#Is the closest answer
canisalbus · 8 months
Giordano please! I want to see him and young Machete.
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Giordano di Calabria, the future Archbishop of Naples, and his good-for-nothing apprentice.
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shootingstareon · 6 months
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guess my favourite p5 character challenge
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st-hedge · 2 months
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It wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card that I’d draw V again. Anyway I’ll go ahead ramble in the tags
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oyabun-draws · 2 months
Probably too late for the prompts but just in case I’m not... Simon comforting Baz after a coffin nightmare? Or AU where Simon’s the one who found him in the coffin? <3
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another extremely late prompt response
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chongoblog · 9 months
Hey I’ve noticed that you seems to have a lot of popular posts! I was wondering, if you don’t mind sharing, how much money do you make on average on Tumblr? Also how do you recommend a new blog begin building their audience? I’ve been trying to do some research myself but nothing really comes up on Google. Thank you for the help!
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hawkeyeslaughter · 5 months
Do you have any (minor) headcanons that you have little to no evidence for but you just believe them as if they were the truth?
oh god of course i do
— the nurses taught klinger how to hem , alter , even make some of his own clothes ; he gets so good at it that sometimes they just come to him with their needs
— the uke ( ? ) that hawkeye has hanging in the swamp ? he knows how to play it surprisingly well , he just never does unless drunker than usual
— radar put soles in his boots one time that made him taller and it took even hawkeye like a solid week to figure out what was different about him ( once he did , though , radar had no refuge from the teasing )
— the nurses hold regular gossip sessions and sometimes compare notes on the guys of the 4077th
— margaret knows how to cut hair , taught herself how to cut her own ( because she got sick of barbers not cutting it the way she wanted ) . has more than once had to come to the rescue of nurses who have marred their hair by taking the scissors to it
— in college bj was a relentless and revered hazer ( which is funny considering he barely got through his own hazing )
— hawkeye’s use of petnames ( “ darling “ , “ sweetheart “ , “ baby “ , etc etc ) are all picked up from trapper . prior to meeting him he hardly ever used them
— when oliver got his orders home , trapper and hawkeye threw him a rager in the swamp and were very badly hungover for their actual goodbye the next day
— father mulcahy has that thing where he hears a tune and can instantly play it on the piano
— charles falls asleep regularly during movie nights hawkeye and beej drag him to , usually on hawkeye’s shoulder
— trapper is colorblind . not like , drastically colorblind , but hawkeye finds out one day and teases him absolutely relentlessly for it
— trapper and oliver always did this bit where they pretended they were whispering things and wouldn’t tell hawkeye what they were saying because it was funny to watch hawkeye get all huffy and annoyed with them
— henry has to do the right / left things with his hands all the time ( PLSASE ITS SO STUPID )
— margaret has a crazy sweet tooth + sometimes bj asks peg to send sweets back specifically for margaret
— potter’s horse or pet names in general very rarely alter because he just can’t be bothered to come up with new creative ones . besides , tried and true always works
— klinger is a pool shark . idk why he is he just is . he has pool shark vibes
— trapper briefly considered going into pediatrics
— charles sometimes has very serious conversations with the camp strays ( mainly just voicing whatever he may be thinking of at the particular moment )
— radar sometimes likes to imagine he’s the protagonist in a superhero world and i mean why not . little dude is literally psychic
— hawkeye has a habit of ripping at his nails , klinger regularly checks them and manicures them for him
— the nurses and swamp rats regularly get involved in prank wars . the nurses are far more clever than some people realize
— hawkeye and trapper stood back to back once to see who was taller and had radar judge ( hawkeye tried to bribe radar to say it was him )
— one time margaret made frank cry so hard he threw up . good for her
— bj has weirdly good reflexes and can catch things while barely looking up , he has a habit of saying “ i knew i should’ve gotten into baseball “
— charles does that thing where someone asks him to do something and he says “ no “ while actively doing it
— the swamp rats are all actively ready to swing on anyone who upsets one of the nurses and that goes double for margaret . sometimes they actually do
— hawkeye has a pair of roller skates . do with this information what you will .
— father mulcahy is a self - taught painter
— henry tells the same stories more than once and hawkeye , trapper , and radar have a mutual agreement to pretend they’ve never heard them whenever this happens
— hawkeye and radar have made many a pinky promise , and never once did one get broken
— charles is surprisingly a god awful secret keeper , he tells most secrets to margaret
— henry is scared shitless of cats
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mollyyancey · 7 months
which touhou character would drive a toyota
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ran yakumo 2003 toyota sienna road rage incident
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frownyalfred · 1 month
It’s funny for two possible reasons: 1) Bruce looks even hotter with his hair mussed, sweaty, and starting to curl (duh) or 2) Clark is like WAIT, you have curly hair too?
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cloudabserk · 1 month
what was it like when naruto and sasuke realized that they had a crush on the other
i think sasuke likely only understood the significance of his feelings for naruto after he jumped in front of him to die. i think that’s a huge departure from dedicating his life to vengeance. and i think it probably factored into his decision to leave (itachi, orochimaru, and sasuke all indicate that sasuke cannot become powerful if he stays with naruto)
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and i think naruto realized what he felt for sasuke was… “different” after their reunion. seeing him for the first time in years. like i think he already knew their bond was special but he hasn’t had close friends or siblings so i think romance w sasuke had not occurred to him until. well basically after puberty hit and hormones kicked in 😭
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but that’s just when i think they became aware of what it meant. i think based on what we see in chapter 698 that it’s fair to say theyve had crushes on each other since they were 8
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tswwwit · 5 months
Not sure if this has been brought up before but, Billdip with a pet?
