#I was gonna make it tomorrow but I KNOW everyone's gonna be streaming early and I wont want to miss it
kellystar321 · 9 months
#periodical life updates#(<- NUMBER 3!!!) I FINISHED THE ANIMATION AND EVERYTHING FOR THAT PROJECT AND SENT IT OFF! super excited!!#it looks really cute! i tried my best and im mostly satisfied of where i landed <33#it's my little sibling's birthday today!! it's also the first official meeting of lgbt club!! (the other event was a fun lgbt mixer)#my backpack smells bad. like mildew or mold maybe? urgh its awful and gives me a headache. i might need a new one. i dont know. urghhh.#my programming homework is due today!! yike!! but other than that my personal projects with deadlines are all done!#INIQUITY NOW THAT YOU HAVE TIME ARE YOU FINALLY GONNA WORK ON YOUR SELF SHIP BLOG?? YES!! HOPEFULLY!!#truthfully i /have/ been working on it on the side. it looks decent but the colors;;; i have always been pretty sht at color picking?#i can adjust with filters but without that im like. a little not good yet lmao. gotta do some studies sometime perhaps#BUT YAY EXCITED!! ive got some rambles and doodles and a tag system and f/o info which is extremely cumbersome (affectionate)!!#also i have new fandom ocs for the latest dimension 20 campaign and im so delighted heho <33 this campaign is literally so fun.#im watching it with my sibling when its done!! OOH ALSO I FIGURED OUT HOW TO PNGTUBE AND i will likely never use it BUT COOL!!#i dont like. talk. lmao. my art streams are 1) silent 2) rare 3) only shared with my siblings. pngtuber is a little useless. but CUTE!!#i got boba tea yesterday!! sandy bought it :3 <3 and we're having pho and cheesecake later and i might plan out a little excursion today?#like i might get a treatsie. OR i'll just sit on campus as usual and get a mango smoothie and draw for a while (or work on homework.)#(lets be honest its likely the former. i might get a little back into traditional? ooh or maybe i'll practice my asl?) HEY THOUGH.#ive been thinking about making a henrey stickmn (ask)blog to practice asl? like. no plot. just henry teaching ellie and charles asl#really funny considering my Real concept of an askblog for THSC. not ace or eca; but a secret third thing (⛎) ;)#then again since when have i EVER followed through on an askblog lmao?? damb im all over the place today. we're already hitting tag limit#okay!! 3 AM!! if im going early tomorrow i gotta eep! goodnight everyone i love you!! see you tomorrow if i have the energy and time!!
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
tumblr stop trying to copy twitter and for the love of god please improve your tagging system i just want to find A Post using keywords i know should work
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shikai-the-storyteller · 10 months
Salty that I never have time / energy to do fanart or work on my animatics or fanfics or anything these days, so I hiked to the store and picked up some groceries so I could make my own dang fancy QSMP Election Dinner. If I can't participate on the artsy side, then I shall participate with fancy artsy food. I refuse to be left out.
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Things from the ruin dlc that keep me up at night.
Spoilers under the cut.
Disclaimer: I wrote this before I had seen Everything the DLC has to offer or all the endings yet. I was on the wrong track, but I think my cooking before I knew everything was good cooking. I have more concrete theories now under #danachan's rants
Something that I was 100% right about that I was going to write into Lofi eventually.... But I guess I'll talk about it now since the dlc confirmed it.
But Balloon Boy world was literally Eclipses cage as I suspected. It was suppressing them. It wasn't an evil arcade or Eclipse was living in there. Eclipse's AI was being suppressed in the arcade cabinet.
Eclipse is how they talk to eachother, and Eclipse was asleep and completely blocked off from the Virus. So Sun and Moon had no communication with eachother anymore. Which is why they were both so stressed and lost.
I was astounded I got that completely correct in regards to what Eclipse is, and what the balloon boy game is.
(the dlc does not explain the Dcas weird connection to Vanessa and why the arcade cabinet was in Afton's boss fight room though)
Bonus points Moon talks exactly how I write him when speaking about the Sun and the Moon.
Another thing that has been mind-blowing me that all the comic book endings are scenarios that GREGORY DREW.
And according to the dlc....
The Afton Burntrap Blob ending is another one of those endings that he drew.
Which means Peepaw Afton and the Blob were never real in the first place.
Which is why no one could really figure out what the blob is.
It doesn't exist.
Princess Quest ending was the canon ending.
Vanessa leaving the Pizzaplex with Gregory is the canon ending.
The ending where you fight Afton in the basement.... Never happened and was just Gregory attempting to make sense of the FNAF lore that Vanessa probably explained to him. Since in the DLC, we do find a book about Fazbear History in Vanny's room.
I honestly don't know if Steel Wool retroactively made Burntrap non-canon due to everyone making fun of him, not taking him seriously and hating the blob, or if this was always the case. Because despite the Afton ending being the hardest to get.... It's still a two star ending.
So it's hard and too early for me to tell if I want to give them points for that soft retcon. I mean I don't blame them honestly.
But yeah. Skeleton man Afton in the basement and his best friend the Blob isn't actually real, and neither is Freddy's "I am not me" speech either.... Which honestly makes sense. Because it's all Gregory's comic book trying to make sense of FNAF Lore he doesn't understand.
Also, I can say definitively, and finally, Afton is not the Mimic. Glitchtrap exists as its own entity in this, and the Mimic seems to have its own agenda. It's unclear if Afton is possessing the Mimic via virus corruption, but for now, I believe the Mimic is acting of its own will.
And man oh man. I feel so sorry for people who haven't been keeping up with Tales of the Pizzaplex Books.
The ending of the dlc is just really "who's Henry???" From pizzasim all over again huh....
Anyways. Those are my thoughts. I will be streaming the dlc again tomorrow. Gonna try and get a better ending, but I have a suspicion they're all sad.
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ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
heyhihello everyone. since modern warfare III's early campaign access starts tomorrow (nov. 2nd), I thought to make a little psa about spoilers on my blog !!
I have early access to the campaign and will be playing it myself. my asks (both anon and not) will be closed until I've played it through. likely until around nov. 4th.
this is because I know that there are people who will stream it faster than I'll be able to play it, and I want to avoid spoilers.
if—and when—I make posts about the campaign (possibly already while playing it), they will be clearly titled with which mission I'm talking about. the post itself will be under 'read more' and tagged with: #lo plays mwiii + #mwiii + #mwiii spoilers. example:
mwiii spoilers until and including mission 8: (mission title ->) we're all gonna fucking die --- read more --- #lo plays mwiii #mwiii #mwiii spoilers
you can blacklist these tags in your settings! how-to -> here <-
I will re-open my asks once I'm done with the campaign. only my own replies can be placed under 'read more's, but every ask about the campaign will be tagged with the tags above + #lo talks mwiii. you can blacklist this, too, in your settings.
any questions? 💗
okay, then. *clears throat* I'm so fucking terrified though ?? how am I supposed to be able to play this fucking campaign without absolutely freaking dying ?? I swear I'll be tossing my controller aside seventeen times in the first hour alone. I'm so STRESSED but also very very excited !! AAAAA
thank you for coming to my psa. send me all your life updates and thoughs before I close my inbox tomorrow eek !! <3
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
I just found this blog so I'm jumping aboard the plushie bandwagon.
First we got Absol. (i feel like maybe i should've taken a closer-up picture but it's the face sooo)
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Then a Wooloo
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And, saving best for last, this Leafeon plush I own... of which I swear on my life is official merch.
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I also have some more eeveelutions (plus an eevee and a few more) but: 1. I didn't want to send too many. 2. Eeveelutions are more popular so I wanted to give some other people the chance to submit their own. 3. I don't know where my Pikachu and Snivy plushies are cuz I own too many stuffed animals.
Only reason I submitted Leafeon was so I could show off this ~masterpiece~ of a plushie I own. And it's face isn't the only thing wrong with it too lol. Also I just noticed I accidentally had one of the ears hanging back but I'm too lazy to go take another photo but i hope this amuses you nonetheless.
let's start with these guys. beautiful. wonderful. i do not believe that that leafeon is official merch. this statement is baffling to me. welcome to the front-facing pokémon family. i love the eyes on that absol and wooloo is one of my faves. i was rather obsessed with it when it first came out and have a whole wooloo tag on my main blog because of it. though i guess i cleared that whole thing out recently so i don't anymore
let's get the nose ratings out of the way:
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↑ this is a lie. 10/10 chespin
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it's very wide and also 10/10 you're being too harsh. merry day to you too
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circular face indeed. did i already post this one? if i did you can have it again
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clodsire be upon ye. clodsire fans this is your treat until gen 9
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this is a trend now. i think tumblr just crunched this image to hell for some reason so here's what the text says:
"Felt like joining the others for front facing pokeplushies [images] I have more pokemon but its early morning and these are the plushies that are easy to access"
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i have not but i imagine "a moment" has long passed by now. my apologies but apparently today was an important day or something? idk
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YEAH it's super unbelievably fucked up. i think i kinda remember the circumstance being a bit dire so everyone else was more worried about either 1. protagonist getting stomped on brutally or 2. saving the world from kyurem / the bittercold. i was totally under the impression that he was dead in that moment but i guess the characters may have known that he would just come back? i seem to vaguely remember partner being surprised that he came back and being like "but we watched you die :OOO" but maybe i'm misremembering that. i do create a lot of pmd lore on my own time so i have a hard time telling the difference between canon and fanon sometimes
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two a day makes the world go round! this blog started when i started college, paused for 80% of my college career and now has started back up and i just graduated college a week ago. i would say "how time flies" but it has been a very, very long year
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i've said it before and i'll say it again: gen 6 is my favorite gen, so you'll be seeing lots of favor for this gen from me in the tags i'm sure. maybe gen 6 is my excuse to start doing other things here. like that stream i keep talking about
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if they put meloetta as a little obscure puzzle thang in sv, i'm sure they'll do something for genesect. i hope. at least for keldeo probably. genesect i'm not sure is very popular, unfortunately, outside of the tumblr crowd. if the general public's opinion on genesect is favorable, then maybe
okay and then i tried to scroll down further in my screenshots for more asks and saw the wobbly will smith in a hospital bed Gimme a Hug, Man that i copied from the "i get a little bit genghis kanghis" post so that's it. to everyone who christmases: merry it. it is today. although it's basically over by now so! merry boxing day for tomorrow if i don't say anything tomorrow. but i probably will. now i'm gonna go queue up today's 'mons because i haven't done it yet today. see you all in a few weeks when those post
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
Basically everyone watching Violetta for the first time has the universal experience that it is VERY SLOW in the beginning. And, it is.
