#I needed this encouragement lately!
phoenix-flamed · 3 months
I could swear you had posted something re. your portrayal and feedback and even if I cannot find it, I will give my unsolicited opinion here - I love what you have done with Elwin. I can say that you have taken a character that unfortunately did not have much screen time and fleshed him out beautifully, in relation to his past, the country he ruled over, his family and personal beliefs.
I love that you try to make Elwin (and Miles) very real and tridimensional in the sense he's not perfect - there are flaws there but they're understandable and balanced with the man we see in the game. I often feel FFXVI tried to paint Elwin as the 'good' ruler we had in opposition to Sylvestre and Barnabas but even if he was comparatively better/a more decent man, you still take the time to detail the many ways in which he failed (or that he believes to have failed).
I am constantly intrigued and compelled to read your musings and thoughts on him, and you definitely made me care for Elwin in a way I did not previously do (at least, not while playing FFXVI for the 1st time). I sometimes forget that his survival AU is 'just' your creation (I say this with the utmost respect) and I think it speaks to the care you have put into giving him a believable 'second chance' - befitting for one representing the bloodline of the phoenix. :)
Thank you for your hard work and for keeping the Elwin agenda alive!
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Friend! <3 I've been contemplating how to reply to this, so let me start by saying: thank you for your kindness, patience, and support. You've been a great help and inspiration with your own writing and ideas, and that's to say nothing of all of your help coming up with crossover verse ideas! And of course, thank you for being so accepting and encouraging of "Miles", and being so willing to interact with him!
I'm probably going to repeat myself like fifty million times in this post, because I'm bad at words, but still. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I hope it's okay if I go on a small tangent about some thoughts I have! What you said about the game painting Elwin as the "good" ruler made me remember something -- which I do agree with you! I feel that with Elwin and Anabella, too, as oddly as that may sound. In the case of Anabella, I understand why the people of Rosaria have this more black and white perception of her and Elwin after The Night of Flames, especially with everything Anabella has been doing to them versus how Elwin ruled and was. But I wish the game itself had done better at showing that it really isn't that black and white, that there's nuance to the situation by way of everything that led up to The Night of Flames. I don't know if that makes sense. Hanna, Byron, even Clive himself all mention that Anabella had changed and, in the case of Clive, says that her decisions regarding the culling of the Bearers is uncharacteristic of her. None of the Shields in the little area of Rosalith that we were able to access during the flashback had anything necessarily bad to say about her, at least not in English. (It may be different in the other versions of the game) There was pity for Clive over how she treats him, and mentions that she'd have their heads if their shipments weren't loaded or unloaded on time, but overall the "worst" anyone said was Rodney mentioning her perfectionism or something like that in his Inner Voice thought towards her. There's also the fact that, in my opinion, Elwin seemed to trust her enough to not only not mention her as a potential enemy in his will, or view her as a threat to him, and to trust her back in Rosalith while they rode to Phoenix Gate. Both Jill and Clive's Inner Voices regarding her during Phoenix Gate involve being worried about her. I know Anabella lays out for us what happened when she yells at Clive and Jill in her final scenes, but I still wish we'd gotten to see more, and gotten to see more of Anabella beyond the villain that she became, when there are details that allude to her having not always been that way. Or if she always has been that way, then I wish we'd gotten to see more of her and the Rosfield family before Phoenix Gate, so that it could really drive home, despite the odd behavior and things she says regarding Olivier and Valisthea's future, that she always had been that way, but she kept it carefully hidden in order to deceive everyone until she had the perfect opportunity set up to strike against Elwin.
When it comes to Sylvestre in particular, I wish so much that the game had better highlighted the fact that neither Sylvestre nor Elwin were wrong in their methods of ruling. Placing aside how they were as people, and speaking strictly of them as heads of their respective nations -- Elwin prioritized the people, while Sylvestre prioritized the territory, the latter being what Anabella believed as well according to her. Elwin isn't wrong, in the sense that without its people, a nation is just empty land, and without the support and loyalty and morale of the people, a ruler is pretty ineffective unless they want to go the route of forcing compliance and obedience. On the other hand, Sylvestre isn't wrong, in that from a logical standpoint, yes, the people can be replaced with others if they die. Whether it be through the raising of more generations, or the assimilated people of nations overtaken by the Holy Empire's rule, there will theoretically be more. But if a nation loses its land, then what's left for it? Nothing except displaced citizens who will then have to become refugees in another nation, while their ruler submits to the authority of that nation's ruler -- and in doing so loses their own authority. I don't know if any of this actually makes sense, but this is my opinion, and something I really, sincerely wish they'd done more to convey!
Okay but all of that aside, no, like I said... thank you. By this point, you'd think I'd be less worried of what people think of my portrayal, or how people perceive the whole survival AU thing, but alas, I am a limp noodle who worries constantly about everything under the sun. So to hear your encouragement and reassurances makes me so happy, as well as comes as a great comfort.
