#I want to do the order miraculous box generation post
mymiraclebox · 1 month
when there's like five things you want to post about but all of them hinge on you finishing a timeline.
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aha-chuu · 10 months
My thoughts on the Fontaine characters rn (pre 4.0)
I saw someone making a post about their thoughts and they were tragically wrong and I disagreed. So here I am, being opinionated.
I'm not gonna discuss leaks, I'm just talking about the character designs and what lore we know from the trailer and teaser :))
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So, Lyney is great. I love that he's kind of sussy, and his teaser that recently came out is almost... Sinister. And yet, he also checks the boxes of being really fun and extroverted! Venti vibes tbh.
Design wise? His animations are the best in the game, hands down. They suit the performance aspect of his character perfectly and are almost enough to make me pull for him.
Tragically, his character design isn't really for me. I think the simplicity works with the bombastic animations, and I'm glad to see he's wearing a reasonable outfit for the job he does (a rarity in Genshin). And yet, I'm a bit too much of a lesbian to be uber interested in the twinky direction his design leans.
Not pulling.
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So she's super cute. We have got a lot of cat girls already (I think Lyney should have also been a cat-person tbh) but I love that Lyney isn't actually doing cat things. Like, she's this subdued introvert, no meowing during her attacks or curling up in boxes like Kirara. She's just a person.... Who's also a cat.
I like her character design better than Lyney's; the blue just stands out a lot more than his red does, and the big bow is a better centerpiece to her design than Lyney's hat is to his. Plus, her animations are also nice.
We're getting her for free so I likely won't pull, but I am already preparing artifacts to build her on my account.
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Have I said how much I like sibling dynamics? These three actually seem pretty close and like they will gasp interact with each other! In comparison to the likes of the Kamisatos, this is miraculous.
I know several people who love this guy, and I do think he looks good. I saw some complaints about his hair cut (I think it's adorable), and the chunky boots & coat really serve to emphasise his awkwardness without sacrificing aesthetics.
Unfortunately, he's a physical claymore character, so it's a big skip from me.
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Well she's a brat huh. I worry after Raiden that they'll destroy Furina's character arc in order to make her more palatable, but I want her to go full Marie Antoinette. All the lore with the Oceanids disliking her and the general stuff about using the court for entertainment make me very interested in her.
As a design, I just dislike the twin tails. I love the blazer and the huge gem and the hat that's actually a crown!! Like, Furina is extravagant and over the top, obviously self obsessed - she looks perfect in that regard.
Since she's the archon and she's Hydro, she'll probably be broken meta wise. I'll likely pull, but mostly to make cool teams with her, not because she's a fave of mine specifically.
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... Father?
FR though, I understand why several people are crazy about this man. I do wish he looked a bit older since that's sort of where his characterisation is - he's done with Furina's shit and he's doing all the actual work of running Fontaine. With the elf ears, I expect him to be some sort of long-life species - he has no visible Vision and his hair kind of looks oceanid-like, so I figure he's not actually human. That along with the slits in his eyes. I hope he turns out to be older than Furina, and that he has a kind of reluctant dad & spoiled daughter relationship with her; we do see him tell her off in the teaser.
Neuvilette is the most feminine tall man character and the hair is a great aspect of the design. The colour palette is good and I do like the robes since he's a Judge, however I think it might get a bit boring to look at when you're playing as him - which is probably why the hair is so dramatic, in order to bring interest to the design.
He'll probably be Hydro and he'll probably be a catalyst based on that outfit (it's not exactly maneuverable enough for anything else ':))). I am interested in pulling almost a 100%.
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Another man???
I don't understand people talking about the lack of husbandoes in Fontaine, like look at these fine gentlemen.
We don't have much official info on Wriothesley so I'm gonna dip a little into leaks here, skip if you don't wanna know. He is some sort of prison warden which I bop with - it's an expected expansion on the justice landscape of Fontaine. He's on the rough side of the Fontaine infrastructure, in comparison to most of the other characters. That interests me since it feeds more into the duality themes of Fontaine, though currently we're unevenly biased rn to the more santized characters.
Design wise he's one of my favourites. White/black/red looks so good, as does his kind of punk esque chains. The tie puts me off somewhat, like he looks sort of smart and put together, but then the rest of the design undercuts that.
Leaks say Wriothesley is a physical standard banner five star. This fills me with fear. I also don't know what his actual personality will be, so let's say I'm undecided on pulling him.
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I liked her personality and en VA in that one TCG event, unfortunately much like that event, Charlotte looks boring. She's cute, whatever, but she doesn't seem particularly story relevant and her design hasn't captured me.
I'm just not that interested.
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Okay, she's cuter than Charlotte she's a sea slug person so immediately more interesting. She was also hanging out with Wriothesley, which is so adorable considering how different they seem.
We're dipping back into leaks here, but it seems like she might be another Hydro healer. I've seen people annoyed by this, but I'm perfectly fine with it - I don't have Kokomi and I like Nilou bloom as much as the next person.
If Sigewinne is a four star, I hope she's on a banner for a cool five star.
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I know a lot of people like this woman. Taylor Swift etc (I am not overly into Taylor Swift), but I think Navia could be cool.
I find her design overcrowded. I do think this suits the fact that we're playing with French Revolution ideas and she's part of the bourgeoisie, so ofc she's overdecorated and elaborate in her fashion. Even though it makes sense, I still don't like the arsthetic of it.
On the other hand, I do like the yellow - it's not a colour we see in too many Genshin designs. I don't really like how it fits with the blue jewellery though.
Personality wise, I worry a bit that she's gonna be our waifu bait, but they did Dehya's characterisation really well without falling into that trap. Navia could be very fun and I think there's a lot of promise in the idea that she might be a class traitor, teaming up with us against the Fontaine government (wow Genshin loves a corrupt government huh).
Will I pull? She's a geo claymore user and my triple crowned Itto is already collecting dust. That's a no from me.
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Everyone say hello to my wife:
(I'm waiting)
I've seen so many people mad at Clorinde when I think she looks great. Her outfit is simpler than is typical for Genshin, but that's cos she's a no-nonsense fighter type! Like how we saw with Lyney, more muted designs often mean more dramatic animations, and we already saw Clorinde doing some dynamic fight stuff in the trailer.
She really interests me in that she's a champion duellist, strong enough that even Childe wants to fight her. We see Clorinde works directly beside Neuvilette in the trailer, so she must be high up in position. A gun and a sword? She's trying to kill Navia, but the Devs describe their relationship as "complicated"??
Clorinde is an Electro woman and these are always queer fyi.
I hope she's pretty straight laced, but not quite in the Sara way. She's boring tbh, mostly because she is always answering to someone else, and she gets so little screen time. For Clorinde to work, I think she needs to have independence and apt presence in the story to be explored - not just a prop/obstacle.
Her personality makes me fearful, but rn I'm pulling 100%.
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tumblingxelian · 2 months
Something of a spin on "Miraculous Classroom" idea of @princess-of-the-corner fame.
Summary: When Carline helped Chloe smuggle Adrien into the school system, she also took the opportunity to... Tweak her class roster.
Only a little, just enough that she could finally have the time to focus on the students who needed more guidance, be it with work and education, illnesses or... attitude.
Unfortunately, her carefully laid plans come to naught when Marinette's cooler opens to reveal not a cake, but ten little gods intent n reclaiming their lost siblings.
& her students want to help them.
A Miraculous what if/AU, there are twelve Kwami, nine students, several early transfers and at least one responsible adult!
What If: This elements are fairly self explanatory.
Fu, rather than combat Hawk Moth directly wanted to take the Kwami to a shrine or temple somewhere outside of Paris, to find new potential students and bearers to restart the order and then deal with Hawk Moth. However thanks to happenstance and a little magic from a few impatient Kwami, the cooler he was using to hide the box got swapped with Marinette's and then she revealed them to the class on accident.
Gabriel could not have been the one to put Adrien in the school system so I can only assume Chloe did something. In this case, she collaborated with Carline, who used the situation to finally get her "Troubled Teens" class idea off the floor. Though in exchange she gets all the exchange students.
& some transfers happened earlier, Marinette low key already knows ALya & Kagami & Lila are already here. Also the reason Sabrina isn't is cos Carline felt her issues were mostly in response to Chloe and that separating them would be healthiest. She is still dedicated to helping these kids!
Alternate Universe: This has to do with world building more than anything.
Long story short, I found some of the later Kwami way over powered, or utterly useless and some of the older one's too one note. As a result I re-structured and combined different elements to make the twelve fundamental forces.
What's more they also came about in distinct eras. So Snake is technically the oldest, but its alongside Ladybug due to being a chicken & egg situation. Meanwhile Cat is "Younger" by microseconds.
Similarly, the next eras concepts also emerged at around the same time as they kind of relied on one another to exist or for an opposite, or to function.
After that however things get a bit more drawn out, with Horse predating its siblings, and Fox being elder than Peacock and Butterfly who are essentially the babies of the family.
Creation Ladybug - Creation & Good Fortune Snake - Ouroboros & Entirety/Time Cat - Destruction & Misfortune
Post Creation Tiger - Ignition & Havoc Dragon - Storm & Power Bee - Order & Subjugation
Early Life Horse - Action & Migration Turtle - Protection & Resilience Mouse - Multiplication & Duplication
Animal Eras Fox - Mirage & Materialization Peacock - Emotion & Evocation Butterfly - Transmissions & Transformation
As to why the Kwami did this, well, not all were in on it, it was mostly Sass, Trixx, Pollen & Roaar who were in on it. With Plagg endorsing once he knew while Tikki & the others are either neutral or less in favor.
Its basically a debate on doing it now or doing it the "proper" way but all have distinct motivations and some even just a general desire to have more freedom.
Here is how everyone partners up:
After the initial release, chaos and confusion, things break into several smaller factions. With Carline, a nervous & blaming herself Marinette, Sass & very irritated Tikki trying to bring order or at least sense. All while other interactions take place which people drift in and out of the conversations and exactly what is going on and why is explained and bonds are formed.
Marinette & Tikki partner cos both of them are getting stress migrains trying to understand/manage the situation and Alya's like, "Oh gosh she even gets stressed like you do, perfect match!"
Chloe gets Pollen because she slapped Plagg across the room after he mistook her jacket for cheese & was unafraid when he started going all "I am the god of destruction" on her. Such an impeccably strong will is the only one fitting for the Kwami of order & subjugation.
Adrien got Plagg by intervening to stop the fight & or murder by offering food: "Hey, uh I totally have some cheese with me, I was kind of just grabbing stuff at random in the cupboard this morning cos it was dark, so feel free to it." - Minutes later "Where do you put it all!?" - "In ma belly!!!!" So he's Plagg's fave by default.
Alya is so excited and eager to jump in and opinionated on the fact Kwami damn right deserve the chance to rescue their siblings when they want to and also can she have an interview please. That Trixx decides they like her vibes and the two start discussing mythic heroes and comic books.
Lila's boastful nature catches the attention of Kaalki who decides she would be a "suitable" bearer. Lil is already cooking up BS claims about having done vigilantism before, but living with Kaalki will be another matter.
Ways and Nino is mostly because Nino is the only one to really notice and try to check up on the turtle who seems really down about the whole situation and they share a chill vibe.
Rose & Mouse is basically them both going "Oh you are so cute" while Tiger assumes Juleka is a wild child cos of her goth aesthetic. At first she is disappointed but it turns out having a second identity lets Juleka go fuck wild so it works.
Dragon & Kagami is obvious cos family symbiology and her already having a sword & a proper manner of speaking which works with Longg's archaic manner.
Carline only end up agreeing to work with Sass because his powers can ensure the students don't die. "My power is to watch over you so you do not die."
Thus we have:
Snake - Ouroboros & Entirety/Time Carline Ladybug - Creation & Good Fortune Marinette Cat - Destruction & Misfortune Adrien Tiger - Ignition & Havoc Juleka Dragon - Storm & Power Kagami Bee - Order & Subjugation Chloe Horse - Action & Migration Lila Turtle - Protection & Resilience Nino Mouse - Multiplication & Duplication Rose Alya - Mirage & Materialization
The shifts in powers in some cases are not immense, though a few noteworthy are:
Tiger is more like creating explosions with imbalances in the universe. Mouse can multiply themself but also duplicate objects and creatures. Fox can make some illusions physical and place illusions in people's heads. Bee can sting objects and command them to obey via impose.
What's more, the powers are not one use only, strictly speaking.
What happens is that you can use lesser versions of the powers multiple times, or you can use the payload once.
So Chloe can for example sting five enemies and keep them all still for one minute at a time. Or she can sting one enemy and keep it still for five minutes. Lila can teleport herself around a great deal but portals tucker her out, ETC.
The basic sequence of events from meeting Kwami to super heroes, is mostly everyone getting just enough context. Sass conceding he should have consulted Tikki but standing by the decision to try and rescue their siblings- They are interrupted by thunderous roaring as an Akuma begins tearing up the streets of Paris.
Bustier: Class, no one and I mean no one is to try using magic, let alone revealing this or racing off into danger. Am I understood- Akuma (Attacking a few blocks away) Sass: I could literally feel that about to happen as you spoke.
The students break up into:
Team: "Has zero plan but wants to fight!" Chloe, Kagami, Adrien, Alya, Rose. They are also enabled by Lila opening a portal.
Alya: Wooh, time to be a hero, Trixx Transform moi! Chloe: I won't let anyone get ahead of me, or destroy Paris, Pollen, Transform moi! Adrien: Hey wait for me, this sounds exciting and also I don't want you to die! Kagami: A battle, heroic and wicked forces clashing? This is what I was born for! Rose: Oh no, that monster is where the hospital is, Mullo, Transform Moi!
Team: "Does not want to do this but has to" Marinette, Nino, Carline, Juleka & technically Lila as she wants to avoid danger.
Juleka: Girlfriend noooo (Trails after her) Marinette: I can't let Alya die, or Chloe try to be a hero, she'll kill us all! Nino: Ok several friends in danger now, guess I gotta do it. Lila: Well, I have a little experience in these matters, maybe I can help us all along to save my new home?
Sass: My power would allow you to better ensure their safety. Bustier: … Sass… Transfor moi. (Runs after them)
& that is basically the just of it!
Also thanks to @generalluxun for convincing me Trixx definitely belongs with Alya! Kaalki and Lila is too good a combo to pass up as well.
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mlb-a-rewrite · 3 days
The Ladybug Miraculous
The Ladybug Miraculous is a first-ring miraculous that originated in the Egyptian/Middle Eastern miracle box. It represents the ideas of luck, creation, and healing. Its counterpart in the black cat miraculous.
Lucky Charm: Allows the user to create a random object to aid in a combat situation. This object is always random (but not too random because, like, really, some of these objects in the show are so dumb) and it’s primary purpose is never to hurt someone (so lucky charm will never give the user a gun, a sword, etc.)
With improvements, the user is able to manifest more complex objects that are more durable and overtly useful (i.e. if the situation calls for someone to be apprehended, an amateur might use lucky charm and get a rope while a more experienced user might get handcuffs). The user is never able to control what object is made, but can influence the object towards their goal (like they know they want to apprehend someone so the lucky charm will be something vaguely related to that and not something geared for a different goal).
Also none of that bug vision stuff that’s so dumb. We are getting rid of all this Rube Goldberg nonsense.
Restoration: This one is a bit goofier to work with and has a lot of restrictions placed on it that differ from the original show. When activated, the user can revert any inanimate/non-living object back to its prior state (48 hours max).
Now the details of this are goofy. This explanation heavily leans on my water and tap analogy so look at that if you haven’t. Basically, the user can, theoretically use restoration as much as they want, but they need magical energy to do so. Since they can only take energy from the miraculous at a certain rate, they are limited in how much they can actually restore. They could over-exert themselves and tap into energy they naturally make as a human, but this threatens their own health and safety.
With experience, users can be more precise in what they restore, restore more things and restore more destroyed things.
De-Akumatizing/Charm (the physical lucky charms she gives to ppl in the later seasons of the original show): So the properties of this final one are very similar to the show. Like I don’t see a need to change anything abt it (shocking omg). But like, there are details about the 3rd power slot in general terms that are a bit fuzzy lmfao yeah nothing is simple with me.
