#Indoor Outdoor Ladder
equalonline · 2 months
Best Aluminium Ladder from EQUAL
EQUAL is one of the leading brands in India for industrial products and tool manufacturing. We have a wide range of products including weighing scales, weighbridges, aluminum ladders, platform trolleys, recliners, etc. We have a wide variety of ladders to serve throughout India and outside. Today we are representing our best ladders so that you can from them according to your use. These products are designed to meet a wide range of customers.
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Types of EQUAL Aluminium Ladders
Multipurpose Ladder
Scaffolding Ladder
Household Ladder
Telescopic Ladder
Industrial Ladder  
Multipurpose Ladder
Multipurpose ladders, as its name, suggests this type of ladders are designed to perform multiple works with one ladder. With this kind of ladder, you can perform several activities like changing a bulb, trimming trees, painting, cleaning a fan, etc. You can perform every activity with absolute ease. This sort of ladder can accomplish two or more tasks. Most people love this kind of ladder because of its ability to change into various positions to cater to a variety of tasks inside the house or outside. These utile ladders can open into a step ladder position for the rise and are absolutely self-supportable however. They can even be opened into an extended position if you have got to succeed in higher locations – however, you would like to possess some support to lean it against a small amount just like the standard one. Its ability to create the staging for planks or platforms whereas not in use, the ladder is completely closed and kept without any drawback.
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Scaffolding Ladder
Scaffolding Ladders are also called extension ladders. It can be useful in reaching high places or heights. However, they need to lean on walls, trees, or any other for support. Usually, this type of ladder has two components – base and fly. The base needs to be placed on the ground, whereas the fly is a movable piece that extends on top, permitting the extension of the ladder to reach even more height. In most of the cases, slippery is completed by using hooks or ropes. Extension ladders are capable of reaching higher places than alternative sorts.
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Household Ladder
It is the most common type of ladder used for doing multiple activities for the home like changing the bulbs, hanging the plants, doing painting, cleaning, or any other kind of work at a high place. For all such activities, you need to have a robust and sturdy ladder that can keep you uplifted with complete safety.
EQUAL Household Ladder features anti-skid PVC shoes, which will protect you from skidding when you climb on it. The steps of the ladder are created with non-skid rubber like others, which makes it hassle-free, to use.
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Telescopic Ladder
EQUAL Telescopic Ladder is the most trending ladder in the market, especially in India. The reason behind its popularity is its look, use, and portability. You can carry this telescopic ladder with ease and comfort. The space requirement for this ladder is very low compared to other Aluminium ladders in the market which make it unique. It is available in various sizes and segments so that you can choose according to your needs and use. It is a kind of traditional ladder with a modern edge. It is much safer and compact so you can keep it anywhere in a small area. If you are looking for a sturdy, compact, robust, and durable aluminum ladder that can be used daily, then EQUAL is the right choice. This ladder is right for a home, warehouse, shop, godown, office, etc. 
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Industrial Ladder
Industries are the place where you cannot compromise with quality because it can be risky for your employees and you. So here we have a perfect solution for such industries. Our industrial ladder is created with T5-grade aluminum to withstand any condition. It comes with wide steps for a better grip.
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EQUAL industrial ladder is supplied with knee guards like other ladders within the list that provides additional safety while working.
With time, aluminium ladders have evolved a lot so that they become typical family equipment nowadays. Whether you have to change tube lights, clean fans, reach high cupboards, or paint the walls, you'll be able to complete various tasks safely and well with ladders.
But as there are many decisions to research, you may get confused while buying a ladder. If so, then scan our “buying guide” to make the right call or choice.
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perplexingly · 8 months
I've been wanting to write a description of the Watermill Theatre's Lord of the Rings musical for these who were unable to see it, so I'll mention some of the things that stood out to me.
Also first of all, I saw that @emeraldskulblaka was kind enough to compile a masterpost about the musical, sharing the available videos and audios here
Now to the Watermill production:
The audience was encouraged to come 30min before the start of the show to celebrate Bilbo's 111 birthday.
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During that time the actors were playing music, talking with the audience, playing games with the audience, I almost got hit in the face as Gimli in front of me failed to catch a ring that was thrown at him : D I saw there are some recordings of this part around, eg:
While still outdoors, the play started seemlessly with Bilbo's iconic birthday speech. After his disappearing act (in a puff of smoke), we moved indoors and while the audience was settling down, Frodo sat on stage all sad perusing letters
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This stage is very tiny but they used it in a clever way; eg. there were moments when, to show the distance, the actors would say their lines behind the audience on the upper ring. They would also utilise the doors at the center stage or the ladders on the sides to climb on. The lighting also gave each scene a lot of character:
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Also each actor doubled as a musician, often playing on the edges of the stage but still in full view, giving this interesting illusion of environment.
I think my favourite moment of using actors as parts of the environment was during Sam and Frodo's Now and for Always duet: once they started singing, Bilbo came to sit on the edge, in the shadow, just looking at them, and with each verse a new hobbit/musician came behind, hanging out in the shadows and giving this dreamy idea of Shire. And when Sam fell asleep, there was Rosie coming a bit forward to caress him.
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Another such wonderful moment was near the end, when Frodo could go no longer and Sam helped him. The earlier situation when Sam fought off Shelob with Eärendil's light reminded the viewer of Galadriel's - and the elves - indirect help. And when Sam put his arms around Frodo to guide him, quietly, in the shadows around them illusions of elves appeared to show them the way and to catch them when they stumbled.
Speaking about the plot point - act 1 encompassed the first of the trilogy while the second act the other two. To achieve this condensation in the second act, most characters that were not directly related to the fellowship were either removed or merged with other, eg. Denethor and Theoden were combined into one, with the Rohan/Gondor politics removed altogether. But honestly, I thought it was the smarter choice, as we get the time to get attached to the main cast.
One more thing I'd like to mention were the practical effects. While ents were just an off-stage voice, when they were talking there were leafs falling down from the ceiling. But the most impressive was Shelob, which was a giant puppet with real-like leg movement, mostly in shadow except for the reflective eyes. I saw that there's an early test for Shelob posted on Instagram:
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Also, I talked about Gollum in an earlier post, but I just wanted to make a quick illustration of the adorable moment between Gollum and Bilbo that I saw in the epilogue:
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an-ambivalent · 11 months
Woes of Reincarnation Part 2 [Yandere! Miguel x Fem! Reader]
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Chapter Synopsis: You’re an Alchemax neuroscientist specializing in genetics and cognition memory research. Outside of work, you spend majority of your time with your daughter Gabriella and your partner Miguel. For the most part, you loved your life - you had a thriving career, a lovely daughter, and your wonderful stay-at-home partner who supported you and cared for your small bundle of joy in ways you were unable to. But slowly but surely, something starts to seem amiss with your husband and you realise that Miguel is not who you knew him to be. This is a sequel to this
Warnings: As this is yandere fiction, this deals with behaviours and themes of that can be uncomfortable to read. Specific warnings: implied noncon. This work also has spoilers about Miguel from the comics. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fictional, I do not condone this behaviour irl. By clicking the ‘read more/keep reading’ you are consenting to read this at your discretion.
Establishing yourself at your current point in career was a lot of work hard; from extensive studying, to jumping from one temporary contracted job to another, it often made you want to hit your head against the wall in frustration. Amidst all the chaos, the universe threw even more at you; just as you were finishing your PHD, and were starting to climb your career ladder, you had found out that you were pregnant. It was nerve wrecking, stressful, exciting, and involved so many other emotions and tears, and pondering over countless of future possibilities. Becoming overwhelmed from all of this was beginning to drive you mad. But lucky for you, Miguel was the perfect anchor to your chaotic storm of thoughts; he was with you every step of the way and was amazing at providing you the reassurance you needed. After your daughter was born, whom you had named Gabriella, things had been very challenging at first: you had to look after your daughter while still having your own recovery. Miguel took on additional responsibilities while also trying to look after you and your daughter as well. Eventually, after a few years passed, it became easier to manage and cope with the challenges that came with looking after a tiny human. Both of you decided that you were going to work full-time at your new job, while Miguel would be the stay at home partner to look after Gabriella. 
Over the years, you made exceptional progress in your career until you got to your current position. While you really enjoyed your work in the past, recently, it was starting to become too stressful and impact your mental health. There was a certain feeling of being done etched in your body language. And despite the fact that you looked after your physical health, there was a new type of dullness on your face in place of your usual genuine contentment, and the glint of mischief that always gleamed in your eyes and smiles was starting to disappear. 
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you unlocked the front door and entered your abode. You took off your outdoor shoes and placed them on the shoe rack, while simultaneously slipped your feet in your indoor slippers. As you walked through the hallway and into the main living room, you raised your eyebrow in surprise when you saw Miguel leaning against the kitchen counter closest to you, with his back turned against you, and nervously tapping his index finger on the counter’s marble surface. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked simply, and threw your jacket and keys carelessly on the dinning table as you walked towards the kitchen. 
Your usual very composed and charismatic husband jumped at the sound of your voice. He whipped around in shock, his eyes wide, looking like a deer caught in headlights. He seemed even more jumpy when you neared him in proximity, grabbed onto the collar of his white shirt, and strongly pulled him down to your level for a chaste kiss as a greeting. Usually, your pecks that started out as a quick greeting, would turn into deeper, and more passionate kisses, almost into a full make out session. But that wasn’t the case this time around; this time around, Miguel was simple frozen in surprise as you kissed him. He did not respond back, and his hands were raised and stilled awkwardly in mid air as if he was going to push you away, but didn’t due to some last minute realisation. It was very strange because he never hesitated to wrap his arms around you and pull you closer until there was no physical space left, and one of his hands would be tangled messily in your locks. The awkwardness of the entire situation made you pull away instantly, and there was even more confusion evident in your eyebrow raise. Nonetheless, you released your hold on him, and started to work your way around the kitchen like your usual evening routine. 
