#Telescopic Extension
equalonline · 3 months
How A Ladder Can Make Your Work Easier
A ladder is a set of rungs or steps. There are two variants of the ladder: rigid ladders which are self-supporting and that may be leaned against a vertical surface such as a wall, and aluminum which may be hung from the top. Rigid ladders are generally moveable, but some types are permanently fixed to a building. They are usually made up of metal, wood, and fiberglass, but they have been known to be made of tough plastic.
Ladders are the most wanted love of every housewife. Either it is to clean spider houses or to make your child like a monkey. Every housewife loves it. And for men, it plays the role of lifesaver to climb it and find their long-lost files. The ladder plays a very crucial role in every house. Not just only in the houses but also in shops too. Ladders have all the capacity to make you go from zero to hero.
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Aluminum Ladders
Aluminum is the most well-liked choice for ladders used in households because the leading features of aluminium ladders are that they have a high strength-to-weight ratio which makes an aluminum model easy to transport and store as well as less expensive to produce than ladders which made from other materials. Aluminum products, such as ladders, may weigh up as much as 50% less.
Folding Ladders
A folding ladder is a ladder that is in the form of the step ladder style with one or more but generally not more than three that’s one-way hinges. For this ladder, Storage is not a problem as it is packed together once folded and be able to be easily stowed away. You can use this on rough surfaces such as a flight of stairs. As this type of ladder is lightweight, this is extremely moveable and suitable to use.
Telescopic Ladder
Telescoping ladders are a more versatile, moveable, and convenient form of the traditional ladder. As opposed to a typical adjustable ladder and extension ladder, this ladder used patented technology to extend and lock by the foot to a user's desired height, making them enormously versatile. This is convenient to store which is due to their compact nature. This is less vulnerable to the elements which are partially due to storage, and partially due to their makeup. This is lightweight because of that it is easily carried and transported. This is highly versatile which is appropriate for several jobs. This has high safety standards which are due to the sturdy build.
Multipurpose ladder
Multipurpose ladders are versatile and can be used for any purpose. It can be changeable and adjustable into a variety of positions according to how users want to use it. Users can use them as a step ladder, low platform, workbench, and an extension ladder with standoff (L-shaped bend), and that’s all in one single ladder which is an easily stored package. We can use it as the single solution for all our ladder requirements as it is very easily adjustable to any type of ladder. It is cost-effective as it eliminates the need to buy a variety of ladders for different purposes. It reduces space requirements for storage as you can buy only a single ladder and as well as you can fold multi-purpose ladders, make them compact and convenient to move at the same time.
The most common household ladders that are used for home purposes are step-ladders in which aluminum ladders are very strong and that’s why the most preferred choice for home purposes. Ladders made up of aluminum are lightweight and non-corrosive
Different kinds of industrial ladders are used for various applications. Most industrial ladders are made up of metal because they are required to be durable. Aluminum ladders become very popular because they are lighter in weight as compared to steel ladders and that is also not affected by corrosion. Some of the commonly used industrial ladders are step ladders, extension ladders, folding ladders, and platform ladders.
In my opinion, ladders are the most useful, sensible, and most importantly motivational things a person could ask for. It gives you a light, a light of path for your journey.
Quality that we all desire and it can become from those who are experienced in their work. So here for you EQUAL in which the name itself expresses the right one. EQUAL is a solution provider based in Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is one of the leading manufacturers in India. With Experience of 20+ years, EQUAL provides high-quality Ladders all over India at the best price. It designs ladders that are made from stainless steel and aluminum. Its ladders are durable and cost effective and they meet all the safety regulations.
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corvidsindia · 8 months
Explore Corvids Selection of High-Quality Telescopic Ladder Now
Experience Corvids Telescopic Ladder, a game-changer for those who seek simplicity and efficiency in their projects. It extends effortlessly to the height you need, eliminating the hassles of traditional ladders. This ladder is designed to be lightweight and easy to transport, making it a practical choice for both indoor and outdoor tasks. Safety is paramount, with anti-slip rungs providing a secure footing, and the locking system ensuring stability. Its modern, minimalistic design complements any workspace, and the ergonomic grip guarantees user comfort. Whether you're painting, cleaning, or conducting repairs, the Telescopic Ladder is your trusted ally in making your daily tasks more accessible and stress-free.
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equal360 · 2 years
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Aluminium Extension Ladder.
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nerdypixel · 3 months
Items mentioned
Prefacing this with the caviat that I will write some associations in brackets behind the items, as I just can't unsee it.
large false plant in a somewhat disconcerting ceramic pot modelled on a shouting human face (reminds me of the Spiral)
a large Bearskin rug with really sharp teeth (the Hunt maybe?)
a large chandelier of dark glass (the Dark?)
an oversized gramophone with a collection of records of what I believe to be religious plainsong (reminds me of Father Burroughs)
A crudely-carved rocking horse
a grandfather clock that leaked some sort of dark oil
A heavily vandalized set of the Encyclopedia Britannica
an extensive collection of abstract canvas artworks (Daria? Ink5oul or the Spiral)
two large, soiled Crinoline dresses (this could be the Stranger)
a Chaise Longue with cushions filled with some sort of coarse sand
a taxidermied vulture (we have seen taxidermi before)
a rusty antique printing press
a collection of old medical equipment that had seemingly been recently used (the Slaughter?)
some sort of leather kite
an oddly curved brass telescope
a wheelbarrow full of shifting fossils
an armload of swords (Slaughter?)
lengths of rope
A tin bathtub filled with moldy food (the Corruption)
a stack of old dental retainers
a brace of half-butchered pheasants (Flesh like)
jars of what appeared to be pickled hands (Flesh like)
This all feels like a mix between so many different things. We have a list for orientation now.
