#In case you couldn't tell I got two new piercings today
catgirlwarrior · 3 months
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Only in America do they use a gun to stab you. Happy Ides of March everyone!
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Under Your Spell
model!Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Summary: You're a photographer and just landed a big job. You try to stay professional, but the model you are working with is quite the distraction...
Warnings: almost nudity, tattoos, piercings, thirst, fluff?
Word Count: 2,1k
a/n: Yep, you read that right... model!Tom... 😏 Well... @multifandom-worlds texted me a few weeks ago and gave me the inspiration for this oneshot. 😁 We regret nothing. 👀
Tagging: @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @eleniblue @muddyorbs @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @mochie85 @chantsdemarins @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @loki-laufeyson-1054 @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @the-princess-of-loki @acefeather2002
Part Two -> Still Under Your Spell (written by @multifandom-worlds )
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(Credit for the picture goes to @multifandom-worlds 😁)
"Got a new job for you." Sam, your boss turned friend said, making her way over to you. You were currently in one of the studios, cleaning up after the photo shooting you just had. You were a professional photographer, working for a quite big agency. Turning to face Sam, she stood beside you now, grinning broadly. "And a real big one at that." "Sam, if that's another joke-" "This time it's not! I swear! This is real!" The blonde, curly haired woman giggled, lifting her hands in surrender. Sam tended to prank you from time to time, telling you that you've got a big job; hired from someone like Prada, Gucci or even Nike or Adidas. Well, it never was the case... Until today. You crossed your arms over your chest, looking at her expectedly. "You might want to sit down, 'cause it's going to blow your mind." "Sam, please, I don't have to sit down, just because-" "Calvin Klein, male model." "Ohhh gods. Okay, yep, yep, I-I need to sit down." Sam laughed, guiding you to sit on one of the stools. You wouldn't say it was one of your biggest dreams to do a photoshoot for Calvin Klein, but it was definitely in the top five. You needed a second to process this, taking a deep breath. "Sam... Really? Like... Really, really? The Calvin Klein?" Your boss giggled, nodding. "Yep, really really. The Calvin Klein." "Wow... This is... wow..." Sam smiled, knowing very well that this was a small dream coming true. "Congrats, sweetie. You deserve this." You returned her smile and couldn't help but to hug her. "When is the shooting? Where? And oh gods, who is the male model? Do I know him?" You had turned from a stunned girl into an excited energy ball within seconds. Sam laughed once more. "Friday next week. I don't know where yet. I'm still waiting for the management to tell me that. And the model... Well, I don't think you know him, 'cause he's pretty new in the business." "Well, who is it?" "Name's Tom. Tom Hiddleston."
Ten days later, you were pacing around the spacious, yet cosy looking room, preparing everything for the photoshoot. You had arrived over an hour earlier, checking on everything twice - just to be on the safe side. You wouldn't want anything to go wrong. Not on such an important shoot. After all, this could be the chance to prove yourself. The stepping stone into a big, successful career as a professional photographer.
You were readjusting the tripod, totally lost in thoughts, when a deep, yet smooth voice brought you back to the here and now. "Hello?" You spun around at the voice, a hairsbreadth away from knocking over the tripod with the camera. "Apologies. I didn't mean to scare you." The voice spoke up again. "It's okay, I-" You turned around without an incident this time, facing the man to whom the sensual voice belonged - and almost fainted right then and there. Before you stood a tall man with deep blue eyes and a charming smile on his face. His blonde-brown hair was short and curled itself in soft waves over his head. His facial features were utterly defined, with a razor-sharp jawline and high cheekbones. A tattoo adorned his neck. From underneath the white shirt he wore, peaked out another black tattoo as well. He was absolutely gorgeous.
You swallowed hard, tried to regain your focus. "S-Sorry, hi. I, uh, was so in thoughts and... You must be Tom, right?" His smile widened a bit, as he stepped closer. "Please don't worry. I should've knocked or something... And yes, I'm Tom." A smile like his could light up the whole world. You were sure of it. Tom stretched out his arm towards you. Your eyes fell to his outstretched hand. He has such big hands, you thought immediately, biting your lip, before you took his kind and polite offer, and watched how his hand swallowed yours whole. "Y/N." "Very nice to meet you, Y/N." You gave the man a smile, trying to cover up your nervousness. "Likewise, Tom." Your hand left his again, and to prevent an upcoming awkward silence, you spoke up again. "Shall we begin?" "I'd love to."
Sam joined you no minute later, informing you and Tom about the details of the shooting, before she went on her way again, leaving you and Tom to work. While the man went into the adjacent locker room in order to get changed - or well, rather half naked (After all, it was an underwear commercial photoshoot.), you checked your camera one last time.
You knew from the first look at Tom, that he was definitely born to be a model, with the breath-taking good looks he had been gifted. But what you saw when he emerged from the locker room, your heart seemed to stop beating for a moment. You had expected a lot... But not this. Not what your eyes witnessed in that very moment. Tom was naked, of course, except for the grey Calvin Klein trunks, which sat snugly around his hips... And crotch. You swallowed hard, tried not to focus on this, of course. Like you had already recognised before, he had tattoos - but not just the two you had seen. Oh no... Tom had a lot more. In fact, was almost his entire body covered with tattoos, starting with that tattoo on his neck. Although, his upper body was not entirely covered, but mostly. Flowers climbed all over his torso, starting at the waistband of the Calvin Klein trunks, up his hips and sides, kissing his left pec and spreading all over his shoulders and arms. It looked stunning and utterly beautiful. You understood to 100 per cent, why Tom became a model.
Tom's legs were covered with a few flowers as well. You could see a flower tendril on both legs, winding itself upwards from his ankles over his calves and knees, ending on his muscular, thick thighs. Speaking of muscles... Tom's body was well shaped. You could tell that already by the blue shirt he had been wearing. Biceps bulging underneath the soft fabric. His shoulders were broad and strong and you could definitely see the fade outlines of his abs, forming into a sixpack. That, combined with the smattering of fine hair in between his pecs and down his belly button was enough to almost got you hyperventilating. You had photographed a lot of people by now, but nobody had swept you off your feet like Tom did. Not just because he looked like a prince, straight out of a novel, written by a woman, no... Because he seemed to be such a nice, kind and charming man.
Though, the tattoos and his utter good looks weren't the only things which caught your attention... Although he looked like a sunny boy with all those flowers, he had something to balance out the 'bad boy image'... Piercings. Tom had a black, curved barbel piercing on his left eyebrow. His lower lip was pierced as well with a black labret piercing. You even caught a glimpse of his tongue piercing, when he licked his lips, which got you thinking about how good it would feel to kiss him with those piercings.
And you weren't just talking about the three on his face... Oh no... There was more. When your eyes wandered lower to his chest, you could see that Tom had both his nipples pierced; causing you to almost drool on your t-shirt. For fucks sake, Y/N! You internally screamed at yourself. Get a grip! This is work! Not a strip club! Stay professional! You swallowed hard, "Alright!" and took a deep breath, hoping that Tom didn't notice your wandering eyes and lusting stare. "Are you ready, Tom?" The handsome man rubbed his hands, smiling and nodding. "I am ready when you are." "Perfect. Let's start."
You had prepared something for the shooting, of course, trying to implement your customers wishes and perceptions. On the left in front of the big white screen stood a rather old, almost vintage chair and on the right a pallet, turned bed, with a soft mattress, some pillows and a white duvet. "Chair first?" Tom asked you, pointing towards the furniture. "If you'd like, sure." "Alright." He smiled, walking over to the chair. You repositioned your camera, thinking you'd start with the bed first, but well... In the end, it didn't matter.
"What do you want me to do? How should I position myself?" You instructed Tom to brace himself with one hand against the chair first, making him stand sexy, but chilled. After that, you told him to sit down, but the wrong way round, so that he sat with spread legs on the furniture, facing the back of the chair. He placed his arms casually on said back, bending his spine slightly. You had positioned the old chair to stand a bit skewed, so his trunks were clearly visible. After all, this was an underwear photoshoot. Well, you were glad that your direct gaze was shielded. Unless you probably would've been expired already. Cause of death: Sensory overload.
When you were done with the first item of the photoshoot, you told Tom to move to the bed, which sent a tingle down your spine. You couldn't deny, that photographing Tom in a bed got you quite a bit hot and bothered. This was a whole new level, causing you to lose concentration and focus slightly once again. You literally couldn't take your eyes off him - and luckily you didn't have to. You were supposed to look at him, weren't you? As the photographer?
"What would you like me to do in here?" Tom asked with a smile, referring to the bed, of course. Take off your trunks and then my clothes. Wait, what? You blinked, shaking your head slightly and hoping Tom didn't notice how you were struggling to keep a cool head. "U-Um... Feel free to try any position you like." He did notice. The man wasn't stupid - and you were bad at hiding your visible attraction. A soft smirk graced his lips; feeling utterly flattered. "Okay, whatever you say, boss." He firstly sat down at the edge of the makeshift bed, placing his elbows on his knees, getting into a kind of thinking position. You quickly snapped a few pictures, watching him change into another few positions. After taking another photo, you looked up at him and said something you regretted afterwards. "I like the way you pose, but I think we should do one more. Perhaps one in which the trunks are very good visibly? Kinda... on full display?" Whoops. You realised immediately how sexual this just sounded, causing you to stumble for an explanation. "I-I mean not that, uh, Calvin Klein complains, because their product isn't to be seen, y-you know? S-Sorry…" You added a small, awkward giggle, hoping your cheeks weren't that red. Tom smiled, shaking his head. "No, I understand. Don't worry. You are probably right." Like you said, you regretted saying this, because Tom took this very seriously...
He returned back to the bed and got on it. Placing himself towards the camera, he laid down on his side, propping his upper body up on his elbow, while he spread his legs, placing one foot on the mattress, so that his leg was bend. The trunks were on full display now. And you? You had to swallow very hard, fighting so hard against yourself to not look. Though, you could swear it looked at you first. Shit.
His thick thighs were perfectly outlined by the grey trunks, causing them to even look stronger. The waistband stretched around his torso deliciously, desperately holding on. "Is this position alright?" "U-Um, yes, sure." With shaky hands you took a few pictures, trying hard to stay professional. Why must he be so sexy, though?
The rest of the photo shooting was absolute torturous for you. Knowing that you were allowed to look, but not to touch. Oh and how you would've loved to touch... You were kind of glad when Tom was dressed again, but also very sad at the same time. "It was a great shooting, thank you. You are a very good, talented photographer." You couldn't help but blush at Tom's words. "Vice versa. You're a remarkable model." The man chuckled. "Well, thank you, Y/N. It was a pleasure working for and with you. Hopefully we get the chance to... work together again." He winked at you, causing your knees to almost give in. Gods, why was he like that? "Well, I-I hope so too."
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hart269 · 2 years
Pairing : Michael Langdon x GN!Reader
Summary : You feel your husband grow distant from you and one day everything just snaps.
Warning : Angst and a little bit of violence with swearing.
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Masterlist / Part 2
The wind blew cooling your flushed body as you jogged through the woods just behind your backyard. You and your husband Michael had moved into this new house a year after your marriage.
You two had been pretty young when you got married. It was a nice ceremony and everything, but as most marriages do, yours also has been grown stale over the years.
You did love him, but you weren't so sure of your feelings being reciprocated, surely not the last couple months. Michael had been nothing but cold and distant and the occasional mean when you've done something you're not "supposed" to do.
He had never physically hurt you but you were becoming less and less sure of it as time went by. This all had started slowly, Michael had started loosing interest and started spending more time outside the house rather than inside. His touches and hugs had slowly disappeared and when you tried to initiate it, he quickly brushed it off saying he was either too busy or tired. You didn't think he loved you anymore.
Your suspicions were pretty much confirmed when you went to an office party with him, he had ignored you most of the night instead opting to speak to his seniors and the new co-worker Mallory. You couldn't deny that she was beautiful. It saddened you but when you tried to talk to Michael about it he just called you jealous and that you were making up stuff.
You shook your head as you continued on your trail, maybe you should have left him but you loved him too much to consider leaving him just yet. So you did what you usually do, sitting in the shade of the big tree near a flower meadow.
It always provided with an odd sense of comfort, you felt like as if someone was holding your hand saying it'll be alright or maybe you had started to become delusional, you were not sure.
It had been pretty much your daily routine until one day Michael was home late, he did sometime had work come up but he texted you about it. But today, none was the case, it was after midnight when he returned, stumbling through the door.
"Michael, are you drunk" you exclaimed gazing up to his red eyes and loosened up tie.
"I'm not, I'm just a little tipsy" he defended himself doing his best not to slur his words.
"Michael you drove here, something could have happened you should have called me, you didn't even tell me you were going to be late" you pointed out.
"So, what now I have to take your permission for staying out late" His tone was acussing as he leaned down on you, making you take a step back.
I'm not saying that, I am just saying you could have told me, so I wouldn't have been worrie-"
Your words were cut off as he slammed you against the wall, you gasped as pain shot up in your back. Micheal's fingers dug into your shoulders as you whimpered.
"Do not tell me what to do, I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT" he yelled, glaring as his piercing blue eyes dug into your watery ones.
You were speechless, you had no idea what to do or what caused this outburst. Michael stepped back and went to wear his shoes back up as if nothing happened.
"I'm going for a walk" was the only explanation he offered before he disappeared into the woods into the dark.
You slid down the wall as tears flowed freely as you sobbed bringing your knees near you and leaning your head against the wall, and you cried until you fell asleep there on the cold hard ground.
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helloalycia · 3 years
teenage dirtbag [three] // wanda maximoff
summary: Wanda's boyfriend continues to be an aggravation in your life, causing some distance between you and Wanda
warning/s: none
author's note: i really appreciate the feedback you guys gave in the last part – it’s always motivating to read your reactions/comments 🥰
part one | part two | part four | part five | masterlist | wattpad
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Sorting things out with Wanda made everything return to normal in no time. So much in fact that she decided I was worth inviting to her and her brother's birthday party.
Never in a million years did I expect the most popular girl in our grade to know who I was, let alone invite me to her birthday party, so to say I was surprised was an understatement.
"It's not a big deal if you can't make it," she said when she handed me the invitation in class. "I mean, I'd love it if you could, but yeah, no pressure."
I was in awe, accepting the invite and reading it quickly. It must have been a pretty expensive party if she was giving out special invites, that's for sure.
"You want me to come?" I asked, still unsure whether this was a joke or not.
"Only if you want to," she said quickly, eyes darting around the room and anywhere but at me. "Like I said, you don't have to. It's not a big deal and– I– yeah." She pressed her lips together and stopped rambling, offering me a small smile.
"Thanks," I said quietly, slotting the invite in my notebook. "I'll, er, I'll think about it."
She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and faced forward, nodding. "Yeah, sure, no rush."
After that awkward conversation, I discovered she'd also invited Y/BF/N, the two of them developing a little friendship the more she'd hung out with me. He didn't mind going, but only wanted to do so if I went.
"I feel like I kinda don't wanna go," I admitted to him after school as we were studying in the library.
"Oh?" He rose an eyebrow. "And why's that?"
I played with the pencil in my hand. "I don't know, it's just– it's gonna be full of all of her other friends. And they don't really like me. Plus, her dick of a boyfriend is gonna be there. I just think she might have invited me to be nice. Like she might have felt like she had to because we sit together, y'know?"
"I think you know that isn't true," he said knowingly. "Maybe, just maybe, she actually wants us there, wants you there, to celebrate her birthday."
I chewed the inside of my mouth, giving it some thought. But the idea of going to Wanda's house party and seeing a bunch of people I didn't care about getting pissed wasn't comforting. Besides, even if I went, I'd probably see Wanda once before she'd get scooped away by Nate. What was the point?
"Nah, I don't think I'm going," I decided. "She won't notice. I'll just get her a present instead."
Y/BF/N sighed, clearly not impressed with my answer. Nonetheless, he said, "Okay, suit yourself."
"You can go if you want," I added, knowing his presence wasn't linked with mine.
"No Y/N, no party," he said with a dismissive shrug, and I couldn't help but smile.
"Such a good friend," I said teasingly, but there was truth to my words. And I knew he knew that. 
When I saw photos and videos of Wanda and Pietro's party all over my social media the day after, I knew I'd made the right choice in not going. It was the same visuals of everyone getting drunk, doing stupid shit and making a mess. Call me a loser, but that wasn't really my scene. Pietro and Wanda both seemed to enjoy it though, judging from the pictures.
Instead, I bought her a birthday present, knowing I didn't have to but I kind of wanted to, and planned to give it to her when she turned up to class. It was her birthday today, despite throwing the party over the weekend, so I hoped it would make up for my absence (thought I doubted she noticed).
She showed up and settled beside me as I was writing the date in my notebook, making me look up to see she'd made an extra effort to dress up for her birthday, looking fancier than usual. I couldn't help but smile at the giant '18' birthday badge pinned to her jacket.
"Happy birthday, Wanda," was the first thing I said when I saw her. "You look amazing."
A bashful smile appeared on her lips. "Thank you, Y/N."
"I hope your party went well," I said, giving her my full attention whilst trying not to drool over how beautiful she looked.
Surprisingly, her smile faded and her eyebrows knitted together. "Yeah, it did... could you not make it? I tried looking for you and– yeah..."
I opened my mouth to speak, admittedly a little embarrassed that she'd caught me out. I was sure she wouldn't notice – the pictures made it seem like there were loads of guests, I'd definitely have blended in if I were there – but clearly I was mistaken.
"I just thought–" she began, before shaking her head. "Never mind."
"Sorry, I thought–" I started, but like her, didn't know what to say. "Parties aren't my thing," I admitted truthfully. "But it looked fun. You enjoyed it, right?"
She nodded, a small forced smile on her lips. "Yeah, right. It's cool. No biggie."
I swallowed awkwardly. It seemed like a biggie and now I felt bad.
"I, er, got you a gift," I blurted, hoping to change the subject. Reaching into my backpack, I pulled out the terribly wrapped present and held it out nervously. "I hope you, er, like it."
Her eyebrows raised as her eyes flickered between the present and I. "Oh? You didn't have to. I wasn't expecting anything."
Was it hot in here or was it just me?
I pulled my collar away from my neck, hoping to circulate some air. "I wanted to. It's not a big deal."
She accepted the gift, fingers brushing mine and making me even more nervous, before opening it up. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she revealed a brand new leather paintbrush carry case.
"The one you always carry around is tattered and falling apart, so I thought I'd get you a new one," I explained, feeling like I had to. "I mean, unless the other one has some sort of sentimental value, then in that case, I can just return this."
"Are you kidding? I love it!" she exclaimed, looking to me with a grin. "It's beautiful, Y/N. I don't even know what else to say."
My shoulders relaxed, a relieved smile tugging at my lips. "Good. Th-that's good. I'm glad you like it."
Without warning, she moved forward off her stool and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me in for a hug. I was startled, unable to think straight with her body pressed so close to mine and her floral perfume wafting into my nose. Why did she have to smell so good?
"Thank you," she muttered, pulling away but not quite letting go. Her eyes were glowing as they watched me carefully, accompanying her weak-in-the-knees smile. I was sure I'd melt. "It means a lot."
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak for fear I'd say something stupid. I resisted the urge to look down at her lips, which were pulled into a small, appreciative smile. She let go of me, looking to the case again and unravelling it. I caught my breath meanwhile, my senses still on override as her perfume lingered.
She was just so damn beautiful.
"Okay, how about this – robotic or organic aliens. Which would you rather invade our planet?" Y/BF/N asked.
I chuckled at his question. "Definitely haven't thought about that one, but let's see..."
We were hanging in the bleachers out near the football field as we waited for football practice to end. Y/BF/N had a Film project to do and needed to film the field, so I offered to help like the good friend I was.
"Probably organic," I answered as I balanced on the bleachers, standing up and tiptoeing down them like steps. "At least we could reason with them if they tried to kill us because they'd have a conscience. Robotic aliens would just be programmed to take over and that's it."
Y/BF/N seemed against the idea as he played with his camera. "Yeah, but if they were robotic, all we'd have to do is launch a missile at them and they'd explode. You can break metal. It's harder to break organic matter."
I stifled a laugh. "You've given this much thought, I see."
He gave me a knowing look. "You telling me you don't think aliens exist?"
I stopped tiptoeing and stood still as I looked down at him with humoured eyes. "You know I know aliens exist."
He waved his hand like that was enough reasoning. "There you go then!"
I laughed, wondering how he thought of this stuff, then continued to balance as I walked down the bleachers. Probably the wrong choice as when I heard a voice call me, I looked up, saw it was Wanda, then proceeded to miss a step and fall onto my arse.
"Oh God, Y/N, are you okay?" she asked, moving forward to help me.
My face heated up as Y/BF/N laughed his arse off beside me. I accepted Wanda's hand and let her pull me up, before letting go immediately when I could handle it myself. Her presence always made me nervous, but this was just terrible.
"Yeah, I'm good," I said, glancing at her and freezing at her piercing gaze and suppressed smile.
"You sure?" she asked, glancing at Y/BF/N, before trying to hide her own laughter.
Fuck me, why was I such a mess whenever she was around?
"Very sure," I said, though my back began to ache from where I hit it. "What's up, anyway?"
Y/BF/N finally shut up, to my relief, and Wanda minimised her laughter before scratching her head.
"I'm waiting for practice to end so I can take Pietro home," she said, nodding to the field. "I saw you both sat here and thought I'd say hi. Are you guys watching practice?"
"Not really," I answered, before tilting my head to Y/BF/N. "We're just waiting for it to end so Y/BF/N can film for his project."
"Ooh, that sounds interesting," she said, intrigued and looking to him now. "What's that about?"
As he caught her up on it, I found myself checking Wanda out without realising. She was animated as she listened to Y/BF/N talk about his assignment, eyes giving him all of her attention, and a permanent smile was fixed on her lips as she listened to him. Though it wasn't directed at me, I felt butterflies swirling a storm in my stomach and clutched it, hoping they'd go away. I loved and hated the feeling all at once.
Breaking me from my reverie, a football flew past all three of us and hit the bleachers, startling us all. We looked in the direction it came from and saw the football team looking back at us, some laughing and some disgruntled. Two players ran towards us and when they got close enough, I made them out as Pietro and Nate.
Nate was laughing as he looked between us all, before his gaze fell on me. "It's Y/N, right? I feel like I'm always throwing that thing at you. Sorry about that."
But his constant laughing and lack of guilt refuted his words. I merely clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes his way, not that he seemed to care nor notice. I was a mere fly in a world that revolved around him. He'd never notice.
"Babe, I'm sorry, I didn't even know you were over here," he added, looking to Wanda. "You okay?"
Wanda crossed her arms and seemed frustrated. "I'm fine, Nate. Just get your ball."
He shrugged and grabbed his ball. Before leaving, he pressed a kiss to Wanda's cheek which made me wince, but she made no attempt in enjoying it. He didn't seem to care as he took off running back to his team. Pietro smiled apologetically at the three of us.
"I'm sorry," he said genuinely. "He can be such a dick sometimes."
That was the understatement of the century.
With that, he turned and ran back to his team to finish up. Wanda sighed, running a hand through her hair, as Y/BF/N and I exchanged glances.
"I should get the car running," she said awkwardly, pointing a thumb over her shoulder and towards the car park. "Good luck with your assignment, Y/BF/N. And I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N."
Waving goodbye with an awkward smile, I watched her leave and wondered the same thing I always did whenever Nate decided to make an appearance in my life.
