#I’m here for this lightning promo!!
ktinastrikesback · 1 year
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Coming back to 6b teaser, 150 pornbot follows, and the timeline full of Chenford…phenomenal👩🏻‍🍳👌🏼💋
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dadfathers · 1 year
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Pride month reads lol does anyone have a suggestion for a nonfiction book you have enjoyed that is relevant to the theme of LGBTQ liberation? Not memoirs or biographies, something academic or essays are preferred!
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dvrcos · 4 months
Andrew Minyard mic’d up if aftg took place today and the Foxes did social media promo
Andrew absolutely refuses to be mic’d up for a long time
When he finally agrees to do it it’s during a game against the Jackals
Everyone is sure it’ll be a bust and they won’t get much of Andrew actually talking
But to everyone’s surprise, Andrew turns his inner monologue outwards and doesn’t shut up
He commentates the game from his perspective
‘And there’s the son of Exy Kevin Day running the ball up- and oh yeah no he’s down for the count’ *huffs a laugh through his nose*
‘The other fuckers have the ball now, if my brother dearest let’s them get it to my goal I’ll kill him’
And when the opposing teams striker trips Aaron up and gets past to Andrews goal he shuts them out of course
‘He’s dead. Find a new backliner coach’
When he gets bored of the game and the backliners are keeping the ball away from his goal he starts to sing
He does a full rendition of “Life is a Highway” because Neil and him watched Cars on the bus ride to the game
And he gets into it
He makes the guitar noises with his mouth and everything
He even sings it in the best low, country voice he can do
He interrupts himself in the middle of the song suddenly, feeling the need to give his full synopsis and review of Cars
‘If I was the stupid fucking car and I fell out of my sentient truck/trailers ass I would keep driving in the same fucking direction. Simple’
‘Josten would do the same thing as Lightning McQueen. He would fuck up an entire town, he’s already done it once actually, when he came here.’
‘Stupid junkie, I hate him’ he adds but there’s a fondness in his voice
‘How do the cars reproduce? Are there humans in this universe that build cars and then make them sentient? Do the cars bang?’
Halfway through his rant one of the strikers gets past Matt and Aaron and he doesn’t even stop talking when he smacks the ball halfway across the court
When the other teams strikers start breaking through the backliners more frequently Andrew doesn’t even seem to care
He just swats every attempted goal away, squawking a quite ‘mine’ like the seagulls from Finding Nemo after hitting each one
Mine *smacks* mine *swats* mine *swish*
He keeps his goal almost completely shut down the entire game, spare a few times when the other team can get the ball past him because he’s not paying attention
‘I wonder what coach is buying us for dinner after this. I hope it's good since we’re’ *his goal lights up red* ‘Oops, anyhow it better be good, I’m working my ass off out here,’
‘What if we all started moving in slow motion. Josten and Day would look stupid running up the court like that,’ *a ball flies past his helmet* ‘If we were in slowmo I would’ve stopped that’
He plays the entire game (Renee's out with an injury) and he shuffles through doing all this the entire game
He sings verses of whatever song pops into his head
He reviews the movies he’s watched recently
He commentates the game in his dry manner, listing off every stat he knows about the other team and then explains why they still suck
He makes fun of his Foxes and the other team
He talks about his random hypotheticals
All while keeping the goal almost perfectly defended against the other teams strikers
When the game ends and the Foxes are loaded back up on the bus they listen back to the recording of Andrews mic
And they’re shocked that he doesn’t stop talking once the entire game
They listen to his entire recording on the ride back to campus
All of the Foxes are laughing the entire time
Even Neil is smiling (even though he’s used to this version of Andrew that is weird and likes to ramble)
When they post his mic’d up highlights to their social media it goes viral
It’s their most viewed and liked mic’d up video
Their fans are begging for more of Andrew mic’d up but he refuses to do it again
He got the enjoyment out of doing it once and doesn’t feel a need to do it again
The foxes do start to pay a little more attention to what Andrew’s saying while in goal (and all the time)
Aaron Mic’d up
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ghosthunterbuck · 1 year
everything, always
(buddie) (778 words) (6x13 spec) surprising absolutely no one, here's some spec based off the new promo!! (aka, another poker fic)
Three minutes and seventeen seconds is… news to Buck, actually. Certainly not something he knew Eddie knew. It’s a long time. 
Longer than it takes him to win the first hand, and longer than it took Eddie to convince him to come in the first place. Shorter than the length of time he spent staring at his closet, but longer than he’d spent looking in the mirror after he was dressed. 
He loses the next hand; it’s shorter than three minutes and seventeen seconds, too. 
Eddie knocks a knee against his and catches his eye, the silent you okay as obvious as the pair Buck’s sure Captain Mehta’s got in his hand, the way he’s betting. 
Buck quirks a small smile. I’m fine, he hopes it says. 
“What is it with you, anyway,” Chief Williams asks Buck pointedly. “I’ve had more injury paperwork come across my desk for you than just about any other firefighter in the LAFD.”
Mehta snorts. “It’s not just him though, is it? It’s both of them!” He gestures between Eddie and Buck. 
Eddie grins, but there’s something sharp along the edges. “Guess we’re just lucky,” he says. He glances at his cards and turns them up. “See?”
The eight and ten combined with what’s already on the table makes a straight, and Eddie takes the pot. 
Buck laughs and tosses down the blind before his next two cards are dealt. “I wouldn’t bet against us,” he says, “but feel free to.”
Williams rolls her eyes in a not-unfriendly manner and tosses down a few chips. “Sure, just remind me to keep you two on hose next time I’m IC,” she says. 
Eddie bends his cards up, snorts and folds. “You convince him to stay on the ground and I’m not going anywhere,” he says. “Now remind me, who was it that made the ‘no shop talk’ rule?”
Williams laughs. “Touché, Diaz,” she says. 
“You really cleaned up in there,” Buck says as Eddie climbs into the passenger seat of the Jeep. 
“Yeah, well, I told you you didn’t have superpowers,” he replies with a laugh. 
“Unless…” Buck says, waggling his brows. 
Eddie scoffs. “You absolutely did not let me win.”
Buck shrugs, trying to keep the grin off his face. He didn’t let Eddie win, but he’s not quite ready to let go of his magic math skills. 
“Alright, Einstein, if you really were keeping count of everything, how many chips did I walk away with?” he challenges. 
Buck pretends to think for a moment. “Enough to buy me a milkshake on the way home?”
Eddie closes his eyes and laughs. “Yeah, I think I could manage that,” he says. 
Buck puts the Jeep in reverse and pulls out of the parking lot, headed towards a Shake Shack he knows will be open at least another hour. He glances over at Eddie and finds him looking back, illuminated occasionally by the passing streetlights. 
“What?” Buck asks softly. 