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apod · 10 months
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2023 August 11
Messier 51 in 255 Hours Image Credit & Copyright: The Deep Sky Collective - Carl Björk, Thomas Bähnck, Sebastian Donoso, Jake Gentillon, Antoine and Dalia Grelin, Stephen Guberski, Richard Hall, Tino Heuberger, Jason Jacks, Paul Kent, Brian Meyers, William Ostling, Nicolas Puig, Tim Schaeffer, Felix Schöfbänker, Mikhail Vasilev
Explanation: An intriguing pair of interacting galaxies, M51 is the 51st entry in Charles Messier's famous catalog. Perhaps the original spiral nebula, the large galaxy with whirlpool-like spiral structure seen nearly face-on is also cataloged as NGC 5194. Its spiral arms and dust lanes sweep in front of a companion galaxy (right), NGC 5195. Some 31 million light-years distant, within the boundaries of the well-trained constellation Canes Venatici, M51 looks faint and fuzzy to the eye in direct telescopic views. But this remarkably deep image shows off stunning details of the galaxy pair's striking colors and extensive tidal debris. A collaboration of astro-imagers using telescopes on planet Earth combined over 10 days of exposure time to create this definitive galaxy portrait of M51. The image includes 118 hours of narrowband data that also reveals a vast glowing cloud of reddish ionized hydrogen gas discovered in the M51 system.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap230811.html
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livingforstars · 3 months
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Saturn with Moons Tethys and Dione - March 18th, 1996.
"Saturn and two of its larger moons - Tethys and Dione - were photographed by the Voyager 1 spacecraft, which flew by the planet in November of 1980. This picture gives an indication of Saturn's extensive ring system, which can be seen casting a shadow on the planet, as does Tethys. Saturn's rings are composed of many chunks of ice, ranging in size from a pebble to a car. The rings have several large gaps, the largest of which is clearly visible in the picture and is named the Cassini Division, after its discoverer. Saturn appears brighter than most stars in the sky, and its rings can be discerned with a small telescope."
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statement-continues · 3 months
Here is our list of every artifact in the statement and what entity we believe they align with. We are more confident about some than othersss ... PLEASE share your opinions
ceramic pot modeled on a shouting human face- stranger
large bear skin rug with sharp teeth- stranger
large chandelier of dark glass- dark
oversized gramophone with a collection of records of religious plainsong- dark
crudely carved rocking horse- spiral
grandfather clock leaking dark oil- end
heavily vandalized set of the encyclopedia Britannica- weeeeeb?
extensive collection of abstract canvas artworks- spiral
two large soiled crinoline dresses- buried
chaise lounge with cushions filled with course sand- desolation?
taxidermy vulture- stranger
rusty antique printing press- eye
a collection of old medical equipment that seems recently used- slaughter
leather kite- flesh
oddly curved brass telescope- eye
wheelbarrow full of shifting fossils- buried
armload of swords- slaughter (woooow the slaughter being as subtle as a knife lol)
lengths of rope- vast??? (I'm so sorry, we tried our best)
tin bathtub full of moldly food- corruption
stack of old dental retainers- corruption
brace (a pair) of half butchered pheasants- hunt
jars of pickled hands- flesh
ancient diving suit filled with sawdust- buried
a broken picnic hamper- lonely
a jar of imperial copper coins- slaughter
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just--space · 1 year
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Messier 104 : A gorgeous spiral galaxy, Messier 104 is famous for its nearly edge-on profile featuring a broad ring of obscuring dust lanes. Seen in silhouette against an extensive central bulge of stars, the swath of cosmic dust lends a broad brimmed hat-like appearance to the galaxy suggesting a more popular moniker, the Sombrero Galaxy. This sharp view of the well-known galaxy was made from over 10 hours of Hubble Space Telescope image data, processed to bring out faint details often lost in the overwhelming glare of M104's bright central bulge. Also known as NGC 4594, the Sombrero galaxy can be seen across the spectrum, and is host to a central supermassive black hole. About 50,000 light-years across and 28 million light-years away, M104 is one of the largest galaxies at the southern edge of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster. Still, the spiky foreground stars in this field of view lie well within our own Milky Way. via NASA
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
Using data from the Spitzer space observatory, Dr. Susana Iglesias-Groth, a researcher from The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), has found evidence for the existence of the amino acid tryptophan in the interstellar material in a nearby star-forming region. The research is published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. High amounts of tryptophan were detected in the Perseus molecular complex, specifically in the IC348 star system, a star-forming region that lies 1,000 light years away from Earth—relatively close in astronomical terms. The region is generally invisible to the naked eye, but shines brightly when viewed in infrared wavelengths. Tryptophan is one of the 20 amino acids essential for the formation of key proteins for life on Earth, and produces one of the richest pattern of spectral lines in the infrared. It was therefore an obvious candidate to be explored using the extensive spectroscopic database of the Spitzer satellite, a space-based infrared telescope.
