#I wish you guys knew how fast blondie fell in love
cardhamine · 9 months
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So anyway, they're gay.
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melismaticmadness · 3 years
Hi..so this is my first ever fanfic/imagine/story thing. (I am not quite sure what this is..) This is just fiction and no part of it is real, nor am I claiming to know anyone I write about. 
Description: Fluff and Friendship - You plan to surprise Owen in Vancouver while he’s filming JATP. Charlie helped you organize it, but something goes wrong in your plan. What happens in the rain?
2400 words
Warnings: Language, Talks of Anxiety/Mental Health
Owen Joyner x Reader
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November rain in Vancouver wasn’t exactly pleasant but as I stood outside hitting the call button for his apartment building for the fifteenth time, I was far past annoyed. Soaked and annoyed. How could this surprise get so messed up that I am standing here at 3:32 am?Charlie and I had planned my surprise Thanksgiving visit perfectly. I would take a red-eye flight, get into the apartment, sleep for a few hours while Owen was still on set with BooBoo, and then we’d have a day together and the Thanksgiving party later tonight. Charlie won’t wake up to answer the call button and let me in!!
I have been out here for 30 minutes already when someone taps me on the shoulder from behind.
“Excuse me, sorry, but do you need help?”
I turn around and the tall, sleepy boy in front of me with a hoodie pulled tight over his hair is shocked.
“What the hell are you doing here?!”
“Well, I could say the same about you! Charlie said you were shooting until at least 6 am!!”
“I’m so good that we wrapped early, and got what we needed. I am still so confused as to how you got here…” He said with a fake hair toss.
“Owen, we’ve talked about this. Airplanes work for everyone, you’re not special.”
“No no, butthead. I mean standing outside my apartment building - in Vancouver - in the rain.”
I went on hurriedly about how I was here to surprise him for Thanksgiving, but the surprise is ruined because Charlie never woke up to buzz me into the building. My anxiety over his reaction was at an all-time high because my plan was derailed and he was here early, and I was drenched, but Owen could see it on my face, and before I could even finish explaining I was wrapped in a hug.
“Let’s get your soggy ass inside,” he said as he entered his pin and the doors unlocked. With his hands on my shoulders pushing me ahead of him, we went to the stairwell and up to his floor. We laughed as my wet shoes squeaked down the hall and into the apartment. I was immediately ordered into the bathroom to strip and shower.
“Hey, you can’t make me strip. I charge for that nowadays.”
“Yeah and I charge for taking in homeless, wet girls off the street, but you don’t see me asking for a check.”
After I punch him in the arm and run off to the bathroom, I can’t help but smile. We’ve been apart for so long, but it feels like nothing has changed. I was so worried that he wouldn’t be happy to see me, or that he would be annoyed that I showed up and messed up any plans he had, or god forbid if he came home with a girl and I was there.
Still, as I got into the warm shower most of my anxieties washed away (besides the ‘bringing a girl home one’). About five minutes into my hot shower, I heard a soft knock at the door.
“Yes?” I whisper-yelled out.
“Can I come in?”
“I just wanted to bring you a set of dry stuff to wear, I’ll put it on the toilet for you.”
“Thanks, O.” I peeked my head out behind the black shower curtain and saw him standing with his back to the shower placing the clothes and towel down. I could pull him into the shower by the back of his shirt from here if I wanted to, but I am not ballsy enough to do that. He thinks of me as one of the boys, and I doubt that line will ever get crossed. The boys would mess with him in this situation though.
I filled a hand up with water and sprinkled it down his neck and back. Hearing Owen gasp when he felt water all over him was hysterical, especially because he would not turn around to look at me.
“You are SO lucky you are in the shower or I would get your ass back sooooooooo good.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get the hell out of here,” I said splashing him again, “I’ll be out in a sec.”
He hurried out and I finished as fast as possible because now I was a little worried he would hand my bras from his balcony or something…
One last look in the mirror as I squeezed my hair out and I smelled like Owen. His soap, shampoo, towels...I wish I could always smell this. Stupid TV shows shooting in foreign countries….
Back in the living room, I found Owen asleep on the couch. Knowing him, he probably did not sleep at all yesterday like he was supposed to for the night shoot.
“Yo, blondie...Owen..go to bed”
“What’s wrong?! Oh, no I’m awake what...what do you wanna do?”
“I want you to go to bed. We can hang out after you sleep for a few hours.”
“What are you gonna do?”
“I’ll probably try to sleep a little too. The guy next to me on my last flight was a snorer.”
“Come to bed with me”
“Wh-what? O, it’s ok I am totally ok on the couch.”
“No, no. You’re coming. Let’s go, y/n. I’ll sleep on the floor if you want”
I couldn’t even protest more because I was being wrapped in a blanket with Owen and we were walking to his room. Look, we had had sleepovers before as kids, but the last time we did this we were thirteen, in his childhood room, with two sleeping bags on the floor. He was always working, and I was always in school, so most of the time when he was home I had to go home at night for school the next day.
How do you have a platonic sleepover with your best friend who you are also in love with? Do I just roll over the opposite way and pray that we don’t wake up with me holding onto him?
His bed was made and it smelled like he had just washed his sheets before work. He led me to one side of the bed, pulled the covers back, and simply said, “Get in.” He shuffled over to his side of the bed and did the same.
“Goodnight. Hey, do you have to be up for work or anything? I can set an alarm.”
“Nope, I’m off all day because of the night shoot.”
“Okay, goodnight y/n”
With that last “goodnight”, I felt him get closer to me. My heart was beating so fast I wasn’t sure if I was going to pass out or throw up and nothing was even happening!! Owen reached over to the other side of me and pulled me close.
“It looked like you were shivering. I should've told you to dry your hair before bed.”
“I’m okay,” I said pushing his hair out of his face, so I could see him.
Arms tangled over each other, we both fell asleep.
Hours later the rain got worse. Through the open window, I could hear the thunder was really loud and I happened to open my eyes as lightning lit up the sky. Fun fact about me. I hate lightning and am terrified of it. Being in a highrise apartment building with lots of windows, was a nightmare for me. I curled up in fetal position under the blankets and pulled them all the way up over my head.
I felt Owen moving around next to me and just assumed he was rolling over, but I felt him grab me by the waist. We were now face-to-face, chest to chest, completely under his sheets.
“Fancy meeting you under here.” His morning breath could’ve killed me, and not because it smelled. I didn’t think I could be attracted to him and his voice more than I already was.
“Sorry for waking you. The storm.”
“I know. As soon as I heard it, I knew. You’re safe. It’s loud because it’s passing over us and will be gone in a few minutes.”
The next roll of thunder shook the room a little and a single little tear escaped and I tried to hide it by moving my hair and pretending to fix the blanket over my head but he caught me.
“..hey I’m right here. Do you want to go sit in the bathroom? There are no windows.”
“I’m fine, sorry,” I said and took a deep breath.
“How can I help you right now?”
“I’m sorry. My anxiety went off the rails when my surprise got ruined earlier and I don’t know how to sleep in bed with a boy, and on top of that the worst storm is happening,” I sputtered.
Owen laughed a soft little laugh and pulled me closer.
“You’re just sleeping next to me... I’m not just a boy... we’re not strangers, hell I just walked in on you in the shower earlier...wait... god, did I make you uncomfortable?” He made some space between us and laid his head on his hands while looking at me.
“Oh god, Owen no. No.” I grabbed his hands back and put them under my face pulling him back towards me. I hadn’t noticed until now that he lost his shirt somewhere in the night. “You just know how I get, all up in my head about every little thing.” The butterflies in my stomach felt more like fireworks exploding in an almost painful display under these sheets.
“Well, what is your head saying right now? Let’s talk through it.”
A shaky breath escaped my mouth. I can’t tell him I've loved him since our days of sleeping bags on his bedroom floor. So, I pivot.
“I was worried you wouldn’t be happy to see me and that I was imposing by just showing up here…”
“You know I always am so happy to see you. I wish I could see you every day, we talk every day. You being here is so much better than a few texts and a missed facetime call while I’m at work.”
“Okay.. I love- I mean...I like being here too. I can’t make fun of you if you don’t answer my texts.” We both laughed a little this time.
“Sounds like the lightning stopped. Wanna go watch the sunrise? It should be up any minute.”
“We should get out from under the covers first...”
Pulling the covers down gave me the fresh air I needed to think clearly. I did not need to tell him how I felt. These moments were enough.
“Good morning, y/n.”
“Good morning, O.”
“Grab a towel before we head out to wipe the chairs down.”
“Yes ma’am,” Owen salutes and runs out of the room.
Nothing is better than watching the sunshine hit this smiling boy’s blonde locks and pink cheeks first thing in the morning. Sitting on the same plastic lounge chair, I wanted to pinch myself.
“We slept for like three hours,” I laughed.
“We can nap again before the Thanksgiving party tonight. I’m not that tired.”
“Want me to order coffee? I’ll run and get it, I saw a Starbucks next door.”
“Nah, I put some on when I went for the towel.”
“Smart man. I’m gonna grab some water then.”
“I’ll get it. I added lemon to our pitcher in the fridge for you, when I went for the towel too.”
“Joyner, you do think of everything.”
“I did remember you don’t drink coffee, give me some credit!” He said as he ducked off the balcony.
I stood up to lean over the railing and before I knew it Owen was over my shoulder with a glass of water and his coffee. The rain was picking up again. I took a sip and put it down on the little outdoor table they kept out there and continued to stare out at the city as it woke up.
Owen hugged me from behind and I leaned into him as an instinct. I realized I was probably making him uncomfortable and went to slide over to give him space, but he stopped me.
“Y/n, can you stand still? Your head is blocking my view.”
“My head?! I am like a foot shorter than you!”
“Yes, the back of your head is blocking my view.”
“What can you possibly be looking at? The rain?! Look there’s a bus! Trying to stalk people as they walk their dogs?” I rambled as I turned around to see where his eyes were pointed.
At that moment, he grabbed my neck, and the next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I think my heart stopped. I stood there like a limp noodle for a solid 3 seconds before I pulled away. The expression on his face was one of being mortified.
“Oh god...Oh, I’m so sorry. Oh, fuck!” He said and started running his hands through his hair and pacing away from me. “I thought..oh god.. It doesn’t matter what I thought because I was out of line..”
I grabbed his arm as he turned away from me again.
“Do it again.”
“Owen, can we try it again?”
“Y/n, I don’t want you to think you have to kiss me because I kissed you. It’s ok. I’m so sorry.”
I walked over to him, put my hands on his bare chest, and kissed him.
“I have wanted to do that since we were thirteen.”
“I have wanted to kiss you since we were thirteen, probably before. I just was scared. Our friendship is so special to me, I couldn’t imagine losing it. Then when you were spending more and more time in L.A. and then coming here to Vancouver, I thought you probably had met someone already and were just keeping it quiet.”
“I haven’t met anyone,” he stammered. “I thought I lost my chance with you for good when I moved out here, but I never was into anyone else.”
“Now what?”
“Can I kiss you again?” We both laughed and as we collided it’s almost as if rain was waiting on its cue from us. It stopped.
I wonder what is in store for us now.
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maarmendes · 4 years
Extra #2 - Meeting The Class
A/N: Sorry for the delay guys! I wasn’t happy with how the most recent chapter turned out so I had to rewrite it... twice! :^D Meanwhile have this extra bit while I work on chapter 10 and 11 and also another extra I’ll be dropping after chapter 10 hehehe blessed be! <3
EXTRA CONTENT: What happened when Ana met each classmate for the first time?
Yuga Aoyama
Ana was heading back to class after going to the bathroom when she bumped into him. She apologized and tried to move out of his way but he held her shoulder.
"Don't Move." He whispered and Ana froze on the spot, not knowing what to do. The boy proceeded to untie her hair, combing it back. She was expecting it to hurt but it felt nice, the boy was gentle as he messed with her hair. For Ana her hair was fine, but as soon as Aoyama laid eyes on her this morning, he was annoyed. She had her hair tied up in such a messy way... Aoyama couldn't take it anymore. When he saw her walking back to class, - after obviously seeing herself in the mirror and DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT - he had to take matters into his own hands.
"There you go, Darling. Much better!" He held up a pocket mirror for Ana to check his handy work. He had braided her hair beautifully over her shoulder.
"Oh, my God! It's beautiful. How did you-"
"You're welcome." He winked and walked away, leaving a confused but happy Ana behind.
Mina Ashido
Mina was one of the first classmates to approach Ana. She was the first to ask all kinds of questions about Ana's family and quirk. She was also the first to ask Ana to have lunch with them. They became instant friends, hitting it off almost immediately like they were meant to be. Mina thought she met her soulmate when Ana always finished all the lyrics she started singing.
"I can't believe you know so many songs!"
"I mean, they're not my style... But I'm a bit of a music freak."
Mina tried to introduce Ana to everyone but mostly just ended up rushing it and dragging Ana into another group of people, and another... and another... and another... Until she finally let Ana settle down. In the end, no one got to know anyone, especially not Ana, but she still appreciated Mina's excitement.
Tsuyu Asiu
They met when Mina asked Ana to have lunch with her. The girls all sat together and introduced themselves. They both told each other to refer to themselves by their nicknames and bonded over how adorable both names were.
"Ana, about you telling us to get to know each other slowly..." Tsu shyly faced Ana. "I'm sorry if we made you feel overwhelmed. I hope we can be good friends in the future."
"If you keep being that cute, I think I might just offer you my soul, Tsu." The girls laughed. "It's okay, I'm okay, everything's okay!"
With a pet on Tsuyu's head, Ana figured she'd made the sweetest friend she could ever wish for.
Tenya Iida
Ana was annoying Bakugo early in the morning when Tenya approached them. She was sitting on Bakugo's desk who had his feet up. Tenya cleared his throat to get their attention and began his rant.
"Bakugo Katsuki and Shuzenji Anahita! How dare you disrespect school's property like that! Show some respect! Especially you, Bakugo! It's the second day in a row I catch you in the act!"
"The fuck did you say to me? You wanna die or something, shitty glasses?!"
Ana watched the boys bicker and soon an entertaining idea came to mind.
"How about you guys arm-wrestle and whoever wins tells the other what to do?"
It was a joke but the boys took it seriously. Ana was impressed by how much of a fight the class rep put up but in the end, Bakugo obviously won. The winner completely forgot his price, too engrossed in his celebration, so Ana decided to claim the price.