Eddie shakes his head and turns his attention towards the empty street in front of them. “Nothing,” he replies, just as quiet. “Wondering if strawberry’s still going to be your favorite.”
“I did read that being struck by lightning can alter your taste buds,” Buck says. 
“I know,” Eddie says with a small grin, “You told me.”
Another long moment passes, and a thought occurs to Buck. “How’d you know how long I was out?”
Eddie’s head whips back toward him. “What?”
“Three minutes and seventeen seconds,” Buck says. “Everyone else has just been saying three.”
“I counted,” Eddie says haltingly. “From the second I saw you hanging there until the moment I felt your heartbeat. I needed–” He cuts himself off and swallows visibly. 
“I’m sorry,” Buck says, turning his attention back to the road. “I shouldn’t have–”
“I needed to know how much of you I had to prepare myself to lose,” Eddie forces out. 
“Oh,” Buck says. He glances over and watches Eddie’s jaw work. 
“I don’t think I could’ve let them take you if I hadn’t been counting,” Eddie says, so quiet that Buck isn’t sure he’s meant to hear. 
Buck bites his lip and scans the road ahead of them for cars before looking back at Eddie again. “Thank you,” he says finally. 
“For what?” Eddie asks. 
Buck’s not sure how to put it into words, how to synthesize everything he’s been feeling for the last few weeks into one distilled sentence. Eventually, though, he lands on the closest thing he can find. “All of it,” he says. “Everything.”
Eddie looks at him. Buck looks back. After a moment that seems to stretch into eternity, Eddie nods. “Always,” he says.
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mcyt-parodies · 23 days
prophecy from taylor is so smallidarity lim life coded...love ur parodies btw
Isn’t it! As soon as I heard the song I put it on my Smallidarity playlist which will soon be on my other mcyt side blog for playlists (self promo)! This basically wrote itself but here we are! I absolutely adore the way it came out. I’m also so glad you’ve liked my other stuff! It’s a rediscovered hobby of mine so if I can make people other than myself happy with these, then that’s all the better! (Smallidarity is everything to me btw, my number two favourite ship)
The Prophecy (Canary Curse): A Smallidarity Take, sung by Joel
One, two, one, two, three, twenty four
Hand on the throttle
Thought I caught lightning in a bottle
Oh, but it's gone again
And it was written
He was cursed like Eve got bitten
Oh, was it punishment?
Pad around when I get home
I guess a lesser man would've lost hope
A greater man wouldn't beg
But I looked to the sky and said
I've been on my knees
Change the prophecy
Don't want anything
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me
Who do I have to speak to
About if they can redo the canary curse?"
Cards on the table
Mine play out like fools in a fable
Oh, it was sinking in (Sinking in, oh)
Slow is the quicksand
Poison blood from the wound of the canary
Oh, still I dream of him
I've been on my knees
Change the prophecy
Don't want anything
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me
Who do I have to speak to
About if they can redo the canary curse?
And I sound like an infant
Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen
A greater man stays cool
But I howl like a wolf at the moon
And I look unstable
Gathered with my boy on a bridge unstable
A greater man has faith
But even statues crumble if they're made to wait
I'm so afraid, he sealed his fate
No sign of soulmates
I'm just a paperweight in shades of greige
Spending my last coin so I can tell him it'll be okay
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
I've been on my knees
Change the prophecy
Don't want anything
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me
Who do I have to speak to
About if they can redo the canary curse?
Who do I have to speak to
To change the canary curse?
Hand on the throttle
Thought I caught lightning in a bottle
Oh, but it's gone again
Pad around when I get home
I guess a lesser man would've lost hope
A greater man wouldn't beg
But I looked to the sky and said ("Please")
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romanstheory · 1 year
Rage A Solo Sikoa One Shot
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Warnings: Smut, Laughing, Roughness (lol), oral sex fem receiving
Word count:863
It’s my time….. finally…… the main roster. I’ve worked what feels like my whole life for this moment, and I have tunnel vision to say the least. My intentions are dead set on getting back at Solo Sikoa. We were tag partners in NXT, and he left me in the midst of a heated rivalry… he threw me to the wolves to go be the henchmen to his meathead cousin.
Nonetheless, I knew what I was about to do and I knew it was risky stepping to anyone in the bloodline. But truthfully… I don’t give a shit. Nobody knows what’s about to happen, I can hear the bloodline cutting a promo. I nod to the sound tech to play my music and I hear the crowd pop. I storm down the ramp and into the ring, eyes locked on solo. For the first time ever a look of concern grows across his face. Jimmy, Jey, and Roman all look over to him, Paul behind them with his head resting in his palms.
I grab a mic “Surprise!” I say with a smug smile “Didn’t think you’d see me again did you?”. Solo flares his nostrils and leans his head back. Roman begins to attempt to speak but I put up a finger stopping him dead in his tracks. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” I continue “oh! I know! Romans got your balls!” The crowd goes wild as solo gets enraged from embarrassment. I let out a loud cackle as Solo snatches the mic from one of his brothers “What the hell are you doing here” He growls
“I’m here for revenge” I growl back “you left me! And for what? To be the heavy for you punk ass cousin who doesn’t even really like any of you?” Roman raises an eyebrow, in shock that I said what everyone else was already thinking. Solo and I get into each others faces, ready to fight right there. “What are you gonna do?” Solo barks at me. I pull back and throw a punch at Solo, landing right on his jaw “fuck around and find out” I cackle as I leave the ring leaving the bloodline embarrassed and infuriated.
A week passed and Solo has blown my phone up. Text message after Text message, call after call all ignored. I didn’t even hear from him this much when we were a tag team. My phone rings again, it’s him and I finally decide to answer. “Meet me at catering” he says and hangs up. I smirk and make my way to catering, it’s just him there everyone else has come and gone by then. “What” I say with an eye roll. “Look I’m sorry” he says.
“Apology not accepted” I reply “Was that it?”. “That was a mean ass right” he chuckles “I deserved that”. I sit down next to him “you deserved a few”. There’s a brief pause…. Neither of us said anything but the silence was loud. “Kinda turned me on a little bit” he says finally looking me in my face. The blind could see that Solo and I had a thing for each other during our tag days, and I tried to bury them after he left but it never quite worked out completely.
“You put me in my place on national tv in front of my family” He continues “that was sexy”. My face begins getting hot, only he could do that to me. “Good… Hopefully you stay in it” I say kicking eyes with him. “Let me show you your place” He says, eyes dark with lust. “Huh?” I say. He grabs me, pulling me onto his lap, gripping my ass tight causing me to gasp. “Solo!” I say just above a whisper “we’re literally in catering someone can just walk in here!”
