makes it halfway across the trailer park before one of the bats knocks him off the bike. He grunts and rolls, gaining his feet quickly. Chest heaving, charged with adrenalin – Eddie hesitates. He could keep running… or he could stand his ground and fight. 
Maybe Steve can hear the hitch in his breath in that moment, because the other boy seems to have worked out what’s going on, even from miles away. Steve screams, “No!!! Run Eddie, RUN!!!!”
It’s like the night his dad got arrested. Eddie doesn’t even have time to think - his body reacts to that voice and he runs, worn Reeboks slapping the pavement.
(In another world, Eddie would have turned to face the swarm. In another world, Eddie would have died.)
He’s fast. He’s always been fast. He buys himself a few precious moments, before the bats drag him to the ground. They start to rip through his clothes, through his flesh, and he tries to hold back his screams – he doesn’t want Steve to hear this…
Those extra seconds save his life. It’s bad - but not as bad as it could have been. The bats start to drop from the sky, writhing and shrieking; they’re dying, although Eddie has no idea why. Hopefully, it means Steve and the girls were successful. 
He struggles to sit up just as Dustin reaches him, crying and frantic. “Eddie!! Oh my god, are you okay? Jesus, there’s so much blood…” the kid moans. 
“Yeah, yep. I’m good,” Eddie pants through gritted teeth. “Help me up okay?”
Dustin insists on binding the worst of his wounds first, using strips of fabric torn from the ghillie suit. The pain makes Eddie want to scream all over again, but he allows it. It is an awful lot of blood.
They lean against each other and limp back to the trailer, where Dustin knots t-shirts and jeans and flannel shirts into the remnants of their rope until it’s long enough to reach the other side again. 
Eddie manages to haul himself up the rope and through the gate – and that’s where his strength runs out. The pain of landing on the thin mattress knocks him right out.
When Eddie wakes up, he’s in a hospital bed. 
Holy shit I’m alive, he thinks. He honestly wasn’t sure he would make it.
He moves gingerly, testing each limb, turning his head against the stinging pull of a bandage along the edge of his jaw.
The room isn’t empty; Eddie apparently has a roommate. He clears his throat and the person in the other bed stirs, turning to look at him. 
It’s Steve.
His soulmate.
Eddie feels a funny little swoop of exhilaration in his stomach. “Hey Stevie.”
Steve’s face goes soft at first, like he’s experiencing the same fizzy warmth that Eddie is feeling. Then he blinks, and his brows draw down into a scowl. “What the hell was that, huh? What happened to ‘I’m no hero’?”
Eddie tries to make light of the situation. “Maybe I wanted to try it out,” he says flippantly. “Not too sure it suits me though. Think I might stick to being a coward from now on – it’s a lot less painful.” 
Steve doesn’t smile. He fixes Eddie with a serious look, hazel eyes blazing in the sallow light of the hospital room. “You listen to me Eddie Munson. You're not a coward. You're one of the bravest people I've ever known. Running isn't always a bad thing, okay? Sometimes it's just the smart thing to do."
Eddie’s breath catches in his throat. Those words – once a gift from the future, now an echo of the past. He never should have ignored them. “Maybe you’re right.”
Steve’s mouth is already open to continue the argument. “I…” he stops, clearly caught off-guard, face scrunched in adorable confusion. “Yeah. Yeah, I am right.”
Steve runs a faintly trembling hand through his hair. The angry expression melts into something gentler, almost unbearably soft. “I’m glad you listened to me in the end, at least.”
Eddie shifts his weight, pressing his cheek into the scratchy hospital pillow so he can keep his eyes on Steve. 
He’s so beautiful. Even bloody and bruised, with dirt still smudged along his hairline and dark circles under his eyes – he’s the most beautiful boy Eddie has ever seen. And Eddie almost gave this up – if he’d died in the Upside Down, he would have left Steve alone, with only the echo of Eddie’s voice left to haunt him.
“Yeah,” Eddie says hoarsely, “me too.”
He still feels guilty over Chrissy’s death - he probably always will. But he’s coming to realize that proving himself a hero wouldn’t have been worth the pain his death would have caused.
Eddie’s got a second chance… and he plans to make the most of it.
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
Sunday Scaries
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(Pre!outbreak Joel Miller x female reader)
A/N: this is for my darling, @loquaciousferret as she deals with her ‘Sunday Scaries’ after a fun weekend out (;
Summary: after a long night out with your girlfriends, you’re suffering through the worst hangover of your life. Your boyfriend Joel is there by your side taking care of you all day long.
~word count: 2.7k~
Warnings: mentions of drinking, established relationship, soft! Joel, he’s so sweet your teeth are going to rot out! Joel, comforting themes, caring for you while you’re hungover, light teasing, praise kink, nicknames, very very light smut, whole lot of fluff! It’s so stinkin cute. (+18) minors dni !
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You weren’t sure what time it was exactly when you sent your boyfriend Joel a text message with zero context. You knew by now that he wasn’t the best at reading between the lines. Your text to him was one word: dying. You must have not even realized you had hit send before your head flopped back down on the pillow. You were out late last night with your girlfriends out drinking. You had a few too many vodka-crans, and by the time you had gotten home, you were too drunk, and too tired to even bother taking your little skimpy dress off.
You were rudely awoken by someone banging heavily on your apartment door the following morning. Unbeknownst to you, behind the door was your incredibly concerned boyfriend. When Joel woke up to your text, he didn’t waste any time with quickly getting dressed and snatching his keys to his truck and driving to your apartment. He was definitely driving way over the speed limit but did he care? Not one fucking bit.
You let out a groan as you pulled your pillow over your head to block out the incessant banging. When it didn’t cease, you wrapped yourself up in your thick quilt and forced yourself out from under the covers. You nearly tripped over your discarded strappy heels from the night before as you trudged out of your room. You looked, and felt like the living dead.
After reaching your apartment door, you unlocked it with a grumble and you stepped back slightly as it swung open, revealing your worried out of his fucking mind boyfriend.
“Jesus fuck, Joel. What are you doing here?” Your voice was raw from all the singing you had done with your friends as you rubbed your temples with the pads of your fingers. Your brain was pounding painfully in your skull.
Joel had let out a visible sigh of relief when he saw that you were very much alive in front of him. “What am I doin’ here? Baby, you texted me at like the crack ass of fuckin’ dawn, sayin’ you were dyin’! I raced over here as fast as I fuckin’ could. Thought somethin’ terrible had happened..”
“Oh fuck. I’m so sorry baby I don’t even remember sending you that message honestly. I’m sorry. I was super fucking drunk when I got home last night and I must have sent it around that time. I’m okay, Joel. Just suffering through the worst hangover of my life is all.”
Joel took in your full appearance then. He saw the makeup streaks under your eyes and the smeared left over lipstick. Your hair looked like an absolute rat's nest. Despite looking like hell, you were still the most beautiful girl in his eyes.
“Oh, honey..it’s okay. You don’t gotta apologize, okay? I just wanted to make sure that you were alright..did the vodka crans get to ya again?” he teasingly asked as he leaned against the doorjamb of your apartment door.
“Shuddup Joel. My head is pounding and I really wanna just curl up and fucking die in a hole somewhere..” you grumbled as you turned on your heel and started to head over to the couch. You wasted no time to plop down, face first, with your head buried in one of the pillows.
Joel let out a soft sigh as he watched you plop down onto the couch. He stepped inside your cozy little apartment, closing the door behind him softly as he hung his coat up alongside yours. “I’m sorry you’re havin’ a rough time right now baby. Hangovers can be real fuckin’ nasty.”
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock. I’m regretting all of my decisions right now.” You grumbled into the pillow
You could hear his footsteps approaching where you laid on the couch as he slowly sank down along the corner of the cushion. He gently placed his hand along the small of your back, through the thick quilt that was wrapped around you. “I’m gonna take care of ya, okay? Will you let me do that my sweet girl?” He spoke softly.
“That sounds wonderful. I’d love it if you did.” You turned your cheek to the side so you could see his face before you slowly sat up and brought your arms around him, hugging him tightly with your cheek pressed against his warm chest.
“Let’s get your makeup off first, yeah? You don’t wanna go walkin’ around with raccoon eyes baby.” He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you as he held you close and kissed the top of your head.
“Don’t make me punch you in the fucking balls right now cowboy.” You warned him.
“Shhh. Don’t go sayin’ stuff like that okay honey? Where are your makeup wipes, my love? Bathroom..under the sink yeah?”
“Alright, sugar. You sit tight, okay? Gonna go grab them. You still in your clothes from last night?”
“I was too drunk to take them off. I don’t even know how I got my heels off either. They were an absolute bitch to take off.”
He chuckled softly as he gently rubbed soothing circles against your lower back before he reluctantly released you from his grasp. “M’proud that you made it home in one piece and took them off by yourself. Good job baby.”
You let out a huff when he was no longer holding you and you kinda just flopped back down against the side of the couch like a dead fish.
“Gonna take your makeup off, and run you a nice hot bath. Kay? Then we’re gonna get you out of those clothes and into something much more comfortable.” He gently patted your exposed knee from under the blanket before he walked over to your bathroom.
He easily found your makeup wipes from the cabinet under the sink. He returned to you minutes later, setting the bag of makeup wipes on the coffee table before he was gently grasping your thighs in his warm hands and coaxing you to sit up. “You gotta work with me a ‘lil here. Okay honey? Would it be more comfortable if you sat in my lap?”
“How the fuck did I get so lucky?” You mumbled as you sat up, scooting over so you were close enough to wrap your legs around his waist. Your arms draped around his back, interlocking your hands together as you held yourself against him.
“Mmm. Shouldn’t that be the other way around sugar? I’m the lucky one here. Wouldn't want to spend my Sunday any other way than here, takin’ care of ya.” He said with a small grin creeping onto his lips as he looked at you lovingly, with those big brown puppy dog eyes that you loved so tenderly.
You watched as he pulled out a couple makeup wipes, and he grasped your face in one hand, gently holding you still as he began to wipe away at leftover residue of your makeup along your skin. “You’re such a fucking sap, Miller. I love you.”
“Ditto, honey. Now close those pretty eyes for me, okay sugar? I don’t wanna get this stuff in ‘em. That would really fuckin’ hurt.”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at his request because he was just too damn adorable right now. Your lashes fluttered shut as he gently wiped away what was left of your eyeshadow. His tongue was poking out between his lips slightly as he was extremely focused on the task at hand.
Once he finished getting most of your makeup off, he pressed a soft kiss to the tip of your nose. Nibbling on it lightly as he elicited a sweet giggle to slip past your lips. “Does that feel a little better baby? Man, that stuff is a pain to get off huh? Let’s go run that bath for you now sweet girl.”
He was gently scooping you into his arms, carrying you to the bathroom while you clung to his strong, broad frame like a koala.
He set you down on the edge of the toilet seat and pressed a soft kiss to your temple before he started the water for your bath. He checked the temperature periodically to make sure that it wasn’t too hot for you.
You watched him with complete adoration in your eyes. Joel Miller was what any girl would want in a boyfriend. God, you were so lucky that he was yours.
“Can feel ya starin’ at me.” He looked over his shoulder at you and shot you a playful wink. “Enjoyin’ the view darlin’?”
“Absolutely. I love seeing my man bent over my tub like that.” You giggled.
“You’re adorable.” He mused as he straightened his back and walked back over to where you were sitting. He gently unwrapped your thick quilt from around your body. “Gonna get you out of the dress okay? It’s so pretty..but I can imagine it was uncomfortable to sleep in all night.”
