#I kinda want to do two different variants
redhotarsenic · 5 months
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Rendering this properly SOON 😈
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cheeseceli · 2 months
Petnames with stray Kids
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Pairing: skz!ot8 × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, headcanons
Synopsis: which pet name would the stray kids boys use when referring to you
Warnings: mentions of food in Seungmin and Lee Know's, I think that's it
A/n: I had this idea for a while but only wrote it now. Hope you all like it <3 | 1k event
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, he would call you by a pet name in your language. However, if he had to choose an English one, it would probably be "baby". It's something that he finds endearing and at the same time it shows his protective side.
"I miss you [ ]. Just a few more months and I will be back home."
Lee Know
I believe he would call you something in his language. It's the idiom he learnt first, the one he carries more meaning. He might not be the best with words but he wants you to be sure that he loves you, so he always tries to call you something that comes deep for him
"Have you eaten already yeobo? I just cooked some lunch, I can bring it to you."
"Babe." I am a firm believer that he has thousands of pet names for you, going from the sweetest to the cringiest ones in a matter of seconds, but babe would probably be his favourite. It's neutral to anyone who listens to it, however it seems special every time it's between the two of you. It's perfect.
"Babe, are you free tonight? I thought we could go on a date."
He has a big vocabulary of petnames, but they all start with "my". My love, my angel, my dearest and the list goes on. He doesn't even want to be possessive about it, it's just that this was the way he found to express how important you are to him.
"My love, are you coming to practice today? I really wanted you to see our rehearsal, I think you will like it."
"Darling". I know it's kinda a consensus that he would call you "baby" but bro calls everyone that 😭 I believe he would like you to be different. Darling is something that still sounds like him but also has a greater meaning (you).
"I'm almost finishing this track. Would you like to listen to it darling?"
Calls you "angel". He thinks it's only fair that he portrays you well, and no other word could do you justice. Besides that, I think he would also call you a nickname, a variant from your own name that no one has ever called you before. Nothing else could be more you than that, but it's also something that would be exclusive to the two of you.
"Angel, my mom is on the phone. She said she misses you."
"Honey". It's just so sweet and light, so he thinks that it matches you very well. I don't think he would be the type to say petnames all the time but when it does happen, it's always the cutest things that leave his mouth.
"Honey, I'm on my way home. Do you want me to bring dinner?"
He's another one who I think would call you a Korean pet name, but for different reasons than Lee Know. It's probably because Korean is his mother language, so it feels more like home. And at this point, you are his home.
"Jagi have you seen my silver ring? The big one?"
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: first relationships with skz
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Taglist: @yuyubeans
Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated <3
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messylustt · 1 year
requesting for part two of the Yandere dead wife Miguel fic please 🙏
COPIED DESIRE / A LITTLE DIZZY ( nsfw ) — miguel o’hara + reader: you wake up somewhere new, with someone who looks exactly like your husband.
marks yandere. full on manipulation here goddamn. possessive!miguel. like I’m not kidding he’s actually terrible for this (but of course still all soft and sweet to you). wc 1.5k.
pt one. pt two.
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it was dark. at first at least, because your mind felt dizzy, as you moved to sit up. at first you thought maybe something was covering your eyes. but no, the room was just…dark.
you could feel the bed underneath you, as your feet hit the cold floor. the room looked rather bland, but as you continued to gaze around, brows furrowed at your swaying mind, you stop on a picture frame.
it had been purposefully placed down, which most likely meant that you probably shouldn’t put it back up. but your curiosity and want to realise your situation better, made your hand lift to view the picture. your breathing hitches when you see you.
or well…maybe not you. but a version. a version of you smiling, oblivious to the photo in general.
“she’s pretty isn’t she?” a voice makes you quickly place the photo back down as you spin to face whoever it was. you sway a fraction, reaching to grab out for the bed’s end post, but a hand is quickly holding you steady.
“you’ll be a bit dizzy still.” he softly comments, and then you recognise the voice. miguel. but not your miguel. you rush back, chest heaving. “you…you…kidnapped me?” your comment is more so a question at this point, as miguel shakes his head, reaching for you again.
but you stumble back, hand out, as you stare with full fledged anger. “don’t you dare come closer…i—“you take a breath, because it’s true you did still feel dizzy. you shake your head continuously. “you’re not…please tell me I’m dreaming.” you meet his gaze, and see utter adoration, but clear worry at your frantic actions.
“i thought so too at first.” miguel smiles. actually smiles. and you can’t fathom how he can at the current situation.
“but it’s not…”
miguel shakes his head, confirming so. “no. you’re here…” then he further mutters to himself. “…you’re really here…”
“no.” you say pointedly. “take me back.”
“look i know that you probably feel…scared right now—“
“scared?” you hiss out. “of course i feel scared. you pretended to be…oh god…i kissed you.” you mutter, replying yesterdays actions. was it yesterday? you weren’t sure. because time seemed to be irrelevant as of now.
“and it was better than I remembered.” miguel is slowly edging closer to you.
you shake your head, jaw clenching. “no. no, i’m not…i’m not your wife. please tell me you know that.”
“i know.” miguel clenched his jaw. “my wife is dead.”
you stop, meeting his gaze. there’s a flash of something cold before he catches your gaze, softening instantly, as his lips twitch up. “but you aren’t…and i’m not gonna let you die…” he edged closer again. “‘m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
you keep your hand out, but your expression has softened a fraction. he still grieved. and now his desperation kinda made sense to you. but that still gives him no right to just…take you. “i’m…sorry. i am, but i have my own life. a different life. with…miguel…my miguel.”
miguel’s jaw tightens at this, as he steps much much closer. you hadn’t realised that you were backing up until you felt the cold wall at your back. now Miguel had you trapped as his gaze wandered your face with an intimacy that had your breath hitching.
“i’m barely any different from your miguel.” he says, brushing your face and neck, making you shiver.
“he wouldn’t just kidnap someone.” you mutter, making miguel’s darting eyes meet your own. his caresses moved to grab your chin, keeping your head how he wanted.
“i hate to break it to you. but if any of my variants are like me, then anything close to determination, or desperation will lead us to do something like this.” his mouth had moved to drag his lips up the skin of your neck, just breathing you in. “if anything is of high importance to us, we make sure we get it.” he places a kiss to your collarbone.
your entire body is tense, as you try to draw away from his eager lips. but he’s persistent, keeping you still, as he begins to suck on your neck, mumbling spanish words into your skin.
“and you…are probably the upmost important thing to us.” his other hand has slipped around your waist, as his hand by your chin slips to the back of your neck.
“you’re wrong.” you manage, as he litters kisses up your neck and jaw.
“am i?” miguel hums, kitten licking your skin.
“i’m…i’m not important to you. only to one of you…or i’d like to think so.” you say quickly, trying not to let his kisses effect you.
miguel shakes his head against your skin, his head now resting in the crook of your neck as he just keeps you close. “but you are, you…mine...” he mutters your name.
“yes.” he interrupts, pulling your waist closer to him. “all mine.” he mutters, his open mouth now over the side of your neck.
“i’m not…please, i’m…” you try, but his weight is crushing. “i’m really sorry about your wife, but…i’m not her, i can’t be her.”
“yes you can. you’re exactly like her.” miguel says, lifting his head, to kiss your lips. your ‘no’ comes out muffled as you manage to slightly draw him away.
“miguel.” you say pointedly. and he finally stops, breathing hard as he stares, seeming to make sure all your details sink into his brain.
“i can’t let you go again.”
“miguel.” you say again. “you never had me.”
his grip around your waist tightened. “i don’t care that you’re from another universe. you’re my wife. my wife now. you can’t really think i’d just give that up so easily can you?”
you shake your head. “i’m already married.”