“You talk too much” Solo says as he pulls me into a kiss. I seemingly melt into him as our lips collided. Is this what I’ve been waiting for? What about my plan? Is he distracting me? So many questions go running through my mind as his hands run down my pants sliding my athletic shorts off. He sits me on the table “don’t be getting obsessed with me after this” he says cockily. He is pushes my legs apart, gently kissing my other lips sending a surge of lightning through my body. He gently licks around my soaked vagina causing me to exhale loudly. Suddenly I didn’t give a shit who might walk in
He begins flicking ans moving his tongue in waves around my clit, I can’t even catch my breath. He looks up at me sort of like a lion drinking water, just watching me melt further and further into him. He continues massaging my clit with his warm tongue as I feel my climax approaching quickly. “I- oh my god” I squeal loudly before squirting my juices onto Solo. He licks his lips and sits up while I collect myself and slide my shorts back on. “do you forgive me now?” He asks wiping his face. “Mmmhhh nah, good head tho” I cackle as I walk away
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deluweil · 1 year
So I’ve been seeing many speculations about 6x10, My theory is that Buck is struck by lightning or somewhere next to him, and he gets hurt. Now, he can’t fall, because they are required to be strapped in to the ladder for cases like these (less lightning strikes more injuries that happen while working the aerial), we can see the connecting cable in the promo, so Buck himself will not fall.
In Station 19, Vic was strapped to the aerial when hit with the power line (kinda like lightning strike.) Miller went up to get her and preformed CPR up on the aerial. - Imo, we will be getting something like that. 
In Chicago fire - for the dramatic effect Casey wasn’t strapped in, but didn’t fall either Gallo saved him. (but that’s mentor/mentee relationship so it doesn’t play a part here.) 
Eddie is indeed thrown off the ladder truck, but as I posted before, Chimney calls for him to join them in the ambulance, so I’m banking on some sort of Eddie freaking out - maybe he will be the one doing the Miller role in the episode, or he can be the worried boyfriend, while someone else gets Buck down - Kinda like Ruiz did in the Station 19 episode. (Ruiz dating Vic - Miller had a big secret, kinda, love for her). If Eddie would indeed be hurt,  we won’t see it, until after they’re at the hospital.
But if I’m being honest, I’m hoping for Eddie to be ok, and just be frantic for Buck’s health and to get the parallel of him going home to tell Christopher that his other dad is hurt and in the hospital. And maybe, just maybe get a sweet scene of Buck waking up to Eddie and Christopher, or even just Christopher like Chimney did in 2x14, it could be such a good scene!!
Manifest with me!! 🙏✨😌
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sunsetroseart · 1 year
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✨Universal Wayfarer ✨
Instagram fucked up so I’m posting this here cause I worked TOO hard in this and wanna share it with the world. 💖
This is a very self-indulgent, off the rails AU with time jumps, magical abilities, and LOTS of changes to the Protags, design, character, and age wise.
And yes, as you can see, Scarecrow has magical lightning abilities in this AU, so do the rest of the Goodwins, (Scarecrow’s family). Why? Because why the hell not! That’s the theme for this AU, 😆 I’m essentially saying “to hell with it!” And going all out on the lore and story, which ngl is a lot of fun and feels liberating.
Scarecrow and the rest of his family are the main main characters, but other characters like the Protags, Avantasians, and eventually Ayreon characters start making their way into the AU with large arcs and roles.
I’ll be dropping bits of story and lore every now and again, cause mAn this AU went off the rails and there’s no way I can reel it back in!…Not that I would want to. 😉
In the meantime here’s sort of a “Promo poster” for ya! I worked hard on this and am very proud of it! 😊
The name of the AU was inspired by the Edguy song, “The Eternal Wayfarer.”
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sortofanobsession · 1 year
In a Flash or Two (9-1-1 Pre-6b Speculative Fic)
911 Masterlist, Ao3
Part 2, Part 3
Eddie's POV of the Lightning Strike and aftermath.
Author’s Note: At least 13 of you wanted this, so here it is. We've all seen the promos. This is all speculation and a hint of something else I've been thinking about at the end. Canon compliant, so not exactly Buddie, but hints at it as always.
Tag list:  chitownwolf, @comablog2
Let me know if you want to be added or removed to tags, I’m trying my best guys.
Word Count: 1K+
Content warnings: lightning, emergency, cardiac arrest, pain, lightning strike, electrocution, contact injury, side flash, blast injury, heights, hospitals, passing out, loss of consciousness, panic attacks, anxiety, description of anxiety and panic, manipulation, threats of using a child to gain compliance but not in a violent or hostile way (just them using Christopher to get Buck and Eddie to not be dumb but still deserves a warning because that is kind of a sketchy manipulation tactic).
Eddie Diaz is 90% sure his heart stopped when the lightning hit and Buck falls. Then it was beating faster than it has in years when he saw his best friend just dangling there. The safety line is the only thing keeping him from hitting the ground. That's a relief, but unfortunately, it means Buck is clearly unconscious and dangerously hanging from the ladder. The uneasy stillness of Buck's form has an ice-cold grip forming around Eddie's heart and climbing into his throat as he shouts for Buck. He has to do something. Buck needs help. He needs him to do something now.
Eddie is barely thinking about it when he goes to the ladder to help Buck. He can't just do nothing. Why do they let Buck on the ladder truck anymore? How many times has he nearly died because of it? What if he's too late? Buck is too still. Has it been too long? Is that Buck's PASS alarm, or are Eddie's ears just ringing?
Then there is a bright light and pain. Pain that makes the muscles around his old injuries pull tight, and everything hurts like hell. It makes his teeth clench violently, and joints stiffen.
Eddie is 100% sure his heart stopped when he wakes up in a hospital bed. 
He is 100% sure he failed to help Buck. Eddie had pretty much climbed onto a lightning rod shaped like a ladder truck and gotten himself struck by lightning.
He is 100% sure he just made things worse and delayed help for Buck by needing it himself.
He is 100% sure he needs to know if his best friend is alive. 
The heart monitor beside him starts to climb and sets off alarms as he feels panic creep up his spine and his chest tighten painfully. There is pressure behind his eyes, buzzing in his ears, and his pulse in his temples. 
People hurry to his bedside, and voices speak, but he can't process any of it. 
Nothing makes sense until he hears.
"He's okay, Eddie!" Eddie hears the voice to his left say. He can barely hear it above the buzzing in his ears. "Buck is alive." He quits fighting. Quits trying to get up. The panic is still there. The vice grip on his heart is still there. He still hurts everywhere, but something eases just a little bit in his chest. "He'll be okay, Eddie. But he'll be pissed if you don't calm down because your heart can't take it right now. Not this soon after what happened." It takes him a minute to realize it is Hen. Hen is telling him Buck is alive. Buck didn't die because Eddie got in the way. 
He hears Hen sigh as the room quiets and everything settles. 
