#If someone wants the template just send a dm and I will send the link
evilrat-sabre · 1 year
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It’s 3am of 25/06/2023.
I transformed my Hermitcraft watch list in a spreadsheet
This is the post.
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sapphicrpc · 2 years
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this template is ready to go - all you have to do is fill in the channels, add your bots, and you can start letting people in! it has everything you need in here and is setup to host a discord only roleplay (ie, you accept apps and keep all muse lists in the server, you don’t need a tumblr main for this!)
below the cut is a detailed description and recommendations from me on how to set it up
i only have two rules for the use of this template, there’s only 2 so make sure you respect them please!
edit and adapt this template as much as you want to but if you use, please leave the credit in the landing channel description intact and like/reblog this post
certain types of roleplay do not have my permission to use this template, these groups include but are not limited to: slave rps, krps, proshipping groups, taboo rps, rps that depict sexual violence or sex trafficking, real person roleplays and roleplays that promote racism, transphobia, homophobia or colourism. 
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when someone joins the server they will only be able to see the public channels, or the guest space. 
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i recommend you add carlbot and configure him to send a welcome message as well as a notification if a member leaves in the landing channel. this is also where my credit is - don’t remove it or i’ll haunt you
guest chat is somewhere that guests can talk, rules channel shouldn’t need an explanation, but this is where your rules go. only admins can post in rules.
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i really recommend that you edit this category to suit your group! some of these channels (such as skeletons channel) may be better off renamed/deleted for your group. these channels are all viewable by everyone but only admins can post in them. 
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in this category we have a few different permissions. application, updates and polls can only be posted in by admins. submissions has message history turned off for everyone but admins - messages will not be visible to members/guests only to admins. it’s a great alternative to an inbox on tumblr! 
reaction roles channel you can use carlbot to set this up!! i prefer using carlbot than pronoun picker because i noticed pronoun picker doesn’t offer neopronouns. also you can add roles like tagging preferences and accessibility requirements. 
that brings us to the end of the area of the server that anyone can see - now we’re onto the members only space.
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i think most of these are pretty self explanatory - for member use only
plotting space is intended so people can make threads in here instead of starting dms in order to plot because i don’t know about you but i find keeping up with dms when a rps plotting time kicks in SUPER stressful
in character/muse area 
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again... i think this is all pretty self explanatory. only available to members. feel free to just duplicate the example category to keep the same permissions. the intention is that members use discords thread function to roleplay in threads and texts channels!
you could also add events categories and more but i wanted to keep this simple so admins can adapt it to their group. 
ENJOY <3 don’t forget to like and subscribe lol
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izicodes · 2 years
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Hiya! I am finally making a post about what I talked about earlier in another post! This post will extend more on what I said in my ‘career’s workshop’ post where I gave career advice that was more geared towards Tech people. Well, in this post I am sharing 5 amazing Google Word documents that I put together that have more career advice that I got from the Coding night class that I am attending (which by the way, if you are based in the UK you can also attend the night classes totally for free online, more info here!). The night class has a Career Service hub where they help the graduates from the class get jobs in tech in Frontend/Web Development. I’m here to share with you what I’ve learned from the resources they gave us!
‘Career Services: Notes’ document 🔮
This document talks about being employer-ready and what that actually means in terms of Web Development. Talks about applying for jobs, improving your skills, and the criteria for the different types of people that are applying for jobs such as the Starters, the Switchers, and the Advancers (the terms are explained below)
☆ Link to the document 
‘The Criteria for Career Starters in Web Development’ document 🔮
The Starters are people who have little to no experience in Tech. They recently are learning or have been learning and creating for a while but haven’t gotten their first proper tech job at a company. The resources and advice given in this document is targeted toward them.
☆ Link to the document 
‘The Criteria for Career Switchers in Web Development’ document 🔮
The Switchers are people who have experience in another field, typically completely different from Tech. They have already had their first job in something else but what to make the Switch to Tech. Switchers have transferable skills such as leadership skills, team-working, and communication skills and also can have old employers make reference to them for them to use to apply to their first Tech job. The resources and advice given in this document are targeted toward them.
☆ Link to the document 
‘The Criteria for Career Advancers in Web Development’ document 🔮
The Advancers are people who have moderate to lots of experience within the Tech industry. They have worked with a Tech company before but want to apply for a new Tech job. They already have the skills, all they need is a little help polishing things up to start applying for jobs again. The resources and advice given in this document is targeted toward them.
☆ Link to the document 
‘Resume Templates - Web Dev’ document 🔮
Have some CV/Resume templates! They are provided by the Career Advisors with what they think would make a good CV/Resume. Includes different templates for Starters, Switchers, and Advancers so there’s something for everyone. Also, the templates can be altered for ANY job type you want to apply for. The templates are semi-universal. 
☆ Link to the document 
You can download the files to study and use offline or to use to make your CVs/Resumes. To do that you need to go to the Google doc file and open it, then:
 ☆ File > Download > choose your preferred document type > save it on your computer to a safe place.
Extra Links for CV/Resume and Cover letter help 🔮
☆ Ezcv - Easy resume maker - link
☆ Resume.io - Resume and Cover letter builder - link
☆ Jessica Ayodele’s Resume - real-life tech resume used and she got lots of job offers using it - link
☆ Flowcv.com - CV builder - link
☆ Zety.com - CV/Resume and cover letter builder - link
Well, that’s all! If you decide to use this post but maybe later, make sure you reblog with a hashtag that you can refer back to later on your blog or send the post to yourself through DMs - just so you don’t lose it if you don’t remember my username! I will also add the post to my pinned post so you don’t have to scroll through my blog to find the post! I hope this is helpful to someone out there! If any issues with the links, do let me know so I fix them! On top of everything, here:
☆ The Career Service folder I made - might be updated frequently so here's the link if you come across this post in the future and wanna see more resources! - link
Thank you for reading, have a nice day/nice and happy coding! 🙌🏾🌷
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coinoperatedbird · 5 months
Crow Edits [ OPEN ]
as some of you know I love making things for my friends. rp blog promos, rp icons, status banners, aesthetics, etc….well i have decided to open that up to basically anyone and everyone. [ not just my writing partners and friends ] so here’s the skinny if you would like something (along with linked examples)!
Promo Edits for Roleplaying blog Graphics
example 1
example 2
example 3
example 4
example 5
example 6
example 7
example 8 [duo promo]
Icons [ no psd or no water mark ]
i complete these in sets of 50 so please send a separate ask for every set you would like. if you have a particular episode/movie/etc you want me to use for these i need this information up front. other wise i will use what's easiest to find. please feel free not to give me credit for these types of icons. use them however you would like. repost / reblog it matters not to me :)
Icons [ with psd and water mark]
i complete these in sets of 50 so please send a separate ask for every set you iwould like. i make icons in either 100x100 format OR 100x200 format. please specify which you want. if you have a particular episode/movie you want me to use for these i need this information up front. other wise i will use what’s easiest to find. if you want a specific color scheme to the icons i need to know what that is as well. please ensure you give credit to me for this type of icon. that means reblogging the post i create for them. no reposting or claiming you [ or someone not me ] as having done the work of cropping/editing.
online/offline/lurking/drafts graphics
example 1
example 2 [ half and half gif/stills ]
example 3
example 4
these are exactly what the title says more or less. they’re edits you can post to your blog to announce what your status currently is / what you're up too. [ these do not have to be gifs if you just want still backgrounds i can do that. it was just all my examples were mostly with gifs. also these don't have to include your muse’s face. i can just as easily use still aesthetics ]
answer to ask banners
example 1
example 2
example 3
banners to head any asks that you answer. these do not have to be gifs. they can be a still image if you prefer.
aesthetic graphics
example 1
example 2
example 3
color schemes will need to be provided by you in ask/dm. if none is provided I will use colors from your rp blog and/or any other rp blog involved if the aesthetic is for a ship.  so be sure to provide me with the other muse’s blog url/muse face when the aesthetic is for a ship.
