#I love seeing all your plushies regardless and you’re always free to show me them through asks or dms
plushie-rater · 2 months
Can we send requests of our own plushies for you to rate? :)
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Thanks so much for asking first of all. I’ve been thinking about this a whole lot (even before I drew the first plushie here) and I think I’ve finally decided that at least for now, I won’t be taking submissions for plushie ratings. Without getting too serious, the main reason is that I’m afraid that it will stop feeling as fun as it does now. I also really enjoy how happy people seem to be when they see a surprise rating that they weren’t expecting, which would happen much less often if I was spending time drawing submissions, too. I really hope that everyone understands
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dragon-ascent · 1 year
You are an avid collector of Rex lapis merch...and your husband is Rex Lapis himself.
★彡fluff, fun stuff, zhongli finds you amusing as always
Zhongli had revealed his identity to you much before you two had gotten married. You’d been very respectful and told him how much you admired him as both a man and a deity...but oh boy, if Zhongli thought that was where your devotion ended, he was in for a long ride.
“Oh my freaking gosh! Eeeee!”
At your squeal, Zhongli is immediately at your side. “What is the matter- ah.” He sees the pamphlet you’re holding and suddenly it all clicks into place. 
You clutch your husband’s arm, barely able to contain yourself. “New Rex Lapis plushie launching tomorrow! Eeeee! Let’s go down to the store as soon as it opens!”
Zhongli kisses your forehead, his heart fluttering at your enthusiasm. “Allow me to take a look.” He gently takes the pamphlet from your hands and peruses it, then looks up at the bed you two share...where you also keep your enormous pile of Rex Lapis plushies. “Erm...dear, what is different about this new one?”
“Look!” You point at what the new plushie is holding. “It comes with a free Mora coin plush! I haaaaave to get it!”
It’s worth it, really. There’s nothing Zhongli cherishes more than seeing you happy. And when he finds you the next day curled up in bed, napping away with your brand-new Rex Lapis plushie pressed to your chest, he finds his heart melting like the sweetest chocolate on a summer day.
Of course, with how fanatical you get sometimes, you get so caught up in all your Rex Lapis paraphernalia that you almost forget who Zhongli really is...
“I’m doomed! I have blasphemed!”
“Did you sit on the lap of one of the Statues of the Seven again, dear?” Zhongli inquires without even looking up from the morning paper. “I told you, it does not count as-”
“Even worse! The new glow-in-the-dark Rex Lapis keychains are all sold out and I missed my chance to buy them!”
At this, Zhongli gazes at you sympathetically as you huff and puff around the room, equal parts agitated and distressed. He knows how much your collection means to you. “I see. Well, you can get one when they restock, can you not?”
“No way!” you cry out, staring at Zhongli like he had just grown horns and a tail. “The restocked keychains will be B-grade ones! I need to own only first-edition, top-quality merch!”
“Ah. Oh dear...” 
“What would Rex Lapis think?” you wail, flopping into your husband’s sturdy arms. “Rex Lapis, what do you think of me?”
“I don’t think ill of you, darling, I never could,” Zhongli assures, planting a soft kiss to your temple. “I still love you regardless of how many Rex Lapis-themed items you possess.”
“You’re just saying that to be nice!”
Zhongli chuckles. “I’m saying that because I love you, and married you for love. I never once wondered how many keychains in my image you obtained before I slid the ring onto your finger.”
Your lip wobbling, you ask, “Do you really mean it?”
“Of course I do, my beloved,” he answers softly, kissing the spot under your ear and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Come now, let me show you just how much.”
Of course, even when he offers you tender, affectionate consolation, Zhongli still ultimately wants to see you at your happiest. So wherever he can, he tries to pull some strings~
“Darling,” Zhongli calls after a long day of work. “I’m home!”
“Welcome home!” You run over to him and give him a peck on the lips. “How was your day?”
“Quite eventful,” he answers, “especially since I managed to procure a very important item.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “An important item? What is it?”
Zhongli smiles, holding out both of his hands, fists closed. “I shall let you find out.”
Utterly intrigued, you look at both closed fists, trying to gauge which one has the item. It must be quite small to fit in his palm...what important item could be that small? 
Pushing away the question since it was sure to be answered within a few moments, you go with your gut and pick the right hand. Zhongli’s smile widens and he opens his palm...
Gasping, you let out a squeal. “Is this...what I think it is?!”
“The very same.” 
Still in disbelief, you take the keychain and observe its details. “It - it really is a first edition glow-in-the-dark Rex Lapis keychain...oh my gosh...but how..?”
Zhongli pulls you into a hug, chuckling at they way you seem to vibrate in his arms in excitement. “I managed to get ahold of a scalper and...persuade him to sell it to me at regular price.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You beam, singing his praises while waving the keychain around happily. “I love Rex Lapis sooooo much!”
Your husband kisses you, practically glowing at your happiness. “Rex Lapis loves you too, my beloved.”
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
@megumitodoroki: “headcannons (maybe a drabble if you want??) for yan tamaki and yan kirishima with a pregnant darling? ( i saw the hawks and bakugo one, i really liked!!!)” 
characters: yandere kirishima ejirou, tamaki amajiki x fem! reader
request status: OPENED / all fandoms I write for are pinned to the top of my page as well as my rules! feel free to request as you’d like! just please be respectful of my rules and if you have any questions, personally message me!
kirishima ejirou: 
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oooh, fuck, really? you got pregnant with HIS baby? fuck. i mean, kirishima is a great husband, for the MOST part. his issue 99.9999% of the time is that he’s too fucking clingy and it shows. even if he isn’t laying it on thick, everyone can see the way he is around you. 
lets say you weren’t home when he found out. you went through the five stages of grief when you found out. the stick was in your hand as you stared at the wall in panic. you were in no mindset to be carrying a child and you knew there would be consequences the longer you waited to tell him. 
at first, you planned to end it all and just put you and the fetus out of misery but then you realized.....kiri locked all the knifes, sharp objects, and anything you could think of hurting yourself with away. you knew regardless of what you were thinking, you were going to have his kid whether you wanted too or not. 
when kiri came home, you were still in the same position in the bathroom and holding onto the stick in your hand. when he realized what it was, he let out a high pitched scream. you’re pregnant !! like this wasn’t something he was expecting to happen just yet but here you were !! pregnant with his kid. 
the first thing he did was make an appointment for you. he needed to know how far along you were and when your projected birth date was. the doctor hadn’t been able to pinpoint what the sex was yet but he didn’t care !! his child was going to be the next red riot !! he was going to make sure of it !! 
months into the pregnancy, he started to fix up the nursery. while you were still miserable in the fact that you were pregnant, you knew you got nothing out of loathing from the news and tried to look at the silver linings in all of it. maybe kiri would lay off the rules and give you some freedom. he was already acting different. 
when you were in pain, he would be at your call. when he was at work, he made sure someone was there with you. what if something went wrong? he couldn’t trust you on your own. when your mood swings were bad, he would listen to you for once and keep his distance when you asked. when you were starving, he would get whatever it is you wanted. 
the nursery was red riot themed. little linings of red everywhere with black incorporated along with it. he had small figures of himself in the crib and on small shelfs around the room. kiri made sure to put pics of the two of you in the room so the kid could see the love you both had for each other. he even went out of his way to make mini outfits of his hero uniform that fit every time he assumed the kid would have a growth spurt. 
lets say you end up finding out that you were having not only a boy, they were going to be twin boys, kiri fucking fainted. he doubled everything in the nursery and even built an extra room for the second baby. kiri was ecstatic to say the least. he never thought he’d get twins !! you on the other hand went through another phase of grief knowing that you were carrying twins and that meant that kiri was going to be home more than you wanted him to be. 
when you finally go into labor, kiri dropped everything he was doing and fucking SPEED RAN to the hospital. when he got there, you were already under epidural and trying to calm yourself down. the pain was unbearable, even with the epidural. he could see the pain on your face and wanted to cry right along with you. you were even holding onto him, hoping that he did something right for once and tried to calm you down. 
when you finally gave birth, kiri bawled like a child. they were both out within a few minutes and while you held one baby, kiri held the other. they had his black hair and your skin tone. he had never seen three beautiful people in his life and here you were, his wife and kids. his life was complete. 
tamaki amajiki: 
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okay cool, tamaki is not horrible yandere so you’re relatively safe for the most part. the thing with tamaki that makes it unbearable to live with is that you can’t do shit. he’s terrified of you even breathing the wrong way tbh. he won’t let you leave the house bc he’s afraid something will happen to you. 