“to a version of me.” he says, his clawed finger going back to tracing your skin.
“no. you’re a version of him, to me.” you say, truthfully. “you’re the variant who has no right. He’s my husband.”
his jaw clenched, his soft tracing now a tight grip on your cheeks to stop you talking. “don’t say that.”
you still manage to speak. “it’s the truth. even you can’t deny that.”
he breathes, his tongue running down his fang. “fine. you were his wife.” his hand had begun to stroke any part of you, keeping you close and against him. “but where is he? it’s been two days.”
your eyes widen. two days?!
miguel smirks at your shocked expression. “if he really was your husband, and cares about you. he would have found you already. i would have found you.” miguel’s manipulative words are whispered so enticingly.
you shake your head. “no he’s…where even am I?”
miguel didn’t want to say his universe. because then you’d make up some excuse about how your husband physically couldn’t get here. so Miguel instead says. “somewhere quiet. not far from your house actually. he’s just so oblivious.” miguel hides his smirk in your neck, going back to kissing and licking.
“no…” you weren’t going to believe that. He’s looking for you. your miguel is looking for you.
miguels hand slipped under your shirt, just to stroke your waist, hips and stomach. “maybe he’s just…busy. he has such a hard job doesn’t he?”
he’s looking for you—you keep repeating to yourself. he’s looking, he’s looking. but miguels poisonous words have snuck their way into your mind.
“i actually saw your husband, before I went to your house…” lies lies lies. “he was with…someone.”
your jaw clenched. because your mind instantly went to the woman he works with. no. you weren’t gonna be jealous. she was only his co-worker. a friend.
“they were standing rather…close.” miguel’s lips have left marks all over your neck, as he keeps stroking your skin, doing a lot more damage to your mind. a target of his that he can feel is slowly working. because you aren’t as tense anymore, and maybe you’re just thinking. but that would mean miguel’s plan is on its way.
he lifted his head, his face falling again, as he looks concerned, brushing your cheek with his fingers. “she seemed rather…eagerly engaging with him. of course i’m sure it’s nothing though. i’m sure he’s looking for you.”
miguel watches the switch in your expression. my, my you were so easy to manipulate. he held down his grin still displaying a form of sadness and pity.
“i’m sure he didn’t agree to that dinner.”
“what?” you stare at him, and for the first time today you completely and utterly stare at miguel. and he feels ecstatic.
“you didn’t know?” miguel tilts his head in fake surprise. “i thought he would have told you, since you’re well…his wife.”
he’s lying—you think to yourself. all his words are lies. but you can’t help but feel doubt prickle under your skin. because yes, your miguel has been rather busy lately, making small excuses. it’s fine right. he’s looking for you…right?
“ay, mi cariño…you didn’t know? i’m so sorry.” miguel gently kissed your cheek. carefully reading your now relaxed posture, as he moves his lips to capture yours.
and that’s when he knew he had you. his doubtful thoughts were planted now. and as he moved his hand to support the back of your neck, he knew for sure—kissing you harder—that he had you completely under his control.
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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miguelhugger2099 · 2 months
Hiii, I’m in love with your writing it’s a comfort for me atp. Could you please do grumpy reader where she doesn’t talk to others a lot. That makes Miguel look like an extrovert (even though we both know that’s not true 😭). Happy Easter 🐣 and or any holiday you celebrate.
Two Peas in a Pod
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c.....comfort,,,,, sad hamster meme the highest honor i could ever get omg thank you i really liked this ask because its basically me haha my friend actually told me ive gotten better at being more welcoming and "nice" and another friend would tell me that i could never mask my uncomfortableness if someone was bothering me LMFAO but as alwayyssssss i can rewrite this request for u if ur not satisfied :) Art: nellwhre17 on instagram
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Spider-People were supposed to be funny and outgoing. It was in their canon to have some resemblance to the original quippy and humorous Spider-Man. If not outgoing then at least a little endearing and sweet.
So the Spider Society is a little thrown off when you’re introduced to the team by Miguel. Both of your arms are crossed, your face blank and looking over other Spiders with neutrality. 
“Here’s our new recruit. She’ll be working more with Margo and Lyla. Think of her as one of your superiors like myself or Jess or Peter B.” Miguel tilts his head at all the other Spiders. “That’s all. Dismissed.”
He turns to face back to his console, returning to work on new files Lyla had presented to him. Some Spiders stay to chat with you. They don’t notice the slight discomfort and annoyance in your face.
“Hey! My name is Peter M! I think we might be the same age!” One says, his mask squinting to look like he’s smiling.
“Have you gone on a mission yet? What Earth are you from?”
“Has Miguel explained The Canon to you yet? It’s a little overwhelming, I know.”
The commotion irks you a bit, the Spiders coming into your personal space so you shuffle away and your brows instinctively scrunch together. “No, I’m fine.” You mutter curtly. The others finally see the change in your demeanor and they awkwardly step back.
Miguel turns over to see the few Spiders around and barks at them to stop. “She’s still new to all this so don’t go around pestering her.” 
They smile wearily up at him then at you, whose face is still contorted a bit in a way that looks like you’re obviously still being bothered. 
They get the message and wave goodbye to you but not without feeling a chill down their spine at how cold you were. Maybe you were just shy. Everything is and always will be overwhelming around here with different variants of yourself. So, they believed in time you’d come around like the others.
You, in fact, did not come around. After weeks, months even, you still came in and left without a word. Get in and get out. You rarely engaged in conversation and if you were in a group, you’d keep to yourself. If someone tried to include you, you’d just say a few blunt words that didn’t move the conversation at all so there'd be an awkward standstill before moving on.
No matter what, no one knew anything else about you besides your name, you were a Spider-Woman and the name of your Earth.
Even the esteemed group of young SpiderLings couldn’t even get you to open up. Jess and Gwen had just come back from a mission, wanting to eat at the cafeteria before heading home. They had found seats beside Hobie and Pav who were just catching up together.
Pav had mentioned trying to talk to you once but his bright personality pushed you further and further away from him, your responses to his questions becoming more and more short and quick.
“I’ve never met such a complicated individual.” He pouts, crossing his arms on the table.
“Don’ bother me none. I don’ like someone tryin’ to bug me either.” Hobie scratches the back of his neck. 
“Would’ve thought they opened up by now.” Gwen brushed her hair out her face. “It’s like pulling teeth with her.”
“She just seems kinda grumpy sometimes…” Pav sighs resting his head in his arms. “Even more than Miguel which feels wrong.” 
“Yeah, at least Miguel snaps at you but she…kinda just sits there.” Gwen leans back with a weak smile. “Not really sure how to make conversation when she’s so quiet.”
“She just doesn’t feel like talking, guys. Go easy on her.” Jess rubs her temples. 
Their conversation is cut short when Miguel walks through the cafeteria, documents in hand and with you in tow. Speak of the Devil. 
“Jess, Gwen, I misremembered about giving you the reports of your last mission together. I also have the analysis for the next one on Earth—199B.” Miguel hands the reports to Jessica and she immediately skims through it. Gwen looks over her shoulder and gives you a smile.
“Hey, how’s it going?” She asks. 
You respond with a shrug and a nod. “Good.”
Gwen’s smile wavers, laughing nervously as the awkward silence. She expected some sort of greeting back. 
Miguel answers for you. “She’s been with me the whole day since Peter’s been busy at home.” Gwen looks to Miguel.
“And how about you, boss? Doin’—uh—doin’ good?”
Miguel sighs, crossing his arms. “Better now that Margo fixed what Hobie broke in the console room.”
