#I'm working on widening the shipping for my books because right now I'm only shipping domestic
lovelaceisntdead · 8 months
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If you're interested in supporting the get Sophie to Vermont fund Moss Ink. is my main source of income and any support is greatly appreciated 🧡
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vergilsama922 · 1 year
Hope Universe Chronicles: Makoto and Tenko's First Date!
Hello everyone, recently these past few weeks, well actually since last month I've been working on this little story of mine. Really it's because I'm inspired by people like @putaindeplagieur and @pyropsychiccollector who are great writers. Hell, even @makoto-naegi-stud-and-friends is incredible with his smut and he's a fellow brother-in-arms as a Naegi shipper! (Check him out!) But I also wanted to showcase some of the more rare ships or crack ships and try my hardest to sell the romance. Usually I'll just throw a couple of pics and call it a day but eh, some things can't escape my brain XD Please also keep in mind I'm not a writer (even though @pyropsychiccollector insists I should write more XDDD) so I want honest reactions! Also Hope Universe Chronicles are....snapshots of different moments in time of the hope universe. It can range from class 78-A first month to their graduation to weddings to baby showers and even kids going to school. Like my family bonding stuff it's just a...it's like a picture book of a giant family album. Or in this case a story. Maybe a story Tenko tells to her kids, or maybe a story Makoto tells to his kids about when he first fell in love with Tenko. Who knows? Anyway, without further ado enjoy~
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Makoto and Tenko arrived at the park for their first date get-together, enjoying the cool breeze and the rustling of the leaves. The sound of birds chirping and the soft sunlight filtering through the trees made it feel like a peaceful sanctuary from the rest of the world. A haven away from the madness and chaos of Hope's Peak with Tenko's eyes lighting up at the sight of the open space. "Wow, this is such a great place for training," she said with excitement.
Makoto chuckled at her enthusiasm, "Well, we're not here to train, we're here to have fun and get to know each other."
Tenko nodded and smiled, "Right, I'm sorry. I'm just really passionate about martial arts."
Makoto smiled back, "No need to apologize. I think it's great that you're so passionate about something."
As they walked through the park, they talked about their interests and hobbies. Tenko shared stories about her experiences training in martial arts preferably how amazing Neo Aikidio is over everything else, while Makoto told her about his love for detective work and solving mysteries.
Tenko's eyes widened with admiration, "Wow, you must be really smart to be into that detective stuff!" Well...It didn't exactly hurt that he's been helping Kyoko, Mikoto, Sachi, Mekuru...wait a minute. Isn't that way too many people? Probably not.
Makoto chuckled, "I'm not sure about that, but I do enjoy solving puzzles and mysteries."
Tenko looked at Makoto with a newfound admiration, "You know, you're really cool. Not just because you're a detective, but because you're a really kind person. I kinda feel terrible for calling you a degenerate when he first met....W-Wait! What am I saying?! All degenerates are bad, you're just the exemption!"
Makoto blushed, "Thanks, Tenko. You're pretty cool too, with your martial arts skills and your ability to read people's emotions even if you have an uh....unique way of doing so." Yeah. Tenko was STRONG. And who ever heard of tossing someone in order to read their emotions??? That was something you'd see out of a shonen manga!
Tenko beamed, "Really? You think so? Sometimes I worry that I come off too strong. I also know you're not comfortable with me calling....the "others" degenerates." Ah. He could visibly see her shiver in disgust when she brought up talking about guys. Still, she HAS been trying to make progress! Seriously! I mean now she only tosses guys after three sentences instead of one!
Makoto reassured her, "No, not at all. I think it's great that you're so passionate about something, and your ability to read people's emotions is really impressive."
Tenko's face lit up with joy and a blush, "Thank you, Makoto. That...means a lot actually." Crap. Makoto could see Tenko's cute side. She was still at the end of the day a normal girl (minus everything else of course).
Makoto noticed Tenko's blush and felt his own cheeks heat up. He cleared his throat and changed the subject, "So, what else do you like to do besides martial arts?"
Tenko's expression shifted to one of contemplation, "Hmm, well, I like to spend time with my friends and mentor, and I also enjoy meditating to clear my mind."
Makoto nodded, "That's really cool. I've always been interested in meditation, but I've never really tried it myself." Mostly because Makoto Naegi's daily life was never peaceful. Never. Whether it was dealing with the more extreme personalities like Junko, Kanade, or Ibuki or hell even just getting constant death stares from every guy in the school, Makoto knew his life was only just going to get more hectic. Meditation was definitely something he would love Tenko to teach him
Tenko smiled, "I can show you sometime if you'd like. It's really helpful for clearing your thoughts and focusing your mind."
Makoto smiled back, "I'd like that, thanks."
They continued walking through the park, enjoying each other's company and the peaceful surroundings. Tenko's eyes sparkled as she saw a group of people practicing martial arts in the distance, "Oh, can we go watch them for a bit?"
Makoto nodded and followed her over to the group. They watched in awe as the martial artists performed various techniques and forms, and Tenko even joined in for a bit, demonstrating some of her Neo Aikido moves. Of course, given that Tenko is well...an Ultimate she clearly was ten, no twenty steps above the rest. It also didn't hurt that Tenko was not only very fluid but incredibly graceful in her movements.
Makoto was impressed, no. Awestruck. She looked so stunning when she was going through her Kata's and showing off her stance and movements to the others. He was seriously falling for her. "Wow, you're really talented! Have you ever considered teaching martial arts?" I mean
Tenko's face lit up with excitement, How did Makoto have this natural ability to pick up on things like that? "Actually, I have! I've always wanted to share my passion with others and help them learn self-defense against dege---uhh....Bad guys! Y-Yeah! That's what I meant!"
Makoto smiled and sweatdropped a bit (She WAS trying at least), "I think that's a great idea. I'm sure you'd be an amazing teacher."
Tenko beamed with pride and gratitude, but more importantly, she was trying her best to hide a blush from the compliment. Why now? Why all of a sudden?! It was just a harmless, simple praise so *WHY* did it make her heart beat so suddenly? Was it the fact that she saw how Makoto looked at her like she was the most perfect thing in existence when she was teaching that random group some of her moves? Was it the fact that he always brought out the good in her and even others? Was it even because out of all the deg...."others" that he truly CARED? No. He genuinely respected her and shared in her passion. She couldn't deny it. She was seriously falling for him.
As they continued walking, Makoto noticed Tenko seemed lost in thought. "Is everything okay?" he asked, concerned. He hoped he didn't say or do anything to mess up this moment together. He knew why Tenko had such disdain towards other guys, hell every guy beside him and there was a part of him that was afraid that he upset her somehow.
Tenko shook her head, "Yeah, everything's fine. I was just thinking about something." Keep it cool. Just don't reveal that you're falling for Makoto. Simple.
Makoto smiled, "Well, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here to listen."
Tenko's heart skipped a beat at his words. She had never felt this way about anyone before. It was like Makoto could read her thoughts and knew exactly what to say to make her feel better. She was falling for him hard and fast. Her master didn't teach her how to navigate the hardest challenge ever. Love.
They walked side by side, enjoying the comfortable silence between each other when Tenko suddenly stumbled over a tree root and lost her balance.
Makoto quickly grabbed her arm to steady her, but in the process, they both lost their footing and fell to the ground in a heap. They both laughed as they dusted themselves off, and that's when Makoto noticed something.
"Tenko, your face is red," he said, concerned. She wasn't hurt was she? Or maybe she was angry? Crap. Did touching her by accident make her super uncomfortable? A thousand scenarios were running through his mind, he didn't want to upset everything with his new friend.
Tenko quickly tried to hide her blush, "I-I'm fine! It's just a little hot out." Honestly, she knew it was flimsy but she at least had to try something. Makoto could be pretty oblivious so she was hoping against all hope that this was one of those moments
Makoto didn't buy it, why NOW of all times did he become super observant?!?! "Are you sure? Your face is really red. Maybe we should sit down for a bit."
Tenko couldn't help but feel flustered. Why was she getting so embarrassed over something so small AGAIN? "No, no, I'm fine, really." Another bad lie and she knew it was just a matter of time. Why did couldn't she just tell him how she feels? Why didn't her master teach her how to navigate this? What if Makoto doesn't love her like he loves the others? Was she too manly? Was she too forceful with her anti-male rhetoric? More importantly, what if he said "No." With a hundred different thoughts turning into a whirlpool of negative energy, Tenko decided to do what she promised to teach Makoto. Meditate. She needed to purge these insecurities and figure out the best course of action! At the end of the day it was no different from sparring right? Learn your opponent's weakness while taking advantage of your strength. These thoughts needed to simply be beaten.
Makoto didn't push the matter any further, but he couldn't help but feel like there was something else going on with Tenko. They continued walking in silence for a few moments which felt like an eternity between the two until Tenko finally spoke up. This....she was gambling everything on this. She finally figured out that the best course of action was to be direct. To go on the offensive!
"Hey Makoto," she said, her voice a little quieter than usual.
Makoto turned to her, "Yeah, what's up?"
Tenko took a deep breath, "I just wanted to say...thank you. For being such a good friend to me."
Makoto smiled, "Of course, Tenko. You're a great person and a great martial artist. It's an honor to be your friend."
Tenko smiled back, but her heart was racing. She knew she couldn't keep her feelings bottled up anymore. She took another deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. This was it. The decisive moment. The indescribable situation like when both fighters know someone will win or lose.
"Makoto...I don't just see you as a friend. I-I have feelings for you," she blurted out, her face turning even redder than before.
Makoto's eyes widened in surprise, but then a smile spread across his face. "Tenko, I feel the same way. I've been trying to figure out how to tell you for a while now." Was it when he agreed to help be the manager of her Aikido club with only the two of them as members? Was it when she protected him from a group of bullies due to their jealousy? Or was it that very first day Class 79-A first enrolled and they met eyes that one Tuesday morning after homeroom?
Tenko couldn't believe it. She had been so afraid that Makoto didn't feel the same way, but now he was telling her that he liked her too. And her mind was truly empty. She.....She didn't know what to say or do at this moment. Her confession was accepted yes, but she never prepared for what to do after. They just stared at each other, Warm-Green meeting Hazel. Engulfing each other in the middle of the day in some random park they decided to go to.
But that perfect moment with neither saying anything yet understanding everything was softly coming to its conclusion.
Makoto leaned in and gently kissed her, and Tenko's heart skipped a beat. It was a soft, sweet kiss that made her feel like she was floating on air. She wrapped her arms around Makoto's neck and deepened the kiss, savoring the feeling of being with someone she cared about so deeply. She never in a million years, no a trillion would believe she could fall in love with a guy. But here she was. Tenko initially thought Makoto was nothing more than a creepy playboy who for some reason had tons of girls fawning over him. Of course, she blamed him for that but as the days passed, even she had to admit there was something *DIFFERENT* about him.
And yet....Tenko knew now. It was that day after all. Her first week of being enrolled was when she looked into his eyes on that Tuesday morning after homeroom. That's when she finally understood that she truly liked him.
When they finally pulled away, they both had huge smiles on their faces. They knew that this was just the beginning of something special, something that could be even stronger than their friendship. They both were in love with each other.
They both found hope in each other.
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
Hi! I've been reading your Nine-related stuff and they're really good! (And i also liked the borrower fic!). Here's my writing prompt/ suggestion: in the case we don't get a flashback next ""season"" (though i hope we do). What about your take on Nine's time during those weeks without Sonic? Like making the shattedrive, discovering the grim, etc?
Hello! One angsty Nine fic coming right up!
It had been weeks since he last saw the blue hedgehog.
In those weeks a lot of things happened. The rebellion was in full effect, the people involved saw their chance and took it. Now there was a battle overhead. A desperate and hopeful chance at creating a revolution.
But that wasn't Nine's main concern.
The machine he was working on currently was his top priority. It was a ship, perhaps a plane like Sonic said another version of him had.
He was about finished, all he needed to do was put the shard in and he'd be good to go. He'd find Sonic and get out of here. Then they'd find a new home to live together.
To have the things Sonic said they had.
Green grass, blue skies, beaches, palm trees, Chili dogs, all of it. They didn't need anyone or anything else. They'd be happy together no matter what in this new world.
That was all they needed.
He climbed in, the red shard glowing in front of him, ready to travel. After a split second of hesitance, he pushed the button, eyes widening at a light shot from the ship becoming a deep portal to who knows where.
The fox's ears fluttered slightly down in a small sense of fear, before shooting back up, his face hardening in determination. Moving the ship forward into the portal the fox uttered lines filled with firm determination.
"Hold on Sonic, I'm coming."
The machine moved through the portal, and when it got to the other end, the fox gasped at the space surrounding him. It was so...empty. There weren't any stars or other planets, just nothing but wide space and several shards moving about.
He felt uncomfortable with the sheer vastness he was now put in. There was nothing surrounding him, there was nobody he could see. He was alone.
For a moment there was a pit beginning to form, but the fox brushed it off and moved his ship forward, determined to find his only friend.
The Shatterpod slowly landed in a vast empty world of deep blue skies filled with stars and an orange-cracked ground with grey crystals shooting out, reaching for the sky they can never reach. He hadn't found Sonic, but he found it. The perfect world to start anew. A place for him and Sonic to live forever.
It was empty, devoid of any organic life, which was good. That meant there was nobody around to hurt or bother them. They could live the life Sonic told him about.
They'd be safe.
This was home.
This wasn't the first Shatterspace he discovered. There had been others. One filled with plant life, one he explored never seeing so many trees or flowers to be there in his grasp, he only read about them in books. However, he discovered he wasn't the only one there. There were other people, he hadn't seen them, but he heard their yells and cries reminiscent of cavemen, so he left immediately, deciding this was too primal to be home.
The next world he came across was filled with nothing but water, the world having been drowned in clean salt water. He found nothing there, no people, no islands. He determined it was too drowning. It wasn't home either.
Then he came across the last one, which he called 'The Grim', mainly because of its grim atmosphere that he found he enjoyed. It was perfect, no cavemen, no seas, just home.
Unfortunately, he needed to find Sonic first before he did anything, this had been for both of them after all.
He hadn't found the hedgehog in any of the worlds he traveled to, so that was the only thing he needed to achieve.
But he'd find him.
He'd bring Sonic home.
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sacred-stanning · 9 days
Parting Ways
There are a couple of scenes showing characters going back to their various home countries too.
"Ephraim, I must leave now."
"There is still much I must do as the Crown Princess of the Holy Kingdom of Rausten."
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L'Arachel mentions the distance between Rausten and Renais, then continues with, "Well, for instance, if we were to be bound together in marriage..."
"Oh, what am I saying? How uncouth of me!"
This is the least subtle, "Just fucking propose to me!" hint dropped ever. But knowing Ephraim, I bet Eirika still had to explain to him afterward what L'Arachel meant.
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"I'm going to return to Darkling Woods now."
