#hope you peeps have a good night ♥︎
reginrokkr · 7 months
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◜I do not believe people can be completely impartial. What is true to one person may not be so to another. My words, for example, contain numerous subjective opinions which may sound like nothing more than tall tale to others. If Charlotte were willing to interview me I'm curious to see how she would deal with my "subjectivity"... Heh. I'm only joking. My story would bring her nothing but trouble... What she doesn't know can't harm her.◞
Not me eyeing at the quote marks on subjectivity done purposefully by HYV, even though I don't doubt that part of what Dain says is also mixed with his own opinions (and it's pretty clear when he does). The story talk bringing someone like Charlotte trouble if she were to know does rise a few questions to me, like whether there is someone pursuing him actively (considering how petty the Abyss Order is and that none of them can 1v1 him, it wouldn't be surprising). On a brighter note— it's endearing to me the few times he either chuckles or says he's joking because he does that so rarely. I can't help but wonder if he has a bit of a humorous streak that I wager was more present back in days that used to be easier and less tragic to him.
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wxtchpilot · 10 months
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joelmillerisapunk · 2 months
Greece 1.5 ~ S.O.S
Soft daddy!Joel Miller x f!reader
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Masterlist ♥︎ Soft Daddy Masterlist
Wordcount: 3,060
Summary: The one where you tell Joel you're pregnant
Warnings: 18+, mentions of pregnancy and pregnancy tests, anxiety, panic, Joel receiving this news and reacting
Notes: A filler between Greece and the next destination. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and/or reblogged this au. It was only ever meant to be a one-shot, but I am so grateful for the love it received. Writing this has been so very therapeutic for me and fun, and it's all because of you amazing peeps. Thank you, @saradika-graphics , for the dividers 🥰
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As you go through the motions of packing your bags, your thoughts are in a tumultuous storm. You can hardly believe the result of the pregnancy test you took this morning, a tiny stick that holds the power to change your life forever. The two pink lines staring back at you confirmed your worst fears and ignited a whirlwind of emotions within you. Fear, excitement, and uncertainty all battle for dominance in your heart, and you can't shake the feeling that everything is about to change. You'd hoped it was a false positive. But here you are. You're pregnant. The news hits you like a ton of bricks, and you're not sure what to do next. You consider waiting to tell Joel until after your trip is over, but you know that's not fair to him. He has a right to know, and you want to be honest with him.
You picture Joel's face when you tell him the news, the shock and disbelief that will surely follow. You wonder how he'll react, whether he'll be happy or scared, angry or confused. You imagine him wanting to take control of the situation, to take care of you and the baby, and the thought warms your heart. But you also fear his rejection, the possibility that he might not want to be a father, or worse, that he might not want to be with you after this. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing thoughts. You need to talk to Joel, to tell him what's going on and see what he thinks. Maybe this is a good thing, a sign that your relationship is meant to be.
As you take one last, lingering look around the room, you can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. The memories you've made here with Joel have been nothing short of extraordinary - filled with love, laughter, and a sense of adventure that has left you both breathless and exhilarated. You take a mental snapshot of the room as it is now - the rumpled sheets on the bed, the scattered books and papers on the floor, the faint scent of coffee and citrus that seems to linger in the air.
As you make your way out to the balcony, you take a deep breath, savoring the salty tang of the ocean air and the gentle rustle of the palm fronds overhead. Joel is sitting there, his gaze fixed on the horizon, and for a moment, you simply watch him, taking in the strong line of his jaw and the way the sunlight glints off his hair. You hesitate for just a moment before approaching him, feeling nervous. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for the conversation ahead.
"Hey," you say softly, taking a seat next to him.
He looks up, a smile on his face. "Hey, princess," he says, taking your hand in his.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "Joel, there's something I need to tell you."
His smile fades, and he looks at you with concern. "What is it, darlin? What's wrong, are you okay?"
"I'm pregnant," you whisper.
His eyes widen, and he looks at you in shock. "What?"
You nod, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes. "I took a test last night, and this morning, both were positive.” As the words leave your lips, Joel's expression changes from one of joy to one of shock and disbelief. His face pales, and he stands up abruptly, as if he's been physically struck. You watch in confusion as he stumbles towards the door, mumbling something about needing some air. Before you can say or do anything, he's gone, leaving you sitting alone on the balcony.
The breeze rustles the palm leaves above you, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore below fills the air. You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but the enormity of what you've just revealed weighs heavily on your shoulders. You curl your legs up onto the chair, wrapping your arms around your knees, as you try to make sense of what just happened. You can't blame Joel for his reaction. You understand that he needs time to process the news, but it still stings to have him walk away without saying a word.
Joel paces back and forth on the beach, running his hands through his hair as he tries to process the news you just gave him. He mutters to himself, "Pregnant? How? I mean, I know how, but...what?" He stops and looks out at the sea, taking deep breaths as he tries to calm down. But his thoughts are racing, and he can't seem to focus on anything but the word pregnant repeating in his mind.
He starts pacing again, kicking at the sand as he goes. He's never been in this situation before, and he's not sure what to do. He doesn't want to be a father, not right now. He's already done that. But he knows that's not an option. You're carrying his child, and he can't just abandon you. He stops and looks at the sea again, feeling overwhelmed. He's not sure how he can be a good father, not after what happened to Sarah. He couldn't handle that again. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, trying to steady his nerves. He knows he needs to talk to you to tell you what he's feeling, but he's not sure how.
You wait for what seems like an eternity, but Joel doesn't come back. You start to worry, wondering if he's okay. You decide to go look for him, and when you do, you find him outside, sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. He looks up as you approach, and you can see the fear and uncertainty in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, darlin," he says, his voice shaking. "I didn't mean to leave like that. I just needed some time to think."
You nod, understanding his reaction. You sit down next to him, and he takes your hand in his, his thumb tracing circles on your skin. Joel takes a deep breath and looks at you, his eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. "I'm scared, darlin'. I'm scared of what this means for us, for our future. I'm scared of failin’ you and the baby."
"I'm scared too, Joel. But we'll figure it out."
Joel looks at you, his eyes searching yours for something, anything. "But what if I can't be a good father? What if all I'm good at is failing?”
The vulnerability in his voice takes you aback. You never imagined Joel, the strong and confident man you've come to know and love, could feel this way. You take his hand in both of yours, your eyes meeting his. "Joel, you are a good person. You have overcome so much in your life, and you have so much love to give. I believe in you, and I know that you will be an amazing father if you want, but if not,” You pause as more tears threaten to fall, “if not then we can end the trip here and go our separate ways. I'm giving you an out.” You look down at the sand as the tears pour from your face, and suddenly you're sobbing into your hands.
Joel gently takes your hands away from your face and places his there instead, holding you like you're the most delicate thing in the world. Looking into your eyes, he can see the fear and uncertainty in them, and it breaks his heart. He takes a deep breath, "Darlin', I love you. I have loved you from the moment I met you. And I want to be with you, always. I want to be there for you and our baby. I'm not gonna leave.”
You look up at him, tears still streaming down your face. "Really?”
He nods, a small smile on his face. "Yes, really. I want to be a family with you. I want to build a life with you. I want to be the father that our child deserves. I may not be perfect, but I'll do everything in my power to be there for you both.”
You feel a sense of relief wash over you. "Thank you, Joel. Thank you for being here for me, for us."
