#I'm pretty sure if our villains were to disappear suddenly
the-journal-in-law · 1 year
Are We Not Enemies?
"You left me!" the villain accused, eyes narrowed and lined with the faintest hint of tears as they jabbed a finger towards their nemesis.
The hero's expression, however, remained bewildered. "I went on holiday..."
"You didn't tell me!" the villain snapped.
"I was gone for a week--"
"I thought you were dead! I thought Supervillain had killed you so I hunted them down and I killed them to get revenge for you!"
The hero's mouth fell open wordlessly, eyes going wide. "Y-You did what?"
"What? Was I supposed to just let your killer go?"
The hero spluttered. "That's what I expected, yes!"
The villain went quiet at that, tilting their head down so the hero couldn't see what they were feeling. Hoarsely, they repeated, "I thought you were dead..."
"Are you - are you crying?" the hero said incredulously.
"Shut up!" The villain wiped their eyes on their sleeve. "I wouldn't have had to do it if you hadn't disappeared on me!"
The hero was speechless. Then, in a confused voice, they said, "Did I miss something? Are we friends? Heck, lovers?"
The villain fixed a blank look on them. "Excuse me?"
"It's just...the way you're reacting is more like a concerned wife than a murderous maniac." The hero gestured helplessly.
Really, all they did was respond to an emergency call right after getting off the plane. And - surprise, surprise - the first villain they had to fight after their holiday was the one the hero was often called to apprehend.
What did surprise them was when the villain suddenly stopped their monologue upon catching sight of the hero. Then, the villain had teleported them to an abandoned warehouse where they proceeded to rant about taking a break off work without telling them.
"I'm really sorry if I did miss something. You know, my friend calls me an oblivious idiot on good days, and with you being - well, a villain - I never considered you would want to date me?" The hero's voice went high. "Not that you being a villain means I don't want to date you. Just that I kinda wasn't expecting it? N-not that I think you want to date me. We can be friends! If you're open to it. It might be a bit weird, what with us being on opposing sides, but I'm sure we can--"
"Hero," the villain interrupted. "Breathe."
The hero gasped in a huge breath. With a weak smile, they said, "S-sorry. I tend to ramble a lot."
"I know," the villain said. "It's not like you haven't kept an entire conversation going during our fights - by yourself while fighting. This is a pretty late apology."
"I do that?" the hero wondered, then shook their head. "Nevermind! Can we go back to the fact that you killed Supervillain?"
The villain crossed their arms. "I figured it was past time for someone to topple their throne."
"Wait, no," the hero said. "You're not getting away that easily. You said and I quote, that you killed Supervillain to get revenge for me."
"Did you seriously say 'and I quote?'"
"Answer my question."
The villain stared consideringly at the hero, and it almost seemed as if they were going to comply. "I don't remember you asking a question."
"Did you get soft?" the hero pushed. "Did I melt your cold heart and now you have warm, fuzzy--"
"No!" the villain yelled. "As if I would get feelings for you."
"Wow, harsh," the hero replied, a little hurt. "Is me being a hero turning you off that much?"
"It's not about you being a hero," the villain hissed. "I couldn't care less about that. It's about your little holiday jaunt forcing me to take over a criminal empire!"
The hero gaped. "I'm sorry, what?"
"I killed Supervillain!" the villain shouted. "That means every one of their supporters and whoever else who wanted their position is going after me now."
"I-I'm sorry?" the hero stuttered, not sure if they were actually to blame but knowing better than to voice that out loud. "Do you...do you want to go on a date?" they blurted.
The villain raised a brow. "A date."
The hero winced. "Yes, a date. For compensation?"
The silence stretched long enough for the hero to nearly take back the offer.
"A date," the villain repeated, this time a little manic. "Yeah, why not? A date with a hero..."
"Is that a 'yes?'"
"Yes," the villain said, finally allowing themselves a small smile.
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paralyze-fic · 8 months
Chapter 22
The sweat dripped down my face as I bit hard on my bottom lip.
"It is not a quirk that adapts to Tomura's attitude."
"Damnit! What the hell?" I heard the voice of the boy I've missed the most.
I felt my heart beating even faster and louder at the sound of his voice, the relief I felt could have made me cry from happiness, but I contained the tears for now. My mind was being irrational, I wanted to move and just hug him and kill everybody who dared even lay a single damn finger on his body.
The past days since Katsuki had been kidnapped, I couldn't stop thinking about negative outcomes, and what I could've done instead. Something as simple as the image of Bakugou suddenly disappearing from my life... made me realize.
I realized how much I love Katsuki, and how I would do anything for him.
The villain was talking to Bakugou, and soon the rest of the villains appeared in the scene too.
"That's why I'm here. Everything it's for you." My teeth greeted and I prepared my body to move, but Iida stopped me. He was grabbing Todoroki and Midoriya, while his shoulder was trapping me too. He didn't want us to go, the reason was pretty clear. That man made the worst-case scenario flash inside our minds just by talking.
I shut my eyes, trying to think of what to do.
"You're here, aren't you?" We all froze for a moment, thinking we were found out.
"I'll make you give everything back, All For One!" The well-known voice of the number one hero reached our ears.
"You're going to kill me again, All Might?!"
"Even All Might..." Izuku whispered.
"You arrived too late. There's a little over five kilometers from the bar." The villain, identified by All Might as All For One, kept talking some more, muttering about how the hero had weakened.
"I would not commit the same mistake as six years ago. I'll get young Bakugou back! Definitely send you to prison and the League of Villains that you control!" All For One yelled something after that and then we heard the destruction of a building along a massive windforce.
"All Might!" Katsuki yelled I had the instinct to move and help him. Seemed like Izuku thought the same.
"Iida-kun, guys," we could hear Bakugou's explosions going off as he fought against the rest of the villains.
"You can't do it, Midoriya-kun."
"No, there's a way. A way that we wouldn't need to fight and would let us get away, but saving Kacchan," Midoriya argued with him in a hushed tone, instantly, I grabbed his arm tightly.
"Tell us." He nodded.
"But this also depends on Kacchan. I don't think this would work without that. That's why, Kirishima-kun, you're the answer to make this more safe." My heart twisted a bit at that, but maybe he meant something else...
"Give us details, Midoriya," Todoroki said. Izuku nodded.
"Yes. This is my plan." We all listened clearly to his words, and the moment he mentioned what Kirishima was gonna do, I felt sad.
'You've made an equal relationship with him since school began if his friend calls out to him, I'm sure-'
"Wait, Midoriya," Kirishima spoke, making Izuku stop.
"What is it, Kirishima-kun?" The green-haired asked him, a confused expression on his face. Todoroki, Iida and Yaomomo were looking at him too.
"Uh eh... I think it's best if (M/n) takes my place," I looked up at him as I was staring at the ground, and he had a subtle blush on his face, we locked eyes and he smiled brightly at me.
"Why?" Todoroki asked, and Kirishima seemed a bit hesitant to answer.
"Just trust me, okay? The plan will still work." Midoriya nodded at him and we got in our positions.
'First, we'll propel ourselves with my quirk and Iida's Recipro.'
Thankfully, I was right in the middle of them for this so no one had to move to change positions. Iida and Midoriya wrapped their arms tightly around my waist.
'Then, (M/n) will enhance his arms to break down the wall.'
When Izuku nodded at me, I stared at Kirishima's arms, I enhanced my arms and extended my fists forward. Iida and Izuku pressed their feet against the wall behind us and launched us forward.
'As soon as it opens, Todoroki would make a path of ice for us. As high as possible. The villains haven't seen us. They got ahead of us until now, but we are in a position to get ahead of them. And we'll fly through the battlefield at an unreachable height for them. Villains' boss had stopped All Might from helping Kacchan, meaning, All Might would stop him too when they see us.'
As the brick wall broke down at the collision against my knuckles, Todoroki's ice changed into a ramp for us. I felt a stinging pain on both of my hands, but the moment I saw that particular spiky blond hair the happiness swelling my heart made the pain numb.
I could just think of hugging him and kissing him nonstop for the rest of my life.