“I’m surprised that you’re already home. Picking up Gabriella from her tennis practice and the groceries, you usually wouldn’t be home for another hour,” You remarked causally, while you put on your bright pink apron that had ‘Kiss the chief’ written on it. It was one of the gifts your Miguel and Gabriella had given you on the most recent mother’s day, so anytime you wore it, they had an excuse to shower you in kisses. 
Miguel blinked owlishly, as he stared hard at the words written on your apron for for a good few seconds, before returning his gaze to you. He showed no signs of moving closer to you to kiss you like he usually would. 
“Uh, doesn’t she have tennis practice on Tuesdays and not today? Besides, I don’t have the car.” He responded simply. 
You blinked at him in confusion. “She has her practice today - she has her coaching on Tuesdays and her club games on Friday. And what do you mean you don’t have the car? I left the keys in front of the TV and its parked right outside on the street...? We talked about it this morning - you dropped me off to work and I took the train back. This is no new information, come on Miguel,” You retorted, and opened the fridge to get the needed ingredients you required to make dinner. However, there was barely anything in there - your eye twitched. You turned to Miguel with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“How come you didn’t go grocery shopping?” You asked. Just as Miguel was about to respond, your eyes widened in another realisation. 
“Don’t tell me you forgot to pick up Gabriella?! No wonder I don’t hear her trotting around! Miguel! What’s wrong with you today?!” You snapped, and instantly untied your apron, and took it off instantly. 
At the shift of annoyance in your tone, Miguel’s eyebrow twitched in anger. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know - this wasn’t even meant to be his responsibility. It was supposed to be your Miguel’s responsibility but he was dead now. He simply chose to replace him in this dimension because he had a family; he felt sorry for the young child who had lost her father, and a bit sorry for you, who would have been a full-time working single mother if you had found that your husband was dead. He was doing you a favour, and you had no idea how grateful you should be. But alas, you were so bossy instead. He wanted to reveal the truth so he could see the reaction on your face, but he couldn’t disclose anything. For his young child, he would endure. 
“You didn’t tell me to do so,” He responded coldly, since there was no other way he knew how to carry out his argument. 
You were so confused by his response that you had to stop for moment and gather your thoughts. You blinked at him in confusion, even more so, when you noticed the anger on his face - Miguel never got angry that easily. 
“It’s the same routine every week...? What’s there to tell?” You murmured to yourself. You glanced at him once more, and you looked at him from the top of his head, to the soles of his feet in scrutiny multiple times. Upon closer inspection, you saw something different about him; the exhaustion in his body - it was an exact reflection of yours. He looked like he was done. It made you think:  had you been so busy thinking about your own problems at work that you forgot to check in with your own husband? Had you relied on him to take care of you and Gabriella so much that you forgot to do your part and look after him?! 
Guilt wallowed up in your chest, and your throat started to feel constricted - you were starting to feel anxious again. However, just before your anxiety could overwhelm you, you pushed it down. Miguel needed you right now, not the other way around. 
“I’m sorry for snapping at you, love. I shouldn’t have done that. I guess work’s been too stressful,” You mumbled, and then, walked closer to Miguel. The Spider-Man was genuinely surprised at the quick apology that left your lips; he was even more shocked when you walked in front of him once more, and gave him a bright grin. He was taken back by how beautiful you looked when you were smiling and the way your face glowed when a hint of joy shone through. 
“We both seem to be having a tough time today, how about we get things done together and just relax? Let’s go pick up our cheeky munchkin and order in, we’ll get your favourite! Sounds good?” You said grinning wider, and cheekily swung your hip against his. Given his build and strength as Spider-Man, it barely did anything. But your joy and cheekiness was contagious because Miguel returned your grin with a playful scoff off his own. Instinctively, he lifted you up easily, and the suddenness of the gesture made you yelp in surprise. You easily wrapped your legs around his tiny slutty waist as he supported your weight by holding you in both of his arms, and wrapped your arms around his neck. You combed through his soft brown locks with one of your hands, and leaned closer to his face; Miguel felt flustered. 
“Can I kiss you?” You whispered softly, looking at him with so much love and longing in your eyes as if he had hung up the moon and stars for you. No one had looked at him with so much love before. Miguel felt flustered. Instead of answering you, he tightened his hold onto you, as he brought you closer to him until you were absolutely squished against his physique. He felt more muscular than before, and his grip on you felt more possessive rather than his usual protective one. But, you weren’t the one to complain since this was so much better than the awkwardness from before.
Miguel moved his arms so he supported your weight with one, and held the back of your head with the other. Then, he guided you down until your lips locked. It was a nice kiss, a bit clumsy than usual, but nice nonetheless. He didn’t want to follow your lead like he usually did, so you tried to follow his lead instead. It was definitely different, even more so, when you felt him bite your bottom lip hard. You yelped in pain and tried to pull away from him. Your efforts were fruitless for a few seconds until Miguel eased his grip at the back of your head. Just as he let you go, enough blood gathered instantly at the spot you were bitten on your lip that it started to drip down your chin. Immediately, Miguel licked it and then gazed at you with his disheveled hair hovering above the predatory and lust gleaming in his red eyes. Both of you breathed heavily, but he wore a giant grin  that showed off his canines. When did Miguel have canines? 
“What you said sounded good, but I would like it much better if we could relax, just the two of us, later tonight.” 
Once upon a time, Miguel was a bright and innovative scientist himself. He was intelligent and quick to grasp things. For that reason, it didn’t take him long to adapt to the same lifestyle that the original Miguel of this dimension was living. Actually, this domestic life was so much better and easier than his job had been at Alchemax. Maybe, it was easy because he genuinely came to love it; he loved his daughter Gabriella like he had anticipated he would. But first impressions aside, he was also surprised at how quickly he came to love you. You were just so caring and attentive, and everytime you smiled your lovely smile, he swore, cupid’s arrow shot through his heart. You always looked at him with so much love - and it didn’t just end there - you always showed your love through actions too. Every morning when you woke up, before going to sleep, coming home, before leaving, and if you saw each other just after a few hours, you always kissed him. They were such passionate kisses too - it was addictive. All of your little quirks and the constant displays of affection were addictive. For once, Miguel was constantly surrounded by love and happiness. He loved it, and he was going to do anything to protect it. 
Although he did love his current life, there were some things that he did wish could be better - like how he wished he could spend more time with you. He had been trying to talk you into reducing your work hours, because recently, it seemed like you just were getting busier and busier. Your acts of affection, your long lasting kisses -- everything was becoming quicker and more rushed. The nights of intimacy you shared often when he had first came into your life versus recently, were much fewer too. It was distraughting and almost starting to feel frustrating because he had become accustomed to everything you had given him. For the life of him, he couldn’t understand how he had ever managed to live without having you by his side. Now, it was almost to the point where he felt that his even spider craved you. 
It was another night like the one’s recently. Presently, it was just after 9:30 pm, half an hour after Gabriella has been put to bed. Miguel had just come out of a steaming hot shower - his skin carried an underlying darker red hue indicating just how boiling hot the water had to be, and he only wore a small white towel around his hips. He was hoping that giving you a preview would help him finally get another night of sex with you. But the moment he had stepped out of your shared ensuite, and was browsing through your shared closet, pretending to look for clothes, you paid no attention to him. Instead, you were entirely focused on the folders of paperwork labelled ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ in big block red letters that you had been bringing home from work every, single, fucking, day. 
Come to think of it, exactly what was your job? Why were you the one that had chosen to work rather than his alternate deceased self? Surely, if his deceased self was also a scientist at Alchemax like he had been, he had to be making more than enough money. 
In the end, Miguel mindless chose to wore a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. He climbed into your shared bed with you,  and snatched your papers from your hands. You yelped when this happened suddenly, and immediately tried to wrestle Miguel for them as he started to look over their content himself. 
“What the hell, Miguel?! Give those back to me right now! That’s confidential!” You yelled, while trying to climb over him in whatever way you could to get your paperwork back. Miguel simply ignored you, and easily held you back with one arm, while holding up the papers with his other hand, and reading them. 
It read: 
‘-utlising deep learning neural networks, we have managed to analyse microarray data at an anatomical level[1]. Given this groundbreaking discovery, we can hypothetically give ourselves false memories of living in another universe and completely alter our reality. Or, we could even transfer the psych of our alternative self to our current self. Tests will need to be conducted-” 
“You’re... working for Alchemax?” Miguel asked in disbelief, looking at you with wide eyes - like he didn’t knew you at all. In a way, that was not far from the truth. 
You took his shock as an opportunity to snatch your paperwork back, and scoffed at him. “Of course I am. I don’t see why you’re so surprised? You’re the one who told me to take the job when I was offered it.”
You carefully tied up your paperwork the way you had brought it from work, before setting it on the bedside table beside you. You turned towards Miguel and scowled at him. 
“I’d appreciate it if you don’t just snatch my things. Seriously Miguel, what is with you recently? You’re so moody and quick to temper! I understand you may be stressed and I’m seriously trying my best to make things as easy as possible for you, but you can’t just do whatever you want. You know I’m having a really hard time at work right now as it is, I don’t need you making it the same for me at home. Back off a bit, yeah?” You snapped. Instantly, you turned away from him. You had been feeling your regular nightly migraine building up for a while, and the stress from dealing with Miguel just seemed to have triggered it. You took off your reading glasses so they were resting on your head instead of your nose; a heavy sigh left your lips as you rubbed your temple to try soothe your headache. 
You failed to notice the angry red eyes that were glaring at you. 
