#I’m convinced that’s what she does when she gets writer’s block
myfairkatiecat · 1 month
I love how Shannon Messenger’s go-to scene continuation method is to have Biana appear in the corner no matter what was happening
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alessiasfreckles · 5 months
i'll always look after you (part 2) (alessia russo x reader)
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Your girlfriend is grumpy when she's sick. Part 1 here!
a/n: part 2 of the lessi sickfic! based on this request. i hope you like it! also big thank you to @wosoamazing for helping me out with the writer's block!!
“I hate being sick,” your girlfriend grumbled, pouting. “It’s so boring.”
“I know, baby,” you said, giving her a quick kiss. “What did you get up to today?”
It was the third day of Alessia having to stay at home with an extremely stubborn cold. On the first day, she had almost enjoyed having a day off, using the day to sleep. On the second day, she started to get restless, annoyed by her own constant sniffling and coughing. Today, the third day, she was just downright grumpy. Your phone had been buzzing nonstop during training, making the other girls tease you about how bored Lessi clearly was. 
“Nothing!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms up dramatically. 
“Nothing?” you teased, raising an eyebrow. “You’ve just been lying here all day, not moving, not texting me, nothing?”
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and pouting again. “Okay, fine. I watched some tv, rewatched some old matches, maybe went for a small run, scrolled through instagram-”
“Wait, baby, did you just say you went for a run?” you asked incredulously.
You sighed, sitting down next to her on the sofa. “You know you’re meant to be resting.”
“I know, I just. I hate being sick,” she sniffed. “And I thought maybe a little run would be okay, just to get me moving, and into the fresh air, y’know?”
“I know, baby,” you said, pulling her in to lean against you. “How was it?”
“Awful!” she said, bottom lip quivering. “I got to the end of the road and then started coughing and couldn’t stop and had to come back home.”
Tears of frustration brimmed up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. 
“Only a few more days, and then hopefully you’ll feel well enough to come back to training.” you tried to console her, but she pulled away. 
“I do feel better, though! It’s just this stupid cough and this stupid runny nose and-” she said, tears starting to stream down her face, and she hiccuped as you pulled her into a tight hug. “I miss playing football and training with you and all the girls. I know it’s stupid, we spend so much time training and playing, but I still miss it.”
You nodded, your heart breaking for her. “It’s not stupid, baby, I promise. I know exactly what you mean.”
You sat quietly for a moment, the silence broken by occasional sniffs from Alessia. 
“I have an idea,” you said, and she looked up at you. “What if we do some stretching together? I know it’s not the same, but at least you’ll be moving your body.”
She thought about it and then nodded, a small smile on her face. “Does that mean you’ll wear those leggings that make your bum look great?”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “I can do, if you want.”
“Yes please,” she said with a grin, and then quickly pouted. “I’m sick, remember? It would help make me feel better.”
“I was going to wear them anyway, you don’t have to play the sick card,” you laughed, getting up to go and get changed. 
You kept the stretching session relatively easy, not wanting to push Lessi’s body further than necessary, especially when she really should have been resting. You could understand her restlessness though, you felt the same when you were sick. Afterwards, she leant over to give you a kiss, resting her forehead against yours. 
“Thank you, baby,” she said softly. “You always know how to make me feel better.”
“Anything for you, my love,” you replied, your heart full. 
The two of you spent the rest of the evening watching a film and cuddling, before heading to bed early, ignoring your girlfriend’s protests that she didn’t need any more rest. It paid off, however, when the next day she woke up and declared that she felt well enough to come back to training with you. 
Being worried for her health, you tried to convince her to spend one last day at home. She kept you distracted with kisses and wandering hands until you realised that you had to get ready and leave now, otherwise you were going to be late. You didn’t have enough time to debate with her whether she should stay home or not anymore, so you gave up, making sure that she was bundled up in multiple layers so that if she was going to insist on going to training, at least her cold wouldn’t get any worse.
When you arrived at training, your teammates teased you for not having your girlfriend under control. 
“Don’t blame her,” Lessi said with a grin and a wink. “I can be very convincing when I want to be.”
The team doctor was not impressed by her return, but begrudgingly agreed that she did seem healthy enough to participate in the morning gym session, and that they would see how she felt at lunch before deciding whether she was cleared for training on the pitch in the afternoon. You couldn’t help but smile at the look of relief on the blonde’s face as she entered the gym. 
You were at the far end of the large hall, in the weight area, when you heard some coughing from the treadmills at the other end of the gym. You waited a beat, seeing whether the coughing would let up, but when it got worse you dropped the weights you were holding and rushed over. 
Lessi was doubled over next to one of the treadmills, Kyra stood next to her with a hand on her back. You bent down beside her, rubbing her back gently, offering her a water bottle, but she was coughing too hard to take a sip. 
“Shit, Ky, can you get the doctor?” you asked anxiously as your girlfriend stopped coughing long enough to take a quick breath but immediately started again. The Australian nodded before running out of the gym, returning a minute later with the team doctor. Lessi was still coughing, but not quite as badly as she had been. 
“Right Alessia, I need you to try and take some deep breaths for me, okay?” the doctor said, placing a stethoscope against the blonde’s back. She nodded, trying to take a breath between coughs. “I’m just going to take a quick listen.”
You rubbed a thumb against the back of your girlfriend’s hand as the coughs subsided and she was able to breathe again, face pink from exertion. After a couple of breaths, the doctor removed the stethoscope and stepped back in front of her. 
“It doesn’t sound too bad, but I’d like you to stop training for today, and take tomorrow off as well. And I’ll talk to Jonas about the game on Sunday, but you definitely shouldn’t be starting. Have you been drinking enough? Not just water, you need hot drinks as well. Cough drops couldn’t hurt either,” she said, and you watched Lessi’s face fall. 
“Okay,” she said miserably. “But I can play on Sunday?”
“Come and see me on Sunday morning, and if you’re healthy, I’ll tell Jonas that my recommendation is that you can play as a sub, alright?”
The blonde nodded, chewing at her lip. After the doctor left, you pulled her into a tight hug. 
“Can we go somewhere else?” she asked. You nodded, leading her into an empty  equipment room nearby. Once the door was closed, she let her body sag and her face fall into her hands. “I just feel so stupid. I shouldn’t have pushed, I shouldn’t have tried to go for that run yesterday, I should have stayed home today, I just-”
“Oh, baby,” you said, quickly pulling her into another tight hug. You stayed like that for a minute until you felt her body soften against yours, her arms wrapped around you. “You’re not stupid. Anyone else probably would have done the same.”
Just then, a soft knock sounded at the door. It opened quietly to reveal Leah, poking her head through.
“Less, you okay?” she asked, a concerned look on her face.
Your girlfriend shrugged, then nodded. Leah raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Fine,” Lessi slumped down. “I’m still poorly, I guess.”
Leah sighed. “You have to take care of yourself,” she started. Her voice was stern, but kind, and when your girlfriend’s lower lip started to wobble and tears filled her eyes, the England captain pulled her into a tight hug. “I know you wanted to come back, but it’s important for you and for the team that you’re in full health. And it’ll be even longer until you’re back to full health if you push yourself too hard. Believe me, I know how hard it is. So, y/n is going to take you home, okay? We’re mostly done with training for today, so neither of you will miss too much.”
Lessi sniffed and nodded, wiping a tear away. “Okay, Lee. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, Less,” Leah said, her eyes kind. She turned to you. “That okay with you, y/n?”
“Sure,” you nodded, taking your girlfriend’s hand. “Come on, trouble. Let’s get you home.”
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hermitthebee · 4 months
I’m not a writer by any means but I wanted to share a silly Charlastor Au that won’t leave my head:
(Set during episode 7) When Charlie and Alastor make their deal the spell accidentally gets fucked up. The deal worked, but it also created a bond between the two demons. Resulting in them being able to feel the other’s emotions. Neither demon knows what went wrong and neither can remove it.
They both (Alastor ‘if I show vulnerability for a single second I will die’ Altruist especially) don’t like the situation But there’s really no time to focus on it with the impending extermination. So they just adapt to it. Alastor nicknames the foreign emotions as feedback.
To Alastor the connection is just like radio feedback. It’s always present, at least a little. But usually He can block it out and carry on as normal as long as the feeling isn’t too strong. (He does NOT worry when Charlie is anxious/upset and definitely doesn’t try to help by disquietly sending comfort through the connection.) He’s a lot more concerned with keeping his own feelings in check.
Charlie for the most part doesn’t get a lot of feedback from Alastor. At least nothing identifiable, it present but faint. When she does it’s either a deliberate action to send a specific feeling to her. (Often one of comfort or pride). Or a quick, but intense, flash of something that disappears a seconds later (often before she can even identify what it was). She always makes sure to check on Alastor after these slips, making sure he’s okay.
During the extermination when Alastor is injured, Charlie is overwhelmed by such an intense fear that she nearly doubled over. This panic doesn’t leave for the rest of the battle. She leave’s almost as soon as the fight is over to find him. (Much to the confusion of the other residents). Charlie finds him mid breakdown and immediately works on calming him down, at least enough to deal with his injuries.
Afterwards Alastor acts more closed off towards everyone. He’s more determined to remove the bond than ever.
But Charlie isn’t convinced, she gets more feedback now than ever. And damn it Alastor is her friend and she refuses to let him distance himself without a fight.
(I’ll never write an actual fic but I’ll gladly share a more details if anyone likes this idea)
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
The way you look at her PT 2
Warning: Fluff, angst, crying
Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader
Summary: Hyunjin introduces you to his girlfriend...
Does he know you have feelings for him?
!Kinda proofread!
I hate this so much OH MY GOD. Please bare with me lol! I’ve had writers block! 🩷
The night was horrible.
After the new couple walked into the house if felt like the atmosphere had changed. It felt like everyone was uncomfortable. Maybe I was overthinking it but i knew I was ready to go to bed.
“So Mina,” Chan starts up a new conversation as he sips on his beer watching everyone play a game of cards.
Her legs were tangled with Hyunjin’s and her hands were all over him. Yuck.
“What do you do for a living?” Chan asks making everyone turn their focus on her.
“Oh I’m currently in retail,” she says smiling. “What about you Chan, what exactly do you do for the group?”
Everyone goes quiet as if she had just shoved a knife in all our guts and stepped on our necks. How could she not know how big Chan was in the group? Pathetic in my opinion.
“Oh, well…”
“He is the janitor!” I shout out making the boys all burst out in laughter including Chan.
“Yeah I’m the janitor,” Mina looks at all of us confused and lets out a chuckle trying not to look confused.
“No but actually I’m the leader of the group, I’m surprised you didn’t know..”
“Oh well I don’t really listen to music that much and the only reason I found out about you guys was when I met Hyunjin.”
My smile disappears and I take a sip of my drink. I knew I was tipsy and soon falling into the drunk category.
“How did you guys meet by the way?” Felix interrupts the conversation.
“Uhh Babe, do you wanna tell the story?” She smiles of at Hyunjin who kisses her on the cheek. I shift in my chair uncomfortably and look away. I.N giving me encouraging looks now and again trying to make sure I’m okay.
“Yeah sure, basically this was when me and Y/nie were at the movies! I had gone to buy us more drinks and I had bumped into her. I thought she was pretty really-“
“And I thought he was the most beautiful man on earth,” that makes Hyunjin blush.
“And I had offered to buy her a drink to make it up to her. Now here we are thanks to Y/nie!” He looks at me and smiles.
“I-I think I’m going to go get another drink.” I slur getting up and stumbling into the kitchen.
Everyone gives Hyunjin a confused look but he also gets up leaving Mina on the couch to talk to the boys who really seemed like they didn’t want to be there.
My hands shake as I grab another beer. Sweat running down my face as regret starts to churn in my stomach.
My chest starts to ache but it was worse than before. The hot tears start to slide down my cheek. The tears I was trying to hold in the whole evening as I watched my Hyunjin touch on Mina. My Hyunjin laughing with her. My hyu-
“Hey..You okay?” My trail of thought is interrupted by a soft voice. The voice I wasn’t ready to hear yet. How long did I have to pretend not to love him the way I do? God.
“Yeah totally fine,” I find my hands wiping the tears that were falling and quickly turn with a big plastic smile. His frown telling me it wasn’t convincing at all.
He stood by the door. His hair up in a bun and his reading glasses on. The same reading glasses I helped pick out for him.
He was wearing his normal black sweatpants with a large sweatshirt. His hand filled with rings and my hair tie wrapped around his wrist. He looked like the Angel he was but with a pout and a worried look.
“Y/nie, if there something wrong you can tell me you know? I’m your best-friend. Why are you crying? Is it Mina? Is she not good for me? Do you not like her?”
Yes she isn’t good for you, I am you dimwit! I silently curse to myself.
His eyes go soft as he walks towards me. His body towering over me. Trying to read me like the open book I am when it came to him.
Hyunjin could read me in an out no doubt. He loved that about me, like he said. He even once said that if him and the boys had a competition on “who knows y/n the best” he would win with his eyes closed. Might sound cringe but I find it cute. Which made my heart flutter and the butterflies in my stomach grow even more but why did I want to throw them out now? Why did I want to kill the butterflies and mute my heart? Was this how heartbreak felt like?
“Just a stressful day at work Jinnie, I’m about to go out for a smock, wanna join?” I blurt out and move from underneath him. His hand automatically wrapping around my waist to stop me from moving.
“A smock? I thought you quit it? I told you it wasn’t good for you? It puts chemicals in your body, baby, we agreed you’d stop or you going to die.”
Baby? I couldn’t help but scoff at this. Baby? Really? What was he trying to do with me? Am I some type of rebound that he tried to keep under his wing?
Not noticing the tears that had fell his hands slowly wipe them away, “Hey hey, Y/n your crying again. Please tell me what’s wrong? It’s worrying me.” My vision blurry as I let out sobs. The pain now turning into anger. How dare he? How dare he make me feel like this?!
“Hyunjin I don’t need you to babysit me okay? You’re clearly so busy with your life to care about me. So let me do what I want.” My body rips out of his grip as I watch his eyes go wide as he looks confused. His expression turning into hurt and disbelief. I refused to argue with him. I refused to get hurt. I refused to let my stupid feelings get in between him and Mina. I grab my bottle and rush out the kitchen trying to get away from the situation but he starts to follow me.
“Y/nie, I’m talking to you.” He says as his steps quicken behind me.
“I’m done talking to you.” I simply reply as I make my way through the living room.
“Guys what’s going on-“
“Not right now!” We both snap at Han who’s taken back by our harsh tone.
Everyone in the room goes silent and even Mina knew not to interrupt our little argument.