"Okay, here is what is going to happen," Hen starts. "You are going to take a minute to breathe. Then I'm going to get the doctor. You are going to listen. And then I'm going to get Bobby. Then you're going to stay put. I'm not above getting Christopher in here to-"
Eddie nods, probably too quickly and violently, but he does. His voice is caught in his throat, and he groans but keeps nodding. The faster he gets through with the doctor, the faster Bobby will tell him what he wants to know. How is Buck?
The doctor tells him he has to take it easy. That he has been through a lot and that his heart and body needs time to heal. And Eddie agrees. He can feel how sore and tired his body is. His nerve endings feel fried and old injuries are sore. He feels like he could sleep for days, but the anxiety humming just under his skin is almost as electric as lightning. 
He looks up as Bobby walks in. Without thinking, Eddie asks, "How's Buck?" 
Bobby sighs and shakes his head, but the corners of his lips notch up into an exasperated but fond grin. "I knew that'd be the first thing out of your mouth," Bobby admits. 
"Bobby, pl-" Eddie starts, but Bobby holds a hand up and stops him.
"He is resting," Bobby answers. "Buck's got a lot of the same injuries you do, but he has some extra bruises and such from the safety harness. But the gear did its job. The medics did their job."
"But he's been awake?" Eddie has to know.
"In and out because of the pain meds, but he'll be on the mend in no time."
"But he's not on the mend yet? Meaning-"
"With Buck's history, they are being extra cautious. The history of clots, complications, and everything has the doctors keeping a close eye on him. They hope he is out of the woods-"
"But Buck has to be dramatic about everything," Eddie grumbles.
"He isn't the only one," Bobby says, leveling Eddie with his usual 'Unamused Captain' look. "You both are lucky. This could have been so much worse. I know you were acting more on instinct than anything, but-"
"I know, I should have waited for orders. I know I just slowed down anyone getting to Buck. I know-"
Bobby chuckled. "You should have, but we all know that we'd all have done the same thing. This is Buck, after all." 
Eddie can read between the lines. If Eddie hadn't been their first, Bobby would have been. Bobby would have been in his spot. The one in the hospital bed. That does seem like something Bobby Nash would do. Especially for Buck. Bobby loves Buck like a son. And love makes people do stupid things…like climb on a metal truck to grab the elevated metal ladder while active lightning strikes around them. 
"But he'll be okay," Bobby assures him. "And you will too, if you both let yourselves heal and don't try to rush things."
Eddie lets out an indignant snort. "Buck will never-"
"Oh, he has already caved, Carla and Maddie threatened to get Christopher to convince him, and we all know he can't say no to that kid of yours. So it's now on you." 
Eddie can't help but grin at that. Buck was shockingly, he laughed again at his choice of mental words, easy to manipulate sometimes because of how much he adores Christopher. Eddie should feel guilty about that, but he can't find it in himself at the moment. Probably because they are doing the same thing to him. He knows he'll cave too. Eddie just can't live with the idea of disappointing not only Christopher but also Bobby and Carla, and most likely Buck. Hell, the whole team, Athena, and well, his family, and everyone he knows will lean on him if he doesn't cave. So he nods. He agrees to take it easy. Especially when Bobby points out his history of PTSD and panic attacks. 
"Did they ever suggest a service dog?"
"For Christopher? Yeah, they-"
"I meant for you," Bobby states.
"Has Frank ever told you there are programs that train service dogs for PTSD? Trained to deal with nightmares, panic attacks, and more. Or yeah, maybe one for Christopher as he gets older to help him feel more independent. Or even just a companion or visits from a therapy dog could-"
"Maybe…maybe I'll look into it," Eddie says, quick to add, "For Christopher."
Like, reply, ask for a potential Buck or Bobby POV.
I looked up what lightning does to a body and yikes.
I read about it here and here.
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estherdedlock · 2 years
I don’t know why I keep walking into libraries and bookstores thinking I’m going to find something that gives me even a whisper of the feeling that I got from The Secret History. I mean, before I read TSH, it had been years since I read anything so bewitching. Why I think lightning is going to strike twice in less than a year is beyond me. 
Anyway, the latest endeavor is Tara Isabella Burton’s The World Cannot Give.
You may stumble across this novel and read the interior flap and get excited:
“Brideshead Revisited meets Fight Club in this novel about a prestigious boarding school’s cultic chapel choir---and the obsessively ambitious, terrifyingly charismatic girl who rules over its members.”
Sounds good, right? I mean, obviously this is a Secret History-ish piece of deliberate dark academia, but hey, so what? Brideshead Revisited meets Fight Club? Why not?
That description is a fakeout. Early promos of the novel called it “The Girls meets Fight Club...” The Girls was a 2016 novel by Emily Cline, loosely based on Charles Manson’s cult, so that actually made a little more sense. I think they changed it to Brideshead Revisited because some marketing genius thought it would attract the dark academia types (like yours truly). I’ll bet they probably would have preferred to call out The Secret History, but decided not to after the author strenuously criticized TSH in a Gawker article two months before her book was published. More on that later. At any rate, The World Cannot Give is neither Brideshead Revisited nor Fight Club. If anything, it’s Pretty Little Liars meets a teensy bit of Dead Poets Society.
And of course, it’s The Secret History. Or wants to be. Laura Stearns is our Richard Papen, another hopeless wannabe from the tacky suburban West (Nevada, not California) who finds herself enthralled by the august atmosphere of an elite New England school, St. Dunstan’s Academy in Maine. Her longing for “beauty and meaning” is fueled by an obsession with someone named Sebastian Webster, who attended the same school in the 1930s. Dubbed “the prep school prophet,” Webster wrote one religiously-themed novel based on his years at St. Dunstan’s, then converted to Catholicism and ran off to Spain to fight FOR the fascists (!!!) during the Spanish Civil War, where he was killed at the romantic age of nineteen.
Instead of Julian’s class, the “secret society” of St. Dunstan’s is the six-member choir that sings evening prayer in the campus chapel every Friday night. Henry Winter’s role is taken by Virginia Strauss, the beautiful black-haired, blue-eyed choir leader who’s also infatuated with Sebastian Webster and his religious desire to reject the “sclerotic modern world” (a quote from Webster’s novel that is repeated ad nauseam) and become “World-Historical” (another oft-repeated quote from Webster).
It’s not a bad setup and it’s actually pretty readable. I didn’t want to throw it out the window, like A Little Life. It’s not categorized as YA, but, like If We Were Villains, it’s a very YA novel in tone, pace, and writing style. But I’d have to say IWWV is a better book because at least it’s fun. And it has Shakespeare. TWCG is not fun. It’s one of those books that has an obvious author’s agenda. That’s not my assumption: Burton admitted it herself. In a March 2022 essay that Burton wrote for LitHub, she says that her book is “an homage to and subversion of” the campus novel.