"(M/n)-kun!" Izuku's yell made me snap out of my daydream.
This is a serious situation, (M/n), for the love of Jesus!
'Then, it's up to you (M/n)-kun. Kirishima-kun decided it was best if it was you. It won't work with me. Or with Todoroki-kun, Iida-kun or Yaoyorozu-san.'
"Bakugou likes you more than he likes me, (M/n). You can save him."
"Come on, Katsuki!" I screamed at him, and even if we were at a really high distance from the ground, I could see his smile before he used his explosions to fly at us. My hand was open, extended at him to grab it, and he did, tightly holding onto me.
He looked up at me and smirked, "You idiot," I chuckled and made eye contact with the crimson-coloured eyes I'd missed.
"You're welcome, Katsuki," His cheeks turned red and I couldn't help the big smile on my face, finally letting the tears make their way down my face.
"Give me your hands," Bakugou said when we began walking while everyone was evacuating Kamino. Without thinking, my hands reached up to him and he held them.
"Ow," I hissed with a flinch as he took off the destroyed gloves, and his thumbs ran over the open skin of my knuckles.
"You shouldn't have hurt yourself, Shitty hair could have broken down the wall," he huffed and tried to sweep off some concrete pieces sticking to my skin.
"I did it for you, Katsuki," he abruptly stopped and slowly looked up at me, a dark blush crept up his face and he turned away.
"Don't say stupid things, asshole." I chucked and rested my arm on his shoulder, pulling him close to me. The sweet caramel scent of his sweat reached my nose and I instantly relaxed. "Oi," I looked down at him, and he was pulling the long ass t-shirt I had on, it went almost to my knees, it was like a fucking dress. "Do you mind?"
Before I could say something, his palm heated up and the black fabric soon had a hole, in which he stuck his fingers to rip it horizontally. After he had got a long piece of fabric, he tore it in half and grabbed my arm on his shoulders. He blew some air on my knuckles, getting some more dust off my skin, and then wrapped the fabric tight around my bleeding wounds.
The way he was taking care of me this way made my heart race, and shivers went down my spine as a heat wave went up my face.
He looks so... tiny and fragile.
"Done," he tied the fabric on my other hand and stared up at me, his eyes went wide when we made eye contact, "What...?"
In a second, my arms were wrapped around his waist and pulling him closer to me, as I hid my face in the crook of his neck. "I've...missed you, so much Katsuki." A sob got out past my lips, and I had to bite down on my bottom lip so I wouldn't completely break down.
He was tense for a few seconds as tears rolled down my face, and then I felt his hands caressing my back up and down slowly.
"It's okay now, (M/n)... I'm fine, alright?" His voice was so soft and calm against my ear, it just made me hug him tighter and cry for another reason.
Because I could never have him. Even if I love him more than anything else.
"Guys...?" I looked up slightly over Katsuki's shoulder, Izuku and Iida were looking at us. Iida seemed confused but Izuku seemed embarrassed.
"Leave us alone for a bit, Deku," Bakugou said to him in a soft voice, Izuku flinched with an expression of disbelief on his face and nodded slowly, before grabbing Iida's arm and dragging him with him.
"Katsuki..." my face went back to his neck, this time inhaling his scent.
"Yes?" He whispered low, his hand reaching up and caressing my hair.
"I-" love you.
No, I can't say that, even if is the thing I want to say the most at the moment. I sighed and pulled away from him.
"Never mind, it's nothing," I turned around and grabbed his hand to walk forward, following Iida and Midoriya, "Let's go."
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kibbits · 11 months
I’m the anon who had the health scare, I’ve got goodish news! I’m not in pain 24/7 anymore, but I don’t have an exact reason why it happened in the first place. Other then having an awkward conversation with the doc about at home remedies in front of my grandparent, they really didn’t seem to know. I’m going to take it in stride for now and instead ask about our favorite theater cuties: Do the other animatronics get to interact with boys? In operating hours I’m sure it be pretty minimal since they’re confined to the theater and it would most likely be a glam rock coming in to pick up a birthday group. But maybe some after hours?
Anoooon!! 💖💖💖 I'm glad to know you're-- well, at least not in pain!! I was thinking about you yesterday aaaa!
I'm sorry you didn't get actual results though XPP It sucks when you can't point to a definitive reason/diagnostic. (and god does it remind me of the time i spent confused and in pain before the whole gallbladder crisis thing happened,,) I hope you get answers/don't have to go through that again!
: OO Man somehow I hadn't thought about that at all, huh! I'd say they probably interacted before the AU and at the end of it more.
When they did shows in the main theater, it was also where Freddy and Co. did concerts (the original gang, mind you, when Foxy and Bonnie were there). They probably shared 'lodges' with them, and Moon does stage lighting (that's what his cable system was for, at first-- along with scenes that need flying and special ways to move) and it's the thing he's as serious about as his villain roles, so he probably even lent a hand to set up the stage lighting and rigging.
You know those kids who take playing pretend very seriously in everyday life? (no shade, I was like that and literally convinced myself to like fish because of that dfkldgjkl long story) Sun and Moon were kind of thought of like that: sometimes it was a lil awkward, but they were still well-liked
And then, the rock show becomes bigger and bigger, there's less and less theater shows-- Until suddenly no more Sun and Moon one day. Considering that's.. pretty much what happened with Foxy and Bonnie, as far as we know, I think it was just one more instance of not knowing what happened. Was there an incident? (And they do hear about Moon breaking someone's leg in the daycare. Why were they in the daycare?) Did they get sent to parts and service and never came back, like Bonnie? (technically true also! They've been put in storage indefinitely)
I don't think Sun and Moon are allowed very far while they're being rehabilitated, so unless Moon sneaks about and is spotted during the blackouts, the glamrocks don't even know they're active again.
There's a lot of curiosity when the premiere/return of a theater is announced at the end of the summer, though! At first, they think it might be new animatronics which is a lil bittersweet
Once they're reinstated and established, I think they probably start to mingle again. It's probably a little nerve wracking to come back after so long, and as such different people since they really came into their own and became their own people! But it's also much more... fun? genuine, to hang out with them-- the other animatronics get to talk with them and get to know them as people instead of being talked at
I think they probably get along with the gang pretty well. At first, Roxy and Monty have their hackles up because of their issues/especially because they had disappeared for a while and now suddenly they're getting popular again, it's threatening to them) but they're nothing if not stubborn and adaptable, and they end up wining them over-- especially since those two tend to put up a front, and the BaL boys know how THAT is. I think they try to get those two (separately) more confident in themselves and in also in the image they project
Chica is just a joy to be around jkldgl they like her energy! Moon might be a gremlin and teach her to lie more convincingly about her midnight snacks
I just realized idk if there'd still be the virus??? But if there is, I think through a whacky series of circumstances, the boys were kind of 'in isolation' so they don't actually get infected. Might also be at a moment where they're more violent so it goes unnoticed pff
And well Freddy gets along with everyone pff
And DJMM!! They love DJMM and the minis and can nerd out about music for hours pff. They're showmen too, after all-- DMJJ knows about the PIZZAZZ! I think the boys are closest to DMJJ, Roxy and Monty? But separately.
OOP this turned into another long one huh pff
To actually answer your question (oop) yes they do! Obviously, they each have their shows, and the boys prefer rehearsing over just downloading scripts so they can try intonations and timing and such, but I think they also get an actual green room/give autographs and such, so they're on the floor during daytime sometimes, and sometimes they roam at night like the others!
Thanks so much for the ask!!!💖💖💖
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docheros · 2 years
Hmm and how about Antimagic or Antihero with 🌹 (a date gone wrong), ☁️ (enemies to lovers), and 🤠 (fake dating)?
the trope of the hero, the villain and their mutual citizen friend
— Hey, Anti-
Anti screamed and his cats jumped off his lap. A knife magically appeared on his hands and he pointed at Jackie, who raised his hands.
— I come in peace, I swear.
— Why are you here?
The hero dropped his shoulders, sighing.
— You know Chase is planning to ask his girl in marriage this saturday?
— Yeah?
— He asked my help, said he wanted to do a double date. I said I'd go, but I didn't have anyone.