the day you found out you were pregnant with his baby, it was bittersweet. you were excited bc although he had abducted and was holding you hostage in his home, tamaki as a person was not a horrible person. he wasn’t mirio and he def wasn’t nejire. you had been feeling sick for a while and every morning you woke up you ran to the bathroom vomiting your guts out. 
you refused to tell tamaki bc you knew he would go into full panic if you did. you just had told mirio in secret to bring you a test and drop it off. when he did, you quickly ran to the bathroom and took the test. you were clawing the counter in a bout of anxiety and as soon as the clear blue test rang up positive, you felt dizzy in the head and fell on top of mirio who had offered to stay. 
he quickly fanned you as he basically screamed to tamaki to get his ass home. tamaki had dropped everything he was doing and ran to his house. he had no idea why mirio was there and bc the emergency was abt you, he booked it even faster. when he finally got there, you were chugging back a hydroflask full of water and murmured to him the news. 
tamaki basically passed out three different times hearing the news. it took mirio, a call to nejire, and yourself to get him out of it. when he finally stopped fainting and realized what you had said, he gave you a long hug, murmuring that finally it happened. he had been wanting kids for so long, as weird as it sounds. he was nervous wreck almost all the time but he wanted to continue his family line with you and hopefully they ended up with your personality. 
he scheduled your first doctor appointment a few weeks later and at that appointment, the two of you had found out the exact date and gender. you were having a baby girl !! tamaki was dumbfounded. he was expecting a boy but he wasn’t complaining. he was getting a mini you !! another to love and take care of. that meant that no hero course for his baby girl. nope !! business or support course at the very least. 
her nursery consisted of small sun eater figures and outfits. every now and again, he would had lemillion and nejire-chan themed things. your daughter would have mini outfits of all three of them and would have plushies of the three of them in the crib. hell, even the crib set was the big three themed. he and mirio had painted a mural for her and added photos of all four of you to make sure that even if his daughter didn’t have anyone to be her friend, the four of you would always be there. 
he didn’t take your change in moods well. frankly, he was terrified of you. there would be days where you would unleash your anger like never before and other days, you’d be sobbing to him. the food you did make though was AMAZING. it was a weird combination that always turned out amazing at the end. 
fat gum and kirishima were surprised but excited to hear the news. they bought her a bunch of red riot and fat gum themed clothes as well and fat gum would even bring you food when he was in the area. you were so important to tamaki and he knew that so he had to make sure that you were also important to him too. tamaki upon telling mirio and nejire that you were pregnant told them they were the god parents so they were almost just as protective over you like tamaki was. 
the day you gave birth, tamaki was home with you. you were just laying in bed when your water broke and he drove you to the hospital like he was in fast and furious. you were taken back by his actions but he practically screamed at the nurses as soon as you arrived to help you. he made sure to scream to them to give you epidural the minute you asked and if any of them even slipped up once, tamaki would have blood on his hands a few days later, making sure he took care of those useless nurses and doctors. tamaki in this setting was not one to mess with, that’s to say the least. 
when you finally gave birth, he cried a bit but not as much as you expected. the time he did cry was when he held his daughter and looked at the two of you. his life was perfect. you had a healthy daughter and you were relatively okay yourself post-birth. the only other time he cried was when he made the three-way call to mirio, fat gum, and nejire to tell them you had finally given birth and all of you were okay. 
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fuckedurbias · 4 years
valentines day - jo chanhyuk
A/N: i intended for this to be a drabble esp since i literally just put it together really quickly in my notes app pshshs i hope it’s not too long to be considered one ;-; but yes pls enjoy either way!! it’s so cute and fluffy
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it’s valentines day and once again you don’t have a romantic interest to spend this day with. usually you would spend this day going on a ‘date’ with your best friends, but for the first time in your life they all have significant others they would rather be spending this day with. it never used to bother you that you were alone on this day, knowing that it’s just a capitalist scam and just an excuse for companies to exploit & bribe couples and make single people feel like shit for being single. well it was working this time. you did feel like shit for being alone this year, suddenly the streets were filled with couples everywhere or people on their way to see their significant others; roses, chocolates & extravagant gifts in hand. when you got back to your unit you were so thankful, finally free from couples and ‘love’ being shoved down your throat, leaning back against your door with a sigh. you get changed into your pajamas, light some candles in your bathroom and prepare to run a bath - you were going to be your own valentine and pamper yourself, show yourself some love. you picked up the phone preparing to order some takeout when your doorbell rings. you look through the peephole and feel your heart skip a beat in your chest, you open the door with the gobsmacked look unknowingly still on your face.
“c-chan? what are you doing here?” you stuttered. chan had been your friend for a long time, you two were never super close but he was still a part of your friend group that you’ve had since high school.
“when i heard you were spending this valentines day alone, i couldn’t help myself” he smiles, handing you the bouquet he bought for you, along with a plushie of your favourite sanrio character with a balloon attached to it.
“oh�� but still you didn’t have to get me anything chan, and why didn’t you just call me and actually make plans with me you dummy? i feel bad that you came all the way over to my house” you move over so he can come in.
“i know, but i couldn’t come empty handed. plus, the element of surprise is always better” he chuckles, shuffling his shoes off.
“but now i’m in my pajamas and i have my bath running, with surprise i can’t be prepared and look nice” you whine, moving to your kitchen to put the gifts on the bench.
“hey now, don’t say that you look gorgeous regardless - perhaps even more so” he smiles sweetly. you roll your eyes and go to your bathroom to turn the tap to the bath off. he waits in the kitchen for you and when you return he seems off.
“are you okay?” you giggle, laughing at his sudden stiffness. he awkwardly laughs in response.
“look i can’t hold it in anymore” he groans at himself.
“hold in what? if you need to pee you can go” you laugh.
“i- what? no! i have a confession” he yells. your stomach drops, was he going to say what you think he’s going to say?
“well, get on with it then” you’re so thankful you’re not facing him right now and are washing your dishes instead, otherwise he’d see your face suddenly being so pale.
“i.. like you. i have liked you since high school and i know that might seem farfetched because we’ve both dated people in that time but i only did it in hopes of getting my mind off you, especially since you were always the one to date other people first. it killed me inside, and i can’t live with these emotions hidden away anymore. i don’t expect you to feel the same but i hope it doesn’t make things awkward, i don’t want to lose you” he rambles, not breathing once. you freeze, almost dropping your plate on the floor. you turn around quickly, staring at him in shock.
“are you serious chanhyuk? i liked you for almost two whole years, i was whipped!!” you screamed, storming up to him with your arms crossed.
“i know! but i didn’t find out until after you started dating that dude… what was his name, david? and i only started to really fall for you after that. when i found out i was so heartbroken, our friends didn’t let me live that down and still don’t” chan confesses.
“so? what do you expect me to do?! you can’t just dump this on me out of nowhere…” you feel so confused, your heart is about to beat out of your chest.
“i don’t know… i don’t expect anything, i told you that. i just couldn’t hold it in anymore, it’s been a really long time that i’ve been holding this all in” he exhales harshly.
“i mean i, never really lost feelings for you. you don’t ever really lose feelings for your first love, right? you still make my heart skip a beat sometimes, like when i saw you outside of my door i almost fainted” you mumble, not even knowing what you’re saying.
“really?” he asks, his cheeks turning pink. “yeah… i guess i never really addressed it myself and just pushed it to the back of my mind because i was too scared, especially after all this time” you say more to yourself than to him.
“i see” chan replies, not knowing what to say at all. you fiddle with your fingers, unable to look up at him. he grabs your hands, rubbing his thumbs over yours. you look up at him in surprise. he leans in slowly, kissing your cheek, then the side of your lips. his face freezes right in front of yours, lips ghosting over yours ever so slightly. it’s as if he was testing the waters & waiting to see if you’d move away or not, which he was. your lips are aching to feel his against them, your eyes not moving their frozen gaze from his lips just inches from yours. you can’t take it anymore and you lean in, connecting your lips together. chan lets out an exhale from his nose, clearly relieved that you made the move. his arms wrap around your waist and your arms move to his shoulders. you’ve never felt such fireworks while kissing someone before in your life, it was ethereal & heavenly. it was so passionate and filled with all the love and heartache you felt for each other all these years, as if the universe was finally celebrating that you two had finally come together. you both pull away, absolutely breathless and in shock.
“well that was definitely worth waiting for” chan breathes.