 Again, see my post for more information on 3rd power slots if you are confused. Essentially, the ladybug holder can only have one power activated at a time. So if she wants to de-akumatize and akuma, she has to deactivate her her charm ability which means all the charms she gave out disappear and become ineffective. If she makes charms then all of the de-akumatizing she has done previously goes away (but in this instance the holder of the butterfly miraculous can only send one akuma at a time so it doesn’t cause a bunch of akumas to revert and go flying around)
These powers, unlike the previous 2, can’t be honed in on but rather, the functions of the powers themselves evolve. How the powers fundamentally work changes depending on the situation, but in order for this to happen, the holder must be experiencing extreme emotions as a result of another miraculous holder. (See my post Miraculous Make No Sense for more information)
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miraculousalamode · 1 year
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cake decorators, we need your help! our bakers (writers) have been working hard in the kitchen preparing something delicious, but now we need your help to make it look as good as it tastes!
throughout the week, we will be posting snippets and summaries from our bakers with a fic ID attached to them in order to keep the writer anonymous. please write down the fic IDs of the fics that you would be willing to work with, as well as the fic IDs of the fics you would absolutely not under any circumstance want to collaborate with.
at the end of all of these posts, we will post the artist applications for you to submit your answers!
Pairing: Chloe Bourgeois/Felix Fathom
Rating: G
No Warnings Apply
Trigger Warnings: None I can think of. Not a Trigger warning but like, point of interest? Aro/Ace Felix.
Summary: Felix prides himself on his skill and self control. When he forgoes the perfect chance to obtain the peacock miraculous out of pride, he must redouble his efforts to obtain it another way. An unexpected encounter with Chloé Bourgeois upends his world, disrupting his neatly ordered emotions and self-image all in a go. While plotting against Gabriel Felix must come to grips with both life and himself being more complex than he had thought. A brat becomes an ally, then a friend in need, and finally a... partner... associate? A something. Life comes with many labels, and yet sometimes none of them fit.
Snippit: Gold- He found it. He found her. She froze as he burst from the stairwell, her keycard still clutched in one hand. Felix skidded to a halt before her, fists clenched, blurred vision coalescing. The words broke free. “I am not Adrien.”
He was hunched over, gulping the cold conditioned air. It burned worse than the sewer fug had. There was more.
These words were a defiant growl, “I am Felix!"
Chloé's deep blue eyes were saucers. A protracted silence grew between them; no motion and the only sound in the hallway was Felix's panting breaths.
After an eternity her head snapped to the side. With eye contact broken her posture shifted into that easy aristocratic dismissiveness. Yet her first response was something mumbled and sincere, "Of course you are."
The spring unwound.
She, too, was not done. She looked back at him with her chin up and her smirk restored, "You're also filthy! Where have you been, playing in the sewers? Eewww. I always knew you were strange, Felix, but this is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous."
Relief; relief more acute than freeing himself from death's grip below. Felix very nearly collapsed on suddenly shaking legs. No- he did. Down on one knee, he gritted his teeth around a taunting smile of his own. "It's called work, Chloé. You might have heard of it."
"Of course I've heard of it. Plenty of little people do-" she paused, craning her neck to look around him. "Felix, you're bleeding. Ewww- all over the marble, and the rugs!"
He hadn't even regained his feet when she had his arm. His exhaustion made him weak and she yanked him along, keycard opening the door to her suite. She didn't even slow down, pulling then pushing him into her bathroom. Felix stumbled, still mentally reeling from so much contact. His hackles were up but she didn't give him time to bite back.
"Clean yourself up! Oh my God, you're such a mess. Wash! Wash everything! No, forget it. We'll burn those clothes." She swept around to her vanity and opening it pulled out bottles, boxes, and scissors, throwing them in his general direction. "That's something- hold on-"
She pulled out her phone, pacing.
"Daddy! I want the doctor up in my suite right now! Yes, now!" Chloe stabbed hang up and glanced back at Felix. "Why are you just standing there?"
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jennagrinsoverml · 2 years
Hi! I’m new to the fandom and your fic rec lists have been so so useful. I was wondering if you have any for general love square identity shenanigans? I live for dramatic irony and these idiots having 0.5 brain cells
Ahhhh yes. I live for the identity shenanigans! (I often tag these identity porn, but that term seems to have fallen out of usage.) Honestly, the hardest part of this ask was whittling the list down haha. I just had too many fics! Yeah, you want identity shenanigans??? I gotchu 😘
The Wrath of a Gentle Man by @mckinlily
Nino catches Chat Noir kissing Marinette. It does not go well.
One-shot. Man, I love when characters catch the post-reveal love square "cheating" on each other! It's just so ridiculous and funny. Bonus points to this one for having Nino call Chat a slut before it was cool (not in those words lol).
This can't be happening by @amiraculousplatypus
Ladybug is unsure whether accompanying Adrien to a gala as his not-date is the best or worst thing that has ever happened to her. But when their table-mates turn out to be none other than her long time friends Alya and Nino and with Adrien acting weirder and weirder she finds herself with bigger worries than an unrequited crush.
Multi-chapter. This one is so hilarious and the disaster!Marinette energy here is off the charts! She's so in love with Adrien, while so terrified that he, Alya or Nino will figure her out, that she's just a complete and utter mess and I love her for it. The identity shenanigans are truly off the charts. (It does have some issues with weird spacing that did impact my reading, so just be forewarned if that really bothers you, but I found it well worth the read despite that.)
this love is a tangled web by @bugabisous
When Ladybug and Chat Noir decided that they should switch things around with their temporary miraculous holders in order to throw Hawkmoth off, they couldn’t have predicted the tangled web they would weave.
Series. This series is so much fun! Chat and Ladybug redistribute the miraculouses after Miracle Queen and we get a fun Snekmouse like dynamic between Dragon!Adrien and Snake!Marinette. Plus there’s some multichat content early on, which is a nice precursor to the way Adrien falls for Marinette in this new dynamic. Absolutely great identity shenanigans in this one.
i just came to say hello by a_miiraculer and @clairelutra
In which Nino finds out his best bro is in love with Ladybug, and jumps the Ladynoir and Adrienette ships for Ladrien summarily.
Adrien is flustered, Alya takes personal offense, and Marinette finally sees her chance to hit that.
What could possibly go wrong?
(abandoned/indefinite hiatus, sorry >.<)
Multichapter. Okay, yes, this is an abandoned WIP. But. But! What’s already there is so, so good that it’s still worth reading even if you’re nervous at the prospect of reading a WIP. Like, this is everything I look for in Ladrien with both of them being so in love and so stupid and nervous and it’s so funny!!!! And, as you can imagine with Alya and Nino fighting over which ship to advance, the identity shenanigans are amazing.
lost in translation by @fictionalinfinity
“What do you mean I can’t be Ladybug anymore?”
“I’m sorry, Marinette. With Hawkmoth at large, it’s simply too dangerous for the Miracle Box and the Ladybug Miraculous to be in the same place. If something were to happen...”
In which Marinette has to give up the Ladybug Miraculous, and decides Adrien Agreste is the perfect choice for the new holder.
One-shot. This fic has the BEST identity shenanigans!! Poor Adrien, getting completely blindsided by not just having his partner suddenly retire, but having the earrings suddenly dumped on him. Marinette’s so upset that he doesn’t want them, and Adrien’s so panicked about being asked to take on a role that he can’t possibly fulfill and it’s just amazing.
Shellter Chat by @bridgetinerabbit
A peek inside Adrien's school bag gives Nino some very unexpected insight as to what makes his good friend tick, but leaves him in a very delicate position. He never expected to strike a deal with the Kwami of Destruction, but now he and Plagg are working together to relieve some of Adrien's (and Chat Noir's) burdens for his own good. But being Adrien's guardian angel isn't as easy as it seems; other secret identities start falling apart, and there's no telling where the falling dominoes will stop.
Multi-chapter. My favourite thing about this fic is the dramatic irony of no one realizing that Marinette is Ladybug while they’re all juggling their secret identities and knowledge of same. This fic is so, so good and I’m underselling it because I don’t want to spoil it, but seriously I loved it so much.
rumour has it by @settledownsummer
When Alya reveals to the class that Marinette kissed Chat Noir, Adrien is very confused. Why would Marinette lie about kissing him? He decides to take matters into his own hands, and make the rumour a reality.
One-shot. This is set sometime in season 4 and it’s sweet and hilarious. Because of course Adrien hears, and he KNOWS he and Marinette have never kissed, but it’s not like Marinette to lie. So, he wants to help her out. And it’s hilarious and in character and so much fun!!
what terrible timing by @miabrown007
Alya has always considered herself a ride or die Adrienette stan. But when the boy only started to bombard Marinette with soft looks after he started to date none other than Ladybug… Well, Alya would recognize a two-timer if she ever saw one.
Luckily though, Ladybug was very much capable of taking the matter into her own hands.
One-shot. This is top tier identity ridiculousness. The love square got together as ladrien and, after an identity reveal, want to be able to be together in their regular lives. So they stage a very public break up. It’s all told through Alya’s POV and it’s just. So ridiculous. I love it.
The Unintended Consequences of Being a Superhero's Boyfriend by @karkalicious769​
 "Adrien Agreste, is it true that you're Chat Noir?"
 The world fell out from under him.
 "The two of you do look remarkably similar." A second microphone was shoved into Adrien's hands and he took it instinctively. "And what do you have to say about the footage that showed Chat Noir going to your home after a successful akuma battle?"
 "Yes, Chat Noir did come to my house. But not because we're the same person. See, ah—" His tongue stuck in his throat. And then, either by good luck or bad, Adrien thought of Ladybug. "We're dating!"
Or — With his back against the wall and his secret identity about to be revealed, Adrien blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind. Now, he has to manage the consequences.
Multi-chapter. And now for the king of identity shenanigans, some adrichat! Except the whole thing is really well thought out and non-crack. It’s well-developed and once I started reading I was literally incapable of stopping. Highly recommend (and yes, this fic is love square.)
Change of Plan by alvares715
Now that Adrien is dating Kagami, Marinette decides that she needs to move on. And she stumbles upon the perfect person to move on to.
Set after season three.
Multi-chapter. God they’re just. So stupid. Ladybug finally decides to give Chat a chance now that she thinks Adrien is dating Kagami, and it leads to all kinds of shenanigans. Especially because Alya finds it awfully sus that two of her friends just happen to have significant others she’s never heard of or met or even seen a picture of before hahaha. They’re just so ridiculous and dramatic! I had so much fun reading this!
Save You a Seat by @miabrown007​
Alya once read that you should invite random celebrities to your wedding — with the more than likely assumption that they won’t attend, only send you a card and an overpriced coffee machine.
Luckily, the chances of Hawkmoth’s son reading his mail and showing up to the event are microscopic. Marinette will be busy enough trying to get to know the boy behind Chat Noir’s mask — if he does decide to come — she doesn’t need to worry about being able to look Adrien Agreste in the eyes.
One-shot. And now for something completely different, a fic where Adrien never went to school so they don’t know each other. So, needless to say, things are a little awkward when Adrien shows up to Nino and Alya’s wedding...
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Part 5 - Basic Concepts of Miraculous Ladybug: Guardians
Helloooo! Did you think I was done? No!
My PhD thesis chapters were approved last week, so have some celebratory meta. I haven't seen the latest Season 4 episodes, so do forgive me for not being up to date.
Welcome to the next part of my analysis of the basic concepts of Miraculous Ladybug. Today we are talking about Master Fu, Order of the Guardians and how little everything here makes sense. I highly recommend reading previous parts to fully understand this one, but I'll try to quote most parts of earlier posts.
Order of the Guardians
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Order is an international and ancient organisation (New York Special showed us the guardian from North America and he was dressed like Su Han). Presumably, Miraculous jewels were created by these people. Guardians are responsible for the preservation of jewels and knowledge about them. They also distribute Miraculouses to worthy people around the world to combat mostly magical threats, but sometimes jewels are used against normal threats too. It's implied that Master Fu used Miraculouses during WW2 when he was in Paris. Perhaps he performed some spywork with Marianne, but the magical nature of his interferences was discovered and he was forced to flee, before returning to France many decades later.
Why does the Order need so many people to take care of a 3 Miracle Boxes? If its only purpose is to preserve knowledge, keep magical secrets and distribute Miraculous jewels then wouldn't it be more logical to have Master-Apprentice system? It's much easier to keep magic knowledge a secret and train a few people in martial arts than doing the same in the self-sufficient temple full of people, keeping in mind that a good part of them are teenagers and children, who are bad at keeping secrets. Also a single person can travel around the world much easier to give out Miraculouses. Imagine that we have a few active guardians traveling the world with Boxes. What do other people at the temple do in the meantime? They teach the next generation about the powers of each Miraculous and Mirakung Fu, but besides that?
Master-Apprentice system gives us more personal conflict between Fu and his mentor and makes his relationship with Marinette and Adrien more nuanced. In this scenario Fu accidentally caused the death of his Master at 14 because he wasn't careful. It makes sense for him to take on only 1 or 2 students if this is how things were done with Miraculous Guardians. This Wang Fu is very cautious and protective, he spent the majority of his life afraid of hurting someone else and never took an apprentice as a result. But now he is ready to try again, since he is not getting any younger and he likes these 2 kids. He wants them to succeed. Maybe Master Fu, becomes the father figure for Adrien in this situation and a guide for Marinette. Just think about it. This way writers avoid the need to develop all these extra characters (Su Han) and traditions related to the Order. All inconsistencies I mentioned before and later in this post are gone now! Hell, even memory loss and the changing of the Miracle Box shape could make more sense. We also raise the stakes post-amnesia, if it happens of course (the whole Season 3 finale didn't make sense, so stay tuned for my next meta). Marinette and Adrien are on their own now, there's no one who can give them answers. It's very fun scenario, which has potential to be brilliant. Any thoughts on that?
The existence of Order of the Guardians is not quite a secret, at least it wasn't in XIX century China. Master Fu in "Feast" says that guardianship was considered "a great honor". It implies that people who lived close to the temple of the Order knew about Miraculouses and what exactly guardians did for the greater good.
The existence of other Miracle Boxes around the world makes sense from a real-life perspective. Writers have the ability to create many stories set in the same universe and use them for merchandise and an almost unlimited amount of content. Judging by the unholy amount of specials in production, this is exactly what the creators are going to do. It probably won't go down well, but who knows?
However, it doesn't work in our main story. The main conflict is Paris-centred. Gabriel's motivations revolve around Emilie's resurrection and Season 4 gives us more reasons to suspect that Adrien's mom wasn't as wonderful as everyone says. Hawkmoth still remains the main villain of the show and most likely it's going to stay that way. There's no point in moving the main story to different places for the sake of introducing more Miracle Boxes from around the world. Ladybug and Chat Noir aren't needed to fight something halfway across the world unless Hawkmoth also changes locations.
LB and CN are centrepieces of this franchise. They brought success and money to ZAG. Creators constantly need to remind the audience that this new piece of media with new characters who will never be mentioned again is connected to Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Writers have to come up with reasons to include our heroic duo into the story even if makes no sense.
New York Special had to introduce American Heroes whose names rarely come up in the fandom because people stopped caring about them or their stories shortly after the release of the Special. I barely saw any content dedicated to them. In order to bring LB and CN into the story, you have to include Hawkmoth too. Gabriel suddenly needs to get his hands on the Eagle Miraculous and goes to USA. Marinette and Adrien suddenly have a class trip to New York. Unfortunately, their presence in this story is required only to expand the world of Miraculous and attract fans of the show, so that they could keep an eye on new content related to newly introduced characters.
In the end, it's not their story. Events of the special don't affect main story of the show and the development of the love square is merely an illusion, because Adrien and Marinette are no closer than before. In season 4 LB and CN are growing apart and their test of trust in NY Special doesn't matter. Perhaps, some people don't see it that way and it's their right, but I find it hard to see NYS as a valid contribution to canon. I mean, even people in large portion of the fandom state in the tags on AO3 that "specials are not canon", "specials didn't happen" or "ignores both specials". It speaks volumes about continuity and preferences of your fandom.
Shanghai Special didn't give us more information about the Order, which is located in China, history of Miraculous jewels. We still don't know much about how Gabriel and Emilie found Peacock and Butterfly. Maybe, Marinette's family had connections to Miraculous jewels. Maybe, Adrien does some snooping and discovers research his parents made while Gabriel is away. All of these are relevant to the main story. However, we got something much different in the end.
Marinette chases Adrien across the globe and they make new friends. Fey becomes Ladydragon and now has a direct contact with Marinette through her uncle. Gabriel's desire to get his hands on the Prodigious comes out of nowhere. Apparently, he had been planning this trip for years, presumably even before Adrien was born. It probably happened at the same time as Agrestes found 2 Miraculouses. He bought bracelet-key (which is also a Miraculous apparently, but its Kwami is a Guardian of the Prodigious and they existed separately for a very long time - and let us not dwell on this mess) from some shady mafia boss, who can easily find out just who Gabriel really is (fashion designer billionaire) and use this information to blackmail him. This Special didn't answer important questions, but it gave us a new superhero character.