Joel smiles, his eyes softening. "Always, darlin'. Always."
You lean in and kiss him, feeling a sense of closeness and connection that you've never felt before. When you pull away, you can see the love and adoration in his eyes, and you know that everything is going to be okay.
As your flight to France draws near, you take time to rest, feeling the fatigue from the emotional morning catch up to you. After your tearful conversation, Joel takes it upon himself to go out and buy you some essentials. He knows that you'll need all the support you can get during this pregnancy, and he wants to do everything in his power to help you. So he walks down the bustling streets of Greece, taking in the sights and sounds of the market. He heads to a florist first, picking out a beautiful bouquet of pink and white roses. The florist wraps them up carefully, and Joel can't help but smile as he takes them in his hands. He knows they'll just be left here when you leave, but he gets them anyway, hoping to brighten your mood.
Next, he heads to a small café, where he orders a box of pastries, a few sandwiches, and two cups of hot coffee. He knows that you've been feeling a bit nauseous, but he's hoping that the smell of fresh coffee will help perk you up. After that, he makes his way to a health food store, where he picks up some prenatal vitamins and other supplements. He's not entirely sure what you'll need, so he grabs one of anything that seems helpful.
As he walks back to the villa, Joel can't help but feel a sense of anticipation. He knows that this pregnancy is going to be a challenge and change his life forever. He wants to be there for you every step of the way, providing you with the love and support that you need, more than ever, but he can't help feeling a sense of doubt in himself.
Could he really do this all over again without failing?
The villa is quiet and peaceful, the only sound being the soft rhythm of your breathing as you sleep. Joel enters the room, his footsteps light on the plush carpet. He looks at you with a soft smile on his face as he watches you sleep. You look so beautiful, so peaceful that he feels a pang in his heart, wondering how you must be feeling. He quietly sets up a little display for you, with the flowers in a vase, the food, and the vitamins, all laid out on the table. With everything in place, Joel grabs his cup of coffee and takes a seat at the table, his eyes never leaving you.
As time passes, Joel decides to step out onto the balcony overlooking the sea. The view is breathtaking, the endless expanse of blue water stretching out before him. He takes a deep breath, feeling the salty air fill his lungs and pulls out the box with the engagement ring he's picked out for you from his pocket, and the delicate gem gleams in the sunlight. He knows now more than ever that this is the right decision, that his plans to propose in France will definitely go forward. He wants to spend the rest of his life with you, to build a family and a future together.
You slowly open your eyes, the sleep still lingering in your limbs. As you sit up, you're greeted by the mouth-watering aroma of freshly brewed coffee and buttery pastries. Your eyes widen in surprise as you take in the beautiful display Joel has set up on the table. A vase filled with an array of bright and colorful flowers sits prominently in the center, surrounded by an assortment of foods, vitamins, and prenatal supplements. “Joel what is all this?”
"Thought you might need some stuff to help you through the pregnancy. I wasn't sure if you're allowed coffee, but I figured one cup won't hurt."
You smile, feeling a sense of gratitude and love for Joel. He's been so supportive and kind, and you know that he's going to be an amazing father. You take a sip of the coffee, feeling the warmth spread through your body.
As the two of you make your way to the airport, you can't help but feel a sense of anxiety. This trip has already been a whirlwind, and the news of your pregnancy has only added to the drama. As you board the plane, Joel notices a familiar face in first class. It's a woman he used to know back when he was married, a wealthy socialite who always seemed to have her sights set on him. She sees him as well, and a sly smile spreads across her face. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Joel Miller," she purrs. "And who is this little thing by your side? Certainly not the sort of woman I'd expect to see with a man like you." She eyes you up and down.
You feel your cheeks burning with embarrassment, but Joel just smiles. "Now, now, Elizabeth, there's no need to be rude. This is my partner, and she's pregnant with my child. I'd appreciate it if you'd show her some respect."
Elizabeth raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised. "Pregnant? Well, congratulations, I suppose. I never took you for the family type, Joel, not after what happened to - whatever her name was. But I guess we all have our secrets, don't we?"
You can feel your anger rising, but Joel just shakes his head. "Elizabeth, please. We're just trying to enjoy our trip."
Elizabeth sighs, clearly disappointed. "Fine, Joel. I'll leave you to your...family. But don't expect me to roll out the red carpet for your little ragamuffin here. She's not exactly the type of person I'd expect to see in first class." With that, she turns on her heel and walks away, leaving you and Joel sitting there in shock.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea she'd be on this flight. She's always had a bit of a mean streak."
You sigh, leaning into his embrace. "It's okay, Joel. I know she was just trying to get a reaction out of you. But you didn't have to announce that I'm pregnant, I mean, we just found out, why'd you tell her?”
Joel looks at you with a sheepish expression. "I'm sorry, princess. I didn't mean to blurt it out like that. I guess I just wanted to prove to her that I'm not the same man I used to be, that I've changed and grown. I wanted her to know that I'm happy, that I'm in love. I wanted her to see that I'm not alone, that I have you and the baby, and that I don't need her or anyone else from that damn circle."
"I know, Joel. And I'm proud of you, I really am. It's just a lot to take in, that's all.” You sigh
The rest of the flight is tense and heavy, with both of you lost in your own thoughts. You can't shake off the encounter with Elizabeth, and you can tell that Joel is still feeling guilty for blurting out your pregnancy. But despite the awkwardness, you find comfort in Joel's presence, his warm hand holds yours as the plane begins its descent. You feel a sudden surge of excitement. You've never been to France before, and you can't wait to explore the city of love with Joel.
“You wanna watch a movie? It'll help pass the time.” Joel offers, and you agree.
As the two of you settle into your seats and the movie begins, Joel can't help but feel a sense of guilt and unease. He keeps replaying the encounter with Elizabeth in his mind, wondering if he made a mistake by revealing your pregnancy to her. He knows that he only did it to prove a point, but he can't shake off the feeling that he's failed you in some way.
He looks over at you halfway through the movie to find you sleeping peacefully next to him. He can't help but feel overwhelmed by the weight of his past, by the memories of his failed marriage and the loss of his firstborn child. His mind drifts to the future and all the challenges that it may bring. He knows that he's made mistakes in the past, but he's determined to do better this time around. He looks over at you again, your face illuminated by the soft glow of the movie screen, and he feels a sense of peace wash over him. Maybe he can do this.
As the movie comes to an end, Joel takes your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. You open your eyes, looking up at him with a sleepy smile. "Hey princess" he says, his voice soft.
"Hey," you reply, yawning. "What time is it?"
"We're about to land."
You look out the window as the plane descends, watching as the green fields and rolling hills of the countryside give way to the bustling cityscape of Paris. The Eiffel Tower looms in the distance, a symbol of love and romance that seems to promise a brighter future.
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regalityandcoffee · 1 year
Waiting Pays Off (NXT GMera William Regal x Reader) (18+)
Part One and Part Two
Summary: the grand finale of sorts to the Sitting Target Saga. You take up Mr. Regal on his offer of training at his home. Alone, late at night.
Warnings: Tension, mirrors, choking (by semi-sexual use of a Dragon Sleeper hold), riding, pretentious dialog,  general nonsense.
And another special thanks to @kayfabebabe babe because this never would have gotten done without him sjskskskwksj
Enjoy <3
You gave the clock on your car radio another glance as you leaned back and stared at the ceiling.