“Hyunjin just leave me alone.” I exclaim as I speed walk up the stairs. Leaving everyone confused. The hot tears were now rolling non stop.
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong with you! You never smock unless there’s something bothering you!” He yells back.
The corridors lead me into Hyunjin’s room, my heart now beating in my neck as I try to slam the door in his face my his strength stops the door from shutting.
We were both now stood in his room and he had slammed the door shut. My sobs get loud as I stare at him. His arms crossed.
Me and him were both petty, that’s why we got along so well sometimes. If he did something I’d do something 10x worse then he would add on to that. It wasn’t the best thing when me and him argued, the whole house would flip upside down. Chan’s still traumatized from the last fight where I had thrown Hyunjin’s stool at him.
“Now you’re not leaving this room until you talk to me Y/n!”
I glare at him and walk to his balcony pulling out the pack of cigarettes.
“Y/n no!” He growls and grabs it out of my hand.
“Hyunjin!” I yell at him. But he doesn’t flinch or move. He looks me dead in the eyes before throwing them off the balcony.
“Why are you like this? Why do you have so much control over my life?”
“What do you mean Y/n?! I don’t control-“
The saying ‘think before you act’ did not apply to the shit I was about to say but instead ‘drunk words are sober thoughts’ was the biggest cause of all the shit that was about to come out my mouth.
“Yes you do Hyunjin! Why did I have to fall for you! You and your stupid brown eyes! Your stupid long beautiful locs! Your stupid pink soft lips! Why do you have to control me like this!” I scream at him, finding my self punching his chest. He stands there taking it in, listening to the words leaving my mouth at this moment. He knew I was drunk, but he didn’t know I was this drunk.
My body finally starts to give out. His hand quickly holding me before I fall to the ground.
“Shhh, princess, I’ve got you. Calm down just breathe. I’m right here. Can we go inside?” I nod my head and he slowly leads me into the room where he sits on the bed and pulls me to cuddle right beside him.
“Your okay. Okay? Just breathe. I’m here. No need to panic, I’m right here.” He rubs my back and intertwines our fingers.
“Hyunjin stop doing this to me. Please. I can’t keep holding onto this hope that someday we’ll be together.” I say softly. Removing myself from his touch.
“Y/n, look at me please.” His hand softly touching my face. He searches for my eyes as my body trembled against his. His other hand rubbing circles in my palm. He deeply sighs.
“Y/n I love you too but we can’t be together,” his voice trembles.
That’s when I hear my heart shatter into millions of pieces. I’m in my head, the thoughts run faster and faster that I don’t notice the tears in his eyes and a pair of extra eyes watching us behind the scenes
Ew kill me 😒 hope you enjoyed the story lol.
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friendship-ditch · 2 months
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Something Stupid
(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: Katniss comes to your rescue after your mission into the woods doesn't go as planned.
Warnings/Notes: No warnings really, self-loathing reader. Sorry for being MIA for a bit, still struggling w/ writers block. Also sorry for letting this request marinate in my inbox for a long time
Word Count: 2521
  “There…!  I saw a rabbit.”  
  A roughened hand clasped gently around your wrist, stopping you from walking right into the ditch that laid in the forest floor in front of you.
  “Good sight, but not one worth breaking an arm for.”  Katniss muses teasingly as she helps you steady once more on the solid ground.  She wipes some dirt off your back and then points down a path of dirt and brush.  “Follow me.”
  With a curt nod, you trailed her down the side of the hill and to a small opening in the woods, where the rabbit now munched on some foliage.
  Katniss bent down and you instinctively bent behind her, arms flitting to her strong arms as she aimed her arrow at the small creature.  Just before release, she turned to you.
  “Are you sure you don’t want to try?”  She asked in a small whisper.  She asked you this every time you came hunting and you always denied, but appreciated the offer.
  “I’d just miss it.  You do it.”  You whispered back.
  Without trying to convince you further, Katniss simply nodded.  She adjusted her arrow with precision and then let it fly, taking out the rabbit on impact.  
  You two collected the game and placed it in the bag you were carrying, and then glanced down at the haul.
  “I think this is more than enough.”  You said, peering through the bag.
  Spring had sprung in District 12 and animals were everywhere.  Food was unusually plentiful and the two of you were not going to miss out on this opportunity.  There was enough to feed both of your families for quite a few days, and enough to sell a few bits and pieces and earn some extra cash.
  Katniss closed the bag up and nodded proudly.  “I agree.  I’ll skin some for dinner when we get home and you can run the extras by the Hob.”
  This was a usual routine you two had picked up.  Although Katniss was practically drowning in riches after winning the Games, she still liked to hunt for her family, and you didn’t like to take money from her, though the coins she slipped into your back pockets were kept with silent gratitude.  She stayed and skinned the food out back while you sold some at the hob, usually buying a dessert or two from the bakery. 
  You took your normal back path through the Hob, stopping at the stands you frequented and grabbing some cookies from the bakery to share tonight.
  Most evenings, the Hob was dying down by now, save for the bustling lines of people waiting for food.  You did your duties and were on the way out of the bakery when somebody off to the side called your name.
  “Y/n, back again?”  It was some of the people you’d gone to school with, standing outside of the bakery, looking a little worse for the wear.  “You come here quite a lot.  Is Katniss’s money treating you well?”
  You frowned, wrinkling your nose as you stuffed the cookies into your pocket.  “What are you talking about?”
  One of the guys stepped up and eyed you suspiciously.  His mouth formed a thin line, and then broke out into a smirk.  “You know exactly what I mean.”
  “Yeah.”  Joined in one of the smaller girls.  She crossed her arms and glared at you.  “You ‘nd her, I don’t know why she keeps you around.  You’re jus’ her lapdog, she gives you everything you want.  You’d think she’d want someone who's not a worthless scum around.”
  Your frown deepened into a look of anger and you shook your head.  “I’m not taking her money..  We split this money, we both earn it.”
  “And what do you do, sit around and look pretty while she does the work?”  The first guy laughed again.  “Tell me, what do you do?”
  “I-...”  You stammered, brain coming to a halt as your mouth hung wordlessly open.  What did you do for Katniss?  You… kept her company while hunting, but anybody could do that.  You helped her spot prey… she probably was just letting you point it out after she saw it.  “I…”
  This sent the group into a fit of laughter, and an aching feeling into your heart.
  “Go on, get out of here, lapdog.”  The short girl said again, waving you off.
  You took the hint and left quickly before they could say anything else.  By the time you were almost at Katniss’s house again, your tears had long dried, but that feeling in your chest hadn’t.
  Katniss met you at the door, eyes brightening when she saw the chocolate cookies in your hand.  “Oh, these are my favorites.”  She murmured while she gave you a tight hug.  She seemed to pick up on your stiffness and let go with a frown.
  “Y/n?  Are you okay?”
  You nodded, handing her the cookies with a forced smile.  “Yeah, yeah…  I’ve just got to get back home.  I’ll see you tomorrow though, right?”
  “Right.  Bright and early, I want to empty those snares before the rain comes.”
  “Got it.”
  You each exchanged another goodbye hug and then you left quietly.  
  As hard as you tried to fight it, those harsh words wouldn’t leave your head.  You weren’t worthless, you weren’t.  Katniss liked you and kept you around for a reason… you were useful, right?
  What happened the next day didn’t exactly cure those feelings ringing in your ears.
  Katniss opened the door to your knock, without her hunting jacket or boots.  She smiled half heartedly at you and wiped a little bit of rain off your face as you stepped inside.
  “We’re not going hunting today.”  Katniss broke the news to you.  Her hair was fluffy and a bit frizzled from the rain and she helped you slide your jacket off.
  “What?  Why not?”  You frowned at her, confused. 
  “It’s dangerous out there, it’s raining pretty hard.”  Katniss replied.  “The woods get slippery in the rain, especially near the snares and the good clearings.”
  Normally, you’d accept this news as an invitation to kick off your boots and maybe relax on the couch with her for a bit, cuddling in the warmth of her big house, but today, things were different.
  You were saddened, if not hurt by the news.  This was supposed to be your chance to prove yourself.
  “But you’ve hunted in worse conditions.”
  “Yes, but you haven’t.”
  “So…  I don’t want to risk it.  I don’t want you to get hurt.”
  You tried to hide the mist clouding your eyes as her words sank in.  It was nice that she was worried about you, but it hurt that she didn’t believe you were capable of this.
  “It’s nothing, Y/n, we’ll go tomorrow.”  Katniss tried to assure you with a sweet smile.  “Okay?  Same time as always, maybe a little earlier if you want.”
  “Alright…”  You sighed, nodding.  Suddenly, you didn’t feel like spending the rest of your day here relaxing.  You reached for your coat and slid it back on, much to Katniss’s dismay.
  “Y/n?  Where are you going?”  Katniss asked, following you back to the porch.
  You looked out into the rain, and then back at her.  “I just remembered, I uh… I have a few errands to run.”  You lied.  “But I’ll be back later, in a few hours.”
  “I can come with–”
  “No, I’ve got this.”  You assured her.  You pressed a quick kiss to her cheek and then stepped out into the rain.  “I’ll see you soon.”
  “Okay…”  Katniss called and waved as she watched you disappear off down the trail.  She was a little taken aback by your sudden departure but she didn’t ask, knowing you’d just get mad.  She watched until you weren’t visible beneath the heavy sheets of rain and then returned back inside.
  Your goal was simple: go into the woods on your own, and make something of yourself.  You were pretty sure hunting was crossed off the list, but you could definitely track down those berry bushes you saw the other day, or at least find some herbs.
  Once you approached the forest line, you tugged your hood up and went in.  
  The woods were oddly gloomy in the rain.  The overhead leaves cast a dark canopy over the forest floor and everything was making some sort of noise, either a pitter from the precipitation or a rustle from the wind.
  It seemed as if you were alone in the forest.  All of the animals had either returned home to wait out the rain, or were too silent for you to notice.  And for a while, things went pretty well.
  You managed to find the blackberry bushes you’d been thinking about and harvested the remaining ones, placing them into your bag.
  Once you’d scouted out the remaining bushes and took enough to make some jam, you started to return back, feeling pretty pleased.  You’d accomplished your goal with ease.  You weren’t so worthless after all.
  As you began to walk home, you noticed it was raining heavier than before, and it was a little harder to see.  You’d left a trail of rocks to follow but it was a struggle through the pouring rain.  Thunder crackled in the distance and you soon figured a forest was not the best place to be during a thunderstorm.
  Suddenly, the wind blew harder than before, and something behind you cracked.  You just barely escaped a falling tree, but the fright sent you stumbling to the side and misstepping, taking a tumble down a small hill.
  Shocked, wounded, covered in smushed blackberries, and utterly embarrassed, you scrambled to the nearest cave you could find, deciding to wait the storm out.  Once you got there, you realized your bag was just a soaking rag full of mush, and you’d not only failed that goal, but you’d failed on surviving the woods alone.
  You hadn’t even realized you were crying while in the rain, but now that there was a secure roof above your head, and the drops of water hadn’t stopped dribbling down your face, you figured it out.  You sunk to the ground and curled up in a small corner of the cave, hugging your knees and shivering.  Your only hope now was either the rain stopped soon–which it probably wouldn’t–or Katniss came and found you.  As nice as a warm house and a nice change of clothes sounded, the idea of her coming to your rescue again was crushing your spirit.  
  And like the amazing girlfriend she was, Katniss did find you.  
  It took about an hour before the rain lightened, and you could hear her voice echoing through the trees.
  “Y/n?!  Where are you!?”
  You debated saying nothing, utterly ashamed, but you knew better.
  “Over here..!”
  It was a matter of seconds before Katniss came stampeding over to you.  She ran into the cave like there was no tomorrow and pulled you into her arms.
  “Oh, you’re okay…”  She breathed a sigh of relief, practically lifting you off the ground.  When she squeezed you as tight as you could, she let go, and then gasped.  “What happened to you?  Is this blood?!”
  You looked down as her fingers clenched your shirt, noticing she was looking at the blackberry stains across your chest and arms.
  “No… just berries…”  You mumbled defeatedly.  You leaned against, wanting to hide your face in her neck but she stepped back.
  “I’m glad you’re okay, but Y/n, what the fuck?”  Katniss exclaimed suddenly, her gray eyes unable to conceal their anger and emotion.  “This is exactly why I said we weren’t going to go hunting, it’s unpredictable during storms!   Why would you ever do something so stupid?!”
  As quickly as it came, the anger fled from her eyes when you just began to cry.  Her arms wrapped around you once more and she tucked your face into her chest.
  “Oh, Y/n, I’m sorry..”  Katniss cooed softly, raking her fingers through your damp hair.  “I’m not mad.. I was just scared.  I thought you got hurt…”
  You sobbed softly, clinging onto her like a koala as you cried.  Not only had you proved yourself nothing but worthless once more, dragged Katniss out into the rain to come to your rescue for the 100th time, but you’d also scared her.
  “I’m so sorry…”  You whimpered softly, shaking your head as hot tears dripped down your face.  “I’m so sorry…”
  “I’m worthless.  I feel like I’m worthless to you..”  You blubbered softly, trying to get the truth out between pouring tears.  “I-I just wanted to prove that I’m strong, and worth something, to you especially but… but I’m not..  I’m so sorry…”
  Expecting some sort of retaliation, you closed your eyes and braced, but nothing came.  Instead, two warm hands found their way to your face and gently cupped your cheeks.  You didn’t open your eyes until a soft thumb stroked the side of your face, and then you slowly looked up.
  Katniss was framing your face as if you were an art piece, the most beautiful thing in the world who belonged in a museum.  She smiled sadly at you, wiping the tears away with a soft flick of her thumb every few seconds.
  “You are not worthless.”  Katniss murmured softly.  “You’re not, Y/n.  You’re my whole world, and you don’t have to change because I love you for who and how you are.”
  “Y-you do…?”
  “Of course I do.  I wouldn’t keep you around if I didn’t.”  Katniss teased gently, making you chuckle.  Once she saw the softest light in your eyes, she continued.  “I love you, okay?  I love you, and you’re perfect.  You don’t have to prove yourself to me.  You could never be worthless…”  She stopped for a moment, cheeks flushing a little with how much she’d just poured her heart out.  Then she lowered her voice.  “Alright…?”
  The tears came back to your eyes once more, but no longer were they tears of self loathing and embarrassment.  You just nodded and buried your face into her chest.  “Yeah.. okay…  I love you, Katniss..”
  “I know you do.”  She whispered softly, giving you a tight squeeze and then letting go.  “Now, let’s get home.. Okay?”
