#International Justice Court
its-zaina · 4 months
"هكذا علَّمنا نيلسون مانديلا".
~فريق جنوب أفريقيا القانونيّ في مَحكمة العدل الدولية.
"This is what Nelson Mandela taught us".
~South Africa's legal team.
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"نَـعلمُ جيداً أنَّ حريتَـنا تبقى نـاقصةً بدونِ نَيلِ الفلسطينيين حريتَهم"
~ نيلسون مانديلا.
“We know very well that our freedom remains incomplete without the Palestinians achieving their freedom.”
~Nelson Mandela.
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willow-al-najjar · 3 months
In Israel they are taught from a young age not to view Palestines as human
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historyforfuture · 3 months
Even the injured children whose families
Have been martyred do not find a place to rest or have medical treatment . israeli killer forces bomb any where any times . No life is valued . No laws are followed , no rules is respected .
They only follow their blood thirst .
Who will be courage enough to force the killers to stop slaughtering the innocents .
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philosophika · 4 months
Whatever your views, I urge you to watch the entire proceedings (this is only day one). This is your responsibility as a voting member of your country, a taxpayer, and a person who, at the very least, values the rule of law.
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sevenoctober7 · 4 months
‏جنوب إفريقيا التي تشبهنا أكثر..
شكرًا ولكن.. ليس فقط لرفع دعوى ضد الإبادة الجماعية التي ترتكبها إسرائيل بحق شعب غزة منذ 95 يومًا دون تحرك عربي أو إسلامي واحد، بعيدًا عن الجعجعة باسم العروبة والإسلام والجيرة بينما يباد 2.5 إنسان على بُعد أميال.. ليس لذلك فقط..
وإنما لأنك تقاضين العالم الأول، والإنسانَ الأبيض، باسم جميع أحرار العالم، الذين عانوا من الاحتلال "المتحضر" على مدار عقود طويلة، وقد عانيتِ ما عانيتِ من الفصل العنصري، والنهب الأسطوري، والسرقة العلنية التي يشاهدها الجميع كعمل درامي..
تقفين بوجه ذلك الوهم المنتفخ، وتخبرينه بأنه أسوأ ما أصاب الإنسانية من لعنة وسقم، وأقذر ما أنتجته البشرية من لحم ودم، وأكذب ما عرفه التاريخ من زيف ووهم..
تترافعين عنك أولًا، مرة أخرى، كأن فلسطين استحضرت "التروما" التي عانيتِ منها منذ قرون وعقود، محتلةً لا تملكين قرارك، مبادةً لا تملكين نجاتك، صارخةً لا يُسمع صوتك، مستصرخةً يتجاهلك المارّة، واليوم، فلسطين هي الموضوع الجديد..
إن كانت العروبة فليست العربية لغتك، وإن كان الدين فليس الإسلام دينك، وإن كان الجوار فليست غزة على حدودك، وإن كانت المصلحة فليس لك بفلسطين منفعة؛ وإنما هي الفطرة، التي فطر الله الناس عليها، وحب الإنسان للإنسان..
أثبتِّ اليوم أن داء العنصرية الغربيّ، والشيزوفرينيا الأوروبية، ليس محصورةً بنطاق جغرافي، وإنما هي فكرة تجمع شذَّاذ الآفاق معًا، بين ملوك من حرام، وملكيين أكثر من الملك، ولو كانوا من بني جلدتنا..
فشكرًا أخي الجنوب إفريقيّ، وشكرًا لحُمرة الدم، وبياض القلب، وسُمرة الأرض التي تجمعنا أكثر من الجميع.
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ingek73 · 2 months
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Israeli president Herzog is in Amsterdam for the opening of the Holocaustmuseum, and people are protesting his attendance
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the-og-gay-cousin · 3 months
South Africa absolutely carrying international politics rn is the ultimate girlboss move. Like yes bitch PLEASE keep calling out these genocidal pieces of shit, legit throw the entire book at them 💯🙌🙌
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astroskeptic · 3 months
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Israeled was added to Urban Dictionary, and Zionists lost the thumbs war!