“I didn’t know that you were working for the filth of Alchemax.... And I didn’t tell you to take that job, I would never allow my own wife to betray me like that. If it really had been me, in the first place, you wouldn’t even be working.”  Miguel hissed, as he had moved closer to you until his body was pressing right against your side. Then, he leaned closer to you, and gently nipped you right behind your earlobe. Chills went through your spine, and you groaned in frustration; you failed to understand exactly what Miguel words implied due to your horrible headache reducing your ability to focus. 
“I don’t have the energy to worry about your nuances Miguel, nor do I have the energy for sex tonight. Just let me rest,” You murmured, and tried to swat at his arms he wrapped around you possessively. 
You didn’t get the response you wanted - verbally or his actions wise. Instead, you screamed as Miguel pushed you so you laying on your back, and he sat on you immediately. From the impact, your glasses were swung backwards randomly and dug into the randomest part of your neck painfully. You winced and tried to move so they weren’t digging into your skin, but you were unable to move since Miguel had your wrists pinned down on the bed in each hand. He pushed all of his bodyweight on you making it hard to breath, and leaned down until he was right next to your ear. 
“Let me rephrase what I said, and really listen this time, okay? You’re my smart little scientist, I’m sure you can figure it out.” He whispered sensually, and this time, bit your earlobe hard enough to draw blood. 
You cried out in pain. You tried to wriggle yourself free, but your efforts continued to be in vain. When Miguel applied more pressure on your wrists to the point it felt like they were going to break, you stopped struggling. However, your breath started to pick up and your throat felt tight. Despite how light headed you felt, you understood that this wasn’t normal. His grip wasn’t normal - your Miguel would never do something like this. He had never raised his voice at you, much less be physically violent with you the way the stranger on top of you was being. So, for your own sake, you listened attentively to what he had to say. 
“I didn’t tell you to take the job. I would never tell you to take any job, much less at Alchemax, especially after what they did to me. If it had been me, the me in front of you right now, I would keep you locked up in a safe little cage that I make just for you.” 
Tears welled in the corner of your eyes. You hoped that what you were thinking wasn’t right. 
“W-What they did to you...? You never told me? I, I don’t understand-” You tried to say. You weren’t sure if you were just repeating yourself like a parrot because there wasn’t enough oxygen flowing in your brain to think rationally, or you were desperately hoping that what you understood to be the truth, wasn’t actually the truth. Maybe it was both. 
“I’m not your Miguel, I never was. Where I’m from, I used to be scientist at Alchemax. They spliced my DNA with a spider when I tried to quit,” Miguel started, and then, flashed his fangs at you. “I have access to many dimensions. I saw that the me of this dimension was killed and out of pity, I decided to take his place so Gabriella wouldn’t be fatherless and you wouldn’t be a single mother. 
“You really pissed me off in our first interaction.... but now, now, I love you, I can’t see myself without you. I might not be your Miguel yet, but you are my [Name]. Thanks to your research, we can start again. I can figure out a way to change your memories so you’ll know me as your Miguel from the start. I’m sure there’s a dimension out there somewhere we can use.” He whispered in your ear, and then, grinded against you. 
Goosebumps of repulsion and fear arose across your skin - you shook your head in denial. 
“Don’t, please don’t do that. You have no idea what you’re messing with--” 
“Shut up. Now that you know, you’re going to see what I would have done with you in the first place. I’m going to keep you locked up in a cage I make just for you. No work, no research, nothing for you. I’m going to keep you locked up so you’re not a tired cranky bitch and I’m going to be the only person you see. I’m going to make you so touch starved so that whenever you see me, you’re going to be nothing but yearning and desperate for any ounce of attention that I give you.” 
Then, Miguel wrapped his hands around your neck, and pressed tightly onto your trachea until you passed out from the lack of oxygen. He grinned widely. 
“Goodnight [Name]. We’ll meet again on the other side.” 
[1] deep learning neural network is a type of AI technique that mimics the workings of a human brain. It’s used in neuroscience to study the complex intra- and interhemispheric coherence, and other brain regional interactions in relation to cognition and behaviour. 
Microarray data refers to studying many genes at once. So, given all this, and how astrophysics works (if you were to be anywhere in the universe, like being pulled into a black hole or a neutron star), their ruthless gravity would literally tear you apart at your atoms level. So my theory is that, if you were to transfer “memories and cognition” through dimensions and defy the very essence of space and time, you’d need to have studied the neurobiology at the atoms level to the very least. [JUST MY THEORY BASED ON WHAT I KNOW ABOUT THESE SUBJECTS. I JUST WANTED TO NERD OUT OKAY]
[2] basically the ‘isekai’d’ reader’s memories in Part 1 can be understood in this  way: in all the manipulation of memories that Miguel does after this, [Name] gets so many new memories implanted she eventually remembers all of this. She made an escape plan to stage her own death and live in the shadows with random memories planted (like she thinks she reincarnated and lived in a ‘different’ world) but thats actually just false memories. And given how much Miguel was trying to code that “she loves him” in her genes everytime he changed her memories, that turns into a false memory of him being her favourite character and that she “simps for” so she automatically wants to seek him out to meet him when she gets “reincarnated” 
I hope everything I explained makes sense and that you enjoyed this! Let me know if you have any questions! 
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If you're not familiar with the town of Lily Dale, New York, it's called "The Town that Talks to the Dead," b/c it is a town connected with Mediumship and Spiritual Healing. (You can also visit and vacation there.) This 1912 4bd., 2.5ba. restored Victorian home is for sale in Lily Dale. It comes with all the furnishings and is only $250K. I've experienced this town and it is amazing.
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It has a spacious entrance hall with an original staircase.
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We can look at the furnishings since they all come with the house. Oh, I like that red lampshade. The sitting room is very large and shares its space with the dining area.
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Beautiful Victorian fireplace.
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The kitchen is very nice. I like the color of the cabinetry for this home.
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The current owners have this small side hall set up as a sitting room.
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This is nice. Double doors open to reveal a laundry area.
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A shelving unit in the upstairs hall has a ladder. Very cute.
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The primary bedroom is very large and features a built-in window seat and large nook.
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Spacious updated bath has a separate water closet.
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The other bedrooms are smaller, but still decent sizes.
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Beautiful roof top deck.
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Bedroom #4 is large. There's an outside door, but the home is big and has several additions.
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Cute vintage bath.
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Nice deck on the back of the house.
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The 2,121 sq. ft. lot is surrounded by trees that provide privacy.
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The town is near Cassadaga Lake.
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This is the town's Forest Temple, built in 1894, an outdoor sanctuary where registered mediums hold a free daily Spirit message service at 4PM excluding Sundays. Forest Temple is an area of spiritual, emotional and mental upliftment. In the event of inclement weather, the service is moved indoors. Listen for the bell and follow the sign. 
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This is the path to Inspiration Stump where mediums deliver Spirit messages twice a day.
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Walk along the magical Fairy Trail on the edge of town and find some beautiful surprises along the way.
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A fairy house along the trail.
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The town is very friendly and full of delightfully pretty houses.
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potionsprefect · 5 months
A Place To Call Home
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Victoria and Ethan make a house a home
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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Victoria grinned as she opened the garden furniture boxes. They had ordered the outdoor things when they still lived in Ethan’s apartment and now they were in their forever home, they could finally put it to use.
She probably should be helping with the inside stuff but the weather was so nice and Victoria wanted to be outside. Her rings glistened in the Boston sun and she smiled as she looked down at her hand.
They had only recently returned from their honeymoon and it had been absolute bliss. It felt so good to finally be a married couple and Victoria loved having ‘Ramsey’ at the end of her name.
“You’re supposed to unpack the indoor items first.” A voice said. Victoria looked up to see Ethan emerging from the bifold doors a smile on his face.
“It’s a beautiful day. I want to be outside.” Victoria laughed.
“I can’t argue with that. But there’s hundreds of boxes inside that also need unpacking. And my dad and your parents aren’t here yet so it’s down to us.”
Victoria smiled. “I’ll make you a deal. Let’s get these items unpacked quickly.” She gestured to the outdoor furniture boxes. “And then we’ll head inside and unpack the boxes and when we have lunch, we can sit out here and eat it.”
“How quickly can we set this up?” Ethan asked.
“We’ll find out when we get it open. Let’s not waste anymore time!” Victoria opened one of the boxes.
It didn’t take long before the seats and table were set up on the patio, the Boston sun still beating down on them. There were enough chairs and extra ones for when family and friends visited, luckily the house already had a garden shed for which Ethan and Victoria were keen to take advantage off.
“Now the sun loungers. Very essential for a poolside.” Ethan said sarcastically.
“I haven’t been going on about them for that long.” Victoria laughed.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “The minute you saw the pool I knew this was going to be the one.”
“Don’t pretend you didn’t think the same.” Victoria winked.
The outdoor furniture by the pool was done and Victoria and Ethan then headed back into the house.
“We finally made it.” Ethan smiled down at Victoria.
Victoria wrapped her arms around his waist. “We did. And there’s so much to look forward to.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek.
They found their forever home and couldn’t wait to see what was ahead for them.
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“That’s not straight.” Victoria said.
Ethan held the picture down, a sigh falling from his lips. “Do you want to get up on this ladder and put it up yourself?”
“No way I’d break it! And I know if you weren’t holding that you’d use one of your hands to pinch the bridge of your nose.” Victoria laughed.
“Well yes because putting up a picture shouldn’t be this difficult. It’s not like they’re going to notice until they are at least four.” Ethan replied.
“No but we’ll remember all the fun we had putting it up.” Victoria laughed as she stroked her belly.
With a few more adjustments, Ethan finally had the picture up on the wall. He wasn’t so sure about a black and white picture of a giraffe but he started to come round to the idea and for where it went on the wall, it actually went well with the decor.