The real question is whether Miraculous as a project will survive long enough for writers to create content for every minor character they introduced in all specials. This is only a beginning after all.
Miraculous is not a global show and it can't be globalised in a way that makes sense, at least with Ladybug and Chat Noir in the centre of action. Case closed.
Mirakung Fu
I liked the idea of Mirakung Fu introduced in "Furious Fu". It makes sense and things rarely do in this show. Miraculous grants its holder superhuman strength, stamina, endurance and ability to fight. This means that essentially transformed heroes are guided by magic in combat. There's nothing personal in the way Miraculous holders fight. You can predict their moves and learn how to fight this magic guidance, which is what Su Han does.
However, if the holder has any special training, skills or knows any martial art in their civilian life then they become more dangerous opponents during transformation because now their fighting is a mix of magical moves and their personal knowledge, tricks and style. Therefore, Adrien and Kagami as skilful fencers have more chances of winning against someone who knows Mirakung Fu than Marinette, for example.
Memory loss
At the end of season 3, we find out several things:
apparently, now Miracle Box can change appearance to suit its guardian;
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when Guardian passes down the Miracle Box to someone else, they lose memories not only about everything related to Miraculous, but also about pretty much everything in their life (Fu doesn't recognise Marianne, instead he experiences the love at first sight)
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Master Fu trains Marinette to be the proper holder and next Guardian off-screen. He says that her training as the holder is complete in "Feast" and wants her to become the next Guardian. Fu told her lots of things, and yet, he never mentioned the fact that he would lose his memory after relinquishing the box, nor the fact that Marinette would lose her memory afterwards. She finds out about this from Wayzz after the battle with Miracle Queen and the letter that Master Fu gave her. That's not proper training! How on Earth do you forget to mention this memory loss? How?
Master Fu's amnesia is a convenient plot device that removes him from the narrative almost completely. That's mostly all there is to it. Why? Because it doesn't make sense.
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Fu was around 7 or 8 when he started his training. The disaster at the temple happened when he was 14. He stated that his training was never complete, which means that he never passed any magical ritual, never swore an oath or was bound by some kind of spell that made him subjected to the rule of memory loss.
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Miracle Boxes belonged to the order, not Fu. Their design reflected their country of origin because these Miraculous were made and kept in China. They were just standing there on the shelves not magically bound to anyone in particular. When Feast attacked, monks just tossed Wang Fu the miracle box and grimoire. No one at the temple lost their memory after Fu took the box with him (Su Han is the proof). Su Han not only remembers Fu and his mistake but everything that happened that fateful day as well. In "Furious Fu" Marinette explains Su Han that Master Fu lost his memory in the very first conversation they have. However, after Ladybug and Chat Noir fight Su Han on the roof and escape with the Miracle Box, the latter searches for Fu and attempts to take his staff from him. In this scene, Su Han acts like Fu knows very well what is going on and who he is.
Su Han should be aware of the memory loss rule as the Celestial Guardian. He remarks on the different shape of the Mother Miracle Box and calls her "incorrect", which means that Su Han should have been able to easily tell that previous Guardian lost his memory and the Miracle Box is now bound to someone else. But he doesn't say anything. Moreover, since Su Han is supposed to know about amnesia, he seemed awfully chill about forcing this 14-year-old girl in front of him to give up the box and her memories. Hell, Chat Noir wasn't on board with this. But we get zero reaction from Su Han.
During the first conversation between Marinette and Su Han, he doesn't ignore what she is trying to say, instead he actively comments on every word. Even if Su Han didn't listen when Marinette told him about Fu's memory loss, than he still should be able to understand that Fu doesn't recognise him, because of common sense and the "incorrect" shape of the box. But nothing of the sort happens. Because writers apparently forgot that "memory loss" is supposed to be known to everyone in the Order. On-screen it looks like Su Han is not aware of the "amnesia rule".
"Furious Fu" makes the concept of memory loss a plothole no matter how you look at it. Just like "Timetagger" and "Chat Blanc", as well as "Kwamibuster" this episode is not consistent within itself. It does not surprise me, however.
Grimoire and Guardian Staffs
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Let's talk about the Miraculous Grimoire. Good things first.
There are no illustrations of Miraculouses in camouflage. Kwami can't read its contents, only guardians can. Certain elements are written in riddles as an additional precaution. The book contains only the information people have learned so far, which means that Miraculouses have more unexplored potential ("Mr. Pigeon 72"). It describes powers of each Miraculous, provides information about weapons, has instructions for potions that don't make sense (see previous parts).
Unfortunately, everything is about to go downhill from here.
Guardians are taught how to read the writing in this book. They can read it just like people learn to read texts in a different language. This means that one can read Grimoire like any other book (you don't need to consult some guide to decode each letter or word). Master Fu proclaimed Marinette an almost fully trained Guardian. He should have taught her how to read the Grimoire then (he doesn't know the code very well, but he knew enough to understand the general meaning and content of the book according to "Collector"). He didn't. We don't know why. He shows her powers of every Miraculous but doesn't teach her the code.
Master Fu knows that Grimoire now belongs to Gabriel Agreste. He knows that it's dangerous for someone else to have it. If they knew how to read the Grimoire, they could discover all secrets of Miraculouses and harm Ladybug, Chat Noir and other heroes. It's very important to keep the information about the code top secret because Fu is not the only one with the source material.
What does he do then? Master Fu proceeds to write a French translation of Grimoire for Marinette, a translation that he doesn't even need. He carries it with him at all times on a tablet (without any precautions) just like the Miracle box after "Feast". Naturally, it means that in "Miracle Queen", Gabriel and Nathalie easily managed to get their hands on the tablet and Miracle Box. It allows the plot to happen, sure. But it doesn't make any sense.
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"Furious Fu" created another curious plot hole. It will probably be ignored, of course. Su Han has a staff with a magical compass that allows him to find any Miracle box, but not the Miraculous jewels for some reason. How does the staff work? Can it locate the box without the Miraculous? If yes, then it seems useless. What's the point in the ability to locate an empty box? If it can locate the box only with the Miraculous jewels inside, it implies that the staff can track the location of every Miraculous too. So, Su Han could just locate the Butterfly and Peacock without any problem. But he talks about reassigning Ladybug and Black Cat to adults and defeating Hawkmoth like locating the Butterfly is not possible. This situation makes the Guardian Staff a simple plot device that creates plot holes and its only purpose is to explain how Su Han found Marinette.
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Also, I have a few more words to say about this. Master Fu had a Guardian Staff that was never mentioned before. I wonder why? That's because the staff didn't exist before "Furious Fu" was written. Writers just went: "Do you know what would be cool? If Fu's cane was really a secret Guardian Staff with a compass all along that he decided to keep even after he lost his memory? It would make people wonder whether Master Fu is faking amnesia, and everyone will definitely call him an awful mentor after this even though we kind of tried to make him a good and responsible person."
Fu didn't give it to Marinette and didn't mention it to her. Why? When he gave up his memory, he should have written about this in his letter at least. Why did he decide to keep it? He can't use it anyway now.
Please note how in the flashbacks Fu didn't take any staff with him when he escaped the temple. Su Han seemed to know how Fu's staff looked like. It means that Master Fu didn't make this staff himself, because it belonged to the Order.
Su Han wasn't even surprised that Marinette didn't have the staff as the current Guardian. Was she not supposed to have it? He never questioned the fact that the former Guardian without memories has the staff. Su Han actually returns this staff to Fu after he is deakumatized and Fu acts like they have never met before. Why did Su Han gave the staff back when he knows what it is and to whom it should belong (to him or to Marinette as the current Guardian)? The staff is useless in the hands of the civilian. Does Marianne know about its secret? We'll probably never find out, unfortunately.
Guardian Staff of Master Fu has a compass too and therefore this also makes it a plot device, just like Su Han's staff.
21 notes · View notes
poptartcat · 3 years
Welcome everyone!
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This post will include things you need to know about this blog!
But first, let me introduce myself!
Hi! Both to people old and new! For the new people, I’m Poptart Cat, but most just stick to Poptart! I’m Aromantic! She/her.
Any questions not answered here, feel free to ask in my ask box. Don’t forget my anon is always on! (If it’s something here that you missed, I’ll just redirect you here!) and any asks I think should be in here will be linked here at the top under the ‘Keep Reading’ (If I get any, that is)
So, before I go on, I have about 3 sideblogs you should know about. I’ll start depending on activity/how active it currently is!
@poptart-the-show-lover is my account where I talk about shows/books/media that wouldn’t fit here, such as On My Block and Cruel Summer. It’s more ‘mature’ than this account which’ll stay kid/family friendly.
@2-quartz-in-1 is a semi-ask blog AU, that was originally a comic, but now just mostly abandoned. I’m planning on getting back to that by writing. It’s the pinned post.
@2-quartz-in-1-archive is just where I put in the comics
I’ve got 1 AU and the name is Abandoned Triplet AU (which is just a placeholder name) The post explaining it is here and the tag is here. I love answering questions about it (or really anything) so ask away in the ask box if you want!
These tags don’t include basic ones you should already know about such as tags for shows (Such as #Ducktales 2017, #MLB, #Steven Universe, etc.) or ones that go straight to the point. (#Reblog, #Fish, #Humor, etc.) These are just ones I specifically wanted to tell you about
#Abandoned Triplet AU is the special tag for the AU. It’s currently a placeholder until I find a better name.
#Poptart’s Opinions isn’t used much- maybe once or twice, but I’m planning on using it more. It covers my opinions on things that I originally post, or agree with very much and express it. If it’s not expressed by me, it’s most likely not in the tag
#please excuse my language is a tag showing that I’m swearing. Me. I won’t use the tag if it’s not specifically me swearing, but I’ll try to add #swearing if there’s any at all.
#their art is a tag showing it’s some else’s art. I used it a few times because it said my art and my brain went ‘hey, let’s make a new tag that says their art!’ And this the tag was born!
#long post explains itself. It’s just really long posts that should have a ‘Keep Reading’ if you could do that. Half the time I’m not even the one who even inserted the tag, I just copy it.
#Fanfic writer problems is stuff that has to do with being a fanfic writer. Reblogs of things calling me out, me talking about things I struggle with in writing, keyboard smashes, etc. (mostly reblogs though)
#i’m a mood is mostly me ranting about things and being dramatic.
#Poptart’s General Stuff is a tag I’ve been using to show it’s my original content
Semi-Abandoned means it’s not fully given up on, but it’s not a priority or something i’m really focused on. It’s close to abandonment but not quite to the point where abandonment is the next step.
3/4 Abandoned means the fic is on the fence of being abandoned, but not quite there yet.
Abandoned basically means what the word says. It’s fully, 100% abandoned
The ones abandoned will be shown as complete
Poptart’s separated one-shots
Description: One-shots I made just because
Fandom(s): Steven Universe, Ducktales 2017, Miraculous Ladybug
Waiting At The Doorstep
Description: Everyone was affected everyone deeply after Della left in the Spear Of Selene. These are a few one-shots of our favorite ducks’ thoughts about it.
Fandom(s): Ducktales 2017
Miraculous Group Chats!
Description: A series where people are in group Chats with Ladybug and Chat Noir. (Oh, and they totally know everyone and are in the chat as their civilian selves)
Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug
Fanfiction Fandoms in order, top to bottom: Ducktales 2017, Miraculous Ladybug, Steven Universe
Part 2 to Fanfiction: X (none yet)
Ducktales 2017
Old Friend (But Not Really)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 2,195
Summary: Every month, on the exact same day and time, Donald got an envelope with cash dropped on his doorstep. The person claimed to be an old friend, but Donald knew it was Scrooge, but he didn’t want to talk to him, so he let him, and just never spent the money. (Except when he really needed to)
Years later when the triplets are 9, he finds out who really delivered the money and it’s not who he expected
Notes: If you’re a fan of twists, I suggest you read this!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 831
Summary: And so he waited...
And he waited...
And he waited...
But she never came back
Me just writing about Louie thinking about Della at 3 AM. (And being bitter about her)
Miraculous Ladybug
“I guess we really are soulmates...”
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 819
Summary: On everyone’s left arms they had the first words ever told to them by their soulmates
Half of the people in the world had their partner’s last words appear on their right arms shortly after the first words were said. The other half that never got those consisted of the partners that would die. Only the person possessing the last words could see them until the final week. Most believed that they just hadn’t met their soulmates yet until it was too late.
Evil Civilians and Hero Exposers
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 4/4
Word Count: 4,195
Summary: Alya decides to add in Chat Noir and Ladybug in a chat with her class. This leads to the class thinking something is off with Lila. They investigate and find the truth behind Lila
Miraculous Tales of a Group Chat!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 2,641
Summary: Chat Noir and Ladybug get new phones to contact each other when needed. Chat abuses this and creates a group chat with them, their civilian selves, Alya and Nino. Things happen.
(Post season 3, pre season 4)
Steven Universe
The Past
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word count: 1,000
Summary: You sat on the lighthouse, reminiscing before it all happened. Before you knew about the diamonds, before all the secrets, even before your shield. Before everything.
1000 words of Steven aka you, thinking about the past.
Takes place post CYM, pre SUTM
Wounds heal, scars stay
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Chapters: 1/1
Word count: 1,723
Summary: My scars tell a story, they are a reminder of times when life tried to break me, and failed. They are markings of where the structure of my character was wielded
-Steve Maraboli
Steven’s human half causes him to take the injury to himself.
Notes: THIS! I regret making this one! I cringe every time! I cringe as I remember it! I cringe when I read even a word! I cringe when I read the tags! Heck, when I was first writing it, I cringed. I posted it before I could change my mind and I don’t want to delete it, but I also don’t want to orphan it. Also, it’s not graphic, it just has more blood than I’m used to writing in it, but the blood isn’t very described in detail if I remember correctly
Not What It Seems (Semi-abandoned)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Chapters: 9/?
Word Count: 12,316
Summary: Steven Quartz Universe had a normal life. Normal friends, normal family, normal Gem piercing on his navel that his dad gave him when he was younger because of his dead mom. Oh wait, that’s not normal. All Steven has really wanted was an exciting life. Now, his life is flipped upside down after he discovers where his gem truly came from, and he wants nothing more than to go back to his normal life.
Notes: The link on the notes leads to the basic starting idea which I’ll link here (Look at idea 18) and it’s pretty old and I don’t update it. I also won’t include this in this because it’s not an actual fic, just a bunch of ideas.
Rejuvenated thoughts (Semi-abandoned)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 2/10
Word count: 1,658
Summary: A prompt from tumblr. Instead of hugging Steven in I am my monster, they use the rejuvenator.
Notes: So... I’m probably gonna rewrite the first 2 chapters and the 3rd chapter, which is currently collecting dust in Google Docs.
Shattering Revelations
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 823
Summary: A prompt from the Steven-Universe-AU-prompt account where Steven uses the hour glass to meet Rose and even find out her true identity.
Notes: I’m actually in the middle of rewriting this.
Steven Universe one-shots (Abandoned)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Chapters: 4/4
Word Count: 1,354
Summary: Chapter 1 takes place before Garnet’s wedding, after ASPR.
Chapter 2 is canon divergent to Sworn to the sword
Chapter 3 is a Halloween chapter.
Chapter 4 is major character death and canon divergent to The Return
Notes: It isn’t complete in AO3, but I’m working on fixing that. I’m calling it complete because I’m not adding anything to it. There’s no gore or anything too bad here.
Rejuvenator accident
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Chapters: 1/1
Word count: 146
Summary: Short story shorter: Spinel kills Steven
No blood or gore, don’t worry
Notes: I love the beginning of the summary, I forgot I made it since I don’t really like this because of how short it is and how it’s written. I should do that more. I’m considering rewriting, but I’m not sure if I should.
Half of me
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 3,534
Summary: Cym but with Twoie. I wanna spoil some but I can't bring myself to.
The Diamond Twins (Abandoned)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Chapters: 12/12
Word Count: 8,184
Summary: 16 year old Steven Universe was enjoying the peace that came with saving the galaxy, that is until a giant lady claiming to be a diamond called 'Black diamond' showed up. What will Steven learn about gems now?
Takes place of the Movie.
Notes: Okay, I have lots to say, so let’s start with my OCs.
I disowned them the second I gave up on this. Luna Flash is a fucking Mary Sue, and Black Diamond is also kinda a Mary Sue (or whatever??) Both of their plans almost never had flaws, Luna was friends with everybody and had the most OP powers, Black had a rivalry with Luna and Luna was this runaway who left to be herself. I never finished it, but her friend was shattered and brought back with her other friends, blah, blah, blah. ‘Oh wow! I didn’t expect her friend to be the one who started it! I thought it was Luna because she’s a Mary Sue!’ Black also had the better empire and gems compared to the canon diamonds
Spinel is super OOC (I really hated her at the time) and I wrote in first person. First Person. The horror.