You groaned for the umpteenth time, trying to shake away your thoughts and enjoy your last few minutes of peace as the radio played.
"I'll see you at eight, then." That's the time he had chosen for you two; Mid-afternoon,  Thursday, you had driven around the parking lot looking for Regal's car to make sure he was there before stumbling into the building and awkwardly knocking on his office door. You had half-hoped he wouldn't answer, but the door had opened, and the words "I'd like to practice with you later, Sir!" had slipped from your lips.
"At…at your home, Sir."
He gave you a nod, an "I'll see you at eight then.",  and gently closed the door without another word.
And now you waited, alone in your car, parked on the street in front of his house. You checked the clock again.
It was a game. It took you weeks to realize it, but it was all a game. A game you didn't have any idea how to play, you didn't even get a chance to peep at the instructions. 
Probably because he was making it all up on the fly.
You had no idea what the prize at the end was for either of you. You weren’t doing this for favors or personal gain, you honestly had no idea why you had let this go on for so long. Temptation? Fear? Had the man successfully seduced you into coming to his home? Who knows. And what about him? You wondered for hours, days, and now a week what he was doing. While in the mirror, while training, while with friends, while in bed with your toy between your legs.
What was in it for him to tease and prod you so much? To look you in your eyes and damn-near demand you hold your head up high? What did he get out of wanting to see you be more outgoing, more demanding, more confident? What did he get out of calling you a good girl and zipping up your jacket the way he had? Plus, the more you thought about it, the less it made sense. Who trained this late at night? Maybe his intentions with you were never as pure as they seemed. And if that was the case…
Why couldn't he just fuck you already like a normal person?
You shut off the keys to the ignition and grabbed your bag. Though you were already dressed in your work out clothes, (an old, short-sleeved band tee and shorts) you still felt like you might need it. You took a breath and exited your car, locked it, and tossed the keys in your bag. You weren't sure if it was the chill of the breeze against your bare skin, or anticipation that sent a chill up your spine as you made it up the pathway to the front door. Each step felt more daunting than the last. Finally, you walked up the stairs of the porch and made it to the door.
You looked closer, noticing the brass knocker screwed into it. Of course he had one of those. Why did it just feel so appropriate for him?
Shaking your head, you hovered your hand over it before giving three quick knocks.You had barely lowered your arm before the door opened.
"Miss Y/N. You're right on time." William Regal answered. You tried not to look up and down or oggle him. In your defense, the general manager in casual wear was not a sight one saw often. Especially not a faded Al Green tee and athletic shorts. A tee that showed off his arms and shorts that showed off his legs. And boy, did he have a pair of legs on him…
"Mister- William." Along with your affirmations, you had practiced calling the man by his first name in the mirror for days.
"Hello, William."
"It's nice to see you, William."
"William, how are you?"
Not once did that name sound right coming off your tongue. And the man in front of you seemed to be aware as he tilted his head a bit. "How are you, dear?"
"Fine, how are you?"
"Fine. Please, come in." 
You nodded and stepped past him into the house. 
The first thing you noticed was the smell of something burning. The scent of cloves and something citric hit your nose as you stepped onto a beautiful hardwood floor. You were in a living room, and on the glass coffee table a couple of sticks of incense had recently been put out. Around the table were beautiful, soft looking violet armchairs, a love seat, and a very modern fainting couch. Everything was tied together by the lavender and gold wallpaper, its laurel pattern captivating you.
"You have a beautiful home, Sir."
"Thank you, love. Be careful, I just waxed in here yesterday and it's still a bit slippery. Please, follow me."
"Yes, Sir." You watched the way he seemed to stiffen in front of you as you passed the staircase into a hallway. Sir. Sir, Sir, Sir. It did something to him, and you both knew it. You caught it as you spoke to him in his office, and now it was the only advantage you seemed to have over the man. How often you could use it before he realized that fact, however, remained to be seen.
As you followed him through the gorgeous dining room and into the kitchen to a door, your eyes couldn't help but travel down. You wondered how often a man his age worked out by himself. The pair of glutes covered by his shorts seemed to say often, and squats were a large part of his routine. The sound of a door opening interrupted your wandering mind.
 You looked down at the flight of stars in front of you, light coming from the bottom of them. Of course he'd lead you to the basement. It just had to be the damn basement! You paused, gripping the railing before going down the stairs, your bag occasionally brushing against the wall as William followed you. You walked down in silence until finally you reached the bottom of the stairs.
To your relief, it looked just like a normal home workout room. Dumbbells, benches, a stack of towels on a table, a treadmill and other cardio equipment, a soft matted floor…
And a wall of floor-to-ceiling-length mirrors.
You looked at your expression, watching as the tall man came behind you pulled a bench from the center of the room. The space was much more open now.
"Think of it like the Hart Dungeon, but far less violent."
…alright. You slipped off your shoes at placed them neatly by the table, getting a feel for the soft flooring through your socks.
"I trust you've been practicing your affirmations, dear?"
"That's good." William nodded. He stood next to you now, his hands behind his back, looking at you through the mirror. The more you looked at him, the more you wondered. Standing right next to you reminded you of just exactly how large he was. This was the man who was going to help you hone your skills. 
This was also the man you spent hours fantasizing about with your hands down your leggings, but that's besides the point.
"Before we begin, can you recite them to me, please?"
"Your affirmations, dear." 
"Oh, right." You took a deep breath. "'I am worthy of praise and recognition, I will not shame myself into believing otherwise'."
He nodded. "Good, good. I think we should first establish how to keep things safe here. When things become too much, I want you to tap out for me, okay? Or, a second option includes… a command, something that signals that I need to stop."
 "Blue." You said without hesitation.
"Blue?" He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.
You nodded. 
"Then your word is "blue". I think I'll go with… "violet" for tonight," he 
Violet. You wondered for a brief moment what his word was on any other night.
"I suppose we should start with basic warm ups." 
Things went well for the first half hour. You did some sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks. Though just doing simple warm ups, you watched every movement he made, studying the way his body moved. Everything was going fine.
Until he asked you to do a bridge. You did as asked, head pillowed by a folded towel on the floor as you bent backwards. You crossed your arms, the room upside down as you watched the man squat next to you, assessing you, eyes raking over your body. Your shirt had slipped down a little, revealing your midriff. You fought back the urge to cover yourself, though clearly his eyes seemed to be wandering.
"You have excellent form, Miss Y/N." 
"Thank you, Sir," you grunted as you raised your toes, a burning sensation already started to flow through your calves and thighs. You almost fell on your back as you felt a finger make its way up the bare skin of your stomach.
"A perfect arch…"he dragged his finger up -or, considering your position, down- more, stopping at the band of your bra and moving away. You watched as he got up, looking at a stopwatch. "Over a minute, that's impressive, dear. You can get out of it now."
You twisted your body, falling gracelessly onto your stomach. You got up quickly, tucked your shirt in and dusted yourself off.
For maybe the next hour, you worked. You tussled, you grappled, you worked on leg sweeps, on kip-ups, things you were familiar with, things you had been studying and doing for years as you listened to his advice and pointers. Still, at everything he surprised you with his quickness, with his strength.
"I truly don't believe you need help with your arm bar, dear. Any other day it's perfect, this week your shoulder just prevented you for locking it in." William brushed his hair back from in front of his face, forehead slick with sweat as you broke apart for a bit.