Hobie tsks. “Did not. You’re jus’ blamin’ me ‘cause I’m the scapegoat around ‘ere. Tha’ it?” 
Miguel pulls up camera footage from his Gizmo, of Hobie pulling apart different motherboards and CPUs from the server and tucking them away in his pocket. “Is this not you?!”
Hobie squints at the footage and shrugs. “AI has truly come a long way, mate. Bettah check tha’ out.”
Gwen, Pav and Jessica laugh at the scene, giggling at the sheer anger on Miguel’s face and Hobies indifference. You watch with a soft smile up at Miguel but nothing else.
Miguel feels your hand on his forearm and he looks down at you. You nod your head to the side, signaling it’s time to go. He looks at the time on his watch and collects himself. 
“We’re gonna head out. Don’t bother us unless there’s an emergency and be alert for any sudden messages should I need to contact any of you for anomalies.” He turns and gives a small wave before leaving, you trailing behind him.
You don’t say much other than looking behind to give them a small nod and following beside Miguel.
The group watches as Miguel talks to you, relating information and talking your ear off about missions and the to-do for the day. You listen quietly, eyes held on his and nodding along.
They glance at each other and think they would’ve never seen a person more closed off than Miguel in their lifetime. Even less where it looks like he’s more talkative compared to you. What an odd pair. “I think she has opened up. Maybe just not with us.” Jess leans back with a smile.
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commodorez · 5 months
I still believe the craziest form of computer program storage format from the 1980s is the cassette tape. Logical I get it but to store entire programs on little tape (that I only remember using to play music) is just crazy to me. Idk
Agreed, cassette tape for data storage was really clever. The concept had its heyday was the 1970s in a wide variety of encoding schemes for different computer platforms. It did persist into the 80s, mostly in Europe, while the US switched to floppy disks as soon as they were available for systems. The majority of my Ohio Scientific software is on cassette.
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Talking with UK vs. US Commodore 64 users in particular will highlight the disparity in which storage mediums that were commonplace. I've got a few pieces of software on tape for mainly the VIC-20, but I rarely bother to use it, because it's slow and annoying. To be fair, Commodore's implementation of data storage on tape is pretty rock solid relative to the competition. It's considered more reliable than other company's but Chuck Peddle's implementation of the cassette routines are considered quite enigmatic to this day. He didn't document it super well, so CBM kept reusing his old code from the PET all the way through the end of the C128's development 7 years later because they didn't want to break any backward compatibility.
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The big thing that really made alot of homebrewers and kit computer owners cozy up to the idea was the introduction of the Kansas City Standard from 1976. The idea of getting away from delicate and slow paper tape, and moving towards an inexpensive, portable, and more durable storage medium was quite enticing. Floppy disk drives and interfaces were expensive at the time, so something more accessible like off the shelf audio tapes made sense.
I've linked two places you can read about it from Byte Magazine's February 1976 issue below (check the attribution links).
You might recognize a familiar name present...
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There are a few ways to encode binary data on tape designed to handle analog audio, but the KCS approach is to have 1's be 8 cycles of 2400Hz tone, and 0's be 4 cycles of 1200Hz tone. I say cycles, because while 300 baud is the initial specification, there is also a 1200 baud specification available, so the duration of marks vs spaces (another way of saying 1's and 0's), is variable based on that baud rate. Many S-100 computers implemented it, as do a few contemporary proprietary designs.
The big 3 microcomputers of 1977 that revolutionized the industry (Apple II, Commodore PET 2001, and Tandy TRS-80 Model I) each have their own cassette interface implementation. It kept costs down, and it was easy to implement, all things considered. The Apple II and TRS-80 use off-the-shelf cassette deck connections like many other machines, whereas the original variant of the PET had an integrated cassette. Commodore later used external cassette decks with a proprietary connector, whereas many other companies abandoned tape before too long. Hell, even the original IBM PC has a cassette port, not that anybody bothered to use that. Each one used a different encoding format to store their data, rather than KCS.
Here's a sample of what an OSI-formatted tape sounds like.
And here's a Commodore formatted tape, specifically one with VIC-20 programs on it.
I won't subject you to the whole program, or we'd be here all day. The initial single tone that starts the segment is called the "leader", I've truncated it for the sake of your ears, as well as recorded them kinda quietly. I don't have any other tape formats on hand to demonstrate, but I think you get the idea.
You can do alot better than storing programs on tape, but you can also do alot worse -- it beats having to type in a program every time from scratch.
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Updated Upcoming Fanfics
Hello, my lovely simps~✨ I’m just going ahead and listing off the upcoming one-shots and head-canons that will be coming out within the next couple of days to feed y’all’s and mine Miguel O’ Hara addiction.
Until I get through a good chuck of these: Request will be closed until further notice.
If you wanna check out what I already written and catch up on my current series then feel free to check out my Masterlist~✨
The Adventures of Miggy and Sunny Series (Miguel O’ Hara x Sunshine! SpiderWoman! Reader
Requested: How did Miggy and Sunny meet? ((I plan to make this one a two parter🤭))
Requested: Jealous Miguel ((This idea was so good you guys requested it twice🥰))
Requested: Miggy walks in on Sunny singing and dancing✅
Requested: Sunny, Miles, and Gwen go on an adventure and Miguel didn’t know about it. ((We love angry protective men in this household 🤤))
Requested: The Spidey gang notices that Miguel likes to leave hickeys all over Sunny, and they rip on Miggy about it.✅
Requested: How Miguel if Sunny died…((🫢 We love drama in this house))
Requested: Miggy and Sunny having their own love bug on the way. ((Requested by the same person who asked about Sunny’s death and I’m gonna make its own post 😭)) ✅
Requested: Sunny’s reaction to what Miguel does to Miles. ((I still haven’t seen the movie so I’m gonna have to put a pin in yours, but I will do it.))
Requested: Miguel’s reaction when Sunny is injured
Requested: Miggy shushing at everyone because Sunny fell asleep at his desk. ((😭🥹))
Requested: Sunny standing her ground protecting her friend and Miguel is proud of her. ((My love for being praised is being fed with this one🤭🤭))
Requested: Sunny’s sick day. ((Maybe a bowl of that sexy Papi will cure her? Just kidding…unless))
Requested: A view into the domestic life of Miguel and his love. ((🥰))
Requested: Tio Miguel and Tia Sunny babysit Mayday for the day, even if Miggy didn’t want to. ((Anything with Mayday is accepted here😭🥰🥹))
Requested: Miguel trying to get the attention of his Sunhine, but she keeps getting distracted. ((This one.🥵 is gonna be a little spicy. Not too much because Miguel is already bringing a lot 😏))
Requested: Miggy and Sunny have a shopping day and Miguel isn’t afraid of letting his sol get whatever she wants. ((Sugar daddy moment for spider Papi 🥹🥰))
Requested: Sunny is trying to recover from an injury in Miguel’s apartment and a villain decides to break in. ((👁️👄👁️ <<his face lol))
Requested: A new spider ambushes our favorite couple because she needs help getting back home. Miggy and Sunny soon find out that this spider is actually their child from a different dimension. ((This one right here is prime for some fluff, angst, and maybe Miggy changing his mind about having some babies 👀👀))✅
Requested: On her low days, Sunny just needs a moment of silence even as the world is caving in. ((😭😭))
Sunny lore posts ((because why not?))