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Love Yourself (Chapter 7)
title: Love Yourself summary: A lot of things about Dan’s life are pretty great. He gets to make the music he wants, he’s got a great fanbase, and his manager is his best friend. A few things about his life suck a bit more. He’s currently lacking inspiration, he’s rather lonely, and he’s stuck in a rut. Dan’s been going to the same coffee shop for years. It’s quiet, it’s quaint, it’s near his home. Most importantly: none of the employees give a shit that’s he a world-famous singer. Things change when he meets the new barista. chapter words: 8.5k story words: 35k (so far) chapter: 7/? rating: m warnings: language genre: singer!dan, coffee shop au, barista!phil, slow burn [[ao3]] [[previous chapter]] [[first chapter]]
Phil ran around his apartment, collecting the things he’d planned to show in his liveshow. He always found that liveshows went more smoothly (and avoided too many personal questions) when he had some concrete, pre-planned topics to talk about — especially when there were hot topics his fans knew about that he was trying to avoid.
Like this week.
It had only been four days since Dan had first tweeted at him and, well, those four days had been packed full with at least a few dozen tweets exchanged between them. If his viewers reactions on twitter were anything to go by… well, it was sure to be a hot topic tonight.
Phil’d spent a lot of the day thinking about how he wanted to spin his interactions with Dan. In fact, he’d genuinely considered canceling his liveshow just to avoid having to get into it. They’d both agreed that giving the proper truth — that Phil worked at a coffee shop Dan frequented — was out of the question. They valued their privacy far too much to disclose that information. But obviously, he had to say something.
Being as vague as possible seemed like the best option: they’d met through his work (not a lie), and had seen each other a few times because of it. Phil didn’t need to divulge the nature of their relationship — and honestly, he barely knew how he’d describe it anyway. They were more than just a barista and a customer for sure. Dan had flat out said several times that he considered Phil a friend, and Phil thought of Dan as one, too. But sometimes… well, sometimes their interactions didn’t feel like friendship. Or at least not any friendship Phil had ever had before.
It felt more… flirty.
Which was insane. For a multitude of reasons. Not the least of which being that Dan had a girlfriend, with no visible history of dating, well, not girls. Against his better judgment, Phil had done a bit of digging on Dan. Which he knew, he knew he shouldn’t have done.
For one, they were friends and it just felt somehow creepier to internet stalk someone he was actually fairly close with. And second, he knew how it felt to have more information about himself on the internet than he was aware of, and imagined Dan was just as uncomfortable with it as he was. Plus, it felt wrong to learn things about his friend that Dan hadn’t explicitly chosen to tell him.
Regardless, Phil had looked him up. Along the way, he’d learned that Dan had had some mental health issues a few years back that were arguably still present, depending on the source. He’d learned that with the exception of Isabella, Dan had never been in a relationship — or at least not one that he’d made public. Phil learned that Dan was incredibly private about his family life, to the extent that almost nobody even knew the names of his immediate family.
If it had been just a normal friendship, Phil would have needed to wait until Dan decided to — if at all — tell him about things. But this friendship was different. They were both very public figures and now he was sitting on all of this knowledge and he wasn’t sure if he should hide the fact that he had it or not.
His only condolence was that Dan had apparently binge watched a bunch of his videos, which meant he undoubtedly knew a lot more about Phil than he’d elected to share so far as well. Hell, he’d finally just confessed that he was kind of famous too (if giving Dan the necessary information to find out on his own could even be considered confessing, that is).
By now, Dan was sure to know that Phil had never had public relationships, with the exception of some dubious, long deleted evidence from his early, early days of YouTube. Dan also probably knew that Phil was incredibly close with his family, to the point of possibly oversharing about them in his public life. Dan had also likely caught on to the fact that his AmazingPhil persona was a bit different, a bit more innocent and bubbly than his day-to-day personality. Oh well. That was what Phil had signed up for when he’d started broadcasting his life all over the internet. And in some ways, Dan had signed up for the same gig.
Once Phil had gathered his… props, for the show, he set himself up on his sofa, and pulled up YouNow. While the streaming site loaded, Phil drafted a tweet so that all he had to do was hit post once he was live.
@AmazingPhil: Lions and plants and socks, oh my! Come hang out with me on YouNow and help me decide if I should keep the stuff I bought on Amazon this week [link]
When Phil saw the green icon indicating he was live, he sent the tweet and waved hello to his audience. He was always astounded at how many people were there at the very beginning of his shows, as if they’d just been lurking on his YouNow, waiting for him. Phil didn’t know if it was flattering or creepy
“Hi guys! How is everyone doing today?”
As he read out some of the funnier responses, he watched the number of viewers steadily climb. “Sarah says she’s watching me instead of doing her maths homework. Bad Sarah! Do your homework. Adam says he’s trying to make a cake he saw on the Great British Bake off. Good luck Adam, I’m not a very good baker but I believe in you.”
As the stream continued, Phil reacted to another handful of comments in order to give people time to arrive. After a few minutes, he glanced at the viewer count to see if he was near his typical audience size yet.
Seventeen thousand. That was a full seven thousand more than usually showed up for his shows.
Phil had a hunch that it had to due with his recent twitter activity. It was probably best to start his pre-planned activity before everyone started nagging him to talk about it.
“Laura wants to know how my week’s been. Pretty good so far, nothing to complain about,” Phil said, scanning the chat for anything else innocent he could answer before switching tactics completely.
“Okay guys, are you ready to help me decide if I should keep the stuff I bought on Amazon? Kelsey asks why I bought stuff if I’m not sure if I want it. Well, Kelsey, it was really late at night, I was bored, and it all seemed like a good idea at the time. Haven’t you ever heard of impulse shopping? It’s a real problem. See this is what happens when you live alone. You don't have anyone to tell you if the stuff you’re buying is cool or not. ‘Get a roommate’ someone said — sorry I missed your name. I only have a one bedroom flat, it’s definitely not big enough to share with —”
Phil was interrupted by a high pitched diiiing from his phone. Oops.
“Sorry, guys, I forgot to turn my phone on silent.” Phil embarrassedly grabbed his phone and toggled it to silent without looking at the screen. “Everyone’s asking who it is. I don’t know, I didn’t check. Let me have a look.” Curious himself now, Phil flipped his phone over.
@danielhowell liked your tweet.
Not so subtly, Phil threw his phone to the other end of the couch as if it were on fire.
Holy shit. If Dan liked his tweet about his liveshow did that mean…? No. No way. Dan was a busy celebrity. Surely he had better things to do on a Wednesday evening than watch Phil’s liveshow.
Phil tried his best to arrange his features into a more neutral expression before turning back to the camera. Naturally, the chat was flooded with people asking why he looked so surprised and who the message had been from.
“Just a twitter notification,” Phil said, aiming for nonchalant. Hoping to brush off the topic, he grabbed his first item off the table. “Okay, so first Amazon purchase is…” Phil attempted a drumroll noise “...socks!”
Phil held the pack of socks up to the webcam, flipping through the different pairs as he described them. “See, they are all plant themed. There’s cacti, and succulents, and bamboo. What do we think, do we like them?”
Not that he was surprised, but virtually no one in the chat seemed to care about his dubious Amazon purchases. Almost every single question was directly related to his interactions with Dan, both on Twitter and in real life. Until now, he hadn’t realized how much their fanbases overlapped.
This might be a harder topic to avoid than he’d initially thought.
Phil filtered through the Dan-related comments until he found a few people reacting to the socks and focused on those. “Amanda says she thinks they’re cute and Ashley bets that they’ll mix and match well. I agree, Ashley. Great. I’ll keep the socks.”
Phil sat the socks down on the table and picked up the next item, showing it to his audience and making another hopefully witty comment. As Phil struggled to push through the mass of comments related to Dan, he went through his next few purchases a bit slower than strictly necessary. He figured the more time he spent on this, the less free time he would have to talk about unplanned topics — namely Dan — at the end.
The charizard plushie and the grow-your-own-terrarium kit were his to keep, but everyone agreed that the Buffy figurine was more demonic than cute and needed to go back. From what Phil could tell, the comments had been split in regards to the aesthetic hat he’d picked out, and he chucked it away with a, “Maaaaaaybe.”
A quick glimpse at the clock told Phil that he’d been live for a little over half an hour already.
“This last one I’m a little more unsure about, guys.” Phil held up the jumper, trying to center it so that the lion on the front was in focus. His uncertainty was mostly for his viewers benefit. Phil was pretty damn sure how he felt about the jumper — it was bloody hideous. The lion design had looked adorable online, but then again that had been a small picture, it had been one in the morning, and he’d had a few mixed drinks by then. In reality, though, the lion was incredibly disproportionate and the quality was something he’d expect from a cheap, knockoff vendor on the street.