It’s not listed as complete, but I’m working on changing that
Message for Steven
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 276
Summary: Steven learns his mom is Pink, but not from someone, something
Bubble buddies gone wrong (3/4 abandoned)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 2/?
Word Count: 590
Summary: Instead of Connie having her initial reaction at the end of bubble buddies she reacts completely different. How will this affect the rest of the show?
It's basically a cover :P
Notes: If you want the link to the art instantly, it’s here. I traced most of it, I’ll probably make it digital eventually, but overall, this fic was going to be so depressing and it’s pretty much abandoned, so yeah.
Spinel’s Ending
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 358
Summary: This is how Spinel didn't see the message. Goes with my AO3 called The Diamond Twins
You do NOT, I repeat NOT have to read The Diamond twins to understand!
Notes: Before anyone asks, yes, this was made after the fic was posted, I’m doing it on the order it shows on AO3. Super short and tbh, I like this idea I had, but it definitely could’ve been better. I remember having this idea swimming in my head a lot. The idea of ‘What if she missed it?’
Chain reaction
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 292
Summary: It's weird how one thought can turn into another
Notes: So... I still think this could’ve worked if I could actually write back then XD
Happily ever after never ends
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 2/2
Word Count: 1,114
Summary: What if Spinel took a different approach when she found out Pink Diamond was gone?
Injectors and free falls (Abandoned)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Chapters: 5/5
Word Count: 2,199
Summary: All I could think was 'It can't end like this!' as she released a finger, then another, then one more "Any last words Steven Universe!”
A timeline where Spinel dropped Steven off the injector
Discontined/closed/stopped updating until I know where to take the plot.(If I ever figure that out) I also lost motivation.
Before anyone says I’m overreacting, I’m gonna copy and paste the first few fricken paragraphs (I put it in italics):
-----On injector-----
-----Steven's Pov-----
Now that I know you I want to kill you even more!" Spinel said. All I could think was 'It can't end like this!' as she released a finger, then another, then one more "Any last words Steven Universe!"
I knew what I was going to say almost instantly "Tell Beach City i'm sorry"
"Why do you care so much!? They're just humans!" A fist came hurdling towards my face and that's the last thing I remember.
GUYS THIS IS SO HORRIBLE! I’M GONNA SCREAM- THERE IS NO WAY I WROTE THIS- Okay, it might not seem too bad but look at the next few:
-----Spinel's Pov-----
"Now that I know you I want to kill you even more! Any last words Steven Universe!"
"Tell Beach City i'm sorry"
"Why do you care so much!? They're just humans!" I was so angry I just punched him, It wasn't my plan, but it was good enough. "Looks like I win after all." I muttered. He was still falling to the ground, what was taking so long? Wait! What's that? A pink animal with something on top, no someone, it picked up Steven midair! No! This wasn't meant to happen! I feel something, oh no, I'll look in 3,2,1 A spear! Oh n- with a loud 'poof!’ her gem falls and gets bubbled.
SCREW ME! SCREW THIS! SCREW EVERYTHING! I really hated her back then and I wanted a fic where she wasn’t remorseful (Don’t worry, I don’t hate her anymore) and oh my gosh I wrote from 1st person to 3rd without a good transition. It’s just there. Kill me now.
And we can’t forget this is literally about half the chapter! I’m sobbing and cringing so hard you don’t even understand
Compared (Original) (Rewrite)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 702 (original) 1,621 (Rewrite)
Summary: Steven was always compared to his mom
Notes: I find this very underrated. This one I’m very proud of actually and I think it needs more love. (Both the rewrite and original, but the original is one of, if not, the best work I wrote at the time)
Happy Birthday Steven!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 1,124
Summary: I decided to write a fic Bc it's August 15, Steven's Birthday! Might as well make it his 15th birthday too
Notes: Ugh, I’m planning on rewriting this one so keep an eye out for that. I wrote this within a few hours and posted shortly after midnight. I was so proud of myself then y’all. I’ve massively improved.
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
You can count on me (I will be there for you)
Penultimate chapter, here we go! Discoveries are made, and they’re not for the best. Hope you enjoy!
Special thanks to the lovely @theanxiouscupcake for helping me figure out the ending :) 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | AO3
Chapter 8
Ladybug helplessly watches Chat sink out of sight, and she knows he won’t find anything good, wherever he’s headed. It’s less of a gut feeling (what honest person has secret mechanisms lying around their house in fiction, not to mention real life?) than an informed guess based on what she’s holding.
She’d hit the jackpot in Nathalie’s room. The envelopes she found weren’t empty, but they didn’t contain blackmail destined to Ladybug; it was clearly targeted at Hawkmoth and Mayura. Given that they’d all been opened with a paper knife, she doubted that Nathalie had been on the sending end.
The Peacock brooch she’d found in her nightstand, along with Duusuu, had done nothing to help Marinette in her quest for an explanation that could disculpate her.
She knows she's found what she needed, but it really feels like a Pyrrhic victory.
“Chat Noir? Is everything alright?” Max’s voice over the comms snaps her out of her thoughts.
There’s a tense silence as they wait for an answer, which she decides to break after a couple of minutes, for her own sanity.
“So, what did you find?” She asks, eyeing Markov. The robot is holding a USB key, which is unusual, since Max generally uses him directly as a memory source when needed. She doesn’t doubt that he also carries a copy of the data they’ve found, meaning that the information must be very important.
“An annotated digital copy of a Miraculous book, very expensive and regular butterfly orders, Hawkmoth redesign costumes, and elaborate plans to defeat you and Chat Noir.” Her friend enumerates. It all checks out. “Oh, and some music videos starring Hawkmoth.”
“What?” She frowns.
“It’s very disturbing.” Max grimaces.
Her next question is barely formulated in her head when Chat Noir’s voice reaches them. “Guys?”
“Chaton!” She refocuses on him immediately. “Are you alright?”
“I’ve found something.” His voice is strained.
“Don’t move, we’re coming.” She runs towards where the platform had been mere minutes ago, looking around frantically for the trigger mechanism.
Max puts a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. “Could you just tell us how to join you?” He asks.
Chat explains the steps in a monotonous voice that worries Max and Ladybug enough that they decide to ride the elevator together. It’s a little cramped, but the quicker they get to him, the better.
The tube quickly opens and they step out into what looks like an attic in a flutter of white butterfly wings.
Chat Noir has his back to them, his suit looking darker than usual in the backlight. He turns around from the truly impressive window he was looking out from when he hears them, a sad smile pulling at his lips.
“This doesn’t really look like a good guy’s den, does it?” He tries to joke.
“It does look a little suspicious,” she concedes.
“Did Adrien ever tell you his Dad was a lepidopterologist?” Max asks, a butterfly landing on his outstretched hand, as if he’s still trying to find a rational explanation for the situation that doesn't involve Gabriel Agreste being Hawkmoth.
“A what?” Chat looks at him, perplexed.
“A lepidopterologist,” his friend repeats. “Someone who studies butterflies.”
“Nope, I don’t think he has a clue.” He shakes his head and clears his throat. “But anyway, what did you guys find? Anything interesting?”
Ladybug hands him the envelopes and the brooch. His eyes fly over the letters’ contents, his expression indescifrable, while Max repeats his own findings.
“Max, what is the probability that Gabriel and Nathalie are just storing stuff for Hawkmoth and Mayura?” Chat asks gently, folding the letters again and giving them back to her. She sticks them in her yoyo for safe-keeping.
“I’d say about 0,0152%.” Max announces after a couple of seconds.
“That’s not very much.” He grimaces.
“Good thing Adrien didn’t come with us.” Ladybug whispers. “It’s… a lot to take in.”
“Sure is.” He sighs.
“Everyone, there seems to be another shaft here.” Markov interrupts them, flashing a red light to indicate his position in one of the dark corners of the room.
They walk towards him and study their surroundings, Max spotting the associated buttons first. Chat figures that it can’t bring them back to the study; it’s too far away from the first one.
“Multiple levels? What kind of evil lair is this?” Ladybug mutters.
“A professional one, that’s for sure.” Max replies. “Should we check it out?”
Ladybug looks at the time on her bug phone. They’re still doing okay, having been particularly efficient with their search. Or just very lucky that Hawkmoth and Mayura are bad at hiding compromising evidence.
She activates her microphone. “Nino, Kagami?”
“Yes, Marinette?” Kagami’s voice is prompt to reply.
“How are things going?”
“Not too bad, I think. Nino’s keeping Gabriel occupied, and I’m keeping an eye on Nathalie. They don’t seem to be in any rush to leave.”
“That’s good to hear.” She sighs in relief.
“How about you guys? Is Chat okay?”
“Right as rain.” Chat Noir chimes in. “We just have one more thing to investigate and we’ll be back.”
“Okay, cool. Keep us posted!” Kagami replies.
“You too.”
There’s a little static as Chat releases his microphone button.
“Right, so that’s sorted. I’ll go first.” Ladybug states more than she volunteers, calling the lift. She suspects Chat Noir would have liked to lead the way, but he’s a little pale for her liking, and Kwami knows what they’ll find on the other end.
“Are you sure?” He looks at her, contrasting emotions flickering in his eyes. On the one hand, he seems to be relieved that she’s taking charge of the exploration, but on the other hand, she knows he must be worried about her going first.
"You guys will be right down, it’s fine.” She smiles and squeezes his arm lightly, before entering the elevator capsule.
She’s surrounded by darkness for the first part of the journey, but the dim lighting of the lift is oddly comforting; she finds herself thinking that it might relieve Chat Noir’s claustrophobia.
The tube then transitions to transparency, and she’s suddenly looking out onto one of the largest and oddest rooms she’s ever seen, if ‘room’ is even the right word for it. The space looks like some kind of underground church, with its metal nave extending above a body of water and leading to a little garden, centred around a large tubular object. The latter is overseen by a large window that reminds her of the one up in the attic, except the panes are blocked off. It isn’t dark, though; a ray of light shines from above, and dim lights are regularly spaced along the sides of the room.
The elevator doors open and Ladybug steps out unsurely, not daring to venture too far. She feels very small as she waits for Chat Noir and Max, and a little uncomfortable, like she just broke into a sacred place. She untenses a little when they join her.
“What is this place?” Chat Noir lets out a low whistle as he takes in the grandeur of the space.
“It looks like some kind of underground crypt.” Max pushes his glasses back up on his nose. “We’re really not far from the Marais, maybe this was a church that sunk at some stage and was built over?”
Ladybug nods. It seems like a decent explanation.
Chat’s gut twists as he takes a couple of steps forward. He has an awful feeling about what lays at the end of the bridge, yet he’s inexplicably drawn to it. Ladybug and Max follow him carefully as he makes his way towards it.
The tube at the end of the way looks a lot like a coffin, they realise, and as they approach it, they must have triggered some motion detector, for its cover recedes, revealing a seemingly sleeping woman.
And not just any woman.
Emilie Agreste.
She’s dressed in a white suit, a slight smile on her lips, and holds a large bouquet of white and red flowers. She looks so peaceful, so beautiful. So like her portraits. Ladybug half expects her to wake up, green eyes twinkling as she welcomes them.
Next to her, Chat Noir’s breath hitches and his hand extends to touch the glass, a tear rolling down his cheek. It shatters as it lands on the coffin.
“You’re here.” He whispers.
Ladybug shares a look with Max, who encourages her to step forward with a nod. She does, lacing her fingers through Chat’s free hand and giving it a squeeze.
“I didn’t realise you were this close.” Her voice is barely above a murmur as another tear hits the coffin. Anything louder would feel disrespectful. Chat just nods in reply.
From this angle, she realises, Emilie looks just like Adrien; same fine features, same kind smile, same blond hair. She can’t help but understand why it must have been hard for Gabriel Agreste to look his son in the eye, at first.
“Um, guys?” Nino’s voice breaks the silence, making them jump. “I think we’ve maxed out the small talk. Kagami’s trying to hold off Nathalie but Gabe is just openly avoiding me now. Can we give them a bit of a breather?”
“Absolutely not.” Chat’s reply is icy as he angrily wipes his tears with the heel of his hand. “We’ll be right back, just need to call the police. Do not let them out of your sight, especially Gabriel. He might have his Miraculous on him.”
“Oh dude, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine.” He takes a shaky breath. Marinette gives his hand another squeeze and takes her yoyo out. She spots Max taking out his phone out of the corner of her eye and turns towards him slightly, blinking gratefully at him. Chat doesn’t seem to be in the right frame of mind to call the police himself. She calls Rena Rouge.
“LB?” Her friend answers immediately.
“Alya? Are you in my room?”
“Yes, need anything?”
“Could you get the Bee Miraculous in my sewing box, please? I’ll send you the code.”
“Sure. Do you want me to go downstairs and give it to Chloé? Or should I stay put?”
“We’re going to need you downstairs, but make sure no one sees you yet. We need all hands on deck for this.” She takes a deep breath. “And make sure Adrien’s safe for me?”
“Will do.”
She hangs up just as Max calls his transformation.
“There’s a unit on its way here, and another heading for the Château. They’re warning the police officers who are already on site, they’re going to start closing off the exits. They said they’d take the evidence from us over there.” Her friend reports.
“Good.” She says, and she sees Chat Noir nod next to her, eyes still aimed at the coffin. “Let’s go, then.”
Pegasus invokes his powers and jumps through the portal. Chat Noir tears his gaze from Emilie and goes to follow him.
Ladybug holds him back before he can step through. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay, Chaton?”
“I just need to end this once and for all.” He smiles sadly and kisses her forehead tenderly, before taking her hand and helping her through.
He turns around and blows Emilie a last kiss before joining his wife.
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Updated a few of my characters’ pictures last night when I was having an ADHD moment while playing WoW. 
Daryl “Mason” Knox - This version of Daryl is part of our Zombie storyline (the premise of which I barely remember) and currently in the mountains above Colorado. He is a survivalist already, tanner, taxidermist and wicked good shot and when the virus began circulating, he packed up his pickup truck and headed as far into the mountains as he could. He had been in Tennessee for a little while but left there when the area started to fall as well, moving around a lot for a while before settling high in the mountains where it’s coldest, realizing the undead have a hard time moving through the snow and it seems to make their bodies more brittle. He stumbles upon Ryki and Kristy’s group (shortly after they get Mikael back from the roaming motorcycle gang (see Widower/Simon). Daryl was under the assumption that most of his family had died when the virus first took hold and started using his middle name, Mason, instead of his last name. 
Daryl Knox - Daryl is the survivalist of the Knox men, the youngest but the one who has his fingers the most in the various family businesses and also the one who discovers that a good portion of the Knox family land that backs the Blue Ridge Mountain range actually belonged to the Cherokee tribe and gives it back to them, only asking if they can continue to use the land as the hunting area he currently has it set up as. Daryl and his brothers also took a portion of the money made from the Knox Lodge (a small series of cabins built closest to the Chattahoochee National Park people can rent and go fishing and hunting for deer, quail and even armadillos) and give it back to the slave families that their great great grandfather had working for them. Daryl is quieter than the rest of his brothers, sticking to living away from nearly everyone and only coming down from the mountains when he is dropping off supplies at the Knox Family General Store in Jasper, Georgia where the family is primarily from. The general store is very rustic looking, with the old fashioned candy jars behind the counter and a small restaurant in the back where the family sells their homemade pies. (They also sell locally made and sourced jellies and jams, as well as jerky and unique gifts. Think trading post for the interior) A skilled taxidermist, Daryl has a special he runs through the Lodge that if you shoot it, he’ll stuff it (for a fee of course). 
Schyler Lewis - A former Scorpion and currently a Slayer in Los Angeles, Schyler is quiet but loving and loyal. He’s also one hell of a shot with pretty much anything, though he prefers knives over everything. He has a deep respect for RJ Jamison, as well as the former leader, BP and keeps a protective/big brother kind of watch on Queenie. He and Simon are pretty good friends, he often tries to keep an eye on the older man to keep him from going crazy.
Trevor Phillips (nothing changed, just both versions of him are going to use the same picture)
Simon Knox - Simon is the middle Knox brother, only a few years older than Daryl though he’s not particularly close to most of his family anymore. He and Jericho had once been vying for the same girl’s attention, but when he was sent to prison for a bar fight/blackout he missed the chance to be with her, even though he does very much still love her. When Simon was released from prison, Jericho gave him the chance to come home and get back on his feet again (the courts and mental health professionals released him on account of him having absolutely no memory of the bar fight other than some kid pushing him too hard and spitting on him. His anger flared up and he didn’t remember anything that had happened after that point. It wasn’t until an officer hit him on the back of the head did he come around again) and while he’s there, he and Maggie ended up in bed together after he told her what had happened. He had a ring and had been going out with a few friends the night before coming to see her. He is actually Ryder’s father, and Jericho does know. Following Ryder’s first outburst and slamming his head into the wall, tearing a stuffed animal and general unprovoked rage, Jericho had come to bed with a few scratches on his arms and gently kissed Maggie’s forehead, not coming right out and saying anything about the possibility but just telling her that whatever thing that’s weighing on her heart right now, it’s okay and he forgives her.  (Ryder has similar violent outbursts like his father, though recognizing it as was what going on with Simon, Jericho instead got his son therapy to deal with the outbursts as well as getting him involved in boxing.)