“It’ll be just like their dad is watching them.” Victoria smirked.
“You’re never going to let that one go.” Ethan laughed as he pulled his wife into his arms.
“Never. And I’ll teach our children about it too. And about how their father is the most kind and thoughtful person I have ever met. And that they are so lucky to have a dad like you.”
Ethan pulled Victoria in for a lingering kiss and then bent down and pressed two kisses to Victoria’s belly.
It wouldn’t be long until they had their twins in their lives and they couldn’t wait for the excitement they would bring.
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“Are you ready to see your new rooms?” Victoria looked down at Luke and Lily.
“Are all my toys in there?” Luke asked.
“Well if you come with me and Lily goes with Mommy we’ll find out.” Ethan laughed as he led Luke to his new room.
“Ready Lil?” Victoria looked down at her daughter.
“Yeah! I hope it’s pink!” Lily giggled.
“Close your eyes and no peeking!” Victoria said.
Lily covered her eyes with her hands letting out a little laugh as Victoria led her into her new room.
“Can I open them?”
“You can!”
Lily opened her eyes and gasped at the look of her new room. One wall had been painted pink, the other white and there were pictures of unicorns on the wall as well as a family picture. Her bed was right near the window where it overlooked the garden and she had a desk in the corner of the room while her toys were in another.
“It’s pink! And my toys are here!” Lily grinned as she picked up her large teddy.
“Do you like it?” Victoria smiled.
“I love it! Thank you Mommy.” Lily smiled as she wrapped her arms around Victoria’s legs.
“Lily! My room is blue! Is yours pink like you wanted!” Luke ran into the room.
“Yes! And I got unicorns! Did you get dinosaurs?” Lily asked.
“So I’m guessing you like them then?” Ethan laughed.
“Yes! Thank you so much!” Luke said.
“Now you’ve got to promise us that you’ll keep them tidy.” Victoria said with a stern voice.
“And that means putting all your toys away when you’re not playing with them.” Ethan raised an eyebrow.
Luke and Lily looked at each other. “Is he talking about the Lego piece?”
“Yes. I do not want a repeat of that.” Ethan replied.
Victoria crouched down to the twins’ height. “Your Dad is right. Even if it was a bit funny.” Victoria winked.
The twins giggled as they reached for some toys out of the new toy baskets.
“It really feels like a home now.” Ethan smiled.
“It does. We’ve come a long way but it was all worth it.” Victoria said.
The Ramsey family were loving life. Their home was perfect and they couldn’t wait for what would come next.
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Stepping on Lego is not the one lol
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i-care-4u · 1 year
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a month before christmas time was around the time you started decorating for the upcoming holiday. you enjoyed every second of it, from decorating the tree to going into the freezing weather to put the lights.
you decided today would be a good time to decorate your home. with jack not being present right now, you decided to do outside first then indoors. going to the basement, you begin finding outdoor christmas decor and picked the ones that looks interesting to put up outside.
“it’s cute, but didn’t we put this last year…” you thought as you looked at the box with the grinch inflatable. you continued looking at the other decorations and you stumbled across a rudolph and clarice decoration. you lift the box up and smirked, “oh jack is going to love this.”
after working on putting the decorations up outside, you finally got inside to work on the other half of decorations. luckily, you already had your kitchen and bathroom decorated, so the only space you have left was the living room.
you started off by placing a garland alongside you and jack’s stockings on the chimney. next up, you decorated the couch by replacing your current pillows with christmas-themed pillows. to add coziness, you throw in some blankets. saving the best for last, the christmas tree. you set up the christmas tree two days prior, and today you were going to add the ornaments and ribbons to the naked tree.
because you were home alone, you went back into the basement to bring a ladder for the christmas tree decorations. luckily, it helped you place ornaments and the ribbons on top of the tree.
while working on the bottom section of the tree, jack arrived from the studio. jack was greeted by the little mistletoe placed by you, “where’s my kiss at?”
you hanged one ornament and paused the tree decorating to kiss jack. you looked at jacks smile and laughed, “someone’s feeling a bit jolly today. is it because of that rudolph and clarice lights i put outside?”
“that and you.”
you held jack’s hand to show him the christmas decorations inside. before you ended your little house tour, you showed jack the tree that you were currently decorating.
“you haven’t put the star yet?” jack asked you as he looked at the tip of the tree.
you shook your head, “i haven’t. you want to help me put it up later?”
“of course love.” he walked to the bathroom where he turns on the shower.
after jack’s shower, he came back wearing a black tank top along with some grey sweatpants. by this time, you already finished tree decorating, with the exception of the star.
“you ready?”
you showed him the star, “yeah.”
jack bent down so that he could carry you. you hopped on his back, and jack got a hold of your legs to maintain balance.
you placed the star on top of the tree, and jack took a few steps back to have a better view, “it looks very beautiful.”
your head looked down, facing jack. you gave him a quick kiss on his nose, “thank you jack, couldn’t have asked for anyone better.”
“anything,” jack said, “now let’s see this tree light up, yeah?”
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doctor-fancy-pants · 2 years
That Researchin' Maritime Life
We've got a bit of downtime - there's a trawl going down to 5000m right now.
I've rotated and freshened up the sea cucumbers, packed away the echinoderms (starfish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, brittle stars, feather stars and sea lilies), thrown a few buckets of seawater in the cold room (including the smaller pails seen below, I'm refining my holothurian rescue plans), and had a snack because This Machine, She Runs On Heavy Fuel.
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This is actually a very comfortable ship to live on. Each cabin has a private ensuite, so you're not clambering down the bunk ladder and teetering out into the hall in search of the head in the middle of the night (I have been very spoilt and have only had one voyage like that). The mess has plenty of room at mealtimes. There are two lounges ("quiet" and "you're allowed to make noise and have informal meetings" respectively), and my favourite beanbags in the world.
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There are, however, some drawbacks to marine research as a specialty (apart from the lack of job security, she says, as a short term contract taxonomist), and using a laboratory on a boat.
What drawbacks, you may ask.
Well, after my shift ends, I've been known to totter wearily into an online chat with mates and just drop random observations (you may note a somewhat laissez-faire attitude to punctuation).
For example:
you know it's amazing, you can be totally fine working in the dirty wet lab and you'll leave for five minutes and it's like your olfactory filters completely reset and then you get back down there and the nose is shouting at the brain "BOY HOWDY IT SURE DO SMELL LIKE FISHY PRAWNS IN HERE HUH JUST GOTTA SOAK IN THAT BRINY AMBIENCE"
summation: the science smells bad.
related outcome: the scientist also smells bad.
Yuuup, the smell is a whole freaking vibe. We can't dump too much seawater down the sinks that go into the grey water holding tank, we can't open the chute in the lab if there's an operation in progress (i.e. a trawl, a tow video, a Baited Remote Underwater Video, a fish trap) (which has been the case more often than not), and the same restriction is in place for simply tipping buckets over the side
That means that buckets of filthy seawater, sea cucumber guts, discarded excess critters, banged-up prawns and so on... just have to sit in the lab for a bit.
I've got a very sensitive nose. I have never been good at filtering out unpleasant smells, and yet somehow I kind of adapt to the lab odours... until I head up to the mess, and back down again.
(side note: we do actually clean the lab very thoroughly between trawls, and it does not smell all the time! It's more when you have to take a break in the middle of processing and then come back to it.)
What I do not adapt to is how bad I smell. By the end of the day, if I've been racing around in my coveralls, especially if I've been carrying heavy things, I will stink to high heaven.
(I will be quite self-conscious standing next to anyone.)
That shower is... so good.
But showering every day raises an issue. It's not what I normally do. Now, I realise there are some people who will find that horrifying (and most of them are from the US for some reason), but every second day, or when I need to wash my hair, or after a workout or, on a hot day? Yeah, that shower is good.
Every day? My poor skin is dryer than shoe leather, and I use a very gentle shower gel.
Shower Discord thoughts:
have been speculating on how one transitions from "I own body moisturiser but only occasionally remember to use it" as a terrestrial organism, to "I am pretty sure I could start a black market trade by subdividing this half-tube of Body Shop Hemp Hand Cream into small aliquots" as a person who is
1) at sea (the briny sea! The salty [drying] air!)
2) when not outdoors in the salty air, indoors in the drying A/C
3) regularly shoving one's hands into 100% ethanol and... usually... nearly always... wearing gloves while doing so
I mean this cream is the good shit
like basically liquid gold
which... could also be distributed in aliquots
okay. have decided: will not trade Body Shop Hemp Hand Cream for less than the equivalent volume of liquid gold
On later reflection, while I continue to believe that this asking price is fair, I may be pricing myself out of the market, if for no other reason than the simple lack of gold on board the vessel, regardless of phase.
I have decided that it doesn't have to be liquid. Melting gold on a moving vessel far off the continental shelf is an untenable safety risk. It just means that we will have to try to match the quantities by weight.
And that means using the scales in the clean wet lab, because the balances in our lab are not up to that sort of task.
And that means that I have definitely thought about this far too much, and I should go do something else (mainly clean my teeth and get ready for bed - need to get the energy for tomorrow's science-ing!).
We're still doing a fair bit of transiting and deeper sites, so I plan to try and knock out some taxonomic work on the few crinoids that have made it into the lab, and maybe set aside some time for the Sea Cucumber Salon.
Cukes gotta get their glamour shots, dammit.