General Miguel O’ Hara x Reader
Requested: Miguel with an s/o who gets flustered easily. ((This mf is gonna ruin you all🤭😭🥵))
Requested: Miguel with a Black Cat! S/O oneshot. ((I think I know who the anon is who requested this and I promise bestie I will deliver!!))✅
Requested: Miguel and Reader in a Friends w/ Benefits relationship. ((I’m kinda nervous about this because this will be my first smutty post👉🏻👈🏻))
Surprise post! ((This is a special fanfic I’m writing so y’all get ready.))
Requested: Spiderperson! Reader has to perform a canon event that involves them kissing someone in the iconic spiderman kiss, but they are in a relationship with Miguel ((The drama! 😫 and another Jealous Miguel fanfic?😫🤭))✅
Miguel in a complicated relationship with a Cat Burglar/Black Cat Variant! Reader.
Requested: Headcanon for Miguel with a human reader.✅
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netherworldpost · 2 months
Fantasy Bank / Insurance / Etc. (blog post, free, always + booklet, few dollars, if you want it printed)
Netherworld Post operates in cycles -- "write" / "art" / "do business." The business kinda stretches into a continuous loop these days (hi we're open), and I'm having to recalibrate how I think about things.
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Moving on to the point.
I'm about to enter a "write + business" cycle and and my business is SIGNIFICANTLY different these days than when I originally came up with it.
We are going to the polls!
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This would be offered in two forms, if it launches:
Blog posts. Free. ALWAYS FREE. No pay wall, no log in, just a good ol' blog post series. "Here is how you can make a bank for your RPG. Here is how you can..."
Booklet, a few bucks. The blog post in printed / formatted form. This is in addition to, not replacing, the blog posts. It's for "I want to bring this to a table and not read a blog on my phone, I want to make notes on paper."
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I am inundated regularly with "hey you should launch a fantasy blockchain thing to take advantage of" and I just. Want to scream. Okay that's a rant for another time.
Lawyer if you are reading this I love working with you(r skills) and you're worth every penny (genuine).
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This would be game-independent, not based on any specific game. Just a general toolkit to write about a bank (etc.) / use in your game.
There will be optional variants included -- "This is how you can do a crooked bank that robs everyone. This is how you can do a paladin-bank who is Very Lawful. This is how you could..."
I'm asking for a check on interest because this would be a very large project to tackle for each -- bank, insurance, etc. -- and while a lot of fun, I don't want to explore if it's too real for fantasy.
Let me know!
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osleeplessflowero · 4 months
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I figured it's time to bring back Classic Sans for a oneshot. Haven't posted about him since Stargazing! My very first Sans oneshot and Undertale oneshot as a whole. - Reader is Gender Neutral as always! Their SOUL type is up to you. - This is a good way to tie these oneshots to another series of mine :)
It's quiet..before a breeze fills your ears. Your senses are overloaded with sound. Soon you can feel the breeze too, gently hitting your skin as you slowly open your eyes and move your hands over the grass beneath you.
How long had you been asleep? What happened? Did you miss anything? Your head is spinning..
A familiar voice pulls you out of your thoughts softly, calmly. Just like he always does.
"heya. glad to see you're back." He greets you with a smile once you look over, just as he always does. You can't help but smile too. Sitting up, you scoot a bit closer to him and abruptly drop your head on his shoulder, to his surprise. "woah there, what's this all about?" He raises a browbone as he looks down at you, feeling your arm move behind his back so you can awkwardly hug him.
"How long was I asleep?" You ask, getting straight to the point. He looks back up, focusing on the rising sun before the two of you. "not much time has passed here since you fell asleep. or, i guess you could say we fell asleep, huh?" He chuckles. "guessing you've had lots of opportunities to explore. i couldn't imagine doing all that."
"..Yeah." You think about places you've been, your consciousness moving about through different timelines and possibilities. It is only right here, in this space, that you can truly remember things..and where you originally came from. You've certainly seen a lot of interesting figures recently. All of them being different variants of Sans, and even his brother, Papyrus. The same two, just..in various different fonts.
"it's kinda weird, when i think about it." You turn to look at him. "how there's so many other mes just..hangin' around in other timelines. that even the smallest decision can make an entirely new form, a new me. up to the point where..it's like i'm a whole other person. they're sorta..physical "what if"s. aaand prove that the timeline theory is real..so..that's complicated. i guess i can see why you like to go see them all. curiosity."
"..Yeah..it's..like a new adventure each time." You earn a nod from him, before you sit up and move so you're in front of him, placing your hands at the sides of his legs. "But..just so we're clear, that doesn't mean I want to see you any less, Sans. You're still you, the original you, that..that I fell for in the beginning." Heat rises to your cheeks, burning even warmer as you watch a shade of blue make its way onto the skeleton's cheekbones to match.
"i mean, i understand if you prefer some variations of me more. i'm not gonna take it personally-" You cut him off, placing your hand on his left cheekbone. He freezes like a deer in the headlights, his eyesockets relaxing a little as he leans into your touch almost instinctively.
"Just because I like to see other outcomes it doesn't mean I'll love you any less. I refuse to leave you behind. I won't leave Paps behind either. I promise."
"seems like a pretty big promise. sure you can keep it?" "I'm absolutely sure." You lean forward, pressing your forehead against his own. "No matter what..you'll always remain in my heart, Sans. The true you, I mean." "why settle for me when you can have so many other mes?" He raises a browbone, a soft smile on his face. "At the end of the day it was the two of you that my heart belonged to first. Nothing will change that." His face is now a prettier, brighter shade of blue..you can't help but smile, seeing him like this.
"You're not making puns." "it's not the time for that." He averts his eyelights, earning a chuckle from you. You lightly tap his cheek. "C'mon..look at me." "i dunno.." "Please?" "what if i fall for you all over again?" You smile. "I'd be alright with that."
He turns his eyelights to you, unable to look away the moment he does. You can hear his breath hitch, the lights shifting into little heart shapes the moment he blinks. "..Can I?..Or would that be too forward?-" You mutter, your face heating up again at the thought. "just get over here, you." He puts his arms around your waist, pulling you a little closer so you can make contact yourself.
You lean forwards, pressing your lips against his teeth..feeling yourself becoming lost in the moment. Your heart pounds in your ears, your faces both madly flushed as you embrace each other's company. Eventually you have to break the kiss for air, softly regaining your breath as he stares at you with admiring eyes. He reaches up his hands, placing them on the sides of your face now. The cool feeling both calms your nerves and makes you even more flushed. "you alright being stuck with me? with us, even?" "Always. Don't ever question that." You smile, earning a grin from him in return as you hear footsteps approaching in the distance.
"There You Two Are! I've Been Looking Everywhere For You!" Papyrus comes to a stop before you, pressing his hands on his hips with his all-too-familiar grin. A few seconds pass before he takes in your states, a smug look crossing his face. "Am I Interrupting Something?"
"nah, you got here just in time. right?" Sans lightly nudges you, earning rapid nods from you in return. If you let him hear your voice tremble or crack you would quite literally die inside.
"so, what's up? something going on?" He asks, putting an arm around you. "I Thought You Might Want To See Our New Neighbors! They Are Quite The Interesting Bunch. And..Oddly Familiar Looking.."
You and Sans give each other a knowing look. "You don't think?.." "awfully convenient timing, universe." "Might as well make a good first impression, huh?"
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Which cars are most bisexual?
Ever get the chilling feeling that you made a grave mistake long ago and you are about to reap what you sowed?
In short, I hit some of my friends up to ask for help. In random alphabetical order:
@jettacar suggested the fourth gen Nissan Quest:
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"It's like, no one really bought these. They aren't particularly common. But also, there's no one type of person that buys a car like this. Rationality would have you believe only families are buying this, because it's a giant minivan - but i can't immediately think of another car with a wider variety of types of people that own them right now (excluding cars that just sell incredibly well)"
Unfortunately, that made the conversation derail into minivan talk.