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Unveiling Saturn- a few lesser known facts
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Saturn, the majestic ringed planet, often steals the spotlight in our cosmic lineup. But did you know there's more to this gas giant than meets the eye?
1. Saturn's Many Moons: While almost everyone knows Saturn has a bustling entourage of over 80 moons, it’s lesser known why.
Saturn's numerous moons are a result of its massive size and gravitational influence. As the second-largest planet in our solar system, Saturn exerts a powerful gravitational pull, allowing it to capture and retain many objects in orbit around it. Additionally, its proximity to the asteroid belt provides a steady supply of potential moon candidates.
Many of Saturn's moons are believed to have formed alongside the planet during the early stages of the solar system's formation, as material in the protoplanetary disk coalesced to form both the planet and its moons. Others may have been captured later as Saturn migrated in its orbit or as it encountered passing objects.
The complex interplay of gravitational forces among Saturn's moons, as well as tidal effects from Saturn itself, contribute to the diversity and number of moons. Some moons may be locked in resonance with each other, stabilizing their orbits, while others may experience tidal heating and geological activity, shaping their surfaces and interiors.
In summary, Saturn's extensive moon system is a result of its size, gravitational pull, orbital dynamics, and its location in the solar system, making it one of the most moon-rich planets known.
2. The Hexagonal Storm: Deep within Saturn's atmosphere lies a peculiar hexagonal-shaped storm at its north pole (as seen in the image below). This bizarre weather phenomenon, discovered by the Voyager mission in the 1980s, continues to puzzle scientists to this day. How and why it formed remains one of Saturn's enduring mysteries.
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3. Saturn's Density Dilemma: Despite being known as a gas giant, Saturn is surprisingly less dense than water! If you could find a bathtub large enough, Saturn would actually float in it. Its low density is due to its composition of mostly hydrogen and helium, making it one of the lightest planets in our solar system.
Who Discovered Saturn?
Saturn's discovery is shrouded in ancient history. While it's difficult to pinpoint a single individual credited with its discovery, the planet has been observed by civilizations throughout history.
Galileo Galilei: In 1610, Galileo became the first person to observe Saturn through a telescope. However, due to limitations in his telescope's optics, he mistook Saturn's rings for large moons on either side of the planet.
Christiaan Huygens: It wasn't until 1655 when Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens correctly identified Saturn's rings as a disk surrounding the planet. His discovery revolutionized our understanding of Saturn's unique features.
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first ever colored picture taken of Saturn source 1
source 2
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wherethefireliliesgrow · 10 months
The Moon and the Stars
Nakamura Kazuha x reader
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GENRE: slight angst, fluff
TAGS: roommates, friends to lovers
TYPE: Request, Oneshot
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If Kazuha were to liken you to something in the universe, she would readily consider you as constellations, the Ursa Minor to be precise. Cliche like straight out of a fairytale, her fascination with you had ignited since the day she stepped into the dorms. The memory of you, seated on your bed, lost in music with headphones on, and yet managing to send her with a shy smile that could light up an entire room, was etched in her mind. Just like the steadfast North Star that outshines the other constellations.
However, like the relationship shared between the stargazer and the stars, you felt both so close yet so far to Kazuha. As roommates, you were inseparable, sharing late-night conversations about dreams and future plans, enjoying movie marathons, and indulging in those warm cuddles – endless cuddles. Yet, when it came to friendship, Kazuha yearned for something more. She longed for your connection to stretch beyond the boundaries of friendship. She yearned for you to belong to her and for her to belong to you.
But, like stars scattered across the night sky, there remained a gap between your hearts. Kazuha struggled to summon the courage to cross that gap, often lingering within the spaces in-between, hoping that someday you would notice her feelings. For now, she found solace in observing you from a distance, content in appreciating your beauty, just as the gentle light of your smile warmed her soul.
Lugging her backpack onto her shoulder, a sigh escaped Kazuha's lips. With the weariness of an astronomer burning the midnight oil, she switched off the lights of the astronomy tower. It had been one of those nights, poring over her astronomy report while the telescope's gaze locked onto the distant stars until the unholy hour of 2 AM. Eyes heavy with exhaustion, she began her journey back to the dorms, her steps slow and heavy.
In these moments, she questioned her decision to double major in dance and astronomy. But despite the fatigue, there was a fascination she held for the stars and, well, someone else. Someone who was, more often than not, already cocooned in Kazuha’s blankets when she returned. Finding you comfortably snuggled under her bedcovers, engrossed in a show on your phone, was a sight she adored. It made her heart flutter – you, her very own Ursa Minor, cozy and ready to hibernate like a little bear cub, your warmth echoing the stars above.
However, when she pushed open the door to your cozy dorm room, an eerie darkness and two empty beds greeted Kazuha. Frowning, the ballet dancer snatched her jacket from her bed and made her way towards the library.
You had been pushing yourself to the limits, immersed in preparations for the upcoming finals. Opting to spend your free time and even your sleep at the library, you had become a rare presence in the dorm, barely allowing yourself a break. Despite her best efforts, Kazuha's attempts to help you unwind had failed terribly, only succeeding in driving a further distance between you two. She had always known you as hardworking, but witnessing you in this state for the first time in the two years she had known you was a first.
