#I only put a thin layer of butter on my bread
sunshineandlyrics · 1 year
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🍅 It was tortured and murdered
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thegodthief · 2 months
An Occasional Lurker™ asked...
Which hobby would you give a try if money, materials and space were handled?
I have to pick ONE?? And does it have to be a hobby I haven't yet stuck a finger in? If we're discussing something I haven't yet tried: Blacksmithing. Which sounds more like a job than a hobby, but in the (lack of) constraints that you have given, all the blocks that keep me from even being a helper to an established blacksmith is out of the way.
Blacksmithing would tick off a lot of personally satisfying activities in one category, while also giving the option of never being overly repetitive. How can a hobby that is mostly comprised of swinging a hammer on a hot piece of metal repeatedly not repetitive? I know enough about blacksmithing to know that the art of swinging that hammer is NOT just swinging the hammer.
Where to strike. How hard to strike. How to set up a particular strike three hits back. Even if it's a set of identical knives, no one knife is going to be hammered out identical to any other.
There's the pure physical aspect of it, but there's also the art of it. There's the satisfaction of taking something useless (scraps and/or raw ingots) and making something useful out of it, even if that useful thing is only good for looking at.
But if it's a hobby that I have given a try to before, then weaving. Though any loom the size of a room is more likely to eat me instead and I will never be heard from again. Bystanders will look at me with despair, saying that I have been enchanted by the loom and forced to weave until I waste away.
Nothing of the sort. I have always held threads in my hands, and I will admit that not having the time to get back to it has been detrimental to my health.
What food or snack would you prefer on a lazy afternoon?
Ooo... Trick Question™! (First I need to remember what lazy afternoons feel like.) Can't go wrong with a bowl of baby carrots. With hot sauce. And cottage cheese dusted with season salt.
Popcorn is always a favorite, but only if I'm doing something that can exist around butter. So I won't be eating popcorn if I'm going through some books.
You know what's good? A sandwich with sliced roast beef or turkey breast, colby jack cheese, a right thick layer of spinach leaves, on wheat bread that has just enough mayo to keep the seasoning in place.
But ya know... some thin sliced ham and provolone cheese rollups are good as well. If I have to choose between prosciutto and thin ham, I'll take whichever is less salty. Besides, I'm too busy putting the prosciutto on the roast beef sandwich.
I'm hungry, now, dammit.
Reader's choice, what topic could you happily talk about at length?
Keri.exe is taking too long to respond. Close or wait?
My head is a Trivial Pursuit wheel of chance. I know a little about a lot of things, and I know enough to pretend I can connect the dots, and if the topic is a work of fiction, I will spin fanon tales on the spot about certain characters and how they interact in AUs.
One thing I have learned the hard way, is that there is a big difference between typing a few dozen thousand words and having a sit with a friend and talking their ears off even if the recipient of both actions is the same person.
When I go on a rant in DMs, my first message is "Wall of Words in progress, please come back later.", because I know I am going to plow so many words that Merriam-Webster should give me a commission for selling a dictionary to the recipient. But not every topic that is suited for DMs is suited for public posting nor is suited for a phone call nor is suited for a chat at a café.
What topic that I could happily talk about at length is completely dependent on who is the audience and how much time am I expected to fill (or meet).
I'm treating this question in bad faith, and I apologize, but as the answer is public I find myself wary of my phrasing. There is a terrible tendency on the Internet to treat everyone that is posting about anything is an Expert™ in the topic discussed. And many of the topics that I would gladly indulge in private DMs or a public meeting place are topics that I will NOT even comment on in a public post.
And that's bad.
And that's my problem.
And that's something I need to break myself of.
After all, someone told me recently that there is neither comfort nor safety in cowardice, and yes, I am a coward. I am afraid of being targeted, of being hurt, of saying something that will offend the people I look up to and they abandon me for it.
And funny how little things become the lock-pin that holds larger things in place.
I also think that I don't post like I used to because that same Internet tendency that views anyone with an opinion as an Expert™ also makes it hard to hold conversations about a topic. Posts become hills to die on and fortifications to defend. Having an opinion on the Internet is an act of war.
Or so I perceive the topic of topics on the Internet.
Perhaps my perception is incorrect.
Perhaps I'm typing furiously against clouds.
Or perhaps I'm going on at length about nothing.
Who knows.
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magicspace114 · 9 months
New Guardians part 2
Just a warning, this gets a bit violent towards the end.
There was a lot of moisture in the air that morning as you continued to follow the path up the mountainside. The fog layer was ruining your view but you knew there was a beautiful spot to sit just further up. You helped Tillen and Toby climb over the stile and into the next field.
Lovik was buzzing energetically around you all, flying in circles to work off his excess energy without getting too far away. You chuckled at him as he passed.
"How much further? I'm getting hungry," Toby grumbled.
"We're almost there," you smiled, "trust me, you'll love it. It's beautiful up there."
Tillen walked up close to you so she could talk lowly without Toby overhearing, "I still don't like how we had to hide from your family."
"What don't you like about it?"
"How we're isolating ourselves," Tillen let out a low growl, "we're away from the pack, that makes us vulnerable."
"Tillen, you don't even like my pack," you laughed.
"Yes but there was still a sense of structure and protection. We had shelter, food and warmth. Totobyc needs a lot warmer temperatures than your ambient climate."
"This will only be an outing," you said, "I don't intend on putting any of you at risk. Once we've had our picnic, we'll head to a hotel somewhere that'll be a lot warmer." Tillen didn't say anything else but she was still rather nervous for the rest of the walk up.
Eventually, the fog cleared and the sun shone down on the valley below. Toby gawked at the view, not noticing you'd stopped and put your stuff down. You ruffled his hair, opening your bags and cutting the bread up into small pieces for everyone.
"This is amazing," Lovik flew around them all, still a little hopped up on sugar but also the excitement of seeing the views around him. He landed down on the ground next to Tillen as she settled.
"How did you know about this place?" Toby asked, looking back at you.
"I enjoy hiking," you said, "it's good for my mental health, I just get to sit in the present and admire the view."
"So you do this walk regularly?" Lovik asked, "is this common among your species? I'd have thought you'd stick to your cities and towns were it's safer."
"Lots of people do," you nodded, "but even then, it's good to get out and see something new, you know?"
"This smells just like Pola," Toby held up his piece of bread.
"Want peanut butter on it?" You asked. Toby nodded and watched you make up his sandwich for him.
Tillen stuck her beak into one of the bags where you knew you'd put the cooked ham in. She was more focused on that than the bread while Lovik was just excited to be out, mostly looking around and chasing a couple flies that got close.
You helped both of them to make up their sandwiches before making your own. Peace washed over you as you sat eating with your new alien friends. Tillen had relaxed considerably more. The breeze was cool and the sky was clearing up above you.
You tilted your head up, taking a deep breath of fresh air. Only then did you notice a strange, faint shape in the sky. It wouldn't have even registered to you as anything if it weren't for your attention and knowledge that there were aliens around. You squinted up at it before a blue beam shot down on the ground in front of you.
You jumped up, instinctively pulling Toby behind you and Tillen's jacket fell off her as she flared her wings in threat at the three figures that had suddenly appeared.
The one in front was a bulky figure, covered head to toe in navy body armour and a visor over its eyes. A pair of horns shot out of the top of its skull with a white, furry snout sticking out below the visor. It had a long, thin tail with a tuft of hair at the end and it stood on two legs, holding one of those electrifying staffs that Toby had stolen during his prison break.
The two other figures were a mismatch of bright orange or red scaly limbs, two pairs of arms each, carrying assault rifles that really looked a lot like regular earth ones with pretty lights on them and a curly cable attaching it to the suits the aliens wore.
Tillen hissed when she saw them but you weren't as intimidated as you thought you'd be. It was hard to take them seriously. "You gearing up to play laser tag?"
"Laser tag?" The guard in front asked.
"That's what you look like. Does your gun have a little display about how many hits you have?" You snickered.
"We come in peace, human," the guard said, "we've come to reclaim three very dangerous individuals. We don't wish to cause you any trouble."
"You-" you chuckled more, looking back at your companions and seeing they're not laughing with you.
Obviously, the concept of laser tag would be lost on them and you really wished your brother was there to laugh at them with you. You took out your phone to take a picture of them to show your family later.
"James is gonna love this," you chuckled, "he used to play in laser tag competitions all the time. He wasn't any good."
"I apologise, I do not believe our translator is working correctly. Laser tag?" The guard asked. You nodded. "What is that?"
"It's a competition between two teams where we shoot each other with lasers," you said, knowing exactly how you sounded. "Last team standing, wins, or well there's a points system behind it. You do not know true betrayal until you're playing with a boyfriend who ends up on the opposite team."
"Your potential mate shot at you?" Tillen blurted out, forgetting she was trying to be intimidating.
You looked at her and laughed, "well he refused to shoot at me. He'd shoot at my teammates but he'd leave me. But mercy is for those who deserve it and I did not so as soon as he turned away, I shot him in the back."
The other aliens were starting to grow antsy in front of you and you were kind of hoping to make them nervous. You knew you had the reputation. You just needed to get into a good place to avoid being shot. You could feel your own gun where it tucked into your waistband, behind your back. You needed some way to catch them by surprise so you could reach back for it.
"We do not wish to cause trouble," the guard in front said, "we only need to collect these prisoners and we will leave."
You looked at Tillen, Toby and Lovik who were all tense now, readying to either run or fight. You smiled at them before turning back, "prisoners, you say?" You cocked your head to the side.
"Under galactic law 83-C, we must collect all those who escaped imprisonment." The guard said, "in this instance, the persons of Lovik Crashnez, Tillen Elis and Totobyc Maechislovic III."
"Well," you said, stepping in between your alien friends and the guards, "galactic law isn't recognised here. I think you're out of your jurisdiction. If you want to do this the legal way, you have to recognise earth laws, more specifically, this country's laws."
"Oh? What do your laws say against escaped prisoners?" The guard challenged, realising you weren't going to make this easy for them.
"We don't recognise your laws so we don't recognise your prisons or you as wardens of a prison so really, they've escaped being held captive."
"You do not realise how dangerous these individuals are," the guard said.
"Totobyc is a minor," you said, putting your hands to your hips and stepping towards one side of the guard to get a better view of one of the armed guards.
The treeline was too far away and darting there would leave the others out in the open. So instead, you took notice of a large rock you could potentially duck behind. It was small but it was better than no cover.
"So, right now, I see three kidnappers attempting to take members of my pack," you grinned, showing your teeth and hoping they see it as a threat. You were having a bit of fun intimidating them. Despite being half their size, all three were reluctant to approach you.
The guard in front pressed a button on their uniform and you heard a yelp behind you. You turned and all three of your companions were now on the ground, restraints activated and unable to move. Toby whimpered, ducking his head down as if to protect it. Tillen growled and hissed, fighting with her restraints and Lovik's breathing picked up as he was unable to use his wings as they too were pinned down.
Your eyes widened at the panic of all three of them and your blood boiled. You turned back to them now with a death glare. The guard had stepped back, nudging the gun wielding aliens to approach you.
You reached back into the waistband of your trousers and pulled out a gun, shooting one down before ducking for cover behind a rock. You'd managed to drop one in the surprise and the other had flinched at the loud bangs and confusion, allowing you to get to cover without being hit.
"Drop your weapon! Drop your weapon before I kill you!" The second armed guard yelled.
You caught sight of Tillen moving from the ground, hobbling so she'd be able to look at you. Though her face wasn't as expressive as a human's, her eyes showed worry.
The guard was approaching your boulder with weapon poised to shoot. Tillen forced herself to her feet, having to shuffle with her hands and throat forced close with electromagnets.
She jumped up, her wings able to propel her forward but as she lunged, she went out of your field of view, attacking behind the rock. You heard her scream and despite all logical thinking, you jumped out to look at what was happening.
She was on the ground. The first guard armed with the electrified staff was jamming it into her back, pressing the button down and letting her convulse in pain. The other guard with the laser gun was distracted and you were overcome with rage. They caught sight of you for a split second where they shot but you shot more and the bullets dug deep around their armour.
When the second alien went down, the first guard turned to you. "Wait, wait!" But you were too far into your rage. You didn't even think to shoot them, you just wanted to hurt them.
They lifted their staff to hit you but you caught it, not even thinking about the electricity as you jammed the butt of your gun into the visor on the guard's face. You weren't sure what it was made from but you knew you'd cracked the material with the first hit. You hit it a second time and it shattered, the alien yelling as the shattered pieces dug in around their eyes.
They reached blindly at the glowing buttons on their uniform and you had a split second to worry about backup before Tillen got up and slashed their throat. She scanned the buttons on their chest until she found the one she was looking for, pressing it and immediately releasing her hands.
She let out a sigh of relief as she gained her freedom, looking at Lovik and Toby to see they were free too though they weren't moving around yet. She poked around in the guard's pockets, pulling out a small device and putting it in her own pocket.
"We can unlock our restraints later. We need to get out of here and somewhere safe," she stood up now, looking at you then down at the staff you were still holding at the electrified end. It was no longer electrified since the guard wasn't pressing the button but that didn't change the fact that it had been when you first caught it. "How did you do that?"
"Uh, I don't..." you looked down at yourself, noticing the boots you were wearing. You smiled then started to laugh.
"They're rubber soles," you laughed. Tillen laughed with you, the pair of you slightly hysteric from the fight you'd just survived.
It's only when you started to calm down that you realised an ache in your shoulder. You ignored it at first, wanting to prioritise Toby and Lovik who were both having flashbacks but Tillen grabbed your shoulder and the pain flared up.
Tillen's eyes widened, "you've been shot." She said, letting go of your shoulder and realising the huge burn mark against your clothes. Your clothes probably offered you some protection but not enough as you became more aware of just how much it hurt to breathe.
Tillen trilled in fear, taking your other arm and sitting you down slowly. She moved around you carefully like you'd suddenly combust but aside from the pain, you felt fine. You'd adjusted your breathing to avoid too much motion and keeping still, you were able to think past the pain.