“I couldn’t get the damn zipper down, Joel. I tried multiple times and it wouldn’t fucking budge.”
“I know honey. It’s okay, I’m here now, pretty girl.” He spoke as he gently coaxed you to your feet. He reached around you, grasping the zipper between his fingers before he slowly dragged the metal down, as the material pooled at your ankles, along with your panties. He had you step out from it before he bent down and picked it up, hanging the dress along the hook on the back of the bathroom door.
“Will you hold me in the tub please?” You asked him softly.
“Of course honey..I was gonna be a gentleman and ask. I didn’t wanna go and assume y’know?”
“Are you trying to make me fall in love with you more than I already have? Cause if that’s the case..it’s totally working.” You watched as he effortlessly pulled his shirt over his head.
“Gasp. You really think I’d do such a thing like that?” He chuckled.
“Don’t lie Miller. You absolutely would do something like that baby.”
“Yeahh, alright. You got me there darlin’”
He scooped you up once more as he carried you to the tub and gently set you down into the soothing water. He discarded the rest of his clothing in a pile before he climbed in behind you. He gently wrapped his arms around you as he brought your back against his chest so you were comfortably laying between his strong thighs. “This alright for you baby?”
“This is perfect.” You let out a content sigh as you rested your head against his chest and placed your hands over his under the water, where they rested comfortably along your stomach.
“M’happy to hear that my sweet girl.” He spoke softly as he rested his chin along your shoulder. “You want me to wash your hair for you as well or just hold you?”
“Oh, please. That would be wonderful, thank you.”
He hummed in response as he reached around you and grabbed your favorite bottle of shampoo. Shortly after, you could feel his fingers working the suds into your hair. He was giving you a full on scalp massage as your eyes fluttered shut.
He had continued to softly hum as he gently scraped his nails against your scalp. He loved these little moments of intimacy that he got to share with you.
Once your hair was washed, he gently tipped your head back into the water before he washed the shampoo suds out of your hair.
You were in a state of complete bliss with your boyfriend taking care of you like this. It was wonderful to have him here with you. Your head still pounded painfully but it was nothing a little aspirin couldn’t fix. “Hey, Joel?”
“Yeah baby? What’s up?”
“Never let me go out drinking like that again.”
“Baby..you said the same thing last weekend..” he chuckled.
You muttered something incoherent under your breath as you turned around between his legs to look up at him. “Shhh. I know what I said last weekend but I’m serious. Don’t let me do that again because I feel like dog shit.”
He was gently grasping your chin between his fingers, brushing the pad of his thumb across your plush lower lip. “M’sorry you’re still feelin’ like shit baby. You and I both know your girlfriends are gonna be textin’ you next weekend and askin’ you to go out. Maybe just don’t drink as many vodka crans next time?”
“Hmm..next time I’ll bring you out with me. You can be my moral support..” you said with a grin, leaning in for a kiss.
“Ohh I’d love that. I’ll make sure you’re being good. Still want you to have fun though..Kay sugar?” He removed the pad of his thumb from your lips and replaced it with a kiss.
His kiss was sweet, warm, and comforting.
“If your head is still hurtin’ real bad..I think I might have a solution for you baby. Only if you’re interested..”
“What did you have in mind, baby?” You mumbled against his lips, kissing him languidly.
“Considerin’ I’m a real gentleman and don’t wanna see my girl in any pain at all, I can ease your mind off of it..”
You breathed a soft sigh against his lips as you relaxed against his warm chest. “You wanna get my head spinning in a different way?..”
“Yeah. I’d love to if you’d let me.” He breathed out as he gently cupped your cheek in his warm palm, stroking his thumb against your cheekbone comfortingly.
“Yes please.” You whispered
“Sit back between my thighs, baby. Get nice and comfortable, okay? Gonna take care of you..” he whispered as he broke away from the kiss.
You slowly turned back around so you were resting against his chest once more. You could feel his breath tickling the shell of your ear as he pressed a soft kiss to your pulse point.
Your eyes slowly fluttered shut as you felt the pad of his fingertips dip down between the valley of your breasts and over your navel. Your thighs instinctively fell open as his fingers brushed over your clit, eliciting a soft sigh to slip past your lips.
His fingers began to move in gentle circles against your clit as he continued to press soft kisses along your neck.
He didn’t apply nearly as much pressure against your sensitive bundle of nerves as he usually would. His movements were gentle, tender as he coaxed you into a soothing orgasm with just his fingers alone. “Shh..that’s it. That’s my good girl. I’ve got you baby, it's okay. You’re such a good girl for me.” He whispered against your skin as your hips bucked up against his hand as you chased your impending orgasm.
“Joellll.” You let out a sweet, soft moan as your eyes rolled back into your skull.
“I know baby..I know. Feels good doesn’t it? I love playing with your pretty little pussy like this..always know how to get her purring for me..”
“You’re the devil..” you breathed out as he continued to gently ruin you with his fingers. Once the sensation became too much and your thighs were trembling, you grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers together as you came down from your high. Your mind was all fuzzy and didn’t hurt nearly as much now.
“Too much?” He let out a soft chuckle seeing that you were spent in his arms.
“Just a little..but I loved it. Thank you baby.”
“Anything for my girl.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Once the water was no longer comfortable, and yours and Joel’s skin was pruning up, he gently helped you out of the tub and wrapped a nice fluffy towel around your body.
He had some comfy sweats and a hoodie waiting for you as he helped you get dressed and carried you back to the couch. He let you sit between his thighs once more while you used him as your own personal pillow. You napped together for the rest of the afternoon. He made sure you drank water every now and then and when you were feeling a little better, he even made you some soup.
Joel Miller made your hangover, and the Sunday Scaries, not so scary anymore. Despite this, you still called off work the next morning, and your boyfriend happily spent the night at your place with you between his arms.
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i'm loving your posts about the Ghoul!
What are your thoughts about the first time with him? i think it totally makes sense that he is touch starved for the last 200 years.
Maybe the reader reassures him that she wants it, and he says for how long he was thinking about it 😆
Thank you so much for the ask, Anon! I actually have multiple pieces in the works depicting this, so I thought I'd do a little general headcanon overview in the meantime.
First Time Sex With The Ghoul
Despite his big, tough exterior, the poor man is so nervous (and also having a lot of feelings about being with someone for the first time since Barb), so you'll have to really be sensitive to that.
Definitely a long time coming. Even if you started propositioning the man the moment you met him, it would take a solid while of traveling with him before he would even begin to really consider any sort of physical affection between you two as an option. Between self consciousness at how long it's been since he was with anyone, body image issues, touch issues, and genuine disbelief that you'd actually want that with any ghoul, let alone him, he's gotta take a while to work up the guts, frankly.
Also takes quite a while because the mood is spoiled for him easily. I won't say that he's looking for reasons to not have sex (or to stop if you're doing things); moreso that the poor thing simply suffers from hypervigilance after not being able to be that vulnerable for so long. You're camping out within ten miles of a settlement and you wanna fool around? "We shouldn't. Could cause trouble if someone sees us." Slight noise somewhere off in the far distance? "I better go check and see what that was." You make a slightly strangled sound of pleasure? "Shit, am I hurtin' you? Maybe we should stop."
Once you finally work your way up to that point, don't expect to see much of his actual body. At most, he'll take off the hat and the duster. The very first time, I don't even see the gloves coming off, honestly, unless lightening has struck between you. I don't think he would want you to touch any more of his skin than necessary.
All that said, I think once you get him comfortable enough that you're getting naked, he'll be much more at ease. He feels both protected and aroused by being fully clothed while you're naked against him.
Spends a long time in the foreplay stage, mostly because he still remembers what feels good on that front and all your sounds and reactions make him feel confident. Lots of kissing; he adores how much you like to kiss him. He's not so sure he remembers all the steps of the main event, so making you cum on his fingers and tongue over and over again eases his nerves a bit, since he knows that even if he's terrible when the time comes, he at least showed you a decent time.
Speaking of which, as positive as I am that becoming a ghoul would give you pretty decent stamina (increased healing and "recovery" rate?), I am also positive that the second this poor touch-starved man is inside you, he's cumming. You both are sort of anticipating it, though, so no one panics. Give it a few and y'all can go again, trust me. He definitely feels embarrassed, but it'll help a lot if you don't make a big deal of it, reassure him how much you want him, how good he makes you feel. Resist the urge to use the "L" word; this whole situation is already so emotionally overwhelming for him that you're better off waiting.
Once that particular pitfall is navigated, though, his sexual confidence skyrockets. He's dipped his toes back in the pool and no one is dead or heartbroken, and it felt amazing, so have fun navigating 200 years of backed up sexual urges once that dam is broken!
202 notes · View notes
not-another-leon-blog · 9 months
Family Matters
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DI! Leon Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Death Island Spoilers!
Summary– The kids are exposed to the evils of the world. Word count: 3746 D/n– Daughter's name S/n– Son's name Sequels: Aftermath / Out Together
You woke to the sound of quiet sniffling. Someone was shaking you, almost begging you to wake up. Your eyes opened, your vision fuzzy and your head feeling like it had been stuffed with cotton.
“Mommy, wake up,” your daughter cried as she shook you. “Please, wake up.”
You groaned, reaching up to rub your eyes. Taking in your surroundings, you knew you were far from Los Angeles. Instead, you were surrounded by concrete walls and steel bars. This wasn’t the Walk of Fame, it was a prison.
“Mommy, I’m scared,” your daughter said, throwing herself in your arms.
“Don’t be scared,” said her twin brother confidently. “Dad’ll save us.” His pacing betrayed his confidence, not that his sister could tell with her face hidden in your shoulder. “Besides, Aunt Claire and Uncle Chris are here, too.”
“They are?” you asked. The fog in your head was starting to lift. “Chris? Claire?”
“We’re here,” Chris called. But he sounded weak, wounded. 
“Where exactly is ‘here’?”
“Alcatraz,” said Claire. If Chris sounded terrible, she sounded worse. Whatever was going on, you knew it was something the kids shouldn’t be a part of. “Jill’s here, too.” Somewhere." It only took a second for you to connect the dots. If they were all here, then surely Leon would be as well. 
You knew he had been on assignment in San Francisco so logically he couldn’t be too far away. It was supposed to be simple– a job he could complete in a day or so and then he would meet you and the kids in Los Angeles. How it turned into this…
We’re bait, you thought. It was a virtual guarantee. But how? All of your files had been secured and locked up; Leon had made sure of it. So how did you end up here? Why were you here?
D/n trembled in your arms and S/n was becoming more restless. Carefully, you lifted D/n with one arm and pushed yourself to your feet with the other. Reaching out to touch the bars, you gave them a firm shake. They didn’t budge.
“I gotta set you down, baby,” you said to D/n. She nodded hesitantly, going to her brother once she was out of your arms. She and S/n went to sit on the cot, holding each other’s hands. S/n’s leg bounced nervously.
You continued to examine the bars, looking for any kind of weakness. “So, what brought all of you to Alcatraz?” Might as well get an idea of what you were about to face if you were going to be stuck here.
“There were outbreaks in the city,” Chris said, his breathing heavy. “Found a connection to Alcatraz…”
That’s certainly one way to get him and Jill here, you thought. But what about Leon? How did his assignment connect to all of this?
“You kids okay?” Claire asked, taking a sharp breath.
“Okay,” S/n answered softly. 