It’s not the homage that grates, but the “subversion.” Lest you find yourself, like Laura, beguiled by aesthetics and atmosphere, the book hammers you with warnings: The campus is calcified in meaningless tradition. Virginia and her clique adopt an actual fascist as their artistic and spiritual role model. The school’s faculty is so clueless that no one notices Virginia is literally--and rather extravagantly--losing her mind.
All this obvious messaging wouldn’t be so bad if we’d ever had a chance to feel beguiled in the first place. There’s little here to attract even those with “a morbid longing for the picturesque.” Virginia is an unappealing and creepy fanatic who dresses like a Dickensian widow and whose religious beliefs swing between punitive orthodoxy and sour, self-pitying disillusion. Laura is a colorless sadsack who practically disappears from huge portions of the novel. The rest of the characters don’t deserve mention because they are so undeveloped.
The explosive confluence of spiritual fervor and adolescent passion is rich territory to mine for fiction, but Burton never delves into it. Her characters idolize Sebastian Webster and his mediocre teenage writings, but all of them (even the  supposedly brilliant and devout Virginia) seem to have little interest in actual Christian theology and philosophy, and not much real (or even performative) faith---no one even goes to church on Sunday! Burton herself has a doctorate in theology from Oxford and writes extensively about religion, so this must be a deliberate, “subversive” choice: making it glaringly obvious to readers that everything about the choir clique is superficial. They’re just dumb kids, self-importantly playing around with dangerous delusions and not thinking of the consequences. Just like the Greek class, get it??
After YA-style forays into romantic rivalries, cruel social media pranks, and a leaked sex tape, the consequences come...and they’re unbelievable, excessive, and unearned (while also leaning offensively into the old “kill your gays” cliché). The big calamity happens so close to the end of the novel that readers have no chance to process it, so to make it feel “meaningful,” Burton ends the book with several heavy-handed pages of Laura’s rambling reflections about what she’s supposedly learned from all this drama and death, such as:
...sometimes you can decide to say no to the world; maybe you can even affirm it, even if you don’t believe it, deep down, even if you are old and wise enough to know how wrong you are, and maybe, Laura thinks, that’s what strength is.
I’m inclined to be hard on The World Cannot Give because Burton’s essays on campus novels and The Secret History were published right before its release, and so they were part of the publicity campaign for her book. And that’s where things get interesting.
She criticizes TSH for characters that are not “likeable” and “little more than aesthetic tropes“ who “lack any sense of internal conflict” and are also devoid of “human specificity.” She accuses the book of what she calls “bleak nihilism” and a “disdain for the dignity of human life itself.” And finally, she complains that “we never actually see anyone transformed,” and that TSH treats its readers “with chilling contempt.”
To write such pointed criticism of The Secret History while you are promoting your own version of The Secret History, is some remarkable chutzpah, especially when The World Cannot Give is guilty of nearly everything of which Burton accuses TSH. Not to mention it’s considerably more juvenile, less interesting, and with none of Donna Tartt’s exquisite writing or talent for plot development. If this is “subversion,” then I’ll take the “nihilism” of The Secret History any day.
In that Gawker piece, Burton elaborates:
As The Secret History, and I, enter our fourth decade, I reread the book, curious whether my adolescent revulsion was a function of my own immaturity or some kind of literary envy (after all, who doesn't want to write a fabulously successful debut novel about Greek-reading teenagers?)...at 31 no less than at 17, I am enough of an idealist to think that the only proper response to that world remains the same revulsion I felt then.
If The World Cannot Give is Burton’s answer to The Secret History, then I’d say  immaturity and literary envy are things she still needs to work on.
Links to the articles mentioned in this post:
LitHub: https://lithub.com/how-campus-novels-reveal-the-power-and-danger-of-pure-ideas/
Gawker: https://www.gawker.com/culture/tartt-for-tartts-sake-the-secret-history-at-30
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
DreamWorks Dragons: The Nine Realms liveblog S1 E5 Featherhide
Featherhide. That’s totally gonna be the name / species of the dragon Alex rides. Which, for the record, is a design I’ve quite liked since the promo photos.
Oh look I’m right.
Oh look, ANOTHER character where we meet both parents!
Real convenient that both sets of parents we’ve seen, both of them are both employed at the same agency. What’re the chances of that? (This is not a nitpick or complaint, just a comment)
Hexagonal glasses. Who the heck wears hexagonal glasses. Is she related to Olivia Octavius and has secret bee powers?
“We’ve lived in California. Earthquakes are like rainstorms.” Totally gonna ask my Californian friends if they feel that way ;)
You know, the “boom boom goodbye trick” is not a good hiding technique when the shortly temporary invisibility is preceded by an enormous flash of purple lightning.
I highly appreciate that Jun isn’t good training her dragon. XD Or D’Angelo.
“Someone’s here. Let’s go check it out,” says Tom, hopping on his dragon, two seconds after the group talks about needing to hide.
“But fortunately for us, my parents think I’m insane!” rotflh D’Angelo <3
aer;oagije;goaijer;goj Alex’s reaction to the dragons was the best of all the kids.
An invisibility dragon really is perfect for a hacker and undercover sort of gal, tho.
Okay what precedent does Tom have for pulling pranks? Why would she think it’s Tom pulling pranks? (outside of denial)
..............................this dragon is very similar to one of the alien-animal species I designed circa the fourth grade. I mean. I already knew this. But now that I’m really thinking about it, I’m laughing my butt off. Lithe. Scales. Fringes on the head. The ability to turn invisible. Incredible.
Oooooo sonic power thingies.
“Just like cinnabot538 is a secret,” says Tom, telling the secret.
AND AN IMITATOR TOO. Yeah this dragon is perfect for Alex.
The Very Real Parental Response of “oh my gosh my kid finally has company I am going to go overboard”
Yes this is a very good dragon.
The comedy of playing cool while there is a loose dragon in the house is hysterical, but you think there’d be a LITTLE more fear and attempt to leave the building.
Forget birds and the bees talk. It’s “everyone is fated to have their own dragon” sit on the floor and talk time.
You know, I get that people like this exist. But it sometimes feels too predictable that tech-oriented characters don’t like the outside and prefer to use tech because “it does what I tell it to.” Consider Pidge Gunderson from VLD (also in a green color scheme XD). We don’t have to make characters strict divisions like this. It’d be nice to have more characters who are techies but also appreciate nature. As a treat.
So the power sign on her overalls I think is overkill, but I think it’s adorable that power cords are in her hair. Like, that is hilariously believable. As someone who can attest I lose hair ties all the time and have to improvise.
This is a good episode.
Yeah I like this dragon.
“It ate her, didn’t it?!?!” you really need to hang out with Snotlout, D’Angelo.
[makes beeping backup noises] D’Angelo continues to be too pure for this world.