ANY and ALL pictures/gifs I use of muse faces strictly belong to the original franchises/companies/living person who’s face it physically is/etc. I don’t own them don’t come at me pls. ANY and ALL stock pictures i use come from:
ANY and ALL templates used are marked on each edit via link and/or text OR the template is by delishious.
i do these as i am able too. sometimes it will be quick other times it might take me a couple days.
and how I will ensure you get what you ask for:
when you're request is complete i will post it to this blog. I will both @ your url as well as tag your url on the post. i will also send you an ask letting you know it has been posted. i will do this because tumblr as we know likes to eat notifications. :)
i’m n o t charging for any of my edits. i expect nothing from anyone who makes requests. however IF you would like to donate towards my time and effort…you may do so via my donation station. [ this is listed under my 'link' page as well on my blog. ]
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This is for @as-mod-eus-a because i am blocked on all platforms including discord so despite professing a deep need for their server back, i have no means to contact them. You don’t allow messages on your blog from people you do not follow. And we won’t be unblocking them from the main due to the anons we have been receiving from them, hence making this new blog so as to not have to change that. This is from admin Indi - and read by admin Ivy (who has never gone by the alias roses, just to clarify, that was Mat’s previous alias despite them attempting to tarnish Ivy’s reputation by stating it was hers - which is deformation of character) to assess if i was being unreasonable or untrue in any of my statements
I haven’t read or answered any of your messages until today because the way you turned viciously on us as an admin team and it was incredibly unsettling. I have bad anxiety and your barrage of insults and blasts only made that worse. I thought we were friends too but it turns out I need to be more careful with who I trust because some will happily throw you under a bus the second something doesn’t go their way. MNYC is no longer in any way associated with ENYC. The members are aware of that and have stayed of their own choice. We have now changed the entire main (the wording on the front page has now been changed, it was an oversight to not have it changed with the original rewording - and for that we apologise) , wording, graphics, email connected to the account, everything. It no longer belongs to you in any way.
I’m addition nothing that has leaked about your behaviour is untrue. You attempted (and succeeded) to hack the discord server several times - distressing members and admins alike. So we made a new one and the old one was terminated so you could no longer attack us through it - I did however save the template as i suspected this would happen so if you unblock me on discord I’d be happy to send it through.
I apologise if you feel that we stole your property - that was none of our intentions, rather to keep the group going when you left as people were very happy there. You offered to return as admin, if we wanted, and only turned nasty when you were told we were fine with just three admins. When posed as a question it is up for the other person to reject if they wish - as we did. As was our right. I’m sorry if that wasn’t the answer you wanted.
As someone who has been the subject of several PSAs you know how distressing they are but you still chose to inflict that on us and blackmail us after incredibly minimal time to edit our main considering the three of us have lives outside of rp. 
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Even though you had given me full permission to use your content earlier as we renamed the group - and you were fine with us using everything then. 
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We had actually been in the process of developing a whole new main for well over a week before your message, but that is by the by at this point. If the PSA was what you needed to do to feel like you’d had your voice heard then I hope it worked.
Additionally ‘trauma dumping’ - which is what you said to me in the DM - is not a term someone who ever considered someone a true friend would use to describe them sharing past distress. I am keen to put an end to this situation as roleplay is my escape from real life stress, not a catalyst for it.
We have now done everything you asked - we blocked you from the main as you were sending nasty anonymous messages to us. Unblock on discord so i can send you through the server link and then please leave the group alone.
0 notes
rielzero · 2 years
Notice for Tumblr Users interested in adopts + other adopt info stuff
If you use deviantart, please send me a note through there.
The reason I don’t use deviantart’s message system- is because..
1. Deviantart is my main platform, and the DM option there has been abused with spam, I constantly get very inappropriate messages from time to time, spam bots, scams, and people copypasta requests. Mostly the latter, I have it muted because of this. Deviantart’s system does not let you opt out of direct messages, and the only way to stop people from using it is to block them.
2. Deviantart’s messenger design is extremely broken. Notifications are broken compared to notes, I did not get notified of chat messages even before I muted it on the app and browser. it also makes me very anxious because DMs make you feel like you have to respond right away at times- and since its my main platform- I’d rather be able to handle adopt queries in a way that doesn’t overload my memory.
3. It’s design has triggered migraine in the past. It might be the colors or the way the font is formatted that way- But unlike fb messenger and tumblr messenger, its just too bright for me. Notes has a very neat darkmode.
4. Chronic memory problems. I redirect people to contact me through notes, and respond in a certain format to adopt purchases to make sure my memory doesn’t flop, as well that it’ll be difficult to impersonate me and prevent my customers from being scammed. When people refuse to follow my directions, they are making it extremely difficult for me and themselves.
My memory only ever flopped whenever people interrupt this pattern. When people send me DMs on DeviantArt instead of notes when asked, it can confuse me and sometimes I confuse two customers with each other. This caused me to send the wrong files out one time. I don’t need that kind of stress- It’s not something I can train without patterns. It’s also caused me to send the incorrect invoice to someone before. I had to refund and resend that invoice. It might not sound like much, but these tiny things stress me out a lot, as I try to keep stuff professional- I am disabled. But I still want to make sure its professional and doesn’t make customers feel at unease.
5. I sell adopts through discord / facebook / twitter sometimes for users who do not use deviantart. Because the amount of people offsite is very low, this prevents confusion, as its easier to maintain that information in my short term memory. This might later change, should my customer base grow. I’ll likely change to ‘’email me your info’’ probably to prevent my brain from being bamboozled by my memory problems. But We’ll see. I only use facebook and discord to sell to friends, as well as a few small servers. So it is UNLIKELY you’ll find me on there. I do not advertise my fb profile / discord tag because I don’t want to get random friend requests. Always make sure its me. https://actualevil.carrd.co my carrd lists social medias were its easier to contact me officially.
6. Having to stress and constantly explain to people why I ask them to follow directions is just.. I wrote it down in description for a reason. For everyone’s convenience. I shouldn’t have to explain my memory disability just to justify why someone should follow instructions.
Here is an example of the typical dialogue on my adoptable batches, and how I handle orders through deviantart, this allows my memory to be able to function without disorientation. Repetition is the key.
‘‘Hi! I would like to grab nr 3 and 14.’‘
Thank you for claiming! Please send me a note: [insert redirect link to notes on browser, because deviantart’s website redesign has made it difficult to spot for people at times.] with your paypal email for invoicing! Thanks. Do not use chat messenger to contact me, do not leave your email in the comments!
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The user send me a note with their email. Once I’ve written their invoice on my template and send it out, I’ll reply to their note with; ‘’invoice send! please reply here once paid.’’
The user pays, then sends me a new note to alert me.
When I’ve been alerted through notes, deviantart send a notification on the app, or I’ll see it on browser. So I go to check the invoices, make sure I select the one I send to this person, confirm order send, then go to my files, grab them and put them on stash, and then I link the other user a copypasta with their download link.
The copypasta
thank you so much!! pls download your files asap: [insert link] for toyhouse uploads make sure to give me onsite creator credit: Toyhou.se/riel @ riel For uploads outside of toyhouse, make sure to watermark your images to prevent 3rd party art theft. Only credit my deviantart for uploads outside of toyhouse. for other adopt related questions, write a reply!
The reason I ask people to approach me the way I do is also.. Its easier for me to spot an impersonator this way. People by now know that I ask them to send me notes, and that I do not use the chat messenger to handle these orders.
If an impersonator scammer private messages them, or sents them a note first, they should know that it is not me. I also will be able to see if someone responds to them on my batches, pretending to be me. I change my profile picture and background on deviantart occasionally, so people as well notice that I do not stick to one. This makes it more difficult to pull of a quick scam for an impersonator, whose accounts will likely only last less than 24 hours.
How I respond to returnee customers.
I have a private spreadsheet of my customers their username, social media, currency preference, and invoice email.
I’ll ask the customer or notify them that I will send invoices to the email address they’ve previously provided. Keeping track of your customer info not only makes sending out invoices easier, it slowly helps my long term memory remember frequent customers and regulars, this will prevent confusion too. It also makes sure that I charge in the correct currency. However, sometimes customers change usernames and emails, and I ask them to notify me in notes in case their email has changed. Usually when a customer changes their username, they notify me (which is appreciated!) so I don’t get confused.