How could she be dating such a dick?
Apart from the birthday party I didn't go to, I'd never been invited (or had a reason to go) to Wanda's house. I'd seen it, rode my bike past it, but never actually been in it. So, when she invited me to her place to work on a project we'd been assigned in class, I was unsure how to feel. She was adamant though and I had no reason to say no, so the only thing left to do was say yes. Even when she offered to drive me there after school.
"This is your car?" I asked with disbelief.
I knew absolutely nothing about cars, but I wasn't blind. Hers was a gorgeous deep red colour with a convertible roof that was currently lowered so anyone in it would feel the sun on their back and wind in their hair.
"Yeah, you like it?" she asked as she got into the driver's seat.
I gulped and sat in the passenger's seat, throwing my backpack at my feet. "It's so nice. You sure you don't mind me drinking in this?"
I had a Pepsi bottle in my hand and was deathly afraid of opening it now in case I spilt it and the cleaning bill would be more than I made in a year at the pizza parlour.
She laughed, already pulling out of the car park. "Of course. Don't be silly."
I glanced in her direction, trying not to get distracted by how good she looked in the driver's seat. She was wearing a red leather jacket, funnily enough, matching the exterior of her car, and she had dark eyeliner around her eyes, accentuating the shape and colour of them and leaving me speechless whenever she looked my way.
"There's CDs in the glove compartment," she was saying as she focused on the road. "Or you can mess around with the radio. It's up to you."
"CDs?" I asked, it piquing my interest. I reached into the glove compartment, adding, "What is this, the 2000s?"
She rolled her eyes playfully, accepting my teasing, as I flicked through the small stack of albums.
"I don't know, I guess I just like having the physical version," she said with a shrug. "It's kind of like a collection."
I chuckled at her need to explain herself, watching the way she rubbed her neck nervously, smiling with embarrassment. Looking back to the albums, a particular one grabbed my attention and I plucked it out with raised brows.
"Oh my God, you like Paramore?" I asked, looking to her with surprise. "Now it's definitely the 2000s."
Her cheeks flushed as she grew flustered. I nudged her in the side gently, getting her attention briefly.
"I'm kidding," I reassured, tilting my head her way playfully. "I actually love Paramore. They're my favourite band."
"Really?" she asked with surprise as I put the CD in her car. I hummed in response, to which she continued, "Have you ever seen them live?"
As For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic played quietly in the background, I nodded my head. "Yeah, once. It was a few years ago, but the tickets were shitty and I could just about make them out on stage in the distance."
Wanda laughed, the sound making my heart skip a beat. "No, that's so sad!"
I chuckled in agreement. "Yeah. It was, but oh well. They have a tour coming up this summer, right? Maybe I can get better tickets this time 'round... what about you? Have you ever seen them live?"
She hummed, making a turn at some traffic lights and chewing her lower lip as she focused on doing so. It was definitely the wrong time, but I found myself admiring how attractive it was, especially when her jaw tensed and her defined jawline was on display.
"Yeah, I saw them a few times," she finally responded, pulling me from my stupor. "Some really good seats, some really shitty ones." She giggled at the end, making me smile. "Maybe we could go to that concert in the summer. If you're up for it?"
This seemed like one of those times where you made plans with a friend that you knew would never happen, so to not cause an awkwardness in the conversation, I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, maybe."
She glanced at me and I mirrored her smile, the flash of excitement in her eyes knocking me breathless.
When we reached her house, I was awestruck at how big it was from the inside. I mean, it looked huge from the outside, but the inside was even better. Her family were rich, I knew that, but this was some other level of rich.
"Here, c'mon, I'll get you a drink, then we can go into the dining room to start," Wanda said, failing to recognise my amazement and instead leading me to the kitchen. "We have tropical juice, apple juice, water, Sprite, Cola... which d'you want?"
I settled at the island, taking a seat and subtly admiring her kitchen. "Er, apple juice is fine with me."
She smiled brightly before pouring me a glass, whilst pouring herself some Sprite. Standing opposite me, we both took a moment to have a drink, but didn't get chance to exchange words as her mum entered the room and noticed me instantly.
"Y/N, it's so lovely to see you again!" she said kindly, patting me on the shoulder before heading to the fridge. "You girls hanging out? Studying?"
"We have a project," Wanda filled in as I nodded in agreement. "We alright to claim the dining room?"
After grabbing some water from the fridge, Wanda's mum pressed a kiss to her daughter's cheek. "Sure thing, sweetie. If you need anything, just let me know." Smiling once more at me, she said, "It's good to see you, Y/N."
"You too," I said with a friendly smile before she left.
"Come on," Wanda said, motioning for me to follow. "We have tons to do."
The next hour and a half was spent with Wanda and I planning out our project, our work sprawled along the dining table messily. We were making progress, until she got a call suddenly. It seemed serious as she gave me an apologetic glance and excused herself. I let her go and leaned back in my seat, wondering what I could do as I waited for her to return. That thought was resolved quite quickly when Pietro popped his head in the doorway and spotted me.
"Y/N! What an honour to welcome you to our humble abode," he exclaimed, entering the room fully. "What brings you here?"
Pietro's presence always brought an amused smile to my lips. "Wanda and I are working on a Chemistry project. She's just nipped out for a phone call."
He tutted dramatically, crossing his arms. "Well, well, well. We can't have that! Wanda needs to learn to entertain her guests. C'mon. I was about to head to the gaming room and could use the company."
I was visibly surprised. "You have a gaming room? Dude, that's awesome!"
He laughed. "C'mon."
Joining Pietro, the two of us headed to this so-called gaming room and I was not disappointed. There was a huge TV with a PlayStation and Nintendo Switch connected to it, a snooker table, a foosball table, a dart board, some old arcade games – it was amazing, any gamer's biggest dream.
"What you feeling, princess?" he said with that flirtatious smile of his.
I rolled my eyes playfully. He was being overtly flirty, more so than his sister was – was it a Maximoff personality trait or something? – and I wasn't sure whether he meant it or was just being his usual self.
"Are you flirting?" I deadpanned, tilting my head curiously. "I can't tell."
He pocketed his hands, swinging back on the heels of his feet. "That depends. Is it working?"
Despite my lack of interest in him like that, I felt my face heat up at the attention. "Pietro, I must tell you that any moves you attempt to make kind of won't work."
"And why's that?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the snooker table with a cheeky smile on his lips. "Am I not your type?"
"Unless you change into a girl, then no," I played along, making him flush with embarrassment. "Hate to break it to you, but I'm gay."
"Okay, I guess that makes sense," he mumbled to himself, before sighing and meeting my eyes. "We can still be friends, right? Or is that forbidden since you're already friends with my sister?"
I laughed and approached him. "Friends works. I don't think Wanda will care. I certainly don't."
He grinned. "Awesome! Well, d'you wanna play a round of foosball?"
"Sure," I said with an amused expression. "Bet I can kick your arse."
He pushed himself off the table and feigned surprise. "Oh? Game on, Y/L/N."
I didn't realise how long Wanda had been on the phone until I managed to get through three rounds of foosball and was in the middle of a snooker game with Pietro.
"You may have beat me at foosball, but you're terrible at this," he pointed out with stifled laughter.
I'd missed my third shot and it was more funny than it was embarrassing.
"Your talking distracts me," I said dismissively, before lining up the next shot with my cue.
He watched as I tried to take my shot before sighing loudly. I glanced at him with a quirked brow.
"You have a thought you'd like to share?" I asked playfully.
He hesitated, moving forward to correct my posture. "Look, if you just aim it like this–"
"Don't even think about it, Romeo," I said jokingly, standing up straight and pushing him away gently. "I know what you're thinking."
He laughed. "What? I was just going to help you aim!"
I gave him a knowing look. "So holding me close is just a bonus?"
"Fine, take your shot without my help and see what happens," he said dismissively, waving his hand.
"I'll do just that," I said with confidence, before bending down and taking my shot. The ball hit the other and neither were pocketed, which was an achievement as I'd got the cue ball in several times before, but still pretty shit as I didn't score any points.
Pietro smiled with satisfaction, leaning on his cue. "You happy with that?"
I held in a laugh as I looked to him. "Shut up."
He chuckled before bumping me out the way. "Now for the professional."
Bending down to take his shot, he pulled back his cue before hitting the balls. They rolled around on the table and one ball was about to go in, but I quickly grabbed it before he could get the point.
"Y/N!" he shouted between laughter. "That's cheating!"
"Technically we didn't establish rules," I pointed out, before moving backwards as he tried to grab it from my hand. "What do you say to calling it a draw and playing something else?"
"I say that's a childish way to admit you've lost," he responded, before moving forward quickly. I dodged his attempt and he pursed his lips. "Y/N."
He smirked. "Seriously?"
I grinned.
He tried to grab it again and ended up chasing me around the room as I avoided giving in. Taking the piss out of Y/BF/N enough times had prepared me for moments like this, so I was able to avoid Pietro long enough to run into whoever walked through the door.
"Shit, Wanda, I'm sorry," I said between laughter, steadying both me and her.
She smiled with confusion, about to speak, but Pietro caught up to me and lifted me up, throwing me onto the couch before I could protest.
"No more cheating," he said sternly, as I lifted my head from the pile of cushions on the couch to look up at him.
"You're an arse," I said, pushing myself up off the couch.
"And you're a sore loser!"
We had a mini staring competition before the two of erupted into laughter.
"You're not half bad, Pietro," I complimented as he helped me up.
"Thank you, princess," he said, the flirtatious smile on his lips again.
I shoved him in the shoulder playfully before looking to Wanda, who was chewing on her lip as she looked between Pietro and I with an unreadable expression.
"So, what prompted you to leave Y/N alone for an hour?" Pietro asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, making me shove him away. He grinned at me before looking to Wanda.
"Nate called," Wanda responded carefully, arms crossed as she continued to look between us. God, I hoped she didn't think Pietro and I liked each other. That would be embarrassing.
Pietro scoffed from beside me, making Wanda sigh with annoyance.
"Don't start, Piet," she said and gave him a look which he seemed to understand.
By the sounds of it, Pietro didn't seem to like Wanda's dick of a boyfriend either. That was strange since wasn't impressing the brother the first part of being in a relationship with someone? And they were on the same football team, so I figured he'd at least tolerate him.
"Are we alright to get back to studying?" Wanda asked, directing her stare to me. The annoyance she held for Pietro was still present in her eyes and I suddenly felt nervous when she looked my way.
"Yeah, of course," I said, before giving Pietro a half-smile. "Rematch at snooker next time. Sound good?"
"Try to keep the balls on the table and we'll see," he teased, before nodding to Wanda. "You should get back to your project before Wanda kills us both with her deadly glare."
I smiled awkwardly, looking back to Wanda as she was indeed glaring at her brother. Clearly there was some sibling rivalry going on here, and I definitely didn't want to get in the middle of it, so I headed to Wanda, signalling I was ready to leave.
The two of us headed back to the dining room in an uncomfortable silence. I felt like I'd done something wrong and she was giving me the silent treatment which was strange. Then I figured it was probably something with Nate that made her annoyed, so didn't question it too much.
We sat back down and I looked at what we'd done so far to try and pick up where we left off, but then she spoke out of the blue, taking me by surprise.
"Do you like my brother?"
It was so abrupt that I took a moment to acknowledge it, blinking. "What?"
"Pietro," she clarified, saying it with such dismissiveness like it wasn't a big deal. Her attention was on the books before us as she continued, "Do you like him?"
I tried not to laugh as I shook my head. "No, Wanda. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a great guy. But yeah, no, I don't like him like that."
She chewed her lip, nodding, but I swear I saw a hint of a smile on her lips. I hoped it wasn't the thought of Pietro and I that made her annoyed. I wasn't that bad, was I? I know she cared about her brother and was probably overprotective, but me being his girlfriend couldn't have been that bad, right?
We got back to work in no time, getting a lot done. I didn't realise how late it was getting until Wanda's mum poked her head in, asking if I wanted to stay for dinner.
"Dinner?" I asked, eyebrows raising with surprise. I checked my watch and realised how long I'd been here. "Damn, maybe I should head back."
"Nonsense, you must stay," her mum insisted. "Y/M/N won't mind. A daughter of hers is a daughter of mine."
"You can even sleepover if you want," Wanda offered, and I almost choked on my own spit. "It's getting pretty late."
I shook my head, forcing a small smile so they wouldn't get offended. "Honestly, it's fine. I can head back."
"Please?" Wanda asked with a hopeful expression. "It's the least I can do. I kinda wasted your time for an hour earlier..."
"I should ask my mum," I said, chewing on the inside of my mouth.
"Oh, I'll ring and let her know," Wanda's mum said breezily, before looking to Wanda. "D'you think you can clear your things up? Your brother is gonna set the table."
"Sure, mum." Wanda smiled her way as she left, before looking to me. "I've got clothes and a spare toothbrush you can use tonight."
I smiled awkwardly, nodding. Sleeping over at my crush's house wasn't how I thought I'd be spending my Wednesday evening, yet here we were.
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bakusquad-assemble · 3 years
The Conference room
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Genre: enemies to “lovers”, but they’re both emotionally stunted and don’t know how to express themselves.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x bratty fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ content, unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism, degradation, hate sex, Bakugou catching feelings
Word count: 4.7k
Description: Reader is a pro-hero tasked with working with her worst nightmare; Bakugou Katsuki. The two of them have never seen eye to eye, making it impossible to get anything accomplished. But when Bakugou jumps at her from across the table, things take an unexpected turn.
A/N: had an idea and ran with it! I’m a total sucker for enemies to lovers so I had to indulge! While this can be read as a one shot, I also wouldn’t be opposed to making it a series? Lemme know what you guys think! This is my first time writing anything like this, so please be kind.
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“God, you’re insufferable, you know that?” You rolled your eyes, falling back into your chair with an exasperated huff. There were a few things that you didn’t enjoy about being a Pro hero, like the long hours and the lack of privacy, but this absolutely took the cake.
Bakugou Katsuki, or Dynamight as he was known to the public, sat in front of you clad in simple business attire with the nastiest scowl plastered on his dumb face. The two of your agencies had found themselves working together due to an influx in connected crime, and it had been the absolute worst thing you had ever experienced. The two of you had never seen eye to eye in the best of times, constantly teasing and bickering whenever you were in each other's presence, but having to work side by side with the explosive hero was like pulling teeth without any numbing agent. The two of you just didn’t mesh well together, constantly fighting for dominance of the situation, and it made for a very tense working environment for everyone involved. You were currently in the middle of coming up with an infiltration plan for a big villain hide-out, and Bakugou kept fighting you at every turn. He shot down every single one of your ideas, but had not yet made one himself. He was infuriating, and you wanted nothing more than to just walk out of the conference room and never speak to him again. You knew that was impossible though. People's lives were at stake and you weren’t selfish enough to let your discomfort affect your hero work.
Bakugou clicked his tongue at you, only adding to your frustration.
“You’re one to fucking talk!” He snarled in your direction, his hands balled into fists on top of the white marble table placed between you two.
“You haven’t come up with one usuable fucking plan all day!” His words were like venom, corroding your patience with every syllable. He had to be joking.
“Do you really have your head shoved so far up your own ass?” You started, the prominent look of detest written on your features.
“If my ideas are such shit, i'd like to see you come up with a better one! Or is that outside your levels of expertise? Does that brain of yours even have a rational mode or is it all just explosions and violence.” You could see his eyebrow twitching in anger at your words, and for some reason that excited you beyond belief. You loved getting under his skin, giving him a taste of his own medicine. It was cathartic in a way, watching him squirm.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” He spat viciously from across the table, his fists banging on the surface like an overgrown toddler throwing a tantrum. This time it was you clicking your tongue.
“I rest my case. I should have known working with you was going to be nothing but hell. Some pro hero you are, can’t even make a simple infiltration plan without throwing a fit.” Bakugou growled loudly, and you couldn’t help but akin his behavior to that of a feral animal.
“Will you shut the fuck up!” He seethed, but you were unfazed. You simply leaned back in your seat with an excited grin, crossing your arms over your chest as you did so. You weren't sure why arguing with the explosive man gave you such a rush of adrenaline, but you needed more. It was as if his words of resentment were a highly addictive drug, and you were itching for your next fix.
“Aww what's wrong, can’t handle a little bit of criticism?” Your confidence rang through the air like gun fire, piercing and tearing at Bakugou's skin. He was heated, you could tell by the way his pale skin flushed and how the faint smell of caramel assaulted your senses as he let off a few pops of his quirk in his fists. If you hadn’t known the man in front of you, perhaps you would have been intimidated by his crude actions, but you knew Bakugou would never lay a hand on you. No matter how heated your arguments got.
This certainly wasn’t the first time you had argued like this, it happened to be a recurring theme for the both of you whenever you were in the same room, but today something felt different. The tension laid heavy between you two, tangible, but it was laced with something you couldn’t quite pinpoint; A warmth pooling in your stomach.
“I said shut the hell up!” He screamed, standing up from his chair in a huff. You had pushed him too far, letting your teasing nature get the better of you as it had been known to do. Yet, instead of dropping it, moving on with your work, you persisted. You poked the bear once more, but this time in a way that surprised even you. You locked eyes with his piercing crimson ones, rising from your chair with formidable authority. Your chin tilting up ever so slightly as you spoke, letting the warmth in your stomach take over.
“Why don’t you come over here and make me, Dynamight”
Bakugou froze, and you couldn’t help but smirk victoriously. You knew the teasing tone would be enough to fluster him, to shut him down and win the argument so you could get back to working in silence. What you weren’t expecting was the way his breath caught in his throat, or the fervent blush that crept up his neck and consumed his features. And you certainly were not expecting the way your face reciprocated immediately upon sight. The palpable tension consuming the two of you, and the realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. It was not the feeling of complete and utter disdain that always lingered there, but instead something far worse. The warmth that had been bubbling in your lower abdomen was now yelling at you, and you couldn’t help but wonder if that feeling had always been there, simply lurking under the guise of hatred. Your eyes took in his features with a new glazed expression, subconsciously nibbling at your lower lip as you did so. The way you could see his heart hammer in his chest made you question if he was feeling the same sensation you currently were.
Your mind didn’t have much time to process that thought however, because within an instant Bakugou was throwing himself at you from across the table. His mouth on yours in seconds and his hands gripped at the back of your head to hold you tightly into the kiss, as if trying to relish in a fleeting moment. It was like a shock wave of intensity took over you, throwing all caution to the wind, and you found yourself kissing back with unexpected heat before you even had time to think. He slammed your smaller frame against the cold concrete of the office wall and you couldn't control the small yelp that slipped into his mouth. He had no idea why he was doing this. Why did your words have such an impact on him? Whatever had possessed him in the moment seemed to have taken hold of you as well. He wasn’t expecting you to kiss back with such fervor, in fact, he was fully convinced he was going to earn himself a solid punch to the mouth. But that wasn’t the case, and it made him question if those flirtatious and subtle sexual nuances had always littered your vocabulary, or if it had been a heat of the moment thing for you as well. One thing he knew for certain was that he had always found you enticing. The way you quipped back at him with ease, moving through his words as if you were bullet proof. His insults never penetrating your perfect complexion. And the way you would smirk at him, it was intoxicating. The way you knew just how to get under his skin. He hated it, and even though he’d hate to admit it, he loved it so much more.
His rough and calloused hands kept a firm grip on you, finally getting a chance to enjoy that perfect frame up close and personal. Your hands tangled up in his ash blonde locks, pulling at them roughly and putting space between your mouths so that your lips were just barely hovering above his lower one. Even still he could feel the delicious grin that overtook your features at the involuntary whimper that escaped his lips from the lack of contact. It wasn’t long before he was pulling against you to initiate the kiss again, and you did nothing to stop him, allowing him to dive back in and devour those sweet and supple bruised lips of yours once more. God, how he had always wanted this. He let his pelvis grind into yours, his hand finding its home on your hip to pull you in closer, forcing a moan to creep its way out of your throat. He wasn’t sure what had come over him; repression, pent up sexual tension, pure feral instinct, but he just couldn’t control himself. Especially not when such a lewd and sweet sounding moan cascaded from your lips like that. He had to have you now.
The faint noise of the lock clicking behind him rang in his ears like one of his explosions, and he found his head whipping in this direction of the noise as if expecting to see someone witnessing something they weren’t supposed to. Instead he saw the faint golden glow of your quirk, and upon rounding his eyes back to you, saw everything that he needed to know written on your features. You had locked it over his shoulders using your psychokinetic quirk. He chuckled darkly above your lips, before swooping back in hungrily, taking your actions as a nonverbal cue to continue. You couldn’t get enough of his taste. The sickly-sweet sensation taking over your senses, and by the way he kissed you, you could only guess you were just as intoxicating to him. Your hips moved on their own accord, desperate to feel his hard cock rubbing against you through the slack of his pants, but you could feel the resistance from the blondes firm grip on your hips. You needed more of him, wanted to get rid of this disgusting heat inside of you. You knew he noticed how much you ached for him too, you could sense it in the way his ego grew in his chest with every movement. He was always so perceptive, and you hated that about him. How dare he be able to control you like this. Have this domineering hold around you that you most certainly did not allow in your daily life. You never took his shit. Never put up with his bitching. Yet here you were, horny and writhing in his grasp, desperate for his twitching cock to fill you up.
“What’s the matter, princess?” His husky voice cut through the room. The teasing nickname you detested grating at your senses and finding a new feeling bubbling up deep inside your abdomen. God, you fucking hated him.
“Don’t have anything else to fucking say?” He ground his hips against yours again, eliciting the same noise of wanting to come crashing around the two of you. You tried your best to suppress it this time, not wanting to give him the sheer satisfaction of knowing just how much he had you under his spell right now, but the noise forced its way out as a high pitched whimper. You felt the way his cock twitched against your heat, only adding to your sheer desire. Your head fell back against the wall as you bit harshly at your lip. How could you be so weak for this man that not even ten minutes ago you absolutely despised with everything in your being. He took that as an answer.
“Did I finally find a fucking way to shut you up, dumbass?” He whispered into your ear, the soft wetness overtaking your senses and filling you with pure adrenaline. His hand gripped at the hair on the back of your head like you had done to his only moments before, exposing your neck so that he could trail rough kisses down to your collarbone. Biting and nipping at the soft skin.
“If you want my cock so bad, beg for it. “ It was like a light switch had gone off in your brain at that very moment. You couldn’t let him win, Let him talk to you like this. No matter how much it made your juices pool in your panties like some kind of whore in heat, you couldn’t let him embarrass you like this.
“In your dreams, you fucking pervert.” you spat viciously, a salacious smile biting at your features. Bakugou's head rounded to meet your eyes, an interested smirk over taking his features.
“Huh? What did you say to me?” The venom was tangible, but it did nothing to deter you from spitting back again. This time the smirk on your lips growing into a confident one, even through your ragged pants of need.
“I said...in your fucking dreams. “ putting emphasis on each word He growled into your skin, vibrating your body with his raw and feral rage.
“You fuckin’ brat.”
You knew you had just signed your death warrant but you didn’t care, in fact, it only aroused you more. You needed to feel him inside of you. You needed the release. It was as if the room was spinning and the only thing that was keeping you grounded was the aching between your legs. The desperate need to feel something. You felt his grip grow tighter on you and before you knew it your face was pressed up against the cold wall in an instant. Bakugou's hand laid on the back of your head, gripping at your hair and pushing your face against the concrete, the other tightly locked on your hip, keeping your soaking cunt up against the hard bulge in his pants. You felt your body buck against it subconsciously, sending another shockwave of pleasure pulsing through your body, and his.