You abandoned the bars and went to kneel in front of them. D/n’s face was blotchy with tears and she was wiping her nose with her sleeve. Soft hiccups rocked her little body. S/n, on the other hand, was still bouncing his leg and kept his eyes trained on the floor in front of him. You took their hands and gave them a soft squeeze.
“We’ll be okay,” you assured them. “I won’t let anything happen to either of you, understand?” You looked each of them in the eye. “No one will touch you while I’m here.” D/n nodded and you reached up to wipe the tears from her cheeks.
“Mom,” S/n said, but his attention wasn’t on you. It was on someone standing outside of the cell. A tall woman stood there, dressed in a shiny pink jumpsuit. You knew exactly who she was and suddenly it all made sense.
Like a switch had flipped, your attitude went from soft and caring to tough and protective. You stood and put yourself between her and the twins. “What do you want?” Your voice was sharp and stern.
“Your husband will pay for what he did to my father,” Maria replied.
“Yeah, I get that.” You took a step closer. “But they have no part in it. You want to use someone, use me. This isn’t their fight.”
“It became their fight when he murdered my father. They deserve to know what kind of monster theirs is.”
S/n jumped up from the cot and rushed against the bars, gripping them so hard his knuckles turned white. “Our Dad’s a hero!” he yelled. “You're the monster!” Maria hit the bars, scaring S/n away from them. But he only backed away enough to stand next to you and stared Maria down as she marched down the cell block.
D/n was crying again. S/n turned to her. “Dad’s gonna be here,” he assured her. “He’s gonna save us– just like he saved the girl in Spain!” He froze like a deer in headlights and glanced over at you.
“S/n Marvin Kennedy,” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You’ve been in your father’s office again, haven’t you?”
“No.” An obvious lie. There was no other way he would know about Spain and Leon would never talk about past missions with his kids. He never even really told him what his job was.
“We’re having a talk about that later.” He bowed his head and went to sit beside his sister again. “And I’m reminding Dad to change those locks, too.” S/n seemed to shrink more into himself. “Anything else you want to tell me?”
He stayed quiet for a moment. “Dad… maybe… kinda taught me to pick locks.”
“Then get us out of here!” D/n yelled at him.
“I don’t have anything to use!”
Leon would certainly get a scolding for that. A sharp pain shot in your neck. A moment later your body felt weak and you leaned against the wall for support. In an instant, breathing began to get harder, too.
“Mommy?” D/n said through her sniffles.
“Y/n?” came Claire’s voice. Whatever had infected Claire and Chris had infected you, too. But how? Your mind raced. You were never bitten.
You groaned in pain, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. With what strength you could muster, you crawled back to the bars to put distance between you and the kids. D/n moved to go to you but S/n held her back. He knew something was wrong. He knew there was a reason you were moving away from them. At eight years old, you hated how perceptive he was.
Lights shone at the other end of the prison block. Footsteps came closer, echoing off the walls. You gripped the bars, trying to ready yourself to face Maria and whoever else she was working with.
“Leon?” Claire muttered softly.
The kids gasped and ran to the cell door. “Daddy!”
“Y/n? Kids?” Leon rushed to your cell, quickly holstering his gun. The kids reached their hands through the bars, trying to hug him as best as they could. He looked them over for any injuries. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” S/n told him. “But Mom…”
The pain was getting worse. Your breaths had turned into short gasps. The twins let go of him and he turned to you, cupping your face in his hands. “Hey, handsome,” you breathed. 
“Long time, no see, sweetheart,” he replied, his blue eyes full of worry. “What happened?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know. We were going to the Walk of Fame and…” Then you gestured to the cell. “I’m sorry… I should’ve been… more careful.” Maybe you were starting to get rusty. Years ago you would’ve seen the ambush from a mile away.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Get us out of here!” another man’s voice cried, catching Leon’s attention. 
“Well, I’ll be,” Leon muttered as he craned his neck to see who spoke. There was no way in hell he was leaving his family’s side right now. “Antonio Taylor… I’ll deal with you later.”
The overhead lights turned on and the kids scrambled to your side. The light stung your eyes and a headache started to form at your temple. Leon shot up, pulling his gun from its holster and scanning the cell block. There at the second-story railing stood Maria and another man, his cane tapping rhythmically on the metal floor.
This new man introduced himself as Dylan Blake. “I bet you’re wondering how people are getting infected without being bit,” he said, proudly going on to describe his bio-drones: insects that could infect whomever Blake pleased. Your heart sank at this realization. It was only a matter of time before you turned. 
You tuned out whatever Blake continued to say, your attention on the kids. D/n was still shaking like a leaf against you, but her tears had stopped. S/n was on his knees in front of you. The pain was starting to become unbearable, and knowing what would happen if you turned… 
“There’s a reason I left you and Leon alone, Jill,” Blake continued. “You want to talk about justice? You should be pointing your guns at Claire and Y/n.” Leon spared a glance at you. You were pale and shivering and you were only getting worse. “They’ll turn soon enough and when they do, they’ll rip apart the doctor and those kids.”
“The kids have no part in this!” Leon snapped.
“They became part of it when you began to work for liars, people who cover up the truth. The ones continuously sending you into battle rather than staying home with your family.” Leon stiffened. You knew he felt guilty about being away from home so much. “Which will it be? Your wife or your kids? Better make your choice quick before she devours them.”
“Leon,” you called softly. With his gun still trained on Blake, he looked back at you. You nodded at him, but he shook his head. Shooting you wasn’t an option for him. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to shoot his children– he’d rather die than do that.
Soon enough Blake and Maria were gone and Leon was back by your side, D/n and S/n clinging to the arm he slid between the bars. “Babies,” he said, “I need you to get in that back corner. Can you do that for me?” They nodded and did as he said. His attention turned to you and he lowered his voice so they couldn’t hear. “Y/n, I’m not shooting you. The twins need you and I will not let them witness something like that.”
“I don’t want to hurt them,” you told him, tears welling in your eyes. “Leon, you have to.”
“No.” His voice was stern. “It’s not gonna happen. We’ll figure it out.”
You lifted your hand to gently trace the curve of his jaw, his stubble lightly scratching your skin. “I love you, Leon.” He held your hand against his face, pressing a kiss to your palm.
“Daddy,” D/n called. “What’s gonna happen to Mommy?”
“Mommy’s going to be just fine,” he told her firmly. Leon felt like the worst father in the world. The last thing he had ever wanted was for his kids to be dragged into his work. He was sure that with Y/n at home, they’d be perfectly fine. He thought he’d taken every step necessary to keep his family safe. What had gone so wrong that they ended up here?
“Real father of the year,” he muttered under his breath.
“This… isn’t your… fault.” You curled in on yourself as pain shot through your body. You had the cell bars in a death grip as you attempted to maintain yourself. Something was brewing in your chest, something violent and bloody. You met Leon’s eyes, your tears finally falling. “Please…”
Just as he was about to reply, someone came running into the cell block. It was Rebecca with a hard-shelled case in her arms. “What’s that?” Leon asked, but he already knew the answer. He just needed to hear it to believe it.
“A vaccine,” Rebecca replied, popping the case open and handing him a syringe.
Leon couldn’t move fast enough. He uncapped the syringe and brushed your hair aside. “This might hurt, baby.” There was a sting in your neck as he injected the vaccine. Relief washed over you like a cool blanket and finally, you were able to catch your breath. As you composed yourself, Leon got to work on unlocking the door.
The door slid open and Leon enveloped you in his arms, pressing a kiss to your lips. He pulled away and the two of you were nearly thrown over as the twins barreled into you. Leon held all three of you tight against his chest.
“I told you Dad would save us,” S/n said, his voice muffled against Leon’s shirt. Leon kissed the tops of their heads and pulled away just enough to look at all of you.
Whatever was in that vaccine worked wonders and by the time you were back on your feet, you felt good as new. “What now?” You couldn’t just take the kids and leave. There was no telling what was lurking in the halls. Taking them with Leon was risky– Blake wouldn’t give up easily. There was no doubt in your mind that there’d be a shootout at some point.
Leon kissed you again and handed you a spare gun. It wasn’t safe here with the bio-drones and he wasn’t about to let you go out and try to escape the island with two eight-year-olds. His only option was to try to keep you all in his sight and out of harm’s way. “Stay with me.” He turned to the twins. “You two,” S/n stood a bit straighter, “do exactly as I or your mother say. Understand me?”
“Yes, sir,” they replied in unison.
The four of you made your way to the armory. Leon took the lead with the twins behind him and you taking up the rear. Once you made it to the armory, Leon stopped and hugged the kids again. “I love you,” he said to them, “listen to Mom.”
“Where are you going?” D/n asked, gripping his shirt.
“I’m gonna stop the bad guys,” he replied. “Be good.” He stood and pecked your lips. “Get to the control room, you’ll be safe there.”
The three of you reached the control room. The openness of the room didn’t bring you much comfort– there wasn’t any real place to hide the kids. The best you could do was keep them away from the windows.
You made sure the door was secure and turned to the kids, tucking your gun into your waistband as you kneeled in front of them. “How are you two doing?” The answer was obvious, but you wanted to hear them talk to you. You needed them to focus as best as they could and make sure that they understood how important their safety was.
“Aren’t you scared?” S/n asked. 
“I am,” you answered honestly. “And it’s okay to be.”
“So you and Daddy were doing this stuff when you met?” asked D/n in a small voice. She had calmed down but maintained a nearly bone-crushing grip on her brother’s hand. You knew that she had always wanted to picture a romantic meeting between you and Leon like the other girls’ parents at school, but the reality was not nearly as sweet.
“Yeah, sweetie–”
A monstrous roar cut you off and the twins screamed. You grabbed your gun and spun around to the window. A massive, mutated monster took up the expanse of the window, but it wasn’t focused on you. Still, you ushered the kids back into the wall farthest away and kept your gun trained on it.
A number of loud pops sounded from outside. Gunshots. The others must be down there. With the beast’s attention away from the window, you focused your attention on the door. Your grip on your gun tightened. The kids jumped and gasped behind you with each new explosion. Shielding them from watching those through the window would be near impossible.
Something smashed against the window, but the glass held strong. Barrels and boxes flew throughout the expanse of the armory. The ground shook beneath you and the groans of crashing metal echoed in your ears.
The door burst open, scaring the kids and startling you. It was Claire and Rebecca.
“What is that thing!?” D/n yelled.
The two stopped short, unsure of how to answer her. Claire recovered first. “That’s the bad guy.”
“That’s the bad guy!?” S/n repeated. He tugged on your shirt. “You have to go help Dad!”
“I need to keep you two safe.” As much as you wanted to go help, you and Leon had talked long ago about situations like this. Situations you had hoped and prayed would never come to pass and a discussion that led to your retiring from the D.S.O.
Only one of you would actively fight. The other would stay with the kids no matter what. That way if something happened to the other, the twins would still have at least one parent.
“What are you doing?” D/n asked as Claire and Rebecca rushed to the main computer.
“We,” Rebecca started as her hands moved across the keys, “are gonna stop a bunch of bugs.”
As the gunshots rang and rockets exploded, Leon kept watch on the windows of the control room. Leading the creature, formerly Dylan Blake, away from those windows was his top priority (aside from killing it, of course).
At least with Maria dead, he didn’t have to worry about someone else going after you and the twins. And even if she were still alive, you’d give her hell for doing this to your family.
“Just a heads up,” Chris said as they put together a massive rocket launcher, “the missus is gonna have a word with you about teaching S/n to pick locks.” He grunted as they slid the two pieces of the weapon together.