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Catch and Release
May 29, 2024
Our departure from Tana was at 6:30 AM for an 8:30 flight, so we passed on breakfast (Seb had coffee), packed up and Maharo picked us up right on time. There was no traffic to the airport, and once we were at the domestic terminal (early) Maharo had us sit in the car rather than inside - good move, the general waiting room was a little sketchy. When finally they came to collect us, we bid Maharo farewell and were escorted to a quite nice small lounge where we waited a bit longer. The charter flight was two hours and quite smooth. The first hour or so was over mountains with lots of crop fields and small towns visible below. Then the terrain flattened out and the amount of streams and rivers increased until we got to the Indian Ocean. As we came in, we could see miles and miles of pristine beaches to the right and glorious blue and turquoise water to the left. No civilization at all until we were ready to land. We are indeed in the middle of nowhere.
Our resort in Anjajavy is called Anjajavy Lodge, part of Relais & Chateaux. It reportedly has four stars by European standards. As if none of the places we’ve stayed has been luxurious enough, we have indeed arrived at the decadent portion of our trip. We were met at the airport by two of the four or so guides, Lucien and Fabien. Fabien is one of many locals (yes, there’s a nearby village) who work at the lodge. Having taken away the livelihood of many locals when the area was turned into a protected reserve, the lodge management do what they can to provide education and employment to many locals, thus also helping the lodge. Lucien has terrific English and is presumably from elsewhere in the country. Both were young, enthusiastic and welcoming. After a quick lemonade, they loaded us into padded seats mounted on the back of a pickup truck and took us the 30 minutes to the lodge. There, three gals in lovely tropical outfits greeted us, and we entered the fresh cut flower-lined walkway. The lodge is beautiful. It’s open to the air with high ceilings and various (quasi-)indoor and outdoor seating and dining areas. Beyond is a grassy area, then the pool area, and beyond is the sea. To each side are slightly raised walkways to the bungalows, separated for good privacy. Ours is amazing. Enter to a small table and chairs, then more comfy chairs, behind is Jillebob’s room and Sarah has separate quarters up a ladder-like staircase. Wow. The bathroom is lovely. And of course, there’s a porch on the sea-side, over looking the water with two comfy chairs and a hammock. Paradise. The amusing moment came when Seb used the facilities, flushed, and up jumped a frog who had been disturbed by the flush. She screeched, called Jill in, who proceeded to catch the little bugger in the basket used for accessories in the bathroom. (Sarah wanted to leave it alone, but the toilet room is on Jill’s level and she didn’t want to sleep with him.) Jill handed the little basket to Seb, who had the job of releasing it near some water so it wouldn’t get heat stroke on the hot sand and turn into biltong. Lol. Successful catch and release.
We settled in for a few minutes and then headed over to the he lodge for lunch. There’s an oddity about the property in that the first owner decided to reject the standard time zone and create Anjajavy time, which is one hour ahead. The tradition has been carried forward. Not such a problem with “old-fashioned” timepieces but a problem with all the Apple the devices. We have only one watch between us set for Anjajavy time, so we’re definitely going to miss something in these few days. Wacky!
Lunch on the patio of the lodge was delicious, wonderful service. We also sat down with Lucien to plan out our activities for the visit. No grass will be growing under our feet, but we’ll save plenty of time for relaxation. After lunch, a dip in the sea, chilly at first, but actually quite temperate. Then we lounged on “our” lounge chairs on the beach at the end of our private walkway, before coming in, showering and heading out on our first walk. It was just about right - a little less than an hour to see the Tsingy rocks. One can see them all over, but there’s an area surrounded by a wall of them, with bunches within that look like little free-form sculptures.
On our return: tea in “the oasis,” a lovely area surrounding a pond with lily pads, sling-back seats, open grassy area surrounded by trees. At tea time, as if on command, the lemurs come. Totally fun to watch them swing around in the trees, snuggle up to one another, hang out and generally put on a good show. Alas, we didn’t last too awfully long, as it was buggy and we knew we’d have a couple more opportunities to hang out with them.
Back in the room, we relaxed until dinner time - beautifully served and delicious !
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chaoticwastelandthing · 3 months
Life Lessons
Chad sat on the balcony of his new home.  A palatial estate with 8 bedrooms, an indoor/outdoor swimming pool, and a guest house, all overlooking a beautifully landscaped forty acres of land.  He and his college buddies had all landed 6 figure jobs out of college and over the last few years, each of them amassed a small fortune as they worked their way up the corporate ladder.  They were five ruthless businessmen that had each landed trophy wives that were kept in line and forced to maintain strict obedience to their desires.  When they were together, they would drink expensive whiskey, smoke Cuban cigars, and talk about how they must maintain control over the marriage because men deserved whatever they wanted, especially powerful men like them. 
He was remembering how they brought their wives over to his house last weekend and first made them eat each other out and then decided to allow their best friends take their wives' anal cherry.  He got to take Dan’s wife Barbera’s ass and “break her in”.  Mike had the privilege of taking Chad’s wife Mary’s ass.  Chad was thinking that since Mary had now had anal sex, he would insist on it from now on. 
While Chad was rubbing his growing cock thinking about anal sex with Mary, his phone rang.  Dan was calling to see if Chad had heard from Mike, Alan, or Rob in the last few days.  The five men spoke on a nearly daily schedule, and it was strange to not hear from them, but he had not thought of it until now.  “Were they going out of town?”  Chad asked.  “No, and their wives are not answering their phones either”, Dan said.  Chad said that he would go over to Mike’s house to see what was going on and get back to him. 
Chad rang the doorbell of Mike’s house and his wife, Tina, answered the door.  She was wearing a very low-cut crop-top and some of the shortest shorts he had ever seen.  Her long black hair was pulled back in a ponytail helped make her “casual” look sexy as fuck.  He was thinking that if Mike was not there, maybe he would get to fuck Tina.  Mike wouldn’t mind and he would let him fuck his wife when he gets back into town.  “Hey Tina, is Mike here?”  She smiled and said “He should be back in a few minutes, why don’t you come in and wait for him?”  “I will fuck her next time”, he thought, but said “sounds great” and walked through the door into the living room where he was floored by the woman that was sitting there.  She had the biggest tits he had ever seen in real life and that is saying a lot.  Everyone he knew had made their wives get the biggest implants they could handle.  As Tina handed Chad a drink, she said “this is my friend Julia who just came into town and will be staying here.”  Julia stood, held out her perfectly manicured hand and said “Chad, it is a great pleasure to meet you.  You are even sexier than Tina described you.”   
Chad shook her hand while taking a drink of the brandy Tina had given him.  As impressive as Julia’s body was, the rest of her body was even more so.  Long legs, tiny waist, waist length wavy hair, and an ample butt.  Julia reached down and started rubbing Chad’s growing cock and he knew that he was going to be fucking this bitch before the day was over.  Maybe he could convince her to come by his house and have a 3-way with his wife.  While trying to think of something to say, he realized that he was getting very drowsy, so he sat down and passed out.  He woke up with Tina standing over him and he realized he was strapped to a bed.  He then realized that his wife Mary, Barbera, Alan’s wife Debbie, and Rob’s wife Anne were all in the room as well.  He figured they all wanted to do some sort of bondage thing with him and started to tell them that he was the alpha, he was the one in control, but he couldn’t speak, he couldn’t move his arms or legs either.  What the fuck is going on???   
Mary came over and said, “You boys have been torturing us for too long now and we decided it is about time that you learn what it is like to be treated like a whore.  We found a great way to do this where you will never be able to forget.  Turns out, one of Mike’s companies had developed an experimental serum that performs gender reassignment without surgery.  It was shelved because the transformation was too effective.  It would turn men into bimbos by giving them huge breasts, long legs, long hair, tiny waist, and an insatiable desire for sex.  To make things worse, as they received sperm, the effect was amplified.  The women became even more voluptuous and horny.  They craved more cock, and more cum making them sexier and sexier as they received it.” 
“Bullshit!” thought Chad.  Tina said “You probably don’t believe her, but you have already seen the results.  Even we were impressed with Mike’s transformation into Julia.  We are going to have fun teaching you what it’s like to be treated like a whore.” 
To be continued...
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chicagocal · 2 years
At Ease
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sfw, domestic as fuuuuuck :)
word count: 605
I don’t even remember writing this but when I came across and read it, I was actually impressed with the scene I depicted. So, without further ado I present a glimpse into another one of my day dreams
I’m seeing fresh bread in a basket on the glossy white countertops so bright it contrasts the deep emerald of the cabinets perfectly. There’s a deep wide farm sink with matte black hardware. I have a ginormous cylinder candle lit in the center of the island. It smells like citrus. I look down and notice our dog is stretched out rolling around on the runner rug that lies between the sink and the island counter. I laugh at the noise he makes and coo back to him. 
I glance up and move my eyes toward the backyard and notice you working out next to the pool. Sun beaming down on your sun kissed skin, your torso covered in a light sheen of sweat making you glisten. Your thick dark curls weighing down over your forehead from the dampness. I can’t help myself but get lost in watching you move. Not trying to divert my focus from you but realizing you’ll be in soon, I reach into a cabinet to pull out a juicer. I go into the refrigerator and pull out some green produce. Back at the island I grab some ginger and a fresh pineapple to cut into. With some light prep my results are two green juices for the two of us. Again my eyes search to find you in the backyard. I see you jog around the pool to get to the diving board. You dive into the pool gracefully and begin your usual few laps. 
I begin to feel warm and desperate for some fresh air, so I walk to the sliding doors near the living area. With little force I tug at the sliding door and guide it all the way to the other end of the kitchen, completely immersing our indoor and outdoor space. I hear some splashes and see your head bob up and curls shake as you climb up the ladder out of the pool. You give me your biggest smile ear to ear and reach for me. I’m hesitant not wanting to get all wet but lean in to meet your lips. I look over my shoulder and point to the island at the juice I have ready. You nod acknowledging them and skip off to take a shower. 
It's moments like these where I just want to stay and hide in them forever. I smiled to myself dumbfounded at this life I’m living. I dreamed of this stability and comfort. I dreamed of being loved this crazily and hard. 
