simplynotcapable · 7 hours
sometimes i write different versions of daemon’s death scene just as a reward to myself
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simplynotcapable · 7 hours
When the rest of the world looks at the united states right now, we see a government who sends billions to support genocide but cannot help their own people starving on the streets.
We see a police force who won't go in to save children from school shootings, but deploy at a rapid rate to arrest peaceful protestors using their right to free speech to protest a genocide
America, you are a war mongering snake eating your own tail. You will protect and support war criminals in another country but let your own people starve and die
To the students bravely protesting now, we see your strength. We see what we saw when students protested the Vietnam War. We have faith you will prevail
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simplynotcapable · 7 hours
“Why should rich people pay more” because fuck ‘em
“So you are okay for paying more when you have money” I am not excluded from ‘fuck ‘em’ when relevant
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simplynotcapable · 7 hours
Sometimes I see a respected mutual in my notes and remember they follow me and I'm like. Should I apologize for what I'm doing here. But they did choose to be in my house
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simplynotcapable · 8 hours
“blue why are you talking about daeron so much lately”
i saw a single post talking shit about him and referring to him as irrelevant and it made me so irrationally angry that i have to be his loudest supporter for like the next eight years at least
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simplynotcapable · 1 day
“You shouldn’t glorify violence in your stories” well I’m glorifying it. Sexualizing it even.
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simplynotcapable · 3 days
Yes narrative is important but what’s more important is that they lose that fucking ribbon and let those beautiful strands of silver hair fall over Aemond’s exquisitely chiseled carved-by-the-gods face.
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simplynotcapable · 3 days
I really don’t want this to come across as rude or judgmental, but why do you like Daeron so much. Like I really don’t get it.
i swear the giant post i just made is not directed at you, this is just a funny coincidence. and i don’t find it rude at all!
i actually don’t know! from my first read of fire and blood, i just really loved daeron. i always have.
and honestly i find him way more interesting than i do his brothers.
this child who grew up very separated and isolated from his family, from his heritage, from the infighting that the others are surrounded with because he is sent away at the age of twelve.
he’s born the same year as one of the boys who’s meant to be his enemy, and they share a wetnurse, and they are babes together but they’re never really family.
his brothers are impulsive and willful, but he’s always been quieter; his brothers are so quick to their anger, but he’s always been gentle. he knows their shadows better than he knows anything because he was born there and he’s grown there, he took his first steps and swung his first sword and had his first flight there—but when the time comes, he does more for their cause than either Aemond or Aegon do.
(and yet he doesn’t seem to resent it. because daeron loves his family! he loves them. he loves his brothers as much as his brothers love each other, and he wears their shadows like armor.
to the point that, when his nephews are dead and aemond is dead and every sign says that aegon is too—when hugh cries him king, daeron throws wine in his face. every chance to grab the throne and call himself heir, but he doesn’t take it because he is loyal to them and he loves them so deeply and he grieves them, he grieves them, he grieves them)
and when you look at this—his older brothers being willful and arrogant and angry, having more “fire” in them than Daeron does, and him growing up so separated from the rest of his House—he seems even less Targaryen than the rest of the Targtowers.
and yet, of the four, Daeron’s Tessarion is the dragon that does the most in the war. Aegon’s bond with Sunfyre may be better, but Daeron and his dragon are the ones that make a difference—all the funnier when you think about Aemond refusing to ask Daeron for help at Harrenhal.
and then, when faced with Maelor’s death, we get quiet, chivalrous, “used to taking orders” Daeron lost in his grief. we get to see the Targaryen wrath come out of him, and he rages, and he burns Bitterbridge, but it doesn’t bring Maelor back. it doesn’t fix anything.
and then the youngest prince, the most popular prince, the gentle and the quiet and the clever prince, the prince largely separated from his family but who went to war for them when called, the prince who proved himself a dragon and a soldier during the Dance—he dies unnoticed amidst the flames. we don’t even know who killed him. we don’t know if anyone even did or if the smoke and the fire did it for them.
there’s just something so bitterly tragic and beautiful about daeron’s story specifically, especially compared to his brothers, and i love him to death. the fact that he isn’t present in the show yet and his casting hasn’t been announced haunts me.
