#Improve sports performance with eye exercises
tatumeyecare · 9 months
Boost Your Athletic Performance with Eye Workouts: Best Tips for Athletes
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In the world of sports, the difference between victory and defeat often comes down to split-second decisions and keen visual perception. Athletes rely heavily on their eyes to track a flying ball, assess opponents' movements, and make crucial judgments. To gain an edge in your athletic pursuits, consider incorporating eye workouts into your training regimen. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of eye workouts and provide you with tips and exercises to elevate your athletic performance.
Eye Workouts: The Key to Athletic Excellence
Athletic success isn't just about physical strength and endurance; it's also about mental agility and visual acuity. Your eyes play a pivotal role in how you perceive and react to your surroundings, making eye workouts a crucial aspect of your training routine.
The Science Behind Eye Workouts
Understanding how eye workouts benefit athletes is essential before delving into the exercises themselves. When you engage in targeted eye exercises, you're essentially training your eye muscles and enhancing the communication between your eyes and brain. This improved connection leads to quicker reaction times and enhanced peripheral vision.
Benefits of Eye Workouts for Athletes
Sharper Focus: Eye workouts help you maintain a laser-like focus on the task at hand, whether it's tracking a ball or spotting an opponent's weakness.
Improved Reaction Time: Enhancing your visual perception through eye exercises can significantly reduce your reaction time, giving you a competitive edge.
Better Coordination: Stronger eye muscles contribute to improved hand-eye coordination, a critical skill in many sports.
Reduced Eye Fatigue: Regular eye workouts can alleviate eye strain caused by prolonged screen time or intense training sessions.
Incorporating Eye Workouts into Your Training
Now that you understand the benefits, let's explore how you can integrate eye workouts into your training regimen effectively.
Warm-Up Exercises
Before diving into intense eye workouts, it's essential to warm up your eye muscles. These exercises prepare your eyes for more strenuous activities.
Eye Rolling: Gently roll your eyes in a circular motion, both clockwise and counterclockwise, for 30 seconds each. This exercise increases blood flow to your eye muscles.
Focus Shifting: Choose an object and switch your focus between it and an object in the distance. Repeat for one minute to improve your ability to shift focus quickly.
Strengthening Exercises
To enhance your athletic performance, you need exercises that target your eye muscles directly.
Pencil Push-Ups: Hold a pencil vertically at arm's length and slowly bring it closer to your nose while keeping it in focus. Repeat this movement for 10 reps. This exercise strengthens your eye's convergence ability.
Visual Tracking: Use a small moving object, like a pen, and follow it with your eyes as smoothly as possible. Do this for one minute in different directions to enhance your tracking skills.
Sport-Specific Exercises
Tailor your eye workouts to your specific sport to maximize their effectiveness.
Basketball Dribble Focus: While dribbling a basketball, focus on an object or point in the distance. This exercise improves your ability to maintain concentration during dynamic movements.
Tennis Ball Reaction: Have a partner throw a tennis ball at you from various angles. Try to catch it as quickly as possible, enhancing your reflexes and hand-eye coordination.
Q: Can eye workouts improve my performance in team sports like soccer? A: Absolutely! Enhanced visual perception and quick decision-making are valuable assets in team sports. Eye workouts can give you a competitive edge.
Q: How often should I do eye workouts? A: Aim for at least 10-15 minutes of eye workouts daily, but adjust the duration based on your sport's demands and your individual needs.
Q: Are there any risks associated with eye workouts? A: When done correctly, eye workouts are safe. However, consult with a professional if you experience discomfort or pain during these exercises.
Q: Can eye workouts benefit non-athletes too? A: Yes, eye workouts are beneficial for everyone, not just athletes. They can help reduce eye strain and improve overall visual acuity.
Q: Will eye workouts replace regular physical training? A: No, eye workouts should complement your physical training, not replace it. A well-rounded regimen includes both physical exercises and eye workouts.
Q: How long does it take to see improvements in athletic performance? A: Results may vary, but with consistent practice, many athletes report noticeable improvements in a few weeks.
In the world of sports, every advantage counts. Boosting your athletic performance with eye workouts is a smart strategy that can give you the upper hand. By dedicating a portion of your training time to these exercises, you'll sharpen your focus, improve your reaction time, and ultimately enhance your performance on the field or court. Incorporate these eye workouts into your daily routine, and watch as your athletic prowess reaches new heights.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to gain a competitive edge. Start your eye workouts today, and prepare to see the difference on game day!
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fafnir19 · 24 days
Cocky Rowing
It all began when I stumbled upon a beginner's rowing course at my university. Initially, I thought it would be a casual form of exercise, a delightful change from the mundane routine of studying and lectures. Once a week, I'd take to the water, finding myself captivated by the rhythm of the oars and the gentle lull of the waves. On this particular day, however, my routine was about to take an unexpected turn. I found myself in the changing room of the rowing club, amidst the hustle and bustle of the competitive sports team getting ready for their training session. As I fumbled with my rowing gear, they approached me, a sense of urgency in their voices.
"Hey, are you a rower too?" one of them asked, eyeing me curiously. "Well, I've been taking a beginner's course. I'm not really at your level," I admitted, feeling a bit out of place among these seasoned athletes. "We're short one rower for the eights. Would you like to join us? You seem pretty fit," another athlete offered, waving me over to their group. I hesitated for a moment, feeling uncertain about joining them. "I'm not sure if I can keep up with you guys," I confessed, feeling a bit intimidated. "Don't worry, all you need to do is swing a bit. You'll manage just fine," they reassured me, their friendly smiles putting me at ease. Encouraged by their confidence in me, I finally agreed and followed them to the boat. As we rowed, I found my rhythm and felt a surge of exhilaration coursing through my veins. This was a whole new level of rowing, and I was loving every moment of it.
However, as the training session went on, I started feeling the strain on my muscles. I wasn't used to this level of exertion. "Come on, Leon, you've got this!" the coach hollered, pushing us to give it our all. "Exhaustion is all in the mind. Straighten your upper body immediately after each stroke. Envision yourselves as magnificent, erect cockes, proud and strong!" I couldn't help but find the coach's choice of words quite peculiar and frankly suggestive, but I tried to focus on the rowing, putting the strange words out of my mind. The training proved to be incredibly challenging, leaving me barely able to form coherent thoughts. The coach kept repeating the same mantra, urging us to think of ourselves as proud, erect cockes. It was becoming increasingly bizarre, but I pushed through the exhaustion, determined to prove myself. Finally, the grueling training concluded, and the athletes thanked me, commending my performance and expressing gratitude for stepping in as the missing rower was ill. It was then that they asked me if I could fill in for the upcoming weeks, not wanting to let the university team down. Without giving it much thought, I agreed. Now training nine times a week, any worries I had vanished the moment I set foot in the boat. My only thought was that of being a proud, erect cock, just as the coach had drilled into us.
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However, things took an unexpected turn when the coach decided that I should row a double scull with Trevor, a handsome and accomplished rower who exuded an air of arrogance and smugness that I couldn't stand. "Great, now I have to deal with Trevor," I grumbled inwardly as we prepared for our first session together. True to my expectations, Trevor lived up to his reputation, making snide remarks and acting as if he was doing me a favor by rowing with me. "Alright, Leon, just focus on mimicking my movements. I'll do the thinking for both of us," Trevor declared, his overbearing demeanor grating on my nerves.
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Despite our best efforts, our rowing didn't quite mesh. The trainer took it upon himself to explain gently: “Leon, imitate Trevor’s movements. He is the stroke and he decides what happens in the boat. Remember: you're just a cock made of muscles and sperm cords that can't think." I was taken aback by the coach's comparison, but I bit my tongue and tried to focus on improving our synchronization.
Over time, things improved between Trevor and me, and I found myself becoming incredibly athletic from the frequent training. As much as I disliked Trevor, I couldn't deny the positive impact the rigorous sessions had on my physique and stamina. After a particularly grueling practice, as we docked the boat, the coach posed a question to me: "Leon, what are you?" Without hesitation, I responded, "I am a cock composed of muscles and seminal cords," parroting the coach's words without a second thought. Later, as we grabbed ice cream, the vendor asked me what flavors I wanted, and suddenly, I found myself at a loss, glancing at Trevor for guidance. "He'll have strawberry and vanilla," Trevor decided, taking charge of the situation as if it were the most natural thing in the world. As we continued our intense training regimen, Trevor suggested that I would show off my muscles better if I shaved off my body hair, stating that cockes didn't have hair. I saw the logic in his words and proceeded to rid myself of any visible body hair. Before I knew it, Trevor's influence extended beyond rowing sessions. He began making decisions for me, from my workout routines to my diet and even my wardrobe. I was slowly but surely being molded into his image.
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"Leon, what's our training goal?" the coach asked one day, directing the question to me. My mind immediately turned to Trevor, waiting for his prompt before responding, "Trevor should answer that." "Our aim is the Olympics," Trevor stated confidently, leaving no room for argument. The coach smiled contentedly, remarking that his methods had evidently been successful, and this time, Trevor's training partner wouldn't be bailing on them. Unbeknownst to me, I had become Trevor's perfect and obedient training partner, my thoughts consumed by the singular focus of growing muscles, obeying Trevor, fulfilling our shared ambition and to fuck.
As the days passed, I found myself drifting further under Trevor's influence, and my own desires and motivations became secondary to his commands. It was after a training session under the showers that Trevor made it abundantly clear just how deeply entrenched his hold over me had become. "You are mine, Leon. Mine to shape and mold as I see fit," he whispered, his words sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't deny the thrum of excitement that coursed through me, knowing that I was completely under his control, giving myself over to his every whim and fancy. With each passing day, I became more like an extension of Trevor, my every action and thought aligned with his desires. Finally, at the peak of our training, as we stood on the brink of our Olympic aspirations, Trevor's words echoed in my mind: "You are mine, Leon. Mine to shape and mold as I see fit." And as the final race approached, my only thought was to grow muscles, to obey Trevor, and to soar to glory together as a proud, erect cock devoted to my master.
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In my mind I had become Trevor's virile cock, ready to conquer the world at his command. And so, I rowed on, driven by an unwavering devotion to my master, blissfully unaware of the depths of my submission.
