angrylesbianatwork · 16 days
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Sentences that contradict each other
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angrylesbianatwork · 2 months
Oh, how I wish I were a neet....
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angrylesbianatwork · 3 months
Dm Tenko-irl ❤️
☀~Hello hello~☀
We are a group of breasties who have built a beautiful tight-knit safe space and mini-community for lesbians (*gold stars* ONLY) to be together; first online, then in reality☀✨
We are now extending a last effort invitation to lesbians interested in truly building a solid and authentic community based in openness, love and positive vision🐈🧡
You must be willing to do the heavy work on yourself, to participate, and to fully commit to your best Self. This is not a space for constant complaining about the current state of affairs (ranting is of course perfectly fine). The core vision is to build something together in the future🐣🎀
[We will verify anyone interested in joining, please DM me]
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╰(*°▽°*)╯( •̀ ω •́ )✧(❁´◡`❁)♪(^∇^*)o((>ω< ))o(o゜▽゜)o☆
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angrylesbianatwork · 10 months
Last post
To all the other wonderful gold star lesbians here: you are the ones keeping this crumbling society from falling apart. I for one, appreciate all of you immensely and your unique takes to the non-gold star "lesbians", bisexuals and heterosexuals.
I came here so angry and unreconcilable over the fact that no one seemed to understand my experience in the bihet world and would always seem to find excuses for others, rather than believing me. Forgiveness is not a fix-all. That is not something that I ever subscribed to.
You (I don't won't to @ anyone because I don't want others to target any of you) showed me that I was not the only one who was wronged by bisexuals in such a personal, specific way and the continuous dragging down of an entire movement meant to liberate women by heterosexual/het partnered women; that I am right to feel what I feel towards them and that I am not alone.
There was was an intrinsic curiosity to go deeper and analyse their patterns even closer, so I see that it is not a one time thing, that this has happened generation after generations and that they live in a loop. Ground-hog day style.
I don't want to be stuck with them.
I have more reasons than ever to avoid them, I've cleaned up my slate and started fresh. It helped me a lot to write here, so I can let out all the frustration.
I was finally heard, I can move on, I can move forward. Thank you for listening.
(...Don't worry, I'll still lurk around from time to time. I have a limit of being around heterosexuals and bisexuals at work.
Your voices and opinions are much more important than their existance)
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angrylesbianatwork · 10 months
Communism for homosexuals
For starters, communism would be the dream of conservatives and republicans alike, not the other way around. Sex was only perceived to be designed for reproduction, therefore heterosexuality was seen as the only sexuality that was "healthy". On top of that, the gender expectations and life conditions where extremely rigid. Plus, the complete censorship of what was deemed as unfit; there was strict control when it came to one's private life.
That being said, I will focus my attention on how it all intruded on same-sex attraction.
Article 200
Homosexual relationships were considered to be a criminal offence and we're punished by law with 1 year up to 5 years in prison.
It was said that there is no such thing as being homosexual and communist, that it is a capitalistic idea. We were the enemies of the people, opposite to the communist values.
It was illegal to even search for someone of the same sex, you could end up taken by the militia/police for showing mere interest, sometimes just accusations were enough.
Everyone could be an informer, even your neighbour. If one got caught, and they caven in from all the physical and/mental abuse during their interrogation and ended up denouncing others, even under the promise of not ending up in jail, that leniency was not guaranteed.
There was a general fear of not getting caught by the militia. (They kept a file of morals with their names, photos and statements.)
After getting out of prison, they'd lose their jobs and they were marked for the reason they lost it, their family disowned them and everyone knew about it and now, especially, militia had their eyes on you to make sure they behaved.
Intelectuals had the biggest target on their heads, because the regime believed they were more prone to homosexuality, due to their contact with the outside world.
Under the threats imposed by the communist regime, some seeked asylum in foreign countries or just fled the country all together.
There were arrests done even in 1993, the last one was pardoned in 1998, Mariana Centiner spent 3 years in prison.
The article was barely repealed in 2001 at the insistence and pressure of international organisations.
Even after the regime had fallen, homosexuals continued to get harassed on the basis of the Article 200. The orthodox church had a hand in the constant railing up of the people, delaying it to be repealed.
Homophobia from those years is still felt today.
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angrylesbianatwork · 10 months
Communism for women
Romania had the full extent of what happens when abortions are made illegal, there is no access to contraceptions and no sex ex, while at the same time pushing the propaganda that a woman's duty to her country and what will make her the most fulfilled is to have children (as many as she could).
All the gruesome details of how it affected women's lives at every level and the generational trauma that was left behind, is documented here:
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
It's taking me a bit to make the last two posts before I exit, because the next one is about my anti-communism/criticism of communism, it being romanticised disregarding what has been done to homosexuals. Of course a topic that angers me, so I'm procrastinating.