"Thank you. What about the stretch muffler?" You asked as you wiped your forehead with the back of your hand.
"That as well. I've seen you win matches with its standing variation. Again, there is always room for improvement. But I don’t believe you need to focus on that right now."
"Then…what should we try next?"
"Well, what move have you struggled with in the past?"
"Um…" you thought about it. You weren't much of a high-flyer, so countering moves like that was always difficult. Yet without a ring, and considering both of your move-sets, there wasn't much hope on working on that tonight. There could be something else…
"There's this kind of, um… this move, the Dragon Sleeper…"
"Hmm. Yes, Mercedes defeated you once with a variation of it… alright." He tugged at the front of his shirt. "Let's see what we can do with that."
"Alright." You nodded. You got into a defensive stance, as did he.
You were absolutely not ready. Once again, he got you completely off guard as your knee was kicked out from under you. You were now on the ground on top of him, your back to his chest and his arm around your throat. You stared up at the ceiling as the air began to leave your lungs, as you grasped at his arm. 
You fought to twist your body from his tight grip the feeling of being lightheaded coming back and leaving as he struggled to lock it in. You looked for an opening, air coming back to you quickly, and you found it, elbowing him enough for him to lose his grip. You couldn't read his expression, blinded by your hair that had come loose, only being able to hear a slight pant and grunt here and there as you fought to get an edge.
Your attempts were fruitless as he locked it in. You began to lose air yet again, gasping as your body was bent back with him. Your mind felt as if it was shutting off, the oxygen leaving your body, making you feel woozy. You found your focus slipping as a ringing hit your ears. You shut your eyes as you took deep, shuttering breaths. It was almost… calming in a way as you almost faded away. You hadn't even heard yourself submit until air suddenly hit your head again in a full rush…
 "Blue, bl-" you finally heard yourself beg weakly. 
You were let go, and he assisted you as you were laid back onto the matted floor. Your eyes fluttered back open as your head was gently placed onto the folded towel still on the floor.
"Fuck, I'm sor- sorry-"
"Don't apologize, just stay still." William murmured. His voice was calm and at level, but there seemed to be some urgency behind it. You did as you were told, laying back down as he hovered over you. His two fingers stayed pressed against your pulse. You listened as your heart pounded in your ears, the noise seemed to get louder as his thumb rubbed against your jawline. You watched his expression as his gaze was on your neck. His eyes narrowed, and you felt an odd pang of guilt at the worry in them.``I think…perhaps we should take a break."
Your hand, though quivering, found its way around his wrist. He gave you a surprised look. For instance, you thought of pulling it away, but settled for gripping it instead. "I'm fine."
"If you were fine, you wouldn't have needed your word, dear." His hand left your neck to slide under you, pressing against your back and to help sit you up. 
You nodded, looking down at your lap as he handed your water bottle to you.
You sat in silence, the only noise the gentle rattle of the air vents as he sat on the bench near the squat rack, on his phone, you on the floor. You sipped your water gingerly, taking glances of him out of the corner of your eye. You couldn't look right at him after that. He had almost choked you out. And you almost let him… because for a brief moment…
It felt good. You almost wish you hadn't submitted, almost wished he had used his hands instead. You shook the thought from your mind as you played with the scrunchie in your hand.
"You shouldn't pout like that, dear." His voice finally broke the silence, and you turned your head in his direction. He looked up from his phone at your reflection in the wall of mirrors. "There's no shame in needing to stop. You didn't have a choice. I'd rather you submit then continue on with something that could hurt you.``
"I know."
"Then what's with that expression I see?"
You shrugged, bringing your bottle back up to your lips. 
"Panic. Is that what overtook you in that hold?"
You nodded, looking away as you closed the lid to your bottle. Sure, let's go with that. Panic. 
"To feel panic in a posi- excuse me, a hold like that is completely understandable, flower. Though, sometimes it's not the position itself, but…how do I say this…"
"The…the situation?"
"Something like that, yes. Sometimes, it's the person that's performing the hold one may be the most fearful of. Afraid that they won't hold back, afraid of what…I'm sorry, this must sound like utter nonsense."
"No, it's alright, I think I get it." You finished his thought for him in your head. Afraid of what the other person could do to them, what they were capable of. Except you weren't afraid of him, at least not anymore.
William put his phone down and stood up. He walked to you and to your surprise dropped to one knee at your side. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Alright. One moment." He brought his hand back to your neck, two fingers yet again trailing down to locate your pulse. Though they were warm, a chill still found a way to creep up your spine. "That's odd, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference from when we stopped..." 
Oh, the indignity of being betrayed by your own body! Like before, his thumb brushed against your chin, and you followed his hand as it led you to look at him. "I'm not sure what the reason could be now… I figured that was a decent amount of time to calm down…" his voice was just a low murmur in your ear now, his eyes meeting yours.
Did he know? Did he know what he was doing?
You fought hard to ignore the twist in your lower stomach as he whispered in your ear…
"Do you have any idea how this could be, Miss Y/N?" 
He knew.
"I'm fine now, Sir," you said as you gently brought your hand up to cover his. You pulled his hand away, and he let you lower his arm back to its side.
"I don't doubt it," he nodded. For a moment, you could have sworn you saw a twinkle in his eye. It must have just been the lighting. "Let's continue, then. Would you like to try that move again? You almost broke the hold that time."
"No," You said quickly, way too quickly.  "I mean… do you mind if we try something else?"
"Of course not, dear."
You nodded, putting your hands up, and intertwined your hands with his. You locked up, both of you struggling to find a grip on the mat as you pushed back and forth. You felt yourself being bent back as hands still gripped yours, forcing you into a bridge. Your shoulders were down.
1…2… you lifted your arm,  breaking what could have been a three count in the ring. You watched your situation from the mirror, the room upside down as you found an opening.
Your turn. 
You put all your weight on one leg and kicked upwards into his abdomen with your other, knocking him off his feet and the wind out of him as he fell to a knee still gripping your hands as you fell to your back, your hands were now pinned down as he got over you. A leg on either side. 
"How are you going to get out of this hold, Miss Y/N?" The man above you asked. You watched the moment of his chest, until your eyes traveled upwards, stopping briefly at his lips to his nose to his eyes. The grip on one of your hands had loosened. You took your chance, bringing a hand to the back of his head, raking through his silken hair and pulling him down…
To press your lips against his.
 They were as soft as you suspected as you tilted your head and closed your eyes. You weren't surprised, just relieved to find him pressing back. You heard him groan softly as you nibbled against his lower lip. You opened your mouths to each other and melted into the kiss. You pulled apart, staring up at him.
"Why do you still call me 'Miss' ?"
"Why do you still call me 'Sir' ?" William chuckled
"I'm just… being respectful."
"Right." He dived back in, and as you moaned into the kiss, you found yourself switching positions with him, rolling so you were on top of him. You watched in the wall of mirrors as you pinned his hands down, closing your eyes again. You sat down, straddling his lap and leaning forward. You sighed as you tasted him on your tongue , moaning as you felt something rubbing between your legs. You grinded against him, and he moved his hips with yours, a hand escaping your grasp to pull you back down. Just as you had begun to trace over the scar above his lip with your tongue, he pulled away.
"Do you want this, Y/N?" He whispered as he nibbled your ear.
"What happens if I say no?"