‘‘I would like to grab nr 2!’‘
Hey I’ve noticed you’ve purchased from me before! An invoice will be sent to the email address you’ve previously provided. Should this email have changed, please inform me through notes and I’ll edit and resend the invoice to the correct address. Please send me a new note [insert that note browser direct link again] to alert me once you paid! Do not use chat messenger to contact me. Do not leave any private info in public comments.
And then it goes as you’d expect. Customer sends me a note, I manage to send them their files, yada yada yada.
At times some regulars become easier to remember, so I don’t add the ‘’correct the email if its wrong’’ part all the time. I only do that if I notice haven’t send an invoice to their email out in a while. (Because that might mean they’ve changed it.) Regulars come and go.
What happens when people don’t follow instructions?
1.If an user comments their email, I ask them to delete the comment immediately. Otherwise an impersonator might invoice it. I do not send out an invoice until the user has followed instructions correctly. (send a note with the email) this again, is to assure that I do things a certain way- and that way the customer base should feel secure. I will not invoice someone without them following instructions- because it can make me disoriented- and it might make customers easier to get scammed by an impersonator who will break instructions patterns.
2. If an user does not send me a note after I ask them too, this not only delays me sending an invoice, I have to waste time explaining to them that I can’t view the chat messenger without getting migraine, confused, or seeing a lot of inappropriate message requests from bot accounts on deviantart. It is stated in the adopt batch description, to explicitly not use chat messenger, as well in my comment reply routine. People just don’t read sometimes and that makes me sad. :( but they’re only making it more difficult for themselves by trying to break the instruction rule.
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3. Sometimes when users do in fact follow it correctly and send me a note, they send me a paypal pay me link instead of an email. I assume this is due the confusion that other adopt community people have caused- most users tend to use the paypal dot me link to accept payments from their customers, so they maybe assume that sending this link allows me to invoice them.. But to properly send an invoice out, having their email address is more convenient on my side, as I can put the correct currency in the invoice, the proper amount, I can turn ‘’allow tips’’ on, I can insert my TOS. As well as make sure its listed as ‘’digital item’’ its comfortable for me and convenient in the event that someone tries to chargeback. And I don’t want to change my method just because a few people might not be familiar with it. I’m eager to explain invoicing to people unfamiliar with it- there’s also this useful guide: https://www.deviantart.com/onisuu/art/Invoice-Guide-for-PayPal-657095358 But yes, thats the only main reason for me to know someone’s email. Purelly to keep track of who has purchased from me, and where to send the invoice to. Its an email address. It needs to be addressed to you! I have no other use for someone’s email address. I keep the spreadsheet private because I don’t want someone to put my customer’s emails in a spambot list. (Another reason why you should not post emails publicly.) Bots can see comments.
4. Sometimes users forget a few things. Like, not listing all the things they want in one comment, or forgetting to reply ‘’paid’’ these are minor things.. The double comment can confuse other customers who are looking at comments to see whats been claimed. But when people forget to reply to ‘’please alert me’’ it will cause a delay in me sending files, because I need to check payments after I’ve been alerted, to make sure I’m sending out the correct files. At times this delays me sending out files- i also send to reach out on my own to multiple people to make sure I’m not confusing them. This might sound- so very simple. But I cannot stress this enough. I was diagnosed with dissociative amnesia. I double check EVERYTHING more than 3 times to make sure I do everything correctly and don’t mess up. When people break the pattern, it can cause confusion- and its inconvenient for everyone.
Closing thoughts
I am never angry at people who break instruction rules, or forget to reply. While I can be rightfully annoyed, or a little stressed about it. I understand that people have their own busy lives and may forget- or are in a rush. So when people do respond in kind, and apologize for making mistakes- ti all the more reminds me that they too are human, and not doing these things intentionally. If anything, I always appreciate it when people follow the things I’ve written so I can get stuff out on them on time. And not make mistakes. It helps, so, so, much. Why am I paranoid about this impersonator scammer?
This person is very active, and may have turned it in their job because they keep getting away with it. They mainly target people who do adoptable auctions. They’ve been on deviantart, and aparently discord now too.
I list all my social medias on my official Carrd. If you message me through there, you’re likely to get a response from the real me. But sometimes I respond slower through other medias. So Twitter, Tumblr, toyhouse and Deviantart, are the most likely you’ll get a hold of me. https://actualevil.carrd.co My toyhouse is not listed on here, but it’ll always be toyhou.se/riel ! If you’re wanting to get info on the scammer, here’s a forum: https://toyhou.se/~forums/5867.service-reviews/248371.-psa-impersonator-now-on-discord-6-18-
Make sure to inform yourself. I do only accept payments in a specific way. My invoices look and are a specific way. I try my best to be distinguishable. They mainly target past auctions, but it wouldn’t be unlikely if they eventually target set price sales too. If this post has helped you, informed you, in any way, I’m glad! If the info on how I handle orders with adopts helps you as a seller, that also makes me very happy!
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exolssecretsanta · 4 years
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Hello EXO-Ls!!
BY POPULAR DEMAND WE HAVE RE-OPENED the 2020 EXO-L Secret Santa Gift Exchange for one more week.  You can sign up till the 21st of October.   PLEASE READ ALL THE RULES BELOW and be sure you will have the time and the energy to take part.  
Welcome to the 2020 EXO-Ls Secret Santa (SS) Online Gift Exchange.
2020 has been full of unprecedented hardships and we would like to end the year with some happiness.  One way to do this is to celebrate our holidays with EXO.  
Please join us in this EXO fandom online holiday gift exchange.  How does it work? You sign up to make an online gift for someone and someone else makes one for you.  Simple and fun!  You do not have to have a EXO blog to join.  If you are a fan - then you can join.
This is an online tumblr gift exchange so all gifts must be digital.  Gift examples: fanfiction, gifsets, playlists, moodboards, tumblr icons/headers, etc. (If you want to try and make some digital edits - here are two websites that I believe offer free editors/templates for you to use: canva.com and spark.adobe.com).
The first thing you need to do is sign up HERE .  Once we close the sign up window we will randomly match you up with someone else based on the criteria you filled out in the sign up form.  We will then send all the information you filled out in the application form to your Secret Santa (SS).
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT:  SECRET SANTA is to be kept a SECRET.   Do not tell the person you are making the gift for who you are.  It’s a secret until you reveal yourself when you post their gift.
You’ll have a lot of time to make your gift.  We will be doing two check in dates to see how you all are doing.  We understand that real life can get in the way, so these check in dates are a way for you to let us know if you can complete your gift on time.  This SS exchange is meant to be fun and enjoyable - not stressful. So, you do not have to wait on our check in dates to make your gift.  Sooner the better and then all you have to do is post it sometime during the period of 23 December - 25 December.
Here are the important dates:
Pairings/Assignment notification to your ask/DM inbox: 23rd October through 26th October
First Check in: 1st November
Second Check in : 1st December
GIFTS POSTED: 23rd through 25th December
Here are the RULES:
1.Follow this blog and please reblog/signal boost this post as much as possible.  We really want the fandom to participate and have a good time.
2.Make sure your blog Ask inbox is ON and allow for Anonymous asks. Using a desktop or laptop go to your blog settings.  Under the ASK section turn on the ask inbox AND the anonymous option.  The reason we request you allow anonymous asks is for your Secret Santa to be able to contact you.  We want your gifts to be fun and personalized, so please reach out to the person you are assigned and make a friend (as an anon).  Ask them who their EXO BIAS is or 3. I know how hard it is to just pick one member.  Send them a message of encouragement.  Ask them what their favorite EXO song, subunit or solo album is, or their favorite color, etc. and get some great feedback to use for their gift.  
3.When you post your gift, please tag the following: name of the blog receiving your gift and our blog name: @EXOLSSECRETSANTA (the reason we ask you to include our blog name on your gift post is to help ensure we get the notification). We will be reblogging your gift to our blog for everyone else to enjoy.  Also to be redundant send a link of your gift to the person you are making the gift for as well as our blog.  Hopefully we can all ensure the gifts are seen and not missed.
4.Make sure you have the tag EXOLSSECRETSANTA20 in your first 5 tags.