"Let's get everyone back down to the car," you grimaced. Tillen trilled more, looking at the others.
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inlocusmads · 1 month
hihi Mads!! For the creator asks: 16, 20, and 23?
16. Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
Google docs, baby!
Okay I have my problems with the goshdarned app. It's easier to write on a desktop/laptop than on my phone because the app's just the glitchiest possible thing. I try to write outlines on my phone - hope it backs up and then write the full thing on a laptop instead.
I tried Notion, Scrivener and basically all those "better than docs" writing apps and well, with no avail really. I find myself going back to docs because it's easier to customize.
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
Let's go with.. canon-divergence. Not necessarily AU, not necessarily canon.
Given only two options, I'd write AUs simply because I get to put all those small tidbits of niche information for good use. Canon fics, imo are just limiting, y'know? (Besides, you need to have a good canon to bank on anyway but you didn't hear it from me)
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
The ending is the easiest because I'm running to the finish line with a new sense of freedom. The middle is the hardest because I'm sluggishly trying to get through the plot.
To put it visually, imagine a cold sandwich with massive pieces of bread (something like French toast-thickness) where the only filling is a very very thin layer of butter. Or trying to stretch a piece of gum and the middle is just the thinnest, finest thing ever. I have trouble writing middles mostly in terms of keeping up a good narration and make the story worthwhile to get to the ending, which is why I end up scouring for inspiration to "put words nicely on paper".
Thanks so much for the ask, Juudy <33
writer ask game
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puffplantbasedcooking · 2 months
FUNFACT, I worked at a Dunkin's for three and a half years and never ate a breakfast sandwich there. I have not had a breakfast that I can remember until about two weeks ago.
Why did I never allow myself this masterpiece? Because I'm dumb and honestly, not super big on breakfast and I have to be in the mood for sandwiches.
There's two ways that I've made this, but only one has been approved by someone with a non-sensitive tummy.
What do I need?
Some kind of bread. I use everything bagels
Hash browns - either the patty or shredded
Cheese - I use Chao because I like the appeal of american cheese, but whatever works here
"Meat" - I have used both beyond breakfast sausage and tempah, but I'm only going over sausage here
Just Egg
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Condiments if desired - I put a thin layer of mayo on the bagel to help keep everything in place
Sauce if desired - I also add syrup onto the "meat"
I have no specific measurements for the spices, because even if I just made it, it was a lot of "maybe this OH NO THAT'S TOO MUCH COMPENSATE COMPENSATE" when cooking. It's entirely to taste, and what I used to use when I did eat eggs.
What do I do?
I cheat - I have an air fryer and a toaster oven. Hash browns in the air fryer, and I toast the bagel at the same time.
Bagel is cooked to whatever desired crispyness is
Hash browns - in this case, the patties, are 20 minutes total in the air fryer, and I flip them after 10 minutes to cook evenly
If cooking sausage, I use butter instead of oil for the taste and it just makes me feel more like I'm just a regular guy cooking a regular breakfast.
I have ADHD so I do all of these at once and try to time it exactly. I put the bagel on the plate, put condiments on it, and then flip the hash brown
The sausage should be cooked while you're doing all this, flipping it again pressing as needed. Once it's cooked, put it on the plate to side if you're like me, or use it as the base of the inside. I also add a little bit of syrup on the top for some extra flavor, and also, because I like maple.
Add more butter to the pan! Not a lot, but enough to make sure the Just Egg can cook properly
Pour the Just Egg in and SEASON. I go hard with seasoning, but don't overdo it on the turmeric! It's only for color!
While the egg is cooking, get the cheese ready, and make sure you have everything you need
Flip the egg once it's ready and let it cook on the other side. If you're lucky, the hash brown will be done and you can add that to the bagel
Flip the egg! Put the cheese on it, and if possible, cover the pan for about 30 seconds to let the cheese melt
Once it's all set, add it to the sandwich!
I have no picture at the moment for this one, as I get too excited and eat it too quickly. It's a good thing to make, it takes about 20 minutes, and is a decent breakfast to get you through the day! Whenever I make this now, I have to make another one for one of my roommates because he loves it.
i've been toying with tempah recently, trying to get the right texture and crispiness for "bacon", but falling short. Once I figure that out, BLTs, here I come! And I guess, bacon breakfast sandwiches too.
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joshmedin · 8 months
We were talking about food, weren't we?
I could tell you about places I've eaten. I'm not wealthy at all, but I've still had some fairly amazing food in a place or two.
But the thing is, I'm a restaurant guy. I work in a pizza place right now; we're a chain, and while our food is pretty darned good, that's not what I'm going to talk about, either. Exactly.
Because I don't have children. I have the kids who work for us. And I take care of them. (Okay, not all of them. The white supremacist that I fired, not so much.)
So when the kids have been good, and time allows, I feed them something special, something they can't just get off the menu-- but something that I can make with only the ingredients that I have on hand.
Let's look at a typical example.
I start with a crust. What kind of crust? I'll use any of them; our signature crust is a Detroit-style deep dish, which has a fluffier crust (lower-protein flour, closer to AP Flour than the bread flour that pizza dough normally uses), but I'm a past master at hand-tossed dough, and we have a very tasty thin, cracker crust as well. (The key to hand-tossed dough is to not use the dough press they provide, nor the docker they provide, but hand-toss it as God intended. But it's a skill that takes a while to master, so we have the press for the sake of new hires.)
Imagine the one you like best.
I don't just start there, though. There really ought to be veggies. My kids need to eat their veggies! But the default technique is fresh raw chopped veggies put on the pizza; they don't really cook very much due to their high internal water content (and actually make the top of the pizza cook less; pizzas with a lot of toppings, but especially wet toppings like tomatoes or pineapple require significantly more cooking.)
So let's improve things. Because of our deep-dish dough, we have no shortage of well-seasoned iron pans for the dough. In this, we add a mix of chopped green peppers (I'd prefer red or yellow, but I have to stick with what's available), chopped red onions, chopped tomatoes and sliced mushrooms. We're going to pour a little bit of garlic butter over this veggie medley and run the pan through our oven on the medium-cooking rack. (We have a conveyor-driven impingement oven, and that's it. It's very good for what it does, but it makes an awkward sauté device. But one learns to adapt.) This will nicely "grill" the veggies with the butter; the mushrooms will add some nice umami.
So, back to that pizza crust. We're putting tomato sauce on; it's not the only choice, but it's the most popular. But it needs something more, doesn't it? Over the layer of pizza sauce (uncooked; it's ground tomatoes, some water, and a seasoning mix of salt and herbs and no doubt other things) I add a drizzle of our ranch dressing.
Do NOT underestimate our ranch. The seasonings in it are pretty standard, but we start with extra-heavy mayo and buttermilk, the kind of thing that you can't buy in local stores. We have to special-order this stuff, and we make it ourselves every single day, like the sauce, like the dough.
You don't get the same quality with frozen dough shipped to stores and thawed, and you cannot convince me otherwise. Our dough isn't complicated at all, but fresh, hand-made dough is so much better than the alternatives.
Next, we must add cheese. Our cheese? No, not like those chains that buy frozen, pre-shredded boxes of cheese, each particle coated in cellulose to stop it from sticking. Ours? We take logs of mozzarella and a shredder, every day, after carefully assembling the cleaned blades and making sure that the machine will not commit awful mechanical suicide (the torque on literally every engine in the shop is insane) we push 'em through and carefully gather the shreds. We call this stuff "White gold," and it isn't cheap.
But I'm fond of cheese blends; I'll mix in other cheese that we have on hand-- cheddar, Romano, perhaps feta, sometimes even the provolone slices that we still use for our weird sandwich/calzone hybrid things. I'd add more, but, again, using what we have so we don't risk the wrath of corporate. Distribute evenly by hand, don't leave thin spots, for who wants those?
Those veggies are done now, caramelized and tasty, and they go on top of the cheese. Some of my kids don't eat meat; they're mostly set now, but others insist on further animal proteins. I often put grilled chicken on here, and maybe the addition of some nice, smokey bacon. I have to be careful with bacon, though-- it's tasty, but it tends to overwhelm subtler flavors. Still, it blends very nicely with the chicken indeed.
Okay, in the oven. I have a lot of stuff on this pizza; it will need a higher temperature and time to cook, but that's OK-- unlike most other places, our oven has three decks and four different chains, three different cooking temperatures and four different cooking times. Thickness of the pizza crust is an important detail here, so I make the necessary adjustments.
The pizza cooks; the cheese melts, and I used a lot of heat, so it becomes golden-brown, despite the cooking vegetables, the meats, all piled on top of each other, juices from the meats and veggies soaking into the flavor sponges that mushrooms are and transforming them while, in turn, adding that subtle vegetable umami to the blend. The grilled onions become sweeter and more tender; the peppers, likewise, the bitterness of green peppers becoming a subtle note in the symphony rather than a dominant aftertaste.
Okay, I cooked it. Are we ready to eat yet?
No, no, we have more work to do! A light dusting of garlic salt-- the garlic another flavor note, the salt light enough to bring out the flavors rather than becoming a flavor itself. (Alas, we have no fresh or roasted garlic! But one adapts.) Now we add the final touches-- perhaps some garlic butter around the crust, if it's hand-tossed, but otherwise, over to another station (once we've cut it with huge curved knives like scimitars fitted with an additional grip-point that would make them far too unbalanced to use as weapons using orthodox techniques) and NOW we add a little more mayo-- it doesn't take much; it's just a foundation for the real last step. Fresh, chopped lettuce and tomato. I'd add fresh spinach if we had it, but alas, it went bad too quickly, so corporate dropped it. Am I making a salad on top of the pizza? It may look like it, and I suppose I am, but the crisp, fresh taste of the lettuce, the acid of the tomatoes, these perform a wonderful contrast the the heaviness of pizza dough, cheese and meat, and one needs contrast in these matters.
Now, now we eat it. Carefully, though-- if it's thin crust, it MUST be cut in squares, or it won't be strong enough to support the toppings. If it's hand-tossed, consider the New York Fold as an approach to eating. Our deep dish can handle this as long as you manage to not spill the toppings everywhere when you bite into it.
If I used the deep dish, your lower jaw and tongue will encounter the crisp, fried outer layer of the dough first; your upper jaw, in turn, goes through a layer of fresh, crisp veggies, to the complex blend of flavors in the toppings, mixed together in the alchemy that is cooking, the hot cheese underneath still a bit melty, spreading over your mouth, the tomato sauce enhanced by the tangy richness of the ranch. You eat a slice. Perhaps two, if you are truly hungry.
And that will be enough. We're going to be hauling around fifty-pound bags of flour and fifty-pound boxes of mozzarella logs and hundred-pound buckets of freshly-mixed dough and stacks of pizza pans still rather warm from the oven and stacks of deep-dish dough and, later, cutting boards that are squares three feet on a side.
But this will give you the strength to go on. It fills your stomach in every regard, and-- hey, were you adding hot sauce to yours? That's fine. That's fine. I don't use it, but some people like the endorphin rush, and who am I to deny them?
But you got this pizza because you were good. Enjoy it.
And grab a slice quickly. Myles is coming back from his run, and he'll boggard the whole thing if we let him.
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leejungchans · 3 years
— delicacy.
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juliet’s masterlist
note: words in bold are spoken in english
set in late april, 2021
summary: in which juliet makes lets dino try an australian delicacy for the first time.
a/n: idk where this idea came from but i’m not regretting it one bit bc i think this came out pretty cute 👉👈 also this gif 💔 god i’m not your strongest soldier
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“Wait, how many of them are home?”
Juliet’s hand, outstretched and holding the key to their dorms, pauses as she turns to look at Chan, noting how he has gotten even more nervous since they got into the elevator.
“Not all, some of them are still at the company,” she reassures. With her free hand, she reaches for one of his, though it’s not easy with the bags of takeout he’s holding. “Besides, you’re our senior! If anyone should be nervous, it’s them,” she jokes.
“Wrong,” Chan says sulkily as she turns away briefly to unlock the front door. “When we’re at work, then maybe. But now I’m your boyfriend, not their senior, so it’s different.”
“You’re right,” Juliet agrees, as they step in and remove their shoes. She looks around the common space to find it empty. “But they like you a lot already, so there’s no need to worry. See? No one’s here—”
As if on cue, they hear one of the bedroom doors open, and Yunho walks into the living room seconds later. “Oh, hi!” he says cheerfully when he sees Juliet and Chan by the front door. “Just make yourself at home!”
“Where are you going?” Juliet asks, setting the takeout bags on the kitchen counter while she watches him put on his sneakers. Next to her, Chan takes off his mask before washing his hands at the sink.
“They sent me to go get food.”
“Who’s ‘they’?”
“Yeosangie, Wooyoungie and Jongho.”
“Why not just choose the delivery option?”
Yunho smiles bashfully. “Because we’re idiots and forgot.”
This earns a small snort from Juliet. “Okay, fair enough. Be safe!” she calls out as Yunho heads out with a wave. She turns back to Chan with a grin. “See? That wasn’t so bad, right?”
“Yeah... just seven more to go. Then again, you had to meet all twelve of them at once,” he says with a small smile, referring to his own members. “So it can’t be worse than that.”
“That’s the spirit!” she cheers, beaming at him before she grabs the bags and moves them to the dining table.
Juliet is in the middle of laying out all the takeout boxes when she hears him ask, “Uh... what’s this?”
She turns around to see Chan fiddling with the iconic yellow jar as he attempts to read the English labels. “Vegemite. Have you had it before?”
“It’s the Australian spread, right?” Juliet nods. “I think I’ve seen it before when we were on tour in Australia years ago, but I didn’t try it.”
“Do you want to?”
What was Chan supposed to do? Say no to those eyes? When they’re now ten times more sparkly?
He watches adoringly as she eagerly grabs two slices of bread from the counter and practically skips over to the toaster, popping the bread in before leaning over the machine in favour of glaring at it intensely. 
“Is that gonna make them toast quicker?”
“Oh, shush,” she says, rolling her eyes at his teasing. “Come over and help me.”