"Nothing. I'll just wait for you to say yes someday, if you ever need me."
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, I want this, William." 
"Hmm." He nodded. Resting his head back on the floor. "Top drawer of the stand with the towels on it, there's a box of condoms, flower. I had a feeling we'd end up like this."
"So did I." You got off of him and went to the drawer. "This means I can save the ones in my bag for another day." 
"Another day… Y/N, about that Dragon Sleeper…"
You stopped as you pulled a condom out. "Yeah?"
"Have you ever… I mean…"
"Only once. It's not something I'm used to but…"
"Would you like to learn how to get used to it, maybe on another day?"
You nodded. "On another day." You turned around and walked back to him. You sat back down over him again, moving his hair from in front of his eyes.
"How do you want me, Y/N? I think you deserve to pick what happens now."
"Just like this is fine." You murmured as you leaned back down to kiss him, one arm above his head, your other hand slipping up his shirt. Never in your weirdest dreams did you ever think you'd be in a position like this with him.  Especially not him being the one underneath you, sighing like he was in heaven as you rubbed a hand over his soft, broad chest. You felt his hands move to your shorts down. You undressed each other slowly, discarding your clothes in a not-so-neat pile next to you.
"Yes, Y/N?" 
"So are you, dear. You're just…stunning…"
"Thank you," murmured as you tried to open the condom. Of course you were picking now to get anxious again, even with the shock of anticipation that warmed through you. You finally got it out and discarded the wrapper. You pulled it over his cock. It was a lot… thicker than you had imagined. Even as wet as you were you wondered if it would fit without a bit of extra help…
You brought your hand up and down his shaft, bringing your other between your legs to play with yourself. Whimpering as you pumped two fingers inside of your wetness, back and forth.
"Y/N…" William let out a moan as he turned his head, bringing a hand to cover his mouth as you continued to stroke him slowly.
"Are you alright, Sir?"
You nodded, stopping your teasing of him and yourself to steady your body, 
William Regal was begging, and he was begging for you.
You whine escaped your lips as you settled down onto his cock, feeling as it filled and stretched your walls. You stopped a few inches in to get used to it.
"Mmm," the man underneath you gripped your hips.
"Ready, Sir?"
"Yes." You moved your hips and rocked back and forth slowly, sighing as his cock moved in you, his hips meeting yours to create a steady rhythm. An extra shock of pleasure coursing through you each time you rubbed against his pelvis. The sound of skin against skin and flesh in flesh echoed off the walls of the room, as did the sounds of your moans and pants as he hit your core.
Your eyes trailed up, watching your reflection in the wall as your breasts bounced with each thrust and you bit your lip, but you mostly kept your eyes on him. A hand still firmly on his chest, you took his chin into your hand, gently turning his head to completely face you. His eyes slowly opened.  
"Look at me, Sir."
"Y/N-" He was interrupted by your lips pressing against his one more. You let him go, leaning forward and reaching back to gently guide his hand away from your hip to back above his head, pinning it down once more. You moaned as he opened his mouth to you again, kissing him slowly as you continued to bounce on his lap. You pulled away, panting, the trail of saliva connecting your lips quickly breaking.
"Am I doing good? D- does it feel-"
"It feels good." He murmured against your lips. 
"Raise your voice for me, Sir."
"It feels fucking fantastic~" 
"Mmm,  you feel so good too, Sir…"  "I'm so…close…" 
"Me too, flower…"
You continued for a few minutes more, or what felt like an eternity, until his movement slowed down as you felt him twitch in you, tossing his head back to pant and curse. Your own rhyme came to a stop as you clenched around him and sighed his name, warmth coursing through your body. With shaking arms, you steadied yourself and slowly lifted yourself off until he was out of you, surprised to find his arms wrapping around you to lay you on his chest. You welcomed the embrace though resting your head against it and wrapping your arms around him too.
"You've got a lot of stamina for a man your age," you murmured as you listened to the pounding of his still racing heart.
"Hmm, if only I had a nickel for everytime I heard that…"
You two laid together for a bit, then getting up to enjoy another round, him pounding you senseless from behind in front of the mirrors before showering together. By the time your "training" had finished for the evening it was well past midnight, and he insisted you stayed over. You took his offer, one of his shirts to sleep in (though you both knew damn well you had a change of clothes in your bag), and the room across the hall from his.
You laid alone in the middle of the large bed in the quiet dark room, thinking. About Io, about the women's championship, about Raquel, about William. Abou how comfortable his shirt was over your body and how you already missed the sound of his heartbeat. Almost an hour had passed as you tossed and turned restlessly,  before finally slipping out of bed and opening the door. You tiptoes across the hall, feeling the carpet under your feet before stopping in front of his. You took a deep breath and gave it a small knock.
"Come in."
You turned the handle, the door creaking as you slipped inside. You closed it shut. With just enough moonlight peaking through the blinds to guide you, you made it to the bed, slipping underneath the covers. Your chest was to his back, and you wrapped your arms around him. His hand found yours, giving it a tight squeeze.
"I'm gonna fight Io. And I- I won't let Raquel talk down to me again."
"Or Dakota?"
"Or…or anyone else. I'll try, at least."
"That's good. I'm very proud of you, my dear."
"Thank you."
"No, thank you." He placed a kiss against your forehead, giving your hand another squeeze. "Get some rest now, dear. "
"Yes, Sir."
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sysig · 3 months
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Talana in the Sims 2!
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I don’t have any of the “correct” accessories and that is stopping me exactly 0% lol - I love this galaxy blush so much, it’s even blue and matches her skin tone! :D
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Initially I wasn’t actually sure what to do for her clothes because I didn’t have anything suitably sexy enough, but as I mulled it over I realized hey, didn’t Revenge of the Jedi come out in in ‘83? And SCII came out in ‘92....huh. I’d still like to do my own retexture, but it’s a decent base to work from!
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Of the neighbors that initially came to greet her, only DAX was another SCII member, so I had her greet just him, hoping they’d be friends :D They did not! >:0 DAX was rude to her immediately! DAX!
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If you dare say something like “You’re prettier when you’re mad” >:(
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Well that went well
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He came back later that night and acted shady - DAX! Don’t be mean to Talana!!
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DAX! >:0
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Interestingly enough, I had only had her interact with DAX at this point, but she had seen multiple other people while I took her clothes-shopping earlier - she didn’t greet any of them, but they’re still stored in her hidden memories! I just think that’s a really cool design :D She doesn’t have a relationship with them, but she does have eyes! It’s little touches like this that make me love this game
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Pft. Subtle, Talana
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I decided after they cooled down that I could try and have them get along by slowly building their relationship over the phone - they probably would get along better if they didn’t have to look at each other lol
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Talana was caught spying on Stanley, apparently he’s her type. You can’t use your telescope to peep on human males, Talana!
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Now that she and DAX are on better terms, I invited the whole household over! :D Everyone is so attracted to Stanley! Stanley is unphased lol
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Captain, please
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Everyone thinking about the Captain! She actually rejected his compliment at first haha, oh no!
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ZEX immediately went for her ballet bar, why
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“The Captain is HOT!” - Talana (and ZEX)
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Aww haha ♥ He came over to help of his own volition ♪
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I looked back over and- DAX were you just waiting your turn??