  You were a little scared to go into the Everdeen's house after all of this, certain they’d know of your mistakes, but nobody commented, so you felt a little better.
  Katniss got you a fresh, dry change of clothes and then led you up to her room where she sat you on the bed, and then sat beside you and pulled her into a warm embrace.
  “What are you doing..?”  You chuckled softly as she began pebbling kisses all over your head and face.
  Katniss chuckled too, kissing your nose.  “Showing you how much I love you.”  She murmured, kissing your forehead this time.  “And making sure you don’t do something stupid again.”
  You giggled and headbutted her gently, which earned you about 10 more kisses on your forehead, and then the tightest hug ever.
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simonrillleyyysss · 8 months
philip graves x gothic!reader
wrote as afab,but gn implied 🖤
Implied that reader is tall(ish?) (5’8-5’9)
warnings; mild flirting, graves stares a few times, mention of boobs??? being mean to graves. literally just silly arguing that turns into fluff🗿drinking(alchohol), masturbation(fem! And male!) ‘enemies to lovers’ trope, mutual pining
graves lives in your apartment complex; and does whatever he can to annoy you.
note;as someone who has been/is in the goth scene this was so fun to write 🥹🥹 writers block is stopping so much from happening so if I don’t get much content out I’m sorry
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Ever since you moved in, he’d had an issue with you.
At first, it started out as small, simple things to tick you off; wether it be playing his music explicitly loud enough for you to hear through the thin walls of the apartment nextdoor, or giving you nasty glances as you walked past him in the foyer,Philip never looked pleased to be around you.
It turned mutual after a while, if he condescendingly asked you how your day was when walking past? A snarky comment, a snicker or a mean glare, waving him off, even knocking on his door and running away in the middle of the night.
So when you were stood in the foyer, pressing the button of the lift and held his arm brush over yours, you cocked a brow, the sleeves of his button up-dressshirt rolled up, jeans hanging antagonisingly low on his hips, belt keeping them up, his face a sour scowl—brows furrowed.
‘Morrninng, Philip.’
You said with a mockingly kind tone, a snarky smirk on your lips, the name falling from your lips like a curse.
Didn’t expect to see you here, thought you would’ve been at work..
Then again, I don’t think anyone would hire someone of your..
His accent was piercing, almost like nails on a chalkboard—southern blabbering.
A humble grin rose at the corners of his lips, looking down at you;studying you, ghostly pale skin adorned with jewellery, long legs holding you upright,heavy—cold eyes, full lips naturally forming into a frown, thick lashes patting again your cheek, black hair dangling by your shoulders,thick liner smudging against your lids, piercings cluttering your face,breasts smushing together inside that tight little bra of—
Your quick retort pulled him from his thoughts, watching as he brushed a strand of sandy, blonde hair from his tanned face.
“Do I need to?”
Philip said, giving you a quick glance up and down.
“Your face has more holes thanna’ brothel, for a start.”
He said nonchalantly, watching as the lift arrived before stepping inside, hands hidden in his jean pockets as he watched you slide in beside him.
“Nobody’ wants to hire someone like you.”
The ding of the elevator alerted you both, stepping out as you parted ways, giving him a grumble.
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A little drink couldn’t hurt.
That’s what your friends had convinced you, dragging you to their night out, just bar hopping.
It did hurt, though. Especially when you seen his ugly, smug face standing at the end of the pooltable, group of men gathered around him, talking and drinking.
Philip was staring right at you, eyes narrowed as you visibly frowned and quickly turned to stand at the bar, crossing your arms and leaning on the aged wood, lacy black dress riding up your thigh.
“You clean up nicely, gotta say.”
You nodded, taking a sip from your glass carelessly, causing Graves to grumble, running his tongue over his teeth, looking at you.
“Didn’t know you could leave your house.”
‘I can, just don’t wanna.’
His brows knitted together, resting against the aged wood of the bars counter.
“Let me buy you a drink.”
‘Funny, if you’re gonna drug me, do it in a less obvious manner.”
“Course not, you’d probably be immune anyways seeing as..”
You scoffed, kicking his calf and earning a snigger from the man across, almost towering over him in your boots.
‘I’d watch what you say, Mister.Graves.’
Once he’d ordered your drink and handed it to you, you took short sips, glancing at him from the corner of his eye as she trudged off, pint in his own hands; thick, calloused fingers tightening around the full glass— control yourself.
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A short gasp left your lips, slowly inching the dildo inside your wet cunny, long fingers moving down to massage quick circles against your puffy clit, eyes closed tightly.
Feeling the long silicone drag in and out of your pussies walls, it was exhilarating, back arching as pleas and begs fell from your lips.
‘oh—oh Phil!”
‘hahaaaaahhh..—keep going!’
Soon enough, Graves had heard his ear pressed against his bedroom wall, listening to your pleas and cries—his name falling from your lips desperately, his hand eagerly dipping into his boxers, stroking his semi-hard cock, pretty pink tip leaking precum.
“Dirty whore…”
Feeling your orgasm approach, you rubbed clit with a desperate speed, almost screaming as you squirted along your sheets—sliding the dildo out of your pretty cunnie, slick with your squirt.
Unfortunately, for Graves—he was left blueballed that night, whimpering and whispering as he attempted to jerk off; but to no avail.
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“Will you go out with me?”
His sudden voice as you opened the door caused you to short circuit, eyeliner smudged from previous attempts of makeup, looking down at him with lips agape, glancing right at him, bouquet of purple flowers in his hands, hair gelled and a cocky smirk on his lips.
“Got purple, didn’t have any black ones.”
“Is it a Yes?”
‘…I’ll think about it, come in for some tea?”
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roomsofangel · 3 months
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synopsis you hated christmas. simple. this year was no different, the only thing changing was the scenery when you decide to let your older brother, yunho convince you to visit your grandmother who neither of you had met but hoped it would do some good. everything was still the same — writer’s block, the winter loneliness, the way yunho won’t stop singing jingle bell rock, yeah, everything was the same. at least, until a certain blonde haired boy made it his mission to melt your iced heart.
warnings none really!
wc 1.3k
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this chapter is in san’s pov !
a/n i decided to update this today and give you all a double update for growing pains since i know it has been a good while:( let me know what you guys think :D
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san thought he knew a lot of things back when he was still a rosy cheeked kid with deeper dimples than he had now — when he still had a lot of hope in the world and nothing snuffed out his spark just yet.
and maybe now that he’s an adult with more emotional scars than before, he can say he never wants anyone to feel the way he did. not since that night, he refuses to let anyone feel as if he has given up on them. sometimes he wonders if thats who he is or the fact he just wished no one ever gave up on him.
this small town, oh the ache it carried when he decided to come back three years ago to care for his mother. it was best to not live these days in his own rues, he had to learn to accept the past and embrace the future, no matter how much it ached.
and for the most part, san was fully convinced he was healed from that chapter of his life — that he no longer needed medication to make him feel alright.
“and this is yeosang.”
ah, that made his world shatter. kang yeosang in the flesh.
his eyes couldn’t help but match the other’s when they narrowed, eyeing and taking in the sight of how he was sat before the sound of your voice came up again, “you can sit by me if you want to.”
and san felt his heart ache a little, well— does it count as an ache? he hasn’t felt anything in his chest like this before, unless it was to do with hurt and sorrow. san nods, “of course yn.” he smiled, and tried to ignore the feeling of a glare on him as he took a seat with you, your smile warming him up.
it seemed that time was going by achingly slow, but san was thankful for the three that were there. mingi seemed to be decent, he reminded him of wooyoung. he should text wooyoung later, he forgot to do so.
as the movie progressed, it was some romcom that san could recall watching with his sister years ago, he couldn’t remember the name but he could recall certain scenes as he tried to snack on the popcorn given and focus on the texture, the taste. he could feel your hand brush against his and he felt his face warm, why was he warm?
“personally, if she says i’m a bird i’m gonna be a bird.” mingi broke the silence with his hands raised up in defense, making yunho snort and san couldn’t help but laugh a little himself and nod along. “so are you?” he teased a little and mingi grinned
“i like this guy.” mingi motioned over to san who nodded his head in acknowledgment and returned the grin, yunho agreeing with a “right!”
but san didn’t miss one thing,
the one thing but san is he was too observant for his own good
so yeosang must have forgotten that san noticed everything, even the similar little scowl that he remembered all too well.
“no! like this!” mingi shoved yunho aside to get onto the snowy ground, laying on his back and spread out to begin making a snow angel, making yunho groan and find a new spot to make his own
san chuckled, turning his attention to you who quickly looked away and back at your brother, making his lips only curl up more. he was convinced his face would hurt later on. “are they always like this?” he asked, wondering out loud and asking you while you nod and laugh. “sadly.” you said in response, san chuckled
“thank you for inviting me, yn.” san whispered softly as his eyes glanced up at the night sky, the stars twinkling and he noticed the moon was full. god, it was beautiful. he always loved the moon, he loved the different meanings and the different phases. how can something so magnetic and beautiful also be so far?
his eyes glanced towards you, your rosy nose scrunching as you felt the snowflakes fall onto the bridge of your nose and melt on your skin, your focus more on the same moon he was admiring.
how can something so magnetic and beautiful feel so far?
san walked back to his home, holding his house keys while you followed behind, your little hums making him smile at the snowy ground that he tried to focus on, counting each little detail. “hey san,” your voice met his ears, and he hummed in response
“i’m glad you came tonight.” you said, the two of you reaching his doorstep and he thought this was comical in a way, maybe even endearing. you were walking him to his door this time, oh how the roles reversed but he didn’t mind. he’d do anything to spend just even another second with you.
san smiled, “me too.”
“i’ll.. see you around?” your voice got a bit higher towards the end, your feet backpedaling to walk away soon to get on your way back home but your gaze was still on him, cheeks and nose rosy. “you know where to find me.” he whispered, not letting his eyes leave you for one moment. no, he needed to every little detail of you tonight committed to memory.
you looked.. so beautiful, under the moonlight with the snowflakes in your hair. “goodnight, san.” you looked at him, and he nodded.
“goodnight, yn.”
you reminded san of the moon,
he just hoped he could be your sun.
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
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Come On, Now
Brahms Heelshire x Masc!Reader
Last Edited: 27/03/2024
TW: none
Anon: Brahms with (male or masc) reader making him leave the house? Can be either fic or Drabble idc
Word Count: 589
Notes from @gvtted-ratz (writer/creator): We can do that, yes. We decided on a drabble (few hundred words) since we do believe, no matter what, Brahms probably would never leave his home (as is shown in the movie since he does not chase after Greta when she escapes before coming back). Hence, not it being a fic. Hope you enjoy. Another title is “Brahms touches grass for the first time in 20 years.”
Notes from @rppik (editor/co-writer): in which we make the lad touch grass.
Convincing the man to leave his own home is more trouble than you’d like to admit. It’s like a game of tug of war with a large mutt. Upon first suggesting he get some air, he'd reply with a pitiful, “Tomorrow?” in his practised child voice. Any attempt at insisting upon it gets shut down with him responding curtly, in his regular voice, “Not now.” And, well, arguing with him when he switches into his natural, gruff tone of voice is like trying to move a particularly fussy mountain. Until today, that is– not even Brahms is immune to persistent, well-meaning urges from his dear “nanny.”
“Are you sure I have to do this?” It’s a whining voice, one a child usually resorts to using when they can’t get their way. The man's uncanny ability to mimic a child's voice surely adds to that effect, also.
“Yes, Mr. Heelshire. It's for the best you step outside after so long. Not only have you never helped me with the rat traps, but you’ve never even been in the garden,” you finish with a sigh, already tired from this entire interaction. You’ve read that being cooped up in a place for too long can impact one’s health. That's why you’re trying to get Brahms to at least step outside his home for only a few minutes.
“Well, I don’t want to.” His bratty tone doesn’t match his large, tense frame.
“Come On, Now. Surely I’m not that bad of company,” you retort, not allowing him to try and back out.
“You are when you’re trying to be awful,” is his answer, tone cracking halfway through his sentence.
“Awful or not, your parents entrusted me in your care. This is part of the job. Now you’ll listen, or you won’t get a goodnight kiss. I’ll take it off the list for the day.” This seems to work, as Brahms has no more fighting words to give you. You grab ahold of his hand and start to tug him along to the back door. He follows with no protest, the warmth of his hand making yours sweat slightly.
Opening the door, you lead Brahms onwards, the sound of his heaving breathing and your footfalls echoing about as you both descend the steps. You don’t take him to the garden, instead leading him to one of the rat traps, sticking close to the house. You know he would freak out if you took him too far from his safe space and prison.
“See, Mr. Heelshire? This isn’t terrible now, is it?” He doesn’t respond, instead looking up at one of the many windows of the home. The one that has caught his eye has black smudges around it, evidence of a past fire from many years ago; it was before your time here at the house.
“No. It’s not bad. Thank you, Mr. [Redacted],” is his answer. At the prefix, you huff in amusement.
“Being polite won’t get you flattery, Mr. Heelshire. After all, you never use ‘Mr.’ when referring to me. Ever since the beginning of our time together.” After inhaling and holding it for a moment, you release the breath before turning towards the man. “We can go now. I only wanted you to experience outside without being trapped in that dusty house all the time. I’ve heard it helps with your health.”
With those words, you and Brahms head back inside. You can only hope he’ll allow you to make this a daily thing. You just want what’s best for him.
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headcansxfanfictions · 4 months
HisokaXIllumi DRUNK! Fanfiction
AN: Im new at writing so please give me feedback. I got writers block so I’m gonna post this as a part one PART TWO ON ITS WAY.
TW: drinking- dead body- assassination- blood- its literally about Hisoka and Illumi
If you would have told Illumi Zoldyck that by 6am he would be playing shot poker with Hisoka AND winning he would have laughed in your face. (Which for Illumi means subtly sneered while keeping his distance.)
11:06 pm
Illumi is on the phone listening carefully as his most recent client gives him information about the target, “You’re information has been very helpful. I’m confident I can get the job done within the next 12 hours at least.”
12:24 pm
Illumi is sitting at a bar of a grand casino in YorkNew City. He has zeroed in on his target. A 43 year old ginger woman in a very expensive looking cream dress adorned with pearls. She was accompanied by a tall old man of maybe 75 years. Not a threat. This would be an easy job.
12:25 pm
Illumi’s eyes flick sharp to the left head not moving. His eyebrows raise as Hisoka waltzes to his side, glace of red wine in hand. Sure Illumi wasn’t expecting to see Hisoka here but he has learned to expect the unexpected, there is no need for theatrics.
Hisoka obviously disagrees, “Oh what a surprise! I didn’t take the Zoldycks for gamblers!”, his voice dripping with theatrics.