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oinkoink321 · 11 months
Miles, Gwen, Hobie, Pav, and  Miguel with a cheerleader!Reader. 
Guys, I cannot stress enough how amazing cheerleading is. Like say what you want whether it’s a sport or not but have you seen those routines?!?!? Literally inhumane!!!! And as a cheerleader I want (need) to see more fics about this 😭
This is an “x reader” Reader is a Flyer/top girl (the person that gets thrown/put up in the air in stunts). Reader will  not be a spider person in this fic (sorry guys). Reader is implied to be on the quieter side or not “look” like a cheerleader(on Hobie’s part). Anyways, if there’s anything I can improve or change please let me know! enjoy! 
Warnings: none but the characters might be ooc
Miles Morales 
He literally sits through your routine in shock. He’s so caught off guard. Cheerleaders do things like this?!?!
Idk if he had cheerleaders in his school or not but idk if he would really pay attention to them at all. However, when he found out  you’re a cheerleader, he’s like “oh ok”.
Then one day you invite him to watch you perform, he gladly goes to support you but he’s not really sure what to expect. Then when he sees you doing all that tumbling or having enough courage to be tossed in the air like that, he’s in awe. 
He could barely even jump off a small building with spider powers and yet here you are, staying tight and sharp enough to hit all your motions and yell loud. 
He’s just so…..mind blown. His eyes are all on you, his mouth open at all the tumbling and shining you do. Gosh, he’s so taken aback. 
After the routine he’s walking up to you, a bit shy. He’s like “You did amazing! I can’t believe cheerleaders actually do all that! You were awesome flying in the air like that and blah blah blah”. He’d definitely be drawing you in your cheer uniform and doing your skills. He’s the sweetest <333
Gwen Stacy 
Since she used to do ballet, I think she might know a bit about cheer. Anyways, when she’s watching you perform, she’s in a daze. 
Since you’re not a spider person, she’s quite impressed with all the skills you can pull off. Especially the tumbling, you need incredible strength in order to tumble as fluidly as you do 
Her eyes are literally sparkling watching you. Her eyes are glued to you, your teammates and your performance. She has a soft smile on her face the entire time. She enjoys watching you so much! 
I bet she silently prays that you don’t fall or injure yourself when you’re flying or when you tumble. She knows how dangerous those can be so she can’t help but feel a bit nervous everytime she sees you do those skills 
Nevertheless, she loves watching them either way! She lets out a little sigh of relief when you’re done doing the performance and you’re completely fine.
She walks up to you and gives you a big hug. She whispers in your ear “You did so good”. She’s sooo proud of you after the performance. Also, I think she would stretch with you or work out with you when you exercise for cheer. Anyways I love her so much<3333 
Hobie Brown 
I feel like he’s pretty chill about you being a cheerleader, but he is a bit surprised. You? A cheerleader? The thought would never cross his mind. 
But when he sees you doing flips and being tossed? He’s on the edge of his seat. Then, he hears you yell out the words of your cheer. Your voice is powerful and your team hypes up the audience. 
He feels proud of you, who’s usually shy and quiet, being confident and getting a crowd to yell your school colors and name. 
He’s mesmerized by your boldness on the mat. If you’re speaking quietly he’d probably tell you to “use your cheer voice.” 
Anyways, he also looovvvesss seeing your dance and thinks you’re incredible. You’re so swift and sharp with your movements. He likes how each motion hits on the exact beat. 
After the performance, he wraps his arm around your shoulder, complimenting you. He’d be cool and level-headed around people but when you guys are alone, he’s all over you. He’d say how cute you look on your cheer uniform and say how amazing you were 
Also, he’s like your biggest supporter. You need help for fundraisers? He’s going to raves selling the items to people. You need help with skills for stunts? He’s willing to learn how to base so he can one-man you. Anyways he’s the best and I love him as well. (Let’s be fr I’m in love with all of them lol) 
Pavitr Prabhakar
OMGGG WHAT A CUTIE HE IS!!!! He’s going to every single game and performance he can just to watch you! He’s cheer you on and hyping you up! 
He’s so sweet and would yell the words with you and your team. He definitely know all the words and I can imagine him learning the dance with you. He’d also get you to teach him the cheers so he can fully support you <3 
He’s also so entranced when you’re going up in the air being thrown, or just being up there in general. He loved watching you fly, it’s like you’re floating. AND when you’re tumbling he’s literally screaming your name. 
In cheer routines, when they do their jumps, people/the team would scream “hit! Hit!” every single jump. You know for sure he’ll be yelling at you to hit you jumps on beat. 
When you guys have your “ending picture” he’s basically out of his seat. He’s pointing you out to everyone, going “Look! Look at them! I’m their boyfriend!” 
After the performance, he hugs you and spins you around, telling you how proud he is. He’s such a sweet heart and he rambles to you about all the awesome skills you did and begs you to teach them to him. Truth be told, he’s YOUR cheerleader. 
Miguel O’Hara 
Honestly…..he probably doesn’t care at first. I mean he does, he just kinda looks over it (in the beginning). But when you invite him to a performance, he’s like “okay, I have nothing better to do anyway” 
But when he sees you on that mat, yelling your team name, spelling it out, doing flips and being thrown, his eyes literally light up. He’s fascinated. He feels a bit guilty that he brushed it off to you at first. 
After that, he wants to go to more of your games and performances. He tells you he can record performances for you. He watches them over and over. He always pays attention to you in the video. 
He’d try to help you “point out” your mistakes, of course he doesn’t know much about cheer but he’s willing to learn. He’ll  watch videos about it and send you stretches to do if you were telling him about needing help with a skill. 
Going off of that, if you ever get injured he’ll help with treatment. Of course, you actually should go to a doctor but he will buy athletic tape and ice packs for you. He’d reluctantly massage your sore muscles lol (he loves doing that tho) 
Anyways, after competitions or performances, he’ll treat you to a restaurant or fast food. Or if you’re coming home late from practice he’ll make/order your favorite food. He’s always making sure you’re okay and not overworking yourself (same goes to everyone else) 
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sahsalart · 10 months
Ethereals: “¡Muéstrame tu sonrisa!”
Bakugous: (⩺_⩹)
They are stubborn boys lol
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I’ve been a huge fan of BNHA since I was 14 (for 5-6ish years now), and have recently gotten back into after almost a year of having little-to-no interest in it. As I’ve been indulging in more content, I decided that my first (and favorite) OC, Ethereal, needed a revamp! So, I’m currently working on a new character sheet for her as well as improving her lore overall. I’ve leave fun facts down below about her!:
- She was born on 2/24 in Athens, Greece.
- She is the oldest of Class 1-A.
- She stands at 5’0, same height as her classmate Toru Hagakure.
- Her quirk is called Aerial Limit and is a cloud-based quirk.
- As a side effect of her quirk, she can float and weighs only 20 Ibs (a healthy weight).
- She is highly proficient in Capoeira, majority of her fighting style is with the use her legs and her incredible acrobatic skills.
- Her father is Afro-Latino (Dominican) and her mother is half-Greek, half-Lebanese.
- Her father named her.
- Before pursuing her professional hero career, Ethereal was training to be a professional performer under the guide of her mother.
- She is trained in singing and the art of belly-dancing.
- At age 6, her father was tragically murdered while on an overseas business trip in Japan.
- The scar on her left eye was caused by Bakugou during their fight at the Sports Festival. As a result, she is partially blind.
- She is a polyglot and can speak/read/write in a multitude of languages such as Greek, Spanish (her native languages), French, Italian, Dutch, German, Swedish, English, Japanese, and Romanian.
- The Spanish her family speaks is the Cibaeño dialect (Dominicanos🤙🏿🤙🏾🤙🏽)
- She is multiethnic and multicultural, though she personally identifies as Afro-Latina.
- Her father’s family are Roman Catholics and her mother’s are Hellenic and Muslim. Ethereal’s parents raised her with Agnosticism views, she identities as Agnostic.
- She has an IQ of 147.
- Her favorite types of food are sweets, seafood, and spicy.
- Her favorite dessert is Habichuelas con Dulce made by her Abuela.
- She absolutely hates restrictive clothing and opts to wear lose/short fitting clothing (this is due to growing up in between the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas where it is hot!).
- With that being said, Winter is her least favorite season whereas Summer is her favorite.
- #1 Amara La Negra and Karol G fan.
- Belly-dancing exercises are apart of her daily workout routine.
- Her father was a Billionaire CEO and her mother is a professional Tsifteteli dancer.
- She is an only child.
I hope you enjoy :) I’m looking forward to posting more content and art with her!
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bodybuilding-of · 5 months
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- Powerful pre-workout formulas
- Endorsed by athletes and influencers
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Great tasting, powerful pre-workout formulas – designed to enhance performance during workouts and sports training
Made with clinically backed ingredients – cutting edge formula contains more than 10 key ingredients supported by science
Wide-reaching appeal to multiple target audiences – ideal to promote on any fitness related site, target men and women of all fitness levels, involved in any type of sport or exercise
High profile athlete endorsements – endorsed by a professional boxer, a double Olympian swimmer and numerous brand ambassadors on social media
Nominated for 2018 Men’s Fitness Sports Nutrition Awards – within just 8 months of hitting the market
Stand-out, eye-catching branding – relaunched in 2020 with a new and improved formula, website and branding
Tiered commission structure – earn between 20-30% commission per sale: the more you sell, the more you’ll make
Lifetime reorder commissions – earn an automatic 15% commission every time your customers reorder BlackWolf
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wrienne · 1 year
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé 2
Chapter 1: Consequences
“Come on! Harder!”
Drops of sweat trickled down from your forehead and temples and, well, everywhere else on your body. You made a mental note to buy a sports headband for next time as you quickly wiped the sweat off of your forehead with the back of your forearm before you repeatedly performed two quick jabs and a hook, just like you had for the last two minutes.
“Put your weight into it!” Your trainer, Lee Song-Hun, didn’t yield a centimetre from where he held up the punch mitts, something you had managed to make him do earlier that hour. “And stay light on your feet! There’s still a minute left!”
Without responding, you struck the punch mitts with as much force as you could muster. Song-Hun was grinning when he concluded training for the day, but a look of concern quickly overtook his relatively good-looking features when you remained quiet.