— Ok?
— He said I should bring you and ask you to date me after he asks Stacy — Anti's eyes widened.
— Yeah, he's sure I'm deeply in love with you and that the feeling is mutual! — He lowered his head and crossed his arm — he said that if I didn't come here, he'd ask you to come himself. I'm just preventing misunderstandings.
The villain groaned, lowering his knife and pressing his nose bridge.
— Chase Brody must the the dumbest man alive, really.
— Look, Anti, it's not that bad — a look of disbelief met him — ok, fine, it is bad, but look: we'll just pretend, ok? He asks Stacy in marriage, I ask you to date me, we pretend we're a super happy couple for what, a week? And then a week after we tell Chase we broke up, he'll think we're bitter exes and will leave us alone! And then we go back to our old rivarly!
— That's... a good plan, actually — he nodded — I'm surprised you came up with that.
— Oh, it wasn't me. I told the problem to my doctor and he proposed this — Anti laughed, getting up.
— Yeah, that was too good to be yours — he smiled wider with Jackie's red face — don't even jump at me! You'll ask me out on saturday!
— Fine — he sighed, turning to the window he came — I'll pick you up here at 5pm, ok? Don't kill me in the meantime.
— Can't promise!
— ...will you marry me, Stacy? — Chase ended his speech holding his girlfriend's hand, showing the ring.
— Chase! — she smiled, hugging him — of course!
Anti and Jackie congratulated them, but internally they were both relieved it finally ended. What a torture! Anti just wanted to go home, he didn't feel like he belonged in that fancy restaurant.
Chase glanced at Jackie with a warning look, who got confused. Until he remembered he was deeply madly in love with his arch-nemesis and needed to ask if he wanted to date. He forgot it for a second.
— Oh, yeah, while we're in here — the hero cleared his throat, turning to face Anti — I, um... I've feeling this... Since we met, I...
Fucking God, he really needed to create a story before trying to asking him out. That was horrible.
— I guess I... have feelings for you — he swallowed hard, controlling himself to not jump into his rival's neck. Why that mocking expression? He could at least pretend he was in love! — ...do you wanna date me?
— Oh, Jackie — he held their hands together, smiling wide at him. Ok, his smile was pretty, Jackie wasn't prepared to that — Yes! I can't believe you love me, too!
— I told you! — Chase clapped — you guys simply can't hide your...
Suddenly, an explosion nearby them. A group of villains had just invaded the restaurant, searching for something.
Automatically, Jackie hid under the table, pushing Anti with him and putting his arms around his body.
— Excuse me?
— Hm? — he looked at him and remembered who it was — oh, sorry. Instict.
— Well I suppose I can't really complain since we're boyfriends now — no, he couldn't complain at all: he kinda liked it. Being protected for the first time in years wasn't that bad.
— What are these guys doing here? — he peaked over, searching for the group or even Chase and Stacy, who disappeared — oh fucking God, I didn't push them too! Do you think they're in danger?
— Wait. Who are the villains there? — the hero peaked again, narrowing his eyes.
— Two mustachioed ones, but one mustache is pink, and a monochrome one in a suit — Anti eyes widened.
— Oh God. These are my friends.
— What are they doing here?
— I told them I'd be here... with you...
— WHAT? — he shouted-whispered — they think I kidnapped you? — the villain nodded; Jackie groaned — well, you better go there and explain yourself! I'm not dealing with your shit!
Anti fidgeted with his fingers, glancing at his rival.
— I'm sorry.
— For what?
— For ruining the date. Can we... have another, maybe? To compensate?
— Nah man, it's fine. Chase and Stacy are already...
— No, ruining our date. I didn't know they'd come — he scratched his neck — I feel kind of bad.
Jackie stared at him, in confusion. Was him trying... to be nice? That was new.
— ...to where?
— I could take you to a japanese restaurant near my apartment. Their sushi is really good.
— Only if you pay for it.
— Fine.
— ...fine — the hero only had one weakness: free food — is monday at 8pm ok for you?
you can see both have some feelings behind the "i hate him" facade bc nobody proposed that anti could just reject him
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lena-scaldi · 3 years
you know
people say Gotham is the worst city in the world crime-speaking
and like that's true but
it's not like we can get rid of our villains
we don't want to get rid of our villains
they're part of our ecosystem
you don't get rid of trees in a forest, what's a forest without trees
what's Gotham without its villains
okay yeah technically humans have been known for destroying forest and trees but you know what I meant
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marchioness-caprina · 3 years
Pairings : Reader x Bakugou
Writing Style : 1st Person and 3rd Person
Warning : A Lot of Swearing
Word Count : 3639
Y/n's POV
" I Just don't Know what To do Izuku! You're Telling Me He Likes me but he barely even takes a glance at me! The bad thing is that whenever I try approaching him... Or even expressing my Love for him... He screams bloody murder and roasts me like there's no tomorrow! " I complained as I buried my face within my palms .
I was on the verge of tears simply because of a shitty crush. I felt Izuku's Hand caress my head as He stared down at me with a sympathetic gaze.
" There, There y/n. Let it all out " He muttered making me want to cry even more but I wasn't done venting.
" I've been chasing him ever since we were in middle school! Ironic how I give nothing but love but receive pain instead... I think... I should finally Give up" I whispered the last part and Izuku's movements were put in a halt.
" Really? After everything you've been doing for him? You'll just give up?! That's not you y/n! You're the type of person who fights with everything you've got without losing hope! And that's pretty admirable! I may not be as close with Kaachan as I was before but I know for a fact that he likes you too and is just too... Errr... Umm... How do I say this? Uhh He just has a really big Ego to admit it " He tried lifting my spirit up but I was tired. My heart was tired and I just wanted to... Give up or maybe Just Rest for a couple of weeks.
" Yeah? Well you think pretty Highly of Me Izuku.... But I'm weak too you know and there are battles I must quit.... I'll just try to recollect myself and rest for a few weeks Or so, I'll have to set my Priorities straight too... Ya know... If you get what I mean and all " I chuckled trying to mask the pain and it was futile. Izuku can read me like an open book.
He gave me a solemn look before nodding. This little cinnamon roll is just too kind and understanding, he even accompanied me to this very cafe we were in when he saw me looking down coming out of the Dorms.
" I get it, People need to cool off from time to time " He gave me a small smile and I returned it with a grin.
" Hey! You know there's this Carnival That was set up last week and it's their last day today! I had two tickets and tried inviting Katsuki.... I mean Bakugou Yesterday and he almost blew these tickets away.... It would be a waste if we don't use it so why don't we start my Personal Growth and healing by having Fun!? " I exclaimed and Izuku looked genuinely as excited as me.
" Really!? Sure! I'd like to go! It's been awhile since I actually had fun because of all the Pressure and Stress! " He smiled and I grabbed his hand immediately and dragged him out of the cafe and Off to The carnival we Go!.
" Man! And Don't even get me started on the Food there! Although the Almight Mascot looked Really Weird it was still fun! " I Beamed as Izuku opened the front door.
" Yeah! And the Fireworks were awesome Too! I'm really glad we hung out today! " He bashfully stated as we simultaneously stepped inside .
" And Where have you two gone to? Maybe you shouldn't have came back if you'd show up in the middle of the damn night " Aizawa sensei suddenly appeared out of nowhere making me and Izuku flinch in shock.
" W-why... Hello there sensei " Midoriya stuttered fear ridden as he glanced down at me.
' Shit we're screwed '
" Guys! I believe it was extremely irresponsible to be gone without a word and come back at an unearthly hour! You could have atleast sent one of us a message or even answered Our calls! So we wouldn't be this anxious of your arrival! " Iida Sped walked towards me and Izuku and that's when we noticed that everyone was still up and gathered in the common room.
" We were so worried about you guys! We thought a villain took you or something! "
" Not cool dude, Aizawa Sensei almost flipped and called out a search team to look for you guys "
" You could have told us before you left "
Came the concerned comments of our classmates. It made my heart swell up with Joy and at the same time Guilt.
" We're so Sorry! " Me and Izuku yelled in Sync bowing our heads.