But I think I might have not gotten to feel it as much as others, simply because the first time I watched the show I was 11, so I didn’t have the same standards, and the show aired episodes on TV several days a week. So, as I didn’t binge it and simply waited for new episodes to air, the feeling of ”everything going so slow” didn’t creep up to me as much as I more had a ”oh boy! Let’s see what happens in the next episode tomorrow! :D”
These telenovelas weren’t supposed to be binged on streaming services, they were made for television every day. And Violetta has this 5 episode format in season 1. 5 episodes to get to know the characters, 5 episodes to get the characters to start meeting each other, 5 episodes for the studio auditions, 5 episodes for starting to take classes at the studio… etc etc.
Then it’s also that I have REWATCHED Violetta so many times that, when I watch S1 now, my focus is on completely other things. I focus on funny lines I missed, scenes I forgot, the QUEER SUBTEXT that I never noticed as a kid.
But, I do remember back when it aired on TV that people found it slow. My friends STOPPED WATCHING because they didn’t like that Angie never told Violetta she was her aunt. And, it DOES take a long time, but she finds out before S1 ends and… well, if we’re gonna compare this to Bia where she didn’t find out until the LAST EPISODE… :-)
I gotta say, the way people think Violetta is slow, it’s how I felt about Bia S1. I thought Bia was SO SLOW, I didn’t get into it AT ALL for almost all of S1 tbh. But, rewatching Bia now I appreciate S1 much more than what I did the first time.
I also found Soy Luna to be WAY TOO FAST in season 1 first time I watched it. But rewatching it, it got better. I think rewatching in general makes you appreciate especially the early episodes of these shows more than what you did the first time.
With Violetta, what I have experienced for many, is that there will be a turning point. For many it’s after half the season, as they have started to pick up the pacing, for some it’s earlier for others it’s later. And I’ve experienced it with all 3 DCLA shows. There’s a moment when ”I’m not really into this” suddenly in a moment becomes ”oh! Wait! I kinda like this!!”
But I think season 2 of Violetta is superior in every single way. I consider S1 to really be the ”prequel” to everything and S2 is when the show really starts off for real 😆 But everyone is different there, some people love season 1 the most and others love season 3 the most.
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abiiors · 1 year
How about New Years Day where you and Ross have had a party and you’re both hung over and cleaning up the house and everyone has just gone home so you just quietly pick up bottles and smile at each other in a haze and then get on the sofa and cuddle and the whole time you’re thinking about how magical it was kissing each other at midnight, fireworks exploding but actually how much more magical it is, to have the sun streaming in, pjs on and make up smeared on your face and to start the brand new day, new year, and when all the excitement and the party has died down, it’s you and him, together.
Awww yes 🥹 so i'm thinking early hours of the morning and you've literally just said goodbye to the last of your friends (both of you make sure that they all get into their ubers/rides safely and tell them to text etc) and you go back into the house, still a bit drunk, maybe even a bit high and the house is a mess. Red solo cups (of course) and empty bottles of beer everywhere, there's even some empty pizza boxes, cigarette butts; it's a pigsty so you sigh and get to work. basically dragging your feet around the house and picking up whatever rubbish you see. you're still in a sparkly dress but your hair's in a bun now, red lipstick faded into a pink tint and glitter on your cheeks. you have discarded the heels a long time ago and his shirt is untucked, sleeves rolled up to his forearms. he's leaning against the door frame, head tilted to one side with just the softest smile on his face and he's like 'what are you doing, love? just come to bed with me. leave that for later' and you just look at him, eyebrows raised and go 'so you're telling me you would clean up this mess tomorrow when you're severely hungover?' and he just laughs and points at the window where the sky is already turning pink and orange. tomorrow is already here. it's already new year's day like properly about to be the first sunrise of the year. so you just grab a blanket off the settee, walk up to him and wrap it around the both of you to just stay like that for a bit.
'we're getting too old for this, we're gonna die of a hangover tomorrow...today,' he scrunches his face with regret but he's also smiling. so you propose the idea of just going to bed after watching the sunrise. and you put the kettle on for some tea (some naive belief that it will help with the inevitable disaster) while he gets another blanket from your bedroom and throws away a few more bottles, boxes etc but once both your mugs are ready, you just end up standing at the window sharing the one blanket with you tucked into his side and his head on yours 🥹 the world around you is so quiet which is much needed after a night full of loud music and fireworks and general whoops and cheers. all you can hear is him humming some song, maybe the chirping of some birds so you simply close your eyes and relish in the moment and breath him in. He's like 'you're thinking, i can tell, you're about to get sappy.' and you flick him in the side because he's right, you are. but then you also hug him tightly. you don't have to tell him you love him, he knows it. he knew it when you practically jumped on him at midnight to make out with him and he knows it now when you pull him into a slow, gentle kiss. anyway you move to the sofa in the hopes of continuing it but the blanket is so warm and he's so comfy that you just end up cuddling and falling asleep together.
the hangover is terrible after you wake up but this is just an opportunity to rot in bed with your fav person and make silly new years resolutions you will never stick to. except maybe waking up next to each other as often as you can. that you will do gladly <3
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Anything for You, Darlin’
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader (can be Austin!Elvis if you prefer)
Word Count: 738 words
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of the Colonel, Teasing of Smut, Language
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! Thanks for all you love you have shown this series! I’ll be busy this weekend so I will try to upload another chapter or two.
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Chapter 5
June 1968
Things were definitely looking up for Elvis. Filming began for the Christmas Special, which you and him knew there was no way in hell it was gonna be a Christmas Special. Ever since little Mallory was born, Elvis had a fire lit underneath him. He wanted make something she would be proud of. He demanded that you and Mallory would be filming the whole time, against the Colonel’s wishes.
You had to admit, seeing Elvis in that black leather suit made you crazy for him. It made you want him even more than you already did.
“Elvis, I don’t know if I told you this already, but you are sexy as hell in that black leather,” you said to him as you kissed him all over his face.
“Darlin, I can see it on your face,” Elvis replied back while also blushing. He knew he had you in the palm on his hand. “(Y/N, baby, you look sexy as hell too, I mean just look at you lil mama.” The kisses began flying, but before anything could begin, Mallory woke up crying.
Both of you jumped and ran over to her, and you scooped her up in her arms. “Mallory, what’s wrong baby?,” you cooed to her while Elvis watched with concern and love in his eyes. Elvis loved his girls more than life itself. Everything he did, he did it for you and Mallory. As soon as you changed her, Elvis picked her up to soothe her.
“Hey there princess there’s no need for all this cryin’ daddy’s got you,” Elvis said to her lovingly and gently. It was like he could read her little mind because she almost instantly calmed down. Mallory Love Presley was your whole world, but she was also a daddy’s girl. She had him wrapped around her pretty little finger since the day she was born.
“Elvis stage in five minutes,” Steve Binder called out. Steve Binder and Bones Howe were the masterminds behind the special. Binder knew Elvis wanted more than just a “Christmas special”. This was do or die or Elvis’ career.
“Alright I’m ready,” Elvis called out. He looked at you holding little Mallory and walked over to kiss you both. “This is all for you two, my baby girls. I love ya,” he said to you and Mallory. The three of you walked out to the stage area where you and Mallory were seated next to Jerry. Filming began and once again, lightening had struck. You saw Elvis in his full glory performing like there was no tomorrow. Smiling, laughing like he did back in his early days. Every chance that man got, he was looking over at his girls.
December 3, 1968
When the ‘68 Comeback Special aired, the whole Presley household was watching. No one could say a word. The room was so quiet. Elvis’ leg was bouncing like crazy while you tried to settle his nerves. Of course, that’s when Mallory started to cry, so you went upstairs to get her. You brought her down so you didn’t miss a second of it.
“Come here little darlin’ daddy needs ya,” Elvis cooed to Mallory. She was truly a daddy’s girl. He could get her to calm down and vice versa. When the special ended, she was asleep in his arms and that’s when it hit you all at once: Mallory Love Presley was turning one in three weeks. Tears starting streaming down your face. Elvis looked to you when he heard you sniffling.
“Doll, are you ok? What’s wrong mama?” He asked while wiping away the tears. “Elvis….. she’s turning one in three weeks… our ba..ba..baby girl is growing up,” was all you managed to get out before you really started crying.
“Aw (Y/N) I know. It’s ok lil mama, let’s get my girls up to bed,” Elvis said. First Elvis went upstairs with Mallory to put her to bed, then he come back down to get you. He scooped you up in his arms and held you close to him while walking up the stairs. For the rest of the night, he held you close and whispered sweet nothings in your ear until you fell asleep. Not much longer after that he fell asleep with you. This was what he dreamed of: the perfect wife and family. Little did he know, life was getting ready to change again.
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sunnyie-eve · 4 months
3 | Waterfall
Series: Odds Together
Paring: Ryan Dunn x OFC Margera!
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
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"I'd do the barrel in Iceland again." Ryan says as we all drink and I watch the guys play pool.
"Again? You pussied out last year in the winter." Bam laughs at him.
"I'd done it, iv wasn't too cold. But I'd do it any time." He says making me laugh at time along with the others.
"You're only saying this because your drunk, Dunn."
"Dude, I'm not even drinking." He says making me laugh more.
"At the moment but you have been."
"If we were in Iceland tomorrow... would you do the waterfall. Think about it before you say it." Bam tells him.
Ryan counts to three with his fingers, "Definitely." We all laugh at him.
"I'll buy a ticket." Bam says and I knew he seriously meant it too.
"You are going to regret all the shit talking you're doing." I pat Ryan's back as I drink my beer.
"It's so not a big deal! Let's go there!"
The next morning I wake up early and Bam comes into my room showing me a piece of paper. "I knew you'd actually get it. All because of a bar argument we're going." I shake my head at him.
"Get a bag packed, sis. I'm gonna go wake the guys up." He leaves my room so I follow him.
"I wanna see his reaction because he probably doesn't remember shit. Plus I already did because I know you."
We make our way down to the basement and wake Ryan up first. "What?" He asks confused so Bam shows him the paper.
"Iceland. We're going right now." He tells him.
"Shut up." Ryan tells him.