“You’re gonna pay for that.” He hissed into your ear. The hand that laid in your hair coiled itself around your neck, squeezing ever so slightly as he brought your head closer to his. You let out a slight gasp, but still a smirk laid ever present on your face.
His free hand made quick work of your soaking panties, pushing them to the side under the hem of your pencil skirt. One of his thick digits slipping against your wet folds before situating itself inside without much warning. Even with just his finger you felt so full. The warmth from his hand radiating inside of you and only aiding in your pleasure. Bakugou couldn’t help the noises that escaped his mouth as he worked your pussy with his fingers. The way your walls clamped around them and left them completely soaked only made his need for you grow.
“God, youre so fucking wet for me.” His breathing was erratic, greedy. He had been overcome with lust that he was barely registering what he was saying. Normally situations like this would absolutely fluster Bakugou, or just straight up never happen. Bakugou was always so focused on his hero work that hookups were few and far between, and certainly never quite this passionate. A quick fuck with no return call and that was it. There was just something about you that made his head spin. You were always a challenge, never backing down no matter how brutal his berating and instead firing back at him with such confidence that it caught him off guard more often than not. Sure, it was so infuriating, but he had a thing for strong women. So everytime you spit back with that ungodly sexy smirk of yours, the fire in Bakugou only grew. He never thought he’d see you like this though, never imagining that he would be able to make that pretty little mouth of yours moan out for him, but he had certainly spent countless nights alone with his hand gripped around himself at the very thought. He quickly added another finger as he pounded them into you, causing you to gasp out in pleasure.
“ Yeah, you like that? You little slut.” You shut your eyes tightly, feeling the embarrassment overtake you as your head nodded against his hand like the greedy slut you were. Normally you would never accept words like that to come out of a man's mouth toward you, but there was just something about the way Bakugou said them that had you reeling with anticipation.
He curled his fingers inside of you, toying with your sensitive spot ever so slightly. Did you really think a simple nod was going to satiate his need for praise? He was going to tease you until he got what he wanted.
“What was that?” He smirked against the skin of your neck, nibbling roughly at the sensitive skin. You felt your body jerk against him, sending his fingers deeper into you. You bit your lip hard to suppress the moan that overtook you.
“Just fuck me already, Katsuki! ” you whimpered, his first name feeling foreign in your mouth. You were growing impatient, and even though your words came out as a command, you knew deep down it was desperation. The embarrassment rampantly flooded through your body, turning you a deep shade of pink, but you pushed through it. You couldn’t keep letting him play with you like you were some toy, you had to take what you wanted any way you could. You needed to cum, and you certainly weren’t going to do it on his fingers, no matter how good they felt. You needed the real thing.
“I can’t take it anymore, just fuck me!” You reluctantly begged, trying to look anywhere but at the man behind you. You could feel the shock rush through Bakugou's body at your words, clearly taken aback for a second at your bluntness and hearing his name spill from your lips like that. A wave of determination flooded through his system. He was going to make you scream his name so everyone in the office could hear it, even from the confines of the soundproof meeting room. He quickly let go of you to fiddle with his belt buckle, but you didn’t dare move to look at him. Instead you found solace in rubbing your thighs together. The friction keeping you high, keeping you blind to what was really happening. To the fact that you had just begged Bakugou Katsuki, the biggest piece of shit you have ever met, to fuck you.
You felt the tip of his cock trace your sweet hole for a second, and you braced yourself for agony. You thought he was going to relentlessly tease you, break you, find some way to have you squirming in his grasp and begging again, but instead the feeling of him bottoming out in you quickly overtook all of your senses. He was surprised he had even lasted this long in the foreplay if he was honest. He needed you, needed to feel the way you felt around him. He had fantasized about this for years, what it would feel like to finally have you in such a compromising position, but he was in no way ready for the sheer bliss your walls brought him. You had him reeling. He grunted aggressively against your skin, not moving inside of you as if to take in this sensation. Who knew when it would happen again, or If it would happen again.
“Fuckkk” he whined, and somehow his words alone had you aching for more. If you thought his finger had you feeling full, it was no match for the size of his cock. You couldn’t help but rock back onto him, rotating your hips in a way that had the both of you moaning.
“Katsuki” His name dripped from your lips again like the words sweetest song. There was something about the way you said his first name that had him teetering on the edge. It was so sweet, like honey trickling down the curves of your lips, begging to be savoured, and like hell he was going to deny himself that sweetness. Even if he knew he would probably never get the chance to taste it again. He wasn’t going to miss this opportunity to pound you into oblivion. He pulled back for a second, his dick sliding out of your entrance and leaving you with a longing and empty feeling after being so full only a second ago. Your eyes widened, about to whimper out in distress at the loss, until the fullness came back to you forcefully. The roughness of his thrust sending your body bumping into the wall in front of you and causing a loud moan to escape your lips. Your hand quickly shot up to your mouth, covering it quickly in the hopes that no one had heard you. You felt Bakugou snicker in your ear, pulling your hand roughly away from its place over your mouth, his hot breath panting heavily onto your skin.
“Let them hear you. Let them hear so they know who you belong to.” He spat out in between thrusts, head clearly spinning from the pure ecstasy you brought him.
“You wish.” you hissed, sending your ass into him to meet his thrusts. Bakugou grit his teeth in pleasure, cursing out under his breath. You were definitely right about that. You were the one person Bakugou knew he would never be able to truly control, but honestly, he didn’t want to. You were a force to be reckoned with, and an absolute powerhouse of a Pro Hero, and he admired you. Just as you did him, in your own little way.
Bakugou brought his open palm down onto your exposed ass with a grin, the pain of his warm hand mixing with the pure ecstasy of his cock and eliciting a sharp gasp from your lips. You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head, spinning from the sensation. Bakugou found himself groaning with every thrust, unable to force them down. You just felt too good, too addicting, and he needed more; needed to cum. His hand gripped at the back of your hair, pulling your head to the side so that his face was flush up against yours, his mouth inches from your ear. The sound of his erratic breathing and raw grunts of pleasure filled your senses immediately, making the warmth in your stomach bubble with excitement. You weren’t going to last much longer like this.
“Fuck” Your voice came out in a choked whimper, laced with blatant wanton lust.
“Like that, don’t stop.” You commanded, and Bakugou groaned in response. The grip on your hair tightened ever so slightly and you felt his teeth snarl against your ear, nipping at the exposed skin. He could tell you were close by the way your walls clamped around him, making it almost impossible to hold out any longer.
“Yeah” He panted in agreement, his thrusts becoming more unpredictable as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. It didn’t take much before you completely came undone around Bakugou. It was as if your body was floating weightlessly in space, a beautiful expanse of stars and colors blurring your vision, before gravity was quickly pulling you back down to earth abruptly, leaving your legs trembling from the impact.
Your hands subconsciously gripped Bakugou's, savoring in his warmth as you rode out your high around his thrusts, your head spinning with pure ecstasy and adrenaline. Bakugou buried his face into the crook of your neck, as if to hide the flush that had spread across his face from nonexistent eyes. Watching your body tense and shake around him had to be the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen in his life, and that was exactly what sent him over the edge.
“F-Fuck” His voice quivered against your skin and you felt his grip grow tighter on your hips, pulling you back into his pelvis to burry himself deeper within you. If you weren’t currently trembling from your own climax, perhaps you would’ve stopped Bakugou from coating your insides, but in the moment you didn’t seem to care. You felt your walls clamp down around him once more, desperately taking everything in without any fear of the consequences it might hold. Bakugou didn’t pull away from you, instead leaving his body flushed up against yours as the two of you attempted to regain your composure.
The room was silent, aside from the panting that still hung close to your ear. The primal lust that had just engulfed the two of you was quickly replaced with confusion, and the room was suddenly too silent. Bakugou pulled away from you at last, and his warmth that had enveloped you just two seconds ago now completely dissipated. You weren’t sure why, but you missed it immediately. It just felt so right, brought you so much comfort, and that very thought alone scared you. You quickly pulled yourself off the wall and rounded to look at the blonde man behind you as he fixed himself up. His face seemed to mimic yours, and you weren’t sure whether or not that was a good or a bad thing, but for the moment it brought you solace. You let out a shaky sigh before straightening the hem of your skirt against your reddened thighs. You could feel his eyes on you, like lasers burning your skin. You quirked an eyebrow up at him, trying your best to muster a smirk while your fingers worked tirelessly at untangling your hair that Bakugou had made a mess of.
Bakugou felt his voice rise in his throat as his eyes finally met with yours once more, he had so many questions; what was that all about? What does this mean for us? Can I take you out for dinner? but all of those questions died in his throat before they made it to his lips. The shake of your head deterring him from letting them out. You didn’t want him to say something he was going to regret, something stupid you say after the high of an orgasm. You weren’t sure what exactly that would’ve been, but you liked it better this way.
“Don’t, your stupid voice is what got us into this mess in the first place.” You tried your best to keep your voice even, calm, as if none of this had shaken you to your core. As if he wasn’t still lingering inside of you. As if you felt absolutely nothing from that encounter. Just another meaningless hook up, that was all. Or at least that was what you tried to tell yourself. You watched as Bakugou’s eyebrows furrowed, as they did whenever you spoke, but this time it felt off. Laced with something different. It would take you a while to pinpoint that exact feeling, but it would come to you nonetheless. When you were alone in your bed late at night, thinking about the way his eyes glistened, and his body tried to stay steady. Hurt.
You moved towards the tall blonde with a false sense of confidence, though to the unsuspecting eye you never faltered. Your delicate hand moving up to the tall blondes cheek and patting it roughly. The curves of your lips forming into that smirk that Bakugou loved detested so much.
“Leave the planning to me, I don’t really need your help anyway.” Your eyes locked with his for a moment, before you felt the need to break away. To slam the cover shut on those feelings that threatened to spill over the top of Pandora’s box. You sauntered past his form nonchalantly, your hips moving in a hypnotizing form that had Bakugou unable to peel his eyes away.
“Just remember...” You started, turning your head to look at him from over your shoulder.
“Meetings in the conference room are confidential.” And with a wink, you quickly turned the handle of the door and made your exit, needing to get away as quickly as possibly so that you could breathe once again. Bakugou still stood at the center of the room, confused and finally at a loss for words. He had no idea how any of that had just happened, or why he felt a heavy pang in his chest as he watched you leave the room seemingly unfazed. But there was one thing he knew for certain, one thing he was determined to do now more than ever; he was going to make you his.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Reunited Again
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Summary: He was your neighbour, your best friend, he was your happiness ever since preschool. One day, he suddenly became distant and cold towards you for unknown reasons. Both of you slowly drifted apart. Years passed and you haven't seen him ever since you left your hometown to go to college. Who knew you'd see him again through your close friends from college 4 years after you moved. Would he remember you?
Theme: college au, childhood best friends to lovers
Genre: fluff
Warning: some curse words, that's it
WC: 3.9k
Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello again! Here's a Wooyoung fic for you. Take care everyone :)
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12 years ago was when his parents divorced after a horrible fight. His father took him in custody as he was only 10 years old at the time. After the divorce, his father turned into an alcoholic, a drug addict and was abusing him after dusk. He became his dad’s punching bag, this only made the boy even more stubborn and rebellious.
This also led him to the introduction of tattoos, gang fights, smoking, drinking, but never drugs. That was probably the one thing he despised and would never even go near one. That was the thing that drove him to insanity living in the house.
His dad was a drug addict and because of those drugs, he couldn’t grow up with the love of his own dad.
However, despite being in that state, only a few of them still stuck around him. And these guys were not even those who teaches him all the bad stuff while growing up. Instead, these guys were the friends he met since high school and college. Sure he didn’t have a bright past, sure he’s done things that were probably illegal and had a few police cases before, but these guys never looked down on him.
They encouraged him to work hard and chase after his dreams, and not to walk down the same path his dad did. And for that, he was thankful to have met them.
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It has been 4 years since you last saw him. He was your neighbour and probably one of your best friends growing up. He lived just across the road from you. You still remembered when you first met him at preschool. Where he accidentally spilled his milk and so you went up to him and gave him yours.
From that day on, you two became like two peas in a pod. You loved him as a friend. You cared for him. You could never bear to see him cry over a stolen toy. You were always there for him. So when he suddenly turned cold and distant to you one day, you just couldn't accept it.
You wanted answers.
And not long after, you found out that his parents had divorced. His father became abusive and a drug addict so that’s why he kept his distance from you.
Because of that, you never blamed him for acting how he did back then. But that doesn’t mean you don’t miss the old him. Even now that it has been 4 years since you left your hometown to live in Seoul to go to college, you still prayed that some day, you’d bump into him again and everything would go back to the way it was.
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It was a bright Saturday afternoon and you had promised your two best friends that you would meet them for brunch and just hang out with them. You decided to wear a white low cut cropped thin strap top, a black floral skater skirt and a beige knit cardigan. To finish the outfit off, you paired it with your black combat boots.
You met up with Seonghwa and Yeosang at the mall for brunch where they took you to an italian restaurant. After eating, Yeosang told you that he and Seonghwa wanted to introduce you to their close friends and that it was time for you to meet them.
“Are you sure about this? What if they don’t like me?” You asked, a little too self-conscious.
“They’ll love you! Besides, if anything, I’ll just threaten them to leave you alone.” Yeosang said with a shrug. You couldn’t help but scoff at his sarcasm. A few hours later, Seonghwa drove you to a well known street in Hongdae.
You sat in the front passenger seat as your eyes travelled all over the place.
Once Seonghwa was done parking the car, the three of you got out of the vehicle as he locked it. Yeosang immediately placed a hand on your back to guide you towards a tattoo parlour shop located just across the road from where you were. The bell chime caught everyone’s attention in the shop as the two boys standing behind the counter whipped their heads towards the door.
Their smiles immediately got wider when they saw Seonghwa and Yeosang. “Oh hey guys! You’re here!” The cute, smaller one said, only for the tall, handsome one to speak up.
“It’s about time you guys came. You’re late for your piercing appointment with me.” Yeosang laughed knowing the boy was directing his conversation to him.
“I know, I know. But the main reason we came here was to let you meet our friend we’ve been telling you guys about.” Yeosang said as he turned back to you, who was hiding behind Seonghwa.
Yeosang chuckled at your shy being, only to slide his hand around your waist and tugged you forwards gently. “Hyung, Yunho, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Hongjoong and Yunho.” Your eyes flickered to the two boys who smiled at you and waved.
“Hello! It’s nice to finally meet you.” Hongjoong said as he held his hand out for you to take. You gently shook it in return, causing the man to giggle.
“Is she always this shy?” Hongjoong asked his two friends, only for Seonghwa to speak up.
“She’s only shy around boys she finds cute. So I guess you’re one of them.” This made you slap his stomach with the back of your hand, making the poor boy groan. You glared at him, only for Yeosang to laugh out loud before prompting you a high five.
“The rest will be out a minute. You can have a look around if you don’t plan on getting any piercings or tattoos.” Yunho said with a smile before turning to Yeosang and his smile completely disappeared before it turned into a snarl.
“Now get your ass back there. You’re late for your appointment.” Yeosang could only smile cheekily before he followed Yunho round the back.
You began to walk around the parlour, admiring the tattoo designs on the wall while Seonghwa and Hongjoong were just chatting by the counter. You were too engrossed in the tattoo designs that you completely missed the way two males just left one of the back rooms. One was a client and one was a piercing artist by the name of San who was also their friend.
You also missed the way Seonghwa pointed to you as he told San about why he and Yeosang came here today, earning a small cheeky smirk from the younger boy. You were just staring at the beautiful mermaid design when someone’s hand on your back made you jump.
It was just Seonghwa.
“Y/N, come meet another friend of ours. This is San. He’s in-charge of the piercings.” The said boy extended his hand out to you, making you shake it politely before saying hello. He too was pretty cute. Unlike Hongjoong who had two full tattoo sleeves, San was pretty clean on the skin except one or two small tattoos on his neck and inner bicep.
However, his piercings were prominent. He had a number of them on each ear, along with an eyebrow piercing on the right side and a tongue piercing.
You thought Seonghwa and Yeosang were cute. You clearly haven't seen their friends.
Right after you had just let go of San’s hand, a voice coming closer and closer to the main area made you turn your head towards the back rooms. Only to see a buff man maybe in his late 20s leave the back room. However, the person who left after him was the reason why your heart almost leaped out of your chest.
You couldn’t help but stare at him as you felt yourself stumble back a step. Crashing into Seonghwa slightly.
You watched as he went round the back of the counter to toss the tray of equipment into the sink before turning to Hongjoong and telling him the amount to charge the man.
After the man had taken the change and left, that’s when San spoke up brightly. His energy was definitely not at your level.
“Oh yah! Seonghwa hyung and Yeosang finally brought their friend over to meet us!” The individual turned off the tap and grabbed a clean cloth from the counter, only to turn around. That’s when his eyes got locked on yours. He paused his movements for a split second before returning his gesture.
But the disappointment on your face didn’t go unnoticed by him when all he did was nod his head towards you and simply turned back to go to the back room.
“Sorry about him. He can be a little rough with new people. His name is Wooyoung by the way.” San said. You clearly recognized him. His name felt all too familiar on your tongue.
Why did he react that way? Did he really not recognize you? Is he the Wooyoung from your childhood?
All these questions began to flood your train of thoughts as Yeosang and Yunho came back out laughing at something the other said. Just then, Seonghwa gently snakes his arm around your waist only to whisper in your ear.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
You blinked away from the back room that Wooyoung just entered only to nod. But you knew Seonghwa well enough to know that he didn’t buy your bullshit, yet he decided not to question any further.
A few minutes later, two more boys came in only for you to find out that they were also friends with the boys and their names were Mingi and Jongho.
The 9 of you ended up hanging out at the parlour, while you managed to warm up to San, Hongjoong and Yunho almost immediately thanks to their outgoing characters. You were seated on the couch’s armrest with your legs crossed over the other politely to cover your private area when Yeosang asked if they wanted to go grab dinner after the shop closes in an hour's time.
They all agreed to it, only for a new customer to enter. San immediately got up to attend to them who wanted piercings.
You noticed his absence in the circle when you glanced over to the back room. The boys’ voices were completely muffled in your ears as you couldn’t tear your focus off the male standing in the back room alone, looking busy.
He was wearing a plain black muscle tank. His biceps in perfect display, his right arm sleeve decorated with the most prettiest tattoo designs, his ear piercings, the left eyebrow slit and a piercing. He was hot.
You didn’t know how long you were staring, until he turned his head and caught you. With that, you quickly turned your head away in hopes that he wouldn’t think you’re a creep.
After they closed up the shop, the 9 of you dispersed to your respective vehicles to meet up at the dinner spot. You watched him carefully as Wooyoung approached the sports bike that was parked a few cars down from Seonghwa’s car. You cursed at yourself internally for out rightly checking him out when in reality, you might just be a stranger to him.
Nevertheless, you went for dinner and you bonded with the rest of them pretty quickly. Minus Wooyoung of course. That night, Seonghwa added you to their group chat and immediately, they welcomed you warmly.
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Days became months ever since the rest of them first met you. The boys have been including you to most of their hangouts even if it just consists of them chilling at the parlour. However, not much has changed between you and Wooyoung. You knew you couldn’t force him to remember you so you avoided that. And he knew he couldn’t just outrightly tell you the truth cause it's been years since he last properly talked to you.
So he feels slightly embarrassed to actually talk to you and get close to you again. Today was no different as you all hung out at the mall for the day. You wore a blue floral off shoulder dress that stops at your mid thighs. You paired your outfit with a white converse, and your hair left in a straight wavy look.
Seonghwa picked you up as usual, only to compliment you on your look.
You arrived at the mall a few minutes before some of them, with Yeosang, Hongjoong and San already there. You were just leaning against the wall in between Yeosang and San, only to rest your head on Yeosang’s arm.
You were just talking to Hongjoong when you heard Yeosang call out to some familiar names. You lifted your head off his arm, only to see the remaining four boys walking up to you.
That’s when you took notice of Wooyoung’s outfit. He wore a white shirt with a black leather jacket, a white denim skinny jeans and a pair of Nikes. Damn he looked good. You looked away before he felt uncomfortable, only to bury yourself against Yeosang’s side.
You ignored his teasing, saying you were just tired when he knew that wasn’t the truth. They walked around the mall for a bit when they stood on the escalator one after another.
You were standing a few steps above Wooyoung, just talking to Jongho when he noticed a group of young boys peeking under your dress’ skirt from three steps below. But both Jongho and you didn’t notice this. He climbed up the steps, walking past the boys only to quickly come up behind you and used his body to shield your dignity from them.
But what made you jump was when you felt someone snake an arm around your waist from behind. You whipped your head around, ready to curse but your eyes melted when you saw him.
“Relax. The boys behind me were peeking under your skirt so I blocked them for you.” Wooyoung said softly, making you glance past his shoulder to see a group of young boys looking fairly annoyed at Wooyoung.
With that being said, you looked back at Wooyoung only to smile softly and said, “Thank you.”
Wooyoung could feel his heart skip a beat as they arrived on the top floor. What you thought he would let go of your waist, you were proven wrong. Wooyoung kept his arm around your waist, keeping it there naturally and it surprised you.
What you did realize is the way he kept looking back so you decided to do the same. You saw the same boys trailing behind you and this made you slightly uncomfortable.
You looked at Wooyoung who was already staring at you. Just then, you noticed the inner corner of his lips curving up into a smile.
You mimicked his expression as he playfully bopped your nose with his own, making you giggle.
Neither of you realized where you were going until the rest of them stopped in front of a restaurant. That’s when Wooyoung finally pulled away from you and you immediately missed his touch. Since that day, you couldn’t forget the way he hugged your waist, protecting you from potential harassment.
That was enough to make your heart melt even more for him. All you needed to know now is if he really doesn’t remember you or if he’s just been pretending this whole time.
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It has been a month since that incident at the mall. Although Jongho was the only one who saw the small interaction between you and Wooyoung, he wasn’t one to rat people out. With that being said, nobody else except Jongho actually saw Wooyoung holding you by your waist that day.
It was currently a Saturday late afternoon and the boys invited you to hangout at Chan’s shared apartment with San and Wooyoung.
Since you were from your girls day out with Jennie, Lisa and Yeri, you were wearing a white skater skirt with a baby blue bralette that acts as a crop top for you. Your outfit was definitely more on the explicit side but it was just the boys right? They wouldn’t mind? Would they?
You arrived at their doorstep, only to be greeted by San who immediately gave you a one over, “Woah…” San said under his breath, making you realise that maybe this outfit was a bit too much.
“My outfit’s too provocative isn’t it?” You asked, making the boy panic. “What?! No! No! You look pretty, Y/N. Even hot to be honest. It’s just… like you said, a little provocative but I love it! I think you look great.” San said as he hugged you and soon dragged you in.
Suddenly, you were too shy to enter the house filled with boys and he noticed this. San chuckled as he rested a hand on your back to guide you until you were met with those in the living room. Similarly to San, everyone’s eyes were now on you, more specifically your outfit. “Woah. Since when do you own these clothes?” Seonghwa asked, making her sigh.
“I only wear these kinds of things when I’m out with my girlfriends. And I was with them, I just got lazy to head home and change. But seeing how all of you reacted, I wouldn’t mind doing it.”
Right after you ended your speech, a series of rejections came your way and it honestly baffled you.