Nonetheless, Phil peeked around the jumper to read people’s comments. Those who were engaging in the Amazon conversation were all agreeing with him. “Sounds like most of you don’t like this one as much. I didn’t think so either. I love lions a lot, but this one isn’t very cute is he? Okay, back to Amazon that goes, then.”
Phil made a show of dropping the jumper and throwing it out of sight. He scanned the chat, looking for more reactions. His eyes landed on the word jumper and he read the comment out loud without processing it first.
“Max says to talk about Dan having the same pug jumper that you own.” Oh crap. That’s not what he’d anticipated when he’d seen the word jumper. “I, uh, yeah.” Phil fumbled for a second before pulling himself together and smiling brightly. “Funny, right? Definitely not his usual style. Honestly, when I lent it to him, I wasn’t sure he’d even want to wear it in the moment, much less at his own house when he had other options.”
Belatedly, Phil realized his mistake. He’d just confirmed that Dan didn’t just happen to own the same jumper as him, Dan had Phil’s actual jumper. Phil’s eyes tried to follow the chat, but it was moving too fast to comprehend. The only thing he could make out was Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan.
Well, I guess that topic is officially being discussed.
With a deep breath, Phil finally addressed the questions everyone had been tweeting at him, and he assumed were flooding the chat. “Everyone’s curious how I know Dan — Dan Howell, that is, in case anyone hasn’t been looking at my twitter this week. I met him through work. Don’t get too excited, it’s not like we’re actually working on anything together, I’ve just seen him around a few times.
“Maddie asks why I lent Dan my jumper.” He was well and truly in this mess now. Phil grasped for a story, settling on something plausible. Hopefully Dan didn’t mind too much. “Did you see Dan on Innuendo Bingo last week? It was really funny, right? He got so wet though. I ran into him in the bathroom afterwards. I was just being nice and helping him out because he looked like a drowned puppy.”
Phil chuckled, trying his best to brush the topic off, maybe bounce off some easier questions to answer about Dan before heading off for the week. Suddenly, though, the chat started filling up with the same messages. Half of them appeared to be copy and pasting something into the chat from some other source, and the other half were just keyboard smashes and different variations of “oh my god” and “did you see what he said?”
Phil assumed it was the other message they were freaking out about, the one everyone was spamming, the one he was clearly supposed to be noticing. Warily, Phil froze the chat so he could read what it said.
Daniel Howell: um excuse me i thought we were friENDS but go off i guess
Phil cocked his head, trying to figure out if this Daniel Howell was his Daniel Howell or an impersonator. It certainly sounded like something Dan would say, and Dan had liked his tweet. And Phil knew Dan had a YouNow account because he did liveshows of his own sometimes and… yup. That was definitely the real him.
Oh, great.
“Hi, Dan!” Phil smiled and waved, trying to figure out how the heck he was going to respond. He settled on teasing Dan back. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen you since Saturday. I thought you forgot about me!”
Of course, that started up a whole new flurry of questions. He should have known.
What was he supposed to say? How much was he allowed to say? It was intimidating enough having to talk around his and Dan’s relationship live to so many people, but to have to talk about it with Dan listening? That was so much worse. Dan would know instantly if Phil said something embarrassing, or too revealing, or flat out stupid.
“Everyone wants me to talk more about Dan.” With a sigh, Phil resigned himself to properly answering a few questions about Dan, hoping that if he actually gave his viewers some information they would let him switch topics.
“Justine asks how often I’ve been seeing Dan. A couple of times a week.” Four or five counts as ‘a couple’ right? “Tyler says that it must be cool to be friends with a famous singer. I guess? He’s just Dan to me. He’s a pretty normal guy. I kind of forget that he’s super famous most of the time.”
Phil skimmed the chat for more questions he was willing to answer.
Amee: have you met isabella because ngl she kinda seems like a bitch
Phil snorted, unable to completely control his laughter. From what he’d heard about Isabella, or Izzy as Dan tended to call her, he was inclined to agree. Not that he was about to voice that opinion online to seventeen thousand avid viewers. He looked for a less controversial question.
“Misty asks if he actually sent me a preview of a song. He did! I don’t know if I’m allowed to say anything about it though, so I’ll just say that it was great and I liked it a lot. He’s definitely really talented.”
Phil glanced at the clock in the corner of his screen.“Alright guys, one last question and then I’ve got to go. It’s been forty five minutes already! Samantha asks what we usually do together. Well, we started out just chatting because of work, you know, when we happened to both be around. But yeah, we’re friends now and we, er, we grab coffee or snacks together a lot. Most of the time we just hang out and talk, but sometimes we both work on whatever we need to. If you guys have more questions, you can tweet them at Dan, but I can’t promise he’ll answer any of them.
“I’ve got to go now, guys! I hope you all have a good night.” Phil started waving, making it clear he was going to leave. “Bye Brittany! Tiffany says she’s going to do her homework. Good! Bye Peter, bye Jim.”
Phil moved her cursor to the end button, trying to stop the stream. Like usual, younow was slow to respond. Awkwardly, he kept waving at his viewers while he punched the end button a dozen times. Eventually, the screen turned black, and Phil huffed a sigh of relief.
Now that Phil was finally done livestreaming, he tabbed back over to twitter. There was a new DM from Dan, which surprised Phil less and less each time it happened, but he was especially unsurprised this time — Phil didn’t expect to get away with talking about Dan in a livestream that he was watching without hearing from him. The message had been sent while he was still live, and was neither teasing nor admonishing, which had been Phil’s top two guesses at what Dan might have to say.
Daniel Howell: i’m glad you think of me as a normal guy and not just some famous rockstar
Phil felt his cheeks flush. He was eternally grateful that he’d thrown his phone to the other end of the couch and hadn’t seen that message while he was still live, or else seventeen thousand people would have seen him blushing and Dan… well, knowing Dan, he probably would have noticed the correlation between when the read receipt showed up and when Phil started turning pink.
Phil Lester: :) of course. I mean, it’s cool that you make music, but you’re more than just Dan Howell, Singing Sensation
He left his phone unlocked on the couch while he went to the loo. When he came back, the screen had dimmed but there was no new notification from Dan. Phil wasn’t sure if that meant Dan hadn’t watched the end of his liveshow, or if Dan had started doing something immediately after, or what. But apparently, he wasn’t going to respond now. Phil sighed and shoved his phone into his back pocket.
Phil’s phone was silent the entire time he cooked and ate dinner. By the time he crawled into bed with his laptop at half past midnight, he’d just about given up on hearing from Dan again. But he should have known late hours of the night meant nothing to Dan.
Daniel Howell: thanks. i think you’re more than just a famous youtuber for the record
Dan stared at the message he’d typed out to Phil, debating if he really wanted to send it or not.
Daniel Howell: i’m glad you think of me as a normal guy and not just some famous rockstar
He glanced back at the YouNow tab. Phil was still talking about him, now having moved on to loosely discussing the somewhat shitty snippet of the song that Dan had sent him. That song was basically all he’d been eating, breathing, and thinking about since Isabella had left Sunday night.
Working on his song was easier to deal with than trying to think about the things Izzy had said, than what had happened while she was at his flat, than the possible repercussions of their fight. So instead, he’d been hibernating alone since then, holed up working on his song. The only people he’d talked to were Phil and a few miscellaneous fans on twitter.
Before he could second guess (or third or fourth or fifth guess) it, Dan pressed send on his message to Phil, and shut his laptop, perhaps with more force than necessary.
With a sigh, Dan decided it was time to face the world.
He picked up his phone, and rang Louise. Despite it being nearly eight o’clock at night, she answered on the second ring.
“Daniel, there you are.” Her voice was hushed but stern. Of course. Darcy was probably in bed. Dan knew it was Darcy’s bedtime and he felt bad for calling, but if he didn’t do it while he had the nerve, he would back out. Again.
“Hi Louise,” Dan’s voice came out smaller and more upset than he’d meant for it to. He hadn’t realized just how much he’d been holding back.
“You’re lucky you’ve been active on twitter recently or I would have worried you were dead and just shown up at —”
“Lou,” Dan cut Louise off. “If I ask you for a favor, can you promise to just help me and listen and not lecture me?”
“Aw, love, what’s wrong?” Her voice was instantly softer.
“I just, um, you’re not too bad at arts and crafts, right? Like gluing broken stuff back together?” Dan fiddled with the hem of his shirt, running his fingers through the growing holes at the bottom.
“I’m fairly handy. Do you want me to fix something for you?”