"I have to work to take the place of my father."
Myrrh also asks if she can come visit Ephraim sometimes. Awww! :)
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"Frelia will assist Renais in their rebuilding in any way we can."
"Let me know any time you need me, Ephraim."
"It wasn't so bad fighting by your side either."
(I can see why some people like the grumpy, tsundere Innes and Ephraim ship.)
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And finally, back in Renais castle, Eirika stops Ephraim as he's heading out.
"You've just returned to Renais..."
"I'm sorry, Eirika, but I need to go to Grado."
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"There has been a huge earthquake in the south, in Grado."
"The very earth has split apart, and the towns have been totally destroyed."
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"Some people are saying that this is a divine punishment."
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"But these people of Grado are the ones Lyon was trying to protect."
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After that, Eirika says she'll go with Ephraim, but he points out that the situation in Renais is also still not stable. Eirika promises to look over Renais while Ephraim is away helping Grado, and Ephraim promises that he will one day because the both strong and kind king that he should be.
Vanessa woke up to the sun pouring in the window. She felt confused for a moment about where she was, but then she remembered, "I'm in Renais Castle."
She and the other knights of Frelia were going to leave today and accompany Prince Innes and Princess Tana back to Frelia. They had only had one day of rest in Renais Castle, but there was still so much to do, both in Renais and in Frelia, not to mention war-torn Grado.
Vanessa, still not opening her eyes, rolled over on her side. She reached out her arm and felt to her side.
Lute was still there. Her arm had come to rest on Lute's leg. "She must be sitting up. She's probably reading already," Vanessa thought to herself.
"Good morning," Vanessa heard Lute say. "You asked me to warn you if you slept in too late this morning, but you seem to have woken up at least an hour before needed."
Vanessa finally opened her eyes and looked up. As she had predicted, Lute was sitting up in bed, already absorbed in a book. Vanessa propped herself up slightly on one elbow and put her other hand on top of the book to push it down a little. She smiled and said, "You're right, I am awake now, and you've got 2 seconds to put the book away and give me a proper morning greeting!"
Lute looked at Vanessa blankly. She didn't say anything for a moment, and then finally asked, "You want me to put the book away?"
Vanessa sighed, though she was not annoyed in any way. She still sometimes had trouble with how direct she had to be with Lute. "Yes, but just for a moment. Of course I don't mind that you're reading. I just want a proper greeting in the morning!"
"But I already said 'good morning'" Lute said, closing the book and putting it aside.
Vanessa murmured, looking away a little and feeling her cheeks flush, "I want you to kiss me." It was embarrassing being this direct, but she was pretty sure Lute wouldn't figure out what she meant otherwise.
"Oh!" Lute said, her eyes widening a little. She smiled, "I can do that."
They only had a short amount of time that morning before Vanessa had to leave. After Vanessa had gotten her proper morning greeting, she had to hurry and get ready. Lute's next steps were a little less certain, and she didn't have anything to prepare for currently, so she followed Vanessa around the castle all morning as she packed and got everything ready to move out with the rest of the royal Frelian retinue.
Once Vanessa was all ready, she and Lute had a few moments before Vanessa had to actually depart for real. Vanessa pulled Lute aside into a small room that wasn't being used.
"So...I guess this is it," Vanessa said, hesitatingly. "I need to leave in a couple of minutes with Prince Innes and Princess Tana."
She thought to herself, "Actually, I should be out there attending to them right now. I hope they're not too angry with me. I think Princess Tana, at the very least, suspects what's going on with me and Lute, and she's the type to forgive something like this."
Vanessa spoke again, "What are you going to do next Lute?"
Lute tilted her head and thought. "I am not sure. I do not have any obligations like you do. I think I would like to stay in the castle a little bit longer so that I can continue to use the books in the library. But I also need to go back to Za'ha and tell my grandmother that I am ok as well."
Vanessa couldn't help chuckling slightly. "You never did remember to write that letter to her, did you?" Then she frowned. "Yeah, you do need to go back and tell her you're ok. I bet she's worried sick about you. You said you didn't even tell her where you were going when you left, right? I don't want to bug you right before we have to say bye..." Vanessa felt her eyes tear up slightly at the word "bye". "...but sometimes you don't think enough about how much other people care about you and worry about you!"
Lute looked away, like Vanessa had noticed she often did when she found a conversation uncomfortable. Vanessa continued hurriedly in order not to dwell on something uncomfortable right before they had to part ways. "Sorry, I just...I guess I'm just worried that you don't understand how much I care about you. You are going to come visit me once you finish what you need to do in Renais, right?"
Lute turned her face back up and glared at Vanessa. "I said I would go to Frelia," she said sternly. "You asked me to come to Frelia, and I said I would. I want to go." She paused for a moment, then continued slightly more quietly, "...and I want to study more about pegasi. Then I could be useful to you and your Pegasus Knights. Maybe...in case I stay for a long time..."
Vanessa couldn't help herself. She started crying, and she leaned over to embrace Lute. Lute, seemingly surprised by the reaction, stood stiffly at first, but then brought her own arms up around Vanessa's waist.
Vanessa predicted what question was coming next, and preemptively answered in a voice still shaky with crying, "I'm not angry. I'm not upset. I'm really happy to hear you say that!"
Vanessa gently stepped back, and pulled a handkerchief out of a pocket to dry her eyes. She breathed deeply and closed her eyes, trying to regain her composure.
"I...I really have to go now," Vanessa said apologetically. "We have to march out in an official ceremony and everything."
"I know," Lute said. "I will see you again in Frelia. I do not know how long it will take to get there, but I promise I will try to hurry."
Lute opened her mouth as if to say something else, then closed it, then opened it again. "I will miss you," she finally said.
Vanessa felt the tears coming again, and bit her lower lip to try to stop them. "I will too," she said, and then she heard the trumpet announcing that the Frelian procession would start soon. She took one last look at the small woman standing in front of her, as if trying to burn the image into her mind, then she turned and walked off.
Lute stood alone in the room. She felt empty in a way she wasn't sure she ever had before. Lacking the energy to keep standing, she sat in a corner, and stared at the wall. She felt tears in her eyes, and realized that this was the first time she had cried in a long time. Maybe since childhood? She closed her eyes and listened to the commotion outside as the procession started to move out of the castle.
"I'll see Vanessa again," she thought to herself. "It's just a little while. I just need to take care of some business first." To calm herself, she began to compose a list of steps in her mind.
1 Find as many books relevant to pegasi as I can in the Renais library. I need to prepare myself so that I can be useful in Frelia and not be a burden. (Estimated time: ~3 weeks? Will Ephraim and Eirika let me stay that long? I should ask Artur if he knows the rules for a commoner staying in a royal castle.)
2 Travel back home and tell my grandma I'm not dead. I should also spend some time with her. I do miss her. Maybe mom and dad will even stop by the village while I'm there? (Estimated time: To Za'ha, maybe 1 week? Then if I spend time there, maybe another month, or maybe 2 to give mom and dad a chance to see me. But if they don't, that's probably fine too. I'll tell grandma where they can all find me. I think they travel to Frelia for business sometimes.)
3 Travel to Frelia and see Vanessa.
Lute pondered for a moment. She usually kept her notes serious and businesslike, but she decided that in this instance, it was ok to add a playful touch.
3 Travel to Frelia and see Vanessa! <3 (Estimated time: 2 weeks? Or is it going to take longer? I need to find that out.) Total time: Anywhere from 2 1/2 months to 4 months.
Lute felt some apprehension at how long it would be, but she also felt the satisfaction of having a plan, even if some of the details on the timing needed tweaking.
Lute heard that the noise from the procession had died down as it had moved out of the castle courtyard and into the castle town. She stood up. Maybe now while everyone was busy she could sneak in some time at the library before she got pulled in to some sort of official business or a celebration or some other waste of time again.
Next time: Credits, and one last flashback
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
how is cg stede with tiny izzy
;w; the beesst as he can be!
-Stede knows from Ed n' his crew that Izzy is reluctant in sharing this part of him, that he tends to hide away. And, that kinda breaks Stede's papa heart, hearing that💔
-So, he wants to give Izzy a space where he feels safe and comfortable enough to where he doesn't have to feel like he needs to hide away when tiny♡♡♡
-Ofc, it's a learning process for the both of them. Izzy refused to be around Stede unless Ed was there, which, no big deal at all, Stede knows Izzy needs someone he's firmilar with!☆
But, there is one day where Ed and the boys head out for something, leaving Izzy and a handful of crew members who stayed on the ship. And, it was just, NOT Izzy's day, the previous night he had been sea sick a bit, now he's got the exhaustion that's creeped into his bones so, he doesn't even wake up until late into the morning
And when he does wake up, he's feeling very tiny, he trugs to Stede's and Ed's room, his blanket pulled across the floor as he shuffles in, expecting to see Ed.
But, he only sees Stede at the table, reading and drinking a cup of tea. His head perks up when he sees Izzy standing at the door.
"Ah, good morning Israel, though we lost you to the sand man," he chuckles as he sets his cup down.
Izzy's nose scrunches, "Where Eddie?"
"Oh! He and a couple of the crewmates went to the island to do some scouting, should be back by noon hour they said."
And that devastates Izzy right there. He wanted Ed! He needed Ed! Now he's all alone and, and-
Stede's eyes widen as he watches Izzy's face crumble as he starts to sob. The gentleman pirate is quick on his feet and guiding Izzy into the room, seating them both on the bed.
"Oh dear, we've gotten worked into quite the tizzy haven't we?" He softly says as Izzy presses his face into Stede's chest.
Stede, rubs small circles into his back, "I know you want Ed, I know dear, but he's stepped out for a bit. We'll have to be a brave boy, I'm right here so, you don't have to be brave alone."
Izzy sniffles, rubbing his face over his sleeve, "O-okay. Brave."
Stede nods as he pulls out his handkerchief, wipping up Izzy's face, "And I know you are such a brave boy, Eddie has told me of alllll the brave things you have done. Now," he gently pats Izzy's cheek, "you must be starving, shall we have some breakfast?"
Soon, Ed is back, walking into the cabin, talking about all the cool stuff they discovered! But, is shushed slightly from Stede as he's craddling Izzy in one arm and balancing his book in the other. He briefly explains how Izzy was tiny and upset about Ed not being there.
As he's speaking, Izzy wakes up and sees Ed. His head pops up as he holds his arms out, to which Ed smiles and picks Izzy up and Izzy says how he was a brave boy and waited for Ed to come back.
"Thats my Izzy, very brave, mate! And, wasn't so bad being with Papa Stede, was it?"
Izzy shyly shakes his head, explaining how Stede let him have strawberries in his porridge.
Stede smiles, feeling pride that he was able to keep Izzy comfortable and safe feeling until Ed came back💕
- Stede looooves to call Izzy sweet nicknames and such because he always gets either shy giggles or small 'nooos' which, are just plain adorable to Stede♡
- Izzy isn't much for fairy tales, so, Stede reads him lots of poetry and history books!
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l-egionaire · 3 years
Owl House Fanfic: I Did Not Account For This
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Amity had kissed her.
Amity had kissed her!
A cheek kiss sure, but still! Her abuela's cheek kisses definitely hadn't felt like that!
She had to talk to someone else about this.
Luz's mind raced as she ran down the street of Bonesborough. Her eyes darted around until they finally locked onto Gus's house.
She headed over to it and hammered on the front door. "Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus!"
When there was no answer, Luz groaned and dug around in her pockets until she found an Ice glyph. She tapped the paper and it morphed into a key that she then used to unlock the door.
Luz dashed inside and up the house stairs to Gus's room. She kicked open the door.
"Gus, I need to talk you! I-."
But Luz fell silent when she saw what was going on inside: Willow and Gus sitting on Gus's room floor, their eyes closed and their lips pressed together.
Willow's right eye chose that moment to slightly open, only to pop wide when she saw Luz standing there. She pulled away from Gus and leapt up, her face burning red. Gus opened his own eyes in confusion only to panic and become flush faced when Willow tapped him on the shoulder and pointed out Luz in the doorway.
"Luz! I can explain! This is, uh, just an illusion!" Gus said meekly
Willow looked at Gus with a raised brow. "Really?"
"What? It was all I could think of!"
Luz regained her voice and cried out "Wha- when did this happen?!"
"Well, kind of just now." Willow said. shrugging her non injured shoulder.. Though her voice was calm, she was still blushing brightly.
Luz eyes ping ponged back and forth between Gus and Willow for a few minutes until her mouth turned into a face splitting smile.
"Tell me everything!" She yelled with glee.
Gus and Willow looked to each other.
"You want to take this one or should I?" Gus asked.
"Lets just both tell it." Willow said.
"Come on! I want to know" Luz said excitedly.
" Okay. So, those Glandus kids turned out to not be that great. Their "quest" turned out to be robbing an illusionists graveyard. I couldn't go through with it, so Mattholomule and I scared them off. It was actually pretty cool. I put an illusion over the graveyard and-."
"Get to the shipping parts already!" Luz cried.
"Okay, okay. So, after I came home, I found Willow here."
"I was worried Gus was still feeling down after what happened with the pixies, so I thought I'd come by and try to make him feel better." Willow chimed in.
"So, we sat down and started talking. About the Glandus kids, the pixie incident, and kind of just us in general. I-I kind of had a crush on one of those Glandus kids and she was the one who was probably the meanest to me. But Willow told that it was her loss and any girl would be lucky to have me."
"Awwwww" Luz 
"And then I started to realize how much Willow meant to me. We'd been friends a long time and been through a lot together. Next to my parents, she's probably the most important person in my life.  And well, I kind of, sort of, started to realize that she was really pretty." Gus's blush deepened.
"And hearing that that Glandus girl shot him down made me think over some things too. Gus was always there for me.  Even when everyone else saw me as 'Half-a-witch-Willow' I still had Gus. And I started to notice he was kind of handsome.  After that we started talking about how we felt and then, well, you saw what happened next." Willow's cheeks darkened as well.
"Oh dios mio, eso es tan lindo! I can't believe this! So, are you guys a couple now?" Luz asked.
The two of them once again looked at each other.
"Well…" Gus started.
"We're taking things slow." Willow said. "The kiss was nice, but we're not going to rush into anything."
"Right! Of course. Taking things slow…..But if I asked If you'd be interested in getting lunch with me tomorrow?"
"I'd like that." Willow took Gus's hand into her own.
"Eeeeeeeeh! Okay, you two are officially my new OTP! Ugh, I'm so happy for you!"
Gus chuckled. "Thanks. But what are you doing here anyway? Did you find something at the library with Amity?"
Hearing the name "Amity" Suddenly returned Luz's mind to its buzzing post-kiss state. Now it was her turn to blush brightly. "Oh. Right. That."
Willow's eyes narrowed knowingly as if she could read Luz's thoughts. "Did something happen between you two?"
"Well. Funny story actually. Amity kind of, sort of…..kissed me."