“I just asked you about your ownership of these clothes, I never said you looked ugly in them.” Seonghwa said with a teasing smirk on his face. You scoffed as you stole a cushion from behind Mingi only to toss it in Seonghwa’s face.
However, the conversation got cut off when the halted footsteps down the hallway caught everyone’s attention.
There Wooyoung stood, in his grey sweatpants and a plain black muscle tank. His ash grey hair cutely tousled on his head as he scanned your outfit from head to toe, suddenly feeling his throat get dry and his face get hot. Since when did his childhood neighbour get this hot?
The room fell silent until Wooyoung spoke up first to get you attention.
“You look… nice.”
His simple comment made your heart melt as you thanked him shyly before putting your purse down beside Yunho on the couch and soon excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Once you were inside, you locked the door and soon stared at yourself in the mirror. You totally don’t blame them for staring but why did you feel extra warm when Wooyoung stared at you?
Fuck, this is torture.
Meanwhile in the living room, the minute you were gone, Yeosang was the first one to whisper out loud. “In the past 4 years I’ve known her, I have never once seen her in anything like that. What is she so hot for?”
“She looked really pretty just now. But I feel bad that she looked slightly uncomfortable.” Mingi said, making Wooyoung glance at the hallway.
A few minutes later, you finally left the bathroom ready to join the others when a familiar voice called for you from down the hall. You turned around to see Wooyoung poking his head out his bedroom door. He gestured for you to come over and so you did. Once you were in front of his bedroom, he carefully pulled you in before closing the door behind him.
“Wooyoung? What are we doing here?” You asked as he walked over to his dresser, only to pull out an oversized sweater before coming back to you.
“Here, wear this. Even though the rest of us really liked your outfit and we think you look really pretty in it, we do notice you being uncomfortable wearing that around us.” The room fell quiet as you stared at the sweater in his hand before looking back up at him.
“Wooyoung-” He cut you off by gently placing the sweater in your hands, making you smile.
“Thank you.”
He smiled softly at you as he watched you put the sweater over your head. It definitely was a bit too big on you but you loved it. Especially since it had a strong scent of him. After you were done, you spoke up saying, “Let’s go.” However, before you could reach for the door handle, Wooyoung stops you by sliding an arm around your waist.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you turned around to face him. You thought he would say something but what happened next made your heart skip a beat.
Wooyoung simply pressed his lips on your softly, his eyes fluttered shut as he moved his lips against yours. You were quick to do the same, hands finding their way up his chest and around his neck. You felt him hug you, deepening the kiss when you opened your mouth for him. Wooyoung pulled away for a brief second only to kiss you again. It was a kiss that he had been longing for, and he was finally getting it.
He soon pulled away, heavy breaths mingled together as you pressed your foreheads against one another. The room fell silent, your fingertips tracing down his neck before you spoke up.
“You remember who I am, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“Then why… why did you act like you didn’t know me?” Wooyoung let out a soft sigh before he spoke up.
“I’m really sorry. I just thought you would have forgotten me since I treated you awfully since my dad became an addict… I’m so sorry Y/N.” Wooyoung whispered against your lips, making you cup his face.
“Shh, it’s okay… I forgive you.” You said as you kissed the tip of his nose, only for him to hug you. He buried his face in your neck, feeling him plant soft kisses onto your skin. You both stayed like that for a while, just embracing each other after all these years. You were the first to pull away, only to kiss him again.
“Promise me you’ll never leave me again.”
“I promise.”
You smiled as he pecked your lips and soon, both of you came back out to join the others. They asked you where you were, only for you to say you had a quick catch up session with Wooyoung. That stirred some confusion from them but they didn’t question any further. They also didn’t comment on the sweater that was now covering your body.
A few hours later, you were all playing a game of truth or dare as you sat in between Mingi and Wooyoung. The bottle stopped at you, making you choose dare over truth. “I dare you to kiss someone in this room right now.” You found yourself smirking as you shrugged your shoulders confidently.
Without further ado, you didn’t even need to think as you turned to your left and kissed Wooyoung with a smile gracing over your lips. The gasps didn’t go unheard by you and Wooyoung but you couldn’t help but focus on your childhood neighbour.
Wooyoung reaches up to hold your face gently as the other hand snakes around your waist to pull you closer. After you pulled away with a soft giggle, Yeosang couldn’t help but ask out of curiosity, “Since when are you two close?”
“Actually, he was my childhood neighbour.” That’s when Hongjoong spoke up loudly in shock.
“She’s the one you’ve been telling me about?! I told you she would cross paths with you again and things would get better!” You turned to Wooyoung, only to see his ears turn red.
You found out that he had told Hongjoong everything about you and his friendship with you except for your name. You couldn’t help but laugh as Wooyoung hugged your side before kissing your cheek. This was such an endearing side of him, something you would never expect coming from a scary looking boy with two full sleeve tattoos.
Nevertheless, you were happy things got resolved between you and him.
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Lane close
Note: Inspired by @sapphirescrolls​ https://sapphirescrolls.tumblr.com/post/633710107595767808/i-had-an-obnoxious-encounter-whilst-driving-so-ya
Summary: Going home there is always traffic.
Warning: bondage, forced sex, non consent, kidnapping
Dark Thor x reader
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It felt like you had been stuck in the car for over an hour. It was so infuriating that one lane could clog up traffic so badly.Throwing your head back on the seat you start to stare aimlessly at the taillights in front of you.
Incoming traffic rushed by, but out going was yet again a drag. You could've sworn the construction workers were just fucking about instead of working. If there were any other options as a home route you would have taken it, but unfortunately there wasn't one.
Since the weather had been unusually fair you decide to roll the windows down.  
"Hey Siri, play my rush hour playlist" you call out to your cell.
The robotic voice came alive on your command, changing from the radio to your music. Tapping your finger on the steering wheel in time with the beat you sing to yourself while sitting through this slow torture.
"HEY!" Someone called out. Checking your rear-view you scanned to see if someone behind you was trying to get your attention. From what you saw the driver behind you seemed to be on his phone so maybe you were just hearing things.
"HEY!" Even with the music blaring that voice pierced through.
Scanning all around this time your eyes land on a giant of a man in an orange safety vest and hard hat. One of the road workers was waving his hands in the air trying to signal you. Scrunching your brow you look at him curiously. His bright smile was certainly infectious as he began dancing when your attention was focused on him. He was surprisingly on beat, but the sight of it was so goofy you had to laugh and the more you watched goaded him to do more.
"Okay, okay" you say to the car behind you even though they couldn't hear you. Turning your focus back on the road and get in gear. He had distracted you so much that you hadn't noticed traffic move on a bit. Without giving him another glance you drive onward to home.
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The construction on the road had been going on for over a month and you truly couldn't tell what they were working on out there. At least it never hindered you going into work. As you passed the closed lane in the morning you would glance over at the abandoned equipment while you wait at the light to change colors again.
When you were in the office your days were filled with meeting after meeting. The first one was just about to start and you were the only one in the conference room. Walking over to the window you watched the construction workers start their day along the outstretched roadway.
"Hey Y/N, you coming to lunch with us tomorrow?" Cathy's voice broke you from your trance at the window.
"What's going on tomorrow?"
"Tiffany is having a going away lunch. It's going to be at Zoe's kitchen since it's just right across the street"
"Ugh I hate that place, but I will go."
Moving from the window you take the seat next to her at the conference table. "Do you take Woodway avenue to go home?" You ask the curly haired accountant as she opens her laptop.
"I used to, but the traffic has been so bad." She answered. "I normally go over to Sam's since it's the other way. By the time I leave there traffic is normally cleared out."
"Oh, wow. How long has this been going on?" You integrate her.  
"I had been dropping hints to him for a while, then one late night a few weeks ago"Cathy's mysterious grin spread on her lip.
"Cathy! In the office" you try and lower your voice after the shock. She only shrugs while you shake your head in disapproval. "Any who I was sitting in traffic yesterday and heard someone shouting. I look over to see this road worker shouting at me then he starts dancing like a fool."
"Was he cute though?"
"That’s besides the point"
"So he was cute then...Next time take a picture I wanna see this construction hottie" she jokingly asked as more people started to file into the conference room.
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When you got into your car at the end of the day you were happy to leave, but not excited about what lay ahead. Your gas indicator was dangerously low today and you cursed yourself for not filling up your tank last night. You knew it was enough to get home, but the gas at the station a few blocks from here was cheaper than the one by your apartment.
As the dead lock breaks to allow you to drive more than a few inches you signal so that you can get over in time to reach the station.
Pulling in you parked in front of the pump. The tank was on the passenger side so you walked around, popped the cap and grabbed the hose.
The bell on the gas station door chimed behind you. Spilling from the doors a group of road workers presumably on break or grabbing snacks for their journey home. Your head reflexively turned towards the noise then your eyes locked with the golden haired goofball from yesterday. When he saw you his face lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Hey!" he shouted and waved at you excitedly dancing his dance making you snort. When your hear the click from the hose you turn away. Pulling out the nozzil you put it away and walk to get back into your car. Glancing up you spot him looking back at you, waving goodbye as he and his group walk over to a large  red pickup truck. You wave back then startup reluctantly ready to sit through this traffic jam again.
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In the rear-view you spot the massive truck he got into. It trailed a few cars behind, but it wasn't hard to miss.
Even after you broke free of the jam it seemed to be heading in the same direction as you. To ease your mind you drive into McDonald just before your turn off point. It was another late night of coming home and cooking for yourself wasn't going to happen.
After you placed your order through the speaker you see his car pull in too.
You are just being paranoid. He is probably hungry. You're overthinking things.
Paying for your food you then leave and speed on toward your street. Peeking at your rear-view you spot his truck again in the far distance.
Calm down. This is a popular road a lot of people take this route.
Shaking off the paranoia as you spot your street sign. Signaling you pull into the turning lane. As you waited at the light you watch as the truck gets closer, but the light turns green before you can see if he gets into the same lane. Turning on your street you breathe a sigh of relief when you saw it kept going straight instead of turning down your road.
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The next day lunch came around before you knew it. Leaving your desk you go and grab Cathy. When you do she's shamelessly flirting with her new office bae, Sam.
"You ready to go or..." You ask leaving enough space for innuendo as you poke your head in through Sam's office.
"Yes, yes" Cathy turns to you pouting. "I'll see you tonight" she pecked him on the cheek before heading to the elevator with you.
Exiting the office you two head out toward Zoe's, chatting about the usual office gossip. The bustling sound of the road work buzzed around your office building. The walk to Zoe's would be brief, but noise and the smell of tar had you regretting the choice to go out for lunch.
"Oh my gawd there he is" you point in the direction of the statuesque blonde currently jack hammering the road. In his bright orange vest you could see pools of sweat seep through. His sleeves clung to his toned arms, his muscles flexed as the machine pounded and you wondered what the rest of him looked like underneath.
"Oh damn" Cathy exclaimed practically drooling at the sight of him. You had to nudge her ribs to stop her from staring.
The pedestrian light turned green as you two approached allowing your little group to cross the street. As your pumps hit pavement you heard his distinct call. Cathy turned her head to look before you did. When your eyes landed on him, he did his little dance this time adding in a crotch grab then blowing you a kiss. The shock of the lewd gesture had you both scrunching your faces in disgust before turning away and continuing on. He shouted at you more but you refused to give him anymore attention.
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You checked your traffic app to see if there was anyway to avoid Woodway, but all the road lines were colored red. Signaling that they would be just as bad as going around.
Instead of sitting in traffic again you decided to stay in the office later. Spending an hour in the office sounded better than an hour in traffic.
You passed the time shooting off a few emails, scheduling a few client meetings and reading through some paper work you had put off earlier in the day. Checking your watch after all that done you were satisfied that enough time had passed so you pack up to leave.
Pulling out of the parking garage you were relieved that traffic had indeed cleared up. Though it was late you were tired of fast food. With all the road work you found it easier to get drive through than cook. Breaking from routine you head to the grocery store.
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Walking down the various aisles while you load up your cart. The smell of fabric softener wafted through the air. The fragrant smell reminding you that you were running low on detergent.
Going down the aisle you find your favorite brand and smell the clean scent of the box.
"Hey!" The familiar voice of the construction worker startled you causing you to drop the box of detergent on the floor. "Oh sorry" his accent caught you off guard as well, he had only ever said one word to you before this point. Walking up closer as you bent to pickup the box.
"It's OK." As you rose to straighten. Your eyes roamed his stature you noticed he held a case of beer in one hand and his cell in the other. From the distance in your car you had thought he was tall, but now as he stood so close you had to crane your neck to meet his gaze.
"I just want to say sorry for the other day...I was trying to do that Michael Jackson dance and well..." He trailed off.
"That's what that was?" You cocked a brow at him. "Michael would probably roll over in his grave if he knew." You playfully kid him. He erupted with such laughter you were slightly embarrassed at the volume.
Clutching the detergent close to your chest you take one step back while he took one step forward. He stopped laughing and just smiled down at you.
"My name's Thor"
"I'm Y/N"
There was a thick silence that fell before you spoke again. "Well, I should go" you move your cart and start to push it away.
"You're checking out right me too" his smile was so infectious, but you couldn’t match his energy.
He followed beside you as you made your way to the checkout line. His presence almost suffocating as he walked quietly next  to you.
He waited behind you in line and you thanked your lucky stars there wasn't anything embarrassing in your cart this time around. When the cashier finished you waved him goodbye and walked off as fast as you could, but he caught up to you before you could exit the automatic doors.
In the dim light of the parking lot his pickup truck stuck out like a sore thumb in the distance. Luckily it was on the opposite aisle from yours.
"Sooo news on when that road might be fixed?" You try and break the awkward silence.
"Oh I don't know. I just do the work they don't tell me anything" he answered rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow" you say as you approach your car. Waving goodbye you separate and push your cart to the back of your car. He looked like he wanted to say something more, but you had already started on your jaunt to the trunk.
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Loading the car you peer over to see Thor in his truck lit by the light of his cellphone through his windshield. After closing the trunk you hop in the car. Starting the car you ready yourself to back out.
"What the fuck?" You exclaimed as your car gyrated in a peculiar manner. A worried crinkle rested on your forehead as you contemplated the obvious.
Putting the car back in park you take your phone and get out to examine the tires. The front driver side was fine, but when you walked to the rear the back was tattered and flat. Bending down you look for what could have caused such damage.
"You okay?” Thor boomed from behind you. His branch of an arm resting on his open window as he watches you bent over examining the flattened wheel. His truck now parked beside yours.
"Yeah, just a flat." You reassured him. You unlock your phone and lookup triple A while Thor hops out of his truck. "I have someone coming it's fine Thor" you try and wave him off, but he doesn't leave. Thor's arm wraps around your waist pulling you flush to his chest. Your phone drops from the surprise embrace. "What the hell are you doing?" You shout at him while digging your nails into his arm as you try and pry free.
He didn't answer you and the more you struggled the tighter his hold seemed to be as he inched closer to his vehicle. Thor opened the back door of his truck with one hand as you fought to get out of his other. Your feet lifted from the ground as he brought you up and tossed you in. When your back hit the leather of the seat you rise on your elbow and scurry backwards until your back hit the opposite window. Turning to open that door Thor yanks your ankle so hard that your entire body lays flat along the cushion again.
You somehow free your ankle and kick over a tool box behind the passenger seat in the process. The contents spilling in and out of the truck. The next kick landed in the center of his chest, but he catches it right before its impact.
"This isn't funny Thor let me go!" You demand. Thor ignored you and proceeded to pull off your shoe. Once removed he then tosses it over his shoulder.
His eyes stayed laser focused on you while he placed kisses on the top of your foot then trailed them gently down your leg. You try freeing yourself from his clutches again until Thor stopped. You watched on as he opened his mouth wide on your thigh then sinking his teeth into your meaty flesh. You whale loudly from the pain then shoot forward to grab a fist full of hair. Pulling it as hard as you can until his hands encircle your wrist. Pushing them together he holds them with one hand while the other digs through the mess of tools on the floor.
"You know you were always the highlight of my day?"
Your eyes grew wide at the sight of the thick white plastic strips. Twisting and thrashing under him he only scoffs at your attempts. Looping the zip tie around your wrists then around the handle of the back door. The tightness of the restraints only increased as you struggled, your fingers starting to tingle at the loss of circulation.
"Construction was actually supposed to be finished a long time ago, but I made sure to get the project delayed."
Hovering over you once he locked you in place his once infectious smile turned sinister. Lowering himself back down his meaty palm glided up and down your exposed thigh. Pushing your skirt past your waist he starts to pull your panties down as your legs continue to flail. Catching your knees with his hands he forces your knees to bend so that he could comfortably wedge himself in-between.
"You don't have to do this. You don't have to do this" your words were filled with panic and fear. There was nowhere to move as his head lowered down.
"Wait, wait. I have money. Just in my purse" you sob. "Thor your a nice guy please, donnnnnnnnnnn't" your whiny sobs did nothing to stop his assault.
He flung your panties out of the door and stared at your folds before lowering himself further. His hot breath sending shivers up your spine.
He hummed as he flattened his tongue on your folds. Your hips bucked involuntarily when he sunk his tongue inside you.
Dipping it in and out causing a moan to spring from your lips. No matter how hard you begged he did not relent it was as if your protests urged him on. Holding your legs apart you felt his fingers dig into you. The pain of his grasp and the overwhelming sensation of his tongue drove you mad.
"Oh sweetheart you taste so sweet." He said pulling back from your panting form.
Your shirt was still tucked in your skirt so Thor haphazardly pushed it up and out. Moving the fabric halfway up your neck to expose your breast. When he pulled down on your bra a strap broke.
"Sorry about that" Thor chuckled as he took both breast in his hand, pushing them together then began kneading them like dough. He hissed as he played with you as your protest fell on deaf ear.
Moving his head down to your chest Thor rubbed his course beard harshly over your breast. Inhaling each deeply before trailing kisses all around the top. His hands released your breast and you watched on in horror as he tossed his shirt, pushed his pants down his waist along with his boxers.
"No no no" you cry out as Thor pushed up almost level with you. The weight of him almost crushing your chest. His hand clasped your chin and forced your head forward to face him when you tried looking away.
"I am going to make you so happy Sweetheart"
The back door remained open as he pressed the head of his cock into your mound. Feeling the pressure of him pushing into you Thor devoured your lips before you could let out another cry for help.
Thor took his time as he eased into you. His tongue invading your mouth as you felt him stretch you. He smelled of sweat and tar. His hair cascaded over you while his hands roamed your body. Squeezing and pinching on your fatty flesh so hard that your body jerked and jolted.
Thor's speed increased as time went on and you felt your pussy grip and hold him. Betraying you to take pleasure from his forceful violation. His cock plunged deeper and deeper as your cries turned to heavy mewls. He pulled away from your lips with a deep groan.
"That's it Sweetheart" he praised as your cunt gripped his cock repeatedly. "Mmmmmmm Fuck shit!"  You came around his cock unwantedly while he continued to praise you for being such a good girl for him.
Your pussy grew wetter as you stayed at the mercy of his control. Thor moved to plant one hand on the window and snuck the other under your ass. When he gripped your cheek hard your back arched and the move allowed him to sink deeper into you. The truck rocked as he fucked harder into you. "Hear how wet you are for me." His cock ravished you, stretching you beyond your limits.
"MMMm shit!" You exclaimed as you came again around his pounding cock. As your cunt squeezed his dick you felt his cock begin to twitch inside of you. Then a warmth overflowed inside your convulsing pussy. Thor's hold would surely leave bruises as he dug into you. As a warmness bloomed in your core he stilled himself and as it leaked out he plopped down on top of you, crushing you under his weight, you felt his seed seep out of you.
After another few minutes he got up and off you. Putting on his discarded shirt and pulling up his pants. He slid out of the back seat closing the door leaving you still bound.
You heard him pop the trunk of your car and the familiar sound of plastic bags. It took a while before he reappeared at the drivers door and got in.
"All right I moved your groceries! Let's go home we both have work tomorrow." He said then started the trucks engine and set off out of the parking lot.
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enchantedblackrose · 3 years
Safe Again
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Not my image. Google image search
Pairing: Antonio/Fem Reader
Requested @fabyoliveira1999
Summary: Y/n is kidnapped when an undercover assignment goes wrong
¡Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood, allusions of sexual assault, potential police brutality? All very in line with the show
A/n 1: this is a work of fiction. The gang and names used are completely made up and not meant to reflect any real persons. Thank you.
2: Part 2 will be a fluff drabble
Safe Again
A darkness overcomes you as you slip out of consciousness. The steady beeping of the machines around you are now frantic, their shrill sound piercing the ears of everyone around. 
Antonio yells out your name as hospital staff force him from your room. It isn't until Hank and Kevin pull him by his shoulders does he fully retreat. He sees a familiar face in the hallway and remembers a conversation he's been meaning to have.
"Halstead!" Antonio's voice shakes in anger. He stands face to face with the younger detective. His finger accusingly pointing.
"How the hell did this happen in the first place, man? You were supposed to have her back!"
Jay's voice was quiet. "I know." He drops his head in hands. "I'm so sorry, man. I should've pulled us out of there."
"You were supposed to watch her."  Antonio strains to speak, his tone is much softer this time as he fights back the tears threatening to spill. Wordlessly, he claps Jay's shoulder, giving it an affectionate and apologetic squeeze. None of this is Jay's fault. Antonio knows this and instantly regretted taking his emotions out on his colleague.
-72 hours prior-
You're sitting in the bullpen, having just been assigned to go undercover with your partner acting as your boyfriend. The idea being that the two of you would infiltrate the known drug gang the Scorpions as potential buyers and dealers for the more upscale neighborhoods the leader, Sammy, was trying to reach.
Your actual boyfriend is the first to speak. "Oh hell no. You're not doing this," Antonio tells you, earning a hard stare from you in return. "She's not doing this," he shifts his attention to Voight. "These...thugs are ruthless. They're killers."
Hank's eyebrow shoots up, wordlessly questioning Antonio. "Watch yourself there. Last I checked this was my unit. I give the orders."
"Sarge, if I may," you interrupt. "I'm willing to do this. I've successfully gone undercover before and I've gone alone," you remind not only your sergeant, but your boyfriend. "I want to do this." Your eyes fall to Antonio momentarily before looking back to Hank.
"Do whatever you need to prepare," he orders. You nod, reaching for your cell phone. Hank turns around and heads into his office. Antonio is hot on his heels, letting the door slam shut behind him after giving you a displeased look.
You huff an angry sigh. From his desk, Jay offers a sympathetic smile. "He's coming from a good place, y/n," he reminds you. "He's just scared. He knows you're more than capable of handling yourself out there."
Appreciating Jay's words, you nod your gratitude and make the call to set up this meeting.
You are fuming the entire walk up the stairs to your apartment. Antonio follows closely behind. You wait until the door closes completely before angrily spinning back in your heel to glare at him.
"Do you have any idea how demeaning and humiliating it is to not only have my boyfriend, but a superior colleague to react that way in front of my sergeant? Our sergeant? This is important, Antonio! And I'm not some rookie. I've done this before! You have no right-"
"You're right," his voice is calm and not at all what you expected to hear. "And I'm sorry, mi amor. I made sure to tell Voight before we left that I support you doing this and promised to not let my feelings compromise this case."
"Oh." You feel your anger start to dissipate. "In that case…can you order dinner, please? I'm going to take a quick shower." You stand on your tiptoes, pecking his lips softly with yours before heading to the bathroom.
