#I'm not a fan of her appearances
reginrokkr · 6 months
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◜I do not believe people can be completely impartial. What is true to one person may not be so to another. My words, for example, contain numerous subjective opinions which may sound like nothing more than tall tale to others. If Charlotte were willing to interview me I'm curious to see how she would deal with my "subjectivity"... Heh. I'm only joking. My story would bring her nothing but trouble... What she doesn't know can't harm her.◞
Not me eyeing at the quote marks on subjectivity done purposefully by HYV, even though I don't doubt that part of what Dain says is also mixed with his own opinions (and it's pretty clear when he does). The story talk bringing someone like Charlotte trouble if she were to know does rise a few questions to me, like whether there is someone pursuing him actively (considering how petty the Abyss Order is and that none of them can 1v1 him, it wouldn't be surprising). On a brighter note— it's endearing to me the few times he either chuckles or says he's joking because he does that so rarely. I can't help but wonder if he has a bit of a humorous streak that I wager was more present back in days that used to be easier and less tragic to him.
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suikatto · 4 months
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C.A Cupid's redesign/in my style
She's my absolute favorite character of monster high even tho she only appears in one movie and one episode ;u;
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madootles · 1 year
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v excited for show!!!
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shiroganeryo · 2 months
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Here's yet another BSD OC I've been meaning to introduce since last year but alas, free time grows ever so scarce. She's inspired by Haruko Enomoto - mostly notably known as Haruko Kunikida, Doppo Kunikida's second wife and novelist!
Her ability is a reference to one of Haruko's works, True Heart. More info under the Read More break~
Kanji: 榎本治子 Rōmaji: Enomoto Haruko
Personal Information Gender: Female Age: 24 Birthday: August 7th Height: 162cm Blood type: O Likes: Flower arranging, drinking at kyabakura, fish tempura Dislikes: Unplanned events, improper use of the law, condescension
Professional Information Occupation: Private Investigator Affiliation: Yokohama Police Department
Voice Actors Japanese: Mamiko Noto
True Heart (真ごころ, Magokoro) reveals the truth in an affected person's words as well as their connections to other parties, be those personal, professional and/or criminal.
When activated, Haruko's ability will allow her to see the affected person's words as bright blue visual writing in front of her eyes, much similar to a projection. Anything colored in red, no matter how small it is of a detail, is 100% a lie, even if the remaining of the sentence is colored normally.
If she chooses to further investigate the person in question by 'searching their heart', her ability will show her their involvement with other people through projected lines that connect one to another; the color of the connecting line is indicative of what kind of relationship it is. As much as it intrudes on people's privacy, showing even personal relationships no matter how much of a secret those are, this has been a key trait of Haruko's ability that has aided her on solving many cases before in which multiple criminal parties were allied to each other.
When in use, True Heart will turn Haruko's eyes a brighter blue with scarlet-colored pupils and irises ends. There are no exceptions to the effect of Haruko's ability other than herself and Osamu Dazai.
Haruko is a down-to-earth, level-headed woman. Her usual composure when at work usually tricks others into thinking she's the stern type but once she's off her shift and breaks character, her joyful and good-humored personality shines through. She eases up the most while drinking at her favorite kyabakura, especially if in the company of a drinking buddy, becoming chatty and endearingly silly.
Extremely adaptable, despite her overall considerate and caring nature, she's not one to be lenient with the unjust and will seek to punish those accordingly.
She carries a stationery store-bought small notebook on her at all times whose notable features are its flower-print cover embellished with the word 理想 (Risou, Ideal) in golden letters. In a similar fashion to Kunikida, Haruko is into scheduling and planned routines albeit hers are much more flexible than his. That didn't stop them from hitting it off as soon as they met however, quickly bonding over their shared interest. Now and then she changes notebooks once they run out of pages to write in, but the flower-print cover and golden writing are always a must-have for her.