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Now that they’re not angry at each other anymore, but still mad about other people lol, angy buddies
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A mermaid you say. Talana’s Lifetime Want was to be the Hand of Poseidon (Level 10 Oceanography career), it was too perfect not to haha
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I gave her some sharp teeth accessories but unfortunately they kept flashing blue every time I reset the lot so I ended up taking them off for the rest of these :P I still think little pointy teeth are cool tho!
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I think she missed you Captain
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Hot tub time! I wonder what sweet nothings she’s whispering to him hehe
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This animation is so cute ;;♥ Such a gentle kiss! Very sweet
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Look! He’s sitting on her lap a little bit!!
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He’s such a little spoon lol ♪ Also his hand casually on her butt hehe
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Party time! Talana needed a lot of friends for her promotions so this was mostly a networking party lol, what an interesting bunch of crossovers - in this bunch we have Mariella and Stanley from The Stanley Parable, ZEX, and Miles Edgeworth :D
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And on the other side, we’ve got Phoenix, the Captain, DAX, and the Curator :D I wanted to invite the Narrator but I ran out of room on the guest list D: Still though, a good mix!
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Can you guys chill you’ve been here for like two seconds
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Miles is not interested in your ghost stories, ZEX. Actually, I’ll need to increase Miles’ and Phoenix’s interest in the paranormal when I hop back into their lot now that I think of it
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Them being in this hot tub makes me nervous - I’ve set them both to be as ace as the game will allow (0/0 attraction to men and women, I wish there was an alloace option tho :( I might be able to simulate it with ACR, but they’re so quick to jump into bed with each other! Hgh) but this specific hot tub is an Aspiration Reward and thus behaves weirdly - just don’t get any funny ideas! I see you Phoenix! Also DAX in the background checking out ZEX lol
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Not that I want any of you hanging out in the hot tub but why are you two standing behind it - you can see the empty seats, right?
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Back inside, of course these two are being goofy together haha
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Oh hey DAX :)
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Captain please, find your chill, you literally just tried to invite Talana to bed right in the middle of everyone - ACR strikes again! Yes Mariella and the Curator were subjected to that lol
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Overview of the party - we’ve got Mariella on the ballet bar, ZEX and the Captain talking about robbery, the Curator in her bathing suit chatting with Talana, a broken shower in the middle there, Stanley and Phoenix in the hot tub together, DAX stepping out into the backyard, and Miles eating some chips at the bar. Pretty sick party :D
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Something about these three from such different games all hanging out in a hot tub together is very funny to me lol
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The Captain called! :D He invited her out on a date, though they’d actually just had one lol - he wanted a round 2!
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They went out and got their pictures taken ♪
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And a little something else as well lol. I like the Public Woohoo memory icon in this context, it reminds me of a flying saucer and they are both aliens so
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They’re so cuuuute ahhhh ♥ I love the way it looks like Talana got embarrassed from the first smooch and blocked the camera hehe 💕 The Captain’s laughing face is so charming!
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Two Dream Dates back to back, he dropped off two bouquets that night haha
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Did the thing! :D Now that I’ve gotten her LTW, I’m not sure how much more I’m gonna play on her lot, but it was a bunch of fun to basically slow-speedrun her to this point haha
#WPVG#WPTS2#The Sims 2#The Sims#SCII#And a silly to start off the set with lol it's a good meme template! And now I finally have one of myself and not just Fig lol#Shitpost#I have my own thoughts about how the Syreen are portrayed in SCII but! I am still holding (most) judgement until I actually meet them lol#So like most things with SCII - I'll get there someday!#And as always it doesn't Actually change my thoughts about Syreen as what they are - I like them a lot! :D - just development etc.#ANYway lol#Jocasta was really fun to play :D#I don't usually go for a Sim's LTW - usually too many per household or I get bored lol - so it was fun as a challenge!#And all the steps to make it reality for her!#Making friends was definitely the biggest factor#DAX why >:0 But he came around eventually lol#Her and the Captain were quite fun to play against each other as well haha#I'm also way more used to having couples be in the same household so having to rely on the popout to see his Wants was different#She'd sometimes get bored by herself and roll the Date Want so I'd be like ''Yeah alright'' lol#They're not committed or anything but they do like each other a lot :)#And for the record the party was awesome lol#Pretty sure I got the highest possible score - I love how janky parties are in TS2 lol#So dissimilar to the date mechanic! Too big I guess haha#Just so fun to see everyone interact! That's the best part of the Sims haha#I am tempted to move a Sarah and Jocasta in next door sometime :0#Although I don't have a human uniform for male or female Sims yet lol#Then again I just stuck the Captain in a pirate coat :P#He's cosplaying! From the Pirate Fic! Haha#It's an idea ♪#Unsurprisingly I had to force it to post lol
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deeahhnuh · 5 months
I’ve done this year-in-review thing since 2007! 2007-2012 are over on my old LiveJournal, and 2013-on are right here on my Tumblr. :)
2023 - been there, done that year! Let's make 2024 a good 'un! :)
What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before?
Not much - I was pretty consistently dull, I guess lol!
Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't make 'em in any official way - like, an actual list or anything. But I always try to keep "be healthy (in lots of ways)" as my big hope for the year!
Did anyone close to you give birth?
No lil' bbs this year, aw!
Did anyone close to you die?
Thank goodness, no.
What countries did you visit?
I never go anywhere lol
What would you like to have in 2024 that you lacked in 2023?
The "humble ambitions and hopes" I noted in last year's answer are still there, all humble and hopeful. But I am incredibly thankful to have what I do have!!!
What date(s) from 2023 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Huh, no big dates this year. Like I said, consistently dull lol!
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I have successfully (I think!) maintained the bangs I gave myself last year! Happily, I haven't managed to accidentally cut them too short or wonky. I like having 'em! :)
What was your biggest failure?
No big fails this year, lol!
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Oh golly, I had a tooth thing that started in November 2022 and was completed in September of this year! I am so fortunate and very, very glad that it all went perfectly - the oral surgeon and my dentist were a dream team!!! :)
What was the best thing you bought?
Music! It's vital to my existence, lol.
Whose behavior merited celebration?
My dental dream team lol! :) And in non-medical peeps - my mama, who is just... well, she keeps me goin'. ♥
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Can't think of anything off the top of my head!
Where did most of your money go?
Music, I guess! A worthy spend!
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Holidays and good times - birthdays 'n' such!
What song will always remind you of 2023?
Every year, I keep a playlist on Spotify of songs that sparked joy - here's my 2023 list! But also, "Padam Padam" by my queen, Kylie Minogue!
Compared to this time last year (2022), are you:
About the same, lol?
What do you wish you’d done more of?
I keep enjoying most of the same dang stuff. So, more new music. More new movies. More new TV shows. More new!
What do you wish you’d done less of?
See my last answer: I wish I'd done less of the same old same old! :)
How did you spend Christmas?
Fam, ham. 'Tis the season!
What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in 2023?
Haha, happily I didn't do anything too stupid. Still a few days left in the year, though!! :)
How many one-night stands?
This answer is always "none" - lol, same as the question about visiting different countries - so why do I leave it in?!
What was your favorite TV program?
Well I'm a complete goofball, so I love mah cartoons: Family Guy, always, and I watched a lot of American Dad too. I also adore Bravo - Real Housewives, Southern Charm, that sort of thing!
But as for, like, quality programming - Only Murders in the Building is a faaave, and I can't believe What We Do in the Shadows' next season will be its last!! I love it so much.
