#I’m just going to do d20 characters for now
nosnexus · 1 year
Because I'm an aso fan, you could do skip for green and sidney for pink!
Oh heck yeah! I love the Starship crew! I’ll add em!
Here’s the count so far folks!
Pink: Sundry Sidney
Green: Skip
Yellow: Colin Provalone
Orange: The orange fairy
Light blue:
Dark blue:
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seeminglyseph · 1 year
I think it matters a lot that a) everyone who has seeming offered to help Karna has done so *after* she needed it. And b) was in some way using her and therefore needed her.
In the eyes of a child, if you weren’t there when she needed you, and can’t even help yourself, what good are you to her?
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mccoyquialisms · 2 months
More bits from the 1st night of the London D20 live show that brought me joy:
The little “ooooohhhhHHHH” bit everyone in the atrium did as they were rolling the bingo cages for their characters
How NUTS everyone went when Lou got Fabian and everyone started chanting “hoot growl”
A second, just as loud cheer when Siobhan got Adaine and her and Lou ran around the stage together
Siobhan, unprompted: “GIVE ADAINE A GUN!”
Emily has apparently named a stray cat after Plug <3
Sydney straight up eating the ground (it’s ice cream, she’s fine. Sort of.)
“It’s a smell so counter to everything human life needs, in a way that almost kills you, but also, only in a way someone from New York can understand, makes you proud.”
The party refusing to call the candy wyverns anything other than “bugs”
Zac interrupting the ongoing banter to announce Skip is already boarded and sucking on the saddle of the wyvern
“I throw a flash grenade.” “I turn into a giant pigeon.” “I cast unseen servant to untie him.” “I shoot a guard.” “Okay, so everyone decides to do something SUPER SUBTLE.”
I mentioned it before but it’s SO good: “the DC is 500. Only a Nat 20 will do it.” Beardsley: [rolls a Nat 20 first try] [pandemonium in the arena]
“Have you seen Succession?”
The gabagool 🤌
“Adaine, we have saved the world multiple times. These are the scariest people we have ever met.”
Lou losing it at Sydney’s grenade having 1 point of poison damage in addition to all the bludgeoning damage
Skip gives Fabian a laser gun. He does not know what it is until he shoots Calroy with it
“Adaine, this gun thing you’re on? I get it.”
Cocaine Bear
Pete and Skip instant besties. Pete and Fabian instant enemies.
“You named him Anus and now I just have to do it the rest of the show!”
“I absolutely hate to add insult to injury…” “THEN DON’T!”
Adaine passing her wisdom save by 1 point to prevent Kugrash’s polymorph spell from turning her into a rat
The absolute ROAR that went up when Skip transformed into Lapin
“Anus?” “Not today.” “Not today WHAT?”
“I thought I was just on another planet starting a revolution I don’t intend to stick around for.” “America!”
Ally confidentially declaring Lapin and Aguefort have swinger vibes
“Do you want to just take him?” “Do you mean in the biblical sense?” “Another exciting use….”
[croaky voice] butterfly in the skyyyy
Pete opening 6 different flavors of seltzer while the rest of the party does kublacaine
Elaine Lee in the house!!!
Kugrash the greatest chaperone who ever lived
Lapin and Aguefort…and they were roommates…..Lapin’s “how do I look?” before they go into the egg fortress lmao
Syd’s perfume missile dealing 68 points of damage to Fabian and instantly knocking him unconscious. “Are you rolling D20s for damage???”
“I’m going to use my tides of chaos to reroll….worse.”
Tina the butterfly familiar that everyone totally remembers
“Well shit, any house where we kill the people in it becomes our house.”
Pete dissing Fabian so hard he feels the toxic masculinity coming back
Lapin requesting an exam extension for Adaine and Fabian from Arthur via dating app
The collective psychic damage everyone took from the “yar har har” scene
“Pete just starts dancing with a scarf in a way no one else has seen before.” “That’s my fucking thing!!!”
Sydney just enabling every pvp encounter alsdkghsdg. Giving Fabian unlimited capacity to his gun as he’s shooting Pete, with Fabian hitting twice and criting once.
“I can pleasure you or throw grenades, you gotta pick one.” “The first one, obviously!” “Okay!”
Lapin, Adaine and Kugrash chain smoking in the corner suffering through the pain of existence while the rest of party goes nuts around them
Murph incorporating the words “come/coming” as much as possible into Kugrash’s farewell speech while Brennan mimes Gilear’s enormous dick behind him. Not even Fabian’s battle sheet is enough to conceal that hog
“That’s right, I’m the king. And then I jump into the dumpster.”
GILEAR…MY…..OLD FRIEND………Aguefort and Gilear fwb real
“Not another person with their penis frozen to the walk in!”
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islandoforder · 2 months
Hi just properly scrolled through your blog for the first time and wanted to ask a question:
Re: Riz should be class president post from over a week ago - why should it be Riz over Kristen now that the class president position has stakes? Is it because of Kristen’s inconsistent access to her spells in case she needed to defend herself? I’d love to hear more about your thought process regarding this - assuming your opinion hasn’t changed since making that post.
My thoughts personally are that character-wise, it makes more sense to me for Riz to be the one strategizing as the campaign manager, because he’s the one actually finding a lot of the traps the Rat Grinders have put out for them.
Whereas Kristen makes more sense to me as a candidate purely because of her charisma and good radar for social bs - her weakness, of course, being that she’s a bit of a wild card in her choices regarding the campaign. But at the same time, she’s been able to get away with wearing a soggy salsa hat in front of the entire student body and still maintain some chance for the candidacy.
Obviously, I’m ignoring the more mechanical aspects of this comparison. If that’s what you were referring to in your original post idk then. I’m still wrapping my head around how Riz rolls so well now, level 10 dnd shit is way over my head.
Sorry if this was long, I just wanted to express my thoughts as well as hear yours! Idk how far away we are from getting back to the campaign to class president, who knows what happens after they get back from fallinel!
hi! sorry this is such a late reply, i've been away and i wanted to watch the new ep before i started posting about anything d20 in case of unintentional spoilers haha
so i think part of it is that, imho, brennan intended the class president arc to be riz's:
kipperlily is a rogue, v type a, and a narrative foil to riz, and this would have directly pitted them against one another
riz needed extra credit things for his college app, like being involved in student govt/being student president
there's also something about kipperlily being fundamentally riz but richer
kristen's arc was clearly always going to be about cassandra, trying to regain her favour, or increase her popularity, or resurrect her
nara is the kristen foil this season (once again, kristen but richer)
everyone has like an individual arc this season except for riz, bc his was supposed to be student president
beyond all of this, i don't actually think kristen is able to take the student president stuff too seriously - every time she tries, she ends up doing a bit instead, at the steel workers union, at the middle school, even at the party. i actually think if riz was the candidate, he would manage himself, in the same way that fabian wanted to be the party house and arranges that himself, and adaine needed a job and worked on and got that herself. so like i agree that he's the best campaign manager, but that doesn't preclude him from being the best candidate as well??
also, frankly, a lot of the good social graces kristen has had this year are from riz putting in the hard work - him joining all the clubs and making those connections, him taking stress to give her more popularity, his own popularity, etc.
like i'm enjoying the silliness of kristen's campaign, but i'm kind of with sklonda on this - riz would be a better candidate, and it is to some degree a shame that he's putting this much effort into running a campaign for someone else. if they legit need the student body president bc they'll become proxy headmaster, then i think a more serious campaign with riz at the helm and finally having his time in the spotlight is not a bad idea!!
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
ok because i currently have big dimension 20 brainrot (and i’m so excited to have a mutual who knows it!) what are some of your favorite moments from fantasy high sophomore year? i have so many it’s insane 😂
Oh my GOD okay this is an amazing question Tori thank you for asking, I’m also glad I have a mutual who’s super into it!
If it’s not obvious SPOILERS BELOW for D20 Sophomore Year!
So my absolute all-time unbeatable favorite is “It’s Gorgug. Keep going.” I shit you not I cry basically every time I think about that moment and the subsequent description from Brennan of everyone alone and scared in the woods having a moment of relief and strength and calm because their friend is out there for them I mean COME ON 😭😭😭
#2 is DEFINITELY Hilda Hilda, holy shit I made the mistake of watching that episode while doing a treadmill workout and I COULD NOT breath. That bit almost killed me and it would have been worth it.