Go to: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Israeled and make them lose more then share it!
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ivygorgon · 1 month
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Call your dogs home! - Urgent Action Needed to Stop Humanitarian Crisis in Palestine 🇵🇸
9 so far! Help us get to 10 signers!
As a concerned American and one of your constituents, I am writing to express my PROFOUND HORROR and OUTRAGE regarding our recent decision to cut off direct humanitarian funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine. This decision, coupled with our complicity in arming their oppressors and enabling their attackers, is a grave betrayal of our moral values and responsibilities. The implications of denying aid to UNRWA are dire and inhumane. It puts the lives of Palestinian refugees in Gaza at even greater risk, especially in light of the recent findings by the International Court of Justice suggesting the plausibility of genocide being committed in the region. The suffering inflicted upon innocent civilians through starvation and deprivation is a form of collective punishment that only serves to deepen the atrocities and reinforces the urgent need for intervention. I implore you and all our elected officials to take immediate and decisive action to address this crisis. I urge you to vehemently oppose any appropriations bill that would extend the ban on UNRWA funding. Instead, I urge you to advocate for the reinstatement of UNRWA funding, the promotion of a permanent ceasefire, and the cessation of any further weapons or funding to the Israeli military. The lives of countless innocent individuals hang in the balance, and failure to act decisively will only lead to further bloodshed and suffering. As your constituent, I urge you to stand on the side of justice, compassion, and humanity. Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. I eagerly await your response and trust that you will take immediate and meaningful action to address the humanitarian crisis in Palestine. Call your dogs home!
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m0tel6mxzzy · 3 months
recent update: (9 minutes ago) A landmark decision putting Israel and allies on notice: HRW
(tw: mentions of genocide/murder/violence. source link below. this is a copy paste of a recent update from al jazeera.)
Balkees Jarrah, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch, has described the ICJ’s ruling as a “landmark decision” that puts Israel and its allies on notice that immediate action is needed to prevent genocide and further atrocities” against the people of Gaza.
“Lives hang in the balance, and governments need to urgently use their leverage to ensure that the order is enforced. The scale and gravity of civilian suffering in Gaza driven by Israeli war crimes demands nothing less,” Jarrah said.
“The ICJ’s speedy ruling is recognition of the dire situation in Gaza, where civilians face starvation and are being killed daily at levels unprecedented in the recent history of Israel and Palestine.”
Jarrah also noted that the court’s “clear and binding orders raise the stakes for Israel’s allies to back up their stated commitment to a global rules-based order by helping ensure compliance with this watershed ruling”.
( source: ICJ orders Israel take measures to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza )
(quoted from journalists Nils Adler & Alma Milisic)
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willow-al-najjar · 4 months
Look who's using civilians as a human sheild
The IDF and israel army media used to do all horrible things and claim that the Palestinian do it.
But now everything is documented with reports, photos and videos
So share it as much as u can, be the voice for the Palestinian people.
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historyforfuture · 2 months
The remains of Al karamah neighbourhood after the criminal bombing of israeli planes and tanks
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the-lady-maddy · 3 months
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
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This is important.
The Western Media did not broadcast South Africa's argument, while some dared to only show Israel's defence. Never before in my life have I seen mainstream medias only broadcast one side of the trial.
These actors read out South Africa's case and did what the mainstream media was supposed to do and failed to do.
Proud of them for using their power and privilege the right way.
Source and link here.
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intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
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Take a good look at the countries leading/have started the legal battles to hold the IOF accountable -their fights to end IOF terrorism and war crimes, as this should have been done months ago, are now beginning.
So many Palestinian people have been genocided, and the rampant global government inaction has caused chaos, death, and destruction of Gaza... I just hope this leads to a permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation. I truly do.
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sayruq · 4 months
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Brazil has also given its support
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