Leon grinned. He knew that would come back to bite him one day. Hell, he was looking forward to your scolding. “I’d be surprised if she didn’t.” He lifted the front of the launcher up on his shoulder while Chris steadied it from behind. “A little lower.” Chris kneeled down a bit more, letting Leon get a higher angle.
The creature had jumped into the water after Jill and was now trying to make for open waters. Leon aimed for the gate's pulley system. With only one shot, he needed to make this count.
Another second passed as he steadied the launcher and pulled the trigger.
The rocket flew from the barrel, jolting him and Chris as it flew to the gate. The rocket exploded on impact, and the gate dropped. It crashed into the water and a moment later another explosion erupted. Blood stained the water and pieces of Blake's mutated carcass rained down.
Leon eyed the water nervously, searching for any movement that could indicate that somehow the bastard survived. When nothing aside from a massive corpse floated to the surface, he sighed in relief.
He barely had a moment to relax before he was knocked over. It wasn't often that his kids caught him off guard, but here they were, piled on top of him and hugging him so tight he could barely breathe. Well, if he were to die, being smothered by his childrens' affection didn’t seem like such a bad option to him.
Once he’d regained his bearings, he hugged them equally as tight, enough to make them groan and try to push away from him (which in turn made him squeeze just a bit harder). He turned his head to see you approaching, a soft smile on your face. “Care to join in on this?”
“He’s crushing us!” S/n squealed.
“Am not,” Leon huffed.
“Are too!”
He let the twins go and sat up. D/n stayed in his lap and S/n sat beside him. At that moment, there was no denying that S/n was his son. He was almost a carbon copy of his father. The scene almost made you forget about everything that had just happened.
You could still feel a faint throbbing where Blake’s drone had stung you, an eerie reminder of what could have been if Rebecca hadn’t shown up when she did.
“Can we go home now?” D/n asked.
While waiting for the evacuation helicopters, the twins had taken to bombarding Claire and Rebecca with questions, giving you a brief moment alone with your husband.
“You know we’re not sleeping alone for a good while.” 
“I know.” He watched as S/n turned his attention to Chris, climbing up on the man’s shoulders. Where other parents might dread the thought of having their bed invaded, Leon welcomed it. He’d rather have them running to him in the dead of night than deal with nightmares on their own.
“We should’ve just stayed in D.C.,” you mumbled, leaning against Leon as he wrapped an arm around you. Maybe if you and the kids had stayed home they would have been spared the terror of being kidnapped and threatened.
Leon shook his head. “Maria would’ve found a way.” Of that, he was certain. If there was anyway to guarantee his suffering, targeting his family was a sure way to do it. “We’ll take a real vacation after this.”
“D/n has been begging to go to Disney.” You sighed. “We can’t hide this stuff from them anymore.” That was perhaps the worst of it. You and Leon had gone to great lengths to shield them from the reality of Leon’s work.
The two of you watched the twins. Chris was still carrying S/n on his shoulders and at some point D/n had managed to steal Claire’s red jacket. Soon, they came running back, wedging themselves between you.
D/n pointed toward the horizon. “Are those the helicopters?”
“They sure are,” Leon replied as he smoothed her hair.
S/n tugged on Leon’s shirt and flashed his best set of puppy eyes. “Can I have the window seat?”
731 notes · View notes
borathae · 7 months
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“Courtesy of your sudden insomnia, you attempt to seek sleepiness by sitting at the beach. Which sadly means leaving a very sleepy and even cuddlier Yoongi in the tent. Something he doesn’t like at all.”
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Reader 
Genre: slice of life Fluff, established relationship!AU, Camping Trip!AU
Warnings: Yoongi being a sleepy & tiny cutie, the smallest hint at suggestive themes in the form of Yoongi being secretly subby for strong!OC fjadfja, i apologise for my strength kink shining through at the end, my 5"3 ass really thinks that she can carry a cute boy who is taller than her, lisTEN I JUST WANNA CARRY MY BOI >:-( AT LEAST LET ME DO IT IN FICTION >:-(
Wordcount: 2.1k
a/n: writing this made me think of all the summer holidays I spent in Croatia with my grandparents and I got incredibly sad because I won’t ever be able to see my grandpa again. the campsite is inspired by the campsite they always had their caravan at and despite my very sad author notes, this is a happy drabble lmaoo
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Your boyfriend is sleeping with his back facing you. Somewhere in the tent someone is snoring. Probably Jungkook. Hoseok shares a tent with you as well. He’s got Dragana sleeping next to him. The others, consisting of Taehyung, Jimin, Seokjin and Emma as well as Genevieve, are sharing the neighbouring tent.
If one hadn’t figured it out yet, you went camping. The trip started on Saturday and has been going on for four days. It will still continue for another ten days. 
Nature is beautiful. The trips you take during the day are goddamn amazing and the food Yoongi prepares on your camping grill is to die for. You help him every night, which earned you the loving title of “this trips’ mom and dad”. Jungkook tried not to snicker, but he did. 
The campsite offers various activities and entertainment zones as well and you are able to reach a small town by car twenty minutes from here. 
Truly, it is utterly perfect here. Tall pine forests fill the air with their scents and the ocean offers places to swim and relax. The campsite is located along a bay, which meant the water was almost calm and the boats weren’t racing past you with their loud motors. It was utterly perfect this way.
It is nothing but relaxation and yet you can’t fall asleep. Maybe it’s Jungkook’s snoring or maybe it’s the slightly uncomfortable camping bed, but you can’t fall asleep tonight. You have already been trying for the past two hours and it’s getting exhausting.
You reach out and tap Yoongi’s back, whispering his name as quietly as possible. 
He wakes up instantly, lifting his head as a small “hm” escapes him. A tired “mhm-hm” follows and then he already turns his head to you, showing off his terribly dented hair. 
“Hm-mh”, another sleepy sound and then Yoongi rolls over, facing you that way. He is looking at you, you know that he is because his eyes reflect the moonlight in a slightly ruby glow. 
“Did I wake you?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t fall asleep.”
“Mhhm”, Yoongi closes his eyes and places his hand on your cheek. It is heavy and really warmed up from balling it into a fist in his sleep. 
“I tried to, but I can’t.”
“Yoongi, can’t you stay awake with me a little?”
You stub his nose. Unlike his hand, it is cold to the touch. Courtesy of the chilly night air. Yet another reason why you can’t fall asleep. You are so, so cold that you can’t get comfortable. 
“Please Boongie.”
“Do I gotta?” he murmurs in a deep, raspy voice. It is truly so heavy in sleep that you can barely decipher the syllables. 
“Yes, please.”
He opens his eyes, blinking at you slowly. He doesn’t say anything. You share silence and Jungkook’s snoring. Somehow you think that it got even louder.
“Yoongi, I’m cold and the bed is uncomfy and Kookie’s snoring so loudly.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi closes in and drapes his arm over you so he could tug you in properly. Then he rubs his hand up and down your back, warming you up that way. The shivering stops, because he is warm and feels safe. You are nuzzled into his chest with his scent engulfing you. 
“Thank you. You’re so snuggly.”
Another round of silence and Jungkook’s snoring passes. You think that Yoongi fell back asleep because he is breathing terribly slowly again and his hand stopped rubbing your back.
You wiggle so you could tilt your head and look up at his face. 
“Psst, Yoongi?” you whisper.
“Hh”, he wanted to hum again, but it only comes out as an airy sound. 
“I still can’t fall asleep.”
Yoongi peels his eyes open one by one. First the right, then the left.
“Hh”, another airy sound.
“Do you want to go for a walk?”
You pout and boop his nose, “please?”
He shakes his head slowly.
You huff out air in frustration. Stubborn sleepyhead.
“Fine”, you give up, “I’ll go alone. I’m too energized. You stay comfy.”
You wiggle out of his weak hold even if he whines sleepily and tries to grab for you again. You are stronger however, shaking off his arm successfully.
“Please no”, Yoongi begs, but you have already put your mind to it. You smooch his cheek.
“I’ll be back soon. Promise”, you whisper and roll out of bed, abandoning a sulking Yoongi to tiptoe out of the tent.
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The air is cool and smells of pine needles. The once loud cicadas of the day have fallen silent. Only your steps and the occasional cracking of a branch as you step on it can be heard in the silence. The dirty dishes of tonight’s dinner are gathered in a plastic washing basket. Seokjin and Jungkook will carry them to the washing area tomorrow morning to clean them. While Jimin and Hoseok will prepare breakfast. You decided on it after dinner. The campsite doesn’t allow open fire for safety reasons. The coal in the safe griller is still cooling down as you pass it, giving off a hint of warmth. It brushes past your legs as quickly as you walk.
You are around two rows of camper vans and caravans separated from the ocean. One dirt path separates the caravan rows from the tent rows and throughout the area old, wind-bended pines provide shadow in the daylight. Most vans are dark by now, except for one where the lights are still on. You try not to listen in as you pass it on your way to the beach.
The small bar, which offers drinks and snacks during the day, is empty right now. The shutters are closed and the chairs are resting flipped on the tables. You maneuver your way through the tables for the sole purpose of wanting to and it is fun to do. You take the two wooden stairs down and land back on the earthen ground, which was covered in pine needles and pine cones.
Only a few more steps and then there is white rock under your feet. The ocean is just a few more steps away. You take them and jump off the small elevation onto the white pebbles. They crunch under your weight, forming a melody as you wander over the empty beach. There are people relaxing on it during the day and children playing in the shallow waters, but now it looks abandoned and calm. Someone forgot their beach mat on the pebbles. You look around for a moment and once you made sure that the coast is clear, sit down on the mat. It does little to shield the pokey nature of the pebbles, but it is better than sitting on the hard, cold stone without anything in between.
You stretch out your legs and let out a loud sigh. The air smells of ocean and pine needles. It is such a nice smell. You inhale deeply through your nose and exhale the same way. You feel a little sleepier already. The walk wasn’t long, but the change in scenery and the new sights to take in, helped your brain to rid itself of the clutter which has been keeping you awake. It wasn’t bad clutter, but it was just enough to keep you awake. You place your hands on the pebbles behind your back and lean your weight on them. Like this, the stones dig into your butt and so you have to wiggle it to change into a more comfortable position. The stones make a sound as you do and somehow they continue making a sound even after you stopped moving. How peculiar. You listen harder. Steps. Quiet ones, but steps nonetheless. Someone is walking over the pebbles to get to you.
You turn your head and squint your eyes. They have been in the dark long enough that you can see the world perfectly. Someone with a smaller frame and dark hair is trotting to you slowly. Their black hoodie is oversized and their shorts reach them just above their knees. You know exactly who is taking a terribly sleepy walk to you, waiting for him with a fluttering heart.
“Why are you here?” you ask him as he reaches your side.
“I can’t sleep when you’re not with me”, Yoongi answers you and drops down on the beach mat. He turns to you instantly, resting his bend legs on your lap and draping his arm over your tummy so he can rest his head on your shoulder. The sleeves of his hoodie reach over his hands, only the tips of his fingers poke out. He nuzzles his cheek against you and huffs out air almost sadly, “don’t leave like this, please”, he murmurs, sounding oh so sad.
“I’m sorry”, you say, draping your arm around him and pulling him closer, “I just needed some air. Kookie’s snoring almost drove me insane.”
He nods his head in understanding and hums quietly. He snuggles even closer and stubs your neck with his nose. It feels cold from the chilly air, but as he exhales, a warm tingle brushes over your skin.