" It was my fault! I forgot my phone in my room! And Izuku was just accompanying me to a small cafe in town... And I invited him to go have fun at the carnival... To Distress.... I didn't think you guys would be this worried but thank you for worrying about us! " I yelled an apology and Izuku was fast to take the blame.
" No it's my fault! I turned off my phone and left without informing anyone and without thinking of the consequences! Neither me and y/n were aware of the time. We won't do it again! We're sorry guys" Izuku frowned as I placed my hand on his shoulder.
With a sigh Aizawa gave us a stern look scratching the back of his head before speaking.
" Look, this better not happen again or else you two will be in serious trouble. You're lucky tomorrow's a Sunday so No school . Just make sure to say something next time and not disappear without a trace "
" Yes sensei! " Izuku answered while I nodded my head vigorously.
As Aizawa continued his Lecture my eyes drifted towards the crowd of my classmates and what surprised me was that Bakugou was Present. He was awake. Did he actually give a fuck?... No he's probably dragged into this by Kaminari or Kirishima.
After a long 30 minutes of sermon Aizawa sensei finally let us go.
In the end everyone returned to their rooms and Before I went to mine I gave Izuku a Hug as a ' Thank you for being there for me ' and I was unaware of a pair of crimson red eyes staring at us.
The Next Day
I heard knocking on my door which forced me to wake up and open the door and to my surprise it was Izuku and Uraraka.
" Morning Guys.... What brings you here? " I yawned blinking my eyes as the two chuckled at my messy appearance.
Bed hair, oversized t shirt and drool on the corner of my lips.
" We came here to invite you for breakfast! Everyone is gathered in the common room! You're a pretty heavy sleeper! Jirou and Momo tried waking you up earlier and there was no answer " Uraraka explained but still, sleep was very much alive in my system and I just gave a lazy nod before hanging again.
" Looks like she's still Tired Uraraka, you go on ahead we'll catch up with you" Izuku offered and Uraraka was fast to jolt away a from us.
" Ok! But you better not let her go back to sleep Deku! Everyone's counting on you to wake her up! " Uraraka yelled as she headed downstairs.
I was swaying back and forth with my eyes half lidded and I had a sudden urge to sleep on the floor.
" Still sleepy? " Izuku asked and fortunately I was still awake enough to give him a nod.
" Wanna get on my back? I'll carry you down stairs so you'll have time to rest " He offered while turning his back against me and bending down.
Without hesitation I fell on his back and subconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck and my head resting on his back.
I felt his scarred hand grip my thighs and he lifted me off the ground and started walking.
Honestly I didn't know how long it took him to get to the common room but I was happy I had a really nice friend to carry me like this.
" Wow, Midoriya when we told you to get Y/n we didn't know you'd actually ' Get ' Her " The familiar Voice of Kaminari commented and I was thankfully awake or more like I forced myself to be awake.
I peeked my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out.
" Yeah you're just jealous cause Izuku is Carrying me " I retorted and Izuku's chest vibrated in a small chuckle.
" You two a Thing Now or something? " Mina grinned pointing at us with her chopsticks.
" No Mina we're not a Thing. We're People " I countered and she gave a light laugh.
" Smart move y/n. Smart move "
" Do you want me to put you down now? " Izuku asked as he looked back at me and I shook my head.
" No, I like being carried by you. You're really warm " I smirked and the poor boy's face overheated with embarrassment.
" Oo~ are you sure you two aren't a Thing? " Uraraka Teased giving me and Izuku a suggestive wink.
" So you're dumping Bakugou for Midoriya or something? " Kaminari crackled with laughter and the whole room fell into a cold silence.
As if everyone knew something I should be aware of.
" Me and Bakugou aren't Dating in the first place, I don't think we'll ever be together too " I confidently stated and I could hear gasps and the shock faces of my classmates didn't go unnoticed.
" S-She called him Bakugou and Not Katsuki! " Mineta Yelled in panic as he stared at me with wide eyes.
Suddenly a loud bang was heard from one of the tables. Specifically the Table Bakugou was on.
He had slammed his hand on the table along with his chopsticks and he was seething with so much anger and... Are my eyes lying? Is that jealousy!?.
" I ain't fucking hungry! " He yelled and stood up violently that the chair fell off.
He started stomping his way towards us. I was never afraid of Him.... Well not until Now atleast.
" Deku " He growled lowly and I could feel Izuku tremble.
Immediately, I got down from his back and when Katsuki was close enough I stepped infront of Izuku.
" Stay Back Bitch! " He hissed and I stood my ground.
" No you Stay back Asshole! What is your problem!? Why don't you mind your own fucking Business! " I snapped harshly poked his Chest with each word I uttered.
He glared at me tiny sparks popping on his palms.
What he said next was something I have never expected him to say.
" You are My goddamn Business You Little Shit! Hanging around with Deku the whole Night making me worry about your shitty ass! And now you're clinging onto him like a stupid fucking Koala! Can't you see how jealous I am!? Can't you drill it in your pretty little head that you're Fucking Mine! " His voice rang through every corner of the common room.
Everyone was silent for a few seconds. My eyes were wide and full of disbelief.
" Finally, Took Him a long time to actually confess... It was kinda getting painful to watch " Kaminari mumbled but it was loud enough for me to hear.
" Dude, it was so manly confessing to her infront of everyone. Bakugou is a true man " Came another comment from one of my classmates, Kirishima.
Katsuki was glaring at me his Chest rising and falling at a visible way clearly indicating how aggravated he was.
His crimson eyes held a lot of swirling emotions, Jealousy, Anger, Betrayal and Possessiveness.
" ..... Excuse you!? " I managed to voice out and he tried grabbing me but I was quick to evade his hand.
" No! And Just when I finally decided to give up on you. You decide to throw all this bullshit infront of me Bakugou Fucking Katsuki! No you listen here you Egotistical Haughty Son of a Bitch! I suffered through every shitty insult and pain you threw my way because I loved you and when I'm at my limit and ready to go you give me this!? all you gave me was pain and honestly I'm not a masochistic bitch to accept it with open arms how but my middle finger huh?!. Damn you and your very confusing and petty way of claiming me! That is not happening! You hear me!? So suck it up Bakuhoe and Go Fuck yourself " I actually felt proud of myself but that was the first time I actually raised my voice or even cursed infront of everyone in the first place so their dumbfounded expression didn't really surprised me.
" Wow.... Your girl's as good at Cursing as you are Bakugou " Sero was the first to comment and that pissed me off.
" I'm not his 'Girl' " I emphasized the girl part with a hint of mockery.
" Yet " Bakugou added making me glare at him.
" Fuck you " I grumbled turning around to walk away in victory thinking I had won the fight.
But before I could even take one step forward I was slung over Bakugou's Shoulder hanging upside down.
" Put me down you Fucking Asshole! " I yelled as he carried me away from the common room.
" Hey! " I grab hold of his blonde hair which was surprisingly soft and gave it a harsh tug which earned me a groan from him.
" Bitch! " He yelled slapping my butt making me gasp.
" I should get you mad more often, That was hot " He commented as if he hadn't just slapped my butt.
The nerve of this fucker.
" Put me down!" I growled as he proceeded to carry me upstairs.
" Now don't think I'm done with you just yet. I have to get my sweet revenge because you hung out with Fucking Deku and let him touch you! " He barked as I felt him tighten his hold on my fleshy thigh.
I tried everything I could, from squirming to kicking to punching his back but the guy is a Fucking wall and didn't even budge.
" Stop it Bitch! Save your energy for later. You're gonna need it " He muttered making me react violently. Until he had enough of it and slammed my back to the nearest wall with his strong muscular arms trapping me I'm between with his body a bit too close to mine.
His face was inches away and I visibly gulped turning my face to the side as his breathe fanned my cheek.
" Bakugou I'm warning you. I'm gonna do something YOU'RE gonna regret if you don't let me go " I had managed to say without stuttering and I mentally Pat myself on the back for my strong tone.