As a police department employee, she's proficient with handling firearms and has remarkable physical combat skills, being well-versed in mixed martial art styles such as taekwondo and kickboxing. Her strongest traits are her endurance and willpower.
In the original story's timeline, Haruko is first introduced rather early on but becomes more relevant as a character during the events of the Sky Casino arc. She works as a private investigator under her senior officer, Minoura, as he's the only one who knows about her ability and keeps it a secret since the use of those without a permit is considered taboo. Given that the information she finds thanks to her ability always leads her to uncovering actual, relevant clues and evidences in the cases she has solved, no one has ever suspected a thing.
However, it was exactly because of her ability that she was one of the few people that doubted the truth imposed by The Book when reality was altered to frame the ADA as a terrorist group, to the point of questioning her own judgment when no one else did. This state of unrest led her to conducting an investigation on her own, trying to find loose ends whilst staying out of the police's sights in order not to be accused of coniving with the ADA. After all, she believed in their innocence thanks to their previous collaborations with the Police Department, having personally met and inspected most of its members with her ability.
She's finally able of making a breakthrough once Ranpo shows himself on broadcast; while that geared the people affected by The Book to think for themselves and see the situation more clearly, that allowed Haruko to use her ability on Ranpo and not only confirm everything he said was true, but also gave her some leads to follow, cueing her into investigating the Decay of Angels more closely. She's come very close to finding out Kamui's real identity thanks to that.
Currently, she's helping the Police Department deal with the aftermath of the vampire outbreak.
🌸 Similar to her irl counterpart, Haruko comes from a financially poor background. When younger, she lived in a humble village and made a living off flower arranging lectures, only moving in to the city after getting her job in the Police Department to support herself. Nowadays, flower arranging is one of her favorite hobbies as it gives her a warm feeling of nostalgia. 🌸 She can hold her alcohol pretty well but if she drinks to the point of becoming too drunk, she'll start crying over pointless things (like how one time she saw a mother goose with its young trailing after and thought it was very cute, for example). 🌸 Despite Haruko's dainty appearance, she's physically stronger than she looks. Rumor has it that she's able of effortlessly lifting Kunikida off the ground regardless of him being comically much taller than her. When asked, he neither confirms nor denies the claim. 🌸 As expected of someone in an investigative career, she's clever, with a good sense of responsibility and a keen intuition when it comes to predicting outcomes in the cases handed to her. Such adeptness paired with her ability make Haruko an obnoxious foe to face head on. 🌸 Even if the concept of ideals draws her in, she mostly relies on a very personal, strong sense of loyalty and duty rather than idealized courses of action. 🌸 Much like Kunikida, she does have a 'requirements list' for an ideal partner and even with her list not being as extensive as his, he still does not fit all requirements. That didn't stop them from falling in love anyway, as she does not fit all of his requirements either - being 4 short of being a perfect match to the list.
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zuzandr · 8 months
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today I present more old pieces the first one is an epic collab with @honasan aaand the witchy doodles were for a magical tournament AU where instead of a boring death game for humans we have mages fighting to death with the most creative, beautiful and horrifying ways possible also no i wasn't obsessed y u ask
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datastate · 20 days
i can't remember if i've mentioned this here, but i've been having. thoughts abt how mr. chidouin's the one who killed qingyuè / kai's mother. maybe it's sort of an honor, in a twisted sense, that it's the godfather that's the one who puts the final nail in the coffin -- but it hardly matters. the death's covered up, dismissed, as all others have been. and that is that.
there is nothing for gashu to return to. their child is the next bargaining chip to keep him locked here under threat without needing to explicitly disclose they killed that 'chinese traitor' and could just as easily kill one with her blood...
but then - what it means later on... dredged up because mr. chidouin's always been curious, hasn't he: he wonders what kai remembers, he wonders how kai languishes, if he does at all. he wonders how much mandarin means to kai, or if he even knows he's chinese. he wants to learn about kai as his friend, but also as the killer. it's that morbid taste of it, of wanting to know what exactly he took away - or if it's he who made kai strong.