"Since my friend won, it's time for our price..."
Ana made Iida sit on the desk next to her for the rest of the day. Even during class.
Ochaco Uraraka
It was time to try on their hero suits and the girls made their way towards the changing room. Ana was adjusting the belt around her waist while waiting for the others when Ochaco gasped behind her. She turned to see the girl pointing between themselves. At first, she didn't get it but then... The resemblance... Bodysuits, belt, helmet... If it wasn't for Ana's suit being blue and Uraraka's being pink, they'd look exactly the same.
The girls got dragged out before they could talk about it but once outside there was an opportunity, and so the Pink and Blue team was born!
Mashirao Ojiro
In between classes, Mina was chatting with Ana but her attention was elsewhere. The boys tail was swaying has he talked to his friends and Ana couldn't stop staring in wonder.
"Ana! Did you even hear me?! What are you staring at?"
"Do you think Tail Boy is strong enough to let me sit on him?" Mina blinked for a minute before staring at Ana with a perverted smile on her face. "His tail, Mina! Sit on his tail!"
"Why don't you try to ask him?" Ana scowled at Mina. "I bet ten bucks you won't do it."
Ana was on her feet so fast her chair nearly fell over and walked over to Ojiro's group.
"Hey, Tail Boy, is your tail strong enough for me to sit on like a chair?"
"Probably... Yes?" The boy had no idea what the hell was happening but still answered the tiny girl.
"So... Can I?"
With that Ana sat on the boy's tail, pinching him when he commented on her being lighter than he expected. Mina couldn't stop laughing with her phone out, either recording or taking pictures of them. At first, he was flustered and didn't know what to do since Bakugo was glaring at him from across the room, but soon followed Ana's playfulness as she tried to balance herself on his tail.
"It's unbelievably soft, that's so cute!" Ana petted the boy. "Sorry, Ojiro. This was supposed to be a bet I made with Mina but now I'm way too into it."
"Oi! Get back here, pipsqueak!"
Thankfully Bakugo rescued Ojiro from having to carry Ana everywhere with him. The boy could only think that Ana was unexpectedly childish and weird, not in a bad way though.
Denki Kaminari
As per usual, Ana, Mina, Bakugo, and Kirishima were hanging out in-between classes when someone decided to insert themselves into the group.
"Hey, hey, hey! Who's the cutie?"
Kaminari wrapped an arm over Kirishima's shoulder, interrupting his conversation with Ana.
"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?"
Ana scoffed at Kaminari's bad attempt at a pick-up line, and so the war began.
"Nice one, blondie. I hope you know CPR because you just took my breath away!"
"Good... But not good enough! Let me guess... Your middle name is Gillette, right? 'Cause you're the best a man can get!"
"HAH! Is there an airport nearby, or was that just my heart taking off?!"
"Go ahead! Feel my shirt! Boyfriend material!"
"Oh, wait... wait, where... where's my... Oh no, oh fuck..." Ana suddenly got serious, patting her pockets and looking through her bag. The look of pure dread getting the group's attention.
"W-what? What's up?" Kaminari grew worried the more frantic Ana seemed, instinctively putting his hands up as if signaling Bakugo he did nothing.
"Oh no... I lost my phone number... Mind if I have yours?" Ana gave Kaminari a big smirk and an innocent look as she dropped her desperate act. A few frustrated grunts and sighs of relief come from the group and the boy announced her victory, both becoming friends on the spot.
"What the fuck did we just witness..." Bakugo asked Kirishima, who only gave him a shrug.
Eijiro Kirishima
After witnessing Ana's argument with Bakugo, Kirishima couldn't stop worrying about the girl. He knew Bakugo was pissed but Bakugo is always pissed. Ana was coming back to class with Bakugo who left her soon after, giving Kirishima a chance to talk to Ana.
"Hey, Ana..." The girl looked up at Kiri with a smile. "Sorry to bother you, I was just checking how you're doing, and- Why are you in your gym clothes?"
"Oh! Some stupid bitch with some kind of water quirk picked a fight with me, what an idiot. Don't worry, she got what she deserved!"
Ana put her bruised fists up in a fighting stance and Kirishima stood frozen in place feeling stupid for even worrying about her in the first place. As Ana told more details about the fight he couldn't help but laugh.
"What?! I'm serious! I knocked her nose real good!" Ana pouted to which Kiri couldn't help but pat her head.
"No, no, it's not that! It's just... I was worried about you and the whole Bakugo thing, but I guess there's no need for that."
"That's cute but I can handle myself. Thanks for caring though." Ana gave the boy a hug which he gladly returned.
"No problem, Cutie!"
From then on Ana and Kirishima referred to each other with random pet names and found it entertaining to never explain Bakugo why.
Koji Koda
Koda usually feels bad when he's stuck inside for long periods of time, so when the bell rang signaling lunchtime he decided to take a walk around campus. When passing a tree behind the building, he heard a small meow coming from above.
Ana was trying to escape Bakugo and find a quiet place to rest and figures the back of the building would be deserted. But, when she was passing by a tree, she wasn't expecting what she heard.
"U-Uhm... E-Excuse me..."
"God? Is that you?"
"Uhm... No?" Ana looked up to see Koda sitting on a tree branch hugging a small kitten to his chest. "I-I'm... I'm s-stuck."
Ana couldn't stop laughing while she climbed the tree to help both the boy and the kitten getting down. Once the boy got down and the kitten was safe and sound, she finally stopped laughing and asked the boy.
"Next time you try to rescue an animal, be careful not to get stuck too, ok?" The boy nodded shyly. "So, what now? What are you gonna do with the cat?"
"Oh! Principal Nezu said I can't keep any animals on campus..."
"Then let's hide them until we find a place for them!"
The boy was ecstatic! One of them found a box, another one got some blankets and both built a small house for the small kitty. Coming back the next day, Koda found Ana already there, feeding a bunch of cats.
"Koda, look!" Ana held up what Koda assumed was the kittens' mother. "Mama Kitty came to get her baby and decided to stay! We have a family now!"
In the end, Koda convinced Ana they couldn't find a home for all those kittens alone, so she decided to ask the person she trusts the most for help. And that is how Aizawa got so many cats.
Rikido Sato
Living in the dorms was already weird enough for Ana since she never really had a big lively home. Her grandmother was quite rowdy but even with Aizawa there, the house was never as vivid as the dorms were. So it wasn't unusual for Ana to have a tough time sleeping. She had just given up on sleep and decided to get some coffee and just stay up all night when she stumbles into Sato in the kitchen.
"What are you doing? It's like 4 am." Ana mumbled and then noticed the sweets on the boy's hands. "I thought you had an oven in your room."
"I do! But then the room smells like sweets and it becomes a bit unbearable and the boys have been complaining about the smell and-"
"Did you break it?" The boy nodded. "Lemme eat and I won't snitch."
Both of them spent the next couple of hours in the kitchen. Ana would taste-test all the sweets and gave feedback to Sato who would bake something different. Once the sun was up and people started to walk around the dorms, Iida found them on the kitchen floor sleeping, Ana still had sweets on her lap and Sato was filled with flour. Neither of them ever talked about what happened that night but when Ana is looking tired, Sato secretly shares some of his sweets.
Mezo Shoji
Aizawa was giving the class instructions on what the training exercise would be when someone interrupted him. The class was all standing on the field waiting for instructions when Aizawa said he had to leave for a minute, giving them orders to behave and work out or their own. Once out of sight, Mina and Ana exchanged looks.
"Hide and Seek?" They both agreed, getting a few students to join them. Luckily, Ana wasn't it. She ran around to find a place to hide until she had a brilliant idea.
"Mezo! Can you hide me? Quick!" The boy said nothing, just wrapped his arms around the tiny girl, holding and hiding Ana behind his back. She muffled a laugh when Mina ran by and even the boy had to hide his mouth to avoid laughing. Not too long after, Mina approached the boy.
"Mezo... What you got there, sweety?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Just drop her, Mezo! I know she's in there!" Mina tried to tickle Mezo.
"Don't betray me, Mezo!" Ana yelled from behind him.
They were all laughing and fighting in their own playful way when they hear someone clearing their throat.
"If you have that much energy, how about you guys do some extra training after class?"
They all grunted at Aizawa's punishment as they got back with the others. Ana tried apologizing for getting Mezo into trouble (Mina thought it was offensive she didn't get an apology) but the boy paid her no attention, saying he had fun anyway, so he didn't regret it.
Kyoka Jiro
Much like some other girls, they met during lunch. Mina yelled about how Ana knows a lot about music and Jiro's ears perked up. For a moment they just stared at each other until Jiro broke the silence.
"Bohemian Rhapsody."
"Master Of Puppets."
"Red Hot Chilli Peppers?"
"Pink Floyd?"
"Their whole discography."
They both laughed and fist-bumped each other. The other girls didn't get it but what matters was that they bonded over their music taste. Since then, both Ana and Jiro lent vinyl albums to each other that they think the other might like.
Hanta Sero
The class was having mock battles during training and Aizawa refused to split the class since in real combat there were no differences in gender or of any other kind. So, Ana and Sero got paired.
"Are you sure you want this? I don't want to fight a girl."
Ana ignored him and Aizawa smirked behind Seto. The whole class shivered at the sight. He blew the whistle and Ana was as quick as ever sliding under Sero's legs to get on his blind spot and knock him off his feet. He was stunned on the floor, Ana standing over him.
"So, is it that you don't want to fight a girl or that you can't?"
Ana offered a hand to help him up. Sero chuckled and nodded with a new-found respect for the small girl.
"I'm sorry I disrespected you. Let's go again. This time for real."
They both did their best but, in the end, Ana had more fighting experience than him and won the mock battle. After that, Sero would often ask Ana to train with him to help him get stronger.
Fumikage Tokoyami
Training was getting rough and the class was all spread about, training their abilities with the help of Ectoplasm. As per Aizawa's instructions, Ana had to train using her quirks and keeping herself moving even in uneven terrain. So, as Cimentoss had made various platforms, Ana was running around healing whoever needed it. Suddenly a scream echoed and Ana bolted in that direction with no hesitation. Arriving there, Tokoyami stumbled out of the dark cave, his arm bleeding.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm here. Let me see." Ana was kneeling down next to the boy who was still shaking.
"I'm sorry. This is nothing, I'm fine. Dark Shadow just got a bit enthusiastic, that's all."
"Just shut up and let me help." Ana inspected the cut and determined it wasn't too deep so it wouldn't need too much to heal. She was about to do her job when a whimper caught her attention. Behind the boy, there was a shadow with sad eyes looking worried at its owner. He tried to reassure his friend he was alright but it wouldn't listen.
"Hey, buddy. Look!" Ana caught the shadow's attention as she placed a kiss on the boy's arm and the cut faded. "Everything's alright, see? He's all good!"
Ana patted the shadow who chirped happily at her. Tokoyami apologize a thousand times but Ana ignored it and reassured him it was her job to help out. After this, Ana would help him calm down Dark Shadow when it was worried about him or even let her play with it from time to time. Most would say he didn't care either way and probably thought it was good control training, but he was actually happy about it.
Shoto Todoroki
Ana was complaining to Deku and Ururaka about how her tea got cold on the way to class. Todoroki overhears, grabs the cup, and heats it up. Ana decides to have his children.
It was lunchtime and Deku had witnessed Ana fight during the mock battle training and insisted on her telling him all about it, joined by Uraraka and Tenya. They were sitting in class and Ana was telling them all about the training Aizawa had put her through.
"Ana... I think that's child abuse..." Uraraka said with a concerned look on her face.
"Nah, it was fine! It wasn't that bad." Ana reached for her cup but froze upon touching it. "Oh no, my tea went cold... I hate cold tea..." She pouted sadly.
"Don't be sad! We can go get another one if you want. It's my fault it got cold anyway." Deku suggested.
Ana was about to accept when a hand reached over her shoulder and grabbed her cup. Soon, the cup began to warm up and the water started to steam. Looking up, she saw the red and white-haired boy looking down on her. He offered a small smile before placing the mug back down.
"Is this good enough?" Ana nodded still mesmerized by the boy. "You don't have to be sad anymore then."
With that, Todoroki walked away leaving a gawking Ana behind. His cool but gentle demeanor completely enchanting the girl.
"Ana... Are you ok?" Uraraka broke whatever spell Ana was in.
"What? Oh, I'm fine. I think I just got my heart completely smashed to pieces by whoever the hell that was but I'm fine."
From then on out, it was girl talk. Tenya and Deku were chased out and were replaced by Mina and Tsuyu as the girls started gossiping about Todoroki and what they thought about him. He became Ana's secret crush and she would admire him from afar. They would occasionally talk but she didn't trust herself around him without some kind of restrain, especially since Todoroki wasn't a big fan of socializing and Ana had no concept of personal space. Either way, she would often ask him to heat up her tea when she forgets about it.
Toru Hagakure
Also during lunch, she was one of the girls that asked a lot of questions about Ana's grandma. She was way more energetic than Ana could ever imagine and they hit it off fairly quickly, even if Ana found it tough to talk to Toru.
"I'm sorry but I have to say this..." Ana stopped Toru mid-sentence. "I'm really sorry if I stare too much at you, it's just hard for me to understand you. I've lived my life reading peoples expressions and, well... You know what I'm getting at! So it's a bit hard for me to understand but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I'm sorry and please bear with me."
Toru was surprised but relieved. Ana was staring at her with such intense eyes she thought Ana was offended or something. Thankfully, Ana was just worried. When Toru asked why she read people like that, Ana explained that thanks to the nature of her quirk she tends to get closer than she should since she's so used to it and didn't want to make people uncomfortable so she learned how to know what people are feeling.
Toru was touched by her thoughtfulness and reassured the girl she'd tell her if anything bothered her. What excited her was how well Ana could read other people. The girls would often have fun during lunch where Ana would tell Toru what she guessed the conversations were about by reading lips and emotions and Toru would confirm it using her invisibility to get close and eaves-drop. Was it right to listen in on other peoples' conversations? No, but it was fun!
Minoru Mineta
He's not part of this universe. :)
Momo Yaoyorozu
Makes Ana a new uniform when she gets to class in her gym clothes after the bullying scene.
Momo noticed Ana in her gym clothes during class and as soon as it was over she called her classmate over to talk to her about it.