Following Ryder’s birth (and Simon getting to hold his son), Simon leaves and joins the Outlaw motorcycle gang though moves around a lot after that, winding up “settling” with Haven for a while before finally establishing a place with the Scorpions. He made quick friends with Schyler, despite a several year age gap, and when the Scorpions were assimilated into the Slayers in LA, he stayed on with them. He is prone to blackouts and violent outbursts and unfortunately does not possess much in the way of empathy toward nearly anyone. He does very much like children, and wouldn’t mind finally getting to have a family of his own. He is pansexual and it doesn’t seem to matter to him who he’s with, as long as they’re over a certain age. He’s not overly thrilled with the relationship RJ has with Jamie but she’s safe and not in any danger so he doesn’t say much about it either way. He and Floki of the Vikings have rolled around a few times, but generally speaking he is still very much in love with Maggie. Part of the reason he stays away from his family is because of how Jericho has been treating his “dying” wife. (Jericho is having an affair with a younger nurse/friend of his daughter Lorelei, while his wife is presumed to be dying from stage 4 cancer. She does make a rather miraculous recovery though, leaving him and going out to the man who has always loved her) 
Simon has some seriously reckless traits and has actually had to be sedated by members of his own gang because his anger will flare up and he goes berserk. He has NO control over his actions whenever he blacks out either. Following BP and his wife’s untimely death, Simon is taken by the Slayers along with several others and thrown into the Pit, basically an abandoned warehouse near the docks that has been hollowed out and made into a fight arena. Because of his anger issues there’s a few that believe he could have been pushed to a breaking point and lashed out, though BP never pushed his buttons and he has no desire to take the gang over. When Rollo and a handful of the Vikings reveal themselves as the masterminds (and hired by Marcone to do the deed), Simon is the one who takes an axe off of Floki’s hip, throwing it into the back of Rollo’s head before kneeling down in front of Queenie and telling her he’s always been loyal to BP and subsequently, to her.
Widower (Simon Knox) - This version of Simon is for our zombie alt world and currently in Tennessee with the Savior gang run by a Negan type. In this world, Simon was able to remarry Maggie and the two of them were living quiet happily, considering starting their family when her cancer makes a return and is incredible aggressive. As the virus starts to spread through Atlanta and they begin seeing how it eats away at the host’s body only to reanimate them, Maggie begs Simon to shoot her so she doesn’t have to suffer through her cancer and the possibility of getting the virus. At first he refuses to do it but after the hospitals shut down due to too many people contracting the virus, he takes her up to one his brother’s hunting cabins and shoots her, burying her in the backyard. He had attempted to shoot himself as well but the gun jammed and he ended up throwing it into the river instead. After Atlanta falls and the zombie virus appears to be spreading through the small towns, taking the Knox family out as far as he can tell. He and Daryl were traveling together for a little while but were separated and Simon lost track of his little brother. Assuming that his family is dead (since there’s no trace of any of them and the communications network was the first thing to go down) he gets on the back of his motorcycle and leaves. He first meets Morgan (Negan) and his group, Haven, when they stumble upon one another trying to refuel and get supplies. Simon is unhinged and no longer even trying to hide his homicidal side, since no one is there to hold him back any longer he’s completely off his rocker. He initially told Morgan and the rest to call him Widower, as he didn’t even want to link himself to the man he used to be. If the virus is ever contained, he isn’t sure there’s going to be much of a world left for him. 
Widower, Morgan and I think there’s an NPC version of Schyler with them as well find 5 yr old Mikael after the little boy panicked and ran from his aunt and uncle’s convoy during one of the zombie attacks. Morgan grabbed the boy as he was crying by the back of his jacket and puts him onto his motorcycle leading Kristy and Ryki and their group to give chase to get him back. Morgan had a son once and may have done this in order to protect him, not initially seeing the small group of survivors on the road. Widower takes over kind of protecting the little boy when their group stops at an old warehouse they use as a base. 
Morgan Caldwell - I haven’t actually decided if I’m going to make Morgan but he is Sam Caldwell’s older brother and Martin & Lynn’s uncle. He is the leader of the Haven motorcycle gang which moves around a lot and Simon was part of for a while. He is incredibly disappointed in how his little brother acts and very much wants to meet his estranged niece and nephew. 
Morgan “Negan” Caldwell - The zombie-verse version of Morgan, I know little about the man other than Widower is his right hand man and fiercely loyal to him. He genuinely seems to be concerned for Mikael and after meeting Kristy and finding out she’s pregnant while going through the virus, he may offer their services to them, as protection (or he may try to keep Kristy with him and his group masking using the air of wanting to protect her until she gives birth) There’s a lot of ways this guy can go. He isn’t particularly trustworthy, and has said one thing only to do the direct opposite of that less than a few minutes later. 
Kevin Reynolds - the oldest Reynolds brother and also the only one that’s biological to the Reynolds family. Kevin was 10 when Matt was adopted and 12 when Vartan came to live with them as well. The family typically fosters children, and seeks to give them a better life than the one they had. Kevin is currently in his later 40s, and lives in Chicago where he owns an old-fashioned record store (with actual records on the upstairs level) called Empire Records, or just The Empire by his teen/20-something staff. Kevin is gay and actually just lost his husband Jimmy to AIDS. Jimmy was the drummer for his brothers’ band Silex, and actually younger than Kevin was as well. He is currently having issues with depression following the loss of the only love in his life (up til now, obviously), though he actually has clinical depression as well. He and Matt absolutely cannot stand one another, mostly due to Matt’s homophobia, though Kevin has always been out so he’s not sure exactly where that stems from. He and Vartan are close, despite the 12 year age gap. Empire Records is a somewhat failing business, though is eventually brought under the wing of Revolver Records for its vintage, throwback to the late 80s/90s music scene and often becomes the site of the Revolver bands’ signings, which boosts their sales quite a bit too. 
Ryder Knox is getting a new picture, I just need to figure out who he actually looks like, taking his dad into a bit more consideration right now. The Knox men also all have a very distinct smile, so gotta find someone that fits. I’m stuck between these two: 
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Ryder is 22 years old and lives in an apartment on his own which he pays for by an OnlyFans account. With close to 1000 subscribers, he makes money selling pictures of anything from his feet to being shirtless (sometimes in his underwear) on parts of the Knox farmland. Very gay but not very out about it. 
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iloveitwhen · 4 years
Villian Attack
Here is an unfinished Platonic Jasonette scene for Villain Attack and I’m not sure if I should but Imma tag @jasonette-july-2k20 even though it’s not finished- Sorry!!
Here Red Hood secretly went to France to investigate some claims and decided to help with the situation in Paris and quickly found the identities of the superheros since he is not affected by the magic that protects them because of the Pit. 
It had been two months since he’d come to France. He knew his family was probably starting to panic so he sent an encrypted message, just to mess with them, saying he was fine and helping some people with a problem. After the first few weeks he figured out their identities, only because it was so obvious and he didn’t seem to be affected by the magic, something to do with the effects of the pit. They let him stay in their warehouse after they realized it was far too suspicious since he was just generally a suspicious guy and it would be weird for a group of 16 and 17 year olds to constantly meet up with a suspicious 25 year old man, so they met up at the warehouse, or at Marinette’s house, her parents approved of the brotherly protectiveness Jason had over their daughter and saw that he was damaged and of course Marinette was healing his hurt. The group would often hang out in the kitchen and tell stories and watch anime movies and shows (mostly forced upon them by Adrien whom no one could say no to when he turned his big eyes on them, and no, he did not give them puppy eyes, he gave them Puss-in-Boots eyes. He was irresistible in this state of being). Jason had come to love the teens like his little siblings, they were a family and accepted him with open arms, he would kill for them and he would die for them. But of course some things have to come to an end. 
They were training at the warehouse while Jason sat back reading an old novel when the akuma alarm went off. The team gathered around Marinette and transformed. Jason dressed himself in his new outfit and his now black mask to keep his Red Hood identity at least a little secret and joined the others. Marinette, now Ladybug, took a deep nervous breath and steeled her nerves. 
“Ok team, this is it. We know Agreste is Hawkmoth and we finally have proof.” She lifts a box up in her hand and takes the lid off revealing small cameras to connect to their masks. “And now we’ll get concrete proof with video footage. I know we’ve been over this a hundred times but here’s a hundred and one. Viperion, Ryuko, Chat, and I will face the Akuma,” she says, passing the cameras out, “Hornet, Bunnixx, and Vixen, you will infiltrate the Agreste mansion and take down Hawkmoth from there. Mayura is most likely going to join this fight but I still want everyone to be on the lookout for her in case she isn’t. Nightmare, you are miscellaneous, I need you to be alert and ready to join either crew. If necessary you will face Mayura in hand to hand combat while her sentimonster is with us. Don’t underestimate her, she can beat an akuma without a Miraculous meaning she is even more powerful with one.” She makes eye contact with every single one of them and they nod their heads in agreement. Screams rip through the grim setting and Ladybug purses her lips. “Let’s head out. Good luck.” and with that the team ran out the warehouse and vaulted or flew away to their designated areas while Jason followed behind the Ladybug’s group and watched from a distance. 
The akuma had powers like Scarecrow but could fly. They had black wings and were draped in a dark cloak that disappeared into smoke below their feet that were not visible. An unsettling aura radiated off of them and they could disappear in a wisp of smoke and reappear near people, grabbing their faces around their jaws. Behind the darkness of the hood two glowing lights where their eyes would glow a white blue light when they made eye contact with their victims. Those who were captured would grow rigid or limp, giving into their unseen fear, and many screamed in utter terror and would fall to the ground and pass out or hyperventilate or cry hysterically, or all three. People all rushed to get away from the akuma and into the akuma shelters. Jason noticed that even after some victims were captured they acted the same as before, as though their very fear was escaping from an akuma. 
“I spotted Mayura,” Ryuko’s voice crackled over the comm, “I didn’t see her create her sentimonster but she is intently watching the crowd heading towards the Akuma Shelter.” 
Jason watched the crowd and spotted a familiar patch of blonde hair and he grinned maliciously. He searched the rooftops and found Chat Noir at Ladybug’s side working to get the attention of the Akuma. 
“Found the sentimonster and we have a small problem.”
“What is it?” Ladybug all but demanded, though not unkindly.
“The Sentimonster is Adrien Agreste and he’s following the crowd, likely to hold them hostage.”
“Ok, Nightmare, follow the sentimonster and don’t let him in the shelter,” Ladybug grunts and the team hears the swish of her yoyo before she continues. “Be stealthy and don’t let him see you, Mayura has a mental connection with her creations. We don’t know what powers he possesses or his orders. Ryuko,” more grunts and a ‘Chat! On your left!’ “Ryuko, stay on Mayura, stay hidden for now, if you see a chance to take the Amok do it, don’t hesitate.” 
Thirty minutes later Jason had swept the boy up away from the entrance of an akuma shelter and tied him up with some enchanted rope. 
“How did you know I was the sentimonster?” a woman’s voice spoke through the boy. 
"Uh, first of all, that voice. second of all,” he points to himself, “superhero.” he stated as if that explained everything, but like, it did. 
yeah sorry about that I wrote it for Jasonette July and I am very unlikely to finish it but decided I should post it anyways
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roseinaugust · 3 years
Like an Old Enemy
Chapter Two: Beginnings
Summary: Miraculous Enemies AU. Gabriel Agreste has the Black Cat Miraculous in his possession, so when his wife, Emilie, "disappears," he sends his son, Adrien, undercover to pose as Ladybug's partner. Two years later, the once famous duo are sworn enemies. Marinette might have loved Chat Noir once, but now she would stop at nothing to defeat him. Adrien will do whatever it takes to bring his mother back. Best friends in their civilian lives, Adrien and Marinette find obstacles and complications when they can no longer deny their love for each other. But will they be able to understand and forgive the mistakes of their past? Or will they be doomed to end as bitter rivals a second time?
Rated: T
Pairings: Ladybug/Chat Noir Enemies, Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Mutual Pining
Word Count: 5,462
Read on: ao3
A/N: I am only posting half of this chapter on tumblr so please read the rest on ao3! 
Marinette tried to reenter the classroom as quietly as she could—which was not very quiet at all. She winced as the door slammed shut behind her. Perhaps her encounter with Chat Noir riled her more than she wanted to believe. She gave an embarrassed smile to Mlle. Bustier before returning to her seat, trying not to think of her classmates’ eyes following her. 
Marinette sighed, relieved that she made it back before the period changed. When she sat down, she noticed that Adrien was missing. With Mlle. Bustier facing the chalkboard, Marinette seized her opportunity to tap Alya on the shoulder.
“Where’s Adrien?” She whispered to her friend sitting in front of her.
Alya leaned back in her seat to reply. “His dad pulled him out for a photo shoot.” 
“On the first day of school?”
Mlle. Bustier turned to face the class again, ceasing the girls’ conversation. Marinette slumped in her seat. First, her unfortunate meeting with Chat Noir, and now she didn’t even have her best friend around to distract her. 
The school year had barely started, and her attention was already drifting away from her classes. Marinette meandered through her classes, marking a fairly uneventful first day. Her scuffle this morning no longer seemed out of place—rather mundane, really. It’s been two long years since akuma battles became a commonplace activity for Marinette. Coincidentally, it was also the first day of school when her life changed forever. 
Marinette had woken up that morning expecting things to remain constant: Alya would still be her best friend, Chloé would still torment her for no reason, and science with Mlle. Mendeleiev would still bore her out of her skull. She did not expect that Paris would be attacked by a supervillain, and she definitely did not expect to become a superhero. 
The day began like any other. She was late for school—something that would never change regardless of her identity—she helped an elderly man cross the street, and only tripped a few hundred times. Things did not stay normal for very long, though. Mlle. Bustier was checking the roster when a sudden crash knocked through the classroom. A stone creature had burst through the wall and released a roar that could rival a lion. 
Marinette watched, frozen in confused horror, as the creature grabbed Myléne and Chloé. All she could hear were screams from the girls clutched in the monster’s hands and the panic from her remaining classmates. The creature smashed through the far wall and jumped out of the building, leaving a rubble in its wake.
“Everyone, go home now!” Mlle. Bustier ordered. Students scrambled out of the school, scared and unsure of what was happening. Marinette ran across the street to the safety of her family’s bakery. 
“Marinette?” Her mother looked at her with concern. “What are you doing home so soon?” 
“There was an attack at school! Some stone monster took Mylene and Chloe!” She raced up the stairs two at a time, stopping only when she reached her bedroom. She flung herself into her pink desk chair, frantically pulling up the news on her computer. 
“Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news.” Nadja Chamack started in her standard news anchor voice. “Paris is under attack by a supervillain. Stoneheart has taken two students from Collège Françoise-Dupont hostage and is now believed to be en route to the Eiffel Tower. Citizens should seek cover immediately.” 
Marinette watched in horror. How could there be a supervillain? Who was doing this, and why did she feel so powerless? She tore her eyes away from the screen. She couldn’t stand to watch this happen and do nothing to stop it. 
With her attention averted, Marinette noticed a small octagonal box sitting before her. Had it been there this morning? She opened it, momentarily distracted from the calamity occurring outside the walls of her small bedroom. A bright pink flash of light emitted from the box, blinding Marinette briefly. When the black spots cleared from her vision, she saw a pair of ladybug patterned earrings inside. Who put these in here? Perhaps it was a gift from her parents for starting school? She removed them and carefully put them on. 
Hello, Marinette, said a voice. 
She whipped her head so fast that she fell out of her seat. There was no one in the room with her. Maybe she just imagined it…
You didn’t imagine it, Marinette, the voice spoke again. Great. There were supervillains in Paris, and she was hearing voices; she was officially losing it. You’re not going crazy. I am your Kwami Consciousness—kwami for short—but you can call me Tikki. You are the only one who can stop Stoneheart. 
“What is happening?” Marinette asked out loud. She sat still on her floor, unable to process the arrival of a second consciousness in her head. 
Paris needs you. The earrings you are wearing are called the Ladybug Miraculous. They are magical jewels that will turn you into a superhero. 