#3 is probably everything to do with the shrimp party bit lmao, that was SO wild and so funny 😂
#4 (because I decided to do a ranked top 5 to keep myself from just ranting endlessly lol) has gotta be “When you’re here, you’re family. It’s called being gay” lmao, I want that on a poster and a t-shirt and a hat and everything in between
And there’s literally so many other amazing moments that I could rant about forever, but for now I’m gonna say #5 is probably when Brennan went “alright let’s go down the line and everybody say what your greatest fear is” or however he worded it, it was SO funny and such a nice break in the middle of some very very serious stuff for the characters. Like what a fucked up, DM-specific question 😂😂
(Also extra special bonus for when Ragh says he eats glass. Especially because it’s not totally clear if he’s saying that to support Fabian or if he actually, canonically does that by accident sometimes 😂)
What are your faves???
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floof-writes · 5 months
WARNING: this post includes some negativity about something you might love: D20’s The Seven, specifically choices made by Sephie about Sam Nightingale’s actions and backstory
TL;DR- (Disclaimer, I'm only to episode 5) The way Sephie chose to play Sam makes her seem aloof, toxic, disingenuous, and attention-seeking compared to the rich found-family themes of past Fantasy High seasons and to her fellow characters in this season. Less importantly but still frustrating, she doesn't follow the 'one leveled spell a round' rule. If she had all these flaws and was also funny, I might forgive her. But, alas.
Watching The Seven right now for FHJY and while I have countless good things to say about it, forgive me for instead ranting about the fan beloved Sam Nightingale. While I understand that many people love it, Sam/Sephie’s stage mom backstory gets on my fucking nerves. Especially the viral video thing in episode 5. Sephie blows up a bit (a bit in a comedy show! They're always doing bits!) into something big and then chooses to duck out instead of committing and resolving. I LIVE for emotional moments in D20, I seriously do, but whatever Sephie has been doing just doesn’t work for me. It feels cheap. D20 emotional moments have a ton of build-up through comedy/resistance, and I hate to say it, but Sam is not a funny character. I’m not saying she’s not realistic- she’s traumatized and is going through a lot, but Sephie is playing her in the wrong genre. D20 is a comedy.
Here's the thing: Ally also gets criticism for playing Kristen in a really explicit and overt way, trampling over other roleplay with her trauma, and that is true (sorry Kristen, ily!), but at least what Ally did is funny. Sam isn't. Sephie almost nailed it when Rebecca revealed she was getting divorced- her reaction was both real and comedic, but later when she called Penelope it felt forced/spotlighty/too soon, especially considering she didn't even have a mirror charge left. And that attention-seeky vibe isn’t helped by the fact that Sephie chose to play an ex-child actor: a real-life tragedy that almost always comes off as cheap when fictionalized.
But the parallels between Ally’s Kristen and Sephie’s Sam don’t end there! One of the biggest reasons people were annoyed by Kristen was Ally’s (and to an extent, Brennan/fellow player's), absolute ignorance of the rules about concentration spells, which made her really overpowered in season one. My argument against this as a newbie dnd player was always ‘rule of cool, it was fun to watch and fun to play so it doesn’t matter!', but as a more experienced player I finally understand that frustration even though I tried not to feel it. The same thing happened with Sam in ep 4- she casts two leveled spells in a single turn with Quicken Spell (Lightning Bolt and Fly, and again later with Enthrall and Suggestion), which makes her seem crazily overpowered despite the fact that she’s a 3/6 multi-class among a 9th level druid and a 9th level cleric. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a good multi-class, but she shouldn’t be outstripping them so handily (Yielle also fucking slayed this fight though).
[A proposed alternate turn for her second mistake: Quicken spell to Enthrall and then use her winged boots and second action to attack the harpy and catch Penny (a ranged cantrip (LIGHTNING LURE) or a weapon attack if the DM allowed that to cause her to drop Penny, opposed strength with Danielle’s Bear Totem advantage if not). It would have been just as cool and displayed better teamwork, plus it was an opportunity to roleplay bonding and show gratitude for the Feather Fall that saved her fucking life.]
In fact, for me, there’s only three rather subjective reasons why I adore Kristen so much and find Sam super annoying: 1. As we've been over before, Kristen is funny. Sam is not. 2. I personally really relate to Kristen’s Overpowering Trauma (tm) and as an amateur actress, find bitter child actress plots absolutely inconceivable (Disclaimer:Jeanette McCurdy’s ‘I’m Glad My Mom Died’ made me fucking lose it). And 3. Kristen's story is about finding love (of herself through romantic but most importantly platonic relationships), supporting others, and understanding the world. Caring so much she self-destructs. Even her famous rule-breaking was usually caused by a conflict with Bless, a spell she cast every time to protect her friends. But Sam has thus far rarely displayed unselfishness, despite knowing the Maidens for nearly twice as long as Kristen knew the Bad Kids by the end of Season One. Kristen was self-centered in that Ally often drew the focus of roleplay towards their character's own issues and sub-plot, (or by being the purest form of the new player paradox and asking to do something crazy.) Sam is self-centered in that same way, and also in that she is literally selfish. Antiope says 'I have an opportunity' and instead of saying 'I get it, the pressure of having a parent who doesn't understand you changes everything, but even then a part of you still wants what they want for you' she says 'so you won't be there for me? How could you?'. Penny saves her life before being snatched into the air like a mouse to a hawk, and Sam is the only one who can fly but she plays the harp instead of helping her in return.
ALL the maidens lost months to more than a year of their lives. All the maidens are grappling with generational expectations, trauma, and pressure just like Sam. The big what-if at the end of highschool. I was only going to point out Antiope and Penny, but this actually seems to be a major theme of the season, since Ostentatia and Zelda also have overt themes of this.
Look, if you’re gonna play angsty, there’s a trick to it. There's this highschool level acting advice I've heard so many times: The worst choice you can make on stage is to be bored, because what is the audience to do except be bored as well? Similarly, if you choose to play disconnected, then how is an audience supposed to connect? In a group of people who have vocalized endless support for you, ‘I’m fine, I'm fine' (as shown in episode 5's viral video scene) is just dishonest, and it's honestly a betrayal of Sephie’s fellow actors who are working to improvise a history of openness and support with Sephie’s character, just so Sam can seem aloof and angsty. Break down in their arms, Sephie! Get flustered and run away! Either ‘I Kiss Her And Skateboard Away/I Burn Two Luck Points To Stop Riz From Finding Out’ OR ‘I Need Everyone To Dogpile On Me Right Now/I Kiss Everyone On The Mouth’ levels of teen angst are needed for this to be actually funny. Sam could've had something unique and iconic up there with Kristen and Fig's struggles with being known, but she isn’t cringefail enough. She's not relatable, and she claims to be bitter but really she's just mean. And again, I never said she isn’t realistic- real life people do the ‘I’m fine’ thing. Real life teenagers make a big deal out of something to tease out sympathy/curiosity over a Hidden Trauma and then duck out of an explanation for the attention of it all. But it isn’t funny and it feels OOC for a maiden who had a year and a half to become fucking codependent (/pos) with these other six girls.
Rant over, something positive to end the post: TaleSpire is so fucking cool! Physical battlemaps are awesome but you couldn't do a 700ft+ chase battle on the dome's tabletop. They really took advantage of using a virtual tool this season and did something they couldn't do otherwise. (Plus the fact that TaleSpire is treated like video game software and has a one time purchase fee instead of a subscription based model is fucking awesome!)
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utilitycaster · 1 year
It’s so interesting how spot-on you were with the thoughts about toxic Beaujes folxs fleeing to D20. The same person who’s been starting shit on twitter just found out that CR doesn’t allow mass-produced zines, and used that fact to make some batshit generalization about how “that’s why the fandom is corporatized and violent and racist towards any canon-contradicting fanon like all my beaujester friends told me and now I’m parroting it uncritically”.
So I think this might be my last post on this unless some more wild shit goes down (very possible) not because I disagree but just because I am also trying to be conscious of overshadowing my genuine excitement for The Ravening War. But yeah...like, I followed a few people who were CR fanartists until Beauyasha started happening and unfollowed them once that went down; it was extremely exhausting watching a bunch of (mostly white) people in their early 20s suddenly claim a show they'd watched over 200 episodes of was hopelessly problematic simply because their ship didn't happen. It was a truly vile combination of normal shipping drama plus appropriated social justice language about said shipping drama plus, as others have noted, middle-class white queer people [a demographic I fit into myself] shoving aside narratives about POC or working class people because they aren't explicitly queer narratives (or even narratives about queer people that aren't to their exact specifications of what queerness looks like; see people who refuse to respect Molly's pronouns or who erase Vax's bisexuality because he was primarily romantically involved with a woman).