Neither of them really seem like Pet guys to me, more like Stuff In Jars kinda guys. But maybe petsitting for Mabel or someone else? I think the minute Dipper showed any affection for something other than Bill he would get really jealous and Dipper would think it's very funny and very annoying. I specifically like the idea of Bill vs a cat bc I think they would HATE him on instinct and they'd definitely hiss at eachother. Bill's very much of the opinion that pets are useless brainless hunks of flesh that eat your food, but he's also got very little competition in terms of Affection coming from Dipper and if HE doesn't get pets and treats, neither does this stupid creature that skulks around the house eating spiders and ripping up the carpet. That's BILL'S job
They really are both kinda Stuff In Jars guys, aren't they?
That being said, Dipper's absolutely the type to get suckered in by something cute if it showed him attention and affection. Likely he found it on the street, or rescued it from a monster; then of course claim he'd only keep it for like a day before bringing it to a shelter. Maybe two.
And he would, too! He is Responsible™ and wouldn't want to introduce a poor innocent animal to the vicinity of Bill.
UNLESS said creature was very Clever and Conniving and wormed its way into his heart, using all kinds of dastardly tricks and loving affection. Then two days turns into three, and to a week, until Bill knows with Dread Certainty that this slimy little hairball is here to stay.
It's probably a cat, let's be honest.
If for no other reason that Bill doesn't seem at all like a Dog Person. If he had to take that thing for WALKS and PICK UP after it, it'd be about two hours before he 'accidentally' left the door open during hours of heavy traffic - whereas a cat is standoffish and independent enough that they can safely spend their days ignoring each other in the same room.
But you just KNOW that he seethes with jealousy anytime Dipper gives that miserable feline a gentle kiss on the forehead.
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canisalbus · 11 months
baby machete's ears are a lot rounder and floppier, are they cropped as an adult or did he grow into them?
All dogs are born with floppy ears, it usually takes a while for the cartilage in them to harden enough for them to stay reliably upright all the time, especially if we're talking about big, tall bat ears like Machete has.
Here's some ibizan hound pups with unruly ears
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and adult ones
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No cropping involved. He's supposed to be somewhat of a late bloomer runt anyway so he retained the puppy ears into his early teens, longer than average. His design and demeanor gets progressively sharper, pointier and more unapproachable over the years.
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
genuine question: i thought communism ideology supported no states? what do you not support with communism?
Also: is PSL problematic/harmful? I hadn’t seen anything about them denying a genocide.
Apologies if this looks like I’m coming to you instead of research. Unfortunately research has lead my to discourse reddit threads and people speaking over another of what is true and right. It’s difficult for me to sort through what is actually backed and i always perfect to get first hand, personal opinions from individuals for conversation purposes! If this is inappropriate please lmk! I’m a fan of your blog and truly am just looking for more input and takes on our options and to know the best way to get involved in a community— and avoid getting involved with the wrong kind of people I don’t agree with!
Thank you in advance!! Hope your future doctor visits continue to treat you well!
So a classless, moneyless society is socialism.
There are branches of socialism the same way there can be democratic and Republican beliefs within capitalism.
So communism is socialism with a state/government. This is what PSL is and advocates for.
And yeah im stepping on a fucking beehive saying this but yeah, Marxists/Marxists-Leninists support a communist state. For this exact reason, they deny that China has been persecuting Uyghur people. They think if they deny the genocide is happening at all then communism will seem more "valid."
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Additionally, they think the genocide is little more than more anti-communist propaganda from the USA. Even Aljazeera has written about this.
Aside from that, yes PSL has organized with orgs like BLM before, but that said.... Ugh.
They speak over everyone. In fact, I've been told several times that they are now doing the same thing with the Pro-Palestine rallies they've been hosting, too.
As someone who worked with them closely during the BLM protests of 2020 I can confirm this with my own experiences. They're super organized, which is great for them. For the rest of us though, it means we have to work around their schedules. They spread their own parties propaganda at these events while making themselves out to be The Official Organization for the event which was almost never true. When they were at our events it's because they were invited by us, but everyone thought it was the other way around. They have a way of centering themselves which seems anti-thetical to their allyship.
They very much use minorities to boost their party's status. Which is not much different from how a democrat tries to get minority votes would.
I don't use Instagram but the USPCN and NAARPR posted about how PSL was doing this. I had just reblogged a post where PSL was calling for a strike in solidarity and was immediately informed to IGNORE it and boost actual Palestinians calls for action instead. They included a link to the Instagram post as well. I'll see if I can find it and reblog it after this.
Anyway, It was a good question and didn't bother me at all to answer, thanks for sending it!
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pharawee · 10 months
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in tmagp who are we betting on having the first "ceaseless watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing" moment. who do we think is gonna be the first to yell some ominous eldritch horror shit
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pezhead · 1 year
Okay. I Had a shower thought. If 2012 Donnie had a moment where he breaks down, most likely away from everyone, would Raph be the best to comfort him??? I feel like he would, like by asking him about his brothers and what they're like🥰 sorry, I cant get the image out of my head of the two tallest curled up in a corner like that.
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This might be an unpopular opinion, but I do think Rise Raph is better at comforting than the rest of this brothers (even Dr Feelings). Boy has so much big bro experience~
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
Thoughts on what kind of bird gabird would be/look like/based off?
My personal pick just for the theme of it would be a Luzon bleeding-heart
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But for something more visually on brand there are a lot of options! I tried to pick ones that people probably haven't seen before :]
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From the top left to right -
Egyptian vulture
Yellow-winged cacique or Mexican cacique
Golden myna
Black-and-gold tanager
Black-faced dacnis (they can have white or yellow bellies)
Hooded mountain tanager
Silvery tanager or Silver-backed tanager
Common sunbird-asity
Black-throated magpie jay
Blue-bellied roller
Beach kingfisher
Great hornbill
White-bellied sea eagle
Madagascar blue vanga
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