"I'm serious. Look." He says as Ryan sits up and he goes to wake Raab up in the closet he stays in. I go back to my room to get my bag then join everyone downstairs as we talk about how much shit talking Ryan did last night.
"Yo Waterfall, we got a plane to catch!" Rake calls out as we get into the van.
"Waterfall. That's just his name now." Raab laughs.
The whole ride we still keep laughing about Ryan. When we get to the airport and wait some I shake my head at Ryan. "What?" He asks.
"You and your mouth last night. You regretting it yet?" I ask him and he nods his head very little. "You should really watch what you say when you drink."
The plane ride wasn't that much to me because I got to seat next to Bam and he didn't talk that much. When we got to Iceland we all get in a bus to get to the rental car. The ride was terrible because all the farting was hell even when we get the rental car.
Bam wanted to stop at the Blue Lagoon so that's something we did too. "I'm not gonna want out after this because how cold it is." I say as I stay next to Raab in the water.
"Agree." He laughs before grabbing me and dunking me under water with him.
"Your such an ass." I push my hair out of my face as he brings us back up.
"Remember when you used to like this ass." He shoves me.
"You mean when we were 12 till 14?" I laugh at him. "Then yes, I do remember when I liked your ass when we were kids." I go away from him and the guys to relax some.
The ride I hated with how everyone had to mess with everyone. As I was taking a nap in the back I kept feeling hot breathes blowing on me. "That's disgusting." I cover my face as Raab and Dico laugh at me.
We come to a stream across the road but we don't know how deep it was so Rake gets out to see by throwing a rock. "What's the worst that can happen?" Bam gets back in.
"We can get stuck." We all tell him.
"What do you think the chances are?" He asks so they tell him 50/50.
Raab tells him he thinks the left is more shallow making Ryan and I say right because we can see the rocks better but Bam just goes right through the middle.
As we keep going we run into many more rivers we had to drive through to get where we were going. The water starts to fuck up the engine as we try going up a hill. "We're gonna have to get out and push it. It's our only option." I tell the guys and they groan and we all pile out.
Finally making it through rivers and basically a lake we started looking for a barrel, which took forever. We finally found where to get one but Bam stole it for a chemical plant. "It's really hitting you now, huh?" I notice Ryan's face spaced out behind me as I look back at him.
"Yeah, everything thing is really coming together now." He sighs making me climb over the seat to sit next to him.
"Is he still asleep?" Bam asks about Ryan.
I look down at my lap since that's where he was resting his head, "Yeah. Ry..." I mess with his hair waking him up.
"It's barrel time. I found it." Bam tapes him so he gets up.
"Now we just have a 4 mile hike." I groan seeing the map.
When we make it to the waterfall I didn't want Ryan to do it. It wasn't the safest thing and I didn't think he would go through with it. I wanted him to chicken out again. "You have got to stop saying shit when you drink. This is so stupid, Dunn." I tell him worried as he stares at the waterfall. "What if you get seriously hurt doing this shit? It's not worth it. Let them just call you a pussy." I grab his and as it was just the two of us.
"I can go through this." He says not very confident.
"Ry... you're super claustrophobic. You in that barrel... equals no extra space whatsoever."
"Thank you for caring but I'm not doing this again." He walks over to them.
"Just hop in." Bam tells him so he mocks him before getting in. The second he was all the way in he gets back out.
"Fuck this." He lists everything he didn't like. "I don't give a shit you bought a ticket to god damn Iceland. I was fucking drunk." He gets out all the way walking away.
"Go talk him into it. He listens to you at times." Bam shoves me away but I was gonna go over to him anyways.
"You know I won't give you shit." I sit next to him.
"Because you're nice and understand." He huffs as Bam comes over to talk to him about going so Ryan points out all things that could make things go wrong.
When Bam leaves us Ryan just sits in silence hyperventilating some making me rub his back. "Fuck it." He gets up after minutes saying he'll do it.
"Are you sure?" I get up too.
"Let's just get it over with." He shakes his arms.
"Hey, I'll be at the bottom to help get you out quickly." I grab his arm he gives me smile so I head down to water. I pull hoodie and shirt off not wanting get my clothes wet when I jump in so I have something dry to put on on.
"Anna, just wait to get in." Raab tells me as I pull down my pants too. "It's too cold to wait-,"
I jump in the water freezing my ass off. "Fuck." I come up with my teeth chattering.
As soon as Ryan hits the water I swam over to the barrel first. "I got you." I say using all my strength to pull him then Raab and Bam jump in helping me get Ryan out of the water. "You're taking too long." I complain as they try getting the lid off so I do it get it off right way.
As Ryan quickly gets out panicking and the guys keep asking him if he was alright. He rushes out of the water going to lay on the rocks breathing heavy quickly. "Just give him a second." I try to keep get them to give him some space. "In and out slowly." I squat down next to him carefully placing my hand on his back. As he slows his breathing down I move my hand to his and he grabs it.
"You almost ready to get up?" I ask him and he slowly gets up with Bam coming over to help. Bam gives him a hug asking if he was alright so he nods his head. "Told you, I'd be at the bottom." I wrap my arms around him and he does the same to me.
"Anna, put your clothes back on before you start turns blue and purple." Rake says grabbing my clothes off the ground making Ryan steps back some to look at me in my bra and panties.
"I didn't want to get my clothes wet because I'd freeze faster in wet clothes out of the water." I explain shivering.
"Your lips are purple now." Ryan holds me in his arms trying to keep me warm as Rake brings me my clothes.
"Thank you." I move from Ryan putting my clothes back on to warm up.
"I can't believe you." Raab shakes his head at me.
"What jumping in basically naked? You need to put something on because you're turning red." I tell him so he goes to get his shirt.
We spent the night under the sky in the fucking wind to celebrate Ryan going through with it. Even in a long sleeves with a thick hoodie and wrapped in a blanket I was still cold. "I appreciate what you did earlier." Ryan wraps his blanketed arms around me.
"What part?" I turn around to face him for more warmth wrapping my blanket arms around him to get some of his body heat.
"All of it. Being first to me, quick to get the lid off, and helping me calm down." He rests his chin on top of my head.
"Well I was worried about you. You're kinda like my best friend too." I look up at him as he moves his chin.
"Last time you called me that was before you moved away. I'm glad you're calling me that again." He squeezes me.
"Here." Bam comes over to us putting his beanie on my head. "You're the smallest out of all of us." He chuckles.
"You're actually acting like a brother." I laugh moving from Ryan giving Bam a hug.
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hinahaikyuu · 2 years
adult sleepover. Kenma’s Route
these are a little shorter because I wanted to leave the ‘ending’ open for your interpretations.
pt. 1 | pt. 2 
all works owned by @hinahaikyuu​— please do not plagiarize, copy or modify my works.
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Three Months Later:
Kodzuken hadn’t been online for a few weeks and the moment he posted he was going live everyone piled in. The twitter post hit a 100k likes in the matter of four hours, and it was estimated to have many others logging on. 
“You look nervous.” You sat down next to Kenma, tucking your dress under your thighs as you took a seat at the computer next to him. He turned in the chair and leaned back, giving you a soft smile. The same one you’ve seen for years, and the one you’ve been strictly on the receiving end for three months now. 
Kenma had been hinting at the change in his relationship status, being vague and having fun with it but he didn’t like to play games like this for long. It was usually pretty taxing and never ended up well. “Just a little. You look really nice.”
“I wanted to make a good first impression.” You teased, reaching over and tucking a piece of hair behind his ears. “Don’t worry, I promise it’ll be okay.”
“I’m just worried about some less than happy fans harassing you-”
“Then they don’t deserve to be your fans. They should be happy for you.” You were right, and the two of you had been friends for years at this point and no one could have been a better partner to him than someone who had basically been one to him since his first year of high school. He nodded, turning on the ring light and unplugging his headphones before starting the stream. 
KodzukenLover25: Omg! Hi Kodz! We missed you!
PINKAPPLES: Hi! Kenma! Whose that with you? Special guest?
BIGDOGBEEF564: She’s hot
You couldn’t help but giggle at the comments as you read them on the screen, Kenma looked at you with soft eyes and a smile. Someone on the stream caught it. 
“Yes, it is.” Kenma spoke into the camera, letting the messages in the just chat box on the overlay flood with both good comments and neutral comments but very little bad ones. “This is yn, she was my manager on the volleyball team in high school. As of a few months ago, my girlfriend.”
“Hello!” you waved, linking your hand in Kenma’s when you felt it run across your thigh.
“I really hope you all will be kind to her. She means a lot to me and will be making appearances in my streams on occasion and on other social media.” He looked at you again, “Ready to play?”
“Am I ever. I’m gonna kick your ass this time.” He hit a button on his dock, switching the screens around and handing you a controller. 
Dear Kenma.
I hope you’re getting sleep right now. I know you like to stay up late, and get up early to play your games but we have nationals tomorrow. I hope that if you are awake you’re at least awake because your nervous like me. Kind of selfish, I know but it makes me feel better anyway. 
I can’t wait to play the new Pokémon game with you soon, and practice Mario Kart. There some of my favorite times with you, I love how you help me get better enough to beat the boys. I can’t explain why, I know that I like you but it gives me butterflies when you praise me at a game for doing well or not dying to quickly. I’m happy you don’t bored of me. 
I hope it can stay like this forever. It’s so calming, comforting, like nothing else matters. You probably won’t ever know, or see this. Who knows what the future holds. 
But I love you. 
Sleep well. 
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crossingbaranduin · 1 year
Got a big project due tomorrow, so time to procrastinate in the best way I know how: headcanons! A TAJ one again — this time about Mike's powers!
Have been thinking about what the significant downside of each characters’ powers would be, since that’s slowly come up more in the show. Ty’s is obvious + canon already. I’d say Axl’s stays a bit less defined like his powers are overall (though I’d count the lack of control + ties to emotion as the downside). While I don’t vibe with the “Bragi communicates directly with Anders” headcanon out of some specific AUs, I do like the idea that the connection to words leads to constantly having too many thought streams all at once/effectively never having mental quiet. (I’ve also seen that tied to his usage of alcohol/drugs, as a way to somewhat keep it down, which would make a lot of sense imo.) But I haven’t seen a headcanon for Mike before, so I’d like to suggest: sensory overload/overstimulation!
(This got very, very detailed, so putting the rest under a read more! I have... a lot of thoughts.)