" Fuck it y/n. You really think I'd let you get away after Saying all that shit and defending Deku!? After you hopped onto his back like you're HIS!? Well you're Fucking Mine! You got that!? " He yelled making me groan. His voice was too loud and I think my ears are gonna bleed.
" You asked for it! " I yelled back as I prepared to kick him where the sun don't shine but I didn't even get to raise my leg halfway when he pulled me down by my leg and pressed his body against mine even more.
Right now I had no way of moving with my leg trapped against his thighs holding me in place.
" Oh? Was that your Great Fucking Move? Well it's pretty pathetic so kick and scream all you want. I'm claiming you right now " Using his hand he raked my locks down and gripped onto my hair roughly forcing me to face him and his lips had already connected with mine.
His kiss was rough, dominating with a tinge of passion and jealousy. Moving his lips at a better angle his other hand trailed down to squeeze my hips.
I ressisted. I really did but after awhile of him kissing me I melted. My hands wrapping themselves around his neck my chest squeezed with his toned chest. Both of his hands resting on my waist as I stood on my tippy toes kissing him back with the same intensity.
Opening my mouth to give him access he didn't waste a second to slip his tongue inside my claiming his new domain. His tongue wrestled with my own and soon gaining dominance as he continued the rough kiss.
It was a very angry kiss with lots of jealousy coming from him.
When we finally pulled away breathless and panting his intense crimson orbs pierced mine a smug smirk slowly rigging on the corners of his mouth.
" Still refusing me after that? After you willingly kissed me back? After clinging onto me for dear life? " He was either mocking me or teasing me but either way it pissed me off.
" Katsuki I'm gonna rip your throat off if you keep that up " I glared at him but I guess actions spoke louder than words because my neck was still wrapped around his neck and my body still pressed against his.
" Yeah right and a moment ago you called me Bakugou now look who's calling me Katsuki again " He sneered and I tried retreating my hand away from his neck to push him away but he beat me to it; grabbing my arms and using it as leverage to pull me closer towards him.
" I know I did some pretty fucked up shit. I'm not the best person at expressing these shitty feelings I have for you but I will make it up to you, I'm s-soow.... S-sooo.... Rrr... Eeyyyy " The way he forced out a ' I'm sorry ' got me laughing so hard .
He didn't appreciate that because his cheeks were tinted red form embarrassment and anger.
" You Fucking bitch! Don't laugh at me! I'm trying! " He yelled as I continued laughing.
Yeah, seeing him like that was new and hilarious.
My laughter was cut off when I felt his warm lips press a kiss on my cheek.
He looked to his side his eyes avoiding mine.
" Don't Fucking laugh cause I mean it though.... I'll make it up to you.... " He muttered the faint red color of his cheeks still present.
A smile formed on my lips as I stared at him fondly. A small pinkish tint coating my own cheeks but me being me I ruined the moment with a bitchy remark.
" Yeah why don't you practice saying Sorry first while not sounding like you were about to take the biggest shit of your life " I retorted and because of that I began laughing once again and he was raging. Screaming at me to stop laughing but I couldn't help it. He did deserve it after all.
I'm pretty sure I'll get more of my little revenge in the future....
Bonus :
" Deku.... I know you care about those two and You're a hardcore shipper but... What you did though... Was it on purpose? " Uraraka asked taking another bite of her pancakes as they listened to the two bicker.
" Who knows " Izuku answered with a contented smile on his face.
" Huh... You're a bit suicidal for doing that but I respect you man. Bakugou finally confessed it was getting pretty sad to watch him act all tough and pretending he doesn't like her " Sero chuckled.
" Hopefully those two will stay strong from now on... " Momo took a sip of her tea and everyone silently agreed with her.
" So.... Do you think they're Fucking? " Mineta suddenly brought up the topic which caused Tsu to slap him with her Tongue.
" Mineta-kun you're being a pervert again" Tsu muttered staring at the purple headed boy.
" Hahahahha! " Denki and Mina suddenly came down stairs holding a camera.
" You guys wanna see what they were doing upstairs? " Denki asked while laughing.
" Dude, invading other people's privacy is Not manly " Kirishima stated bit he couldn't help but be curious.
" .... What happened though? " Kirishima asked taking a peek at the camera.
" Oh you know, They kissed and Bakugou tried saying sorry but it was an epic fail! " Mina laughed and on cue Y/n came running down with an in raged Bakugou trailing hot on her tail.
" Come Back here! " Bakugou barked trying to grab hold of the girl.
" I was being honest when I said you need practice in saying sorry! You look like you're about to shit Bricks! " She yelled merely avoiding the hand of Bakugou that was centimeters away from holding her.
" Drama and Breakfast in the morning sure is pretty Good. But Drama, Breakfast and Comedy in the Morning is The best! " Denki chuckled watching the two interact.
" Oh boy... I have a feeling everything is going to be a lot more louder here than usual " Izuku sighed .
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186 notes · View notes
chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Well here be Part 9 of the Epiphany Series, I'm not quite sure how far I want to take this series quite yet but I'm enjoying writing it so it may be at least 15 or so parts total.
Rating: T-M (Language, mentions of depression, mentions of suicidal thoughts, allusions to racism and use of 1 slur)
Word Count: 2,992
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
Part Eight | Part Ten
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Getting out of medical took some time, he’d been thrown around pretty badly during the apprehension of Manic Panic, but as he hurried up the elevator Marcus felt his muscles tighten in anticipation. Tech-No had contacted HQ on the way back only to learn that Lowell had somehow infiltrated Monkshood security, discovered by Eleanora when she entered the penitentiary’s security camera feed after the Warden Paulson tried to stop the analysts from doing their job, and now there was a huge situation because of it.
As he rounded the corner from the elevator he could hear the booming voice of Warden Paulson from where he walked and his emotions spiked dangerously. “had no right to do that. I should have you arrested-“ But Marcus didn’t need to ask Eleanora if she had a valid reason, he knew she did, and his presence was announced by the rattle of metal items as he stormed into the room and silenced Paulson with his presence alone.
“Sounds to me, Warden, that the Director had a very valid reason given that you were fighting our analytics team reviewing the security footage to figure out how two of the most destructive villains managed to escape your facility.” His eyes drifted to see Eleanora at her desk, eyes carefully blank, and he suspected there was static coating her like a second skin with how her ponytail had begun to expand near the end of it. “I’m assuming Lowell wasn’t employed under that name? Or were you knowingly hiding a suspected criminal from us?” Paulson’s mouth snapped shut and Eleanora slapped a printed document onto her desk from the fax machine.
Marcus walked around the warden to take the paper, false name and age as well as potentially falsified documentation to obtain employment; all of it was from around the time Jackson Lowell had disappeared. “We got him detained?” Eleanora nodded and exhaled a little, the tickle of static discharging around her was accentuated by the sudden surge of activity from the few gadgets that Tech-No made to help absorb the lingering energy and prevent a possible surge in the electronics.
Pride didn’t even begin to cover how he felt seeing that she’d been able to redirect the energy on her own. “Detained and cuffed, the analysts are using his new information to track everything he’s been doing down, and the CIA is asking for custody to interrogate him on how he managed to drop off the grid.” Marcus could only imagine how she felt talking with operatives that had, at one point in time and maybe still did, want to force her to work for them instead but as a prisoner and not proper employee.
Paulson let out an annoyed exhale. “My security team was going to go over the footage, so we could correct the problem, but you decided that your new job as Heroics Director warranted you the freedom to-“ Luckily Eleanora wasn’t a pushover and Marcus bit his cheek as the man yelped when she suddenly stood up and slammed her hands onto the desk surface.
“Your security team was busy playing poker in the camera room, I checked, and the data they sent to our team was chopped so that the footage of Jackson opening those cells wasn’t part of it at all. Had I not done that he would have also gotten Addison out and likely Lepido, Paulson, so no your security team wasn’t going to go over shit. I’ve already submitted my findings to the Federal Agents and they’ve agreed that you’ve had too many incidents of villains escaping Monkshood after taking over for the retired Warden Kingston. Marcus, restrain the former Warden Paulson for Agents Vazquez and Miller.” It was too easy since the man wore expensive rings on each hand, holding him in place long enough to slap binders in place, and he was silent as he was carted off by the two Federal Agents that arrived maybe a few minutes later.