“Hush Hisoka, don’t go announcing me like that,” Illumi replies swiftly, gauging any change in the targets behaviour though he is sure she is out of earshot.
Hisoka follows his gaze to land on the ginger woman, “ah I see. You’re on the job are you?”
“Yes and I should be done soon this target is rather easy.”
“Thats a shame. I was hoping to see some fun. I’ve been very bored. Could I possibly tag along incase any fun does arise?” Hisoka uses his best ‘mock-innocence’ voice.
Illumi considers, all the while not loosing sight of the target. “Well I guess so. I don’t see anyway a job this easy could be messed up.”
Hisoka gives Illumi a stink eye for that comment but quickly recovers, “Oh goody!”
4:43 am
Hisoka looks at the lifeless body of the ginger woman in the hotel-room bathtub. Illumi cleans the blood off himself and sets the scene to look like a suicide. His face is emotionless but if Hisoka had to put an emotion to it he would say Illumi looked somber. Or maybe somber was Illumi’s natural state.
“Well that wasn’t any fun. She was so weak. Why would anyone want her dead.” Hisoka sighs turning to Illumi.
“I know nothing but the job I am given. It is not my place to question my employers.” Illumi states matter of factly.
Hisoka groans is annoyance, “Why must you always speak like a living dictionary.” Hisoka strokes his chin, “don’t you ever let your hair down?… figuratively of course.” He adds with a wave of his hand. “You could be so much fun if you did.”
“Fun?” Illumi dries his hands and walks out the bathroom door, Hisoka right behind. “I have no need for fun. Fun doesn’t get you anything. Training and work does.”
“Well aren’t you the life of the party.” Hisoka’s words drip with sarcasm.
“Look, you got that job done quickly. You said so yourself. That means you probably have oh I’d say 6 hours before anyone is even expecting anything of you. Lets have some fun shall we.”
Illumi doesn’t look convinced so Hisoka is surprised and delighted when his answer comes sooner than expected. “Fine damnit. What do you have in mind.”
Hisoka smiles slyly. “Hisoka I am NOT having sex with you.” Illumi states flatly.
Hisoka shrugs, “Oh well, was worth a shot. Speaking of shots, have you ever played shot poker? I feel like gambling AND drinking. We are in a casino afterall.”
“Lets get going then.” Illumi grabs his wallet and heads for the door but Hisoka catches him by the wrist.
“I’d prefer to have our very own private match here,” Hisoka waves his hand and a full deck of cards appear in his hand all fanned out, “I brought up some wine and whiskey earlier, It should be in the fridge.”
Illumi wordlessly heads for the kitchenette and pulls the rather small bottles from the fridge. There are six in total. Two red wine, two whiskey and two are something Illumi can’t identify.
“Ah you found them.” Hisoka smiles. He is sitting on the floor around the oval coffee table shuffling the cards and laying out the glasses.
Illumi places the bottles on the floor next to the table, “Right, so how do we play.”
“I assume you have played poker before?”
“Yes yes but what are the additional rules. For one I see no chips.”
“That is because we bet with shots instead.” Hisoka explains. “Unlike with regular poker it is the looser that takes it all. The looser will down all the shots bet.”
“And how does one win this game?” Illumi enquirers leaning back on his hands.
“Simple! In our version we win by making the other too drunk to keep playing.” Hisoka’s smile is thin and excited.
“And what determines ‘too drunk to keep playing’?” Illumi asks eyeing the six bottles.
Hisoka looks annoyed at this question. “Till one of us passes out, throws up, or admits defeat.“
“May I add to that list?” —Illumi
“Be my guest.” —Hisoka
“Well as you know my family trains all of us as kids to be immune to poison. This means that I could be unaffected by alcohol if I chose to. However I have found a way that allows me to get drunk or high like anyone else if I want to. My condition is that neither of us use such protections.”
“Well if that is all lets begin. I bet 1 shots of whiskey.” Hisoka looks for any reaction but Illumi has a resting poker face as it is.
“Then I bet 2 shots of wine.”
Hisoka wins this round and Illumi drinks the shots, “I’ve never liked whiskey but the wine is actually good.”
Hisoka wins the next rounds and Illumi is suffering from it. Even without using his poison protection abilities he has a high tolerance for alcohol, but 3 shots of wine and 2 shots of whiskey in he is definitely feeling it.
“Come on Illumi, you can do better than that dont make me stay sober the whole night.” Hisoka teases.
The next round goes to Illumi and Hisoka smiles with surprise. He had bet 2 shots on this one.
“There almost even now.” Illumi says his voice loose with alcohol, as Hisoka downs his 4 shots.
Hisoka looks down his nose at his now empty shot glass. “Hmmm I have to disagree with you the whiskey is much better than the wine.”
Illumi giggles and Hisoka’s focus snaps to him in shock. “Why you staring at me.” Illumi slurs, still giggling to himself.
“Illumi you’re giggling.” Hisoka laughs.
“What, I giggle!” Illumi looks confused and that just makes Hisoka more amused, “You cackle sure but you don’t giggle!”
Illumi shrugs lazily. And tips over with unintended grace to lay on his side “I think I’m drunk.”
“You THINK?” Hisoka gets up to grab Illumi (an himself honestly) some much needed food and water.
“Lets keep playing Im fine.” Hisoka hears Illumi’s deep voice whine and a hand grab his arm.
Hisoka is taken aback by the contact Illumi is not a touchy person at all. “I’m just getting us some food and water so we can continue.”
Illumi reluctantly releases his grip and flops back down. Hisoka can’t help but notice how pretty Illumi is. The man’s raven hair matches his void eyes and long lashes.
A Favorite fan art:
(Unfortunately do not know original artist.)
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hainethehero · 3 months
I have writer’s block so now I’m bugging you with my ideas.
Hear me out………
A Stucky fic where Steve & Bucky fooled around (or were together) pre-war. Things between them fade once Steve gets the serum. Steve thinks Bucky doesn’t find him pretty anymore, but reality is that Bucky isn’t in the right state of mind after Azzano.
Canon happens, life goes on, Bucky’s back and he’s recovering well. Steve & Nat spoke a lot about Steve’s love for Bucky and his insecurities, so she and the team devise a plan. Only their meddling goes terribly wrong.
Bucky thinks he’s going on a blind date. Steve thinks he’s going in a date with a knowing Bucky. He gets all pretty: soft natural makeup, beautifully styled hair, a sexy high-waisted pants suit—in royal blue as it compliments his smooth skin and helps him stand out in a crowd, according to Nat. Steve feels gorgeous, something he hasn’t felt in a long time.
He gets to the restaurant and finds Bucky, already eating, with some twink that looks shockingly familiar to the way Steve used to look (and what are the odds, right?). Bucky’s smiling and flirting and holding this guy’s hand! What the hell? Why the hell would Bucky agree to a date with Steve if he already had someone?
Steve wants to confront Bucky, but he’s too hurt, too embarrassed. All that effort wasted. And he can’t believe he let Nat and the team talk him into this. He rushes home, angrily wipes off the makeup, fucks up his hair, rips the suit and falls into bed. Steve doesn’t speak to Bucky or the team anymore, outside of leading the missions.
But Bucky is confused. He had that blind date with the cute twink (who was actually just a fan of Sergeant Barnes and approached him for an autograph), but had ultimately decided that he wanted nothing further. The kid looked too much like Steve, and if he can’t have the original, he’s definitely not going for a copy. But now Steve is avoiding him and he doesn’t know why. Or why Steve is being short with the team. He won’t hangout with anyone except Sam, he barely looks Bucky in the eye, he moves away when Bucky tries to touch him. What the hell happened?
Angst, a huge misunderstanding, and more insecurities for our poor Stevie. 🥺
Omg the angst is just too good in this one!
And what makes it worse is that Natasha thinks things didn't work out between them and that's why Bucky and Steve aren't talking. So what does she decide to do? Just leave it and not meddle anymore to try and see if they could make up on their own.
The only problem with this is that they don't make up, because Steve's still avoiding them all. Sam tries to ask him what's going on but he tells Sam he just doesn't want to talk about it.
Steve gets in his head, stops eating, stops drinking much of anything. He exercises everyday and drives himself to the brink trying to get smaller somehow. Then some stupid villain convinces him that he can take all of Steve's insecurities away by taking the serum away. Steve- very much messed up from his hurt- agrees to it. (Kind of like when Rogue went to the scientists to be normal again so she could be with Bobby).
Bucky finally has a talk with Natasha and she reveals the plan all along. He realizes that Steve must've seen him with the fan and feels absolutely horrible for making his boy feel that way. He goes to find Steve and instead finds a letter from Steve, apologizing for changing himself and that he could be good for Bucky again.
(Or he doesn't leave a letter and Bucky has to scratch and claw his way to Steve before he goes through with the experiment.)
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mamadoc · 4 months
After a few days of writer’s block, I had the flood gates open last night and typed out over 8k words. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Which then made the chapter far too long even though it wasn’t done. So I split it into two chapters.
Read on to get a snippet from the one I just posted. The chapter to follow is going to be packed!
At exactly 9:00, Lucy heard a knock at her door. Of course, he would be exactly on time, she thought, smiling as she went to the door. Her smile widened as she saw Tim. He was wearing a Henley again, that seemed to be his preferred look, but today’s was black and long-sleeved. In his hand was a small bouquet of flowers that he extended to her as he said, “Good morning.”
“Aww. Thank you,” she said as she gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. “Come in.” She walked into the kitchen to find a vase for the flowers.
As she was trimming the stems of the flowers under the water and putting them in the vase, Tim came up behind her. First, he rubbed her back for just a few seconds; then, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed himself to her back.
He whispered in her ear, “I had the most amazing dream last night. There was this super hot woman in my house.”
“Oh?” she responded with a smile as she finished arranging the last few flowers in the vase.
“Mmm hmm,” he continued. “We had dinner and danced on my patio and kissed… a lot.” He punctuated that statement with a gentle kiss just below her ear. “She had long, dark, wavy hair,” he said as his twisted a tendril of her hair. “And the most soft, creamy skin,” he said while kissing down her neck. Then he swept her hair to the opposite shoulder and kissed along the back of her neck while he said, “She was so kind and smart and selfless and strong.” Then he kissed her other ear and said, “And she listened to everything I said and looked interested, even though I’m really boring.”
Lucy giggled in response to that and turned her head to face him. She opened her mouth to say something, but Tim silenced her with a gentle, caring kiss on her lips.
“And she had the cutest nose,” he said, booping her nose with his. “And I got lost in her gorgeous, chocolate-brown eyes,” he said looking deep into her eyes and turning her so that they were facing each other. “I was convinced that it must have been a dream because it was just too good to be true…” He paused for a moment for dramatic effect. “Until I got out of the shower and noticed this.” He pulled the collar of his shirt to the side to reveal a small hickey at the base of his neck near his collarbone.
Lucy giggled as she gently touched the little bruise. She looked up at Tim to see if he was really upset at all, but as the first part of the word ‘sorry’ left her mouth he caught her lips with his.
When they separated a moment later, Tim said, squinting his eyes, “What was it you said when you hit my butt yesterday? Turnabout is fair play?” Then he dove back in to kiss the sensitive skin at the base of her neck.
Lucy laughed and then moaned as he found just the right spot. But she pushed him away pretty quickly. “Hmmm. Another time. But the dress I’m wearing tonight definitely does not cover that part of my body, and I don’t trust my cover up to hide that all night. I do not need to meet your friends with a hickey on my neck. Yours doesn’t show at all because your shirt covers it.”
Tim growled his disapproval but acquiesced.
Read more here -
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oliverreedmasterass · 11 months
Greta Van Fleet having their own Disney Channel show like imagine if they were brought up that way omg
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Synopsis: In this pilot episode of a Disney Channel-esque show, the members of Greta Van Fleet all face their own personal challenges: Josh struggles with writer's block, Jake is convinced the studio is haunted, and Danny and Sam are in the midst of an intense prank war
Words: 5k (but it goes by fast since it's a script, trust me)
Warnings: ghosts/spookiness/hauntings, allusions to insanity, chimpanzees, James Hetfield
The scene opens in the studio. Josh is pacing back and forth while murmuring to himself, Jake is perched on a stool with an acoustic guitar in his hand staring blankly at a wall, Danny is behind his drum kit attempting to twirl his drumsticks around, and Sam is sitting at his keys cradling an impressive cup of coffee. 
JOSH: I can’t believe this. 
JAKE: It’ll come to you, don’t worry. It always does. 
JOSH: No, it’s just, I don’t know. It feels different this time. Like, my brain isn’t coming up with anything. 
DANNY: I think the song you started writing about your rhinestones had potential. 
[Flashback to Josh brainstorming the rhinestone song]
JOSH: Twinkling, glittering, glimmering musical colors radiating on my face, my shining face, beaming at youuuuuuu…
[Cut back to the present]
Josh squints at Danny. It’s obvious he knows Danny is lying. 
JAKE: We have time before this song has to be done, Josh. No need to force it out. 
SAM: [to Jake] Actually I think he would work better under pressure. [to Josh] If we don’t finish this song in the next hour, I’m leaving the band. 
Josh drops to the floor and folds himself up in the fetal position with a moan. 
JAKE: Great idea, Sam. 
Jake sets his guitar down and squats next to Josh so he can place a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
JAKE: [to Josh] Why don’t we give you some space to work out the lyrics? 
Behind Jake and Josh, Sam takes a drink from his coffee and spits it out with a loud “BLEGH!” Everyone turns to look at him. 
DANNY: [cheekily] Burn your tongue? 
SAM: This tastes awful, like a salt lamp! 
JOSH: How do you know what a salt lamp tastes like? 
With a wide grin, Danny removes a handful of empty salt packets from his pocket and holds them up to Sam to see. 
DANNY: Gotcha. 
SAM: No! 
JAKE: Is this a part of your stupid prank war? 
SAM: It’s not stupid. 
DANNY: I’m beating Sam by a landslide. I only have to prank him three more times and then the crown will be mine. Sam, you have what? Seven more pranks? You’d think with two older brothers and all, you’d be a lot better at this. 
SAM: You haven’t seen my best pranks yet. 
DANNY: I’m hoping they’re better than drawing a banana on my drum kit. And my car. Actually, why do you keep drawing bananas on my stuff? 
SAM: It’s funny. 
DANNY: It’s annoying. 
Josh groans from the floor. 
JAKE: C’mon, Josh. Get up. 
Jake helps a limp Josh back to his feet and makes sure that he’s going to stand upright when he releases his grip on his shoulders. Josh looks dazed but stands vertically, which earns him a pat on the head from Jake. 