“You’re warm”, he whispers.
“Mhm, your nose is cold”, you say and rub your hand over his exposed shins, “and your legs too”, you add, rubbing them more vigorously to warm him up.
“I’m cold.”
“I thought you can’t get cold.”
“I get cold when you’re not with me.”
You smile and rest your head against his’, “I see.”
Yoongi reaches further over your waist until he can tug at the sleeve of your hoodie. You understand what his gesture meant, lifting your hand so you can intertwine your fingers with him. Yoongi lets out a small sound of happiness and squeezes your hand, growing smaller in your arm as he relaxes.
“I like this”, he whispers slowly. It is a telltale sign that he is this close to falling asleep on your shoulder. He has his eyes closed.
“I like it too”, you answer him quietly, caressing his knuckles. You have your eyes closed as well.
“Don’t you wanna go back to bed?” he asks with an obvious pout on his lips.
“But I like sitting here. It’s peaceful.”
“I’m sleepy.”
“That’s okay. I’ll carry you back if you fall asleep.”
Yoongi stays silent for a moment before he snuggles against you in a small wiggle and mumbles a shy, “I’m too heavy, don’t do that.”
You chuckle, giving his head a little kiss.
“You’re not too heavy, love. You’re my petite, little prince. I can carry you.”
“Oh my god”, he breathes and wiggles again, nudging your tummy with your intertwined hands, “don’t call me that.”
You smile, pulling him closer and using the safe grip you have on his arm to caress him.
“You’re so cute”, you say and kiss his head softly, nuzzling your nose into his soft hair afterwards to get a whiff of his shampoo. Rosemary and mint. It smells heavenly, making your eyes feel droopy, “mhm love, you smell so good.”
“You too.”
You give him a gentle squeeze and an adoring kiss. Then you rub your hand up and down his arm again.
“I really like this place. It’s so beautiful”, you say. 
“You’re beautiful”, Yoongi murmurs, making your heart flutter.
“You’re so cute”, you murmur and squeeze him, “and you’re beautiful as well.”
“How did you find me either way? Did you use your nose?”
“No, I knew you’d be at the beach”, he says and adds in a whisper, “you like the beach.”
He knows. Even the smallest, most inconspicuous details about you, he knows and remembers.
You seriously want to move mountains for this man. When there are clouds in the night sky, you want to blow them away just so he can see the stars and when he feels cold, you want to change the weather just so he doesn’t have to shiver. 
“You know what I thought of right now?” you ask him.
He shakes his head slowly.
“That I love you like crazy.”
He wiggles again and whines, ending it with a terribly shyly mumbled, “I love you too.”
You and he will sit by the beach until his small breaths of sleep meet your ears. Like promised, you carry him back to the tent, even if he wakes up halfway through it as you had to bounce him in your arms for a better grip. He doesn’t complain when he wakes, he merely closes his arms around you tighter and whimpers your name against your neck.
Come morning, he will pretend as if nothing ever happened, but he will sneak longing and very submissive glances your way throughout the day.
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yeoosaangg · 8 months
Pacify Her || Kinktober - Day 5
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pairing ▸ choi jongho × f!reader
now playing ▸ pacify her - melanie martinez
⤷ ❝someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours, but was he yours if he wanted me so bad?❞
genre ▸ college au, best friends to lovers, smut
warnings ▸ hand kink, degradation, gagging, choking, fingering, rough sex, infidelity
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
You walk into the house, feeling the base of the music in your core. It felt stimulating since you pre-gamed with your friends before your arrival.
Yunjin: Somi and I are gonna go dance!
Y/n: I've gotta go find Jongho.
They exchange knowing smirks, heading for the dance floor. You roll your eyes, turning to scan the room.
You maneuver your way around the sweaty bodies of your classmates and finally spot your best friend.
He sits on a couch in the corner, drinking some sort of alcoholic beverage. His friend group sits around, two of them with a girl on their laps.
Yeosang: Hey, look! It's Jongho's girlfriend! Come take a seat.
His what?
Jongho: She's not my girlfriend.
His scowl pierces through the older, who simply shrugs and sits back.
Yeosang: Right. You're dating that one girl in your major. What was her name? Raven? My bad, I forgot. Y/n, come sit on my lap, baby.
Jongho clenches his jaw. He knows what he's doing and he doesn't like it.
Y/n: I'll pass. You're too much of a man whore for me.
Everyone laughs, including Yeosang. He can't argue with your statement because it's true.
You sit next to Jongho, head immediately laying on his lap.
Y/n: What were you guys talking about?
Mingi: The trip to the ski resort coming up. Lots of us think it's gonna be a disaster.
Y/n: Why?
Mingi: Because lots of shit goes down on trips like this. Last time, the admins had to separate a few girls because they were fighting.
Y/n: Damn. For what?
Mingi: They all thought sleeping with the same guy meant they were dating him. Next thing you know, they're fighting to see who's worthy to be his girlfriend.
Yeosang: Not my fault they got attached. I've made it clear plenty of times I was just there for fucking.
Y/n: I'm not surprised you were involved. How'd you get them to back off?
Yeosang: I'm still fucking them.
Of course he is.
Y/n: And on that note, I'm gonna go get a drink.
Jongho: I'll come with. Need more vodka.
You both get up, heading into the kitchen. You start fixing yourself some tequila, watching Jongho pour straight vodka into his cup.
Y/n: Rough night?
He shrugs, gulping down the alcohol.
Jongho: Raven and I got into a fight.
Y/n: For real? What about?
Jongho: It's stupid.
Y/n: It's not if it's bothering you. Come on, you can totally tell me.
Jongho: Not this. I'm still trying to figure out if she was right or just paranoid.
You furrow your eyebrows, but don't push further. If he needs time, you'll give it to him.
Y/n: Alright, then. Cheers to you solving your relationship problems soon.
He chuckles, clinking his red cup with yours.
He can't find it in his heart to tell you that you're the reason he's been arguing with Raven. She accused him of having feelings for you.
The idea was ridiculous at first. You're his best friend, of course you two would be close.
But then he started noticing the way he treats you over anyone else. He drops everything just to help you out. He laughs around you the most, feels happier too.
He was scared of accepting the possibility and chose to escalate their fighting more. Never once did he lay a hand on her, though. He just insults her, calls her insecure and jealous.
But he's starting to realize Raven was right as he looks at you. His heart beats faster, checking you out. The tight black dress fitting you perfectly.
He has the urge to fuck you in it. Right in that very kitchen.
Y/n: Dude!
He snaps out of his daze, looking at you attentively.
Y/n: I asked if you wanted to go somewhere quieter? This fucking music is blasting my eardrums.
Being alone with you in a room sounds like a terrible idea, but the vodka in his system is like a booster shot to his desires.
Jongho: Yeah. It's better than having to yell over the music.
You agree, heading up the stairs of the frat house. You open a familiar room, hoping it's empty. You sigh in relief seeing no one inside.
You plop onto the bed, not noticing your best friend locking the door.
Y/n: I think I shouldn't have pre-gamed. Yunjin made me take four double shots.
Jongho: Bad idea. You sleep with random strangers when the alcohol hits you.
Y/n: But I do end up with a new fuck buddy! Guess we'll find out who's the next victim later. Come lay down, maybe you need some rest.
No, he needs to fuck you.
Just to confirm his theories. Nothing else.
He slips in next to you, staring at the ceiling.
Jongho: Oh, look! They have those glow in the dark stars. I wonder who's room this is.
Y/n: It's Yeonjun's.
Jongho: How do you know?
Y/n: He's the guy I told you about. The fuck buddy that might become more.
Jongho: Do you like him?
You stay silent. Yeonjun's nice and all, but he doesn't make you feel alive. The only guy to make you feel like that is unavailable.
Y/n: I think so. He's the only other guy I let into my dorm.
Jongho: There's others?
Y/n: Hell no. Just you and Yeonjun.
He wants to be the only guy allowed in your room.
You look at his hands and widen your eyes.
Y/n: When the fuck did you get a ring?
Jongho: Raven.
You clear your throat, turning on your side to play with the ring in his hand.
Y/n: It suits you. Makes your hands look even more pretty.
Jongho: You think they're pretty?
Fuck, you didn't mean to say that out loud.
Y/n: I didn't say that.
Jongho: It was implied.
Yeah, it was. But he has a girlfriend, you can't let your feelings for him drive you to do stupid things.
Jongho: You're staring at my hands.
Y/n: Hot.
Jongho smirks. He just discovered something new about you.
You've got a hand kink.
Jongho: Open your mouth, baby.
You widen your eyes at the petname. But he looks at you with a fond smile, so you immediately comply.
He shoves his fingers into your mouth, making you sigh in satisfaction. You've wanted this to happen for so long, it feels good to finally get it.
Jongho: Look at you, sucking like a sex-deprived whore.
You moan at his words, moving to sit on his crotch. He chuckles as you start to grind on him.
Jongho: Fucking hell, Y/n.
You start to feel him harden under you. He's fucking huge, it makes your mouth water more.
Jongho: Look at that, you're a drooling mess.
Your eyes roll into the back of your head when he rocks his hips up into you, goaded by the warm pressure that is your pussy.
You whimper, taking his other hand to your throat.
He lightly squeezes, pulling you down. His fingers in your mouth hit the back of your throat. You moan, rutting your hips even faster.
Jongho: Get naked.
You nod while climbing off. A pout forms on your face at no longer having his fingers in your mouth, but get so excited when he starts stripping as well.
Jongho: Lay down.
You do as he says, spreading your legs for him to see all of you.
Jongho: So pretty.
You giggle, opening your mouth in silent invitation.
Jongho: So cute.
He climbs over you, his cock rubbing against your clit. You moan, wanting him inside of you already.
Jongho: So impatient.
His left hand chokes you, his other back inside your mouth. You hum, smiling as his hips rut against you. His cock sliding up and down your folds, getting soaking wet.
Jongho: Wanna see what else my hands can do for you, baby?
You nod, anticipation filling your veins.
He takes his hand out your mouth, reaching down to slip into your warm cunt. You moan at the feeling knowing the music outside the room was drowning you out.
Jongho: Like my hands so much, might as well let them make you cum multiple times, hm? Would you like that?
You nod again. You desperately want him to go faster.
He squeezes your neck a little tighter, curling his fingers at a rapid pace. Your pussy clenches around his fingers, the pressure in your lower stomach intensifying.
Your orgasm hits strong, Jongho not giving you any time to rest. His fingers continue abusing you until you cum again. Your moans rival the loud bass of the music downstairs.
He takes his fingers out and shoves them into your mouth.
Jongho: Suck.
You don't have to be told twice, licking your juices clean. You moan when he shoves his cock into you with no warning.
Your back arches off the bed, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
He uses his knees to push your legs up, slamming his hips at an angle that has you screaming even louder than you've been the entire night.
He laughs at your attempt to say something, but his fingers prevented you from doing so.
Jongho: What'd you say, baby? I can't understand you with my fingers in your mouth.
You let out a choked whine, cumming on his cock. He doesn't stop ramming his cock against your walls.
The reality of your actions only hit you now. You're fucking your best friend at a frat party. You remember that he's a taken man, tears building in your eyes.
He takes your tears as a sign that he's making you feel good, fucking you rougher.
Jongho: I love you. Always have.
Your worries go away, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. His girlfriend is nothing but a distraction, much like your handful of fuck buddies.
It's always been Jongho. It'll always be him.