Our backyard is lush with greenery, fruit trees and vines everywhere. The backyard is set on a hill, and past the pool and the big willow tree you’ll find a stone path that follows down the elevation to a little quiet nook where we’ve fit a swinging bench. Not many places in this city are quiet but we’ve positioned it near a clearing where it conveniently looks over the horizon of the vast tinseltown. I pad my way down the stepping stones and take a seat on the swing just as the sunset turned pink. I hear a leaf crunch and my head shifts to look over my shoulder, our eyes connect, my expression softens inviting you to join me. Instead of watching myself I watch you as you admire the sunset and try to savor both our contentment. You lean over and push your lips to my temple and linger close to my face.
I could relive this afternoon over and over again. 
“I love afternoons like these, with you.”  As if he was responding to the thought in my head. I hummed in agreement.
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equalonline · 2 months
Why You Should Choose an Aluminium Ladder?
There aren’t many things to differentiate between ladders when comparing materials and designs, but there are certainly some things you must know before making your purchase decision. When purchasing an aluminum ladder for your project, refrain from buying it hurriedly. And invest in high-quality stairs and ladders, which can serve you for several years. Indeed, quality matters, as you recognize that it'll be safe for you or your workers who are going to be using them.
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Ever Used Wooden Ladder?
If you're used to a wooden ladder, you'd know how tiring it is for one person to manage one large one. The complexity that develops out of it is going to change even an easy job into a fancy one. Is there a remedy for this? Well, an enormous number of individuals have found using lightweight and sturdy aluminum ladders performs better than other ladders.
Major Benefits of Using Aluminum Ladder
When you are thinking to buy aluminium ladder, you need to think about the one that matches flawlessly with your requirements. Additionally, you need to contemplate whether you would like a step ladder, an extension ladder or multipurpose ladder, telescopic ladder. There’s a number of reasons that choosing aluminum ladders can be the best choice for you.
It’s handy, without any trouble, one person can handle aluminum ladder easily.
It won’t get corrode, once you purchase aluminum ladder, you won’t need to worry about rust or corrosion, because it will remain free from it.
It can be stored outdoors too, an aluminum ladder can be stored outdoor because it won’t get corrode. This can be a major characteristic and beneficial for those who have restricted space.
Strong Reasons For Buying Aluminum Ladder
Many features of aluminum material make it perfect for ladders. Compared to wooden ladders and fiberglass ladders, aluminum ladders are much lighter.
As fiberglass is extremely dense, the fiberglass ladder is sort of heavy. Similarly, the wooden ladder is heavier than aluminum ladder and that they can't be stored outdoor.
Aluminum doesn't erupt. Due to this feature, often fire-fighters choose the folding aluminium ladder.
Aluminium ladders for home are exceptionally durable and strong.
There is no better choice than aluminum ladder.
What makes for the icing on the cake is aluminum ladders cost less than the fiberglass ladder. As they're economical and maintenance-free, wise tradesmen, industrial users, and others choose aluminum ladders.
Therefore, due to the various benefits of aluminum ladders, many of us favor to use them.
There are many advantages of using Foldable aluminum ladders they're lightweight so that they can be handled by a single person with ease; they're free from rust/ corrosion so that they are often kept outdoors without any issues; they don’t catch fire; they're sturdy and strong plus they're a cost-effective option, and there's no lack in their selection. A top-quality aluminum ladder will perfectly fit your requirements, as long as you adhere to the load limit and don’t abandon it sitting call at the rain for years on end.
At EQUAL, you’ll get an enormous array of aluminum ladders for secure access at the most effective prices. Furthermore, all our ladders and accessories are manufactured to satisfy all safety standards.
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Elevate Your Holiday Spirit with the 5FT Inflatable Santa Christmas Ladder Lights!
Are you ready to take your Christmas decorations to new heights? Look no further than the 5FT Inflatable Santa Christmas Ladder Lights—an absolute game-changer in the world of festive decor!
Picture this: a jolly, inflatable Santa Claus merrily climbing a LED rope ladder, spreading holiday cheer in a dazzling display of lights and magic. This unique and eye-catching decoration is not just a showstopper; it's a conversation starter that will leave your neighbors and guests in awe.
Unmatched Features for a Merry Christmas:
1. 8 Enchanting Modes: Transform your yard into a winter wonderland with the flick of a switch. Choose from 8 different lighting modes, each more enchanting than the last. From steady glows to dynamic patterns, the possibilities are endless.
2. Dimming Delight: Set the perfect ambiance with the dimming feature. Whether you prefer a soft, warm glow or a vibrant burst of color, this inflatable Santa adapts to your mood, making every night feel like a magical holiday evening.
3. Timing is Everything: No need to worry about turning the lights on and off. The built-in timing function ensures that your festive display shines bright when it matters most—creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for family and friends.
4. Indoor or Outdoor Brilliance: Versatility is key, and this Christmas ladder knows it! Whether adorning your living room or transforming your outdoor space, this inflatable decoration is built to withstand the elements, spreading joy wherever it goes.
5. Santa's Endless Climb: Watch as Santa tirelessly climbs up the LED rope ladder, bringing a touch of whimsy to your holiday decor. It's a visual feast that captures the essence of Christmas in a way that's both charming and unforgettable.
Why Choose the 5FT Inflatable Santa Christmas Ladder Lights?
This festive masterpiece is not just a decoration; it's a statement. With its innovative design, advanced features, and durability, it goes beyond the ordinary to create a holiday experience that's truly magical.
Say goodbye to the mundane and hello to a Christmas filled with joy, laughter, and the radiant glow of Santa's climb. Elevate your celebrations with the 5FT Inflatable Santa Christmas Ladder Lights—the pinnacle of festive brilliance!
Don't miss out on the chance to make this holiday season extra special. Order yours now, and let the enchantment begin!
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hindisoup · 2 years
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Childhood Play Vocabulary
खेलने की जगह - play area (feminine) खेल का मैदान - playground (masculine) बग़ीचा, पार्क - park (masculine) मनोरंजन पार्क - amusement park (masculine) अड़ोस-पड़ोस, मोहल्ला - neighborhood (masculine) आंगन - yard (masculine) बचपन - childhood (masculine) बाल विकास - child development (masculine) रचनात्मकता - creativity (feminine) कल्पना - imagination (feminine)
At the Playground
खेल के मैदान उपकरण - playground equipment (masculine) * this equipment can be रोमांचक (exciting), आकर्षक (interesting, attractive) and चुनौतीपूर्ण (challenging) for children. झूमा-झूमी - teeter-totter, seesaw (feminine) झूमना - to sway, rock, wave (intransitive) झूला - swing (masculine) झूलना - to swing (intransitive) चढ़ाई फ्रेम - climbing frame, jungle gym (masculine) स्लाइड - slide (masculine) * a slide can be सीधा (straight), लहरदार (wavy) or सर्पिल (spiral). * पानी की स्लाइड - water slide सीढ़ी - ladder (feminine) सीढ़ियाँ - stairs (feminine) स्लाइड के शीर्ष पर चढ़ना - to climb to the top of the slide (intransitive) ढलान - chute of a slide (feminine) ढलान को नीचे स्लाइड करना - to slide down the chute (feminine) स्लाइड पर खेलना - to play on a slide (transitive) खेलने का घर - play house (masculine) रेत, बालू - sand (feminine) रेत के खिलौने - sand toys (masculine) खोदना - to dig (transitive) बाल्टी - bucket (feminine) फ़ावड़ा - spade, shovel (masculine) रेत का महल - sand castle (masculine) रेत का महल बनाना / खड़ा करना - to make a sand castle (transitive) पतंग - kite (masculine) पतंग उड़ाना - to fly a kite (transitive) हिंडोला - carousel, marry-go-around (masculine)
खिलौना - toy (masculine) * toys are often made of लकड़ी (wood) or प्लास्टिक (plastic). गुड़िया - doll (feminine) गुड़िया का मकान - doll's house (masculine) खिलौना गाड़ी - toy car, also खिलौना कार (masculine) से / के साथ खेलना - to play with [toys, dolls, cars...] (transitive) आलीशान खिलौना - stuffed animal, plushie (masculine) फ़रफ़री - pinwheel (feminine) घूमना - to turn, rotate, go around (intransitive)
Games and Play
खेलना - to play (ambitransitive) खेल - game, play (masculine) * a game or play can be संवादात्मक (interactive), संरचित (structured) or सहज (spontaneous). * घर के अंदर खेले जाने वाला खेल - indoor game * बहिर्कक्ष खेल, मैदानी खेल - outdoor game खेलने का साथी - play mate (masculine) खेल-कूद - game, fun, sports (masculine) पहेली - riddle, puzzle (feminine) खेल के नियम - rules of the game (masculine) नियमों में बदलाव करना - to change the rules (transitive) खिलाड़ी - player (masculine) लुकाछिपी, छुआ-छु��वल - hide and seek (feminine) खुद को छुपाना - to hide oneself (transitive), also छुपना (intransitive) खोजी, खोजनेवाला, ढूँढ़नेवाला - seeker (adjective) ढूंढ़ना, खोजना - to seek, find (transitive) अपनी आखें बंद करना - to close one's eyes (transitive) दस/तीस तक गिनना - to count to ten/thirty (transitive) तैयार हो या न हो, मैं आ रहा हूँ! - Ready or not, here I come! गेंद - ball (masculine) गोल - goal (masculine) लात मारना - to kick (transitive) दौड़ना, भागना - to run (intransitive)
Child-like Activities
मज़े / मस्ती करना - to have fun, play (transitive) मज़ेदार - fun (adjective) हँसना - to laugh (intransitive) हाथ में हाथ डालकर चलना - to go hand in hand (intransitive) बच्चों की कविता - nursery rhyme (feminine) गाना - to sing (transitive) ताली बजाना - to clap hands (transitive) घेरा, गोल, गोला - circle (masculine) गोल घेरे में खड़ा होना - to stand in a circle (intransitive) गोला बनाकर बैठना - to sit in a circle (intransitive) अपनी बारी का इंतजार करना - to wait one's turn (transitive) कूदना - to jump, hop (intransitive) रस्सी - rope (feminine) रस्सी कूदना - to jump rope (transitive) साइकिल - bicycle (feminine) साइकिल चलाना - to drive a bicycle (transitive) साइकिल की टोपी - helmet (feminine) हाथ छोड़कर साइकिल चलाना - to drive a bike without hands (transitive) साइकिल से गिर जाना - to fall off a bicycle (intransitive) अवलोकन करना - to observe (transitive) शरारत - prank, mischief (feminine) धकेल देना - to push (transitive) ठोकर खाना - to stumble (transitive) गिरना - to fall (intransitive) लड़ना, झगड़ा करना - to quarrel, fight (transitive) रोना - to cry (intransitive) माफी माँगना - to apologize (transitive)
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kicksaddictny · 8 months
CAT Footwear Invader Mid Vent
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In September 2023, Cat Footwear will launch its new Invader Mid Vent - a shoe that boasts unbeatable traction, unmatched style, and unwavering confidence.
