#It was meant to get a tv show but the writer passed so it got stuck in production hell :(
@heartofstanding tagged me in this meme months ago and unfortunately it took me this long to get to it because I had a mild crisis over how long it's been since I've read a novel, let alone one that I loved 😅 so this is nine of my favourite novels (not books, because if I included manga/short stories/comics/etc this would be giant)
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0The Picture of Dorian Gray -- Oscar Wilde// Pyrrhus-- Mark Merlis//The Scarecrow--Ronald Hugh Morrieson//Unnatural History--Kate Osman//Tunnels of Blood--Darren Shan//The Coffin Dancer--Jeffery Deaver//Hero--Perry Moore//Frankenstein--Mary Shelley//One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest-- Ken Kasey
#TPODG I feel like is obvious. But a genuinely hilarious book that is also poignant and tragic and so /so/ compelling#The more work you put into it the more you get out of it and I get so sad every time I see people#not wanting to look deeper than what's beyond the surface#Pyrrhus gets the extremely high honour of Greek Myth Retelling That is Actually Good#it's less about the Trojan War and more about the journey there set in the 1980s gay scene#the cursed spot that gets Philoctetes abandoned is an effective allegory right until the moment it isn't an allegory at all#and you should see the gut punch coming but somehow you don't#The Scarecrow is my Token Kiwi Representation and it's also the one that got me into the genre I now write almost exclusively#reading it feels like watching a cheesy low budget slasher that accidentally says some really interesting things about sexism and misogyny#(I say accidentally because it is the 20s and my tutor very loudly hated this book for being sexist)#(and I both totally agree and disagree because Prue is the prototypical final girl and needs an adaptation that does her justice)#Also the story of this novel's publication is freaking hilarious and why I will only write under a pseudonym because I would be next#Unnatural History is an exact blueprint of what I love about sci-fi done well in the way we've only very recently started to see on screen#and I hate that the show of Doctor Who rarely if ever reaches this level#Tunnels of Blood is my favourite of the Darren Shan Saga but really is just a stand in for the entire series#yes it's a kids series but it's a kid series that got me into horror and surrealism#and delivers the most effective and heartbreaking plot twist that not even Hannibal pulled off as well#The Coffin Dancer is just some damn good crime fiction and I wish Jeffery Deaver wasn't so slept on#(yes I know The Bone Collector got an adaptation but The Bone Collector isn't even in the top ten of the Lincoln Rhyme series)#unfortunately Deaver's strongest point is his use of point of view#but he still manages to get the twist to be shocking (and Coffin Dancer is the best example of it) in a way that other media fails at#Hero is about a gay disabled teen with superpowers and somehow tumblr does not know about it#It is such a fun riff on superheroes while also being genuinely sweet and touching and sad#It was meant to get a tv show but the writer passed so it got stuck in production hell :(#Frankenstein is Frankenstein. It's just good on like every level. Victor is my problematic fave. I will take no criticism.#I am however on my knees hoping the Guillermo Del Toro adaptation finally gets it right#one flew over the cuckoo's nest means so much to me but no one ever talks about it beyond the Ratched and Mcmurphy stuff#who are the least interesting characters to me. And I find the debate about the sexism ignores that the novel is about the structural abuse#of the mentally ill
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megamindsecretlair · 4 months
What You Deserve, Part 1
Pairing: Big Stunna x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Toxic filth. Infidelity. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female receiving) teasing/mocking, cum play, dirty talk, praise kink, Daddy kink, all consensual.
Summary: While out running errands for your family, sweet and handsome Stunna helps put the groceries in your car. A naughty, run-away thought leads you to invite him back to your house to thank him properly.
Word Count: 6,984k
Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: The brainrot is REAL. This is a hot ask from @planetblaque Everybody say thank you for this toxic hot fic! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @blackerthings @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot @melaninpov @twocentuar @blackpinup22 @babybratzmaraj @theyscreamsannii @kiabialia
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You walked down the grocery store aisle and the squeaky wheel on the cart was driving you nuts. You managed to get a lot on the list but you were still looking around for rice. You sighed. You hated when the store rearranged shit for no reason. How hard was it to keep things in the same place? 
You turned down the rice aisle and noticed a tall man wearing a black and white flannel shirt, dark jeans, and boots. Damn, he looked really good standing there picking out taco packets. You looked down at your wedding ring and curled your lip in disgust. 
Your husband would never be caught dead in the grocery store. And if he did, he’d only call you every two seconds because he didn’t pay attention to shit. He was a big picture man, staring ahead years into the future and what he needed to do to provide for the family.
Provide. That’s all he knew how to do. Your husband wasn’t a bad man…he was oblivious in a way that should have been a warning bell before you got married. As such, you were five years into the marriage with perfect five year old twins. When they weren’t being little demons.
You looked back towards the man and he was looking between two items, looking at the ingredients. You got a nice look at the length of his neck, his beard, and a cute little mumble he did while he debated. 
You shouldn’t be checking out another man but well, you weren’t dead. You saw something pretty, you were going to look at it. And in this case, the man was too pretty for words. Or maybe it was your libido talking. After the kids, your husband paid less attention to that aspect of the marriage, forcing you into a life of celibacy. 
Every blue moon, he’d look at you with something that could be called interest and then he’d get you just wet enough to get inside you. He’d get off, ask if you did, and then pass out in front of the TV. You started lying that you did just to get him out of the room. Who the hell wanted to be with someone that made sex feel like a chore? 
You picked up a small packet of rice and then thought about it. The bigger packet was more expensive but it’d last longer. And with the way your son, Noah, ate he’d eat you out of house and home by the time he’s a teenager. You picked up the bigger packet and scooted off down the aisle. 
You passed by the man. He looked up and gave you a double take, smiling as you passed showing off grills. You may have swayed your hips a little too hard as you turned the corner. Though, who were you fooling? 
While the kids were at school and your husband was at work, you barely put any effort into how you looked. You were a married stay at home mom and that meant lounge pants and a T-shirt were your best friend. Sometimes you even matched. You had joined the invisible legion of women whose world stopped as you took care of your family. You were happy to do so, but it was times like these that made you feel like you lost that spark. That sense of identity outside of your family. 
As you went down other aisles, somehow you managed to end up in the same ones with Mr. Sexy. It got to the point where’d notice first and smile at you. You smiled shyly back but avoided getting too close. He didn’t need any encouragement from you. If you were single though…
You sighed and made your way to the checkout lane. It was still early and there weren't a lot of people in the store. You checked out and pushed the cart to your truck, popping the trunk and starting to lift the bags inside.
“Excuse me! Miss!” A deep voice made you turn to the sound and there was Mr. Sexy waving over to you. 
“Yes?” You asked.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to help with your bags,” he said when he got closer to your truck. 
“Oh, that’s sweet but not necessary,” you said. 
“Please. My mama would turn in her grave if she knew I didn’t help a beautiful woman like you,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help a small smile. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you.” 
The small act of help touched you in ways that you weren’t expecting. As he lifted bags out of the cart, your eyes grew a little teary. When was the last time your own husband helped with groceries? 
“You look like you feeding an army here,” the man said.
You giggled. Well, he was bound to find out. “Ah, yeah. My husband and kids can eat a lot,” you said.
You watched his face to see what the news would do to him. Whether he was sad or disappointed that you were off the market. He only nodded. “Must be some slammin’ food if they eatin’ it like that,” he said. 
“I can throw down in the kitchen,” you bragged, preening a bit that you could do so. 
“Oh yeah? What you be makin’? And just know I’m already judging,” he said. He heaved bag after bag into your trunk and it made you a little sad thinking of bringing all that shit in the house by yourself. 
“Meatloaf, roast beef stew, enchiladas. In fact, I’m making that tonight,” you said. 
“Oh word? I be cookin’ sometimes too,” he said and then grinned like he was remembering a funny joke. “Enchiladas sound good as hell right now, too.” 
A naughty thought entered your mind. It was too brief and quick and you instantly kicked it to the back, hiding it in a tiny box and stepping on it. “You making anything special for your girl?” You asked.
He finished with the bags and then closed the trunk for you. “Naw, ain’t got a girl,” he said. He grinned at you. That smile could melt ice. You felt your pussy throb and your eyes widened. You about thought the damn thing was broken. 
“It’s just you?” You asked.
“Just me, unfortunately. But that’s alright. For now, I get to make whatever the hell I want and enjoy it,” he said. 
“Must be nice. My family loves my shit, but it’s not like they have an alternative,” you said and giggled. 
“Shame. I bet it’s delicious,” he said. Was he…flirting with you? Even knowing you had a family? 
“Thanks. I should probably get this home and start cooking. Thank you for helping me,” you said. 
He reached out his hand and you looked at it. Somehow, even shaking his hand felt naughty. Like he was going to see all the nasty things running through your mind. Thoughts of riding his thigh until you got off. Soaking his dick while he slammed inside of you. The thoughts were so vivid to you, you were worried that he’d read it all over your face. 
Another advantage to getting the house to yourself in the daytime was that you had plenty of toys to get the job done in peace. One thought about his face and you were sure you’d beat your personal record. 
You shook his hand so you weren’t rude and he held on. “I’m Stunna,” he said. He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss there. The back of your hand tingled and it moved all throughout your body until you were throbbing once more. Twice in a short amount of time? Calm down, girl. It wasn’t like you could do something with this man. 
You told him your name. “Would you mind if I gave you my number? If you’re out shopping, I can help you again,” he said.
You giggled. “You would come all the way to the store just to help me load groceries into my car?” 
“I’d unload them too if you let me,” he said. He was serious, not an ounce of humor on his face.
“You know I’m married, right? Like I didn’t bury that anywhere,” you said.
He laughed. “I heard that part, but I also don’t see the mu’fucka. Anyone letting you out of his sight must be ten kinds of stupid,” he said. He looked you over, making a show of turning his head one way and then another.
You laughed but didn’t let go of his hand. Found that you didn’t want to. Found that you were touch starved as hell and it was damn nice touching someone that looked as good as he did. “What, my husband supposed to have me on a leash?” You asked.
“Sheit, I would,” he said. “Yo sexy ass wouldn’t be able to breathe without me.”
“You better stop!” You said. Oh god, your cheeks were burning like hell and the whole thing was cute and weird and embarrassing. You did not get giggly because one man paid you a compliment. 
He wasn’t the first one to do so. Even though your husband was buried with work, he still called you beautiful. Raggedy men still tried to holler at you while you pumped gas and ran errands. None were so bold as Stunna though. There was something about that level of confidence that had you squeezing your thighs together. 
“Do you really want me to stop?” Stunna asked. 
No. Not even a little bit. But you couldn’t say that. “You probably should. Gonna get us both in trouble,” you said. 
“I don’t mind a little trouble. You never answered me about giving you my number. I was serious,” he said. “I don’t want anything in return, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’d just like to see you again. Your husband don’t let you have friends?” He asked. 