The library's study room was nearly deserted, with only a handful of students scattered about, attempting to cram just a bit more knowledge into their minds before the exams. While ballet and astronomy were Kazuha's chosen majors, the two majors that didn't require extensive library sessions, she was familiar with this section because of you. With a confident stride, she navigated to the far right corner, where she was sure she would find you. And there you were, sitting amidst a sea of books, blankets draping your shoulders, your glasses nearly slipping from your nose, as you jotted down another line in your notebook.
At the sight of your familiar eye-crinkling smile directed at her, Kazuha's heart danced within her chest. God, how much she adored that smile, one that you exclusively reserved for her.
"Hey Zuha, what are you doing here?" you whispered, tapping the chair next to you, inviting her to sit.
Obediently, the taller girl settled down, leaning into you, resting her head on your shoulder, and shutting her eyes in fatigue. The nearness of her, the warmth of her breath on your neck, sent a tingling shiver down your spine. However, you brushed aside any distracting thoughts and instead focused on holding her large hands with yours.
"I missed spending time with you," her soft breath caressed your neck as she spoke, her eyes still closed. "You’re always cooped up here."
"My finals start next week," you sighed, rubbing your eyes tiredly. "My dad would kill me if I fail."
"Still, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t rest," she retorted with a yawn, her eyes barely opening.
"I think you’re the one who needs a rest," you playfully teased the ballet dancer, a small smile tugging at your lips.
Watching her struggle to keep her drooping eyes open, you made a decision. Gently, you led Kazuha towards the large grey sofa situated near the window. She watched you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as you grabbed your blankets and walked back to the sofa.
"You can sleep here for a while. I’ll finish this chapter, and then we can go," you said, placing the blankets over her.
Yet, her reaction took you off guard. Swiftly, Kazuha's arms circled around your neck, pulling you down with her. A small scream of surprise escaped your lips as you found yourself sprawled on top of her, your heartbeat racing.
Coughing in embarrassment, you scrambled to disentangle yourself, standing up quickly. It wasn’t unfamiliar for the two of you to be this close, especially during movie nights when she insisted on cuddling, but being in such proximity to her face always set your heart racing.
"Kazuha!" you scolded, lightly swatting her hand as she attempted to draw you back to her side.
"Stay with me?" she pouted, her puppy eyes in full effect. "I won’t distract you, scout’s honor."
True to her word, Kazuha maintained her silence as you continued studying on the couch beside her. She cuddled into your side, snoring peacefully. Unbeknownst to her, her mere presence, the soft weight of her body against yours, was in itself a distraction. Your thoughts wandered away from your textbooks, escaping to an alternate universe where you could be more than friends. The chapter remained unfinished, swept away by the chaos her embrace had brought within your otherwise tranquil mind.
"I think you’re forgetting your priorities," your dad hissed through the phone, his voice dripping with venom. "Perhaps we should have you drop out. You’re wasting money anyway."
Leaning against the balcony railing, you fought to contain the tears threatening to spill. The pain of your father's words continued, a torrent of emotional abuse that had become all too familiar over your 21 years of existence. Each word was a dagger, carving wounds into your heart. You felt like a red and white target pinned to the walls of your family home, subjected to his verbal abuse until you were left full with pain and sorrow. You were never enough, especially not when you had a golden boy for a brother.
"Women are useless. I should’ve known you would end up like your mother," he remarked, his words hitting their intended mark with precision.
Bullseye. Mentioning your late mother was a calculated blow that amplified the ache.
"I really am trying," you managed to say, your voice thick with the lump in your throat.
"Well, you better try harder," he spat, the line going dead as he hung up.
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you gazed up at the waxing crescent moon, mapping your future steps alongside the growth of the new moon. Though you despised the necessity of it, your first move was clear: distance yourself from your distractions, at least temporarily. That included the girl of your dreams, the one who resided in your heart, Kazuha.
But for tonight, you resolved to enjoy one last movie night in the ballet dancer's arms, sharing the ice cream you had picked up during your weekly grocery run.
The night that followed was one of bittersweet peace. Wrapped in Kazuha's sheets, your head nestled on her pillows, you savored a sleep unlike any other you'd have in the upcoming month. Her fingers combing through your hair lulled you into a sense of security, a temporary refuge from the storm raging within you.
Kazuha was worried, to say the least. She had rarely seen you throughout the entire week, as you had chosen to retreat back to the library. You were even giving her the cold shoulder, but Kazuha tried to explain it away as you being under pressure. She knew your father was extremely strict, to the point of toxicity, but she had no idea just how bad it actually was.
Even during your only shared class, Korean, you would now sit at the front row, distancing yourself from Kazuha. She missed you deeply – missed talking to you, spending time with you, and most importantly, missed your warm hugs.
Today was no different. Kazuha was late to class; she had overslept due to going to bed in the early hours of dawn (she had been having trouble sleeping without you there). Expecting you to save her a seat as you used to, she was met with the sight of you sitting in the front row with some of your medical major friends.
“Miss Nakamura, please sit down,” the professor said sternly, his deep voice echoing through the full auditorium.
Blushing a bright red, the ballet dancer quickly took a seat in one of the empty chairs in the back, next to another fellow Japanese student named Sakura.
Covering her face with her arms, Kazuha slumped over the desk with a groan, embarrassed by her entrance and heartburned with sadness at the sight of you seemingly no longer wanting her around.
"You okay, Zuha-chan?” Sakura timidly asked the sulking girl. It was rare to see the usually happy and joking girl looking so crestfallen.