Cat Footwear, a leading footwear brand under Wolverine World Wide, Inc., is growing its Invader collection by adding the Invader Mid Vent as its newest inclusion. Other styles within the collection include the Invader Steel Toe, the Invader Hi Steel Toe, and the Invader Hiker Waterproof Boot.
The Invader Mid Vent features a ReViveTech Engineered Comfort footbed, an 100% Post Industrial Recycled Lining with an NXT footbed cover, a resilient EVA midsole, a nylon shank, a composite toe, and an industrial-grade rubber outsole. The new design also features an aggressive lug pattern that provides unbeatable traction inspired by the Cat® machine, and its overbuilt styling offers a distinct look.
“The Invader Mid Vent delivers on both the Outdoor Utility and Overbuilt Style macro trends in the marketplace, with hiking silhouettes leading the way. Insights show that more and more consumers are wearing their work/safety products indoors AND outdoors,” said Kelly Ballou, VP of Global Marketing. “With visible traction and overbuilt styling cues, the Invader collection ladders up to Cat ® Inc. and the machines they’re known for.”
The Invader Mid Vent will be available in 4 colorways and retail for $135. For more information, visit the Cat Footwear website.
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i-rove-rock-n-roll · 1 year
An excerpt from Down We Fall
The wedding was going to be the highlight of the day. Everyone was excited, gossiping on how it was going to be the most splendid sight. The wedding of the century, now that the prince and princess had finally decided to get their act together.
At 5 o’clock that morning, the steward was wide awake, checking and rechecking his list as he absentmindedly struggled with his shoes. The first visit was to the kitchens. He watched the crew running back and forth, gathering ingredients and mixing bowls. The head chef already barking out orders, despite being the smallest woman in the kitchen, the steward couldn’t help but be amazed at her sudden power over the normally unruly kitchen staff.
“Thatcher, start making the hor'dourves-no, not alone you stupid boy, Janice will help you, won’t you Janice? Maurice, start peeling some potatoes, Michael can’t be the only one doing what I ask--Thatcher, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT DO YOU CALL THAT MESS IN FRONT OF YOU? HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT AN HOR D'OEUVRE LOOKS LIKE? DON’T GIVE ME THAT ‘I WASN’T TAUGHT’ BULL, YOU’VE WORKED HERE FOR SIXTEEN YEARS!”
The steward slowly backed out, beginning to get the inkling of what the phrase ‘fear for your life’ meant.
Kitchens, check.
The next stop was the ballroom, where they had begun to divvy up the decorations for the castle. The steward entered to arguing, but thankfully, no screaming. Yet. The taller of the decorators seemed as though he had swallowed helium, his voice getting higher and more shrill with each statement from his partner.
“If we had just started with a few of the decorations each day this week--”
“IF WE HAD STARTED ANY EARLIER THE DECORATIONS WOULD BE SOILED.” the man cried, sharp arm movements punctuating the air between them as his partner rolled her eyes. “WE’RE RISKING ENOUGH AS IT IS DOING THEM ALL THIS EARLY IN THE DAY!” His partner raised an eyebrow.
“Are you finished?” The tall decorator nodded, suddenly sullen. The steward blinked, baffled by the sudden change in attitude, and shook his head. Nearby, a man hanging some of the decorations from the ceiling reached a little too far and the ladder tipped, crashing.with a force to shake the castle. The decorators rounded, prepared to yell at the man, before they heard his screams and looked up, seeing the man clinging to the rafters for dear life. The steward excused himself politely, though none of the people within the room had even noticed he was there, and he quickly made himself scarce.
Ballroom, check.
By noon he was only a little over halfway through the list, having found the florist to be quite normal. Stomach growling, he didn’t dare swipe much more than a sandwich from the kitchens. Not after he saw the head chef...he shuddered. She looked about ready to pull a Hansel and Gretel on that Thatcher kid. He suspected the only thing holding her back was that it would slow up the production time. Not to mention she'd ruin the oven, which was brand new.
Munching absently on a pear he snagged from a passing waiter, he continued on his way.
The tailor was an older gentleman, that spent more time jabbering about how each cut of fabric would've clashed in his day. How one couldn't pair a satin ribbon with anything lace of a particular color, unless you wanted to look the part of a true fashion disaster. The steward nodded politely, not listening to a word, and asked how the outfits looked. Satisfied when he saw no stains and that they weren't going to (hopefully) catch fire anytime soon, he bid the tailor adieu (even as the old man was spinning another tale about the woes of how no one wore plaid or navy anymore).
Tailor, check.
The reception was to be held both indoors and outdoors, with tables set up in the pavilion for the royalty, and in the garden, for the peasantry. The only real difference was that one group had to contend with possible insect invasions and maybe a paper lantern catching fire in the wind. Both groups, however, would get cake.
The steward counted the tables, missing the look on the one man's face when he told him he was a couple short, as the extended family was, in fact, invited. He just barely missed the screaming of “Where are we going to get another table?!” when he stepped out.
Pavilion, check.
The gardeners had spend ages trimming each tree and bush to round perfection. The didn't bother with anything intricate, as they had barely agreed on whether the bushes should be round or square, and nearly punched the man who asked why not make them triangles and be done with it.
Garden, check.
Blushing bride and groom?
He had just made to go find them when they came to him. Actually, they came out the window. Flew out of the window really. Glass shattered everywhere, and the steward could see the glint of metal as the soon to be married couple drew swords and tried to slaughter each other.
His quill snapped.
Of course nothing could go perfect.
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Joel/Tess + neighbours AU
Didn't expect this one to end up close to 3k but here we are. Modern AU, rather nsfw (didn't plan that either), also on ao3.
Tess needs a change of scenery, or at least the different horrors of a middle-ring suburb. Somewhere it’ll be a little harder for her tendencies to get her in trouble, or at least different trouble, and-
On paper this is a hell of a slightly early midlife crisis, but something about her sees the words “fixer-upper” and thinks she’s watched just enough renovation shows in waiting rooms to at least turn this into a good distraction for a couple years or however it long takes her to DIY her way out of this. Never mind that she has no idea what she’s doing. She’s under-stimulated at work and kinda likes the idea of living somewhere the kids outnumber the purse dogs. This’ll be fine.
Or at least it would be if her new neighbors weren’t Those People.
She understands the appeal of outdoor maintenance, despite her own black thumbs – she killed a cactus with neglect, she was just out of town for a destination wedding, those things are supposed to survive months but it didn’t last a long weekend – and lack of interest in yardwork. She gets that most of the neighborhood does things the same way she’s inclined to, keeps it all neat and maybe a hanging basket out front but not overkill. But of course she goes and moves in next to someone who clearly has compulsions or something, whose yard looks like someone actually planned it, and that’s just the part visible from the front, their backyard has what looks like a complicated vegetable-growing setup and-
Tess is prepared to hate them on sight, whoever they are, whatever kind of people they otherwise are and it’s coinflip odds on sweethearts or assholes and she’s never been lucky. She is also prepared to spend the next couple months as indoors as possible, questioning every home-décor choice ever made in the 1970s, she’s pretty sure part of the reason the house was unusually cheap is the last owner died here – in their sleep and their mid-80s, if she heard right, but still – and good grief somebody liked orange a little too much and-
How she managed to get this place instead of one of those industrial demolition companies, she’s not quite sure, but she’s going to make it work.
She’s having a moment of frustration a couple weeks in – most of a weekend down an internet rabbit hole does not make her any more confident about removing what could politely be described as a chandelier – and it occurs to her that she doesn’t actually have a ladder high enough to safely get her hands up in that thing, and it occurs to her that Those People, who she has yet to actually interact with, probably do and will probably be horrified enough by her currently apathetic appearance to let her borrow it for a few hours. And possibly, if she brings it back without damage, other fun things she might need out of their inevitably thoroughly equipped shed and/or garage. Tess is nothing if not perceptive, and she’s half surprised she hasn’t gotten a please-make-sure-your-grass-is-even note in impeccable handwriting, and-
She’s not sure what she expects when she knocks on the door, but the man who answers – scruffy, gorgeous, just older than her enough to be hot – is somehow not it. To the extent that she has a type, this is her type, and fuck she’s finally going to add intentional homewrecking to her list of accomplishments (it doesn’t count if you don’t know for fact the other person has a tiny cute wife at home, fight her) and-
“I just moved in next door,” she says before this can get weird or she can do something fabulously reckless. “And I was wondering if you had a decent ladder I could borrow?”