This idea is a loose exaggeration of the hunting skill in the show, with the upside being that in general, Ullr grants better senses to boost that. The downside, though, is that mortal vessels aren’t really built to take in that much sensory input, and without a good way to turn it off, it could get overwhelming very fast.
However, I don’t think Mike actually puts it together that it’s because of Ullr for a lot of reasons:
1) Mike is effectively flying blind with the whole powers thing. He’s the first one to manifest, with next to no guidance, and then is just basically trying to keep shit together. The connection just… doesn’t get made. Anders also doesn’t bring Bragi’s downsides up because 1) he and Mike aren’t close enough around that point to talk about it and 2) since Mike never mentioned there being downsides in that way, Anders also takes a while to put it together. (I also think he’d be less likely to openly admit it as a weakness for a lot of reasons, but that’s for another post!) By the time we get a Johnson with obvious downsides — Ty — his are so much more severe that it doesn’t occur that everyone technically has the same issue, Ty’s is just… a lot worse.
2) I like the headcanons that bring up how stifling powers as a vessel could have consequences later down the line. Mike cuts off his usage of Ullr fairly early, and with that, cutting his extra senses off also cuts off the flood of sensory input. Sure, it can leak through sometimes, but it’s no longer a consistent issue. When he does finally decide to use his powers actively again at the end of S1… oh boy, that’s gonna be one hell of a dam breaking. At first, there’s enough major life changes going on at that point to chalk it up to stress, but bottling up powers for the majority of fifteen years is gonna leave them very out of whack once they’re no longer suppressed.
3) Again with referencing other posts I should make: I have a long hc about how the first year or so of god powers is overwhelming mentally and tends to lead to a lot of rash behavior and all-around bad ideas while everything settles out. My personal TAJ timeline has Rob’s accident taking place about 3 months after Mike turns 21, so since Mike shoved everything down during that first year, that settling-in process got somewhat messed up. It attempts to fix itself once he actively starts using his powers again — aka unknowingly dumping him back where he left off. Combine the major life problems he goes through at the end of S1, Ullr’s powers in general — aka easily abusable for dumb shit, and that god-power-settling… and yeah, you get early-S2 Mike.
4) A good chunk of it can also be assigned to Mike just not wanting to admit things are wrong in general. Can’t have a problem if you don’t admit it, right?
Now, beyond that mountain of setup, I’d love to see a scene where it finally clicks that 1) yes, there are specific downsides to Ullr and 2) whoops, Mike needing some peace and quiet from everyone’s bullshit isn’t just because they’re a chaotic bunch, it’s because being at a 12/10 on all senses all the time can suck.
Fun details from that hypothetical scene from my Google Doc:
Mike eventually snaps about everyone and everything being too much at one of the group gatherings at the bar while it’s closed. Everyone’s actually been fairly calm and quiet that day, which is why it’s surprising. Mike can’t put it into words either, and the situation almost devolves into another usual bickering session until…
Anders puts it together first; personal headcanon is that his degree is a communications major/psych and literature minors, so that + Bragi equals General People Knowledge. Immediately puts his foot in his mouth by just blurting out “wait, are you overstimulated??” — which gets interpreted as him making a sex joke, to which Ty clarifies no, he’s being serious and is probably right, actually.
The subject gets dropped fairly quickly by Mike, who looks pretty uncomfortable with having this realization so far down the line, making the argument that it’s something they can’t fix just like with Ty’s downsides, so they should all drop it (on the threat of no more drinks). However, everyone keeps considering it privately afterwards, and Mike slowly ends up with some gifts showing up behind the bar. The next three bullet points are the gifts from each the brothers:
Anders: Pair of fancy active noise cancelling headphones. Showy, definitely not Mike’s style, but work too damn well for him to turn down. Doesn’t have a note attached, but it’s fairly obvious who they’re from, even if they don’t talk about it afterwards. Broke once due to an unfortunate accident with some god shenanigans but were mysteriously replaced rather quickly.
Ty: blackout curtains + a blackout eye mask with those cooling gel inserts. Attached with an offer to Hod-super-freeze them whenever. The latter isn't as convenient to use, since it'd definitely be the target of some ribbing (lighthearted, but enough for Mike to just proceed to refuse to use it), but Ty's ability to keep things chilled while he's around makes it a godsend (haha) sometimes. A good gift combo in general because the cycle of sensory overload + lack of sleep gets nasty fast.
Axl: combination gift from himself, Zeb, and Gaia. This is a while before weighted blankets are super commercially available, but he read about it online and wants to make one for Mike. Major problem: he has zero sewing skills. Zeb tries to help but equally has no skills. Gaia takes pity on them and helps them with the sewing (with a joke about how it’s better than sewing up stitches from one of their other bad plans, at least). One side is a fairly standard flannel pattern; the other is something referencing Ullr (casino cards and dice?) This is the only one directly delivered and not just left at the bar; the whole thing has "awkward but genuinely sweet Father's Day gift-giving" vibes.
Directly asking Mike if he’s overstimulated when he’s annoyed will only make it worse… but caving eventually to go take a bit and chill out is still better than sensory overload, so this group with zero boundaries will prod him anyways. There’s a lot of ribbing about if he doesn’t go chill out, they’ll actually go through with drinking the whole bar’s stock this time.
This ended up probably longer than the eventual fic itself, and with many other headcanons interspersed, but if you read this far, I hope you enjoyed it! Writing headcanons and scenarios for this show is just too much fun. (PS: apologies for any super dense text! Tumblr's formatting was not cooperating, RIP.)
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hopeaterart · 1 year
You know I would totally read a short little story about Saki and the turtle tots just having fluffy family time ^_^
Saki was lucky this year. It seemed the Foot had lost his trail this winter. Which meant he was able to stay in a hotel. Which meant could throw a small party for his sons in peace. He had the gifts prepped, and he had gone out early in the morning to get everyone some croissants. Thank his ancestors he had so much saved up. And for the fake money, too.
Now all he needed to do was wake up his sons. He gently shook Leonardo awake, the boy groggily blinking into consciousness. “Wha��?”
“Good morning, baby.” Saki greeted, kissing him on the forehead.
“Good morning papa.” Leo echo-ed, clumsily sitting up to hug him.
Saki hugged him back. “Could you wake up your brothers for me, please? I have a surprise planned for all of you.” He then asked, Leo nodding before turning his back to shake everyone awake.
He went to sit at the desk, setting up five small breakfast plate with his boys’ favorite juice boxes to accompany them, chuckling to himself as he heard Raphael and Donatello struggle to wake up. He vaguely heard Donnie mutter about starting a bath as he shuffled away, Raph apparently crawling after him if Leo’s comment of him having legs was any indication. And then… “Mikey, wake up- woah!”
Saki felt a small weight throw itself at one of his legs, and he looked down. Surely enough, it was his youngest. “Good morning papa!”
“Good morning, baby.” He greeted back, getting out of his chair to hug Michelangelo. The boy hugged him back as tightly as his little limbs allowed. “Did you have good dreams?”
“Yeah!” Mikey exclaimed. “You wanna hear them?”
“After breakfast, alright?” Saki proposed. “I also have a surprise for you four, so it might take a while. If you still remember them, I’ll gladly hear it. Now go take a bath with your brothers.”
“Okay!” Mikey answered as Leo dragged him away to the bathroom. “I love you!”
“I love you too.” He called back, before going back to the desk to start wrapping the presents. Thankfully, he heard no concerning yelling out of the bathroom, and just finished wrapping Mikey’s gift in bright orange before before he heard the door to the bathroom opening. “No surprises for naked tots.” He warned as they streamed out.
“We know, papa.” Donnie answered, digging into the suitcase for his favorite pullover and a pair of shorts. The rest of his brothers soon joined him, Raph not bothering with a shirt due to his shell and grabbing a blanket instead.
Saki smiled as they sat in line on the floor, handing them their breakfast before joining. "Itadakimasu."
"Itadakimasu!" The boys echo-ed, before devouring their croissants whole. Saki himself ate slower, almost laughing to himself when they all looked at him expectantly.
"Why are we up early?" Raphael asked, still sounding groggy, once he finished.
"I have gifts for you boys." Saki answered. "And the sonner we get it out of the way, the sooner we can go back on the road."
"So we're not gonna stay here?" Donnie asked, frowning. He liked staying in hotels, it was nice to have proper shelter.
"I'm afraid so. The bad men lost sight of me for now, but that doesn't mean they won't notice us staying here." That, and the clerc might be starting to catch on that all the money Saki had been paying the hotel was fake. "We leave tomorrow night."
"Oh…" Donnie sadly answered, before rubbing away watery eyes. "Good to know."
Saki smiled sadly at him, before grabbing the purple package. "Do you want yours first?" He asked, and Donnie nodded.
He carefully unwrapped the package, the paper still in one piece once he was done. He blinked at the beginner robot kit. "What's this?"
"It's a robot kit, so you can make your own robot." Saki answered, smiling. "It's not one of those giant robots like in your comics, but it's a start. Do you like it?"
Donnie nodded, a giddy smile on his face. "I do. Thank you, papa."
Saki smiled, before turning toward his other boys. "Who wants his gift next?"
"I don't want a robot." Raph bluntly answered.
"Good thing I didn't get you a robot, then." He answered, pulling out a big, unshapen thing messily wrapped in red paper. "I promise it'll look better once you unwrap it." Raph hesitantly groaned, taking the package from his father and shredding it open.
He promptly screamed in excitement at what he saw: a teddy bear that was almost as big as him. One he had seen when he and his brothers had insisted on accompanying their dad on a shopping trip, even if it meant being bundled up so no one could see their skin. "You said I can't have it!" He exclaimed.
"Well, I lied." Saki answered, smiling fondly when Raph immediately hugged his new plushie, screaming excitedly into it as his tail thumped about in excitement. His Joy was all the thanks he needed. He looked at Mikey and Leo. "Who's next?"
Mikey's hand shot up, and Saki turned toward Leo to make sure he was alright with that. He smiled. "I can wait a bit more." Leo answered, and Saki nodded before grabbing the orange package.
Mikey clumsily ripped it apart, tilting his head in confusion at the black wallet. "Uh?" He then opened it, and gasped at all the art supplies in it. "Omigosh!"
"So you can make all the art you want." Saki told him, and bracelet himself for Mikey throwing himself at him.
The tot was vibrating in his arms, stars dancing in his pitch-black eyes. "I love it! And I love you! Thank you papa!"
"You're welcome, baby. Now let me go, I need to give Leo his present." Mikey reluctantly let go, toddling to where a few sheets of blank printer paper lay. Saki turned toward Leo. "Ready for your present?"