“Help you... watch the toaster?” He’s already behind her despite the skepticism in his tone, arms wrapping securely around her waist and chin coming down to rest on her shoulder.
The two stand in comfortable silence for several moments as they continue to gaze at the machine. Nothing happens other than the smell of toasted bread beginning to waft through the air.
“Still think staring at it makes it work faster?”
Juliet makes a tiny humph sound. “This toaster is an exception.”
“Mhm, sure,” Chan mumbles against the fabric of her sweater, “whatever you say.”
She cranes her neck to throw him a halfhearted glare. “You can go get the butter from the fridge if you’re so impatient.”
“No, I like it here.”
“Then don’t—shit!” Juliet yelps, flinching in his hold when the toast suddenly pops up with a loud clunk. Her cheeks flush pink when Chan starts laughing, and she wriggles out of his arms to grab a butter knife. “Stop laughing at me!” she whines, throwing open the refrigerator doors in search of the butter.
“Sorry, you’re just adorable,” he says, putting the toast on a plate before following her to the dining table.
Juliet shakes her head in mock exasperation at him, spreading a thin layer of butter onto both slices before doing the same with the vegemite when at that exact moment, Yeosang and Wooyoung walk by them.
The former wrinkles his nose when he notices what she’s doing. “Your boyfriend comes over for the first time and you’re giving him... vegemite?” he teases.
“What is that supposed to mean, Kang Yeosang? Also, we’re obviously not having vegemite toast for dinner,” Juliet defends, gesturing to the food on the table. “We bought takeout. I’m just letting him try it.”
Wooyoung snorts. “Blink twice if you need help.”
Chan glances at Juliet, now slightly concerned. “Is it really that bad?”
Yeosang grabs a bottle of juice from the fridge and pours some into a cup. “It’s the only food in the house that no one other than her touches, and we literally eat everything else. Do what you will with that information.”
She gasps, scandalised. “Excuse me, Seonghwa-oppa said he likes it!”
“Trust me,” Wooyoung interjects playfully, “he wouldn’t be saying the same if any other one of us offered it to him. He only said it because it’s you.”
“Whatever, I’m not standing for this vegemite slander,” Juliet huffs, shooing the two boys away. “Enjoy having no taste.”
Wooyoung flicks her forehead lightly before pulling Yeosang along with him, nearly causing the older boy to spill his drink. “Have fun, lovebirds!” he yells over his shoulder. “But not too much fun!”
Juliet turns back to Chan with an unimpressed expression. “You see what I have to put up with?”
He grins in response. “Maknae struggles.”
“Maknae struggles,” she agrees, holding a piece of the toast to his lips. “Well, bon appétit.”
Somewhat warily, Chan takes a bite and proceeds to chew slowly, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar taste. Juliet peers at his expression in an attempt to gauge what he’s thinking.
He swallows. “It’s good.”
“Liar,” Juliet says affectionately. “You don’t like it, do you?”
He grins sheepishly. “Okay, you got me. Not that it’s disgusting, it’s just... not bad... but not good.”
“You’re so cute,” she says, pinching his cheek gently. “You don’t have to finish it, by the way, I’ll eat it later after we finish our food.” Then she remembers something. “Wait, I have something for you in my room.”
“You can just grab it after dinner.”
But she’s already out of her seat and halfway down the hall. “No, I’ll forget later! I’ll be back in a few seconds!”
A few seconds turns into minutes as she rummages through her overflowing closet whilst grumbling to herself, the fact that she left Chan defenceless in the living room completely slipping her mind. She’s not a disorganised person, especially when it comes to her clothes and closet organisation, so she blames their hectic schedule for its current state.
Eventually, she finds his lavender hoodie squished between two of her own, and heads back to the dining room when she sees—
“Choi Jongho, what are you doing?”
He turns away from Chan to smile at her innocently, wholly unaffected by her narrowed eyes. “Nothing.”
“That didn’t look like nothing.”
“Oh, would you look at the time,” Jongho says, looking down at the imaginary watch on his wrist. “I gotta go feed my pet fish. See you!” And with that, he disappears back into his room as quickly as he had appeared.
They don’t have a pet fish.
Sighing, Juliet sits back down next to Chan. “Sorry about that, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, don’t worry,” he reassures with a soft smile. “He was very sweet, though he did give me a friendly reminder to never hurt you. But I don’t mind, it just shows that he cares about you a lot.”
She returns the smile. “Yeah... he does. They all do. By the way, here’s the hoodie I borrowed from you last time,” she says, holding out the folded garment. “It’s washed and everything.”
Chan grins, setting it down on a spare chair. “Honestly, I didn’t expect to see it again when I gave it to you.”
“Excuse you, I’m not a thief! But... does this mean I can have it?”
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a/n: okay so a few years ago i went on a study tour to australia and the host family my friend and i were staying with let us try some and we both thought it was pretty good ahjshwjs 🤩
i hope you guys like the fluff in this update bc this is the calm before the storm hehehe 👉👈 anyways gn besties lemme know what you think of this 🥺💗 thank you for reading and i hope you’re doing well!!
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liu-lang · 3 years
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中秋节快乐!this year I made taro and salted duck egg yolk 潮州 style mooncakes. here are some process photos. it took me 3 days to do this. day 1, I made the taro paste. day 2, I made the oil and water doughs so tt they could rest overnight and the flavours could develop. instead of lard, I used a combo of plugrá butter and ghee. day 3, I assembled and baked the mooncakes. other recipes deep fry the mooncakes which I'm sure would have been extremely crispy and delicious but... I was too scared to do that. I had alr set the fire alarm off in the morning while toasting bread..........
i wanted to make this style of mooncakes instead of the more familiar/commonly found Cantonese style bc of my 潮州 background. the filling was inspired by an old school 潮州 dessert called orh nee. orh nee has gingko nuts but I couldn't find any in time.
I tried to find readily peeled taro but there was only whole raw taro at the asian grocer within walking distance to me. i learnt that the taro skin contains calcium oxalate which acts as a natural pesticide. so when you're handling it, your hands can become itchy. there were suggestions to wear gloves when handling an unpeeled taro or to boil/steam with the skin on and then remove the skin, to scrub the taro skin, to put salt or vinegar on your hands.
after I peeled the taro, I cubed it and steamed it. once it cooled down a little bit but was still warm, I turned it into a paste with my food processor. at this stage, the taro was so delicious I could have eaten it on its own. in addition to sugar, I put in some coconut milk. the taro paste had too much liquid in it that I wouldn't have been able to shape it into smooth ball. per the recipe, I cooked it down in my wok. since I prepared it 2 days before and put in the fridge, it was like a solid brick after the 2 days. I easily brought it back to a shapeable texture by running it in my food processor with a bit of water.
I used pre-extracted and pre-cured salted duck egg yolks. to get the egg yolk texture I wanted in the finished mooncake, I baked the egg yolks in the oven at 180 C for 8 minutes. while the egg yolks cooled, I weighed and rolled the balls of water dough, oil dough and taro paste.
then I put one salted egg yolk inside each ball of taro paste and one ball of oil dough into each ball of water dough. this oil dough/water dough step is similar to lamination when making croissants. instead of pounding a slab of butter into a sheet of dough and doing multiple folds over many hours, i can get many layers and a flaky pastry crust by enveloping the oil in the water dough.
there are a couple other process photos I omitted bc of the photo limit. I rolled out each ball of dough into a long strip, rolled the strip up into a spiral, rolled it out into a long strip again and rolled it back up into a spiral. then I flattened it into the circle shape you see above with the taro paste ball in the middle. after I shaped all my mooncakes, I put an egg yolk wash on them.
the goal was the achieve a spiral pattern which is unique to 潮州 mooncakes .... but I didn't realise my oven had a convection bake and a regular bake setting. I used the regular bake setting and I think the lack of heat circulation in the oven changed the way the pastry baked. It also didn't brown by the end of the bake time. Bc I left it in a it longer for them to brown, some of them cracked. they also look more like 菠萝包 rather than having a distinctive spiral lol
Either way, I was very happy with the taste - it wasn't too sweet and the flaky pastry crust was very buttery and thin. this was the recipe I used and as you can see by my final result, I took some liberties with it.
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notsowrites · 3 years
all of you, all of me (intertwined)
Some fluffy, soft morning Malex.
(AO3 Link)
Michael never thought of himself as someone who slept in until he started spending nights at Alex's. More often than not, he'd wake up, pushing away the last dregs of sleep, to find Alex already awake. Occasionally, he was woken up by Alex's attempts to wake him up, usually kisses across his chest, hands running over his skin. Those were some of his favorite mornings.
But the kind that did beat them out were the mornings he woke before Alex. Where he could get those quiet moments to just watch Alex sleep on, unaware. It was in the morning his own mind was less chaotic, where he could lay his head on the pillow next to Alex and not be partially distracted by some other formula or calculation or project he was working on. Those mornings, his brain was focused entirely on the man next to him.
With a light press of his lips to Alex's forehead, Michael carefully extracts himself from the bedsheets, double-checking he hasn't woken Alex up yet, and grabs one of Alex's Air Force hoodies from the closet, pulling it over his head. Of course he could wear something of his own, but Michael gets a little bit of a thrill wearing Alex's clothes, plus he enjoys the look on Alex's face of adoration when he sees, it's always always worth it.
The first thing Michael notices is there's a fresh layer of snow outside. Not enough to cause any huge issues, but enough to cover the ground and become a winter wonderland outside. He's thankful they'd squeezed their vehicles into the garage last night, so now he's free to clear the driveway without going anything in the way.
First, coffee. Michael scoops the grounds into the coffee maker, adding water and letting it percolate. Even if he doesn't make anything else, just having coffee is usually enough to make sure Alex wakes up in a good mood.
Next, it's ingredients, and Michael scours through the fridge, finding eggs, milk, shredded cheese, and onions for omelettes. He immediately sets to work chopping the onion, and heats up a frying pan on the stove, coating the bottom in a thin layer of butter. He finds the bread, and immediately pops two slices into the toaster oven, setting the timer to get them a nice golden brown.
Grabbing a bowl from one of the cupboards, Michael sets about whisking the eggs, and adding the onion and milk to the mix, before gently pouring them into pan. He lets it sit for a moment before adding some cheese, and starts using a spatula to keep the eggs from burning.
Turning the heat off once they're done, he grabs two plates from the cabinet and divvies them up, retrieving the toast, and lightly smearing butter on them so it gets a chance to melt. Lastly, he grabs the two clean coffee mugs sitting on the drying rack from the day before, and fills them about three quarters of the way full, using the rest of the space in the cups for milk.
Everything nestles nicely on a tray he'd made out of some repurposed scrap from the junkyard. The idea had come to him weeks ago, when Alex had taken a day off from work, and Michael had gotten the idea for breakfast in bed, but only afterwards realizing he had to make several trips from the kitchen to the bedroom because Alex didn't own anything that could work as a serving tray.
Alex had rolled his eyes at getting served breakfast in bed, almost grumbling that he was perfectly capable of walking to the kitchen, and Michael had explained it wasn't about not letting Alex do something himself, but about Michael doing something for him for once.
Now, with a bit of help from his own telekinesis, he balances everything on the tray and heads back into the bedroom. It's no surprise to him that Alex is still asleep - on these rare occasion where Alex isn't up with the sun, he can sleep until mid morning. It's been one of the most fascinating things Michael has learned about Alex, though he generally applies that to everything new he learns about Alex. Now, Alex has his face pressed into the pillow beneath him, covers pulled tight around him, and Michael can't help smiling at the sight.
Tray safely perched on the bedside table, Michael leans over and nuzzles against Alex, pushing his nose into Alex's cheek, and pressing in to kiss him. He reaches up, pushing back the hair that's fallen over Alex's eyes, smiling as it rebelliously falls back into place.
With a groan, Alex blinks awake, smiling, and pushing his arms out from under the blankets, wrapping them around Michael and pulling them together. Michael goes, slides over on the bed, and lets Alex pull their bodies together. In his early morning state of not fully awake, Michael lets Alex bury his head in his chest, hair tickling his face as he waits for Alex to fully wake up.
"I smell coffee," is the first thing Alex says, and Michael isn't offended it's not to say good morning to him. Coffee is more important. "Is there coffee?"
He smiles, leaning down and capturing Alex's lips in his own, ignoring the morning breath, and gently pushing Alex back into the pillows as they kiss before pulling away to retrieve the coffee mugs. Alex sputters at the loss of contact with him, but Michael feels him shift to sit up in bed, and happily accepts the coffee mug that Michael holds out to him.
"Mmm," Alex moans after the first sip, opening his eyes and looking straight at Michael. "Morning."
"You slept in."
Alex smiles at him, and his hair is a mess, but Michael loves him so completely, it's more of a privilege that be gets to see Alex like this with his walls down, vulnerable and open.
"Did you make breakfast?" Alex takes another sip of coffee and strains to look around Michael for the breakfast tray.
"I like cooking for you," he replies, shrugging his shoulders.
Alex puts his mug down on the table next to his side of the bed, and leans forward, taking Michael's face in his hands, and pulling them together.
"I like that you like cooking for me." Alex pauses, looking down, and Michael laughs, leaning in and kissing him, knowing he's just realized what sweatshirt Michael is wearing. "You know how much I like when you wear my things," Alex says against Michael's lips.
"How about," he begins, leaning back to pick up the tray, kicking out the extendable legs so it rests evenly on the bed. "We eat first, so nothing gets cold, and then-"
"And then," Alex laughs, shaking his head. "I'm going to have my way with you."
Michael kisses him again, but doesn't start eating right away. Instead, he leans back against the headboard, and watches Alex. If someone had told him years ago, that one day he'd be happy, he'd be able to wake up next to the love of his life, and do something terribly domestic like cook breakfast, he'd have scoffed and said it would never happen. These days, he's glad to prove that wrong.