The two of them stared at her for two minutes until Willow turned to Gus, held out her hands and said "Pay up."
Gus groaned and dug unto his pocket. He pulled out a handful of snails and dropped it into Willows open palm. "Aw man. I'd been saving up."
"I promise I'll put it all towards our lunch date." Willow said. She looked back to Luz. "So, What happened?"
"Well, I went to the library and Amity and I tried to find out more about the last human who'd lived here. But she said that the book was in a restricted area so we had to be careful while looking for it-."
"Get to the shipping parts already!" Gus teased.
"Urgh, fine. So, I accidentally made Amity lose her job. Than, I went through some trials to get her job back. And when I went to take her her job card she had purple hair and was pretty and she helped me realize I have an Echo Mouse with the information I needed and she said I had a way of digging into people's hearts and then she kissed me on the cheek!"
They both stared at her with wide eyes.
"Wow. Good for Amity. I knew she had it in her." Willow said.
"Wait, what? What's that supposed to mean? And why did you two exchange cash?"
"We kind of had a bet going on which of you would act on your feelings first." Gus admitted sheepishly.
"And I bet Amity would act first." Willow boasted.
"How did you know she would?"
"Because I know Amity. When push comes to shove, she goes for what she wants."
"Wha- wait, you mean Amity does like me?"
"Duh. I'm shocked you didn't know. It was kind of obvious." Willow pointed out.
"But-but-but what about her crush? At Grom, she had someone she wanted to ask out!"
Gus and Willow just stared at her pointedly. It took Luz a second to understand and her eyes widened in realization.
"I'm her crush?" She whispered. 
"Duh." Gus said.
"But-no that's-why? Why would Amity have a crush on me? After all the trouble I've caused her, why would she like me?
"Because you're a good person, Luz," Willow said, coming over and placing a gentle hand on Luz's shoulder. "Sure, you can get in over your head sometimes but you're also brave and you care a lot about people. It’s not hard to see what she saw in you."
"Yeah. You're great. Heck, I’d date you! Er, if I wasn’t dating Willow I mean” Gus chuckled nervously.
“Nice save.”
Luz was completely stunned into silence. Someone liked her like she liked them. And not just anyone, but Amity. It almost didn’t feel real.
Finally, she said. “So, what should I do now? With Amity I mean.”
“Well, maybe you should do what Gus and I did.” Willow suggested.
“You want me to go kiss Amity in her bedroom?!”
“What?! No!” Willow spluttered. “I meant that you should go and talk about how you feel. Make sure that you’re both on the same page with what to do next.”
“You’re right. Thanks Willow.”
“No problem.”
Luz went over to the door, but before she left she turned back to Gus and Willow and teasingly said. “I’m going to leave the door open up here. Wouldn't want you two love birds doing anything inappropriate."
Willow glared at her. "Oh why don't you go make out with Amity already?"
"Going to work on that!"
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lil-bumbum · 4 years
Shiro x male galra reader
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  ×3rd pov×
M/n!! Please it's me!it's Shiro,  your friend! ", Shiro yells begging for his galran friend to respond.  (m/n) ignores his friends plea as he continues working with Haxus on the controls of the ship.  Sendak chuckles evilly.  " He won't help Shiro. ",  he says chuckling more.  "(m/n)! I know you remember me! You have too! You helped me escape!! ", Shiro yells,  now frustrated.  " After he had helped you we punished him and did some.......upgrading.",  Sendak says smiling at shiro's distress.
    "Sir, you should listen to this. ",  Haxus says to Sendak.  " What is it? ",  Sendak says still staring at Shiro, smirking.  " I found a radio signal,  sir.  We think there is another paladin inside the castle, sir. ", (m/n)  says,  catching Sendaks attention.  Sendak walks over to the pair.  There is static but if you listen hard you can hear the fuzzy,  muffled voices. " Make it clear.", Sendak demands getting a nod from (m/n).  The said boys expert hands flying across the controls.
    The signal gets clear enough to where you can clearly make out the words being spoken. "We now know where the paladin is.",  Haxus says smirking. " Follow the paladin,  then kill them. (m/n) you stay on the controls and wait. ",  Sendak orders.  (M/n)  once again nods as Haxus runs to find the paladin.  "You called me space cow because you read books about earth and you said my hair reminded you of a cow!!! ", Shiro yells,  his eyes full of sadness and hurt.
    (M/n)'s head snapped up and his hands froze. The collar around his neck sparked a little bit. Shiro's eyes widened as Lance laughed at the ridiculous nickname despite them being in a literal life or death situation.  'Why didn't I notice that collar before! '.  Shiro thought mentally smacking himself. " WHO SAID YOU CAN STOP!? GET BACK TO WORK! ", Sendak yelled making (m/n) snap out of his daze. " You never called me champion because you know how much I hate that name!"
    "You always said 'You have to fight it. If you let your arm control you then that means the galra wins.' You would steal food so that I can have something to eat! You were never scared of me even though I'm scared of myself! You helped me escape even though you knew that death is one of the punishments!! ",  Shiro yelled at the ravenette/white haired boy.  ((I think galrans only have black, purple or white hair)) . (M/n)  froze again.  All of the memories flooding back.
    (M/n) falls to his knees, clawing at his head. He screams in pain as he remembers his punishment. The knives, the whips, all of the blood and bruises.  Getting beaten to the point where he thought he would die. He whispers,  shaking and muttering to himself. Then (m/n) finally faints as his collar stops sparking and starts smoking.  Shiro and Lance stare, eyes wide.  Shiro's in shock and regret for leaving his friend. Lance's in shock and sympathy.
    Sendak walks to (m/n) 's unconscious body. Shiro eyes now filled with anger.  " DON'T TOUCH HIM! ",  he yells. Sendak ignores Shiro and taps (m/n) 's foot with his own. He growls turning around,  ready to strangle Shiro and Lance.  As he angrily walks toward the two there is a big boom,  echoing through the halls. The lights spasming on and off before finally stopping leaving everyone in darkness. Sendak yells in anger as his plan to take control of the ship back fires.
    The sounds of grunts and hitting reach his ears. The lights turn back on,  this time glowing blue instead of red meaning it's no longer under galran control. Sendak spins around.  The droids on the floor in pieces Shiro and Lance gone. He growls turning back around toward (m/n) 's body to find that he is also gone. He walks over to the controls and punches the table in anger. He now has no choice but to retreat.  Lance and Shiro runs, (m/n) in Shiro's arms.
    Shiro stares as (m/n) and notices his purple skin is paler than usual, his body lightly shaking, his eyes going back forth under their lids, and his breathing shaky. Shiro runs faster wanting to help his friend before its too late.
  Muffled talking echoes through the halls. Hunk staring at the stove ((Do alteans have stoves?)) thinking about what had happened. All of the lions we're almost taken and hundreds maybe even thousands of innocent lives were almost killed. And now there's galran in one of their healing pods. Hunk is snapped out of his thoughts by a sizzling sound. 'Balls, balls, balls! I forgot about the food'.  Hunk rushes to mix the oddly bright, chunky mixture so that it doesn't burn any more than it already has. He tuned off the stove and gets plated for the group and scoops up the bright green goop and puts it on each plate.
    He holds all of the plates on his arms like a waiter and makes his way to where the rest are thinking of what to do. He hears yelling as he walks closer to the closed doors. And almost drops the plates as the big door slams open and Shiro stomps away. Hunk regains his balance and walks into the room, nervously smiling at the tense, cold feeling radiating off of allura. He gives each member their plate and shaking makes his way toward allura, pulling his collar as he sweats. He quickly drops her plate in front her and runs to his spot.
×Shiro's P.O.V×
    I angrily stomp my way to the healing pods. I know I should calm down but I can't help it. It's not their fault that they're not fond of galrans but not ALL of them are evil. (M/n) proved that. He was the first to show me kindness and he wasn't afraid to help me. He gave me whatever I needed and he helped me escape with no hesitation. 'He's my........... friend. If the others gave him a chance the would realize he doesn't plan on hurting anyone'. I start thinking about what I had just thought about. 'What is (m/n) to me? '. I shake my head as I open the door to the healing pods. I walk over to (m/n) 's pod and stop. I feel my anger dissapear as its replaced with sadness and regret. My eyes soften as I look at the scars covering his body.
    'I should've taken you with me', I thought. I look at his face, he looks so worried and sad. I put my hand on the glass that separates us. I see his finger twitch and I jump back as his hand shot up. His hand in the spot where I had put my hand before I jumped back. I cautiously step forward reaching my hand out. I put my hand where his is. (M/n) 's eyes snap open and the pods starts opening. I step back again just in case he's still being controlled. But my caution flies out the window as I reach forward and catch him before he hits the floor.
×(M/N) POV×
    'Where am I? Why can't I move? '. I try to open my eyes but I'm rewarded with nothing. I slowly start to panic as I can't move no matter how hard I try. I stop as I hear muttering. " I should've taken you with me. ". 'That voice..... I know that voice!,I can't remember who that voice belong too.i have to see who they are!'. I again try to move but get nothing. I continue to try and then I feel my finger twitch. 'Yes! Just a little more'. I think as I slowly gain control of my arm.
    I move my arm trying to feel where I am since Im slowly gaining control of everything but my eyes are still heavy. I raise my hand up and I hit something cold and hard. I hear something shuffle and then I feel warmth where my hand is despite the glass being cold. I struggle to open my eyes and when they do I open all I can see is a blurry black shape. I hear a hissing sound and a mist surrounds me as I no longer feel the glass. I try to walk but instead I fall not being able to feel my legs. I put my hands in front of me to protect my face and they hit something warm and hard. I open my eyes and and notice I was in someone's arms. " (M/n)  are you okay!? ", a panicked voice says. I look up and my vision cleared and I recognized the mystery person as " Shiro? What..... where are we? ", I ask confused.
   Shiro holds me at arms length as i grab hold of his arms to keep me standing. He stares at me as I stare back in confusion. I open my mouth to say something but Shiro pulls me back into a hug. He nuzzles into my hair and holds me tighter to his hard chest. I feel him start to shake and I feel something wet. I look up as best as I can since I'm being crushed into his chest. "Shiro? ", I ask softly.
×3rd pov×
    " Shiro? ", (m/n) softly asks. Shiro looks down at (m/n) seeing his confusion. Shiro gently lifts his hand up to (m/n) 's cheek, softly rubbing his light/dark purple cheek. " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry", Shiro whispers to (m/n). (M/n) looks even more confused. "What are you apologizing for?", the galran asks his human..... friend? " I left you. I left you instead of taking you with me", Shiro says laying his forhead on (m/n) 's. (M/n) huffs. "We both know I wouldn't have left Shiro. Someone had to distract the guards and it definitely wasn't going to he you. ", (m/n) says. Shiro sighs knowing that he's right.
    " But they hurt you. I should've come back for you immediately after...", Shiro's voice cracks. (M/n) cuts him off. "No, Shiro. What's more important one life or millions of others? Besides I'm right here in front of you. In your arms. ", (m/n) says sternly but soft. Shiro looks into (m/n)'s (e/c) eyes. Those eyes that have always read him like an open books, the eyes that seem to be staring right into his soul. The eyes that made him melt and go soft. " I missed you.... so much", Shiro whispers after a moment of silence. "Me too.", (m/n) whispers back.
    (M/n) closes his eyes, leaning into Shiro hand as his fluffy purple ears twitch cutely. Shiro silently watches (m/n)  enjoy all of the warmth he's getting. Shiro hesitantly moves forward as he closes his eyes. His lips connecting with (m/n)'s. (M/n)'s eyes flew open in surprise as his ears rise up, he slowly closes his eyes and purr ((i feel like they would purr idk 😅)) enjoying the pleasant feeling of the humans lips on his. There are no Sparks or tingles but there is definitely love. The two seperate from the kiss and look into each other's eyes. " (M/n), I love you.", Shiro says sincerely. "Shiro,...... ". Shiro looks at (m/n) with hopeful eyes. "... I don't know what that means", (m/n) says nervously chuckling as Shiro sweat drops forgetting the galran boy doesn't know most human terms. Shiro chuckles hugging (m/n) again. " My galran boy", he says breathing in (m/n)'s scent. "My space cow", (m/n) says smirking evilly as Shiro's eyes snapped open and narrowed his eyes at his now lover.
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eyitsroseau · 4 years
Across the World Part 1 (Dr. Xeno dad! x Reader) Dr. Stone fanfic | A mini-series
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This will be in two or three parts. I don't know yet. But I hope you like it!
Part 2
Part 3
In which you found out you were pregnant pre-petrification to your long time boyfriend NASA scientist, Xeno. However, when you told him the news, he wanted nothing to do with it because his top priority is his research. Hurt, you decided to find refuge and start anew in the country you have always wanted to live in, Japan. Post-petrification and Senku announced they'll be traveling to America. As you have lived there before, they took you and your one-year-old daughter along. Now, thousands of years later, you'll find yourself face to face with the man who had hurt you the most across the world.
"Hey, babe?" Your nervousness seeped out of your body and your trembling hands are the evidence.
"Yeah? Look, my mentee from Japan messaged me. Looks like he's building a rocket again. Hmmm. All he needs is niobium-alloy nozzle..." he replied, giving you his divided attention. Again.
"Uh, babe?" You said a little louder this time. Sensing your urgency, he sighed and faced you fully.
"What is it?"
"This may sound shocking but, I'm... pregnant," you finally announced, clutching at the hem of your shirt while you waited for his reply.
You know this is unexpected but he'll take responsibility, right? Right? But the nagging gut-feel inside you knows what his answer will be.
With a straight unforgiving face he replied,
"I don't want it."
Remember that pain. Remember the hardships you went through. Remember how you wanted to go far away from the man that hurt you the most. Remember how he never contacted you even a year later. Remember how he didn't even ask for your child- the daughter he never got to meet.
Your daughter, oh God, your daughter! Never forget the way her eyes glimmer when she's with you. Never forget the smiles and giggles she reserves for you. Never forget how she nuzzled you on her first birthday. Never forget the time when you are taking her for a walk near a high school and suddenly you saw a blinding light which rendered you motionless.
Remember those memories again and again. Don't you ever dare forget any little details. No matter how much time passes, always remember.
Never forget.
Suddenly, you feel something cracking. And for the first time in what feels like forever, you can see the light. Your eyes widened when you see trees surrounding you. Not only that but the stone that seemed to cover your body begin to crumble. Little by little, you are gaining back your motility, and you have never felt so refreshed.
When you are finally free, you stood with shaking legs while scanning the area. Where are you? Are you still in Japan? How many years have passed?
Then, something hits you. Where is your daughter? Oh my god! Where is she? She couldn't be separated from you right? You have held her tightly when you saw that light. Panic and worry surged through you and you were about to set out and find her when you heard a familiar song.