"Mm-mm!" Leo answered, and Saki handed him the blue package. His eldest did his best to un package neatly, the paper still in one piece as the compilation of mangan volumes were unveiled. "What are those?"
"Every single published volumes of the Celestial Flame manga series." Saki answered. "They're kind of like your Space Heroes comic, but from my country! And about a young orphan boy learning how to use mysterious powers with the help of his friends instead of a space crew. If you like it, I'll try to buy you the next ones as they come out, alright?"
Leo looked happily cautious as he nodded, taking the first manga to read. "Alright. Thank you papa."
Saki smiled and nodded, getting up from the floor to sit on the bed instead. He sighed in relief as the tension in his knees faded, and simply watched as his sons enjoyed their gifts.
Despite his initial caution, it only took a few pages for Leo to immerse himself in the story, mouthing along with the words on the pages. Donnie was fully into his robot kit, reading the instructions again and again as he assembled the little drone. Mikey was surrounded by paper and colors, happily testing the pens and points as he depicted all the things he came up with. And Raph…
Saki tilted his head at his boy, who was looking at him with his plushy in his arms. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked, leaning forward. Something about him looked… down. "Why are you sad?"
"... are you sad, papa?" Raph asked, looking up at him. "You didn't get any gifts."
Saki blinked at him, before smiling. He gestured for Raph to join him on the bed, and gently patted his head when he did. "Don't worry about it baby. You four being happy is the only gift I need."
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
October 19th, 2023 - DaR, PIU XX
WE'RE HERE!!! IN THE HOME OF THE ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME!!! it was so surreal that i almost couldn't believe it... finally actually being in the state of my very first tournament... and i sure as hell was gonna make it a good one!!!
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we were already here and with little to do before my actual events started, so i went with my family to the rock & roll hall of fame and had a ton of fun there!! was way bigger than we both could've imagined, yet it was filled to the brim with the coolest stuff i've seen in a museum. 10/10 experience, wish i brought back a souvenir but the gift shop was waaay too expensive discounting what we had already paid for the entrance fee.
that was all i really know to do in ohio, so we went on our way first to eat, then to the hotel, and finally... we arrived at the event hotspot. round 1 great lakes mall, where they were already advertising the DDR tournament happening this weekend!
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i arrived at the hotspot and was... overwhelmed at first! so many people and so much noise, and it seemed like every cab was occupied. so while i was there, i warmed up with some DaR, feeling the most out of place that i could be even though everyone else here was a fellow rhythm gamer.
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after this, i wandered around some more and met some other friends that i didn't know were even coming, like zelenk/voltiva!!! and lolitsme from SCM!!! after meeting and greeting, i still wandered around for stuff to do and found that the PIU cab was completely unoccupied! only being worked on for the stream setup and the like. so i gave it a set in order to warm up for my tourney set tomorrow evening... looking good so far!
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i managed to stick around and watch most of the ddr challenges event with voltiva since there wasn't much else to do other than wait in card lines, but it looked SO FUN. i really need to sign up early next time if i even get the chance... but after that, it was time to head to the hotel and rest up, since i had a massive day ahead of me that i didn't want hindered by jet lag! until tomorrow then, see you in the next post!
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twiceinadream · 3 years
Twice React- Cockwarming Alpha S/O
Requested: Yup
Request: Can u do omega twice cockwarming for alpha reader 🧑🏾‍��
a/u: Hey, everyone! Long time no see, I’ve missed you all so much and I hope you can forgive me for being gone so long. My life has been insanely busy these last few weeks so I hope you enjoy the first thing I’ve written in nearly a month. I love you all and thank you so much for all the love and support! And remember to stream “Alcohol-free”!
Category: NSFW and Fluff
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Nayeon wouldn’t exactly call herself an “exhibitionist”, but then again, she couldn’t say she hated where this was going. You and your girlfriend had agreed to hold Twice’s weekly movie night at your apartment as the two of you spent all evening setting everything up for the girls. And it wasn’t until everyone was nearly ready to start did you pull Nayeon onto your lap and a blanket over her legs. She could feel your hardon through your pants as you snaked a hand between the two of you, pushing your pants and boxers down to let your erection breath. A challenging smile grew on your girlfriend’s lips as she moved her underwear to the side, letting you slip in as she sat back down. Stifling a moan as a jump scare jostled the both of you, making her sink further down onto your cock as she tried to maintain a neutral expression. Doing everything in her power to try and ignore the way your alpha-hood pulsed inside of her as she was forced to endure the next hour and a half filled with you.
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“Stop moving.”
It had been a few weeks since you and your girlfriend had done anything spontaneous. Your mate just didn’t think it would also involve her members. Jeong bit her lip as the grip she had on your arm tightened even more as you made a show of getting up slightly to fix the blanket you had draped over you and your girlfriend. A playful smirk covered your face as Jeongyeon resisted the urge to hit you as the jostling you caused made her stifle a moan. Your cock nestled nicely inside of her as the rest of her members continued to watch the show playing on the tv. Blissfully unaware of the evil you were conducting on their second eldest Unnie.
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Planning trips was hard and you had to commend Momo for all the work she did by herself. So you decided to pay her back the best way you could. A persistent blush covered the eldest Japanese woman’s face as she tried her hardest not to show any indication of what was going on as she moved onto your lap the first half hour into the flight. Ignoring the weird but mysteriously knowing look the flight attendant had given her when the plane had hit a bit of turbulence and she had to bite her finger to stifle the groan that threatened to spill out. You couldn’t help but chuckle lowly as Momo scowled, “Y/N, please.” You just shrugged before continuing to watch the movie that was playing on your phone. But after having you inside of her for the better part of an hour she had finally had enough as you rutted your hips into her. Finally bringing over the edge as she shuddered on top of you, silently releasing all over your lap before she slumped back into you. A cocky smile growing on your face as you whispered into your mate’s ear, “Welcome to the Mile High Club, Momoring.”
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“Oh god…”
Sana couldn’t exactly remember what had caused you two to end up in this position but she found herself on her knees in the middle of the living room with a blindfold over her eyes. She could hear you unzip your pants as the strong scent of your alpha-hood greeted her nose as you placed the tip of your cock to her lips. The corners of her lips curled up into a small smile as you pushed into her mouth. Her tongue rubbed along the underside of your shaft as Sana made a move to bob her head forward, but you stopped her with a hand threaded lightly into her hair, “Not yet, baby.” You could see her eyebrows knit together in confusion as you just kept yourself there, and as time passed you could sense your mate’s neediness as her fists furled and unfurled repeatedly against her thighs. You finally had enough of your own self restraint as you jogged your hips forward. Sana met you halfway as one of her hands came up to play with your balls while she took you down to the root, enjoying the feeling of you shallowly fucking her throat as the hand in her hair tensed as you came.
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“Patience Jagiya.”
It wasn’t necessarily Jihyo’s fault she had been so busy these past few weeks, she and her members had a comeback to prepare for and all. But that also didn’t mean you were exactly an angel either. This whole thing started out innocently, it went from your girlfriend sitting next to you on the couch, to her hand on your thigh, then somewhere after that you found yourself buried inside the tight walls of your mate’s heat as she peacefully read a book while perched on top of you. You could feel her clench and unclench around you, testing you, you hated it. Your hands were practically fisting the couch cushions as she continued to rock her hips ever so slowly. You could tell Jihyo was enjoying every second of her sadistic teasing as you whimpered into her ear, “Baby, please.” She just shook her head, “No, you were bad and brats get punished.” You let out a scoff that was cut off by the high pitched moan you let out as she dropped into your lap, making your cock dribble some cum inside of her. “You’re mean.” Jihyo just smiled as she got off you, your hard cock glistening and throbbing in the cool air of the room. “And you’re a brat.”
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“Don’t even think about it.”
Mina was okay with letting you have control. But sometimes when she wanted something, she was gonna get it. Labored breathing filled the bedroom as you collapsed on top of Mina, a satisfied smile on both of your faces as she trailed her fingers along your back. Drawing meaningless circles across your shoulder blades as she felt you soften side of her, you made a move to pull out but your mate stopped you as she suddenly flipped your guy’s positions so that she had you pinned beneath her. A look of surprise on your face as Mina sat up on your lap, “Don't move.” You raised an eyebrow in confusion before she began gyrating her hips, a shocked gasp leaving your mouth as you made a move to stop her. “W..wait.” But the Japanese woman simply ignored you as she could feel you attempt to get hard again, “I said, ‘Don’t move.’.” You whimpered as you could feel yourself growing to a second climax, a pained moan leaving you as you weakly came inside of your girlfriend. A pleased smile grew on her face as she kissed your nose, “Goodnight, Y/N.” She laid back down on top of you, your cock still inside of her as you shrugged, ‘Tomorrow morning should be fun.’
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“What if someone sees?”
Going to the beach on a hot summer day was a good idea. Or so Dahyun thought it was. The two of you had arrived early enough to find a small secluded spot on the far side of the beach that was blocked by a small cliff, leaving the two of you in your own little world as you held Dahyun to your front as she peacefully read her book. You spent the last two hours placing kisses along her neck and your hands inching closer to the inside of her thighs, and you could tell your actions were starting to affect her by the way her thighs were rubbing together and her scent was building. A frustrated groan leaving your mate as she threw down her book, “What do you want Y/N!?” You smiled coyly, “I just wanted to see if you wanted to have a little fun?” Your girlfriend’s eyebrow raised in interest, “What did you have in mind?” Dahyun was now filled to the brim with your cock as you had her sit back against your chest, her breath stuck in her throat as she tried to stay as still as possible, “By ‘fun’ I didn’t think you’d mean this.” You smiled coyly, “Well, what did you think I’d suggest?” She shrugged, “I don’t know, Marco Polo?” You let out a laugh that made you bounce slightly, causing Dahyun to rock on your hips as she let out a squeal. “Oh god.” You sat back as your hips finally stilled, “There’s more where that came from. We have all afternoon, Dahyunnie.”