“You seem unfocused,” he said as he removed the punch mitts. “Something on your mind?”
You took off your boxing gloves and hand wraps, wiped as much of your sweat as you could with the small towel you had brought and emptied your water bottle before even thinking of an answer. This was the best thing about boxing, or exercise in general. You didn’t have to think about anything but your physical performance, which in turn was hard enough to distract you. But Song-Hun was right, your mind was a bit scattered.
How could it not be?
“It’s nothing,” you replied, a lie so obvious even your trainer, who you had met a total of five times, seemed unconvinced.
“Alright,” he said gingerly before he smiled. “You’ve improved drastically since your first time, (Y/N). I can’t believe you’ve got no boxing experience from the past. You’re a natural.”
“Thank you,” you said, feeling both self-conscious and proud.
Song-Hun appeared like he wanted to say something more on the topic about your absent-mindedness, but then led you to the stretching area of the gym where you two went through different patterns of stretching. You were sore all the way to your bones, but that only made the shower afterward so much more divine. Yet despite the relief that filled your body, your mind was anything but at ease as you finished dressing and stepped out into the humid August heat that enveloped Seoul like a blanket.
A black BMW was parked by the curb on the other side of the road. You approached the car when Jong-Yeol exited on the driver’s side, helping you with your heavy duffel bag. After murmuring a thanks, you entered the car. The inside was cool and you briefly regretted wearing nothing but shorts and a blouse.
“Straight home?” asked Jong-Yeol when he settled behind the steering wheel. Dressed as always in a suit, his dark eyes were worried as they found yours through the rearview mirror.
You briefly wondered just how obvious your anxiousness was, and hastily wound your hands together in an attempt to not scratch up your arm. “Yes.”
The car purred to life as Jong-Yeol steered it out of the pocket and onto the road.  “You can do it,” he said.
“I know,” you said, more to yourself than to him. “I know I can. It’s just…”
“He’ll be there with you, won’t he? In fact, aren’t both of them going to be there?”
“They are,” you said with a nod. “But…”
You swallowed. You hadn’t told Jong-Yeol the truth: that Jung-Hyun didn’t know about you and Jungkook reconciling. On several occasions, you had tried calling Jung-Hyun in an attempt to meet up with him, but ever since you had rushed to his hotel room almost a month ago after you and Jungkook had reunited, you had been unable to actually talk to him. Truth is, you were too scared. But not because you were afraid of breaking up the engagement or tell Jung-Hyun about your feelings toward Jungkook.
It was because the scene you had been met with that day had frightened you to your very core.
“Nothing.” You leaned your elbow onto the inside of the car door and gazed out at the passing cityscape. Your heart was beating faster at the recollection, but you tried your best to ignore it. “It’s nothing.”
“As you say.”
It took about twenty-five minutes to reach the hotel that your parents had bought their penthouse apartment from. There were plenty of workout facilities there, like a pool and two floors of gym equipment, but you preferred boxing over regular exercise, a class you had began after Se-Eun had finally coaxed you into the idea three weeks ago. According to her, you needed to find a way to let out steam that didn’t involve breaking pens or being tempted to punch people or things with your bare fists. Of course, you had protested in the beginning, saying you had nowhere near a violent disposition, but when you thought back on the year and everything you had gone through, you realized you really needed some kind of stress reliever. Something that didn’t involve words and something that really would let you release your pent-up emotions. And although you had only gone a handful of times, your arm was already looking better, since you didn’t scratch it nearly as often as you usually did.
But today was the day you were supposed to tell Jungkook’s parents about your and Jung-Hyun’s broken engagement - and that you were going back to being Jungkook’s fiancé.
It was happening over family dinner at your parents’ apartment in celebration of Jungkook’s father and your father both succeeding with the goal of their numerous, lengthy business trips to Japan during spring. Your father had managed to draw up contracts with almost all of the businesses he had wanted to cooperate with for Phoenix Inc.’s upcoming expansion, and Jungkook’s father had managed to find investors for the company he was starting up. You didn’t know much about the latter, but you knew your father had worked himself tirelessly throughout the spring months - he had even gotten a heart attack. His health was much better now thanks to your mother, but you were still deeply worried. He ate and exercised well, but you of all people knew just how exhausting stress could be.
While resurrecting Jungkook’s memories after his amnesia incident, you had been on the border of having several heart attacks yourself. And not entirely because of the stress.
For it wasn’t until you found out that Jungkook had cheated on you with Park Yi-Jae, one of South Korea’s hottest female artists, that you came to understand more about your feelings toward Jungkook. It had been difficult to deal with, partly because you didn’t really know what your rapidly beating heart meant, but mostly because it had been so wrong. You were no longer haunted by the short exchange you had seen between Jungkook and Yi-Jae when you first stumbled upon them, but you had been at the time. You had been a hundred percent certain that they loved each other before the accident, and that you were intruding upon territory you had no intention of ever even looking at. So you had denied your heart, and even though Jungkook seemed to display mutual attraction, you had denied him, too. You had even lied to him and hinted that the engagement ring you had thrown at him when you broke up was something he had intended for Yi-Jae.
The situation had turned even more complicated when you found out that you needed to marry either Jungkook or Jung-Hyun in order to inherit Phoenix Inc., your late grandfather’s heritage and the family jewel. This caused Jung-Hyun to be pulled into all the mess that was your life at the time. His appearance was clearly not to Jungkook’s liking even during the amnesia when he had clung to everything of resemblance in an attempt to regain his memories, and the dynamics of their relationship was still an enigma you had yet to either solve or resolve.
You pursed your lips. Since you and Jungkook ultimately had gotten back together after an impulsive decision made by you but caused by his hyung and a fellow member of his group, Min Yoongi, things should be fine, shouldn’t they? The plan was simple from here: you would end your engagement with Jung-Hyun while Jungkook would cut his ties with Yi-Jae officially, and after that, the two of you could marry and live happily ever after, Jungkook with his dream as a singer, you with your position as CEO of one of the largest companies in Asia, if not the whole world. It shouldn’t be a long walk to that point since you no longer had to juggle lies and deceptions with Jungkook due to his amnesia, and he no longer had to try and remember who he was. Every conflict was resolved.
But that was definitely not the case. And it was all because of you.
You didn’t think you could end things with Jung-Hyun. Not just yet, not after what you had witnessed in his hotel room.
“We’re here.”
You hadn’t even noticed Jong-Yeol parking in front of the hotel entrance until his voice roused you out of your reverie. Judging by the expression he wore, you guessed that he must have waited for quite some time without you responding.
Embarrassed, you cleared your throat before you responded. “Thank you. I don’t think we’ll need you anymore today, so you can go home if you’d like to.”
“Very well,” he said, reluctance clear in his voice.
You smiled in an attempt to disperse his concern and stepped out of the car. After grabbing your duffel bag, you told Jong-Yeol goodbye and headed to the elevator. Nervosity made the ride to the top floor feel almost twice as long as usual, and you were slightly lightheaded as you unlocked the front door to your parents’ apartment.
Old eighties or nineties Korean rock music blasted from the kitchen, and you weren’t surprised to find your father standing by the stove while humming and dancing along to the tune. Your mother sat on one of the bar stools next to the kitchen isle with her thin legs crossed over each other, and even though she wore noise-cancelling headphones, a gadget she only pulled out when your father was cooking, you saw that her usually piercing gaze was soft with fondness as she occasionally glanced up from her tablet to look at your father.
“Dad!” You raised your voice when he didn’t seem to hear you. “Dad, I’m home!”
Your father whirled around, eyes round, which caused your mother to react as well. Picking up his phone from one of the apron pockets, your father lowered the volume until you could hear yourself think again and gave you a warm smile. “Hi, sweetie,” he said in that low, humming voice of his.
Your mother took off her headphones, and sighed when the motion made a few of the hairs on her perfectly straightened bob slide out of place. “Why are you so late?” she asked, her sharp voice cutting through the air like a blade. “The dinner is in less than forty-five minutes.”
“That’s plenty of time to get ready,” you replied.
“Not for you it’s not. Oh, and also,” added your mother before you could retort. “Jung-Hyun just notified me that he won’t be able to come.”
“What?” you exclaimed, even though you were secretly relieved by the news. If Jung-Hyun wasn’t going to be there for dinner, then perhaps you could postpone telling his and Jungkook’s parents about the change in your relationship. Perhaps you could postpone saying anything about you and Jungkook to anyone but your parents, Jong-Yeol and Se-Eun, who you had told almost directly after you had gone to see Jung-Hyun at his hotel room.
“Since he’s the youngest director out of all of Phoenix Inc.’s branches,” began your father in a consolatory tone, “he has to work a lot more to prove himself than the others.”
“He’ll be a lot more busy later this year,” said your mother. “I have plans of getting him to follow us on our next business trip to Beijing.”
Your father smiled at you. “I’m so glad he’s staying with our company even after you broke up the engagement. He’s a real asset for sure. I can see him climb and become your right hand within a very short time.”
“That’s good,” you said as you tried to hide the shame you felt. For even though you hadn’t technically lied to your parents, you hadn’t told them the truth. They thought you had told Jung-Hyun about you and Jungkook already, just like you had said you would when you called your mother the day you had decided to throw everything but your emotions away.
But you hadn’t and so, they didn’t know. Nobody did.
“I guess I won’t be telling his parents about the change of engagement plans then,” you continued, relief flowing throughout your veins. You could feel your shoulders visibly relax. “I can’t say something like that alone.”
“You won’t be.” Your mother smirked. “You have a visitor. They’re in your room.”
Furrowing your brows, you left the kitchen and headed to your bedroom as fast as your weary limbs allowed you to. Your heart was beating faster for a reason beyond your jogging, and though you tried to will it calm, your body wouldn’t obey. Anticipation bubbled in your stomach, and you readied yourself for a heavy dose of disappointment as you reached the closed door.
But as you opened it, nothing but joy filled your heart.
Standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows that completely covered the western wall of your room, giving you a panoramic view of the city, was the one and only Jeon Jungkook. Your once fiancé, then ex-fiancé to whatever it was that the two of you were now. The boy you had grown up with and someone you used to despise. Or at least, that’s what you had thought until you found out he was cheating on you and he got into an accident as a result. Over the course of the exhausting spring months where you had done your best to help him get his memories back, you had realized just how much he meant to you - you loved him. And you thought he loved you too.