“Yeah, do you mind?”
“Of course not. When do you want to bring it ‘round?”
Dan’s hands moved from his shirt hem to tap at his thigh. “Um, I was thinking now actually. If you’re not busy that is.”
Louise responded without hesitation. “Do you want tea or hot chocolate? Or should I open something stronger?”
Dan felt a wave of relief wash through him. “Hot chocolate sounds lovely, Louise. I’ll be there in fifteen.”
“Be quiet when you come in, please? Darcy’s asleep.”
“I will.”
Dan hauled himself out of bed. He slipped on a pair of black shoes that horrendously clashed with his white joggers, but whatever. He glanced back at his bed, where Phil’s jumper was bunched up, and considered pulling it over his tshirt.
It was just — it was soft. His week had sucked so far. He hadn’t seen Phil in ages, he’d been ignoring all of Izzy’s calls since she’d left, and he was bloody upset. He was allowed to wear something soft and comforting.
He decided it was worth whatever prying questions Louise might ask, pulled it on, and made his way to the kitchen.
Carefully, he stepped over the shards of glass, pots, and pans that still littered the kitchen floor to the breakfast bar. He really needed to clean that up before the maid came tomorrow.
Dan was thankful that he had saved the pieces of the bright pink mug from the floor during their fight. They were still tucked away on the breakfast bar, safe from further harm. Dan piled the pink shards of glass into a container with painstaking care. He glanced around the floor, making sure that he hadn’t missed any pieces. Sticking out from under the ledge of the counter was a bright pink handle. Dan scooped it up and gently added it to the container. With a determined flick, Dan turned the kitchen light off and left.
The night air was colder than he’d anticipated. He probably should have gone back upstairs to fetch a warmer coat. Instead, he pulled Phil’s jumper more tightly around his body, taking care to not jostle the box in his arms too much.
With cold fingers, he dug his keys out of his coat pocket and shakily unlocked the door to Louise’s townhouse. A welcomed rush of warm air hit him when he stepped into the entryway of Louise’s home.
To her credit, Louise was probably the best friend he could have asked for. When he walked into her lounge, he was greeted by Louise sitting on the sofa in front of two mugs of steaming hot chocolate.
Wordlessly, Dan climbed onto the couch, careful not to shake the box too much, and rested his head in Louise’s lap. Louise seemed to switch to full mum mode at the action, running her hand soothingly through his hair and letting him wallow in silence. She didn’t question anything — not the container he was cradling to his chest, nor the bright blue jumper he was wearing that clearly didn’t belong to him, and not even the barely-faded purple marks on his neck that she was bound to have a perfect view of from her position. She didn’t even question why he came over with fifteen minutes notice after three days of radio silence. She just let him be for a few minutes.
His eyes wandered the room as Louise played with his hair. There was a box labeled crafting supplies on the arm chair and a half empty bottle of liquor on the coffee table. He rolled onto his back and looked up at Louise.
“Peppermint Schnapps?”
“Just in case.”
“I love you Louise, you’re the best.” Dan sat and pressed a small kiss to her cheek. He leaned forward and poured a generous splash into both of their mugs, his destroyed mug resting in his lap.
Louise giggled as he handed her one of the mugs. “I know you too well, Dan. Now, are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”
Dan shifted the container of glass in his lap. “Please, Louise. Can you promise not to lecture me tonight? I know what you’re going to say and I really don’t want to — I just want to talk. And fix this. I need you to fix this.” Dan shoved the container into Louise’s hands.
She opened the box and peered inside. “Oh no! The mug from your grandma. Out of all your mugs, this is the one you broke?”
“Erm, not exactly.”
Louise looked at him curiously.
“They’re all broken. Except one. This is just the only one I care about fixing.”
Louise gasped. “What happened? Did your shelf break or something?”
“No, no. The kitchen’s fine. It was... um, Isabella.”
“Isabella,” Louise said tersely. It wasn’t a question, but Dan knew she was expecting him to explain.
“She came over. Sunday. That’s part of why I’ve been… not around.” Louise stayed silent, waiting for him to keep talking. Dan took a deep breath and continued. “She’d been on twitter and seen Phil and I talking. She accused me of being flirty. When she figured out he was Phil from the coffee shop, she lost it even more than she already had. I know she has a temper, I’ve seen it plenty, but I’d never seen her that livid. She greeted me by throwing all of my pots and pans on the floor and when she ran out of those… well…” Dan nodded at the mug in Louise’s lap in lieu of any further explanation.
Louise studied the broken shards for a minute. When she finally spoke, Dan half expected the lecture he’d begged her not to give, but it didn’t come. “Isabella did this. To all of your mugs?”
Dan nodded. Louise’s eyes flickered down to his neck.
“And then what?” she asked.
“She said a bunch of shitty things. You know she’s not quite comfortable with the… bi thing, and she went off about me being gay and not liking girls and… I don’t know. I lost it too, I guess. One thing lead to another and…” Dan shrugged and took a long sip of his hot chocolate.
Louise narrowed her eyes, appraising him studiously. “You know I have to ask, love. Was it all consensual?”
Dan’s eyes grew wide. “Yeah, yeah of course! It was angry and rough, as I’m sure you can see, but of course. She consented.”
“And you? Did you consent?”
Dan had to fight rolling his eyes, even though he knew she was just looking out for him. “Yes, Mum, I consented too.”
True to her word, Louise simply nodded and moved on. “Let’s see what we can do about your mug, then, shall we?” She sat the container of mug fragments on the coffee table and got up to gather a few supplies from her box of crafting materials.
Dan smiled gratefully at her retreating figure. This was exactly what he’d needed. A chance to talk about their fight without being told how stupidly he’d acted, how big of a bitch Isabella could be, or how unacceptable both of their behavior had been.
Louise came back and diligently spread the bright pink pieces across the table. A comfortable silence fell between them as Dan drank the remainder of his hot chocolate and watched Louise’s delicate hands work out the puzzle. Once she’d figure out how the pieces went together, she motioned him onto the floor next to her.
“Come here, love. I’m going to need your hands too.”
Dan clambered off the sofa and curled his legs under him, settling on the floor by her side. Her hand grasped his and wrapped it around the mostly-intact base of the mug. Louise unscrewed a small tube of glue and lined the jagged edge. The next hot pink chunk fit almost perfectly on top of it. Instinctively, Dan reached out and held the piece in place.
“Push them together firmly. Not too hard, though,” Louise instructed as she reached for the next piece.
Together, they worked silently to rebuild the mug. It was nice to have something to do with his hands, to not be alone. For the first time in days, Dan finally let his mind drift, finally properly contemplating everything that had happened with Isabella.
Their fight was bad. He knew it was. The things that Isabella had said, about his sexuality, about their relationship, about Phil — for days Dan had thought he was angry, livid even. But now that he was here with Louise, finally letting himself think about it, he realized that more than anything, he was hurt.
“Look, I know you hate her, and probably with some good reasons,” Dan started.
“Hate is a strong word. How about avidly dislike?” Louise’s fingers were sticky as she manhandled his hands to grip the mug how she wanted.
Dan chuckled a bit, despite himself. “Okay. I know you avidly dislike her, with good reason. At the moment, I’m not her biggest fan either, trust me. Sunday night was shitty — I mean, really fucking shitty — but, I do kind of miss her. And I know, I know this is a dead end relationship. It’s just… comfortable, I guess. And it’s better than nothing, ya know?”
Louise hummed, but didn’t say anything. Dan could tell she was biting her tongue.
“Just say it, Louise. What are you thinking?”
“Are you missing Isabella or the companionship?” Louise questioned without looking up from the mug.
Dan knew his answer instantly.
“Does it matter?” he sighed.
Louise glued the final hot pink shard to the reconstructed mug, and rearranged his hands to cup the entire thing.
“Do you want a real answer?” she asked softly.
Dan sighed. He had a feeling he knew what Louise was going to say. Or at least, the general theme of what her message would be.
“Not really, but go ahead anyway,” he said.
“Of course it matters. I know you like having a person and I can understand that. But companionship is so much better, so much more, when you actually love the person that you’re with. Trust me. And you deserve that. But you’re never going to find that if you stubbornly stay in a broken relationship. Can you honestly tell me that empty companionship is enough?”
Dan contemplated the mug in his hands and slowly loosened his grip. The pieces were fused together. There were dark lines down the sides where it had been glued back together, and there were a few chips missing, pieces that must have been too small for him to notice in the wreckage of his kitchen. There was no way it would be functional ever again. Even if the pieces were glued tightly together enough to hold liquid, the glue probably wouldn’t survive.