"Ana, I'm sorry about this but you can't hang around in your gym clothes. You need to wear your uniform properly, those are the rules..."
"Oh. Well, my uniform got soaked and I had to change... Honestly, I think I might burn it honestly."
Momo was ready to scold her classmate but Ana continued, explaining what happened at lunch. Momo was shocked there were students like that at U.A. but Ana reminded her of Bakugo. They agreed that judging people is hard. Momo felt guilty for calling out Ana after what happened. Taking a look around to make sure no one notices, the girl materializes a copy of the uniform and offers it to Ana.
"Oh, my God! Momo, you can't do that!" Ana whispered, also checking to make sure no one saw it.
"It's okay! I feel bad for what happened and for calling you out... I'm sorry so just take it."
"Are you sure?" Momo nodded with a smile. "Thank you, really... I'd go change but I've had enough of bathroom encounters for today."
They both laughed at that but Momo offered to go with her, just to make sure nothing happened. Ana noticed her concerned and told her about the fights she'd win, which Momo took as Ana being a troublemaker. Either way, both girls understood each other and both knew the other would have their back.
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xjefferxx · 5 years
Happy Birthday ||Rainling
Who: Jeff Sterling & @joiesomer​
Where: Restaurant in town and hotel room
When: 8/17/19
What: Jeff and Somer celebrate Somer’s birthday. (of course there is sex in this lol)
Somer blinked at the large box the mailroom guy handed him. He hadn't ordered anything, and he was pretty sure whatever presents he was getting from his family had already shown up. His mom was serious about punctuality that way. Accepting the package, he signed for it and bore it off to his room. Once he opened it up, all he could do was stare. With shaking hands Somer picked up the coat, smoothing his hands over the fabric. He knew expensive when he saw it. Who would be sending him a new, costly -- he checked the tag -- fitted suit? With a bowtie ... He laid the coat down carefully, and turned the strip of fabric over in his hands.
Jeff had checked his phone. Package delivered and accepted. Smiling, he got himself in the shower. He had it all set for the night, it was going to be romantic and perfect for Somer. Gifts at random moments, the best for his love on his birthday. He couldn't help but giggle in excitement as he started to dress for the night.
The timing couldn't be a coincidence. Somer gut-jumped his way to a conclusion, and reached for his phone, calling Jeff. "Blondie?"
Jeff was just getting out when the phone rang. "Hey baby, you like the suit?"
A blanket of relief fell over Somer's shoulders, and he blew his breath out. With a laugh in his tone he said, "So I should wear this tonight? And find my best manners from where I shoved them under the bed?"
"Did you think it was from someone else?" Jeff chuckled. "yes, wear it, no you don't need to bring anything else and the manners are up to you."
"I'm just being cautious!" Somer objected, grinning. "Just in case there was some other super attractive, wealthy, adorable, elegant, I'm running out of adjectives here ... be quiet." He glanced over at the box again, smile softening to something fond and sweet and a little overwhelmed. "You'll have to help me with the tie."
Jeff chuckled some. "Okay I can do that and even if some other man was courting you, you're still my ginger." he smiled into  the phone.  "alright, I have to go to get ready for tonight, I'll be there in about an hour to pick you up."
"And you're still my blondie," Somer said back, softly. "I'll wait for you. Always." He wished Jeff was there to kiss, but soon. Soon. Hanging up, he pressed his lips together, making a mental list of all the things he needed to do. Finish unpacking that new suit; take a shower; make his hair lie flat ... he had time. An hour. What was Jeff doing that needed an hour?
Jeff hung up and got to work. He had a lot to do and still had to get dressed. With a smile though, he was more then ready for it all. The hour went by fast and now he stood at Somer's dorm room with roses in his hand. He wore a black tux with a black skinny tie and his glasses. Knocking he waited for Somer to open the door, smiling and handing him the flower. "Ginger roses for my ginger."
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Nonplussed, Somer accepted the roses without thinking about it. After a second he remembered to close his mouth and step back so Jeff could come in. "Hi," he breathed, thoroughly overwhelmed by his boyfriend's appearance. He'd been trying to figure out how to tie his new bowtie, and his brain had been full of diagrams and weird youtube videos. Had been. Now it was completely full of Jeff. Tucking the roses into one arm, Somer reached up to kiss Jeff, mouth soft and wandering. "You're amazing," he whispered.
Jeff gladly kissed him back. "Well thank you but this is just the start." He was already fixing and tying his bowtie. "There all good. You should bring those with us and grab your phone and room key, nothing else." Smiling as he offer his hand to Somer so they could head out together to their dinner date.
Before he even realized what Jeff was doing his boyfriend was pulling the ends of the tie into soft points. Somer made a note in the back of his mind to have a talk with Jeff about spending money on him, then pushed it aside. One hand occupied with peach roses, the redhead patted his pockets in a quick habitual dance. "I've got everything," he said, once he'd made sure his reader was in the inner coat pocket. Locking the door, he put his hand in Jeff's.
Jeff laced their fingers together and walked with him out to his car. He opened the door for him, then climbed in the driver's side. Smiling, they were off, Jeff holding his hand when he could and stealing glances to him. "I hope you're ready for a night that is all about you."
Somer flushed, stroking his fingertip over one of the roses. "I thought we did that last week," he said, a little embarrassed. "I know it's our birthday and all ... "
Jeff grinned some. "Well last week was about us, this is about you. About spoiling you." Jeff kissing his hand. "We're going to dinner, then to a hotel so we can have a night away from everyone with no interruptions...I have gifts waiting at both places though."
"You love me, I'm already spoiled," the redhead murmured with a slight smile. "Anything else is just overwhelming." He looked up at Jeff, admiring his long fingers and the way he handled the car, his pure profile with that insouciant snub nose. "Are you going to turn your phone off, then?"
"Well then you're going to be overwhelmed a bit but its out of love. Yeah, but I'm turning mine off too, just for the night once we're there." Jeff parking in front of a nice place that laid on the lake. His hand in Somer's, he told them of the reservations and they were escorted out to the back deck that was lit by stars and fairy lights. Sitting across from him, jeff check the menu then slipped a small velvet pouch over to Somer.
It took a second for Somer to notice, occupied by staring bemusedly out at the lake, with the way the city lights, the deck lights, and the stars all reflected in the water. He twitched his hand, felt the velvet, and turned to look at Jeff, startled. "You're giving me heart attacks here, blondie," he said dryly, to hide the way his heart jumped up into his throat.
Jeff chuckled some. "Sorry my love, just open it please." Inside sat a leather bracelet with a quote from the Princess Bride. The movie they watched on their very first date in Jeff's room. He waited patiently for Somer to open it. When he looked to it, Jeff read the quote out loud. " Do I love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."
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Somer ran the leather through his fingers, over and over, feeling the letters against his skin. His eyes suddenly stung, and he blinked hard. "Put it on me, please?" His voice sank to a rough whisper, and he held his wrist out. "I'll never take it off. Not ever."
Jeff leaned over, wrapping it around his wrist then fastening it. He smiled to him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips as the waiter came for their order, Jeff still holding Somer's hand on the table.
Somer hadn't even taken the time to look at the menu; he had no idea what kind of restaurant this even was. Given how they were dressed, and the fact that there were real candles on the table, and the superiority radiating off the waiter, he could only assume it was some kind of expensive place. He risked a quick peek at the menu and noticed the prices weren't even listed. Wow, he was so out of his depth here.
Jeff squeezed his hand a bit. "Do you want me to order something and we can share?" Knowing this was still kind of a lot for Somer to all take in.
The redhead nodded, feeling suddenly all limbs and elbows, like the waiter would be able to tell just by looking at him that he didn't belong here. "Is this normal for you?" he hissed across the table. "When you're home?"
Jeff order them something that he knew Somer would like and a glass of wine for Somer as well. "No, its not. We don't eat like this but I wanted to spoil you and I knew this was a good place..."
Somehow that made it easier. If this was Jeff's normal, at home, Somer knew he'd never fit into that. And he wasn't going to be Cinderella to Jeff's Prince Charming, or worse, Eliza to his Higgins. But it wasn't, and so Somer relaxed. When Jeff wasn't holding his hand, he turned the bracelet round and round, listening to his boyfriend chatter about anything and everything.
Jeff filled the space some waiting for food. Suddenly though, music started to play. He smiled, scooting back and offering his hand to Somer. "Dance with me, please." This was part of the date, the staff knowing to hold back on bringing the food until they had dance. "Just one slow dance."
Hesitantly, Somer took Jeff's hand. "I don't know how to, though. Not like this. I just," he waved his other hand helplessly, "know how to stand and sway."
"Just follow me." Jeff taking his hand and bringing him to the small dance floor. He held him close and started with the simple swaying as he rested his forehead to Somer's. "I'd say we'd waltz but I like this dancing better." he whispered.
"Isn't follow supposed to mean something special when you dance like this?" Somer asked, leaning his head against Jeff's shoulder. "Like you guide the -- the girl where to go? I don't even know where to put my feet. I know a little ... waltz is the three count. One two three, one two three ... "
"Its one two three four, but its okay, this is more us." Jeff kissing his forehead softly and smiling as they moved about the floor. "I mean I can lead you, but right now, this is a good way to follow too."
Somer frowned. "No, I'm sure waltz is a three count." But then he shook his head and smiled, because it didn't matter right now. "Maybe some other time, we could -- someone could teach me how to dance like that?"
"I mean I could teach you...its one of my goals to one day run a dance studio and teach kids." Jeff grinned. "I'd love the chance to teach you one day." Stepping back, Jeff spun Somer out and under his arm then back to him with a dip as the song ended. "What do you say?"
The spin and dip left him breathless, but Somer managed to smile at Jeff. "I say if you're going to run a studio and teach, you'll need someone to manage the place." His smile broadened. "And I honestly suggest you choose between ballroom and the other kind before you open." Somer's stomach growled then, and he giggled.
"So you want to manage the place with me and teach as well?" Jeff helping him back up and taking his hand to head to the table where their food was waiting. "I hope you like beef and lobster along with some red wine." Jeff sitting down with Somer as he had ordered them a surf and turf platter to share.
"I've never had lobster. Not real lobster," Somer said. He tried not to think about the cost. It didn't matter. This was what Jeff wanted to give him. "Anyway if you think /I'm/ going to teach you have another think coming." He leaned down to take a deep sniff of his steak. "How do you know how I get my steak? ... have you been texting Winter behind my back?"
Jeff chuckled some. "Well then you're trying lobster tonight." Smiling back to him. "Well maybe...okay yes, I kind of stole his number out of your phone and asked him for some help on things. Then sent him a birthday present too." He blushed a bit.
Somer narrowed his green eyes at Jeff. "Uhuh. And what has my dearly beloved best and only twin brother been saying about me?" He picked up the knife and fork and cut open the steak, just to be sure, then took a bite. His eyes rolling back, he made an ungodly sensual moan. "Dear god that's good."
"Nothing too much, just stories about you...and things you like...mr. ducky pants." Jeff winked, taking a bite of the lobster with a moan as well but it wasn't as good as seeing Somer so in heaven over his steak. "I'm glad you like it baby."
With intensely faked sincerity, Somer looked at Jeff and said, "I'm sorry, but I'm leaving you for this steak." A bite poised before his mouth, he waited for the reaction.
Jeff shrugged. "At least i'm losing to a good piece of meat, though I thought I had your favorite piece ever...yours and all." Licking his lips as he took a drink of his sparkling cider. Waiting for his own reaction.
Green eyes rounded as Jeff effortlessly capped his sally. Slowly, Somer laid his fork down, picked up his napkin, and bowed to his boyfriend. "I surrender unconditionally." Then he sat back down and burst out laughing. "Oh my god, Jeff, really? A piece of meat? I should have known."
Jeff laughed as well, standing and bowing as well. "Thank you, thank you, I did my best Mr. Ducky pants." He winked and sat back down. "I'm not wrong, it is meat and you do love it." Going back to eating as well, just loving being in this moment with Somer.
"I am," Somer announced, "one hundred percent not responsible for my clothing as a small child. And I rocked those ducky pants, thank you."
"yes I know but the picture he sent is very cute too." Jeff showing Somer quickly then pulling his phone back to hide it away. "You want to try a piece of lobster and I'll try the steak?"
The redhead blew a raspberry at Jeff and ate his bite of steak. "I only want to try the lobster if you fix it for me, because I'm afraid I'll get all claw bits in."
Jeff smiled. "I can do that for you, my prince." deciding since he was going to treat him like one to call him that for the night. Fixing him a bite, Jeff passed it over to Somer and then cut a piece of steak for himself. "Ready?" Holding his up and taking a bite at the same time as Somer.
For half a second Somer thought Jeff was going to feed him, and a blush started to creep up his cheeks. Then Jeff called him that, and he had to hide his face. With a little chuckle, he mumbled, "Dude, now you sound like Benji talking about his Prince Charming, oh my god." He stuffed the lobster in his mouth.
Jeff hummed some. "Well but then thing is, you are a prince to me. Cooper is just old." he chuckled some and sat back. He was full as it was, his stomach had grown over time but still he knew his limit and they would take this all to the hotel in a swan if they didn't finish. "Hey, I love you." he whispered over to Somer.
Mouth full, Somer couldn't find a way to answer that, so he just squeezed his eyes shut briefly the way cats said 'i love you'. He swallowed, and objected, "Cooper's not old. I mean, he is but ... forget him. And that whole stupid thing. Benji's an idiot. A double idiot."
Smiling, he kissed the back of his hand. He didn't mind letting Somer feel as he did for Benji, he was allowed that. "Getting full, baby? Ready to head to the hotel for more fun and presents?"
The redhead considered the plate, eyes flicking back and forth and running his tongue over his lips. "Hmmm ... yeah I'm done." He sipped at the wine again, trying to decide if he liked it. "Am I supposed to taste other things besides just alcohol in here?"
"I mean some people do but wine is wine to me. I have some other drinks at the hotel for us but nothing to get drunk on...if thats okay with you." Jeff waving down the waiter for them to wrap up what was left as he beckoned Somer over to him.
Somer shook his head. "I don't want to get drunk. Not, like, ever. I just don't see the point ... I'd probably be a sad drunk anyway." He reached out to wrap his arms around Jeff, leaning on him gently.