Eleanora sank into her chair again with a heavy sigh and Marcus swiftly rounded the desk, dropping to crouch in front of her seat as she turned toward him, and he held her hands to check in on how she was doing. No shaking in her limbs, no haunted look in her eyes, but he was always going to be a little worried whenever she used her powers knowing what she dealt with mentally. “What do you need me to do, pícara?” There was going to be a lot of paperwork to handle and he knew that all other parties would be pushing for it to get done sooner rather than later.
“Check in with Tech-No and the analysts on the reports for the footage for me? I have to write up a letter to defend my position of using my powers to enter Monkshood’s security, even though I technically accessed it using my code, all because I activated their lock down. Then I have to go over the damage reports-“ He silenced her with a kiss to her knuckles and let her eyes fall to his face, rather than her laptop.
Honestly he was glad to have some good news. “The battle with Manic Panic didn’t leave any damage, Tech-No and I played distraction so Invisi Girl could slap inhibitors on him, and I can check with Miracle and Lava about Rockslide since that’s part of my job anyway.” Relief shimmered in her eyes as she nodded and Marcus pushed up to kiss her gently, smiling as she leaned into the affection and kissed him back.
They stayed like that for a minute or two, foreheads pressed together and breathing in the relief that the other was okay, but he did leave to check in so she could get started on her letter and the subsequent press release she’d have to arrange.
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Warmth cocooned her as she drifted awake, the soft mattress wasn’t hers and the blankets smelled musky and spicy, but the real tell of where she was came from the warm body behind hers and the arm dragged over the soft part of her waist. Sunday had bled into Monday with her sleeping at her desk instead of going home, having Lucas bring her a change of clothes and her make-up for the press release since she’d stayed, and the week had followed a similar pattern of long nights as she and Tech had to work together to come up with a new security set-up for Monkshood per the request of the BOP.
Marcus had practically dragged her out of the office Wednesday evening, telling her that she was going to sleep in a bed that night, and instead of taking her to her apartment he brought her to his house where she ended up passing out on his couch during a movie with Missy.
The idea that he’d carried her up the stairs to his room made her smile softly, running her fingertips over his arm gently, and his muscles tightened as he grunted behind her and pulled her closer to him with a breathy sigh. There were a lot of maybes involved in their relationship, like maybe they were moving too fast or maybe he should have taken her to the guest room, and maybe she wasn’t as ready for anything beyond the early phases just yet but Eleanora wanted to be selfish and just stay like this. She wanted to be ready for more, wanted to feel loved and whole and happy, and tears sprang to her eyes as the bubbling guilt at possibly leading him on when she wasn’t ready went to war with the yearning to just dive head first into everything with him.
“Eleanora? ‘s wrong?” Thick with sleep from behind her the gravel of Marcus’ voice was more attractive than ever, making her shiver even as the first hiccup of a sob bubbled out of her, and his lips pressed to the back of her neck before he helped her turn around in his arms. “Talk t’ me?” The fact that he wasn’t demanding an answer was enough to make her breath hitch; he was giving her the choice, and this revelation shattered her composure and she sniffled as she tried to fight the onslaught of overwhelming feelings.
His mustache tickled her forehead as he simply held her against him and it took a few ragged breaths to control her voice long enough to answer him. “I just- I want this so bad Marcus, I want to give you everythingand say d-damn it all to the risks but I’m just s-scared I’m not ready. I d-don’t want to push for m-more only to have my st-stupid brain f-fight me, ‘m so tired of feeling like I can’t wantthings without risking everything f-falling apart.” He was patient and quiet while she talked and Eleanora felt his thumb gently brushing along her back, keeping her grounded from the simple repetition of the motion, and when she finally finished speaking he tilted her face up a little to rub his nose against hers.
There was nothing but understanding in his eyes and it was almost too much but that look shifted to something softer, open and vulnerable, and she saw there was something in his own expression that mirrored hers. “I haven’t been able to sleep in my own bedroom you know, we’re actually in the downstairs guest room.” If he noticed that she looked thrown by the sudden topic change he didn’t react to it, this was obviously his way of offering her some sort of reassurance, but she just didn’t really get it. Luckily he wasn’t done speaking, he’d taken a pause, and his voice dripped with self-directed tension. “It feels wrong to want you in my bed, the bed Melisa and I chose together at the mattress place when we got this house and the sheets that her parents gifted her the Christmas before she passed, even though I know she’d want me to move on I can’t fight the guilt that comes from going to sleep in that room wanting a woman that isn’t her.” His voice pitched high at the end as he closed his eyes, the shine of briny liquid gathering in his lashes, and now she realized why he’d brought this up.
Their trauma wasn’t the same but neither one erased the other, he had his own issues to work through no matter how badly he wanted this, and their fear of asking for more was exactly the same. Eleanora let go of his sleep shirt to scratch lightly at the hair dusting his jawline, his eyes opening to meet hers, and she brushed her nose with his before kissing the corner of his mouth. “One day at a time? As long as you’re patient with me, Marcus, I promise I’ll be patient with you.” His tears spilled over and she pulled gently so she could shift and cradle his head into her collar, to let him expel the bunched up emotions he was holding onto, and her own tears fell down her cheeks into the pillow but the sting of emotions warring in her had faded knowing that they understood each other.
Sometimes Marcus played it off so well that he was recovering fine and she knew that there was fault on her end too for not asking him, not reaching out, and Eleanora whispered a promise into his sleep ruffled hair that she would be better at checking in on him the same way he did with her.
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“We discussed that you recognized the manipulative behavior from Addison after speaking with your friends about it, was this prior to the break-up or after you’d ended things?”
Eleanora was draped dramatically across the long ottoman that Doctor Delacroix had in her office, playing with her fidget cube as she let her chin rest on the plush fabric, and the question had an easy answer. “Mostly it was after but the reason I broke up with her was because I’d talked to some of my friends about what was going on and they outlined what she’d been doing to me from an outsider’s perspective.” Had it not been for James, Kelsey, Lucas, or Beth pushing her to talk to them Eleanora might even have gone along with Addison’s little schemes.
Doctor Delacroix scribbled something down gently in her pad. “Were you experiencing more frequent periods of suicidal thoughts after you realized you’d been a victim to her abuse?” For a brief moment Eleanora stopped her fidgeting, the kick of her feet slowing, before the motions continued as she managed a ‘mhm’ to reply. Of course she’d felt like she was better off dead after learning that Addison saw her as a tool rather than a partner once her powers were revealed, it was like dealing with her mother all over again.
“I just- ‘m not a toolto be used like that. I’m a person, a living and breathing person that a lot of time and effort had gone into but the minute anyone knew my powers existed and what they did- it was like Eleanora the person just didn’t matter.”
“Was Addison the only person to know about your powers?”
Silence hung between them as Eleanora rolled onto her back to stare at the ceiling, they’d rehashed and set limits to help fight the bouts of depersonalization and that had worked out well, but she still had depression and trauma and Doctor Delacroix had not once asked about her family yet. “No, my mother knew as well.” This was new territory for the office, Marcus and Missy knew a little bit about it but Eleanora had never done a deep dive into her childhood with anyone, and it was a new step for her entirely.
Not even Addison had gotten the entire scope of Eleanora’s childhood laid bare before her.
It was scary.
“Had your mother ever asked you to use your powers for her own gain?”
All the woman at the desk knew was that Eleanora’s parents were dead and that she had no siblings, bare bones but likely able to put some of the pieces together from their past sessions. “Only once, before I was really good at using them, and I went into a coma for three days from overexertion. My mother never asked again.” Sometimes it was annoying how well the doctor was at schooling her features, giving nothing away as to what she was thinking when she was told something, but in this case Eleanora was relieved.
It was strange to openly talk about it, she still felt like the woman was judging her and her choices, but the schooled expression made it a little easier to ignore. “Was your mother kinder to you after that?” Eleanora turned the fidget cube in her hand to the buttons, clicking them rapidly as she exhaled in the space of silence.