The zine thing is fucking wild in particular for the following reasons:
The two CR-centric zines that person has mentioned as not ultimately moving forward were both zines that intended to pay the artists, ie, at least partially for profit rather than charity zines.
I am not personally in a creative industry but I've been reliably told by basically everyone who is that CR's policy is boilerplate.
CR has a pretty extensive history of showcasing and hiring fanartists; this is not opposition to fan content, which is how this wack job is attempting to portray it.
Similarly no one is devaluing fan content; they're just saying "you are throwing a big old hissy fit in public about the hypothetical scenario of The Ravening War not honoring a ship that has, and I am not joking here, six fics on Ao3 in total." (For reference: Lapin/Theo, a ship that person actively dislikes, has 56 works, which, idk I feel that's almost ten times as widely accepted fanlore.)
Their twitter currently is bragging about their cookbook zine (which as far as I know wasn't based in fanon but was just a cookbook with fanart in it) and not about their currently active charity zine (which is the one about Belizabeth and Citrina). Also that charity zine is available for free which really undercuts the "for charity" aspect. Anyway a cool thing to do is to not buy it, but just donate directly to the International Rescue Committee or your refugee-supporting charity of choice.
Anyway. This was an opportunity to rant a lot but I will leave you with this: I am not the right person, obviously, to enumerate every possible issue with CR's portrayal of characters of color nor the lack of diversity of the cast. I think discussions of racism and lack of representation in actual play are important to have. But it's telling that fanartists, specifically, who left CR over Beau and Jester not getting together but pretended this was about social justice, always seem to go to D20. Or NADDPod. Or Friends at the Table. Or have their art featured in the TAZ graphic novels. All majority white or entirely white main casts.
They rarely seem to go to, say, Rivals of Waterdeep, or Into the Motherlands, or Three Black Halflings (and those are still some of the better known examples, frankly). People complaining that Critical Role hates lesbians for having a lesbian relationship they didn't like never seem to check out The Broadswords, or use resources like this to find women-led actual play. It's about getting clicks; they want to find an existing fandom to adore them rather than use the power they claim to wield to popularize something underrated.
Anyway that's the last reason why I think I'm done for now: I think the best and most satisfying thing is to starve them of attention, and to enjoy the Ravening War and art and fic about it from fans who are happy to be here.
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
The Ravening War Heroforges
so I’ve made over 100 guys in Heroforge, and dimension 20 uses Heroforge as a tool when making their minis. this means that I’ll be going along watching and see our boy Raphaniel and go “oh shit that’s my favorite Tunica Skirt from the ancient Roman update!”
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i decided to put this weird talent to (good??) use for any folks out there looking to make their own minis/fanart/whatever, and made Heroforge builds of our PCs, using all the pieces I recognized, or their closest equivalent. where I couldn’t find footage of certain angles, I went off the character art.
disclaimer: dimension 20 uses a LOT of resources other than Heroforge to make their spectacular minis (e.g. paint!). this isn’t a ‘aha i’m bootlegging the minis 1:1’ situation - there’s a lot of cool stuff on these gorgeous lil guys that isn’t in Heroforge, which I’ll try to note next to each one. these are approximations of potential base models, not exact copies - all kudos and respect to Shane Brockaway and the other amazing miniature artists on dimension 20 for their exceptional work on the minis this season!
let’s rock n roll!
a few things that are different on every build
color (obvs) - I still colored in each guy, mostly based on character art, but obviously the minis are painted (beautifully!)
food stuff - generally, any sort of food-y features (Deli’s toasty Leia buns, Raphaniel’s big ol radish head) are going to not be in Heroforge, for obvious reasons - I still tried to approximate the vibe, but our radish man is simply not going to be as wrinkly as we want him to be
poses - I put each guy in what I think the base pose was, but advanced posing is not an exact science. also, it takes a really really long time. mad props to the crew for some of these excellent poses!
faces - it’s really really hard to tell what face base they might’ve used on the minis. I chose primarily based on vibes and my best guesses. this means sometimes the face changes b/w different versions of the same character. it is what it is baby! also obvs the minis don’t have specific eye color so I went off the art.
Let’s start with the first battle!
Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (link)
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Main differences
his big wrinkly radish head. he’s rocking the zuko season 1 haircut for now, and I tried to give him some subtle decal wrinkles. I tried just making his head bigger, but it made the face bigger too - think bobblehead, not megamind - so not the look we’re going for.
his crozier (the only hoe on Heroforge is me *badum tssssh*)
whatever is going around his neck on his chest - it’s all round and pretty and I do not recognize it. used a cowl instead.
the end of his beard - it looks all like roots and is very cool. I put what I think the starting beard was, but I can’t recreate those spindly lil roots w/out some serious clipping
Skald Colin Provolone (link)
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Main difference
I’m not 100% certain those are his gloves. the ones on the mini are so much thicker! hmmmmm
I’m sorry about the beard situation. the mini itself has painted-on scruff so I just did a decal, but I’m aware it is. not necessarily as good a look up close.
Thane Delissandro Katzon (link)
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Main differences
those gorgeous slices of rye. the crown thing on top of em isn’t in HF either. I used some swirly horns to approximate, though i was considering earmuffs. they looked too silly for me tho lol.
the toothpick - Detriter, as we now know it is called. I used a javelin and put a lil blue decal at the end to represent the frillies.
the shield - couldn’t find one with those random spikes of bone (nice one d20 crew!), so I used a scutum, a Roman shield of about the same size and shape, bc hey, he’s also Ceresian, which is based on Rome.
Lady Amangeaux Epiceé du Peche (link)
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Main differences
the d20 crew has hair magic that I do not. also some sort of cute flower behind her ear, which I approximated with a broken off horn posed weird to look like a rose.
Karna Solara (link)
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Main differences
the chili pepper hood w stem. I finagled a horn up there but it just aint the same.
the hair. idk what the d20 crew does to make HF show hair after a hood has been equipped but they crushed it.
2nd battle!
Archdeacon Raphaniel Charlock (link)
(i have this pic on my computer named “poor little meow meow raphaniel”)
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this pose is a work of art unto itself. I can only hope to get in the vague aura of it.
same as before mostly - the hoe, the beard, and the big ol radish head. you can’t really see the mystery chestpiece anymore.
his head got so much bigger and saggier I felt like I had to give him something, so I upped the head size a few notches and gave him a little flesh beret with a couple of limp “leaves” coming out of it
you don’t really see it from the front, but there’s a shot where you can see the back of the mini and he has a lil book on his shoulders. iconic.
Sir Colin Provolone (link)
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Main differences
I probably could’ve made him grimier, but I prioritized face scars. I figure since becoming a knight maybe he’s cleaned up a bit
it is surprisingly hard to get a heroforge person to frown or look sad
shhhhh dont look at the shoulder pauldrons too closely they’re fine its fine
fun fact: the undershirt that looked most mini-accurate was the pajama shirt. colin out here wearing PJs under his armor, who is doing it like him?
update: relistening to ep 1, I forgot we actually get a description of the Fontina banner (”a dotted mountain atop an island”)! so for funsies I gave him a lil banner on his back and attempted to recreate it, using the Dairy Islands banner as a background. go thru the link to check it out, I don’t want to attach yet another image to this monster of a post.
Warlord Delissandro Katzon (link)
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Main differences
still those toasty slices o rye.
that glove. folks, that glove dealt me psychic damage, because it was on the very edge of my memory but I couldn’t quite grasp it, until I realized they probably added the spikes afterwards. also, I used the ol’ robot hand trick to make it look like he has like a metal gauntlet attached to it. (you replace one hand with an artificial robot hand in the prosthetics/amputation menu)
the decals I used to give him rye bread arms continue onto his chest more that they should (which you couldn’t see when he was wearing a breastplate) c’est la vie.
I couldn’t embed spiky things on the frilly part of Detriter like Lou said in the episode :/ they weren’t on the mini anyway at least
this pose is wild. I think I found the original pose they based it on, but I could very well be wrong. applause to the d20 crew for the sick look!
Amangeaux (link)
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Main differences
she still has the flower in her mini, but now it’s on top of her bun - a good look! Alas, no hat options matched, and my mediocre posing-a-horn-weird-until-it-clips-through-the-head skills were not up to the task, so for the moment this HF build remains flowerless.