Normal people do this, she tries to remind herself. Normal functional people who live in mid-ring suburbs occasionally ask favors from people nearby and it’s not weird at all. She’s used to a series of apartment complexes occupied by people who acted more like feral animals, and there’s a bit of that in her by association, but-
“What do you need it for?” the man replies, more curious than judgmental if she’s hearing him right.
“Taking down… fuck, I think somebody thought it was a chandelier but…”
Tess does not do the learned-helplessness thing, but apparently it’s obvious how far she’s in over her head. “Need an extra set of hands?”
“Never had someone I don’t know want to watch me get electrocuted,” she laughs.
“So, yes.”
She’s not going to say no, and she’s not going to waste an opportunity for what she swears will stop at light eyefucking, and she does notice there’s no indent of a wedding band on his hand but she’s seen the well-equipped truck out front and that may be more of a profession-related choice than useful information and-
The garage is as full of everything possible as she’d expected, but also a little more chaotic than everything publicly visible, and she almost has questions, and-
“Compromise,” he says like he knows what she’s thinking. “The kid’s not allowed in here.”
And now Tess has more questions, and… this is not the time, she decides, not while she’s testing the limits of someone’s patience. She can feel out the details of the personal situation later, after…
Her own living space is only neat because most of her worldly possessions are still in boxes, and there’s almost nothing in what must’ve been designed as a dining room except for the goddamned light fixture and-
“I don’t do a lot of electrical, but… you flip the fuse first?”
“Yeah. At least those were labeled.”
To be fair, she’d just meant to borrow a ladder, not make this entire project someone else’s problem, but… she’s also not complaining about that, and she’s going to have to return the favor somehow and she’s pretty damn useless as a person and-
She has a type, and how apparently competent this man is just makes her more interested, and she needs to run damage control against herself before she does anything and-
“You have time for this?” she asks, figuring that’s a safe opening.
“You mean like…”
“Anybody wondering where you are right now?” Fuck, that sounds creepy now that she’s said it, like she’s going to do something violent when the worst she’s actually thinking is how to get him under her, like-
“Kid’s doing something with her friends. That’s… it.”
Oh. Well.
Tess’s surprise must register or something, and she in general is apparently more expressive than she thinks, because her silence is enough to get her new acquaintance off the ladder and looking at her with more worry than she thinks another human has directed at her in her adult life. Oh, if this is how she makes it awkward…
“Saw your yard and I thought…”
“Kid watches too much TV. Her ideas and my hands.”
“How old?”
“Sixteen. Her mom left… a while ago. We try.”
Not objectively helpful information, Tess thinks – if anything, the implications that this man has been doing the single-parent thing impeccably for a good length of time just makes him more hot – but also exactly what she wanted to know and-
“I’m sorry if I got weird earlier. I make bad first impressions and… y’know, I try to behave but I’ve got eyes and you’re-“
“It’s alright.”
“Should’ve at least introduced myself first. Tess.”
“Joel. Nice to meet you.”
“I will… if you’re determined to save me from myself here, I will pay you. I’m not-“
“Conversation with an actual adult feels like enough.”
If she counts as an actual adult, the world is probably screwed, but…
“How much does that get me?”
* * * * *
It becomes something of a routine, after that.
Tess is determined to do as much of this minor renovation herself as she can, and turns out painting walls is a good way to burn off energy after work, but occasionally there are projects that she’s either not sure how to do or legitimately needs an extra set of hands for and that’s where the nice man next door comes in. Every time, she offers to compensate for the effort; every time, he turns her down. She’s covering materials and apparently that’s enough, and-
Every time, the thoughts about what could happen between them get a little more vivid.
They’re working on bathroom tile when she decides to actually do something about it, a project that she’d feel bad about if it wasn’t such a small space. Theoretically simple like everything else she’s tried to do, but her eye for detail isn’t great and it’s turned into her new friend doing most of it while she watches and hands him things and she probably owes him a kidney for this particular adventure alone and-
“So it’s just you here?” he asks, like he can read her damn mind and honestly she wouldn’t be surprised.
They’ve avoided most of the deep personal questions, instead talking mundane stuff like favorites, filling the space between them with whatever they can. They’re compatibly damaged people, she’s figured out that much, and he’s good like she’s not sure she is, and-
“Figured, but… had to ask.”
“Me trying to flirt with you still makes you think I’ve got somebody out there?”
“Can’t rule out an open relationship…”
Tess laughs – she does that more around him than most people, something inherently stabilizing about this dynamic they’re working out. “No judgement to anyone else, but I’m way too territorial for that. What’s mine is mine.”
He’s quiet for a while, places a few more tiles absolutely perfect, lets the tension rest. It’s not awkward, exactly, but the energy is different and-
“Wasn’t saying… shit, I’m not sure if I wanna ask you out or pin you to a wall or-“
“I’d let you.”
She puts that information aside for as long as it takes to finish the project, until they’re cleaning up and she’s aware she looks good in this tank top, hair already a mess but she thinks she’d break him if he ever saw what she looks like when she tries and-
“Can I kiss you now?” she asks, just a little softer than necessary.
Joel leans down and puts his mouth on hers and it’s everything she wants, scruffy and warm and just a little hesitant, and she’s going to melt and she’s going to do something that’ll ruin them and-
“That good for you too?” Adoration in his eyes, she’s not sure what to do with this, she’s not sure-
Normally she does casual and easy to disconnect from, and she is well aware that screwing her neighbor is neither of those things and will, if it ends badly, ruin her life. But what if it doesn’t, she thinks. What if this is good? What if…
“We’ve got all the major stuff done,” she murmurs, thinking out loud. “If this gets weird…”
“You have your priorities,” he replies, almost playful.
“Been thinking about you all over me since I saw you, but… yeah.”
He takes another kiss, deeper this time, and she feels what he’s not saying, that he’s been having the same thoughts for a couple months now and wasn’t sure it was a good idea but fuck it they have nothing to lose and-
“You think I’d do all this if I didn’t like you?”
“Guess this is how I’m repaying you.” She’s seen that part coming for a while, the inevitability of it, and she doesn’t mind, she doesn’t-
“Not like that.”
“A little like that.”
She moves her body against his for emphasis, and she wants, she wants-
“Not like that,” he repeats.
“Think of it however you have to,” she replies, deciding this is as good a time as any to shed her tank top.
It’s been a while since she’s been with anyone under quite these circumstances – daylight in a hallway with someone she actually knows. A dry spell since the move hasn’t helped, enough of a crush that she’s lost interest in her previously normal routines, and-
While she’s stuck in her head, he gets her against the wall and gets on his knees for her, and she’s half confused and-
“This look like you repaying me?” he asks, hands on her waistband.
“Don’t know your preferences enough to know.”
She doesn’t push him away, and he takes that for the let’s-see-what-happens consent that it is, and… most of the men she fucks don’t go down on her, and she’s pleasantly surprised that this one wants to, and-
Something about how he undoes her makes her think he’s also on the tail end of a much longer dry spell, not that she’s complaining. She’s easy to work open, and he’s apparently as good at giving head as anything else he does, and she’s going to get herself ruined, and-
“Stay with me,” he breathes against her thigh. “Keep your eyes open.”
She doesn’t, when it matters. Something about the combination of factors gets her off faster than she’s used to, and that doesn’t stop him working her through, making sure she’s properly wrecked before he stops batting her clit with his tongue. They are ridiculously compatible, and she can’t remember the last time a partner gave her that much attention, and-
“That clear enough?” he asks, back on his feet and still way too clothed for her preferences.
“You want me to return the favor?”
“Stop talkin’ like that.”
Well, if this is how she ends up pinned to a wall, she’s not complaining.
She’s usually more assertive than this, but if someone wants to make clear how much they want her, she’ll go with it. It takes some pawing to get his shirt off before he lifts her up, and it’s just as well he was so thorough with his mouth because he’s as solid between the legs as everywhere else and-
Tess is pretty sure she’s in love, and pretty sure that’s not a normal thought to have when being fucked against a wall, and pretty sure she doesn’t care about anything else right now. She hasn’t been done this well in quite some time, maybe ever, and she doesn’t get off again but she at least gets warm enough to have a good time, and-
“Shit,” he says after, after he falls apart inside her with a sharp bite to her shoulder. “You on anything?”
“Implant. Don’t trust me with anything I have to think about more often.”
“At least you’re asking now.”
She’s still half pinned to the wall, and she turns it into an embrace and oh they fit right with their bodies separated too. This better work out, she thinks, this better-
“What now?”
He gets a hand back in her hair, now thoroughly messed up. “Think that shower will fit both of us?”
Like she’d know, she’s tempted to murmur, but it’d ruin the moment. “Only one real way to find out…”
* * * * *
They make it work.
Desperate-hot sex and home-improvement projects are a weird combination to start a relationship on, but Tess is pretty sure she’s never actually dated anyone before, and Joel hasn’t in years upon years, and… at least they’re useless together, at least there’s that. At least they’re winging their way forward, slowly drifting into…
She keeps her own spaces, even when things get serious. It’s a better situation for both of them.
Her yard is still, no matter what she does, even when she lets the kid (Sarah, sweetheart, decides she likes Tess surprisingly quickly) try to help, the disappointment of the block. It’s fine. Comparison helps no one anyways.
A couple years later, just as Tess is starting to think that it might be time to propose now that she’s on the other side of forty and about as domesticated as she’s likely to ever get, she gets a phone call and apparently owes someone a huge favor and ends up sharing space with a teenage girl who reminds her a lot of the purse dogs she thought she moved out here to avoid and…
It all turns out okay in the end. Somehow.
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