because he's proud of who kai's become, he is, as inconvenient as it may be for their assassin to end up unable and unwilling to kill anyone... that doesn't mean se's not strong. & it's just fascinating seeing that play out, seeing how kai clings to the chidouins now and directs his strength into something protective, only accepting destruction when absolutely necessary -- which, with them, provides just enough leverage to justify it. it makes mr. chidouin feel special, seeing someone as strong as kai kneel to love (a love he'd been deprived of; one only chidouin could return... still the murderer, he lifts it from qingyuè's body)
but... kai only kneels because this love isn't fake.
once gashu was convinced to let kai go, to no longer endure the dread of watching his son's tragedy unfold, mr. chidouin instead became his caretaker and embraces that proudly.
so when mr. chidouin dares to ask kai, he's forced to confront the discomfort in his own heart that he'd tucked away and refused to linger on. killing's part of the business, there's no room for regret and you won't make it far if you do, but... hearing the long unheard grief from kai's mouth. something hidden from the only person who could possibly empathize with him, and instead given to the murderer... this desperation to know who he is. it should be perfect, the perfect moment to plant that thought: you're mine. isn't that all that matters? - but it only makes kai retract. & it makes mr. chidouin's heart ache with forgotten remorse.
his mistake is forgetting the value kai weighs each life with. mr. chidouin is unable to envision a world in which that inherent value may tip the scales unfavorably for someone who discards them as pieces. oh, yes, he does acknowledge each life as important - but certain sacrifices must be made.
& yet... while he believes kai's still so naive in this way, he can't find it in himself to blame him.
mr. chidouin was freshly 20 when he pulled the trigger on qingyuè, and he then moved on to meet atsuko & sara as mrs. hiyori dealt with what remained of gashu. he was never forced to deal with the ugly end of death... but kai was exposed too early and thus detached himself. once mr. chidouin - again at fault - wears that wall down... kai realizes he has nothing to grieve, though witness to mr. chidouin's own family, the curiosity aches again to know what only his father knows. (what only mr. chidouin knows.) this desire to mourn and understand who exactly he's grieving never knowing, before he fully accepts the chidouin's as his own with nothing else to linger upon.
it takes patience - but mr. chidouin instead told him: keeping her memory is pointless. (it was nothing but a painful exercise in guilt, that's all he remembers her as before he saw reality as it was. he's saving him. he loves him).
...and when kai's eyes flicker with anger, he truly looks like his mother.
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cantovi · 8 months
The longer jjk goes on the more I want a sitcom with all the ancient sorcerers in the modern time:
1. The gang takes Uraume to a casino
2. Sukuna is taken to court
3. A day with the Itadoris (Kenjaku's weird slice of life era)
4. Yorozu writes bad slam poetry
5. Sukuna suffers the consequences of being the heart trob of the heian era
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layzeal · 1 year
this is theeeeee yzy design, she looks SOOO good. also i know mdzs is far from historically accurate, but one pet peeve i have is when married women are drawn with their hair down, so thank u baoshankaro for the very pretty hairstyle <3
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baelavelaryon · 5 months
ok sorry going to hop on my soapbox here for just a second and say that not only does the game give you way too many super judgemental options to say to mayrina about her choice to give up her baby i've also seen people be horrible about her? sorry but you can always abort sacrifice your baby to bring back your dead husband it's always morally correct. the life of her fetus is not equivalent to the life of her husband!!!!