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Up next, @rabidragon suggested the Fiat Multipla, due to its peculiar seating arrangement of two rows of three seats:
"3 seats in the front for you and your man and your woman".
Indeed, the peculiar thing about the Multipla is its row of three full-sized seats in front (many old cars had a front bench with some having three lap belts, but the Three Individual Front Seats club is as exclusive as it is devoid of prestige) and the many peculiarities that it caused, like off-center pretty much everything (mirror included) because the driver is further to the side than usual and where most of the centered things go there's now a passenger who would like to be.
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But the even more peculiar thing about the Multipla is how spectacularly ugly it is. It's one of the few cars I've ever actually seen that manages to be full-on ugly not just outside but inside. Click on any list of ugliest cars in the world and if it doesn't contain the Multipla I can promise you that list was created by a machine that has since been physically shot. And if you're thinking "Well, it's not bad enough to warrant that hyperbole" - you are looking at the second generation. This is the pretty one. I put the first one and its interior at the end of the post under a read more because I genuinely did not want to be responsible for you seeing it.
I noted that Honda's FR-V managed the same seating layout with downright smart looks inside and out...
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...and unfortunately that made the conversation derail into engine swap regulation loopholes.
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Finally, @chevyventure suggested multiple. In (roughly) his words:
First generation Mazda 3 "It's a hatchback, good for many different uses - and Mazda is a little silly, charming and off the beaten path (if you were getting a Japanese hatchback you'd probably get a Toyota or a Honda) with a cute lil' smile like a Miata"
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1988 Volvo 240 Wagon "Volvos are frequent hand me downs from family like all the cool childhood trauma the LGBTQs get"
[Editor's Note: bro.]
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Renault Clio "It's peak hotness while also being cute in its own way, not necessarily preferring a masculine or feminine audience. I've never seen an ad for a Clio before, but if my assumptions about the car market are correct my guess is the normal one is kinda marketed towards women"
[Editor's note: So, I wanted to check that, so I just looked up "Renault Clio ad". These were the first two ads I found.
So yeah. I feel it qualifies.]
Unfortunately, talking about the Clio made the conversation derail into TWR's involvement in- oh wait, you're not gonna know about that Clio variant, are you.
So, many racing series can only be entered with racecars based on some production car - which is great for manufacturers, because they get to advertise their brand and one of their models simultaneously! But since there are rules on how much of the base car can be changed and how much of it must be retained, the stricter they are the more what you want as a base for your racecar is something high performance. So when you want to go racing with a dinky little thing like, say, first car to ever use plastic bumpers and only car to ever be called Renault Le Car in America Renault 5...
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...what you are going to want to do is what, among many others, Toyota did with the Yaris GR and Lancia did with the Delta: the homologation special. Basically, you make a special version of the car with the characteristics you'd want in racing, sell enough to clear the rules's bar for "production car" (or at least, convince the officials you've done that), and go racing with that. So Renault did that to the 5 and hit up one Marcello Gandini to redesign it around the changes. You know, Marcello Gandini, guy most famous for designing mid-engined Ferrari-slayers:
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Which makes sense, because the Renault 5 Turbo was a mid-engined Ferrari slayer. It was faster than the top-of-the-line Ferrari both in acceleration and in cornering speed. This thing.
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(sidenote: The Interior. end of sidenote)
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Well, twenty years on, some legend at Renault thought "You know what? We were onto something with that. Let's do that again but HARDER." Presumably, into the headquarters of Tom Walkinshaw Racing, a racing team that developed for Aston Martin, F1 teams, and made Jaguar's Fastest Production Car Ever record holder, and of course a fuckton of the most exciting racecars around, showed up uninvited that Renault madman saying "Y'all wanna work on something REAL prestigious?" before chucking them the keys to a second generation Clio and walking off with a "Don't thank me".
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The result was the Clio V6, most notable for HAVING A FUCKING V6 WHERE THE BACKSEATS WERE. This car is genuinely incredible. Like, you see it and you go "Ooh ahh, the Clio V6!" and you look inside to see, you know, the huge V6 compartment thing and you see the interior and you realize this thing cost good sportscar money and when you got in it was a fucking Clio.
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Mental stuff- wait shit this post was about bisexual cars wasn't it? How did the conversation derail like this? I swear this never happens. Well, I guess it's time for my pick.
Personally, chatting with Mr. Venture about hatchbacks, I realized that I cannot think of a more "girls car" than a Fiat 500 Cabriolet (which actually is called 500C) and cannot think of a more "boys car" than a Fiat 500 Abarth (which actually is called Abarth 500)...
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...so how about the Fiat 500 Cabriolet Abarth?
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It actually isn't called that but I think you could piece that together. As though a spoiler on a canvas roof wasn't weird enough, it contains the third brake light, probably making this the only car out there in which it can change position during use. Although I assure you, you're not gonna be thinking about that when driving it. Thing's a RIOT.
But honestly, that wasn't what I started off wanting to answer. So, last but most definitely not least, I candidate my first, gut-reaction answer: the NA Mazda Miata.
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See, to me bisexuality (and pansexuality, but awareness of the nuances between them is so low they may as well be picked over flag preference) is someone appreciating all the beauty in the world, seeing no point in gatekeeping themselves out of half of it. And is that not what a spider is about? Is it not about saying "this world we're in is so full of beauty, who would rather blind themselves to half of it?". And look at the damn thing. It's bursting with exactly the kind of joie de vivre one would associate with such sentiment. It oozes enthusiastic curiosity. OwO what's this?: The Car.
Also, just look at this picture.
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It can drift. IT CAN WINK. IT CAN WINK MID-DRIFT. I mean, what more than this degree of flirtatious playfulness can you possibly need to be convinced?
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Links in blue are posts of mine explaining the words in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
...are they gone? I think they're gone.
The Multipla pictures are down here. Go on then if you're gonna, you sick fuck.