Oh yes. A new safety precaution. Lights at night. Because a base wouldn’t have thought of this before. Because streetlamps don’t exist in the real world. This show really needs to work on its plot logic.
There is no reason to have this much security out all at once.
This is a cute dragon tho.
I really wanted Alex to have firefly time with family.
Okay, we do not need a “try to find other [Night Fury-like] dragons like you” plot with Thunder.
Ice Age voice: We are the weirdest looking herd I’ve ever seen.
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buffaluff · 1 year
Hang on, Grandma, Buck was what?? He was struck by lightning?!?! And what is that about him being in a coma?? Or did the episode just end with him hanging there?! I don't even go here, but I am shocked.
FAM THE EPISODE HASN’T EVEN AIRED YET!!! We are going entirely feral over stills/promo for the new episode that hasn’t even occurred yet! but yes. struck by lightning and putting that blorbo right in a coma.
but for some reason some people in this fandom have been gifted with the gift of foresight and (successfully) predicted coma!Buck (among other huge show beats in the past)
so get ready for when these episodes actually flipping air because we’re gonna go absolutely (buck)WILD.
also s&b comes back when i come back from vacation so i’m ready to just fall to pieces???
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starchild--27 · 2 years
Tag Game~
tagged by: @joon-rkive thank youu <3
tagging: @cxsmicmyeon @heartcravings @guardians-of-exo @byuns-coco @ouvuo @eight-lanes (only if you want to ^^)
Name: Selma
Sign: taurus sun, capricorn moon, cancer rising (icb i finally memorized it lol if you are into astrology then know that i think it is only semi-fitting)
Height: 178cm / 5'10
Time: 12:46am
Birthday: may 1st
Favorite band/artist: a whole bunch. EXO, Nirvana, Metallica, MCR, cacophony, Mitski, Måneskin, Stray Kids, Dreamcatcher, The Gathering, Votum, Flower Face, Billie Eilish, and more more more. endless list. edit: Linkin Park. I forgot Linkin Park 🤦🏻‍♀️
Last movie: i thinkkkkk Thor Love and Thunder
Last show: Stranger Things, next is Umbrella Academy (or i'll rewatch sth)
When I created this blog: late 2016
What I post: mainly EXO/kpop stuff mixed with aesthetic pics i like, the occasional bit of poetry, random starchild thoughts or other fandom stuff that crosses my timeline. i wanna reblog more mixed stuff these days tho, i dunno i feel like i rarely display any other interest than kpop here and that's also fine but i kinda feel like changing it up a little these days ^^
Other blogs: @wolveswithblackpearls with my two irl besties, we do kpop moodboards/edits, check it out ;) [self promo over]
Do I get asks: not usually but from time to time ^^
Followers: 222 (who are you ?? i know like only... 5 of you by name- xD)
Average hours of sleep: 5-6hrs but it's super irregular these days
Instruments: i learned classic guitar since i was a kid, later added flute (the orchestra one, not the recorder tho i can play that one too in various sizes and tunings) to the mix, i know basic piano (sort of self-taught) and i do know a thing or two about singing and am pretty good at that too, most recently i got myself an electric guitar so that's cool. i'm practicing that rn ^^
What I’m wearing: sweatpants (2 pairs actually, short ones and longer ones on top xD) and a big ol t-shirt - basically my pyjamas haha
Dream job: no job :)
Dream trip: just...somewhere i haven't been before. South Korea and Japan, once i've got the money for it
Favorite songs: impossibleee to answer, i'll just give you one for each artist i named above and some more bc i am indecisive:
How I Disappear by MCR
kk by cacophony
Coraline by Måneskin
Slump by Stray Kids
BEcause by Dreamcatcher
In Motion by The Gathering
Satellite by Votum
Hangman Hands by Flower Face
bury a friend by Billie Eilish
entire albums: the entire discography of EXO, Mitski and Nirvana, for Metallica: Master of Puppets (duh), Ride The Lightning, ...And Justice For All and Metallica especially, Stadium Arcadium by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park aaaand i dunno listen to Gymnopédie No. 1 by Eric Satie and the Violin Concerto in D Major by Tchaikovsky too.
(this was a lot sorry)
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jellyfishright · 1 year
Still My Beautiful Man- PT 4
The incessant buzzing and accompanying vibration on the bed beside his head roused Kiyoi from his slumber.
Groping for the source of the disturbance, Kiyoi accepted the call and brought the phone to his 
“Hello.” he answered half asleep
“Hello Kiyoi. I’m calling from the JEP agency about your audition the other day.We would love to work with you on our upcoming campaign.”
Kiyoi was pulled to full alertness now as he sat up in bed. Looking to the left, he realized Hira was already out of bed.
“We would love to meet with you later today if you’re free so we can take a few promo shots of you.”
“I’m free.” Kiyoi replied only pausing briefly to wonder if he’d said that a little too quickly
“Great.” The young lady on the phone replied “I will send the location and details after this call.”
“Thank you.”
Kiyoi hung up and sat in bed for a few minutes to let it sink in.
After a few minutes Hira came into the room, carrying a plate.Sitting on the bed, he retrieved a piece of apple and fed it to Kiyoi.
Kiyoi  ate it with a smile. He wasn’t sure if the apple was tasty on its own or if it tasted that much better because he was happy.
“What time is it? Why didn’t you wake me up?” Kiyoi questioned.
“I like to watch you sleep.” Hira confessed “Besides. You’ve been working alot lately. You should rest when you can.”He fed another piece of fruit to Kiyoi.
“What are you doing today?” Kiyoi asked casually.
“Mm.” Hira thought “Nothing.”
“Good.” Kiyoi said “Come with me then.”
“To where?”
“I just got the call from my last audition. They want to work with me and I need to go in to do promo shots.”
Hira nodded.
“But it’s work. Is it really ok?”
Kiyoi cocked his brow.
“You don’t want to come?”
“N-no.” Hira quickly countered “I do.”
“Good.” Kiyoi cut in “Then we can go on a date after.”
Hira looked at Kiyoi in surprise.
Kiyoi shook his head with a tiny smile as he beheld Hira’s expression.
With lightning speed he closed the gap between them and gave Hira a peck on the lips.
Hira’s face became even more shocked as he pressed his fingers to his lips.
“Disgusting.” Kiyoi teased as he got out of bed and headed to the shower.
[2 hours later]
Meeting Time 1pm
Location: SoulSide Regency Tower
Kiyoi walked into the building with Hira in tow.
Removing his shades, he walked up to the receptionist.
“I’m Kiyoi So.” he said to the young lady who was gazing at him with dreamy eyes.
She managed to pull her eyes away long enough for her to tell him where to go, and then resumed staring  until he disappeared from her line of vision.
They rode the elevator in silence up the 10th floor with Hira’s eyes darting here and there in the steel box with his hands clasped infront of him.