5.We will be tracking the tag EXOLSSECRETSANTA20
MINIMUM Requirements for gifts:
We would like to stress that all the gifts must be NEW CONTENT.  Please do not recycle a previous fic, fanart, gif-set, etc.
Fanfic must be 1K+ words. If it will be a WIP you must post the first chapter as your Gift.
Gifsets: 4+ gifs
Fanart: 1+
Tumblr icons or headers: 4+
Edits: 2+ large (540x540)
Playlists: 16+ songs
Moodboards: 2+ boards
Let’s all have some fun!!
XO, your Secret Santa moderators: @mel-loves-kdramas and @is-that-baekhyuns-shirt
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telesthisia · 4 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
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mun name: Amber!!  ooc contact: My DMs are always open for mutuals and non-mutuals alike (I think at least, if not don’t be afraid to send in asks either I try my best to get to them ;v;)! I do have a personal blog but weeps.... me no longer active on there. And a twitter but weeps once again, it’s an oc twitter despite my yellings of off topic things. MY DISCORD TOO!! Though my activity is very inconsistent somedays I’ll be on others not so much! Don’t be afraid to ask for that uvu 
who the heck is my muse anyway?
HOHO!!! For those who never touched The Legend of Zelda in their lives, I’m sure it’s pretty dang confusing to see more than one design of both Zelda and Link, I’ll try my best to explain this! The series follows a very, very convoluted timeline filled with plotholes, as such the Links and Zeldas we see throughout different titles of the game are actually reincarnations who are destined to seal away whatever darkness may threaten the lands known as Hyrule.
The Zelda I play as is the princess of Hyrule during a point in the timeline known as “Downfall Era” where the Hero of Time in OOT lost against Ganondorf in the final battle; Ocarina of Time is the reason for why there’s multiple timelines with each having their unique era depending on the choices in that game. The Downfall Era is known for having games known as A Link to The Past, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Time, Link’s Awakening, A Link Between Worlds, Triforce Heroes, The OG Legend of Zelda, Annnnd Adventure of Link! The Zelda I play as comes from A Link to The Past as well as the Oracle series and I guess Link’s Awakening despite having no appearance. The events of A Link to The Past and Oracle Series has deeply affected my Zellie in that she suffers from unspoken traumas as well depression. See, before the events of ALTTP there was a war known as the Imprisoning War, that war ended where the seven sages seal away Ganon. Peace reigned for a while until a series of plagues and droughts struck which affected the kingdom. It wasn’t until the antagonist of the game, a wizard by the name of Agahnim, would put an end to the misfortunate blighting Hyrule with his magic, gaining favor with the king. He was able to worm his way into court and from there act on his plans in breaking the seal to the sacred realm where the triforce and Ganon rest. Doing so, he must capture the seven maidens who are descendants of the seven sages and sacrifice them in order to break the seal and well, guess which princess happens to be one of those seven maidens? Suffice to say, he was successful in breaking the seal with Zelda being the final sacrifice. Here we find out that he’s actual the alter ego of Ganon (don’t question it too hard) and we also find out she’s not dead! Hooray! But she is trapped in a plane known as The Dark World, once the sacred realm corrupted by Ganon’s greed. So as all LOZ stories goes, Link saves the day. Happily ever after, right? Well... no, see unlike in the game where the ending is happy and everyone who died is alive I follow both the 90s comics and Himekawa manga where those who died in the games did not come back to life. This includes Zelda’s father, Link’s uncle and some of the maidens. It’s very bittersweet in that, the day is saved and Ganon is gone forever but at the cost of loved ones no longer coming back. 
Well... Ganon comes back! In the oracle series! Two years after ALTTP, Twinrova tries to resurrect him by using the blood and body of Princess Zelda, meaning she can actually die this time around. But Link saves the day once again. Which leads us today, the main verse of the blog which is a year after Oracles and three years after ALTTP! NOTE: That my smash verse more or less follows this timeline I have in place for this blog. 
things you should know
I sound like a broken record but. She’s a glass canon of sorts. Where she’s very powerful thanks to blood of the seven sages, the light force, and having hylia’s blood in her veins. As such, she’s very powerful and her magic super potent which is why so many people wanna sacrifice for dark rituals... BUT!! She has super power health issues that affects her magical stamina and body as such she can’t even use half her powerful magic and this upsets her greatly. It’s a small headcanon of mine because in the games and manga, she doesn’t really do much despite being a powerful magical princess. Keep in mind that ALTTP came out before the retcon that is Skyward Sword and before they decided to add more to Zelda’s abilities throughout the course of the series... so my brain went to: she’s powerful but can’t use magic too much due to poor health. It worked!! Before smash came along but I swear I’m not at all salty. To be fair, it was my fault for assuming things but imagine: glass canon Zelda. It sounded super cool at the time! 
She represses a lot if only for the sake of her nation and to appear as a good leader for her people. As such, she’s almost always calm and has a gentle smile on her face despite radio static sounds resounding in her thoughts. Give her time, she’ll open up and show you her playful side! 
She’s been surrounded by death considering before ALTTP, during ALTTP and kinda with Oracles if you count Twinrova, as well as having a connection with the spirit realm due to freaky PSI powers. So, she doesn’t really have a negative view on death and has actually gained that edgy romanticist view as the result of her life experiences. She’s very much someone who likes to live life to her fullest as the result... and well, it doesn’t help that she’s aware of her short life span thanks to her future vision. Something she won’t reveal to anyone more than likely as to not worry them. She’s more or less accepted her fate... speaking of which
She hates fate/destiny/etc but accepts whatever happens because again clairvoyance has proven that there’s no changing what’s been planned. So, she doesn’t bother fighting against it. But, what impresses her are those who manage to overcome destiny, something that Link does sometimes which is why she looks up to him. He’s that variable that the future can’t keep track of due to how ever changing he is. 
 She loves exploring creepy places, ruins, caves, and dungeons that are scattered throughout her kingdom, for both history and the spooky aesthetics of it! So if you see her outside the castle she’s more than likely getting ready to explore some spooky place. She’s almost always wearing her cloak but there are rare moments where she’s not either ;v; she’ll always go by the name Elle... worth mention she doesn’t bother hiding the mark of the triforce on her right hand.
Speaking of which, only people from the capital known as Castle Town and even some from Kakariko village as well know of the princess’ appearance. Various small towns throughout the land of Hyrule however, only remember her appearance from ALTTP where her hair was a more golden blonde rather than the platinum color that it’s taken from the various fear and stresses from her life. And also, she’s more freckly due to not wearing coverup when outside the castle. Ok well,,,,, here’s the best side by side comparison I have...
Tumblr media
If you ask her what the light arrows are, she’ll look at you funny. She comes from a time where silver arrows are a thing :’) the few things that can defeat Ganon
Closet romantic, as in she loves love and wishes for a romance of her own but when it comes to her own feelings she’s an idiot due to repressing feelings.
what she’s been up to:
main verse: Which is during the events of Skyward Sword, as such she’s no longer in Skyloft nor does she have the full knowledge that she’s Hylia but Zelda is suspecting that there’s a connection there. She does not know how to wield her magic as it comes and goes in spurts. She’s seen throughout the Surface so she can be anywhere! Even in other timelines due to using the Gate of Time, we can just say that something screwed up causing for her to end up in another time period or even verse! LOZ series is pretty flexible in time travel.
where to find her:
Graveyard + Sanctuary: It’s a soothing place to visit and also to pay respects to the fallen in ALTTP. 
One of the three provinces (my rendition of Hyrule is a little bigger than the in game map so don’t be afraid to add places that aren’t in ALTTP but in other titles, I know I tend to do): aka anywhere in the fields, she’s a woman plagued with wanderlust and doesn’t like being confined to one place
Kakariko: the villagers who know her true identity are hella nice to pretend that it’s not the princess but Elle! Guards tend to be here after a certain time though, so to avoid them she always avoids going to the village when it’s nearly sundown
Ruins, catacombs, abandon shrines etc: again she likes creepy or historical places or both! 