Thank you. <3 It's cliche, but I wouldn't be here -- and my muse wouldn't be as developed as he is -- without wonderful people like yourself who not only continue to encourage me and take interest, but more importantly, who inspire me with their own muses and their own writing and their own work! Thank you, endlessly, thank you. And I am so sorry for the rambling. aklfdjlkgd
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Besties can't enable pvp on each other, right?
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Genuinely, doing things "half-assed" or for a short period of time is generally better than never having done it in the first place.
Writing one sentence is better than none. A minute of brushing your teeth is better than zero minutes. Answering two questions for a homework assignment is better than answering none.
The overwhelming mountain of things can be done peacemeal. You do not have to do it all at once. It is okay to take life in whatever amount you can. The point is to allow yourself the grace to be.
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quinns-art-box · 1 year
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rarepair week day 6: pride/postcard
some gals!!!! i hc ibuki as aroace and peko as bi+ace and i ship them in a qpr :] love drawing characters with pride flags
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going off of what dwreader and ghostfoolish have been saying better than i can:
why do people think louis will still be a believable victim and it won't be racist if the show just has armand mess with louis's memories regarding 1x05 and how claudia died, and also be controlling him throughout the entire interview/relationship? like not only does it paint victims of abuse as unreliable and unstable, therefore not be trusted with anything*, but it also, just, shifts most if not all the blame from a white man to a poc? we've asking this the entire time, but they still don't have an answer for that.
*like statistically speaking victims of abuses' memories might be muddled/repressed from the trauma, so even though they know the abuse happened, people will use the fact that they might not be able to describe an entire fight in specific detail, or got some dates mixed up, or did not speak up sooner, to paint them as mentally ill liars, or even abusers themselves. which is why i think giving louis false memories in 1x05 is still victim blaming in a way, because it encourages the trend of victims not being believed.
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elialys · 5 months
fun fact: i'm turning 36 next month, and right now, i'm seriously looking into going back to school for another 2 to 3 years to get a new diploma
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As someone who’s acespec. Hate hate HATE when certain asexuals use “I’m asexual I don’t want to have to think about anything even remotely sexual! >:(“ as an excuse for their conservative purity culture bullshit. Girl there is nothing inherently sexual about seeing a man’s happy trail because he’s wearing a croptop. A leather daddy in a harness at pride isn’t the same thing as two fags fucking nasty in front of you. Neither is someone in a puppy mask. You’re just a conservative.
To be clear, it is absolutely valid and okay to be sex repulsed. It’s okay to be uncomfortable.
But it is NOT fucking okay to use your discomfort as an excuse for the same sexually conservative ideas that right-wingers hold and are ACTIVELY using against the queer community. You’re reinforcing the bullshit they’re spewing by labeling nonsexual acts – by labeling just EXISTING in certain clothes – as sexual. This is exactly the shit conservatives are trying to pull against trans people right the fuck now.
Pride month is about, among other things, queer solidarity. And right now we need that more than ever. If you’re going around complaining about being forced to witness other people just fucking existing in a way that you don’t like, then you’re part of the problem.
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piplupcola · 3 months
I just want to commend you artists, you writers, you game designers and cosplayers and anyone who does creative stuff out there on finding the courage to create. Many of you out there are plagued with depression, anxiety, lack of confidence, imposter syndrome and so many other worries and doubts about your ability to create. I am one such person, and though I have so many ideas and stories in my head i could explode, I lose confidence in my ideas and skill so rapidly from just holding a pen, basically nothing ever gets put on page. I'll tell myself I'm lucky if I even get a single drawing done in a year, frankly calling myself an artist is more a fraud than anything.
But you people, you creative amazing people manage to overcome that. No matter how good you think your work is or your level of skill, you draw and write and do it anyway, some of you even post it online for people to see, something I'm almost always ashamed about doing in fear of someone I know seeing it (why do u think I'm hiding here on tumblr where none of the much more talented people I know go). I've always admired yet envy you amazing people, who are passionate about art, who sit down and still make stuff after a long day of work because it makes u relax, who see art as joy than something you need to do because it's work, who would draw and create despite all the hardships and doubts and worries the world and yourself have place upon you.
The fact that you're able to get pass all that and get a sketch, a word, an idea down on a page, I think you all are so very incredibly brave. Much braver than me at least. No matter where you are on your creative journey right now, keep doing what you're doing and create. It is those that keep going that make it to success in the end. I unfortunately will not be one those people, but I hope that I can keep cheering others on instead.
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heartfragment · 5 months
hi :) i'm a rlly big fan of heart fragment. it's my main special interest atm and i want to thank u for creating such an amazing game with such a gripping plot and literally not a single flaw that i can find ♥️
Omg?? 😭 😭 ❤️ 💙 💜 Thank you so much!! I'm so glad that Heart Fragment is able to bring you joy!!!