What a hard question. “Yes and no, and maybe I’m making excuses but having a half-Mexican child with no father in Texas back then? That alone made things harder on her, she was disowned because of me, but I always thought she did her best. There were times she was cruel but it was always after she’d had a bad day at work and went to the bar, she’d come back drunk and say things to hurt me because she was in a bad mood so I had to be as well. But there were good days too; there were plenty of times I felt loved and safe even if she never apologized for the bad.” The clicking stopped as Eleanora let what she said sit in the space between them, allowed herself to finally hear the words rather than just say them, and even she knew that it wasn’t right what had been done to her.
Eleanora wasn’t at fault for her mother’s family disowning their child, she wasn’t at fault for the accident on the oil rig that had killed her Papa, and she didn’t deserve any blame for what happened to her mother as she’d been growing up. Eleanora had been a child and as she laid there, tears gathering in her eyes, she heard the soft scratching of a pen on paper before bursting into tears. “Why wasn’t I good enough to be treated kindly?” The other kids had carried the same prejudice that her mother’s family and their own families did, she’d always been ‘the little wetback kid’ to anyone that wasn’t also mixed heritage, and it was so bad her mother had tried to erase half of who she was.
“Why do you think you were the problem?”
Now the sobs came louder, deeper, and her eyes stung as she buried her face in her hands and curled onto her side. Doctor Delacroix moved and sat down on the floor with her back to the ottoman and offered her hand, one of Eleanora’s reached out to hold the offered appendage desperately, and the lights flickered in response to her emotions but all she felt in that moment was understanding and clarity as she finally listened to what she was saying.
As she finally separated her experiences from her memories and looked at them with an outsider’s perspective.
Doctor Delacroix squeezed gently. “We’ve made good progress today, would you like to go home so you can spend the afternoon with your friends?” Eleanora nodded and the doctor wrote the e-mail to Marcus and the management heads, they all knew therapy days could be good or bad but had encouraged her to actively take half-days when it wasn’t the best, and Lucas welcomed her to his apartment with open arms and mint chocolate chip ice cream to listen to her finally ask for their advice about the past she’d kept to herself this entire time that she’d begun opening up to their friend group.
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Part Ten
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matth1w · 5 years
I saw that requests are open here, I hope that they still are. Can I request Tony Stark x Villain reader (around endgame) when she is literally a glitch (teleporting, being unstable, and having the ability to "hack reality", ya know normal glitch stuff) and can change the timeline die to who she is but it will cause her to get deleted. I know it's confusing and I'm sorry if it's too much to understand.
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Pairing: Tony Stark / Iron Man x Villain!Reader
Summary: You join forces with the enemy to fix the mess Thanos created.
Warnings: Angst
Rating: All
Word Count: 1,797 words
Note: I hope you like it! Thanks for requesting!
Tag: @emilaa2001
You stood defiantly in front of the group. Maybe teleporting into the remaining Avengers’ new headquarters wasn’t the smartest idea but you doubted they’d open up willingly if you rang the doorbell.
“Just… hear me out.”
At Steve’s ‘look of disapproval’ you sighed.
“Look. We all know if I wanted to kill any of you, I could have done it already.” Eyebrows raised around the room.
“And without all this ruckus.” You added, waving your hand around at the armed heroes before you.
Nat spoke up next, “And why should we even give you the chance? Aren’t you one of the bad guys, Y/N?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at that knowing she was using your words against you. It felt especially ironic coming from her.
“If that’s the narrative they spin, then I’ll take it. At least they’re listening.”
Movement behind the group caught your eye. You watched as the others turned to Tony,
‘Stupid’, you thought. ‘They really need to learn to not turn their backs on their enemies.’
Satisfied to see Tony but admittedly distraught at his sullen appearance you stood firmly in your place. You didn’t want your body acting on its own.
His voice was as weak as his body,
“Why are you here, Y/N?”
You smiled at Tony, genuinely happy to see he was alive. Even in the state he was in.
“Would you believe me if I said I was here for you?”, you said, on the edge of flirting.
Thor looked at you with annoyance and Rhodey barked out a bitter laugh.
He spoke up before Tony could reply.
“No really. Why are you here?”
You held your hands up, conceding. It wasn’t a lie, per say. But it wasn’t exactly the truth either.
“I want to help fix this.”
At the stares of the group, you elaborated, waving your arms around as you spoke.
“This. This whole mess Thanos created.”
Now you were on a rant and couldn’t stop. Or rather, didn’t want to. Maybe they’d see your way.
“Destroying half of sentient beings? Okay. Makes sense. We’ve done a pretty shit job. But getting rid of half of all life? Plants and animals too? It’s ridiculous. If he was so hellbent on making a better balance why didn’t he increase the resources or hell, make them unlimited?”
Everyone exchanged looks. You were right and they knew it. They were ready to agree with you when you ruined that.
“Plus, worst takeover of the universe ever. He just snaps and bam disappears. I mean if I had the stones I would…”
At Tony’s pointed look, you cleared your throat.
“The point is,” you let out. “I want to make things right. Or at least to how they were.”
— — —
The team stayed in the living room to discuss after you agreed to leave. And not come back unless they asked you to.
No one spoke. They were all trying to decide if they wanted your help. And why you offered in the first place.
“So she’s like your Loki?” Nat asked dryly, breaking the silence.
Tony turned to look at her with a puzzled face,
She leaned forward and uncrossed her arms. “I mean, she’s the person who always betrays you but you keeping giving her chances in the hope she’ll change.”
Thor looked down at that, he knew it was true. But he also knew Loki had proven himself in the end.
Tony looked offended at the notion but Rhodey nodded after thinking for a moment.
“You’re right”
Tony turned to his friend and gave him a look of disbelief.
“Ton, you keep hoping Y/N will be the person you knew. But she’s not going to be. Who knows if she’s even telling the truth now? Her speech wasn’t exactly reassuring.”
Tony couldn’t disagree with that. You were never great with words though. Even before…
— — —
You knew Tony from a long time ago. It felt like a different lifetime. You were a model Stark scientist. One of the best. But when Tony had his “epiphany” you couldn’t continue with the company. Or him.
It seemed so stupid to stop when you had been at the cusp of a breakthrough. You were leading a team designing the next generation of missile-loaded drones. It would change the way wars were fought, decrease causality loss, and allow your name to go down in history.
But Tony has other ideas. Said he didn’t want to continue making weapons of war. Yet he made his suits, countless bots, and Ultron.
— — —
During the five years after the failed attempt to get the stones back from Thanos, you and Tony had grown somewhat close. Not like before, but at least better than it had been. Plus, he had tried to help you with your… problem.
“I feel like it’s my fault”, he admitted one night you two had been staying late at the Thai restaurant you two frequented.
“What is?”, you asked, picking up a spring roll.
Tony looked at you pointedly. Seeing the twinge of sadness behind the annoyance, you put the roll down.
‘Ugh. Feelings’, you thought
You wiped your fingers on a napkin and leaned forward. You were only going to say this once and you didn’t want anyone else to hear. Even though there was no one else in the place except the older chef and his son working the tables.
“Look,” you started. “It wasn’t your fault. Sure you made the stupid decision to stop production. And research. But… it’s my fault I ended up like this.”
At Tony’s surprise that he was trying, but failing to hide, you grimaced but it ended more like a smile.
“I got sloppy. Procedures and precautions didn’t matter. All that mattered was success. So I could change your mind.”
He read between the lines. Knowing you meant more than just getting Stark Industries up and running like it had been.
He held your eyes for a moment before nodding and looking away.
“Sorry it didn’t.” He muttered.
— — —
The swarms of creatures surrounded you. You were teleporting more than you had ever done and suddenly — it hit you.
Killing Thanos had failed. Time travel had failed. And none of you had been able to get the gauntlet from the past Thanos.
Recalling what Tony told you Strange had said about the one outcome. You realized it was you. You were the one chance they had at it.
The stones wouldn’t work. Bruce trying proved that. Nat has already died. You were fighting a losing battle with less than half the team.
Having accepted your fate, you spoke into the coms.
“Tony?”, you croaked. Your tears were already bubbling up.