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“Kinky.” (I slightly apologize for the amount of puns in this)
Chaeyoung was always done for a little exploration. She just wasn’t expecting it on a train to Busan. The two of you were on a midnight train and things were quite monotonous in a train car all alone together, so the two of you decided to spice it up. It didn’t take long for one thing to lead to another as Chaeyoung was lowering herself onto you, her ass stretching to accommodate the small amount of discomfort you caused as she sat flush on your lap. And that’s all the two of you did for the majority of the time until your girlfriend began to get squirmy on top of you, her anal walls clenching around you when you decided it was time to give her what she wanted. Ensuring that no one else was around you bent your girlfriend over the train seat as you railed her into the padding. Your combined moans filling the train car as you bottomed out inside of her and came, your reached a hand around to play with her clit as you felt her walls contract around you again. Content sighs leaving your lips as you sat back into the seats.
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It was understatement to say that nine people alone wasn’t a lot of people. But it wasn’t enough that Tzuyu had to sit on your lap to “make room” in the jacuzzi. It had happened so fast that you barely registered what your girlfriend had done as she innocently sat onto your lap. Only it wasn’t so innocent since she had freed your alpha-hood from your bathing suit and pushed the bottom of her bathing suit aside and took you inside of her. Your breath caught in your throat as Tzuyu grinded down into you ever so slightly as your hands flew to her hips, trying your best to resist the urge to take her then and there. But you held back as you continued your conversation with Jeongyeon and Momo about new cafés opening up around the city. You almost forgot you were a cock deep inside your mate as she began moving up and down suddenly to splash Nayeon and Chaeyoung who were opposite her, making you grip on her hips tighten as you felt the knot inside your stomach come undone as you suddenly came inside of her. A surprised look took over both of your faces as she turned around to stare at you in disbelief. A dark blush covered your cheeks as you buried your face into the back of her hair, Tzuyu was totally gonna make you pay for that later.
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Back to the 118 // Evan Buckley
IN WHICH: Buck meets the firefighter he replaced as the reader transfers back to the 118. The reader never expected to fall for a co-worker the first day back at the 118 after two years spent at the 155 in Los Feliz.
Warnings: Swearing, sickness, hospitals, health issues, pregnancy, angst and a shit ton of fluff
Words: 5.9k
A/N: So this is obviously a modern au for jatp to fit in the 911 universe. To make this work, Buck replaced Reader instead of Tommy after many failed probies. Eddie then later replaced Tommy.
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Your e/c eyes scanned the outward appearance of the first firehouse you’d worked at fresh out of the Academy. The place that had become a second home from the increased tension-filled house your parents still lived in. A place you had escaped as quickly as you could for a dream career. A career your parents hadn’t been proud of in the beginning, with the danger that came with being a firefighter paramedic.
“You the new recruit?”
Your eyes fell from the building to the male individual standing near the open bay the engine and ladder truck both used. The male in question must have joined the 118 after you transferred to the 155. The stranger towered at least six feet minimum with blue eyes and short blonde hair with the slightest wave.
“Flint!” The excited voice of the only other female paramedic called out. You only saw dark navy before you were pretty much tackled.
Hen and Chimney had equally taken you under their wings when you initially joined as a rookie. You’d been the second female firefighter-paramedic at the 118 and the youngest by far. As if you’d summoned him, you felt the arms of Chimney sandwich you against Hen.
“Flint?” The stranger parroted, blinking his eyes at the rather unusual scene of Chimney and Hen wrapped around an unknown girl.
“What are you doing here?” Chimney questioned, stepping back. Hen scoured your entire form for any differences that had occurred.
“Y/N decided to come home,” Bobby spoke from a few feet behind the reunion with the beaming smile on his features. His lips pulled into a smile directed at the first recruit he’d taken on his first year at the 118.
“Bobby!” You grinned, meeting the father figure in the middle of the distance between you two. Bobby wrapped you up in his arms tightly, a certain lightness cocooning the Captain as he took in his friends.
“You’re back here?”
“Everything is squared back at home now, thankfully, and while I loved working with the 155, it wasn’t home. This will always be home.”
“Buck, this is Y/N Patterson. She worked her first two years with the 118 before transferring to the 155 in Los Feliz. Y/N, this is one of our newest members, Evan Buckley.” Bobby gestured towards the previously nameless firefighter.
“Who would leave the 118?” Buck questioned, unable to come up with a valid reason to leave the family at 118.
Buck’s opinion didn’t stand with his only workplace after successfully becoming a firefighter solely was the 118. Never had he worked in another firehouse. He’d been a fire marshall and volunteered his time in the Austin wildfire, but he always came home to the 118.
“Family issues.”
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2018, Firehouse 118, Los Angeles
A fresh-faced, albeit dirty from sweat and soot, jumped down from the engine truck’s high steps. The synchronized slam of doors sounded from your colleagues and friends Hen and Chimney. All three individuals famished for the casserole Bobby had premade during the slow morning.
“Baked Mac n’ Cheese.” Tommy breathed from his position by the driver side. Tommy Kinard was a stoic man towering over six feet. He was always a gentle giant after you’d bonded after a hard call.
“Clean up, and I’ll have it in the oven. It’s Chimney’s time to make the salad and Flint’s turn to set the table.” Bobby spoke with barely a glance to the ground ahead of him. 
Your Captain jogged towards the stairs, whereas his team made their way to the locker rooms for a well-deserved shower. You and Hen split away from Tommy and Chimney to the women’s locker room that had gotten an upgrade.
Well, before you joined the Academy, the locker room had been used as a glorified game room, all thanks to the misogynist Captain from hell. Hen often had over the years mentioned how lucky you got with Bobby being your first Captain.
“Chimney better not put those onions like he did last time.” You spoke from under the stream of warm water. Nothing beat the warmth of a shower near the end of your shift erasing the evidence of your job.
“Man needs to learn the complimentary salad to the main dish.” Hen piped up from across the shower room.
You and Hen had both showered and redressed in a fresh uniform in under five minutes, the dirty one placed in a laundry bag. You’d managed to beat the boys to the upstairs by a few seconds. Enough to set half of the able before Chimney began to making his salad of choice.
“Looks great, Cap.” Tommy complimented the gooey homemade pasta Bobby religious made every third Thursday. He alternated between pasta recipes with the odd new recipe every once in a while.
“What are you waiting for? The bell?” Bobby quipped to the unmoving bunch of hungry individuals. His words started the boisterous meal time preceding the end of shift.
“So, we’re halfway through dinner and Amber-” Your phone interrupted the disaster date Tommy had begun telling. He continued as soon as you waved him to go ahead while you took the call.
“Hello?” You breathed into the phone.
“Hi, sweetheart.” The warmth infused in your mom’s voice soothed the ruffled feathers from the call you’d come back from, “How are you?”
“I’m good! We just finished eating. My shift is almost over, and I’ll have to go straight to the store for groceries-”
“Y/N, we found him.”
The him was easy to figure out given your brother had run away from home three months prior with only his dreams in mind. You’d spent most of your off time, sometimes even during shift out on a call, to scan the environment for Luke. You became a regular in questioning hospitals and homeless shelters.
“Where was he?”
“His band had been about to play at some big venue last night.” Mom’s word choice concerned you. Her voice dripped with sadness instead of the typical disappointment and annoyance on anything to do with Sunset Curve.
“Mom, what’s going on?”
“A few nights ago, the boys got hotdogs-”
“Streetdogs.” You interrupted with evident anger in your tone at the mention of those death dogs Luke consumed. You can’t even give a number to how many times you had told him how unsanitary and dangerous the food is.
“Something was wrong with the food. They got ill fast. Alex and Reggie are being kept for observation but will be found with a few days of rest.”
“What about Luke?”
“He tried to call 911; he was weak and fell. Y/N, he hit his head. He’s in the ICU in a coma.” Emily Patterson’s voice cracked as soon as she acknowledged the current state of her youngest child.
The colours of the world dulled as soon as your mind clicked that Luke was in the hospital. Your little brother had put himself in danger all because he had a big dream. Your mind flashed through your life growing up with him.
You remembered talking to your mom’s growing bump when she was pregnant with Luke. You remembered five-year-old Luke unable to settle unless you sang to him. Your voice was nothing special, but it soothed the little boy when he had a nightmare. You could vividly recall teaching Luke how to play the guitar when he was thirteen; the brunette a complete natural at it.
“What’s his prognosis?”
“Too early to tell. The doctor is hoping Luke will be in a general room after tomorrow if the swelling goes down. I wanted you to know as soon as possible.”
“How’s Dad?”
Emily hesitated from her position by a hospital bed. Her brown eyes carefully scanning the male sleeping soundly in the bed.
“Your father had a heart attack last night. That’s why I haven’t been able to tell you sooner. He’s currently sleeping, but he’ll have a barrage of tests later today-”
“I’ll be there as soon as my shif-”
“No. Don’t drop anything. I can keep you up.”
“Excuse my language, but there’s no way in hell I’m staying away from my family. I’ll take a few days off. I’ll see you in a couple hours.” Your thumb tapped the red circle on the bottom of your screen.
The 118 didn’t bother pretending they hadn’t been watching your form during your phone call. Bobby felt like something had drastically changed in a few minutes you’d been busy on the phone.
“Everything okay?” Bobby inquired from his position at the kitchen sink. His hands in the sudsy water to scrub the empty pan.
“My brother and my father are in hospital. I’m gonna need some days off.” You informed your boss with a look of utter defeat coating your expression.
Those few days transitioned to transferring to the closest firehouse to your childhood home and the hospital. The medical bills from both your brother and father had begun to overwhelm your mother with the current single source of income. Emily didn’t ask you for anything, but you started renting the home you’d bought for extra money.
It was a silent agreement that you paid rent as a cover to helping with the bills piling up.
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Present Day, Firehouse 118
Buck followed behind the welcoming group to the girl that seemed larger than life. Buck was impressed by the sacrifice you’d made for the good of your family. You’d willingly given up the family of the 118. Buck didn’t know if he could do the same.
“Welcome back.” Hen cheered on her guidance to the heaven everyone called the kitchen. Your department issue duffle bag dropped out of the wall on the top level.
Your eyes zeroed in on the spread of your favourite foods prepared by the only person aware of your return. It was only one look of gratitude towards the father figure before everyone dug in.
A few changes had occurred since you’d last sat at this table. Tommy Kinard had left the 118 for the 217 shortly after your departure. He’d been replaced by the ready to impress Buck. One thing that hadn’t changed was the delicious food Bobby made.
Your eyes found the sole empty chair at the long table, “Didn’t you say the house took on two new recruits since I left?”
“Buck took your position when you left. We had a revolving door of firefighters before Buck permanently joined.” Chimney supplied with a mouth full of lettuce and grated carrot. Hen whacked his arm for his lack of manners.