But it was intact again. Not whole, not undamaged, not perfect. But intact.
Good enough.
“No, it’s not.” Dan leaned back against the couch. “But it’s good enough.”
The thermostat in Beans and Grind appeared to be broken.
When Phil had unlocked the door to the coffee shop that morning, he had been assaulted by a wave of absurdly hot air. He’d power walked straight to the thermostat when he’d got inside, frantically shedding his coat as he crossed the shop. He’d turned the dial all the way down, pointing the arrow to the lowest temperature option. At the time, it had seemed like a potentially extreme reaction, but forty five minutes later, it was still just as hot and the heater wasn’t showing any signs of relenting.
With a resigned sigh, Phil pushed the sleeves of his fox patterned jumper up over his elbows. He was slightly disgruntled that he was undoubtedly wrinkling the sleeves; he had been hoping to film a video in it later, and now he’d probably have to change into something neater.
All morning, the before-work crowd had commented on how warm it was in the shop, as if Phil wasn’t aware that it was approximately four thousand degrees. He was grateful when the clock struck nine and the steady stream of customers stopped coming in.
Phil waited until the shop was empty for a few minutes before yanking his oppressively-hot jumper over his head. His white tshirt would have to be professional enough. It was better than suffocating, anyway.
In his haste, his shirt got rucked up with his jumper, both getting tangled around his glasses. He fought the jumper, trying to free it from his face and simultaneously pull his undershirt down, but wasn’t particularly successful at either.
Shit, just his luck that a customer would come in at this moment.
He heard a loud, booming laugh.
He knew that laugh.
Suddenly, cold hands were brushing against his chest and tangling in the clothing wrapped around his head. Phil felt Dan grab his tshirt and pull it down his torso, his cold hands grazing his ribcage as he did so. The touch was shocking, and not just because Dan’s fingers were so cold. Everywhere Dan touched, sparks radiated through Phil. Without his consent, his mind rushed to imagining Dan’s hands running up and down his ribs for far different reasons, under far different circumstances. Phil was almost glad his face was hidden because he was positive that his cheeks were flushed red.
When Phil’s shirt was adjusted, Dan’s hands slipped inside the bottom his jumper, sliding inside, and reached up to his face. Carefully, Dan held his glasses in place with one hand and coaxed the neck of the sweater over Phil’s head with the other.
Finally, Phil was free from the jumper. His eyes adjusted to the light again and he was greeted by a smirking Dan stretched far across the counter, Phil’s fox jumper held tight in his hands. Even being as tall as Dan was, Phil was fairly certain that his feet had to be dangling over the other end
“Morning, Philip. I didn’t realize coffee was coming with a show now.” Dan’s face was cheeky, his eyes roaming up and down Phil’s body.
Phil’s cheeks flushed. “You’re one to talk. You stripped your clothing off last time you were here without any concern about customers.” Or me.
Dan shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t see you objecting.”
Phil rolled his eyes and grabbed his jumper out of Dan’s hands. “You don’t seem to be objecting either.”
“You’re lucky it was me that walked in. I feel like not everyone would have taken so kindly to seeing you half-naked so close to all the food.” Dan retreated slightly across the counter, but not much, landing with a soft thump on the floor.
“Shut up, you’re making it sound worse than it was. I was only taking off my jumper.”
“Speaking of jumpers, I seem to have forgotten yours. Sorry.” Dan didn’t sound very apologetic.
Phil giggled. It almost seemed like Dan liked wearing Phil’s jumper just as much as Phil enjoyed seeing Dan in it. “If you want to borrow it for a while, all you have to do is ask.”
Dan flushed red and tried to hide his small smile in his chunky scarf, but Phil caught it anyway. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he mumbled.
Phil smiled, secretly pleased that Dan apparently liked his jumper so much. “For here or to go today?”
“For here. I have a meeting at eleven but I figured I’d head out early and see you first.”
“Good, I was hoping you had time to stay for a bit.” The porcelain mug clanked against the coffee machine as Phil shoved it under the spout a little too eagerly. Phil tried to ignore the bit of coffee that splashed out against his arm. At least he was no longer wearing his jumper.
Dan pushed the sleeves of his leather jacket up, probably just as affected by the heat in the coffee shop as Phil had been. Phil’s eyes flickered down to Dan’s exposed forearms, eyes catching on the thin red scratch marks running the length of them. Briefly, Phil wondered if Dan had been playing with a cat or a dog recently. He’d pay good money to see that.
“Mmm, of course,” Dan hummed. “You have some explaining to do, mister.”
Cockily, Phil flashed Dan a smirk. “Really? Seems like you watched enough videos that it should be pretty self explanatory.” Phil wasn’t normally one to pay too much attention to new likes and comments on his old videos, but out of curiosity, he’d checked his first video after he knew Dan had watched it. He’d sorted the comments by date and hadn’t been disappointed. Beneath a string of comments screaming about Dan discovering Phil’s first video was a comment from the man himself.
Daniel Howell: being this precious should be illegal
When he’d found Dan’s comment, Phil had been too curious for his own good and clicked on Dan’s account. Much to his surprise, Dan’s recently liked videos tab was just pages and pages of Phil’s videos. Phil wondered if Dan knew that his likes were public.
Phil had half been expecting Dan to blush when he teased him about watching his videos, but instead, Dan’s lips just quirked up to match Phil’s smirk.
“That’s true, I guess.” Dan reached out to take his coffee from Phil’s hand before he could set it down on the counter, their fingers lightly brushing together. It shouldn’t have affected him the way it did, not when Dan’s hands had been on his bare ribs just moments ago, but Phil had to bite back a gasp at the touch. “I suppose I know a lot more about you now than I did, but all it did was leave me with more questions.
Phil rolled his eyes, trying to appear like he found Dan silly, but really he got it. He so, so deeply understood what Dan meant. The more Phil learned about Dan, both in person and from his dives into the depths of the internet, the more Phil wanted to know.
He’d learned that Dan had a childhood dog at his parents that he adored, but he didn’t know if Dan wanted a dog of his own. He’d learned that Dan was amazing at Mario Kart, but he didn’t know what other games he enjoyed playing. He’d learned that his inspiration for his songs usually came from his own life, but he didn’t know what was inspiring him at this moment.
With a mock resigned sigh, Phil wiped down his work area — he’d accidentally made a mess of it during the morning rush. “Alright, then, Howell. Let’s hear your questions.”
As soon as the words were out of Phil’s mouth, Dan’s questions poured out of him the same way his words always did when he was passionate about something — fast, loud, and all at once.
“Why did you decide to start youtube? Was it hard to get into it? What’s it like working with the BBC? Why the heck do you work at a coffee shop? Do you think —”
Phil threw his drying rag at Dan, smacking him in the face. “Slow down, will you? I can only answer one question at a time.”
Dan’s boisterous laugh filled the coffee shop. “Sorry, I got excited.” He threw the towel back at Phil, sprinkling black coffee grounds onto Phil’s white shirt in the process. “Start at the beginning then. How’d you get started on youtube?”
Between fans, interviewers, and confused adults, Phil got that question a lot and had an answer ready. “I got a camera in a cereal box and just started making videos.”
Dan cocked his head, considering Phil. “That’s it then? You just found a camera and your first thought was I’m going to make youtube videos?”
Something about the way Dan’s eyes bore into Phil coaxed out a deeper answer, an answer he usually kept private. Dan had a way of doing that. Those big puppydog eyes could probably make Phil confess to anything. “At first, it wasn’t a thing. YouTube wasn’t a thing. I just kind of posted the first video for fun, and then, over time, I found myself coming back to it. I was living at my parents after uni. Most of my friends either didn’t live near me or were disgustingly in love and… I don’t know. I was bored I guess. I wanted a way to connect with new people, maybe a way to make some friends. So when I discovered the youtube community, which was so small and close-knit back then, it seemed like the right thing to do.”
Phil wasn’t sure what he expected from Dan after he let all of that pour out — perhaps pity — but it wasn’t understanding. Which was exactly what he ended up getting.
“That’s kind of how I got started in music, actually! I hated so much that was happening in my life, I didn’t have friends, I just needed to do something I loved.”
“Exactly!” Phil agreed. “And I made so many good friends so quickly. It was exactly what I needed. As for getting popular, it was a lot easier back then. Like I said, it was really close knit, so we all collabed together and promoted each others’ channels. I was even part of a few community things, like ApartmentRed. And slowly, my subscribers grew and grew and grew until I woke up one day and I had over four million subscribers. I couldn’t believe it. All I could think was, I’m just Phil, from Rawtenstall.” Embarrassed that he’d been talking about himself for so long, Phil tried to switch the conversation over to Dan. “What about you? How did you get popular with music?”