Tony immediately flew down to you and his helmet faded away.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
He looked down to see your glitching hands and grabbed them with his.
“Hey, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
You looked up at him, tears now falling. You nodded.
“Yeah. I know how to beat him. I know…”
“The stones? Yeah I know. We’re trying.”
You shook your head. Squeezing his hands.
“No, it’s me. I have to go deep. Erase him from this timeline. And all timelines.”
Still not understanding but guessing what you were doing, Tony met your eyes, and softly pleaded.
“No, Y/N. It’s too risky. You could be gone too. You can’t… I can’t.”
You took your hands from his and grasped his cheeks, pulling him towards you. Pressing your lips together with every ounce of emotion, you let yourself truly feel what you had always felt. Love.
As you pulled away, you looked into his eyes one last time. Happy you were able to see his love at least once.
You closed your eyes for a moment and pressed your forehead against his. Taking one last breath, you stepped back and smiled at him.
His tearful smile was the last thing you saw before you closed your eyes once more.
You teleported in front of Thanos and thrust your hand inside his chest. Grabbing his heart with your bare hand, you bared your teeth and smiled wickedly at him. All your hatred, all your anger, all the fear and loss and pain that you felt. You dug it all up and brought it forward as you twisted your wrist and enjoyed the suffering of the gasping man before you.
“You. Are. Nothing.”
His wide eyes met yours before you pulled him out of existence alongside you.
— — —
*Bonus mid credit scene*
Tony sat back in his chair and recounted the story once more to the man sitting across from him.
“She pulled him towards her and then they disappeared. Next thing we knew his minions were glitching left and right and then the portals were opening up behind us.”
“And she was gone?,” Ross confirmed.
Tony nodded, “Yeah.”
“And you can’t find her?”
Tony understood why Ross was pressing. You hadn’t been exactly best friends with the CIA. But now, having to confirm he couldn’t find you, it felt like a knife twisting his heart in two.
“No.” He muttered. “I couldn’t find her.”
Ross nodded, trying to be sympathetic.
“Alright. I’ll see what I can do.”
— — —
*Bonus end credit scene*
Tony smiled with mixed emotions as he read the morning paper.
Y/N recognized as hero for defeating Thanos
Although many knew Y/N as Glitch - a villain who famously teleported into the White House, Pentagon, and UK House of Parliament all in one day - the UN, alongside American government agencies recognized Y/N as a hero for her ultimate sacrifice to defeat the titan Thanos.
In a media conference led by Agent Everett Ross of the CIA, Wakandan King T’Challa, and Tony Stark (aka Iron Man), the trio unveiled a dedicated research building named after Y/N.
Everett Ross of the CIA spoke to Y/N’s during the Final Battle against Thanos and said her efforts saved the world and brought back the billions who had been taken during the Snap.
King T’Challa praised Y/N saying, “Without her, our world would have likely been destroyed again. I would not be standing here today if not for the sacrifice of Y/N.”
Stark spoke proudly of Y/N’s work with Stark Industries and showed remorse for her firing which many say led to her failed experiment that caused her to have the ability to teleport and hack reality and eventually become Glitch. 
Stark detailed Y/N’s efforts alongside the Avengers, including the late Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) in undoing the snap Thanos caused in 2018. He revealed the two had a romantic relationship stating, “I will always love Y/N. She was the smartest woman I knew and I will never forget her sacrifice.”
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anonyb0b · 2 years
About Dethroned
Hey guys! It's been a while (so sorry)
I'm really sorry that I haven't updated the comic. It had been fun to work on, but I don't think that I'll ever finish Dethroned, as over time I started to become less interested in the comic and Sanders Sides. School also started up again for me, and I've been busy with that.
I will tell you the plans I had for the remaining parts, because I seriously owe you guys that, as a sorta way to finish, though the plot is not actually finished. Each number refers to a comic page. This is pretty much what I had verbatim written. I changed some wording to sound clearer:
(This is a bit long, I apologize)
7: A Feeling
Part 2: (new page)
Virgil is startled at his appearance: You have??
Janus: Sorry, I meant I haven’t… old habit
Virgil: *glares, suspicious*
Part 3: (new page)
Janus: I really haven’t seen them at all. Not since…
Full shot of them at the table, they look away awkwardly
Janus looks to the living room: something seems off…
8: Excuses
Later, Roman finally shows up when summoned
Virgil says: Roman! We were trying to summon you and Pat for ages! Where were you??
Roman says: Oh! I guess I just got lost in the Imagination and didn’t realize!
Janus looks strangely at Roman (He can tell he’s lying)
Roman: I’m sorry, but I don’t know where Patton… is… (He notices Janus staring)
Janus’s quirks a brow
Roman is panicked. he has to deal with Janus
Roman: ...But I’m sure we’ll find him!
9: Don't Worry
tw: minor blood mention
Virgil: Maybe he is in his room?
Logan: Possibly. The conversation you all had must have been exhausting, so maybe he is trying to regain energy
Virgil: Maybe… but what if he isn’t in his room?
Virgil:...What if he’s gone missing? What if he’s in danger-
Logan: I assure you, he is fine. There is no reason a side would suddenly disappear.
Roman smiles: half nervous, half knowing
Janus looks concerned (no… did-) (I wanted to draw that sort of realization look on his face)
He then sees a smudge of something red on his sleeve
(eyes widen slightly)
10: More Excuses
tw: minor blood mention
Janus: What’s on your sleeve?
Roman freezes.
Roman hides his arm and turns to Janus
Roman: Oh, just the Dragon Witch's blood! It was a fierce battle!
Janus is confused, more suspicious
Logan: Are you alright, Roman?
Roman, teeth clenched, turning back: Of course!
Virgil: Then what are we waiting for? We have to go find Pa-
(off page) Roman: O-Or! (Virgil is cut off)
Roman: Or we could just wait here for him?
Everyone looks confused, except for Janus, who is realizing the sinister truth
Logan: But we’ve already done that
11: Judge
Virgil, while sinking out: Yeah, no more stalling, princey! We have to go before something bad happens!
Logan, while sinking out: Nothing bad will happen
Roman pales, looking nervous
(off page) Janus: I know what you did. *Roman looks over*
Janus, glaring: He was so loving. He was Patton, for god’s sake. How could you?
Roman: …
Roman, smirking: ...Well, someone has to be the villain.
Roman sinks out, leaving a stunned Janus behind.
I believe these were two different routes I was considering for how to frame things:
A: (Roman sinking out obscures Janus (Roman is in foreground). - Then Janus looks horrified, angered at the ground where he sunk out)
B: Janus looks horrified, angered as there’s a *whoosh* off screen
12: Empty
Lo and V rise up in Pat’s room
Pat is not there
V: oh no, oh no oh no oh no-
Roman rises up: Fear not, Virgil! I’m sure he is probably elsewhere!
Logan: How about we check in our rooms?
V: Good idea, oh god I hope he isn’t in mine-
Virgil sinks out (off page) Lo, to Ro: I’ll go check mine. You should check yours and the Imagination.
Logan sinks out (off page whoosh)
Roman, now alone, laughs
Roman: Now how do I deal with them?
13: Looking
tw: implied violence
Virgil rises up in his room
A shot of the room from Virgil’s POV
Virgil: Augh, he’s not here!
Virgil, tearing up: Where is he!?
Logan rises up in his room
Logan, pondering look, seeing no one: hmm…
Janus rises up in front of Roman’s room
The door is ajar
He gulps
Door shot, from inside
He opens the door
He gasps at the sight, tearing up, covering his mouth
Roman appears behind him, shadowy
Completely black panel
My draft ends there.
Looking back at any of my art/writing, I realize that I am bad at finishing projects. I tend to jump to new ideas when I get them, leaving older ideas behind. I'd like to make an ongoing thing, but if I do I am definitely going to work on sticking with an idea longer, and I'm definitely going to work on planning it out more so I don't get demotivated and stop working on it. I have a few ideas for stuff in other fandoms that I'm debating on posting, though. It wouldn't be as continuous as a comic. I am really sorry if I have disappointed anyone.
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