But neither one of you had said it.
Jungkook was regarding the city with his arms crossed over his chest, and didn’t turn around even after you stepped inside and shut the door behind you. He was kind of dressed up in black jeans that sat snugly around his waist - thanks to a belt - and thighs - thanks to, well, just him - and a white shirt with the sleeves sloppily rolled up to his elbows. His clothes didn’t exactly match with the fluffy pink slippers your mother most likely had made him wear when he entered the apartment, since your mother was obsessed with slippers. The sight made you grin as you dropped your duffel bag unceremoniously on the floor.
The sound made Jungkook spin around. His large, familiar brown eyes were initially widened in surprise, but a different emotion quickly replaced it as his focus traveled from the bag to you.
It was the same kind of tenderness you had seen your mother show your father in the kitchen a moment ago.
“I didn’t think you would be here,” you said as you averted your gaze quickly. “Don’t you have dance practice? Have you waited for long?”
You didn’t know if you should be uncomfortable or just happy that Jungkook looked at you the way he just did. It was just so strange seeing him like that.
He was just so… vulnerable.
“I came half an hour ago,” replied Jungkook. “And I do have practice, but how could I miss this? I can’t let you and Jung-Hyun-hyung explain everything without me. That would be cowardly.”
“About that…” You sank down onto your bed, too tired to stand any longer. “Jung-Hyun won’t be able to make it. He has work to do.”
“Can’t your parents give him one free evening? Doesn’t he technically work for them?”
He sounded accusatory, and when you looked at him, you found that you were right. Jungkook’s eyebrows were knitted together with annoyance, and none of his earlier tenderness remained.
“It’s a lot more complicated than that,” you replied a bit sharper than you had intended. “And it’s not like my parents can do whatever they want to with specific employees. It would be favoritism.”
Jungkook’s features softened, and he went to sit next to you. The mattress shifted underneath his weight, and the smell of soap, warmth and something uniquely Jungkook filled the air around you. The sudden proximity made your face redden and you dropped your gaze to the floor, but you didn’t move away.
“Sorry,” he murmured. “I didn’t mean to snap at you or your parents. I’m just… I’m just so excited.”
You furrowed your brows slightly as you returned your attention toward him. “About what?”
Jungkook gave you a small smile as he hastily shifted his focus elsewhere, a slight blush warming his complexion. “That we’re finally going to tell my parents about us,” he said simply.
Your blush deepened. “Oh. Oh.”
Slowly, hesitantly, Jungkook reached for your hand. You allowed him to grip it, feeling your heart skip a few beats at the sensation of his warm fingers. It was ridiculous how easy Jungkook could affect your heart, especially with something as innocuous as holding hands. It was something children did with their first crush, and something friends no matter the sex or age could do, yet why was things so different with Jungkook?
How could someone make you so happy with so little?
“You have told Jung-Hyun about us and ended your guys’ engagement, right?”
“Right, of course!” The words stumbled out of your mouth before you could think twice, and you inwardly slapped yourself in the face. This had been your last opportunity to tell Jungkook and your parents the truth: that Jung-Hyun didn’t know. And even though you knew just how reckless and stupid you were being, you couldn’t muster up the will to tell anyone.
All because of what you had beheld in Jung-Hyun’s hotel room almost a month ago.
Jungkook squeezed your hand. “Good.”
“What about you?” you wondered. “Have you told Yi-Jae’s and your management about us?”
“I have.”
You furrowed your brows slightly. “How come I haven’t heard of it? A breakup like yours has to be on the first page everywhere.”
“It hasn’t been made official yet,” said Jungkook casually. “But pretty much everyone in the industry knows.”
“Oh, alright.”
“By the way, I didn’t take you for a gossip magazine reader.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “I’m not. I just haven’t heard anything from Se-Eun about it. And for your interest, I don’t just read about today’s stocks and business plans all day.”
It was weird, but you thought you saw a glimpse of relief in Jungkook’s familiar brown eyes before it was replaced with amusement. “You don’t? And here I was, thinking that you’re going to be a good CEO one day.”
You smacked Jungkook on the shoulder with your free hand, which elicited a pained smile from him. “You’re so going to regret that,” he said, something akin to mischievousness lighting inside his familiar brown eyes.
Before you could even blink, Jungkook released your hand so that he could tickle your sides with all of his fingers. You let out a choked laughter and hastily tried to wriggle away from him, but he didn’t relent. In your desperation to get away, you felt yourself gradually glide off of the silk duvet cover. Fortunately, Jungkook caught you in the last second and lifted you back onto the center of the bed, where he, too, sat down.
You fell back against the mattress as you gasped for air. “What was that?” you asked as you wiped tears away from the corners of your eye. “I expected some kind of taekwondo move - not some cheap tickling!”
“Aren’t you haughty, saying tickles are cheap.” Jungkook smirked as he held up his hands. “I bet I could earn a lot by tickling people with these fingers.”
“Now who’s the one being haughty?” you parried. “But seriously, you’ve never tickled me before. Why do it, all of a sudden?”
A wistful look entered his eyes and his smirk faded. “Because you looked like you needed to laugh.”
Your cheeks flushed and you averted your gaze. “Ah,” you said intelligently.
Jungkook cleared his throat, dispersing the suddenly awkward atmosphere. He rubbed the part of his shoulder that you had struck earlier and grimaced. “You’re hitting a lot harder now after you’ve started boxing classes.”
You sent him a taunting smile. “Thanks. Song-Hun said today that I’m a natural.”
Jungkook arched a brow. “Your trainer is a guy?”
You mimicked his expression. “What’s wrong with that?”
“How old is he? What does he look like?”
“He’s twenty-six. And I don’t think anyone can deny that he’s really good-looking.”
“Is he single?”
“If I didn’t know better,” you began with a growing smile, “I would say that you’re jealous. Am I right?”
Jungkook climbed over you and leaned closer until his face and torso hovered mere inches above you. “If I didn’t know better,” he repeated quietly, “I would say that you’re trying to provoke me. Am I right?”
“Of course not,” you lied, your heart beating so hard inside your ribcage that you could hear it.
He smiled crookedly. “Liar.”
Jungkook’s gaze shifted from your eyes to your lips, and you felt your face grow hotter underneath his scrutiny. The warmth emanating from his body, even through his clothes, was so palpable you almost had to double-check and see that he really was wearing something. Your fingers itched to touch the angle of his jaw and nose and, well, everything else on him. It felt like you were being physically pulled toward his lips and body and hands and you wanted to touch him and let him touch you. The desire to do more than just kiss him was almost impossible to resist, which was particularly odd since the two of you hadn’t really had your first kiss yet.
He was even more difficult to resist when one of his hands traveled from your cheek to the exposed skin on your shoulder, to your waist and then finally stopped on your right bare leg. Your parents’ apartment was kept at a comfortable temperature thanks to all the AC installed into each of the rooms, yet you suddenly felt way too hot inside your summery clothes where you lay beneath Jungkook.
Way too hot.
But no matter how badly you wanted Jungkook, you couldn’t have him. Not just yet. Not while Jung-Hyun didn’t know.
Because that would make you no better than a cheater.
Before Jungkook - or you - could do something you would regret, you blocked your mouth from his using your hand. He furrowed his brows, but the bemusement in his familiar brown eyes was quickly replaced by remorse when he read the look in your eyes. Without a word, he quickly backed away and shuffled to the end of the bed.
“I went too fast,” he said in a neutral tone. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“Jungkook--” you started.
“I understand,” he interrupted. “It’s weird. We’re--us, it’s weird. And I get that it can be difficult to kiss me after all that’s happened between us. After what I did to you.”
You pursed your lips. The topic of Jungkook and Yi-Jae’s relationship was something both of you subconsciously - or perhaps not so subconsciously - avoided. It was clear that Jungkook was your first whatever-it-is-that-he-was, and he knew that you had never really kissed or been with another guy like that. On the other hand, you knew that Jungkook had first met Yi-Jae two years ago, which meant their relationship had to be somewhat… advanced. And although you would never ask and you doubted Jungkook would ever tell, you wanted to know what he had done with her.
Was it some kind of self-destructive urge? Morbid curiosity? You did not know. All you did know was that you couldn’t ignore the dark, simmering jealousy swirling inside your stomach, just waiting for an opportunity to flood out.
“It’s not like that,” you said - a half-lie - as you slid over to sit behind him. You wrapped your arms tightly around his torso and rested your head on his back. “It’s just…”
He turned his head sideways, just enough for you to see his profile. “It’s just what?” he asked as he gently placed his hands over yours.
You wanted to say that you hadn’t told Jung-Hyun yet about you and Jungkook and that’s why you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to really touch Jungkook, even less kiss him. But then you would have to explain why you hadn’t confronted Jung-Hyun about it.
And that was just something you couldn’t do.
“I… I have something important to tell you.”
You raised a brow softly, surprised by the amount of earnestness in his tone. “Yeah?”
Jungkook’s chest expanded as he took a deep breath, then shrunk as he let it out. Your one arched brow turned into a frown, and just as you were about to further prod him about the subject at hand, your door opened. Your face turned scorching hot when your mother barged in through the doorway and looked at you and Jungkook as if it were the most natural thing in the world to see the two of you somewhat wrapped up together.
“Have you still not changed clothes?” she said coolly as her sharp gaze found yours. “Jungkook’s parents will be here in twenty minutes.”
You disentangled yourself so quickly from Jungkook that you practically fell out of the bed. Jungkook chuckled at your flustered action, but instantly stopped and pretended to look elsewhere when you glared at him.
Your mother’s features softened as she turned her attention to him. “Jungkook, sweetheart, mind helping me set up the table? I would ask (Y/N), but as you’ve surely noticed, she’s not dressed very appropriately.”
“Of course I’ll help,” said Jungkook and stood up.
“Good, then follow me.”
A hint of redness coloured his cheeks as he followed your mother out of your room. As soon as the door shut behind them, you kicked the side of your bed out of embarrassment. Before you could start to dwell on what had just happened, however, you decided to change clothes. After finding a suitable dress and a cardigan, you rummaged through your jewelry collection for some sort of accessory to make your outfit a bit more dressy.