Jeff held Somer on his lap and kissed his cheek. "Its just some hard ciders, nothing too much and not that many of them, promise." Turning his face, he kissed him softly on the lips. "I can't wait to get you alone and out of this suit."
Once again Somer blushed, ducking his head against the blond's. "So expensive, and you just want to take it off me," he teased softly. "One day I want you to tell me how you pulled all this off. It's like magic."
"A lot of planning."  Jeff replied as the waiter brought their swan of food. Jeff thanked him and headed out with Somer towards the car and then the hotel. It was the fanciest one around. Jeff's car being valet parked as well. He already had the room key, showing it to Somer as they were in the elevator. Jeff stealing a kiss.
Somer was honestly glad when they got up to the room. The whole experience was starting to overwhelm him -- so much crystal and marble, so much sparkle and flash. When the door closed behind them, he didn't look around yet, just held on to Jeff and buried his face against the black suit.
Jeff held him, kissing his hair. When the doors open on the elevator, they were on the top floor. Jeff used the card key to get into it. Stepping in, it wasn't a room it was a studio apartment of sorts with a small place to even cook. Presents on the table and rose petals all around. Even a hot tub on the balcony.
"If this turns out to be a dream," Somer mumbled into Jeff's chest, "I'm going to be so, so angry." He looked up at his boyfriend, clinging, then turned to look at the place. "Are you ... sure this is a hotel room? That you didn't just rent an apartment or ... some ... thing ... ?" He noticed the rose petals and trailed off, swallowing.
"Yeah, its a hotel room, just the biggest one they had and I wanted it to be the biggest because then it felt more like we're all alone here. Infact...phones off." Jeff shutting his phone off and setting it to the side.
"Yes, master," he said lightly, lips twitching in a smile. The redhead quickly scrolled through the family messages, including one intensely private one from Winter, then turned the sound off and put his phone on the counter of the tiny kitchenette. "What shall I do now?"
Taking his hand he brought him to the bed and handed him a box with a dino onesie inside. "Put that on and I'll put mine on too." Jeff having one for himself.
Somer offered a sideways, coy smile. "I thought you wanted to take this suit off me." He dropped the box on the floor, reaching up to run Jeff's tie through his fingers and tug gently downward. He kissed the blond slowly, offering his want like a gift in return. Wanting to be unwrapped by his boyfriend for his birthday.
Jeff kissed him back, smirking against his lips. "I'll unwrap you then you can put that on because I'll be unwrapping you all night." With those words, he stood and started with Somer's bowtie, unfastening it then working down the buttons as the coat was tossed aside.
He felt his ears buzz with a sudden rush of blood, only then Jeff was actually undressing him. Somer hadn't realised even this kind of casual, hasty undressing could be so sensual -- or maybe that was just all Jeff, nimble fingers brushing against Somer's pale skin and making his pulse leap. Breathing shallowly, he reached up to do the same to his boyfriend.
With Somer there in his boxers, Jeff let his boyfriend undress him. Being in his boxer as well, he pulled Somer close and kissed along his neck softly. "I want to try some new things with you tonight...some things that will make you feel good." he whispered, tugging on his earlobe softly.
Somer sucked in a sharp breath, consciously arching into Jeff. His fingers curled around his boyfriend's arms, holding himself steady while the fine hair stood up all over his body. "Yeah?" he breathed.
"Yeah, I know how bad we're both wanting more but there is something we need to try first...if you want to." Jeff whispered against his skin, licking down his neck to suck where his neck met his shoulder. Moving Somer's arms around his neck, he picked him up to move them to the bed.
Somer flopped out catlike across the bed, spreading himself to cover as much space as possible. Or maybe he was just offering as much of himself as possible. His mouth was already red from kisses, a hickie on the side of his neck, and he was clearly excited. "Command me, master," he laughed softly. "I trust you."
Jeff rolled his eyes, coming to lay on the bed with him. He kissed him once more as he pulled open the drawer to grab the lube. "You have to relax okay? just relax some." Moving to kiss down the other side of his boyfriend's neck.
At first he curled over into Jeff, but when the blond started to work on the other side of his neck, Somer subsided. A pleasant shudder rippled through him. "What're you gonna do?"
"I'm going to eat you out then finger you open until you cum, get you use to feeling things inside you." he whispered, kissing down his chest and sucking marks to his chest and over the top of his boxers.
The redhead's cock twitched, a sharp pleasure/pain sensation just from listening to Jeff's description. Somer clenched his fingers down into the covers and offered a soft moan. "Blondie," he whispered.
"Yes my love?" Looking up to him, kissing over his happy trail. He licked up it some and back down.
Somer panted, his whole skin feeling sensitive. "Just ... want," he said, lifting his hips up to encourage Jeff to move.
Smirking, he pulled Somer's boxers off him. Seeing him hard, Jeff couldn't help but lick up the length some. "flip over for me, I need your cute ass if I'm going to eat you out."
"Jeff, baby, please," Somer moaned. He didn't want to roll over if the blond was going to lick his cock like that. But when he didn't get any more licks, the redhead pushed himself over, rubbing against the covers.
Jeff kissed his spine, working down it. "I promise, this will feel just as good as me sucking your cock." Spreading the boy's cheeks, he licked a sinful lick over his hole, dipping his tongue against the pucker hole.
If he hadn't already been so languid with lust, Somer might have jerked at that touch in such a new place. As it was, he shivered, tongue flicking out to wet his lips. "That's interesting," he breathed. "Do it again?"
Jeff smiled. "I plan to keep doing it for a while." he whispered against his ass cheek. Jeff bit them both then dived back in, licking and teasing him there, wanting to get him going in a new way. His tongue slipping in to press places inside him.
Somer yelped in unexpected pain. "No," he gasped. "No biting ... oooh ... "
Jeff nodded. "Okay no biting, I won't bite anymore, now just relax okay...is it feeling good otherwise?" Flicking his tongue more against his hole.
Very quickly Somer forgot about the pain, distracted by the way Jeff was waking every nerve to sparks in a place he hadn't known he had that many nerves."Mmmmmhm." He flexed his leg muscles, and moaned when Jeff found a new spot to wake up.
Jeff hummed against him, licking still and sucking a bit. He wanted to make him feel good and squirm a bit more before he'd add his fingers. "Okay baby, on your back for me, please. I promise I'll keep making you feel good."
Somer made a sound that was half pleased moan and half don't-wanna groan, but pushed himself over to sprawl again. "Now what? Do I get kisses?"
Jeff smiled "You always can have kisses." Kissing him softly. "But I'm going to kiss you and slowly finger you okay? Get you use to the feeling." Popping open the lube, Jeff warmed it on one finger, letting it run over Somer's entrance to start with.
"Oh," Somer said blankly, "oh my." He flicked his tongue over his lips again. The sensation was so new, he struggled to decide if he liked it or not. He didn't /dis/like it ... "More?" he asked breathlessly.
Jeff smiled some, glad to see him wanting more. He slipped his finger in a bit, letting it get to one knuckle then the next with just the one finger. Jeff was going to go as slow as he could.
Somer could feel his pulse speed up, and he breathed shallowly, not wanting to miss a second. He barely realised he was moaning softly, or rocking his hips into the touch.
Jeff grinned, kissing his neck once more. "Doing so well." He pulled his finger back then pushed it back in. Lubing up another, he slowly slipped it in as well.
A wanton, needy whimper slipped from Somer's lips. This was what being opened felt like? He felt so good. "I th-th-thought ~ aaaah ~ was supposed to ~ Jeff, mmmm ~ hurt." A shiver rattled up his spine, and he rocked his hips harder, trying to grind on the air.
"Probably will when its my cock, but you're relaxed so its easier." he whispered, keeping him distracting with kisses when he started to scissor him open some, trying to stretch the muscles.
Somer sank his fingers into Jeff's blond hair, panting into the kisses. "So good," he whispered. "So good to me. My perfect angel."
Jeff added his third finger, now curling it against his prostate. "You're my angel too." he whispered, kissing Somer now and rolling his hips against his boyfriend's leg to let him feel how hard he was just fingering his boyfriend open.
The redhead cried out raggedly as Jeff found something that sent a shock through his body. "What have you found," he panted, clinging to his boyfriend, hips jerking back in an effort to get that feeling again. "Do that again, what was that."
Jeff rubbed it again, smiling as it seemed that Somer liked to be touched there. His other hand was in his pants now, stroking himself with the whines and moans that Somer was making. "Its your prostate, baby, it add pleasure...its the male g spot." whispering into his ear and tugging on the lobe. "Gonna make you cum just from my fingers."
Something about the way the blond's voice sounded, combined with all the stimulation, shoved Somer right over the edge. He jerked, half swallowing a moan, then again, coming harder than he could remember in his life. "Oh, fuck, Jefffffff ~ "
Jeff massaged it more as he saw him shot and cum all over himself. It only took a jerk or two more for Jeff to come as well. Kicking off his boxers, Jeff slipped his fingers out and wiped them on his dirty underwear before kissing his love slowly.
Somer was completely blissed out. He slung one lazy arm around Jeff's neck to keep his boyfriend from moving away, and licked his way into the blond's mouth to deepen the kiss. "Sex is amazing," he mumbled, eyes crinkling with his smile. "'n' you're amazing. 'n' I love you."
"I love you too." Wrapping Somer in his arms. There was still more gifts and more things to get to but right now, kissing him was all that Jeff cared about. Just being there in the moment with him.
Slowly Somer came down from the high Jeff had driven him to, trading kisses with his boyfriend with lazy sensuality. "Best birthday ever," he whispered, fingertips tracing over the blond's face. He drew over Jeff's eyebrows, and down along his nose, touching the dimples of his smile. "Best boyfriend."
"You're the best boyfriend ever." he smirked, turning to kiss his finger tip. "So you wanna go play in the hot tub some or should we opened the rest of your gifts first?" Rubbing along his spine softly. "Your day, your choice."
The redhead blinked at Jeff for a second. "You already gave me my present." He held up his wrist, shaking it slightly. "So what are you talking about?"
"I got you more then that, my love. I told you i was going to spoil you." Pointing to where some other gift bags sat.
"I thought the whole room and -- er, everything was spoiling me." Somer shook his wrist again. "How much did you spend?!" Somehow he managed to sit up, legs flailing, and went into the bathroom to find a washcloth. "... Jeff?" His voice echoed. "The bathtub is kinda huge."
Jeff smiled. "Well yes, but I really spoiled you... not too much, not as much as you might think. " Watching, jeff made sure he was okay to the bathroom. "Well yeah..."
Somer started to laugh. "'Well yes', he says matter-of-factly, as if there was ever any doubt." He shook his head, still giggling, and cleaned them both off. Then he put his arms around Jeff's waist and walked him out to the main area. "All right, fairy boyfriend, what /else/ are you spoiling me with?"
Jeff waddled with Somer to the main area, smiling as he kissed his cheek. "Go sit and I'll bring it to you." Grabbing the bags and setting them next to Somer on the couch. He couldn't wait to see her face as he opened all three.
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Somer started with the heaviest one first, after a brief struggle with himself about putting his bare ass on the couch. They could clean it. The place was clearly expensive enough. He pulled out the tissue paper, lifted out the mug, and started to laugh. "Wow, Jeff." He grinned, shaking his head. "My ego is going to get inflated all out of proportion here."
Jeff smiled. "Well what do you want me to say? You're sexy and no one is sexier to me." Kissing his cheek then his neck for a moment. "When you're all done opening them, we should check out the hottub."
The redhead blushed, lowering the mug to his lap, then yelping as the cold ceramic contacted something he really would rather it hadn't. It tumbled from his grip to the rug and bounced a bit. "Distracting ~ !" It took him a second to recover, and then he picked up the next bag and pulled out the tissue paper, discarding it to the side in favour of lifting out the tshirt. "It's like you think I don't have enough clothes," he teased. Fingertips gently caressed the Calcifer logo.
"hey now, that is mine to touch, why you doing that?" he smirked, though he knew it would only make Somer blush more. Seeing him react to the shirt, he chuckled. "Maybe I just like the idea of getting you cute shirts at times."
"And here I thought you preferred it when I didn't have any shirts on at all!" Somer shot back, giggling. He held up the shirt, shaking it out, then draped it over his head. "Possessive," he mumbled through the fabric. "Next thing you'll be collaring me."
"Well I do but I also really like you in my clothes." he smiled to him, watching him put the shirt on his head. "Only if you want a collar."
Somer was very, very glad the black fabric was over his head, because he was sure he was bright red. Unfortunately, he wasn't clothed, so if Jeff looked down he would be able to see exactly how excited Somer was by that idea. "So," he said, struggling to keep his voice even and dragging the shirt down to his lap, "let's see what's in this last one."
Jeff tilted his head. "Oh...so you do want one huh?" he smirked. "We can do that with a necklace so no one knows but us." Seeing him cover up, Jeff pulled the shirt to the side. "Yeah, open the last one then hot tub time."
The redhead tried to grab the shirt back, but Jeff pulled it out of reach, leaving him feeling both embarrassed and excitingly exposed. At least they were wholly alone, and nobody could possibly walk in on them. The last bag was small, and his hand shook just a tiny bit as he pulled out the card inside. He read it, then read it again, frowning slightly.
Jeff's brow knitted together. "You  don' t like it....I thought we could wear them together..." Chewing his lip a bit. He thought Somer would really like this one as well.
"I don't understand it," Somer corrected. "I'm supposed to lose it? Eventually?" He touched the tiny bead on one of the bracelets gently. "I don't want to lose anything you give me."
"Well no, not really. Its more of a wish bracelet but once it does break, we'll put it on a new string or you can leave it on the card to have forever." Jeff shrugged.
Somer touched the bead again. "I have all my wishes. Can we save it? Or do you have a wish? We could make the same wish?"
Jeff shook his head, pulling Somer over and into his lap. "No wishes, they all came true when I got you in my arms." He whispered to him.
The card flew out of his hand to be lost somewhere on the floor as Somer kissed Jeff slowly. He knelt across his boyfriend, arms round the blond's shoulders, feeling warm all over, and kissed Jeff over and over.
Jeff smiled in the kiss, letting Somer lead it. Their lips dancing together as they always did, it was perfect, they fit together perfect. Just how it was meant to be.