Today was the day you and Jay, or rather your aliases Roxie and Ray (you relentlessly teased Jay about his lack of creativity), were meeting Sammy, having already built a rapport with some of the other members lower in the chain of command. If it went well, today should be the day you make the bust. Both of you step into the garage to meet the team and go over plans one last time. You're in a body flattering dress hitting right above your knees, Jay in a suit sans necktie.Your friends whoop and catcall  Part of your personas was playing a bored, wealthy, money-motivated couple and you had to look, not just act, the part. As Antonio approaches, Jay excuses himself saying he'll be in the car waiting whenever you're ready. Antonio's voice is quiet. "There's still time. Don't do this."
"I thought you supported me."
"I did...I do! I just can't let you-"
"Let me?" You yell, earning the unwanted attention of those nearby. You shake your head, hurt and disappointment shine in y/e/c eyes.  You walk away without another word, getting into the passenger side of the car
You reach the autobody garage the Scorpions use as a front. Immediately they pat you both down by a few members you've met during the time undercover. You're positive your inspection is more thorough as he squeezes your one ass cheek.
"Hey man," Jay shouts seeing you get groped.
"It's alright, babe," you wink. "Rico's only appreciating a good thing when he sees it." Rico smirks before declaring, "They're both clean."
Sammy, and another man you recognize from case files, Nic enter. "What's this? Who did you bring me?"
"These chumps are gonna be your new sellers."
Sammy's eyes hone in on you. You hold his gaze. "Hell naw," Nic says. "They brought you cops."
"Oh, please," you say, rolling your eyes. "With this face and ass-he knows, he felt it," you point to Rico, "I'm too fine to be a cop." You flash a cheeky smile.
"Bitch, shut up!" The back of his hand connects with your right cheek. The stinging causes your eyes to water. Beside you, Jay flinches; it's hard from him not to react.
'Listen man, I don't know what you think is going on. We just-"
"You can shut up, too." 
You hear the unmistakable sound of a gun cocking, turning to see it pointed at Jay. Sammy gives a nod to one of the others. 
"Look out," you try to warn Jay, but it's too late. The butt of a gun hits Jay in the temple and he gets kicked at the back of his knee until he falls to the ground. His head hits the cement flooring hard. You don't understand why the team hasn't busted in yet.
Nic's gaze is on you. "You testified at Dierk's hearing." His fist swings and it makes contact with your jaw. It's enough to make you sway but you remain on your feet. "He was my cousin you, stupid bitch. Get her in the car. Leave him."
As you're forced into a black SUV, you manage to choke out a weak,"Jay, " your stained voice sounding unrecognizable to your own ears.
The equipment they sent you in with was faulty. Voight was furious as was Antonio. They whole worked diligently to get video or audio, anything to keep tabs on you and Jay. It's not until the SUV, with you unbeknownst to them inside, peels out, that the whole team moves in and finds Jay bleeding and unconscious on the floor. Kevin reaches him first. "He's alive!" he shouts to the others. Adam radios for an ambo before he and the others continue to clear the building. Kevin gently shakes Jay awake. He groans, hands instantly reaching the side of his head. He makes to stand.
"Easy there, brother," Kevin warns. Jay lets Kevin help him to his feet. "We've got a bus on the way."
Jay nods, "I'm fine. Where's y/n?"
"She's not here. No one is," Hank answers as the rest of the team draw near Jay. Jay's stomach plummets as he realizes they've taken you, his partner.
"Son of a bitch!" Antonio yells, kicking an oil drum.
"We work fast to get y/l/n back," Hank declares. "Check for surveillance, witnesses. We find that SUV and we find y/n. Alive
 Any means necessary.  Let's move." The team disperses and his hand clasps Jay's shoulder. "You get checked out by medics first." Jay opens his mouth to argue, but shuts it quickly. He nods his compliance. Hank and Antonio follow him to the ambulance that's just arrived.
"Hey boss," Jay speaks, with a tentative glance to Antonio. "This went south when Nic recognized y/n as the detective who testified against his cousin. Hank pursed his lips, but even in his anger, the color drains from Antonio.
"Voight," Antonio's voice almost cracks.
"We'll get her back."
Bloodied and bruised, you're alive with very little clue as to where you are. Your survival skills kick in.
You take note of your surroundings. You think you're in an unfinished basement of a residence. Definitely a lower floor as you remember being tossed down a flight of stairs. Your hands are bound behind your back and tied to a support beam. The door to upstairs is locked and even if it wasn't, based on all the noise coming from the floors above you'd never make it out undetected. 
The door opens and heavy footsteps make their way towards you. Nic comes into your line of vision.
You try reasoning with him, "As far as I'm concerned, nothing's been done that can't be undone. You just gotta let me go."
"You don't get it, do you? Maybe this will clear things up for you." He draws his gun, pressing it into the middle of your forehead 
"But first I'm gonna fuck you real hard." His face inches from yours. Nic pulls the gun away. His stale, hot breath reeking as he stands too near. You couldn't help but scoff before you throw your head into his, headbutting him with all the might you could.
He cries out in agony.
"Stupid bitch." He backhands you. Then grabs you by the chin. His furious eyes never leave you and a rough hand claws at the skirt of your dress. You feel cold metal pressed against your thigh. "First, I'm gonna fuck that tight pussy with my gun inside you then-"
"Why?" You smirk. "Afraid you won't be able to get it up?" So much for those survival instincts. Anger flickers across his face. His free hand makes a fist. You dodge his swing and he instead makes contact with the pole. This enrages him more. Hastily Nic puts the gun back in his pants. Both his hands wrap themselves around your neck.
14 hours have gone by. That's how long it's been since Antonio's last seen you. He's hurt and getting desperate. With less than two hours of sleep (Antonio only went home after Voight said he wouldn't be any help without some rest), he was out trying to find any witnesses, checking traffic cams, and placing calls to all his CIs in hope that any of them might be able to give a lead. When one of them started stringing him along, Antonio jacked the guy up against an outside brick wall near the precinct. That's when Kim found him. 
"We got something," she says in a hurry, fearing Antonio may do something he can't come back from.
The team picked up two Scorpion members and one is currently in the cage. 
"Five minutes, Hank. Just give me the key and five minutes alone with this guy," Antonio pleads to his sergeant. From the cage, the Scorpion chuckles. Antonio lunges causing the chain links of the cage to rattle. He appears more animalistic than human and the laughter does immediately. "Where is she, you bastard?" Hank looks at the guy, still refusing to talk, then he unlocks the door for Antonio.
"Are you crazy? You can't let him in here with me," he shrieks.
"Your boss has one of our own. And she just so happens to be his girlfriend, so you're crazy if you think I could really stop him if I wanted to," Hank answers before moving away from the door and heading upstairs. The door barely swings open before Antonio steps inside, knocking the guy to his ass with one punch. He picks him up by the shirt collar preparing another blow when Jay and Adam come flying down the stairs.
"Get outta here!" Antonio yells.
"We got an address. Atwater and Kim they picked up another member and he talked," Adam says breathlessly. Antonio hesitates.
"C'mon on man," says Jay, "He's not worth any more of your time. If y/n's there, let's go bring her home."
Hours have passed. How many you're unsure, but as they ticked by your hopes of being found or escaping  dwindled. Pain flows through your entire body. You sit on the cold, hard basement floor, unable to stand anymore. Nic had strangled you until you passed out. He never touched you like he promised and when you regained consciousness you were alone.
Shouts came from upstairs. You're unable to hear every word, but you catch enough to know they're talking about you.
"We need to move her now. We've kept her alive too long!" You hear footsteps and then the opening of the door. Nic appears before you, with a sinister grin. Your heart races as he nears. His eyes roam your body as he undoes his belt. He pulls you to your feet by your hair. A whimper escapes you and he laughs. Once again, his hands pull at the skirt of your dress. His hands travel along your thighs and ass squeezing both. His touch makes your skin crawl that you actually shudder. His fingers start to tug your underwear down when there's a commotion from upstairs.
"Freeze! Chicago PD."
"Drop the weapon!"
"On your knees! Face down." 
"I said drop it!"
Your heart flutters with hope, but then shots ring out and you have no idea who's firing or what's happening up there.
"Down here!" You yell. The basement door opens.
"Chicago PD!" Antonio and Jay's voices ring out.
"One male. He's got a gun," you warn. As they rush down the stairs, Nic pulls his gun on you.
"Drop your weapon!" Jay orders. His eyes perfectly fixated on the gun in Nic's hands. Antonio eyes you carefully and while seeing you bruised and a gun to your head isn't ideal, he's relieved to see you alive. Your colleagues' guns stay fixed on your offender. "You won't be told again. Drop. Your. Weapon." Your eyes lock with your boyfriend's beautiful brown ones and you nod ever so slightly. You slide down the pole as Nic moves towards you as if he was going to use you as a shield. Both Antonio and Jay fire their guns. Blood splatters onto you. Jay moves to check the body, but all you really notice is Antonio running to you  and it's honestly a beautiful sight.  "Baby, baby, baby. Hang on. I got you," he soothes, working quickly to free your hands of the zip ties. Your head falls into his chest. Really your whole body just collapses into him. Antonio holds you close, careful not to embrace you too hard, but his touch has never felt better. You sob uncontrollably as he begins to rock you.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," you repeat.
"Shh. You did nothing wrong, mi amor. Shh, now, baby. I got you. You're safe again."
Immediately you're taken to the hospital. Blood is drawn,xrays taken, exams given. You've sustained several injuries, but nothing critical. Mostly you're bruised and exhausted, so when the machines you're hooked up to start beeping erratically, Antonio is confused and scared again, clearly demonstrated by that outburst directed at Jay. 
He opens his mouth to apologize when Will Halstead exits your room. 
"You can go back in now," he says simply.
The intelligence team looks at him, confused.
"What the hell just happened?"
"Y/n wasn't breathing properly."
Will puts his hands up. "No no. She's fine. She can breathe. She was sleeping and wasn't breathing deep enough for the machine to register it. I promise she's fine."
There's a collective sigh of relief from everyone.
Antonio coming back into your room is a most welcoming sight. There's so much to say, but your eyelids are heavy with sleep. Instead you take his hand in yours. Antonio's free hand lovingly caresses your face.A feeling of safety washes over you and you drift off into a peaceful dream.
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shelby-love · 4 years
#2 Alone.
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: soft angst but with a cute ending
Authors note: Here is the long awaited part two! Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the first one xx
PART // 1 //
"So...you're mad at him for leaving?" Gabby asks you. She had already knew that you were a bit mad before you even told her what happened.
But mad wasn't the word you would use.
"I'm not mad!" You fight back. "I'm... Disappointed."
Gabby stays quiet for a second.
"I need him right now." You huff and fix the wrinkled areas of your hospital gown. It's something you do whenever you're frustrated. Or even something remotely un-positive.
"I was shot two times Gabby!" For drastic measures you put up your two fingers in the air. "I don't care that I'm whining like a teenager. He was ready to flee the scene with me but he can't come to see me when I wake up from a 4 hour long surgery. Make it make sense goddammit!"
Your friend stays silent before nodding her head in defeat. She sees your point.
What Jay did was something a senior detective shouldn't have done. Ever. Leaving the scene instead of helping was every bit wrong in his Sargent's books and you're sure that he god an ear-full from Voight.
But not even Voight is that uncaring to prevent him from visiting you as some sort of a punishing method. Jay not coming is all him. No one made him tell Will to call him once you're awake and not visit.
"I'll let you rest." She announces quietly before giving you a quick hug. Quickly and quietly she retreats into the hall of the hospital, and soon leaving back to the firehouse to continue her shift.
You're alone in the hospital within the next 15 minutes. Your colleagues and friends scurry into their respective vehicles and drive off.
Every now and then Will swings by to keep you company but apart from that you're all on your own. You aren't updated about the case or anything for that matter.
You're pleasantly surprised when you see Burgess make her way towards you. She's dressed in civil but wears her badge proudly on the belt of her dark jeans. There's an air of importance and power around her that almost makes you feel proud that someone like her is paying you a visit. The proudness is overthrown by the love you have for your friend.
Therefore, you can't help the smile that breaks out and completely demolishes your grumpy and brooding facade.
"Thank God you're okay!" She exclaims, voice fill with relief and happiness. "Jay said you were fine but I just had to see for myself."
Your eyebrows furrow and a scowl makes its way to your face.
"Oh no, what's wrong?" Her big doe eyes round in surprise when she sees your face.
"What else did Jay say?" You ask her before you can stop yourself.
A sudden wave of realisation comes over her and she sighs. "Y/N he's beating himself up. He thinks it's his fault that you were shot."
"That doesn't give him the right to leave me when I need him the most!" Your outburst makes the monitor next to you spike up, almost enough to alert you attending doctor. "He left the crime scene to be there for me when I was knocked out and didn't know where I was but then decided to leave my side completely when I woke up in shock and pain from a 4 hour long surgery!"
It should've been reversed.
"He's blaming himself for it Y/N... He told us that he won't be able to look at you until he finds the ones that did this to you." She talks about it so easily that it almost makes sense. You're too high on meds and you were out for way too long to suddenly feel forgiving.
"Well maybe I didn't want that from him..." You clutch your hands together in a strong grip and let your gaze fall on them. "Maybe I just wanted him to be the first person I saw when I woke up. I needed him to be there for me. Do you know how freaked out I was when I woke up and didn't feel my leg?"
Kim shakes her head lightly. She doesn't know. She can only imagine how you felt at that moment.
"He doesn't have to send me apology flowers or chocolate...but the fact that he didn't even call me. It hurts Kim."
At your truthful confession she stands up and pulls you in for a hug. You got a lot of them today but somehow her's felt the most warm and welcoming. She silently told you a lot of things.
Kim Burgess managed to snatch a few more minutes with you before she was called back.
"Could that be them?" You ask hopefully. Sitting in the hospital injured wasn't bearable knowing that the ones who did this to you managed to run away.
Kim nodded. "Jay has a lead. I gotta go."
She excused herself and quickly slipped out of your hospital room. Soon after, one of the lovely nurses payed you a visit once again with some hardcore medication that knocked you right out into deep slumber.
After some time you manage to lift your heavy eyelids long enough to get used to the bright light above you. You manage to stretch your arm long enough to press the magic button that will call someone to your room.
Halfway to the magic button you hear rustling sounds of one's clothing. It's like someone's in the room with you.
Instantly your paranoia kicks in. "Who...who's there?"
Your line of vision is met with an all fimilar set of eyes. The eyes, the nose, the lips, the cheeks...they all belong to only one person in the world.
They belong to your boyfriend.
"Oh, it's you." You tell him, clearly showing zero interest in talking to him. The wish to sit up becomes too strong that you can't ignore it any longer. You prompt yourself on your elbows, feeling pain in your side pierce you like an arrow. The noise that comes out because of the pain doesn't go unnoticed by Jay who quickly stands up to help you.
"I got this." You tell him through gritted teeth. You're still mad and disappointed with your boyfriend.
"No you don't. Don't be so stubborn and let me help you." He shoots back at you and hurts your already injured pride.
"N-no! You don't get to act like a boyfriend now!" You slap his help away like the petty little thing you are. After this new round of meds and a little more time napping with their help, you feel a bit more willing to forgive him. Not that you will show him that. He needs to see what he did wrong.
You can see it in his face. He wants to groan and shoot you a look that will tell you to stop being stubborn but he can't. He knows what he did and he also knows that he needs to explain himself in order to earn your forgiveness.
"Why did you leave me?" You ask. It feels good to finally ask the question that's been sitting on your chest for so long. "I understand what your job is and I also know that I can't expect you to be with me 24/7 but... Call me when she wakes up? They gave me my phone back, Jay. You could've just called me to see if I'm alive."
The fact that he didn't even do that... Instead he told his brother to call him when his girlfriend wakes up. It made you angry.
"You bolted with me in the ambo... You left everything and everyone behind to come with me and when I woke up you weren't there." You feel wet moisture (also known as tears) surround your eyes to the point he and his dark bomber jacket become blurry.
Every feeling you have is highlighted. You gulp the little saliva that created in your dry mouth and ask, "What do you have to say for yourself?"
"I couldn't stand looking at you while you're hurt like this, knowing that it happened because I didn't protect you." Jay confesses, bringing his hands to his face. He looks like he didn't sleep at all. "The men who did this to you got away because I didn't stop them. You were shot because of me. Not once but twice."
His words sink in. Your boyfriend is a proud guy. He protects what's his (not that you're an object) and when he doesn't succeed in that it eats him alive. It's the worst thing that can happen to him.
As his girlfriend, he already feels guilty that you have to be alert every day while you two are together because of his job. He thinks that the least he can do is protect you at all costs while you're in his sight.
What you didn't know is that before you went in to bust open the bunker door your boyfriend did everything in his power to get you out of there. To stop you from even entering the place with Severide in the first place.
But he couldn't. Not when his girlfriend is a very well respected member of CFD's famous squad group. Removing you just because he wanted to make sure you were safe was like saying that you couldn't do your job well. And Jay wasn't going to go that far and lie about your capability to do your job. If he did that then you would never forgive him.
And he knew it.
"I needed to find them first. I couldn't just let them go and get the upper hand." He told you sincerely and even managed to grasp your hands in his. "I was worried sick about you Y/N. I couldn't show it because Voight was going to remove me from the case and I needed to be there when we found them."
You take in his confession and nod. You take your hand from his grasp to wipe a few tears away before placing it back down and squeezing tight.
"Did you arrest them?" You ask.
"I kneeled them on the ground and managed to shoot each one when the open fire started." He said proudly. His statement brought a smile to your face. You always liked when he was badass.
"If I forgive you," His eyes sparkle when he hears that making you fight back a bubble of laughter. "Do you promise to never ever ever do this again no matter what?"
If, God forbid, this happens again you want him to be there for you when you wake up. Not chasing bad guys around Chicago while you fight for your life at Med.
"I sincerely promise." He says, pulling your hands up to your face and giving each a kiss.
"Now... Apologise." You lean towards him, smirking like a devil. "And make it good."
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kabira · 4 years
02 | team project
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pairing — spider-man!vernon x ofc
featuring — joshua, yeji (itzy), felix (skz), yangyang (nct)
word count — 2.6k
genres — spider-man au, marvel au, fluff, action, angst, humor
warnings — none
note — this is a little rushed, sorry ;-; i haven’t updated in two weeks despite only having posted the pilot so i was like !! ahh !! gotta update !! and here it is, your first ever (and very brief) appearance. i’ll edit it soon! as usual, send me an ask or dm if you want to be added to the taglist <3
go to fic masterlist | main masterlist
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“Is this about me leaving Rhino on Midtown’s front porch?” Vernon demanded. “Because if it is, I’ll have you know that I left him in good hands—”
 "Calm down, Wonder Kid," Fury said. He didn't look amused like Vernon had hoped, which meant that whatever he'd come here to talk about was serious. Well, what else should he have expected from the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.? "It's not about that. Well—not entirely. It's about the good hands you mentioned."
Vernon narrowed his eyes. He'd met Fury a few times before, and never during favorable conditions. The last time he's seen the guy, Spider-Man had almost been pummeled to death by none other than the Goblin himself. "They said something about bringing him to S.H.I.E.L.D.," he muttered. "I should have guessed."
Fury didn't respond, instead reaching inside his jacket to bring out an envelope. He threw the open envelope onto the table in front of Vernon, making a few pictures half spill out from inside. "You know what that is?"
Vernon glanced at him suspiciously before slowly picking up the pictures and going through them. Each of them was a glossy shot of various locations in New York, and all of them had a major recurring theme—the places were completely trashed. Overturned cars, building walls with holes in them, bent lampposts. Wearily, he set the pictures down face-up on the table, then looked up at the man, who stared back with an unreadable expression on his face.
A beat passed. "Was that a rhetorical question?"
"Jesus, kid," Fury muttered. "All of those pictures were taken moments after a fight between you and one of your fanclub members. Now, I'm not saying I don't appreciate you taking care of a couple of minor criminals in the city—"
"Minor criminals?"
"—but I can't let you treat the place like it's your neighborhood playpen," he finished. Next to him, the pretty agent-slash-counselor sat with her legs folded, her surprisingly stern gaze fixed on Vernon. The attention made him squirm. "S.H.I.E.L.D. is a global defense organization, for god's sake. We don't have the time to clean up after kids who don't know even know their three Rs."
"Let me guess," Vernon said, "rock, roll, ramble?"
"Even your wisecracks aren't funny anymore, kid." Fury shook his head.
Ouch. "That hurt my feelings."
The man glared at him out of his one good eye. "You can't keep going like this forever," he said. "You're on your way to be one of the greats—don't look at me like that, hell if I'm gonna repeat that—but the big guys take care of their messes. They don't leave poor innocent civilians behind to get new paint jobs on their Kias. All that damage your careless fighting left behind, who's gonna take care of that?"
"Insurance?" Vernon suggested. Agent Fox cracked a smile, warming his insides. Her sitting aside in silence as Fury chewed him out was a little unnerving. He wondered if looking on silently while high-rankers lectured kids was something she had to do regularly. You gotta have a heart of ice to sit through that.
"You are," Fury said grimly, and Vernon blinked. "And you're gonna start today."
"What was it that you really wanted?" Vernon asked, crossing his arms over his chest, making his t-shirt stretch tight over his biceps. He really needed to go shopping. "You can't tell me the world's best spy came all the way to some backwater high school just to lecture a kid about cleanliness being next to godliness."
"You're a special case, Parker," Fury said, and Vernon placed a hand over his heart, mockingly going aw. "And you're right. I'm not here just to lecture you about your repeated careless mistakes, I'm here to help you fix them."
Vernon looked at him suspiciously, already wary of what was to come next. "And how do you propose I do that?"
"You've already shown me multiple times you can't do it yourself," Fury said. "Look, kid, here's the thing: you have a problem, and I have a problem. I also happen to have a joint solution to both."
Vernon slumped in his chair. Here it comes. "What problem could you possibly have? Nuclear warheads threatening to destroy civilians' Kias in Manhattan?"
"You really gotta work on those one-liners." Fury sighed. "There's a group of kids in the Helicarrier like you—up-and-coming superheroes in need of some real-world experience. They've got the training you need to handle jobs with efficiency, and you have the practical experience. They've got the goods—just like you—but nowhere real to practice them."
"You mean those guys," Vernon said, sitting up and recalling the three who had helped him in the fight against Rhino. "You mean—you want me to teach them?"
"I want you to work with them," Fury said. "Train with them, fight with them, lead what could be the next greatest team of post-humans."
"So basically, your solution is to sic a bunch of newbies on me as some kind of damage control," Vernon said angrily. "And what if I refuse?"
"Nothing," the spy answered simply. "You're not under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s official jurisdiction yet, so I can't do anything to you even if I want to—unless, of course, I absolutely have to. You're allowed to walk out of here right now, but I can't guarantee that that's gonna work out for you."
Vernon considered this. He knew a threat when he heard one, even when it wasn't a yell of SPIDER-MAN, I'M GONNA KILL YOU, but he also knew that Nick Fury's threats weren't always real threats. However, he did not like his chances.
"As long as they stay out of my business," he muttered, knowing that was the one thing they were least likely to do. He knew how closely teams operated, and it didn't take his spider sense to figure out that this team was going to be much nosier than that. He recalled the annoyed scowl on that Nova guy's face, and internally shuddered.
"It's a deal," Fury said pleasantly, as if Vernon had any choice but to accept the so-called 'deal'. "I'll be checking in regularly, so bear in mind that I'll know if you ever kill one of your teammates and throw their body into the East River."