“Me? A superhero? That’s gotta be a mistake. I-I'm only fourteen. And I’m clumsy, like really clumsy.” Marinette sputtered at the absurd notion. Surely there was someone else in Paris that was better qualified for the job than her. 
The fact that you can hear me is proof that it was not a mistake. Not anyone can use the jewels. The holder must fit the traits of the Miraculous. The Ladybug Miraculous requires creativity, bravery, and pure intentions, all of which I can sense in you. Marinette reddened at the endorsement from the disembodied voice. 
If you were not meant to have the Miraculous, you would not be able to hear me. Kwamis like me are connected to the jewels and their holders. It allows me to communicate with you and provide guidance. 
“There are others? Other Miraculous and other superheroes?” Marinette tried not to think about how crazy she would seem if either of her parents walked in on her talking to herself. If Tikki could read her thoughts, she didn’t want to accidentally offend it. 
Yes, there are other Miraculous. Some have been missing for centuries. One of which, the Butterfly, has found a new holder; one that is abusing the Miraculous’s powers. The Butterfly Miraculous allows its holder to give superpowers to someone, but they are corrupted by negative emotions, turning them into villains. It’s up to you to find the holder of the Butterfly Miraculous and stop them.
Marinette stood up slowly and paced around her room. How was she going to be able to defeat a supervillain? Was she really cut out for this? The news coverage was still playing on her computer. She paused, watching the stone creature barrel down the Trocadéro. Wasn’t this what she had been waiting for? A chance to help? Marinette knew that she would never be able to sit on the sidelines when other needed help. Even if she failed, even if she was the worst superhero possible, she still had to try. 
“Tikki, what do I have to do?” 
Marinette couldn’t waste any more time. After the voice in her head explained her powers, she was off, traversing over rooftops to reach the Eiffel Tower. The wind stung her face, the only part left exposed by her magically impenetrable suit, as she ran faster than she ever thought possible. Fight the monster, break the object, capture the akuma, fix the damage. Marinette repeated her objectives to herself, hoping that the repetition will keep her focused during the fight. 
“Hey! Watch out!” Marinette barreled into someone. She had to pay more attention to her surroundings. What kind of superhero ran directly into someone? Wait—who else was on a rooftop during a supervillain attack? She pushed away from him and grabbed her…yo-yo? How was she supposed to defend herself with a yo-yo? She twirled it, finding that it made a steady shield, and looked up at the person she crashed into. Her yo-yo shield quivered, momentarily stunned by the boy in front of her. He wore a black leather supersuit, similar to her own. A mask covered his bright green eyes and faux cat ears adorned his fair hair. He was beautiful, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous. 
“Who are you?” Marinette demanded, refocusing. If he had a suit like hers, he must have a Miraculous. He didn’t look like a butterfly though…
“I’m, uh,” The boy paused, a finger lifted to his chin in contemplation. “Chat Noir. Yeah, Chat Noir.” He said with an easy confidence Marinette hoped to possess one day. “I’m guessing you’re the partner my Kwami told me about.” 
“My Kwami didn’t say anything about a partner.” Marinette held her yo-yo shield steady. 
“It probably didn’t know. The Black Cat Miraculous is an heirloom. It passed down through my family for generations, but I was the only one who connected with it. My Kwami told me that the Miraculous had been missing for centuries before it found its way to my family.”
“If you knew it was missing, why didn’t you return it?” She asked, warily. He opened his mouth to speak but the ground shook from below. Marinette stopped swirling her yo-yo to keep her balance. 
“No time to explain!” Chat Noir yelled as he grabbed a silver baton and extended it. “We have to stop Stoneheart. Come on, er, bug girl!” He vaulted over the rooftops, leaving Marinette alone. She didn’t know if she could trust him, but she couldn’t leave it up to him. 
She dropped down next to Chat Noir on the dais of the Trocadéro. Stoneheart was climbing the Eiffel Tower with Myléne and Chloé still clutched in his hands. She caught Chat Noir’s eye and could tell that they were on the same page; whatever confusion they had over their new powers and their supposed partnership, it would have to wait until after Stoneheart was apprehended. With a slight nod, they leapt into action, crossing the distance in a matter of seconds. 
Stoneheart had reached the first platform of the tower. In the background, Marinette could hear Mayor Bourgeois demand the return of his daughter, Chloé. In the deep bellow of a voice she recognized, Stoneheart cried out, “Fine! You can have her,” before throwing Chloe off the building. 
“Ivan,” Marinette whispered, horrified that the quiet and gentle boy she’s known for years could do something so terrible. Marinette sprinted towards Chloé’s falling body and caught her seconds before the impact. Saving Chloé’s life—the worst person she knew—was definitely not how Marinette expected her day to go. She released Chloé, who sprinted into the safety of her father’s arms. Whispers of “superheroes,” and “save us,” passed through the crowd that watched her and Chat Noir intently. Returning to Chat Noir at the base of the tower, Marinette tried to think of a plan. Fight the monster, break the object, capture the akuma, fix the damage. 
“Do you know him?” Chat Noir asked, catching Marinette off guard. 
“Stoneheart. You called him Ivan. Do you know him?” 
Marinette realized her mistake too late. Tikki had stressed the importance of keeping her identity a secret. “No, of course not.” She lied. “I heard his name on the news.” If Chat Noir suspected she was untruthful, he didn’t let it show. Instead, the two chased after Stoneheart as he climbed higher. Chat Noir used his stick and Marinette utilized her yo-yo as a grappling hook, hoisting her into the air. 
They landed on the viewing deck as Stoneheart let out another monstrous growl. Swarms of purple butterflies escaped from his mouth forming a head. It began to speak, though Marinette could tell it was no longer Ivan’s voice. This voice was cold, apathetic, and it frightened Marinette. “Citizens of Paris! I am Hawkmoth. These are not your saviors; they are children! And they will give me their Miraculous. Relinquish the Ladybug earrings and Cat ring to me!” 
Marinette’s grip on her yo-yo tightened. She may have only been a superhero for half an hour—she didn’t even think she wanted to be a superhero—but she would not give it up to a bully.  She was afraid, but not so afraid that she couldn’t be brave for Paris. “Nice try, Hawkmoth. We aren’t going to be dissuaded that easily. We will find you and we will take your Miraculous!” She threw her yo-yo at the gathered butterflies, capturing them in one fell swoop. She turned to Chat Noir, who she caught watching her with his mouth agape. He gave her a dazzling grin. A smile like that could make her forget her own name. A scream brought Marinette’s attention back to Stoneheart and Myléne. 
Priorities, Marinette. Fight the monster, break the object, capture the akuma, fix the damage.  “Chat Noir, let’s go!” Together, they raced up the tower. The duo communicated silently, as if they were already attuned to each other’s thoughts and movements, attacking Stoneheart. 
“Lucky Charm!” Marinette called out her superpowers and caught a strangely colored parachute. She stood for a moment, contemplating her next move, when she saw the solution. Chat Noir followed her lead as they freed Myléne and the crumpled paper holding the akuma from Stoneheart’s grasp. Chat Noir batted the object to Marinette. She crushed it, releasing the akuma. Fight the monster, break the object—
Marinette’s mental checklist was interrupted by the bloodcurdling screams of her two classmates falling off the top of the Eiffel Tower. Without hesitation, she jumped off the tower. “Chat Noir! Get Ivan!” She pulled her limbs tight against herself to accelerate her velocity. 
“Don’t forget the akuma!” Chat Noir called over the nearly deafening sound of wind as she sped towards Mylene. The akuma! She had forgotten to purify the akuma. Marinette latched onto Myléne and threw her yo-yo with all her force. She only had a few more moments before they would hit the ground. 
“Gotcha!” Marinette yelled, when the akuma disappeared into her weapon. She pulled the tab  of the parachute and careened into the sky as wind picked up the fabric. It took all her strength—even her enhanced super strength—to hold onto Myléne as their combined weight fell to the ground. They landed, not so gracefully, underneath the landmark, relieved to have survived. Chat Noir and Ivan were landing close by. 
Marinette released the purified butterfly, it’s white wings dreamlike in the September sun. Only one task left. She threw the parachute into the sky and watched in amazement as the swarm of magical ladybugs flew around the city repairing the damage caused by Stoneheart. 
It was a miracle. It was something she helped achieve. She turned to Chat Noir, thankful she had someone to share this experience with. “We make a good team,” She relented. 
“I knew you’d come around to me,” He winked at her and held up his a closed fist. 
“Pound it!” They said in unison, laughing quietly as they fist bumped. 
Myléne and Ivan huddled together and walked over to the pair of superheroes. “Thank you for saving us, miss—uh,” Ivan’s sentence dropped off, unsure of how to address the superheroes. 
“Ladybug. Call me Ladybug.” Her hands rested on her waist, hoping she portrayed the same confidence as Chat Noir earlier. “And this is Chat Noir. My partner.” She smiled at the boy next to her. There was something about him that made her want to trust him. He had faith in her immediately, following her lead in the battle, and even kept her from making a huge blunder. 
Chat Noir pulled her hand from her waist and knelt. He kissed her hand and looked up at her through thick lashes. “Ladybug,” he whispered her name, softly. His intense stare made Ladybug feel like the world had melted away, leaving only them alone in the city of love. She may have superpowers, but she was not immune to the affects of a handsome boy paying special attention to her. 
Her earrings blinked, losing one of the ladybug spots. Her hand left his and reached for the earrings. “I have to go, uh, goodbye Chat Noir.” She blushed as she backed away, their eyes still locked on each other’s; she couldn’t break away from his gaze. 
“Until next time, My Lady,” he said with a bow and one last wink, before he extended his stick and left. Ladybug watched him vault over the Parisian skyline, absentmindedly reaching for her yo-yo, before making her own exit. 
That night, from the safety of her bedroom, Tikki warned Marinette to be cautious of Chat Noir. The Ladybug and Black Cat had been partners, a duo more powerful than the other Miraculous, but that was before the Cat had been lost. If the guardian did not give him the Miraculous, they could not be certain about his intentions. 
If only Marinette had listened. If she heeded Tikki’s advice, perhaps the events of the past two years could have been avoided. Perhaps Marinette’s heart would have never been broken. They had made a good team—as the Black Cat and Ladybug always have—but their compatibility meant nothing when everything had been a lie. 
The bell rang, snapping Marinette out of her reverie. She gathered her books together and said goodbye to her friends. The first day of school was over. She was certain her life was going to change, as it had the past two years. 
This was going to be the year she defeated Hawkmoth and Chat Noir. She knew it. 
A/N: Read the rest on ao3
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
Rhythm of War Review
It feels a little separate from the rest of the book to me at the moment because I read it pre-release, but I think it did a good job setting up the rest of the plot. I greatly enjoyed Navani’s perspective and ideas throughout the book, and the first section established her much more firmly as a character than any of the previous books; her couple of chapters in Oathbringer were more focused on politics and her relationship with Dalinar, so it was great yo see much more of her scientific side.
When I first read Part 1 it felt very Kaladin-heavy, but after completing the book I see how it was necessary to establish his burnout in order to set up the rest of the plot. And Chapter 12 (A Way to Help), in addition to being our only chance in the book to see our trio together, did a great job setting up Kaladin’s later work with mentally ill people, both by establishing the need and showing what kind of help was needed. I was nonetheless quite frustrated by Kaladin reacting to Shallan’s DID with “that would be nice...”. She’s having serious problems, Kal! She’s your friend and could use support, not you regarding her issues as a neat way to take a holiday from one’s own brain! Kaladin’s very kind and caring with those he chooses to protect, as we see with Bridge 4 in TWOK and the mentally ill people in Chapter 25, but sometimes I think he’s not a very good friend. I know he was not in a good place, but in Oathbringer when they were in Shadesmar Shallan had just had a complete breakdown and she still went out of her way to emotionally support Kal, so it would be nice to see his friendships become a bit more two-way. (For similar reasons, I liked seeing the moments of Shallan-to-Adolin emotional support in Shadesmar in ROW, because a lot of their relationship in OB was her relying on him; it felt balanced in ROW as both supported each other.)
I loved the Shadesmar arc! The emotional arcs for both main characters were very strong - I had been looking forward to seeing Adolin’s reaction to (in-universe) Oathbringer, and it did not disappoint; the conflict between genuinely loving Dalinar and being unable to forgive what he’d done was well-drawn. I was so pissed off at Dalinar in that last conversation! You burned his mom to death, you do not get to take the moral high ground and lecture him. And I do see a difference between killing innocents, as Taravangian does, and killing someone who’s effectively declared war on you and has a history of treason.
I also liked Adolin’s sense of being generally at sea with his purpose in the world. He’s been trained primarily as a warrior and general, and his combat skills have been made virtually obsolete by the Radiants. And at the same time, the reader can see what makes Adolin special, and it’s not combat skills - though those do give him a big heroic moment in a pinch - it’s his care and compassion for others. The way he interacts with Maya and slowly brings her life is absolutely beautiful. Chapter 35 was such a wonderful Shadolin moment (and starspren are amazing!); he really gets her and understands what she needs. Chapter 24 was sweet too, though super cheesy.
I spent the entire Shadesmar arc side-eying Veil and Radiant, especially with Veil’s takeover stunt at the start, but in the end they genuinely were supporting and helping Shallan. So in retrospect I do like scenes like the one with Veil trying to draw Shallan out by drawing Adolin badly.
Spoeking of drawing, I love the spren art, it’s some of the best art so far, and fascianting to see how they all look!
Kaladin finding non-violent ways to protect, culminating in pioneering Rosharan therapy - and Teft insisting on staying to support him - was everything I wanted for him. His arc could have just been that, and I’d have been perfectly happy. Chapter 25 (Devotary of Mercy) is still my favourite in the entire book.
Unfortunately, then Odium’s forces had to show up and SPOIL EVERYTHING. I’m rather appalled by how quickly Urithiru fell - the enemy forces were literally in the pillar room by the time anyone noticed them.
Part 3 was a real slog for me, partly because it is a slog and partly because I hit it at the height of my sleep deptivation. (It’s really...not a good thing to be reading on zero sleep at the literal darkest-hour-before-dawn.) Kaladin’s arc in Urithiru is just so exhausting; he’s so clearly worn to the boneand everything feels so hopeless. Kaladin’s had bad times before - Bridge 4 in TWOK, for example - but then the reader could see progress even if Kaladin couldn’t. (Kaladin: I’m getting nowhere and failing at everything! Everyone else: Kaladin, you were literally just miraculously resurrected.) Here, though - well, I genuinely spent the whole book from Part 3 through to the climax thinking that they would lose Urithiru.
Navani’s arc, and Venli’s, I did enjoy.
The other section of Part 3, in Emul, just felt rather disjointed. It had some interesting moments, but it didn’t have a sense of cohesion or of where it was going. I was entertained by Dalinar’s musings on the merits of despositism and the need to free Queen Fen from having - horrors! - a parliament. (I wonder if the Fourth Ideal will be something like “I will recognize that it can sometimes be beneficial to have people oppose my decisions.”)
Again, adored the Shadesmar arc. Really strong character arcs for both Adolin and Shallan, combined with excellent plots and a strong sense of momentum. I was pretty sure Maya would be crucial in the trial, but that didn’t make the moment any less powerful (though Sanders probably shouldn’t have tried quite as hard to replicate his “You. Cannot. Have. My. Pain.” moment from Oathbringer). I need to put together a proper post on the theme of choice in Oathbringer, because that moment - combined with Kaladin’s fourth ideal and the conflict with Lirin over the way he’s inspiring the resistance - really crystallized it for me. To treat a person’s choice and sacrifices as something done to them is to devalue their volition, their agency. Maya is put in the horrifying situation of being used as a prop and treated as evidence of a point that she is diametrically opposed to and turned into a weapon against someone she loves, and it’s enough to drive her to regain her voice and speak for herself. I am very curious to know what specifically led the spren to agree to the Recreance!
I did not remotely guess what Shallan’s secret was, even though in retrospect the Cryptic deadeye should have made it incredibly obvious. I think her fear that she’d lose Adolin if it came out was overblown - he already knows she killed both her parents, he’s not going to be fazed by “I was so distraught over having to kill my own mother in self-defence at age ten that I broke my Radiant oaths”. But obviously it’s not something Shalkan would be able to consider duspassionately. Her arc was rather terrifying once I realized that Formless was, well, basically her, but more specifically, Shallan’s idea of the monster that she was, and her breakdown was driving her to “accept who she was” as being that monster. I like Shallan and was never that into Veil - though she was fairly good in this book and went out well - so I’m not sad to see the back of her.