However, that’s when you found the engagement ring Jung-Hyun had bought you.
“Shoot,” you mumbled as you put it on. “What the heck am I doing?”
Despite the fact that you voiced the question, you knew the answer. Because as little as you wanted to wear the ring Jung-Hyun had bought you, partly because it was a gift and partly because it was the token of your engagement, you had to. You couldn’t let his and Jungkook’s parents become suspicious. You couldn’t let them know what you knew. You had to remain as Jung-Hyun’s fiancée until you had found out what exactly it was that you had witnessed that afternoon in the hotel room.
Because you doubted he would tell you anything if you broke up with him and went to his brother.
You wandered out of your room by 18.22. Jungkook’s parents were supposed to arrive at half past, which technically meant you had about ten minutes left, but your mother still gave you a dagger-like stare as you entered the dining hall.
“About time you got proper,” she told you, a teasing glimmer entering her eyes. “With the way you were holding onto him, I thought you were mimicking monkeys.”
She was sitting alone at the head of the table with a glass of red wine in her one hand and her phone in the other. The rock music had stopped, and you heard your father finishing up in the kitchen.
“Where’s Jungkook?” you asked, ignoring her comment, though it didn’t completely unfaze you. Your face felt hot again as you sank down onto one of the ten chairs that surrounded the long dining table in dark wood and metal and glass.
“In the bathroom,” she replied and sipped her wine. “You haven’t had sex with him yet, have you?”
“Of course not!” you exclaimed. “Why would you even ask that?”
She narrowed her eyes. “Why wouldn’t I? You’re my only child and a daughter at that. As a mother, it’s my duty to protect you.”
“Yet you still make bets with dad about me,” you muttered underneath your breath as you cooled your face by fanning yourself with a napkin.
“Hmm? What was that?”
“Nothing, mom.”
Your mother opened her mouth to speak, clearly sensing your dishonesty, but was cut off by the door bell.
“They’re here!” called your father from the kitchen.
You and your mother stood and went to the hallway, where your father already waited, apron still wrapped firmly around his waist. Jungkook was also there, but although an undoubtedly large amount of excitement glinted inside his familiar brown eyes, he also appeared anxious. His skin was a bit paler than it was before, and the crooked smile he sent you didn’t quite reach up to his eyes. You fleetingly wondered if it had something to do with earlier. What would he had said if your mother hadn’t interrupted you?
The entryway was filled with loud greetings as your father opened the front door to let Jungkook’s parents in. You waited for your parents to greet and hug them first, and noticed Jungkook doing the same. Glancing up at him, you tried to sense if he was uncomfortable at the sight of his father, but Jungkook’s eyes had turned unreadable, which made you even more concerned.
One of your biggest, shameful secrets in life was that you hadn’t told anyone about Jungkook’s continuous, physical and probably emotional and psychological abuse as a child. You hadn’t admitted that you knew all about it to Jungkook until he had been amnesic, and he jokingly brought up something about Death. But ever since then, you hadn’t really touched on the topic, and Jungkook hadn’t told you more about it. You didn’t really know how he felt toward his parents aside from what he outwardly portrayed, which wasn’t very telling.
In all honesty, you wanted to confront both of Jungkook’s parents about it right that moment. But you knew you couldn’t. Not unless Jungkook wanted you to. Not unless he was ready.
For in the end, this was his war. You could only support him.
His mother, sweet and meek-looking and significantly shorter than anyone else there, pulled you in for a hug as soon as she saw you. “I swear,” she began, her kind, vibrant voice practically gushing out the rest, “you’re getting prettier each time I see you, (Y/N).”
You smiled in embarrassment as you tried to get out of her hug as quickly, but discreetly as you could. “Thank you, mother,” you said.
Her eyes, which were strikingly similar to Jungkook’s, beamed at you before she hesitantly embraced Jungkook, seemingly startled by his presence. He returned the hug, but there was still a blankness to his eyes that worried you.
A blankness that morphed into barely repressed anger when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“How have you been, (Y/N)?”
While Jungkook looked like his mother, there was an obvious resemblance between Jung-Hyun and his father. Neither one of their children had their father’s eyes, but while Jungkook’s rather soft features were clearly derived from his mother, Jung-Hyun’s contradictory hard features came from their father. His eyes were darker than both of his sons, and although he had a kind smile, you didn’t really trust him.  
“Just fine, thank you,” you said as you quickly turned around and bowed.
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” said Jungkook’s father as he looked past you and at Jungkook. “Shouldn’t you be preparing for your comeback?”
He said it lightheartedly, but Jungkook’s father had a naturally gruff voice. You saw Jungkook stiffen in the corner of your eye, and gave him a consolatory look. Again, you felt the urge to blurt something, but you managed to bite it back in the last second.
It had always been a bit tense between Jungkook and his father. Even your parents had probably sensed it over the years. Of course, it was something none of you ever commented on since their family business was exactly that, their family business. And you knew your father looked up to Jungkook’s father - even more so now after your father had told you about his depression and suicidal past.
“I’m free today,” said Jungkook nonchalantly.
“If you are, you should use your spare time to practice more.”
“Now, now,” said your father before Jungkook could respond. He slung an arm over Jungkook’s father and patted him on the back. “Let’s not talk about work.”
“Where’s Jung-Hyun, by the way?” wondered Jungkook’s mother, after first looking nervously at her husband and son’s tense interaction.
“He couldn’t make it,” said your mother. “Work came up.”
“Ah, he works so hard, my son.” Jungkook’s mother sniffed the air, then smiled at your father. “It smells lovely.”
“It’s a recipe I got from a business partner's Italian wife,” said your father, arm still slung around Jungkook’s father. “I’ve never really made pasta myself, but it turned out well.”
“You’d better be right,” said Jungkook’s father with a snort. “I didn’t eat lunch today so that I could eat well here.”
“I hope it tastes horribly, then.”
Jungkook’s father chuckled. “You’re such a bad friend.”
“We’re friends?”
Jungkook’s father shoved your father away from him, and took off his shoes before stepping onto the wooden flooring past the black linoleum covering the entryway floor. You spotted Jungkook backing away, probably unconsciously, even though there was tons of space in the hallway. You balled your hands into fists, but still kept your mouth firmly shut.
“Slippers,” warned your mother as she helped Jungkook’s mother with her outerwear, her sharp gaze critical.
Your father waved her words away, something he only dared to do when Jungkook’s father was around. “It’s not necessary. Darling, why don’t you prepare something for everyone to drink? For the children, too.”
You saw that your mother swallowed an explanation as to why slippers were good indoors - an explanation you had heard countless of times - and merely smiled. “I will. But first…”
Your stomach dropped to the floor when she aimed her focus on you.
“Don’t you have something to tell Jungkook’s parents, (Y/N)?”
You froze. Jungkook’s parents both gazed at you with varying levels of curiosity, while your parents seemed expectant. Your heart started beating faster, and you hid your hands, or to be more specific, the hand with the ring.
“What is it?” asked Jungkook’s mother gently.
You felt a supportive hand on your back, and glanced over your shoulder to find Jungkook by your side. He gave you that crooked smile of his, and the warmth of his palm bled into your back, through the fabric of the cardigan.
“I’m hungry, (Y/N),” said Jungkook’s father with an easy smile. “Don’t be shy. Just say it.”
Your mother frowned at you when you did not speak. “It’s about her and Jungkook’s engagement,” she began. “It’s been canc--”
“It’s been postponed,” you blurted, silencing your mother a following look. “We’re having the wedding later this year instead.”
“Oh, well.” Jungkook’s mother caressed your cheek with her hand. “That’s not something that you needed to be nervous to tell us about. You’re still so young - of course you’ll want some more time before getting married.”
“Yeah, right.” You swallowed. “Of course.”
Before either one of your parents could say something, you ushered them and Jungkook’s parents toward the kitchen. You felt both of your parents’ eyes on you, but fortunately, they didn’t say anything as they began pouring up some wine and something easy to eat with it. You joined the conversation and helped carry the food over to the dining room, overly eager in your attempt to steer the topic as far away from you and Jung-Hyun’s engagement and wedding as possible. Jungkook’s parents didn’t seem to notice anything, and your parents let it slide, but one pair of eyes never strayed away from you - or the ring on your finger.
And those were Jungkook’s familiar, brown eyes.
Jungkook’s parents had been there for about two hours when your father began rising from the table to prepare some more bread and salad. You offered to do it instead, much to your father’s relief, but you instantly regretted saying anything when Jungkook rose, too.
“I’ll help you,” he said.
You started to voice a protest when you saw the look in Jungkook’s eyes. Even if you managed to avoid him for now, you wouldn’t be able to in the long run. Thus, with nothing but a small sigh, you headed to the kitchen without a word. Jungkook trailed behind.
Neither of you said anything for a while. You assigned Jungkook to slice up the bread while you washed and prepared the vegetables. Nothing but the sound of your cutting filled the air - but that didn’t mean the atmosphere wasn’t heavy. The little sounds that the two of you made and the faint sounds of your parents’ voices made the silence in the kitchen so much more overbearing.
“Why are you wearing the engagement ring he bought you, (Y/N)?”
The coolness in Jungkook’s voice made your heart clench. You slowly released your hold of the knife and turned around. He had been cutting by the kitchen island while you had occupied the counter next to the sink.
“I honestly can’t explain,” you said quietly. “I don’t want to marry Jung-Hyun-oppa, and I’m not going to. But… but I can’t end our engagement just yet.”
Jungkook didn’t even glance at you. “Why not?” he wondered as he placed the sliced bread pieces in the basket he had brought from the dining hall.
“I can’t say,” you admitted. “And I know it’s unfair of me to demand this, but I need you to trust me, Jungkook.”
He regarded you for a long while, his familiar brown eyes unreadable. But then he reached out for you, and grasped your left hand in both of his. You swallowed as he touched the surface of the ring, especially when his eyes turned hard, almost detached, as he scrutinized the tiny diamonds.
“I hate seeing you with this,” he murmured. “I hate seeing you with my brother. But I trust you.”
You intertwined your fingers with his. “Thank you,” you said softly.
“So, I can assume that you haven’t told him about us?”