JOSH: I’m gonna get the studio to myself? 
JAKE: Yeah, we’ll give you some space to actually hear your own thoughts.
In the background, Danny crawls on his hands and knees to Sam’s feet where he proceeds to tie his shoelaces together. Sam is blissfully ignorant, giving his rank coffee another testing sip, which he spits out again. 
JOSH: Okay, yeah, hear my thoughts, good, yeah. 
Jake grabs his guitar and leads the way out of the studio, giving Josh a quick wave which Josh returns. Danny follows behind Jake and Sam stands to his feet, still unaware of his shoelaces. 
SAM: [whispering to Josh] Hey, give me a call if you need any help. 
JOSH: Thanks, I won’t. 
SAM: I’ve got some good ideas to motivate you to write something. 
JOSH: I don’t trust you. 
SAM: I’m only a phone call away. 
JOSH: Please leave the room, Sam. 
SAM: You’ve got it, brother. 
Sam starts to take a step forward and promptly tumbles to the ground with a thump. Danny and Jake pop their heads back into the room and start to laugh and taunt Sam, who is staring down at his feet in awe. 
DANNY: [calling from outside the room] It’s too easy! 2 pranks to go! 
Sam grumbles, hastily unties his shoes, and then ducks out of the room, hanging his head in embarrassment. The door slams shut, finally engulfing Josh in silence. He closes his eyes and lets in a deep inhale, followed by a long exhale. He opens his eyes and sits on the floor next to a notepad and pen that had obviously been discarded in frustration earlier. 
Starcatchers Theme/Opening Titles
[acoustic theme song with a harmonica] 
From the fires we emerged anew, 
Singing, playing rock and roll, 
Reviving a genre just for you. 
Across the globe we traveled far
Recruiting an army of peace, 
Enchanting crowds with our guitar. 
A battle ensued at the Gardens Gate
And we preserved the gift of nature, 
Standing up against a culture of hate.  
We are the Starcatchers, reaching for the sky, 
Discovering words of wisdom to live by. 
We deliver a message from the heavens above:
Live your legend through the intelligence of love. 
[end theme] 
JOSH: [to the camera] It’s one song. Just a single song. What does it matter? People can never understand what I’m saying anyways, I could write literally anything. 
Josh immediately stares daggers at his notepad, deep in thought. His face is starting to turn red and his eyes bug out. He stops before his head explodes and throws himself on his back, staring up at the ceiling of the studio. 
JOSH: Nothing. 
Across the hall and a few doors down, Jake is in an empty studio, walking in circles while strumming his acoustic guitar. 
JAKE: [singing] What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor ear-lay in tha mornin’! Way hay and up she rises, way hay and up she rises, way hay and up-
Jake is cut off by the sound of something scraping against wood. Jake’s face pales in fear and he whirls around in a quick circle, searching for the source of the sound. 
JAKE: I just wanna say, for the record, I can kick really, really hard. 
The scraping suddenly stops and Jake lets out a sigh of relief. Then, he catches a glimpse of a water bottle quickly jerking across a table in the corner of the room. It seems as though it moved on its own. In a blind panic, Jake drops his guitar and books it for the studio door. He jiggles and pushes on the handle to no avail. The door appears to be locked. 
JAKE: Ruh roh raggy.
Jake is breathing heavily now, well beyond the brink of panic, and starts to kick the door with all of his might. The threat he threw out earlier has some merit: he can kick really, really hard, but the door doesn’t budge. Jake squeezes his eyes shut and smacks his forehead.
JAKE: C'mon, brain. Give me something.  
Jake grabs hold of the door knob again. He twists the handle and tries pushing out, but the door is still sealed shut. Jake turns the knob again and pulls the door towards him. The door opens. 
JAKE: [staring at the door warily] You’ve got to be kidding me. 
Now free from the haunted studio room, Jake runs down the hallway as fast as he can, past Danny, who is sitting in the studio lobby. 
JAKE: Ghosts! 
Danny watches Jake run past and then, unbothered, looks back down at his phone. Behind him, Sam sneaks along the wall of the lobby like he’s in Mission Impossible, armed with two bananas. He creeps closer to Danny and can’t help but let out a soft laugh, which makes Danny turn around. 
DANNY: What’s going on? 
Sam quickly retracts both hands behind his back to hide the bananas. 
SAM: Nothing…
DANNY: What have you got behind your back? 
SAM: Oh, you know, stuff. Taxes. I have taxes. 
Before Sam can react, Danny springs to his feet, barrels towards Sam, grabs his arms, and tugs them out in front of him so Danny can see the two bananas. Danny and Sam both stare down at what’s in Sam’s hands, and then Danny shoots Sam a tired look. 
DANNY: More bananas? 
SAM: Hyah!
Sam tosses the two bananas at Danny’s chest so they hit him with a soft thump before dropping to the floor. Danny stares down at the bananas, expressionless. 
DANNY: You just bruised two perfectly good bananas. 
SAM: Pick them up, you’ll get the prank. It’s a really stellar one. 
Danny looks like he doesn’t want to, but he grabs the bananas and turns them around in his hands with his eyebrows arched. 
DANNY: Oh my god. You drew my car and drum kit on these? 
SAM: I’m on my A-game now, Daniel! 
Sam runs off, cackling loudly. Danny watches him go and shakes his head. 
DANNY: [to the camera] What does he think a prank is? 
Danny places the bananas on the lobby table and then sighs and walks in the direction Sam went, passing by the studio where Josh is currently holed up. In the studio, Josh is stationed in front of a whiteboard. 
JOSH: What story should I tell? What needs to be added to the Greta Van Fleet universe? [Speaking aloud as he writes on the whiteboard using a sharpie] I get carsick. No. Jake’s feet smell bad. No. Womb memories. No. European architecture. No. Argh! 
Josh launches the sharpie off to the side and it crashes against one of Danny’s cymbals. 
JOSH: This is impossible. I can’t do this by myself. 
Josh eyes a landline phone sitting in the studio. The screen splits in two as Josh calls James Hetfield, and he answers the phone. 
JAMES: Howdy, it’s the beast under your bed, in your closet, in your head. What can I do for ya? 
JOSH: Hey, quick question, do you ever have such a hard time writing a song that you want to pull your brain out of your head and play basketball with it? 
JAMES: Can’t say that I have. 
JOSH: Darn. 
JAMES: Want some advice? Don’t answer that. I’m gonna give it to you anyway. Write about the things that make your skin crawl, that make you shiver, that your brain actively avoids thinking about. That’s where your most complex emotions lay. 
JOSH: Eighteen wheelers. I’m certain they can’t see me when I’m driving next to them. 
JAMES: No, I’m talking about like the lowest of lows here. Think war, famine, plague, climate change, scary stuff. 
JOSH: Chimpanzees. Ooh, I’m getting shivers. I think it’s working, James!
JAMES: Oh, um, okay, get to writing then, Josh. I won’t keep you. 
With an air of triumph, Josh slams the phone down. 
Outside the studio, Jake is talking on the phone with a 9-1-1 operator. 
JAKE: I don’t think you understand what I’m saying, the water bottle moved. 
9-1-1 OPERATOR: No, I get what you’re saying. That’s not an emergency, sir. 
JAKE: Listen to me, the water bottle moved on its own. There’s something paranormal happening here, and I don’t want a poltergeist situation going down. Being sucked into a spooky closet is one of my top 10 fears. 
9-1-1 OPERATOR: I’m going to hang up. I have other calls to get to.
The line disconnects. Jake huffs and jams his phone back into his pocket. 
JAKE: How do they not have a paranormal sub-department? 
In the background in the parking lot of the studio, Danny tiptoes into frame with a marshmallow gun and a pair of goggles on. He scans the area and then crouches down, on the prowl, trying to find Sam. 
DANNY: [softly] Sammy, come out and play. I’ve got a little treat for you. 
Danny continues creeping around the cars and, as he moves past Sam’s Tesla, Sam jumps out of the trunk, decked out in a banana costume. 
Sam reaches into his back pocket and retrieves a new banana, which he once again throws at Danny. 
SAM: How does it ‘peel’ to get pranked this hard, Daniel? 
Sam proudly removes himself from the trunk and stands in front of Danny, placing his hands on his hips with confidence. Danny can’t help but silently unload his marshmallow gun on Sam, pummeling him with mini marshmallows. Sam squeaks out in shock and ducks into a ball on the pavement. Danny continues until he’s out of marshmallows. 
DANNY: [down to Sam] One more prank to go. 
SAM: [coughing up marshmallows] You’ll never win. 
Jake runs over to his band members. 
JAKE: [still unbelievably on edge] There is something creepy afoot here. 
DANNY: I’ve told you before, Jake, the moaning sounds you keep hearing are coming from the experimental band’s sessions down the hall. 
JAKE: A water bottle moved right in front of my eyes. 
SAM: [mocking, from the ground] Ooh scary. 
Jake picks up a marshmallow from the ground and proceeds to chuck it at Sam. 
JAKE: [back to Danny] There’s a ghost in there and it’s upset that we’re invading its space. I’m gonna get sucked into a closet if I go back in there, and I can’t risk it. 
Danny and Sam exchange a glance. 
DANNY: I’ll go back in with you and show you that there’s nothing to worry about. 
SAM: And I’ll stay here because I really don’t care.
Danny shoots Sam a look and then guides a reluctant Jake back towards the studio. 
JAKE: Do you have any holy water on you? 
DANNY: I don’t think that works on ghosts, Jake. What do you think we’re up against here? 
JAKE: I want to be prepared for anything. 
Even though Jake is dragging his heels, Danny succeeds in pushing him through the front doors and guides him past the lobby, towards the “haunted” studio. Jake once again looks pale as a sheet. 
DANNY: See? Nothing supernatural going on here. Except you. God, you look like a ghost. 
JAKE: [whispering] I’m a ghost? 
DANNY: No, no, come on, show me the room where it happened. 
Jake starts to cautiously step towards the room when they hear Josh belting out lyrics down the hall. Danny and Jake stop in their tracks and listen. 
JOSH: Ooh! Ooh! Aah! Aah! Chimpanzee on my mind, coming near me, he’s by my side! 
Without uttering a word, it’s mutually agreed between Danny and Jake that they need to step in before Josh writes any more terrible lyrics. They both move to his studio door and storm in. Josh is sitting on a stool, shaking a tambourine, but stops when he notices them. 
JOSH: Something wrong? 
JAKE: What the hell are you singing? 
JOSH: [cautiously] The new song? 
DANNY: Chimpanzee on my mind? 
JOSH: You don’t like it? 
JAKE: Our album is called Starcatcher, Josh. Could you write about something a bit more on theme than apes? 
JOSH: [matter of factly] They sent a chimp to space.
DANNY: This is a good starting point, Josh. Maybe try to work with something a bit more abstract. How do chimps in space make you feel? 
JOSH: Confused. 
DANNY: Okay? Try to work off of that. 
JOSH: Yeah, yeah, okay. 
Josh shoos Jake and Danny out of the studio and looks back at his notepad with a sigh. Jake and Danny step out of the room and move back towards the haunted studio. Jake stands by the door, glued in place. Danny watches him. 
DANNY: Should I? 
Jake purses his lips and nods. Danny slowly pushes the door open and steps in first. Jake hesitantly follows behind him. Danny scans around. 
DANNY: Everything looks normal to me. 
Jake has peeled himself away from Danny and is stationed in front of the haunted water bottle, where all of his problems began. 
JAKE: [pointing a half centimeter to the right of where the water bottle is now sitting] It used to be here. But now it’s here. 
DANNY: Uh huh. 
JAKE: It jerked over on its own. I was nowhere near it. And there were weird scratching noises too. Maybe there’s something in the walls. 
DANNY: Like a squirrel? 
JAKE: Like a ghoul. 
DANNY: You know, what is a ghoul? 
JAKE: A force you shouldn’t reckon with. 
DANNY: I wish you could be a bit more specific sometimes. 
JAKE: I can’t help that I’m mysterious. 
DANNY: No, actually I do think that’s something you can help - 
A chilling sound fills the studio. 
MYSTERIOUS GHOSTLY VOICE: Oohhohohooooohhhhhoooooooooo
Jake screams and jumps into Danny’s arms. Danny instinctually catches Jake. The lights start to flicker.
Danny runs out of the studio anyways and bumps into Sam, still dressed in the banana costume, in the hall. 
SAM: What’s going on? 
JAKE: [not making any sense] Water bottle and wood and oohhhooooohooohooo sounds and ghouls and spooky and closets and - 
SAM: Danny? 
DANNY: The studio is haunted. 
SAM: Oh, word. 
Jake squirms out of Danny’s arms and faces Sam. 
JAKE: You’re not freaked out? 
SAM: Why should I be? 
JAKE: Ghosts, Sam! They’ll get you! They’re always two steps ahead. 
SAM: Ghosts don’t have feet. 
JAKE: It’s an expression, Sam! 
Cut to Josh in his studio. Jake and Sam’s argument is muffled outside the door, but still audible. Josh sits back on the ground in front of his notepad and pen. 
JOSH: C’mere, lyrics, pspspsp, come to papa. 
This obviously does not work. 
JOSH: [tapping his pen on his chin] Maybe I’d be inspired by our old lyrics? Uhhh what’s a good one? Light My Love? Your mind is a stream of colors. Stream of colors, stream of colors, stream of co-lors. Stream of co…Hmmm. That’s it! A stream of consciousness! That should give me something to work with. 
Josh picks up his pen, suddenly filled with a new surge of energy, and starts to scribble on his paper. A montage of Josh writing in different dramatic angles plays with a song similar to Gonna Fly Now blaring in the background. He finishes writing and drops his smoking pen to the floor. 
JOSH: There. 
As if he’s dealing with an ancient relic, Josh carefully lifts the notepad up to his eyeline and carefully scans over what he wrote. 
JOSH: [reading aloud] All work and no play makes Josh a dull boy. All work and no play makes Josh a dull boy. All work and no play makes Josh a dull boy. Oh god! It goes on for four and a half pages! 
Josh crumples the pages into tight balls and eats them, removing the evidence. Josh approaches the glass panel separating the studio from the sound booth and looks at his reflection, jabbing his finger into his reflection’s shoulder. 
JOSH: No one can know about this, you hear me? No one! This is between you and me. 
JOSH’S REFLECTION: Whatever you say, boss. 
Josh shakes his head and backs away from his reflection. 
JOSH: Woah. [to the camera] I wonder if Carole King has to deal with this. 
JOSH’S REFLECTION: She doesn’t, but James Taylor does. 