You cum all over his cock again. His thrusts become sloppy, pulling out and spilling all over your stomach. He lays next to you, very out of breath.
Jongho: I love you.
You cuddle into his side, kissing his shoulder.
Y/n: I love you, too.
He kisses your temple, rubbing your back in soothing patterns.
Y/n: Please tell me you're getting rid of Raven.
He laughs, stroking your hair out of your face.
Jongho: Worry about that later. You and I are just getting started.
a/n: the way i can definitely make a part two... oh well! thanks for reading ‹𝟹
You yelp when he rolls you on top of him, aligning you onto his cock.
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anistarrose · 2 months
taz balance one-shot recs!
I've been meaning to make this post for a while now, so here we are! The majority of these are from the past three years or so, because I love a fandom classic as much as anyone, but I particularly want to shine a light on some gems from after the peak of traffic in the fandom tags! There are of course also exceptions that are older, though.
Also, April 19th-21st are Just Leave a Comment Fest, so please show these authors some love!! They're all so deserving!
a recipe for home by @journalofimprobablethings: Taako tries to cook for the first time since Glamour Springs. When things go awry, Lucretia is there to lend a hand.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia), 3.5k. Early B.O.B. era hurt/comfort centered around cooking, with a delicious dollop of sentimentality and dramatic irony on top.
Seven Times Magnus Burnsides Gave Someone A Hug + One Time He Received One by @barry-j-blupjeans: Magnus wasn't really any good at— at words. He was more of an action man. Or, y'know, a "I'll take this hit so you don't have to" man. Talking to someone about their feelings was all kinds of weird, so usually he just left the space for someone else to talk. And, well... Magnus wasn't good at words. But there's a few different ways to get his support across.
Mostly gen with some Magnulia, 8.6k. You've all heard of the classic 5 Plus 1, but obviously Magnus deserves a 7 Plus 1! I don't know how to describe it without spoilers other than being full of incredibly sweet, gentle takes on so many fraught or bittersweet moments. Super underrated, do give it a read.
Embrace the Dark by @ceilingfan5: Bookstore coworkers Kravitz and Taako get more than they bargained for when Taako tries to use his powers to fix Kravitz's migraine. But it's okay--it's an excuse for them to spend time together until one of them can nut up and ask the other out.
Taakitz, 8.9k. Modern with Superpowers AU! Super sweet interactions between Kravitz and Taako, paired with lots of fun background worldbuilding. And, of course, a very special grilled cheese sandwich.
Break This Heavy Chain by Punka_Writes: In the immediate aftermath of Story and Song, Barry Bluejeans could really use a hug.
Blupjeans and misc. platonic interactions, 2.3k. The absolute epitome of comfort food in written form, with excellent Barry characterization (and of course, he does get that hug)!
birds of a feather steal sweaters together by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: When you're a big, burly guy it seems that your clothes just become free reign for all your friends. Normally Magnus is a reasonable guy, but everyone has their limits.
Gen (IPRE crew), 1.9k. Starblaster era fluff! Everyone is written absolutely delightfully, and every time I read it I snort out loud at least twice.
Security by @ceilingfan5: Barry has finally made it--his incredible scientific discovery has landed him a huge fortune...and a lot of problems. The only good thing that's come of it, honestly, has been his bodyguard, Lup. (And the science. That's good also.) He's just gotta stay normal about how nice it is to have someone like Lup around, and also not perish by way of press circuit, and everything will be fine.
Blupjeans, 6k. Modern with magic AU from Barry's POV, featuring equal parts anxiety and pining. Also, it's straight-up extremely funny.
Lonesome Dreams by @jerreeeeeee: Taako wakes up one morning from a nightmare, fast fading. There was a guy in glasses, and they were… somewhere high up? Something terrible happened, but he doesn’t remember. He wakes up in a wagon he’s never seen before, but it has his name on it. There’s tons of food inside, more than he’d be able to afford. And he’s alone. Thinking back to the last thing he remembers is difficult. College? No, he’d graduated. Top of his class, obviously, he remembers that. But what- what happened after? Where is Lup?
Gen (Taako & Lup), 10.2k. Everything starts out the same, except Taako remembers Lup, even if not how she went missing, and it's incredibly underrated and full of phenomenal characterization. I won't spoil how things shake out, but it's a great emotional ride and I genuinely reread it all the time.
it's my party and I'll mope if I want to by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: Taako's birthday is just another Thursday. A detective and an old friend have a different idea.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia & Angus), 2.1k. Short and so sweet! Fics about voidfished!Taako's birthday never get old, and this is one of my absolute favorites. Nailing the angst-to-wholesome ratio.
Tedious Familiarity by @barry-j-blupjeans: Déjà vu. Noun. A feeling of having already experienced the present situation. A tedious familiarity. Barry Bluejeans woke up in a cave, fresh out of a pod filled with green goop, and saddled with an unsettling feeling that he had been here before. If you had asked forty-year-old Barry if he would follow instructions left by a talking coin, he probably would have asked you what type of drugs you were on. But, y’know, fifty… two? Fifty-one? How old was he? Fifty-two sounded right. But, y’know, fifty-two years old Barry didn’t really have that many other places to turn, so this couldn't be all that bad.
Gen, 4.1k. Missing scenes based off Barry's decade alone, written in such an effective style, where all the little details truly make it. Mandatory reading for fellow Barry angst enjoyers.
Angus McDonald and the Wonderland Escape Rooms by coppersunshine: When Angus gets grounded from detecting, to keep his skills sharp he becomes a patron of the Wonderland Escape rooms, run by Edward and Lydia, who quickly decide he's their new nemesis. To their surprise, Angus and the collection of weird adults he's accompanied by decide otherwise.
Gen (Angus & Edward & Lydia), 7k. Modern with magic AU, putting Edward and Lydia in the absolute funniest possible job, at which a little boy detective torments... and maybe, even gives them a chance to turn over a new leaf. I am of the opinion that Angus and the Wonderland twins have a criminally underexplored dynamic, and this fic gave me everything I wanted.
If the Sun and Moon Should Doubt by Punka_Writes: Merle Highchurch, on the brink of a bad decision.
Gen, 1.6k. Merle character study immediately before running out on his marriage. Truly the incredible characterization that Merle deserves; this was a fic that really ignited my love for him.
Greensleeves by @sgrumby: Kravitz has never seen a lich like this before, and he's seen a lot of liches. Merle is just trying to save the universe, thanks very much.
Gen (Kravitz & Merle), 2.2k. A unique and also absolutely genius Lich!Merle AU where Kravitz inevitably comes after him, and Merle is... well, the Peacemaker, of course!
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SR Leona Kingscholar - Playful Dress Vignette
"Once we got it started"
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[Playful Land – Expedition Whale]
Trey: Really now… All the first years are just filled with energy.
Leona: Seriously. They ran around like crazy during the show, and they're still trying to drag me to all the attractions.
Leona: This is just as exhausting as when my nephew tries to tag after me. I've had more than enough.
Trey: Haha… Yeah, this also reminds me of how it is whenever I got to amusement parks with my siblings.
Leona: Thought I'd take a nap on a bench somewhere, but… There's nowhere with a decent amount of shade.
Leona: There's gotta be some place indoors I can relax… Hm?
Leona: This attraction they got here on the map… It doesn't look too terrible. Hey, Trey. Come with me for a bit.
Trey: Eh, me!? I mean, I don't really have any plans, so it's fine, but…
Leona: Good, it's settled. Follow me.
Trey: What in the world… Leona's actually inviting me somewhere!?
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[Playful Land – Cue Sports Lounge]
Trey: Oh, this is the billiards hall.
Leona: Yep, this is good. The air conditioner works, and it's quiet and cozy. Just as I thought, it's the perfect spot to chill.
Trey: Ah, I see… You just needed a partner so you could hang here in the sports lounge.
Leona: So, how well do you know the rules of billiards?
Trey: Let me think… I've only played a couple times, but I have a general understanding of the rules.
Leona: Good. That makes my life easier.
Leona: Then… Let's go with the "rotation" variant.
Trey: Rotation…? What's the rules to that? Is that different from "eightball"?
Leona: In rotation pool, you score points based on the number on the ball pocketed.
Leona: The 1 ball scores you 1 point, the 15 ball scores you 15 points… And so on.
Leona: To win, we both try striking the balls and try to reach the points value determined beforehand. That's all.
Trey: Okay… That sounds a tad more difficult than the eightball game I know, where you just have to get the 8 ball in, but it sounds interesting.
Leona: Ordinarily, I'd set the target value to somewhere around 180 points… But it's a pain to try to calculate everything.
Leona: Let's keep this game simple and see who can get the most points in the first rack of 15 balls.
Leona: If you're good, we'll start.
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Leona: So, I'm first up. Similar to eightball, we begin with the break shot, but…
Leona: Before I do that, I'll tell you an interesting tidbit about rotation pool.
Trey: Tidbit…?
Leona: Just like eightball, with rotation rules, the balls must be struck in order from the lowest number.
Leona: In other words, in the first half of the game, when there's more balls on the table and it's more difficult, you score less points, and in the later half, when there's less balls and it's easier, you can score higher.
Leona: Even if you have a bad first half, you can still turn things around later, and even if you're winning in the first half, you can lose it all in the end.
Leona: Basically means that even beginners have a shot at winning. Not a bad rule, huh?
Trey: Yeah. Except… Why did you decide to tell me that just now?
Leona: It'd be a pain if you thought I was being unfair just because I got a huge lead in the beginning without explaining everything.
Leona: I'm puttin' in the effort to make it fun for you amateur, too. Be grateful.
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Leona: Number 15, left rear pocket.
Leona: Hm, some of the balls were awkwardly placed, but I made it through somehow.
Trey: Urgh… Y-You won again…!
Leona: Ah, my bad. I completely forgot you were here too. Sorry I was neglecting you.
Trey: Based on how you were talking about it all, I assumed you were pretty good from the get go, but…
Trey: I couldn't keep up with you at all. It ended before I could get in a single point…
Leona: You had me a bit worried that I could lose midway through the game, but once we got it started, it was a complete blowout. Ah, yeah, that was a good game.
Trey: You were worried? Yeah right! You were yawning every time it was my turn.
Leona: So, what do you say, wanna play another round? I can give you a handicap.
Trey: Well, I can't stand for being shown up like this...
Trey: Play one more game with me, Leona. Only… You don't have to give me a handicap.
Leona: Perfect. Alright, we'll set up the break shot.
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[Playful Land – Cue Sports Lounge]
Trey: Play one more game with me, Leona. Only… You don't have to give me a handicap.
Leona: Perfect. Alright, we'll set up the break shot.
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Leona: Number 8, left rear pocket.
Leona: Hm, the location of the 8 ball was in a difficult spot, but I got it somehow.
Trey: The score stands at 36 to 0… Even if I still have a chance to turn things around it's still a huge gap. Maybe he'll just carry it all to the end again…
Leona: Safety.
Trey: What's "safety"...?
Leona: It's a call that lets you drive the targeted ball to somewhere other than a pocket, instead of having to change up players.
Trey: I see, so you can move the ball safely without having to make a crazy shot… That's a good strategy.
Leona: Okay, it's your turn. Make this fun for me, Trey.
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Trey: Next… Number 10, right rear pocket.
Trey: Nice, I sunk the 10 ball as well as the 9 ball. That makes it 36 to 19. You starting to sweat a bit?
Leona: Oh, man, yeah. You've caught up so fast, that I'm sweating like crazy. I might lose, whatever should I do?