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achilies · 2 years
🌿🏳 for the ask game!
favourite food / drink?
lately, i've been obsessed with these tofu croquettes ball thingies ? i've been consuming waay too many of them. besides that, i'll always and forever be an arvid lover of all the foods my grandma makes. genuinely. even thick and warm bread with a thin layer of butter always tastes so good at her house. and, of course, porridge.
favourite personality trait in a person?
i think the ability to match my level of energy/humor ? if that makes sense? of course, i'm not expecting everyone to always match my energy and vibes and i don't hold any grudges against anyone for that. people are different and i'm not expecting anyone to, yeah. but it never ceases to put a smile to my face when people i've only just met simply .. get me.
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Recipe Wednesday #39
Happy Recipe Wednesday!
These are real period recipes, taken from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, a local newspaper that would have been accessible to Steve, his mother, and Bucky during their time in Brooklyn.
This week’s recipes are partially apple-themed! Which goes to show how much I love you all, as I hate apples with a deep burning passion. I felt squirrelly all the way through transcribing these. The recipes come from the Tuesday 1 November 1927 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. For context, Steve would have been 7 (comics) / 9 (MCU), so these are recipes that Sarah Rogers may have made, or which Steve might have learnt or inherited from his mother.
Marshmallow Icing Boiling 1 cup of sugar and ¼ cup of cold water till it spins a thread or is 238 degrees by the sugar thermometer. Beat the white of 1 egg till stiff and gradually pour the syrup in the egg, beating constantly. After the syrup has all been added add 1 cup of marshmallows cut in pieces. Flavor and beat a few minutes longer and spread on the cake.
To Make Noodles Beat an egg slightly, add enough flour to make a stiff dough and a little salt. Toss on a bread board, knead till very smooth and roll till thin as paper. Cover with a towel and let stand half an hour. Roll the dough up like a sheet of paper and with a sharp knife cut the desired width. Unroll and let dry. Cook in boiling soup or stock.
Apple Cobbler Wash, pare, core and quarter cooking apples. Put in a saucepan, add ½ cup of water and ½ cup of sugar. Cook until the apples are tender. Make a batter by creaming 2 tablespoons butter, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 egg well beaten. Add ½ cup of flour sifted with 1/8 teaspoon of soda and a pinch of salt, alternately with ¼ cup of sour milk. Mix the batter well and pour over the hot fruit which has been poured into a baking dish. Bake in a moderately hot oven about 25 minutes. Serve with lemon sauce or cream.
Apple Fritter Pare and chop tart cooking apples. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and lemon juice and let stand a while. Make a batter of 1 1/3 cups of flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, a pinch of salt, sifted together. Add 2/3 cup of milk and 1 egg well beaten. Add the prepared fruit and drop by spoonfuls into fat hot enough to brown a cute of bread in 60 seconds. Cook until brown, drain on unglazed paper and serve hot with a sauce or confectioner’s sugar.
Butter Cakes 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon (scant) soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar 1 1/3 cups sour milk Mix and sift the dry ingredients and add the milk to make a dough that can be handled. Turn on a floured board, roll ½ inch thick cut with a biscuit cutter and bake slowly on a well-greased griddle. Be sure to turn butter cakes only once. It will require about 10 minutes for them to bake.
Apple Strudel Rub 4 tablespoons butter into 1 ½ cups of flour, add a pinch of salt and 1 egg well beaten. Add just enough milk to make the consistency of pie dough. Mix 2 cups of prepared chopped apples with 1 cup buttered crumbs, a ½ cup chopped raisins, a ½ cup chopped almonds, ½ cup sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Roll the dough thin and spread the fruit mixture over it. Roll up like a jelly roll and twist to resemble the figure eight. Bake in a moderate oven about 45 minutes. Serve hot or cold. Lemon sauce is a good addition.
Orange Marmalade 6 oranges 1 lemon 10 cups cold water 10 cups sugar Wash the fruit well and slice crosswise through the skin and pulp in as thin slices as possible. Take care to discard all seeds as they will make the mixture bitter. Add the cold water and let stand overnight. In the morning boil gently till the rind is tender. (This will take several hours.) Add the sugar and boil for 1 hour. Pour into sterilized glasses and when cool seal with a think layer of paraffin.
Southern Candied Yams 6 yams 1 tablespoon butter 1 1/3 cups brown sugar 1 ½ cup cold water Pinch of salt 1/3 lemon sliced very thin Pare the potatoes and cut in ½-inch slices. Lay in a baking dish, add the other ingredients, cover, bake in a moderate oven until the potato is tender. After ½ hour uncover.
Scalloped Apples Butter a baking dish, put in a layer of sliced tart apples, a layer of buttered crumbs and so on until 2 cups of apples, 1 cup of crumbs and 1 cup of sugar have been used. Bake in a moderate oven and serve with hard sauce. Scalloped apples are good served with meat, in which case they may be baked in individual ramekins, each ramekin being lined with a strip of bacon.
Apples Stuffed with Sausage Meat Wash and core large tart apples. Fill the cavities with sausage meat, place in a baking pan, pour a little hot water around the apples and bake in a hot oven, reducing the heat 10 minutes after the apples were put in. These apples are excellent served with scalloped potatoes or creamed ones.
I’d love to hear if you try out any of these recipes! Take photos and I might post them on the blog.
Visit the Recipe Wednesday Masterpost for the all the Recipe Wednesday posts, and the Indexed Recipe Wednesday Masterpost for all the recipes broken down individually!
[ Support SRNY through Patreon and Ko-Fi ] And join us on Discord for fun conversation! I also have an Etsy with up-cycled nerdy crafts
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This post is the result of meeting a Patreon Goal. Thank you to all my wonderful Patreon subscribers for enabling the return of the Recipe Wednesday posts!
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
The Flame and the Dragon Ch18
Chapter 18: The Truth
Kai stumbled as he carried the bundle of clean sheets and thick curtains in his arms while balancing a bucket filled with bars of soap, clothes, and oil polish. Despite taking him back to the castle and tending to his injuries, Cole still gave him punishment for breaking his promise and left the castle grounds. Cole only told him to clean the Lord's room and as a reward, he would let the brunette go for a ride on Flame, who was being pampered in the stables by the staff.
Immediately, he dreaded the job but the thought of seeing Flame sent a wave of joy through him.
Kai chuckled to himself. He couldn't deny it was nice being able to spend time with Cole without having to worry about setting off his temper or arguing with him, but if Cole thought he would be that easy to win over, he was sadly mistaken. His eyes lit up at the challenge until the weight of the objects in his arms brought him back to reality. He groaned in annoyance as he reminded himself of the task at hand. When he found Cole's room again, he was surprised to find the door open and the room empty.
He set the items on a clean-looking spot and dug out the bucket, oil varnish, and a half-melted cake of soap.
He dumped the soap in the bucket and filled it with water from the bathroom, and poured a generous amount of varnish into the water. Supplies in hand, he turned to his opponent and glared. His eyes darted from the dusty furniture to the smudges on the wall, the glass, and furniture scattered across the floor. Fortunately, the sheets had done their job, the couches and chairs were free of dirt. He set the bucket on the floor and fished out the leather gloves the servents had given him and slipped them on, refusing to risk cutting his hands.
Carefully, he gathered the scraps and put them in a pile out of the way until he could figure out what to do with them.
Fortunately, none of the pieces were too heavy or large, but the tiny scraps littered the floor. Dropping to his hands and knees, he meticulously scanned the floor until he'd moved every visible scrap to a harmless location. He sighed and fell back on his knees, pulling off his gloves and tucking them into his pocket. Not wanting to ruin any more clothes, he slipped off his jacket and placed it on a nearby chair. He tied a clean cloth around his mouth to keep away the dust.
He grabbed the bucket, the rags, and the rest of the equipment and began attacking the layers of dust covering the furniture.
Painstakingly, he dug into each crevice, leaving a glossy trail in his wake. By the time he finished the furniture, the dust and holes caked the rag, making it useless. He fished out another cloth and attacked the walls. He growled as higher smudges mocked his height and stretched on his toes, scrubbing the black smudges, fiercely. His arm screamed with each stroke. When he couldn't bear the pain, he finally receded and switched hands letting his sore arm fall limp at his side.
He exhaled deeply in liberation an hour later from exhaustion.
His eyes wandered from the pale spots on the wall to the smudges on the floor. Groaning, he dunked a thicker rag in the bucket and carpet and brushed with passion. He stopped and wiped the sweat from his brow, his arms ached with stiffness. When the last smudge faded, leaving bright blue in its wake, he threw the destroyed cloth in the bucket and struggling to lift it. His muscles screamed at him until he dumped his burden in Cole's bathroom sink.
Free at last, he rewarded himself by collapsing in the nearest piece of furniture which turned out to be the bed.
He sighed in relief and let gravity sink his body into the softness of the bed, his arms liquefying with numbness when he tried to move them. His legs dangled over the bedside. A smirk of victory crossed his face. Now all he needed to do was replace the sheets and he was done. He lost count of how many hours he'd been working. For all he knew, he'd been asleep most of the morning and it was already late afternoon. He wasn't sure he cared anymore.
Finally, his body gave and he closed his eyes in relaxation.
"Damn, did you do everything?" A voice suddenly said. Kai's eyes popped open. He jumped in surprise and whirled around just in time to see Cole standing in the doorway balancing a tray of food in his hands. His eyes scanned the room from top to bottom, raising an impressed brow. "You did a nice job."
"Thank you." Kai smiled as he stood on his feet, stumbling slightly from the heaviness of his body. "I still have to do the sheets before I can see Flame, right?" He asked hopefully. Cole frowned and gestured towards the window. Kai's heart sank. Darkness had already crept across the sky, and the last traces of sunlight were the deep purple and reds of dusk. "That's impossible! I only lied down for a few minutes!" He protested, his eyes unintentionally drawing him to the window, pressing his forehead against the glass.
"You must've fallen asleep," Cole concluded, looking around the room again. "Not that I blame you, you certainly did more than I expected."
"Damnit! All that work for nothing!" Kai cursed and pressed his head against the glass hard enough for the sound to echo. Cole almost laughed at the teen's mild tantrum.
"Now you will have the entire day to spend with your horse, and it's supposed to be nice tomorrow." He said as he sat the tray on the table, strolled over to the teen, and gently grasped his shoulders. Kai was taken aback when he was pulled from his position and guided towards the table. He took a seat in a chair that was far too big for him. His stomach sang with glee at the sight of the food Shade must've prepared for him. The thick aroma of spices and meats caused his mouth to water.
"Now eat before it gets cold, otherwise you'll give Shade a heart attack," Cole said, motioning for the teen to eat up. "Besides, I know for a fact you haven't eaten since yesterday and you're much too thin as it is." He teased and Kai surrendered, his eyes widening as he took in what Shade had prepared. A large bowl of thick tomato soup with a plate of bread spread with garlic and herbs and mushrooms boiled in butter formed the appetizers. A whole hen baked to a golden brown and dressed with chestnut and hazelnut stuffing formed the centerpiece.
A separate plate of roasted eggs, potatoes sprinkled with parsley and a plate of biscuits sat next to it.
A bottle of light blackberry wine and two jeweled encrusted goblets completed the meal. He wasted no time, and dove for the closest thing he could find. Devouring the soup, a biscuit, and the spread toast, he moved onto the mushrooms. He ate half the chicken before Cole grabbed his hand and offered him a goblet of wine.
"Slow down before you choke." He commanded. He swallowed a mouthful of food and blushed, mortified by his bad manners.
"Sorry, I guess I was hungrier than I thought." He apologized, taking the goblet. He sipped the wine, noticing Cole had not moved except to stop him. "Aren't you going to eat anything?" he asked, concerned. Cole's eyes widened. His face too confused to respond as if he'd never been asked such a question. "Here, there's more than enough here for two." He suggested, offering the plate of mushrooms.
"I... I don't need to eat."
"But... you do eat, don't you?"
"I can, I just don't need to."
"So, in other words, just because you don't need to do something, you don't do it?"
"That sounds boring," Kai commented, taking an empty plate and set one of everything on it, then filled the second glass with wine. Cole opened his mouth to question the action only for Kai to place the plate and goblet in front of him. Cole stared at the food with confusion, then back at the grinning teenager.
"Did you not hear what I just told you?"
"I heard you, but you can still eat and Shade's food is delicious, I can't eat all of it and he'll be crushed if we throw some of it out."
"I just told you, I don't need to eat." Cole snapped, biting back his annoyance. "If there's no point to things, why do them?"
"Haven't you ever just done something for the sake of doing it?" Kai interrogated, trying to keep his voice civil. "If not for any other reason than because you can, or to have fun, or to try something new?" He asked and to emphasized his point, he picked up the plate and held it closer to Cole. "When was the last time you actually tasted something? I'll bet one bite and you won't stop."
"Why does it matter?" Cole replied harshly, snatching the plate away and setting it back on the table. "If I don't need something, then what's the point? It's such a waste if something isn't done for a purpose."
"It's not a waste! It's not poison and besides, you not eating means it will go to waste and your staff would've worked hard for nothing." Kai scolded, gesturing with a swing of his hand to address everyone who wasn't in the room.
"I adore my staff, thank you very much, but I doubt my lack of appetite bothers them," Cole answered in a dry tone. "They still eat, though I fail to see the reason why, and regardless, they have always found other ways to entertain themselves in the past." He snarled. Kai's brow narrowed but he had a mischievous smirk on his face.
"But not what they want to do, so everyone else is denied their wants solely because you have nothing better to do but wallow in your room? No wonder you're so grouchy all the time, you must bore yourself to death."
"You really don't know when to bite your tongue, do you?"
"Well spare me for trying to bring a little sunshine to the doom and gloom you call your life." Kai protested, getting to his feet. "I just don't understand you, you have an entire castle here, people who adore your company, and all you do is lock yourself in this room and break things! It's like you purposely go out of your way to make yourself miserable and everyone worries themselves sick because of it." He glared and Cole was on his feet in an instant, anger in his eyes.
"I have my reasons and they are none of your concern nor anyone else's." He countered harshly and turned left. Using his smaller stature to his advantage, Kai cut in front of him, forcing Cole to look at him.