"Yeah,” Kazuha muttered, her face still buried in her arms. “I mean, no. I’m not okay.”
Sakura raised her eyebrows and patiently waited for the younger girl to continue.
“I don’t know what I did wrong,” Kazuha mumbled, finally sitting up. “It’s like all of a sudden, Y/N doesn’t want to hang out with me anymore.”
Sakura held back a smile. She had always suspected that Kazuha was enamored with you, and you with her. The only people who couldn’t see how you felt about each other were the two of you. Why else would Kazuha reject all those admirers throughout the years? Why else would all your dates fail? Like stars and the moon, the two of you were meant for each other, slowly revealing yourselves in the night as the world continued to spin.
“Have you tried talking to her about it?” Sakura asked.
Kazuha pulled at her midnight black locks in distress, “Yes! She just pretends not to hear me.”
Suddenly gasping as if she realized something, Kazuha grabbed the smaller girl and slightly shook her shoulders, “Is Y/N dating someone? And she doesn’t want to tell me? That explains why she’s never at the dorm or never answers my calls.”
She slumped in her seat, trying not to cry at the thought of you liking someone. She couldn’t comprehend why she always felt this surge of jealousy whenever you went on dates.
Sensing the younger girl’s distress, Sakura gently put her hand on hers in comfort. Sakura decided to play cupid this time; she was tired of watching the two of you dance around each other for years.
“I don’t think Y/N is dating anyone. But I think you should tell her how you feel before it’s too late.”
“How I feel?” Kazuha furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
“You love her, don’t you?”
Did she feel anything for you? Kazuha was dumbfounded at Sakura’s question. She had never really thought about the possibility of being something more than friends with you. Being by your side was enough, but the idea of sharing your affection with someone else made her uneasy. And then it clicked – she was in love with you.
“I guess I do,” Kazuha whispered, lost in thought.
Satisfied with the outcome, Sakura smiled and refocused her attention on the professor, leaving Kazuha to grapple with her newfound emotions.
With a box of Korean fried chicken from your favorite restaurant in hand and a soft grey kitten plushie in the other, Kazuha made her way to the library. After taking a few days to come to terms with her feelings, she had decided that she would tell you how she felt soon. She knew you were still busy with finals, so she was content to wait until everything was over. Right now, she was simply eager to see you again after two long weeks of you avoiding her.
The moon was full tonight, perhaps an omen that everything was coming full circle.
Her heart pounded as she pushed open the door to the study room, her eyes immediately finding the back of your head in your favorite corner. But this time, you weren’t alone.
You were laughing at something your classmate, Yunjin, said. Jealousy and sadness gripped Kazuha's heart, jealousy that you were spending time with someone else and sadness that you had declined her offer to study together, yet seemed to be having a great time studying with Yunjin.
“H-hey, Zuha,” you stuttered. 
It had been so long since you had seen your roommate, and her presence sent shivers down your spine. You had missed her so much, to the point where breathing felt painful, but you couldn’t afford distractions if you wanted to pass this semester and continue studying in the same school with Kazuha. She looked great today, dressed in sweatpants and a tank top that showcased her toned stomach and arms.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“I know you’ve been skipping meals, so I brought you dinner,” Kazuha said, showing you the plastic bag in her hand.
God, Zuha, you're making it hard to keep my distance from you.
“I already ate with Yunjin,” you responded, trying to create some distance between you and Kazuha. Just one moment here, and your thoughts were already a mess.
Yunjin watched you intently, as if conveying a message through her eyes. You blushed, trying to avoid eye contact with both of the girls. You had confided in Yunjin about your crush on Kazuha, and she had been relentlessly urging you to confess for the past few weeks. You had promised to do so after your exams; hiding your feelings from your roommate was getting increasingly difficult anyway.
Misunderstanding the situation, Kazuha's heart shattered. She didn't like the way Yunjin looked at you, and she certainly didn't like how you responded to her gaze, turning into a blushing mess. Maybe the full moon wasn't an omen of things falling into place; perhaps it was an omen that she would come to terms with the truth – that you simply didn't like her back.
“I—” Kazuha struggled to swallow the lump in her throat, “yeah, okay.”
She took a step back, trying to leave as soon as possible. She hid the plushie she had bought for you behind her back.
"I should go," she mumbled, avoiding your gaze, "I'll see you whenever."
“Zuha—” you began, reaching out to grab her hand, but she had already turned around abruptly and left, leaving your hand suspended in the air.
“You really should stop avoiding her,” Yunjin advised, observing you with knowing eyes. “You're hurting her.”
“I know,” you groaned, replaying the image of Kazuha's sad expression whenever you had ignored her. “I just can't think straight when she’s here.”
“Well… you aren’t straight to begin with.”
“You’re not helping, Yunjin. “
Rubbing your tired eyes, you pushed open the door to your room. It had been a while since you were there, and you were eager to finally see Kazuha and spend some time with her. The last exam had just ended, taking up eight hours of your day. It was already midnight when you had left the classroom.
Confused to find the dorm room empty and dark, you knocked on the door of the dorm across from yours. Kazuha often spent time with your neighbors, Sakura and Chaewon.
"Long time no see, Y/N," Chaewon greeted you with a smile after opening the door.
"Yeah, sorry for not hanging out with you guys," you apologized, scratching your head. "I was busy with finals."
"Y/nnie," Sakura chimed in, pulling you into a warm hug. "You should talk to Zuha."