In her opening shot of the battle (which I included) you can see a big ol’ crossbow on her back, but it is removed in other shots (presumably, it is a separate piece they moved out of the way when she wasn’t using it). so, I did not include it.
fun fact: the rapier the mini is using is much thicker that how the rapier looks on HF. why? Bc most of the older HF sword designs are thicker, so I think they spliced the basket handle of the new rapier with the blade of an older sword, to make it more sturdy for play. or maybe I’m just misjudging blade-to-handle ratio - I’ve never actually 3d-printed any of my HF guys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Skald Karna Solara (link)
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Main differences
the scar - in the character art it’s one straight streak, but on the mini it looks like there might be more (it’s hard to get zoomed in enough to tell). I compromised with one main dark one, and then a lighter, more subtle one going the other way.
the way her burning hand is blackened as the fire rages around it...poetic cinema. transcendent. I used a splatter decal to approximate but seriously it looks so dope on the mini - look!
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that’s all for now, lmk if any of the links dont work or anything. can’t wait for the finale this week!
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noddaduck · 2 months
Wish Rumplestiltskin had been in Dimension 20’s Neverafter. He’s the one of few villains whose name is the title. It’s technically his story. He might be powerful enough to know he’s in a story and have memories of other Once Upon a Times. He canonically rips himself in half in some versions of his story.
Honestly, he was my self insert as I watched Neverafter. I always make up a character and imagine they are in there when I’m watching D20, and little Rumplestiltskin, AKA Eiman Imp always holds on to that glass necklace and glass ring he takes from the miller’s daughter. He’s grown attached after all this time, he always wants to help her normally but can’t. Whenever he doesn’t die by his own hand at the end of the story he has to flee the country.
He’s got the hermit background so he can have already died and gone through other Times before the story started and the characters met. He has to break away from his innate deal magic to make his own unselfish decisions every new Time, but after all this time he’s learned magic through science and is a wizard. When the whole group dies he’s already done this before and might actually know the rest of them are doing it too now. He hops into the new Time right at the end of his story and manages to get the ending where he just flies away on a comically large ladle, so now he gets a magic item for flying.
He knows how bad it is to be a villain, even if he doesn’t know what it’s like to be a side character. Once he gets his book, he figures out how to make deals with his villainous role. He tries to heal the Little Mermaid, writes out a whole contract. Maybe it works. He sacrifices the party’s memories of him to Baba Yaga, but makes sure to leave whatever character growth they might have gotten arguing “it belongs to them now, they used me to make it, I don’t own that so I can’t give it”. He wanted so badly to choose to be kind and be loved for it, a life made by actually being the self that has grown outside the narrative.
When the story is over and everyone is traveling toward the new story he veers of just a little bit to the very beginning of time, saves the dinosaurs and becomes Arthur Aguefort but with ADHD instead of Autism. He goes up to the very first sentient beings as soon as they have the basics of communication down and hands them business cards with Eiman Imp on them.
When the Miller first starts bragging about his daughter spinning straw into gold Eiman dumps a pile of gold fibers on his head and ensures the story simply never happens. He gets deal magic back but he can use it for good and be creative with prices. Somebody dies while Eiman is hanging out with the Big Bad Wolf and Eiman brings him back in exchange for all the “interesting times” in his future, thus ensuring the man can go back to his family and live the most normal, non-disastrous life ever. Somebody else has to figure out that’s what Eiman did cause he never tells. If any of the other party members reach out for his help he is already there. Roselyn wants a spinning wheel for practice? Button of Summoning Infinite Spinning Wheels. Ylfa can have a dinosaur.
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oddities-collection · 4 months
Let’s see if I regret this. TW fatphobia chat.
I figured out why buff Kirsten makes me feel sad and it really has nothing to do with the choice itself. It really comes down to two things. 1) I now feel like I can’t relate to this character personally or publicly and 2) there is very few fat characters in D20.
Both of these things are really not Kirsten specific, they are connected to the wider issue of fatness being seen as inherently cringe/fully forgotten. To keep point one short. I am fat and I like to cosplay, it’s hard out here. I know now I’ll never post my Kirsten cosplay even though it was really well received at my local con cus I feel like I’ll be seen as the before picture in Kirsten’s weight loss journey. There is like a lot more here I could say about cosplay and the sexualized of fat fems while seeing any fatness as inherently cringe and no fandom is immune, let me know if you ever want me to go off.
This is the important bit to me!
If I had a nickel for every fat PC in d20 ID HAVE 2 NICKELS AND THAT IS NOT ENOUGH. 💕Sam Black💕 and Anastasia Tension, both played by Danielle Radford my beloved. One person and one mental concept. (I am not counting mice and murder characters cus for real guys that’s a pig and a raccoon, think about it.) I have so many friends who watch D20 and not one noticed this and I’ve never heard someone else say this. Like it sucks but oh well ya know I’m not gonna send an email or anything it just makes it really hard to trust them with any subplot around fitness and the bodies connection to self worth. I keep on feeling the fear in the back of my neck when it comes but cus even if it’s a joke they play fitness as a moralistic choice. I saw myself in Kirsten a lot but if she sees fitness that way I I juts can’t any more. That is not inherently bad I don’t have any ownership they don’t owe me anything, but it dose make me sad.
Just your reminder, there should be fat high schoolers in media, there are fat high schoolers in life.
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igniting-quill · 3 months
6 10 and 16 for the oc ask game! any character
Great Questions! I’m going to switch up the characters for this one because some of them will be boring if I just stick with one.
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color?
I answer this question with Émilie Eye, my D&D character for @silly-goofy-mood‘s survival campaign.
For Émilie, not necessarily? She’s got brown eyes naturally, but because blue contacts exist, she wears those and presents as someone as blue eyes. So there’s a part of me being like NEARSIGHTEDNESS IN FANTASY MEDIA LETS GOOO, and c’mon Émilie, you really had to do us brown eyed people like that huh.
The Orange eye is that way because it’s the colors of her Patron, Chegg, which is based on the “educational” company behind many a college (and high school) plagiarism/cheating scandal LOL. I don’t think it’s orange most of the time,  just when she casts spells and uses aspects of her Warlock power.
I have yet to play this character. We’ll see if anything changes about this!
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
I answer this question with Luxury Quartz, my D&D character for @theccrowsnest‘s WAAX college campaign.
Lux had not just one, but two love interests in this campaign. One was the toxic abusive boyfriend, Vaughn Morelli, and one was the true end game lover, Angel.
I thought mostly about Lux’s relationship with Vaughn, so yes, she was incredibly tailored to Vaughn. The incredible emphasis Lux puts on looks/appearance (especially as someone who works and theater and wants to be a performer) and finding Vaughn hella attractive for example. Also, Lux kinda going hand in hand with being a performer as Vaughn’s significant other.
Also! I wanted to make a thing about beauty causing you to be doomed (especially if you’re fem presenting). I was watching D20′s Neverafter when I was creating Lux’s concept, and that was a huge thing that got me thinking about fairytales and how oftentimes the “pretty woman” is the one everyone is jealous of, pursued without concent, etc. etc.
Additionally, I researched a bit into some toxic couples in media so I based Lux a little off of Maddy from Euphoria: someone who seemingly has a lot of power and control while simultaneously being powerless to a toxic partner.
There’s more that’s all I remember off the top of my head.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
This is gonna be weird, but I’m going to choose Damien Wang from the masks campaign. This character is heavily based off of Damian Wayne from DC, which I have never consumed any canon media of! I already pinged crow, same DM from the prev question.
I’m still crafting this characters backstory, but I have things I want to talk about!
The first thing: what does it mean to be a child assassin and brought out into the real world? You have been used to dehumanizing people your whole life, trusting only yourself and your crew. Now, you’re a kid that has to... socialize? Make friends? Behave “normally” while making references to things you’ve never known about until now? I had this idea for a fic I have yet to write of just... Damien playing Animal Crossing and learning about what it means to have neighbors and a community, especially in a scenario where those no game mechanic to kill any of them. Some people annoy him sure. But also, he’s just, sobbing when someone moves out for the first time.
The second thing, I wanted to talk about a story of loss: losing your heritage, losing your friends, and losing your purpose? These are things that happen when he leaves the cult, also known as the Assassin’s Secret Society.
Heritage: is on Damien losing his language, his culture, and his Chinese mother (who is still part of the cult-like society). Friends: is losing on all the fellow child assassins and members of this society. And finally purpose: when you’re in that mindset you have a goal, get the most kills. Now, what can Damien do? Homework? School? Games maybe, but it all feels aimless.
And maybe that’s why he’s so goddamn angry all the time, you little gremlin.
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
Episode four! I missed the bad kid’s insanity so much <3
Episode four of every season they’re shy!
In space no one can feel you dying 💀
“What’s the drinking age?” “You guys have murdered SO many people”
Oh she’s an actual cat now!
She/they pronouns for Cassandra are back!
Kristen’s middle name is on her character page now!! Kristen Chilis Applebees!