Oh and also The Golden Bachelor - it was a hoot!
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2023?
PJs! Nah, but I do try to be polished and classy-ish! (When I'm not just in my PJs.)
What kept you sane?
I said "music" last year - and it's the same answer for 2023! :)
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
This is another question I should probably cut from this list, lol!
What was the best book you read in 2023?
Pbffft, I will read books next year. And the first book I shall read is one I got this year, by Michael Cragg: Reach for the Stars. It's about British pop music from 1996-2006. Perfection!!
What was your greatest musical discovery?
I listened to a lot of synth-y '80s stuff on Spotify "80s Mix" playlists the last half of the year; not sure why I did, but it was a good choice! Yazoo kept me groovin'!
What did you want and get?
This isn't a really serious thing, except it is if you love great music! :) This year marked the 20th anniversary of Dannii Minogue's magnum opus Neon Nights - a whopping 7-disc edition of the masterpiece was released and I am so happy to own it!! However! Not too pleased to feel as old as I do when I remember buying the imported original at Tower Records twenty years ago lol!
Anyways, when it comes to really, truly serious things I want - sure, there are things (those humble ambitions and hopes I mentioned earlier) - but I have what I need. I'm good. :)
What did you want and not get?
See above!!
What was your favorite film of this year?
Scrapbook linking time! I don't have one single "favorite film of this year" - I enjoyed a lot of great movies!
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Chilled out! 37!!
What three things would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Some things prob could have been better, easier, or calmer - but that's every year, isn't it? This year was okay. :)
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Everyone? But to narrow it down to one guy, if I have to lol: Michael Shannon got a mention in my answer to this question last year, and - lucky guy - he gets a mention this year, too.
What political issue stirred you the most?
It's all terrible.
Who did you miss?
I will repeat what I said last year, because reading it back now, I gotta say I like the way I put it! And just like last year, I mean it just as much. "Family - those we’ve lost, and those who are simply not near. ♥"
What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2023?
Just keep at it!
What quote can be used to sum up your year?
A bit from the incomparable It's a Wonderful Life came back to me at times this year - George Bailey, excoriating Potter: "what'd you say a minute ago? They had to wait and save their money before they even ought to think of a decent home? Wait? Wait for what?! Until their children grow up and leave them? Until they're so old and broken down that they… Do you know how long it takes a working man to save $5,000?"
The "wait for what?!" line hits me. I know he's talking about being being kind and decent to others; it's a key message in the movie, of course.
But this year, I also interpreted as - we wait so often. But we've only got now. We gotta live a little now, in spite of (in defiance of) whatever hard stuff is going on in our lives. ♥
...but the actual quote that sums up my 2023 is "padam."
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2024 is coming! Happy (almost) New Year, Tumblr! :)
0 notes
pinkheadflowers · 2 years
hi autumn, bebe ^.^ i have a req!
67 + 10 — established relationship, idol!txt with the member being insecure about someone you already met in the past. like, almost jealousy? but it’s mainly the member doubting about himself :c and for the character, i’d say for me could be hyuka, but you can change it if you want to! not picky about it haha
hopefully i didn’t confuse you so much :o
thank you!
nothing could ever compare -hueningkai-
>> 67. “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.”
>> 10. “I’m right here, okay?”
>> a lil sad 🌧 + fluff ☀️ , gn reader , established rs
>> word count: 1873
[ hi liz !! thank you for the request & hope you like it! enjoy bubs 💓 ]
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
You were lazing on the sofa on a Sunday night when your phone buzzed. Seeing the notification, your face lit up instantly and you opened it without having to think twice, “I’m outside.”
Confused, you headed towards the door and peeped through the peephole before swinging the door open, “Excuse me? What are you doing here? It’s eleven pm, aka eleven in the night. Don’t you have to be at the dorm? What about curfew?”
The poor boy standing in front of you could only let out a small giggle, “Well, hello to you too milady. Don’t worry about those, I’ve informed our manager and everything’s settled fine. Aren’t you happy to see me?”
He gave your head a pat and you made way to let him in. “Kai, you should have given me a heads up. I almost had a heart attack there thinking you’re gonna get in trouble again.”
You shook your head at him and he rubbed his nape while laughing sheepishly. Last time he arrived at your place unannounced, Soobin and their manager showed up at your doorstep ten minutes later with fuming faces. Let’s just say that wasn’t the best night for all of you.
“Come on, I wanna bring my girlfriend out to the park because I miss her so much!” Hueningkai jumped excitedly as he held your hand. You chuckled at his expression, who cares if you’re younger, he’s still definitely the baby in the relationship. “Let me change real quick baby,” You kissed the tip of his nose before running to your bedroom leaving behind a flushed Hueningkai.
Five minutes later, you stood in front of him wearing black tights and a blue hoodie which he gifted to you for Christmas last year. “Hey look! Is this the one I gave you?” He questioned curiously. You nodded, “Mhmm! It’s the most comfortable one and it reminds me of you. I love it.” You hugged him, as tight as you could. He mirrored your actions and rests his head on yours. It was the perfect feeling you thought and didn’t want to let go. Now don’t get Hueningkai wrong. He doesn’t want to break the affectionate hug but he really wants to go for a walk in the park with you.
And so, he intertwined his right hand with your left one and led the both of you out the door. The walk there was quiet but the good kind - both of you basking in each other’s presence in complete comfort. To say you weren't looking forward to this would be a lie. There’s just something about the night breeze that makes the park more serene which allows for so many heartfelt conversations shared between you and your boyfriend. Hueningkai to the public’s eyes is someone who is so carefree and playful but that’s just one side of him. You were glad you could see all the other sides to him, the more vulnerable ones. All these happened at a place you and Hueningkai call your special spot in the park - a secluded bench placed in front of a lake.
Without realising, you’ve reached the mentioned bench and your bodies took over as both of you sat down, making yourselves comfortable. You had your head leaned on his right shoulder and hands around his waist while his hands wrapped around your shoulders. You both knew the other so well, words didn’t have to be exchanged to know that both of you had stories to share and troubles to rant about but the warmth you gave each other was the best healing magic and honestly it was more than enough for you. As for Hueningkai, you best believe he blocked out his surroundings the moment he saw you, appreciating your presence to the fullest.
“I met up with Joshua this morning.” You started. Hueningkai mentally rolled his eyes hearing that name. You continued, “I was about to order bubble tea when he called out to me. Then, he offered to pay for mine which of course I declined. Well, tried to but then he insisted and I let him do so. We were both free and decided to catch up.”
Unknowing to you, Hueningkai was pouting already. His eyes fixated to the ground. He knew he should have called in sick for the day to stick by you. He should have brought you bubble tea before texting you that he’s arrived.
You were rambling on about what you and Joshua had talked about but Hueningkai was not at all listening, lost in his own thoughts. You noticed how completely still he was, which made you look up at him, “Hyuka? Is everything okay?”
He snapped out of his trance, “Hmm? Yeah, yes. Just a little hungry.” He rubbed his belly and bit his tongue behind the sweet smile he was giving you. He couldn’t possibly tell you he hated hearing that guy’s name coming out from your mouth. He didn’t have the heart to tell you to shut up about that guy. “You’re not on a diet right? Come, let’s go to the store to get some cup noodles!” You stood up and reached out for his hand. The both of you headed to the convenience store nearby.
