zozoubbb · 8 days
when is lesbian invisibility day. i want to rob a bank
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zozoubbb · 8 days
if yr doing a final girl in yr horror movie YOU NEED TO KILL HER BOYFRIEND that's the absolute rule
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zozoubbb · 8 days
Destroy the myth that libraries are no longer relevant. If you use your library, please reblog.
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zozoubbb · 8 days
can someone give me $100,000 I won't pay you back
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zozoubbb · 8 days
All it means when people say “you’re speaking from a place of privilege” is that you’re likely to underestimate how bad the problem is by default because you are never personally exposed to that problem. It’s not a moral judgement of how difficult your life is.
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zozoubbb · 8 days
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I missed their anniversary but happy visibity week to the inventors of yuri‼️
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zozoubbb · 8 days
The student protests for Palestine have been an amazing show of solidarity and support and seeing thr way that so many young people are willing to stand up for their values is admirable when so many others stay silent. But this is all to say that we are entering a pattern of glorifying these white “martyrs” from the global west to put all of this effort and resources and media coverage into instead of the actual cause they are fighting for.
I saw the same thing happen with Aaron Bushnell, when his self immolation was being talked about more than the actual genocide in Gaza (which went against everything he said he was self immolating for in the first place).
And again this happened with the prisoner from the US who worked 136 hours just to be able to donate his $17 check to Palestine aid efforts. In response to this, people wanted to help him and ended up raising over $100,000 in a gofundme for him. This feels almost satirical, as every gofundme to help Gazans evacuate Palestine and get to safety has a goal of less than $100,000 and most of them are not even close to reaching it.
And now, there are more and more posts on how to get aid to the college student encampments, and the “urgency” of getting enough bail funds for the students who have been arrested during them. Talking about Palestine itself and getting resources to Palestine has almost been put on the back burner in favour of making all Palestine related news about college students in the United States.
It think it is valuable to recognise the selflessness and importance of these protests, and getting these students resources but what is MORE important, and what these people are truly fighting for, and protesting, and make a statement about is PALESTINE. We have unsurprisingly reached the point where there are people who care much more about the white people fighting for the cause from the comfort of living in the global west than they care about the Palestinians undergoing a genocide in Gaza. It’s become almost blatant racism, the way people begin to drop everything the second a white/usamerican person does something in regards to helping Palestine, but will not put the same effort into a Palestinian IN Gaza who is telling their story or asking for help. I respect anyone who has done absolutely anything to help Palestine, but I hope people are starting to see the pattern of how the media gravitates towards the “white saviour/perfect martyr” instead of the first hand accounts coming from those in Gaza.
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zozoubbb · 8 days
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zozoubbb · 8 days
U.S. conservatives always talk about creating jobs but get SO MAD whenever anyone mentions banning prison labor like imagine the insane ammout of jobs that would be created literally overnight if companies in your country had to actually employ people instead of using slave labor from people that got caught with weed 10 years ago.
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zozoubbb · 8 days
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Carrie (1976) / The Virgin Suicides (1999)
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zozoubbb · 8 days
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I originally posted this on twitter exactly 2 years ago.
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zozoubbb · 8 days
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zozoubbb · 8 days
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this is a way better model... you'll still get transphobic & intersexist drs of course but i prefer this to male / female or even having separate questions for gender & sex.
[we can't see the full form, but i'd suggest having a "something else" option and dominant hormone question too.]
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zozoubbb · 8 days
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juri just PUSHING people in duels. 😭though that seems to be a tactic she picked up from ruka (iirc he’s the only other character that does it. EDIT: well, that’s untrue.). utena every juri duel:
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zozoubbb · 8 days
the way anthy smiles when utena feeds a strawberry to chu chu will always be crazy. like at first you’re like “oh she’s smiling because utena is nice to her little monkey and she no longer has to be slapped around by the broccoli boy” and then you’re like “wait maybe her smile was a sinister signal that she finally has utena in her clutches…” but then you’re like “nah that’s stupid. she’s smiling because chu chu constitutes her repressed emotional state and utena showing chu chu affection and kindness instead of dismissing and outright ignoring him the way everyone else does in fact represent the way she actively desires and strives to befriend anthy on a genuine level even if it’s incredibly difficult due to the walls anthy has learned to put up over the years.” anthy smiling isn’t a sinister foreshadowing of her inevitable betrayal, or if it is, it also foreshadows her ultimate friendship with utena as something that is rooted not only in incredible empathy and depth of feeling, but also in the inherent love of hanging out and joking around and being silly and goofy with your pals. by not dismissing chu chu, utena is also incidentally demonstrating her desire to view anthy as an equal and a friend, which is the exact kind of love necessary to precipitate anthy’s revolution, by shattering the paradigms of control, domination, and abuse that have dictated the terms of anthy’s existence for far too long.
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zozoubbb · 8 days
i kind of like that utena starts to remember she had done this all for anthy, but isn’t confirmed to have remembered fully by the end. it’s a crucial element of it all that utena’s bond with Anthy was at the root of all of this but that she erased that in her mind and replaced it with a narrative focused on a man, and them reclaiming that narrative for themselves is important. you know they’ve achieved something like that by the cropped post credits photo. but in the end she loves anthy not because anthy is some grand idea from her childhood she has been seeking forever (like she sought her ‘prince’) - maybe she does not even fully remember that - but because being with the anthy she has currently come to ‘know’ by living with makes her happy and she loves that anthy as a person & not just an idea. she wants to be with anthy because she wants to have tea with her 10 years from now. so in the end it’s not because she remembers anthy from the past that spurred her on with the incredible resilience that possessed her in the finale but because she loves anthy in the current, and the anthy that she wants to get to have a chance to know in the future
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zozoubbb · 10 days
tiktok is such an awful app, it's almost designed to feed you misinformation and expose you to insane discourse. unlike beloved tumblr, the app that feeds me misinformation and exposes me to insane discourse
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