You shook your head. “I haven’t.”
“Well then.” He scratched the back of his head. “That explains why you won’t really let me touch you.”
You blushed, but as his words reminded you of what had happened in your bedroom, you also remembered that there had been something he wanted to tell you.
“Earlier, in my room…”
Jungkook’s smile widened. “Yeah?”
A part of you wanted to wipe the obvious satisfaction in his face with a punch, but you held it back. “You said you wanted to tell me something,” you told him. “Something important.”
Jungkook’s expression fell. “Oh.”
“We have time now.”
Jungkook averted his gaze and his jaw tensed. You frowned as you saw his reaction, and when he remained quiet, your bemusement turned into genuine concern. But just when you were about to speak, there was a loud noise of furniture tumbling coming from the dining hall. Jungkook’s eyes were wide as they darted to you, but before either of you could do anything, your mother ran into the kitchen, eyes wild. As soon as she spoke, your blood turned into ice inside your body and you forgot all thoughts about Jungkook, Jung-Hyun, and well, anyone.
For what she said was more important and terrifying than any and all of that.
“Call an ambulance, (Y/N). I think your father just had another heart attack.”
7 notes · View notes
china--toys · 10 months
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Rubik's Cube is a popular intellectual toy made up of small cubes of different colors, with each side having a different color. It not only brings joy but also has many positive effects on children's growth.
Enhance problem-solving skills: Solving the Rubik's Cube requires children to use spatial imagination and problem-solving skills. In the process of solving the Rubik's Cube, children will learn to analyze problems, formulate plans, and implement solutions. This exercise helps cultivate children's independent thinking and problem-solving abilities, thereby promoting their ability to better cope with challenges in academics and daily life.
Improve attention and concentration: Solving the Rubik's Cube requires high attention and concentration from children. In dealing with complex rotations and movements, they need to stay focused and cannot easily be distracted. By continuously practicing solving the Rubik's Cube, children's attention and concentration will be exercised and improved, which is very beneficial for them in learning at school and other activities.
Develop spatial cognitive abilities: The Rubik's Cube involves transformations in three-dimensional space, and children need to build an accurate three-dimensional model in their minds. This development of spatial perception and cognitive abilities is important for children in learning subjects such as mathematics and science. At the same time, the improvement of spatial perception also provides more possibilities for their participation in various sports activities and artistic creations.
Enhance hand-eye coordination: In the process of solving the Rubik's Cube, children need to closely coordinate their eyes and hand movements to perform precise operations. This hand-eye coordination exercise is very helpful for children to develop fine motor skills and sports skills. At the same time, the improvement of hand-eye coordination also helps children better master skills such as writing and drawing.
Cultivate patience and perseverance: Solving the Rubik's Cube takes time and patience, especially for beginners, who may face many failures and setbacks. However, by persistently trying to solve the Rubik's Cube, children will experience a sense of achievement and satisfaction when they finally succeed. This experience helps cultivate their patience and perseverance, enabling them to learn not to give up easily when facing challenges and to enjoy accepting challenges.
Conclusion: The Rubik's Cube is not only a form of entertainment but also an effective tool for promoting children's growth. By solving the Rubik's Cube, children can cultivate problem-solving skills, improve attention and concentration, develop spatial cognitive abilities, enhance hand-eye coordination, and cultivate patience and perseverance. These benefits will have a positive impact on their academic and daily life, helping them become more confident, independent, and capable individuals. Therefore, Rubik's Cube has a solid and irreplaceable consumer market, and as a toy seller (store, supermarket, retailer, wholesaler, importer, distributor, etc.), Rubik's Cube products are one of the essential toy products.
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2 notes · View notes
pa-stella · 2 years
Flufftober 2022 - 25.10
I feel the need to rewatch Welcome to the Ballroom. 
Title: Maybe the next waltz Fandom: Hypnosis Mic Pairing: Kuko/Jyushi Prompt: First Dance Words count: 966 Contents: G-rated, pre-relationship.
The first time Jyushi had asked them to change the day for their weekly practice, Kuko didn’t think anything of it. Jyushi told his teammates he had to cover the shift of an ill coworker and that explanation was enough for him.
As weeks passed and Jyushi’s requests became more frequent, doubt and curiosity began to grow in the monk’s mind. Each time he inquired to have more information, Jyushi would blurt out an excuse with an unsure voice. 
“Jyushi, have you found a…” Hitoya had asked one day after yet another request. He hesitated for a second, not sure of which word to use. “...partner or something like that?”
“Eh? N-no! It’s not that!” Jyushi protested, blushing a little.
“You know there are two things that I can’t stand. First: people who lie to me. Second: people who lie without being convincing.” He glared at him while putting on his leather jacket.. “We are family, right? You should be honest and tell us the truth.”
The young man looked at him with his eyes wide open before dropping his head. “Well… I’ve been taking ballroom dance lessons…”
It was Kuko’s turn to be surprised. Hitoya spoke before he could make any comment about that.
“Oh, really? That’s cool, Jyushi.” The lawyer seemed sincere. As he searched for his cigarettes, he showed him a small smile. “I attended a dance class for a few months as well when I was in middle school.”
Kuko almost giggled. “Wait, what?”
“A small family-run dance studio had opened right behind my school and all the mums thought that their kid could be the next dance star. I remember I went there with at least five of my classmates.” Hitoya grimaced at the thought. “The truth was that only one of us had some kind of talent.”
From his face, the monk understood instantly who the person in question was.
“But, Jyushi, ballroom dancing can be quite… competitive as a sport. Are you sure it’d be okay for you?” Hitoya asked then.
Jyushi nodded a little. “I’m not focusing on competitions yet. I’m attending the lessons to improve my stamina and…” He straightened his back a little. “...posture.”
“Good choice then, kid.” The lawyer ruffled his hair before saying goodbye to the both of them and leaving the temple.
Left to themselves, Kuko and Jyushi finished cleaning and fixing the room they had used to practice in silence. The monk couldn’t stop thinking about Jyushi dancing around a big salon, with rich clothes one and classic music in the background. He knew he loved to dance thanks to their silly moves during Bad Ass Temple performances, so he was sure Jyushi would at least be decent at that. But he needed to see that with his own eyes.
“Yes, Kuko-san?” He titled his head.
“As your guide, I want to be sure these dancing classes are actually useful for your growth.” He declared, crossing his arms. “I will come with you to your next lesson.”
“To… dance?”
“No, dummy. To observe.”
Jyushi looked at him, surprised, but then smiled. “Ok, I have to ask for my teacher’s permission though…”
The teacher had enthusiastically replied that having a viewer wouldn’t be a problem so, after an entire week, Kuko found himself sitting on a plastic chair in a small practice room. The long wall covered with mirrors helped the monk observe Jyushi and the other students doing their warm up and stretching exercises. They were all wearing the same black pants with tight t-shirts, but he couldn’t help but focus on Jyushi. His long hair had been braided and then pinned at the neck in a chignon, keeping them out of his face. Seeing both of his blue eyes was kind of… captivating in a sort of way.
“Okay. We can start.” The teacher, a middle aged woman with kind eyes, proclaimed after some minutes. “Get closer to your partner. Today we’ll practice the Waltz again.”
Jyushi’s partner was a young girl who looked a few years older than him. She was probably the only one tall enough to dance with him. When the two held each other, Kuko had expected Jyushi to blush, but a focused expression appeared on his face instead.
Then the music started and the four couples present started to move, but Kuko couldn’t care less about the rest of the students. No, his eyes were glued to Jyushi and his partner.
There was not a single sign of hesitation, fear or self-doubt in Jyushi movements. He carried the girl with security and care, as if he was the king of that small ballroom. They spun and swayed in perfect coordination without losing their hold or posture.
“So, what do you think?” The teacher asked him suddenly. She had moved next to him while he was busy ogling his teammate. “Can this be useful to our Jyushi-kun?”
Kuko nodded slowly. “It’s rare to see him so focused and serious.” Out of his chuunibyou’s moments, at least.
“Well, Jyushi-kun is always like that, but today his eyes carry something different” She smiled, knowingly. “Perhaps your presence had awakened a new fire in him.”
“A fire..?”
Kuko’s amber eyes moved from the woman to Jyushi once again. The couple had stopped in a slow elegant dip with the girl bent backwards a little and, in that moment, Kuko understood what the teacher was talking about. Jyushi and Kuko made eye contact thanks to the mirror since the vocalist wasn’t looking at his partner at all.
Fiery blue eyes challenged Kuko to focus his attention only on him and the monk wasn’t the backing down type. Not that he had other choices anyway. Jyushi was so majestic when dancing that it was impossible for him to look away.
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a-little-dhampir · 1 year
You Should Try the Wall Test Coordination Challenge - SpeedPowerTraining
Coordination is a crucial skill that involves controlling and moving multiple body parts smoothly and efficiently. It requires a good level of balance, strength, and agility. Hand-eye or foot-eye coordination is essential for performing various sports and everyday activities such as throwing, catching, hitting, or kicking a ball.
You can test your coordination skills by taking the wall test coordination challenge. It is a simple but effective exercise that enhances your hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and accuracy. In this challenge, you throw a ball underhand at a wall and catch it with your other hand. You can perform this task for a set number of repetitions or a specific period.
The wall test coordination challenge is not only a coordination test but also an enjoyable activity that anyone can do anywhere, indoor or outdoor, with just a ball and a wall. You can monitor your progress over time by comparing your performance with normative data or your previous scores. To make the exercise more challenging, you can vary the distance from the wall, the size or weight of the ball, the speed or angle of the throw, or the number of bounces before catching.
The wall test coordination challenge can also be used as a fitness test to measure your coordination level. Improving your coordination skills can have a significant impact on your overall health, fitness, and performance.
Wall test coordination is a process of planning and executing tests on a wall or a part of a wall to evaluate its performance, quality, safety, and durability. Wall tests can serve various purposes such as checking the structural integrity, thermal insulation, fire resistance, sound insulation, moisture resistance, aesthetic appearance, and environmental impact of a wall.
Wall test coordination involves several steps, including defining the objectives and scope of the test, selecting the appropriate test methods and standards, preparing the test plan and schedule, identifying and procuring the necessary resources and equipment, preparing the test site and the wall specimen, conducting the test according to the test plan and procedures, collecting and analyzing the test data and results, and reporting and documenting the test findings and recommendations.