You rolled your eyes playfully and finally dropped his hand. You were holding onto it entirely too long. “I can have friends,” you said. But you knew that he’d be anything but friendly. And why did that turn you on? 
“See, that’s that nigga’s first mistake. I wouldn’t let you have no friends neither,” he said. 
You laughed loudly and shook your head. “Life with you sounds restrictive as hell! What if I want alone time?” You asked.
“You could have all the alone time you want. At home,” he said. 
You couldn’t help laughing again, leaning against your truck as you pictured life with him. Life where he was clingy and wrapped entirely with you and never chose you over his work. The type of life you always dreamed about when you were younger and thought love meant candy hearts, roses, and bubbly champagne. 
“You have issues, sir,” you said. 
“That’s aight. You just look too damn good to go to the store by yourself or run errands. These belong on a honey-do list,” he said. 
You smiled. Your husband would break out in hives if you gave him a honey-do list that involved the grocery store or runs to the clothing store for your twins. Your kids were active in every sense of the word. You made it a point that they stay off screens as much as possible and get out into the big backyard your husband paid for. 
They found every mud patch, mudslide, and dusty hill to play on. When they came back in, they looked like swamp monsters. Your husband in the store trying to find good, cute outfits? Yeah right. 
“You are crazy. But I want to thank you. How does enchiladas sound?” You asked.
“Word? I get to try some?” He asked.
“If you’re serious about helping me unpack these groceries, then yeah. I think that’s worth a meal being cooked for you for once,” you said. Intrusive thoughts won for the day. You liked talking to him and you were worried that if you gave him your number, you’d chicken out. You’d reason and logic this away until you were even more depressed about the state of your marriage. 
It’d be nice to cook for someone who’d genuinely appreciate it. Rather than eating to live. Stunna seemed like the type that lived to eat and it was nice to find a kindred spirit. 
He grinned wider, showing up a neat row of white teeth and those grills. “I’d love to try your food,” he said. 
“Alright, follow me,” you said.
He walked you to the driver side of your car and held the door open for you while you climbed in. “See you soon,” he said and closed the door when you were safely inside. You put on your seatbelt and watched him return the cart to the proper place.
Your heart thundered in your chest as he made it to his own car. You started yours up and pulled out of the parking spot. A moment later, he was pulling up behind you. You drove home, heart in your throat. What the hell were you doing? 
Stunna was a stranger and you were just letting this man follow you home. You watched his car in your rear view mirror and wondered what he was like. So far, he had been nothing but cordial but a tad forward. You knew he valued his mom and was a gentleman, even though he had silly ideas about how he’d treat his woman. 
You remembered your single days. Grabbing enough food for yourself and eating lonely meal after lonely meal. Stunna didn’t seem like he was hurting for female company. It seemed like he was interested in yours and well, what the hell? You were grown, you could protect yourself. 
Besides, you just really, really wanted to keep talking to him. 
You pulled into your driveway and Stunna parked on the street. You were in the quiet suburbs where Black folks were just trying to get by. They had nice houses and decent jobs, but people were more interested in faking the funk than admitting that they were struggling. 
Your husband was smart with money so you weren’t hurting. But buying two of everything was expensive. It seemed like Noah was always playing right out of the shoes you bought him and Naomi just had to have the latest baby doll. 
Stunna joined you at your car and you unlocked it for him. He grabbed a handful in each hand and you were sorry he was wearing long-sleeves. You wanted to see his muscles work. You wanted to see his shirt off. 
For now, you would settle with just watching him be considerate. You let him into your home and he whistled. “Nice ass house,” he said.
“Thank you,” you said. You had it decorated to your specifications so it wasn’t stuffy and stiff. As if you lifted it from a magazine. Naw. Your house was lived in and full of love. 
You walked to the kitchen and showed him where to drop off the bags. “Naw, I wanna earn my meal. Point to where they go and I’ll do it,” he said. 
“You don’t have to do that,” you said. 
“I know. Let me help. Sit yo pretty ass down and get some water,” he said. 
“Fine,” you said with a grin. He grabbed the rest of the groceries from the car and closed your front door. You asked him to lock it. You may live in a nice neighborhood but that didn’t mean shit. Thieves would use any advantage to steal. Stunna could be a thief but he didn’t have to wait till he got here. Sure, he could steal the shit in your house but it was all insured. He’d have been better off stealing your wallet at the store. 
You told him which ingredients to leave out for the enchiladas while you grabbed two water bottles from the fridge. You downed at least half of it. Stunna made you feel like you were standing on top of a hot vent. 
He accepted his bottle and sat down at the bar stool, looking at you while you dug out pots and pans, cooking utensils, and your cutting board. 
You talked about light subjects like your family, friends, and what he does for a living. He was a bit cagey about that part, so you assumed it was something bad. You weren’t trying to be judgemental but you could not see his sexy ass saying, “Yes, Sir. No, Sir”, at an office job like your husband. 
You put the chicken on to boil and started prepping the veggies for the salad on the cutting board. Yes, he judged the hell out of how you sliced them. 
“I’m trying to make you a nice lunch,” you said.
“I know! I’m just saying, you could slice them faster and more evenly,” he said.
“You’re not supposed to help me with the meal too!” 
He chuckled. “I don’t mind. Can I show you?” He asked.
You gave him a playful look to know that you were mad at him but with no real heat. “Fine, since you know everything,” you said.
He got up from the stool and came around the kitchen island. He washed his hands in the sink and then took the knife from you. “Aight, so if you hold it like this and the tomato like this, boom,” he said. He focused on the task, blowing through the tomato like butter. 
“Wait, how’d you do that?” You asked. He chuckled and grabbed another one, going slower and showing you how to do what he did. He grabbed the last one and let you do it. You made one slice and he made a noise like a game buzzer.
“May I?” He asked. 
You really shouldn’t. But your head was nodding anyway. He stood behind you and you closed your eyes briefly. He was so strong and solid behind you. He leaned down so he could bring his hands on top of yours. He showed you how to hold the knife and tomato and how to make the same cuts he did. 
He helped you with the first few slices and then left you to make the next ones by yourself. He didn’t move from behind you as you moved through cutting it, chopping it up like a professional chef.
“I did it!” You said. You giggled and danced, shaking your ass on his crotch until you realized what you did and stopped.
“I am so sorry!” You said. You flipped around in his arms and he titled his head at you.
“I’m not,” he said with a slow grin. 
“Stunna, now you know…” 
“I know that you seem a little lonely. Forgive my bluntness, but shit, this whole house to yourself every day and all you do is cook and clean?”
“I take care of my family,” you said defensively. 
“I know. But who take care of you? Shit on the outside, it look like yo husband forgot what a baddie he got for a wife,” he said. “I wouldn’t ever forget.” 
He used his fingers to lift your chin up and forced you to look at him. “Stunna, I’m married,” you said. You said it like it was a piece of armor you drew around yourself. Those two words would stop even the most persistent of men. 
“Mhm, yet you here with me,” he said. 
“I got kids,” you said. 
“They little asses still in school, ain’t they? I’m great with kids,” he said. 
You giggled. “You are so bad.” 
He grinned, flashing you the grills. He was dangerous. Likely some type of criminal. A veritable hood rat that chased skirts and smoked all day. The complete opposite of your straight-laced husband who got pissy if his tie didn't match his shirt. 
“I can be worse,” he said. He put his hands on the countertop on either side of you. He placed a kiss against your neck, breathing in your scent. You wore your favorite lotion and were glad you did. 
“Let me be bad and take care of you for once,” he whispered against your skin. “Don’t you deserve it? Don’t you deserve to feel good?” He moved his lips to the other side of your neck. You leaned your head back, letting out a soft moan. 
If he kissed you, you’d cum on the spot. That’s how needy you were. How desperate and starved for affection. 
“Stunna, are you serious?” You asked.
“Hell yeah. See, the why I see it? This ain’t you, mama. You need some relief. I can be that,” he said.
“Even though…”
“Hear me when I say that I don’t give a flying fuck about your husband. I don’t give a shit that you’re a mom. I see a fine ass woman with a banging body that I wanna put on this table and taste her. Eat her for lunch,” he whispered in your ear. The force of his words were like tiny arrows shooting you with desire. 
You leaned back so that you could look him in the eyes. “Do it. I want that,” you said. 
Stunna turned and lowered the heat on the chicken. Then, he grabbed your hand and led you to the dining table. He intuitively moved to the head of the table. You went to loosen the tie at your waist, but he slapped your hand away.
He brought his lips to yours and you let him. You let him kiss you and opened your mouth to run your tongue against his. He moaned and kissed you deeper, rougher. He knew without you having to say what you needed. 
He pulled the tie at your waist, letting your lounge pants slip off of your hips and down to the floor. Shit! 
You pulled away from him and tried to hide your hideous granny panties. He pulled your hands away. “Think this scare me away?” He asked.
You nodded but you couldn’t look him in the eye. How the hell were you supposed to be sexy while wearing these atrocities? To be fair, you weren’t expecting sex today. Your husband was on a project that sucked up all of his time and attention. 
“Naw. Just makes you sexier to me. Move them hands,” he said.
You bit your lip and shook your head. There was no way you could continue after looking so gross.
Stunna leaned down and kissed your ear. “If I gotta move ‘em, you ain’t gon’ like it,” he said. 
Shit, that only turned you on. You lowered your hands and finally looked at him. “That’s right. Be a damn good girl for me and take them sexy panties off,” he said. 
Your fingers shook as you lowered your panties. Cool air brushed along your skin but did little to cool you off. There was a roaring fire of desire burning through your veins and you hadn’t even done anything. Hadn’t done more than kiss and take off your clothes. 
“Shirt too,” he said. He grabbed you by the waist and picked you up, sitting you down on the table. You yelped from the cold surface, making him grin. 
You plucked off the T-shirt. Your bra was just as plain and ratty. All the cute bra and panty sets in your drawer and this was what you wore when you finally got some. The situation would be funny if it weren’t so embarrassing. Stunna truly didn’t seem to mind as you took off your bra.
His eyes lit up as he looked at your titties. He sat down in your husband’s seat and palmed your breasts, running his fingers over your sensitive nipples. You moaned, arching your back so that he could get a better angle. 
He leaned forward and brought his lips to your left nipple, flicking his tongue over it. He latched on, suckling it into his mouth and you cried out from the pressure and bite of pain. Endorphins rushed through your system, making you squirm on the table. You were so wet. 
He massaged your titties as he suckled. He moved on to your right nipple, suckling on it and moaning as if he were getting pleasure from this too. It wasn’t a chore. He wanted to touch you, taste you. 
“Shit,” you moaned.
As he switched sides once more, he brought his hand down to cup your pussy. You jerked off of the table and he cooed. “Hmm, nice and creamy already. Love me a creamy girl. You got some more for me?” 