Catchin me on my left foot hereeee gato.
Ooh they’ve got other offers
Why would you SAY that
That definitely circumvents the truth in a cool way……
When your only two followers fight :(
Just stop saying it pleaseeeeee
Say a n y t h i n g other than that
Oooh the mall!
Why would you SAY THAT
So many of them have stars in their hats! And I have stars in my body! :D
I love Cassandra so so much
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa Kristen when you’re in the dark she’s there holding your hand. She gives you forehead kisses
Oh well that makes it all okay then!
Oh my GOD
What the fuck Bill
God the fucking. D20 directly reflecting my life experiences.
Simeon du Vayne the new lunch lad. What’s your vibe
Ooh third eye is sick
I love that they’re never gonna say her name right
Gorthalax! Hi!
On my first day of high school this guy yelled fresh meat at all of us and he continued to be a pain in the ass all fucking year
Fig. Fig no.
It does seem like the rat grinders might be direct foils to the bad kids. Let’s see how this goes!
Kipperlilly did not come at y’all nearly as hard as Kristen went aggro at her
Is it the sack of rats trick?? Is that where they got the name???
I love how pissed they all are about this
THIS is what riz has never been more mad about ❤️
The bad guy this season is just xp leveling 😭😭
God how high level are they????
Kindlesnap Whatsherface
He’s just a guy!
Please please nat 20
Crushing. That’s crushing
I love ripped jeans gorgug <3
That is SO much
Corsica Jones is HOT
Kristen and Riz dynamic duoooo
Riz Gukgak character of all time
Archaeologist Siobhan Thompson!!
Really emphasizing the ‘sorry what’ thing that post was talking about
Fig barbarian level!
That energy is more intense than anything fig tried to imply from goldenhoard
If the cig figs break up I’m gonna be fucking devastated
Oh yeah the junior year eggs. Okay.
Can I have some of your girlfriend’s hair? I need it for school.
I love that we all called the kill mum idea
She really should get paid for the elven oracle shit
Inclusive kinggggg
Ooh maybe I’ll wear my owlbears sweatshirt tomorrow. (Best holiday gift I got!
Ah the epic highs and lows of high school bloodrush
Max Durden!! He’s so cute.
Love that for him tbh
Who is this motherfucker
What the fuck are you doing
(Zac wheezing in excruciating pain)
Don’t align yourself with her Riz
I love that everyone is going so aggro on the buttcrushers. Absolutely demolish their asses.
“You don’t have to call me coach” oh OUCH
Bucky Applebees!!!
Love the paladin repppppp
Oh kiddo
Oh Kiddo :(
I’m not trying to be cool I’m trying to be president
She’s had a lot of jobs but not that many of them were… legal.
Fabian’s so lonely :(
Bad kids study party!!! Real and confirmed!!!!
Aww I was so excited for Adaine to work at Basrar’s but the mall is fun too
Hmm. Sketchy!
German shepherd mode <3
Emily and Ally are having SO much fun with this
The procrastination is so fucking real
I’ve deeply missed you
WHAT what does that mean why is this the case
Oooh okay I’m really getting the sense that that blue mall battle set is the Synod
Sunglass kiosk. Palm tree. Mall things.
Ooh I just noticed seacaster manor in the background of the dome art
Strudel dimension, don’t put your hand in it. Don’t! Put your hand in it!
We don’t know if the strudel is infinite it just hasn’t ended yet.
I’m obsessed with this guy.
I’m so obsesssed
Mazey Phaedraaaaa
Oh my godddddddd
“I’m from hell” girly I love you to death but you are from downtown elmville
Ooohohohohoh she’s good at this
I love dnd mechanics manifesting as real elements of life within game
I don’t know as much about warlocks as I should really do this is great
Babe you cannot make student government cool. You just can’t.
What is this energy
Crab kinggggggg
We’re so fucking back
I’m Christian Delnore and I have Children!
Kristen’s energy is SO wild this year. She said she was trying to move past chaos and then came out the gate with This energy
Tracker’s dating the fucking Princess. Of course.
Messy high school relationships :)
That’s how it goes!
The intense side eye I am giving the whole situation
Kristen do you wanna fuck Kalina
What do you want with the president??? (To say hi)
Hell yeah gsa member Kristen Applebees
Torek with the button press!
I love them SO much I missed the bad kids SO FUCKING MUCH
Ohhhh this is the backstory of that button from the merch drop ok
They’re so unhinged
Torek Railgrinder Theater Kid!!
Oh noooo
Oh fuck
Why would you volunteer ANY information
She was a fucking turncoatttt
The name keeps getting further and further from anything
Stone cold
So excited for the party
Oh god
Zero separation of church and state
What oh no oh god please no
AAAAAAAAAAA okay I guess next weeks is the mall fight!
I am so scared and so excited.
It’s our time! It’s our year! It’s all gonna be okay!
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grailfinders · 9 months
Grailfinders #319: Charlotte Corday (Caster)
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today on Grailfinders we’re almost done finishing up the first week of summer servants with Charlotte Corday (Caster)! she’s not supposed to actually know any magic, so get ready for the least castery caster you’ve ever seen!
(of course, this build does need some magic to get the angel and the illusions and everything, but we’ll be able to squeeze just about everything into an Arcane Trickster Rogue this time around.)
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: *offkey kazoo* holy fucking shit, it’s a dinosaur!
Ancestry & Background
this part’s 100% the same as before, she’s still a Variant Human for +1 Intelligence and Charisma, as well as proficiency in Stealth and the Lucky feat to make all your terrible plans somehow work out fine. with this you get three points of luck a day to roll a second d20 on any attack, save, or check you make, or any attack someone makes against you, with you choosing which d20 is actually used.
she’s also still an Acolyte, Char grew up in a convent after all. that’s a boost to Insight and Religion.
Ability Scores
number one this time around is Intelligence. you don’t have any special magic knowledge to help you out, but you do somehow know how to do all those tricks, so it’s still a net positive. second highest is Dexterity. I know you’re normally clumsy, but you’re not while performing, plus I’m not going to completely gimp a build if I can help it. unless it’s dumping constitution and/or funny. third highest is Charisma- we’re not directly using it for anything this build, but every good magician knows their showmanship. we’re also making your Wisdom positive for reasons that will be clear later. this means your Constitution isn’t great, but we’re dumping Strength. congrats on becoming a caster, good luck surviving the next time Sei slaps you on the shoulder.
Class Levels
1. when you start off as a rogue, you gain a lot of skill proficiencies, most of which are perfect for a magician. Deception and Sleight of Hand to pull off illusions, Persuasion for stagecraft, and Perception to be smart enough to figure out other magician’s tricks. you’re also proficient in Dexterity and Intelligence saves too. on top of that, your Expertise doubles your proficiency bonus with Sleight of Hand and Deception, the most magical of skills.
you can also use your Sneak Attack to deal an extra 1d6 damage with a finesse or ranged weapon while you either have advantage or an ally next to your target, but more importantly for your show, you now know Thieves’ Cant to signal to your assistants without letting the marks in on the action.
2. at level two you can use your Cunning Action to dash, disengage, or hide as a bonus action. spoiler alert- bathing suits aren’t good armor. don’t take any hits you don’t need to.
3. at third level you become a proper magician as an Arcane Trickster, giving you a number of Spells you can cast using your Intelligence, most of which have to be illusions or enchantments. we’ll get into the specifics soon, but you’re definitely going to be able to summon your angel thanks to your Mage Hand Legerdemain- it forces mage hand into your spell list, and supercharges its abilities- now it can stow or retrieve objects in containers held by creatures, as well as use thieves’ tools at range. you can get away with it thanks to a contested sleight of hand check, and you can even do all this with your bonus action! you can also make your angel invisible when you cast it.
now then, onto the rest of your spell list. Minor Illusion and Prestidigitation are a must for any magician, the former letting you create images in the air, the latter giving you any number of minor magical effects for basically free. you can also Color Spray to blind enemies, Charm Person to use your natural wiles, or Magic Missile to toss knives at enemies without needing your middling dexterity.
oh right, you also have some Steady Aim, making your regular knives a little easier to throw. spend your bonus action and all your movement, and you get free advantage on your next attack this turn. this works for both your physical and magical attacks, so go nuts. but if you do use a real knife, you get 2d6 sneak attack damage, as much pain as a greatsword.
4. use your first ASI to bump up your Dexterity for better stabbings and less getting stabbed. even I’m not cruel enough to let you walk around with only a +2 to your main attack stat.
your stabbing/getting stabbed ratio will continue to climb thanks to your Silvery Barbs. as a reaction you can try to mess with a creature’s attack, check, or save, forcing them to re-roll and use the lower option- then you can give a free advantage to an ally to be used in the next minute. now you’re the luckiest damn rogue we ever did make.