"It is my concern and everyone else's when everyone worries about you." Kai protested passionately. "All the time I hear everyone worrying over you and wondering why you've never left your room; the last two weeks, all they did was ask me what happened to you, and ever since I arrived here, I've been wondering what I did to make you so angry with me!" He blurted out. Cole's expression dropped. The anger from before had vanished, leaving Cole's face a mask of neutrality.
Kai froze and bit his lip as an awkward silence passed between them.
His eyes hadn't left Cole's but he felt himself shaking slightly beneath that gaze. Finally, Cole shook his head, a line formed on his lips.
"If you're referring to the incident in the ballroom, you can relax, I'm not angry at you for that; our... conversation just brought up a few bad memories and I overreacted and your rudeness did little to soften my temper so we were both at fault and it's done." He replied and Kai wobbled a bit, almost sick with relief, but another question came to mind. He opened his mouth to ask, but he bit it back. The rift between them was already large enough.
"What is it?" Cole ordered, curiosity softening the command.
"Nothing," Kai replied, lowering his gaze.
"You wanted to ask me something," Cole observed. Kai didn't look up until the tip of the dragon's tail curled beneath his chin. Cole's arms crossed over his chest, an amused smile crossed his face as he leaned over to meet Kai's eye level. "I know from past experience what happens when your curiosity isn't satisfied, so ask." He said humorously, but there was forcefulness as well. Kai had never been afraid of Cole before the previous night, and he wasn't now, but the knot in his gut twisted.
His voice felt like it vanished.
He froze in place, enthralled by the desire to see what was beyond those emerald depths but the fear of adding another layer to the barrier between them was equally as strong. As if sensing the teenager's dilemma, Cole's expression softened. "Whatever it is, I promise I won't get upset." He added. The statement broke the enchantment. Kai closed his eyes and exhaled a breath.
"Is that your family?" He asked. Completely blown away, by the statement Cole's face dropped to one of flabbergasted silence
"What do you mean?" He asked in a breathy voice, releasing Kai from his grip. His tail curled nervously at his feet. Kai swallowed, almost too afraid to ask, but knowing it was too late, his eyes wandered to the painting on the other side of the room. The cloth had been removed when he changed it and now it was open and visible beneath its glass case.
"The painting over there, are they your family?" He asked with concerned eyes, silently praying he hadn't unintentionally tread into forbidden territory. Cole didn't answer, but the look of conflict on his face spoke for him. He was torn between anger, anguish, and something else. Kai opened his mouth to apologize but Cole raised a hand.
"Don't apologize, you were only curious." He said quickly, silencing any apology. Cole swooped past him, quickly strolling to the balcony, and braced himself on the table where the candle rested. His claws sank into the table as he gave a heavy sigh.
"It's alright if you don't want to say anything." Kai blurted out quickly, his mind racing for some way to repair the rift he knew he'd increased. Cole shot up and the second his eyes met Kai, the teen looked at the ground. "I won't pry into your private life."
"It's not that!" Cole said quickly, hoping to remove the young man's unwarranted guilt. "You've done nothing wrong, it's just something I've come to accept; I know I can't change it no matter how much I wish I could, so I've just accepted it." He explained, turning his back to Kai, who looked at him with wide eyes. Realization at their misunderstanding dawned on him, and he shook his head, turning his attention back to the painting then Cole.
"Are you talking about the curse?" He asked, without thinking. Cole shot up, completely astounded by the statement. He knew the boy knew who he was, but he was forbidden to speak of the details nonetheless.
"I read it in a book," Kai explained with a small smile. "The librarian gave it to me, it's my favorite book." He explained, trying to stifle a laugh at the jaw-dropped expression on Cole's face. "I didn't believe it at first, but it told about this castle, the prince who lived here, the sorcerer who cursed him for no sin other than wanting to protect his kingdom; I wasn't even sure it was real until I saw you for the first time and I later found out Zane wrote it."
"I don't believe this," Cole muttered as he collapsed in a nearby chair, his face a mask of pure shock.
"It wasn't that difficult to figure out, everyone does a horrible job of hiding it every time I ask about it, how dense do they think I am?" He explained with a laugh.
"It isn't that, they can't tell you." He explained, noticing the cute look of confusion on Kai's face. "It is part of our curse, no one can reveal the details of it or how to break it to an outsider; Zane is the only exception because he wrote it down." He laughed to himself at the irony.
"Wait, you mean you knew about it?"
"Yeah, who do you think gave him permission to do so?" Cole laughed, standing up. He hooked a hand around Kai's arm, pulling him to his feet with such swiftness their eyes met again. "I was joking at the time, I'm glad he took me seriously."
"Yes, but that still doesn't answer my question." He replied. "Is that your family? You don't have to tell me about them, I just wasn't sure; they look a lot like you, so I just assumed." He added gently. Cole's face was unreadable as he let Kai go. His eyes darted back to the painting of the happy family safely locked away behind the glass, carefully taking in every detail.
"Why do you want to know?" He asked his voice stoic and his eyes absent of emotion.
"Because I want to get to know you." He answered honestly. His eyes and voice held true conviction, not a flicker of doubt. "The real you, not the character I read in a book or the façade you put up to keep people away, I want to know the real Cole." He said passionately. Finally, Cole closed his eyes and shook his head with a small smile at the boy before him. He walked past Kai with a commanding aura. Kai's gaze followed him until he saw Cole had stopped in front of the painting.
His claws gently glided over the glass and gently caressed the cheek of the girl in the painting.
"My mother was the sweetest person you'd ever meet." He sighed sadly. "She had a heart of gold and a temper to match, do not mistake her though, you would not wish to anger her in fact, those who did often wish they hadn't but she was fair in her discipline; all children in the kingdom she considered her own and it was her personal duty to help all the orphans in any way she could; there was not a soul you could find who didn't love her and I doubt there was anything about her you couldn't love."
"She sounds so kind."
"She was a firm ruler, a tough woman, and a very strict parent." He smiled and, for a moment, Kai swore it was the smile of a child longing for his mother. "My father loved us with every fiber of his soul but he was always willing to sacrifice his own time and happiness for the good of his kingdom." He continued. "He didn't sit around and let officials do the work for him and when something needed to be built or when there was a battle, he was there; he always said a King is only as good as the people who follow him and he never asked his people to do anything he himself wouldn't do." Cole paused for a minute to chuckle at the memory.
"That's a good thing to teach."
"That was the first lesson he taught me; respect for my people." The Dragon Lord smiled at the memory. "I hated it when I was younger; always having to go into town and work, but my father was firm with me, especially in his discipline; despite his duties, however, he always made time for us, and every day, he'd take my sister and I horseback riding or he'd educate us on what it meant to be King; he wasn't there as much as I would've liked, but I also understood his reasons." He sighed heavily.
Kai felt his heart jump as he heard Cole speak, never before had he spoken so kindly, so happily.
It was like he was living a dream and nothing else mattered. He stood up and strolled over to his side.
"They sound wonderful." He smiled, recalling his own parents before they passed away.
"They were."
"Is that your sister?" Kai asked, gesturing a hand to the young girl in the image. Cole didn't answer at first. Instead, he knelt down to meet the eyes of the girl.
"I loved my sister the most, even though she was adopted." He replied.
"She was disowned by her original guardian, but it didn't matter to me or my parents; she was my sister and she meant the world to me, I adored her and she looked up to me and I promised her I'd do anything to protect her." His voice was bright with adoration that Kai swore could only rival his own love for Lloyd. "She was so young." His voice faded to a whisper as his forehead pressing against the glass. "She did nothing wrong." He mumbled. His claws clenched, scratching the glass.
"Neither did you," Kai added, with a small grin of understanding. "Is that why you lock yourself away here? To punish yourself?" He asked and the dragon hybrid looked up. Fierce emeralds bore straight into concerned ambers. The younger held still, not pressuring him but waiting for an answer.
"Why are you so persistent?"
"Why do you avoid answering me?" Kai persisted, his glare hardening. "Am I correct?"
"It doesn't matter," Cole huffed before he turned around and started towards the door, his tail wrapping around Kai's waist gesturing for him to follow. Kai dug his heels into the ground, wincing as the scaly appendage tightened. He bit his lip to keep from crying out. Cole tugged on him, but the stubborn teen remained firm, refusing to back down. Finally, Kai slapped the appendage away and glared at the king. Cole winced, more shocked than angry by the strike.
"What is the matter with you?" He demanded harshly, moving to grab the teen, but Kai evaded his talons, refusing to let time repeat.
"Why is it so hard to answer me?"
"Why does it matter?" He growled at the teen's boldness, his tail whipping at his side, filling the room with loud smacks every time it struck something. "Go back to your room, Kai, you're done here." He ordered, pointing to the door.
"I am not leaving until you answer me!" He shouted and Cole saw red. Before either of them could react he roughly grabbed his upper arm and pinned him against the glass, but not hard enough to hurt him, only immobilize him.
"You are the most stubborn person I have ever met!"
"Funny, I was just about to say the same thing about you! Now let go of me, this instant!" He yelled as he wrenched his arms, but Cole harshly tugged him closer, making him wince.
"You know nothing about me!" The dragon hybrid snapped, shaking the teen slightly.
"That's exactly my point!" Kai argued, clawing at the man's talons with his free hand, in a weak attempt to earn release from his captor's grip, digging his heels into the ground. "You only tell me about everyone else, but you never say anything about yourself! And when I ask you why you stay here, you change the subject or avoid it? Why! You did nothing wrong! So why are you punishing yourself for a crime you didn't commit?"
"You think I don't know that!" Cole exploded, with such force that Kai went silent. Slightly afraid of the mad anger in the Lord's face, Kai stopped his resistance, paralyzed. He put up no resistance as Cole forcefully pulled him closer. "I know I did nothing wrong! I know there was nothing I could've done! Is it better knowing I could do nothing but watch as my entire family vanished right before my eyes and I could do nothing to save them? That I could do nothing to stop the monster who stole them from me from turning me into this repulsive creature? Yes, I'm well aware of that!"
A disturbing silence fell between them, disturbed only by Cole's heavy breathing.
Slowly, regaining his composure, Kai's gaze softened, and his voice civilized.
"So you are punishing yourself." He concluded in an expressionless voice. He'd braced himself for a blow, expecting Cole to strike him, or yell at him once more, but he did neither. Instead, he responded in the last way Kai expected him to. He laughed. Low pearls rolled off his lips like small dark chuckled, before finally erupting into a triumphant burst of hysterics.
"You think I blame myself for that?" Cole mocked, still laughing. "I'd have to be a damned fool to even think that? Why should I when I know the real culprit?" He asked, breathless from laughing. The Dragon Lord then released him and with a shove, more powerful than he intended, threw the teen back into an armchair he'd backed himself against. Kai hissed at the treatment, but his eyes never left Cole's. Cole strolled across the table, bracing himself against an opposite chair, his head hung low as he continued to laugh.
"You really want to know?" He asked with sadness. Regaining himself, Kai nodded, suddenly alert.
"So persistent, fine I'll tell you." Cole chuckled darkly and his voice drifted off. "I stay here because it's easier this way; it's safer, keeping everyone at arm's length so they can't abandon you because they can't stand the sight of you and they can't insult you or turn you away despite all you've done for them because you're a monster; I've done nothing wrong, but still the world rejects and repulses me; I've long accepted I'm a monster." He explained.
Bitter sarcasm drenched his retort with venom.
Each anguished word, poisoned with a frightening familiarity, all while Kai absorbed each brutal word.
"I just don't like being reminded what I already know." He concluded. "It's just safer this way."
"You fool!" Kai protested in a tone so sharp, Cole shot up. Kai's eyes were locked on the floor, his hands balled into fists at his sides and his frame shook violently with rage. "You're a fool, Cole!" He exploded.
"How dare you!" Cole erupted, rage and betrayal in his voice. He was a fool for accepting sympathy.
"Yes, I dare!" Kai countered, stepping forward until he was face to face with the hybrid. "How dare you just give up!" He paused, voice shaking with anger as he tried to find the right words. "You were betrayed, shunned, and abandoned, I don't blame you for that! But how dare you give in to those accusations! So what?! Just because a bunch of heartless traitors shun you and tell you you're a monster that automatically makes it true? When do you ever listen to anyone but yourself!?" He demanded angrily.
Cole's talons ceased the teen by his shoulders and lifted him off the ground, growling with rage.
"You know nothing! You don't know anything that I've been through! You have no idea what it's to be shunned and hated for nothing! You have no idea!" He bellowed so loud Kai was sure the whole castle shook. Kai flinched at the words, not by the harshness in the man's accusation but by its inaccuracy. He shoved the man off him, so hard, Cole was taken aback by the force and stumbled backward. His legs hit those of the armchair and he fell back, but before he could forget, Kai braced his hands on either arm, pinning the man beneath him.
Stunned by the sudden action, Cole froze, paralyzed by the ferocity and gravity in the intense gaze.
"You think I don't know what it's like to be hated? To be shunned and mocked through no fault of my own? Do you think I don't feel something when I see the way people look at me and whisper about me as I walk by? You don't think I know they think I'm a freak! Just because everyone agrees I'm some brazen youth whose only purpose in life should be to marry some pompous aristocrat, live in a gilded cage, and raise spoiled children until I croak means I should accept it and do it?" His shaking grew work as he spoke.
Passion and rage consumed him, and he narrowed his eyes, biting back the tears threatening to fall.
"At least I don't give up! At least I don't just give up and accept what everyone thinks! Because they're wrong! And I know they are! Even if they all agree, even if everyone and everything thinks you're something doesn't mean you are, right? Even if they drill it into your skull, even if they convince you you're a monster or a freak! That doesn't mean it's true!" He finished screaming, his entire body shook violently. Without bothering to wait for a reaction from the stunned Lord, Kai pulled back and turned to leave, knowing he couldn't keep himself in control any longer.
He didn't get far.
In a flash, Cole blocked the man's path with his wings, carefully placing a talon on his shoulder, and gently turned him to face him, but Kai refused to meet his gaze.