Phil already knew, sort of. He’d seen clips of Dan talking about how an up and coming producer had come into a bar he was playing at by complete chance one night, and asked him to come to the studio the next Monday to play some of his original pieces for their boss. But Phil was willing to bet that Dan, like himself, only ever told part of his origin story during interviews.
“I was eighteen and I had been accepted to study law at Manchester University, but I hated the idea of it, so I decided to take a gap year and really give music a go. My parents fucking hated it. They said that if I wasn’t going to be working towards a more viable future by taking this horrific internship at a law firm, then I wasn’t allowed to live at home. I think they really thought I’d give in. But. I don’t know. I was young and passionate and reckless and stubborn, so I packed a bag, grabbed my guitar, and left. I got a job at a DIY store — which I was horrible at, by the way — and a really crappy studio apartment, and spent every free night I had playing gigs at shitty dive bars. And eventually, it paid off.”
Phil shook head, a bit in awe of Dan’s courage. He’d never realized how much Dan had risked when he decided to chase his dreams.
“Wow, that was so bold of you. I guess I was really lucky. My parents were really supportive of the youtube thing. I think initially they were just happy that I was doing something, making friends. But when it became clear that it might become profitable someday, they did everything they could to help. How do your parents feel about you singing now?”
“They’ve come around,” Dan answered as he shrugged out of his leather jacket all together, draping it on the stool next to him. Clearly, the heat in the store was beginning to get to him. “I think they were only really against it in the beginning because they wanted what was best for me and, well, I guess you know how difficult trying to make it the entertainment business can be. But we’re close now and they support what I’m doing. What about your family? You seem really close with them.”
“Yeah,” Phil agreed. “We are. They all think it’s cool, and my brother actually does a lot of behind the scenes stuff for me. My extended family is a bit confused by it all though. Like, outside of my grandma, I think most of them are convinced I make a different type of internet video.” Phil attempted a wink and immediately regretted it — he was well aware of how unsexy his two-eyed attempt at winks were.
Dan laughed, loud and unrestrained. “Now there’s an image. Innocent AmazingPhil fucking someone on the internet for money.”
“Hey! I am innocent,” Phil argued indignantly, pretending to be offended.
Dan laughed, doing his best to give Phil an incredulous look despite it. “Right. Do I need to remind you that you called me daddy like three days ago?”
“I was kidding!”
“Right, and we know only innocent people joke about daddy kinks.” Dan tugged at the chunky grey scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. Was Dan okay? Phil was kind of surprised Dan had lasted so long all bundled up he way he was.
“Jesus fuck, it’s really fucking hot in here,” Dan grumbled.
“I know,” Phil agreed. “That would be why I was trying to take off my jumper when you got in. You’ll probably be more comfortable if you take your scarf off.”
It seemed the logical thing to do, but Dan looked unsure, his eyes flickering between his half-finished coffee and Phil, as if the last thing he wanted was to remove his scarf. Phil squinted at Dan, confused
“You have to promise not to give me shit,” Dan tried to threaten.
It occured to Phil, then, that Dan was embarrassed. Cocking an eyebrow, Phil taunted, “I don’t think I can make any such promises, but go on then.”
Dan grumbled something incomprehensible, but obligingly lifted his hands to his scarf. A bit reluctantly, Dan unwound the grey fabric. Suddenly, Phil understood that the scratches on Dan’s arms likely weren’t from an animal — not if the marks on his neck were anything to go by.
Phil could feel his heart plummet into his stomach at the sight. He knew, obviously he knew that Dan had a girlfriend. And she was gorgeous. Of course, of course they were having sex. It was just — he’d never thought about it. Not really. Isabella had always been a distant figure in Dan’s life, one he didn’t even really talk about that much.
But now...
Now, Phil had no choice but to think about Dan and her having sex.
He felt like an idiot. His thoughts of Dan falling apart underneath his felt like distant fantasies all of a sudden. Instead, he was falling apart with someone else — his girlfriend. Girlfriend.
With a jolt, Phil realized he’d been silently staring at Dan’s neck a bit too long. Deliberately, Phil forced out a laugh, which came out weaker than he’d been hoping for.
“Damn,” Phil added.
“I don’t want to hear it,” Dan mumbled into his coffee cup.
With a monumental effort, Phil did his best to revert back to his joking self, trying to emotionally distance himself from the thought of Isabella leaving those marks on Dan. “And here you were saying that I’m not innocent. I don’t think you get those kinds of marks from being a good boy,” Phil teased.
Phil saw a flicker of something flash through Dan’s eyes. He’d forgotten what those words apparently did to Dan.
Evilly, Phil leaned forward on his elbows, resting his chin in his palm. “Were you a bad boy, Daniel?”
Instantly, Dan’s cheeks turned a deep, dark red. The expression was far prettier to focus on then the hickies covering his neck. Apparently bad boy affected Dan just as much as good boy.
“Fuck off. We got into a bit of a fight, if you must know.”
“A fight?” Phil prompted against his better judgment, taken by surprise.
“Yeah, protip: angry sex may feel great in the moment, but it hurts like fuck for days.”
Phil hadn’t been expecting Dan to actually like, admit to being a bad boy. And if Phil was being honest he kind of hated Dan confirming what he’d suspected.
“Those marks are days old?”
Dan huffed. “You should have seen them Monday.”
“Oh, wow. Um, are you guys okay?”
Why did he ask that? There was no potential good answer. If Dan said no, Phil wouldn’t be able to keep himself from feeling kind of sort of happy about it, despite feeling bad for Dan at the same time.. If Dan said yes — well, Phil’s heart just needed to get used to taking a beating when it came to Dan.
Dan didn’t answer right away. His eyes bore into Phil’s, almost as if he was looking for something, but Phil didn’t know what.
Finally, he spoke, sounding defeated.
“I don’t think we ever are. But we’re good enough.”
what did you thinkkkkkkkk? a bit less angsty than the last chapter? right?  
thank you @auroraphilealis for all of your wonderful editing and suggestions. you always make me a better writer <3 
[[next chapter]]
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graveofglenvale · 6 years
im pretending i got tagged by @goldengun
Rules: answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write 11 questions on your own and tag some cool people.
1. What’s your favorite local ghost story?
idk any i dont talk to anybody 😔 though i convinced a couple of kids that there was a friendly lizard monster around here. does that count
2. In your opinion what’s the worst condiment?
3. Is there anything unusual you eat raw or half-cooked (frozen meals, cookie dough, etc)?
since when is it weird to eat cookie dough raw? anyways uh no not that i can think of rly,,, no not really
4. Any cultural fad you lived through that you want to see again?
bring silly bandz back 2k18
5. Would you rather spend the rest of your life working on a farm in the middle of nowhere or at an archetypal 9-5 cubicle job in the city?
archetypal 9-5 cubicle job in the city. ik that sounds lame but like... it’s a more secure job than farming, i’d have people around, and i can’t stand living in the middle of nowhere (this is one of my least favorite places i’ve ever lived PLEASE save me.) plus i mean there’s a chance of promotion i guess right
6. What’s the worst thing your current town considers Part Of Its culture? Can be a food or a mascot or a fair or anything.
i don’t know shit about this town. i don’t talk to anyone or do anything i don’t have a driver’s license and nothing is within walking distance. lots of hicks though
7. Do you Google search the weather, do you watch for it on television, or do you have an app that handles that?
A Thermometer but when im too lazy to look at that i either google it or use the Weather app that came w my iPhone
8. Most embarrassing thing you’ve ever argued about, passionately, online?
someone called chikorita a bad pokemon and i got really heated over it and argued with them about it and then unfollowed and blocked them because i was just so fucking offended
9. Favorite Top 50/”Overrated” song?
Havana by Camila Cabello and Sorry Not Sorry by Demi Lovato are catchy : /
10. What was your biggest dream as a kid?
for people to respect me and also to be a veterinarian and/or rock star
11. If you could magically pick up a trade/craft skill and do it expertly, but couldn’t use that skill to make a profit, what would the skill be? Why? Assume you also already get all the tools/things the skill involves too, for free, and they’ll never break or require intensive maintenance.
make plushies. They Soft and Good Gift for Friend. or i guess learning to sew in general would be really good; i could make my own nice clothes and plushies of whatever I wanted and, like I said, help friends out and give them really nice, really unique gifts. there’s probably a lot of other stuff you can do with sewing that I’m not remembering right now.