I haven’t managed to work through all the espionage/mole elements. Yes, Pattern used the box to talk to Wit, and Radiant killed Ialai so Shallan wouldn’t, but who’s Mraize’s spy close to Dalinar?
This arc ended too abruptly. I think Sanderson could easily have traded a Kaladin chapter in Part 3 for an extra chapter wrapping up events in Shadesmar; maybe one where Shallan first goes to see Testament.
I enjoyed the Urithiru arc in Part 4 as well. Switching to Bridge 4 points of view other than Kaladin was a good move - we already know he’s worn to ribbons, so we don’t need to be inside his head to see it. “The Dog and the Dragon” was amazing, and the most appropriate story ever for Kaladin. (I get how Wit’s schtick of telling incredibly topical stories and then saying “no, I don’t have a point, what point?” would be really aggravating in person.) It was nice to see him be gentle with Kaladin for a change, the way he is with Shallan - his two previous encounters with Kaladin read as rather baiting, which annoyed me.
Dabbid was - I don’t know quite how to say this, but his inclusion struck an amazing balance in this book. Navani’s arc is all about two amazingly smart people doing science and making incredible breakthroughs, and that is sincerely valued and given importance by the narrative, and then you get chapters like Dabbid’s and one of Taravangian’s emphasizing that a person’s value and ability to contribute is not determined by their intelligence.
Navani’s arc continued to be excellent. All of her research, and the way the story took you through the process, and her complex relationship with Raboniel, was great.
I loved Venli’s character development, and growing willingness to take risks for the sake of others. To me, her arc parallels Dalinar’s in the last book in some ways. If we can love the story of a bloodthirsty conqueror growing to become a good person, why can’t we equally love the story of a coward coming to become a good person? There seems to be a tendency to be more drawn to strength, even in its most terrible forms, than to weakness. To me, Venli’s confession to Rlain and acceptance of his disgust at her was one of the book’s great moments. (And I can’t understand people saying her arc took up two much space. She had 5 chapters in Part 3, and 4 in Part 4. That’s not very many! I’ll grant that the flasbacks packed less punch than some earlier flashback sequences because we already knew the main events - Brandon acknowledged that even before the book came out - but I still liked them well enough, and Venli’s present-day arc was excellent.)
Anyway, the amount of space I’ve spent on this section relative to Part 3 is another strong inducation of the differences in how I feel about them!
I should probably start this section with a discussion of Moash. I’ll try to keep it summarized. here - I could, and may, write a short essay on his development through The Stormlight Archive. The first thing that jumps out about Moash’s arc in this book is his reaction to Renarin’s vision in Part 1. I think that vision is showing Moash who he could still be, in a similar way to Shallan’s inspirational drawings of people - both use the Surge of Illumination. So it’s not that Moash is irredeemable; Renarin is specifucally holding out to him the possibility of redemption.
And Moash’s reaction is to run away in terror. Because he desperately wants his decision to be irrevocable. He desperately wants there to only be one possible path forward for him. Because if there are alternative paths, it means he can choose them, and that would mean facing guilt, facing the fact that his past choices were wrong, and his current choices are wrong. And that is exactly what Moash sought to avoid by giving up his pain and sense of guilt to Odium.
Moash is, nonetheless, very much Moash and not Vyre, as evidenced by his continuing obsession with Kaladin. As with his above need to not be wrong, here he needs to feel that he’s right, and the only way he can feel that he’s right is if Kaladin - whom he still deeply admires - makes the same decision as him, and if Moash can convince himself that he’s doing Kaladin a favour in driving him to that point. It’s ironic that he’s given up almost all feeling abd become almost enturely detached, but his worst actions are driven by his attitude towards the one person in the world who he still does have very strong feelings about. By the end of the book, he’s comprehensively broken, to the point that even when his ability to feel is restored he’s unable to even feel genuine remose over the cold-blooded murder of a friend. I don’t know where he’ll go from here - it would be ironic if he was only ever really appealing to Rayse-Odium, and Taravangian-Odium found Moash too much of a flat villain for his purposes and cast him off.
As the plot climaxes go, I thought the ones for Navani and Venli were excellent and very satisfying. I enjoyed Kaladin’s as well and found it cathartic, but it a was moment we all knew had to come, so it didn’t have quite the kick of some of Kaladin’s other big moments. I did love his reconciliation with Lirin. One of the themes of the book was finding common ground despite deeply felt disagreements - with Navani and Raboniel, with Navani and the Sibling, and with humans and singers/Fused more generally - and Kaladin and Lirin’s reconciliation fit well with that. I am far more favourable to Lirin than most people - if you’ve lived as a pacifist in storming Alethkar, which values the lives of its people slightly more than it does crem, you’re going to have been right a solid 95% of the time, where everyone else was wrong. I can make allowances for the other five percent, especially when Lirin’s life lesson from the last five or so years has been “resisting oppression and standing up for what you believe in will destroy everyone you love”.
And on the topic of finding common ground, Leshwi’s reaction to the revelation that Venli was a Radiant was one of the single most beautiful moments of the book, and one of my absolute favourites. It’s gorgeous and moving, and at the same time rather tragic, because - what might have bern different if Venli had revealed herself to Leshwi at the start of the book? How much of the conflict could have been avoided. Singers don’t appear to attract spren as strongly as humans do, which makes Leshwi drawing joyspren particularly powerful. And then the bittersweet note from “My soul is too long owned by someone else”. (Come to think of it, this is another inverted paralell to Moash. This is someone realizing “I was wrong about everything and I’m so glad about that because it means I have a chance to be someone better than I was.”) Oh my goodness, I would love a Leshwi chapter in a later book, just to check in on her and see how she’s doing in her new life with the Singers.
I also loved the climax of Navani’s arc, and was so relieved, because up until that very moment I wasn’t sure if the Sibling would survuve uncorrupted. I know that some people weren’t pleased because the Sibling didn’t even like her, but to me that became a core part of the story, like I said above - people who deeply disagree finding common ground and common cause. That is a key element of being a Bondsmith - the process of bringing people together in spite of their differences - and something that fits Navani so well given the rapport she found with Raboniel. (Though I was conflicted about the latter. On the one hand, she made amazing discoveries that enabled her to save Urithiru. One the other hand, she...kind of collaborated with the enemy and gave them terrible weapons out of intellectual curiosity and a desire to prove herself?) I will grant that it makes the series, and the characters with the most crucial importance to Roshar, rather Kholin-heavy.
For Taravodium, all I can say is - YIPES. I have no idea how to process the implications of that, but I feel like it will be bad. Really really bad. (Taravangian is probably my least favourite character in the entire Stormlight Archive. The attitude of “I am so brave and selfless for doing evil things and look at how wonderful I am for sacrificing my own morality for the benefit of all, you petty selfish people wanting to be good could never make such a grand sacrifice” drives me absolutely nuts. It’s a complete inversion and twisting of morality, and intensely arrogant.)
Dalinar’s encounter with Ishar was fascinating, and I’m very curious to see where this goes. The spren experiments were deeply creepy! And the way Radiant Oaths can temporarily restore a Herald’s sanity was fascinating - I’m very eager to see where this goes in the next book. I suspect that Dalinar may have made a very serious mistake with regards to this trial my combat, and I have no idea how/if they’re going to fit Szeth’s whole arc into the ten days before the duel. I’ve been eagerly anticipating Szeth’s arc ever since The Way of Kings!
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Psychological Apocalypse.”
Ha ha I think I love angst a little too much. Its probably unhealthy. Hope you guys have fun reading this extension to he burg war arc. Hope you are intrigued and interested to see what happens :) 
Warning: Mentions Drugs and drug related things.
Sunny was glad to hear the silence. 
Raised voices and angry yelling  had characterized much of the past thirty minutes as Adam made a call to the UNSC. She didn’t know what he was talking to them about because, despite his voice being raised, the walls were too thick to really make anything out. Down the hall Krill peered out from the medical bay where he was tending to the injured.
Sunny shook her head at him, and he returned to his work.
Neither of them knew what was going on, and Adam wasn’t talking, all they knew was that he had a plan they weren't going to like. The only person on the ship who truly knew what was going to happen was Conn, and the one thing about him is that he never gave away secrets, though the twisting of his expressions were enough to say that he was not particularly pleased about the idea either.
That made her worried.
Conn was usually into most things that caused other people emotional anguish.
He was an asshole like that.
Just then, the door next to her slid open, and commander Vir stepped out into the hallway. He was pale, white as a sheet. She would have said he looked sick, if she didn’t know better. Behind him, waffles, his service dog, followed after her head looking up ears pricked in concern. 
He didn’t speak to her, but turned and walked down the hallway. She followed after him, and Krill, peeking his head again, from the medical bay gave sunny another look . She could only shrug and continue following him down the hall and towards the cargo bay.
When they reached it, he almost immediately sat down burying his head in his hands suffering silently and refusing to speak to her. His dog sat in front of him nudging at his hands and face with her nose incessantly until he began to pet her. She crawled into his lap forcing him to pay attention to her as she did. It had been a while since Sunny saw that sort of behavior from either of them.
It was almost hard to remember that Adam had post traumatic stress sometimes. Hard to forget that he wasn’t actually cured of his demons. 
Though what would be making them flare up now?
The war?
The atmosphere of combat?
The people?
She worried for a moment that it might have been her before dismissing the idea. No, her and Adam were reconciled. There was no hard feelings between them, and no matter what she did, she couldn’t scare hi or even get him to flinch despite being the one who had done this to him.
It hurt her every day to think about it.
The dog’s tail beat against the ground.
They were there what seemed like an hour before red lights around the room began flashing, and crew members rushed to prep the airlock for an incoming ship. Adam took a deep breath and took to his feet looking pale but focused as the airlock doors slowly began to open.
A small ship rolled onto the deck.
It was a human ship, though the distinctive pulsing noise was clearly GA in nature. 
She stood up, curious to see what was going to happen.
Commander Vir walked forward just as the doors were opening.
A man stepped onto the ramp and then onto the floor pulling a hover cart behind him, with a large, dusty crate marked with the UNSC seal.
The two men stopped to face each other.
Adam did not offer to shake the man’s hand, instead inclining his head, “Amidral.”
The other man, who sunny had never seen before looked like a person hounded by his own inner demons. He was thin and scruffy, with unkempt grey hair and an outgrowth of stubble over his chin and cheeks, which were sunken and discolored.
“Not my title anymore, Kid.” 
He looked him up and down, “I've seen you in the news the past couple years. Was glad to see you were doing ok.” He shuffled his feet awkwardly.
Adam didn’t move, “Yes, I’ve had far more luck than the others.”
More foot shuffling, and the man looked down, “I know….. It was generous of you to donate your money like that.”
“I did what anyone would do.”
“No… no I don’t think so. There are a lot of men who wouldn’t have done as you did.”
More silence.
Adam nodded to the crate, “Is that it.”
“Yes.” The man whispered, “Though I wish you wouldn't have called.”
“Why are you even here.”
The man shrugged, “After  the indictment , well, I was found criminally complacent in an unethical and wildly illegal operation, however,” The man’s face twisted into an expression of shame, “The UNSC didn’t want the public hearing about it so, it was all kept quiet. I was silently demoted and my pay was cut.” he placed a hand on the crate, “I was made a keeper of this.” he looked away, “It has been a reminder of what I did yo you men and women….. 64, there were 64 of you, and now less than half of the original number remain.”
Adam’s mouth was pulled into a taut line, “And what happened to them.”
“Pills, guns, ropes…..” He went quiet, “Alcohol, addiction. Those that do live well, they aren’t much better off drugs, alcohol , rehab centers, mental health institutes. You and maybe five to ten others are the only ones I know who made it through…. Sane.” 
Sunny was growing very uncomfortable, she placed a hand on his shoulder, but he pulled away.
The strange other human eyed her up and down.
“But I see you’ve recovered quite miraculously.”
“I have.” His voice was stiff.
He motioned the other man to follow him, and together, all three of them walked down the hall.
They were almost to the medical bay when, the admiral cut in front of him stopping the two of them in their tracks though he had eyes only for the commander, “Please, Commander, don’t do this. There are other ways, other things we can try, other newer technologies. Every day I live with the guilt of what this project did, I suffer enough knowing that and I cannot allow you to throw away your sanity for…. For what?”
Adam pushed past him and shoved the doors to the medical bay open.
“You don’t decide what I throw anything away for… not anymore.”
Krill looked up from where he was standing next to one of the beds keeping tabs on one of his patients.
He looked concerned, “What is going on?”
“Prep a surgical suite.”
“Im sorry, what.”
“No questions, just do it!” The commander snapped, and krill stepped back in shock.
It wasn’t like adam to talk like that at all, but the look on his face had krill nodding and quickly hurrying from the room.
Adam followed after stopping before the surgical suite in a prep room with the box. Sunny stood at his shoulder while the other human tried to block the door. His expression was almost pleading. It  seemed as if he was about to begin crying, “Please commander, you don’t know, everything. You Don’t have the full truth.”
Adam knelt down in front of the box hooking his fingers under the latches and popping the locks with a soft click. He knelt there for a long moment staring at the unopened box before, reaching out, and flicking the lid open.
Sunny stepped back in shock.
Blood running cold.
“No… no no no, Adam, you can’t, you can’t do this. I won’t allow it”
Her voice overlapped with the other human “You don’t know everything, besides, it won’t work without the attachment, which I don’t have.”
Adam ignored the both of them staring down into the box. As she watched his hands and body trembled head bowed. His shoulders hunched under some horrific weight.
“No, No we are done!” Sunny reached out to close the lid, but in a flash her hand was caught, held fast by the wrist.
She tried to pull away but his grip was surprisingly strong.
He looked up at her, one Green eye blinking at her, It was cold though the edges around it glistened, “You will not interfere, and that’s an order.”
“Be damned about your orders.” She snapped back, “Adam this is insane, and I won’t let you go through with it.”
He stared at her, “I care about you sunny…. Very much, and that is precisely why, I don’t give a damn what you or anyone else says. I am doing this for you, for my family, for my species, for the UNSC, for the GA.”
Sunny shook her head.
The other human was almost panicked, “No, no ,you can’t even operate it. It doesn’t have all the equipment.” Commander Vir reached down and tugged up his pant leg silencing the man in one moment.
“Is that?”
“It is.”
Krill stepped into the room now staring between the three of them and the box on the floor .
“Sterilize the equipment, doctor, and prepare it for implantation.”
Krill started on.
He moved to do as asked, though he clearly didn’t like it. The medical staff walked in to help dragging the box into a DECOM chamber at the side of the room.
Adam went to follow, but the man caught his hand and held tight. He held so tightly that his knuckles and fingers had turned a gross, sickly white, “Commander STOP.”
He did turning to look the man in the eye, “You don’t know everything.”
The commander Pulled his hand out and turned away.
“Commander! I didn’t get indicted because of the suit.” Adam paused, turning to look at the man. He paused even further when he saw tears begin to spill down the man’s cheeks. Sunny stood stunned form where she was watching. His voice was soft and filled with pain “ I was indicted because we lied. We weren’t feeding you medication because your limbs had been ripped off though that was part of it. We were giving you medication because just wearing the damn thing is so excruciatingly painful the people we tested it on begged us to kill them.””
There was silence.
“The only way you were able to operate those suits. The only way that we could keep you alive during the process was because N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine, N-(1-(2-phenethyl)-4-piperidinyl-N-phenyl-propanamide.and (5α,6α)-7,8-didehydro-4,5-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3,6-diol diacetate….. That’s what is says on the official papers….. Do you know what that means?”
Adam shook his head though he was very still.
“Those are the scientific names for Heroin, Fentanyl and Meth.”
The silence was deafening.
 We had to get you high so you wouldn’t notice the excruciating pain of what you were using. We used the Heroin or the Fentanyl to keep you functioning, and then we added the amphetamine to cancel out the drowsiness and make you more focused. We got an entire platoon of men and women high, destroyed them physically and mentally to win the war.”
“You cannot survive that again….. You cannot expect me to allow that again.”
Adam was very quiet, and Sunny had a hard time reading his  face.
After a moment, “I would do anything again, for my species, for my family, for my friends, and for the GA.”
Then he turned and walked out.
Sunny ran after him begging pleading with him to stop, but he continued onward, ordering the medical crew to prepare him for the procedure.
Sunny glanced through the window onto the surgical floor to see the suit suspended above the operating table  its metallic frame looking like some sort of twisted scorpion, a parasitic thing  just waiting to infect.
The ex admiral was pleading, near incoherent now..
But the commander ignored them both standing with the medical team, who looked on in discomfort and horror.
He removed his shirt, and Sunny saw the small white scars running down the length of his spine, starting at the base of his skull and riveting into every vertebra. The scars on his shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearms and hands were never so stark as they were in that moment.