"Kai, wait!" Cole called softly. When the teen looked up, Cole's eyes widened. Tears streaked the teen's face like transparent rivers. Droplets accumulated on Kai's chin until they finally dropped to the floor or dampened Cole's claws.
"What!" The teenager snapped, harshly, furiously rubbing away the signs of his weakness. Even with tears falling from Kai's eyes, fire blazed in them. Those same indomitable eyes he adored, at first sight, blazed with so many emotions at once. Anger, anguish, sympathy, disgust, hurt. It was hard to tell who they were for or what emotions were directed at whom. Frozen at the sight before him, Cole moved a clawed hand to catch the tears, unsure how to react.
The Lord gently brushed his chest, wondering why his heart suddenly felt like it sprang free, and why hit hurt when he saw the tears, he tried so hard to force back fall.
"Kai, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." He choked, sincerely. Kai froze at the sudden apology, barely feeling the leathery wings wrap around him. He found Cole staring at him, guilt and remorse glazed his features. His eyes softened when they met his gently demanding the truth "Are you speaking about me or yourself?" He asked and Kai moved his arm to wipe away his tears before responding.
"Both." He replied. Just then two arms wrapped around him and pulled him into a tight, warm embrace. Cole gently brushed away the remains of his tears, careful not to prick the delicate skin with his claws. Unable to resist, he carefully leaned down and gently kissed the remaining tears away. Kai froze when the king pulled back, his face crimson. His voice died in his throat, unsure of how to respond to the sudden gesture, even as his finger subconsciously brushed the tender area the kiss left behind.
Cole smiled at the reaction and gently stroked the kindred spirit's soft hair hoping to calm him before gently whispering.
"No one has ever cried for my sake." He whispered as he embraced the boy tighter, enjoying the warmth Kai's body radiated. Relishing in the comfort, Kai leaned his forehead against Cole's chest, the soft material of Cole's shirt brushed against his cheek, cushioned by the lean muscles beneath. Cole wrapped his arms and tail around his waist, his wings wrapping them in a cocoon of bliss. Kai finally collapsed, emotionally exhausted, his body felt heavy with bliss.
The Dragon Lord followed his example, taking the teen with him, fell back into his chair.
His body felt as though an enormous burden had been lifted from his being and the loss of such a weight had left him immobile with peace. Cole hummed as he gently running his claws through the silky brunette locks, not caring whether or not Kai heard him. The teen smiled as he faded in and out of consciousness and exhaustion started to take its toll on him. Cole closed his own eyes, letting his hand fall limply at his side...
When he opened his eyes, Cole couldn't recall where he was. He closed his eyes and shook his head for a moment, gently brushing his claw through his black hair. He looked down, feeling a heavyweight on his chest. He almost jumped up in surprise when he found his house guest curled against his chest like a cat. Once the memories returned, however, he calmed himself down and smiled. He had to admit, Kai looked adorable while he slept.
So peaceful and innocent, without a care in the world.
The opposite of the fiery, strong-willed spirit he was when he awoke. Cole decided to let him sleep for a bit longer. He carefully gathered the teen in his arms and carried him to his bed. He brushed aside the veils with his tail and gently placed the boy on his side, pulling the comforter over him. His eyes fell back on the half-eaten tray of food on the table. He tested it with his finger. It was cold but not enough to be inedible. He paused for a bit when he heard a stir behind him.
"Cole?" Kai called half-consciously. Kai rolled onto his stomach and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, blearily looking for the other man. He found him by the table gathering the food and goblets from before.
"I'm just cleaning up," Cole said over his shoulder. He watched as Kai rolled over and sat upon the bed, kicking off his boots and letting his jacket slip from his shoulders. Perhaps letting him sleep in his clothes wasn't such a good idea. He left the plates on the table and strolled over to the wardrobe, searching for something light. His eyes darted to something bright on the table. Closer inspection revealed the garment was a folded pile of red silk glowing like a hot beacon among the dark color scheme.
He snatched up the garment and let the slippery material fall open, revealing an angel-sleeved robe that fell to the knees.
The size indicated it was much too small for him but saw it would fit Kai perfectly. His sharp eyes caught a white note in the pocket. He pulled it out and his eyes skinned it over, instantly recognizing Harumi's handwriting.
For Kai, since he'll probably need it.
His jaw clenched and his face reddened as he crumpled the note in his hand, reminding himself she was too valuable to kill. He could just hear the implication. What the hell did she think they'd be doing? Cole purposely chose not to answer that question. He took a breath and composed himself before placing the garment over his arm and exiting the wardrobe. Having grown used to his dragon scales, sleeping in his clothes no longer bothered him.
When he returned, he paused for a moment.
His eyes drank in the delicious sight of his house guest stripped to only his pants. Cole smirked, licking his fangs at the delicious creamy-caramel skin, briefly wondering if it tasted as sweet as it looked. Deciding to take advantage of the situation before the teen returned to full waking, he slowly strolled over to him. His tail grabbed the blanket as Kai climbed back into the bed. Kai growled, half exhausted, annoyed, and yanked the comforter.
Cole won the small war, the younger being too tired to argue.
When he noticed Kai's eyes starting to brighten, he waited until the teen turned to glare at him. When Kai did so, he held out the robe to him, smiling. Kai blinked in confusion as the slippery material fell into his hands.
"It isn't very comfortable sleeping in your clothes," Cole answered the unasked question. chuckling slightly at the boy's confusion. Realization caused Kai's eyes to bulge and he looked at Cole, then robe, then down at himself. Kai instinctively pulled the robe to his chest, his face scarlet as he glared at the smirking king.
"Cole!" He howled, more from mortification than anger.
"Relax, you can change in the bathroom." Cole smiled, gesturing to the door next to the wardrobe. With as much dignity as the teen could muster, Kai stood up, still clutching the robe, and disappeared into the bathroom. He released a sigh of relief seeing that it was clean. Chuckling, Cole returned to his earlier work, glaring down at the chicken bones, empty plates, and goblet. The wine bottle had been resealed, but the second goblet was still half-full and small amounts of appetizers littered the smaller plates.
"It would be a waste," He agreed, gathering all the food onto one large plate and stacking the dirty ones. He grabbed the half-full goblet, debating its fate. Dumping it would be a waste, but he couldn't return it to the bottle either. His eyes narrowed at the tempting liquid. He couldn't recall the last time he had wine. Hadn't Kai said something about seizing the moment?
"Oh what the hell?" He finally decided, raising the goblet to his lips. A mixture of richness and a sweet woody tang ignited his senses. His eyes flew open. The small sip turned into a large gulp, then another, then another, determined to capture the burning the liquid brought him. He gorged himself until every drop was gone from the goblet then wrenched it away to breathe. "God, I'd forgotten how good this stuff is." He said loudly as if buzzed by the minimal alcohol.
He wiped his mouth on his shirt and turned to the appetizers.
He scooped up a biscuit and took a bite. It was cold and the butter had hardened, but the combination tasted divine. He downed the other half in one gulp, unable to resist the pleasure it brought to his taste buds. He grabbed another appetizer, this time, a piece of bread with the garlic and herb spread and bit down. The bread tasted harder than the biscuit but the pasty spread had softened it, the sharpness of herbs leaving a bittersweet desire for more.
He swallowed the delicious treat before eating another one, deciding to savor the taste before it was gone.
Potatoes dripping with garlic butter went down thick and creamy. Next was the stuffed mushroom. Juice trickled down his chin and the rich, stuffing crunched in his mouth, savoring each bite until he could stand it no longer and swallowed the rest. He licked his lips and fingers, determined to capture the remains of the taste before opening the wine again and downing the rest of the bottle. The taste of berry juice flushed his senses while the sharp brisk of alcohol burned his throat.
He gulped the juice, not even bothering to stop as his lungs screamed for air and his throat burned.
He pulled the bottle from his lips and gasped as the final drop went down. He was buzzed from the ecstasy of the experience. He wobbly placed the empty bottle on the tray and carefully got to his feet. The buzz of drunkenness beginning to slip away as his body cleared his system of the alcohol.
"I told you so." A familiar voice chuckled lightly. The Dragon Lord almost dropped the bottle. His heart plunged into his stomach as he whirled around, just in time to catch the wide grin on Kai's face as he leaned in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were brilliant with triumph and his grin nearly split his face, alerting Cole he had seen the entire scene. Ignoring the blush on his face and the large bruise on his ego, Cole got to his feet and glared at the teen.
Kai said nothing.
He removed himself from the door and walking back towards the bed, the red robe he was wearing perfectly molded his form and leaving nothing to the imagination, but Cole barely noticed. His blush worsening and his glare hardening as Kai's grin spoke more than a thousand voices. Kai sat on the bed and smiled at him, daring him to counter him.
"Go to bed!" Cole finally snapped, plopping down on an armchair. Kai smiled and shook his head...
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tessareadsfiction · 4 years
Camping Confessions Part 2
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Part 1 
Pairing: Grayson Dolan x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: After setting up camp, you and Grayson decide to go for a walk. You stumble upon a secluded lake. OooOh wonder what happens next!!!??
You were nervous about being the one to help Grayson put the tent up. You’d been there, hidden behind a camera, to witness the brothers try to figure out the instructions. It always ended in a big quarrel, and you didn’t do well with conflict.
“Whatever you do, don’t let this corner go.” He proceeded to fold the metal rod together, and slide it through the hoops, just like the directions had read. The fact that he read directions before diving in was a quality you admired in Grayson; it reminded you of yourself. “Okay, now slowly let it go.”
“Is this a trick question?”
His hair flopped as he looked up at you from his squatting position. His facial expression read -- are you joking? -- before his eyes lightened and a smile spread across his face. “No. This half should be able to stand on its own.”
And it did.
“Yes!” Grayson was quick to jump up and meet your raised hands for an ‘epic high-five.’ Both your hands stung a bit, but neither of you felt the need to mention it. You still had another half of the tent to build, after all.
You lingered for a second, admiring his bare shoulders exposed by the white muscle top he sported. Now that the boys weren’t uploading weekly, Grayson had been spending more time in the gym. You knew that. But it wasn’t until today, with the sun glistening down on his tan complexion as his arms stretched to fold the next rod together, that you realized just how much of his free time had been dedicated to his newfound pass-time.
Holding down the tent just like you had before, you let your mind wander. You debated on whether he would be strong enough to lift you -- to hold you -- against a wall as his mouth worked over your neck. You imagined you’d either have your hands on his shoulders, or tugging at his lengthy locks, or even running down his bare back as-
“And for the big reveal!” Grayson stepped away from the tent, motioning at you to do the same. He laughed like a kid as your hand released the nylon string and the tent didn’t topple over.
“We pitched a tent!” His embrace was sudden and forceful, almost knocking you off your feet. His strong grip was quick to wrap around the other side of you, keeping you from falling. Even with a thin layer of sweat and outdoors, he still smelled like fresh linens.
It took you a moment, but soon your arms were wrapped around his neck. Laughter and cheers surrounded the two of you as you jumped up and down, moving together as one. “We did it!”
The two of you had settled down and resumed your places in folding chairs. You sat with the cooler in front of you, digging down to the bottom as Grayson watched with an intent stare.
“We don’t want to fly through our P-N-J’s just yet!”
You handed him a sandwich and grabbed one for yourself as well before shutting the cooler. Without a word, you opened the reusable container and sunk your teeth into its soft bread. Your mouth was sticky with peanut butter as you mumbled, “I packed extra.”
His eyes danced down to your closed mouth smile, and his face softened. Something between awe and amazement plucked at his heart strings as he opened the container, taking a bite of his own.
“I’m back!” Ethan was marked up and down with scratches and splotches of dirt. He flopped down backwards into the last fold out chair, across from you and Grayson. “I got lost.”
“What do you mean you got lost? How did you get lost going to pee?”
With the flip of a switch, every ounce of anger or annoyance you’d spent the last hour trying to shake out of Grayson had built back up. His eyes bled with disdain toward his brother as he ripped out chunks from his sandwich.
You stood from your chair, grabbing the bottle of water from the cup holder. “E, Grayson and I are going to go check out the area. We’ll be back in a little bit.”
Watching you two stroll off, arms brushing and sharing small smiles, Ethan couldn’t help but to feel upset. He was happy for his brother, he could tell there was something going on between the two of you, but he just wanted to engage in a conversation without feeling like he wasn’t meant to be there.
“So I’m thinking we should look for firewood?”
“Didn’t know we had an expert survivalist on our hands.” Grayson’s shoulder bumped against yours as you squeezed down a narrow path. He smiled down at you, watching you watch your feet for any sticks or pebbles that might cause you to trip.
“Learned from the best.”
It was his turn to look at his feet.
“You’re cute when you blush.” You felt like you were walking on air, waiting for his reply. You were sure that the wind was going to trip you and your nervous limbs, sending you face-first into humiliation.
“That’s supposed to be my line.”
The two of you walked with quiet smiles on your faces, until you came across a lake. The body of water was surrounded by trees on each side, with the falling evening sun reflecting off of the still water.
“Last one in the water has to build the fire!”
Grayson knew he’d be the one stuck with the task, but he enjoyed the way your face lit up at the challenge. So, he matched your pace down the hill and raced to strip down to his underwear. Just as he had jumped off the rock, your squeal was muffled by a splash.
You pushed the water from your eyes just in time to see him resurface and do the same. Paddling over to him, you smirk. “Guess we can’t all be winners. It’s a shame, too. Your fire won’t last fifteen minutes.”
“Are you questioning my survival skills?”
“I might be.”
“You’re going under.”
A yelp escaped your mouth as you tore through the water, desperate to get back to shore before you got pulled underwater by the man stalking right behind you. When you could touch, you used your feet to try and tread through the water faster, but Grayson was able to reach your ankle and pull you down into the cold.
He let you catch your breath and wipe your eyes before slowly stalking toward you. With every step he took forward, you took one back. The dance, a mixture of heavy breathing and intense stares, continued until your back was against a rock. “Now, what was that about being a winner?”
With his hands resting on either side of your head and the mischievous glint in his eyes, you were unable to find words. You tried, you really did, but when his head tilted down and his hot breath fanned over your neck, you gave up.