1. Which of your belongings means the most to you?
2. What’s your favorite carnival food?
3. What is a game/show/etc. that you think deserves more love? Tell us about it!
4. What’s something you’ve always been really passionate about?
5. Who was the first fictional crush you had that you remember?
6. If you could have anything for a pet- real, fictional, whatever- what would it be? Assume you’re able to train and take care of it regardless of species. Please for Pete’s sake don’t say human or anything, like, sentient.
7. Would you rather kiss an alien, a robot, or a monster? (Assuming the other party is sentient and consents, obviously,)
8. What’s the most embarrassing piece of art you’ve ever made? Can be a drawing, writing, AMV, whatever.
9. If you could live in any era without all the social issues and illnesses and such things (aka the idealized version), which would it be?
10. What’s your favorite 80s song? It doesn’t have to be a hit!
11. What is one cancelled show you wish they would bring back (and not as a cruddy reboot)?
I tag uhh. @wuvs @roswellnm god idk who’s cool with being tagged. do it if you want and be sure to @ me!
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Tres Horny Boys BFF’s Headcanons
Just to clarify, these are headcanons of what it would be like for you, the reader, to be best friends with one of the Tres Horny Boys. Also, there’s a special little bonus if you stick around to the end~
With that, I hope y’all enjoy!
Taako Taaco
-        Expect pop culture references that you may or may not understand. Who the hell is Angela Lansbury?
-        He will give you cooking lessons if you wheedle him into it, but be warned; He is not going to pull his punches. Prepare for critical Taako. The way he sees it, you’re not getting any better if he doesn’t call you out on your mistakes.
-        “You know the snails for that escargot are already dead, right? You don’t need to put that much salt in there, my man.”
-        Having said that, he’ll try to be helpful. Between all the “my dude’s” and wizardly shit going on, there’s the really sound advice of a years-experienced professional
-        Hangouts with Taako can… vary, in their nature. Sometimes you’ll watch a cheesy/crappy flick just to make fun of it, other times you’ll end up going out to a bar and the night will end with the two of you fighting off a dire bear. (Though according to him, “That only happened once, and it was because you thought you could out-drink a man twice your size in that gross dingy bar. That was so not on me.”)
-        He’s not always explicit with things like fears, insecurities, etc. He’s a chill guy, and he tries not to let all that biz get him down, y’know? But when things like that do happen to him, he’s secretly glad that you have his back and are ready to listen.
-        Having said that, he’ll listen if you’ve got some baggage to unload, too, but it’s only when you’ve been friends for a while that he starts to really let his guard down around you.
-        When you first met him, he tried to swindle you out of your valuables at least once.
-        You can roll to see if he succeeded.
-        As you got closer to him, you’ve slowly realized that he will do what he damn well pleases and no amount of “Taako! Behave yourself!” will change his mind.
-        Homeboy here will lowkey accept any juicy gossip about the Bureau that you have to offer. Just ‘cause his private life is nobody’s business doesn’t mean that he won’t indulge in some free entertainment, ya dig?
-        He’s not a hugger. If you’re the really touchy-feely type he’ll probably peel your arms off of him and tell you to “Keep your hands off the merchandise.”
Merle Hightower Highchurch
-        Moldy oldie
-        Don’t expect any barhopping or amusement park trips with this guy; he’s got enough excitement just doing his job for the Bureau.
-        Do expect personal stories about his life because we all know how much Merle loved that wedding ring around his neck, right? God, he just never shut up about it, the sentimental old fool. Classic Merle right there.
-        Nah, but seriously; don’t expect him to mention much of anything about his old family. If you try to snoop, you’ll probably get the Angus treatment. Maybe with less death threats; you are best friends after all.
-        Helping him babysit Magnus, who is arguably Merle’s other unruly son, is also an inevitable fate
-        As a general note: If you are the “Mom Friend”, and you’re hanging out with the Tres Horny Boys on the regular… I pity your soul. And your blood pressure. At least you manage to help Merle out sometimes.
-        He can give decent advice to calm a person down, or just bring them back down to earth. Although there’s about a 50/50 chance his advice is terrible. Viewer discretion is advised.
-        But for the love of all that is pure and holy do not ask him about romance; he doesn’t know it, he isn’t good at it, he knows that he isn’t good at it… He’ll try his best if you insist on asking him, but, geez, isn’t this a better question for say, Carey and Killian?
-        10/10 Grampa friend; read books and watch the fantasy football game with this small old man.
-        If you’re on the more mature side yourself, you’ll likely end up hanging out with him and Lucretia at some point. Sit back, sip some wine, and talk about the state of affairs of the BoB for a while.
-        You will want to braid his beard. The answer will always be no.
-        You are one of the rare few who has witnessed Tipsy Merle™; If you’ve never seen a dwarf get sloshed and then try to waddle his way home, complaining of a sore back and bad knees and how the stupid ground is too close to his face every time he falls down, only to stop in front of his door and be unable to get the damn thing open, then lemme tell you; It is truly a spectacle for the senses.
Magnus Burnsides
-        Cuddle puddles with Mags are the best things. This giant ruff boi is fantastic at making you feel safe and sound.
-        Sparring matches are probs a common pastime between the two of you.
-        If you feel weak, and want to really learn how to fight and defend yourself, Magnus is ready to teach you in a heartbeat. He tells you up front that it probably won’t be easy, but he supports you every step of the way if you really commit yourself to training.
-        He will let you hold Steven the (cute, happy lil’) Goldfish. Just be careful; Magnus loves him very much.
-        You will end up playing keep away with Angus’ things at least once. There is no option to this; It’s just gonna happen.
-        If you are very short then I’m not sayin’ Magnus will 100% for sure do that thing where he rests his arm on your head buuuut
-        He is, surprisingly, not awful at cooking and sewing. What he can do in these fields is pretty simple, but it’s also pretty effective.
-        Show him your whittling projects! Constructive criticism and praise will be received.
-        He normally doesn’t need much comfort when he thinks about his past. It makes him sad, yes, but he’s already decided to keep moving forward. When stuff like this gets him into a funk, a simple nod of encouragement and a squeeze of the shoulder should suffice, then just give him some space for a while.
-        Forgetting who exactly his enemy was in Wonderland really fucked him up, though. Well, wonderland fucked everybody up, but regardless; He told you about how now, when he thinks of what happened to him and his home, there’s a missing face and an enemy that exists but doesn’t at the same time. And despite everything that happened, Magnus still knows that this blank space where his nemesis is supposed to be wasn’t there before. You’ve never seen Magnus look as lost, angry and confused as he did when he tried to remember, and it is heartbreaking. Taako and Merle eventually help fill you in on what actually happened, making sure that Magnus can’t overhear them.
-        This is all assuming that you’re a member of the Bureau, btw. Now, this particular headcanon revolves around you being a dog lover as well. You and Mags try to sneak a dog onto the moon, y’all. Possibly even multiple times.
-        Lucretia always finds out. You’ve had to say many a tearful goodbye to Scraps, Buster, Fluffy, Jeano, Ted…
Bonus Ango!
-        Save him.
-        You pull his stuff out of the ‘keep away’ circle
-        You carry him on your shoulders and give him piggy back rides (he weighs like, nothing and it’s beautiful)
-        You’re sort of in this weird place between being this kid’s bestie and his older sibling/temporary parental figure. It’s no secret by now that the entire Bureau has sort of adopted Angus, so it’s no too hard of a job.
-        After he cries about finding his grandfather’s silverware at the Fantasy Costco, you help him buy it back. You trade a drop of your blood to Garfield the Deals Warlock in exchange for finding out who sold it to him. You make a mental note to shove Taako’s umbrella somewhere he won’t appreciate.
-        Ango  passes out in the most random places. His sleep schedule is shit. He’s up all night working on cases or worrying about the boys when they’re on a mission. When you can’t force him to sleep on time, you end up carrying him back to his bed and tucking him in.
-        You will, of course, only do so after taking gratuitous pictures of him sleeping in said odd places and posting them on Fantasy Instagram with tags like #Look at him #What a cutie #Lil’ angel #Fell asleep on top of a giant ancient tome #Magic Practice #Magic Studies #Director’s Library #Oh, look, the ink is trying to possess him by leaking into his skin! #Aww #My sweet sweet boy
-        You know about the stuffed dire bear plushie he still sleeps with and you have been sworn to secrecy.
-        Ruffle his hair through his hat. He hates it but it’s hilarious.
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