#I wonder if the reason why H.YV quoted “subjectivity”
reginrokkr · 7 months
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◜I do not believe people can be completely impartial. What is true to one person may not be so to another. My words, for example, contain numerous subjective opinions which may sound like nothing more than tall tale to others. If Charlotte were willing to interview me I'm curious to see how she would deal with my "subjectivity"... Heh. I'm only joking. My story would bring her nothing but trouble... What she doesn't know can't harm her.◞
Not me eyeing at the quote marks on subjectivity done purposefully by HYV, even though I don't doubt that part of what Dain says is also mixed with his own opinions (and it's pretty clear when he does). The story talk bringing someone like Charlotte trouble if she were to know does rise a few questions to me, like whether there is someone pursuing him actively (considering how petty the Abyss Order is and that none of them can 1v1 him, it wouldn't be surprising). On a brighter note— it's endearing to me the few times he either chuckles or says he's joking because he does that so rarely. I can't help but wonder if he has a bit of a humorous streak that I wager was more present back in days that used to be easier and less tragic to him.
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