Wall test coordination requires collaboration and communication among various stakeholders such as wall designers, builders, owners, testers, regulators, and consultants. It also requires compliance with relevant codes, regulations, and ethical principles. Wall test coordination can help ensure that a wall meets the desired specifications and expectations and prevent potential failures, defects, and hazards.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of the wall test coordination challenge, visit SpeedPowerTraining.
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gravityfallsrockz · 1 year
Why You Should Try the Wall Test Coordination Challenge Today - SpeedPowerTraining
Coordination is the ability to move two or more body parts under control, smoothly and efficiently. It is a complex skill that requires good levels of other fitness components such as balance, strength and agility. Coordination is also important for performing many daily activities and sports that involve hand-eye or foot-eye coordination, such as throwing, catching, hitting or kicking a ball.
One of the ways to test your coordination skills is by using the wall test. The wall test is a simple and effective exercise that can help you improve your hand-eye coordination, reaction time and accuracy. The wall test involves throwing a ball underhand at a wall and catching it with the other hand. The test is repeated by throwing the ball with one hand and catching it in the other for a set number of repetitions or a specified period.
The wall test is best considered a coordination test because it requires you to coordinate your eye and body movements to successfully complete the task. You have to track the ball with your eyes, adjust your body position and timing, and use your hands to catch the ball. The wall test also challenges your ability to switch between dominant and non-dominant hands, which can improve your bilateral coordination.
The wall test can be used as a fitness test to measure your coordination level and monitor your progress over time. You can compare your performance with normative data or with your own previous scores. You can also vary the difficulty of the wall test by changing the distance from the wall, the size or weight of the ball, the speed or angle of the throw, or the number of bounces before catching.
The wall test is not only a coordination test, but also a fun and engaging activity that can be done by anyone, anywhere. All you need is a ball and a wall. You can do the wall test alone or with a partner, indoors or outdoors, as a warm-up or a cool-down. The wall test can help you improve your coordination skills, which can benefit your health, fitness and performance in various aspects of life.
Wall test coordination is the process of planning and executing tests on a wall or a part of a wall to evaluate its performance, quality, safety and durability. Wall tests can be done for various purposes, such as checking the structural integrity, thermal insulation, fire resistance, sound insulation, moisture resistance, aesthetic appearance and environmental impact of a wall. Wall test coordination involves several steps, such as:
- Defining the objectives and scope of the test - Selecting the appropriate test methods and standards - Preparing the test plan and schedule - Identifying and procuring the necessary resources and equipment - Preparing the test site and the wall specimen - Conducting the test according to the test plan and procedures - Collecting and analyzing the test data and results - Reporting and documenting the test findings and recommendations
Wall test coordination requires collaboration and communication among various stakeholders, such as wall designers, builders, owners, testers, regulators and consultants. Wall test coordination also requires compliance with relevant codes, regulations and ethical principles. Wall test coordination can help ensure that a wall meets the desired specifications and expectations, as well as prevent potential failures, defects and hazards. More info Why You Should Try the Wall Test Coordination Challenge Today - SpeedPowerTraining
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egysteer · 2 years
Both body contact swimming and competitive bodyboarding are BMS System application popular sports among teenagers. Both sports are also competitive in nature, which makes it difficult for new participants to enter. Swimmers must have good control over their movements while bodyboarding. They must also know when to perform each stroke and take care of their bodies. To help new athletes improve, both sports have coaches and training systems. However, BMS and BCS are different from each other in several ways.
BMS SYSTEM is the acronym for breaststroke, and BCS is the name of the breaststroke stroke in swimming. Both terms refer to the same swimming motion; however, certain parts of both terms are no longer used. For example, 'breast' is no longer a part of the term 'breaststroke.' Instead, skimming actions are referred to as 'breaststrokes,' which makes it easier for new terms to be created for new strokes. In addition, coaches and swimmers sometimes refer to the full motion of the breast stroke as a 'breast.' As you can see, there's much more behind these two strange acronyms than meets the eye.
Both schools of swimming have their own set of rules and regulations. For example, the USASA has its own set of rules for competitive swimming. Additionally, USA Swimming is an organization that develops national rules and regulations for swimming competitions. Although many rules have been created by these organizations, coaches and swimmers should always follow the Competition Rules of USA Swimming (scrubs: ). This book contains national standards for competitions that adhere to the USASA's ruleset and regulations. In addition, USA Swimming has their own set of competition rules that cover everything from equipment specifications to prohibited behaviors during competitions.
Competitive swimmers must follow the same rules whether they compete under BMS or BCS. This includes a commitment to a healthy diet and training lifestyle along with proper rest, hydration, and massage techniques. In addition, athletes should always perform dynamic stretches before and after workouts as well as during their downtime. They should also understand which exercises increase performance and which decrease it- making recovery time extra important.
BMS Egysteer.com and BCS are two unorthodox swimming terms that have become more accepted in recent years thanks to social media use. Both are forms of aquatic exercise that require excellent movement skills and body management abilities similar to other sports such as football or basketball. Although many oddities surround both sports, athletes have embraced them thanks to how fun they are and how good they make you feel after a workout. Ultimately, no matter what you call it or how popular it becomes compared to other sports, if you want to be a good swimmer- you need to learn how to swim!
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How Much Screen Time is Too Much for Today's Youth?
Institute Strength Copyright 2024
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Excessive screen time for children under the age of 12 can have several negative effects on their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are some key detriments:
1. Physical Health Issues:
- Vision Problems: Prolonged screen use can cause eye strain, discomfort, and even long-term vision issues such as myopia.
- Sedentary Lifestyle: Excessive screen time often replaces physical activity, leading to a sedentary lifestyle that can contribute to obesity and related health issues like diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
- Sleep Disruption: Exposure to blue light from screens, especially before bedtime, can interfere with the production of melatonin, disrupting sleep patterns and leading to sleep deprivation.
2. Mental Health Concerns:
- Attention Problems: Constant exposure to fast-paced, attention-grabbing digital content can reduce a child's ability to focus and pay attention for extended periods, potentially impacting academic performance.
- Increased Anxiety and Depression: High levels of screen time, particularly with social media use, have been linked to increased rates of anxiety and depression in children.
3. Cognitive Development:
- Delayed Development: Excessive screen time can impede the development of essential skills such as language acquisition, critical thinking, and problem-solving, especially in younger children who benefit more from hands-on, interactive learning.
- Reduced Academic Performance: Overreliance on screens for entertainment rather than educational purposes can negatively affect academic performance and reduce the time spent on homework or reading.
4. Social and Emotional Impacts:
- Social Isolation: Children spending too much time on screens may miss out on crucial face-to-face interactions, which are essential for developing social skills, empathy, and emotional intelligence.
- Behavioral Issues: There is evidence to suggest a link between high screen time and increased behavioral problems, such as aggression and difficulty managing emotions.
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5. Addiction and Dependency:
- Screen Addiction: The engaging nature of digital content can lead to addictive behaviors, where children become dependent on screens for stimulation and entertainment, making it difficult for them to engage in other activities.
To mitigate these risks, it's important for parents and caregivers to set clear limits on screen time, encourage regular physical activity, ensure a balanced schedule with time for homework and social interactions, and promote screen-free zones and times, especially before bed.
Engaging children in physical activities can be both fun and beneficial for their health and development. Here are some effective ways to get a child engaged physically:
1. Outdoor Play:
- Sports: Enroll them in team sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, or tennis. These activities not only provide physical exercise but also teach teamwork and discipline.
- Biking: Encourage regular bike rides in the neighborhood or on local trails.
- Hiking: Take them on nature hikes to explore the outdoors and enjoy physical activity.
2. Interactive Games:
- Tag or Hide and Seek: Traditional playground games are a great way to keep children moving and interacting with peers.
- Obstacle Courses: Create a fun obstacle course in the backyard or park, challenging them to run, jump, and climb.
3. Dance and Movement:
- Dance Classes: Sign them up for dance lessons such as ballet, hip-hop, or jazz.
- Dance Parties: Have impromptu dance parties at home with their favorite music.
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4. Structured Classes:
- Martial Arts: Enroll them in martial arts classes like karate, taekwondo, or judo, which also teach discipline and self-defense.
- Gymnastics: Gymnastics classes can help improve flexibility, strength, and coordination.
5. Family Activities:
- Walks and Jogging: Go for family walks or jogs in the morning or evening.
- Swimming: Spend time at the pool or beach, swimming and playing water games together.
- Gardening: Involve them in gardening activities, which require physical effort and teach about nature.
6. Creative Play:
- Treasure Hunts: Organize treasure hunts that require them to run around and solve clues.
- Interactive Playgrounds: Visit playgrounds that have various equipment for climbing, swinging, and balancing.
7. Home-Based Activities:
- Fitness Videos: Use kid-friendly fitness videos or apps that make exercise fun and engaging.
- Indoor Games: Set up indoor activities like balloon volleyball, hopscotch, or jumping rope.
8. Involving Friends:
- Playdates: Arrange playdates with physically active friends to encourage social and physical interaction.
- Sports Clubs: Join local youth clubs or leagues where they can participate in organized sports.
9. Setting Goals and Rewards:
- Activity Challenges: Create challenges with rewards for achieving certain physical activity goals, like a family hike or a fun outing.
10. Lead by Example:
- Be Active Together: Show them the importance of physical activity by being active yourself. Children often mimic the behavior of adults.
By incorporating a variety of these activities into their routine, you can help children develop a love for physical activity, ensuring they stay active and healthy.
Consider hiring a personal trainer to help you reach your goals today!
Visit Institutestrength.com for more details & sign up for our Patreon for exclusive SOCIETY member training rates !