He slowly worked his fingers past your pussy lips. He gathered up your essence at your entrance and used it to circle and tease your clit. You brought one of your hands up to his shoulder to push at him. 
“What I tell you about them hands, gorgeous?” He asked.
He bit your nipple and you cried out from the sting. “Uh-uh, do what Daddy tell you to.” 
Fuck. You came on his fingers already, thighs twitching and brain tingling. You moaned throughout it, that sweet relief everything you needed. Relief that didn’t come from your own two fingers or a sex toy was somehow more intense. More visceral. 
You bit your lip and looked at him. He watched you with a predatory gleam in his eyes. “Needed that shit, didn’t you?” He asked.
You didn’t trust your voice. You nodded shyly. Ugh! You hated this! You did not land your husband being this timid woman who was too afraid to even moan during sex. You enjoyed the hell out of it. You enjoyed the hell out of it with your husband. But once you got pregnant, he knew he needed to step up. Grinding for you became more important than grinding in you. 
A pang of shame hit you. You allowed another man to touch you. You swiftly kicked that bit of shame to the back of your mind. This wasn’t about emotions or starting anything. This was something nasty to get out of your system. The last hurrah you never got because you were pregnant when your husband proposed. You never got a wild bachelorette party with strippers and dick straws. 
“Spread them legs,” he commanded. 
You grinned slowly. You opened your legs and gave him a sultry look. The look of surprise on his face was priceless. You were just a little rusty. You knew how to throw down. 
“You so fuckin’ sexy. Spread open for me,” he said. He licked his fingers, licking away your arousal. He moaned and closed his eyes, savoring your taste. “Sweet, just like you.”
He grabbed your thighs and opened them wider. He rubbed his big nose in between your folds. His tongue lapped at your entrance. His moans got higher as he tasted you in earnest. 
“Oh shit! Oh fuck! Shit!” You moaned. His tongue felt like exactly how you pictured heaven. Eternal spring, warm sun, soft grass to sink your toes into. Your thighs pushed in ready to trap his face but his warm hands pushed them out. Pushed them away. Kept your legs open for him to lick and suck and tease your clit. 
He made out with your pussy. Licking you and then following behind by his lips to lap up whatever you leaked out. Your thighs quivered at the attention and care. At the total devotion to getting you off. You cried and whined until you were plunging head first into another orgasm. One that rocked you down to your core.
“Oue, shit,” you moaned. You looked down and he was still lapping at your juices. You glitched every time his tongue swiped your sensitive clit. He stopped and retreated from your pussy, a long spit chain still connecting you both. His beard was glistening with your arousal and you moaned, loving the picture before you. 
He licked his lips, breaking the chain. “Damn girl. Creamy as fuckin’ hell,” he said. 
You licked your own lips. Needing a double dose of him. You leaned forward and reached for his pants. He stopped you. “Use your words,” he said.
“I need you. I wanna taste you, too,” you said. 
He gripped your chin and brought you closer. And he wanted to kiss you after eating you out?! 
His lips were puckered and wet. His beard tickled your chin as he kissed you. This wasn’t just a kiss. It was like he wanted to share your essence with you. Like he wanted you to taste yourself on his tongue and get a glimpse of what he did when he was between your thighs. 
You did taste yourself and it was so damn hot. You smelled yourself all over him. His tongue explored your mouth. Your kisses were loud and sloppy. Lazy and slow, so at odds with how intense this man had been so far. 
Your hands pulled at his shirt, trying to unbutton his shirt or slip it over his head. You needed him naked too. You needed to see all of him. “There’s that little nasty freak. I knew she was in there,” he said against your lips.
“Pants. Off. Now,” you said. 
He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am,” he said. He made quick work of his pants dropping them down just enough to expose his long, thick dick. Veins stood out against the shaft and drool threatened to spill out of your mouth. 
You wanted to see more. You pulled at his shirt and he laughed again. “Do I need to tie those hands up? ‘Cause you don’t know how to listen,” he said. 
“I wanna see all of you,” you said.
“Naw, today’s about you,” he said. He tilted his head and grabbed his dick, stroking a few times as he looked at your dripping pussy. 
“‘Bout you getting what you so obviously deserve.” He slapped his dick against your pussy. Your eyes rolled back. You lost track of how many orgasms he handed out. You should be tired. You should be too wrung out to do anything more. 
But you were hungry for him. Desperate for that long dick to deliver the strokes you sorely miss. Need. 
“Today’s about getting you back to normal. To remind you that you’re fuckin’ gorgeous. That you shouldn’t go a day without getting filled up and fucked,” he said. 
“Oh god. Fuck,” you moaned. 
He slowly worked his way into your pussy. You moaned, crying out at just how big he was. How deep he was already and he hadn’t bottomed out yet. 
“Ouue, shit. Hear this pussy talkin’?” He asked.
“Unf, yesss,” you moaned. 
“You hear it? You should be hearing that every night,” he said. He wet his dick with your arousal and your toes curled as he finally settled himself in your wet heat. 
“Fuck. Flip over ‘cause you don’t know how to behave,” he said. 
“I can behave,” you said and poked your bottom lip out. 
He grinned, those golds transforming him from hot to smoldering. He kissed you with a loud smack. “You can’t even listen when Daddy tell you do something. Flip that ass over,” he said. 
You whined playfully as he slipped out. You let your wobbly legs down onto the floor and then turned around. He moved your hips until he lined you up where he wanted you. He lifted your left leg to hug the table and pressed down on your back until you were flush against the surface. 
He smacked your ass. The loud sound and pain made you cry out. “Show me how you got them kids,” he said.
“Fuuuck,” you moaned. 
He rammed his dick back inside you and you gasped. He stayed there, buried inside you while you adjusted to his girth and length. “Oue, shit. Fuuuck, you’re so big Daddy,” you moaned. You shook your ass on his dick. 
He placed his hands on your hips but made no further movements. You began to move, rocking back on his dick, showing him exactly how you got your kids. You slammed down on him how you liked. Rough. Hard. It wasn’t difficult to do since his dick was so big. You had so much to work with. 
“Ohhh, you like this dick,” he said.
“Yes, Daddy, I like it,” you said. Hell, you had no room to lie. Even working yourself desperately on his dick like this, you were having the time of your fucking life. 
He chuckled and then started stroking. “Oh shit,” you said, a hint of panic creeping into your voice. You thought you were doing a little something. Arching your back and bouncing your ass on his dick.
But Stunna? Stunna was a different breed. He gave it to you exactly how you needed. He rutted inside of you, slamming you back on his dick with enough force to rob you of air. Rob you of thought. You were able to turn your brain off and enjoy getting filled up.
“You still like that shit?” He asked.
“Ahm,” you moaned. You couldn’t answer him. Couldn’t do anything but accept this deep, rough fucking. He moved his hands to your lower back and switched up his strokes. He moved deeper, his strokes longer. His thighs slapped against your ass loud enough to be mistaken for fireworks or a gunshot. 
You laid your cheek against the table and let your body take over for you. Your body knew exactly what to do. Your pussy gripped him and he moaned low in his throat. 
“I need that last one, mama. Gimme that last one,” he said.
“I…can’t…” You said.
“Sure you can. Gripping me so pretty. You almost there. You almost there, I can feel it. I can feel how much you need it. Let it go, mama. Let it go,” he said. His voice grew quieter as he talked. 
The pressure in your lower belly was unbearable. You whined, knowing you were on the edge. You didn’t know what you needed but you were too far gone to name it. Claim it. To let him know.
Stunna’s hands roamed up your back until one of his hands was gripping the back of your neck. He squeezed and you gasped at the new angle. He got deeper, the tip of him kissing the very heart of you.
You exploded with a loud shriek, squeezing him and cumming with the power of a thousand suns. You shook and twitched on the table, flopping around. You were too lost to consider how crazy you looked.
“Gahh damn,” he moaned. He moved his hips rougher and faster until he slammed into you and shouted, unloaded a huge load into you.
“Sheeeeit,” you moaned. His cum painted your insides. Some of him slipped out around his dick and dropped down to your clit and likely landed on the table. 
“Fuck, mama. That was fuckin’ sexy,” he said. He slowly pulled out and you felt the rush of his cum leak out. Good fucking thing you were still on birth control. The last thing, the absolute last thing you needed was to turn up pregnant with another man’s baby. Good luck explaining that to your husband. 
You were still glitching on the table. So thoroughly fucked out that you couldn’t move yet. Didn’t want to move. 
Stunna rubbed your back and then your booty. He gave you a booty massage while he watched his cum spill out of you. 
The smell of chicken finally invaded your senses. “Food,” you said. 
“Don’t worry, mama. You focus on getting your strength back,” he said. He zipped himself back up and then washed his hands. He turned off the stove and then heated up the pan. You listened and saw his back as he moved around your kitchen, cooking food for your family.
He fried up the shells, dipped it in the sauce and then rolled it on the pan with chicken and cheese. Done, he put some seasoning on top followed by more cheese. He put it in the oven and set a timer.
This. This was what you thought married life would be like. Getting your guts rearranged and cooking food together. Laughing together. Playing together. 
Stunna came back around to check on you. He grinned and leaned on the table to kiss you. You were still in the same position he left you in. Fucked out and blissed out. 
“Why don’t you go shower and I’ll watch the food. Should be done by the time you get out,” he said.
“How are you…” 
“I see somethin’ I want, I want it. Let a real nigga show you how to appreciate the mother to his kids,” he said. He kissed you again and rubbed on your booty. “Now get your sexy ass upstairs before you’re late picking up your kids,” he said.
He helped you to your feet, proud of himself. Bastard. You picked up your clothes but Stunna stopped you from putting them on. 
“I wanna see that ass jiggle up the stairs,” he said. 
“I can’t stand you!” You said and giggled, wiggling your ass for him. You swayed your hips. A new energy suffusing you as you did so. You walked up to your room and showered, feeling nasty and like a woman again. Like you were more than a glorified maid and cook. 
Done with your shower, you came downstairs. Stunna was on his phone, sitting at the table like he didn’t fuck you senseless thirty minutes ago. When you came back in with cuter panties this time, black leggings, and a red T-shirt, Stunna whistled like you were walking around in lingerie. 
“Sexy ass. Getting fucked look good on you,” he said.
“Shut up!” You giggled. The enchiladas were cooling on the counter top. It smelled divine. You grabbed a plate and handed it to him, sitting down next to him. “Not really mines since you ended up finishing it,” you said. 
“You not gon’ have none?” He asked. 
You shook your head. “I’ll have some later. My schedule kinda lines up with the twins. I eat when they do,” you said. 
Stunna pushed the plate towards you, holding out the fork. “Eat,” he said.
“I’m fine,” you said.