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ffruzsiinthebox · 3 months
watching someone cave in and put no terfs in their bio after being called out for not virtue signalling enough is so pathetic
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jewishcissiekj · 6 months
I think we need to gaslight Dave Filoni into thinking Barriss only ever appeared in AOTC or that she died in the Battle of Geonosis so he'll stay the fuck away from her and never execute whatever his plans were for her
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yngai · 4 months
i think there's a lot of valid critique to make of how ada's character is portrayed & written especially with capcom's misogyny & their dependance on the cool sexy female character but i genuinely don't see how the remakes "fixed" ada's character by giving her a separate story/proper character motivation when those things already existed & were pretty heavy handedly given to the audience in RE4 (she tells them to the player verbatim) + the remake separate ways draws very heavily from ada's characterization in RE6 which was actually capcom's second/better executed foray into giving ada her own unique narrative that only scantly intersects with leon's, because the original separate ways was hastily put together & its story was relegated to ada interjecting her own thoughts between chapters. i'd argue the only appearance that fails ada the most is damnation because it's a rethread of 4 with less substance but even that movie gives the audience enough hints towards ada's purpose & the imbalance in her relationship with leon + the homoerotic fight scene with svetlana that there is at least something to enjoy
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moinsbienquekaworu · 4 months
I've gone from insane about the pilot when it dropped and so so into it to mildly interested and kind of cringing at the actual first episode. 4 years's not a lot but I feel like I got old
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
You guys I think it’s finally happening, I think I finally lost all interests in DC/Damian lol
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for your love - vegaspete
I once again made a vegaspete video based on the goregous gifset by the wonderful @sunsetandthemoon 💞
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lucy-ghoul · 2 years
I just realized what's wrong with the Targaryen wigs in HotD: they don't look like Targaryen hair, they look like they were stolen from the Malfoys. They all share one (1) or at best two wigs in toto and it makes them look like freaking Lucius Malfoy clones
#jokes aside episode 1 was quite good (yes i finally caved in and started watching the fire lizards show)#there were many nice touches that made me go 'mmmmh good stuff.'#1. the juxtaposition of aemma's horrific death in childbirth/the knights killing each other at the tournament#clearly reminiscent of that quote from one of brienne's chapters... heh now i can't fully remember it in english#2. THEY NAME-DROPPED THE SONG OF ICE AND FIRE (which was never even remotely referred to in got)#the whole thing about aegon and the prophecy has been a particularly favorite fan theory of mine for years and i'm happy it's canon#fake lizard monarchs haters gonna hate :))#tho it's VERY bittersweet considering the got finale... like the prince that was promised was *spins roulette*#a stark all along? like randomly? (and no obviously i'm not talking about jon. he *is* half targaryen after all)#and let's not forget about the true heir being put down like a mad bitch because d&d liked jon better (since he's a man)#and were like 'revolutionary who wants to help people/actually abolished slavery in another continent bad. let's enforce the status quo :)))#(also the double standards. war crimes are okay only if other nobles do it - especially the starks. if you have a dragon and are a woman#and dare to be slightly mortally grey and/or ambitious... in 2 days you're gonna burn children alive!! because ofc.)#..... *cough cough* okay salty rant is over. let's go on with val's hotd first impressions#2. i didn't hate matt smith as daemon and he's particularly good at looking upset and/or sad but i still think he was miscast#3*#like he CAN act and it shows. but it's as if he were making an effort to appear more believable for this role#idk maybe he'll grow on me in the next eps. also his interactions with rhaenyra were a++ but that's nothing new#can't wait for this girl to fuck her uncle ig (...... what did i become skskksks)#4. i also liked rhaenyra&alicent's interactions. this is gonna be another tragic former besties to worsties for me to cry on :(((#5. i mostly liked the costumes. i liked how this is all about the patriarchy (at least so far). i liked the slight but still noticeable#references to the main show (the music. rhaenyra being an obvious dany lookalike.#lord stark pledging his fealty to her while viserys' voice over is speaking about the threat in the north.#viserys telling her 'promise me rhaenyra. promise me' in what i believe is an echo of lyanna's last words to ned... i think?#like it can't be accidental)#god i missed being excited over this stupid and gorgeous series#obv it helps that i actually never read fire&blood (should i?) and i'm only familiar with the events/characters from twoiaf#house of the dragon#val speaks#txt
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