#I'm not here to debate stupid
angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
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I love how they pretend they can't read. Are you too lazy to scroll through my fucking tumblr and get a hint?
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brother-emperors · 2 months
going from the late Roman Republic to 4th century CE Roman Empire but skipping several centuries in-between the two is really creating a lot of 'guy who's only heard of x: wow this sure is giving x!' situations. what do you mean this guy kept gratian's body and didn't even use his head as a prop. you're telling me gratian had a window of opportunity for sole power and didn't go full caligula. TRAGIC. theodosius there's a gap in your life that’s kind of giving cassius. I refuse to read anything covering the 2nd and 3rd centuries, so this will continue
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kthulhu42 · 11 days
Lmaooooo how much time do you dedicate to debating stupid shit online bitch you got nothin goin on lol
I'm married, a homeowner, I have a job, am a parent to a 10 year old, and I'm 30 weeks pregnant. I use tumblr when I'm commuting and when I'm relaxing after dinner.
If that's enough time to debunk your bullshit then blame yourself for being crap at debating because really it takes no time at all.
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onesidedradiostatic · 26 days
Hate to throw another wrench in the sweater debate, but y'all DO know that the first color to fade out of any old photograph is RED, right? The colors on that photo are faded to clearly indicate that it is old. I voted orange in the poll because that's what it looks like to me, but in all actuality, if the picture is supposed to have been taken in the '70s, Vox's ugly sweater is probably cable knit and either a dark mustard yellow or dirt brown. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
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wcsprites · 2 years
If a native person tells you not to do or use something because it misues or mocks something from their culture, even if you personally didn't think it did or that the thing in question "isn't actually that special", your first instinct should be to listen to them and not try to "prove them wrong" (especially if it's something as small and simple as 'don't put feathers behind the cat's ears' like why are you choosing this hill to die on, are you okay? Do you like yourself very much?).
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feral-radfem · 1 year
Oh my God I'm so surprised that super persistent but consistently flawed debater on Tumblr is actually a child. I never saw that coming.
Look, there's things that adults shouldn't say/ topics we shouldnt bring up around children and should be able to create spaces away from them. If I'm being completely honest, radical feminism almost entirely falls in this category of 18+ content. We are constantly talking about sexual violence and other extremely adult topics that aren't appropriate for developing minds to be constantly bombarded with. It's bad for your young minds and it's bad for the movements that you seem to think you care about.
If you want to be a child activist then volunteer for your local community, don't get in online spaces with adults. It's simply not safe for children and creates an unproductive environment for adults. Children will learn better skills and build more fulfilling relationships and achievement doing local community activism anyways.
If you're a minor you need to put that shit somewhere so that we can tell that we're talking to a literal baby. I really don't enjoy this increasing trend of purposely not telling people when y'all are minors because you think that it's going to make people dismiss you, when you having limited life experience is a legitimate limitation on your analysis. You're being deceptive because someone placed a social boundary that you don't want to respect. It's high key gross.
On the same note, different tune, I hope this serves that is a reminder that people can literally be lying, either outright or by omission, about everything they claim about themselves on here. We, people in general, have created the online culture where it's completely normal to lie about important identifying features about ourselves for social clout/elevation. While I know there are some of us that may not participate in this practice, I know plenty of radfems do. We've caught a few doing it red-handed and all they're doing is breeding distrust amongst us in these spaces.
Can y'all not just act like normal honest people?
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dimonds456 · 7 months
Aight, what you see above is an article that's getting passed around by proshippers. I'm making my own post separate from theirs to discuss the contents of this article and why I believe everyone *should* read it, while also I don't believe the article is correct.
The article was written by a Japanese artist who had been harassed for "proshipping" online, even though they themself did not partake in anything more than aging up 15-year-old characters to 19. As far as they claim, that was it (though the artwork itself is not provided).
Someone had DMed them, asking if they were a proshipper, or a "problematic shipper", to which they shrugged and went "I guess so?" and then that person-referred to as A- started spreading it to all their friends that A was a proshipper and to avoid them, leading to soft blocks, harassment, ect.
Something I'd like to point out that is correct about this article is the meaning of "proshipper." It doesn't mean "problematic ships." Instead, "pro" is the prefix, not an abbreviation. The meaning is in reference to someone who is unbothered by any specific type of ship, and/or supports the creation of problematic ships. This difference is, I feel, important, not because the definition is changed, but because how people view that definition changes substantially.
Keep that in mind.
Something else of note here is the cultural difference. The artist is from Japan, and according to them, Japan allows ships of any kind. Japan, as a country, is proship, which creates vast and varied artistic expressions. Any and everything is allowed.
And, according to worldpopulationreview.com, the age of consent in Japan is 13 (though articles are saying they're rethinking this law).
Again, I recommend reading the article for yourself to fully understand the artist's point of view, but I'd like to break down where the author was wrong about many things. A lot of them stem from cultural differences and are normalized, so you can't really blame them, but it's good to keep in mind when interacting with proshippers from all over the world.
Something they're right about is harassment. I don't think people should be being harassed for stuff like this. Blocked? Yes.
The first thing they got wrong was the general assumption that fiction doesn't affect reality, or that antis cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality. This (at least for a lot of us) isn't true. Using myself as an example, it's clear to me that fiction and reality are two different worlds.
However, to say that fiction doesn't affect reality is false. Both worlds influence each other. If an adult starts dating a 13-year-old in fiction, younger audience members who watch that will see that relationship play out. Depending on how it's portrayed, this can either help or harm that audience member. If this relationship is deemed bad in that piece of media, then the younger members of that audience will remember that, vs if they say it's okay, THAT'S where you've crossed into proship territory that is actively harmful towards your audience.