After a while, Somer murmured, "You said something about a hot tub? I don't want to miss out on anything you planned for this birthday." One hand trailed down Jeff's chest, slipping close to his boyfriend's cock. "I could stroke you off in there ... "
Jeff hummed. "I did and oh...you want to huh?" he smirked, grabbing and kneeding Somer's ass a bit. "its on the balcony...so we have to step outside for a moment."
Feeling Jeff's hands on his ass brought back a vivid sense memory of an hour ago, and Somer shuddered. His cock brushed against the blond's, and the redhead moaned, eyes falling shut. "We're ... we're too high up to be seen," he managed. Pulse racing, he nipped at Jeff's shoulder.
"We are, no one will see your naked body but me and you know how much I love it" Jeff whispered to him, kissing his neck and letting his ass go. "Come on, lets go or we'll never make it."
Slowly Somer pushed himself away from his boyfriend's warm, tempting body. He sauntered across the room, trying to be sexy, but also feeling his cock bob heavily, and pushed the balcony door open. "Coming?"
Jeff grinned. "Hmm so sexy." he whispered, getting up and following behind. "Follow you anywhere."
The redhead tested the water with one hand, then climbed in, lowering himself into the bubbles. Then he reached out for Jeff, sliding smoothly back into the blond's arms. Having the water buoy him up made it much easier to wrap his hand around his boyfriend's eager dick and still press himself close.
Jeff slipped in, smiling and holding Somer to him. He moaned from the touch but also from having Somer so close to him. He just loved the intimacy that they shared.
One hand anchored himself against Jeff, and Somer closed his eyes, concentrating on drawing those sounds from the blond. He couldn't quite keep his kisses from wandering, too much of his thoughts caught up in what his hand was doing.
Jeff moaned softly then stopped his hand."baby you know I love your touch but I cant cum in the hot tub...make the water gross...fuck it." He moaned louder from the kisses. "Keep going"
Somer laughed softly, drifting until he could breathe into Jeff's ear, "I'm sure you paid enough for them to clean this hot tub when we leave." He changed his tactics, though, stroking more delicately and teasingly while working soft, slow dragging kisses down along Jeff's throat. "Wanna hear you."
Jeff chuckled, humming and pressing his hips up to meet Somer's hand. It seemed he had slowed for fun and now was just enjoying how he made Jeff moan. Being told that he wanted to hear it, Jeff didn't hold back from telling him as he let out soft noises of pure pleasure.
"Love the way you sound," Somer murmured. He hooked one leg over Jeff's, holding himself still so he could have both hands free to stroke and tease. "Love to wind you up until you can't stand it." He kissed the blond's pulse point, eyes closed, and breathed, "Love that I can touch you now."
Jeff moaned a bit more, letting his head lull to the side to let Somer have more access. He was letting go, slowly and surely but still, it was a struggle to let go this much, he was trying for his love.
The redhead felt the subtle tension rising in his boyfriend's body, competing with what Somer was trying to do, and he slowly backed off. His fingers slipped from around Jeff, trailing the hot water up the blond's chest. "I think you mentioned something about pinning me," he murmured.
Jeff grinned, wrapping his arms around him. "Hmm I will but first, just want to hold and kiss you." Even with his cock hard, he could still focus on Somer more then himself.
Somer laughed softly. "I thought you were doing that already," he murmured. He unwound himself from Jeff's body, letting his boyfriend anchor him instead and floated in the water with his arms spread wide. "Kiss me all over," he said, head tilting back. "'s my birthday, I want you to do what ever you want."
Jeff pulled him right back to him. "Do what I want huh? Well right now, just kind of want to sit and relax with you, jeffsexual boy." Nuzzling his cheek.
Humming a soft agreement, Somer nestled himself into Jeff's side and let the hot water and soft kisses relax him. "Kay," he whispered. He still wanted, but it was easy to just float here in that want peacefully, to not let it drive him. "Can't help what you do to me, though," he said, lashes low.
"Well I can't help how much I love to cuddle you, even if you're super sexy all the time too. Cuddling you is amazing." he whispered into his ear as he held him and just let them be there in the tub together. "Happy Birthday Somer."
"Best birthday," the redhead said again, blissfully. "Just missing my twin." He made a small contented sound, turning into a puddle against Jeff. "Why do you think I'm sexy?"
"We can call him if you want." he smiled to him. "I'd be nice to fully talk to Winter. We just text mostly." Kissing his cheek again. 'Because you are, its in the way you look at me, the way you smile. It makes me a puddle and just shows how amazing you are in so many ways...makes me want you."
"I'm sure he's out partying with his friends." Somer shook his head slightly. "But I'm gonna take a trip home over Labor Day weekend, so maybe you could come with?" The redhead smoothed his hand down Jeff's chest, slowly, then looked up at the blond with a coy smile. "Want me?"
"Yes want you, I always want you. You light up my life and make it worth dancing and smiling." his forehead coming to rest against Somer's. "Also yeah, I'd love to go home with you and meet them. Do you think they'll like me and let us share your bed?"
Somer kissed Jeff quickly, as if daring his boyfriend to come and take a longer kiss. "There's no way we're going to be let to share a bed. We might be allowed to share a room, even if I introduce you as my boyfriend. Sorry, blondie. I know my parents. I think once they get over the shock they'll love you, though. You're charming, and kind, and handsome ... " His voice dropped lower, to a rumbling whisper, before Somer kissed Jeff again with slow passion.
Jeff smirked, knowing that Somer would give in to kissing him again soon. Though he wanted more, he waited. "Hmm you don't think I could convince them to let us share the bed? Its not like we're going to have sex in it, just cuddle you." Nuzzling along his jaw, then kissing it for a teasing moment. Sitting back, he smirked, kissing him as Somer kissed him slowly.
The redhead closed his eyes, head tipped back to give his boyfriend the whole length of his throat. "N-no." His breath shuddered. "Under their roof ... follow their rules." He moaned, and bit Jeff's lip.
Jeff nodded some as he kissed his neck more. "I know and I'll be good as long as I get to still kiss you and hold you." Licking up his neck to kiss his lips once more. Kissing him, he moaned at the tug of his lip. "I never thought I'd find love until I found you."
Immediately Somer broke off kissing Jeff to put a hand over his mouth. "No," he said softly. "We're not doing that tonight. Not on my birthday, my twenty-first birthday, which you planned and made wonderful. We can do that tomorrow, or next week, but not tonight." He took his hand away, but made sure the blond couldn't talk anymore, kissing him this time with deliberate passion and desire. Equally deliberately his hands slipped under the water to stroke his boyfriend.
Jeff sighed with a smile. "You're so silly." Feeling his hand again on him, he gently grabbed his wrist. "Baby, this is about you..not me, I'm good and as much as I love you touching me, I want to enjoy the hot tub as the hot tub. Warm and cuddling, kissing..just pure romantic thing."
"Sorry," Somer said a little sheepishly. "I forgot. I'm not upset, still trying to remember I don't /have/ to reciprocate." He let go, but amused himself making water currents swirl toward both of them underwater. He leaned his red head on Jeff's shoulder and asked quietly, making sure his tone was light and not accusing or upset, "Is it okay if I kiss you like that, though?"
"Yeah, you can always kiss me." he whispered.. Jeff stealing a kiss from his lips. This was how he wanted the night to be, just them, alone and having the time and space to relax with nothing there to distract.
Somer chased Jeff's kiss, bumping their noses together. He kissed the end of the blond's nose in apology, then decided to trail kisses all over Jeff's face. "Always," he whispered, kissing one cheekbone. "Love you," he murmured, kissing the other. "Thank you."
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kovacissues · 6 years
There’s No Way I’m Falling (Dejan fic) Chapter 14
A/N: I officially present to you the next pairing I want to write a long-running fic about, would anyone be interested in it? (You will know who I am talking about after reading)
Link to my writing!
Warnings: Cheesy AF Dejan, Alcohol consumption, Homophobia (Kinda? Mimi’s reaction is not meant as homophobia (Can still be perceived as that, but honestly it’s not meant to be), but there are other things that in my head qualify as that..)
Chapter 14: Wait, wasn’t he married?
“Can you make me pancakes tomorrow morning?” Dejan asked, and Mimi felt her entire world crush. THAT was his important question? She was so sure he was going to propose to her. Maybe it was a good thing that he hadn’t asked because she was not really sure she would even have said yes.
“Sure…” she said and pushed past him to go to the car.
“Turn around stupid” he told her and she got so mad, but obliged. Her mouth dropped as he was down on one knee behind her and holding a small box.
“Dejan…” it was the only thing she could say.
“I love you Noémie… and I could spend like two days explaining every reason for it, but deep down I know you know. So please just answer this simple question” he explained as he opened the box and uncovered a beautiful ring with a huge diamond. “Quieres casarte conmigo? Will you marry me?” he asked and she felt tears pressing on her eyes.  
“I… Dejan… THE tattoo… I don’t know if…” she saw his face dropping and he started shifting so he could get up on his feet. “Of course I’ll marry you Dejan!” she suddenly exclaimed, shocking both him and herself. Where did that come from? She honestly wasn’t sure what she wanted.
When he had placed the ring on her finger, she couldn’t get her eyes off it. Before she could even say anything else he grabbed her and kissed her passionately, and how could she not kiss him back. “You scared me” he admitted and she felt horrible, because if she had let herself think one more second she would have told him no.
“Just… get rid of the tattoo” she said and ran to her car. Why did she keep doing these weird, overly dramatic, things.
Well back at the house Mimi decided to get the kids in bed fast before Dejan came back, and sit down in the living room to browse the internet while waiting for him. Just as she took a selfie with her hand in front of her face and sent it to Sergi to show him the ring, she heard a group of men entering the house. She grabbed the first thing she found, a lamp, and held it up ready to hit the men when they came in.
“DON’T HIT US!” one of the guys, who she eventually IDed as Luka Modric, screamed at her, causing her to scream back at him. The rest of the men started laughing hysterically and Mimi could see Dejan and some of the other Croats basically laying on the floor laughing by then.
“You were gonna kill us with a lamp?” he asked through the laugther and tears. She honestly considered just hitting him with the lamp, but she was way too excited about Luka fucking Modric standing in their living room, looking at her. “Where are my parents by the way?” Dejan asked and she just shrugged.
“I think they went to bed… also I don’t want to be the only wag her so I’m gonna go to the bedroom” she stated and turned to leave before noticing that everyone looked super confused.
“Well… there are more than one couple here” Sime stated and hinted for Mimi to sit her ass down at the couch.
“What? There are no women here” she stated matter-of-factly.
Ivan and Luka just looked at each other and then at Dejan, confusing Mimi extremely much. “You know I’m gay… right?” Ivan asked and she immediately felt extremely stupid and looked at Dejan.
“wait, wasn’t he married?” she asked Dejan and he started laughing.
“No, you assumed that and I didn’t have the heart to tell you you were wrong” he admitted and she slapped his arm.
“I’m so sorry… I really didn’t know” she sat down and looked at her feet in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, we haven’t been out of the closet for long” Luka suddenly said and patted her back. LUKA AND IVAN WERE DATING!? What was even that national team?
Ivan grabbed Luka’s hand and they looked at each other lovingly “I didn’t realize I was in love with him before last time we were here” he told everyone, and Domo cheered.
“I KNEW IT!” he shouted, making Dejan shush him and mouth something in Croatian, probably that people were sleeping. “Sorry, but we’ve been waiting for them to get together for so long” he whined, and everyone nodded. Was she the only one who hadn’t picked up on this? She figured it was mostly because she never had met Luka, and never really talked a lot about this the few times she had met Ivan.
Her mind spun a little, Ivan HAD said he was in love with some blondie, but she had just assumed it was a woman. She felt narrowminded for being unsure about everything, she came from a religious family and had grown up being told that being gay was a sin. However, she had never really believed that that was true, they had always told her that God loved everyone so she had just assumed that meant he also loved gay people. This had always been her view, nobody was worth less than anyone else and especially not because of who they chose to love. But she had never really had gay friends before, was that different than straight friends?
“López… Is anyone home up there?” Sime tried to get her attention, dragging her out of her thoughts.
“Sorry… I was thinking” she said and Dejan made some comment about that explaining why her face looked so unusual, earning laughs from all the guys.
“I hope this didn’t change your view of me” Ivan looked her straight in the eyes, and she could register a little sadness in his eyes.
She shook her head “Of course not, I’m just new to this? I wasn’t allowed to talk with gay people growing up… strict, religious, parents” she explained and all the guys looked horrified.
“I feel so sorry for you” Dejan said and kissed her head. “You’ve missed out on getting to know some one hundred percent normal people” he added, making Luka beam with happiness.
“DEJAN LOVREN WAKE THE FUCK UP!” Mimi was fuming as she looked around the living room and seeing it literally overflowing with beer cans and liquor bottles.
Dejan groggily stood up from behind the couch, where he apparently had fallen asleep sometime last night. “Shhhhh my head is not working” he greeted her, before she threw a pillow towards him hard and fast. “ouch…”
“Your parents took your children out…” she stated matter-of-factly, starting to clean up the mess the guys left after their ‘get-together’. She took a quick glance over the living room, locating the rest of the guys. Sime was sleeping upside down in a chair, Mandzo and Vida were sleeping on the floor, and Ivan and Luka were on the couch, cuddling with each other. At least the last two wouldn’t have severe back pain when they woke up.
She could feel Dejan coming up behind her, well not as much feel as smell. All the air around her smelled like old drunk, like your couch after one too many parties without a good cleaning. She was almost sure both her and the babies could get drunk from less than what was in the air around Dejan so she put her hand behind her until she touched him, and then gently pushed him back. “What the fuck!?” he asked, nay, yelled at her as he fell back to the floor.
“I literally will get drunk from your breath alone” she stated as she turned around to look at him. “how much did you guys drink last night?” she decided to ask and her love just shrugged as an answer.
“Luka and Ivan were at least so drunk that they spent like two hours kissing, I think they passed out from not breathing” he said with a wholehearted laugh that melted Mimi’s heart, it worked every time.
“It was better than your strip tease” that had to be the first thing Mimi had heard Mandzo say, live at least. And she was very intrigued as to hear the rest of that story, and judging on Dejan’s death glare at Mandzo, it had to be good.  “I have a video” he simply stated and Mimi ran over to him and sat down on the floor, only wishing she had some popcorn for this.