Haunted Grove: Well... it’s haunted! So :’)
Castle: it’s possible to meet her here too! Whether as princess or someone sneaking either out of the castle or back into it. 
current plans:
Lead her kingdom to the Golden Age, something her father tried to do before his demise. While wishing to see Link once more. 
desired interactions:
I would love the usual adventure threads!!! 
FRIENDSHIP!! She needs friends, pls!! 
ENEMIES!! It’d be fun to write a more angry Zel who doesn’t get along with someone! 
ROMANCE!! I’m a sucker for cuteness ;v; and slow burn ;v; 
Creepy gothic threads of Zelda running into a creepy cryptid in a gothic castle on a stormy night.... this is very specific but listen, cries... 
Comfort thread ;v; 
things that bother me:
People who know she’s the princess right off the bat ticks me off ngl. A-ok if you muse is unaware of her otherwise! 
PEOPLE WHO KNOW THAT SHE’S FROM A BLOODLINE OF A GODDESS AND SAGES DHSJAKJADB no one really knows that the royal family actually did descend from gods, unless your muse is an immortal and is aware of the events that goes on they shouldn’t know this fact. The only thing the public is aware of is how the royal family have mystical powers different from the population. 
uhhhh that’s about it? Mostly metagaming pft, not too much bothers me now that I think about. 
tagged by: i pirated it ;v; from myself! 
tagging: whomst ever! i recommend doing this since it’ll help a ton with those who still are unsure with your muse but feel too nervous to ask questions.
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This was EXTREMELY insensitive, and I'm still flabbergasted by it. There are so many problems to get into regarding it (no trigger warning/being too soon after the blm protests/romanticizing protesting or riots and what happened/etc etc etc) BUT my big issue in regards to it? They're taking the narrative of black people being murdered, & extremely angry and changing it to be about two white people falling in love in a "creative" way. I'm disgusted. (link sent in dm's)
log here
Thanks for sending this log link back to me for a second time! And with that being said...
This prompt is disgustingly, horrifically insensitive to what the fuck is going on in the U.S. right now. And honestly, I do agree with you, anon. I personally think that there some gray areas when it comes to topics like mental health (ex: suicidal thoughts/attempts, OCD, etc.) or abuse. Like, using writing/roleplaying as a way to work through those things if you’re fighting the impulse to harm yourself or give in to intrusive thoughts. I’ve done that. Spice used to do that. We never glorified our mental illnesses in the process and got something productive out of it (as in, we didn’t harm ourselves and could process our feelings in a safer way). 
I very much do not agree with using the protesting or the black lives matter movement as a roleplay prompt. I do not think roleplaying is how you bring awareness to either of these things. We KNOW policy brutality happens in the u.s. and to be honest? I don’t think a roleplay prompt is going to do anything. If someone doesn’t agree that people of color are disproportionately attacked by the police, a roleplay about a fictional couple isn’t gonna fucking change their minds.
If anything, I think someone might look at this and go, “Well, they’re using the protesting for a prompt. For a fictional couple from a fictional show.” And they might just use correlation to be like, “Well, it’s probably not real”.  
The protesting is NOT ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE. It is about the black community. This is, quite frankly, just an epitome of white privilege in my opinion. IMAGINE looking at the black lives matter movement, the protesting, george flloyd’s death, and then making it. about. a white couple. oh my god. 
I don’t know how many people actually look at this blog, given how infrequently I update it and the lack of messages I’ve gotten. But I do have a platform, so I want to say some things while I’m on the subject of all these things. I stand with the protesters. I stand with the black lives matter movement. Police brutality exists in the U.S. There is still very much systematic, institutionalized racism in this country. 
https://defund12.org/ is a website that has email templates for a TON of cities in America. If you want police departments to be defunded, but don’t feel comfortable talking to someone on the phone, don’t know who to call or what to say, use this website! The templates already have the writing you need to let people in charge (mayors, governors, etc) know that the police department needs to change on a national level as well those peoples’ email addresses. All you need to do is in fill in the brackets with your personal information information, then copy+paste into your email and send it off.
here is a very comprehensive list of petitions you can sign related to racial equality and black lives matter. The petitions mainly involve  It also has resources on how you can donate internationally or with no money, and black businesses you can support
this google doc is really important not just because of how comprehensive it is, but because it’s the only doc I’ve seen thus far that includes bail funds. i haven’t checked out every single bail fund, but from what i have seen, it isn’t just limited to the blm movement, but like to people who are incarcerated unfairly or targeted because they’re a person of color, an immigrant, lgbt, etc. it also has organizations you can donate money to. and finally, the doc has a lot of protest information - knowing your rights, numbers you can call for an unlawful arrest, safety tips when protesting, deleting your digital footstep, how you can treat a rubber bullet or tear gas wound, etc.
https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/?fbclid=IwAR3dPRLtkvI-D9uEz-gkljtw9-Pn_BFjKGdWwSJ9VM-csI139kIKpplyLKw THIS website is also the most comprehensive thing I’ve seen going around. It overlaps with topics I’ve listed already (donating, who you can text or call to put pressure on to make systematic changes, petitions, etc). The new additions are the information relating to the BLM movements in Canada and Australia, a missing person thread, standing with Hong Kong and how you can help, and a few other things.
And finally: this google doc is specifically for white people. it’s a starter pack on how to be an anti-racist ally  that includes resources and tools regarding racism and anti blackness.
It took me a good minute to compile this list of resources and links, which is part of why there was such a delay in answering this ask. Like I said earlier, I might not have a lot of followers, or activity on my blog, but having almost 110 followers means I can’t just sit up here and commiserate with the anon, in my opinion. I believe that it’s also my job to offer a lot of comprehensive resources on how to help protest and support the BLM movement in america if you cannot physically protest what’s going on (or how to protest in person if that’s what you wanna do). 
-Mod Strawberry
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pens-swords-stuff · 5 years
Writeblr Spotlight [Requests Open]
[Currently looking for a couple of more Writeblr recs to round out the December edition that will be coming soon]
Every month or so, I will take a handful of Writeblrs and give them the spotlight on my blog; this include a general overview of the writeblr, some details about their projects, and what I like about that writeblr.
I’m not the most popular writeblr in the world (I think I’m fairly small in terms of follower count actually), but I know how discouraging it can be to feel like you don’t have a lot of recognition. I want to give you that recognition. You’re doing a great job, and you deserve to be appreciated.
If you would like to be in the spotlight, or recommend someone for the spotlight, please do the following:
Send a submission to @pens-swords-stuff. This is so I can leave it sitting in my inbox until I can post it, instead of losing it in my notifications somewhere. Do not put your request in a reblog, comment, or DM, it will be lost.
Follow the submission guidelines below. The more information the better! Please give me some information to work off of.
You are allowed to request appreciation for yourself, or for someone else.
If you are requesting appreciation for someone else, please let me know if you want to be credited for it, or if you want it done anonymously.
Please reblog this post so more people can see this, and potentially send in more requests.
Submission template:
Writeblr url
Why are you recommending this blog?
What kind of content can I find on this blog?
Why should people check them out?
WIP information: Only applicable if you want their WIPs to be included in the spotlight. Must include a description and links to relevant posts about them.
Other: Anything else you want to say? (If you are recommending someone else for the spotlight, please say here if you want to be anonymous or not!)
Links: Optional but highly recommended to include. Any example posts of this blog to showcase what it’s like would be appreciated.
I’m just one person with limited time, and the more information you give me, the more likely I am in being detailed because it’s easily accessible. I don’t have a whole lot of time to dig through blogs, and from now on, if I find the information provided lacking or inadequate, I will ask for a resubmission with more details — they may not be included in the spotlight until more detail is given to me. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but this takes a lot of time to put together, and the more streamlined you guys can make it for me, the better it will be.
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cillianmurphy · 3 years
18, 46, 47
18. For the aesthetic, for the laughs, or for the feels what your preference
for the notes. kidding ... kinda. anyway my preference is for the laughs, but usually I also go for aesthetic and (on a lesser scale) for feels.
46. Ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set
oh I’ve gotten so many that I really love so much, this is one of my favourites though on this interstellar set. I love how my set reminded them of one of their favourite channels and especially because this is one of my favourite movies ever, it truly meant a lot to me. The comment was:
“I don't know you did it, but you somehow elevated an already amazing film to something else ... There was a unique YouTube channel about films called 'Every Frame a Painting'. Sadly, they stopped posting a while ago, but thinking of the great cinematographers they've been, including my favourite, Rodger Deakins, then I can't think of a more appropriate title for such a channel ... and you certainly explored that idea ... Brava.”
nearly cried when I read it to be honest. 
47. Any advice for novice gif makers/people who want to start making gifs
lemme write down a few hmmm
1. Firstly,  a major tip: read tutorials that are on how to avoid white/orange washing PLEASE. If you will be giffing people of colour often, it is really easy to white/orange wash them, especially if you make pale sets or colour sets that have high saturation. You really don’t want to be white/orange washing the non-white characters so definitely practice a lot and use layer masks (which I linked tutorial below in 2nd point)
Here is a tutorial by the lovely @aubrey-plaza on how to avoid orange-washed characters. 
Here and Here are two comprehensive tutorials on avoiding whitewashing. 
2. LAYER MASKS ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!!!! I cannot explain to you how many times they’ve saved my ass during the colouring process. Let me link you to these two tutorials by @thepunisher about this glorious glorious feature:
tutorial 1 - tutorial 2
3. Another thing I would say that a mistake I see often being made (even by advanced gifmakers) is people not learning to credit others when they have been inspired by a gifset. It is perfectly fine to be really inspired by someone especially as a beginner, but when your set looks too much like theirs template wise, graphic design or whatever, please just put an inspiration link in the caption and not in the tags. most people will not see your tags, but in the caption it’s way better and more courteous. 
4. Additionally, please just do not be afraid to contact gifmakers you admire. I’m prob not one lmaooo but my dms or ask box is literally always open for anyone who needs advice, who even just wants someone to look at their gifset or even if you want a compliment I don't care, my inbox and I’m sure the inbox of so many others is open for you. Gifmakers are really kind people and we’re just people, we’re not intimidating or unapproachable. If you need advice, feel free to reach out to anyone you want. 
send me gifmaker questions!
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mymindykim · 4 years
10 Smart Steps to Building Trust and Getting Readers to Take Action
Getting exposure to your blog or website is the number one ingredient for a successful business. With some time on your hands and a bit of work, you can start getting visitors right after setting up your blog. There is however a more significant problem.
Many of you might already be getting some relatively good traffic figures. The question is not how much traffic you get, but are you able to get that traffic or those visitors to actually stay on your site?
Are you able to get them to subscribe or share your content? Are those same folks buying your products?
Turning visitors into loyal followers is what makes all the difference. For this to work, you need to gain the trust of the folks that visit your site.
The following article is all about helping you make that happen. In the below paragraphs you will find 10 effective and relatively simple techniques to better conversions:
  Customization and the Role it Plays
First and foremost let’s start with the platforms you use. Before you build trust, you need to find a way for people to remember you. You need to make yourself noticeable. Being able to stand out in a crowded niche holds a huge importance nowadays. One way to do so is through your blog’s layout.
There are a lot of things you can do to try and discern your blog from all the rest. More important tips I would give you are to:
Stay away from the standard themes – With every blog platform, there are a variety of standard templates to choose from. There is also the option to purchase premium templates or to create your own. If you don’t want to look amateurish, you should either go for the second or for the third option. You will hardly get noticed with a stock grey and white template unless you are a famous person already. I use Genesis, do you want to test it? Try Genesis Framework right now
Come up with a good color combination – One of your initial tasks after starting your blog should be to choose a color combination, which will define your brand. Most blogs chose to go with a two-color combination and I also believe this to be a good choice, since it adds the uniqueness you are looking for, while not being too flashy. My only advice would be to stay away from dark shades and instead go for something light and welcoming.
Stick with it everywhere – Applying the color combination you have chosen on your blog only is not enough. You need to make your brand colors visible to people who are yet to land on your blog. So using them wherever possible is a must. For example you can try to make your Twitter page as similar to your blog as it can be. Twitter gives you a good amount of customization, so it’s a good place to start.
  Let People Know Who You Are
The number one step you must follow before even thinking about establishing a reader base is your bio. Having an “About” page that tells the visitor something about yourself is nowadays a must if you want to be taken seriously.
The truth is that people don’t always subscribe to blogs only because they’ve stumbled upon a great article on them. That is a step of the process, but not the first and not the last. It might be a surprise to you but a good number of the folks who land on your blog for the first time will check out who you are and what you are “fighting for”.
Don’t get me wrong though. Having an “About” page does not mean that you should write a full autobiography or something like that.
More on the topic, you can read in the article “3 Amazing About Page Tips to Try Right Now”!
  Write from Your Point of View
So now that we are done with the “About” page, it is time to move on to the actual content your present to the visitor.
Let’s start with a question for you – what in your opinion makes an article stand out?
I would definitely like to hear your thoughts in the comments section!
Based on my experience with blogging and reading dozens of articles on a daily basis, I’ve come to understand one thing. An article that gets most of the reader’s attention is one, where you share your personal opinion and your own experience. That is what makes a blog post stand out.
Yes, the idea of a blog is to teach people a skill or to help them get a task done on a specific topic. What is really important if you want to build trust though, is that you present the information based on what you have tried.
Explain exactly which steps you have followed. Tell the reader which of them worked and which did not.
  Use the Same Profile Picture on all Social Media Sites
An important step to gaining trust in the online world is the avatar you use.
As I mentioned above, to build trust, you need to have a way to be recognised. This time we are talking about you, not your blog.
Remember that as the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”.
Having a long biography is a good thing and even a must nowadays. However the easiest way for you to be distinguished is through the use of the same profile picture for all of your social media profiles.
  Practical Information is Everything
After all good writing is essential nowadays if you want to show to the world that you are serious about what you do. Unfortunately it doesn’t all come down to fancy writing.
People won’t come, only because they like your writing style. Whoever visits your blog wants specific information that can be applied straight away and also return good results as soon as possible.
That is what you should be striving for with your writing – practical information!
Overviewing the problem is not enough. Strangely though, many are the ones doing exactly that. They explain the problem and they tell the reader what should be done. What they don’t give away are the small steps that the reader needs to go through in order to apply the advice.
  Share the Good AND the Bad
Telling your story is indeed the name of the game in blogging. However many folks end up doing half of what they should.
Instead of presenting both the cons and the pros, or what they did right and what they did wrong, they rather go for the good stuff only.
It’s not hard to understand that. People want to show themselves in the best possible light and therefore they skip some less convenient parts of the story. If you are a follower of that very same approach, it might be time to stop and rethink.
Honesty is valued nowadays and can greatly help you build trust as a blogger.
Trust in turn equals engagement, higher exposure and sales.
  Don’t Go With a “No”
Remember that when it comes to gaining trust in the online world, being positive is a must.
Whenever you receive a request of some sort that is within your expertise, be willing to take the time and help the one who’s asking you.
Those kinds of small things are the ones that end up making a big difference.
  The Twitter and Automatic DMs Issue
As the theory goes, using any kind of automatic DMing on Twitter is a bad thing. Well yes, there’s a grain of truth in that. Sending the same message to everyone who follows you on Twitter, promoting a product is to say the least not a good marketing strategy.
Looking at the problem from another point of view though, automatic DMs don’t seem that bad to me. As long as they are not promotional in any form that is.
For example setting up a really simple message along the lines of “Thanks for the follow, have a great day!” wouldn’t do any harm, nor to your brand, neither to your followers. So if you are thinking of something similar, then go ahead! Just don’t include any links and keep it short.
  Give Away 90% of What you Know for Free
There are pretty much two ways to monetize a blog if you are serious about earning those dollars. I’m referring to affiliate marketing and selling your own product.
Advertising networks such as AdSense are losing their popularity, especially amongst bloggers, since they are very ineffective and the cons overweigh the pros.
So if you are a blogger, the chances are that you will want to sell a product (or your services).
Problem is though that most of the folks, visiting you, want to get free information and are not on your blog to buy. So if you want them coming back, you should always give away the bigger part of what you write without asking for anything in return.