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
I want a hater girlfriend. Hater for hater only. We'll be the most unapologetically hateful judgmental bitches out there. Relationship goals.
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
If we want to be able to say "they are going to be trapped here with us" and be taken seriously, wipe off the lipstick and mascara that you have on your fucking face while saying those words and train like a killing machine.
I'm serious, stop going " woo hoo female power" and start showing female power.
Guess what! Women consume much less resources to build up muscle and just because they don't look as big as men, that doesn't mean they don't have the same strength as them WITHOUT impairing movement. That is the peak of our female body. We are built for resistance and muscles in the real sense.
And I assure you, you are right on the part with them being stuck here with us if that would be the case and we would put in all that work, I see how comfortable they are. They know they own the place. Time to disrupt their narrative.
Men created these laws, maybe in a lawless society we would have it better.
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
Osa women... it takes two to tango. Men don't dance on their own, men can't even dance. You are holding their hand.
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
Corporations seems to have some peak mysoginists, lesbophobes and racists in charge. Idk how they manage to do it. Is it the "we're all part of the family", that makes them so comfortable to be themselves?
Some examples: Two jobs ago at a company during lunch break, two feet away from me, my female teamleader said jokingly that she finds a woman attractive and she would date her and the male trainer (implied if anything else happens) to film it.
and as well, as told by her, in the past, that same male trainer made continuous racist jokes about her husband. She did nothing about it, just swallowed them.
It seems to me that she was higher in position than him, despite this, during work hours he was talking shit behind her back with another male colleague.
Osa women in positions of power are useless. They want to be like the boys, they are nothing more than props. They let male bullshit slide so easily as if it never happened
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
Why is Women's Day not celebrated by working? - unprompted, a guy at my work place The context was the company gave women half of the day off.
He followed the question by fucking debating about how "he does the same chores as women do" and "what do we do more than them?".
If the walking penis looked a bit at the history of women and what men did to them, he would've concluded that the fact we don't round them up and burn them at the stake in the current day, every year on Women's Day, to make up for the damage they've caused, is a blessing.
These men act so fucking entitled and without any self-awareness for Mother's Day as well: "Why don't fathers have a day? ", I'm sorry I'm not celebrating the high number of abusers and molesters of children.
Not to mention the next day other male colleagues seemed really bitter about it as well.
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
We need to take the weapon of rape away. We need patents and manufacturing and distribution. We need these to become so common that men will be afraid, that if you meet a guy on a night out, he'll fucking ask. I want vagina dentata condoms to be in the same dispensers as tampons in restrooms. Make the myth fucking real. I want this to be in school bathrooms so a young girl can take one home for her father/step-father/brother/cousin/uncle/boyfriend/ whoever is abusing her who will be injured and caught. I want this in the bar bathrooms in case you're uncomfortable with some attention you're getting and you didn't prepare before you came out. What's a male gonna do when his penis has been pierced in multiple places by barbs? If he tries to pull it off himself, he's gonna tear it to shreds. If/when he goes to the hospital, it'll be real fucking obvious what happened to him.
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
Nah, I'm no longer fighting for the dick solidarity group, sisterhood to not end up in abuse shelters and be lesbophobes on main. Die faster. Choke on a dick etc. You are wasting the air we have left and birthing more rapists and molesters. I'm not listening to women that would rather bend over than stand up.
The belief that men cannot be reformed should extend to osa women, they cannot be reformed either.
Radical feminism proves that. No matter how many statistics they see and no matter how many years they go though horrible abuse at the hands of men, they will still run after a "better one" or even get cocky in believing that "they have the right tools now, therefore they can outsmart male depravity" .
No matter how misandrist they sound, they still want to be with their mediocre male and nothing will change their minds. They have absolutely no self-preservation or self-respect and that is why they are dangerous, because that is an indirect indication that they will throw you under the bus if the opportunity arises.
They cannot play the victim and blame it on female socialisation/brainwashing after they get to that point, but they still do, because they cannot take any accountability. They are making the choice to not only put themselves in danger, but other women around them as well.
These actions should not be embraces by a feminist movement or a society that seeks to further female rights.
You bind yourself to males, the ones who have the boot on your throat and pretend you still have the power to dictate if his boot is there or not.
Have some female consciousness or keep dying at the hands of males. Other women who don't have the same death wish as you should not have to console you, nor be around you.
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
Bisexuals shut the fuck up challenge.
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angrylesbianatwork · 1 year
Oh, this fucking rat!
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Me: bi women need to stop feeding into heterosexual males lesbophobic fantasies, oh and they should be held accountable as well for being prominent figures in these "communities"
Bis on Radblr™: BIPHOBE!!!!!!
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