5. at level five rogues get an uncanny dodge! why take damage when you can not do that? just react, and half your problems will disappear! this is competing with silvery barbs for that coveted reaction slot, but this one’s free, and only messes with attacks.
you also deal more damage now with 3d6 sneak attack damage.
6. sixth level rogues get another round of expertise, so make that insight and persuasion super good for super good magickings. now you’re better at picking targets, and you’re better at suspending their disbelief long enough to nick their wallets!
7. at level seven all rogues get evasion, making your failed dex saves only do half damage and your successes do none at all, but only you get invisibility. stick a curtain up, then vanish before it drops! also use it to sneak into places and make sneak attacks easier, i guess. second level spells are fun like that. speaking of, 4d6 sneak attack damage, pretty nice!
8. use this next asi to grab the tough feat for 16 extra hp now, plus another two bonus hp each time you level up. normally we wait until we have everything we need for the build before patching up health, but you have very little of it, so here, take it.
you can also levitate now! floating at waist height and headbutting people isn’t a great use of magic, but you can do it!
9. at level nine, arcane tricksters can set up magical ambushes! now as long as you’re hidden from someone before you cast a spell on them, they have disadvantage on their save this turn. you won’t have a lotta save spells for a while, but there’s always charm person!
you’ll always have 5d6 sneak attack damage as an option though.
10. at level ten you get another asi! it’s so much easier to pick up feats as a physical class bc they get so many of these. for example, you can use this one to become a magical initiate! now you can learn some druid spells like guidance for even better random planning and shillelagh for that wand bouquet you run around with. it still works only based on wisdom, so it’s not great, but a +1 to your attacks is a lot better than a -1. you can also detect magic once a day, but you’re not great at it.
that being said, you learn some more rogue magic too! sword burst can be any kind of big blast o stuff around you- pigeons, your hat spinning around, whatever. your angel can also use gift of gab if you mess up a bit, rewriting the memories of anyone you want within five feet of you to forget what you said in the last six seconds, and remember what you’re saying now instead. this one’s also reaction based, but I don’t think you’ll be in a situation where this spell and uncanny dodge show up at the same time.
11. at eleventh level all rogues have some Reliable Talent, so any check you make with proficiency will always be at least a 10 on the die. this means you’ve now got a minimum of 21 on every sleight of hand check you make, so your angel’s a lot better at helping you with your show.
speaking of, if you want to impress the important magical people, you need your stuff to look magical when it’s not. or better yet, make your magical props look mundane to sell your power even more. with Nystul’s Magical Aura you can do both, making a creature or object give false information when a divination spell looks at it. you can either change a creature’s apparent creature type, or alter an object’s magical aura. each cast only lasts 24 hours, but if you cast it on an object for a month straight the effect will last until dispelled. fool your enemies, wow your friends, fool yourself if you’re forgetful!
don’t forget your 6d6 sneak attack damage though.
12. this next ASI is a bit weird, but I’m grabbing the Strixhaven Initiate feat here because I’m not sure if you can take magic initiate twice. with this, you get light and thaumaturgy for more minor magical effects, and you can cast mage armor on yourself once a day for free, or more often by spending a spell slot as normal. pretty much every swimsuit swordmaster needs this spell if they don’t want to get skewered day one.
13. at level thirteen you become a Versatile Trickster, giving your angel even more ways to help your show. as a bonus action, your mage hand can distract a nearby creature, giving you advantage on all attack rolls against them that turn. I also thought this was the level you can use any magical item, but apparently that’s thief for some reason? freakin’ weird. knowing third level spells like Major Image definitely makes up for it though. now you can include four senses in your illusions, and it can move around!
that just makes your magic an even better distraction for your 7d6 sneak attack damage!
14. at level fourteen you get a lot better at seeing shenanigans thanks to your Blindsense, making you aware of hidden and invisible creatures within 10’ of you. you also get better at keeping your tricks from being found out thanks to Nondetection. with this, a willing creature or object cannot be targeted or seen by divination or scrying spells.
15. at level fifteen your Slippery Mind gives you proficiency with Wisdom saves. your angel’s about to start pulling out some serious shit, you’d better be ready for it.  I’d also file 8d6 sneak attack damage under “serious shit”, while you’re at it.
16. I don’t think we have enough spells yet. let’s steal something from the warlocks and become an Eldritch Adept with our ASI this time. with this, you can summon Misty Visions to cast Silent Image at will, and it’s even nice enough to remove the material component!
you can also create a Hypnotic Pattern in your show now, forcing a wisdom save on every creature in a 30’ cube. if they fail they’re charmed, making them incapacitated and reducing their speed to 0. even better, there’s no additional saves here. they’re stuck like that either for a minute, until they take damage, or until they’re shaken out of their trance. a good show can really suck you in, y’know?
17. at level seventeen we get one more feature from your subclass, officially branding you a Spell Thief. when someone casts a spell within a level you can cast, you can spend your reaction to force a spellcasting save. if they fail, that spell has no effect on you, and you steal the knowledge of how to cast it for eight hours. you can do this once per long rest. it’s not something Charlotte can really do, (afaik), but it’s also not something that’ll come up too often, so it should be fine.
the 9d6 sneak attack damage is 100% lore-accurate though, don’t worry.
18. at level eighteen you become quite the Elusive thief- no attack has advantage against you if you’re not incapacitated. with silvery barbs and a luck die, you can now turn what should be an advantage into super disadvantage- roll three and pick the lowest.
19. use your last ASI to bump up your Constitution. it’s about time we did something about those concentration saves. plus, you learn fourth level spells like Raulothim’s Psychic Lance! there wasn’t much from this level that would work well as your Noble Phantasm, but this gives you more skill sealing options, so it’s about as close as we can get. with this, you can target a creature you can see or name within range, forcing an intelligence save on htem. if they fail, they take psychic damage and are incapacitated for a round.
that being said, you’d honestly do more damage just stabbing them with that 10d6 sneak attack damage you have now.
20. our final level of rogue grants you a stroke of luck once per short rest, automatically turning a missed attack of your choice into a hit, or a failed check into an automatic 20 roll. definitely one of the stronger capstone abilities, and it’s pretty surprising it’s taken this long for it to show up.
your other ultra busted feature this level is the ability to cast Dimension Door. with this, you can teleport to any spot you can specify within range, even if you can’t see it, as long as there isn’t something else in there already. finally, we’ve figured out your magic boxes!
Pros & Cons:
you are fantastic at stalling fights, wasting time and giving your party plenty of opportunities to prepare for what’s coming. whether that’s with some clever skill checks or mind-fucking magic, the curtain won’t rise on your show until you say it does. this is also useful for keeping large crowds of weak enemies busy while you focus on the big bad, or just so your party can deal with them in more manageable chunks.
thanks to all your ridiculous dice-altering abilities, you are one of the luckiest bastards we ever built, with the luck feat, reliable talent, stroke of luck, and silvery barbs all coming together to make it really hard for you to fail at anything important.
you’re such a bad magician you actually make everyone else around you worse at casting, and by that I mean trying to use magic on you is a terrible idea. you’ve got proficiency in two of the three big magic defense saves, evasion, and the ability to almost literally eat spells thanks to Spell Thief. add in your ability to constantly spew illusions in order to waste your enemy’s spells, and you can mess with any casters pretty dang easily.
you’re not great at dealing damage. sure, your big sneak attack rolls are great, but they only work when they hit, and with zero stats at or above 18, that might be a problem. of course, low stats only matter in a fair fight, and you do anything but, but it’s still not a fun time if you get caught unawares.
your own magic is bad, with only a 16 total to cast off of giving your spells easy to make saves. like your physical attacks you do have ways to even the odds with a magical ambush, but that only works on saves, and it takes setup that won’t be possible in some fights.
your spell list is great for a stage magician, but not as much for a rogue. the sneaky teleporty spells will always have a home, but most of our spell list was spent picking up tricks, some of which are much less useful in D&D than in FGO. honestly I think I’d have fun working around a spell list like this, but it’s something you have to fight against to make useful.
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grayintogreen · 6 months
Pinned Post II: Electric Boogaloo
Hi, I'm Chris! I'm updating my pinned post to be more streamlined so here we go.
I liveblog Critical Role every week and tag with "cr spoilers" up until Monday. This tag also gets used for Candela Obscura and any one-shots. Dimension 20 spoilers are labeled “d20 spoilers.”