“Do I need to feed you?” He asked. 
You rolled your eyes and took the fork from him. Nasty ass. If he fed you, you’d be late to pick up your kids. You ate a bite and moaned at the taste. His style was similar to yours but food made by other people tasted so much better. 
You ate half and pushed the other half to him. He chuckled. “Aight, but next time you’re eating all of it. Gotta take care of yourself too,” he said.
“Oh, next time? That’s bold,” you said.
He ate and shrugged his shoulders. “You ain’t telling me no,” he said.
You rolled your eyes again. You laughed and giggled your way during his meal. He finished and you washed the plate. Dishes were your least favorite chore so you made sure to do it as soon as possible. To avoid it getting gross. And yes, a little bit of you wanted no reminder of him here. 
Stunna came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He dropped his head to your shoulder. “Give me your number. I won’t cause a scene. I just wanna be in your life,” he said.
“Stunna, we can’t. This was fun,” you said.
“More than fun.” He lifted your chin with his fingers and looked in your eyes. “You feel something here. We work well together. However you’ll have me,” he said. 
You bit your lip. You wrestled with the decision. He already knew where you lived. What was your number on top of that? 
Your alarm went off. Your first reminder that you needed to get going to arrive at pick up early. You jerked away from Stunna, grabbing your phone off of the counter and silencing it. Stunna watched you as you thought through your options. 
“Giving you my number is like…agreeing to keep doing this,” you said.
“I ain’t gon’ pressure you for nothin’ you don’t wanna give. This can be whatever you want. But I saw your face when I was in that pussy. And it’s obvious your husband been neglecting you. Use me,” he said. 
He slowly walked over to you. He took the phone from your hands and started tapping away. “Use me whenever your hands don’t do nearly as good a job as me,” he said. 
You sighed and grinned. “Nasty ass,” you said. 
“I’ma dip. But use that number.” He gave you a last, scorching kiss and then let himself out of your house. 
You stared at the door, long after he was gone until your second alarm went off. You silenced it and made sure the stove was off. You left the house to pick up Noah and Naomi, listened to their excited chatter about school and what they learned.
You descended into “mom mode” as you fell into your normal routine. Get them home, homework done, washed up, and ready for dinner. Your husband made a rare appearance for once kissing you on the cheek and the kids on the head. 
“Did you try something different?” 
“Huh?” You asked, looking up from your dinner. 
“Did you try something different with the enchiladas? It tastes different, but delicious like always, babe,” he said. 
You stared at the table, picturing all the nasty shit you did there. How Stunna not only handled you, he also handled dinner. You sipped your water since your mouth went dry. The flashbacks were vicious. 
“Saw something online that I wanted to try. You like it?” You asked.
“Mhm,” your husband said. 
You hid your smile by eating more of the food and wondered when you could get Stunna back over. 
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The Secret Big Stunna Files...in case you needed a little more in your life.
Part 2 | Part 3
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
Close Call
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A/N: If you like my work please comment like and reblog ! It means a lot to see interactions on my work 
Chris and Y/N are going through a rough patch but then a recent close call buts things into perspectives 
Chris Alonso X Reader 
You and Chris had been dating for over a year.  The two of you meant through mutual friends and hit it off right away.
 Chris was so sweet and kind and always made you feel good. Though the only thing is you have yet to meet her team. 
Her swat family was her family and it bothered you that you never meant them yet. It sometimes made you question why. I
 mean it’s not like the relationship was new. It was the opposite you guys were getting more and more serious about each other. 
You really thought she was the one. The one you knew you were going to spend the rest of your life with. 
But there was always a part of you that wondered if she felt the same way. 
You knew that Chris had been through a lot. With her mom and other things . So you always tried to be understanding on why she might be so hesitant about everything.
 If she really was the one for you then you could work with her. Is what you told yourself 
But honestly you were starting to pull away from the relationship. You tried so hard but you were tired of being the only who felt like they were putting the work in.
Chris had always made some excuse or something with work. It felt like you were living with a ghost. 
This morning Chris had already left for work or didn’t even come home. Sometimes it was hard to tell. 
You worked in the entertainment business .Working as a director and writer and even a producer. 
Wearing multiple job roles means that you would be gone from home a lot. Which also means you didn’t see Chris some days. Which worked for the two of you. 
Today you had a busy day ahead of you. You were finishing the script to a big show you were going to pitch. 
You also were executing a big tv network show so you had to add the final editing on the show. 
So you got up for the day. Making some breakfast and then getting your self together. 
You checked your phone and saw nothing from Chris. So you texted her good morning and hoped she was staying safe. 
The little bubbles went off like she was going to say something but didn’t. You tried not take it personally. But lately it was just getting hard not to
You had a big office that you worked out of. It was in a nice building in the heart of LA. It had a stunning view and was something that you were really proud of.  You made your way in and got started for the day. 
You had a lot to do that and didn’t waste anytime. When you got working you got stuck in your own little bubble and the world seemed to disappear for a while. 
Hours has passed and you didn’t even realize it. You heard yelling and panic and  that is what broke you out of your trance. You popped your head went outside to see what was going on. 
Everyone was just kind of running around like a chicken with their head cut off. You saw one of your friends from the building Kayla. So you walked over over to her to see if she knew what was going on. 
“Hey what happened what’s going on” You asked 
She looked at you with a confused and panicked looked on her face. 
“You didn’t hear it went to everyone’s phone ” She said 
“Hear what I have no clue what is going on” You said 
“Someone called in a bomb threat and the  LAPD seems to think it’s real. They locked us all in there” Kayla said 
“How could they do that we need to be able to leave get out” You said the anxiety was growing and the panic setting in. 
“The call came in from the office and they threatened other buildings in the area so no one in and no one out. “Kayla said
“How can they just leave us in here like this” You asked 
“There worried that if is real the then the person behind it could get away with it.” Kayla said. 
“Wait let me see if Chris can tell us anything” You said 
You pulled out your phone and called her. Of course there was no answer. 
So you texted her 
“Hey do you know anything going on” You sent her. 
There was no reply or anything of course you figured. 
Someone started yelling from downstairs so the two of you looked over the railing and saw Dan. 
He worked as an editor in the building. He was always a weird guy and didn’t really talk to anyone. 
He was running around around and was going off about something it was hard to make. 
“Everyone is going to know my name and the true meaning” Is what he was yelling. 
“Maybe we should” Kayla said 
You knew she was right that you needed to get the hell out of there but there was a also a part of you that couldn’t leave.
 You were like glued just watching what was going on down there. 
Dan just kept going on and on that the world was watching and people were going to pay. You had no clue what he could possibly be talking about. 
“Hey Let’s go right now” Kayla yelled pulling you. 
The two of you made your way into your office. You shut the door behind you and sat on the couch in your office. 
You weren’t really sure what to do in this scenario. If it was a bomb where do you even go to hide ? 
Your anxiety was just going through the roof. You always either wrote about these scenarios or saw about the on tv. Never did you think you were going to actually live it. 
Chris’s POV 
We all had to head in early this morning. We were tracking down a radical group who was involved with multiple bomb threats around town.
 Were all in on this case and it was taking a lot. 
I left early this morning. Y/n was still sleeping when I left and I didn’t have the heart to wake them up. 
Or maybe I was just avoiding them. We had been going through a lot lately. 
I know it was more on me and them. They tried so hard but I always kept pulling back. 
Things were getting serious between us and that scared me. I was afraid I would loose them or something would happen . 
I was also afraid of driving a wedge between us. Why did I always have to complicate things. 
Y/N texted me good morning and I was just starting at my phone deciding on what to say. See what I mean about complicating things 
“Hey you good” Street asked me 
“Yeah I’m good what’s up” I asked walking into the room where the team was. 
“Were rolling out we a bomb threat called into to a building downtown LA address is 212 west hollywood drive” Hondo said.
My heart broke into a million pieces. I knew that is where Y/N was and my anxiety was at an all time high. 
“Let’s roll and stay fluid” Hondo yelled. 
We all pilled into black betty. I kept picking at my fingers and trying not to freak out. 
“You good you seem really nervous” Jim asked. 
“Yeah of course I’m all good” I said lying. 
Days like today I wish i wasn’t so secretive about everything. Because I knew my team would be here for me if i only let them. 
We reached the destination in no time and we all pilled out. Our target dan was inside going crazy we could hear it. 
“All right me and Deac will go in front , Jim and Chris go to the side ways and Tan and Luca go up top.” Hondo said. 
We all nodded and go into position. Dan was waving around a gun and there were people every where. They were all scared. 
He had a backpack on and no one what was inside. 
“Come on man doesn’t have to be like this” Hondo yelled trying to calm him down. 
I scanned around the room hoping to see Y/N but no luck. I was partly relieved and also very nervous. 
Hondo kept trying to talk him down but he kept getting more erratic. So Hodo had no choice to take him out. 
Deac walked over and cleared the backpack and it was a decoy thank goddess. Me and Street them moved to clear out the upstairs. 
We went in a couple of rooms and no Y/N 
“Damn it” I yelled 
“You good” Jim asked 
“I’m sorry didn’t mean that” I said 
Finally on our way to check the last room I saw Y/N and a girl crowded into each other. I ran over to them. 
I opened up the door and walked over to Y/N 
“Hey It’s Okay It's just me ” I said 
Thank god I found the safe 
Your hands were shaking and you kept looking down at your phone and nothing. Kayla grabbed your hands and gave you a squeeze. 
“Hey look at me it’s going to be okay” Kayla said 
“I know I know” You said 
You both jumped when you heard a loud band followed by some pops. You both kind of leaned into each other. 
You heard some footsteps and your heart felt like it was going to explode. You never felt pure fear like this before. You didn’t even notice the tears were falling down your face. 
The door opened up slowly. And not trying to be dramatic but your life flashed before your eyes. Thinking about anyone and everyone you ever loved. 
You squeezed your eyes shut and then a small hand was placed on your back. 
“Y/N Y/N hey it’s just me” You heard a familiar voice say. 
You slowly opened your eyes and turned around and saw Chris standing there. You felt like a giant weight was taken off your shoulder. You got up and ran over to her.  
You embraced her in a big hug and you could feel her wrap her arms around you squeezing you tight. 
“Hey It’s okay It’s just me” Chris said 
“Thank god what happened” You asked 
“Dan Williams he was tied to a pretty radical group he’s gone now though we got him” Chris said 
She placed her hands on your face and leaned in and kissed you softly. 
“Whoa whoa who’s this” You heard a  man’s voice ask 
“This is um Y/N my partner we been dating a year now” Chris said 
“Jim street finally nice to meet the person who has been making Chris so happy” Jim said. 
“I know but you know how private Chris can be” You said 
“Oh trust me I know but now we know we can finally complain about Chris together” Jim said 
“Trust me I have so many stories you need to hear” You said 
“Nice try you two let’s go” Chris said 
You all walked out and Chris held your hand squeezing it the whole time . When you walked out there was a group of people with SWAT on their uniforms.