Snapping your attention to where the noise came from, you realized that it was the lullaby you have always sang to your daughter, Xenka. Your feet had already started moving before you can register anything.
Alas, there in the middle of the forest, your daughter sat in front of a bonfire, grilling what appeared to be mushrooms. Taken a back, you only stared in shock when Xenka finally looked at you and the widest grin you have ever seen has graced her little face.
"Mama! You're back!"
You can't still wrap around the fact that your one-year-old daughter is facing you right now while talking about what she thought happened. Yes, your lovely Xenka who has not even said her first word before is now talking and had even made her own fire. Plus, she said she has been surviving for a week on her own.
"Sweetie, tell mama what happened when you're still a sto-"
"Mama, the perfect term is petrified! I told you I saw it in the dictionary, right?" your daughter pouted while crossing her chubby arms.
You chuckled. This situation is absurd but what can you expect from Xeno's blood daughter?
"Right, right. I apologize. Xenka-chan what happened to you when you are petrified?"
"I remembered I was really scared, mama! But you hugged me and told me to remember. But, I don't know what you meant so I remembered and studied again the words you taught me. I even memorized the books that I used to play with," she started. Well, what you were trying to say was that she has to remember that you love her. And the books she mentioned were from your roommate who is a researcher in the field of astrophysics and chemistry. You can also remember how Xenka used to scan your biology books.
You are surprised to hear that she basically became a genius over time. But to be honest you are not that surprised. She is Xeno's daughter after all.
A slight pang hit your chest when bitter memories started to fill your mind. As sudden as those memories come, they instantly go away when you feel your daughter sitting on your lap and cuddling you.
"I miss you so much, mama! You didn't hug me back when I awoke!" Her cries echoed through the vast forest and you can't help but to tear up also.
Your biggest fear is the thought that you lost her. Fortunately, your daughter is smart enough to survive on her own even just for a week. You cried with her as relief washed over you.
She must have been so afraid of being alone. And so, you let her wail for hours. It's alright, after all she's still a child. You held her close while whispering words of reassurance that from now on, you won't be separated anymore.
Once the two of you calmed down, Xenka reported that she saw what appears to be a tower when she was scouting the area. And with that, the two of you began your journey. But first, you have to make DIY clothes or else you'll walk in naked if there really is people around.
The stone statues that litter the forest is a little creepy. It reminded you of that village in Japan famous for their stone statues. It took you a day to finally arrive at your destination. That must mean that Xenka has wandered far from where you were depetrified.
To your utter shock, a big ship is what greeted you upon entering the village. What the heck? You feel your daughter squirm in your arms wanting to be set down. You obliged and followed her when she suddenly ran to the direction of the ship.
The nearer you got, the more you see that there are a lot of people gathered around. Hope blooms in your chest as you know now that you and your daughter will survive seeing as they have this kind of resources.
A group of people went down the ship and the villagers seemed to buzz with excitement. I was about to grab Xenka so we can introduce ourselves but to my surprise, she's already in front of a young man with white hair that turns green in the tips. That reminded you of a leek which Xenka hates.
"Eh? Whose kid are you?" the man said while picking on his ear.
You sighed and hurried to walk beside your daughter. Upon seeing you, everyone erupted to loud whispers, questioning your identity. Some people from the ship even took a defensive stance and had their weapons at the ready. You suddenly felt scared and the young man sighed.
"Oi, what the heck are you doing?" He scolded his friends.
"We don't know her. She could be an enemy. Protect the chief. Rules are rules," the tall man with glasses replied.
"I am ten billion percent sure that she's not. If I deduce it correctly, you have been depetrified on your own, right?" You nodded and then his eyes trained on the little girl who has already taken a bottle from his bag.
You tried taking it from her but it's too late as she poured it on your left big toe that still remained as stone. The two of you watched in wonder when it cracked and revealed your smooth skin.
You watched as your daughter crossed her index and middle fingers as she mulls over something. This scene is painfully familiar as it is also the same mannerism as her dad's when he's too deep in his work.
Like a light bulb suddenly lit up, the crease on her little brows smoothened.
"I see now. That concoction smells like nitric acid with ethanol. The place where mama and I laid had a cave that gave nitric acid from bats but it is now gone. I thought that it is one of the factors for depetrification. However, you have more bottles with it that means you have a continuous supply of those two."
Her lengthy explanation has not just amazed me but everyone around the area. Some even had their mouths hanging open.
"What the? How did she know that?"
"But she looks like she isn't even a year old!"
"Woah! That's crazy!"
You can't help but be proud as the villagers scream from disbelief. That's your daughter alright! Even if her intelligence didn't come from you. But she did came from you.
"Kukuku! You're not just an ordinary kid, right? Then answer my next question. We have no source of Nitric Acid as the cave has been destroyed. What mineral will make the production of Nitric acid possible?" He tested her with a smirk in his face.
However, your daughter also showed a similar smirk and faced him on, "Huh, easy! It would be platinum!"
He grinned and outreached his hand to her, "My name is Senku."
You see your daughter's eyes widen and you can see why. Someone who has almost the same name as her and a genius at that too?! Who wouldn't be surprised.
"Senku-niisan, I am Xenka! And that is my mother, Y/n," she introduced while pointing at me, "please let us stay here. I can help you with your work and mama can treat people. She's a nurse!"
The young man, Senku, looked at you and grinned, "Well first, you two need some clothes. Yuzuriha, take care of them,"
It has been a few months now since you joined the Kingdom of Science. You are still at awe at how Sengku managed to build everything from scratch with the help of these young people.
It is also crazy how your daughter fits in the science team so easily. The gaps in her knowledge is easily supplied by Senku and the two grew even more closer. She really views him as her older brother. At this point, the two are inseparable. They even finish each other's sentences at times.
But the craziest of it all is that, you are now entering San Francisco California in the ship they made. You never thought that you'll go back to where you used to live. However, this is one of Senku's plan to go to the moon and you all need the corn here.
Apparently, they needed you because 1. you are a nurse and 2. you know the geography of the place- well at least from 3700 years ago. Also, your daughter has decided to go so you really had no choice.
It has been a few days since Perseus docked here. A few nights ago, Senku was shot and you have been tending him. Apparently, there's another Kingdom of Science here in America. It surprised the lot of you since they are already advanced in terms of weaponry but you believed that your team can handle it. They already have a plan to take their leader.
And now you are in a quest to find your patient who was out of his bed when you checked a few minutes ago. Little Xenka is even crying because she didn't know where her oniisan went to.
You are also silently fuming because you specifically told him to rest so his sutures won't break. Suddenly, you are being dragged. You were about to fight back (Kohaku taught you basic self-defense) but when you see the dazzling suit of the butler, yoi sighed in relief.
"Where are we going, Francois?" you asked.
"They seized their leader and we are going to escape. Senku still needs you to tend his wounds," upon hearing Senku's name, Xenka immediately stopped crying.
"I hope he's okay," she mutters while you tightened your hold on her.
"Don't worry, sweetie. We'll make sure to scold your oniisan, okay?" You tried cheering her up and it works. You wonder what's gearing up in that little big mind of hers.
The three of you made your way to a smaller boat that looked like a yacht. You guessed that they hijacked it from the enemies. Without wasting a second, you and your daughter roamed from room to room for your leek-y boy.
You and your daughter's annoyance grew the farther you searched and alas, only one cabin remained. You and Xenka looked at each other and nodded. Without further ado, you kicked the door open, startling the two people in the room. However, the two of you are focused on Senku that you didn't even realize a man was standing beside him.
"You brat! What did I say about taking a rest?! If you want to bleed badly you can just say so!" You nagged at him while Xenka pouts and glares at him.
"Xenka is upset oniisan! You said you'll never leave my side!" she said and refrained looking at the boy.
Suddenly, it felt like a bucket of ice-cold water is poured on you. Even thousands of years have passed, you still remember that voice. It's the one that whispered sweet words in your ear at three in the morning but broke you in the end.
"Mama? What's wrong?" You felt two warm hands touch your cheeks but your gaze snapped and remained at the other man in the room.
"Xeno," you breathed.
Suddenly, a burst of memories that you had together appeared on your mind like a broken record. The first day you met, the day he asked you to be his girlfriend, the first time you kissed and made love, and then the last time you have seen each other. You realized you had so many happy memories together but it took less than ten minutes for it to shatter.
"Y/N, I-"
"I don't want to hear it," you said and was about to go out of the room but Xenka squirmed wanting to be out down. You hesitantly obliged.
She went in front of Xeno. The two stared at each other. White hair to white hair. Black eyes to (e/c). Indeed, looking at them like this just enhanced how they look so much alike.
Xenka crossed her middle and index finger which made Xeno surprised. You know he already knows who this child is. You're even sure that Senku must have known this the moment we entered the room or even way before that.
"I see, so you're my father. Based on mama's reactions and how you're not in my life, Xenka's 10 billion percent sure that you never wanted me," her little voice broke and it made your heart clench in hurt.
"Well, if you don't want us, Mama and Xenka don't want you either!!" She screamed and ran out of the room. Without hesitation, you followed the little girl out after glaring at Xeno.
You know that your daughter is hurt right now and she needs you the most. You find her hiding in one of the lower rooms. The sight shattered your heart and you immediately went to crush her in your embrace. This only made her cry more. Even at this young age, she understands what's happening. And for the first time, you wished she's an ordinary one-year-old.
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 19
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Shock word was an understandment as what you were feeling right now. You were in the car with Ria going back home, you couldn't even say anything to him as you were too shocked and before you could, Ria dragged you to the car saying mom has been calling.
Were you dreaming? Did you heard it right? He likes you? All of this came as a surprise to you and the whole ride you were occupied by those thoughts.
Arriving at home, you straight went to your room and your parents were confused by your behavior before looking at Ria questionly but she just shrugged and followed you.
"Y/n." She called out entering your room to see you sitting on the bed lost in thoughts before aproaching you and sat in front of you.
"Y/n? What's wrong? You have been quiet since we have come back. Did something happen?" She placed her hand on top of yours and you looked at her blankly.
"Baekhyun." You uttered licking your lips. "Baekhyun... confessed to me."
She stared at you blankly and then. "AAAHHHHHHHHH"
You closed your ears and eyes before shutting her up by covering her mouth then your door burst opened revealing Daniel.
"What-what happened? Why did you scream?" He asked panicked and you glared at Ria.
"Nothing, she has gone crazy."
"I thought something big happened." He scoffed walking away.
"Is it true? When? How? Wait- at the beach? I told you, he likes you!" She began her rambling as you told her everything.
"OMG! This is such a great news! So what did you say?"
You looked at her in innocently. "Nothing."
Her jaw dropped. "Nothing? Are you serious? The Byun Baekhyun confessed to you and you said nothing?"
You groaned leaning your against the headboard. "I.. I couldn't say anything. I was too shocked, okay. And it was so unexpected."
"So? How do feel about him?"
"I..don't know. I mean yes, he's a good guy and I feel comfortable and happy around him." You paused sighing while clutching the teddy close to you. "But lately I'm really nervous around him where my heart is like going to burst and it's so confusing.
Ria stared at you with a understanding look before she slapped her forehead lightly. "Silly! There's your answer. You don't feel like this for anyone but for someone you love and it's okay. There's no hurry so, take your time to be sure about your feelings."
Upon hearing her words, you gave this a thought and realized she is right. Your heart beat quicken at the thought of him and cheeks heat up.
"Oh My God! Y/n! You're blushing." She laughed loudly and you hid your cheeks feeling embarrassed.
"Shut up!"
"I'm so happy for you!" She jumped on you making your body fall back with a groan.
"You're heavy!"
Later that night, you couldn't sleep well as the scene at the beach kept playing in your mind making you nervous, scared and happy as well. You have never been in a relationship, always kept yourself distant with these things yet you were here feeling all of this.
Being in a relationship scared you a little. You don't know, if you were ready for it and several things were in your mind with all of these questions and you just needed a bit of time.
Meanwhile, Baekhyun who kept cursing himself for not holding himself back for keeping his mouth shut. He wasn't planning on confessing like this but you just stood there and he couldn't help but blurt out everything and now was thinking if he scared you or would you feel awkward around him because that was the last thing he wanted.
(9 January)
You woke up with a slight nervousness at how would you face him after yesterday. Luck was probably on your side when you didn't got a glimpse of Baekhyun at the college as you had lunch with the boys and they told that he was busy somewhere and that somehow made you relieved but lowkey you wanted to see him.
Then a thought hit you that you have to go to Café too and you would definitely see him there.
Later, in the library, Ria was looking for some books assigned to her from her professor before she came across with Baekhyun who was picking a book.
"Oh, Baekhyun sunbae."
Baekhyun flinched by the voice before he saw Ria giving him a smile which he reciprocated before his eyes were going here and there in search of someone.
Ria chuckled. "She's not here, must be hiding somewhere."
Baekhyun looked at her startled as he let out an awkward chuckle before he looked at her surprised. "You know?"
She nodded. "We bestfriends have no secrets so while we're talking about it, can I ask you something?"
Baekhyun gave her a nod as she sighed. "Are you sincere about Y/n? I can see you are but I still want to hear it from you."
Baekhyun smiled at her concern for you and he nodded. "I have never been this sincere before and I assure you that."
She nodded smiling. "Then, let me tell you this too. Y/n and I have been bestfriends since high school and I know Y/n more than she knows herself. She's never been into these situations before so it's something new to her and maybe little confusing too. So, I hope you can be a little patient until she's sort it out, plus I'm already on your side. "
Hearing upon her words, Baekhyun was sure that you were lucky to have a friend like Ria before he nodded. "Thanks and i'll keep that in mind. "
With that he walked away before Ria sighed clasping her hands together up in the air. "God, let my ship sail."
"Gosh, Y/n, You're really lucky to have me in your life." Ria flipped her hair before she turned around and got startled to see the librarian judging her with her poker face.
Giving her an awkward smile, Ria rushed out of the library hoping not run into the librarian today.
At the Café.
Just as Baekhyun predicted, you were avoiding eye contact with him and the awkward atmosphere was eating him up. However, he couldn't blame you because it would be a normal reaction for someone who got confessed but he didn't wanted that and he's surely gonna make it right.
Your shift was over and you were relieved wanting to get out of the awkwardness as soon as possible but things just doesn't go according to you.
"Y/n." You slightly flinched and there was your heart acting up again beating with an abnormal speed.
"You are avoiding me, aren't you?" He questioned and you mentally face palmed for being obvious as you let out a nervous chuckle while looking everywhere but him. "Me? No, not at all."
"You know you can't lie, so why do you even try it?"
You bit your lip before looking at him and instantly looked away finding hard to look at him.
"Can we talk?"
"Right now?"
"Yes." He said firmly and you hesitantly nodded.
He licked his lips before speaking. "I know what happened yesterday was unexpected for you and trust me it was same for me. I never wanted to confess like that but it just happened and now I'm not going to run away."