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If you have dealt with traumatic tumor-related experiences and seeing that dashboard caused you genuine discomfort, well, do not say I didn't warn you.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Gojo Satoru NSFW Alphabet (Black Fem!Reader)
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A/N: I’m going to approach this as close to canon Gojo as possible…well I won’t have him be viewed as a man whore in this.😭😭😭
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): Okay so…he didn’t know wtf that was until you explained it to him after about the 2nd time of you two having sex he’d just fall sleep or get up and take a shower by himself AND THEN SLEEP. Once you explained to him the importance of aftercare (It really is important, my loves) he steps it up a notch and he started off by buying you a whole mini fridge….yes a whole mini fridge and filled it up with your his favorite snacks and plenty of drinks that he restocks once a week because y’all have sex way more than you’d want to admit. Come to find out this man is so soft after sex. Gojo loves talking after sex, first he’ll ask if you’re okay, if you’re thirsty, or hungry and start a bath for you both. Once that’s done if you are still up you guys kinda just talk the rest of the night. He also loves to be held right after sex. After coming down from both of your orgasms he takes one long breath and you just cockwarm him for a moment in silence. Most of the time he tends to be rough especially after not having sex with you due to his missions so please hold this man because the last thing he’d actually want to do is hurt you for real.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): His fingers. He has naturally pretty hands, and they’re always cut low and cleaned to finger fuck you comfortably. As for you he loves your tummy and butt equally. He enjoys the softness and if he isn’t cuming on either he is resting his head on it or playing with it like a cat playing with a mouse toy. He loves to kiss, nibble, and blow raspberries on your fatty flesh to get a giggle out of you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): Okay I’m a virgin and never seen semen irl so idk if there are actually different variants and I’m too lazy too Google it KSHDHSSK He cums a lot when he’s been pent up I’ll tell you that much. Also believe it or not he doesn’t ALWAYS raw dog it. Gojo Satoru practices safe sex so you all should as well my loves! He’ll only really take off the condom if you realllllyyy beg for it, or it’s a special occasion. Either than that if he isn’t cumming in you he loves to cum on your ass. It’s so pretty he really wants to just Ingrain the image of his sticky seed dripping down your slippery cheeks forever.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): Gojo loves to be dominated, and has a massive praise and degrading kink, but he’s rather die than admit that to you. He knows you’d end up using it all against him when his teasing goes too far, but the moment you pull his hair to look up at you or call him your “Good Boy” It’s over . Also, he once had a dream about you and Geto. He walked in on Geto fucking you doggy style on his bed making complete and straight eye contact with him the whole time, your mouth was drooling moaning out “Geto you’re so good! Too good!” Over and over Gojo actually woke up startled. He knew his best friend or you would ever do such a thing, but it had him in his feelings and a bit of a passive aggressive attitude towards you both for a couple weeks.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Gojo Satoru is not very experienced with sex. He knew what it was, but he never had an interest in it because he didn’t have time for it. HOWEVER. Gojo is a fast learner. Gege Even said he can do anything he tries so as for him knowing what he’s doing..he’s pretty gifted. When you both first had sex he asked a lot of questions though, “is this okay? Does this feel good? How’s that?” Which you didn’t understand why he was doing that, since he had you cumming so easily during his first try.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): He really likes any position where your legs are dangling from his shoulders. Next to his hands he developed a love for his broad shoulders only because you compliment them so much. You stroked tf out of his ego. So when your pretty manicured feet are beside his ear as he pounds away he sometimes gives your toes a lick or kiss to keep you alert as your eyes tend to unfocus.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): It really depends on his mood. 90% of the time he’ll tease and crack a joke, but if he needs to blow of steam he’s not very talkative and gets straight to the point. However the one rare time when he isn’t completely silent nor goofy, but still speaks to you during sex is when you make love.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): He is pretty, pink and hairless, you were actually shocked on how smooth he was! He didn’t quite understand why you kept touching right ABOVE his dick, but he thought your amazed face was so cute considering you were butt booty naked if front of him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): Gojo kind of had a difficultly learning to make love. You were his first for a lot so it took him a while to allow himself to accept that sometimes just being slow and sensual is best. Once he did though he started to become an open book with making love, if he wants to go slow he’ll start off with giving you a bath or a sensual massage. (That’s his favorite)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): He still Jacks Off as much as he did before you two got together which isn’t a lot just mostly in the shower or when he’s away and bored. Now that you’re with him he just teases you with jacking off videos and if not that you both tend to do a lot of mutual masturbation together on the phone.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): He loves LOVES sensory deprivation, he can’t necessarily do it on himself because of his 6 eyes but it’s moreso the trust you have for him is what turns him on. When he blindfolds you and tie you up for your body to do whatever he pleases he loves knowing you know he wouldn’t do anything to harm you. His friend Geto actually got him into edging, Gojo loves doing to himself more than you, but you suffer so much in the process. The feeling of ALMOST cuming and having it the feeling slowly die down gets him so riled up, until when finally does cum he lets out the most prettiest moan so it ends up worth it for you.
Some honorable kink mentions:
Nipple play, FLR, Food Play, Roleplay
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): Next to his own bedroom, he really loves the balcony of a high hotel suite? It has nothing to do with possibly being caught but he loves the cool air and beautiful view of the city while he bends you over the porch and has his way with you from the back.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): Touch the back of his nape right where his undercut is. Hes so sensitive there as well as under his adam’s apple. Gojo tends to get a cute nervous laugh with a mixture of a moan when you kiss or touch him in any of those areas. A few times you’ve done it for too long he started to grow in his pants.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): I know we all would love to be fucked by him and his best friend but thanks to his dream Gojo would never be into a threesome. He’s already naturally possessive over you so seeing you possibly moan from another person would piss him off. He also wouldn’t like the whole age play thing. It creeps him out and doesn’t understand why someone would want to pretend to be a younger age than they are when having sex. Yes he most definitely kink shames.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Gojo’s fucking tongue is a weapon. He knows exactly how and where to lick and suck to have to actually crying. He’s very infatuated with your clit too so he usually eats you out with your legs hitting your chest and him just sucking gently making you twitch uncontrollably since the tip of his tongue constantly bumps under the hood of your clit. He loves both, but if he had to choose one he actually loves when your mouth struggles to take him all in. You swear he is a sadist because of this but he just shrugs it off to see you choke him down some more. It honestly just rules him up more to eat you out when he’s finished because he knows how wet you get sucking his cock.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): Deep and long strokes. The kind of strokes that knock the wind out of you each time he goes back inside. He enjoys the “oh’s!” You spill out when his cock hits just the right spot.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): He hates quickies only because he has to chose what exactly he wants and it can only be ONE. Oral sex? A quick walk fuck? Mutual masturbation? HE CANT DECIDE HE WANTS TO DO ALL OF IT, BUT THERE IS NO TIME so typically you’re the one initiating the quickies.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): Gojo doesn’t care about being seen naked by someone but you? No no. That’s for his eyes only. So public sex isn’t ideal. You do remember though when you both started having more sex Gojo would head over to Twitter and show you some videos of different positions he’d like to try. You mindlessly got wet while watching, and Gojo noticed and you both experimented most of the night.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): He’s a got damn menace he can last forever if he wanted. Between his edging and you’re begging for more all he needs is a quick 20 second breather and he’s back inside you. However an average night of sex last 40-50 minutes.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): Gojo bought panties with a vibrator in it for you once. He used it on you as you both were in the mall walking around. He found it so funny how your voice would crack when speaking to a cashier or how you began to waddle a bit holding on to his arm that’s controlling the remote in his pocket. Y’all fucked in the car after that.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): His personality is teasing! It’s even worse when you annoyed him(like if you were to tease him first) He’ll do such tantalizing rubs on your clit as you watch a movie, and when you buck your hips he stops moving altogether before giving your clit a firm slap so you stop moving.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): He talks so fucking much in your ear “I know baby I know”, “cum on this cock cum in this cock.”, “You like this tongue?”, but when he’s getting real into his dick pumping inside your velvet like walls or you’re riding him calling him such pretty nicknames his true moans seep through which are so pretty. He tries not to be too loud when moaning because he wants to hear you more though.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): Gojo enjoys baking. He never has time to do it because he’s always working but on his days off he likes to either bake with you or bake by himself for you. He makes the best cinnamon rolls and red velvet cakes.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): He’s 7 all around. It’s slim, very veiny, and a pretty pink tip that curves to the right a little. He never really cared about his dick size until you kept crying about how long it is. Stop stroking this mans ego.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): It’s higher than you’re accustomed to but he tries to deny it when you tell him that you both have sex too much. If he’s off the whole week you guys are having sex AT LEAST 5 days that week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): Since he is on game with aftercare he doesn’t fall asleep right after anymore. Once you both are back in bed, now cleaned under the fresh sheets he likes watching you slowly start to doze off. There’s been so many sweet words he has said to you holding you close to his chest as you lightly snore that you may never hear, but it’s okay. Hopefully one day Gojo gets the courage to tell you them all.
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goo-berz · 2 years
Rating every Vampire Emoji
We all know how sexy hot vampires are, so here I am.. rating every emoji of a vampire to see if they're as sexy hot...