His hand rested at your chin, turning your head to meet his eyes as his voice dropped to a whisper. “Stop me if you don’t want this.”
Alarm bells were going off in your mind, reminding you that this was your best friend. Somehow, as his eyes fell down to your lips, you found them quieting down and being overtaken with thoughts. Do it do it do it do it do it do it.
So you did.
You inched your head forward, connecting your lips. They were wet and soft and needy against yours. Your lips battled for dominance, which he easily won as your head came to rest back against the rock.
A soft moan escaped his mouth as your fingers tugged at his wet locks, and his hips involuntarily jutted against your stomach. The hand that had been on your chin was now cupping your jaw, pushing your head to the side as he left open mouth kisses along your neck.
Chills ran though your body and your own sounds began to escape your mouth. You found your leg trying to wrap around his waist, trying to — needing to — get closer.
It was a simple command, one that caused you to open your eyes for the first time. You were met with his eyes, which held no trace of a joking matter.
So you jumped.
As soon as he pressed you back against the rock, you were reminded of how little you actually had on. You were sure the rock behind you was leaving scratches all along your back as he began to rock into you, making quick work of leaving hickies along your neck. You could feel him right between your legs, right where you needed him most, which only made the fire burning within you grow stronger.
Everything came to a halt so fast.
You felt like you were falling from cloud nine as all friction between you two stopped, and his forehead came to rest at the crook of your neck.
“Not here.” His words were muffled, but audible enough for you to understand that maybe you should get off him. Once you were on stable footing, he took a step back from you. His face was flushed as he pushed hair from his eyes. “We should start us off right.”
His words were simple, but they spoke measures.
“C’mon,” he offered out a hand, which you took, “let’s go back.”
Tag List: @dear-raspberry​ @msjackiealyson​ @mmmmmgd​ @graysavant​ @killmonger-dolan​ @wtf-no-idk​ @goblinwithnocore​ @writeblrforyourmom​
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Oooh um... 31? 😌 but like mc being a shitty cook but trying to cook something for ethan?
Thanks for the ask @noboundariesplease <3
You can find the prompt list here.
#31- I made it. For you. I know it’s not the best, but… 
Word count: 1.1 K
Warning: none, I tried something new so I hope you like it heheheh
Anyone (except Leah) Can Cook
Sienna was leaning against the wall of the hospital eating her sandwich when she felt her phone vibrate. unlocking it she saw a test message from Leah.
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After fifteen minutes of searching through twenty websites, she finally found the perfect recipe for two. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine how beautiful it would be.
Candlelit dinner with jazz music playing in the background and the cool night air caressing their skins.
That would be so good, it will blow his mind. Leah though to herself as she texted Sienna her menu of the night.
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Putting the phone down, a determined and confident smile graced her features.
I can do this... This is going to be the best anniversary gift ever.
============================================================================ Sienna's shift had just got over. It was an easy day with no deaths so she considered it as an absolute win. As she sat in her car and drove home, her mind wandered to Leah.
I should probably check in on her... Sienna thought to herself as she pulled into the parking lot of their penthouse. As she parked she shot a text to her best friend and within 10 seconds Leah texted back.
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Girl... You don't know. Leah winced as she pressed the video icon next to Sienna's name. It rang once and Sienna's smiling face greeted her. Leah made it a point to hold the phone close to her face so that disaster surrounding her was not visible.
"Mission: Save anniversary commences now!" Sienna said.
Leah laughed nervously, eyes landing on the burnt food placed on the counter.
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"Yep... Will probably need that."
"Tell me, so far what have you finished."
"Umm... So I decided to start with the garlic bread because that's the easiest. I put cheese and seasoning in to it and placed it into the oven so that I could make a bigger batch."
"That's great!"
"Not really. I almost set the kitchen on fire."
"ON FIRE?!" Sienna exclaimed, shock colouring her features.
"It's not on fire! I said almost." Leah clicked on the reverse camera icon and showed the smoke billowing from the baking tray.
"I don't understand this... How did it happen?"
"I left a plastic butter knife on the tray." She scratched the back of her head.
"Leah i-" Sienna took a deep breath recentring. "Okay so this is what we gonna do. Set the oven on pre heat once again and put a fresh batch of garlic bread for ten minutes. And please don't leave plastic on the tray."
"Okay." Under the supervision, Leah placed the baking tray back again into the oven.
"Now let's start with avocado toast. Pick out those fresh avocados, which on gently squeezing, slightly yield."
Nodding her head she chose the ripe avocados and placed them on the cutting board.
"On slice them into thin layers so that when you mash it you can get a creamy texture." Sienna got comfortable on the sofa and she propped her head on the arm rest.
After a few moments, Sienna spoke up. "Um Leah?"
"Yeah?" She looked up, sweat glistening on her forehead from the exertion.
"How did you cut the avocados?"
Leah picked up the phone and showed it to Sienna which had Sienna face-palming.
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"Leah... Sweetie. That's not how you cut avocados. You take out the seed and then cut it."
"Take out the seed? How in the seven hells was I supposed to know that?"
"It's alright. Now scoop it out and continue cutting." Nodding her head diligently, Leah followed the steps given by Sienna and in an hour, she was done with the appetizers.
"Good job! Now let's go on to the main course. The pasta is done boiling?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Now take it-" Sienna's voice was cut off and Leah checked her phone to see if the WiFi had stopped working but, the buffering was not for too long.
"-add the pasta sauce."
Leah, low-key feeling embarrassed to ask her to repeat, decided to trust her instincts. She opened the pasta sauce, and dumped a cup directly into the boiling water.
"What? You told me to add the sauce to the pasta?!"
"I told you to add pasta sauce AFTER STRAINING THE PASTA!"
"Yes oh!! Now strain it and out it into a wok."
"The only wok I know is to stay 'woke'." Leah attempted to joke.
"Leah... I'm gonna ignore that just because you are cute."
"Yes ma'am." Leah said and the screen blacked out. Leah called out here name but the call ended.
Leah's phone pinged and she swiped to check the message out.
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"Pour 5 tablespoons... Tomato sauce." Leah spoke to herself. She reached for the can of tomato sauce which she bought from the grocery store.
She was so engrossed in inserting the can opener that she failed to notice, that it was slightly bloated.
The moment Leah pierced the metal, the sauce shot like a geyser all over covering her completely in red.
"HIJO DE PUTA!!" Leah screamed and she heard the door opening.
Ethan stepped into the penthouse and headed to the source of the screaming banshee.
He looked up and cursed. "Holy shit! Who the hell are you-"
"It's me Ethan!! Sunshine." Leah exclaimed, wiping the tomato sauce off her eyes.
"Sunshine, what the hell happened?!"
The day's frustration and tiredness caught up to her and she threw her hands up in defeat. "It's our one month anniversary and I wanted to do something romantic and cute for my boyfriend but, it's just been a series of disaster one after the other. Gosh I'm such a dis-"
"Hey, hey, hey. None of that okay. It's the thought that matters." Reaching for the dishtowel he carefully wiped her face.
Leah sniffled and wringed her hands Seeing Leah like this, made him want to just wrap her in his arms and kiss away all the stress.. Ethan's eyes landed on the (magically survived) avocado toast.
"Hey, you made that?" He asked pointing at it.
Leah turned and nodded. “I made it. For you. I know it’s not the best, but… It's honest work?”
Ethan laughed and took a bite of it while Leah held her breath, gauging his reaction. Minutes passed and there was pin drop silence.
"I knew I would fu-" Leah was interrupted when Ethan gently pushed the creamy and crunchy toast.
And it was heavenly. 
"Oh my god... It ain't that bad." Leah spoke as gulped it down.
"See... My girlfriend is an achiever. Now don't be disheartened. Let's get you and the kitchen cleaned up and then we can make pasta together, okay?"
Leah gave a small smile. "Okay."
Ethan smiled back at her and pressed his lips against hers, causing butterflies to unleash in her stomach and het heart to soar with love for him.
Pulling back he pressed his forehead against hers. Leah nudged her nose against his and Ethan kissed her passionately.
"Ethan, if you continue doing that, I might stain your clothes and that would be a damned shame."
Throwing his head back, he laughed and grabbed Leah's hand as he led her to the bathroom.
Did y'all get the reference for the title?
I had fun writing this prompt heheheh 
Permanent Tag list: @trappedinfandoms @oofchoices @agent-breakdance @dailydoseofchoices @tyrilstouch @siaramsey @theeccentricbibliophile @ac27dj @ramseysno1rookie @justanotherrookie @openheart12 @jamespotterthefirst @checkurwindow @chasingrobbie @junggoku @bellcat2010 @choicesstan1 @mvalentine @crazynutella @choicesficwriterscreations @anonymously-cool @nooruleman @sanvivrma
Ethan x MC Taglist: @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @pixelberryownsme @samihatuli @loveellamae @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @zeniamiii @binny1985 @an-urban-witch-ig @ramseyegerton @mrsdr-ethan-ramsey @newcolonies @theodorepjames4 @unluckygs @choices-love-affair @kaavyaethanramsey  @caseyvalentineramsey @ohramsey @squishywizardhq  @junehiratas @lilyvalentine @itsgoingnuts  @choicesfanaf @humanpokemon @temptress-of-death-and-desire @rookiefromedenbrook @courtesanofedenbrook @hatescapsicum @sanchita012 @edgiestwinter  @fabi-en-ciel @mrsdrakewalkerblog @elwetritsche75 @livingpurpose @drramseysownsme @queencarb @andromedasinclaire @schnitzelbutterfingers @thanialis @floatingmeera @rookieoh @ethanramseyswhore @lucy-268  @big-yikers ​ @have-aheart ​ @whimsicalreader @tsrookie @itschoicesfanaf @lilypills @mals-chesthair @raleigheffingcarrera @utterlyinevitable @choices-fangirl-yeet @rookie-ramsey @papinaveensbitch @custaroonie @helloayzcream @hyperlightgrifter
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Survey #440
from a day or two ago.