When they arrived,there was a bustle of activity in the suite where they’d been directed. In one corner there was a set already erected where a handsome young man was being photographed. In another corner there were makeup and wardrobe people.
Hira looked about.This was a part of Kiyoi’s world.
“You’re here.” A familiar face walked up to him. She was the woman he’d met at the audition.
“This way.” she beckoned to Kiyoi while giving Hira a nod of acknowledgment. 
Hira nodded in turn and followed a few steps behind Kiyoi as the woman led him across the room.
She led him to a man who was sitting close to where the photos were being taken.After whispering something in his ear the man turned around with a smile and got up from his seat.
“Kiyoi.I’m glad you could make it.” he said.His eyes came to rest questioningly on Hira.
“This is my friend Hira.” Kiyoi introduced him.
The man suddenly got wide eyed.
“Hira. The one who took the photos of you?”
Kiyoi nodded.
Hira looked on, slightly puzzled.
The man suddenly grabbed his hand in his, startling him.
“A pleasure to meet you.” the man said with a wide smile shaking the young man’s hand with a little too much enthusiasm. “I saw the pictures you took of Kiyoi.They were exceptional.”
Hira bowed his head once politely.
“T-Thank you.” he replied.
“Kiyoi.It’s time for your hair and makeup.” the woman spoke up.
Kiyoi nodded.
“Come with me.” the man said to Hira. “I’ll take care of you while we wait.” He draped an arm around his shoulder.
Hira looked at Kiyoi with uncertainty as they were led away in different directions.
The man led Hira to sit a few meters from where the photographer was currently taking pictures of the young man on set.
“How long have you been taking pictures?” the man asked.
“A-a-all..Since I was young.” Hira replied.
“Ahh.I see.” the man said, nodding thoughtfully “No wonder you’re so good.” Hira was silent. “Kiyoi said you’re still in university. When I saw the pictures I thought they were done in a studio.” Hira was still silent. He was never good at making small talk and in any case he preferred not to talk because of his stutter.
Not relenting, the man continued to talk.
“How about it. Would you like to take some pictures today for fun?”
Hira looked at the man, puzzled.
“I-I..no.” he replied.
The man’s face was akin to a deflated tire at Hira’s response and silence fell between them. The air was filled by the shuttering of the camera and the photographer giving directions to the current model.
After a while Kiyoi came into view and he was called to set.
Hira’s eyes followed him like a dowser pendulum, ignoring everything else.
“Ok.” The photographer spoke to Kiyoi on set. “Just be natural.”
Kiyoi nodded once.
The camera shutter began to click.
Hira got up from his chair and walked towards the set.
Positioning himself a few paces behind the photographer, he aimed his camera and shot.
After a few frames he felt a presence over his shoulder as he reviewed the images.
“Amazing!” the voice gave out, causing all eyes to turn.
The man grabbed Hira’s camera, flipping through the images in a frenzy as Hira tried to retrieve it from his hand.
After satisfying himself the man walked over the the monitor and reviewed the shots of Kiyoi the photographer had taken.
“No no.This isn’t right.” he frowned.
The photographer looked up at him and then at the images.
“Is something wrong?” the photographer asked.
“You’re not capturing his beauty.His essence.”
A perplexed expression was drawn across the photographer’s brow.
Without warning he yanked Hira’s camera that was still tethered to his neck, pulling him across in the process.
“Look.” he skipped through the pictures Hira had just taken.
The photographer looked at the pictures and then at Hira who quickly averted his gaze.
Kiyoi stood on the set, perplexed as the two men flanked Hira. He was about to walk over when the director spoke to him.
“Kiyoi.Stay in place.” he instructed.
He nodded and complied but his eyes never left Hira who was wearing a befuddled expression.
The director held Hira by the forearm and led him to the photographer’s place, handing him his camera.
Hira’s confusion deepened.
“Take it.” the man urged.
Hira took the camera.
“Shoot.” the man coaxed gently.
Kiyoi and Hira exchanged glances.
He looked questioningly at Kiyoi.
Kiyoi nodded once.
Hira raised the camera and began shooting.
“Yes!” the man exclaimed. “There it is!” he said excitedly as the images Hira shot came up on the monitor one after the other.
“Keep going.” he encouraged, clearly pleased by the result.
All eyes were on this mysterious photographer but his eyes were only on his star as he took photo after photo.
After countless shots , the man looked at Hira, smiling like the Cheshire cat. 
With a single nod, Hira handed the camera back to the photographer who looked at his camera like it was a foreign object.
“Wait!” the director held on to Hira’s forearm again as he attempted to return to his place.
Hira looked at him.
“Call the other model back.”
One of the staff called the first model back.
The young man walked over.His brown eyes rested on Hira and there was a hint of a smile resting on his lips.
“Do him.”
Kiyoi’s eyes got wide at the director’s request.
Hira shook his head. 
“S-sorry.” he apologized.
“Just a few frames.” the director begged. “Please.”
It was a good thing Kiyoi’s hands were in his pocket so no one could see how hard he was clenching his fist.
What was this nonsense? He wondered to himself.
The model looked over at the monitor displaying Kiyoi’s pictures, then looked at Hira.
“I want you to make me look that good too.” he said.
Hira looked at him. He looked good the way he was,with his bleached blonde hair,large eyes and thin lips.
“S-sorry.” Hira apologized
The young man reached out and gently placed his hand on Hira’s wrist.
“Please?” he begged with a buttery voice.
“But Kiyoi…” Hira began 
“We have alot of shots of Kiyoi and I’m sure he won’t mind.” the director said “We’ll pay you for today’s session as well.” He lifted his head and called in Kiyoi’s direction “Kiyoi.We’re done with you.”
Kiyoi nodded and walked over to the group, standing close to Hira.
“I want him to take a few shots of Jin.” the director told Kiyoi “But he seems hesitant. Won’t you convince him?”
Kiyoi eyed the young man standing across from Hira.
Hira looked at Kiyoi. 
Kiyoi glanced at him before looking at the rest of the group.
“Do it.” the words came out of his mouth bitterly.
Hira looked at him in surprise while the other two beamed in triumph.
Kiyoi frowned. What was he supposed to do? Tell them Hira only took pictures of him and that’s the way he wanted it to remain? Undoubtedly they would want to know why. Would he have the courage to acknowledge that Hira wasn’t just his friend?And even if Hira wasn’t just his friend, what kind of boyfriend would stand in the way of a good opportunity?
The bitterness in his chest was too much. Without looking at Hira, he stalked across the set, out of sight.
Hira watched as Kiyoi disappeared from his sight.He wanted to go after him but he stood there with the camera in his hand, facing his own dilemma.This wasn’t what he’d meant to happen. He just couldn’t help himself.Seeing Kiyoi on the set was like listening to a siren’s song, he just called out to his camera.He had no intention to take pictures of anyone else but Kiyoi had told him to.