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They're okay.. It's apple, it's just okay.. except for that hair girl u need a better haircut maybe get some layers in. This is one of the only few that's actually white white, which is an interesting choice, but I'm not sure how I feel about the dark-skin variant... it's a little, uh... 4/10
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Guys hear me out... he/they is kinda bad tho.. it can be argued the art isnt as good as Apple, but I'm not rating this on good art, I'm rating this on sexyness, and this is a sexy vampire. The hair is so fluffy.. and that widows peak, hot damn! If I walked into a mansion and this vampire insisted I stayed for the night I would stay no questions asked. Tbh I'd get down on my knees and beg him to bite my neck. 10/10
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looks too much like a 7 year old with an ugly ass orange vest, and I dont vibe with a vampire that wears an orange vest. 0/10
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Looks like he's 50, could be a dilf... I'm not typically into dilfs but if you're a loving father and a vampire I WANT YOU SO BADLY. but i can't do higher cause the collar and vest are two different colors of red, what the fuck 7/10
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The collar looks like a medal.... a medal for what... sucking men? 2/10
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This alone could replace the LGBT flag and it would represent us.. what the fuck, this is the gay whore emoji... you can TELL he enjoys men 6/10
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I love the huge goofy teeth, I don't think they're that sexy. I have to be honest, also a twink.. Imma give it like a 5.. would have been 4 but I love the fat fucking teeth. 5/10
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love the expression and hairstyle and I gotta be happy there's finally a vampire with a ruffle.. ruffles are THE sexiest thing a vampire could wear, but they aren't my type... 2/10
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This just reminds me of the apple one, idk why its just the vibe.. only different is it lacks pizzazz and it looks like a weird fucking butler with that out of place bowtie.. when in the world has a vampire worn a bowtie? 3/10
So.. the award for the sexiest emoji vampires goes to:
🥇 Google
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
ok, i gotta say, i LOVE your writing! especially your FNAF Fluffy AU! understandable if you don't want to do this request (writing is hard, i've been there before) so i hope you don't mind, can you do a romantical prompt that of yandere Fluffy!Funtime Freddy x Fluffy!bear darling? you can either make it long or short, doesn't matter. whatever suits you man :3
(Fluffy!bear darling, if you didn't understand it, it's if Darling was also an experiment that actually succeeded while Funtime Freddy is somewhat a success. still new to your blog)
He's feeling romantical....
Yes! Gorey Fluffy AU time! I'd love to do this! I had to make a time line for when the experiments were created to help me with this so this is what I came up with;
Goldens (Rot to become Golden Freddy and Springtrap) -> Originals (Rot to become Withereds) -> Toys -> Funtimes -> Rockstars -> Glamrocks
Darling was most likely made sometime between Funtimes and Rockstars, maybe? Up to you!
Here's Fluffy AU! Funtime Freddy's Origin Fic (Gore warning)
Description of Fluffy AU! Funtime Freddy (Gore warning)
Yandere! Fluffy AU! Funtime Freddy with Bear! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, GORE WARNING, Obsession, Manipulation, Biting, Violence, Blood, Forced relationship, Scenting, Possessive behavior, Sadism, Blood drinking, Grotesque descriptions, He kinda wants to eat you.
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Funtime Freddy's creation was an attempt to make a new variation of experiments.
There were only two Funtime variants and they both didn't come out quite right.
Freddy was by far the worst of the two, the other being Foxy.
They were copies of previous Freddy and Foxy designs but mutated on purpose, Afton probably got some sort of twisted inspiration by the rotted forms of the previous experiments and mutated them on purpose.
As a result he got a sadistic bear and narcissistic fox, both white and pink.
The most interesting characteristic was the stitched together aspect of their flesh.
In various places on both animatronics it looked like the flesh opened up.
Freddy was even given the ability to open the stomach "flap"... which made his organs visible and seemed to serve as a storage method based on his behavior.
The issue was Freddy was violent, often taking sadistic pleasure in harming employees and seeing hallucinations.
As a result he was given a Bonnie plush named Bon Bon, which pacified the large beast.
You were an experiment that came after.
A successful one who managed not to rot!
You were made to be another bear, your design remaining rather basic.
Your build was similar to the original Freddy, regardless of your gender.
You have your own traits, of course.
Your color is different, your outfit is different, Freddy was simply used as a base.
You were one of the best experiments created, capable of speech and learning like that of a human.
Your fur was incredibly fluffy and you were given near free reign of your surroundings.
Disaster only strikes when you meet the problematic Funtime.
Freddy was surprised when he saw you.
The large bear was not aware they were already prototyping new experiments.
You were such an attractive one....
As the experiments have animal-like characteristics, Freddy probably sees you something akin to a mate?
He loves your scent... it's so sweet!
You smell just like a cupcake...!
This is why Freddy calls you "Cupcake" when he sees you.
Another nickname is "Teddy Bear" based on the fluffiness of your fur.
Let's be honest... Freddy is terrifying to you.
He's a freak of nature, a bloody mistake that should've been culled.
The scientists who made you tell you not to look at him in his "enclosure".
The grotesque bear calls out to you despite you ignoring him, unfortunately.
He may not know your name but he prefers to call you by your nicknames anyways.
It's hard to tell if Freddy was a success or a failure.
He's somewhat in-between.
Freddy stares at you whenever you get closed to his holding area.
He can't get close to you no matter how much he claws at the walls.
Freddy wants to be closer to you...
He wants to touch your fur, to smell your scent...
He wants to taste your blood... and bite your flesh....
The scientists try to make sure you never meet him face to face.
They fear for your safety...
Nothing good can happen if he keeps looking at you with bloody drool dripping down his face.
Freddy often talks to Bon Bon, whom he believes is alive.
It's learned from this that Freddy has unsafe intentions with you.
Which is why they keep you two apart, preferring to keep you with the successful experiments... not the failures.
Your life is pretty good, you like your caretakers.
Then life all goes to hell once Golden Freddy awakens.
When the facility reaches its downfall, the rot spreads.
Failed experiments mingle with successful ones and you try your best to part from it all.
This facility used to be home... now it's chaos.
You fear the idea of leaving it but you can't stay here.
So thoughts of escape course through your mind.
For the most part you can survive well, until you meet Freddy again....
The beast is out of his cage... and ready to play.
The moment he catches the chase is on.
Freddy's excited!
Finally! He's been looking for his Cupcake!
He just wants to squeeze you like a big teddy bear!
Freddy is a large bear.
He's stronger and a bit taller.
Being chased by him is terrifying.
When he catches up he slams his body into you, pushing and pinning you to the ground.
Looking into his eyes makes your stomach fill with dread.
They're bloodshot, deranged.
His claws dig into your skin, blood dripping down your fur.
"There's my Cupcake!" His voice is grating on the ears. "You've been ignoring me! How rude! Can't you see we're meant to be?"
His nose flares at the scent of your blood, quickly making him duck down to lap at the blood.
He's right... it is sweet.
Which would explain why he decides to take a large bite of your flesh, teeth digging into you and eliciting a pained roar from you.
Freddy likes your taste, your smell, your warmth....
He wishes he could just crawl inside and stay there.
There's no use in prying him off, his strength holds you down even when you kick and bite.
In fact, he encourages you to hurt him!
The more blood the better!
Freddy does a weird combination of affection and violence.
He bites and licks your wounds.
He nuzzles into your fur but claws your skin....
It's like his way of claiming you as his own.
He licks your nose playfully, all while nipping at you.
His maw is covered in your blood and your covered in his due to your fighting.
He takes pleasure in this... you fear this.
Once Freddy has you he doesn't plan on letting you go.
Clearly you were meant for him!
You wee made for him.
You're both bears... and he claims you as his.