Free information is what gains the trust of your reader. Gaining the trust of your reader is what transforms him into a buyer.
This post at WebHostingSecretRevealed shows how to triple your subscribers with content upgrades.
  Learn that Criticism Is To Be Accepted Not Disputed
People who like and accept criticism are really not much, compared to the ones who hate being told how to do things. Throughout my almost six years of blogging, I have come across critics more than once or twice.
Honestly the feeling of hearing someone, telling you what to do is not a pleasant one. Sometimes those criticizing you don’t have a clue about what they are talking about. There are those times however, when you just need to sit down a listen.
My advice is to take all kinds of criticism positively even if their author is trying to discredit you in one way or another. Leaving an impression of a rude and offensive person is not at all in your best interest.
Reply with why you believe the critic is wrong.
If they happen to have a good point, follow their advice. Might not feel nice for your ego, but that’s how you build trust. The ones criticizing you are people who pay attention. Don’t forget that!
  Final Words
I hope that you take all of the above tips into consideration.
They have helped me build trust and will help you.
  Do you have any other tips that you would like to share with the community?
Feel free to give your two cents in the comments section!
All feedbacks are much appreciated.
The post 10 Smart Steps to Building Trust and Getting Readers to Take Action first appeared on Reviewz'n'Tips.
from Blogging Tips http://reviewzntips.com/building-trust-tips/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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I used to like this girl
SO! ORiGiNal!!!1111
I know, right?
But I'm going to write it down. Put it into words and you're clearly reading this, so I don't see a reason to stop writing this.
So it's 2:01 AM on the 24th of December, 2018. The new year is fast approaching and this girl's birthday is in January! I just reminded myself of this fact with which I can do absolutely nothing because I last spoke to this girl on her birthday a year ago though I'm not sure how far a DM passes for speaking to someone. But I did, I wished her a happy birthday and tried to get the ball rolling because it had been almost a year since we last spoke and I'm not going to lie, I missed her. A lot. Heck I miss her now. That's probably why I'm writing. No, that's definitely why I'm writing and with that, I've reminded myself why I started writing. The whole pseudo-backstory thing was me digressing. I might have ADHD. Dope.
Anyway, it's whatever time I said it was, and the reason why I've ended up creating this tumblr is because of her. The girl I used to like. Though its highly probable that the person I used to know and who she is now are two vastly different people, I still follow her on Instagram. Yes, ever the millennial, amiright? I have 3 accounts in total. One for my music stuff where I shall never reveal my identity till its the right time, the other is the public account where I post my singing stuff with my face plastered on and finally the account I use the most, my private account where 80% of the people I follow and who follow me are people I haven't spoken to in months or tried but never got to move past a "Hey man we should totally catch up!" phone call. Ironic, I know.
I rarely ever visit this account, but dear old insta just had to send me a notification luring me into the trap that led me down the rabbit hole which has me typing this out. But fast forward to when I'm on her profile because it just happens, and I'm staring at her newly changes display picture. Beautiful as ever but no new posts, not a one. Of course she had her blog linked in her bio. Now I had read these posts of hers multiple times in the past but I remembered nothing but the name of the blog. Of course I'm not going to put it down here, but I wish I could because that'd give so much context to me explaining why I like it so much. Now going onto her word press blogsite, I couldn't help but gawk at the magnificent, pure
I do realize now that it could be some template but it still looked amazing and made me want to read everything she had written. But my brain just had to do it to me and started scouring for anything that could be interpreted as something relating to me. "Did she write about me? Oh okay she didn't this time. Wait what about the time right after we stopped talking? Maybe she used this as an outlet? Nope? Well maybe this, but I'm not sure."
I immediately kicked myself right in the head because I'm totally that flexible and made myself stop thinking for a second and start taking in. I wanted to read what she had written. She has a way with words, the time we spent together working had me read her writing a considerable number of times and I remember her to be very well versed when it came to handling words with such care. And so I tried reading her words. But my brain went into overdrive again."Oh she wrote about overthinking things. That's gotta be connected to me, right?"
No, you dumbass. No. It's about her. How fucking ironic, right? Here I am overthinking her feelings about overthinking and not taking the essence of what it meant. Stop it. Get some help. And so I did, I stopped it. I stopped reading and I remembered what an amazing outlet writing was. No, not writing for the sake of showing someone "HERE SEE I CAN WRITE!" no, but writing for the sake of writing. And I think the latter is pretty wonderful and its giving me some sort of fulfillment. I like how I feel when I hear my keyboard make the tapping sound as I rush my fingers around, trying not to make an error.
So I'm thankful to the girl I used to like. You've brought me back. You've made me go back to something I used to adore. Maybe me thinking of you as often as I do is meant to be. Maybe I'll stop, or maybe I won't.
But like you said, I need to live my life like any other day and things will happen as they happen.
Goodnight :)
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WaveClan Discord Roleplay!
Clan Info
The island is ruled over by a single Clan, WaveClan, who know much about the ocean from living by it for so long. They know its name, its danger, and its abundance of prey.
The warriors are split into two; the land-climbers and ocean-swimmers.
The land-climbers are cats that prefer to keep their paws dry and stay on the land, lurking in the undergrowth of the tropical island forest and climbing trees. They catch mostly lizards, birds, frogs, and small rodents. Although away from the dangers of the ocean, the land-climbers have to deal with their own dangers. Running into loners and kittypets from the small Twolegplace, dodging venomous snakes, poisonous frogs, and wild pigs.
The ocean-swimmers are cats that hunt and swim in the ocean surrounding the island. They hunt fish, lobsters, crabs, and clams. Knowing the dangers of the ocean is part of their training, and no cat is allowed to swim alone. During high tide, the ocean-swimmers do not hunt in the water as it is too dangerous, and instead hunt on the beach or in freshwater ponds.
The Clan may face some inner tension between the two groups, but the break isn't strong enough to divide them, not yet, at least. WaveClan is ready to take on any challenges, even the ones that are within.
1. Be literate. This means do your best to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as write like you would a book. Try to make your replies more than just a short sentence.
2. You can be up to three cats at a time.
3. Do not create any event that will effect multiple cats without talking it over with the leader. Also, do not kill another person's cat without their consent.
4. Your cat can crush on anyone, but you can't force their cat to like yours back. The character can try, though, this is only for the roleplayer.
5. You cannot sign up to be a kit, as it wouldn't make sense for the Clan to have motherless kits and possibly no queens to care for them. If you want to play a kit, you can, but by claiming one to play when someone has kits.
6. I may introduce illnesses, and if I do, you cannot choose if your cat gets sick or not, just like real life. Unlike real life though, you get to decide if they survive. Most likely, sick cats will be randomized.
7. If the leader is absent, the deputy is in charge. If both are absent, the medicine cat is.
8. No controlling someone else's character.
9. If a queen is about to give birth, let me know so I can make an announcement for people to claim the kits.
10. No smut. Please.
11. Don't let your cat be a mary-sue.
Rank: (add if you are an Ocean-swimmer or Land-climber. Leader and deputy are taken!)
Roleplay example:
Please pm me with your audition to see if you're accepted! We need members for this clan and will gladly accept anyone who would like long term, literate roleplay! Please do not be upset if you aren't accepted, we only want literate roleplayers, and I'm sure you understand how frustrating it is when someone has poor grammar and spelling. I hope lots of people join because its going to be lots of fun!! If you are accepted I will dm you the link, please don't send it to people who haven't submitted an audition. If you have a friend who wants to join, have them pm me.