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backlinks001 · 1 day
How to use airgun
Airguns, often referred to as pellet guns or BB guns, are popular tools for target shooting, pest control, and even competitive sports. However, like any other tool, they require proper handling and care to ensure safety and efficiency. Whether you're a novice or an experienced shooter, mastering the basics of using an airgun is essential. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know to use an airgun safely and effectively. Choosing the Right Airgun: Before diving into shooting, it's crucial to select the right airgun for your needs. There are various types of airguns, including spring-piston, gas piston, CO2, and pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) guns. Consider factors such as intended use, budget, and personal preferences when choosing the type and caliber of your airgun. Safety First: Safety should always be the top priority when handling any firearm or airgun. Follow these safety guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries: 1. Treat every airgun as if it were loaded. 2. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction, away from people and property. 3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot. 4. Be aware of your target and what lies beyond it to avoid unintentional shootings. 5. Wear appropriate eye protection to shield your eyes from ricochets and debris. Understanding Your Airgun: Take the time to familiarize yourself with your airgun's components and operation. Key parts of an airgun include the barrel, trigger, safety mechanism, and ammunition loading mechanism. Read the owner's manual thoroughly to understand how your specific airgun functions. Loading and Cocking: Each airgun has its own loading and cocking mechanism, so refer to the owner's manual for detailed instructions. Generally, the steps involve: 1. Ensuring the airgun is not loaded and the safety is engaged. 2. Inserting the appropriate ammunition (pellets or BBs) into the magazine or chamber. 3. Cocking the airgun by either breaking the barrel, pulling a lever, or pumping the gun, depending on the type of airgun. Aiming and Firing: Proper aiming is essential for accuracy when shooting an airgun. Follow these steps to aim and fire effectively: 1. Assume a comfortable shooting position, with a stable stance and a firm grip on the airgun. 2. Align the front and rear sights or use an optical sight if equipped. 3. Focus on the target and control your breathing. 4. Squeeze the trigger gently to avoid jerking the gun. 5. Follow through after firing by maintaining your aim and assessing the shot. Practice and Improvement: Like any skill, proficiency with an airgun comes with practice and repetition. Set up a safe shooting range in your backyard or visit a designated shooting range to practice regularly. Start with simple target shooting exercises and gradually challenge yourself with different distances and shooting positions. Seek guidance from experienced shooters or consider joining a local shooting club for additional training and support. Cleaning and Maintenance: To keep your airgun in top condition, perform regular cleaning and maintenance. After each shooting session, wipe down the exterior of the gun and remove any dirt or debris. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning the barrel and internal components. Lubricate moving parts as needed to ensure smooth operation. Store your airgun in a cool, dry place away from moisture and extreme temperatures. Conclusion: Using an airgun can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience when done safely and responsibly. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and practicing regularly, you can hone your shooting skills and make the most out of your airgun. Remember to always prioritize safety and respect the power of your airgun. Happy shooting!
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jessikaoidh · 4 days
The Perks of Protein Products
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Once it relates to maximizing your health and fitness journey, have you ever thought about the potential perks that breaking the code of protein supplements could supply you? These supplements are more than just a style; they offer a calculated conveniences in achieving your wellness and physical fitness targets. By uncovering the advantages they carry to the table, you may only uncover a vital part of the challenge in enriching your general wellness.
Healthy protein Supplements: A Brief
Protein supplements use a handy means to enhance your everyday healthy protein intake for much better muscle rehabilitation and development. When choosing a protein supplement, always keep an eye out for vital components like ProHydrolase. Prohydrolase aids in the digestion of healthy protein, ensuring reliable intake and usage within your body system. Instaminos, meanwhile, are a mix of essential amino acids that assist muscle mass protein synthesis, aiding you recoup faster after rigorous workouts. Astragin is a trademarked element that boosts the absorption of nutrients, making certain your body system gets the a lot of out of the healthy protein supplement you're taking in.
Muscle Growth and Repair
To enhance muscle development and repair, integrating protein supplements right into your everyday regimen can significantly boost your health and fitness development. Protein supplements contain vital amino acids like carnosyn, which assistance in muscle rehabilitation as well as development. These supplements aid improve healthy protein synthesis, enabling your muscles to mend and grow better after extreme exercises.
Through offering your body with the necessary building blocks for muscle mass repair work, protein supplements like AstraGin can easily assist you recover a lot faster as well as experience much less muscle pain. Featuring protein supplements in your diet guarantees that your muscles possess an ample supply of nutrients to sustain their growth and fixing, eventually leading to boosted toughness as well as performance increases.
Body Weight Management Advantages
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Furthermore, protein calls for extra electricity for your body to assimilate compared to fats or carbohydrates, which may a little increase your metabolism. This thermic effect of protein can easily help in melting even more calories throughout the time, supporting fat loss or even weight upkeep. Therefore, including healthy protein supplements could be a useful tool in your body weight management trip.
Increased Strength and Performance
Increase your stamina and also efficiency through protein supplements. Protein is important for muscle mass fixing and also development, producing it an important part for improving your sports potentials. By eating protein supplements, you deliver your body system along with the essential building shuts out to repair as well as build up muscle mass after intense exercises. This leads to raised muscle mass, strengthened durability, as well as far better total performance in a variety of exercisings.
Also, healthy protein supplements can easily aid avoid muscle break down throughout workout, enabling you to press more difficult and longer throughout instruction sessions. Whether you're a professional sportsmen or even a normal gym-goer, integrating healthy protein supplements right into your diet regimen can dramatically affect your strength gains and functionality amounts, aiding you meet your exercise objectives a lot more efficiently.
In verdict, healthy protein supplements offer a variety of perks for optimizing muscle rehabilitation, development, and overall health. By increasing day-to-day healthy protein consumption, people can experience quicker healing, boosted muscle mass growth, and boosted weight management.
The comfort as well as mobility of these supplements make all of them an easy and reliable option for appointment dietary objectives. With a variety of flavors as well as types accessible, including healthy protein supplements right into your program may assist open the ability for superior health as well as fitness end results.
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shawnboday · 4 days
How to Overcome Fear and Build Confidence in Snowboarding
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Snowboarding is an exhilarating sport that offers a unique blend of adrenaline and serenity as you carve through snowy landscapes. However, fear can be a significant barrier for many aspiring snowboarders. Overcoming this fear and building confidence is essential for enjoying the sport and improving your skills. Here’s a comprehensive guide on conquering your fears and riding confidently.
Understanding the Root of Your Fear
1. Identify Specific Fears
The first step in overcoming fear is identifying what makes you anxious. Common worries include falling, injury, losing control, or the fear of steep slopes. By pinpointing your exact concerns, you can address them more effectively.
2. Accept Fear as a Natural Part of Learning
Fear is a natural response to new and challenging situations. Accept that feeling nervous is a part of the learning process. This acceptance helps normalize the fear and reduces its power over you.
Preparation and Mindset
1. Educate Yourself
Knowledge is a powerful antidote to fear. Learn about snowboarding techniques, safety measures, and equipment. For instance, understanding how to fall correctly can significantly reduce the fear of injury.
2. Visualize Success
Visualization techniques can be incredibly effective in overcoming fear. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself successfully navigating the slopes. Imagine confidently the feeling of control and the joy of snowboarding.
3. Set Realistic Goals
Set small, achievable goals to build your confidence gradually. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, as it signifies progress. Achieving these goals will provide a sense of accomplishment and encourage you to keep pushing forward.
Practical Steps on the Slopes
1. Start on Beginner Slopes
Begin with gentle, beginner-friendly slopes. These areas are designed to be less intimidating and provide a safer environment to practice your skills. As you gain confidence, gradually progress to more challenging runs.
2. Take Professional Lessons
Professional instructors can offer tailored guidance and support. They can teach you proper techniques, provide immediate feedback, and help you progress comfortably. Learning from a professional can significantly boost your confidence.
3. Practice Falling Safely
Fear of falling is common among snowboarders. Practice falling in a controlled environment to learn how to do it safely. Knowing how to fall without getting hurt can alleviate much of the anxiety associated with it.
4. Focus on Body Position
Maintaining the correct body position is crucial for control and confidence. Keep your knees bent, back straight, and eyes looking ahead. A proper stance improves your balance and helps you react to changes in terrain more effectively.
Building Confidence
1. Ride with Friends
Snowboarding with friends can make the experience more enjoyable and less intimidating. Friends can offer encouragement, share tips, and help you relax. Plus, the social aspect of snowboarding can distract you from your fears.
2. Practice Regularly
Consistency is key to building confidence. The more you practice, the more familiar and comfortable you will become with snowboarding. Regular practice helps solidify your skills and reduces anxiety over time.
3. Celebrate Progress
Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Each successful run, each new skill mastered, is a step toward overcoming fear. Positive reinforcement encourages continued improvement and builds confidence.
Mental Strategies
1. Stay Positive
Maintain a positive mindset. Replace negative thoughts with affirmations and focus on your successes rather than your mistakes. Positive thinking can significantly impact your performance and confidence.
2. Breathe and Relax
Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves before and during snowboarding. Deep breathing helps reduce stress and keeps you focused. Staying relaxed is crucial for maintaining control and enjoying the ride.
Overcoming fear and building confidence in snowboarding is a journey that requires patience, practice, and the right mindset. By understanding your fears, preparing adequately, taking practical steps on the slopes, and employing mental strategies, you can conquer your anxieties and become a confident snowboarder. Embrace the challenge, celebrate your progress, and enjoy the ride. Originally posted on http://shawnboday.net/
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hecostix · 6 days
The ultimate guide to improving hand-eye coordination in tennis
Hand-eye coordination is an indispensable skill in tennis, as it plays a pivotal role in the precision and timing of ball strikes. HECOstix presents an innovative tennis drill designed to optimize hand-eye coordination, particularly focusing on refining the accuracy of ball strikes.
In the dynamic realm of tennis, the fusion of hand-eye coordination and balance is fundamental. A player's balance facilitates swift movement to precise locations on the court, while hand-eye coordination enables the seamless execution of shots over the net. To hone these skills, engaging in targeted drills is imperative.
Begin by grasping a tennis ball and engaging in exercises such as juggling it with your hands, bouncing it off a wall, or controlling its trajectory as it rebounds from the ground, all while maintaining an unwavering focus on the ball. These activities not only sharpen hand-eye coordination but also enhance spatial awareness and reaction time, crucial elements in the fast-paced environment of tennis. These sports share similarities in their demands on coordination and timing, providing valuable cross-training opportunities for tennis players. By incorporating varied drills and activities into your routine, you can continually challenge and refine your hand eye coordination for tennis players, ultimately translating into heightened performance on the tennis court. 
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