Trey: Haha, you're not fooling me, saying it like that while you just lounge in your chair like a king… Number 11, left rear pocket.
Leona: …That one ain't goin' in.
[thup, thup…]
Trey: Urgh, just like you said. But how did you know it wouldn't go in before you even saw where it was going?
Leona: Hey, come on, now, I may be me, but I still lead the magical shift club, y'know. Seems like you're underestimating what I can do.
Leona: It's easy to tell just by seeing the angle you hit the cue ball with.
Leona: I can figure out which way the ball will go, what it'll hit, and where it'd stop…
Leona: In a game, you always have to stay two moves ahead, lil' Clover. …Now it's my turn.
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[clack!! thwump]
Leona: Game and match. Final score is 87 to 33, that's my win.
Trey: I knew it would be like this, but you definitely had me by the tail the whole time. How long have you been playing billiards, Leona?
Leona: Basically since I was a kid. The family chamberlain taught it to me so I wouldn't embarrass myself in social settings. Well...
Leona: Thanks to that, I got pretty good, but back before I enrolled here, I really couldn't enjoy any heated competition.
Leona: Even now, the only one that'll play with me is a bird-brained old man. Nowhere near satisfying.
Trey: A commoner like me can only possibly imagine…
Trey: But with how good you are, I can see how you'd have to hold back in certain gatherings so as to not sour the atmosphere.
Leona: There ain't nothing more boring and annoying than a game where I gotta hold back for my opponent's sake.
Leona: It ends up feeling like my hands and feet have strings tying them down, it's frustrating. Kind of like a puppet.
Trey: …Yeah, I bet. …Then, I'll make sure that I'll become a much better player before the next time we play.
Leona: Hah! The next time we play? Even though you got a beat down by someone who was just trying to pass the time? You're a sucker for punishment.
Trey: Next time, let's invite the other third years. Don't you think Vil or Lilia might be good competition for you?
Leona: Who knows. …But hey, if you think that'll be the case, I'll be eagerly awaiting.
Leona: Eagerly awaiting for the joyful moment where I can watch how you all'd dance for me in your frustrations when you get beaten to a pulp, that is.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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leilani-lily · 3 months
~Oh Deer~ (Chapter 1)
... So this idea for an Alastor x reader (kinda?) story popped in my brain, and has refused to leave me no matter how hard I try.
Have I written fanfiction recently? Hell no.
Do I even know how to write for an AroAce character? No but I'm gonna do my damndest to represent him properly (and also relying on outer sources so I'm not offending anyone).
Do I feel like a complete fool for being sucked back into the fanfiction world and re-entering with a freakin Hazbin Hotel fic? ABSOOOO-FREAKIN-LUTELY.
But here we are. The writing gods have spoken. And they have declared that I write this story out so my poor brain can focus on other things like work.
Figured I'd share so it's just not on my computer all lonely. Will be a slow burn so fair warning. Let's be real, the deer boi needs love. But not overly romantic love. Just, someone he ends up really caring about and becoming his favourite.
SYNOPSIS: AroAce! Alastor x Chef!Singer! Reader. The hotel is looking to hire a chef to prepare meals for the staff/guests. Somehow you're hired and you begin your new life. And somehow end up becoming close to a certain Radio Demon. Word Count: 1.8 K
Chapter 1 under the cut. Enjoy I guess? ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
Ok, deep breaths y/n. Remember to smile.
You felt your lips curl up into a strained grin as if to fight off the nerves in your chest, your grip tightening on the flyer in your fist. This could go either two ways. One, you get the job and are able to live a life of somewhat normality. Or two, you get hung from the tippy top of the building by your own intestines. With your legs chopped off. And one of your arms sticking out of your ass.
Gotta love Hell and it’s creative subjects.
You shake your head out of those terrible thoughts, surely it wouldn’t be that bad?? When you saw the original broadcast on the 666 News, you couldn’t stop thinking how nice the Princess of Hell actually was. And building an entire hotel to help her subjects reform into something better was, perhaps a little optimistic in your opinion, but it made you admire her gumption and her love for her subjects.
So later when you found the flyer in search of a chef at the very same establishment the princess was hoping to fill… well, it somehow managed to get you all the way here. Standing at the doorsteps of the very lonely looking hotel on the hill. 
You had to admit it wasn’t the look you had imagined, but hey, this was Hell. You had seen worse. And everyone has to start somewhere. Including yourself, arm still poised ready to knock yet not yet making the motion.
You felt so stupid, you had been standing here for almost 10 minutes now just trying to get the courage to enter the damn building. You sigh to yourself and shake out the jitters. Alright, let’s just do this. Once again, you smile, puff out your chest and raise your arm high in the air, ready to strike with a newfound courage.
“Well folks, looks like the little lady is finally ready to take the leap! Will she follow through with her actions? Or will she choke and back out of the fight? Let’s tune in and find out~”
You felt your heart nearly leap out of your chest as you whip your head around to look behind you. A tall demon clad in red and ruby eyes stood behind you, a wickedly wide grin filling his face as he points what appears to be a microphone in your direction. You stare at it dumbly, then make eye contact with him again. He remains poised, half lidded eyes seeming to hold a sparkle of impish joy. His eyes flicker from you, to your raised arm, and back to you. After a embarrassingly long time of connecting the dots, you finally extend your arm closer to the door, never breaking focus on the demon behind you (you can't help but notice he raises his microphone even closer to you), and give the door a good solid knock.
“AND SHE’S DONE IT FOLKS, what a display!!” He pulls the microphone back to himself, as you continue to stare dumbfounded “The form, the elegance, it could almost make a grown Imp cry. Let's give her a hand people.” He begins to clap as a roar of applause plays from… somewhere.
You couldn’t tell if this guy was being sarcastic or genuine, but the whole absurdity of it all, plus the bundle of nerves you were feeling earlier, seemed to bubble up inside of you and you couldn't help a little snort escape. The red demon’s grin widened as he ceases his clapping, stepping closer to you as you continue to giggle.
“Ahhh now isn’t that better. A much nicer smile than the one you were faking earlier. Besides, there’s no need to be so shy my dear. This hotel is always happy to accept wayward demons looking for reformation!”
Upon hearing his words, you turn to face him and put your hands up “Oh nono, I’m not here to-”
“Ohoho~! and what’s this you have here?” Before you can finish your sentence, the tall demon ripped the flyer out of your hand and inspected it quickly, before turning back to you. His half-lidded gaze was now round with surprise, his grin becoming even wider (which you didn’t even think was possible).
“So THAT explains the nerves from before! And here I was just thinking you were a timid little thing. But a business woman! Now that I can admire.” He smiles at you almost impressed and leans in closer, your noses almost touching.
“Tell me my dear, can you make a good jambalaya? Or perhaps a hearty gumbo with cornbread on the side~?”
You were so flustered with the speed of everything happening (plus the close proximity of this demon you had just met certainly didn’t help). All you could manage was a jumbled “Uhh, well yes I-!”
“WONDERFULLLL~!" He straightens up again and you sigh with relief. “I’ll be sure to test you on such skills. But for now we should-”
The front doors of the hotel suddenly burst open and a short gray female stands before you, with long silvery hair and an eyepatch. She looks at you for a moment, before turning her gaze at the red demon and giving him a scowl.
“Alastor, what the HELL took you so long, you should’ve been back ages ago. And quit creeping out new potential clients.” Her gaze adverts back to you, expression softening ever so slightly, “Seriously, if he’s bothering you-” “Oh Vaggie my dear, no need to be so hostile. I was simply going over business with our newest chef!” he brings his long fingers up behind your shoulder and pulls you in close against his chest, making you yelp a moment before regaining composure. You could sense this so-called 'Vaggie' demon tense, eyes flickering between the two of you. You felt as if your brain was sputtering to catch up with the current conversation (he WORKS here??!)  before finally realizing what he had just called you. You sneak a look at him, and he gives you a quick wink before focusing back on the female before him. 
“Now be a doll and have Nifty tidy up one of the rooms, preferably one of a reasonable size and close to the kitchen. And call upon Charlie as well, she’ll DEFINITELY want to meet our newest addition!”
The female in front of you shot a glare at Alastor (you quickly noted these two did not seem to get along), but then flicked her gaze back at you. After a moment, she sighed and turned back into the building as she followed the male demon’s orders. You couldn’t help but notice how Alastor’s grip on you tightened ever so slightly as a chuckle escaped his lips, static humming ever so louder in amusement. He himself began to walk into the hotel, guiding you along with him.
"Now then. We’ll have to introduce you to everyone, as well as get you to fill in the proper paperwork, give you a proper tour of the place and-!”
“Wait wait,” you stop walking, causing him to halt. You notice a slight twitch in his eye and his hand squeezes you for a moment. He doesn’t like to be interrupted, duly noted. You take a breath.
“Sorry, uh for interrupting” That seemed to please him. “But does this mean… I got the job?? You don’t need a resume or a test or…?”
Alastor let out a guffaw of amusement “Why of course my dear! As long as you remain true to your word of being able to cook a good New Orleans dish, that’s all the proof I’ll need! There hasn’t been many a demon coming here interested in the job, so I say your timing couldn’t be more perfect!”
Well that was the easiest damn interview you’ve ever done. You felt yourself exhale a sigh of relief as you smile up to the tall demon. 
“Wow, that’s… that’s amazing, thank you so much.” He gave you a half lidded smirk, clearly enjoying being praised “So… does this make you my boss, Mr…?” 
You heard the sound of a record screech as his eyes widened in surprise. Hand finally leaving your shoulder and placing it on his own chest he began to laugh heartilly, a laugh track playing in the background. You stood there confused for a moment before he finally responded.
“Ohhh my goodness me, my mother would be rolling in her grave if she ever heard about this. How rude of me to be so forward without properly introducing myself!” One minute he was standing right beside you, and then the next he had sunken like a shadow into the floor, only to appear in front of you a few steps ahead. With grace and suave you didn’t realize he possessed, he gave a small hand flourish before bowing in front of you.
“I am Alastor, also known as the Radio Demon. I happen to be the Hotel’s Facility Manager, but you’ll find Miss Morningstar is the real ringleader around here,” You notice the corner of his lip twitch at that last remark, but you pay no mind to it. “If you ever have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me.” You smile and dip yourself in your own little curtsy as he straightens up.
“My name is y/n, and I’ll be sure to do my best to serve you and this hotel, sir.” Alastor seemed to hum with approval as he looks down at you. “I guess I just have one more question for you, if that’s alright.” 
“Why of course dear y/n, whatever would it be?”
“Well, I uh…” You feel yourself becoming flustered at the question, and the radio demon seemed to notice. Cocking a head to the side, he takes a step forward, opening his arms into a friendly gesture.
“Come now dearest, you can ask me anything! If we’re going to be working together, we have to be honest with each other~” You look up at him and sigh, knowing he was right. With a gulp you straighten your back and wear a serious expression.
“How long did you see me standing by the door?” 
Alastors face didn’t waver, it was hard to tell what was going on in his mind. Then his smile grew into what looked like an amused, smug expression before answering.
“The whole time.”
You groaned and felt your head slap against your hand, making Alastor burst into laughter yet again at your expense. He was there watching the entire time?? Satan’s Ass you felt like such an idiot. Was he waiting for you to move so he could get in the building?? The more you thought about it the more you wanted to sink into the floor and die, for a 2nd time. The radio demon wiped a stray tear from his eye.