"I don't want to pressure you in any way and I'm alright with you taking how much ever time you want. I'm always willing to wait for you but I just don't us to be awkward like this because this is something I never wanted."
As if he just read your mind that whatever you want to say but couldn't, he said it all and you couldn't be more grateful for it. A smile appeared on your face and you nodded slowly making him smile in relief.
"You're not going to avoid me again, right?"
You chuckled awkwardly. "No, I won't."
"If you did, I'll tell everyone about your that secret." He smiled smugly raising his one eyebrow and your jaw dropped. "Are you threatening me?"
"Is it working?"
"It did."
"No, it didn't."
"Then should I-"
He laughed hardly and you glared at him playfully and that's how Baekhyun changed the awkward atmosphere into comfortable one. Well, he's Baekhyun for a reason though.
(10 January)
Next day, things weren't as awkward but tension was somewhere there. As if something has struck your mind, you began to see Baekhyun in a different light, as you found yourself staring at him again and again.
You weren't the only one, whenever you glanced at him, you caught him staring at you but instead of looking away, he just gave a smile leaving you flustered.
You calmed your beating heart and took the order from the customer and Baekhyun started to make drink. He was about to take it in his hand but his hand got bumped into the counter causing the hot drink spill on his hand.
He hissed which got your attention and your eyes widened seeing him clenching his hand.
"Are you okay?" You grabbed his hand and panicked seeing the redness on the back of his hand.
"Y/n, I'm fine." He assured you but you saw his expression saying opposite.
"It's okay, I'll take care of it."
"Come here." You led him in the kitchen before walking to the sink and helped him wash his hand.
"Y/n, I'm really okay."
"What do you mean? Look at the redness. I know it must be stinging." You took the ice cube from the fridge and gently rubbed it while blowing on it.
He sighed leaning against the sink as he stared at your face which was filled with concern immediately bringing a smile on his face.
"I thought I was the big clumsy but no, you are one step ahead of me." You nagged like a mother and he chuckled while seeing your this side made his pain less.
"You worry about me, don't you?"
"Of course, I do. What kind of question is that?" You raised your head to see him smiling at you and then you realized.
"Why are you worried about me?" He leaned forward making your breath hitched at the closeness.
"Y/n, Baekhyun!"
You both backed away hearing Rose's voice and Baekhyun lowly groaned as he got interrupted in the moment before Rose walked inside.
"How's your hand?"
"It's better now, since Y/n has treated it." He smiled at you but you didn't looked at feeling too nervous by his gaze.
Rose came to tell that she has to go home a little early for some reason and asked you both to take care of the Café behind. You both agreed and soon she was off to her home while you both continued your work not before you asked Baekhyun to take orders only and seeing your stern expression, he agreed instantly.
It was dawn already, means the working hours were over and you both got out but then you spotted a person you never expected to see here.
Liam was walking towards you and you frowned in confusion and when he approached you, he smiled which was forced before he looked at Baekhyun and they both stared at each other with unreadable expression like last time.
You asked him the reason of his presence here where he told you that Daniel was out with his friends so he came to get you. Honestly, you found it uncomfortable, especially when Baekhyun was standing here and you didn't wanted any misunderstanding between you two.
Baekhyun felt jealous seeing another guy to take you home and for some reason he really didn't took a liking to Liam. Sighing, he was about to lock the door but then it hit him that he forgot the keys inside.
You chuckled at his forgetfulness as he shot you a sheepish grin before going inside to get keys. Liam rolled his eyes getting impatient as he just wanted to leave from here. Apparently, he was forced to come here as his mom pressured him go.
"Y/n, can we just go? He can do it himself you know." Liam said and you looked at him a little bit furiously.
"No, we both work here. And I don't find it appropriate to leave him like that." You replied, annoyed by his attitude.
"Let's just leave, everyone is waiting." His impatience got over him and he grabbed your wrist startling you.
"Liam, what the heck are-"
"Let go of her hand." Baekhyun jumped in suddenly gripping on his wrist and Liam scoffed letting go before facing him.
"And who do you think you are?"
"Doesn't matter. But you should know how to respect a girl and she is your freaking cousin!" His jaw clenched with his eyes glaring down at him and and you stared at him shook seeing him angry like this.
"Right, she's my cousin. So stay out of this!"
"Or what?"
"Stop!" You instantly came forward between them as you shielded Baekhyun and narrowed your eyes at the person before you. "Liam, go back home now."
He looked at you in disbelief before his eyes soften as he realized his actions and sighed, looking down too embarrassed to even look at you and taking backwards steps, he turned around and left.
You closed your eyes and sighed before turning around to found nothing as you spotted him inside sitting on a chair. You gulped, walking inside to see him looking down with his hands clasped together as he was calming himself.
"Are you really angry?" You asked, cautiously standing infront of him before sighing. "I don't know what came to him to act like this-"
"Why did you stop us? I was so close to punch him." He cut you off, as he looked up at you frowning as he wasn't angry for his behavior with him but he didn't liked how he misbehaved with you.
You looked at him incredulously. "And then what? A fight would have broke out! And I don't want to see the person I love getting hurt!"
Baekhyun's ear perked up as he gulped looking at you. "Who...do you love?"
"You of course, Who else?! And what's wrong with Liam? I should have a talk with him-" You kept rambling unaware of your words and Baekhyun's eyes lit up as his heart burst out with happiness. "You love me? Did you just say you love me?"
You stopped and looked down at him to see him smiling before realizing your words and your eyes went big. Gasping, you attempted to walk away but he caught your wrist and pulled you back causing your hands to rest on his shoulders as you stood between his legs.
"Where are you going after confessing your love?"
Your cheeks heat up and you chuckled nervously. "When did I?"
"Just now."
"I didn't."
"You did."
"Stop running away and be my girlfriend already, hm?" He tilted his head staring at you cutely and you stared at him for a moment before a shy smile appeared on your lips as you nodded slowly.
Sure, you were a little bit scared about being in a relationship but it all vanished when you saw his face and you were sure that you don't have to feel like this when you're with him.
"Really?" His eyes widened before smiling widely and you squealed as he lifted you up suddenly with your hands clutching his shoulders tightly.
You looked down at him in surprise and he chuckled looking at you fondly while smiling. "What should I do? I'm so happy."
You bit your lip smiling before you glanced outside to see people giving you both weird look.
"Baekhyun, put me down." You said feeling embarrassed now and he gently put you down. You hid your face in your palms and heard his giggle before feeling his arms wrapped around you as he placed his head on yours.
Soon, you both closed the Café and he was walking you home. While walking, he stopped to take your bag in his hands even though you stopped him. Both of you were silent, just smiling and glancing at eachother.
Not long before, you heard his chuckle making you look at him confused. "Why are you laughing?"
"It's just I suddenly thought of how you came like a shield even though you are one foot shorter than me." He teased and you looked at him offended.
"Oh, so this is what I get for protecting you." You said sarcastically while faking an hurt expression and he just laughed poking your cheek.
You reached your home and took you bag from his hand before smiling at eachother.
"Will you be okay?" He asked indicating the scene happened a while ago and you nodded assuring him.
He nodded as he knew you can handle the situation on your own. "Okay, then tell me if anything happens."
You nodded. "Be safe and text me when you get home."
He nodded before leaning in to press his lips on your forehead sending chills down your spine and making you close your eyes in the reflex before he pulled away smiling and left.
You bit your lip smiling shyly as your hand went to your forehead before walking inside to see your parents and Aunt Jane with Liam in the living room. You made your way to them and greeted her.
"It's good that everyone is here, I have to tell you something but before that," You looked at Liam who avoided your eyes. "Liam, I know you're my cousin but what you did there was really not good and you have to apologize for it."
"What's happening?" Your dad asked confusingly looking back and forth to you and Liam before he sighed letting you continue.
"And Aunt Jane," You looked at her who was close to burst. "I know, you are trying to make me and Liam together but I'm sorry it's never gonna happen. Because for me, Liam is more like a brother and I have no interest in him and from what I see he feels like that too, so kindly stop forcing things on us. I just wanted to clear this, so there won't be any problems later."
As you expected, Aunt Jane stood up with a glare in her eyes."Oppa, look at how your daughter is disrespecting me. "
You frowned before opening you mouth but your dad spoke."She's just clarifying and I don't see any disrespectful in that."
Disbelief expression plastered on Aunt Jane and she couldn't even speak further so she stormed out of your house dragged Liam with him and you could sense the guilt in his eyes.
"I'm sorry dad, because of me Aunt Jane's gonna be angry at you."
"Don't be sorry, in fact I'm so happy to see my daughter is growing up to be a great girl and knows how to stood up for herself, I'm so proud of you." He smiled patting your head and you hugged as you felt so lucky to have parents like them.
Your mom coughed and your dad groaned as the moment got ruined while you laughed. She asked you to get freshen up as she has ordered pizza and you instantly ran up to your room.
You felt so light as if everything was going on the right track and you checked your phone to see Baekhyun's text which instantly made you smile.
Baekhyun : I'm home. How did it go? Did you sorted it out?"
You: of course! Who am I?
You sent it with a smug emoticon and got a reply.
Baekhyun: I know, my girlfriend.
He sent it with a wink emoticon and you felt yourself blushing at the message before another text popped up.
Baekhyun: You're blushing.
You looked at here and there before slapping your forehead as why would he be here but how can you be so obvious even when he can't see you.
You: I'm not. I'm going to have dinner now bye!
Your cheeks were hurting now because of your constant smile and were on fire because of blushing too much. Getting a boyfriend seemed too surreal and thinking about it, you already felt shy but happy and couldn't wait for the next day to see him.
Here ya go! Hehe~
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog @usernameloaa
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wonderlander-i · 4 years
Happily Ever After
Pairing : Oliver x F! MC
Warnings : none ( well it's not like I can write anything NSFW I'm such a disaster 😂)
Word count : 1.9k
Author's note : I didn't play distant shores just to spend the rest of my life between theatres and parties only because I'm a thot for Oliver. Hell naw.
Here's a quick rewriting for the diamond scene because I got extra emotional today and I'm not ready for the finale!
Also this is a repost because the tags weren't working on my original post is this normal?
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“Now what” Oliver locked his eyes with her, gently taking her hand his.
“We could always be the high society couple and settle in London” She smiled widely, covering the back of his hand with her palm.
“I doubt that’s what you want to do” He arched an eyebrow
“How about we run away?” She smirked, her eyes glinting mischievously.
“I guess I should pack some extra pants then” He grinned, kissing the back of her hand.
“A feisty one, isn’t she?” An old sailor smiled, wiping the sweat of his forehead with a dirty cloth.
Oliver chuckled at the sight of Evelyn standing in the center of the deck of their new ship giving orders to the men around her to move and put things in the places she desired.
“Aye, she’d boss his majesty the king around if she’d got the chance to”
“Didn’t she persuade him to make her an ambassador of England?”
“She’s quite the charmer” He shook his head, a proud smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“You’re a lucky man, ya know?” The man patted Oliver’s shoulder before walking away to carry on with his work.
At this moment, Evelyn turned her head in his direction, beaming. She smiled warmly at him. Her smile held a hundred words of unspoken promises, of eternal happiness, and of wishful dreams of sailing together to the unknown and never turning back. And in that crowded place, between all the bustling movements, the loud upbeat chatters, and crashing of the waves, nothing mattered to him except keeping that grin drawn on her face forever.
“The luckiest” He thought to himself.
“Where are you taking us” Oliver asked as she dragged him through the alleys of a busy market in a village. The rich smell of sweet and spice tickled his nose as he looked around to the million colors that surrounded them, like they were escaping from a painting, coming to life.
“Patience, Oliver” She giggled, her voice barely reached him above all the sounds of the merchants calling out their merchandise and the children playing, still running and parkouring between the food stands and the rolls of silk.
He shook his head, the corners of his lips turning up as he took in the beautiful traditional emerald green dress that she wore. She was utterly fascinated by the fashion of the world in their era. She wanted to try everything, to experience everything. Her eyes lit up with the brightest glimmer at every clothing shop they came across and he swore to himself to order her a traditional dress from every country they were sent to next. She always found her surprises wrapped in a beautiful box under her bed, and the way she’d dance in it around the room made him wonder, how could happiness be only one piece of fabric away?
Shaking his head to chase his thoughts away, his eyes widened when they emerged into a larger alley which led to a golden temple. Majestic, bold, and his books could never do he view in front of him justice. She stopped running and turned to face him, her hair flying around her like every strand of it danced to the rhythm of the overflowing music bursting from everywhere, studying his curious expressions with satisfaction.
“Well, this is worth almost tripping on a basket of cumin” He stated.
“Evelyn?” Oliver called calmly as he studied a letter with the scarlet royal seal on it. Sitting at his desk in his study room, he patiently tapped his fingers on the wooden surface until she appeared by the doorframe.
“Yes darling?” She stepped up behind him with two steamy cups of tea in her hands.
“Some papers came while you were out” He spread the letter on the table in front of her, his eyebrows furrowed. “Would you explain why this says that you had been assigned as a navigator on my ship?”
“Well they couldn’t say no to the commodore’s wife” She replied, setting the cups next to the letter and taking a closer look at it.
He turned his chair to face her, his composed expressions replaced by an anguished look.
“You don’t understand the risks” He pleaded her to change her mind, taking her hand in his “It’s a war! I don’t doubt that you can fight better than half the men the navy will ever have, but-”
“I do understand the risk” She interrupted him, determined “and that’s why I will never let you go to a war alone.”
“I won’t be alone. I will have hundreds of men, a whole royal navy unit behind me”
“And the best navigator these waters have known, with the most beautiful eyes to lead you” She smiled, leaning down to plant a kiss on his forehead. “I know you will be taking good care of all your men, but who will take care of mine?”
He sighed, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. He rested his head on her chest and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. She smelled like sweet cinnamon, sunshine, and safety.
“It was bold of me to think that I can go that long without those cups of tea of yours”
Oliver linked his arm with hers as they took their usual evening stroll by the seaside, a picnic basket dangling from his other arm. They somehow found their peace in walking barefoot on the ivory sand, filling a glass jar with curiously colored seashells and well rounded pebbles. They earnestly deserved this undisturbed tranquility after all those years of combat in the open sea. It’s been a year since his father, the disgraced admiral, passed away. They were both astonished to learn that Oliver was to inherit his estate which was barely a quarter of a mile away from the coast line. It was more of a castle than an estate. Old fashioned, charming, and one hour later Evelyn was setting the admiral’s portraits on fire.
She grasped her shawl tighter to shield herself from the autumn breeze as they walked hand in hand. They subconsciously reached for each other’s hand frequently, constantly, all the time, everywhere. As if their linked souls sought to manifest their bound in every questionable way.