"I know," you sighed, "Do you know where she is?"
"Probably in the astronomy tower. She's been there a lot lately," Chaewon said, giving you a knowing look.
Did everyone know about your feelings? You shook your head in confusion, thanked the two girls, and headed to the astronomy tower.
The path to the building seemed darker and longer than you remembered. Then again, Kazuha always held your hand when you walked there to stargaze. The nights felt lighter with her, and the winters were warmer when she was near. She was like the moon, casting a gentle and bright light on your otherwise empty and dark life that had known nothing but the cruelty of your father.
Spotting the taller figure sitting in front of a large telescope on the top floor, you approached Kazuha, your footsteps echoing in the empty space.
"Hey," you said, your voice sounding strangely loud in the quiet.
"Hey," Kazuha replied, her expression unreadable in the dark, but her tone carrying a sense of coldness.
"Can we talk?"
"Oh, so now you want to talk?"
You winced. You deserved that for avoiding her without explanation for the past few weeks.
Kazuha turned back to the telescope and continued her observations, scribbling down some notes in her notebook.
“I’m sorry, Zuha,” you said softly, settling down next to the taller girl. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Kazuha continued to ignore your presence, pretending to record the constellation information in her book.
“I only wanted to keep you close to me,” you confessed, reaching over to touch the hand that was holding the pen.
“Then why did you avoid me?” she finally asked, her clear eyes meeting yours.
Sighing, you realized it was time to address your feelings. Yunjin would probably tease you mercilessly for finally admitting them.
“Because you make me nervous,” you admitted.
“Did I do something to make you uncomfortable? If I did, I apologize, I didn’t mean—” Kazuha began to panic, clearly not expecting your answer. Had she unintentionally pressured you?
You saw her mind racing, so you gently cupped her cheeks with your hands to calm her down.
“No, Zuha, that’s not what I meant,” you reassured her, your thumb brushing against her skin. “I meant that being around you makes my heart race and my thoughts a jumbled mess.”
Kazuha’s body seemed to tingle at your touch. After a month of silence, your nearness was overwhelming, but in the best way possible. She really was a sucker for you.
“I’m in love with you, Nakamura Kazuha,” you finally admitted, leaning closer until your breaths mingled and you could smell the soft scent of lavender on her.
“It’s like whenever you’re near, my mind goes blank, and I can’t concentrate on anything else. I avoided you because I could never seem to stop thinking about you, and I kept failing my lessons because you would always enter my mind when I started to take an exam.” ”
Kazuha couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The person she had secretly loved for years was confessing their feelings for her. It felt surreal, like a dream come true.
“You’re like the moon to me, Zuha,” you continued, your finger tracing the lines of her nose and lips.
“It might sound cliché, but my life felt like a dark night sky before I met you. I hated the darkness, my family, my life. But you changed that.”
Finally breaking out of her daze, Kazuha extended her long arms and pulled you into an embrace so tight that you practically ended up in her lap. Your cheeks turned a deep shade of red, but you snuggled closer into her warmth.
“That’s funny. I’ve always thought of you as one of the stars” Kazuha mumbled into your neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses. The sensation sent shivers down your spine, and you wanted nothing but for her lips on yours.
“The Ursa Minor, to be exact. Like a small, cuddly bear, with the North Star guiding me in the right direction.”
You chuckled at her analogy, relieved that she seemed to forgive you. In fact, you were getting more than you hoped for – you had the girl you loved holding you close.
“The moon and the stars,” you mused, briefly pulling away from her to gaze at the night sky.
“Mhmm, and I love you too,” Kazuha responded, tugging you back into her embrace before capturing your lips with hers.
The waning crescent moon hung in the sky, surrounded by the brilliance of the summer stars. It felt like the beginning of something new, a fresh start with Kazuha by your side.
Felt that this was a bit rushed 😢
But I loved doing the moon symbolisms
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equalonline · 2 months
Equal 18 FT. Aluminium Folding Telescopic Ladder for Home & Outdoor
Introducing the Equal 18 FT. Aluminium Folding Telescopic Ladder, is the perfect tool for any home or outdoor project. With its heavy-duty 6063 T5-Grade aluminum construction and stable square rungs, this ladder is built to last. The sleek silver color adds a touch of sophistication to any workspace. Its impressive open size of 18 feet(48L x 9W x 594H Cm) and folding size of 3.7 Feet(48L x 9W x 113H Cm) make it easy to store and transport, while the 150-weight capacity ensures safety and stability. Plus, the ladder features a self-locking mechanism that keeps your fingers safe and speeds up retraction time. Get yours today and make any project a breeze!
Product details
Material & Color: Heavy-Duty 6063 T5-Grade Aluminum Construction; Square Rungs For Supporting, Make This Folding Ladder Stable And Durable with Sliver Color.
Size & Capacity: Open-Size: 18 Feet(48L x 9W x 594H Cm), Folding-Size: 3.7 Feet(48L x 9W x 113H Cm), Item-Weight: 15Kg., Capacity: 150Kg.
Self-Locking Feature: While Guaranteeing Quality, Our Telescoping Aluminum Ladder Also Has a One-Button Retraction Function. Simply Press The Thumb Buttons, and This Ladder Will Descending Smoothly From Its Unfolded Condition To Compact Size, So Convenient.