The video was… interesting… she thought to herself as she watched her fiancé show Ivan “How it was done”, giving Luka what resembled a lap dance, while seductively undressing. She could not stop laughing, going to the extent of having Mandzo sending it to her so that she could use this against him on a fitting occasion.
Ow fuck what was that? Mimi was woken up by a slight pain in her belly. Ouch… there it was again. And again. “Amor…” she said calmly and looked to her side, finding the bed empty. “Oh right, away game” she hated being alone with the kids in the big house, especially when something changed in her body. It wasn’t that she had any problems with being with the kids, they were treating her so well and they got along, it was more about the feeling of not being able to protect them if something happened.
The pain was back again, it came in pulses, and as if she had worn an alarm that would go off if she was in pain, the kids came in the door of the bedroom. She could tell that they saw the pain in her eyes as they slowly approached the bed. “are they kicking?” Elena asked and put her hand on Mimi’s belly.
“I guess, I don’t know… can you feel anything?” she asked the little girl, and just as a new wave of pain washed over Mimi, Elena nodded. She panicked, mostly because she had hoped Dejan would have been there for things like this. It somehow took the magic a little bit away that she wasn’t experiencing this with him, that he hadn’t been there for anything else than the ultrasound. Everything just seemed to happen when he was away.
*Dejan’s POV*
“TATA! It feels so weird!” Josip squealed over the phone, as he apparently felt the babies kick in Mimi’s belly. He felt horrible, this was one of the moments he had wanted to be a part of, he was supposed to be there with her now. His little girl and boy were finally showing signs of growing and being healthy, and he was in London. Life felt so extremely unfair right there and then and, although he liked to play though, he felt tears pressing in his eyes.
At least he would be there for the birth he thought, No matter what. He had decided that, no matter what was going on, he was going to be there when the kids were born. Even if that meant leaving the pitch in the middle of the match. He would do anything for Noémie and his kids.
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thetfchangingroom · 7 years
Older Guys
(Check out the full, NSFW version of this story HERE!)
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Recker had just turned 19, but you wouldn’t have been able to tell. With 17 inch biceps, a full rack of abs and a shelf of pecs, he looked at least 24. He had always looked older than his actual age, a trait that Recker used to his advantage when it came to getting into bars, buying alcohol, and most importantly, hooking up with guys.
Turns out that most men on dating apps were hesitant to meet up with a guy who’s listed age was anything under 20, body or no body. The second Recker deleted his age, the messages came flooding in. He had the pick of the crop, so long as no one knew how old he really was.
It was around 5:40 P.M. Recker had just finished a long set at the gym. Clothed in sweat and bursting with testosterone, working out made him one horny fuck. As he sat in the locker room, towel draped around his flaring traps, he opened up Grindr and scrolled through his library of new messages. He ignored most of them. As usual. The app was full of super old guys, some of them unusually creepy. But after a minute or so of scrolling, he found someone who caught his eye.
LOOKING, the header read. In the picture, the guy looked young. Older than Recker for sure, but definitely in his early twenties. Between the sexy blond hair and the smoldering smile, Recker knew it was too good to be true. Sure enough, when he opened up the guy’s profile, the first words he read were: INTO OLDER GUYS.
Recker sighed. It was worth the shot. The guy was sexy as all hell, and he needed to put his dick in something. Fast.
He shot him a message back: HEY SEXY. WHAT ARE YOU INTO?
It took a moment for blondie to respond. When he did, the message read: LOTS OF STUFF ;) AGE?
Shit. Recker ran his hand through his sweaty hair, thinking hard about what he’d right next. After what felt like ages, he typed: OLDER THAN YOU ;)
Radio silence. Recker waited in front of his phone until the locker room had all but cleared out. When he finally looked up, it was empty, save for a custodian lazily pushing a mop by the showers. Recker cursed to himself. He had never been anxious over a text like that. Usually he was the one making other guys anxious. And yet there was something about that guy. Something about his look, his aura of confidence. Even through the phone, it felt magnetic.
Oh well, Recker told himself as he packed up his gym bag. But just as he was about to put his phone inside, it buzzed.
He had never moved so fast in his life. Within seconds, Grindr was up and Recker was reading.
He looked up at the clock: 7:17. Within seconds, Recker was out of the gym and booking it to his car, frantically trying to search the address on his phone. His heart was beating so fast, he thought he might collapse.
It was just after 7:40 when Recker finally pulled up to the complex. Mercifully, the gate was open, and Recker rushed up the stairs to the third floor.
He answered on the second knock. “You’re late,” the blond guy said with a playful smile. He was wearing a low-hanging tank top which showed off his pecs, and shorts which stopped at the top of his thighs.
Recker had to work to hide his boner. He shook his head. “Sorry… I…”
“Someone’s excited,” the blond guy said, “how old did you say you were?”
“I… didn’t…” Damnit! He was being uncharacteristically timid, and he could tell the blond guy was taking notice.
A toss of his head told Recker that it was safe to come in. As he passed through the threshold, he felt something raw and urgent take hold of him. Like he had just finished a monster workout. Needless to say, this guy’s presence was disarming.
He took Recker’s trembling hand and led him into the bedroom. The sun had long since set, and the room was dim.
“Are you a top or a bott—“ but Recker didn’t have time to finish, because the guy was kissing him. His mouth tasted sweet, young. His hands felt soft and fragile as they explored Recker’s abnormally large frame.
“Damn, daddy. You’ve got a real body,” the guy said as he placed both hands under Recker’s shirt.
“Thanks… wait, what did you call—?” his voice was stopped by the fabric now covering his face. His shirt was coming off, and though he didn’t even notice, he was removing his partner’s as well. At the sight of the guy’s bulbous chest, all apprehensions disappeared. Recker was kissing and biting and licking his body with the passion that felt completely unfamiliar to him.
Blondie pulled back. “Daddy likes it rough,” he purred.
Recker growled. He spun the boy around, bent him over the bed, and tore off his shorts. His ass cheeks jiggled as Recker gave them a playful back-slap, and his asshole tightened as he spread the cheeks wide and shoved his face inside.
As Recker worked the boy’s ass, he started to feel something else. Something he knew for a fact he had never felt during sex. He felt… tired. Exhausted. Not defeated per say, but he kind of wished they had done this earlier in the day, after he’d had his second cup of coffee.
He pulled out. The boy whined, “c’mon, just a bit more? I love the way your scruff feels on my tight pussy.”
My… scruff?
Sure enough, when he ran a hand around his face, Recker discovered that it was covered with hair. What that there before? Recker asked himself. But the question was rendered irrelevant by the kid’s ass, which was now begging to be eaten.
He shoved his face back down, this time acutely aware of his facial hair scratching the inside of the boy’s cheeks. His body shivered. This was extreme pleasure.
“Yeah, you like when daddy does that?” Recker said, playing along.
“Fuck yeah,” the guy moaned, “fuck me daddy.”
Recker grinned. He stood up, unfastening the buckle of his belt. As his pants fell, he suddenly remembered that he had not been wearing pants. He had just come from the gym. Wouldn’t he be wearing gym shorts?
“Got a rubber?” he asked. He never called them “rubbers.” Why did he call it that?? The kid motioned to the bedside table, where a couple of condoms and a bottle of lube lay waiting. As Recker walked over, he felt the heaviness of his body weigh hard on him. He wasn’t used to carrying this much muscle around. Nor was he used to having a dick this big.
“Is that… mine?!” Recker said aloud. The dick didn’t look like his at all. Recker’s dick was uncut. He knew that. But this dick was missing a foreskin. Not only that, but it looked at least and inch shorter. However, what it had lost in length, it made up for in size. The thing was thick like a soda can, and heavy as he felt it’s weight.
“Something wrong?” the guy asked in a rhetorical tone. Recker could see in the mirror that he was smiling. He knew what was up.
“N—Nothing,” Recker said, “I just… I’m not sure it will fit.”
The kid laughed. “I’d say so.” He crawled forward, his face now inches from Recker’s fist of a cock. “It’s okay daddy, you don’t have to do anything. Just relax…”
Recker’s head rolled back as the guy’s lips enclosed around his cock. It was a wonder that he could swallow the whole thing. But the real wonder was the blowjob itself, the way the blond guy savored every inch of his heavy tool.
“Fuck me,” Recker said. His voice had dropped and entire octave, but he was too relaxed to notice. He laid back down on the bed, repositioning himself so that he could rest his back against the pillows. It had been acting up recently, his back, and it felt nice to just lay down and let the younger guy do all the word.
A small slurping sound as the guy expelled the dick from his mouth. He reached over and grabbed the lube from the bedside table, ignoring the condoms.
“What… what are you… doing?” Recker said in a deep, sleepy tone.
“I knew you were lying when you said you were older than me,” the boy said, applying a hefty amount of stuff to his erect dick, “and I don’t like to hook up with young guys.”
“Wha… why don’t you… OH!” Recker shivered as the guy rubbed the lube deep inside his ass. He knew he had never bottomed before, and yet the feeling was strangely familiar.
“So,” the kid said, ignoring the question, “I thought, if I can’t find an older guy to sleep with tonight, why not just turn you into one?”
“Turn me into… what??” Recker turned to himself in the mirror and gasped. His hair was gone. All of it, save for the beard on his face, which was now bushy and black. But that wasn’t the worst part. The body—his body—the one that he had worked for years and year on, was gone. Oh the muscles were still there, mixed with bits of fat and flab, and covered with rough, hairy skin that covered every inch of his still expansive frame. By now, he must have looked in his late 30’s.
He looked down at his chest. His pecs were still there, thank god, but his abs were gone. All that remained was a flat slab of muscle that reached all the way down to his behemoth daddy dick. He stared at it in shock as the young man lifted his legs and reared up behind him. In the dim light of the room, his muscles were radiant, youthful, and pure.
“Does daddy want this dick?” he asked.
Recker wanted to say no. He wanted to go back to his normal life, wanted his muscles back. He wanted to scroll through thousands of messages from old dads on Grindr. He didn’t want to be one of them.
But more than any of that, he wanted to be fucked. He wanted to feel young dick in his ass once more. He wanted to lay back, relax, jerk himself off and watch a hot, younger guy pile drive him into sweet abyss.
No sooner had Recker nodded did the kid thrust his cock inside his ass. Recker growled. He gritted his teeth, and succumbed to the fresh pleasure pleasure pumping through his aging body. With every thrust, Recker gained another year. His gut pushed forward, his pecs got soft, and the beard around his face became spotted with grey.
“I’m close,” Recker said, his voice a low baritone.
“Cum for me daddy,” the guy said, and with that Recker exploded. Cum draped his thick, hairy chest, and stuck in drops to his gruff beard. By the time he had finished orgasming, Recker was a 53 year old man, a former bodybuilder and a total sucker for cute, muscle guys.
He felt something warm erupt inside his sphincter, and held the young man’s body tight to his as he came inside of him. The two lay there, panting and laughing, until the guy finally said: “ready for round two?”
Recker laughed, “I don’t think I’ve got it in me kid,” he looked down at his hairy body with a sigh, “I’m not what I used to be.”
“That’s for sure,” the blond guy said with a knowing laugh. “It’s okay,” he leaned over and kissed the bear’s cheek, “I think you’re better.”
He kissed him back, savoring the young man’s lips one more time before going to sleep. Recker needed a good night’s rest. After all, he wasn’t 19 anymore…
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Nepenthe - Steve Rogers x Reader (Part II)
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Request: Hello!! Could I possibly request a Steve x reader imagine where the reader is younger than him? (Well, anyone would be younger than him). So maybe she is around twenty with a tragic background and she is the one who has been helping him adjust and then she helps him with the whole Bucky thing and they kinda end up together somehow. She is a SHIELD agent. (Something like a timeline from the moment he was revived up until whenever you want). I don’t know if it made sense, sorry. Thank you so much. Nepenthe: Something or someone that can make you forget grief or suffering. Safe heaven. Warnings: My English, language, gifs aren’t mine. Credits to their original owners. Also, it deviates from the movies at some points but it’s pretty close. This is the second part. The next one is going to be the last one.   PART I Word Count~5k MASTERLIST Pending Requests You felt your eyes tearing up and a single tear fell down onto your cheek. Steve walked towards you, tracing the tear away with his thumb. He momentarily forgot about the problems that you would have to face later or the fact that touching you made him feel dizzy. But you could only think about one thing. He had mentioned that there was a person that had kept him from giving up. He was in love with somebody else. “Who.. is she?” You asked, your voice breaking. You couldn’t believe you were going to further embarrass yourself but you needed to know. You bet that it was either Sharon or Tash; they were both beautiful, independent and strong women. And you were you. He gulped at your words but held eye contact, making you go weak at the knees. “That obvious?” he questioned but the blush that had made its way to his cheeks have his facade away. More tears began to well up in your eyes but you refused to let them fall. You couldn't let him see you like that. You should have known. He would never see you like that. You were too young for him. He felt that you deserved better. You were both oblivious. "Kinda" you tried to joke. He smiled and the whole world lit up but fell into darkness at the same time. He wasn't smiling at you. He was smiling at her. After a moment, he recollected himself and moved away from you, his hand leaving your cheek and you immediately missed his touch. You shook your head trying to make him get out of there. "What happened?" he asked you, worried about your previous demeanor. How do you admit that you had this huge crush on him?  No, it wasn't a crush anymore. You had grown closer and you had seen him being pushed down to the ground and getting back up. You had met all of his sides and you couldn't help how much you cared about him. You knew that he didn't feel the same. How could he?  "Nothing, really..." you trailed off. Just that you will never look at me the way I want you to. He furrowed his eyebrows. You were a terrible liar but you wished that for once he would just let it slide. And he did. "So, do you like the suit Tony... um, designed for you?" he proceeded onto asking you in order to change the subject. It didn't really work but it did distract you. But you blushed when you remembered that the suit didn't exactly cover you up. Steve hadn't seen it yet. "Tony is...something else. I do like it. I mean it's practical. Other than that...um, I don't know" you rambled on. It was petit. And tight. And, well destructing. "Too much?" he guessed but you smiled at the ground and blushed even harder. "Too little" you shyly admitted. He choked on his breath.