 Who looked up at you with a confused look. 
Chris looked over at you and smiled. 
“Come on I have some people I want you to meet” Chris said 
You smiled at her and nodded. 
“Hey everyone this is Y/N my partner we been dating a year now” Chris said smiling 
“It’s about damn time we meet them” A tall muscular man yelled. 
“Nice to meet you all finally thank you for helping us in their and you know saving our lives” You said 
“Of course it’s our jobs happy to be of service” A older man with gray in his hair said. 
“Hey come over here for a minute” You whispered to Chris 
“Excuse us for a second” Chris said 
You two walked out the way and got to a private space. 
“Hey what happened to you this morning” You asked
“Sorry we had an early call time” Chris said 
“Is everything okay and I don’t mean with just this morning” You asked 
“I know I’m sorry I just been going through some things at work” Chris said, then she grabbed your hands. 
“I promise I’m going to do better. I really want this to work. I love you I mean it was a hell of a wake up call when I heard the bomber was at your work. I panicked so hard and I felt scared and worried” Chris said 
“Look I know things have kind of unstable between us but i want to change that what ever it takes” Chris said 
“I love you to when I was in that room I thought of you not being able to see you again and it killed me I just want us to go back like when we first meant” You said. 
Chris leaned in and kissed you. And you kissed her back and it was slow and sweet. 
When the kiss broke Chris looked at you and smiled 
“Come on there are some people who you need to be properly introduced to” Chris said 
She grabbed your hand and walked you over to the team. 
“Hey so this is Hondo , Deacon, Tan and Luca and you already meant Street” Chris said 
“Nice finally properly meeting you all” You said 
“You to wish it was under different circumstances though” Luca said. 
“Maybe we all can go out and grab a drink tonight I have so many stories to tell” You said 
“Were in sounds amazing” Hondo said. 
Suddenly over the walkie they got a call they had to clear out. Chris grabbed you and gave you a kiss and then ran off. 
When you woke up this morning you were not expecting this turn of events. But you were glad it ended the way it did. 
Things were going to change overnight but you were glad it was headed in that direction. She was the one you were meant to be with.
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betterbooktitles · 4 months
I had placed a stack of albums on the counter of a tiny strip mall record shop when my smartest writer friend called me out of the blue to tell me I should “always have a mistress.”
Relax. She meant a metaphorical mistress. That is, a writing project on the side. You have your main squeeze (a novel or a script) but then you flirt with the idea of writing a YA Romance or a Thriller or (god forbid) poetry. You need something to write that feels like a break from your “Big Project.”
I was staring at the cover of Tears for Fears’ Songs From The Big Chair, imagining the person I would be once I heard “Head Over Heels” on vinyl when my phone rang. I only had the ringer on because I was waiting for a potential call from a casting director. A certain late-night show sent out a casting notice for “shirtless man” and I, without any shame, turned on the lights in my wife’s office and had her take a few shots with my phone. I had the ringer on in case a stranger got my (half) nudes in an email, and said “That’s it! Get me that torso!” I’m sorry to say, enough time has passed without a call that you will not be seeing my chest on TV any time soon. Usually, my phone remains on silent when I’m out in the world. It also remains on silent when I’m at home because I’m staring at it all day anyway. Who needs to bring noise into that equation? If you call, I’ll see it.
Between the tone of her voice and the occasional swoosh of a car going by, I could tell my friend was driving and had me on speakerphone. She was on her way to lunch with someone on the business/agency side of Entertainment, heading to a mix of pleasurable banter over food with a friend but also a business-minded networking session with someone she hadn’t seen in 6 months. This call, pleasurable to me but in retrospect a bit of business since we talked instantly and almost entirely about work for 20 minutes, was eerily fortuitous. It was like she knew I was writing this week about work and relationships.
“You have the mistress project because it makes you feel young,” she said, telling me about her decision to write 50 pages of a Romance novel. “The problem is that you think ‘Maybe I should leave my wife for this younger project.’” She had submitted the first chunk of her frivolous manuscript to an agent, and, to her horror, the agent loved it. Now she has to live with it for a while. She has to explain to her previous project that they are either in a polyamorous marriage now or about to enter a trial separation. Plus, she had to see if the mistress project was wife material or if she’d fall into the same patterns as her previous relationship. OK. We get the metaphor.
“I’m afraid my new mistress is buying dollar records,” I said, watching the traffic go by, sipping from a lid-off paper cup full of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee that, between the time I’d spent looking at records and chatting in the parking lot, had turned cold. I felt the urge to rush back into the store and apologize to Timmy the manager for stepping out. I worried he’d already re-shelved my copy of The Go-Go’s Beauty And The Beat or that someone had seen the Tears For Fears on the top of “my” unpurchased heap and bought it for himself. This shopping trip was supposed to be an Artist Date (I guess the metaphor is still going), a weekly outing you do solo to engage with your Muse before journalling about it because a book called The Artist’s Way says it’s the only way to remain creative. You woo the Muse by engaging with art alone. Typically, I’d go to a museum or a movie by myself for my Artist Date but I’d had a record player for over 2 months and had only amassed a measly hundred-plus albums in my house so far. My next Artist Date will be a trip to IKEA to buy a shelf to hold more.
“No, Dan.” My brilliant friend said, “Replacing your main project with records or books is like saying you’re not going to have a mistress and instead get into sex dolls. You need a creative project.”
Read the rest of the essay here.
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lunar-years · 1 month
The batshit thing about the R/K shippers hating on Jamie is that Keeley and Roy both love Jamie. The haters have completely ignored every character beat and growth and instead focused on "het couple is always end game" and got pissed when that didn't happen because it turns out their characters are more nuanced than that.
they mischaracterize all three of them to an insane degree because they for some reason feel the constant need to prove that R/K are the healthiest most well adjusted couple in the history of television and Jamie possesses absolutely zero threat to their relationship whatsoever because they both are merely 'putting up with him' at best or secretly hate him at worst (all of which are laughable claims to anyone who has watched the show with their eyes open, and possesses even the most meager analysis skills in their brains).
I also think the way they talk about R/K is often so reductive if not genuinely gross (in addition to just being like, generally of a heteronormative flavor)...and that's the ship they're meant to LIKE. like there were people yesterday screaming about how "Roy would NEVER share Keeley!!!1!!!" and it's like...well Keeley isn't a toy they're passing around or hogging, so jot that down. She's a person with her own agency, who isn't with... get this... EITHER ONE OF THEM at the end of the series!!! Yeah, that includes ROY!!! So Roy at the moment really has zero say in whether she wants to fuck Jamie again or not, lmao. she's every bit as capable of getting back together with him as she is Roy post canon. and if they were together, opening their relationship to someone else would be...a mutual decision...because Keeley is a whole character of her own and not just a prop for your male fav...
And then there's the whole "well we ship something that's actually CANON and therefore BETTER, whereas R/J & RJK shippers are just weaving mystical delusions because they're ~desperate for representation~ or whatever. Which is apparently why the Apple TV account and even the actors should never, ever so much as allude to RJK again, because it diminishes their "real and correct" couple. Again, NEITHER PAIRING IS EVEN ENDGAME CANON.
And finally, all the little ways they constantly try to mask the fact that they just hate Jamie because he's in the way of their ship with "real analysis" that boils down to such riveting takes as: "Jamie = Irredeemable and Bad because he hurt Keeley three seasons ago" "Roy = baby boy who has never hurt Keeley ever in his life and is perfect for her in every which way. oh? here's a canonical scene where Roy is canonically hurting Keeley? WELL, that's just bad writing. OOC, that is. the writers just suck. my favorites cannot be flawed"
anyway...I love roykeeley in the very specific way they exist in my head but i really need the r/k diehards to like... step back and accept the fact that they canonically BROKE UP and are not inherently perfect and better than any other ship between flawed characters. go read fanfiction and imagine the ending of your choosing to your heart's content, like the rest of us, and stop targeting social media managers jumping on the latest silly internet meme. sorry for the rant it's just....so fucking irritating
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mariacallous · 9 months
Maybe A League of Their Own was doomed to strike out. A passion project in all senses of the word, it was a reboot hell-bent on showing the queer lives in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League that never made it into the 1992 movie. More succinctly, it was the kind of reimagining (long-form, prestige-y, tapping into an existing niche fanbase) that often only gets a shot thanks to a deep-pocketed streamer. It got to play one season. Last spring, Amazon Prime Video renewed it for a truncated second one. Last Friday, that plug got pulled; Amazon pointed the finger at the ongoing writers’ and actors’ strikes.
Abbi Jacobson, the Broad City star who co-created the series, hit Instagram to say that blaming the cancelation on the strikes was “bullshit and cowardly,” but the fact remains: The show’s life on Prime Video is over. Amazon also canceled the second season of the William Gibson adaptation The Peripheral, despite having renewed it back in February. Hollywood is a ruthless business, no matter which network or streamer a show calls home.
When the world looks back in, say, 30 years, the halcyon days of streaming will be looked upon as optimistic and fleeting—a time when Silicon Valley largesse meant Amazon would drop hundreds of millions of dollars on the Tolkien adaptation Rings of Power and Netflix would back money trucks up to Shonda Rhimes’ house so she could develop Bridgerton. In all likelihood, those kinds of deals will still exist in 2053, but as competition in the streaming space gets tighter, the moonshot projects will likely be fewer and the emphasis on return-on-investment will only increase.
This writing has been on the wall for a while, but got reinforced this week when The Hollywood Reporter pointed out that streamers are increasingly guiding users to ad-supported versions of their services, largely by increasing the cost of their ad-free tiers. Earlier this month, Disney announced that the cost per month of Disney+ and Hulu would be going up three bucks. Paramount+ swapped its $10 ad-free plan for a $12 one that includes Showtime. Netflix offers a $7/month ad-backed plan and a premium one that costs more than $15. Peacock, in July, upped the price of its ad-supported version by one dollar and its ad-free iteration by two.
As long foretold, this all just seems like streaming becoming the new cable TV. Now that there are more streaming services than there used to be network television stations, people are trying to save money on all those subscriptions. If ads help them do that, so be it.
But if every streamer is just a TV network, or some sort of modern-day HBO-in-the-'90s equivalent, that could leave content like The Peripheral or A League of Their Own in the lurch. Advertisers want to know they’re reaching eyeballs, and shows with small, albeit devoted, fanbases may not be the ones to lure those ad execs in. Once again, any show that isn’t at the level of a Seinfeld or Cheers may only get a season or two. The prestige stuff could still go to networks like Showtime or HBO, networks that traditionally got away with more because they didn’t have to worry about advertisers, but even HBO—and its streaming home Max—is run by someone who comes from Discovery and, as The New Yorker detailed this week, has become a “Hollywood antihero.”