EN131 Safety Standard: Meets `EN131` Safety Standard Certificate with Satisfaction Guaranteed with Non-Slip Square Rungs And Supporting Tubes, Contact Professional Customer Service Before And After Purchase If You Have Any Issues Or Concerns. Customer Friendly 1-Year Warranty Against Manufacturing Defects.
Assembly Instruction: No Assembly Required.  Which Can Be Opened And Locked For Changing The Height Of Ladder Easily While Guaranteeing Security.
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corvidsindia · 8 months
Finger Protector Telescopic Ladder
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wikiweird · 1 year
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Wow! signal -
In 1977, a radio signal was detected from outer space that lasted for 72 seconds. This signal, known as the "Wow! signal," remains one of the most intriguing and unexplained mysteries in the field of astronomy.
The Wow! signal was detected by astronomer Jerry R. Ehman while he was analyzing data from the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. The signal was so remarkable that Ehman circled it on the printout and wrote "Wow!" next to it, giving it its name.
What makes the Wow! signal particularly intriguing is its unusual characteristics. It was a narrowband radio signal that appeared to originate from the Sagittarius constellation. The signal's intensity was over 30 times higher than the background noise, indicating a potential artificial origin.
Despite extensive efforts to re-detect the signal and determine its source, it has never been observed again. Scientists have proposed various explanations, including potential extraterrestrial origins, but no definitive conclusions have been reached.
The Wow! signal continues to spark fascination and speculation, representing one of the most enigmatic and unexplained phenomena in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. It serves as a reminder of the vast mysteries that exist beyond our planet and the ongoing quest to understand the universe.
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apod · 5 months
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2023 December 29
Shakespeare in Space Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI
Explanation: In 1986, Voyager 2 became the only spacecraft to explore ice giant planet Uranus close up. Still, this newly released image from the NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) on the James Webb Space Telescope offers a detailed look at the distant world. The tilted outer planet rotates on its axis once in about 17 hours. Its north pole is presently pointed near our line of sight, offering direct views of its northern hemisphere and a faint but extensive system of rings. Of the giant planet's 27 known moons, 14 are annotated in the image. The brighter ones show hints of Webb's characteristic diffraction spikes. And though these worlds of the outer Solar System were unknown in Shakespearean times, all but two of the 27 Uranian moons are named for characters in the English Bard's plays.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap231229.html
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wolven91 · 2 months
Drifting - Part 2
“Okay, make a fist.” Asked the serious geckin, blue in scale but the owner of long spines that started on his nose and continued up and over his head, down his back and finished at his tail. Zeet was his name.
Casper the friendly human, made a fist and felt the action drain him, as if he’d been at the gym for the last hour doing the same action. However, as his fingers met his palm and the tendons on the back of his hand tensed and corded against his skin, the giant metal fist not a few metres away, suspended in a secure field; made an identical fist.
“What’s the drift?” The blue geckin asked the second geckin who monitored the process not a few feet away, but a fair distance for the diminutive creatures. Her name, as far as Casper knew, was Wren.
“0.001%.” She retorted with an equally serious tone, she turned back and adjusted the two round panes of glass that sat across her snout. If not for the fact that Casper was sweating with the exertion of making a fist, he would have found her cute.
“Impossible. Check it again.” The first geckin demanded, turning to face her as if she had just made a poorly timed joke.
“Sir, I checked it three times, then used the older program to see if it got a different result.” Wren explained, quite confident despite Zeet’s incredulous tone.
“It reports 0.002%.”
Both geckins turned back to the human, almost expectantly and gazed at him. No; studying him.
“W-what?” He asked, strain in his voice.
“You can relax Casper. You did very well.” Praised Zeet as Casper gasped, unclenching his fist, and slumping in the chair. He’d been fresh as a daisy when he’d sat down; why had a few wires been so draining?!
“That… took effort…” The young man explained, slipping his arm from the sleeve, and ensuring it was placed carefully onto the caddy.
“You were controlling more than just muscle and sinew young man.” Zeet explained, touching a finger to the control rod of his own personal walker and approached the human. At a foot tall, just like the rest of the geckins, he utilised mechanical legs attached to a platform that he stood upon to move around larger distances.
“Why am I exhausted?”
“Because, unbeknownst to your conscious mind, you not only controlled your own limb, but also controlled that robotic limb.”
“I’ve seen that done before…” Casper licked his lips to try and bring moisture to them. “They used electrodes or something… they had to concentrate, but it didn’t tire them out.”
Wren appeared at Casper’s side and pressed a bottle of orange liquid into his hands. It was almost as tall as her.
“Drink this, you’ll feel better.” She promised, her green scales were a deep emerald, her it was the frill around her neck that was only partially pulled in that made Casper smile. She was agitated. Perhaps worried about him?
The man gave her a curt nod, which caused her frill to pull in tight before he grasped the bottle and drank from it deeply. It wasn’t quite ‘orange’, but it was certainly something citrus and refreshed him almost immediately. After the first gulp he took a breath and downed the rest of the bottle in one, almost immediately feeling better and like his old self.
“What you just did was unconsciously control every single servo, circuit, and piston within that machine. Your mind: without your knowledge, was able to manage and steady all of that. The electrode method, that you mentioned, is a low intensity method of controlling simpler systems.”
“And we can’t use that method with these?”
“These are not for domestic use. I make it quite clear to you; these are bleeding edge machines. Capable of not only reacting as your body, not as a mere extension, but also your mind being able to incorporate the advantages these machines have.”