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simplynotcapable · 3 days
listen to me: prince daeron “the daring” targaryen is one of the most moral people in the dance (by targaryen standards)
barring jacaerys, baela and rhaena, helaena, and the children—daeron is the ONLY moral character in the dance. there’s probably commentary to be made here of how he grew up outside of his mother and grandfather’s influence, but we aren’t talking about WHY he’s a good person just that he IS.
comparatively, we have:
Aegon II: a drunken, usurping rapist who paraded a dragon’s head through his city
Aemond: a mass murderer who at the very least coerced Alys Rivers into engaging in a romantic/sexual relationship with him
Daemon: Blood and Cheese, killed his wife, penchant for teenage girls, the entire Laenor situation
Rhaenyra: Blood and Cheese, the entire Laenor situation
Rhaenys: slaughtered HOW many innocent smallfolk in her grand escape
(very quickly: do not argue with me that Aemond/Alys is some grandly tragic love story or that he’s the victim because she’s older; he murdered her entire family in front of her, and a yes is not a yes if no is not an option)
(very quickly: WHAT do you think would have happened to Laenor if he told Daemon and Rhaenyra, who have just gotten into their heads that they can finally have what they wanted all along, that he isn’t going anywhere?)
(very quickly: i will never believe that book!Rhaenyra had no idea that b&c was going to happen and until the show settles it this summer, i am not going to believe that show!Rhaenyra is innocent in it either)
And then there’s Daeron, who admittedly does commit mass murder.
But this is Daeron’s only real crime.
And, I mean.
Maelor was torn apart by a *mob* of people. This was not a death that Daeron could say “okay this singular person is responsible” because so many people had a hand in it. There was no way to punish the singular person that killed his nephew because a singular person *didn’t*, and there’s no way to only punish the mob because how do you pick out the two dozen people from an entire town?
Sure, Lady Caswell says she executed them all, but she’d have every reason to lie about it when faced with Targaryen wrath. If she didn’t find them all, or if she really has no idea if the people she hanged are the right ones…why would she ever admit that to the Greens, who are rightfully enraged? And so why would Daeron believe her?
Was it right for him to exterminate Bitterbridge?
But Daeron lashed out in his grief over what, in my opinion, is one of the most brutal deaths in the Dance.
He lashes out at the place that holds all the people who did it, even though he can’t pick them out one by one—or, at the least, the place that created these people, the place that spelled his nephew’s death. These people killed him. Daeron kills these people.
Is this misguided? Yes.
Is it an overreaction? Yes.
But he’s also an 18 year old boy with a pet nuke whose toddler nephew was torn limb from limb.
The other Targaryen atrocities involve the knowing and intentional harm to people that the perpetrator knows is innocent of any wrongdoing against them— Rhaenyra and Daemon having Jaehaerys killed after Lucerys’s death, Aemond burning the Riverlands and massacring the Strongs, Rhaenys causing the death of dozens of smallfolk while escaping, Aegon constantly harming those around him—but Daeron’s atrocity is aimed only at those he blames directly for his nephew’s death.
Is the entire town responsible? Of course not!
But, as misplaced as the blame is, at least Daeron is punishing the people/place he blames for his grief instead of intentionally seeking out people who are completely unrelated to the crime.
It isn’t right. But I understand his actions more than I do most other atrocities that take place during the Dance, and I don’t think it’s enough to paint him into the horrible monster that a lot of people do. And being as he’s actively described as gentle and chivalrous and Bitterbridge is his only terrible act…
My son is a good guy who did his best and deserved better than what he got
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simplynotcapable · 3 days
daeron targaryen you will always be famous they could never make me hate you
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You shall receive the same terms you gave my nephew Maelor.
Daeron the Daring at Bitterbridge, art by @paintb0x
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simplynotcapable · 3 days
I’m still stuck with Aegon immediately rolling with whatever chaos Aemond unleashed at the dinner and slamming Lucerys’ head into the table. Look at his smile. He 100% has been in several bar fights before
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simplynotcapable · 3 days
reblog if you write fanfic and you would die of happiness and then become instant best friends with anyone who crashed into your DMs to talk about your fics
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simplynotcapable · 3 days
sorry but i'm soo obsessed with robert keeping the dragon skulls in the dungeons after he wins. it's a sign of triumph, and a sign of continuity. what's left of the targaryens is bones. we will build our house atop the dead things that once made you gods
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simplynotcapable · 3 days
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simplynotcapable · 4 days
The idea that Vaegon was alive during the Dance and just stayed out of it is so delicious honestly
POV you are Archmaester Vaegon Targaryen chilling at the Citadel researching Metallurgy or some shit while your family tears the continent asunder with their flying wmds.
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simplynotcapable · 4 days
remember how Alicent rushed at Aegon after the incident with the eye, accusing him of not keeping track of Aemond? just imagine a parallel where, at the bedside of Aegon, whose life hangs in the balance, Alicent, in a fit of weakness and fear, with tears in her eyes, grabs Aemond by the shirtfront and shakes him, accusing asking him why he did not protect his brother.
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simplynotcapable · 4 days
Anyone: Hey (asks about a special interest of mine)? Me: Becomes an unskippable cutscene
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