There’s also the matter of live sports. For years, live sports has been the thing that has kept fans from fully cutting cable cords. But as Hulu, Amazon, YouTube, Apple, and others have moved to incorporate sports into their offerings, the necessity of getting ESPN or something like NBA League Pass via cable subscription has gone down. That’s cool and all, but it also means those wanting to follow the NFL now do so via a half-dozen networks, including Prime Video. And advertisers are following them.
This is what we mean when we say no one is winning the streaming wars. It’s not that one day there won’t be streaming services, or that just one or two will dominate, it’s that eventually mergers, consolidations, and spinoffs will leave viewers choosing between a handful of channels they really want, just like they chose cable packages in the past. All the networks will be vying to offer the most-viewed content, not niche shows like Minx. Maybe the Hollywood strikes will end and streamers, which are bargaining alongside the studios, will start paying the same residuals networks do. Maybe Apple will buy Disney after all. Maybe no one will be in their own league.
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randomnameless · 29 days
I recently watched some TV and happened on Amazon's Fallout tv show -
I never played the games but I think ultimately it didn't matter that much since the series is pretty self-explanatory, but what I really liked is how the heroine, despite being backstabbed, betrayed and insulted for like, the majority of her time "outside" in the post apocalyptic world where people excuse this sort of behaviour as "doing whatever it takes to survive", she still remains the kind of person who upholds, whenever she can, the values from her sheltered life (lol) in a peaceful community of mutual aid and refuses - unless necessary - to behave like the people who mistreated her.
There's a scene where someone, who used her as a bait to lure a giant mutated fish, forced her to drink radioactive water and I think it's implied had her indulge in cannibalism, sells her to people who traffic human organs in exchange for some medicine - the heroine survives but when she sees her former captor on the ground, on death's door because of the lack of medicine, she still gives him some, because she still believe in the rule she was taught, to not inflict on someone the things you wouldn't want to be inflicted on yourself.
And I liked how this positive/naive way - at odds with the general atmosphere from this "post nuclear world" - is portrayed with shady group of people whom you are led to believe engage in human experimentations and want to keep a secret at all costs... but when the heroine discovers this secret and is found out, the shady group of people, far from executing her... just throw her out of their community, and give her food/drinks to survive outside.
Ultimately, when she meets the person who is the reason why she had to live her "shelter/vault" and venture outside, because that person kidnapped her father and killed people living in her vault - instead of killing her or planting a bomb in the, uh, thing she was supposed to exchange for her father, again, asks her to please return her dad in exchange for the "thing she brought".
Of course plot happens - but where I expected some "I had some life experiences and now I'm #badass and #jaded and #sweareverytenwordstoshowhowbadassibecame", I was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't the case.
Maybe it's just the first season and it'll change later on.
And I compared this to the few episodes of some random indian tv show where we follow two policemen dealing with terrorists setting bombs -
In true "early 2000" shows, the officers don't hesitate to, uh, break the protocol and use force to interrogate people - to the point of, when they have to interrogate a grandpa suspected of money laundering, they pick his grandson at school and bring him to the warehouse where grandpa is being interrogated, which makes grandpa talk, of course because the policemen brought grandson as a thinly veiled threat... - and I thought we were back in the era of "gritty" antiheroes who do "bad stuff" but for the "greater good" so they get a pass -
I still don't know if the writers intended to convey this message, but karma striked back when, one of the policeman has to corner a terrorist who, in turn, uses a kid as a hostage.
Of course, being a "nice" person, he puts the kid's safety above his own, much like the grandpa who talked to protect his grandkid, and the terrorist got what he wanted - the policeman was killed, much like the policeman got his intel after threatening grandpa - and didn't kill the kid afterwards.
If you use a kid as a hostage, what makes you think the same thing can't happen to you?
Coupled with the fact that his operation to arrest/corner the terrorists was mounted "outside" of the proper regulations and organisations, because they wanted to strike fast - meant they had no backup and ultimately ended up in a mess, with the death of one of the two policemen and the terrorist escaping - and this is a valid point that is, well, brought out by the female lead to which the surviving policeman has nothing to reply, because she's right.
(I keep my expectations low for the next episodes because of experience)
Anyways, watching those two series really lampshaded that I'm too old for the #dark and #gritty and #realism, and I'm maybe not the only one.
Being kind/nice hero is always harder than becoming dark/jaded antihero, but hey, at the end of the day, if you complain about murdered babies when you already murdered some, are you fighting for the "greater good" or are you just a hypocrite?
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htbthomas · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @ghostcat3000!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I don't have a regular fandom right now, I mostly just write for exchanges, and usually one-offs. But AO3 lists Superman Returns (2006), Smallville, Community (TV), Forever (TV 2014) and Arrow (TV 2012) at the top of my dashboard - fandoms I was active in during the first 10 years of fic writing.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?*
Heart-Shaped Bruise (Amazing Spider-Man movie, Peter/Flash, 17K words)
Mona Lisa Smile (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Jake/Holt, 2k words)
Exclusive (The Story of the Century Remix) (Superman/Batman crossover, Clark/Bruce, 356 words)
Hero at Heart (Amazing Spider-Man movie, Peter/Flash, sequel to Heart-Shaped Bruise, 37k words)
Transform (Miraculous Ladybug, Adrien/Ladybug, 43k words)
*If FFN showed kudos or AO3 existed when I started, then Deja Vu (Superman Returns) would be in this list as well.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Pretty much within 1-2 days, though spammy comments get a pass.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um, wow, not sure. Maybe Hero at Heart? The reactions to it are pretty mixed and strong. It was meant to be bittersweet, but I definitely didn't thread the needle between the two as well as I'd hoped.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
99.9% of the rest! Couldn't choose, honestly.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hero at Heart doesn't really get hate, but yeah. Once I got a Goodreads-style review of Deja Vu on FFN that picked apart every choice they disagreed with.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes. It's not my go to, but in longer fics I will often add it near the end. Just a few fics are devoted to it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have - about 11, according to my crossover tag. I think the craziest/most fun one is #AngelAss, a B99/Daredevil crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had a few fics translated to Russian, but I didn't tag them so I can't remember which ones!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I co-wrote a few for Superman Returns and the Raimi Spider-Man films.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Clark/Lois wins for highest number of words devoted to them. I've written 31 fics in 5 different media adaptations.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The only WIP I have now is for Yuletide. The other semi-WIPs are abandoned, and tagged that way.
16. What are your writing strengths?
People say that my dialogue is very in-character!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I tend to move the plot and dialogue along and spend little time setting a scene.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have not written any dialogue in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Raimi Spider-Man films, specifically post-Spider-Man 2.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ugh, I could never choose!
- O -
Tagging @argylepiratewd @empressearwig @hondagirll @xenokattz @boasamishipper
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myswatchlist · 1 year
i just finished watching fleabag. when i started the show and while i was watching most of it i was just simply enjoying it, not thinking too deeply about what any of it meant or how seriously it is able to relate to real life. i am not a writer, and this blog is mostly for myself. but in case youre reading, heres what i thought about fleabag.
it was the ending and the fact that its over that really did it for me. i hate (i love) when shows have an actual impact on me. i will be thinking about "it'll pass" forever. or until i forget about it. and then i'll see some post online talking about the ending of fleabag, or i'll talk to someone about the show, and then i'll be thinking about it again.
this show is about loneliness to me. and i'm so glad i watched it now. i am 20 years old, i've been on summer break from school for about a week, and i haven't seen any of my friends. i've spent the past year or so running away from being alone. i got out of a year long relationship (my first serious relationship. i was 17 when it started) and immediately attached myself to someone else. when we broke up i clung to my friends. i haven't known what it was like to be alone since i was a child and probably at my lowest and i am learning how to be by myself and how to be my own friend as an adult.
all media, like tv shows, just shows the most intense version of an emotion or life event. i don't want to be the kind of person who puts everything i have into a tv show and thinks so so deeply about it, but it's interesting (and honestly useful) to use media like tv that is meant for entertainment and use it as a way to reflect. this is honestly why i wanted to start this blog. half of it is the fact that i just like to talk about movies and tv shows after i watch them and have so many thoughts, but the other half is that i know in all parts of my life i need to get to know myself and what my emotions mean.
since the beginning of theater it was meant to force audiences to feel certain emotions. and that is still consistent through movies and tv shows today. i've sort of strayed from fleabag here. throughout the show fleabag is searching for something. and the audience is used as her escape and comfort throughout as she breaks the fourth wall. the commentary on religion and human connection here is mind blowing. only the priest ever notices that something is happening when she breaks the fourth wall. fleabag uses her comments to us, the audience, in the same comforting way that people can use religion.
side note, again, i'm not a writer, so i'm just sort of rambling here, it may not make sense. but that's okay.
anyway, i have a deep appreciation for the way each of the characters find love at the end of the show. or at least everyone gets what it is they really need, whether or not it feels good and whether or not its what they think they want.
i think i have to be done writing this now. theres no closure in this post but i've written a lot. probably more than i should have, but if i keep going i don't think i'll stop. i have so many thoughts and i will keep thinking about this show. i enjoyed it. i'm usually not a fan of endings but i liked this one and i appreciate how it was unfulfilling in a very fulfilling way.
i'll get better at this. bye!
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bowtiesnmusicals · 1 year
Here is my recap of the Birth of a Show part 1 (Ian Brennan) episode of the podcast.
It's probably obvious from the title but this will be two parts.
Kevin said buckle up kids. Ian doesn't sit for a lot of interviews but once you get him talking he doesn't stop.
They talked about Ian's kids.
Ian said he has always been an old lady at heart.
Ian wrote the screenplay for Glee when he was 27 and 30 when he moved out Los Angeles to start working on the show.
Ian thought it was all going to disappear and was frugal for a long time. He had a dolphin colored Camry. Amber and Jenna left him a note after finding a dead bee in the car telling him it was time to get rid of it. At some point the bumper started to fall off.
The screenplay for Glee was originally meant to be a movie.
Ian was in show choir and hated it. He thought it was very weird because it doesn't really exist outside of high school.
Ian could never square the circle of being a show choir nerd.
When Ian was living in New York news broke that his old show choir director was going to prison for inappropriate sexual conduct with a student. Kevin conjectured that this was the origin of Sandy Ryerson.
Ian's girlfriend at the time told him that something like that happened at her school. Only it was a male teacher and male student. They ran off together and they are still together and happily married. Ian was like this is the first scene of a movie.
Ian is not trained as writer. He had tried to write plays but he found they are hard for him to write. They have to be important but tv and movies just have to be good.
Ian was a theater major.
Even being a theater nerd Ian knew tv is way more ubiquitous and more people consume it.
The original screenplay was very strange, dry, and dark. It was very different then what Glee would become and more like Virgin Suicides. He knew it was good but it just sat in a drawer for awhile.