I am a firm believer that anything should be allowed in fiction, as long as the author is respectful, responsible, and considers the ramifications of their work towards a real audience. So like, having a relationship between a 19-year-old and a 13-year-old should be allowed to be portrayed, as long as it isn't positive. By not allowing these stories to be told at all, that's leaning into some book burning shit.
What the author did, aging up 15-year-olds to 19, is not inherently bad, especially since they say it wasn't sexual in nature (but again, the art itself is never presented).
The second thing they get wrong is calling us a minority. I don't believe there were any studies done on this, but I don't think the majority of Americans go around talking about shipping children with adults? Again, it's a cultural difference that was influenced on this specific artist BY other proshippers. It's a biased view from both sides. I do not believe any studies have officially been done on this subject, so you cannot call us a minority. But, we can't call you a minority, either. I'm not sure how many there are on either side.
But also, I don't think that really matters. Continuing my topic from before with fiction affecting reality, if someone in that audience can get hurt because of your story, then it doesn't matter if the majority don't. It's still harmful and can affect reality- THIS reality- in negative ways. By drawing proship art and saying it doesn't matter because it's fiction, you're helping to normalize this art for ACTUAL predators. It doesn't matter how many proshippers there are, this is STILL harmful.
Something else I noticed, but I cannot point specifically to this article as evidence for, but it may be influencing the author, is the idea of in-fandom vs outside-fandom. The author mentions this a couple times, though usually in reference to the cultural differences between Japan and America.
The author is outside the US fandom, and so doesn't fully understand its inner workings or why so many of us are anti-proship "purest"s. I don't know how else to explain this besides going up to your grandparents and asking them if they think proshipping is okay.
Upon hearing the actual definition- being unbothered or perpetuating any type of relationship between two or more characters in fiction- they might go "yeah I agree with that," because that does sound nice on paper. Freedom of expression.
But what antis have come to realize is that fiction DOES affect reality, and if you were to ask your grandparents if they thing a child should be in a relationship with an adult, they'd probably go "no."
This is purely because they don't understand the culture of being online, and the several, several subcultures that came to be. We know what proshippers are and what they represent, but someone outside fandom space wouldn't.
And now, to any proshippers reading this: first of all, thank you for hearing me out, lol. But then, I ask you to please re-evaluate why you're a proshipper. Is it for the freedom of expression idea, do you just not give a shit, or do you genuinely enjoy seeing kids and adults together? Maybe something else? I'm not going to tell you how to feel about that- you can come to your own conclusion- but I do ask that you re-examine that idea.
If the author is SOMEHOW reading this, first of all, thank you too. My goal here was not to harass you in any way, but to point out the core of why this article doesn't really work. I'm sure in Japan things are vastly different, and that's not your fault, OP. And although I don't stand by what A did to you, I do ask that you think again. Stuff like this does affect reality, even in small ways (but when it comes to p*dos, it can be FAR more harmful than good).
Proshippers help normalize unhealthy behaviors that can seriously hurt children for the rest of their lives. Do proships exist in reality? ...Yes. Not between fictional characters, but those characters can influence people in real life to go "oh yeah the incest ship was okay in this anime, which means it's fine if I'm like that, too." It's not fine. It's not okay.
Again, I'm not here to harass you, and ultimately it's up to you whether you choose to listen. I'm sorry for the harassment at all, that should not have occurred.
Back to my general audience, though, yeah. Again, read the article for yourself (which I do still highly recommend). It gives a good glimpse into the minds and ideas of some proshippers out there. I don't think OP is a bad person, just misinformed. And I believe the same of a lot of proshippers out there. We can't change their minds, but we can make sure misinfo like what is in the article is debunked, and spread correct information regarding the subject.
Some sources:
Again, read the article, do some thinking (on BOTH sides), and have a good one, guys.
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gaydryad · 9 months
vote now on your phones:
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chrisbangs · 11 months
well at least smth nice will happen today 😁👍 i'm getting my second set of albums + my ktown pobs so... 🫶 wish me luck with my pulls
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threadsun · 1 year
That’s not just “one” definition, that IS the definition. Anything else was twisted by other people in bad faith
Okay but like did you read the second half of the post?
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loumauve · 1 year
apparently kissing sb of a certain gender makes you have that sexuality so now I'm unsure what the fuck I am. does that mean I have to identify as pan now bc that asshole kid kissed me when I was 11 even tho I just wanted to look at the tiny turtles in his fish tank? and bc one of my exes identified as nb at the time we were dating, and bc I kissed a girl a few times while we were dating?
does that also mean I can no longer identify as ace bc I had sex at least once?
some of y'all are so fucking stupid I stg
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paleangels13 · 2 years
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
how to not be anxious about existing in my own home
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Epic divorce men: Tfp Megatron 🤝 Master Xehanort
Single and softspoken: TFA Megatron 🤝 Xemnas
The tired himbos: G1 Megatron 🤝 Ansem SOD/Apprentice Terranort
this ask proves to me none of you know what a himbo is
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mythvoiced · 2 years
-. I'm out here working and going fucking stoopid, losing braincells over Haikyuu, realising Twilight from Spy X Family is the One Patrick Faceclaim and turns out I had to look to animation all along, feeling the aggressive urge to open a single muse, to return to canon manga rp, and also I actually haven't forgotten anything here nor anyone of course but every time I open my laptop for stuff that isn't work I shut down I'm so sorry ILL RETURN I WILL THESE AREN'T EMPTY PROMISES YOU SHAN'T GET RID OF ME
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