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redrobin-detective · 5 months
I'm feeling weirdly nostalgic about my fics this Monday morn so I wanted to let you all know of stories I intend to write/finish
Teach Your Children series - I'm winding down from the mania but still pretty obsessed with Adventure Time so I will finish this series but it may be my last AT story for a while. Finn's section is partially done and Simon's wrap up is just that.
when I am dead my dearest - I always planned on finishing this series with a fourth addition from Jack's POV wrapping up the idea of the 3 main people in Danny/Phantom's life who don't know his identity
The Road Not Taken finale fic - I know BNHA isn't the juggernaut it once was and most people have no interest in this AU anymore but I dreamed up this finale at pretty much the same time I was ending TLWA so if I don't write it I think I may actually die
Copper and Silver - my literally 98% done fem Kaito DCMK genderbend story that, for some reason, I cannot scrape up the motivation to finish
Gold in the Sunlight - my long Billy Batson reveal fic that is totally planned out and has maybe one chapter completed but again, I'm in and out of DC
Unnamed sequel to We'll Meet Again Some Sunny Day - Yeah I had jokingly laid out what would happen after the end of the fic and now I really want to write it. It and a potential middle fic are outlined
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marzibad · 14 days
my hands don't work properly and are very shaky on top of that but when i have money i would like to try to make h*r-related bracelets maybe :)...
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Just read a post about how you shouldn’t trust a doctor who rushes you and like, yes I fully understand the frustration, so here’s what you can do to stop yourself being rushed:
-ask for a double appointment
-ask for a triple appointment
-fuck it ask for an hour long appointment if you think it’ll help
-be outright about what you want/need from an appointment. If you need more time to process information, say that. If you need the doctor to write out all information, say that. If you have a complex case/long history, say that!
-list all the reasons why you want to see the doctor/vet that day and please don’t sugar coat it. “Been vomiting” is a ten minute fix. “Been vomiting after every meal for the past two years” is not. It needs a double appointment and possibly a referral too.
Doctors and vets are overworked to fuck and exploited to hell. Help us out a little, please
#I get the frustration I really really fucking do#But I cannot stress this enough: we do not get overtime#We don’t! If you are booked in for a fifteen minute time slot and it takes 45 minutes we run late. We lose our lunch or we go home late and#We never get that time back. We already work long hours for frankly less pay than you’d expect for someone saving lives#If I run even just fifteen minutes late after one appointment it knocks on to everything and suddenly I cannot HALT#which is the acronym to encourage medical professionals to take care of themselves to reduce human error#(Basically take a break if you’re Hungry Angry Lonely/Late or Tired)#I have known other new grads who have to stay back at work unpaid for 1-2 hours every DAY#Do you know how much that wears you out?#All I’m saying is properly booked appointments are a godsend.#Also don’t sugar coat the reason for bringing a pet into the vets.#‘I want him checked over he’s old’ and ‘I want him euthanised he’s really struggling’ are two VERY different consults#I do get people’s frustrations with doctors but this website has a tendency to forget that they’re still human#If you were forced to do unpaid labour every day because you’ve got an understaffed over exploited work force you’d probably be annoyed too#And I know a lot of people are!!! But people don’t realise medical professionals are too!!!#We’re all in the hell of late stage capitalism together and that means you pay too much for a vet/doctor who does not have#The time or resources they fucking need
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tokruta · 8 months
Life isn't over until you're dead
Life isn't over until you're dead
Life isn't over until you're dead
Life isn't over until you're dead
Life isn't over until you're dead
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thesamestarlight · 10 months
today was SUCH a good day even though i didn't do the thing i wanted to get done and i know it was because i CREATED!! i meant to just jot down an idea in a google doc but that accidentally turned into like four HOURS and almost 3000 words and i??? feel so good?? i've been lamenting a lot lately that i have all these fragments floating around in my head but i haven't been able to actually Make anything with them and then today i finally did in a way that i completely didn't anticipate and that came out of nowhere and it felt GREAT. and then i sang in the car and saw the sunlight in the trees and watching a funny show and lived laughed love the spirit of small joys saturday!! i love you guys!!!
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missingn000 · 1 year
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zozoubbb · 6 months
for all the mentally unstable, mentally ill and who have mental disorders people out there, you deserve to love and to be loved, you deserve to create life if you want to, and most importantly you deserve to live and to enjoy life. im mentally unstable and i have worth, and i deserve the good things that happen to me. im mentally unstable and sometimes im shitty to other people, im not proud of it and it doesnt mean im a mean or evil person. im mentally unstable and deserve to be a kid, a daughter, a sibling, a lover a parent. wont tell you its gonna be everything fine, but i can assure you it gets better, i dont know when but it does. sometimes it feels like your mind is in some form of war, but remember that it surely is a war that is worth fighting for on YOUR side, YOU are worthy.
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