This is primarily a Critical Role and Dimension 20 blog, but I contain multitudes. You will see a lot of random shit depending on my mood. I’m really into Hazbin Hotel right now, for example, so my blog is kinda inundated in that. Honestly I might as well admit I am also a Hazbin blog at this point. Sorry, women.
I write a lot of fic, which can be found on my AO3 here. I primarily write fic centered on minor/supporting characters. I'm also the author of the life in the margins of redemption and red roses and dead things series- more about these below.
I have a ko-fi if you'd like to give me a tip for any reason.
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My two big series are as follows:
red roses and dead things (or Roseverse), a canon divergent Hazbin Hotel (goes AU after 1x06) series that deals with working on continuing the story while I wait for new material. It is lore-heavy, Team as Family, and redemption-focused with focus on Huskerdust, Alastor and his deal, Lucifer and his relationship to Heaven and Hell and his family, and Charlie continuing to pursue her dreams. Also contains significant amounts of Helluva Boss because we’re not beholden to copyright here.
life in the margins of redemption (or LitMoR), a For Want of a Nail CR2 Canon Divergent series, is a duology (with additional side stories) that takes the alternate path outlined in the Harvest's Close session notes- Cree rescuing the Nein from the Gentleman's wrath should they betray him- and takes it a step further with Cree reviving Molly on the Glory Run Road and traveling with the Nein in the hopes of finding a way to bring Lucien back. It is extremely Canon Divergent, but does feature CR2 plots under radically different circumstances and with additional characters. It's worldbuilding heavy, character-driven, often dark, but has a guaranteed happy ending. You may heard of it as "that 1.5 million word fanfic series."
It is not canon compliant with TNEOL as I had finished OUADYA before TNEOL came out. While I use some elements from the novel, the backstory presented for Lucien and the Tombtakers in the series is entirely different.
More details, including links to the fics, beneath the cut.
Note that while the series features Fjorester, Beauyasha, and Widomauk as primary ships, it is above all a gen fic that focuses on the platonic relationships even more than the romantic ones. I cannot in good faith rec this fic to you if you HATE any of those ships, but I can say if you're indifferent/just want a plot and platonic relationship focus, this fic will appeal to you.
once upon a damn-you-all. Cree saves Molly on the Glory Run Road, sending the Nein's trajectory off the rails in a story about redemption, change, fate, and team-building. Also Molly having to contend with the Somnovem.
you can't deny high noon. The Nein continue their journey with an additional member- a reluctant, captive Lucien- as they continue to face numerous challenges while enemies lurk in the background. While OUADYA is mostly original plotlines, this fic follows the majority of the major plot beats of canon albeit a bit twisted around and out of order.
While not necessary to read in order to understand the main duology, I feel like not reading them causes a loss of impact, as often events/characters from them are referenced in the main narrative and having more perspective on the events adds more oomph. This is an extremely detail-oriented series and barely anything goes in without some thought put into it. For the sake of not overwhelming my audience, I'm only listing the side stories I think are actually important to the overall narrative, but please do read the others if you have the time.
there's something divine in the way screams can sound. The events of OUADYA as seen through the eyes of someone trapped in the Astral Sea- or Lucien's utter breakdown, now with context. Introduces several backstory elements that become super relevant in YCDHN.
as in the painted parlor, ophelia dreams. The story of how Ophelia came to the Run, became a Mardoon, and gave up her son.
all of the dreamers defying convention. A fic that takes place in the two month gap between the two duology stories and bridges the two narratives.
original character guide. A guide to the many original characters featured in the series.
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shyshywritesstuff · 2 years
Welcome to Hellfire!
Eddie Munson x reader
Summary: Eddie teaches the reader a bit about dnd, and helps them make their first character.
Warnings: A ton a fluff, some swear words, maybe soon poorly written descriptions of how DND works (I'm still new to it lol) and I didnt do too much proofreading either haha
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“Eddie do you maybe wanna take a break?” You asked him, seeing that he was clearly getting tired of looking at the flashcards you made for him.
He nodded and stretched, standing from his bed. “Abso-fuckin-lutely. I appreciate your help though, I might actually be able to pass this stupid science exam now.” You smiled and stretched as well. “Yeah no problem. I know you got this.” You looked at your watch. “We could probably get back to it in like 40ish minutes, but for now what do you feel like doing?” You looked back at Eddie and saw he was looking into a notebook he pulled from his desk.
“Well, I do have something I kinda need to get done before tomorrow. I’ve kinda been slacking on it. He said, earning a curious look from you. “oh?”
He smiled and sat next to you at the end of the bed again, giving you the notebook so you could skim through what he had written in there. This page that he had flipped open to had bullet points, each with sime and plans for a story. Wait A story? “Eddie, is this you planning a novel? He gave you a look and took his notebook back. “What? No! These are jusr some plans for what I’m hoping to happen during tomorrow’s Hellfire meeting.”
“Ohhh!” You replied, thinking you were finally understanding what he meant, but you had no idea.“So, you wrote all of that for that game? “
“Yeah! He said, smiling. “And you’re gonna use that story while you play it?” You asked, becoming intrigued in how this stuff works.
“Yeah? A good story is what makes the game fun.” He gave his notebook a little shake. “And I’m quite good at storytelling if I do say so myself.” He smiled and put the notebook back on his desk. He’ll work on the rest of his planning later, for right now he wanted to talk to you.
You nodded in agreement. You only read a bit of what he wrote but you liked the way he worded stuff. “But why do you need a nicely written story for a board game?” You were clueless. Eddie found that adorable, but he also slightly offended that you called dnd a board game. He stood up, crossing his arms. You had a lot to learn. “First of all dnd, is not a board game, but I’m gonna let that slide, cause clearly you are clueless.” You let out a laugh. “Well, I’m sorry! But, please go on. Explain it to me. You said looking up at him. He smiled widely, excited to actually be able to ramble on about one of his interests. “Really? Like you actually wanna know?”
You nodded. “Mmhm. You got me kinda curious about it now.”He clapped his hands together smiling, grabbing his notebook again and quickly sitting by you on the bed.
About 30 minutes passed and you were now more knowledgeable about the members of Hellfire, all their characters, Eddie’s role as the DM, the quests that Hellfire went on, the quests they will be going on next session, and the challenges Eddie has planned. He even went on about ‘Lady Applejack’s legendary critical roll’. Oh! And the maps he drew out so he could keep track of his party’s journey. He made sure to show you those. The last thing he did was show you his dice collection. He had SO MANY. And just because he felt like it, he gave you a d20 and let you roll it. Of course you rolled a natural 20.
“Holy Shit! You’re a natural!” He said, excitedly hugging you. He then put his hands on your shoulders, looking at you happily. “ill tell you what, there’s room in our party for one more if you’re interested.”
You looked at him, surprised he would suddenly ask you that. You thought about it for a moment. But with the look on his face, how could you decline. You shrugged and smiled. “Why the hell not?” He gave you a big smile and hugged you again, before running back to his desk and looking through it. “I have some extra character sheets in here somewhere..” he said, making a mess looking for them. He’ll clean that up later. Probably. “Aha! Gotcha!” he turned back to you and smiled, holding up the sheet. You laughed at his dorkiness and he led you both to the kitchen table, so you would have more room to properly do this. You both sat down, but quickly after sitting down Eddie realized he forgot the dice, so he ran back to his room to grab them. He also came back with a book too, setting them both down on the table.
“Do you want anything to eat or drink before we get started?” he offered.
“You got any coke?”
“What kind of coke?” He asked, causing you to laugh. “Eddie!”
He was giggling as he walked to his fridge and he pulled out two cokes, one for you and one for him, bringing them to the table.
“Okay so what you’re gonna wanna do first is pick a race. You can pick one out from here.” He said, passing you the book that was titled Dungeons and Dragons: Expert Rulebook.
“Eddie, buddy, I’m no expert”. Eddie shook his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you. You don’t gotta be an expert, this is just the book that Hellfire goes off of.” You nodded as you began looking through it.
Another 30 minutes passed. This time it was filled with you pointing at a race, Eddie explaining it, you asking a shitton of questions about what he was saying, him explaining it even more, and then you moving onto the next race, repeating this process. But once you FINALLY chose your race, Eddie said it was time to choose a class. And then a background. And then name your character and design them. Give them physical traits and personality too. There’s even a spot to draw your character. Then when that’s all done you still got to fill in the 6 spots that said: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. All those spaces had little circles under them too. What the hell did any of that mean? Not only that, but you had to also record your initiative, your speed, your skills, your saving throws, and your proficiency bonus?? You had no clue what any of that meant. It was kinda overwhelming.