“You’ll meet Eddie on the next shift. He took the day off. It’s his son’s first birthday since his mom died.” Bobby informed you with that pinched wrinkle between his eyebrows, “He joined after Tommy left.”
“Well, I can’t wait to meet the entire team.” You replied, looking past to the circular table behind Bobby’s spot. Sam and Ryan both waved happily upon catching sight of you back at your unspoken seat.
You listened intently as Hen shared the changes Denny had gone through in the time you’d been away. Chimney was ecstatic to point out the faint scar on his forehead.
“You had rebar go through your skull, and you’re completely fine?” You questioned, floored by the pure luck Chimney had.
“Oh, it was nasty. Went in from the back of the skull to the front.” Buck spoke enthusiastically, recounting the scene. Chimney deadpanned a look at his younger coworker, “Oh, sorry.”
“It’s like you never had it happen.”
“Doc was shocked at how positive the outcome and healing was. I was back at work within a month on light duty. I beat my record getting in my turnout gear.” 
“And yet my little brother was comatose for two months.” You grumbled under your breath. None of the people could make out the words, but the grimace on your face was enough to show them it was personal.
In true 118 fashion, the bell rang throughout the firehouse with the disembodied voice declaring the type and location. Yoru e/c eyes found Buck climbing into the driver’s seat where Tommy had once commandeered. It was odd not having the man who’d became an older brother to you.
“How’re your parents?” Hen questioned, sitting diagonally from you. Her fingers repositioning the radio on her chest.
“Dad’s recovering pretty good. Mom’s started attending her knitting club again.” 
Buck’s eyes raised to the rearview mirror to meet yours in interest, “What happened?”
“Uh...my dad had a heart attack a couple years ago. He took a long time to recover with the further stress that caused it.” You piped up, understanding the news would come out at some point, “My little brother was in an accident that left him in a coma. Life was just as messy after he woke up.”
“He’s okay?” Chimney questioned, “I know we’ve never met them, but it really gutted you.”
“Well, physically, he’s fine, but emotionally he’s upset. He was in a band, and when he came out of the coma, he found out some devastating news.” You continued to explain, but unfortunately, or maybe, fortunately, you’d come to the scene.
It was a little known place most teenagers discovered as a hang out spot just on the edge between your county and the next. The location was the infamous spot of cliff jumping; you knew because this was something you’d recklessly done in high school.
“He’s over here!” A blonde male of average height called from the edge of the cliff. His blue eyes were bright even from this distance, matching the detailing on his swim trunks.
Surrounding the edge with the boy was a group of teenagers his age, all in different versions of swimsuits. You found the scared brown eyes of a beautiful girl you vaguely knew from the few shows of Sunset Curve you had watched. Her dark blonde hair plaited out of her face. Her face clicked as Carrie Wilson, Bobby’s sister or cousin.
You jogged towards the edge of the cliff to look over. It was easily between fifteen to twenty feet from the edge of the cliff to the water. You recognized Hen crouching by your side, looking at what you were looking at.
On the rocks was a prone body of a teenage male with bruises already forming on his face from where you could see. His thick shoulder-length hair laid still half in the ponytail and around his head.
“Head trauma.” You murmured to Hen, scanning from a distance, “I can’t tell much from this height and angle.”
“Either a broken tibia or fibula. Spinal injury is definitely a concern.”
“Okay, his name is Willie Young. He’s eighteen years old. His sister Kayla was dared to jump off by doing some kind of flip. Willie took her dare and didn’t jump far enough or tripped over a rock.” Bobby listed having been talking with the group of teenagers all shook up.
“I can rappel-” Buck began to speak before you cut him off firmly.
“It would take too long, and the angle is difficult. Nobody rappels down it; the cliff isn’t stable enough. It crumbles pretty easy, and the unofficial name of this cliff is Devil’s Dive.” Your eyes found Carrie’s tear-filled once and the utter devastation in who you pegged as Kayla.
“How do you know that?”
“Because I’ve jumped off this cliff for years as a teenager. You’re looking at the resident champion of self reckless endangerment at Devil’s Dive.” 
Hen, Chimney and Bobby each stared, shocked at your revelation of stupid teenager decisions.
“Then how are we gonna get down there,” Buck questioned, staring at the unconscious teenager lying on the rocks.
“Easy, I can jump from here into the water and climb onto the rocks to where Willie is. I have the experience of how and where to jump safely.” You spoke to your Captain with complete confidence in your abilities, “You can lower down the kit, radio and backboard by a rope. There’s a mansion beyond the trees that you can ask to borrow a boat from the owner. He’s eccentric and questionable but nice enough.”
Bobby nodded his head to your plan. You unbuttoned your uniform shirt to strip down to the department t-shirt with the emblem on your chest and across your back. You kept the boots and emptied your pockets of anything. The butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the height of the cliff you hadn’t jumped from in years.
“I’ll jump where-”
“Excuse me?” You scoffed at Buck’s assumption he could follow you.
“You’ll need another pair of hands to roll him on the backboard. I don’t have anyone waiting for me at home. This is kinda what I do. Bobby cleared it already.” Buck shrugged with a half-smirk on his handsome face.
With a roll of your eyes, you quickly gave Buck a rundown on how to jump correctly before you tossed yourself off the cliff. The cold water momentarily shocked your system as soon you submerged under the water. You swam to the surface before swimming towards the rocks. Willie hadn’t moved an inch.
“Whoa! That was so cool!” Buck cheered once he’d appeared on the surface of the water, “No wonder you used to do that!” 
His excitement both annoyed and amused you, “Eh. I was just an idiot kid who thought they were invincible.”
The two firefighters lifted themselves onto the rock formation, where blood stained the rock. While Buck retrieved the backboard and essentials from the rope, your hands moved across Willie’s body, checking for breaks. You caught the c-collar Buck tossed without looking. You quickly but gently put the collar on Willie.
“Hi, Willie. My name is Y/N, and I’m a paramedic. I’m gonna check you over for injuries.” You informed the teenager closely. You’d only just opened his eyes to flash a light on them, “Buck let Bobby know Willie’s pupils are reactive to light and the same size.”
“Got it!” Buck called out from the open medkit, “I’ll splint his leg.”
“W-what happened?” Willie wheezed sluggishly. His brown eyes were unfocused.
“You got hurt trying to jump off the cliff. You’re in good hands, Willie. I’m a paramedic with the Los Angeles Fire Department. This is my coworker Buck.”
“Perfectly safe, but you did give her a scare. Willie, can you feel this?” Buck questioned, gently touching his right foot. Buck and you both gave a sigh of relief as Willie confirmed he felt it.
 “Okay, we’re gonna roll you on to the backboard. On three: one, two, three.” You counted before rolling Willie on his side with Buck. Willie’s cry echoed around the surrounding as you settled him on the board.
“Need a ride?” Chimney asked as a very nice boat floated towards the three people on the rocks. Hen and Bobby helped load Willie onto the boat, “Mr. Covington agreed to let us use the boat if we don’t get blood on the seats.”
“Can you call my boyfriend?” Willie sluggishly asked when he was loaded into the ambulance on the cliff. Kayla sliding into the seat in the back of the ambulance with their items.
“Alex is meeting us at the hospital.” Kayla told her older brother, “You absolute idiot! You should have just let me jump!”
“And let you be in the back of the ambulance? Dad would kill me if I had let you do it.” Willie scoffed. Their conversation was silent as Chimney and Buck closed the back doors of the ambulance.
Bobby, Buck and you climbed into the fire truck to follow the ambulance to the closest hospital. Hen and Chimney rolled the gurney to the doors with Kayla hot on their heels. You’d just turned to head back to the truck when you saw three teens loitering near the entrance.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You grumbled, marching away from Bobby and Buck to the teen who was supposed to be in class.
Luke had been forced into private tutoring to catch up to his friends in his grades, meaning every afternoon. The watch on your wrist confirmed Luke was definitely supposed to be with his tutor at the community centre.
“Luke!” You shouted, stomping right up to the wide-eyed teen.
Luke’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as his older intimidating sister caught him like his hand was in the cookie jar. You didn’t give Reggie or Alex a second look while you gripped Luke’s ear to tug him away.
“Ow!” Luke whined from the angle you dragged him at.
“What the hell are you doing across the city? You’re supposed to be in your session that our parents are paying a great deal for.” You snapped, crossing your arms in your wet t-shirt.
“We need every chance we can to-”
“Make it big in the industry.” You parroted the past discussions on Luke’s dream as a band, “Do you remember how I got mom and dad off your back? An agreement that you finish high school on time. Not dropping out.”
“So many musicians have dropped out! Green Day’s frontman dropped out his senior year to focus on the band. Several others like Elton John and Kurt Cobain!” Luke enthused, gesturing with his hand to emphasize his words.
“Luke.” You warned, “It’s either catch by with a tutor with some time dedicated to your band, or it’s a military school.”
Luke’s hazel eyes minimally widened, “They would-”
Your stoic expression stayed the same as the energetic seventeen-year-old bounced in his spot across from you. 
“There’s only so much I can do before you lose everything. I know you feel anxious after what all happened, but music isn’t going anywhere.” You reached to squeeze Luke’s hand in yours, “So, I’ll clear it with my boss to have you ride the bus to the station. You’ll have your tutor sessions with my supervision, so I know you’re attending.”
“Y/N!” Bobby called from next to the firetruck, “We gotta go.”
“I’m guessing the Alex that Willie is dating your best friend?” You questioned with one raised eyebrow. Luke nodded in response, “Let mom know you had to be there for Alex. She’ll let skipping your session go this once.”
“Thanks!” Luke chimed, lunging to hug you. Your mouth barely opened before he was racing towards a jittery Alex and a grinning Reggie.
Reggie lifted his arm to wave with his flushed cheeks a darker red colour. You found Reggie’s crush on you to be absolutely adorable. He was a friendly kid.
“He looks good for a kid who was in a coma not long ago.” Hen breathed as the teenager entered the ER with his best friends beside him.
“Oh, he healed quickly. He was crushed after he fully recovered from his head injury.”
“That was your brother?” Buck inquired, and he was just as focused on your features as he had since he first met you. 
“Yeah! He was in a coma for ten months when he was sixteen. He’s spent the last two years catching on on school to graduate with his friends. Well hopefully. He’s dead set on dropping out.” You heavily sighed, leaning your temple on the glass window, “He was supposed to be at a tutoring session. I’ll be chaperoning to make sure he goes.”