Hira gripped the camera a little bit tighter, realising for the first time that he was feeling a new emotion towards Kiyoi, one he’d never felt before. He was angry. Why had he said it was okay for him to take pictures of another person? Was he truly ok with it? Didn’t he understand that to his lens Kiyoi was the sacred one?
He sighed deeply while the others stood looking at him in anticipation.
“Ready?” the model called Jin called out from where he stood, breaking Hira from his inner struggle.
Pulled back to the present situation, he nodded and raised the camera.
The man on set was certainly handsome.Whether you looked at him through a lens or with the naked eye, you could find no flaw but to Hira, he was not beautiful.
After leaving the set, Kiyoi had returned silently to watch Hira work.He stayed a distance away as the man he loved had his lens raised, pointed at another body.It was usually him standing infront of the camera and so he never truly got an appreciation for the way Hira looked when he took pictures. Now, standing here, with his hands balled in his pockets, his eyes never left Hira as he noticed the intimate way his hands caressed the camera and the way his brows drew into focus.
With every image that showed up on the monitor Kiyoi’s heart twitched until finally he couldn’t take it anymore.It felt like he was watching his beloved cheating on him.
He cursed inwardly, knowing he had no one to blame but himself. He’d asked Hira to come along because he wanted to be with him.Though he would not readily admit this to Hira, he loved being in his company.Who knew it would have turned out like this?
As he walked out of the room, two women walked by, heading in the direction of the set. He heard the word “new photographer”  float between them and his beautiful brow creased even more.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed before he finally met Hira again.Sitting in the waiting room, he tried to distract himself with any and everything he could find but it was moot, his mind kept going back to Hira.
When he saw him emerge from the room, his heart soared but the reality of the situation quickly caused a twinge of sourness inside.
“W-what’s the matter?” Hira asked when he saw Kiyoi’s face.
“Nothing.” Kiyoi replied.
He’d just stood to his feet and was about to leave when Jin came bursting through the door.
“Oh. you’re still here.” he addressed Hira.
Hira nodded.
“Here’s my number.” he handed a paper to Hira. “Your pictures were amazing. I’d like to thank you.Perhaps I could treat you to coffee?”
“Uh..” Hira was speechless “No need.” he replied.
“Come on.” the young man persisted, pressing the paper into Hira’s hand.
Kiyoi’s face became shades of red and white.
Nodding once, Hira took the paper.
Jin smiled brilliantly at Hira before nodding once to Kiyoi and bidding them farewell.
Kiyoi strode off, hands in his pocket, storm clouds on his face.
“Kiyoi! Wait.” Hira called after him as he ran to catch up.
“What’s wrong?” 
Kiyoi scoffed.
This was driving him insane.
Was he that oblivious or did he want him to say it?
The weight of what he’d done sank his heart like an anchor dropped.
Hira had photographed another body.How could he have done that?Wasn’t he supposed to be the only one his camera loved? If so then why.
But he already knew why, and the why made him even more angry. Why had he shared his star?He knew Hira only did it to make him happy.
He frowned deeply. Everything with Hira was intense.
The love.
The passion.
But he didn’t like this new character, the jealousy.
“Nothing. Let’s go.” 
Hira walked a few paces behind Kiyoi.He could tell something was bothering him, in fact, he seemed quite angry.
“Kiyoi”..Hira muttered his name softly “What’s wrong?” The question was more for him, as Kiyoi marched forward without sparing him a second glance.
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Mr. Meek Speaks (OOC)
Been There Done That Got The T-Shirt (Answered Asks)
I Was Lightning Before The Thunder (Memes)
I’m Key Look At Me! (Self Promo.)
What Do We Have Here? (Promo.)
NSFW Tag - (NSFShinra)
Are Queue Satisfied With An Average Life?
If HIstory Could Set You Free From Who You Were Supposed To Be (αℓℓ мυѕєѕ)
Don't Get Hung Up On It Just Soldier On With It And Good Luck With Shooting The Moon (¢ℓσυ∂)
Heal Me I'm A Monster You Spill My Blood 'Cause I'm Just A Dreamer (gєиєѕιѕ)
The World May Live Or Die But I Will Rise I'm On The Warpath (нєι∂єggєя)
I'm Learning All Your Tricks I Can Hurt You From Inside I Made Myself A Promise You Would Never See Me Cry (кα∂αנ)
If You Wanna Start A Fight You Better Throw The First Punch Make It A Good One (яєиσ)
Little Dogs Will Kill You Dude As Soon As You Let 'Em Out (яυfυѕ)
Oh Such Grace Oh Such Beauty So Precious Suspicious And Charming And Vicious (уαzσσ)
Black Hole Sun Won't You Come And Wash Away The Rain? (∂αякѕтαя)
Sparks Is The Name Wharks Is The Game (ѕραякѕ)
None At This Time
None At This Time
Trying To Be Ruthless In The Face Of Beauty In This Matrix It's Plain To See It's Either You Or Me (Heidegger & Rufus)
Dazzled Doused In Gin (Rufus & Reno)
You Got Yourself Into Your Own Mess You Know The Demon's In The Design (Yazoo & Kadaj)
Come Back To Me A While Change Your Style Again (Rufus ♡ Reno)
None At This Time
0 notes
motherfuckerunleashed · 8 months
most embarrassing thing just happened to me
bit of a long story but I wanted a Pokéball to go along with my Hallowe’en costume (Pikachu) and I was surprised to find that it’s impossible to find a simple, plastic, hollow Pokéball. I’m not really in the Pokémon merch scene so I’m generally not aware of the current market.
So. The easiest & cheapest way to attain a Pokéball was a pack of Pokémon cards.
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I don’t mind. I like Pokémon, like a fair amount, and since my parents didn’t buy me the cards as a kid I figured it could be a lot of fun actually. So the thing arrived today. There’s a promo flyer inside for Pokémon GO with some promo codes, and since Scott plays like religiously, I was going to give them to him.
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But they expired in July?? I guess this product has been sitting in inventory for a while. Whatever. But as my dad always says, “if you don’t ask, you don’t get” so I contacted the Pokémon Company.
The bot was connecting me with an agent. It asked for pictures of the order.
You probably have an idea of where this is going.
I didn’t send nudes, but I definitely misclicked.
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So when an agent inevitably opened this chat, they saw:
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1) “how you dune” and 2) an unflattering photo of my cat doing what Scott calls “turkey legs”
You can see above that shame and regret overwhelmed me and I left the chat at lightning speed. And truth be told the embarrassment is wearing off and that’s actually fucking hilarious. So I’m sitting here laughing at this blunder, and my phone buzzes
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OF COURSE someone would follow up, because that’s their JOB, but I think it’s very clear they were allowed to ignore this one—
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