People didn't seem interested and thought that no one knew about show choir.
Ian did not hand his script to Ryan Murphy. Someone else passed it on to him.
Ian remembers the day he sat down for the first time with Ryan and Brad. They clicked immediately and Ryan suggested to make it a tv show.
During this time he was doing a play in Kentucky. He liked the people he was working with but hated the play.
Ian said there is a bit of survivors guilt when you make it in Hollywood. You ask yourself why me.
Ian never really got bothered by the fame the show got and he thought it was weird. He can't imagine what it must have been like for Chris because he was so young. He doesn't know how anyone comes out normal on the other end. Kevin and Jenna joked that they are just barely normal.
Jenna asked if the screenplay was a musical. Ian said no it was not.
When the show was pitched they said that no one would break out into song. They broke that in like the second episode.
The cast even had it in their talking points. This wasn't high school musical. They only sang in appropriate places.
Ian is hard on himself about the show.
Ian usually ends up apologizing for it. He said the first 13 episodes were the best. There are whole sections that he doesn't remember.
Kevin and Jenna said they apologize for the show too.
Ian said if you look back it's all very good but it mostly holds up.
He said Glee did sort of the opposite of Big Bang Theory. He said no one really knew Big Bang Theory was on until season 4 but Glee really quickly gained popularity. It was hard to keep that up.
Ian said his job was mostly commenting on the show through Sue.
Glee was one of the last shows to be shot on film. That alone was really expensive. They were ableo to offset the cost with music sales.
The show changed and became aware of itself.
Nowadays even at it's lowest point Glee would be one of top viewed shows. There aren't as many people watching live tv.
The pilot did better in Australian then it did in the US.
Jenna asked if Ian always wrote for Sue an how hard was it to write for her? Ian said about 98% of her stuff was written by him but not in the pilot. It was super easy to write because Jane was such a good actress. He was able to find Sue's voice in his head and go from there. He said it was fun to be able to comment on anything and everything that happened on the show. Writing for Sue became a release but also a joy. It's also unusual in television to be allowed to have one character to yourself.
Jena asked how often did they make him rewrite Sue's stuff. He said he doesn't think you get a Donald Trump without a Sue Sylvester. He said I did this to us. Back to the question he said Ryan was good at swatting away dumb feedback. The broadcast standards and practice people who like the prescreeners really liked the show. They waned to try to get stuff across. Brand names are really hard to get across on television. Ian said it's all about the joke. He would just use the brand name and deal with the consequences later.
Kevin asked how stoked Ian was when Jane was cast. Kevin asked if he was a big Jane fan. Ian said yeah. He also said Sue wasn't in the original pilot. They did a notes call with Kevin Riley and he loved it but he said they needed an antagonist. Ryan came up with a cheerleading coach played by Jane Lynch. Now looking back the show wouldn't be the same without her.
Ian, Brad, and Ryan had such an amazing chemistry they were able to be able to turnout anything and everything really really rapidly. They didn't hire a writing staff at first and wrote 46 episodes by themselves. That is no easy feat.
Kevin said there is only one episode of season 1 that is a clunker and that is Funk. He said that the commentary buy Sue and Santana was great though.
At a certain point during glee entertainment journalism moved online. Ian said all of it is bad except this podcast of course. It was jut full of snark. This put Glee in a feedback loop of critiscism.
This is where the first part ends.
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caveatscriptor · 1 year
S.A.B. S2: Episode 8
Here we are. Not Kaz giving Nik the cane and saying he has more experience with pain. 😣
“Yes my man! I mean we haven’t put a label on it.” Jesper you are the only one who makes me laugh in such a dire mood.
“Make them redraw all the maps” ahhhhhh “I love you” “You know where to find me” When I tell you I cried. This scene right here, it hurt me a thousand times more in the tv show than in the books.
Inej should’ve been able to keep that blade after all the slaying she did with it and looking so good at the same time. I swear she should at least add a sword to her arsenal. That’s it. It’s all that I need
“The world doesn’t need a saint to protect it, it needs a monster.” And he was ready to be it. He even tried to save Alina from his own nichevoya. Which is also a big difference from the books. It really threw me off how he made sure she wouldn’t get hurt whatsoever. Anyhow, I which we got the darkling’s book quote while he lay dying, being afraid of dying alone. That’s all, otherwise, great performance. I also prefer that Alina kept her powers instead of passing them to random people.
So… Alina is the one that brings back Mal with merzost. I LOVE THIS CHANGE. ITS PERFECT CANNON DIVERGENCE. And they even mention the plan that actually happens in the books but, this is much better and less convoluted and it gives Alina’s character a “well, when are the consequences going to kick in?”.
The ruby and the ring schematics. I… don’t touch me. I can’t. We didn’t even have proper Genya and David time. Leave me in this corner crying alone.
“I don’t know what I’m meant for.” THIS! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY I AM! Through the books I wanted and needed Mal to be his own person, and he’s getting it in the tv show. It’s going to be glorious. When I heard he got to be Sturmhond I shouted, TAKE INEJ WITH YOU! I’m so happy. This is really smart of the writers, truly. I want to be part of that ships’ crew. That really is one of the best ideas they had. And Mal really suits Sturmhond. It’s fantastic. I’m in love with it. I’m just a bit… were they foreshadowing Tolya and Inej or was that just me? Just me?
“I will have you without your armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.” They said the quote, and all the other quotes. This convo at the church. Write this in my tombstone. It was perfect, and truly, both Inej and Mal need time apart from the people they love. They need a new perspective and finding themselves. Ah. But Kanej was so good this season.
The fact that I literally thought “huh maybe Nikolai will now give Mal the lucky compass” and he did. Ah! I wish we had more bonding time between these two. Honestly.
“I’m not kissing you if you’re not thinking of me instead of trying to forget him.” This was the line that made me fall for this man. Ahhhhhhh. So good 😍 and the fact that he admits that he would be completely alone if not for Alina. Oh, and Alina’s crown 😍😍😍 it looks so good on her
So Alina is actually staying and being the leader of the Second Army (this is all I’ve wanted for the books, you don’t understand); but the triumvirate being Zoya, Genya and Alina is a bit weird. I still wish they would get another person. But it’s fine. These three are actually becoming one of my favorite trios. It’s just really for logics’ sake that I wanted that. “I look amazing in blue.” Zoya!! The triumvirate will be a success I’m sure 😂
So they have the fjerdan jurda parem attack and Alina uses a shadow cut. I have theories, but it doesn’t make much sense, because in the show the darkling never hurt her, so it’s weird that she’s wielding his power. If it’s merely because he’s dead she gets both powers it doesn’t make sense, because for all the time he existed he never got that. So I don’t know? Will we see a power hungry Alina? That would be interesting 😌
Btw Nik… during the coronation… he looked so good it isn’t fair 😣
Love Kaz’s new cane. Love that we may be getting the ice court job. Hate that Pekka got into Matthias’ skin and Nina lost his pardon in the most stupid way possible. (Btw after the interviews when Matthias’ actor said he hadn’t been with the other crows yet, I immediately thought he would be on Hellgate the whole season… but like… I wish we had a bit more of him going insane from being in prison and from turning his back on being a druskelle… that’s all. Matthias deserved that… but oh well)
Final thoughts
Anyway, all in all a good season. Will we possibly have Ben Barnes back as the darkling??? Nobody knows. But I really liked most of the changes, especially to how it panned out during the confrontation between Alina and the darkling in the fold and especially Mal’s character.
Hate that Nina and Matthias didn’t even have a scene alone together. Anything. Or at least a more Matthias centric part of him not knowing how to cope. I don’t know. I didn’t like his cell mate bit, sorry.
Kanej dominated the ships. They had so much chemistry and so many good scenes. It was great really.
Wesper… WE’VE BEEN ROBBED OF THE FIRST TIME THEY MET! Other than that; quite good.
David and Genya, it was so brief. It got snatched away from us so quickly. I wish they had more cute moments together first.
Will we have a Zoyalai centric season next? If yes, sign me up. Sign. Me. Up.
Best friendship dynamics this season: 1) Kaz and Nina; 2) Zoya and Nina; 3) Tolya and Jesper. There’s something about Nina needling Kaz. I just love how Zoya is all “we are soldiers and you are just an idiot in love making us look bad”. Tolya and Jesper it’s like they are so alike but then Tolya is more calm and Jesper has no idea of what that word means 😂.
Best characters/character arcs: 1) Genya; 2)Mal; 3) Baghra. Genya had her poison monologue, and it was great in the books and the show carried it out well. But the actress was really outstanding, she had a lot of drama this season and she delivered. Mal… I just love the changes, and I truly hope we get to see him shine and be and discover himself. Well done writers/show runners. Baghra, I just love how we truly got her personality down and how she went down and still helped the good guys, even if it was against her son. She’s one of the most nuanced characters in the show.
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djemsostylist · 2 years
Forever & Always, Part 1
So, for those of you that are new or uninitiated, my fandom life online actually started out bc of The Vampire Diaries. See, way back, oh, 2010ish, I was in grad school and probably bordering on what might be gently described as a "depressive time" wherein I needed a sort of escape from reality. And so I turned to a teenage vampire drama. TVD gained me a tumblr, and a livejournal, and honestly an A03 account, and a FF.net account and taught me how to make gifs and to converse in the great wide world of fandom. I was by no means a large voice in the TVD world, but I was probably in at least tier 3. If you go back far enough, it's all TVD, all the way down. In fact, it took until Steve Rogers for Stefan Salvatore to be dethroned as the top tag on my tumblr.
That is all to say, that like many things, TVD had it's time in my life, and then I moved on. By mid season 4 I'd had my fill of teen vampire drama, and I declared myself well free of it all. TVD, The Originals, Legacies--I was over it. No need to go back and tread through waters I knew would be rough. I loved TVD for what it was and the potential it had, and I'll never regret that time in my life, but I had moved on. The need had passed and I had other fandoms to fill my time.
The Originals came out bc of a conversation with @disisphlebotinum where she was convinced I'd finally be able to get a ship that actually ended up good. I'd avoided The Originals for a long time, mostly because I knew that the show runner was a menace, and that one of her long time writers also had a reputation for being...bad. (Julie and Carina are menaces I swear). I wasn't down for more mess. But I had time and stuff to keep me busy while I watched, and I've always had a soft spot for Elijah (Daniel Gillies gives him something that makes me weak in the knees) so I thought "why not?". I've watched worse trash for less.