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"Shit!".That had to be Tony, you thought. He was the only one who could manage to sound like a little asshole even when saying something like that. "Language! JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" you heard Steve commenting. Language? Really? You scoffed but your eyes were glued to the soldiers that were approaching. "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken" Jarvis answered and instead of being assured that you knew what was going on you felt helpless. "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last" Thor added and you understood what he meant. The scepter was powered by one of the infinity stones. Its possibilities were endless. You and Natasha had to take out those soldiers and that was what you did. "At long last is lasting a little long, boys" you commented dryly as Clint was being shot. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise" you heard him answering back sarcastically enough that Tony would be proud. "Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?"". Oh, there he was. You thought you had lost him since no one was being bitter around here. You smiled and rolled your eyes at them. Boys. You moved closer to Steve. "I know" he said very much aware of his old-fashioned ways. You were close enough to see Steve throwing his bike at some soldiers that were driving up in their truck. Your eyes became wide and you gulped. He sure was strong. "It just slipped out" he said, winking at you with a loop-side smile. Where did that come from? "Sir, the city is taking fire" Jarvis commented nonchalantly but you knew that you had fucked up. "Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion" Tony murmured to himself and you looked over at Steve who was a tad more concerned. You didn't say anything, you just kept your pace fast and hoped that you would get inside that base. Before long, you heard Clint struggle and a new voice became audible saying ' you didn't see that coming?'. He was an arrogant asshole with an accent. "Clint!" Natasha yelled in panic and you could feel her worry through the earpiece. You rushed towards the building, leaving Steve alone without even thinking about it. This was personal. You took off your earpiece and tried to find your way in. You could sense that you were heading the right way. Tony flying the same way was a bonus. You didn't have the time to process what happened. Someone grabbed you and you both took off, only for you to realize that Iron Man was once again stopping you from doing what you wanted. "Stark, we really need to get inside" you heard Steve saying while he was obviously fighting with soldiers. "I'm closing in. JARVIS, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?". You scoffed and Tony rolled his eyes at you even if you couldn't see it. You had grown close to each other, not in a creepy way. More of a father-daughter way. He was annoying but oh, well. When was he not? "There's a pathway below the north tower" Jarvis informed. This was going to end up bad for you. "Great, I wanna poke it with something" Tony said like he was a five-year-old excited kid. You put your earpiece back on, just in case that any of them had a funny idea. "Ready?" he asked you but he didn't really wait for an answer as he threw you towards the north wall and probably the source. "Screw you" you hissed at him before all air left your lungs as you crushed onto the wall and blew up the shield. You ended up hitting your head pretty bad but other than your sore body, everything was fine. Tony on the other hand. He was screwed.  "Drawbridge is down, people" he announced overly excited that he had actually thrown you against the wall. You heard other things going on but you couldn't focus. "Did you really just throw her?" Thor questioned him, not knowing if he should be impressed by him or furious. You sighed and moved in the shadows. "I'm fine. Now, get your asses in here" you practically ordered them. It was the least they could do. "And for gosh sake, watch your language!" Tony reprimanded you and you couldn't help but snort at his remark. "That's not going away anytime soon" Steve sighed. You would feel bad but he deserved it. Once you had found the main room and you saw Tony bursting in, you braced yourself for the worst. But that never came. They kept shooting at him but of course, the suit. "Guys, stop, we gotta talk about this" he said seemingly emotionless. You knew that he would shot down the soldiers using the damn suit but they didn't. "Good talk". You barely listened to him since your main goal was to find List and knock him out. You moved through the room, carefully not to let anyone notice you. Tony was one step behind you and when you saw List, Tony knocked him out. "Hey!" you whined. You wanted to hit the hell out of List, not just take him out. Tony ignored you and stepped out of his suit, ordering it to be in Sentry mode. He started doing his thing and you scanned the room for any hidden passageways. "Is Y/N alright Stark?" Steve asked a bit worried and you had to hid your blush. Also, you had to suppress the urge to kick his ass. Why was he worried about you since he was into Sharon? "Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick" you breathed out while Tony was smirking at your obvious crush but considering your idea as a very clever one at the same time. "Your girlfriend is a genius, Cap" he commented impressed when Jarvis pointed at the wall to your left. "Just to throw people at walls, Stark" Steve sighed and logged off. You didn't have to look at Tony to know that he wasn't going to let you hear the end of this. "You know, he never denied it" he said lightly but your cheeks were burning a bright red. You hummed in a mocking agreement and cringed when you thought about the Blondie. The wall opened up and he let another five-year-old scream. Rule number one when it came down to Tony. He was a child. A stupid, funny, sometimes, ridiculously rich and sarcastic kid.  You were about to step into the newly opened passageway but he stopped you and went first. "Cap would kill me if his girlfriend got hurt on my watch" he responded but behind that stupid facade, he really did care. "Thanks, dad" you replied nonchalantly. You saw him smiling at the thought and you just went with it. You walked through the narrow aisle all the way down to a strangely big room. "Guys, I got Strucker" Steve said but you couldn't exactly answer because what was in front of you was definitely a lot bigger. "Yeah, I got...something bigger" Tony retorted. It was unreal; a robotic monster, too many cables and a... dead robot? What the actual fuck. It hit you. They were the recovered artifacts from the Battle of New York, including a gigantic Chitauri leviathan and some of Tony's Iron Man scrapped armor. "Thor, I got eyes on the prize" he said after a second. Your head snapped towards him and your glance fell on the scepter.And then everything happened too fast.  Suddenly the Chitauri came to life and moved through the room that was no longer the room you had entered. When you unfroze from your original shock you realized that something wasn't right. You turned to Tony but his eyes were glued to the scene. The rest of the Avengers team were all lying dead. Your heart stopped when you spotted Steve. His shield was broken and he wasn't breathing. He wasn't breathing.  Tony went over Steve's body to check his pulse and you couldn't bring yourself to look away. Steve grabbed him out of the blue and stuttered out a very accusing sentence. Something that Steve would never say. And then you got it. You placed your hands on Tony's arm and tried to snap him out of it. "It's not real. The second enhanced, remember? Tony this isn't real" you calmly talked him out of the tragic scene. "How do you know?". His usually care-free demeanor was nowhere to be found. He was shaking. "I have been mind-controlled before, Tony" you admitted whispering. And just like that it was gone. You were back in the cold room, with the scepter within your reach.
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"But it's a trick" Clint exclaimed too certain of himself. You just nodded and rested your head on Steve's shoulder. The party had died, and you were the only ones left. As usual.  "Oh, no. It's much more than that" Thor replied, equally certain of what he was saying.  "Uh, "Whosoever be he worthy shall have the power!" Whatever man! It's a trick" Clint mocked Thor's accent and made you chuckle. It wasn't a trick and you knew it. Even Thor himself wasn't able to lift his hammer at some point in his past. "Well please, be my guest" Thor gestured at Mjölnir. Clint scoffed but you already felt bad for him. He wouldn't be able to lift it, not even move it. Because even though he was worthy he hadn't been honest about his life. You knew about his wife and children and so did Natasha but no one else. He had agreed with Fury to keep that part of his life a secret so that he could protect them. And of course, you couldn't blame him for it.  "Come on" Tony provoked him further. They were stupid.  "Really?" he asked looking at Thor for approval. This would be such fun.  "Yeah!" Thor encouraged, positive about the outcome. You arched an eyebrow, something that didn't go unnoticed by Steve, who smirked at your expression. Something about him had changed, you realized. He believed in himself a bit more. He was confident and sure. And even though that was getting on your nerves at times, it suited him. Very much. Clint got up and prepared to humiliate himself.  "Oh, this is gonna be beautiful" James added ironically but highly amused. "Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up". Oh God. The innuendos. Everyone laughed at Tony's remark. You had to admit that it was well-played. "You know I've seen this before, right?" Clint commented before he failed. Miserably. You tried to hold your laugh, turning your face towards Steve's shirt. He tensed up when he felt your body vibrating lightly with laughter, but he relaxed almost immediately. He didn't even mind that he was in public space. He wanted to grab you and kiss you, even if you were that much younger than him. But of course, being the gentleman he was, he never did. And you didn't know how you made him feel. "I still don't know how you do it" Clint hissed with disappointment at Thor as he sat back down. "Smell the silent judgment?" Tony butted in, but his arrogant nature was going to be his downfall.  "Please, Stark, by all means" Clint suggested. You just made yourself more comfortable and leaned against Steve, who had unconsciously wrapped his arm around your waist. You felt goosebumps wherever he touched you. He was so pure for this world.  Tony got up and all of the others simply couldn't handle their sarcasm. He failed once, he added his armored hand. He failed twice, he added James and his armored hand. Nothing. And it was hilarious to watch. You didn't even try to hide your snorts. It was so amazing to watch the mighty Iron Man getting beaten up by a hammer. Bruce tried to lift it and while he was at it he roared trying to change to the Hulk but failed. What made you look twice was the way Natasha was smiling at him.  "Bruce and Tash?" you whispered to Steve. He looked at you, surprised that you got it that fast but nodded with a hint of a smile. So, he didn't like Natasha like that after all. You smiled back, feeling relieved until you remembered that Barbie-Sharon. Great. "Wanna give it a try?" Tony challenged Steve. He turned his head to him and a blush was very visible. You had a few ideas in your mind.  "Let's go, Steve, no pressure" he continued as Steve got up and pulled his sleeves up. "Come on, Cap" James encouraged him. Steve started pulling on the hammer and managed to budge it a little; You had a hunch about him. He was way too humble to actually let Thor looking all alarmed. He pretended he couldn't lift it and huffed in faked annoyance as he sat down next to you. "I saw that" you informed him tentatively, not letting anyone else to hear. He smiled at the ground, blushing even harder. Thor laughed with relief and Tony asked Tash but she refused to even touch it. You both had a very not worthy past.  "What about your girlfriend, Cap? Could she kick your ass?" Tony messed up with you again. You smiled politely back at him. "Steve, he said a bad language word" you playfully mocked the moment. You had to get out of that mess. Steve turned to Tony, a pained expression on his face. "Did you tell everyone about that?" he sighed but he already knew the answer. Tony smirked like the Devil. "You didn't answer my question, Cap" he pointed out. Oh dear. Thankfully, he saw your furious glance and shifted his attention back to the Mjölnir.  "The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. "Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints" is, I think, the literal translation?". You weren't exactly paying attention because Tony was right. Steve had never answered the question. And more importantly, he had never denied that you were his… girlfriend. Oh, no. No, no, no.  "Yes, well that's, uh, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one. You're all not worthy" Thor concluded as he got up, lifted his hammer and flipped it. Everyone started disagreeing but there was a loud screeching noise, causing everyone to cover their ears. And then... a robot? "Worthy... No... How could you be worthy? You're all killers". Oh, that was definitely gonna be a great night. 
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"Steve" "The war's over, Steve. We can go home. Imagine it!" Peggy tells him. But there were two voices in his head. Suddenly the dance hall was empty and he was standing there by himself. How did he get here? "Steve". That wasn't Peggy. That was the other voice. It sounded like it was coming from far away but he felt drawn to it. He saw Peggy again but when she turned to ask him to dance, what came out of her mouth weren't her words. "This isn't real, Steve". A soft voice was calling him like he was underwater, and the voice needed him to resurface. But it wasn't Peggy. Why not? He felt his cheeks burning under gentle and careful fingers. He was alone again. "Steve". What was his problem? The war was over, they had won, he had the girl of his dreams and they could go home. Why would he ever question that? It was everything he wanted. “Can’t break the broken” the soft voice warned someone. Not him. Why was everything so blurry? And he suddenly remembered. It wasn’t 1945 anymore, Peggy wasn’t here and he was on a mission. A mission that a little witch had messed up. And he finally recognized the voice. It was yours.
As you tried to help Clint carry Natasha, Thor and Steve to the Quinjet, you had to admit that your main concern was Steve. Natasha seemed lost in her mind and her memories of the Red Room, something that you understood completely. Thor couldn’t bring himself to admit that he had witnessed the death of all his friends. Steve… even though he didn’t tell you, you knew that he had seen something that had to do with Peggy. She was special and he still loved her. Maybe he wasn’t in love with her anymore but still cared deeply. They were messes and so were you but you tried to hide it. You wouldn’t  be able to help if you were a mess. You were sitting next to Clint, trying to give Steve some space since he hadn’t responded to any of your attempts. He wanted to be left alone and even if it hurt you, you understood that. “Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off” Tony reassured Maria. You weren’t that sure anymore. The little witch had played with your mind too. “Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here” Maria advised. Tony felt defeated. You could sense the disappointment flowing around.  “So, run and hide?” he concluded. It was giving up and you all knew it but it was also the only way you could shake some things off. “Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer” she answered truthfully. She seemed concerned, but she couldn’t do anything. You kept your eyes glued to the sky but you felt Clint’s glance. He knew you better than almost anyone else. He had trusted you enough to take you under his wing when you most needed. You had been babysitting his kids ever since. “Neither do we”. That hit you hard. He switched off the monitor, ending the call when he turned to Clint asking him if he wanted to switch and placed his hand on your shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze. It was a genuinely sincere moment. “No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out” he answered but nodded his head towards you as you kept ignoring them. “A few hours from where?” Tony questioned puzzled. Clint was taking you to his home.  “A safe house”. 