And in a matter of moments, they were already sitting on the red stripped blanket, admiring yet another sunset together. Evelyn sighed deeply, glancing sideway at the man whom she almost worshipped. He was the perfect evidence of God’s perfectionism. How could such a flawless divine creature be…human? She pursed her lips into a thin line, fearing that she might explode from all her swirling emotions. His presence filled her with the most extraordinary feelings. It was outrageous, overwhelming, yet intoxicating in the most enchanting way.
“Oliver” She whispered, taking the glass of wine from his hand and setting in on the sand.
“Yes?” He hummed
She didn’t reply. Instead, she handed him and envelope. His name was written on in with big neat letters. He recognized the handwriting to be hers. He arched an eyebrow at her unusual behavior, but he opened it with no furthermore questions.
Dear Commodore Cochrane,
I am very pleased to inform you that you have been promoted to be father
Yours truly,
Your wife.
His jaw dropped and his eyes widened, and for a moment he forgot how to breathe. His eyes darted between Evelyn and the paper in his hand for several times, and not even a word slipped from his mouth. It’s not until he saw that something was dripping on the letter, and he realized that these were his own tears, that he was pulled back to reality. His lower lip trembled as he reached with his hand to frame the side of her face, as the other moved to rest on her belly very delicately, fearing that if he presses harder she might shatter like a porcelain doll. Neither of them dared to break that sacred silence, nor knew how to. They sat there, lost in each other’s eyes as the sky changed its colors to a soft lavender hue. And if eyes were the windows of the soul, she saw pure love pouring from his. She would’ve sworn that she can’t fall for him harder, until that one moment.
Only then she knew that loving him was an endless fall, and it’s a long way down.
Evelyn sat on a bench in their little garden, her one year old son sleeping peacefully in her arms. He was carefully wrapped in a warm blanket, snuggled to her chest. She gazed at him adoringly.
“You’re the perfect replica of your father aren’t you” She hummed softly, her finger caressing his little rosy cheek. “You’ve got the same golden hair that captures the sun” Her finger moved to twirl the small blonde curl that fell on his forehead. “The same olive eyes, like the morning of a spring day encapsulated in a honey jar” And she poked his nose “And the same look of mischief, you’re always up to something aren’t you?” The little boy yawned in his sleep, and she smiled.
She felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her and her baby, and she flinched instinctively, protectively holding her son closer. But as soon as she recognized the familiar scent of morning dew and the sweet sea air, her shoulders relaxed and warmth flooded her chest.
“For how long have you been here” She asked, turning to face the grinning man.
“That’s a question which I shall not answer”
“You realize that your answer is implied, right” She rolled her eyes playfully, and the threw her head back to lay on his shoulder. “Hello there, commodore”
“I think you kind of started developing feelings for me. I’m sorry madam, but I’m a married man” He mused.
“Oliver, we are married”
“I’m afraid you’re wrong, you must’ve mistaken me for someone else”
“Oliver!” she groaned, trying her best to not wake the baby up. “Sir, we’ve married for eight years. We have a son together, we’re expecting another child soon, and if you wake him up I’ll send you on a pleasure cruise with the edge of my sword”
“Still as feisty as the day I first met you.” A deep chuckled rumbles in his throat, as he let go of her and walked around the bench to face her. He kneeled in front of her and placed a soft kiss on the forehead of their son. And out of the blue, his expressions turned grave and serious.
“Evelyn, I may not be the best at showing it, but you truly made me the happiest man in the world. I’m sorry if my time can never rise up to match the comfort of yours, I would’ve given you the whole world if I could and-”
“Shush” she effectively stopped him by placing her finger on his soft lips, her heart aching with undeniable love.
“You are my world”
“And to think that you’ll ever be any less cliché”
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1. Have A Seat
Ivy haphazardly pulled into one of the many empty parking spaces and threw the silver Nissan in park, opening her door.
"It is too fuckin hot," she groaned leaning out, her white coffin nails resting on the inside door handle. "I know I said I wanted summer to hurry up and get here but bitch I'm bout ready for fall.."
She was crooked and straddling the white line. If she'd parked between cars, she may have backed out to straighten up so that no one would dent her door or chip her paint, but since the only other cars were at the surrounding businesses, she closed her door and lifted in her seat to bare her full rows of teeth in the review mirror, passing her tongue over them. She hadn't flossed in the past two weeks, but she'd brushed her teeth for a second time in the day after lunch with a travel sized toothbrush in the bathroom at her job.
Turning her head right to left in the mirror, she examined all of her teeth close up before checking the corners of her eyes for boogers, the green of her irises lit by the sun shining through the window.
"My eyes look bout big as shit," she mumbled pulling her tube of chapstick to smear back and forth across her full naked lips without breaking her own eye contact.
"Okay shut up.." She pushed the radio to quiet the new Katy Perry song threatening to assault her ears and looked at her reflection once more before turning off the car. The A/C cut with it of course which meant it was time to go.
Climbing from the car, she looked up at the brick building with one of its offices labeled Orthodontist. Luckily, it was easy to find, she'd just never been inside. She drove passed it every day to get to work. It was a nine minute drive from her apartment. From work, it was about thirty minutes however and that was how long it'd taken to get there today.
The weighted glass door was tinted but once she put a little muscle to it, it opened to reveal a small but comfortable looking space with calm water blue walls and daytime television at a murmuring volume, mounted to the far right wall.
Two opposing leather navy couches sat invitingly. A small blue model sailboat sat on the tall receptionists counter that Ivy found herself standing in front of. It seemed to come to her neck. A petite black girl with long black box braids and deep skin of about the same age was typing on the computer, but she looked up immediately, a polite and professional smile on her face as she turned in her chair. She had small elfish features, high pointy ears, and perfect teeth.
"Hi, you have an appointment?"
"Yeah, Ivy Stevens. This is my first time here though, I-"
"Stevens? Your name is Stevens too? That's so cool. Dr. Stevens is amazing. Have you already spoken to him about your records?"
"Yeah, my dentist said he sent the requested information and I wondered if y'all got it."
"One sec, hon, I'll pull you up. Okay.. Yep, we've got em. Your insurance.. Okay.. Looks like you're set just fill out the intake paperwork."
Taking the clipboard, Ivy sat on the couch closest to the door she'd come through. She completed the paperwork fairly quickly before handing it back.
"Thank you. Have a seat. Dr. Stevens will be right with you."
As Ivy returned to the couch, her eyes darted about taking in her surroundings. It had a nautical feel. Artwork hung on the walls consisting of framed big ships on the ocean and then there were the abstract paint swipes with various shades of blue. Magazines were splayed on the end tables that met each couch and there was a floor abacus-type game meant for kids set aside neatly under the opposite end table along with a puzzle and a coloring book.
As nice as it was, right now A/C was its best feature.
"..I don't care what he told you, if it's not in writing.. see that's why you need to get things in writing," Judge Mathis nodded sternly toward the defendant before grabbing his gavel. "Case dismissed."
The woman tried to argue.
"No evidence, no case," he countered.
"Stevens," a questioning voice called chipperly.
Ivy turned her head to see the elfish girl smiling brightly as she held open the wooden door conjoining the waiting room to the hall. Her clothes were different. This time she wore light blue. Ivy's eyes darted briefly to the receptionist's desk and the girl was sitting there too in the same white getup. Okay identical twins. It clicked in Ivy's mind making sense and she followed the blue twin to the back.
"Have a seat and Dr. Stevens will be out in a second," the blue elf said disappearing. Ivy settled onto the bed-like dentist's chair with her legs extended, ankles crossed, and her keys and phone in hand. Her eyes shut as she waited, resting her lids. It was about two minutes or so before she heard shuffling.
She looked over to her left to find a man wearing light blue scrubs under a crisp white coat sitting on a stool and looking intently at a computer screen. She could tell he was young from the back, close to her age. The back of his head was faded into a top full off short dreadlocks. His long leg was extended off to the side, telling Ivy that he was tall and his poised left hand lightly touched the mouse. It was lively and held no wrinkles or ring. It looked strong though he moved with a gentle flow of ease.
Even through the scrubs and the coat, his build was such that she could tell he was active. He was visibly fit like he did intense sports or spent hours at the gym. Ivy watched his back waiting to see his face, but he was focused on the screen. Her nails drummed against her  Rick and Morty phone case in curiosity.
"Ms. Stevens.. you sure we aren't related?" The texture and richness of his tone and his cadence said round-the-way nigga, but the way he enunciated sounded practiced for white America.
"Depends.. your family from Florida?"
"Nah." The warmth of the smile in his voice could be felt and Ivy continued to stare at his locks and shoulders waiting to see his face to see if it matched. "Cali by way of Wakanda."
"Orlando from Antigua."
"I can hear it in your voice. What you doing on the west coast?" He clicked the mouse a couple of times and slid his foot as she tried hard to see more of his side profile. She could see he had a beard and small studded earrings
"What you mean? I ain't think I had an accent."
"Believe me when I say you do."
Finally he turned and Ivy's eyes widened as she whispered a low, "Damn" catching his reaction.
"You good?" His brows rose and he slid his stool to her right side getting closer. His dainty flattered smile gave her a glimpse of a few white teeth. She liked that. He was sexy and he had nice teeth. A good job too?
"Alright Ms. Stevens," he paused looking her in the eye, "Looks like you're here for a cleaning but you also want a filling.."
She wanted to be filled all right.
"I'll need to take some pictures of your teeth first if that's alright. It should be fairly painless. We'll work on the composite filling for a natural look and then we'll move into the cleaning."
"That's fine."
"Have you felt any pain or discomfort in your teeth?"
"Yeah, my bottom row. Right in here," she pointed watching his eyes train onto the tooth in question. His focus was making her hot.
Erik cranked the womans's chair leaning her torso back so that he could see her teeth more clearly. He draped a lead apron over her chest and took a blue rubber glove and pulled it onto his hand, pulling and adjusting the thin rubber over his palm. His middle finger held down her bottom lip gently as he peered into her mouth looking to the tooth she'd pointed out. It was a molar, tooth 19 to be specific.
"Bite down."
He placed a positioner between her top and bottom teeth and positioned his x-ray cylinder getting behind the radiation generator to take the picture. He repeated the process on both sides of her mouth.
"See, painless," he smiled moving back to the computer screen to analyze the x-rays. He could see the negative space in the tooth in question along with another tooth. "Looks like two cavities."
"The fuck? Two?"
"Don't worry I'm a fill em both today and you'll be good to go... just remember to floss. Always floss. If you go by the receptionist desk before you go, Saraya will make sure you get floss along with a sample of listerine... Okay." He moved back to her right side and pulled out a q-tip. "Here we go, open up for me?"
Nervously she opened her mouth and he swiped the q-tip gently over her gums.
"This is a topical numbing cream so that when I inject you.. you won't feel it. Ideally when you're getting work done, you don't wanna feel it."
He didn't expect an answer because she couldn't yet move her mouth, but the conversation was mostly to ease her anxiety. Patients tended to relax somewhat as long as he spoke to them constantly.
"That numbing gel kicking in yet?"
"Uh-huh," she grunted.
"Good.. Now, this is the anaesthetic. I'm a inject you and you should barely feel it."
"O-ha," she grunted. His experience as a dentist translated her response automatically. Okay, she'd said. He presented the needle and poked her gums at the injection site. He waited a few moments having injected her,  walking over to the computer again.
"How you doing," he asked as his fingers drummed on the keyboard. Her voice was low in response.
"I'm doing okay."
"Good.. I'm just giving it time to kick in. The more time you give it, the less you feel."
"That's good. I don't wanna feel it, I heard it could hurt and I don't like pain.." Her voice was getting lower and lower.
"Any moment now," he assured her letting the room go quiet as he stepped out for a minute. On his return, he went straight back to her x-rays before continuing to type through a couple of silent minutes.
"We still doing alright?"
No response. He waited a second deciding to ask again.
"Ms. Stevens.. you alright? How numb are you right now from a scale of 1-10."
Her only response was soft but heavy breathing. His fingers went still on the keypad, and he looked over at the woman to see that her eyes were shut. Her lips were slightly parted. He waved his hand in front of her eyelids getting no response.
"Saraya," he called and his receptionist appeared almost immediately, her smile wide. "Bring me my tools and lock the front door."
Her eyes glinted, her excitement rising. She turned leaving from his sight returning with a rolling silver metallic cart stocked with tools that were neatly arranged. He turned back to the computer screen exiting and discarding the dummy word document he'd been typing gibberish in for the past few minutes. When he turned back, Saraya was close to the woman's face.
"Aht, let's give Ms. Stevens some space please."
Saraya's hand reached out to stroke the woman's face with her index and Erik picked up the Bushcraft knife from the metallic cart swiping his thumb lightly over the sharp, smooth edge. It was a medium-sized knife with a sturdy, thick steel blade. Not one of his better knives, but useful and handy.
"Her skin is so soft," Saraya grinned in awe, her fingers lightly brushing the sleeping woman's cheek. She flinched, her smile dropping, and she froze when the knife whizzed by her cheek knicking her in the exact same spot where she'd touched the patient before thudding to the ground.
"That was my second time telling you.. Don't make me tell you again."
Saraya's face had fallen from the shock, but now the grin was back full force. "You spared me," she purred slowly standing and putting distance between herself and the body. "..She's all yours." Backing from the room with her hands in the air she disappeared and Erik's eyes returned to the sleeping young lady.
He sighed looking from her face to the phone and keys in her hand. Those had to be taken and he had the perfect space for them on the second tier of his cart. He was sure to turn the phone completely off.
"Let's get you trussed up, Ms. Stevens," he whispered reaching for the crimson bundle of rope. The color excited him as he wrapped it around his hand.
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smooch-that-bot · 5 years
Howdy!! May I request MTMTE Megatron crushing on a human poet/singer? Tysm I'm the big gay for him
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{We’re all big gays for this big man}
You’re the new liason from Earth. Sent to the Lost Light to restore relations between humans and cybertronians. As you enter the room a smaller red and white bot rushes over and the first to greet you; asking a whirlwind of questions before Ultra Magnus pulls him away to let you breath. Everyone has questions about the status of Earth wondering how humanitys fared after all those years dealing with the war on earth. Everyone except Megatron. He stands in the back and watches everyone crowd around you. When your eyes meet he quickly looks away before leaving the room. 
Eventually the excitement dies down and bots slowly trickle out of the room. Soon it’s only you and the bot you now know as Swerve. He looks like he might explode from not being to talk. “Hey..um it’s Swerve,right?” He nods and puffs up his chest. 
“Swerve’s the name,serving drinks is my game! Oh,I’m also a metallurgist.” You chuckle at his outburst and before you know it the two of you are walking back to Swerve’s bar chatting up a storm. “So Y/n what do you get up to when you’re not… ya know restoring peace?” Swerve stands behind the counter polishing glasses and making sure the energon is in stock. You sit on the edge of the counter;kicking your legs back and forth while thinking. 
“Oh well I- I sing and write poetry. Kinda dorky right?” You hear clinking and turn around to see Swerve fumbling with a glass before putting it down and staring at you.