“Ohhhh y/n, what a riot you are. I can already tell that this is going to be fun~”
First chapter hoorayyy ♡〜٩( ˃▿˂ )۶〜♡ Not sure how often I'll be updating, hopefully soon as I'm currently inspired. Thanks for reading thus far!FIRST (You're here!) PREVIOUS (Doesn't exist ( • ᴗ - ) ✧) NEXT
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desire-mona · 1 month
siiiigh. todd autism headcanons because im projecting.
(using they/he/she pronouns for todd in this post. will explain but also if u dont agree i dont care, tw for alcoholism. time period is vague but autism hasnt existed as a legitimate medical diagnosis for all that long, so keep it in mind i guess.)
- cannot for the life of him stand welton's blankets. so itchy, just thin enough to not warm you up enough but still make you sweat, not long enough to cover your entire body. yes im making the blanket line in their poem about actual blankets, a boy needs to vent somewhere.
- beyond terrible temperature regulation, ALWAYS just a little too hot which is made worse by her sensory issues when it comes to wet fabric. constant slight agony and it never really goes away. theyre about 5 minutes away from crying about how uncomfortable they are at all times.
- had god awful handwriting until high school, like his teachers could BARELY read his handwriting it was Bad. OOOOOH OH MY GOD THERES A TRAIN GOING BY I CAN HEAR IT HONKING this is a really ironic thing to be pointing out rn but its sooooo worth mentioning. its still honking this is fun. 🚂. anyway. her parents made her spend an entire summer fixing her handwriting bc that was like the One thing her teachers criticised. its Fine now but their motor function simply doesn't deliver in the handwriting department.
- had a VERY INTENSE special interest in aquatic life + marine biology growing up, like read every book about any ocean animal in any library intense. his parents eventually forced him to abandon it because its "not a good career focus" but he still perks up when anyone mentions fish. once talked neils ear off about the biodiversity of coral reefs for roughly 2 hours, neil took her to an aquarium for their first date. rip todd anderson you wouldve loved spongebob squarepants.
- looooves pets, namely cats, but they have Too Sweaty hands all the time so any animal fur sticks onto their hands and just feels. so awful.
- had a brief period in his 20s where he was definitely an alcoholic, started as a social drinker but got too addicted to the feeling of not having to adhere to social conventions quite as hard, especially around other drunk ppl. eventually went sober after they realised they just Cant Stand the feeling of a hangover anymore. autistic ppl r more likely to develop a dependency on alcohol if we do start drinking. just btw.
- gets a Pretty Expansive vocabulary after actually starting to pursue literature. sometimes his family lightly teases him about using big words but it confuses the hell out of him. its just a word she thought would apply best!!
- soooooo obsessed with what other ppls idea of them is, both in an anxious way and out of genuine curiosity. would never ask ppl what they think of her bc she thinks thats 1) very broad 2) seems compliment fish-y and 3) just gonna lead to "i think ur great/ nice/ whatever filler compliment." but the dream is to sit someone (neil) down and just ask him every single question possible about how he perceives him.
- asks a billion clarifying questions about anything someone asks him to do, gets anxious about how many questions he's asking, tries to just figure it out, freaks out about the possibility of getting it wrong, ends up doing the thing perfectly. weekly occurrence.
- never fully grasped the appeal of religion (most definitely grew up catholic or christian or Something) just bc she could NOT let the lack of proof go. ALSO not an atheist bc the vastness of space scares them out of it. religious beliefs r a weird topic for them.
- suppresses a good chunk of his stims in public bc One total time someone looked at him weird while he was chewing on a sweatshirt string and he was like i gotta stop NOW. eventually develops tics and has to mask THOSE in public too. dear god someone let this girl unmask. also i started ticcing while writing that bc my body does this great thing where i only tic when im reminded of the concept of ticcing. its great and totally doesnt make me think im faking them (faking for who? dunno bc it usually happens when im alone)
- DOES in fact stim around neil bc NEIL STIMS TOO!!!!!!!! joyous day when they found THAT out! gets vocal stims of random lines from whatever play neil is practicing for. YEAA ART THOU THEEEEREE was a vocal stim for a solid week and a half which made neil VERY excited (autistic neil. how i love u autistic anderperry)
- velcro is The most evil vile disgusting material to ever grace this mortal realm. he hates it more than anything ever and i mean that fully. the feeling of BOTH sides, the noise, how easily it comes apart, she hates it all.
this is the gender part
never really viewed gender and gender roles as anything to adhere to beyond the fear of punishment if they dont. finds any social convention relating to gender to be Really dumb and meaningless, bc gender isn't (scientifically) real in any capacity, so why treat it like that? for the longest time just shrugged and said "eh, i guess im a boy" bc thats what she was used to being told, and didn't feel particularly drawn to agree OR disagree. eventually realised on a late night that Wait. i dont Actually care what i am. like yeah im a Male i guess but also im just me. my brain doesnt have a gender and i basically am my brain, right? and then never really thought about it again because that's genuinely how little he cares. adhering the most to canon with that mindset, she never really tells anyone (for obvious reasons on top of the overall apathy) and just lets the he/him happen to her but. in my dream world? agender they/he/she todd anderson. and this is MY blog so those are the pronouns im using from now on. i will forever love talking abt how autistic ppl very often view gender differently than allistic ppl, will forever love talking abt how autistic ppl are more likely to be trans. autism!!!
also yes that entire paragraph is just my view of gender, change the pronouns and the todd mentions and its just me. what of it.
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aerkame · 1 year
Haha, hi *winks at you* (●▪◡<●)ノ [please tell me if any of this makes you super duper uncomfy I did read the rules I'm just scared]
Wally Darling x Stressed out! Reader.,.,
[Remember that silly idea you had?! I liked it a lil too much]
The neighbor [us], had a terrible day at work, slamming open the door to their house and [not even thinking twice] immediately falling into the arms of the person who greeted them at the door. Much to their demise, said person is Wally. Wally falls limp upon being hugged, staring down at the reader who freezes once they realize who they came in contact with. They attempt to pull away but Wally.. Being Wally. Holds them in place with a stupid smile.
Twirls my hair, giggles and runs away [I'm so so so so so so sorry if this didn't make any sense imn sorry I leorve yoru writingzzzznbs I'M SORRY PLRASE FORGIVE ME]
I like my original idea as well, I'm hoping to start a full series next week!
Today did not go well at all. You had to stay extra hours at work because some group of rowdy teens decided it would be great to come into the library and start messing with the books. One had even decided to start tearing out pages from a kids' study book. The library is probably going to take that one to court, some of those books are expensive to replace and you had to spend hours reorganizing everything that was carelessly thrown across the halls and find missing pages. At least you were finally home though. You stumbled up to the front door dangling the keys in your hand as you tried and failed a few times to properly unlock the door.
You gave a sigh as you heard a distinct 'click' and swung the door open not paying attention to your surroundings and slamming it behind you. Turning towards the closet, you slowly took your shoes off before setting them down neatly inside. Gotta set a good example and keep things clean for your guests, even when you wanted to just throw things around and sleep sometimes...It really was like you just had a bunch of kids out of nowhere. At least Wally and Barnaby were here to help you.
"Welcome home dear host-"
Quickly turning around to whoever was speaking, you leaned over and plopped yourself into their greeting arms. You felt you had fallen into something soft and warm. What a welcomed feeling after today.
"Well that's one way of greeting your guests." Arms snaked around your torso as they hugged you closely. You froze, finally recognizing the voice that's been speaking to you. Slowly looking up, you saw Wally, whose face had a giant grin on it. That was not a welcomed feeling after today.
Quickly trying to pull away, you heard quiet snickering from the side somewhere. You finally managed to pop your head out of his arms, the rest of your body now snuggly wrapped in them. There was Barnaby and Sally sitting there at the dinner table watching you two and giving each other knowing looks. "Awww, looks like someone's a bit of a sleepy head!" Sally smiled as Wally walked passed them not making a single sound.
You were somewhat used to this by now. Usually Wally treated you like some significant other that needed extra care. He would pick you up and tightly hold you for hours while getting chores done in the house with you struggling and kicking until you wore yourself out, tuck you into bed at night or on sick days, paint and draw several portraits of you, make you warm food after work some days (though you wondered how he even learned how to cook), and dance with you late at night on the porch with quiet music playing. Other times the two of you would get lost in deep conversations after a long day of work, it was like he knew you without needing to know you. Wally was always so smug when he did anything though, like he knew it would get on your nerves, which it did at first. But over the past several weeks you grew used to him being coy. You felt too exhausted and stressed out to talk much today though. You didn't feel like doing much of anything really so you just let Wally do whatever he wanted for now.
You pushed against his arms only when he started to squeeze a bit too hard to let him know. He didn't loosen up however and instead made a beeline for your room, quietly opening the door and setting you down on your bed. You moved to get up but a hand came down onto your shoulder to pin you down. "Just stay here...I have something I made for you." He spoke softly for once.
Wally soundlessly walked out of your room and returned with a steaming cup of what looked like tea. You watched him effortlessly balance the cup in one hand as he removed your jacket, slinging it over his open shoulder before bringing a blanket over your legs.
"There! Now isn't that much better?"
For once you didn't see that smug or condescending grin of his. You saw something much warmer in that charming smile. You gave him a nod and gently took the cup out of his hands.
The reader works at a very busy public library for some context.
I've always wanted a job at a library. I don't know if they'd let me work at one though. I wasn't a bad kid, but there was one thing I did steal and that was a book from the library on fossils. I didn't really understand some of the words though when I was 7, but I loved that book either way.
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meownotgood · 1 year
Aki baby fever agenda is very strong these days
a coworker brings their baby to work, and that sets off the gears in Aki’s head to have some of your own. Aki doesn't really know what's come over him. he barely remembers getting home, finding you in the kitchen, and pressing you up against the counter. he barely remembers tugging off yours and his own clothes right there and then. and right now he's barely present as he fucks load after load into you
somewhere, in the back of aki's mind, he's aware of the consequences of his actions. there's a part of him that knows he shouldn't act like this, that knows this is terribly irresponsible. but right now, when he has you pinned beneath him, your pretty hands in his and his dick buried deep inside you, all he can think about is how badly he wants to give you his children.
how many times have the two of you fucked since aki came home from work? it's only been a few hours, but you've gone at it two or three times, or was it four? since he first pushed you over the kitchen counter, and then left dinner behind to carry you to his bedroom, aki's begun to lose track.
all he's been doing is daydreaming, making love to you while imagining what it's gonna be like to marry you. he'll propose, he'll announce to his coworkers that he's getting married. aki stares at your hand in his while he bucks his hips into you, and imagines a bright shiny ring on your finger. you'll have a nice wedding, you'll take aki's last name, you'll move in with him. aki imagines getting you pregnant right here, in his own bed. he wonders if your kids will look more like him, or more like you. he hopes the answer is both.
aki doesn't stop until you're completely exhausted, and until he's completely emptied. he cums in you as deep as he possibly can, he doesn't move an inch until he's sure he's filled your womb with all of it.
"that's it, that's it... take it all for me, g-god..." aki praises, his palm pressed gently to your stomach. he rubs in circles, right where his and your baby is going to form. his chest heaves, his breath is quickened, and he slowly comes down from his fifth orgasm of the night, giving you the last of what he has.
"I love you so much... I love you. you stopped taking your birth control a few days ago, didn't you? you can throw it out. if we're gonna start a family together, I've gotta get you pregnant... we'll try some more times tomorrow, okay?"
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