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cntrmns · 7 years
Tumblr media
template by me: 💌DM me if you want the template, i'll send you the link 🖖 --- y'all probably know me since 2009-2012ish and y'all might be thinking there's no significant change on my 'style' (except for proportion and composition) here, i give some 'granny's advice' to ya --- 1️⃣ y'all focused to study a lot more. studying is good especially for experimenting on pose studies, various styles, and coloring the values. you also gain lots of experience by reading referrence book or artbooks or socialize or whatevs. --- 2️⃣ back to basic. here's the deal. ever wonder why caricature is bit off but they had goood proportion? ever wonder the background blends with your character? that's because they learn the their basics. human basics contains their face expression, body language, and structure. meanwhile the background is just blending yourself with nature, a good perspective and of course.... basic shapes. --- 3️⃣ befriend with an artists. well i didn't want you to push yourself to them or unless you kept called as a freak* but have you ever know the goddamn SOCIALIZING?! go to events, go to gathering, go to workshops, go to artists talkshow or whatever. DO THE GODDAMN THING YO i'm talking srs business. trust me y'all gonna get supports and experience since human are a social based kind of thing aaand human will support each other. --- 4️⃣ don't even try to compare yourself with other. HEY, look. don't you EVER, EVER DO THIS. N E V E R. you just making assumption to let yourself down. and it's bad. >> stop it, get some help. << get someone who can SUPPORT YOU. --- 5️⃣ don't be toxic. this is hard, but i gotta say this. i, myself sometimes doing this. DON'T SPREAD HATRED. whatever ya do. gain a friend will ya. don't be a douchebag will ya. --- well that's it. if there's something happens, cmiiw ok? and i want to know what kind of experience that you had since you started yourself as an artist. please comment on down below. peace out 🖖 (at Hp Jadul Nokia 3310)
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jesicajparksuk · 7 years
How Do Instagram Stories Work
Simply stated, Instagram defines a story as, “a way of sharing photos and videos with your followers that disappear after 24 hours.” If you want to know exactly how Instagram Stories work and how to make them work for you, this is your blog post!
Every brand, blogger, influencer, and business is different, so what works for your Instagram Stories strategy may not work for someone else. Truth be told, when IG Stories first hit the scene, a great many influencers found it a bit absurb. Why, they would ask, would I want to showcase something for 24 hours and then poof… it’s gone? Maybe this very writer thought that to herself. This is a brave new world, folks, and there is a method to this madness. Keep reading, as we’re sharing tips on making Instagram Stories work in your favor by maximizing it to the fullest:
Why Do Instagram Stories Disappear After 24 Hours?
According to The Guardian, “Beyond the design of the app, there’s the unique culture that’s grown up around it. Nobody wants a sad profile of pictures that no one has liked.”
In other words, the concept of things being transitory and lasting for a brief time is on trend and showing no signs of slowing down. There’s only so much content a person can post and consume in 24 hours. FOMO is a very real condition. We live in a “want more, what’s new” culture and a 24-hour window is the new norm. We want to know what the dog in Japan is doing today, what the cat in California had for breakfast, and what the latest pet products are according to today’s modern pet influencers.
How to Maximize Instagram Stories
Know How to Add to Your Story:
Go to your Instagram Profile page and click on your icon.
Go to your main Instagram feed and click the camera icon.
Use Hashtags: When in the Instagram Stories feature, after you upload your content, click the stickers icon and hit “hashtag” or just type in the hashtag using the text icon. The end result is a tappable, searchable hashtag.
Tag Brands and People: Click on the text icon and type the handle of the brand or person. Instagram will generate a listing of Instagrammers who you might be trying to tag as you type. If you see an underline under the tagged name, then you know it is working.
Add Links to Your Instagram Stories: Verified business accounts are able to embed links into an Instagram story. Pet influencers can use this feature to maximize their Instagram Stories. Ideas include:
Promote a blog post
Go live and share stories from an in-person event (remember to hashtag it)
Share content
Share adoptable pets
Get on the radar of brands
Promote sponsored content
Go behind the velvet ropes and show your followers a slice of your day
NOTE: Always include a call to action (CTA) in your story so that followers know what you want them to do. Examples of a CTA on Instagram Stories include  “See More” or “Swipe up.”
Learn more about getting creative with a Call to Action.
Creative Ideas for Instagram Stories
How many pieces of content should you put in your Story? Between 7 and 12 is generally the sweet spot, but if you are at a live event, a few more are fine. You don’t want to bombard your audience with content overload. Quality over quantity is key.
Use non-vertical images with ease. Make your IG Stories vertical, even if they aren’t shot that way. Try the InShot app.
Think outside your images and try flatlays. Upload a flat lay, infuse your own typography/font/colors, and you’ve got the makings of a branded, on-point template. Using an app like Canva on mobile or desktop, you can create your own branding style.
Try a “Day in the Life” for a behind-the-scenes look. Maybe you do this once or twice a month and promote it on other social media platforms so your fans know where to find you.
Invite your followers to engage with you. No one likes a spammer who makes their feeds all about them them and more them. Make your audience feel connected and involved by running a poll, asking questions, or even getting feedback on future posts. “Today, I am blogging about cats who don’t use the litterbox. What cat health questions do you have? DM me and let me know!”
Save and repurpose the story on Facebook. Open the story, and click the three dots at the bottom right and a screen pops up with a variety of options. If you add it to your timeline feed, then your account’s privacy settings apply.
Working with a brand? Show the product in action on IG Stories. I recently did a post for Petmate that features my medium-sized dog and also my friend’s larger dog. We infused an Instagram Story from video into our blog post. If your video was not shot within the previous 24-hour time period, and you want to share it now on Instagram Stories, there are hacks. Keep reading.
Get Analytical with IG Stories
Instagrammers are able to see who viewed their story by swiping up when viewing their photo or video.
Instagram Business Accounts have access to a wealth of Instagram analytics by clicking the bars at the top right of your Instagram screen. If you want to be seen as a business, you are a business, you want the contact button in your profile, and you want access to basic analytics, yes. If you ever want to switch back to a regular profile, you can do so in Account Settings.
Alternatively, here are a few basic Instagram Analytics tools:
Social Bakers Free Instagram Report
Simply Measured Free Report up to 25K IG Users
Use Tools Wisely In Instagram Stories
When you share a photo or video to your story, you can use creative tools to help capture and edit them.
Tools on the bottom portion of the Instagram Story panel include:
LIVE: Go Live and show folks what you are up to or where you are. If you don’t want to publish a live IG Stories segment, then no need to do so.
Normal: Shoot in normal mode.
Boomerang: Sort of a forward and backward cute way to showcase video. I use this to show my dog in action.
Rewind: Backwards, in reverse. Try it.
Hands-Free: Perhaps this blogger’s favorite IG Stories tool, I go hands-free to shoot my IG videos.
Note: IG Stories segments are 15 seconds at this time, so string your storyline together. Here is a screen shot of those tools:
Is This a Millennial Thing?
According to HubSpot, “Chances of Stories catching on is much higher because it’s housed within the Instagram platform, and not the Facebook platform. The demographic overlap between Snapchat and Instagram makes it much more likely users will simply migrate their goofy stories to the other platform. But only if Instagram gets on the facial recognition game, and quickly. Millennials love that puppy filter.”
To that end, face filters are now a part of Instagram Stories. #justsayin
Uploading Hacks
How to Hack Instagram: How to add stories or videos to Instagram beyond the 24-hour window
Hack Part 2: According to The Verge, “Instagram Stories are meant for sharing of recent content, but there are several ways to post something older. There are two key apps that adjust the timestamp of an image or video automatically. If you are sending the file to yourself: Slack and WhatsApp do the job. I frequently bombard my sister with WhatsApp messages of random creations in order to renew the timestamp. If you don’t have either of those, other apps can also get around the 24-hour rule. Story Uploader is the best option.”
Don’t Stop Now
Now that you know how Instagram Stories works, how to maximize it to your advantage, check out these helpful related posts:
Creative Ways to Use Instagram Stories to Increase Blog Traffic
5 Popular Instagram Tips to Ignore
Your Turn
Do you use Instagram Stories? Do you like it? What is holding you back if not? Share in the comments below. BlogPaws is on Instagram. Follow us and we will follow back!
Carol Bryant is the Marketing and Social Media Manager for BlogPaws and runs her own dog blog, Fidose of Reality and its fundraising arm, Wigglebutt Warriors. When not busy playing with her Cocker Spaniel, Dexter, she stays far away from cooking. Her trademark is her mantra and is tattooed on her arm: My Heart Beats Dog.®
Images: Giulio_Fornasar/Shutterstock.com and nenetus/Shutterstock.com
The post How Do Instagram Stories Work appeared first on BlogPaws.
from News And Updates About Pets http://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/social-media-strategy/how-do-instagram-stories-work/
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