“What! No that’s awesome! Ya know you should...oh primus! You should perform at my bar.” Swerve smiles widely. He’s almost vibrating in excitement. You bite your lip and fidget with your clothes “Swerve I don’t-” “Please Y/n this place is in desperate need of entertainment.” Swerve tries to pull out the puppy dog eyes or at least you think that’s what he’s trying to do. “Oh fine how could I say no.” You grin at Swerve as he pumps his fist in the air. 
“I’ll see you later tonight superstar!” Swerve sends you a wink as you hop off the counter and exit the bar. You playfully roll your eyes and wave goodbye.
“See you Swerve. Try not to talk some poor bots audials off.” 
You wander off towards where Ultra Magnus said your room would be but the ship is so large and the hallways begin to blend together. Before you know it you’re lost and tired. Your feet throb with every step you take and your stomach rumbles loudly every so often. “Ughhh why does this ship have to be so huge, who designed this thing?” As you complain there’s the thump of someone walking up ahead. A spark of joy flares up inside of you and you run toward the sound. You round the corner and run smack into the back of some bots peds. “I’m so sorry I got excited and uh guess I didn’t have time to stop.” You stand back and look up at the bot you ran into. 
Megatron’s red optics stare back “It’s quite alright...erm excuse me but I don’t know your name.” He almost looks nervous to speak to you. He constantly shifts his eyes and hesitates to get closer to you. “I’m Y/n. I saw you in the back, you didn’t say hi or anything.” Megatron crinkles his eyes and sighs. 
“I apologize Y/n. I didn’t think you’d want me to say anything.” 
“Ahhh because of you and your history with Earth.” 
“I’ve done many terrible things to your planet and brought unnecessary conflict to innocent people.” He clenches his fists. Trying to shift further away from your gaze. 
“We’ve been able to rebuild. The wars on Earth are now our past. Many people have moved beyond that; we look to the future now. All that happened millions of years ago; people just want to move on.” Your lips curl into a gentle smile. You look at Megatron,his mouth is agape slightly but he quickly shuts it. 
“I see.” There’s a long pause between the two of you. With only the slight hum of fans to provide alleviation from the silence. “Well enjoy the rest of your night.”He takes a final glance at you before beginning to walk away.
“Megatron wait I- well I’m lost. I was trying to find my room.” He pauses barely turning his head to face you and nods for you to follow him. 
As you trail him you find yourself having to jog to keep up with his long strides. At some point Megatron takes notice. He kneels before you and lowers his hand.
“It’s easier this way.” You hear the hum of fans starting up as you gingerly step into his palm. You shake as you try to keep your balance while Megatron rises and starts walking.  “Thank you, this is easier.” Megatron grunts in acknowledgement.  
Soon after you come to a stop in front of a large door. You look down and see a smaller door was built into the existing door. Megatron carefully lowers his hand down allowing you to hop off. You turn to him and pat his hand “Thanks again. You should stop by Swerve’s bar I’ll be performing poetry later.” Megatron’s optics widen slightly before he regains his composure,
“I’ll see if I can make it.” With a curt nod he turns on his peds and disappears down the hallway.
You check your watch and realize there’s only a few hours before you have to be at Swerve’s. You change into more casual clothing and grab your poetry book. You quickly rehearse what you wanted to perform then skid out the door in a hurry. From where your room is it’s a straight shot to the bar and you arrive with just enough time to talk to Swerve.
“Hey superstar, ready to dazzle the crowd?” Swerve greets with a fist bump then leans in to whisper to you,“I’d been practicing my fist bump.” He grins as you groan at his utter ridiculousness.
“Great job Swerve really knocked it outta the park.” Swerve ushers you to the stage and helps you onto a stool then places a microphone in front of you. He scurries back to the bar counter and gives you a thumbs up.
You look out to the crowd and many glowing optics look back. You fumble with your poetry book a bit before opening to a bookmarked page. You take a deep breath closing your eyes and letting go of the nerves that rack your body. When you open your eyes there in the back you see Megatron and for whatever reason your body relaxes and you shoot him a smile. 
“This poem is called Nothing Gold Can Stay.” You see Megatron’s interest peak as he shifts his body to face the stage and leans in to listen. “Nature’s first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; but only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief,so dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.” Swerve claps loudly and soon others follow in suit. Your eyes meet with Megatron's he smiles and claps then gets up heading out of the bar. Offering a glance over his shoulder. You climb down from the stool and rush out of the bar, careful to dodge bar patrons peds. When you get out of the crowded bar you find Megatron staring out a nearby window watching the passing stars. 
“That was a lovely poem. Perhaps we could write something together.” He softly glances at you from the corner of his optics. You turn to the window a smile growing on your face.
“I think I’d like that.”
(Okay that was long here’s some headcanons: 
- Megatron is really supportive of your songs and poetry. You both like to just sit and write together it’s very calming
- Eventually after your relationship becomes a more public thing on the ship he would sit up front to watch you perform every time. If you ever got extremely nervous he would offer you gentle words and reassure you that you’d do spectacular.
- If any bot dared to insult your art Megs would almost flip his shit. His voice gets oddly calm but his aura radiates danger. He tells the bot off with a gentle voice but with an iron grip on their shoulder.
- He likes when you sing to him especially after a long and stressful day. He places you on his chest near his spark so you lay can relax as well. And he just lets you hum and sing a few tunes before powering down into a blissful rest.
- Before you got together he really thought he was being slick by writing romantic poems and having you read them
- You somehow started sending poems back and forth to each other through data pads. Everytime you’d send him a new poem Megs would feel hopeful and happy which he even though he didn’t think he could still feel that way anymore.
- Through his poems you got to know him better and he trusted you enough to even show you his darkest works and his poems about his grief and his esteem. 
- Basically y’all are the cool poetry nerds of the ship 
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bookishfangirlco · 4 years
The Traitor Queen Epilogue
This takes place after the ending of The Traitor Queen! Starts out in Lara's POV but kind of ends up a mix of both? Don't ask, I don't know. This is also NSFW cause where’s the fun in it not being that way? I haven’t written a fanfic in forever because I have to do it fresh from reading the book, but there is no fanfiction for this series, and I needed to read this. So I wrote it myself lol.
Part 1 can be read here.
Part 1 & 2 can be read at the link below.
It had been a long day after Aren had told his plan to our people, and Lara had stood by his side through all of it. Even if her body was sore, she refused to show it, and she felt energized by every word he spoke. She wanted an amazing future for her people, she craved for it with everything in her. She had killed her father, and if all goes well, Maradrina, and Valcotta will join Herandale in becoming allies with Ithicana. That meant her people could do more than spend their days fighting for their lives, more than preparing for the next battle. This hopefully meant a future where her people could leave and learn new things. They could follow their passions and see more than their beautiful nation. That also meant others could come here and share their teachings and crafts. It could mean a brighter future for Ithicana. This was everything!
"Lara? Where did you go, my queen?" Aren startled her with a hand on her arm, and with his murmured words, knocking her out of her train of thoughts. They were eating dinner with many of their friends, and her people. It was a celebration, but still meager as it will still be a while before the ships come in with the food they need to really thrive. Her people have not been treating her like a traitor, to her surprise still. There will still those with a bit of distrust in their eyes, but that was the least of what she expected.
She was floored when one of the children she had read to came and hugged her legs with joy to see her again. The little girl had squealed with joy, "My queen, oh you've come back! Will you read to us more? Now, right now?" 
 Lara had stood shocked for a moment, looking up at the girl's mother to see her reaction. The woman did not appear scared for her child, so Lara had looked down, and patted the girls head. "Hopefully tomorrow we can, if you're mother is willing.", she said glancing at the woman again. Her mother nodded, which made Lara's heart fill with joy.
"Possibly another day little one, you're Queen is still recovering from saving the kingdom."
She looked up at Aren's eyes, as they too sparkled with joy, as she teased," I hardly think reading to the children would be anymore strenuous than listening to you yammer on all day long."
Aren knew she was joking, but also knew that Lara would not back down from this challenge. She would read to the children tomorrow. And as many days as she could after.
"Lara? You're really starting to worry me. Do we need to retire to bed?" Aren stated low, knowing that Lara wouldn't want their people to hear that she might be struggling.
This is what finally popped Lara out of her thoughts. "No, Aren, I'm fine, I promise. Just...", She broke off, watching her people celebrate over dinner, "Just reflecting on the day."
Aren knew what she meant without her having to fully explain. She was still processing being no longer the Traitor Queen. Still processing being allowed to live this life with him. "Ah, I see." He grabbed her hand and kissed it, "I believe I am feeling a little of what you are too, my love." He said this some fire in his eyes.
She felt that fire low in her abdomen, and she knew she was looking at him with a mirror flame. "Maybe we should retire a bit early, my King," she murmured low so only he would hear, "I have to admit that I'm still hungry, but food is not what I am in need of right now."
Aren sucked in a breath, the low flame, now a raging inferno. "Lara..." He trailed off, wavering with indecision.
"I need you. Please." She did not wish to beg, but she longed to share this with him now that she can truly be with him.
"You are still recovering my love. That is far too much for me to ask of you in you're state." She could tell that he wanted her now. She noticed how he widened his legs, making room for his growing arousal.
She leaned close, whispering in his ear, "Then be gentle with me tonight. You can fuck me like our country depends on it when I am better healed."
She leaned back into her chair, meeting his eyes and she knew she had him. She could see it in his eyes as he glanced down at her body, and then their people, and finally back to her lips. She bit her lower lip for effect. She glanced at her people, and it did not appear anyone was aware of their exchange. If they were, they were dutifully making themselves appear as if they hadn't noticed. This was good enough for Lara to make her move.
Speaking up just loud enough for others to hear, Lara stated, "Aren, I find myself becoming tired after this lovely meal. Could you escort me to our room?" Not that she needed help finding her way there, but he wouldn't be able to say no to her.
Aren shook his head slightly and pursed his lips, still thinking he probably shouldn't do this, but still he said, "Of course, my queen." Looking to those around him, Aren said, "Thank you everyone for this first day into our bright future. You make Ithicana, your Queen, and I proud. Have a good night's rest, because the real work starts tomorrow." And with that Aren began leading Lara out of the room.
Ahnna caught Lara's eyes with a smirk and a wink, "Enjoy your first night truly back, your Grace. I do hope you get some sleep tonight." Lara blushed slightly but didn't say anything, hoping no one else heard Ahnna's words. She did meet her eyes though, smiling and nodding slightly. She could tell that Ahnna had forgiven Lara, and she hoped they could become close.
Aren walked Lara through the palace in silence, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was like the calm before the storm. Charged with an energy for what's to come. Aren's hand was on the small of her back, and it felt like a brand. She wanted his hand to go lower.
By the time they reached the room, and Aren opened the door for her, Lara was ready to do whatever she could to convince him. Aren closed the door behind them and she felt him come up behind her, but he hadn't touched her yet. She turned to him, and she saw him rubbing his neck. He was obviously torn still. "Lara...".
"Aren, I promise I'm okay enough for this. You said I rested for 3 days. I don't want to sleep now.", I said insistingly.
Aren made a frustrated growl in the back of his throat, "You've been up all day, Lara, you must be tired. You haven't rested all day, and you are still recovering from great injury. It's not that I don't want you. You know that I want you. I'll never stop wanting you. But I could never forgive myself if I caused you more pain."
She smiled, "If I remember correctly, which I of course do, your Grace, you bedded me right after stitching me up yourself, so this is no different."
"It is different Lara."
"I don't see how." She said, beginning to undo the laces at her breasts.
Aren caught her arms, "You died, Lara! This is completely different!"
She just stared into his eyes, seeing the hurt in them. The pain of that experience. She reached up and cupped his face, "I know. I'm sorry you had to go through that. More than anything, I am sorry for that. But..." And she reached up and kissed his forehead, and everywhere she could on his face till she reached his mouth, "I am not a fragile piece of glass. You won't shatter me." Biting his lip and tugged, she stopped his weakening protests, "So be gentle with me. But not too gentle. I need you, Aren."
Her words broke down his resolve completely. He grabbed her face, capturing her lips with his, the scrap of his teeth sending a thrill through her body. He pulled back, his hazel eyes meeting her azure ones, "You have to tell me right away if something causes you pain. And you better tell me, cause this won't happen again until your skin is completely healed if your stiches break open. Don't make me regret this Lara. I couldn't stand it if I hurt you."
"I promise you Aren. I will stop if I'm in pain. Now please, just touch me." Lara started to undo her dress with shaking fingers, and Aren replaced her fingers with his much steadier ones, having her dress undone and off her body in seconds.
Lara gasped at the cool air against her nipples, and they hardened under his molten gaze. All she was left in was his mother's necklace, and her undergarment.
He backed her up slowly until the back of her knees hit the edge of the bed. He gently sat her down, leaning down and kissing her with a passion that made her thighs become damp with her need for him. His right hand grazed from the crease behind her knee, tracing his way up her thigh, then her hip, slowly up her side until he reached the swell of her breast. Lara almost came out of her skin when Aren began swirling a circle around her nipple, but not quite touching the aching peak.
"There is no one like you, Lara. There will only be you, and I will spend the rest of my days proving just that to you. I love you now, and I will love you forever." With that he captured her lips with his, and finally closed his fingers around her tip, drawing a cry from her throat. He pulled back quickly, "Did I hurt you?"
Lara gasped out, "No, Aren, please, just keep touching me. I want you inside of me. And you're teasing m-" she broke off as he pushed her legs open and dropped to his own between them, and sucked her other nipple into his decadent mouth. He laved his tongue against her tip while his fingers tugged mercilessly at the other, sending sharp sparks of desire down between her legs.
Lara moaned sharply, "Aren!" as he gently nipped her nipple with his teeth, then bit down lightly on the underside her breast. When he deamed both breasts thoroughly worshipped he leaned back and slowly brought both his hands on either side of her starting at her shoulder to draw down her body, flicking her tips as he went, drawing another pleasurable gasp from Lara.
He barely grazed her skin as his finger tips crossed over the narly stich on her ribs, reminding him they probably shouldn't be doing this. He drew his hands closer to the apex of her thighs, then quickly bypassed it to gently trail his finger down the insides of her thighs down to her calves. He traced the same path with his lips, stopping to gently kiss the stiches that had been redone on her leg. The same one that he had stiched up the night he gave into his desire to her. The same night he had told her it had been a mistake to be with her.
"It wasn't a mistake." Lara swallowed, and for a moment looked confused, then clarity came into her lust filled eyes.
"It's okay, Aren. At the time..."
"No. It wasn't okay. I hurt you. It could never be a mistake to be with you. And I will prove that to you for the rest of our days. I promise you." He drew himself up to kiss her again, then gently pushed her back against the bed, "Now lean back and try not too wriggle too much. I don't want your stiches opening back up, and to have to be interrupted in devouring you."