Josh hops away from the glass in shock and returns to the whiteboard in a daze. 
JOSH: [to himself] It’s all in your head. 
He attempts to wipe his previous notes away, but it’s not working since he wrote them out in sharpie. Josh drops his arms in defeat. 
JOSH: What’s the point? 
Josh reassumes his spot on the ground in the fetal position. In the studio lobby, Jake is in a similar position on the sofa, staring down at his knees in muted shock. Sam is sitting next to him, still in the banana costume, awkwardly patting his legs. Danny enters back into the room and takes a seat across from Sam and Jake. 
DANNY: I didn’t hear any weird noises in any of the other studios. Well, actually, I think I heard Josh talking to himself, but that’s not out of the ordinary. 
SAM: [to Jake] Hear that? The spooky ghost is on vacation. 
JAKE: [softly] Ghosts can’t go on vacation. 
SAM: How do you know? Are you a ghost? 
Jake huffs but doesn’t continue to argue. 
SAM: [to Danny] One of the assistants brought in some smoothies if you want one, they’re pretty good. 
DANNY: Oh cool, thanks. 
Danny grabs one of the smoothies from the table and takes a long sip. Sam is staring at him, looking on the brink of laughter. Danny sets the smoothie down and eyes Sam. 
DANNY: What? 
SAM: Got you! 
DANNY: [paling] What? What did you do? 
SAM: I put a little extra something in your smoothie. 
Jake untucks himself out of his fetal position to watch the exchange between Danny and Sam. This is some interesting stuff. 
DANNY: Sam, what did you do? 
Sam, beaming wide, pulls out a banana peel and drops it on the floor in front of Danny. Danny looks down at it. 
DANNY: I don’t get it. 
SAM: I put a banana in your smoothie! 
DANNY: Are you being serious? 
SAM: Samuel Francis Kiszka does it again! 
JAKE: Sam, smoothies already have bananas in them. It’s literally one of the main ingredients.
DANNY: Oh thank god, I thought you put laxatives in there. 
SAM: The banana strikes again! I’m right on your tail, Daniel! 
JAKE: I don’t think putting a banana in a smoothie counts as a prank, Sam. 
Sam pouts. A bang and a crash comes from down the hall where Josh is. Jake springs to his feet in alarm. 
JAKE: Josh? 
Completely forgetting about his paralyzing fear of the haunted studio, Jake rushes down the hall to Josh. Danny and Sam trail behind him. Jake throws open the door to the studio and gapes at Josh, who is bashing a tambourine against the glass panel separating the studio from the sound booth. 
JOSH: Stop! Talking! To! Me! Get! Out! Of! My! Head!
JAKE: Josh! Our insurance doesn’t cover trashed studios! 
Josh continues banging on the glass. It’s as if he doesn’t realize Jake is there. Jake tries to turn Josh around to face him, but Josh doesn’t budge. From Josh’s perspective, he’s smacking his reflection with the tambourine while his reflection laughs and taunts him. 
JOSH: Your treacherous ridicule will never break me! 
Danny rushes to Josh’s side and drenches him with a bucket of ice water, finally snapping Josh out of his spell. He stumbles back from the glass a few steps and then holds at his head and grunts. 
JOSH: [dejected] I didn’t write the new song. I got distracted. 
SAM: Yeah, obviously. 
Josh looks Sam down in his banana costume. 
JOSH: Did Danny and Jake tell you about my chimpanzee song? Did you like it or something? Is this an act of solidarity? 
SAM: Wait, you wrote a song about chimpanzees? 
JOSH: James Hetfield told me to write about something that scares me. 
SAM: And you wrote about chimpanzees? 
JOSH: He shot down my idea about eighteen wheelers. 
Sam doesn’t know how to respond to this. 
JOSH: I’m sorry, you guys. I’m just not getting inspired in the right way. I don’t know if the lyrics are ever gonna come to me. 
DANNY: Hey, they will. It just takes some time. 
JAKE: I say we call it quits for the day. I wanna get out of here. 
JOSH: [finally taking in Jake’s face for the first time] You look like you saw a ghost. What’s up with you? 
JAKE: [whispering] That’s exactly what happened to me. 
JOSH: Okay, yeah, let’s get out of here. 
Jake and Josh move for the door but then stop when they realize Sam and Danny aren’t following behind them. 
JOSH: You guys coming? 
SAM: We’ll be right behind you, just give us a second. 
Jake and Josh shrug and leave Sam and Danny behind. They move down the hallway and, when they pass the haunted studio, clawing noises sound inside the door. Jake and Josh exchange a terrified look. 
JOSH: Is that? 
JAKE: Yeah. 
They’re both stuck in place, staring at the door in fear. The door starts to thump and spooky sounds come from inside the room. Before Jake or Josh can react, two sets of hands pop out of the door and drag them into the room. 
JOSH: Oh mama! 
Jake and Josh are standing in the dark as the door slams shut behind them. 
JAKE: Josh? 
A bunch of crashing noises sound and Jake lets out a yelp. 
JOSH: Sorry, I tripped over something. 
Jake fumbles for his phone and turns the flashlight on. Across from him he can see a panic-stricken Josh, his eyes darting around looking for danger. Jake slowly moves the flashlight around the studio, taking in the empty space, and then lets out a holler when he sees a shadowed figure standing in the corner of the room. Josh sees what he’s looking at and screams as well. 
JOSH: It’s a chimpanzee! 
JAKE: What? No, it’s a vengeful spirit! 
The shadowed figure starts to slowly move closer to them and Jake and Josh embrace in a tight hug, screaming. 
JOSH: [shrill] Stay back! 
JAKE: I’m gonna kick you so hard in the gonads! 
The shadowed figure stops about 20 feet away from Jake and Josh. 
SHADOWED FIGURE: [in a large and booming voice] Jacob Thomas Kiszka and Joshua Michael Kiszka! 
Jake and Josh scream at the top of their lungs, still hugging. 
SHADOWED FIGURE: You have continually trespassed on my territory. You must face a reckoning for your carelessness. 
JOSH: Would a simple sorry suffice? 
Jake and Josh cower further. 
SHADOWED FIGURE: You must go through the spooky door to another dimension. 
JAKE: Oh god, no! Anything but that! 
The door to the studio flings open on its own. Strobe lights and smoke flood into the studio from the door and Jake and Josh shield their eyes in fear. They both back up against the wall farthest from the door.
SHADOWED FIGURE: Whatever you think is beyond that door, it’s worse. 
JOSH: [whispering to himself] Eighteen wheelers. 
JOSH: Oh god not a countdown. 
JAKE: What do we do? 
JOSH: It’s been nice knowing you, little bro. 
Jake whirls to face Josh. 
JAKE: By five minutes! 
Sam jumps between Jake and Josh, still in his banana costume. 
Jake and Josh jump about 4 feet in the air. 
The lights to the studio flick back on and Jake and Josh are greeted by the sight of Sam and Danny standing in front of them, laughing hard. Danny is wearing a cloak, revealing him to be the shadowed figure. Jake pushes out of Josh’s embrace and storms up to Sam and Danny. 
JAKE: You need to start explaining yourselves now. 
Sam puts his hands up, guilty as charged. 
DANNY: I thought Sam was easy to prank, I guess it’s actually all the Kiszkas. 
SAM: It’s amazing what a voice changing microphone and some strobe lights can do. 
DANNY: And a fishing line. 
JAKE: A fishing line?
Sam moves over to the haunted water bottle, steps behind the piano, and tugs on a string, making the bottle lurch to the side. Jake stares, dumbfounded. 
JAKE: It was all you? 
Sam and Danny share a glance. 
DANNY: I mean, yeah. 
JAKE: Why I oughta…
Jake moves his foot back, ready to kick Sam and Danny with all of his might when Josh speaks up, capturing all of their attention. 
JOSH: I felt like such a massive chicken back there. But I think I finally understand what James was trying to tell me. I’m terrified of the unknown, of a feeling of hopelessness, where everything is crashing and burning around you, but you have to try and hold things together.  
SAM: My god, he’s doing it. 
Josh is already booking it back to his studio. 
JOSH: The lyrics are coming! They’re crowning! 
Jake looks back and forth between Danny and Sam like he still really wants to kick them, but ends up shaking his head and following behind Josh. Josh needs supervision in the studio moving forward - he can’t be left alone anymore. 
SAM: That was one hell of a prank, Danny. 
DANNY: I’m glad we could team up against Jake and Josh. They need a little humbling from time to time. 
SAM: I couldn’t have said it any better. 
Sam clasps Danny on the back and then motions towards the door. 
SAM: Wanna watch Josh’s creative genius at work? 
DANNY: I do like it when he yells, “BAJABULE!” every time he gets down a verse. 
Danny walks past Sam and moves through the door. Sam happily follows behind him. When Danny turns into the hallway, he subtly drops the banana peel that Sam had thrown in front of him earlier. Sam doesn’t notice and steps on it, slipping backwards and falling with a loud THUD. 
DANNY: Victory, baby!! 
SAM: [dramatically groaning from the ground] What a tragic end to a war. 
DANNY: Eat it! 
Danny does an impressive victory dance over Sam, who is still sprawled on the floor in defeat. Transition to Josh, Jake, Danny, and Sam playing The Falling Sky in the studio. As the song finishes, they all come together. 
JOSH: For a while there, I really thought I would never be able to write a song again.  
DANNY: We’ve got a real winner on our hands. You know, like me. 
SAM: Drop it, Daniel. 
DANNY: I think you owe me something, Sam. 
Sam grumbles but takes his bass off, retreats to the side of the studio, and returns with a crown made out of bananas. He brings it to Danny and places it on his head. 
SAM: [emotionless] I hereby pronounce you, Daniel Jean Louise Marie Wagner, King of the Pranks. All hail the king. 
Jake approaches Sam and Danny. 
JAKE: As a congratulations, I would like to extend my foot into both of your shins. 
As Jake is about to do this, the lights in the studio flicker out. 
JOSH: The same joke twice isn’t very funny, guys.
JAKE: I didn’t think it was that funny the first time around. 
DANNY: We didn’t do anything. 
SAM: Yeah, that wasn’t us. 
Chimp noises sound around the dark room. The band screams. 
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auspicious-manner · 2 years
Hey there! Can I get a story where the reader and Dodge made it towards the end of Panic, and they are being challenged with their greatest fears. Dodge knows the reader was always afraid of that challenge, and when it comes around, Dodge is super worried for her and when they reunite Dodge comforts her and protects her?
i had a bit of writer’s block towards the end of this one so i’m so sorry about that. i’m not completely happy with it but i hope you like it anyway!
female reader x dodge mason
warnings: mentions of drowning
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Safe and Sound
Y/N’s alarm woke her up out of a deep sleep, and she shot up in her bed, hair disheveled and her pajamas wrinkled. she went to her phone to turn off her alarm, and quickly glanced at the time. 9:30, she thought. twelve more hours until i face my greatest fear.
tonight’s challenge in the game was for the players to face their greatest fears. the judges and diggins decided to split the days up this year so each player would experience their fear challenge on separate nights. and tonight was Y/N’s turn.
now that the game of panic has gotten rid of the weak and has the strongest players left, the challenges were getting more and more difficult. it was getting tough for Y/N to keep going as well. she entered the game in order to hopefully win the money and help out her struggling family. panic is a game of mental strength and physical strength, and Y/N knew that her physical strength greatly outweighed her mental strength. and sadly for her, tonight’s challenge was going to be all about mental strength. she wished she was more like her best friend dodge.
both Y/N and dodge have mutually decided that they were each other’s people. they had even talked about it. ever since dodge moved to carp at the beginning of senior year, the two felt inseparable after they had nearly every single class together that school year. Y/N has suspicions that dodge has deeper feelings than just friendship for her, and although she would never admit it to him, she felt the same. their mutual feelings were just something they never talked about, and for the most part, they were okay with that. they were comfortable with the strong friendship they had built, and both of them didn’t want to risk losing it.
after coming to after waking up out of a dead sleep, Y/N picked up her phone and scrolled through her few notifications. the most recent one was from dodge, and she quickly opened his message.
“Hey. How are you feeling about tonight?”
she sighed reading dodge’s message. she tried to keep her composure whenever she thought about her upcoming challenge, but on the inside, she was dreading it more than anything.
“i’m doing fine.”
she read the text she sent back over and over again, trying to convince herself she really was fine.
after a few short seconds, she felt her phone vibrate once again.
“You and I both know that’s not true. Meet me at the park in thirty minutes.”
Y/N wasn’t going to fight dodge’s company. she put on a tank top and shorts and got herself ready.
walking to the park, she tried to clear her mind as much as possible. forcing positivity and happy thoughts would do more harm than good in her case, because regardless of the happy thoughts, she still knew that the only reason she was thinking about it was to mask her fear. she would rather have an empty mind and think about nothing at all rather than fake joy.
arriving at the park, she found dodge sitting on a blanket in the grass with a small basket in front of him.
“good morning.” dodge said, a small smile on his face.
Y/N smiled back. “what’s all this?”
“what does it look like? it’s a picnic.”
she rolled her eyes and laughed. “i know that, you weirdo.” she sat down on the blanket across from dodge. “i mean, what’s all this for?”
dodge took a moment to just look at her, his small smile still present. “i think you know why i’m doing this.”
Y/N’s smile fell, and her eyes went blank. she reached to her side and fidgeted with a piece of grass. “you don’t have to distract me, i’m doing good, really.”
“you’ve helped me through a lot, so i wanted to help you. you’re one of the strongest people i know, you can get through any challenge thrown at you.”
Y/N looked up again. “dodge, this is the fear challenge. you know me, i don’t think i’m going to able to find a way through this one.”
dodge reached into the basket, pulling out a cinnamon roll. “how bad can it be? it’s just a game.”
she gave a nervous laugh. “easy for you to say, you haven’t had your challenge yet.”
the two went silent for a moment. Y/N bit her lip, and looked up at dodge. “what do you think they’ll have me do tonight?”
that was a thought that was commonly present in her mind. her greatest fear was drowning, and she knew that the judges knew her greatest fear was drowning. she was a great swimmer, and she had even been a competitive swimmer in her middle school days. but after an accident during one of her swim practices where a particularly strong jet in the pool sucked her small body under water and she couldn’t escape on her own, she never stepped foot in a pool again unless she was with others or she could touch the bottom.
Y/N barely got through the first trial because she almost chickened out of jumping off the edge of that cliff. luckily for her, dodge was there to calm her down and talk her through it. this time, however, dodge wasn’t going to be around to help. she was going to be all on her own.
dodge took a bite out of his roll, and stared beyond Y/N. “i don’t know. the judges seem to be pretty unpredictable this year.”