"I would never go to that much trouble," he replied equally pleasantly, getting up. Then he glanced at the clock, and scowled. "I can't believe you made me skip my biology quiz for five minutes of parental guidance."
"Oh, I'd never lie to a teacher, kid," Fury said, patting his shoulder as he passed him. "A counseling session I promised, and a counseling session you will get."
Vernon glanced at the other agent in dismay, but she only smiled—whether in amusement or reassurance, he couldn't tell. She clicked her pen, picking up the pad, her eyes twinkling. "Settle down, Spider-Man," she said. "This will only take forty minutes."
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Vernon almost considered opting out of eating in the cafeteria, but changed his mind at the last moment, knowing it was the only time other than first period biology he got to see Joshua on Mondays. He desperately needed to vent, and his bespectacled friend was the only one who even came close to understanding to the layers of his identity, one of which was a deep-rooted hatred for the universal authority on superheroes.
So he stalked right into lunch, barely noticing the gunk of whatever-it-was thwacking into his plastic tray, and headed for their usual table in the corner of the cafeteria. He didn't need to go that far to get to Joshua, however, as the blue-haired boy almost walked smack into him as he made his way there.
"Woah, woah, steady," Joshua said, grabbing his bicep to prevent them from colliding. "Why are you making like a steamroller towards that innocent little table? And what the hell were you during biology? What was that about?"
Vernon cast a careful glance around the cafeteria, at the crowd of people, one of which could easily overhear them in the close range. "I'll give you the details later," he murmured. "The cusp of the matter is: Fury blackmailed me into signing up for a team activity."
"Wait, wait, wait, Nick Fury?" Joshua asked in awe as they walked over to the table, gripping his tray tightly and hunching his shoulders, leaning slightly towards Vernon in interest. "You mean he was here, in this school?"
"Not even the first time, Josh."
"Not the—" Joshua shook his head, as if shooing away the thoughts. "Okay. Filing that information away for further perusal later. So you're telling me Nick Fury, super-spy, came to this place—" he spread his arms, indicating the school— "to talk to you. Man, sometimes I forget Spider-Man's supposed to be a household name."
"Shut up," Vernon hissed, casting a furtive glance at a heavily tattooed blonde who passed them by closely. "But yeah. And he asked me to team up with these noobs from the S.H.I.E.L.D. future program or something."
Joshua frowned. "But that's kind of cool, though, right?"
"Not if they're gonna slow me down," he replied. "Spider-Man's always operated alone, and—wait, what the hell?"
He stopped in his tracks right before the table, a stunned expression on his face. Joshua raised his eyebrows, following his gaze to the table, which was, surprisingly enough, already occupied.
She was there, of course, at her usual seat, the third from the left, except she was not alone. There was another girl, with dark hair and piercing eyes, picking at a soggy fry with her lips pursed. Next to her was a brooding blond with freckles that stood out against his shockingly pale skin. Last, but not the least, was the boy with the tanned skin who was making Vernon's best friend laugh so hard she was doubled over, a familiar cocky edge to his smile.
"Ah," Joshua said.
Lucy Langdon was one of Vernon's, and therefore Spider-Man's, biggest pressure points. She was also one of the only ones who had been left virtually untouched by all his superhero shenanigans, and he wanted to keep it that way. Though she was smart enough keep up with a few new trainees, as far as Vernon was concerned, she was strictly off-limits. Even to superheroes who could fly and called themselves Nova.
Vernon stalked over to the table and slammed his tray on the surface so hard he made everyone jump. Then he glared at the boy sitting next to her, the one with the bronzed skin, as Joshua stood by awkwardly. "You're in my seat," he said pointedly.
The boy cocked a lazy eyebrow, gesturing to the unoccupied seats opposite him. "I don't see your name on it."
Vernon ground his teeth, raising his hand (no doubt to petulantly slam it down on the table next to his tray) but Joshua grabbed his wrist, giving him a meaningful look. "Don't start anything that can be easily avoided," he muttered to the boy, and Vernon relented, albeit grudgingly.
"You're late," Lucy said conversationally, though your voice was higher than usual, probably because of the sudden tension that had descended upon the table. Vernon sat down slowly, still glaring at the boy, and she glanced at Joshua, who only shrugged. "These are, uhm, they're new."
"I figured," Vernon muttered.
"Three in one day? And this late into the year?" Joshua wondered aloud, raising his eyebrows. "Now I'm curious."
"Nothing worth your curiosity, I'm afraid," the new girl replied. Her eyes, when they swept over Vernon, were watchful and aware. "Just a coincidence. I was supposed to join earlier but there was a family emergency. As for these two, I can only guess." Her smile was small but sharp. "I'm Yeji."
"Felix," said the blond. He looked gloomy, but maybe it was just because of the unhealthy-looking pallor of his skin.
"And I'm Yangyang," the last boy said, with an impish grin that rubbed Vernon the wrong way. He already knew who these three were supposed to be—actually, everyone was supposed to know Felix, since Iceman was already a pretty famous member of the X-Men. Surely dyed hair couldn't be the only change needed to disguise that face? "Me and Felix are cousins, actually."
"Felix and I," Vernon mumbled under his breath, and Lucy gave him a look which he ignored. "Since when did you start taking people in for charity?"
She raised her eyebrows. "Be nice," she said. "They were in my Home Economics class, and if it hadn't been for Yeji here, I might have blown up the marble cake I was supposed to be making."
Joshua frowned. "How?"
"A story for another day." She smiled an unreadable smile, dark eyes sparkling. "Now—"
"No," Vernon said.
She glanced at him. "Excuse me?"
"No," he repeated. Then, as jerkily as he had sat down, he got up, and jabbed a finger at the new arrivals in turn, before pointing over his shoulder. "You three," he said venomously, "to the corridor. Now."
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"Aw, man, I can't believe you're being so sensitive about this," Yangyang—Nova—complained loudly, though there was a shit-eating grin on his face as he followed Vernon into the hallway. "So Fury transferred us into your school without checking with you first. Big deal. What are you supposed to be, the queen of England?"
Vernon gave him a spiteful look, but otherwise ignored his remark. Instead, he focused on Yeji, who was watching him patiently, because she looked like the most sensible member of the group. He stared at her for a long moment, struggling to find the words that would convey the exact measure of his indignance. "Why?" he asked finally, giving up.
She shrugged helplessly. "Look, we didn't ask for this, either," she answered. "We're under orders, so it's not like we can just up and leave. Huddling in the hallway isn't a smart decision, either—we already have all eyes on us because of being the three new kids who randomly joined on the same day, and this is only making us look even more suspicious."
Vernon glared at her, trying to think of a good argument, then gave up. He turned on Felix, who was standing off to the side with folded arms, still looking uninterested in the conversation. "You," he said, narrowing his eyes, "you're Iceman."
Felix looked at him neutrally. "Yes."
"You're not under S.H.I.E.L.D.," Vernon said, pointing an accusatory finger. "And you have enough real-world experience, so there's no reason for you to be here instead of with the X-Men—"
"Dude," Felix said frostily; no pun intended. "Drop it."
Yeji nodded, giving Vernon a meaningful look he could not decipher.
"Aw, come on, web-head," Yangyang interjected. "We saved your life and you didn't even thank us, but I'll let that go since your manners aren't exactly polished. But this is just boring."
"It is not," Vernon seethed. "I'll talk to Fury—"
Yangyang snorted. "Good luck with that."
"—or the principal—"
"The new principal," Yeji muttered. "Agent Coulson."
Vernon made an exasperated noise. "The only reason I even agreed to Fury's stupid offer was because I thought it would get him off my case!" he yelled. "School is the only part of my life that's separate from all the wacky crap I have to deal with otherwise, and now even that—" He clenched his teeth. "If I'd known it meant having you people barge into my life like this—"
"Then you couldn't have done anything about it, even knowing," Yeji said, gently cutting him off. "Face it, hero. You're stuck with us as much as we're stuck with you—whether any of us like it or not."
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ghostietoasty · 4 years
Why Sherlock Holmes FGO is Sus: Theories and More
Before I begin, I’d like to give thanks to my wonderful friend for all the points, art, and info searching that have been made to produce this piece, I can’t appreciate you enough for the effort you put in. 🥺🙏💕
Alright now on to it!
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INTRODUCTION: Humble Beginnings (Identification of the Abnormal)
If you’ve played the app Fate/Grand Order for a while you’d know about the Heroic Spirit we first encounter in a hole within Camelot’s dessert whilst going to the Atlas Institute. Smart, handsome looking, and sharp enough to discern our True Name, this man of mystery has been seen as an oddball by many long time players of the game. There are many aspects about him that raise doubt about his credibility, is he truly what he wants us to think he is? That servant is Sherlock Holmes (Ruler) and there are many theories about him having some secrets, about him either being a Foreigner class, Beast class, or something else entirely. We are attempting to catalogue all this information in one place for maximum clarity.
SECTION 1: Other Character’s Reaction (First Impression is the Best Impression) *WARNING LOSTBELT 1 AND 2 SPOILERS AHEAD*
From the first encounter in Camelot right until the end of Lostbelt 2, there are many instances of characters reacting to his presence in….interesting ways.
Bedivere, when first coming in contact with Holmes in Camelot says that "I suppose I've never really been good with people like him. He reminds me of Merlin."
It could refer to the mysterious manner in which both Holmes and Merlin conduct themselves, but better to keep in mind that Merlin is a Grand Caster, and that he manifests as a servant due to specific circumstances (he is not dead).
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In Camelot, Mash assumes that Holmes must be Caster class and that the original novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle must have been biographies penned by Dr. Watson under a pen name. Holmes corrects her, saying that: "My true identity, my essence, is slightly different from what you may think. And sad, but that is not the purpose of our gathering here today."
This dilemma is also present in the Sherlock Holmes Trial Quest (which mostly tackles the debate of whether he's a fictional character or someone who actually existed). Holmes has a line where he says:
"Ah, yes. I mentioned I was a Caster. Forgive me, I lied."
This is however immediately followed up by:
"A jest. My apologies. I couldn't help myself." 
This sort of backpedalling raises a doubt as to whether he was really Caster class before, so the nature of his former class is still a mystery. He later mentions that his Ruler class is the World telling him that not all illusions and dreams need to be laid bare.
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When meeting with Salieri in Lostbelt 1, Holmes introduces himself as such:"I'm Sherlock Holmes, Chaldea's administrative advisor. I became a servant through unusual means, just like you."
Salieri was only summonable as a servant  because of his reputation caused by the fact that he killed Mozart. He is under the effect of Innocent Monster. It can also be said that Salieri is a lostbelt servant and is significantly more sane than he would have been in a normal summoning, that was the unusual summoning that Holmes was refering to. Does this mean Holmes is not from Proper Human History? 
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Sigurd (who's under the control of Surtur), while attacking us in Lostbelt 2 says this: "So, a human and two Heroic Spirits. No, wait. Neither of you are pure Heroic Spirits, are you? You've both got something else mixed in. Hehe, hybrids then. Interesting" 
This is in reference to Holmes and Mash, who are alongside the master at this moment. Mash is a demiservant (human+servant) hence the "Hybrid" comment makes sense, but Holmes? What is the "something else" mixed in with Holmes?
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Later in LB2, Holmes requests the assistance of Scáthach-Skadi in beating Surtur. Skadi says that normally she would never pay mind to what a mere Heroic Spirit had to say but: "...but in your particular case…I sense wisdom in those beautiful eyes. You remind me of Baldr, god of light." Quite a bit later, she also has this to say:"Perhaps those piercing eyes of yours in fact surpass Odin's? Mystic Eyes, perchance? ….No, that's not it. They merely reflect your wisdom born of human history's cumulative accomplishments."
She says that's not it, but the fact that it was the first thing she thought of shouldn't be ignored. 
Baldr is the god of light. Holmes' attacks consist of beams of light, and his cane lights up when he's using it in battle.
In Norse legends, Odin is said to have sacrificed one eye to the spring of Mimir in order to get ancient wisdom, the ability to perceive everything in the world. 
SECTION 1.5: More Reactions (From JP Only)
Since it is JP only and there is no official translation for NA yet, this information cannot be 100% confirmed in any way. (Most of this is from Reddit translation done by fans). But as these are also important, it's best to put this information separate section.
Moriarty's interlude involves him finding a micro-singularity in London. At some point the transmission between Chaldea and the master gets cut and Moriarty reveals he created this scenario, made the singularity and everything to get one on one time with the master. He tells us not to trust Holmes. When the time comes, we as master should choose Moriarty over Holmes. 
It has to be kept in mind that Moriarty is not a good guy, he is a character created entirely to oppose Holmes so it is natural that he doesn't trust him. For all we know, it is just emotional manipulation. 
Moriarty's very nature is tied to being the antithesis of Holmes. Holmes might theoretically go against us for the sake of humanity while also trying to keep us safe (the master is in a way, a Watson replacement to him after all) while Moriarty would gladly let humanity burn for the sake of us but also for the sake of being completely opposite to Holmes and keeping his identity as such.
However he does raise valid points, how was Holmes able to rayshift? This part was never explained, and he also mentions that his hypothesis has a fatal contradiction in the fact that Holmes risked his life to save ours. What can be inferred from this is that Holmes is a good man and is on our side, but there is something very weird about him that should not be ignored.
In Lostselt 5 it is mentioned at one point that Zeus called Holmes dangerous, he mustn't look at Zeus or the other gods and that his eyes are enemies of the world.
It has to be mentioned that this is some heavy emphasis on Holmes' eyes (Skadi mentioned Holmes' eyes twice, and she was a god as well). Is it because of the nature of Holmes that he is the one that reveals all truth? Is that in some way detrimental to gods, magic and the world in general?
Recently, from Holmes' skill upgrade interlude there was a section about Holmes saying that he is always an ally of justice and that while he may be on our side, he is still capable of evil but it doesn't change the fact that he is our ally. Even then it seems he has some secrets that can't be understood by himself.
By now with the presence of Dr. Jekyll and Helena and their recounts on what happened, it is confirmed that Holmes was actually "alive"(?)
Some of the adventures penned by Dr. Watson were actually censored versions of the original happenings, which were magical in nature.
Holmes was traumatised(?) by Helena's death back when they were both alive. He swears he would never let that happen again. (remember what happened in lostbelt 2…)
It seems that Holmes himself is not fully sure of what is secret about him. Since he utterly dislikes talking about something without being 100% sure about it (this tendency of his has gotten us in trouble before) plus his general secretive nature, it can be said that this is why he wouldn't talk about that.
SECTION 2: Weird Things That Holmes Does (And Other Questions)
Heroic Spirits are anything but normal, but there are few servants who break the norm even further, and Holmes is one of them.
Holmes is able to Rayshift (presumably) from London, to Camelot, and then to Shinjuku. There are very few servants who are able to manifest themselves. 
Musashi also appears here and there, but it's not a deliberate choice on her part. She is not able to predetermine her next destination. 
Arthur travels from a parallel world to this world, but this is due to "chasing after a certain powerful antagonist, evil omen" - so he tells.
Beast class has the skill of Independent Manifestation which would allow the servant to manifest anywhere they'd want. Merlin, Tamamo Vitch and Shiki possess it. However, it has to be noted that Holmes' rayshifts have a significant toll on his saint graph, as he is unable to fight or defend himself by the time we meet him in Camelot. While normal Independent Manifestation shouldn't lead to the depletion of the user's saint graph. Holmes' class is unknown at the time of his rayshifting. 
At the time of summoning, Heroic Spirits usually reveal their class and True Name (there also are exceptions to the rule). At the time of his summoning, Holmes doesn't reveal his Class: "Are introductions necessary? I am a detective. If you were expecting a hero, my apologies...But if you wanted a detective or an investigator, you drew the right card."
In the case of EOR Servants whose names haven't been found, they reveal their class.
Who summoned Holmes? The only thing we know regarding his presence was that it was first clearly there when he tampered with information in London.
Holmes' illustrator is Yamanaka Kotetsu, who was also the illustrator of the beasts Tiamat and Goetia
The artists who design and illustrate the characters tend to do it in groups of servants who are related to each other in some way (Pako with Arjuna and Karna Chacha and Nobunaga; Miwa Shiro with Brynhildr and Sigurd). It is strange that Kotetsu designed only Holmes, Tiamat and Goetia.
(NEW ADDITION) It should also be noted that as an illustrator Kotetsu has had previous works in a Lovecraftian Guidebook and is also the artist to the Alien God Preistess, somewhat showing how their work leans more to the outerworldly.
SECTION 3: The Design
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It is a very commonly noticed fact that Holmes' coat in his third ascension has a very similar shape to that of the Foreigner card artwork.
The pattern work on the coattails of the foreigner art and the inside (blue) part of Holmes' coattails have a very similar, if not exactly same pattern running down the entire length of it. The sphere summoned in Holmes' Noble Phantasm also has the same pattern on its sides and front.
There is a "fog" around Holmes in his third ascension, which is reminescent of the smoke in the card art. (Also can be the London smog).
The glowing section of the abdomen of the being reminds one of the metallic corset that Holmes wears. 
There are 4 notches of smoke on either side of the being (total 8), under their cape. If we stretch our interpretation, then it could mean Holmes' arms and the metal arms that he has is also equal to 8.
In that tangent, the shape of the coat is also similar to that of Saver class Buddha, the fantasy trees from Lostbelt 3 and 4, and the Shadows made by the 6th imaginary element.
The Endless Knot / Shrivatsa symbol on his shoulders is one of the many references of his connection to Tibet (faking his death after the Final Problem). It is an important symbol in both Jainism and Buddhism.
Some of its interpretations include:
The eternal continuum of mind.
The union of wisdom and method.
Since the knot has no beginning or end it also symbolizes the wisdom of the Buddha
the endless cycle of suffering or birth, death and rebirth within Tibetan Buddhism.
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The cane that Holmes wields has a pattern on its handle in the shape of a Prayer Wheel. 
However, we are not able to find the meaning behind the script on the cane. Both of us attempted to translate it but failed. If anyone can translate the meaning it would be greatly appreciated.
The holographic books in the base of the unidentified sphere have a pattern on their front that greatly resembles a lotus. 
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In Holmes' third ascension, there are a number of magical circuits on his coat.
The circuits are almost only on his left side, with very few circuits on his right side. It's not like it was woven into it, were that the case the circuits would have been all over his coat in a more even distribution. It's almost like an impact radius.
The circuits are very similar to the ones visible on the title screen of the lostbelts, as well as the patterns seen on the fantasy trees.
CONCLUSION SECTION: Something's Up (It's Big Brain Time)
It's clear that something is very strange about Holmes, from his interactions to his design, it's clear that there is too much effort into throwing these hints that it's not just a red herring.
Is he a Foreigner? Beast? Counter Guardian? Some other unknown extra class? It cannot be said at the moment. Holmes' role as a revealer itself is dangerous to mystery and magic, so it can be anything.
 It is also not necessarily true that just because Holmes has all these abnormalities, that he will betray us, or is on the side of evil. When has there been a clear cut side of good or evil anyway? It can be argued that we are the villains in some way, as we bring about the end of these timelines to safeguard our own proper human history. 
Holmes has always been on the side of humanity and will continue to be, the question is what the reveal will be, why and how. That, only time and future chapters can answer, all we can do is speculate.
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Chapter 7 to '100 Promises'
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Warnings: Swearing, violence, bullying, blood, I think that's it, but as always feel free to tell me if I missed any.
"I finally got contact lenses. I think they'll be better than my glasses. I mean, yeah, I'll probably still use them, but it's... nevermind, what do you think?" He rambled, a dorky smile on his face. "If it'll make you happy, then you look great," you said, smiling, honestly meaning your words. "I'm asking for your opinion woman, stop giving me the 'if it makes you happy' bullshit. Give me your opinion," he stated, shaking your shoulders."It looks good! I'm not used to seeing you without your glasses, but you look good!" You laughed, your words coming out in a vibrato of sorts from him shaking you. "I'm glad you think so."
"Dear gods my hair is getting long..." he muttered, running his hands through his hair, staring at himself in the bathroom mirror. "I think it looks good," you commented, passing by the bathroom with a laundry basket. "Really? I think I kind of like it too..."
"And how much does it hurt?" He questioned. "Not that much, or so I've heard. Plus, we're getting it at the same time, so... no backing out, or I'll cut your hair," you threatened, your hold on his hand tightening a bit. "No, don't you dare. And I won't back out," he said as you dragged him into the shop. (The fact I've been threatened with that-)
"I somehow can't believe we looked like that!" You laughed, pointing at the photo on your phone. It was from high school, and you were both laughing at how dorky you both looked. "Oh gods... actually, I was kind of hot," you said, giggling a bit. "Have we really changed that much?" Niragi questioned. "Well, let's see," you said, opening the camera and telling Niragi to get into frame. He did so, and you both stuck out your tongues, the matching piercings glinting in the light. You snapped the photo, and put it side by side the one from high school. "Wow... that's a big difference, holy shit," he laughed. You snickered, and posted side by side comparison of the the photos. "Yeah. Huge difference."
"Hatter would like to see you... Alone."
You looked back at Ann, and nodded, getting up. "If she's going, I'm going with," Niragi said, getting up himself. "He said he wants to speak to (Y/N) alone. Respect to rules for once please," Ann chided, as you walked to her side. Niragi laughed, finishing with a smirk, "And since when do I listen to the rules?"
You looked back at him with a proud, yet embarrassed face. Definitely not the same Niragi from back in the real world. He was more confident than you last remembered, that was for sure. "Dude, I'll be totally fine. The least they could do is kill me," you said, a bit to nonchalantly for his tastes. "That seems like a worse case scenario, but ok." he responded, "I'm still going with you." "No, you're not. Look, I'll be fine ok? Just wait outside the door," you suggested. He scoffed, but nodded nontheless. Ann stayed quiet, watching this exchange. 'So... is that all it takes to convince him? Really? All we needed was this girl?' Were her thoughts.
"Oh good, you're here!" Hatter exclaimed as soon as you walked in. Ann stayed outside, and shut the doors behind you. You nodded. Was he happy or just extremely charismatic? You didn't know, but whatever it was, it was nice. It made you feel like you were talking to someone you knew. Like the pleasant ladies from your apartment complex. "Well, what do you want to talk about?"
"Where are we?" You asked as you got off the train. "I don't know. Just took a random train. You said you wanted another adventure," he replied. You gasped. "Niragi Suguru, you did not," you said, grabbing onto his hand to make sure you didn't lose him in the large crowd. "I did. And what of it?" He asked, dragging you out. "Oh my gods... Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but which city are we in?" You asked one of the people who worked there. They smiled and answered with, "Shinjuku. Are you lost?"  You shook your head. "No, we'll be fine. Thank you very much!" You said. Niragi dragged you to the exit. "I don't look presentable to be in Shinjuku right now, Niragi," you said, hiding your face. "You always look nice though. And it's called opportunity. I took it, and now we're here. So, let's take advantage of this, yeah?"
Hatter sat you down. "From what Ann and Aguni reported back to me, you're a quick thinker. Great shot apparently. They were both very impressed," he started. You smiled. "I'm honored they felt that way," you said. Hatter chuckled. "Well, Ann said you'd do well in either position of a militant or an executive. And it's just your luck the precious person who held number 7 recently... died. The games, obviously. Before you came here, actually. Maybe it was a sign it was meant to be yours. And, since you've proven yourself useful, I think it's a good idea," Hatter said, rambling a bit. "That's a bit too high for me, isn't it?" You questioned. You had just gotten here, you couldn't possibly be up that high already. "Uh... no. It's not. So, as of today, you shall be a militant," he said dramatically. You laughed, thanking him as he gave you a wristband with the number seven written on the blue tag. You slipped it on your wrist. "Oh, and just so you know, Aguni will most likely take you under his wing. The militants are mostly guys, so be careful. And... uh... your friend can help you find everything. He'll also show you to your new room. That is all. Goodbye now," he said cheerfully. You smiled brightly, thanking him.