Do you drink a lot of soda? I definitely do. :/ I'd lose weight so much easier if I could drop the habit. Are tomatoes the best food in the world? I don't like tomatoes unless they're very fresh and on a mayo and bacon sandwich. Have you seen The Blindside? I actually haven't. Do you have a favorite local pizza place? Not really. There's a place I like that isn't huge, but I don't have like, a serious passion for or loyalty to it. Would you date someone 10+ years older than you? Meh, I think ten years is my cut-off. Are you due for a haircut? For sure. >_< Are you dealing with any health-related problems right now? Yeah. Even with my APAP mask, because I apparently move it too much in my sleep, I'm struggling with my sleep apnea nightmares/terrors. Do your parents like the music you listen to? Most of it. Do your parents approve of your beliefs? Not all of them, no. How many different digital cameras have you owned in your life? How about cell phones? Cell phones, idk. I've had two "pro" cameras. Do you typically do your make up the same each time? Or do you like to change it up often? It's pretty much always the same. Who is the last person you were in a room with just the two of you? What were you doing? Mom. We worked together on my room. What do you usually order at Subway? Turkey, bacon, American cheese, pickles, banana peppers, and chipotle on I want to say Italian bread. How long is your mother’s hair? It's hard to say, because it's all poofy now versus wavy like before it had to be shaved off. Don't repeat it to her ever, but she has, uh... "old lady hair" now, ha ha. What is your favourite car brand? I don’t care. Whose chore is it to clean the bathrooms in your house? My mom does it. Pick your three favourite fruits. Strawberries, kiwi, and uhhh... apples. Or pineapple. Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity? Yeah. We used to play that a lot at Colleen's house on nights we had some drinks. Who were the last friends you went to hang out with? Oh jeez, idk. I haven't hung out with a friend in a long time. How many chairs are in the room you’re currently in? Zero. I'm in my bedroom. Are you bored right now? I'm bored almost every waking hour of my days. Have you ever seen a pelican in real life? I'm actually not sure. What’s important about April? My younger sister's birthday is in April. Is there anyone who hates you? Jason probably does. Would you consider adoption? Not for me personally. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? Our late boxer mix. Do you own any kind of helmet? No. Do you ever put fruit on your cereal? Noooo. How do you usually celebrate your favorite holiday? My younger sister comes over here and we open our presents with Mom, who also cooks a nice breakfast. We then go to my older sister's house for the day to watch the kids open presents from their extended family. I say "extended" because the kids obviously aren't going to wait for us to get there to open the majority of their gifts from their parents, ha ha. What’s a few facts about the last person that talked to you? She's from New York, has five kids, has survived cancer (one almost advanced to a fatal level) twice, she loves owls, and recently graduated with her bachelor's in social work (it's never too late, people). What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? We're both cisgender females. Where is the biggest scar on your body? It's probably where I had a cyst removal, which is in a spot I can't see. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? Absolutely not. I am NOT getting involved in that. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? I'd go to the gym sooner. Have you ever kissed anyone with a tattoo? Hmmm... I think Tyler actually may have had a The Legend of Zelda tattoo? I can't really remember. If not him, then no. Have you ever kissed someone you weren’t dating? No, but I've been kissed by someone I wasn't dating. Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? Yes. What were you afraid of the most when you were a kid? Being separated from/losing my mom. Do you like to make the first move? No. When was the last time you completely broke down? A few weeks ago when I was having a PTSD episode. Are you listening to any music? No; I'm watching Gab play Final Fantasy X. Is your hair long enough to put in a ponytail? No. Has someone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? Hm, it's funny, I don't see him anymore. Have you ever peed in the woods? No. Have you ever played Twister? Yeah, I liked playing it as a kid. Are you looking for a boyfriend//girlfriend? Not actively, no. I really don't need one right now. Out of all of your friends who have you gotten in the worst fight with? Of all friends I've EVER had, probably Colleen. Of the friends I still have, maybe Sara. What is the last microwaveable meal you had? I've been on a SERIOUS grilled chicken pesto kick lately. Mom buys these small Healthy Choice (or some brand like that) bowls that you put in the microwave and then pour the noodles and chicken into the sauce after and mix, and oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOD it is so good. What would you consider a talent of yours? Assuming the worst out of every imaginable situation. If Hogwarts was a real place and you were able to attend, what class do you think you’d excel at? According to those little quizzes I've taken, I lean mostly towards Hufflepuff, but with Gryffindor traits as well. Would you rather learn more about space or more about the ocean? Well, ideally, space, but I think learning much more about our ocean would be more beneficial to our planet and our prosperity on Earth. Do you have a mental illness? If yes, how have you learned to cope with it? If no, do you ever suspect you may have one? I have a lot. My bipolarity, OCD, and PTSD are *mostly* under control, but I most certainly still have trouble sometimes. My anxiety and AvPD are still rabid fucking hounds. My depression was well-managed not even that long ago, but life circumstances have it so it's been more aggressive than what was usual. Do you have a favorite character from The Avengers? I dunno, I like Loki ig. Thor is cool, too. It's been WAY too long since I've seen that movie. What type of cake would you like right now? Double chocolate cake sounds great rn. @_@ What was your dream job when you were a child? Are you going after that dream or not? Why? Paleontologist, and no, because I don't want to travel for work, and I could also never handle the heat during site excavations. Even though it may not work all the time, what usually helps make you feel better when you’re upset or down? Watching one of my comfort series on YouTube from channels I enjoy. Why do you personally take surveys? It's a method to just get all these thoughts out of my head and to vent when I need to without actually directly burdening someone with my problems. No one has to read 'em. It's purely for my benefit, and also to pass the time, which I have too much of. Are there any words that you can’t stand? Derogatory terms for certain groups of people. What are words that you love? Words like "serendipity," "bliss," joyous, bubbly words. I'm blanking on actual terms. If you had an endless supply of money for clothing only, what would you load your closet with? Ohhhh, lots of shit with studs and spikes. :') I've wanted a studded leather jacket since I was in middle school. Have never gotten one because of how pricey they are. :( I'd also get some KILLER boots and just obtain a more gothic wardrobe. I'd love corsets too if my body ever shrinks back to a point I'd be comfortable wearing well-made ones. What is your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. What is your favorite type of candy? Strawberry Sour Punch Straws. What color would you like to paint your nails next? I don't paint my nails. Realistically, they probably won't be 'til my entirely hypothetical wedding, in which case they'll probably be black. What do you think is creepy that society accepts as normal? Urinals, alsdkfja;klwejr. Like I get men's bathrooms give the option of using a stall, but still... side-by-side urinals are so weird and a breach of privacy to me. What is the silliest secret about yourself that you sometimes feel the need to hide? That I enjoy forum RP. I tell NOBODY because I fear being judged and found as weird. Like seriously, in my "real" life, maybe two people know. What do you think is a good date other than dinner and a movie? I want a picnic date really bad kalj;dkl;jwe. Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why? No. They're all very similar. Do you ever give money to homeless people? No, admittedly. Mom instead likes to sometimes offer them bottles of water or if she's really feeling generous, a cheap meal at like McDonald's or something. She doesn't like to hand out money because, well, we know what a vast majority of homeless people spend it on. Do you like to brag or are you modest? I get really uncomfortable bragging, so I try to be as modest as I can be. What your favourite thing to have on toast? I love giving it a light toast, then adding a thin layer of butter, cinnamon, and sugar. It's bomb. Do you know how to surf? Would you ever like to learn? No to either. If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it? I love sprinkling some sugar in there. Would you prefer to spend time with your whole family all at once, or would you rather quality time with one family member at a time? Depends on what I feel up to, but I tend to enjoy family time as a group more. That way, I don't have TOO much pressure to be constantly social. I can just listen sometimes. What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say in their sleep? I have no idea. I worry what people have heard ME say/scream in my sleep. Do you own a pair of slippers? Yeah, they're meerkat ones! :') Choose one: Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers: Absolutely a Milky Way. Who was the last person to comment you? My mom. I'm cool, I swear. How many arguments have you had with the last person you kissed? A lot over all these years, but I'd say that's normal when you've been friends since you were 8 and 10. Do you know anyone who has been arrested? Yes. What are you planning on doing after this? When I'm done taking this survey, I'll probably either go to bed or play a bit of WoW. Idk. Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? I have my alarm set for 7, actually. Ever been the only one trying to fix a relationship? Mhmmmm. -_- What was the last bad thing that happened to your phone? The case that came with the phone got a big crack in it. Have you ever been with someone while they were throwing up? Absolutely not. I would start vomiting. I can't handle the sound or the act in general. Have you been to the beach this year? No; I haven't been in a long time, and I am noooot complaining. Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? Yes. Are you tan? God no. Do you own any leather? No real leather, no. I never would. Have you ever bought a shot glass? No. Do you have a therapist? Yes. We actually just talked today. Well, technically yesterday. What’s the worst name your mom has ever called you? I don't know. She doesn't really call me bad names. Have you ever listened to Christian music? Not of my own volition, but I've heard it because of other people controlling the radio. Are you the ‘creative child’? Yes, I'm considered that one. Did you like your life when you were in middle school? God no. That's when everything started going downhill. Have you ever been 'popular’? No. Has someone ever tried to convert you? Yes. Are you a fan of muffins? I LOVE muffins. What’s your most recent obsession? It's kinda chilled out now, but when Resident Evil 8: Village released, I was CRAZY over it. I watched SO many different let's plays of it. I think it's safe to say it beats out RE4 as my favorite installment.
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thinfairytalex · 4 years
🦴 My Ana Rules! ⚠️TW⚠️
Bad foods:
👎🏼Olive Oil
👎🏼Coconut Oil (not as bad but not suggested because it tastes gross anyways)
👎🏼Ghee (idk what this is but the internet just said it was fatty)
👎🏼Yogurt (Except greek)
👎🏼Peanut butter
👎🏼Flax Seeds
👎����White pasta
👎🏼Mashed Potatoes
👎🏼Ranch (but ilyyyyyyy)
👎🏼Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes
👎🏼Chips or Fries
👎🏼Candy or Icecream
👎🏼Meat other than grilled chicken (My preference)
👎🏼Buttered Popcorn (except skinny pop)
Safe Foods:
✨Fish (Salmon and Mahi are the best)
✨Grilled chicken
✨Any fruits or veggies except bananas, avocados, potatoes, corn or peas
✨Green Tea
✨Sugar Free Foods (under 100 cals)
✨Skinny Pop
✨Sugar free jello
✨Chili Peppers
✨Dark chocolate
✨Apple Cider Vinegar (If you are willing but it may effect your teeth so i’d suggest to wash you’re mouth but not brush teeth)
✨Blue Berries (BURNS FAT!!!)
✨Greek Yogurt
✨Raw Veggies
✨Straight up honey
✨Water (bruh)
✨Diet Sodas (that are 0 cal)
✨Any thing super low in fats and under 100 cals
I suggest eating fat burning items or low fat items and also low calorie items too so you can eat a bunch of them and not have to worry like fruits and veggies! This was just my foods list also the calories depend on the brand except for natural items so i didn’t include them. I usually try to stay under 300 calories when i’m not fasting. I also suggest eating more than i do and allowing more items i’m just strict on myself. 🍇
This is my personal but i like to have a total net of -1000 or -900 calories (because i’m so young this doesn’t even burn but 3-4 pounds a week), i suggest more like 300 a day net 😅
What i like to do to burn those calories are:
✨ My 500 calorie workout- You can find this in one of my 30 day thinspo challenges.
✨Take cold baths- For my average time i’m in the bath I burn around 399 calories check out one of my older posts on how many calories you burn when in the cold bath for a certain time.
~Also I exchange for every night (because i lovveeeeee hot baths) so i take a hot bath one night but i do 2 rounds of my 500 calorie workout and then if it’s a cold bath night i do one 500 workout and a cold bath to burn 399 calories, also that’s on fasting days. On my restrictive days i burn 300 (look up ways there’s a bunch) and then a cold bath and one workout or two workouts and a hot bath.
Days with none or lack of food can feel extremely lonnnggggggggg or can be extremely boring, here are something’s i do when i’m hungry, craving, or bored and trying not to eat~
✨Look at inspiration
✨Scroll on tumblr
✨Listen to music
✨Brush my teeth (stops cravings and makes ur teeth pretttyyyyy)
✨Online School (CoRoNa TiMe or if you actually do this)/Homework
✨Clean out my food hiding place (if parents aren’t home)
✨Draw or do art
✨Shop Online (or irl after quarantine)
✨Plan Outfits for tomorrow
✨Text my frenz
✨Walk my dog
✨Write down calories for when your away from the screen and around food
✨Think about how good hungry feels compared to how that food tastes
✨Hang out with friends but not if they are going out to eat (when this is over)
✨Watch fat people eating/Fat people mukbangs
✨Watch fat people cringe or dancing cringe
✨Look at the mirror
This will be referring to your questions and concerns about your eating disorder and ,if you are not ready to receive help (please do if you can), how to reply to your parental figures, families, and friends concerns and questions.
Your Questions and Concerns~
“What about my hair falling out?”
👒 If your hair is falling out i would suggest to look up ways to keep thinning hair in good condition and also buy hair strengthening products if possible. 👒
“I can’t do this!”
💞 DO NOT i repeat DO NOT DO THIS IS YOU DO NOT WANT TO! but if you want to but believe you can’t, just remember to stay strong and you got this!!! 💞
“Is it bad that i’m so cold always?”
🧤I mean it’s going to happen, it’s a symptom of not eating and also a symptom of being thin so it’s gonna happen. I suggest just putting on a jacket or a few layers of clothes on your cold area🧤
“How do i dodge meal time?”
🍽 Dodging mealtime is the worst struggle for me like ever! I just can’t do it! I also feel awful wasting food but if it comes to being thin, there’s no choice. I usually say i’m going to the bathroom and start up a conversation before and continue talking about it while leaving so they don’t notice i’m taking my plate to the bathroom and i just put it in my hiding place in my room (that’s right next to the bathroom) and if your room isn’t close to the bathroom then find a hiding place in the bathroom wether it’s putting a container under the towels or in a shelve i’ll find a place but then take a little longer and if they ask what took so long say you were fixing your hair (if you say this do it but fast) or you were trying to clean under your nails with soap, if they notice less food say you got hungry while fixing your hair (i recommend the hair one)🍽
“Why isn’t the ABC diet/Rainbow diet/other diets not working for me but others do?”
👎🏼This is because either you didn’t count cals correctly or because you didn’t workout enough but a lot of the time these are just not not for some people like a lot of diets aren’t enough for my preferred daily weight loss or are too high calorie for me to lose anything. 👎🏼
“How do i answer questions or comments my friends and family make?”
👇🏼 Answers are below! 👇🏼
Family and friends questions, comments, and concerns~
“Have you lost weight?”
-I suggest answering like “Not that i know of” or maybe “I’ve been sick” but for that one make sure your parents know you have recently so if one of them are asked by the family member who asked they say you were or lastly “I don’t think so, but i just started putting more effort into [sport you play or are practicing] recently so maybe but if any just a little.”-
“Are you okay? I’ve noticed you’ve lost weight?”
-I would say “Oh i’m totally great! I don’t think i’ve lost weight?”-
“You look great! Have you lost weight?”
-I would reply with “Oh thank you! Maybe a little, I’ve been eating healthier lately so maybe that made my skin clearer and me a little slimmer that’s all.” and the always “Not that i know of but thank you so much! May be it’s my new [clothing item], I think it flatters me!”-
“Are you sick?”
-I would say “No, I wouldn’t be at this gathering would i?” say it in a laughing tone not rude.-
“Jeez you’re a stick”/“Oh my god you’re so skinny!”
-I think you could just roll your eyes at “Jeez you’re a stick” and say “What?” at the second one.-
“Do you have an Eating Disorder?”
-This is very risky! I would only make an excuse if you are just not ready to get help yet. Please receive help if you can! but my excuse would be “What’s that, never heard of it?” and if they explain just say “Wow thats really weird i wonder why people would act like that?!”-
-Classic “I already ate.”, “No thanks maybe in a bit!” and lastly “I had a big [meal before].”-
Here are some eating disorder hygiene issues that and i will provide ways to prevent or deal with these.
•Lack of bodily functions (urination and excretion/defecation) ✨:YES I KNOW DISGUSTANG!!! as you should know under eating and drinking (which sometimes people under drink during eating disorders?) will have the effect of lack of these practices. i don’t think there are any healthy ways to prevent this if you are restricting and i DO NOT promote laxatives they can kill you! although i would deal with this simply by just not caring and maybe eating fruit which can help lol sorry i understand this is disgusting.
•Dental Hygiene ✨: as some people know the act of purging is common which can effect your dental hygiene and can even rot your teeth. i do not promote purging (or any other disordered eating acts BUT ESPECIALLY NOT PURGING!)! it is going to hurt you physically and mentally so if anything maximum restrict. but as we know you can’t just fix it by saying that so here are some tips to prevent teeth rot from purging~ {1. Don’t brush your teeth right after! this dissolves the enamel even more! 2. Floss and rinse mouth with water/mouthwash straight after 3. if you can, chew and spit an anti-acid} also anorexia can weaken bones and as we know teeth are bones so i just advise to brush your teeth every morning and night! 🦷✨
•Body Hair ✨: I understand this is also gross too but people who don’t care enough i want you to at least have good hygiene so if you starve enough to get lanugo (excess hair growth caused by cold temperatures due to starvation). You can keep these hairs or remove them i would advise to shave so you can appear nice but if you don’t care and would like to stay warm keep the hair!
This is something i find very sad because it’s very exclusive. so many POC are struggling with this evil illness are rarely seen in thinspo and if so they usually aren’t just modeling by themselves but with another pale person. I suggest that if you have a certain amazing attributes to you and your body look for thin people that are like you, and also the lack of curly hair in the industry is disappointing as well. I’d also just like to say most models are white, with blonde or brown hair and blue eyes but that literally is so exclusive so please just somebody find a diverse page. I’ll be posting some if i can find any! 🌎💞
When i find more things to write about i’ll add more xx 💖
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