Y/N sighed. she felt her heart rate slowly start to rise.
dodge noticed this strange behavior, and he moved to sit next to her instead of being in front of her. he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and Y/N leaned her head onto his shoulder. his cinnamon roll was in his other hand, and he held it in front of Y/N and she smiled, gladly taking a bite out of it.
“i believe in you, Y/N. and i’ll always be here, got it?” dodge said quietly.
she nodded. “i know. thank you for this, by the way.” she sat up and reached into the basket, grabbing a muffin. “you know breakfast pastries are my weakness.”
“that was the point.”
for the rest of the morning, the pair enjoyed their picnic and each other’s company as much as possible. dodge just wanted to keep her as calm as can be, and Y/N was just thankful to keep busy.
during the afternoon, dodge and Y/N decided to take a walk through the forest. during their walk, she felt her phone vibrate from her pocket. taking it out, she looked at the message.
“10 pm. At the old steelworks building. Wear a swimsuit.” looking to see who the text was from, she saw it was diggins.
Y/N gulped, and stopped in her tracks. dodge realized she wasn’t following, and he turned around and saw her frozen in the middle of the path.
“Y/N? what’s wrong?” dodge asked, approaching her.
“i got more details on my challenge.”
dodge looked at her, took her phone, and read the message.
he looked up again. “you know you don’t have to do this, right? i know how afraid of drowning you are, and seriously, there’s no shame in quitting now.”
“i need to do this, dodge. i’m in these games to win, and i’ll be damned if i let my stupid fear of drowning get in my way of helping my family.”
“do you really think you can get through the challenge?” dodge asked monotonously, handing the phone back to Y/N.
she raised an eyebrow. “and what’s that supposed to mean?”
dodge glared at her. “you’ve gone swimming probably once since your accident, how do you know you will actually survive this?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “don’t you dare doubt me, dodge. you seem to have forgotten that i was actually a competitive swimmer.”
dodge just nodded, and looked down. Y/N stared down at the ground, and she slowly came to the realization of something.
“i know why you would ask me that oddly demeaning question. you don’t want me to win because you want the money for yourself.” she said, smiling sarcastically.
dodge’s jaw dropped in shock, and then he closed it. “no, no way. that’s not it. Y/N, you and i both decided at the beginning of the games that we would be supportive of whichever one of us won.”
“you repeated your senior year of high school just for these games. how would you be okay with not winning?”
“i’m sorry, okay?” dodge said. “i’m sorry. what i said came out completely wrong, and i didn’t mean it like that at all.” dodge’s eyes softened, and in turn, Y/N’s eyes softened too.
“you’re my best friend, Y/N. i’ll be proud no matter what you do.”
she noticed dodge starting to say something else, catching himself, and then quickly stopping.
Y/N looked down at her phone again. “i know. i’m sorry for blowing things out of proportion, i’m just… nervous. that’s all.”
dodge nodded. “i get that. i would be too.”
they stood in silence for a quick second, before Y/N checked the time on her watch. “i think i’m going to head back to my house. i want to clean up before i have to leave tonight.”
she looked at dodge, and dodge stepped closer. “you’re going to be great tonight. if you need me for any reason later, text me. and please, text me when you finish the challenge. i’m going to be worried sick if i don’t hear from you.”
“i will. don’t worry, i’ll be just fine.”
Y/N held up her pinky finger, and dodge smiled lightly and held up his pinky as well, interlocking them. ever since they grew close, they would pinky promise as a way of having a handshake unique to the two of them. they didn’t even have to promise anything between each other, just the motion itself was comforting for both of them.
Y/N took her time walking home. the slower she walked, the slower her brain moved and the slower her heart rate seemed to be.
after arriving back at her quiet house, she took a shower and picked out what swimsuit she was going to wear.
the suit she decided on was a plain red one piece from her old swimming days. she was not looking forward to putting it on again.
up until about nine o’clock that night, she did everything in her power to keep her mind off of the impending sense of doom that was felt everywhere in her body. she slipped into her red one piece, and threw a pair of shorts and a long sleeved shirt over it.
Y/N left a note on her kitchen counter for her parents, saying she was spending the night at a friends. she sighed, and took her car keys off the hook by her door and headed out.
driving to the old steelworks building, she felt every negative emotion possible and also absolutely nothing at the same time. she felt numb, but she also felt sensitive and vulnerable. it was unlike anything she had ever experienced.
she pulled up to the abandoned steelworks building out in the country, and her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. she got out, spotting diggins and summer at the front of the warehouse-sized building.
“good evening, Y/N. you excited for this next challenge?” diggins said, a sly smile on his face.
“cut the crap, diggins. you’re making this even worse for me.”
diggins looked taken aback. “alright, fine. follow me this way.”
he walked into the building and Y/N looked at summer. she smiled brightly and walked behind diggins, Y/N following slowly behind the two.
the abandoned building was dark, and the plentiful windows on the walls made for eerie lighting given the moon’s natural glow.
they walked across the massive building, and they came across a black shipping container, only about six inches taller than she was. the cover of the shipping container was off, but could easily be slid over the top, covering the opening completely. there was a ladder on the side of the container.
“diggins, what is this?” Y/N asked, breathless. she wasn’t completely sure why she asked, but Y/N figured it was because she needed to hear it with her own ears. she knew what was going to be in that shipping container.
“this is going to be your home for the next hour and ten minutes. you’ll climb up the ladder, hop inside, and we’ll close the cover. we’ve attached a hose to the back of the container, and when we turn that hose on, water will fill up in the container almost up to the top. one hour and ten minutes is your minimum, but if you make it past that, you get ten extra points for every five minutes you stay overtime. sound good?”
at this point, Y/N had lost all feeling. her vision felt blurred, and it felt like she was living in a dream. or, in her case, a nightmare.
summer recognized this look on her face. “but don’t worry. if you can’t make it to the minimum, just say the word, and we’ll let you out. however, if you do that, you’ll be out of panic for good.”
Y/N stood unmoving in her place. “Y/N, you sure about this?” diggins asked, real worry behind his voice.
she snapped out of her trance, looked at diggins and summer, and nodded. “y-yes. i can do it.”
she took her phone and keys out of her back pocket, and she took off her shorts and shirt, revealing her swimsuit. she slipped off her sandals, feeling the cold concrete below her. taking off her clothes and belongings took longer than normal, due to her hands excessively shaking from fear.
she slowly climbed up the ladder, and she peered into the container. it was empty, and completely black on the inside.
Y/N closed her eyes, took a deep breath to stabilize herself, and once she was calmed down enough, she jumped in with a thud on the metal below her.
she looked around at the dark metal walls surrounding her. the shipping container was wide, but it was only slightly taller than she was. she turned around, noticing the hole in the back wall of the container where the hose was. she gently ran her fingers over it.
summer and diggins appeared above her. “it will take approximately ten minutes for the container to get filled to where we need it to be, and then you just need to survive one more hour.” summer said optimistically.
Y/N sighed. it took every ounce of energy in her body to not give up before the challenge even started. she reminded herself of her family that struggled to make ends meet every month, and she thought of all the people she wanted to prove wrong. and then she thought of dodge, her best friend.
“i’m ready, diggins. let’s get this over with.” Y/N said confidently.
“don’t be afraid to tell us when you want to be let out, we’ll be right outside the container the entire time. good luck, and don’t panic.” diggins said before reaching across the container and sliding the top of the container over her head.
it was immediately almost pitch black, the only bit of light coming through the cracks at the top of the container. even then it wasn’t nearly enough light to make a difference, as Y/N still could not see her own hands in front of her. “diggins, will i be able to breathe in here?” Y/N questioned, stalling.
diggins’ muffled voice came from outside of the container. “you’ll be just fine. there’s enough air coming in from the cracks at the top to keep you from suffocating.”
“okay good.” she said, pacing around the bottom of the container.
she heard a deep rumble, and water started to trickle out of the hole at the back of the container.
“oh shit.” she mumbled, stepping as far away as she could from the growing stream. she tried her hardest not to start hyperventilating.
“okay Y/N, your time starts now. we’ll be here the entire time.”
Y/N couldn’t even reply. the water had now filled the bottom of the container up to her ankles, and it felt like it was ice cold.
she did her best to ground herself and keep her mind off of what was happening. she kept repeating to herself that she would be alright, and that if she stayed calm, things would go a lot smoother.
the water was filling up even more as she tried harder and harder to stay calm. she had actually began to feel relatively normal up until the water was starting to reach her head.
Y/N knew she would have to start paddling to stay afloat soon, and it felt like her chest was going to collapse in on itself.
as the water continued to get deeper and deeper, she stood on the balls of her feet to keep her head above water, then she stood on the tips of her toes, and finally, when she couldn’t keep her feet on the ground for any longer, she lifted them up and started to use her arms and legs to keep her head up. the water continued to rise.
“my god diggins, are you trying to kill me here? how much longer until it stops filling up?” she yelled out of breath, trying to conserve her energy.
“it’s almost there. we’re leaving a few solid inches for you to breathe.” he yelled back.
“gee, thanks. how very generous of you.” Y/N replied back sarcastically.
when Y/N started to believe the water was never going to stop, she heard the rumble of the hose quiet and the water finally stopped. she had just enough room to keep her face above the water, as the rest of her head had already been submerged. she had about three inches of space for her to breathe.
“your first ten minutes are up, only sixty to go.” diggins announced.
gentle tears fell down Y/N’s already wet face. she wanted nothing more than to be in her own bed. or, better yet, with dodge.
dodge was her total comfort person. the more she thought about him in that perilous situation, the calmer she began to grow.
she thought about how she couldn’t wait to see him again. she thought about the way he smiles at her whenever he sees her. she thought about how much she loved him but couldn’t bear the pressure of telling him. she wanted to see him more than anything.
the thought of dodge brought her solace for the next fifteen minutes, but that distraction stopped working after a bit.
“forty five minutes left, Y/N. you’re doing great.” diggins yelled, prompting a groan from Y/N in response.
since the container she was in was dark, her mind started to play tricks on her. she was seeing things that weren’t really there. she would see movement and begin to panic, or she would convince herself she felt something touch her foot.
Y/N began to cry harder now. she wasn’t afraid of the dark or small spaces, but with the two things combined with the fact that she had barely enough room to stay alive made the situation unendurable. she let out a sob.
dodge was checking his phone every few minutes, in case there was an update from Y/N. the longer he got nothing from her, the worse he started to feel.
he was so scared for her. physically, she was one of the strongest girls he knew. she had been a swimmer, and she liked to stay active. but, he knew she went through a lot of self doubt and had a lot of fear in her mind. she didn’t work well under pressure, and her fears sometimes kept her from living her life. it was a miracle she had even made it this far into panic.
he checked the time. at this point, it was 10:15. she had been doing her challenge for fifteen minutes. more time kept passing, and no word from Y/N. it went to 10:20, to 10:30, then to 10:40. it had been forty minutes since her challenge started.
dodge paced his room. Y/N was his only friend in the entire town, and he couldn’t stand the thought of her being hysterical while facing her deepest fear.
he had always questioned if his feelings were more than platonic. the more time passed and the more he thought of her, the less it seemed platonic.
for dodge, it was hard for him to come to terms with his feelings. it always had been. and when it came to Y/N, it was no different. he loved her, but he couldn’t just outright say it to her. he never could. dodge considered himself to be pretty fearless, but that all changed when he thought of Y/N. he found himself completely gutted that she was in pain right now.
around anyone else, dodge was cold and mysterious. he didn’t like letting anyone in besides Y/N. he liked not having to keep up his persona around her.
11:00 had arrived, and he decided he couldn’t wait around any longer. “screw it, i can’t do this anymore.” dodge told himself.
he threw on an old shirt and hurriedly left the house, starting up the car to head to the old steelworks building.
“it’s 11:00 o’clock, only ten more minutes, Y/N. we believe in you!” summer announced excitedly.
she was now floating on her back, hands over her face. she was so cold, and so tired of trying to stay afloat, and she was mentally exhausted from fighting the fear of going under the water and not coming back up. she stifled her quiet sobs.
she couldn’t decide if she wanted to make it to her one hour mark and quit, or if she wanted to persevere. she was so, so tired. but then again, she was in it to win it. she wanted at least some extra points.
she was hoping that within the hour she was in there, she would grow used to it. but, the exact opposite happened. her hallucinations grew worse, which only intensified her fear. at one point, Y/N grew tired of paddling with her arms and legs, and she accidentally let herself drift down to the bottom and she was completely submerged. since it was dark, she struggled to swim to the surface, but she eventually found her way. after that, she broke her streak of not panicking too hard. she hyperventilated and cried even more when she found her way again. she was surprised she even had any tears left.
“Y/N, you’ve officially made it to your minimum. do you want out?” diggins asked.
“n-no. i’ll s-stay in for five more m-minutes.” Y/N stuttered.
she shivered gently in the water. her skin was cold to the touch. she closed her eyes and prayed that the next five minutes would fly by as fast as possible.
dodge pulled up to the steelworks building, parking next to Y/N’s car. he quickly hopped out. “Y/N?” he yelled, looking for any sign of humans outside of the building. when he found nothing, he swung open the door to the building and walked inside.
considering the building was the size of a large warehouse, he walked in and saw a black shipping container in the distance being highlighted by the moonlight flowing through the windows. he knew that’s where she had to be. he jogged over to the container.
“you are at your extra five minute mark, Y/N. are you done with the challenge?” diggins asked.
“yes, just please get me the hell out of this thing!” she pleaded, swimming to the side of the container the ladder was at.
she heard the rumble of the hose, but this time, more and more air grew between her and the ceiling. then, the lid of the container slid back revealing diggins and summer. they both took her arms and pulled her top half out of the container, and Y/N hung on the side of the container for a moment, catching her breath and calming herself down. she had done it, and it was all over.
she began to cry tears of relief, and she rested her head on her arms as she felt the draining water become fully detached from her feet that were still dangling into the container.
“dodge?” summer and diggins both said simultaneously. Y/N turned her head and found dodge slowly coming to a halt as he approached the container.
“o-oh my god, dodge!” she exclaimed, pulling herself up and down the ladder, meeting dodge once she was back on solid ground. she immediately ran to him, and dodge wrapped his arms tightly around her.
her skin was freezing cold, and she couldn’t stop shaking in his arms. he couldn’t tell if it was because she was cold, scared, crying, or all of the above. diggins and summer both caught on and walked away, letting the two have their own time together.
“you’re okay now, i’ve got you. you did it, it’s all over.” dodge said quietly, resting one of his hands on the back of her head. Y/N’s arms were bunched up between her body and his chest in order to stay warm.