Who is Joshua exactly? Well to put it simply, Joshua is your ex boyfriend but you both broke up on good terms - both agreeing that you don’t see a future together considering how the both of you wanted two different lifestyles. The problem here is that you and Joshua remained friends after that. You’ve discussed this with Hueningkai and if Hueningkai was to tell the truth, he didn’t like the sound of that at all. He knew how much Joshua has helped you with your self-confidence which sort of made him largely significant in your life. This made Hueningkai agree to that idea and he tried to accept it fully but seeing you smile so widely every time you mentioned Joshua’s name just made him question his worth to you. Was he just a replacement? Were you going to go back to your ex?
You and Hueningkai arrived at the store. You offered to buy the noodles and prepare them for the both of you while Hueningkai waited at the seating area outside. His mind was still cloudy, he was slowly going insane, drowning in his negativity.
Not long after, you placed the ready noodles on the table - one for him and one for you. Hueningkai sat up straight. “Aish, I could have bought it for her. Instead, she’s the one doing it all for me. I can’t even do a simple gesture for her.” Hueningkai thought to himself.
The reason you didn’t pick up on this was that he was so good at hiding it behind his soft eyes and cute smile. Of course you love him the way he is but you didn’t know that this was even affecting him the slightest bit.
The meal was again quiet. Only slurps were heard every now and then. The silence was slowly killing you, so you continued your conversation. “Back to this morning, Josh is now working as a freelance photographer which has been his dream really. He has got a few customers and he said he’s doing surprisingly well…”
Hueningkai blanked out again. Josh, Joshua’s nickname. Hueningkai knew that you always called others by their nicknames when you’re close to them. Joshua’s your ex so why are you still calling him by his nickname? Ah right, you guys decide to still stay as friends.
Hueningkai gulped down his food to try to eat the pain away but it was still there. Luckily, you got yourself the smallest cup noodle there was so you finished almost the same time he did. “That’s yummy. Kai, babe, are you feeling okay?” You held his hand.
That was a breaking point for him. He nodded and tried to blink his tears away subtly. He didn’t want to cry in front of you over some other guy. He thought it was stupid. You noticed though. You saw his eyes getting glossy but you knew better than to push him about it.
After clearing the table, you intertwined your hands with his again and brought him back to your place. You needed to talk to him. Whatever was making him sad, you wanted to at least try to get to the bottom of it.
The walk home was awkwardly quiet this time because your boyfriend was about to cry and you didn’t want him to breakdown in public. You knew he didn’t like that so the moment you reached home, you pulled him to your bedroom and sat him on the bed. “Hey baby, talk to me? Please?”
You looked at him while rubbing his back. Slowly, tears started to stain his cheeks and his sniffles turned into sobs which broke your heart. It was your instinct to pull him into your arms, giving him a tight warm hug. It took every single bit of courage in Hueningkai to croak out, “Do you still love Joshua?”
You turned shocked, “What?”. You pulled back and looked at him. “Is that what this is about? Hyuka, I love you and you only alright. Joshua is in the past, I promise.”
Your heart shattered. All these while, you thought your boyfriend was okay with it all. Of course you were naive to think that way. You felt responsible for your boyfriend’s state now, “Hyuka baby, look at me please.” You cupped his cheeks. “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.”
“But I don’t want to see you sad and if you still love him then-“ Hueningkai said in between his cries and hiccups. You shook your head firmly and cut him off, “No, baby. I do not love Joshua at all anymore ever since I broke up with him. I’m sorry if I’ve made you doubt yourself but trust me, you’re the one I’m deeply and madly in love with. You’re my world and I would do anything just to be with you.”
You used your thumbs to wipe away his tears and pulled him into another hug. You saw Hueningkai’s breathing slowly even out as you embraced him, one hand playing with his hair. You two stayed like that until he broke the silence, “Can I stay the night?”
“Make yourself comfortable, i’ll drop Soobin a quick text.” You smiled at him. He pecked your right cheek before tucking himself in your bed. You send Soobin the said text as to which he replied with a thumbs up, and so you went to switch the light off and headed to lay down beside your boyfriend.
Hueningkai moved closer to you, snuggling his head by your neck and hugging you. You giggled, “I’m right here, okay?”. “Pinky promise?” He held out his right pinky. You interlocked your right pinky with his, “Pinky promise. Good night Hyuka. I love you.” You planted a kiss on his forehead. Hueningkai shifted to place a short kiss on your lips, “Good night to you too, my love. I love you so much, nothing could ever compare.”
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rioteersstory · 3 years
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First of all, thanks for your visit ♥ It’s always a pleasure to have been granted with a visit on this big world that Internet is so, truely thank you!
Second, may you excuse my english, i am not a native and it’s maybe visible due to my lack of vocabulary sometimes. Yet i wanted to try it, to try to tell a story and to write in this language that is worldwide... Hopefully my english friends can correct me most of the time before any publication to be posted...
But, we’re here to have a good time together! Dinosaurs and other prehistoric creature fans, story lovers and curious peeps, i welcome you to this tumblr! It is small, and i’m clumsy with it, but i hope you enjoy the drawings and if you have the heart to read: the story. To publish it, i put the links on my discord available HERE.
My drawings presented here are cropped to avoid putting an ugly watermark, most of them are also on my INSTAGRAM and the DISCORD if you wish to see them! I’m autoproducing everything, even the prints and the metal buttons of my humble doing, a little support would be also with my COMMISSIONS! Have a nice visit and nice day/night! I also hope you enjoy the little musics i’ve put on here!
» Cheetah © Slávka. » Sushi © Corbon. » Huatau © Rossi. » Brownie, Koreel, Art © Hopie.
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reginrokkr · 4 months
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My disappointment is immeasurable at the knowledge that there is no Dain in 4.5. The only comfort I get from this is the possibility that he may come with more relevant content, be it alongside some interlude quest, Furina's second SQ (although I would've preferred it to be Neuvi's for reasons) or a new expansion in Fontaine, likely to be Petrichor / Remuria.
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reginrokkr · 2 months
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Starting the easter vacations after finding out that that thing which I had since as far as I remember and that I thought was normal turns out to be allergic conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis. It's so eye-opening to work in the health industry, not only for other people but for yourself and I can't wait until I get the chance to get proper medication for that. Following on the good news, I'm on easter break until April 9th, so there is plenty of room for catching up on writing and playing HSR to be up to date with 2.1!
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reginrokkr · 4 months
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I'm about to dive back into playing through the Penacony arc after leaving it prepared to meet Firefly (Dr. Ratio's quest before that was quite long smh), but a friend gave me a good idea last night and I'm planning to write a small post about peeps Dain is more likely to find and interact with and mayhaps another section within that post of characters that he might be more compelled towards, thus it's more likely that deeper kinds of relationships are possible (not necessarily romantic but this will be included). Hope you peeps have a nice day ♥︎
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reginrokkr · 2 years
For the mun: I just want to say — for English being your 4th language, you do a fucking FANTASTIC job of writing with it so well. Purple prosers got NOTHIN on you dude.
Thank you for your kind words, know that I’m honored you think so considering the struggles that I face because of that. Sometimes it’s hard to express things that I can express in a language but that don’t make sense in English which I’m sure that other peeps whose mother tongue isn’t English can relate. It’s heartwarming to receive praise for something that can cause many insecurities, truly. I hope that you have a good day / night ♥︎
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