The Originals did the thing a few other shows have done to me, where it sort of sneaks up on me and then before I know it, it's got me by the throat. I've talked about this before on my blog, but I think there is a difference between good and good, and The Originals, much like TVD before it, is not good. The writing is inconsistent, their ability to maintain character consistency for more than 3 seasons is 0, and they both suffer from the problem of "how can you up the stakes when the stakes are already so high?". Like most tv shows, The Originals suffered from too many characters, a surplus of plot, a dash of cringe, and as ever, the eternal curse of going on just a little bit too long (season 5, I mean you). But, like many a trash show before, The Originals also suffers from a case of potential. The ideas of TO, and the characters they created, are intriguing enough that in better, more competent hands, I think it could have been something truly special.
And so, in classic Djem fashion, I'm going to overanalyze a thing which was never meant to be analyzed in the first place, and I'm going to attempt to put my thoughts about this show in order in an attempt to find some sort of closure to this throwback chapter in my fandom life. Any show that gets me to cry at a season finale is, in my opinion, worthy of at least some level of analysis. That, and perhaps I love talking just a bit too much about things that really, in the end, do not matter.
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moonstone27ls · 18 days
just a random thought
Anybody ever check out this youtube account called The Take? I only pass it once a blue moon. I did like their video on Cinderella. But a couple of weeks ago I noticed this video
Now I'm not gonna go into a lot of detail/or rant for two reasons. One, I'm not black. Or a minority... I think (look not getting into that can of worms). But I did sit down and listen to it because at thumbnail glance I didn't know what they meant.
But then after I listen to it... I sat down and saw of couple examples that made me think "Omg they're sooo right". And... its still a thing? " even after this video was made. Again not gonna get to detail. I'm just having an "aha" moment cause I've been watching TV.
Lets see comic wise, (and this will probably offend a Wandavision fan, no you're not welcome8B). Comic wise, Wanda aka Scarlet Witch had finally dumped Vision and I was okay with that. Comic wise he was a bore. Maybe he was fun in old years but now he's boring.
Secondly, I thought Wanda could do better. And they gave her Jericho Drumm aka Doctor/or Brother Voodoo. And I thought at first glance "Oh he's got a great design". And I don't know a lot about him. Maybe we'll get more story. Nope. Wandavision came out, Marvel suddenly forgot she had a good thing going. Now everywhere I turn its Vision, its Vision. He can't/or won't leave her alone. Even though he's made/or had two different relationships and kids which he ditched one pair.
I'm like "Why are focusing on him?". What happened to Jericho? Only analysis... Jericho's not selling. They literally scrapped him (even though they didn't finish/or get to explore it more) for Wandavision. Gah and ever since the MCU I hate Vision more cause he's a pointless trope. But anywayyyys back to another example.
Second/and third is TV examples. Second is an old entry but I'm gonna use it. Boy Meets World. Angela and Shawn were a GREAT couple and I do mean a great couple. Angela should had been the end game.
But at the end of the day the writers?/creator/or Disney?(dunno who to blame and don't care).... didn't value Angela and pushed her aside for the white chick.
Then there's an ABC show Will Trent. Season 2, I was very hopeful. Will Trent was flirting with a lovely black lady Cricket. And I thought "Oh good a HEALTHY relationship". Nope episode 1, they literally kill her off.
Whats the motivation? Only for the writers to push him back to Angie, the toxic white girlfriend. Besides that trope, I guess it also counts as fridging. Such a waste of actress.
And I'm just gonna point this out, not counting TV shows. Disney's guilty of this themselves. Now I don't entirely think they mean to do it on purpose. But just looking I'm noting this I'm looking at their FEATURE films. I think with all this whole "FEMINISM" means "we don't need a man/love story" into the movies.
Which at first I get. Now animated(2D) only three of the Disney princesses are of color with a relationship. (Sorry not counting Pocahontas thats a historical mess. Sorryyy) But since transitioning into CGI... none of the new princesses are getting a love interests. The ones of color. The white ones did aka Anna and Rapunzel. Even if we argue "Oh Elsa will get one" again she's still white. And no not counting Encanto either. Uhh cause the focus is usually Isabella and Luisa, they're single. Same for Maribel but she's a kid so not holding her to it. Do I count Dolores... pft sorry no. I blame the writers on that.
But none of the new princesses of color have gotten one. Not even Asha, Asha would have gotten one originally but they scrapped it.
Now again before someone jumps me. I don't think they mean to do it on purpose.
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savvy-devine666 · 4 months
I found this fanfic writers questionnaire (I did not come up with the questions etc) so I decided it would be fun to do!
Tag people and pass on the fun!
@ilya-halfelven @officialtrashbin @girl-next-door-writes
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Hazbin Hotel (Web Series) (35)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (33)
Sherlock (TV) (14)
Helluva Boss (Web Series) (10)
Durarara!! (6)
Thor (Movies) (5)
Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies) (4)
Descendants (Disney Movies) (4)
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (3)
The Cuphead Show! (Cartoon) (3)
The Sandman (TV 2022) (2)
Soul Eater (Anime & Manga) (2)
(There are more but these are fandoms I’ve written more than once for)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Everything Will be OK (Helluva Boss)
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and a half (Marvel Cinematic Universe 
Avengers United (Marvel Cinematic Universe 
Blitzos’ Harlequinade  (Helluva Boss)
Cross My Heart, hope to Die (Marvel Cinematic Universe) 
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angestiest ending?
A Ray of Light We Never Knew  (Sherlock)
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Virgo Liberation  (Sherlock)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I got a comment that simply read ‘what was the point’ once though.
9.  Do you write smut?
10.  Do you write crossovers/what’s the craziest  one you’ve written?
Sort of but nothing that crazy since Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel technically take place in the same universe, as does the MCU 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I believe so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’ve helped a friend with some of their fics before, writing for a  certain character or  a chapter etc.
14. What’s your favourite ship?
Proxima Midnight/Corvus Glaive
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Adventures in Inkwell Isle (Cuphead series)
And honestly most of my long standing WIPS XD
16.  What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing for actually popular characters lol
I don’t like writing combat scenes simply because I don’t know if what I’m writing is matching what I’m visualising in my head
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
If i do, which is rare, I do just default to google translate but always with a note in the chapter to let the reader know there could be discrepancies because of that, and I include the rough translation/what I meant it to say.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Either Land Before Time or Dreamworks’ Shark Tale when I was 12
20.  Favourite fic you’ve written?
Lie Beside me (Sherlock)
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and half (Marvel)
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zwatchtowerz · 1 year
I wrote this little 600 words thing for a Teen Wolf community, but nobody understood what I was going for. I know I'm a shitty writer but apparently, I need to share it here to confirm that indeed, I am a shitty writer, and what in my mind was clear and awesome, with a little mystery until the reveal, was actually a mess. No tag were added so I can still confuse people here, thank you.
The Envelope
It was going to be a great week. Mondays weren't her favorite days, but there was a feeling that something big would happen, that something would change her mood for the week. It better be good, she had plans, PLANS for Friday. 
Mondays meant school started again and that alone was enough to make her not like that much Mondays. The first day of the week always meant mentally cursing at everything. She saw teenagers brooding and parents with kids crying their lungs off in the backseat, and wondered how a little cute baby could grow up to be… that. don’t get her wrong, she liked kids, but she had enough of her life as it was.  
She got up the bed and went with her normal routine for breakfast. She was more tired than usual, but nothing that coffee wouldn't cure. Lately, she was feeling nauseous and with a headache that didn't go away as easily as normal. She blamed it on her age, laughing that she was becoming a grandma.  
But Friday would be amazing. 
Friday was Valentine’s day. 
There wasn't a specific reason, but she wanted this Valentine’s to be special. There was an order for roses, because who said a woman couldn't buy flowers for the love of her life? Candles and nice dishes. Even a fancy tablecloth, one like that reminded her of a restaurant. They would stay at home because going out was overrated and pricy. She knew he was too busy with work and he would want a nice night in. 
But before all the surprises, she needed to pass Monday.  
Monday sucked. 
She looked at the envelope, already open and lying on the bed. She made an appointment with a doctor the week before and now she had the results. So the nausea and the headache weren't because she was getting stressed and tired. 
“What I’m going to do now?”, she mumbled. 
Monday turned Tuesday and turned Wednesday. Night become morning and the week passed in a blur. She tried to keep going as usual, but it was hard when the only thing she could think of was The Envelope. She went through the motions, waking up, breakfast, school, lunch, homework, cleaning, dinner, and repeat. 
Valentine's day arrived, making her heart hurt. God, she was so excited about that and now she was a ball of worry.
 She should tell him, this affected both of them. She loved him so much and the news would change everything. There wasn't a single doubt in her heart that he would stay with her through all of it. But her heart also wanted him to enjoy the night date without worry between them. A romantic comedy on the tv as background noise, where love was the solution to all. 
She heard the car arriving at the house and the decision was made. Not tonight. She smiled, trying to show the love and adoration she had for him, and gave him a slow kiss as a welcome. 
“I wasn't expecting this reception”, he said, his arms still around her waist. “Happy Valentine's day.“ Something in her eyes was different, she knew that and he noticed it. 
“You know, whatever is it, you can tell me”, he said. 
“Tomorrow. Let me have tonight”
They ate, talked, laughed, and later cuddle on the couch, half paying attention to the movie, half talking low about everything and nothing. The red roses in a vase decorated the living room next to pictures of her family. 
Upstairs, hidden in a drawer was The Envelope, the incurable diagnosis with the complicated name inside, waiting for her to be brave enough. Downstairs, a deputy was smiling as his wife told him the story of their 8 year old son asking a million questions about why he was sent to spend the night at his best friend's house and why there were so many red things around the house with the shape of a heart. 
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sometimesrosy · 1 year
Do you carry around your favorite characters in your head? Also, do you imagine conversations they should have had while you go about the daily ritual of living? Hopefully, even just one person does the same thing or I might need help. :) Uh my character even fulfilled their purpose in the story and passed away and it's been almost a decade since her last episode but I just want to see her reunite in the afterlife with her husband. And I just know they are never going to film it but I love both characters so much.
Do I?
Not tv or movie characters lately, since I got out of my obsessive phase. When I look back it was when I was going through a hard time and my show characters were a way I could live without triggering my ptsd.
But am I ever obsessive over characters? Oh yeah. Certainly I am. I'm a writer and the book characters I have created have a very busy life in my head.
Although, that's when I'm actively writing. I have learned to quiet my mind so that it's not busy making up imaginary situations for them.
My method of quieting my mind is actually... reading books. Ha ha. Not joking. I have been reading historical romances for the last few years and I've found that they're formulaic enough so that I don't have to be actively thinking about them, fantastical enough that I don't have to think about the shit show of the real world, engaging enough that I stay interested.
If I were you I would write stories of those favorite characters. Or if you were me. Fan fiction is great for getting those stuck pieces of imagination out of your head. Once it's on the page I can let go of it and let it live on its own.
Human minds are meant to tell stories. We create stories out of anything we can. You are telling stories with the characters you love. Yeah I would write them down though, but it would drive me crazy not to.
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