“If you need to have them at the station, send me a schedule, and I’ll make it work. Luke’s just as much family as you are.”
The rest of the shift was smooth sailing as Buck followed you around with the sole purpose of getting to know you. The friendship came naturally to the two of you. He didn’t hold back with you like he did with others. Fridays off became hangouts that varied from just Buck and you to spend it with Eddie and Christopher.
Everyone could see Buck had developed feelings for you and vice versa. Unlike the man Buck used to be, he was cautious. He wanted to do this right. And Buck did. With the help of Christopher, he asked you out.
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Months Later
Buck’s eyes fluttered open in the dim lighting of your new home’s bedroom he often found himself in. Before, you had alternated staying at his apartment or yours before a significant change happened. Luke moved in to finish his senior year with the help of your tutoring, as agreed with your parents. That led to you giving up your former home, the one that coincidentally Buck’s sister Maddie had rented from you.
“Luke! You better be awake!” Your voice came from the main floor of the home. Your voice alone seduced the firefight to leave the warm sheets.
His bare feet pattered down the hardwood floor stairs into the kitchen coated in all different kinds of breakfast food. Waffles to imported maple syrup to bacon spread across the counter.
“Morning,” Buck grumbled, stepping up behind you to tug you against his chest.
Unlike Buck’s softer footsteps, your little brother tore down the stairs like a stampede of elephants. Luke wore a vintage band shirt modified sleeveless; you’d be getting a voicemail about dress code violations. The chains hanging off his black jeans.
“You have to hurry, Lu. Buck and I can’t be late. He needs to get to his apart-”
“I don’t see why he doesn’t just move in. He’s here almost every night. He helps buy groceries.” Luke’s hazel eyes stared at the plate he towered food on.
Buck raised one eyebrow in response, “You just moved in. You should be settled before we make-”
“Dude. Your lease is up in like a month; just move in already. No feathers will be ruffled. Besides, the band’s taking off now that Nick got his dad Ryan to check our music out.” Luke sprouted with a beaming smile at the good news his new band received.
After Luke had recovered from that coma, he’d woken up in a world where Alex, Reggie and Bobby, no Trevor, now continued the band. Then when Alex and Reggie couldn’t go on, the rhythm guitarist betrayed Luke. He stole every song he could get his hands on and proved successful.
“Ryan Evans, right? His sister’s some bigshot on Broadway? Sharpay, right?” You questioned recalling in the early 2000s the success of Sharpay and Ryan in some kind of Disney films based on them.
“You’re about to be the sister and brother-in-law of a certified rockstar.” Luke’s attempt at smirking made him look like a chipmunk with full cheeks of food, “I don’t need a ride. Alex’s picking me up.”
“Straight to school, Luke. You’ve got two weeks left before you can leave that behind.” Buck pointed his coffee cup in the direction of the passionate musician. Luke returned a smile of acknowledgement.
The kitchen was quiet as Luke shoved as much food in his mouth in such little time while you watched. In a flash, he’d stuck his dishes in the dishwasher before sprinting out to the van beeping continuously.
“Think we can have you moved in by tomorrow? Your one-bedroom place will be a little cramped for five people.” You simply spoke as you rinsed your coffee cup out. You could hear the wheels in Buck’s brain turning as he thought.
“Five people?��
“Yeah. Luke, Albert, me, you and baby Buckley.”
The entire home went completely still as the announcement bled into the house you’d made a home. One hand resting against the smoothness of your belly. That hand covered by the calloused one of Buck’s. His blue eyes gleaming in utter adoration and excitement.
“Baby Buckley?” Buck marvelled, turning you to face him with tears running down your cheeks, “You’re pregnant?”
“I am. I guess we’re giving Maddie’s daughter a cousin.” You grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Now I’m obligated to see your parents regularly, and I still grimace at the first introduction.” Buck winced, recalling the foot in mouth syndrome he’d developed.
Buck had never been as nervous as in this moment. Not when he had to tell his parents the first time he got kicked out of college. Or when his teenage self sat beside one of his flings waiting for the results of a pregnancy test. Not even on his first date with Abby. 
“You’ll be fine.” You soothed the anxious man standing by your side on the doorstep of your childhood home. The door opened, revealing Luke standing with a grimace, “Oh Mom, made you wear that.”
Luke had been stuffed into one of the only long-sleeved shirts he owned by your mother. It was a magenta maroon hued corduroy shirt and set off his chocolate hair perfectly. Apparently, your mother hadn’t been able to get him into a pair of pants that weren’t skinny, black or ripped.
“We’re meeting your boyfriend, not the damn Pope-”
“You wouldn’t be wearing that if the Pope was involved.” You retorted, stepping to tug the younger Patterson into your arms. The only thing you adored about your little brother was he never denied a hug. Physical touch is his love language, so he never went through a phase.
“Lucas, don’t let them freeze on the front porch!” Emily shouted from within the Patterson home. Luke rolled his eyes at his mother’s request.
“Luke, this is my boyfriend, Evan Buckley. Buck, this is my not so little brother Luke.” You swiftly introduced the most important males in your life.
Luke and Buck got along better than any previous partner you’d brought home. He got along with your parents really well. Even when he slightly embarrassed himself as the time came to go home, whether it was his place or yours. He kissed your mother’s cheek and shook hands with your father.
“No offence, but thank you for having a heart attack and a coma. If you hadn’t, I’m sure I would have never met Y/N.”
Luke snickered at Buck’s odd choice of words, as did your parents. A part of Buck dreaded the next time he’d see your parents.
The gentle press of lips against your cheek pulled you from your thoughts of the first family dinner. Despite the issues between Luke and your parents, they were great people and parents; Buck had felt like he finally fit in. Even with that awkward thankful he gave your brother and dad, he was family the minute Mitch and Emily saw the mutual looks.
“How are we gonna do this?”
“Well, as the pregnant one, I’ll carry the little Bean until it’s time for them to enter the world. Then we’ll-”
“I get that but with our jobs?”
You felt guilty at the dread of not getting to do what you love, but you were excited, “I’ll keep working as a paramedic. I’ll stay away from fires, and then I’ll go on mat leave. We’ll make this work, Buck.” 
Buck leaned down to rest his forehead against yours with his eyes closed, envisioning how life was about to change. Buck adored children. He had loved Christopher from the moment he’d first met him. Buck himself was a kid at heart. 
“I didn’t think I could fall more in love, but you continue to surprise me each time,” Buck murmured with that gorgeous smile that utterly melted your heart from the first time you saw it. Back when you tried to deny any feelings beyond friendship.
“We’re so lucky to have you, Evan Buckley.” You breathed as you leaned up to kiss him with as much passion as you could. Although it was mostly clashing of teeth with the matching wide grins on your face.
“This little girl is gonna be a heartbreaker but no boyfriends or girlfriends until they’re thirty.” Buck declared, tugging you into his arms. His blue eyes twinkling in the natural lighting.
“It could be a boy.”
“Or maybe neither. Boy, girl or non-binary, I’ll love them just as much.” Buck spoke once more.
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Gideon Buckley was born in the early morning to the pride of his parents and extended family. He was a healthy solid 8 pounds with sparse dark blonde hair and the trademark grey-blue newborn eyes. You everyone but Buck and your surprise Gideon wasn’t alone. Grace Buckley followed her older twin brother eight minutes later.
You rested against the propped up pillows spent from the exhausting hours of labour, but it was worth it. The two tiny babies snuggled beneath the swaddling blanket concealing your bare chest. Skin to skin contact was absolutely the best part of being a parent.
“Did you steal a baby?” Chim joked upon entering the hospital room with Maddie in tow. Right behind them were your parents and Luke.
“I’d like you to meet our twins Gideon and Grace Buckley. Surprise!” Buck quietly cheered in the nearly silent room. Buck’s curated newly parents playlist gently playing in the background.
Mitch and Emily came closer to look at the little loves they proudly got to claim as their first grandchildren. Emily’s heart melted upon hearing Gracie coo in her sleep. Grace and Gideon’s fist pressed against each other.
“Congratulations.” Maddie breathed, bending to catch a peek at the twins’ faces.
“Luke. Would you like to meet your goddaughter and godson?” You questioned the nervous musician. The nineteen-year-old tiptoed his way to the hospital bed.
“I’m both their godfather?” Luke choked as soon as Buck gently transferred Gideon onto his uncle’s chest. 
“There’s no one else in the world I’d choose to help guide them in the right direction. You always found your way back onto the right path. You’ll do the same for them.” Buck answered with Gracie nestled on his chest.
 Buck was the first to hold them followed by you and then their godfather Luke.
Gid and Gracie, although unseen, had been in Luke’s graduation pictures and watched as Julie and the Phantoms signed with a record label. Where Gid was, Luke wasn’t far beyond; the special bond melted everyone. Likewise with Gracie and Alex.
Gid overall was a happy baby compared to Grace. Loved visiting the firehouse. Loved the people working with their father and previously their mother. For the entire first year of Gideon and Grace’s life, you stayed at home with the utter support of Buck.
“First day back.” Hen spoke from beside you on the bench in the women’s change room. As a fellow mother, she’d been watching your behaviour.
“I miss them. I feel guilty that I abandoned them-”
“Okay, your feelings are valid, but you aren’t abandoning Gideon or Grace. You’re teaching them that you can be a great mom while also being a badass firefighter. I was the same when I went back to work after we got Denny.”
“Do you ever wish you could be a stay at home mom?”
“I love Denny with my entire heart, but I couldn’t do that. I was meant to be a paramedic firefighter as much as Denny’s mother. Besides, I can see Maddie pushing in the double stroller.”
Your head snapped to see your sister in law beaming with the double stroller carrying Gideon and Grace. Maddie’s daughter sitting on the seat made for a toddler. Maddie and Chimney had come to a decision for Maddie to work part-time.
Hen watched as you bounded out of the changeroom in uniform to scoop the twins into your arms. In a split second, Buck was down the stairs cooing at the absolute loves of his life. His partner and two children.
Buck would forever be grateful for finding his way to the 118, where he found his true family. A place of acceptance, love, trust and loyalty. Buck found his place in the world, and that was beside you.
Julie and the Phantoms Taglist
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @merceret @kexrtiz @biqherosix @lukewearingbeanies @dangersolns @soverignparker @omgdani17​ @julessbrown
9-1-1 Taglist:
@julessbrown @msmarvelsmain​
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