“Like what?”
“We can have a play with telescopic vision if you like? I’ve heard that is the easiest to manage. If you get addicted to the world those eyes, we can try out electromagnetic wavelengths, infrared, perhaps-“
“Sir.” Wren cut in, a frown on her face and her small, pointed teeth being bared.
“Mm, yes. Carry on.” Zeet surrendered, holding up his hands as if giving up.
“Before we go on, how are you feeling?” Wren asked, looking up at Casper and adjusting her specs.
“Better.” The man replied, giving her a warm grin.
“Better? You weren’t well before?” She poked, not letting him off the hook yet.
“I was tired, like I’d been doing bicep curls all morning. But now it’s like I’m fresh again?” Casper admitted honestly, if she was a doctor checking on him, then he wasn’t about to lie. The speed of his recovery was as if he had been fooled into being tired, rather than actually being tired.
“Marvelous.” Zeet whispered.
“*Sir.*” Wren immediately hissed; the respect of his seniority gone. Casper frowned then cut in, there was something he wasn’t being told.
“What’s going on? Is this about the.. the ‘drift’ thing? What was the drift you were on about?” He asked, demanding an answer.
“I knew he was bright, am I allowed to answer that *direct* question doctor?” Zeet asked the green geckin with a near taunting tone.
Wren merely sniffed, flattening her neck ruffle against herself and shrugged with a single hand, offering Casper up to Zeet, seemingly satisfied.
“’Drift’ is the natural loss of signal strength between your mind and the mechanical parts. The more parts, bits, and pieces, the greater the chance of drift and the more sluggish the movements and actions of the piloted mechs will be, all the way until failure.” Zeet explained with a toothy grin. It was Wren who spoke next, softly explaining it to Casper without infantizing him.
“Geckin have a fantastic drift score. We can manage mechs of incredible size and complexity without much loss of control. Realistically, the next closest would be chintians, but they refuse to be pilots for our mechs.” She said, turning her hand in a gesture as she spoke, still calmly and softly.
“Why?” Casper asked.
“You know the plug in your arm?” Zeet began, pointing at the limb that was limp in Casper’s lap.
Casper looked down and turned his arm over. There was a single dark red dot of scabbed blood. Around it was a bright red circle with the metal casing of the plug had been pressed into his flesh.
“It can lead to fur-loss.” Concluded Zeet, rather offhandedly.
“Along with other things.” Cut in Wren, with the speed of someone adding ‘terms and conditions’ at the end of an advert.
“They consider that unacceptable. We consider it the cost of having faster reaction speeds to our machines. They rely on taking hits and surviving them. We believe in the philosophy of never getting hit.” The tiny lizard explained with a mouthful of sharp teeth, eager at the thought.
“Do geckins have any fur to lose? Do you lose scales?” Casper asked, if there were side effects for some species, were there any for geckins?
“No.” Zeet answered immediately.
“Well…” Wren began, but was immediately cut off.
“No, we do not lose scales with use.” Zeet said again, staring at the doctor.
“They can dull though.” She explained, closing her eyes then turning her head to look at Casper before opening them again. She held his gaze firmly.
“Not through usage doctor!” Zeet snapped, certainly exasperated.
“A pilot who is connected for long periods or who is in intense environments requiring constant movement will find side effects, such as scale fading.” Wren continued, putting across the idea that it was not without a cost.
“He doesn’t need to hear this, what is the chance he’s going to be in that environment? Zero!” Zeet shouted, throwing his hands up before gesturing to Casper, then then inert arm.
“Look, it’s fine. As you say; unlikely.” Casper agreed, trying to calm the tension in the room. “So what about me? What about human drift”
“Ah, good male. A fine mind between those big ears.” Zeet grinned again, turning to Casper and clasping his hands. “Your drift, at worst calculation was about 0.002%. That is nothing. That is about as good as a prostetic replacing your actual arm. Unheard of for managing an arm that complicated.”
“What’s a geckin’s drift percentage?”
“5.” Wren said pointedly. “On average. Ace pilots are around the single percent or less range, but that is through biological luck, augmentation and prolonged life-long training. Your natural ability appears to be quite potent.” The tiny green lizard admited.
“Yours, baring in mind your evolution wouldn’t have any sort of natual selection for this, is considered a one in a life time pilot. If humans are all this well adjusted, each and every one of them will be very much welcome in geckin territories…”
Casper turned to the arm and gazed at it. A mech pilot? That would be fantastic! He didn’t like the idea of ‘stressful environments’ though.
“You wouldn’t want me in like, a fight or anything, right?”  Casper asked, staring at Zeet carefully.
“May my tail fall off! No! Could you imagine what the GC would say if we endangered a human? Immediately after your new classification? Absolutely not. Completely out of the question.” He promised, waving his hand as if to dismiss a fly that was bothering him.
“Normally I would warn you about listening to our Zeet here, but he’s right. The geckin people are still under threat by ssypno aggression. Their seat at the table of three means all they have to do is convince one of the other two to agree that they be allowed to create a vassal of our people and we can expect no support from the GC to stop them. Endangering you would all but guarantee the support of one or both of the other two.”
A small hand touched his arm as she leant forward to rest her’s against him, the good doctor offering him a smile.
“The danger to you is over, you can rest easy knowing the rest of your life will be free of hardships.” She lied.
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