“d-dodge, it was s-so bad.” Y/N sobbed, burrowing her head into his shoulder.
her soaked body in turn made dodge soaked and cold as well, but he didn’t even care. she was safe now, and that’s all that mattered.
dodge pulled away, his hands attached to her bare shoulders. he saw that her face was red and puffy from crying, and she still had tears streaming down her cheeks. he gently brushed away the stray tears with his thumbs, and he held her head in both of his hands. dodge kissed the top of her forehead, and held her in a deep hug once again. “i’ve got you, you’re safe.”
the two stayed in that position for a long time it seemed. it was comfortable for the both of them. Y/N needed the warmth and comfort dodge brought, and dodge needed the confirmation that she was protected.
after Y/N had calmed down, she pulled away from dodge. dodge reached down and gave her a towel he had brought with him. she gladly took it from in and she gently wrapped it around her. she closed her eyes and spoke. “i have something to tell you.”
“yeah? what is it?”
“i was thinking about it, and being i-in this weird life or death scenario, i realized that if i don’t get this out now, i might not ever get to. i don’t want to be with anyone else but you. and i don’t just mean friends. i-i want to be with you as something more.”
she looked into his blue eyes that perfectly reflected the moonlight. he seemed shocked, but relieved all at once.
before Y/N could backtrack and tell him it was just a joke, he leaned down and kissed her, and she immediately kissed back.
after only a few seconds, they separated. dodge smiled. “i’ve been waiting a long time for you to say that.”
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lani-heart · 8 months
“But I really don’t want to get a hybrid right now” I said and Eunchae smiled “Of course you do! Come in y/n you’ve been lonely in that huge apartment of yours since forever!” She said and I sighed
She was right… I recently broke up with my ex and am here I was at a hybrid facility
“Come on, it can be platonic but give it a chance?” She asked and I sighed while agreeing
A worker offered assistance where I didn’t find a hybrid that caught my eye until I found myself wandering on my own…
I saw a black tail coming out from above seeing the male on top of the playground looking at the ceiling of this place…
“Hello?” I said and he didn’t flinch
“His name is San, he’s a troublemaker and not recommended for adoption I apologize” an employee said and the boy was now looking at me
I almost saw desperation in his eyes…
“Can I meet him?” I asked and the employee was almost dumbfounded “Ma’m he came from an illegal hybrid ring I don’t recommend adoption on him” he said and I sighed
“I just want to meet him” I said and the employee nodded as he signaled the hybrid to come over which he did reluctantly…
“This is a button for his collar… the dangerous hybrids are given shock collars and you’ll have someone supervising from a far is anything goes wrong” he said and I nodded as he left
“Hi im y/n” I said with a smile and his ears twitched, almost looking nervous… “What kind of hybrid are you?” I asked and he tensed up
“AH I asked a sensitive question didn’t I?! I’m sorry!” I yelled as I bowed and he looked at me confused
“I know your name is San… it’s a pretty name” I said and he nodded
“How long have you been here?” I asked and he sighed “2 years now” he said and I smiled softly “Why don’t you try getting the attention of other people?” I asked and he looked down
“I'm not recommended to be adopted… I’m also a lot older than many people get” he confessed and I nodded
Younger hybrids were sought after and with how the employee exaggerated him not being adopted I understand why he was still here
“Well how old are you?” I asked and he sighed “23” he answered “Ah I’m 22” I answered and he looked away
“Did you ever want to get adopted?” I asked and he looked down as he nodded
“Choi San it’s time for your vital check ups” I heard as I saw the same employee come to collect San
“It was nice meeting you” I said but he didn’t say anything and the employee soon approached me “Was he in any way violent or aggressive?” he asked and I shook my head “I was actually wondering what was gonna happen to him?” I asked and he sighed… “Well when we came in he was very violent and aggressive and he tends to still have triggers that may harm the employees and even potential people who are looking for adopting so he might get sent to a breeders farm since he’s an exotic hybrid – “ he was an exotic hybrid? “-- or euthanized since he does have a bad history” he explained and I felt heartbroken… “w-what?” I asked in disbelief and he sighed
“Well he is a danger to people around him” he explained and i shook my head “I’ll adopt him!” I said and he looked shocked “Look I get some people come in and want to help a hybrid who is getting euthanized but –” “No he deserves a second chance… he was in no way aggressive he was shy and he looked like he wanted to leave this place… no offense” I said and he chuckled…
“May I ask what you do for a living?” he asked and I chuckled… “Uhm… I actually write books” I confessed and he nodded “It's pretty tame to eb adopting a hybrid like him are you sure?” he asked and I nodded.
So I ended up with a contract a t hand claiming San as my hybrid.
“Eunchae, I really don’t think I could take care of a hybrid” I sulked in her car and she sighed.
“After your breakup you’ve been down. Hybrids can give you company, a platonic relationship.” She begged as she was now trying to convince me to get out the car and into the hybrid facility.
“Everyone is worried for you. You’re at a writers block, that bastard broke up with you, and you’re alone. Yuta and Shotaro are especially worried about you please?” She begged and I decided to follow her.
I wandered away from her to look at the different hybrids. I missed the cute little fox hybrid I used to know.
I guess foxes are similar to cats… despite being canines.
I saw the feline hybrids… I didn’t even know how far I wandered until I saw a black tail tucked behind a bush.
Were they hiding?
I suddenly saw the black cat ears go up and I saw it was a man. He was older than what most people go for… but he was so pretty.
“Hello?” I said in awe of the male who turned to me. I now saw his face… he was such a pretty hybrid.
He looked at me indifferently. “His name is San. He is not available for adoption” I heard as I saw behind me. “Why?” I asked and the employee looked annoyed.
“You’re at the red code hybrids miss” they said and I didn’t notice. “What will happen to him?” I asked and they sighed.
“It’s being decided. San has good genes so maybe a farm but he’s far too aggressive to be considered so he might be seeing a euthanizing” they said and I felt my heart break.
How could a hybrid as pretty as him ever be considered to die?
“I heard you can get a red hybrid if you have a hybrid facilitation seal?” I said and they nodded.
I pulled out my license to approach such coded hybrids up to red. The only ones I can’t see are black coded hybrids.
“Miss, you should know he came from the illegal hybrid fights that were caught as of a few weeks ago” they said and that made me feel worse.
I could help him… but why did I want to?
“I’ll take him,” I said and they nodded.
“I’ll get you the paperwork if you’d like to get to know each other” they said as they were now home leaving me alone with the hybrid who looked at me confused.
“I’m y/n… they told me your name is San?” I asked as I encouraged him to get near the glass.
He looked confused and nervous. “You’re a very pretty hybrid.” I said and he looked flustered as he looked away from me.
His pitch black ears twitching.
“You’ll be coming home with me” I said and he scoffed. “That won’t last, '' he muttered.
I sighed, illegal hybrid ring.
“I’ll make sure you’re safe. You’ll never have to fight anyone ever again” I said and he looked at me with widened eyes. Almost hopeful…
“Why would you want me? I’ve killed hybrids, I’m too old, I’m not the cute little cat hybrid you could have” he said annoyed with me? It sounded almost like he was irritated with himself.
“I’ll dedicate myself in making you happy”
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simplynotcapable · 10 months
Multiverse AU where Aemond is the one dreaming of the d.a.g. ‘verse?
(Only if it sparks whatever the opposite of writers block is - I know it goes against the way the dreams work, but for whatever reason I’m a huge sucker for self-indulgent angst atm.)
There would be three main stages to this.
1: Denial
He convinces himself he’s absolutely lost it. Baelon’s dead and never grew up, Visenya sure as hell isn’t in love with him, and the idea that they’d be almost identical is just weird. These dreams are some twisted attack by his subconscious to make him feel even more second rate than he already does, which is cruel and unusual punishment, and also what the hell did he even do to deserve punishment anyway? Falling asleep every night and watching her all tangled up with someone who looks exactly like him and isn’t him, who gets to be a king and be unconditionally loved by his family and all Viserys’s attention…it’s his own personal version of hell.
He does his damnedest to just…pretend it isn’t happening. Pretend he’s making it up in his head. His mother always said he had a wonderful imagination.
(“Sweet dreams?” Visenya asked, grinning at him across the breakfast table, and he can see her laughing with her lips pressed to Baelon’s every time he shuts his eye.
Eventually, he finds the tunnels, and he sits on the stone for an hour admitting to himself that maybe he isn’t crazy after all.
2: Wrath
Fuck Baelon. Fuck him and his stupid smile and his stupid crown. Fuck the way he seems so confident, oozing out of him, because no one’s ever told him he was lesser or broken or stupid, no one’s ever made him feel small. Fuck him with the world handed to him on a plate, with the great love born to him and the luck to be a firstborn son and a dragon egg that hatched in his hands. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him.
He’s pissed. He’s pissed and he’s irrationally jealous even though Visenya doesn’t even remember anything, and he’s not going to TELL her either. Because in this life Visenya never looks at him and only sees Baelon’s face, but now he does. Now he has to worry if she only gets close to him because some part of her subconscious is seeking something of Baelon out, and he wants to claw off his face.
He wants it to stop. He has tantrums over how badly he wants it to stop, though he wouldn’t call them that. That’s what they are. Flinging shit at the wall and stabbing his bedside table. He tries sleeping draughts to have dreamless sleeps, but those don’t work here. He’s sulking and angry and unbelievably bitter.
3: Pragmatism
Visenya kisses him for the first time and he realizes the anger is a waste of time because he has the cheat codes.
He knows things now. About the palace, about Daemon and Rhaenyra, about dragons, about the realm, but most of all he knows Visenya.
He wonders for maybe ten seconds if it’s morally alright to use that to his advantage, then decides he doesn’t care. Morals aren’t shit to dragons.
He just…knows what she likes more than he should. Where to kiss her, how to touch her, what to say, and she teases him for practicing seduction on whores. He lets her think that. It’s easier.
He’s still jealous and insecure and unhappy about it, but it’s easier to deal with when she’s gone loose and pleased in his arms with her mouth on his jaw and her fingers digging into his waist.
Fuck Baelon.
But also, since he’s the one getting her kisses and Baelon’s dead: thanks, he guesses.
It doesn’t matter that he’s using Baelon as his own Visenya-guide. It doesn’t matter that he calls her sweet dragon and loves her like a mimic, it doesn’t matter that he’s the closest to Baelon she’s ever going to get, because Aemond is still Aemond and Visenya is still Visenya even if she doesn’t remember two lives.
He asks her to stay. Their father is dead, and he knows what happens next, and he says “stay with me, be with me, marry me, stay here and be mine and i’ll be yours and nothing else needs to matter”.
She’d choose Baelon over Rhaenyra. He knows that. She’d choose Baelon over anyone, and he touches her like Baelon and speaks to her like Baelon and loves her in a mirror image of how his dreams of Baelon loves her. He’s so close. He’s almost just right.
He thinks, “choose me, choose me, love me more than anyone else, love me more than a dead boy who never existed, love me, choose me, choose me.”
But Aemond isn’t Baelon.
He never will be, even when he plays pretend, and part of her has always been able to tell that he goes through motions. An actor in a role. She’s always loved him enough to pretend she doesn’t notice.
She doesn’t love him enough for this.
“Choose me,” he says. “Stay with me.”
But Visenya doesn’t.
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Ummmmmmmm. I hate school. During the school year it's impossible for me to accomplish anything because if I have one thing going on in a day I can't do anything else. But I've been sitting on the couch starting at my computer for the last half hour so I figure I may as well try to get past my writers block.
Coming Down
This song is kind of going to just be the reader looking back at all that has happened these last few months.
Verse 1
I found God I found him in a lover When his hair falls in his face And his hands so cold they shake
Dally canonically does not use hair grease, so his hair is the fluffiest thing in the world. He also has cold hands, you can't convince me otherwise. He is always cold which is why when he left New York he went to Oklahoma. (I don't know a lot about the states 'cause I live in Canada, but I looked it up and it said Oklahoma was one of the hottest states.)
I found the Devil I found him in a lover And his lips like tangerine In his color coded speak
Dally has a way with words even if he refuses to admit it. He would get good marks in English class whenever he was asked to write a straight up story, but his essays would ramble on and on and never really go anywhere. Now he can't be bothered to show up to class anyway so it doesn't really matter.
Now we're lost somewhere in outer space In a hotel room where demons play They run around beneath our feet We roll around beneath these sheets
Reader stayed out one night even though they knew they were going to get in trouble for it. Dally and them hung out and went to all their favorite spots, and they stayed in a hotel room. Reader was feeling kinda conflicted with all that was going on and Dally could tell that and tried to comfort them as well as he could. Naturally a tickle fight commenced. The reader was surprised by how safe they felt with Dally. Like they could let go of everything and just be.
I've got a lover, a love like religion I'm such a fool for sacrifice It's coming down, down, I'm coming down It's coming down, down, I'm coming down
Reader gets home and everything kinda loses that feeling of safety.
I've got a lover and I'm unforgiven I'm such a fool to pay this price It's coming down, down, I'm coming down It's coming down, down, I'm coming down
They remember that they have a boyfriend and responsibilities to their family and everyone and they feel bad about what they are doing.
Verse 2
I found a martyr He told me that I'd never With his educated eyes And this last line is kinda sexual and I don't feel comfortable with that so just enjoy not having to watch me struggle with it.
Reader thinks that in another life Dally could have been someone who'd do a lot of good. They told him once that she could see all the lives he had ever lived in his eyes, he brushed it off but he felt bittersweet nonetheless, thinking about how highly they viewed him and being convinced that he didn't deserve it.
I found a savior I don't think he remembers 'Cause he's off to pay his crimes And he's got no time for mine
Dally gets arrested. And it's hard for reader. Dally has been being more careful than he usually is but. He got sloppy. And now she is reflecting on everything.
This time the chorus is more reflective, she is thinking about the relationship as a whole and everything that is involved with it
Every single night pray the sun will rise Every single time make a compromise Every single night pray the sun will rise, but
It's coming down, down, I'm coming down It's coming down, down, I'm coming down
This is such a reflection of how the relationship has been and is going.
And that's it. I think this is the perfect song to pick back up on because it fits so well that it sorta writes itself and because it's kind of a summery of everything that has happened.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, *takes awkward bow*
I’m holding this against my chest, cradling it like a newborn baby, clutching it like the last item on Black Friday, gripping it like a best friend who’s moving far away. I hope you know how much it means to me that you keep coming back and breaking down these lyrics, spinning such a complex and beautiful story about Dally and his lover and gosh, I hope you know how much I love it <3
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