#I wanna write I wanna draw
hesitantdream · 1 year
I've been really struggling to motivate myself this month. There are so so so many things I want to do, so many goals I have for myself, but close to no motivation to do any of it.
Do any of you folks also feel this way? How do you deal with it?
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wardingshout · 5 months
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Zelda goes mushroom girl
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flunkett · 1 year
reblog for wider reach id appreciate it
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 8 months
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🌹💀 That Time Ghost Almost Risked His Career 💀🌹
On the way to their date, Jade got mugged by three people. They obviously chose the really wrong target. When Ghost got the text message from her, he ran to the hospital to find her.
Masked Version (alternative storyline where he forgot to open the mask maybe? He caught a lot of people's eyes.) 👇
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Love me some Protective!Ghost (❁´◡`❁) (and yes that's also his worried face).
I miss drawing Ghost's unmasked face, so I kinda want to draw an expression, and it just pops out of my mind! (Might make a fic out of this 👀 who knows).
Hope you love this sketch! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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wasyago · 4 months
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kakashi and bull 🥺🤲
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bastardlybonkers · 5 months
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you were my son once
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choccy-milky · 3 days
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seb always has time for clora 🥰💕 ((from the newest chap of my fic! ao3 / wattpad))
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emry-stars-art · 5 months
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@neilimfinejosten said coffee shop au last month so you’ll never guess what I’ve been thinking about
A few thoughts under the cut!
Andrew works at a coffee shop in a college town, so far with all the foxes except Aaron, and Neil’s been far away on the run. I’ve been putting Robin in this one and I bet Seth hangs around the shop for Allison. Aaron will pick up a shift or two but mostly he’s focusing on school.
Anyway one day in a cold winter a new guy comes into the shop looking to warm up, and Andrew just happens to be working the register (rare). It’s hard to tell with the mask, but this guy doesn’t seem to be much older than him or the team, and Andrew can catch glances of bandages and band-aids under his clothes.
He becomes a regular through winter, but none of the baristas can decide on his name because he gives a different one every time he comes in.
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ckret2 · 26 days
So y'all know the Gravity Falls production bible that leaked three weeks ago. Someone in one of my discord servers pointed this out:
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And, naturally, that spawned an entire AU.
AU Concept: Ford was kicked out instead of Stan and takes a job as a trucker to makes ends meet since he couldn't go to college, while still studying the weird and anomalous however he can.
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Ford driving around from quirky small town to quirky small town, drifting through the liminal spaces of truck stops, meeting odd people in isolated diners, seeing strange things out on the road—a deer with too many eyes bounding across a two-lane highway, a flirty woman at a rest stop who doesn't blink or breathe, mysterious lights in the sky at night, inhuman growls on the CB or 50-year-old broadcasts on the radio—and taking notes when he stops for gas or food.
Aside from having gotten kicked out before graduating high school, Ford's the same person he is in canon.
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He's still an ambitious guy, and here "ambitious" means working hard and saving as much money as he can—so, a long haul owner-operator who spends weeks at a time on the road. (He goes through a LOT of educational audiobooks.) Plus, this is the easiest way for him to get to travel the country; and since it looks like his "travel the world" dreams with Stan are dead, he'll take what he can get.
Since he's never in the same spot long and carries his life in a truck, almost all of Ford's research is in his journal. His bag of investigation supplies has an instant camera, a portable tape recorder, a thermometer, a flashlight, rubber gloves, and a few zip lock bags—and that's about it. It has to share space with all his clothes, toiletries, and nonperishable food when he's on the road. He doesn't have much opportunity to closely examine anything odd he finds, unless he's lucky enough to run into something when he can stop for the night. He has to cram his paranormal research around the side of his full-time job.
He doesn't live in Gravity Falls, but he knows it exists. Every time he moves—to Chicago, to Nebraska, to California—he seems to inch closer. He currently lives in Portland and usually hauls loads between the Pacific Northwest and Chicago or New York. He stops at the truck stop outside Gravity Falls when he can and has gone fishing in town a few times. He doesn't have the benefit of extensive research to know that this is the weirdest town in the world; but it seems pretty weird to him, there are local rumors about the town, and he's had some weird experiences in the area.
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Plus, he can't explain it, but it's like the town's calling to him. He wants to move there, but it'd put him over an hour outside of Portland where the nearest jobs are. Maybe if somebody chucked him like $100k to build a cabin in the woods; but what are the odds of that?
He does know Fiddleford. Truck broke down somewhere and Fiddleford kindly pulled over to fix it on the fly. They looked at each other, had mutual knee-jerk "dumb trucker/hillbilly" reactions, and within ten minutes both went "oh wait you're the most brilliant genius i've ever met." Fiddleford's living the same life he was in canon before Ford called him to Gravity Falls—with his family in California, trying to start a computer company out of his garage—but they make friends and keep in contact.
One time Ford stops at a kitschy roadside knickknack store that also sells new agey magic things—crystals, tarot cards, incense, etc. He bought a "lucky" rearview mirror ornament that looks like an Eye of Providence in a top hat and hung it from his cab fan, and ever since then he's had weird dreams whenever he sleeps in his truck.
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Things I don't know yet: what Stan's up to; or why Ford's the one who got kicked out. I tend to believe that in canon Stan wasn't just kicked out because he ruined Ford's college prospects, but rather because the family thought he deliberately sabotaged Ford; so in this AU, Ford would've been kicked out over a proportionate crime.
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sirmanmister · 7 months
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MacCready not beating the generational trauma allegations 😔😔😔
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months
I feel like there's so much fun to be had with Nightmare and Dream being from a time where language had very different meanings, especially with queer stuff.
Like, the word queer used to just mean odd or unusual. Imagine Nightmare and gang visiting an au they're not familiar with and Nightmare points out one of the residents and says "he looks awfully queer" and the gang is like "whoaaa boss you can't say that" and he's so confused.
Girls used to be the word for all children regardless of gender. Just picture Dream off-handedly telling Ink and Blue about how he and Nightmare used to get along so well "back when we were girls" and the other two just wordlessly accept that these two ancient emotion guardians are trans and super casual about it. Bonus if this is also happening in Nightmare's gang and when it all comes out both groups have to explain gender identities to their leader.
Gay meant joyful and carefree. You could go 50 different ways with this. Killer tries to come out like "boss... I'm gay" and Nightmare is like "??? alright... I'm glad you're happy". Dream sighs wistfully and says "I just wish we could all be a bit more gay" and Ink can't decide which joke to make he just has to go lie down. Nightmare rallying his boys before a mission like "my brother believes the entire world should be positive but there must be balance, we cannot all be gay." and they share a worried look like "shit was one of us supposed to be straight??"
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pinkiemme · 4 months
Tattoo artist reader getting to do all of these on the boys
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geomimetry · 3 months
suggestive monster stuff under the cut
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i havent posted art in almost a year and this is what i decide to break the ice with hi
go big or go home amirite
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felix-krain · 3 months
I didn't really wanna post this but fuck it
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cover art for a fic I'm writing
(that I may or may never post)
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rumov · 3 months
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“My mom’ll totally be cool with it, and I can go all otter mode on your nightmares.”
posting percico fanfic in 2024? huuuuuuuhhhh??? check it out! 🦦
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1captainjordan4 · 1 year
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Its missing boatem hours
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