You opened the door to leave, seeing Niragi leaning on the wall across the door. You smiled, closing the door softly behind you. "I'm back," you said. He nodded, "I can see that." "Can you really? You have your contact lenses?" You asked, skeptical. He nodded his head. "Surprisingly," he added. "Hmm... and for how many more days do you have them?" You questioned as he led you through the hotel. "Well, I've been in the borderland about 2 and a half weeks-"
"Woah, hold up... you'd been gone for six months up in the real world-"
"Well, I'm starting to think time runs differently in both places. Because no way in hell have I been here 6 months."
"Ok... continue on."
You two talked about whatever came to mind just like you used to. It was like you never skipped a beat. He lead you down into where they kept the weapons. "Only milatants and Hatter are allowed down here. This is the basement, and also where we keep the weapons. So, take your pick," he said, a smirk on his face. "You're a bit to proud of this aren't you?" You asked, looking over the different weapons. "Maybe," he responded. You didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking, you could just hear it in his voice. You picked out a knife that had a strap around. You also picked up a riffle similar to Niragi's, and turned to face him. "Ok, I'm good," you said. "Tomorrow, the militants are heading out on a supply run. Which means you now too. You can wear actual clothes now, isn't that fun?" He joked. You rolled your eyes shoving him playfully. He ran his tongue over his teeth. "That's really how you want to play, huh (L/N)?" He asked. You could hear the tone behind his words. The tone that meant run or your fucked, because whatever game he's scheming will end with you caught. It was quite normal for you two. Playing games with each other was a hobby back in the real world. Didn't matter how childish or immature they were. "Ouch, my last name? That hurts... Suguru." (Is that his last name or his first name? I don't know, I've been treating it as his last name, but I'm probably wrong) You giggled, running off. There was probably tons of places to hide inside the basement, and probably even more places throughout the beach.
"How was last night? Did you have fun?" He teased as soon as you woke up. You rolled your eyes. "Don't even talk to me about last night. Another disappointment," you groaned, rubbing your eyes. "Damn. That bad, huh?" He said, handing you a mug with coffee in it. You took a sip, and smiled. Perfect... He always made really good coffee, and it impressed you. "Yeah... definitely that bad. I heard him leave this morning, let's hope he never comes back," you said. Niragi laughed, taking a sip of his own coffee. The sunlight came in through the sliding glass door of your apartment.  The sky was painted with pinks and purples. Gold dusted the clouds as the sun touched them. It was perfectly picturesque. "One day, we won't have to live in a sucky apartment building, you know? I promise you that one day we'll have... I don't know where do you want to live?" He asked you. You both walked over to the couch, sitting next to eachother. "I don't know... I'd go anywhere as long as I can still have my best friend with me.''
"Come on out, (Y/N). I'll find you sooner or later. We need sleep," he shouted. You stifled a laugh, and crouched down, sneaking around. You could see him looking around for you. You moved backwards, bumping into someone. You slowly turned around. It was the guys Niragi had introduced as 'Last Boss'.
Throughout the day, you had actually had the opportunity to talk to him a bit. More like you talked, while he observed you, occasionally making a sound of sorts to show you he was listening. He'd also answered your questions, so you thought he wouldnt be that bad. You made the quiet signal, putting a finger to your lips. He looked down quizzically. "Playing a game. Can't let him find me. Wanna join?" You whispered to the mysterious man. He nodded slightly, still a bit confused. "Ok, the objective is to not get caught by Niragi. He doesn't know you're playing yet, so I'll figure something out... oh, I got it! You go hide," you whisper shouted, shooing him off. He went to go hide, and you climbed to the top of one of the darker places. "A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders!" You shouted. You heard Niragi laugh. "Dumbass! You're letting me know where you are!"  You smirked. That's what you wanted him to think.
"Oh nice! You got his glasses that's 20 points!" The boys shouted. You struggled to get out of the ropes tied your hands together. You heard Niragi groan, and looked up, seeing him on the floor, blood dripping from his nose. "Niragi!" You shouted in worry. He looked over at you, before one of the guys kicked his face into the ground. You struggled against the ropes the boys had tied around your wrist. It dug into your skin, you could feel the skin being rubbed raw from how much you had struggled against them ."So useless without eachother, huh?" One of them taunted. "Stop hurting him!" You yelled, squirming. "Oh? Would you rather we harm you then? You were always such a pretty girl... to bad you decided to defend him," the leader of their little group said, kneeling in front of you. "I don't give a damn if you hurt me. Stop hurting him!' You shouted. "(Y-y/N), don't," Niragi said, before one of the bullies kicked him in the stomach. He winced in pain, screwing his eyes shut. "Stop it! He didn't do anything to you!" You screamed, struggling even more, the ropes creating rope burn on your skin. "It's not a vengeance thing. It's fun," the leader said, grabbing your chin, making you look up at him. You glared at him in disgust, wanting so badly to just hit him, or spit on him in the moment. But you didn't. You didn't because you knew if you did either you or Niragi would get hurt. More likely Niragi, since they knew he was your weakness. "Just like it's fun making girls like you submit," he added with a smirk. "Don't you dare hurt her! Hurt me all you want, but don't touch her!" Niragi yelled. There was confidence in his words, but you also knew how scared he was. You could see it on his face. "That sounds boring though. What if we just make both of you our little puppets for the night, have you both put on a show?'' One of the guys snickered. This was followed by a chorus of 'not a bad idea' and 'sounds interesting.' You looked at Niragi, fear written all over your face.
You ran quietly, and quickly, knowing he could catch up to you. You looked around the dimly lit basement, and saw the exist to go up. Your eyes caught a flash of movement, and someone grabbed you, putting a hand over your mouth. You were shocked at first, going to scream bloody murder, before seeing it was Last Boss. He let you go, and you took a breath. "Oh my gods... dude that was scary," you whispered. He shrugged. "I have a place we can hide. I don't think he's smart enough to find it," He suggested, nodding his head over to Niragi. You stifled a laugh, and nodded, letting him lead you.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), are you alright?" He worriedly asked, checked on you. You hissed in pain when his hands went over the bruises. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault, if I hadn't-" he started, blaming himself. You grabbed shoulders, and shook your head. "It's not your fault... it's ok," you said, sitting up. The gravel under you poked at the skin exposed from your school skirt. "I-its not ok!" He shouted. "It's... it's not ok. You shouldn't have- I could've-" he started, pulling at his hair. "Niragi. It's not your fault. You didn't... you didn't hurt me," you said, your voice calming. You grabbed his hands, pulling them towards you. You were just kids. Fucking 16 years old(not exactly a kid, but whatever), you shouldn't have to go through this stuff. No kid should. "I should be comforting you, yet here you are, making me feel better. Stop it, you're the one who-"
"Niragi, it happened to both of us. Stop acting like you're ok too."
"But- I'm supposed to... I-"
"Shut up, and come here."
He sighed, sitting besides you. You pulled his head into your lap, and he sighed. "Stop taking care of me. Stop hanging out with me, because you're the one who ends up getting hurt because of me. Please," he pleaded as you ran your fingers through his hair. "No," you responded. "(Y/N), stop being so stubborn! Please, just... just listen to me!" He shouted. You flinched at the sudden loudness. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you," he apologized, noticing when you flinched. You sighed, leaning back on the concrete wall. You muttered back something along the lines of him not having to apologize. You heard thunder, and saw a flash of lightning. "It's going to rain, we should go home," Niragi said. "Don't wanna... let's stay here?" You muttered, watching the sun get covered by the clouds. You were under a bridge, so you at least had coverage. He looked up at you, and nodded. "Ok. We can," he whispered. The raindrops began to splatter on the ground outside the coverage of the bridge, and you sighed in happiness. Niragi sat up, bringing you close to him. The smell of rain filled your senses, and you couldn't help but enjoy the moment, even if you had been in emotional and physical pain before. Being there helped numb it for a while. Being with him helped numb the feeling.
"Alright... if I were (Y/N)... where would I go?" Niragi muttered to himself, walking around. It was too quiet. You weren't a quiet person unless need be, and if he remembers correctly, which he does, you had a losing streak in hide and seek since high school. You were too giggly to hide in silence, or maybe you got scared by being alone in the dark to long. Whatever it had been, you had a losing streak for almost 8 years. That was not about to change, not if he had a say in it. A part of him said he was not acting like himself, and that playing this with you was childish. Especially in the borderlands. He knew he would have to find you either way, so he stopped caring. He remembered what she had said. A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders! 'Ok, process of elimination....'
"So, given the fact Chishiya isn't allowed down here, I think I know who she's with, and where she is. Let's see if I'm right.''
This was more memories than actual current events... oh well- hope you enjoyed, have a wonderful day/night, baii!! Oh yeah, just because this is the only place people have a problem with me posting Niragi stuff, if you don't like it, the block button is right there, don't send me death threats or tell me to go kms. Thank you
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chaos-caffeinated · 4 years
Emotions can help you remember Part 2 (Sebastian Michaelis x reader)
 A/N: Part two is here, excited as always, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you so much for the comments, for the support. I did not know that I had the date set to that day, I thought it was the 19th, but oh well, it’s done. I hope this second part satisifes as the continuing part. 
Not requested
Rated: NSFT/W, 18+
Yes, I do love using Gifs that send a chill down your back, it may even help trigger some emotions for sexual purposes ding ding :)
Also extra note, Microsoft Bing Translator was used, so 1) Do not come at me for any mistakes 2) Do not start requesting stories in French please, gracias! 
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Part 1: https://chaos-caffeinated.tumblr.com/post/623644027625127936/emotions-can-help-you-remember-13-sebastian-x
The moment you heard the bell when someone walked into the shop, you greeted them. While Nina was busy tailoring in the back, you were in charge with inventory; looking up you greeted the client with a smile, “Hello, welcome to- Earl of Phantomhive, it’s so good to see you again.” You perked up, setting down your quill and walking around the counter to greet him, “What brings you here today, Lord Phantomhive? I can call over Madam to prepare your tailoring.”
The earl nodded at you in acknowledgement, even replying, “There’s no need for that, Miss. (L/N). Actually I am here to ask Nina for a favor, but I need both of your presence.”
Confused, you just had to nod, “Of course, I’ll be right back.”
You head towards the back and Ciel called forward Sebastian, “Sebastian, see what you can know about her and you can decide on it.”
He nods, placing his hand over his chest and leaning forward, “Yes, my lord.” He smirked softly and stood up on point when Nina and you walked out. 
“Lord Phantomhive? You wanted to see us?” Nina asked in a confused manner, but remaining straight.
“Yes, I wanted to ask about Miss. (L/N) living at my manor for a few days. I figure you would be busy, so I wanted Miss. (L/N) to take note on what outfits-...”
While you and Nina listened, Sebastian strolled his way to your side, tapped on your shoulder softly. When you turn to glance at him, he had that same smirk he always possess on his pale face with piercing red eyes and nodded his head subtly towards the backroom, enticing you further. However, you were ready to say no to pay attention to the earl when he raised his hand to yours and pulled lightly, his grip on your fingers were light, but they guided you to the backroom you were previously in.
How he managed to get your own body to obey his silent commands were unknown. Since the last meeting, you were curious for more, you were beginning crave more of him. His comments, his words, his teasing yet professional manners were all getting to you. But you needn't him enough to go after him.
You asked in a whisper, “Sebastian, what is this about?” You asked confused, “Why does Lord Phantomhive want me to spend a few days in his manor?”
Instead of answering your questions, he added a few of his instead, “I was actually just going to ask you about this. Tell me, Miss. (L/N), how did you come about to work for Miss. Hopkins?"
Hesitant about revealing some information, you lightly shrugged, "My father works as a merchant, and I started working with him since I was 8. When I began to work, the sales increased dramatically until Madam stepped foot in the store when I was 17. She said because of my 'beauty' that she would help me obtain enough money to help my parents live a peaceful life without having to struggle. I'll occasionally have some modeling sessions with her clothing, and well...that's about it."
Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest, raising the back of his clothed forefinger to the bottom of his lip as he stood there in thought, "So I assume you asked about her teaching tailoring to do more than modeling?"
You nodded with a smile, "Yes, she has such a charisma and how joyful she is to create clothes for people is just inspiring. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to do it."
Your smile shifted into a softer one, gazing back into a memory, "It gives me the power to gift others the opportunity to feel just as good as the elite."
The corner of his lip curved slightly as he offered a deal, assuming that you would take up on it, "Then for a few days, would you grant us the wish of you appearing as the guest of honor in the incoming ball?"
"A guest of honor in a ball? That means a lot Sebastian and I thank you, but...why?"
"My young master is going to host a party in celebration of the successful partnership with the Northern countries. It's because of you that it managed to be so." He charmed his close-eyed smile, "It would be an honor to have your presence. It would definitely be if I got to see you once more." His tone slightly shifted into his sultry one. Even his eyes radiated something, but you couldn't pinpoint what it was.
You felt a small chill down your spine, barely noticeable in his eyes, but you kept pressing, "But me? I didn't do anything but provide a suit for the lord. It's a material for many, so surely it can't be because of that."
He was taken aback from the response, he thought you would be greedy like everybody else, but you had common sense in you. Questioning, acquiring the knowledge needed. It surprised him to see that in you.
"Being the guest of honor grants you the opportunity to meet with many patrons, with future clients for Miss. Hopkins and yourself. You said you wanted to help your parents, your success here in meeting with the guests can aid in your dream at a faster pace."
When he saw your eyes widen slightly in realization, he felt the ease of getting to you was accomplished. He was ordered to get you on board with the invitation, tell his master about your history which cleared out. Because you were a noble woman, you wouldn't back out from an opportunity to help the ones you treasured. With that he had you in his grip, a step closer to not only his master's wish to use her in his plan to trap a murderer amongst the noblemen the Queen ordered to get rid of, but also his desire. He had grown to lust, to search for a simple toy whilst in contract, yet here he was obtaining the information for his selfish wants as well.
"...So Lord Phantomhive is asking Madam for permission so that I stay with you until the ball?..." Your voice trembled with nervousness as you were hit with a dilemma. You wanted to quit the modeling, having the eyes of other people made you feel uncomfortable. You tried so hard that you even asked Madam about teaching you how to tailor, but the man in front of you- the mysterious man- was giving you an opportunity to reach higher by just attending a formal event.
"Yes, at the moment they are. In the meantime, we can discuss about further responsibilities to avoid any problems."
"Well I'm sure Lord Phantomhive can help me on that then-" You were about to walk out when you see his arm place outward in front of you, his hand placed on the wall.
You stopped immediately, looking at his arm before you saw him at your peripheral.
Sebastian leaned his face forward, quiet as he stared at your reaction with his eyes half-lid and his lips pulled into a smug smirk.
“Miss. (L/N), you will be a great addition in our current situation. Having you on board can prove a good time for you as well. My master may be distracted with business partners, but his servants will be in alert if there is any discomfort. If you ever need me -in any case- I will be there in a second.” The hand beside your head guided towards your chin, softly grabbing with his forefinger resting underneath it, and his thumb gently pressing against your lips, "Like I mentioned before, it would be a great honor for me if you attended..." and he leaned closer and closer to your lips.
Your eyes widen as your cheeks darken with a pink/red hue, and you moved your head aside from his hand and face getting closer. You wondered what he was doing, you wondered if you genuinely had that affect on him, but you had to stay alert.
Upon this, Sebastian was surprised as well, smirking softly and closing his eyes before backing away completely. She was smart, and she was indeed unlike other girls who would take up on the opportunity.
“A-A-and this is because... because of my ‘beauty’?... That’s the qualification?” You closed your eyes for a moment, pinching the bridge of your nose before completely turning to the man ahead of you. If it weren’t for this, you would be blushing as you see him nearly hovering over you. His eyes seemed much darker, his bangs nearly coverng them, “It would be a brilliant way to cast your beauty, and if the compensation is not enough -or interest- we can arrange that in a meeting. I’m sure anything you ask for can be arranged, I assure you as such. It can be for Miss. Hopkins as well.” He smirked softly. 
You thought for a moment, sighing softly in reluctance, “You’re very convincing, but is my presence alone the only thing needed for this event?”
Sebastian stood back, his arms crossed in a soft manner while he brought one hand up to his chin, rubbing softly, “There is one thing. We may need you to speak in fluent French, many guests there prefer to speak French for an unknown reason.” 
“Wait- I-I don’t know French.” you added to which Sebastian stare at you with a semi-surprised expression, “You don’t? Well I assumed that because you worked under Miss Hopkins she would have taught you-”
You shook your head in response, “She always speaks English to me unless they are simple phrases like, ‘Bonjour, Comment-’ ... uhm...vas-tchu?” You were already messing up your pronounciation to which the butler simply stared at you with the best attempt of sympathizing. 
Letting out a breath, he shook his head, “Well, it can’t be helped.” Then he smiled small, “I can provide the help needed to ensure that you do speak fluent French. You can even surprise Miss. Hopkins and avoid any language barriers within.” He offered a warm smile which you reciprocated, “Alright, wait you are going to be teaching me?” you askeed confused.
“Yes, I will.” He nodded, his smile shifting into a prideful one, almost like he was giddy to show off his ability to speak French.
“But you don’t sound like Madam at all.” You bluntly stated as you acknowledged the lack of accent.
What came out of his mouth surprised you nonetheless: “Un humain en particulier que vous devez avoir remarqué de tels détails, mais attendu de la benficiaire de Nina. Ce sera amusant à coup sûr, car je vais m’assurer de vous donner autant que l’attention, mon petit chaton.”
The way he suddenly showed you up with this second language made you not only blush, but sense a chill. His voice enunciating each syllable with ease like it was his native language made your heart flutter. You almost prefer him talking that way from now on, but you were not only blinded, but deaf of his subtle approaches. 
“...So you do speak french.” You confirmed, speechless from the action.
Smiling with his eyes closed, a confident, yet playful smile, he responded, “Why yes, a Phantomhive butler who can’t do this much isn’t worth his salt, I would have high hopes for your success in learning a new, wonderful language, but I know all my students are succesful when it comes to speaking French.”
When he said that, you couldn’t help but ask, “You taught Lord Phantomhive French? A butler?” You asked curiously as you tilted your head to the side a bit.
Smirking smugly, he replied, “I’m not just a mere butler, my lady. I’m simply one hell of a butler.”
A series of chills traveled down your spine as his eyes darken and his smirk remained, catching a glimpse of his whites, a sharp canine tooth showing itself. With his response, you felt pulled towards him, now a sense of being with him getting stronger. INstead of replying, you simply turned to walk to the main room witha  soft blush across your cheeks as Nina was going to tell you with excitement to participate in the ball. Sebastian, on the other hand, had a soft smile on his face, his features no longer had his previous intent. He had gone back to his façade butler character as he hid the fact that he was soon going to take fully advntage of you when you two enter the  manor. 
Currently sitting in front of the earl in the carriage, you simply remained staring at his boots out of respect.
“As much as I respect your manners, Miss. (L/N), I’m sure your neck is sore, please just look up.” He commented, his arms were crossed as he crossed one leg over the other. 
Just like he guessed, your neck was slightly strained from keeping it at a certain angle for a long time, “I’m sorry my lord, I just don’t want to offend you any way.” You responded with honesty as he focus went from the outside fields to your face, “I appreciate that, but you don’t have to worry about that. You are a guest of honor, please do relax.” He smirked lightly, his left blue eye glinting softly, “I’m sure Sebastian explained why we needed you?”
You nodded, “Yes, my lord. A guest honor to your incoming ball?”
He nods in response, “Yes, but in addition you will be further aiding in providing extra clients for Miss. Hopkins which can help your experience with tailoring as well.”
“Yes, but if I may ask, my lord...why go that far for me to be a guest honor when I'm simply a tailor?...”
“Good question, Sebastian commented that since very little people are aware of you, it would be a great way to expand the opportunities from a wider stance. You have skills, you are smart, you need a lot more practice and how when clients occur weekly or monthly. And please, start calling me Ciel, it would be more appropiate."
“Ciel...” You pronounced it, testing it, “It’s a beautiful name.” You complimented, watching as he hesitated a smile, “Thank you.”
“However, if I have to call you Ciel, you can just call me (Y/N).” you smiled warmly.
Now he smiled small, his weight shifting underneath, “(Y/N), it’s a beautiful name.” 
Ciel smiled softly before traveling over at the window to watch the scenary while recalling some events.
Sebastian knocked on the door only for Ciel to respond, "Come in."
Opening the door, Sebastian walked in and closed the door. He strolled over in front of the mahogany desk and reached out his arm, "A letter from the Queen, my lord." He gazed downwards.
Ciel was writing on a paper when he sat up, placed down the quill and took the letter. Opening it and silently reading it indifferently by himself, he hummed afterwards, "Seems we have a rotten apple in our bunch." He commented and set down the letter to focus on his dessert Sebastian brought earlier.
"Indeed, if it remains there, the others will rotten as well." Sebastian smirked, "What's your plan, my lord?"
"The murderer seems to appear in the parties, so he is invited." He sighed, "Honestly, if I have to create a party here just to catch it then it would be annoying since I have so much work to do." He chewed on his dessert when Sebastian spoke up.
"It's unfortunate we can't perform the ‘Robin’ again." He smiled smugly as Ciel choked on the last piece, blushing hard as he looked at him with an angry expression, "Shut up! I forbid you to ever speak of that event! That was utterly embarrassing, you know it."
Sebastian raised his hand to cover his mouth, "Really, I thought you were a splendid lady." He teased with a taunting tone as he chuckled into it.
Ciel felt a chill down his back as he was enraged with the teasing demon, "I said shut up!" He huffed into his chair, "Anyways..." He raised a fist to cough lightly in an attempt to brush it off, "We may have to use a decoy to this party, someone rarely anybody knows of."
Sebastian nods subtly, "Yes, I agree. What about Miss. (L/N)? I do believe she would fit the qualifications to be a decoy in the trap."
Ciel picked up the letter and read it again, "She does seem to fit the profile the murderer selects his victims from." He sighs, "Very well-..." He view the letter once more before becoming bewildered.
"Something the matter, my lord?"
"...Fluency in French. For some reason the murderer likes girls who speak french." Ciel commented in an irritant tone, "Does Miss. (L/N) even speak french?"
Sebastian pondered on it, rubbing his chin softly with his finger, "I'm uncertain about that. Judging by her accent, no, but you don't have an accent either despite being bilingual as well. How about we trick her into being a guest of honor, but not disclosing that with that with the guests?"
He sighed as he placed down the letter, "Fine by me, just don’t mention anything to her about the case.” He raised the cup up to his lips and sipped on the tea. 
Sebastian’s cornered lips perked up as he placed his hand over his chest and leaned forward, “Yes, my lord.”
Ciel glanced at the demon ahead of him and pondered what true intentions he had with the lady at the tailor shop. Of all the other women laying around, the name that came out of his mouth belonged to you, it was a recent visit too. Nonetheless, he just wanted the case solved.  
When the carriage stopped in front of the mansion, Sebastian opened the door with his head bowed slightly, “We’ve arrived, my lord.”