Krill tried to protest as well, but was silenced.
The surgical team could not bend him, and so did as told prepping him, lying him down and preparing him for what was to come. 
He lay there silent staring up at the ceiling.
Outside the room Waffles barked and whined as if she knew what was about to happen.
A mask was placed over his face, and as he closed his eyes, a single tear leaked down the side of his cheek disappearing against the pillow on which his head rested. They knew they could do nothing, if Krill didn’t perform it, he would find someone else when he woke, someone less skilled perhaps, someone who could get him killed.
So they did as they were told Rolling him into the surgical suite with Sunny standing helplessly outside the door.
Somewhere, the dog was still barking toenails scratching against the floor as she whined and whimpered for her master.
Adam was placed on a breathing tube, and then rolled onto his stomach.
The ridges of his spine were bright against the light overhead.
Krill stepped forward hesitant unwilling to make the first cut.
Overhead the Steel Eye Exoskeleton loomed.
A psychological apocalypse. 
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sidigtal-anim · 4 years
The Ultimate “Adrien is a Sentimonster” Collection
This might sound crazy, but it’s a definite theory and has backing from the show itself. It explains a lot of unresolved questions, and there’s foreshadowing for the show.
(NOTE: This post was last updated on 30th October 2021, the day of the US premiere of 412 “Crocoduel”. Edits with more information may be subject to be added or rectified based on new evidence in-show episodes/specials released.)
In “Feast”, Master Fu made his own Sentimonster for his reasons, and caused the destruction of the Temple of the Monks. He detransformed and ran with the last copy of the Grimoir and the last box of Mirauculous.
Fu safely jumped over the canyon and Feast fell into the lava, thought to be dead. Master Fu picked up all the Miraculous in the snow, but the Butterly Miraculous, Peacock Miraculous, and the Grimoir. All fell down into the canyon below.
Many and many after the events, Gabriel and Emilie travelled to Tibet. They found the two Miraculous and the book. Before the events of “Origins”, Emilie used the Peacock Miraculous for something, and died/fell into a coma, setting off the stack of dominos to fall into place for the current show: Gabriel becomes Hawkmoth, Fu needs allies, Marinette and Adrien are given their Miraculous. But the question still remains, what did Emilie use the Peacock Miraculous for? And why did she use it even though there was no need for a villain or a hero of the Miraculous?
Why did Emilie use the Peacock Miraculous? 
The main theory is Gabriel and Emilie wanted a child, but they couldn’t have one. Either due to their biological make, or they had a child, but he ended up dying. In their anguish, they made another child to replace him. It may seem to be a genie trickery wish, since 
Why is the Peacock Miraculous damaged? How do you damage a Miraculous?
The creation of Feast is what broke the Peacock Miraculous. A Sentimonster existing beyond the time the Holder is transformed and stayed for too long, and the Amok doesn’t return back or de-evilised exerts too much pressure on the Miraculous itself. That initial Sentimonster creation caused Emilie to fall sick and eventually become her current state.
Gabriel is overprotective of Adrien. 
The main relationship between Gabriel and Adrien has always been seen as problematic: a “single” father constantly neglects his son of any familial love and affection, even prohibiting him from going to school and outside his usual full schedule for friends outings because he’s overprotective of him.
Now the surface level explanation is that Gabriel is protective of Adrien because he lost Emilie. Why would he be overprotective of Adrien if “Feast” confirms Emilie is harmed by the Peacock Miraculous? I don’t see Adrien going, “Dusuu, transforme moi!” (”Dusuu, spread my feathers” for you English dub viewers.)
We know an Amok and Akuma can remain active even after the Holder has detransformed, and Sentimonsters can be Akumatised.
“Feast” proves it with the Peacock Miraculous, and “Startrain” has proved the same for Hawkmoth. This is something very specific to the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous, since Ladybug’s Lucky Charm (“Oblivio”) disappears when she detransforms.
We see that Feast can be Akumatised, so it makes it possible since Chat Noir/Adrien was also Akumatised seven episodes later in the production order. So there isn’t some kind of Akuma block when Hawkmoth would try to Akumatise Adrien.
Adrien is perfect.
This is something absolutely hammered in the show. Adrien is so perfect and nice, it feels almost inhumane how such a person can exist. We see the show from Marinette’s perspective, but Marinette hasn’t seen the scenes we see with Gabriel being Hawkmoth or even Adrien’s rare physical interactions with people when she’s not present at the same time.
“It is dangerous to misuse the Miraculous.”
This is a repeated statement. Hawkmoth and Mayura both misuse their respective Miraculous; they misuse it for evil and villainous deeds rather than the intentional heroic purpose.
Adrien is allergic to feathers.
Do I need to explain?
Ties into the Season 2 plants for Adrien’s death.
Quite a few episodes in Season 2 foreshadowed Adrien’s death. In “Frozer”, Ladybug tell Chat, 
“I can’t imagine a life without the boy I love.”
In “Catalyst (Heroes’ Day - Part 1)”, Chat Noir fake dies in Volpina’s illusion. There’s more, but this isn’t the “Dead Adrien” post.
These plants (film terminology for pieces set in place. Think of it as a Chekhov’s Gun or something that foreshadows an event.) set up in Season 2 fit together with Sentimonster Adrien since he’s not ‘alive’, but he is living. Tomoe could have more information on this than she’s shown to know.
Gabriel’s affiliations with Tomoe Tsurugi (Kagami’s mother)
Tomoe and Gabriel are quite close, to an extent where Kagami is the only real person Gabriel will let Adrien talk to generally. Like in “Animaestro” or “Backwarder”, where they are intentionally spending time with one another.
In “Feast”, we get a brief glimpse of Tomoe when the news reporter talks about the Order of the Guardians’ temple. Suspiciously placed between people extremely related to the Miraculous.
Nathalie’s sickness is happening so fast.
Nathalie and Emilie are confirmed to have the same sickness, but Nathalie’s health is deteriorating quite rapidly. Quickly becoming deadly and affecting her day to day activities. (”Feast” and “Ladybug” both show her illness causes ‘disruptions’ to plans scheduled.) 
One more piece of evidence is the theory of Emilie’s illness being slower than Nathalie’s. The effect of Fu’s Sentimonster affecting Emilie, but Fu’s Sentimonster and Adrien both affect the Miraculous, damaging it further. This makes her state worsen.
Hawkmoth/Gabriel has never said explicitly that he will wish his wife back to life/consciousness.
He has said in the opening minutes of “Chat Blanc”:
“Emilie, I miss you every moment. But one day, I will get the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir, repair the mistakes of the past, and make sure you return to us.”
It’s even shown in “Party Crasher”, right after he hangs up on Nathalie to harvest the butterflies.
“Emilie, we miss you so much. But you'll be back with us very soon. Thanks to my akumas, it's only a matter of time before I take control of their Miraculous. Merging them will grant me absolute power to reshape reality, and finally reverse our past mistake.”
In “Catalyst (Heroes’ Day - Part 1)”, Nathalie and Gabriel spoke in front of the outside Emilie statue.
“You made a promise to your wife. You’ve risked so much for the chance to bring her back.”
And even though it isn’t as explicit as the previous two, it proves Emilie knew she was dying/losing consciousness. So she had some agency over what happened to her, so she knew she was dying and made Gabriel promise to bring her back.
This means Hawkmoth’s wish could be to make Adrien a real boy (a la Pinocchio).
Bugette Sentimonster (”Ladybug”)
It’s quite random how Bugette has her own consciousness when Ladybug gives her Amoked object back. The show has done many random things (Space Dumpsters, Car Hologram Gabriel, Mayor Lamp), but it seems very intentional that Bugette had her own consciousness. All of these objects were mentioned in passing, and that was it. Bugette was talked about after the episode, and it emotionally affected both Chat and Ladybug. She was spoken about more than just a moment.
This is the first and only time we’ve seen something like this happen at the moment (hiatus between S3 and S4), and the additional information the Peacock Holder can intentionally alter the physical design of the Sentimonster. Usually, Sentimonster are affiliated with another character or their reason for Akumatisation. 
In “Miraculer”, August creates a lollipop Sentimonster because of his craving for lollipops. Even in “Reflekdoll”, Juleka creates a Doll Sentimonster because of her affiliations with fashion and standing out. Feast itself even had the symbol of the Order of the Guardians on its face. Hawkmoth has his Butterfly Sentimonster with him.
On top of all this information, Adrien was the one who was most anguished about Bugette’s death. Ladybug was upset as well, but Chat was in (or at least) showing more pain than her.
We have no concrete exposition on Adrien’s childhood.
This is very similar to a very specific Steven Universe reveal about Steven’s mother. There was a character she deeply trusted who wasn’t allowed to reveal the information, and therefore we had no exact backstory to the character until after the information was revealed.
Adrien is in a very similar position, where we have no backstory on him. There are no baby pictures of him, he doesn’t talk about being a kid, and the class didn’t even know him until he came to school. Kim (out of all people) even confirms this in “Félix” where he says, 
“Truth is, we’ve only known him since he came back after the summer.”
This is the biggest evidence of it being Genie wish, where they wanted a child, but it was a teenager and they couldn’t alter it because their form would be permanent. 
There are only a few canon things we have a grasp on Adrien’s past: Chloé, a drawing from “The Collector”, and Adrien’s childhood in “Wishmaker”.
Chloe has always been the only friend from Adrien’s past. She never says anything explicitly and concrete about their relationship in the past, or even talking about their exact age of when Adrien and her first became friends. She only says things like, “Oh, Adrikins! You’ve always been like that.” It’s never something huge about, “Oh, Adrien! Remember when you ________ when we were ______ years old?” No. It’s always relating to Adrien’s actions instead of his past.
In “The Collector”, when Gabriel is destroying random objects in his office to trick LB and CN into thinking he was angry and got Akumatised by ‘Hawkmoth’, he looks inside a cupboard and takes a framed picture of Adrien’s stick figure drawing with him holding his mother and his father’s hands. This shows he made a drawing, but there’s no real explanation for what age he was. He could have made that when he was figuring out how to be a human, or even when he was recently young. It doesn’t give us exact age or even any kind of concrete information on him and his past. But this can be tied together that it is original Adrien’s drawing (the one that died then came back to life) and then Gabriel keeps it as a memory of them.
This is further confirmed in “Wishmaker”, where Adrien says he doesn’t remember his childhood dreams. And when he does get hit by Wishmaker’s power, his dream as a child was “to be what [his] parents wants [him] to be.” The direct line of action referencing his birth, and being controlled by his parents, who were his creators.
To have an Sentimonster or an Akumatised person, an object must be Akumatised or Amoked. So what would the Amoked object be?
Let’s revisit “Félix” for a hot second: Félix and Amilie’s main aim in the episode are to retrieve the Graham de Vanily rings. Gabriel is very adamant to give them back to Amilie, even refusing her fully. Félix ends up stealing one of the rings from his hand, which Gabriel is noticeably furious at him for doing so. 
The episode puts an obviously huge focus on the importance of the rings, but explains nothing but hopes for their return in upcoming episodes. These rings are important to Gabriel, possibly his connection to Emilie, but it could also be one (or both) of the rings are the Amoked object for Sentimonster Adrien.
There’s no other explaination for why else they are important, with the other theory of the rings being Miraculous. It makes sense, but doubtful since Master Fu had all but two of the Miraculous, and Gabriel didn’t go to Tibet to retrieve the other Miraculous from Tibet.
One scene followed up on this was the ending sequence in “Mega Leech”, where Gabriel and Adrien start to have a heated discussion before Gabriel sends Adrien to his room. As Adrien walks up the stairs, Gabriel twists his ring on his finger. Again, we have no idea what this could mean, and we have no idea what the rings actually are.
The big question is “was it both the rings, or just one?” The answer can be yes or no. In 412 “Crocoduel,” where one object can be akumatised, but if broken in half as it is akumatised, it must be repaired back before it can be freed of the butterfly.
And that’s all the information we have as of now. It could be that these plants are meant for something adjacent to this, but the evidence currently is overwhelming.
TL:DR - Adrien is a Sentimonster because he’s perfect. Emilie wanted a kid. Fu messed up. Gabriel is crazy. Chloé don’t care about no exposition beside hers. Nathalie is a sick, dying woman and murdered Adrien’s cousin. Félix and/or Gabriel hold Adrien’s lifeline. 
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purpleflower04 · 3 years
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020 by Purpleflower04
Yes, this’ll be fun! Thanks for the tag, @sing-in-me-oh-muse!
1 List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
I think it’ll take forever to link everything, even with only 22 works (ok, 21 of them are Miraculous Ladybug and the last is a Christmas Jelsa fic)
You can find them all here!
I suppose I could list out statistics.
As of January 2nd, 2021, I have:
22 total fics - 3 longer fics, and 19 one shots (one of them being Jelsa; same one as before)
3 longer fics - Broken Keys, Mended Strings (a collab I’m doing with @torilovesmiraculous,  As It Should Be, and  MLB: Uncertainty
9 Lovesquare, 2 lukanette, 1 (platonic) Adrichat, and 10 general ones (I didn’t count background ships)
2 Number of words written:
3 Your most popular fic:
No doubt, it’s definitely  Almost Disaster! It’s about Marinette handling Hawkmoth like a boss when the akuma gets into her purse, but can’t convince her to turn evil. Her classmates look at her in shock and fear as she makes remarks back to Hawkwkmoth. I think people like seeing akumanette/close akumanette out of curiosity for how she’d handle it.
4 Your personal fav:
Wow, that’s difficult… have to say  Kwami Freedom. The focus was on the Kwamis getting out of the miracle box without any productive reason, other than to be free and do whatever they wanted. They got to explore just about wherever and whenever they wanted to visit. Giving the kwamis freedom made me also feel free, and I enjoyed it most, even if the fic didn’t want to finish itself. It was still a fun journey!
5 Your fav scene:
Oh, how can I just pick one?? I don’t remember my fics to that amount of detail. It’s probably writing the encouragement in Almost Disaster. I never thought I could write savage Marinette, but I proved myself wrong. After that, I saw if I put my mind to it, I could write whatever I wanted to, without any real limits, only myself if I let it.
6 A fic or scene that challenged you:
It has to be Exposed,  which was my first fic exchange (and the only one I did as of now), and I got a challenging prompt where Alya figures out that Marinette is Ladybug, so she gives Alya something special to keep it a secret. At first I had to think about what this special thing is, but then I’m like, “oh yeah, she’s Rena Rouge, I’ll just permanently give her a miraculous,” especially since I like finding ways to give people miraculous permanently, so this was something we’d both like, which was a bonus!
7 A line of writing you’re proud of:
This is from Unknowing Love, and it was specifically when Chat Noir pretends to be Adrien, then detransforms. When he does, Plagg says something unusually deep, but funny (imo).
Anyway, here it is!:
“You know, take in my purrsonality and yours to make the charming, daring, hero of Paris, full of puns!”
8 A comment that touched you:
I’ve gotten so many comments that made me want to happily cry and just celebrate! It’s so hard to pick just one! This comment from Side Effect is just PERFECT, because I didn’t know I could make people feel this way from just a transformation:
“Okay, this was short and cute! And idk why, but the moment they transformed, I felt a shiver run through my body. Guess I felt the power of transformation too!”
9 Something that inspired your writing:
To keep going, it was the people in  Miraculous Fanworks Discord server that helped me out! If I had writer’s block, I would go to the sprint channel and just write. It worked so well, I also use it for writing school assignments (but that’s a little off topic). If I had a specific question about how I should continue my fics, I’d go to the writing channel. There was NO EXCUSE for writer’s block, and now I barely know her, fanfic or not, haha!
To start or continue? What inspired me to start was really just being bored and telling someone I wanted to write MLB fanfic, so they directed me to Miraculous Fanworks Discord server. I then asked for advice, and one of the people there was like “get a beta get a beta get a beta,” and so I did after finishing my first fic.
10 Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
Finishing Kwami Freedom for sure! It took forever for the fic to finish itself. I felt like I was so close, but then also the same amount away from finishing at the same time. It took weeks because I would only write around 100 words at a time.
11. Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
Yes! It would be to make a fic for someone who gave me so much advice and a heads up for difficult topics if I was taking one of the same classes as them. I’m using the one prompt they posted on the server previously mentioned and using a ship they like, so hopefully they’ll enjoy reading once I get to it! I am also aiming to finish Broken Keys, Mended Strings, make a soulmate AU for February, a songfic, and a Choose Your Own Adventure fic.
I’m surprised someone wants me to share my answers, but typing all this was fun, and I hope more authors do this!
I’ll tag: @enonimouse @dot-dotdots @ladycat1 (If I didn’t tag you, I either don’t know you, or I think you’ve already been tagged for this).
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