Lara's eyes widened with lust, and for once she listened silently. She wouldn't be able to bare it if he stopped now.
Aren dropped to his knees again, and drew her under garment down her legs. With bated breath, he grabbed both her ankles and pushed them open for him. He kneeled before his Queen again. He would only kneel for Lara.
Her wetness glistened before him like his own personal dessert. He leaned in, breathing in her scent. Lara's hips twitched as she felt his breath against her most sensitive part that he had parted wide open. He drew his hands up her legs with the barest touch again, "Is this what you wanted, Lara? Is this gentle enough for you?"
"Aren!" Lara almost screamed at him to get on with it, but she was afraid he would stop altogether if he could. All she think about was his mouth so close to her, almost there. "More! Please Aren, I need more."
Aren looked up at her just in time for him to say, "You're wish is my command, my Queen." And with that, he was on her in seconds. His hands held her open for him to devour her. First he lightly licked up the dripping arousal that was leaving her slit, drinking it in. Then with broad strokes he brought his tongue to her bundle of nerves.
She reached and grabbed a fistful of his hair, holding him to her as he moaned against her, vibrating her most sensitive of spots. Soon she realized she was chanting his name, over and over again, and it got louder as he sucked her clit into his mouth, tugging on it with just the right pressure. She was getting closer and closer to that precious precipice, drawing closer to being thrown over that edge.
Aren's fingers joined into the fray and Lara flew over that edge when he pressed up repeatedly against this sweet spot inside her. She screamed as Aren didn't let up his ministrations on her body, sending her over that incredible edge once more. He slowly stopped, kissing his way up to her lips. "How was that, my love?"
She was in awe of him, tasting herself on his lips, "Incredible." He began to lean back, "Where are you going?"
"Are you sure you don't want to rest now?" Aren's eyes blazed as he gazed upon her body. She could tell he would stop if she asked him. Lucky for both of them, that is not at all what she wanted.
"I'm positive. Now strip off those clothes before I get up and strip you with my teeth." She kept her legs open to remind him where he was going to put that cock of his when he was done.
I don't think she ever saw Aren as stunned in his life. She could tell he sort of wanted to see her do it. But his want for her not to hurt herself won out and he stripped faster than she thought possible with those boots on. She gazed upon his beatiful body, not believing that he was all hers. Her King. Her Husband.
He stalked to her, and drew himself over her gently, holding his body up over hers to not crush her. Her breasts pressed against his bare chest, the feeling exquisite. He brought her uninjured leg over his hip and his cock brushed her opening. They both hissed with desire from the feeling.
Lara began gently grounding herself against him. "Don't Lara, let me do all the work this time. You can make it up to me later," he said teasingly, but also seriously about her not moving too much, even if it did feel incredible.
Lara stopped, pouting her lip at him. She was no longer pouting when Aren dragged himself through her sensitive lips. He repeated this motion until he could tell Lara could take no more, and pushed into her opening.
Lara's mouth opened in a silent scream. It had been too long. And to think, she almost never got to feel this again. She would savor this moment, and all the ones that came after.
Aren pushed in all the way, seating himself, holding himself there for a moment, then drew back out swiftly. He almost pulled all the way out before pounding into her again, carefully as to not push into her too roughly. That could come later.
Lara gripped the sheets as his pounding got faster and faster, and he wanted her hands on his. He grabbed her hands, intertwining her fingers with his as intertwined as their bodies were.
Lara was getting closer and closer to that glittering edge again. "Aren, I-" Her words cut off as she threw her head back as Aren pushed in and ground his pelvis against her sensitive mound. She climaxed in a scream the whole palace probably heard, and Aren went with her, feeling her pulsing climax, groaning into her neck.
It was a long moment before either of them moved after Aren slowed to a stop. He gently removed himself from her body, but he didn't go far. Just pushed back far enough to examine all her stiches. Still holding up and didn't appear to be causing Lara any pain as she caught her breath with a smile on her face.
Aren smiled down at his gorgeous Queen, "There is no one else like you, Lara..." He laid down and drew her into arms, where she should be. Lara kissed his chest with a gentle press of her lips, and he kissed the top of her head. "I can't believe sometimes that I actually get to keep you in my life, I get to live this life with you as my Queen. Thank whatever power kept those sharks from eating you." He teased slightly, but they both know how serious what he was saying was.
She whispered as she placed her hands on his chest, her azure eyes looking up into his hazel ones, "I love you, Aren, from now until the very end. It will only be you, my King." He could see the emotion welling in her eyes.
He pulled her closer into his arms, trailing his fingers up and down her spine gently as he always did, "And I love you my Queen, from now until our final moments. There is no one else but you for me. And for Ithicana."
They both smiled as they drifted to sleep in each other's arms in true bliss.
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thekatthatbarks · 7 years
I know you just did a ShikaSaku but your writing style is just so good!! Your stories are slowly pulling me deeper and deeper into the ShikaSaku ship, which I'm totally fine with! Anyways, how's a love confession? In awe, the first time (X) realizes it? Whatever floats your boat ☺️
Oh, thank you so much! I hope you like what I wrote!
All This Time
Also on ao3 and ffn
“Sakura, why have you been spending so much time with me?” Shikamaru asked her one day. They were laying on his favorite hill on the soft grass. There was a slight breeze that liked to pick up her hair and dance with it. There was only a few clouds that day, the sun beat down on them and she could feel its warmth on her skin.
Sakura felt herself blush at his question and shrugged the best she could lying on the ground. “I like hanging out with you, Shikamaru. Is that such a bad thing? We never got to spend time alone like this when we were younger. It's…nice.”
Honestly, over the years, she’d developed a small crush on the man beside her. She’d seen him in the Tower so often and started to notice him more. She’d had no idea why she was suddenly so aware of him. Then, one day, she’d tripped over an uneven floorboard and he’d caught her before she could fall and drop all the books she was caring. There was something in his eyes that day when she’d met them. Something that made her heart skip a beat and she’d never been able to forget it since. It’d made her curious about the boy she’d known since she was little, but had never really known.
He glanced at her but she didn’t meet his eyes. She could tell by his smirk that he had noticed her blush. He didn’t comment on it, though, and turned his eyes back to the sky above them. Her next question caught her as off guard as the first. “We’ve always been friends, haven’t we?”
Sakura’s eyebrows scrunch together and she looked over at him. She didn’t know where he was going with this or where his mind had taken him, but she answered him, “Yes. Maybe not as close as others but I’ve always considered you a friend.”
He smiled and she could tell by the far off look in his eyes that he was thinking about something serious. She would ask, but if he wanted to share it with her then it was only a matter of time before he told her. She only had to wait a minute before he did.
He was hesitant as he started, “You know, I’d always noticed you, Sakura.” Then, his smile turned soft as he looked up like he found peace with whatever he was about to say. Sakura was silent as she listened to him, still wondering what had brought this all on. “You were this shy little girl with the most ridiculously pink hair.” He chuckled to himself and Sakura would’ve been mad if the affection in his voice wasn’t so clear like it was. She felt herself smiling with him as he continued, “I remember you were bullied and how Ino practically adopted you. You smiled so much more after that. You were adorable.” He glanced at her and Sakura felt her cheeks warm.
“Then, all of you girls went crazy for Sasuke.” His smile faltered but it was still there. “It was annoying really, watching you fawn over some guy you didn’t even know, just because he was cool.” He sighed and Sakura watched as his eyes followed a cloud in the sky as it moved. “I didn’t understand why I felt like that until later.”
Sakura felt her breath catch in her throat. Was he saying…what she thought he was…? He went on, “I remember thinking you were annoying too. Your world revolved so much around Sasuke, you didn’t care about anything else. You were top of the class and had all this potential that you weren’t using. But it wasn’t like I was any better. I didn’t care about anything.” He smiled like he was remembering his past self, a lazy child who thought everything was troublesome. “It shouldn’t have bothered me but it did.
"Then, I saw you cry for the first time when he left. I had felt uncomfortable and I didn’t understand why. I told myself it was because I just didn’t like to see girls cry. But I had seen Ino cry before and even though I had felt for her, it was different. I remember thinking I never want to see Sakura cry again.” He was quiet for a moment and Sakura wondered if he was remembering all the times she had cried in front of him since then. It wasn’t a lot. But she felt a pain in her chest thinking her tears might have cause him any kind of pain.
“I noticed you a lot more than that. I watched as you slowly changed from this frightened girl to someone who worked hard for what she wanted. You always had this determined face when I’d walk by and see you training with Tsunade. You were more outspoken and it was like you were finding yourself without Naruto or Sasuke there to overshadow you. You were amazing.” He turned his head to smile at her and she could see so much warmth in his eyes. It made her heart skip a beat and she thought about all the times she’d seen Shikamaru during that time. It had felt like he was encouraging her without even saying it, always giving her this proud smile. It hadn’t even been that often that she’d seen him, but she remembered every time. He’d been like this support beam, silent but there for her if she ever needed him.
She was relieved Shikamaru didn’t seem to be looking for any type of response, because she had no idea what to say. A part of her felt like she wasn’t even there. Shikamaru talked so calmly and without hesitance, it was almost as if he was just talking to himself. He didn’t look away from her this time as he continued, “You’ve always been amazing, Sakura. Powerful and strong. The most caring person I’ve ever met. It was like you were growing into this amazing person right before my eyes. It was…beautiful.” He turned back to the sky and told her softly, “You were beautiful. The way you could see the depths of your emotions in your eyes. Your smile, it – it always took my breath away. It still does. Even your ridiculously pink hair suited you so well. Because it made you stand out and you deserved to stand out. You were special. Special to me. It took me so long to realize it. I think it was around the war when I did.”
Sakura could feel her heart pounding against her chest so hard it was almost painful. Her throat felt dry and she wasn’t even sure she was breathing. She wasn’t even aware of a few tears escaping down her face. No one had ever talked about her like that, so in depth and with so much…love. Her eyes were locked on Shikamaru, her ears straining to catch every word. She felt like she was in some weird dream because this couldn’t be happening. Could it?
Shikamaru’s smile twitched again like he wasn’t sure if he was happy about what he was saying or not. “I was falling in love with you. Falling without even asking to, without wanting to, because you were so far out of my reach. I knew I could never have you. You were still enamored with Sasuke and even then, there were better men than me for you.”
Sakura wanted to argue with him. She wanted to tell him that she was right there with him. Right next to him. He could reach out for her if he wanted to. But she reminded herself he was talking about the past. Even if he still felt that way, she didn’t know if she could deny it considering her tongue felt like lead in her mouth.
There was a short pause before he continued, “But my feelings never went away like I’d hoped. They just seemed to grow and I don’t know if they’ll ever stop growing. My heart still skips a beat when you walk into a room. When you smile at me, I feel this warmth that’s almost addictive. Even as a twenty-five-year-old man, I still try to think of excuses to see you. To talk to you even if it’s only for a minute.” He laughed at himself and his smile widened. Sakura didn’t think she’d ever seen someone look so beautiful than in that moment. “It’s like I’m still some love-struck teenager.”
This time, his pause was longer than before and Sakura took the chance to find her voice. It was barely audible as she asked him, still in disbelief, “All this time?”
Shikamaru sighed and looked over at her. He didn’t say anything for a second and the longer he stared at her, the louder Sakura’s heart seemed to get it. She wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear it. He smiled at her and Sakura could finally see the adoration that he’d always looked at her with. She could feel the tears now that were running down her face. He didn’t comment on them, but she could see the displeasure he felt when he saw them.
His eyes returned to the sky as he answered her, “Yeah, all this time. I love you, Haruno Sakura. I always have and it seems like I always will if the passing of time is anything to go by.”
It wasn’t what she wanted to say, but the words tumbled out of her mouth without thinking. She had to know. “Why now? Why are you telling me all this now?”
“You’ve been spending more time with me lately. These past few years and it seems like it’s more and more often as the months go by. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and if there’s any chance that… you feel the same, I…” He glanced at her and then back to the sky. He went completely silent and she could see him swallow nervously. Then, he let out a deep breath. “You don’t have to say anything right now, Sakura. I just…wanted to tell you.”
Sakura had never felt so much regret as she looked at Shikamaru. He’d always been there for her. He was kind and charming, able to confess his undying love for her without breaking a sweat. He was the amazing one and Sakura had never even thought about him in that light until a few years ago. She was too busy fantasizing over a childhood crush that was never going to go anywhere. She’d never paid any other boys any mind and she had never regretted it more than in that moment. Shikamaru had silently loved her for so long and she hadn’t even noticed. She was amazed that he didn’t resent her for it.
She didn’t even think as she moved until she was straddling his waist and kissing him. She could taste salty tears on her lips and was vaguely aware that they were hers, but she didn’t care all that much. Shikamaru had gotten over his shock fairly quickly and was kissing her back with a passion that was almost overwhelming. He had an arm wrapped around her waist pulling her closer and a hand that was tangled in her hair. She had both her hands on his face and nothing had ever felt so right than to have him that close. It was exhilarating how he kissed her and out of her few kisses, it was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. She felt something with him and she’d never been surer of her feelings than now.
When she broke the kiss, she met his eyes and told him, “I love you.”
His eyes widened and he shook his head, telling her breathless, “No, don’t just say that. You don’t, Sakura. You just –’
She interrupted him with a strong, ”I do. Shikamaru, I think I’ve loved you for years. I’ve always felt this - this something with you and I had no idea what it was. It drew me to you and I just had to – had to know everything I could about you. I had to understand it. You – I may not have fell like you did. I didn’t fall gradually and slow over the span of twenty years. It was fast and sudden. It had me stumbling looking around trying to figure out where I was. I didn’t even know it had happened.“ Her confession wasn’t like his. It wasn’t calm and she hadn’t planned all her thoughts out. She was on the verge of crying even worse than she already was. She was rambling, gripping on to her feelings and trying to show them to him before they slipped out of her hands again. But hers was just as honest and heartfelt as his. "I love you, Nara Shikamaru. It’s not as deep as your love but I can feel it digging itself inside of me. I know I will fall in love with you more each and everyday, because it only makes sense if the passing of time is anything to go by.”
Her smile stretched across her face and more tears rolled down as she looked at him. She could tell he was taken aback by her confession. His breathing was shaky even as he smiled, moving his hand to her to wipe away her tears with his thumb. His voice was almost as soft as a whisper. “Do you listen to anything I say? I told you I hate it when you cry.”
Sakura laughed and he pulled her down to kiss her again. Feeling his smile against her lips was something she knew she’d never get over. He kissed her lips, then her cheeks making her feel giddy. She leaned down and kissed his cheek before burying her face in his neck. She wanted to tell him thank you but she had a feeling he’d just repeat it back to her, so she simply hugged him close to her. She didn’t know how long they ended up lying there just holding each other, but she wouldn’t mind if it was forever. Right there on Shikamaru’s favorite hill in his arms. It was perfect to her.
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