After Ciel walked out, you followed, admiring the manison. 
You were hopeful that you were going to have fun being with these two without realizing you were going to risk you own life as well. 
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f4irymxri · 3 years
- 𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘢 𝘹 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘧𝘦𝘮! 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
chapter 11
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Today I was supposed to make a shit ton of desserts for my bake sale and Jemila was helping me out. I put her in charge of making the cookies and cherry cheesecakes and she went over to Kageyama's house with the supplies so that it could be done faster. Tanaka was knocked out in my room while I made the cake and donuts. I was mixing the cake batter in a pan while the donuts were frying. I had some music playing in the background as I hummed to the tunes.
I was about to add the cake mixture into the pan when I felt someone's arms being wrapped around my waist. "Good morning," a hoarse voice whispered in my ear. "Good morning," I smiled. I turned around and saw Tanaka shirtless, with his volleyball shorts on. Damn... "You need help?" he said. "Yea, but put a shirt on and go wash your hands, please," I said, scraping the batter out of the glass bowl. "Yes, ma'am," he said, walking back to my room. I placed the cake pans in the oven and started making more dough for the donuts.
Tanaka came back to the kitchen, and I explained to him what he could do. I taught him how to roll the dough and use the cookie cutter. After a couple of minutes, he was actually doing pretty well and things were going by much quicker. We spent the next two hours making donuts and cakes and when we were finished, the kitchen was an absolute mess. We were both covered in flour and food coloring. I dusted the flour off Tanaka's face and he dusted the flour off mine.
Kageyama and Jemila came back with all the desserts and everyone helped me load them into the trunk. After we got all the food in the trunk, I went to take a quick shower. I put all my flour-covered clothes in the hamper and got in the shower. I did my business and did a little extra so I would smell nicer. I put on my lotion and my clothes and went to the kitchen. Everyone else was still getting dressed and I was looking for the cat food so I could feed Almond. Then the doorbell rung. I put Almond's bowl on the floor and went to open it.
I swung it open and there were 2 girls standing at the door. One of them had frizzy black hair in two ponytails and had on this cute pink sanriocore themed dress. The other girl had a light grey lace front and she was wearing a grey top with matching baggy pants. She had a small chain across her nose and she had an industrial piercing. "Are you Y/N?" the girl with the grey hair said. "Yes...?" I said, confused. "Oh, we're your new business partners," she said. At first, I was confused then it hit me. "OH. Are you guys Amie and Angelique?" I asked them.
They both nodded and smiled. "Oh you're supposed to show me where the bakery is right?" I said. "Yea. Koharu told us to come here," the girl with the pink dress said. "Okay wait, who's Amie and who's Angelique?" I said, shaking my hands. "I'm Amie and this is Angelique," the girl with the grey lace front said. "But you can call me Angie," she smiled. "Oh okay,"  I nodded my head. "Okay well let me get my stuff then we can go," I said. I ran back to my room and got my phone and my bag. "TANAKA," I yelled. He came into my room, dressed with his outfit suspiciously coordinating with mine. "Nigga- ok," I said.
"I'm about to go see the bakery, do you wanna come?" I said, tilting my head. "Nah. I'll stay here, when you come back, I'll take you out," he smirked. I nodded my head and smiled. "See ya later, my dude," I said. "Y/N, I'll kill you," he laughed. "Try it," I said, shutting the door before he could respond. I went outside and Amie and Angie led me to the bakery. Surprisingly, I had passed it a million times and hadn't even noticed. "THIS PLACE IS OURS?" I said. "Hell yea. Koharu did what she had to do," Angie said. "Damn," I said. The bakery was right next to Sakanoshita Market which meant I would probably be seeing Coach Ukai a lot more now.
The bakery was literally amazing. There was like a light blue theme and everything in the bakery was either painted or colored a pastel light blue. "But there's one problem," Amie said. "Which is?" I said, tilting my head. "We don't have a name," Angie said. "We'll come up with one. It'll come to us one way or another," I said. "Well, when do we start working?" Amie said. "Well, who's the boss here?" I said. "Technically, Koharu since she owns the place but without her presence, it would be me," Amie said. "Okay well I got a million desserts in my car," I said.
We then made a plan. Kageyama and Jemila were gonna pass out the fliers Tanaka made earlier around school that there's a new bakery in town. Then everyone from school will come down to try the new desserts. Then we asked Koharu to come down here to tell us all about the schedule, how things would work, etc. I learned a lot about Amie and Angie, including how they would be transferring to Karasuno High next week. Finally, some more black females.
We had just finished arranging all the desserts into the freezers and displays when we started getting a few customers. This first girl came in and she looked so much like someone I knew. She had short, blond hair, long eyelashes and she was wearing this black tank top. I couldn't put my finger on who she looked like but I just brushed it off. "My brother told me to come and check out this place. Could I get a cupcake please?'" she said, in an energetic voice. Brother? "Sure," I smiled and I gave her a red velvet cupcake in a light blue box. "Thanks, Y/N," she winked at me and left. Wait, how the hell does she know my name?
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as she left. Then in my head, I put the pieces together. Brother. Familiar face. Y/N. "Ain't no way I just met his sister," I said. I went on my phone and called Hinata. I waited for the line to ring and it clicked. "Hello?" his cheery voice said on the line. "Hey Shoyo, does Tanaka have a sister?" I said. "Yup. Saeko," he said. "Does she have short blond hair and long eyelashes?" I asked. "Yes...?" he said, most likely confused. "Okay thanks," I said. "Bye," he said and hung up the phone.
Koharu had made her way over to the bakery and helped us out. She told us we would be switching days meaning after school and on weekends, except for Saturdays. I would be working Mondays and Wednesdays after school, Angie got Tuesdays and Thursdays and Amie got Fridays and Sundays. Tanaka and Kageyama said they would help out whenever they could so for now, everything was inset. Tanaka picked me up from the bakery and I grabbed a red velvet cupcake for him. I exchanged socials with Amie and Angie and got in the car.
"Hi," I smiled. "Hey," he said. I handed him the cupcake and put on my seatbelt. He opened the box. He took a small whiff of the cupcake and his eyes instantly lit up. I laughed and he pulled out of the driveway. "So where are we going this time?" I said. "Fair," he smirked. I nodded my head and leaned back in my seat. I was looking out the window as I dozed off. Something about his car was so relaxing. Whether it was the pleasant aroma of sandalwood or Tanaka's presence itself.
I woke up when I felt my body being lifted. I opened my eyes to see Tanaka carrying me out of the car, bridal style. He put me down but my legs wobbled, causing me to almost fall on the ground. "Woah there," he said as he grabbed my love handles. He kissed my forehead and held me until I fully woke up and could stand on my own. "Thank you," I said, pecking his lips and grabbing my bag from the car. Tanaka took my hand and led me into the carnival. There were a lot of people around so I held onto his hand tightly.
We paid for our tickets and we started going around the park. Tanaka and I were both what you would call daredevils and we went on every single ride in the park. By the time we finished riding everyone, it was now dark out. "Wanna get some food?" He said. I nodded my head and we went to look for a booth. They didn't have any places that sold actual food so we just got a huge roll of cotton candy to share. Then this man came up to us and asked if he could take a picture of the both of us. At first, we were hesitant, but he showed us his Instagram page and he seemed legit. He had all this equipment and he got me and Tanaka into a pose.
Tanaka looked at me, holding the cotton candy as I looked down, taking a piece. The photographer took a couple of shots and showed us the pictures. They actually came out pretty good. He followed us both on Instagram and said he would share them with us. He also gave us his number in case we wanted pictures taken in the future. We thanked him and we continued with our trip. It was very dark outside and all you could see was a few lights here and there but the illuminating glow of the Ferris wheel stood out to me. "Let's go on the Ferris wheel,"  I said.
"A little cliche don't ya think," he said. "Oh shut up," I said and I took his hand and led us to the Ferris wheel. We got on and it started going around. As it went higher, I saw Tanaka fumbling with his fingers. "You okay?" I asked, taking his hand in mine. "Yea, I'm okay," he smiled. The Ferris wheel was going in circles at a slow pace and of course, as soon as we got to the top, it jammed. "We'll get it up and working in a minute, guys," someone yelled from the ground.
You sighed in distress and laid your head on Tanaka's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you. The scenery was relaxing and tranquil so it wasn't all that bad. "Y/N," Tanaka called your name. You had closed your eyes and were half asleep. "Y/N, thank you so much for being my peace. I have no idea how I lived my life without you and in these past few weeks, you have truly been my everything. Thank you for that," he said. Tanaka kissed your forehead, not realizing that you had heard everything that he had said.
Tanaka was now driving you back home and you were about to doze off until you got a notification on your phone. The photographer had sent you both the pictures he took earlier. You smiled at the picture and chose one. You posted the picture to your Instagram and dozed off.
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theangstking · 4 years
gifts and treats
(an Analogical fae fic.)
The forest wasn't new to Logan, they'd been here before, explored it before. They loved the forest.
They left little things every now and then. They felt watched, but they knew how to respect the things living in the forest, and the forest itself.
They didn't speak, but they felt welcomed.
Today was nothing new. They were walking, exploring. It was later, a chill was falling and soon they'd be unable to visit the forest so regularly. Winter would be hitting soon. This would be the last time they'd be here until the weather started warming.
They could hear the scurrying of the animals, and the sounds of the forest in general. Usually they found them welcoming, lovely. But today...they felt watched.
There were many things in the forest to be viewed as odd - but Logan didn't question it. They just treated these things with respect, like they would normally, went through the gates and not around, closed them behind himself.
They found circles a lot - of leaves, mushrooms. Of anything, really. They avoided them, usually. But today they'd found one that was...peculiar.
It wasn't made of anything particular. It was just a circle of frost - bits of the grass frozen in a perfect circle. Logan looked at the circle for a moment, curious, but being very careful not to step inside, before pulling something out of their bag. An old necklace, with a purple stone. They wrapped it in a cloth, and carefully placed it in the circle. Stepping back, they glanced around, before walking off again.
For the rest of their time in the forest, they were unnerved. They didn't feel as safe. They felt watched.
As they prepared to leave, they were stopped. Someone grabbed them and turned them around, pushing them up against a tree.
They looked into piercing blue eyes, the most beautiful and clear they'd ever seen, though slightly obscured by glasses. The palest skin they'd ever seen as well, and the most unique hair.
The fae - because that's what they were - leaned forward to whisper into Logan's ear.
"Don't you know better than to leave gifts to those you don't know the objectives of?"
They were left alone after they said this - and they slid down to the ground. They stared forward, breathing heavy.
They didn't notice the things left for them in their pocket until they got home.
A seed packet, something that looked like polished glass, no sharp edges to it, and threaded onto something long enough to be a necklace, but that could also be tightened down to a bracelet. A stone polished and shaped to look like a heart. All of which mirrored gifts Logan had left before.
At least now he knew where the things he left in the forest went.
He hadn't returned until spring - he'd planned to return sooner, but it had taken him time to work up the courage. He'd taken to wearing the necklace around. His cat didn't like any of the things the...being, had given him.
He didn't expect to see it again - but as soon as he entered the forest, he was pressed up against a tree again.
"Just couldn't stay away, hm? I thought you were gone for good after that time..."
Logan swallowed thickly. "I...brought snacks-"
"I can tell. What's your objective here?"
"...a friend?"
The being was quiet for a moment. Soon, Logan was released, and the being stepped back some.
"...Call me Vi. Vy/vim pronouns."
"You can call me Logan. He/him pronouns today." Logan pulled a bag of a variety of sweet treats out of his bag. Treats he'd made without salt. He sat down and offered the bag to Vi.
Vi took one of the cookies out of the bag, slowly nibbling on it while watching Logan. Logan merely took a different snack out, and set the bag down in between them. "Take as many as you'd like. No strings attached." He clarified. Vi relaxed some and took a couple more treats, eating happily.
The two of them sat for a moment, just enjoying the things Logan made, and enjoying the company, in Logan's case.
After some time, Vi spoke up.
"Did you know what you were getting into?"
"...sort of? I was...curious."
"Of course." Vi rolled vir eyes. "Humans are to curious for their own good sometimes." He stared at Logan for a moment, then leaned forward. Logan got another good look at those eyes - blue surrounded by deep black, almost like a light in an abyss. "Do you know what I am?"
"...I assume you're fae."
"You would be right."
They sat together quietly, for the most part, but occasionally speaking up.
This became the norm. Whenever Logan went to the forest, they and Vi would talk. They would bring treats, and make sure Vi knew they weren't expecting anything in return. Vi made sure to ask what pronouns the other was using.
One day, Vi didn't show up.
Logan kept coming to the forest, and leaving little things for Vi to find. He left notes as well, letting vim know they didn't expect anything in return for these things.
They didn't see Vi again until it neared winter again.
Logan was swept off of his feet this time, when he entered the forest. Held in a bridal hold. He threw his arms around Vi's neck, eyes wide as he stared up at the fae. They hadn't touched each other since their second meeting.
"Why haven't you been showing up?"
"Summer is...hard for me. I avoid going out during it. I usually sleep."
"...So you're unseelie?"
After that, they fell quiet again. Vi didn't look at Logan through this.
"Virgil. Call me Virgil."
"...Virgil. Are you alright? Have you been alright?"
"...Summer gives me a lot of time to think." Logan went quiet as he listened to Virgil. Vy didn't speak for a moment after saying that, but soon spoke up again. "It took me a moment to realize, but...I think..." Logan was patient, letting Virgil pull vir thoughts together. "...I love you."
They both fell quiet again. Virgil let Logan down, and they stared at each other for a moment, until-
"Mmph-" Virgil gave a sound of surprise as vy were pulled into a kiss. The kiss only lasted for a few moments, before Logan pulled away.
"I love you too." He whispered softly.
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curiousconch · 4 years
Two Old Friends
Chapter 3 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU).
Catch up here: Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter Synopsis: As Bryce takes Heather in, a facade that he has blocked out for several months begins to disintegrate.
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) | Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Heather Song)
Words: 2.3k+ | Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: None for this chapter, it's pure fluff! (Yay!)
Author’s Notes: Majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song. I was listening to Maybe this Time on repeat when I wrote this chapter, I think that song encapsulates it perfectly.
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8 months ago
Bryce Lahela was stoked to have been assigned the Ed Farrugia case. He dreamt up of an opportunity like this ever since he graduated top of class from Stanford Law School. It wasn't out of self-ambition, it was part of his grand plan - to go opposite the direction of his white-collar criminal parents.
At first, Bryce's parents was overjoyed when he told them he's pursuing a law degree. It never occurred to them that it was all part of his scheme.
He soldiered on through law school, bagging an internship in the San Francisco DA. When his efforts to build his network provided an opportunity in Boston, he didn't hesitate to pack up his bags and fly across the country, farther away from Hawaii than ever. It was a big risk, but it eventually paid off given how his career imploded once he got the job.
But perhaps the most memorable experience was when he told his parents that he was to become Boston's newest ADA. They were nothing but furious, there were no counting the amount of expletives he heard that day.
No turning back, mom and dad.
The timing to tell them couldn't be more perfect, because it was only a week after they turned over his trust fund, a "graduation gift". He knew it was just a bribe for him to do the dirty legal work to keep them away from prison for free.
After toiling for so many years, he was more than ready to abandon his past behind and start his life over. More than it was revenge, it was Bryce's sweet and merciful justice. No more crosses behind his back, marking him as his parents' criminal son.
That wasn't his reality anymore. So he focused on work and did his best to shine. And shine he did. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he was no longer a criminal. In an ironic twist of fate, he was the one putting people behind bars. And he relished in every win.
However, being the Chief DA's golden boy wasn't providing him the opportunity to build new friendships. Although he tried to make friends with his colleagues, he began to be seen as a threat. So for the first year in the big city, he spent his free time partying hard. With his quick rise to fame, everyone wanted a taste of the majestic Bryce Lahela. He didn't hesitate to throw himself into the throng.
And in that fateful sunny morning, he felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. He built the foundations of the State versus Perry case over the weekend, not even taking a single drop of alcohol. With the help of Agent Aveiro, he collected mountains of evidence for his breakthrough day at court. He knew his case was airtight. Today, he plans to put the cherry on top.
Pulling off his sunglasses and tightening his slick striped blue tie, he grabbed his suitcase from the passenger seat and got out of his car.
He strode into Edenbrook Hospital with confidence, getting glances from several attendings and nurses as he walked the hallways. He smirked at each of them back, wondering which one he should make of a mission after he wraps up this case. God, these doctors are hot, he thought, as he slid into one of the elevators. He punched 7, and the button lighted up.
Once he arrived at the right floor, he followed the directions pasted on the walls and eventually found the diagnostics team's office. As he neared the sliding glass doors, he heard an exchange of voices in rapid succession, as if they were discussing something important. As he raised his gaze through the glass, he saw two female doctors and two males. His eyes automatically landed to the young brunette, whose hand is on her waist as she listened intently as the others debated.
His brow quirked a little, a fit of curiosity fleeted through him. She was prettier in personal. Television didn't do her justice.
Immediately shaking off the unnerving attraction, he tapped gently on the glass door. All doctors turned to him. One of the male doctors with piercing blue eyes let him in, he later found out that he was the world-renowned diagnostician, Dr. Ethan Ramsey, the head of the team.
"ADA Bryce Lahela, I'm here for Dr. Heather Song?" he walked into the room exuding confidence, burying the distracted innuendos he was currently having.
In response, she moved forward and offered her hand, smiling brightly at him. "Dr. Heather Song, at your service. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Oh, I bet you do.
He answered mentally, stepping closer to look at her soft features. He took her hand and shook it, returning the warm welcome with a smug look in his face. He couldn't stop thinking about her ever since.
He spent almost the whole day with her, going through her testimony in detail. She spoke in a very confident manner, ascertaining every small observation she made about Travis Perry, and how he raised her suspicions. She also walked him through how she confirmed her theories, and how she decided to report this to the hospital's chief. He was amazed with the way how she mapped out every step, and acknowledged how her actions made the case straightforward and uncomplicated. Certainly controversial and sensational, given that it was involving one of Massachusetts' senators. But getting up close and personal with her that day made him realize that like him, she was at the top of her game.
She was professional and insightful. Bryce was also impressed with how she carried herself. Graceful and poised, yet fierce and tenacious. There were a lot of times that he thought he was hearing himself in the way she talked. And for that reason, he like spending time with her.
Over the course of the next few months, he spent more time with her. It was the perfect opportunity to keep in touch, as she was the star witness after all.
Beyond work, it was easy for him to befriend her. She was warm and open, sensitive and caring. Eventually, she introduced him to her exclusive group of doctors, who readily welcome him.
But he admired her more when she made it her mission to help him with his runaway sister. She went out of her way to spend time with her, bridging the gap between the siblings.
That was when he irreversibly opened up to her, telling her about his past. Making her see through him, who he really was.
And the way that she embraced it without inhibitions was a breathe of fresh air. He never knew he needed someone like her in his life, the one thing to complete his do-over.
It didn't take much for him to he admit to himself that he adored Heather. He felt a deep connection to her, something he never felt for someone else.
But in a sudden turn of events, the hopefulness he had turned out to be just a mere figment of his imagination.
He learned about her relationship with Rafael. Once he saw the way she looked at him, he knew it was time to draw the line.
Ever since, that was all he thought it would be between them - an unexplored and faraway frontier.
Gradually, his presence in her life became nothing more but group hangouts in the form of brunches or night outs in Donahues. He learned to withdraw whenever she and Rafael was around, cautious to not let others know about the way he felt. He himself went back to his string of one night stands.
He kept her at arm's length, repeating to himself that he was contented with the friendship that they had. Yet when he was finally learning to ease her out of his mind, she came crashing back in.
Present Day
With warm bowls of noodles in front of them, they caught up with each other's life. Bryce poured them both a glass of white wine to chase down the saltiness off of their taste buds.
"Hm, this certainly is an upgrade from that cheap bottle you had the last time," her mocking voice freed him from his thoughts. He grinned at her, leaning towards her.
"Oooh, I'm not liking your arrogance. Being junior fellow got in your head already?" he teased her, sipping from his own glass. "Has all of your student loans been paid off so you have spare money to buy your own fancy wine?"
"Certainly not. I think you're the one getting ahead of yourself, hotshot. That plaque hit you in the head and made you forgot that you're a just a noob?" Heather quipped back, her index finger pointing to the square-shaped glass on one of the living room shelves.
"Psh. It's not like my colleagues skip a day to remind me of 'my place'," his one hand mimicked air quotes, feigning a look of disgust, invoking a genuine laughter from her, her skin illuminated by the late afternoon sun as she glowed in delight.
They went at it as they ate, exchanging insulting banters, trying to one up each other as they went. It was just the way they were, at ease. Two old friends who loved their careers first, always putting their self in second place.
It was the first time in months that they were together alone, Bryce realized now how much he missed spending time with her.
He didn't want to spoil the mood, but he couldn't shake off his interest on what went down between Rafael and her. He waited a few more moments as they settled into a comfortable silence, running out of casual jokes to throw at the other. He drew a deep breathe, taking up the courage he needed to raise the sore subject.
"So, you and Raf huh?"
He saw her flinch and his heart irked a little. Her hand shivered as she set down the empty glass and grabbed the bottle of wine to refill it.
"He wasn't what I thought he was," she swirled the contents of her glass once it was full, looking distracted. "Apparently, it only took him less than a month to reveal his true self." Bryce nodded opposite her, as she shrugged casually. He saw her bite her lower lip, and instantly felt the hurt she was going through.
Without second thoughts, he approached her and opened his arms, inviting her in.
After a few excruciating seconds of hesitation, she finally leaned in and received his embrace, tears falling. She didn't think there was any left, but Bryce's offer of solace was a comfort she didn't think she needed. Her dams of pain overflowed once again, and with the horrible scare that happened this morning, her resolve to put up a brave face in front of everyone crumbled.
"You know I'll always be here for you, Heath," he whispered to her, his senses being flooded by the familiar jasmine scent of her perfume.
"I know, thank you for that," she replied in a hushed voice. "I'm just... just tired of it all, Bryce, I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't be. I got you."
He just held her, wishing so hard that one embrace can take all of her fears away. He closed his eyes, letting his beating heart speak for the rest of his unspoken emotions.
He tried to soothe her as he brushed her hair, rubbing the palm of his hand on her shuddering back. His grip tightened with her every sigh, pulling her ever closer.
For the first time in months of keeping his distance, the feelings he had for her, those he tried to bury deep within his heart, started to resurface. He was feeling the way he felt way back then.
In between her deep sighs and sobs, a flood of regrets raced through his mind. His chest constricted, as his thoughts lingered on what could have been.
If I hadn't left her alone. If I just fought for her the first time. If I just have been brave enough to let her know...
But he knew he couldn't what already happened define what should be and what it will be. Just like he dealt with his past, Bryce knew that with enough willpower, he can turn it all around.
He focused forward. A rush of possibilities, a promise of a future, it overwhelmed him.
Maybe this time, it'll be more. She's free now. Maybe now is a better time than before. Maybe now, it won't have to end. Maybe this time, he wouldn't need to let her go.
His heart burned with a fiery resolve and determination.
That late afternoon, when the setting sun's light began to shine upon his face, he decided.
Even the smallest of maybes was more than enough for him. Bryce was willing to risk it for her.
TAGS: @choicesficwriterscreations @ramsey-lahela
@eleanorbloom - I hope I'm doing Bryce justice 😬
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