You looked at all the blank spots on your sheet and back at Eddie. At least you had him there to help. He was actually very good at explaining things. And the look in his eyes while he was doing so, made you happy too. You were excited to learn from him.
You weren’t even sure how much time passed before you successfully completed your character sheet. However, you did manage to impress Eddie with your dice rolling skills. Again. You managed to get pretty high stats. In fact, Your stats were higher than than Dustin’s when he first started. Eddie was even more excited for you to join Hellfire now. They needed someone with that amount of luck.
He went to grab his notebook again. “Now that you finished making your character, I have this really really really really cool idea of how to add you into the story smoothly..”
You smiled and looked at your watch as he flipped through his notebook. The break you guys took from studying has gone way over ‘40ish minutes’. Oh well, the exam isn’t till Friday and you’ll have time to study between school and the Hellfire meeting tomorrow.
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20 D20 Fanfics
My friend @remidyal ranked their fics once they had written 20 of them. I have just finished my 20th story so I’d figure I would do that too! Dice rules so 1 is the worst and 20 is the best
1. Drowning in the Ink
I had the thought ‘what if Rosamund and Gerard got caught when they went to find Elody’. I still think this is a good thought and want to re-explore it but my execution in this story wasn’t the best. Writing it before the finale was out meant I was working with half knowledge on a lot of characters that I think shows. Plus, I saw a lot of people on Tumblr saying the Princesses’ plan was actually good and I got annoyed at that and it definitely bled through in the story too much. I’ll probably redo and expand this one sometime in the future!
2. Old Habits
I often dislike my most recent creations. It’s got too much me on it still. I haven’t distanced myself from the art yet. So this one was me trying a few things outside of my comfort zone and I really don’t feel like any of them turned out as well as they could have. I can barely even speak of it at this point the emotions are too fresh!
3. Safety
Not much to say about this. Shortest thing I’ve ever written and I do like how it turned out but it’s definitely… short. I enjoy Gorgug and Adaine interacting, I enjoy Adaine scared, but nothing makes this little guy stand out.
4. Half Siblings are a Whole Deal
This one honestly isn’t even supposed to be good. It’s a direct retelling of canon featuring my OC, that premise isn’t going to win any Hugo awards! But it’s fun and I want to explore how Fig’s character would change if she wasn’t going through her family drama alone. If she had to be, heaven forbid, responsible. I do plan on continuing it! I’ve got some good ideas for the end that I’ve already set up.
5. Additions to the Beehive
I think this one is so low just because I didn’t really like the latest chapter I put out. Plus, I don’t really have a solid plan for this story. I have a few scenes I want to do, character beats and themes I want to flesh out, but exactly what’s going to happen is a mystery. The title’s really solid though.
6. Blight
Pains me to put this so low because Remidyal’s Poison series is so solid and Penelope Everpetal is so fun but I kinda stumbled through it. There’s a couple sections I straight up should have deleted and a couple more I should have added. I do think I got the right vibe down, though, and I really want to do more with Penelope in the future.
7. Sneaking In Sneaking Out
I’m going to be honest, I just wanted to write some scenes about sneaking into buildings. It was really fun and I felt clever writing it. I also liked making Aelwyn really really mean especially because Remidyal had posted Camp right before where she was pretty darn nice. Not much happening in this story but it was fun!
8. No Blood Relations
I dunno this one is fine. As stated before, exploring Fig having to go through her parents divorce with someone is very compelling. I also liked pitting Adaine and Fig against each other a little bit, it felt very real to how siblings of divorce act. Too real. I’m kind of blocking it out.
9. Tender Love and Care
I liked this one a lot. It’s supposed to be romance but I don’t think I really it comes through (because I’m bad with romance) but I really liked getting into a desperate Fabian’s head. I think I did well with the physical environment in this one too, something I usually struggle with. And the line at the end of Fabian’s section? Where it says ‘he prayed to the only god he ever believed in. “Kristen please.”’. I know I’m the one who wrote it but I think about it daily.
10. Ring a Bell
Right in the middle! I really like the chapters I have out for this one so far and I’m excited for the plan of where I’m taking it. Only time will tell if I can pull it off into being a good cohesive story but for now this bad boy has potential!
11. Please Wake Up, Please Don’t Sleep
My other Neverafter Fic! This one I am much more proud of. I think I really got the voices of all the characters down and managed to make an interesting little scene out of a relatively simple concept. Rosumand is just a teenager! Someone give her a hug I am begging.
12. For Want of Citizenship
I think this story is severely underrated honestly. I got Goldenhoard’s voice down pat and the pacing of the story flowed really well with nice details that I often forget to include to center the reader. Plus, it’s a ‘what if’ scenario that gnawed at me from the moment the pieces were in place and I was sad nothing ever came of it in canon. Patched a hole in my mind this story did.
13. Horrified Looks from Everyone in the Room
Ah, the story to start us off. My second highest kudos still. Which is wild. It’s a good fic for sure! I think Fabian’s and Riz’s sections both shone and it really started off my addiction of giving Adaine a Bad Time. Definitely things I would change about it if I had to do it again but overall I can see why it’s still so popular and I’m very proud of it!
14. Rule Number One
The other story to kick things off! Can’t believe the prompt ‘Riz lets Biz think they’re friends just a little longer’ started a whole expanded AU. I still think this one’s great! Sticking in Riz’s point of view so the reader couldn’t even tell Adaine was having a whole episode until she started sobbing mid sentence was wonderful. Riz’s guilt and justifications were so juicy. And! Everyone liked my weird Rule quirk I gave to Adaine which I had fun playing with. This one isn’t higher because I think some of the information about the changes in this AU could have been given out in a smoother way but overall one of my best.
15. Fabian’s Sister and Other Perks of Punching an Ambassador
Firstly, name’s bad. My worst titled fic. But it’d okay we love it anyway. I very much like what I’ve got going on with this story. Exploring Fabian and Adaine’s relationship in a unique light, fleshing out Bill and especially Hallariel, even fleshing out some of Fabian and Adaine’s insecurities! I’m nearing sort of the end of the fic (I’m at least half way through) and I’m excited where it’s going too! There are some things I wish I had spent more time on (the other bad kids, Cathilda, ect) but what I do have is solid and streamlined enough for me not to be too sad about that!
16. The Good Wizard Gorgug
My. Most. Underrated. Fic! This is such a solid story I adore it. Gorgug is my baby boy and it was so much fun exploring Adaine’s character through him. The steady climb of them becoming better and better friends, growing more confident and relaxed around each other, only for it to all come crashing down to be slowly built up once again. I love it! I love Wizard Gorgug! What a good good boy.
17. Babysitting a (High) Elf
This one was also fairly recent but I really liked how it turned out! There were things I wanted to explore with this, Gorthalax’s guilt about not being there for Fig all these years, Adaine’s complicated emotions about being abandoned, and I felt I pulled it off well. I also think I did a good job making it funny and writing high Adaine as silly while still noticeably herself. Until I sucker punched her at the end. I couldn’t resist though.
18. Mastermind Introductions
Everything I set out to do in this fic I did flawlessly. I wanted to rewrite Adaine’s introduction scene and hit a lot of the same ‘beats’ but with the special AU twist. Aelwyn and her fight in the beginning (where Adaine kind of started it and then very much failed to end it), stealing the book and then being embarrassed by Fig and Kristen’s help, stuff like that! I really felt like I pulled it off and introduced the other Bad Kids just as well as I did Adaine. If I would change anything it would just to tweak a few details to fit better in my new vision for the overall AU. But besides that it’s a flawless work!
19. The Young Oracle
Yes! I was really worried about this one because of all of the weird time jumps. But I couldn’t not have weird time jumps. It was a story about a very powerful diviner! It couldn’t have time be linear! And I think it wouldn’t have made sense if everything had been in order, funnily enough. But besides all that I really like the tone I set for the story, the details I put into the world, (how I managed it without ever watching SY), and I have been thinking about the expanded version of this AU excessively. Is it a perfect story? Nah, but I adore it perhaps the most of all my fics.
20. Property Of
In a move that caught even me by surprise, Property Of wins! It’s my first muti-chapter I’ve finished, it’s got a really solid character arc, and I feel like I let the tone slip from silly to wild and unnerving in a very smooth slide. Plus I just… had a lot of fun writing it. I couldn’t seem to put it down for a second and when I blinked I was over 10k words! It was supposed to be a one shot! How naive I was! So yeah, I’m proud of it, it was fun to write, and it’s fun to reread and think about the implications. Nat 20!
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