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You were in the attic watching the night sky transforming from a simple black canvas to a beautiful and colorful painting. It was late, very late. The small fireplace in the corner was warming more than the room with its sweet fire. The hot cup of tea you were holding was warming more than your hands. It felt serene, probably the only thing left to feel like that. “Lila told me you like it up here” a soft voice ended your reverie. A small smile was carved upon your lips. You sighed. This little safe heaven was all that you wanted. “You know, that’s all I want right now. A magical sky, a burning fire, a cup of tea… maybe some company” you trailed off not wanting to give too much away. You kept your eyes closed, breathing in the soft scent of your tea. You felt him moving closer; he sat down on the built-in seat under the window. “Are you alright?” he asked you, his voice stripped of any facades. You finally opened your eyes, giving him a very honest answer. “I will be. Eventually”. You returned to silence and you sipped your tea, letting the hot beverage calm you down and relax your tensed body and mind. It wasn’t awkward. Sometimes, silence is preferable. You weren’t thinking, you were just breathing deeply and letting go. “Natasha was shaken, and she has experienced half of the things you have” he stated, not accusingly, simply trying to understand you. How were you able to stand and smile and function like nothing had happened? “You can’t break what’s already broken” you whispered, not wanting your past to mess up with the scene you were part of. He realized that he had heard that very sentence before. “It was you” he spoke before he could stop himself. That made you look at him puzzled. You saw him struggling with whatever it was he wanted to tell you. You smiled softly and your eyes never left his. You bit your lip. Maybe it was too much but if you never tried you would never know. “It helps” you gently told him, handing him your cup. He didn’t react for a while and you thought that you had truly screwed up. However, his hands were wrapped around yours as you were holding the cup. He was warm; and bold. To hell with it, he thought. “When… you know, I heard you. It felt like I was underwater but I could hear your voice” he shyly admitted. He wasn’t exactly smooth with words; he didn’t know how to talk to a woman but with you he dared to take a chance. Because he knew that even if it was Peggy he had seen in his vision, it was you who made him want to leave his past in the past and come back. How was it possible someone so young could get him that well? You kept staring at him without being able to say anything. His eyes were impossibly blue and brutally honest yet soft. You weren’t able to stop your glance traveling down to his lips and back up to his eyes. He noticed that and with an accelerating pulse, he eliminated the small space that was keeping you apart. His lips were on yours, soft and uncertain of what to do. This kiss was real. You carefully removed your hands from his touch, to place the cup down and to be able to bring him even closer to you.He snapped out of his trance and wrapped his arms around your waist as kissed you for real this time. He crushed his lips with more passion and hunger, against yours and even bit your bottom lip asking permission which you would have gladly given him if you had the time. He pulled you onto his lap and you wrapped your legs around his waist but things didn’t stop there. He pushed you back, making you lay on your back with him trapped between your legs. He broke the kiss and looked at you, his gentle fingers caressing your cheek. His eyes were bluer than the raging ocean. “You deserve better, doll” he whispered. He was ruining the moment. You rolled your eyes and pulled him back to your lips by the chain that hung around his neck.
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“Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal” Ultron said as the earth was shaking and a huge piece of it was lifted into the air. You couldn’t do anything. You were Ultron’s personal captive. His weapon. He wanted Tasha int the beginning as he told you but he figured out that with you he could hurt more people using you than her.  “Why can’t you see? They mean nothing. They are nothing. The twins… they had potential and so do you” he said to you. It had been a while now and you he had grown on you. Threats and empty words. You really missed those days back at Clint’s house. Those nights more accurately. Steve, to be precise. You saw Tony trying to save everyone, Steve trying to decapitate as many as shit-heads as possible, Nat and Bruce emerging from the earth together. You made a mental note that if you were to survive today you would have a girls night and talk about everyone’s love life. You saw Wanda trying to hold them off and Pietro- well, you couldn’t see Pietro and that was how you knew he was saving people. You were very well aware of who was shooting those arrows. They were all trying and helping and saving. And you would be their damnation. He wanted to unleash his powers through you to take them all out but you would never allow that.  “Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off” Steve practically yelled. You weren’t that far away but they couldn’t see you and you were struggling to get out of the roped that had you pinned down to the ground. That son of a bitch had a plan and so did you but for some, you would arrive a little too late.
There were two screams that echoed the moment Pietro hit the ground with his infamous smirk still on his lifeless face. Wanda’s, who she sensed her twin dying and yours, who you saw him for a brief moment before. Because the truth was he had become your brother. Both he and his twin knew how it felt to be inside a Hydra’s cell, even if they had volunteered. They never wanted any of it. That-and the fact that they were almost your age- was what had brought you close at first but you had really bonded with each other. You had begun as enemies but you had ended up as a family. And now a part of that family had been taken away. In the years to follow, you wouldn’t remember how you got out of there or how you arrived at the new Avengers facility.
Tags: @orionsirivsblack @kapolisradomthoughts @nadinissavage @geeksareunique
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riverxvixen-blog · 7 years
Betty and Jughead have been walking on thin ice since the moment that they began searching for Jason Blossoms killer. When finally the pair have decided to tone down the level of their investigation, they run onto some trouble that will make them wish that they had done it sooner. Whilst FP Jones makes a tactless decision, will he realise the cruelty that it takes to mindlessly organise something as unforgiving as the has just done.
Betty x Jughead : Kiss Me Goodbye
Despite the orders of my parents and also Sheriff Keller, Jughead and I were adamant that we were getting really close to narrowing down the suspects for Jason’s murder. However, we also knew that since we found out that the car was burnt to the ground just an hour after we had found it, that we were walking on thin ice.
 If it was just me I would have no issue resuming my search, but I can’t continue to put my friends and family in danger. Plus whoever was following us that night is on higher grounds right now. They know what we look like and we have no idea who they are, so we have decided to lie low and play safe on our murder exploration for now. Therefore, Jughead had asked myself, Archie, Ronnie and Kevin to meet him at Pops, something to do with a cover plan for himself and I.
When I arrived, something just seemed off. The diner was dead and Pop was nowhere to be seen, never mind the fact that my friends weren't anywhere is sight either. I decided to switch on a couple more lights, jumping slightly at the tent that had been assembled at the far end of the diner.
 I slowly edged closer, knowing at this stage that this was definitely Juggy playing a trick on me, he may be a hidden genius, but when it comes to dating he is so predictable.
“ARGHHHHH!!” The familiar deep voice echoed the room, making me jump slightly, only at the volume of the noises that he made. When he realised that I was not really that shocked, he sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and nuzzled his head in the nook in-between my shoulder and my neck. “Damn that was meant to be a really good surprise.”
“Don’t sound so defeated Juggy, I still don’t know what you have in store for me.” I placed my right hand on his chest, bringing my face to meet his, my lips brushing past his. “What do you have in store for me, Jughead?”
His eyes widened at my spontaneity, his mouth shaping into his signature smirk. “Well Miss Cooper, this tent here has a makeshift duvet-mattress, blankets and pillows. Just to add, my laptop has Netflix loaded and ready to roll, and finally complimentary burgers, fries and milkshakes, courtesy of our man Pop.”
“Jughead Jones the Third, you fine-looking heartbreaker, thank you so much for the perfect evening away from all the evil in this town.” I spoke as he gestured towards the tent, so I followed his direction and settled into the cosy area that he had set up, just for us two.
As the night went on, the joint decision to watch an entire season of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, eat our food and drink our bodyweight combined in chocolate milkshakes became more and more perfect. I never thought that I would ever fall for another person that wasn’t Archie Andrews, yet I have found myself growing more and more attached to Jughead. I now know that it is possible to love someone as much as they love you, I know the warmth in my heart when someone you never want to lose, feels the same way about you.
When I looked at my watch however and saw that it was 11pm, we decided to call it a night. “I’ll call Arch, he said that he would pick us up so that we weren’t walking alone.” Jug yawned, planting a kiss on my nose once he had finished.
 I smiled and shifted my face upwards and brought my lips to his, for the millionth time this evening. “Thank you Juggy, I’m just going to the bathroom and then I will help you clear up before we leave.”
He nodded and brought out his phone, dialling Archie’s number as I got up and walked to the toilets. In that moment I wanted to just turn around and tell him just how much I love him, but no matter how much I wanted to do it, I just didn’t have the nerve. I just couldn’t be shut down again, I wasn’t ready for that type of rejection  and fear that this was just fake.
I exited the stall and headed to the taps so that I could wash my hands. My reflection stared back at me in a way that I have never seen. I looked happy, truly happy. Just how Polly looked when she was talking about Jason.
My thoughts were interrupted by Jughead talking to someone outside. “Well this is not exactly how I planned this date to go.” He remarked, making me question what he was talking about.
 I exited the bathroom to see a group of serpents surrounding him, guns pointed at his head. His eyes widened and he used them to tell me to get outside, but I stood and shook my head. “I’m not leaving you here alone,” I mouthed.
Just as one of the gang members went to turn around in my direction, Jughead distracted him. “Woah, steady on there big guy, if you walk off you’re going to make it really easy for me to go and get help.” He emphasised the end, making me run for the door, pulling out my cell as fast as I possibly could.
I dialled the sheriffs number and he left straight as he heard the news, just in time for me to see a set of headlights coming towards me. Archie.
 “Archie, stop its Betty!! Jug. Oh my god Jughead.” I panted tears rolling down my face, but as the car neared it became cleared that it wasn’t Our own red haired leviathan in the driver’s seat. “Mr Jones, did Sheriff Keller get hold of you? Please we need to get to the diner, Jughead, the serpents.”
“Woah, blondie, calm down what about Jughead? Please get in, I was on my way there anyway.”
“The serpents, Jug and I where on a date and they showed up and I think that they are going to hurt him. Please we need to get there.” I just sobbed.
 FP's face fell at Betty's words as his thoughts shot back to a couple of hours ago realising that he could've handed his only sons life to one of his gang members.
“Betty, have you and my son been trying to solve this murder case alone? Tell me that you kids are smarter than this.” Panic was evident in his tone, and maybe that was just FP’s conscience but a gunshot was enough to silence us both.
Sheriff Keller’s siren was the only thing that brought me back to reality. I swung the car door open and ran as fast as my legs would carry me back to Pops. Everything was in slow motion, nothing was moving in the way it should and this definitely didn’t feel real.
As I reached the door, Archie grabbed my arm, his dads’ car parked next to the sheriffs. His eyes were red and tear stained, “Betty please don’t go in there.” He pleaded, while a crack in his voice chanced.
 I just ignored him, and walked into a horror scene. A serpent, the same one who Jughead had challenged earlier on was laid across the floor clutching his arm, covered in blood, but I didn’t care, hell he could bleed out and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid.
Then I noticed him and all the air left my lungs and I collapsed to the floor, crawling towards my boyfriends’ pale body. His abdomen was covered in blood and a clear gunshot wound was framed by his t-shirt. “Jughead,” I croaked, “Juggy, hey.”
His hand stretched to mine and he winced at the action, “Elizabeth Cooper, the Juliet to my Romeo.”
 I clutched his face, my tears flying onto his cheeks, I am pretty sure that I wasn’t even breathing. “Juggy what happened. I shouldn’t have left you alone, I am so sorry.”
“Calm down, they heard a truck and panicked. The rest of them fled, this guy shot me and I managed to catch him with my multi-tool pen knife.” His breathing was sparse and he already looked like a corpse. “I love you, oh god I love you Elizabeth. I want you to promise me now that you will never forget us. You will never forget what we had.”
 “STOP! STOP TALKING LIKE YOU ARE GOING TO DIE JUGGY. YOU ARE GOING TO BE FINE AND WE ARE GOING TO SOLVE THIS TOGETHER. We were meant to be the power couple that against all odds, escaped their troubled parents and managed to make a life for themselves. I love you Jughead Jones and I will say it today, tomorrow and every damn day of my life or so help me god.” I whimpered, “You can’t leave me, I can’t lose you too Juggy.”
 Jughead used everything in his power to lift himself up so that he was leaning on one of his shoulders. He shuffled his jacket off and placed it around me before removing his bracelets from his wrists and the beanie that rested on his head. “I don’t have much Betty, but I want you to have it all. You are my soulmate, and the only person I could ever dream of being with. Promise me that you will be safe and that you find the killer, and when you do, you will finish my book." He inhaled heavily, and grimaced at the pain, “Hell, being shot isn’t as pretty as they make it look in the movies.”
 I appreciated his humour now more than ever, but I could no longer see for the glazed oceans resting on my corneas. I was unaware of the noises I was making or how I looked to everyone passing by, but I knew that if I looked only half like I felt in that moment, that it wouldn’t be pretty.
 Soon after Archie walked back in and met in the middle of Jughead and I, slumping all the way to the ground in emotional agony. He was breaking, I could see it in his movements. “You two are the closest thing to extended family that I have and I can’t face the thought of losing either of you,” At this point we were all fighting back tears. We knew that it was too late and that this injury couldn’t be fixed, the bullet had ruptured through too many arteries to save, so all we could do was watch our best friend slowly bleed out in front of our eyes.
 “My son.” Archie and I turned to face FP Jones Jr. “I have failed you.”
“Come on Betty, let’s give them some space,” Archie whimpered, I nodded. “Don’t you dare go anywhere while we are out, we want to be with you.”
 FP uttered a broken, “thank you,” before wrapping his son in his arms and sobbing into his body.
 “I am so sorry that I wasn’t there for you my boy. If I could go back and make every decision, I have made in the last 10 years I would. You may hate me but you are my rock and I am so proud of you. I am a coward and you are the bravest young man alive.” He sobbed.
 “I don’t hate you dad. I needed to have a pissed off façade to help you get your ass into gear, to get everyone back together.” The knot in Jugheads’ throat tightened, knowing that this was the time to be truthful. “Please get mom and jellybean back. For me. I know that I won’t be there in form but if there’s such a thing, my sprit will live on, waiting for the day we are all back together. Please tell jellybean that I love her and that I am sorry, mom too. I love you dad.”
 Archie and I returned, and all I could think of was a part of Juggys novel in which he wrote “For one shining moment we were just kids Those bright neon lights of Pop’s keeping the darkness at bay, giving way, as all nights must, to a morning of reckoning”. That is when it hit me. It was like he knew all along that he wouldn’t live through all of this. That he had foreshadowed his own death. And yes I know that he could have been writing about something that has happened in this town recently, but I just couldn’t shift the thought.
 We joined the father and his son and all sat together relaying our childhood memories, laughing and crying, ignoring the reality that this was farewell. I felt Jug tap my leg and pucker his lips, while his dad talked with Archie about a time the two families had gone to watch a movie at the drive in. “Kiss me goodnight Juliet,” he smirked, making me cry as I bent down to kiss him.
The stories continued, one after the other as we each took it in turns to reminisce the antics we had gotten up to.
 “Yeah,” I giggled, “Do you remember Juggy, when you pooped in the tree house and we had to try and tell Fred that it was a wild fox.” But when I looked in my lap, I couldn’t see him breathing.
“Jug?” Archie panicked, “Oh god.” 
Everything after that felt wrong, I couldn’t hear anything. All I could do was curl up against Jughead and hope to god that this was a dream. A few minutes later Archie came and helped me up off the floor as the paramedics removed his body from the diner. Soon after Ronnie arrived with her Mom and Fred soon after them, she joined Archie in helping me out of pops and we slumped into the back of Freds pickup and sobbed together. I guess it’s just another Cooper girl who has lost the love of her life.
To my Juggybear, I love you with all my heart, and even though it is currently shattered inside my skin, I hope that you will help me fix it. Forever and Always,
Betty, the Juliet to your Romeo xo
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