Your thoughts of escape quickly dwindle...
The smell of blood is overwhelming to you.
The longer he keeps you under him, struggling and bleeding...
The more you realize you may die here... or worse.
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blockgamepirate · 1 year
Since Mojang fulfilled my number one Minecraft wish (customisable armour), time to voice my number two Minecraft wish, which is pastel coloured wood.
I mean we already got the pastelly pink one which is AWESOME, but I’ve been wishing for a pastelly blue wood since I started playing this game, because I want to build my childhood home which is an old wooden house painted pastel blue.
(Genuinely the closest thing I’ve got is white concrete, which isn’t really blue or wood, but it’s at least vaguely similar I guess.)
Also I keep wanting to build a quintessentially Finnish village but again, I’m just missing those pastel colours. (Mangrove wood at least is pretty close to the iconic rural Nordic punamulta colour and I guess I can use yellow terracotta for the keltamulta variant. But that’s a completely different vibe from the pastels)
I would also accept a pastel terracotta set too though. Something like what white terracotta is now, but other colours as well. Sandstone kinda works for the yellow but again I’m just stuck with only reddish and yellowish options. idk, I just want more pastel colours in Minecraft pls... Mainly pastel blue and pastel green, if I only got those two I would be just so unbelievably happy.
(Please don’t tell me to just download a texture pack, I already know I can do that. It’s fine for single player but I like to play in multiplayer and I don’t want my builds to look weird for other people. Also yes prismarine brick exists but the texture is weird. Look, I know I’m being greedy and all, but I’m allowed to dream, aren’t I?)
Actually I think what would be a perfect way to introduce these would be to add End biomes with some sort of alien plants that could be crafted into planks with pastel colours, similar to the nether fungi but even more bizarre. That would be really cool IMO
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system-of-a-feather · 2 months
Man, this will go a bit into syscourse probably, but I was just watching Monkey Man and it really had me thinking (and internally groaning) about how gender "weirdness" is really something that is not weird at all in a lot of non-white non-european cultures. Shiva in Hinduism is a great example.
It's just when you get weird white people who come in and say "well you see, my understanding of gender is actually correct and the right way to think and talk about gender and I am inherently the most correct and right and smartest way of talking about gender and everyone else is just a cultural / spiritual game and should stay within their culture because its wrong but we 'respect' it and let it be wrong"
And it really got me internally ranting about how honestly - and I was trying to be a bit subtle about this cause I know it'd probably get back lash - but as a person of color from a culture and spirituality / philosophy that has plurality and variants of it normalized - the fact that people claim that the only way a person could experience themselves as more than one being due to trauma really really upsets me, because its a very white / western / european way of thinking about the concept of self, identity, personhood, and the soul.
In some cultures, people are understood as inherently many or inherently parts of a whole. It is just something that is just a part of the culture - may that be subtly and in a non-spoken manner, or in a more direct manner in the way that animism and buddhism talks about it. People can and do experience themselves as more than one and have been doing so since long before people were really aware of what psychology even was.
The fact that people talk about how individuals experience themselves inherently in a white, western, euro-centric cultural perspective that writes off "not identifying as one singular person" as something that HAS to come from trauma just really.... kinda pisses me off.
And if the argument is "well they shouldn't be called a system cause its a totally different thing than what people with DID / OSDD have" like... really, why are we getting so hot and bothered over the fucking word "system" and two... I can't delineate where my DID and my cultural plural-adjacent experiences begin and end. And also three, if we are getting so protective over the word "system" then why aren't we getting mad at the guy who developed IFS too??
It's also just so frustrating that people look at people who identify as more than one and inherently go "oh they are only doing this because they looked at my disorder and said they wanted it" when??? no??? Sure there are some I'm sure, but again, this is something people have been experiencing for centuries - hell more than a millenia.
As someone with DID / OSDD, I get the need for protecting the medical label and the diagnosis and all that because yes, while the psych system sucks, the medical labels are medical to get help, aid, and all sorts of stuff - absolutely.
But going around stating that anyone that experiences themselves as more than one is inherently either traumatized or maliciously lying and trying to actively co-opt a disorder is just.... ugh. Not it.
Please consider that there are other cultures and perspectives to identity, self, and spirit that impact how one identifies and engages with their own existence before you start sounding like a colonizer.
Anti-endos are welcome to respectfully discuss and engage.
Arguments and debates are not welcome and will be blocked.
This is partially me venting about white / western people. Do with this as you will.
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heckhellstuff · 3 months
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Big thanks to the peeps who wanted to hear more about my version of the Guide
Headcanons and story stuff under the cut
First things first - Because this AU focuses mostly on my made up backstory I had to give her a name
Emma Van de Laar is what I settled with A Priestess from Holland born sometime in the 1400's Devout woman her entire life
Unfortunately for her everything supernatural seemed to disagree with her peaceful lifestyle - The most notable incidents being her run-ins with vampires and beasts alike
When she was 25 a Strigoi made it's way into her home, impersonating her beloved dog who went missing few days prior Then in her late 40's she was forcefully turned by a Vampire
Being turned into a creature of the night caused great distress, faith was all she had her whole life, she couldn't bear to lose it
It took 20+ very painful years but she managed to regain her faith in spite of her vampirism Trying to put her life back on tracks she once again took up her position as the head of the local Church
Fast forward 300 years things started getting a little boring Emma started yearning for all of the things she's missed
This is when what I call the Party Girl Era sets in Accidentally joined a cult And all of the things mentioned in her therapy session with Laszlo happened
Which brings me to the most worked on part of this AU Her relantionship with Van Helsing
I asked myself ""How fucked up would it be if they actually loved each other ?"" Here's the story I put together
Van Helsing was sent back to Holland by the Church - they heard some vampires might be targeting the local Priestess What they didn't know is that Emma is the vampire seen in the area
When Abraham arrived Emma was slightly shapeshifting to hide her most noticeable vampiric features She knew he was a vampire slayer
They spent around two months just kinda hanging out together During that time Abraham slowly fell in love with the holy woman It didn't take long for Emma to feel the attraction as well
But uh oh - then there was the accidental reveal Emma burnt herself on Abraham's silver ring (while they were flirting no less) Mortified by the possible consequences of her slip up she tried to escape
When Abraham caught up, instead of killing her, he tried to talk things out A lot of feelings spill out during that conversation Fed up with the tension, Emma makes a move and that's how their affair starts
A bunch of trust building later and they do end up being an actual couple Would love to show the comic I made for this but it's like 38 panels long and Tumblr would piss itself In total they spend five years together before everything goes to hell
Hell started when the Vampiric Council finally had enough of Emma's bs Forcefully seperated her and Abraham Took her to America And drilled into her mind for so long she dissociated so hard she ended up getting amnesia After successfully rooting her into the Council's system she got the position of the Guide
Abraham didn't want to give up on his beloved and spent years searching for her Unfortunately... When he found Emma it wasn't her anymore The brilliant woman he once knew was no longer there
After that point the timeline starts lining up with the Show Some things do differ but it's not anything major until the Nightclub comes around
Obviously Guidja happens in this AU With the backstory I gave the Guide their dynamic is really fun to mess around with
Oh and lastly What the hell is a Strigoi ??
Basically: vampire 2 electric boogaloo I thought it would be fun if there were different species of vampiric creatures
Strigoi have some interesting folklore attached to them It was super fun to mess around with and bend in all sorts of directions
Emma is actually a Vampiric Strigoi which is one of the four Strigoi variants I put together Which basically means she's not really a vampire but something closely related
My idea for making her a Strigoi comes from the Show and folklore Strigoi seem to be put into a similar category as Wraiths and apparently they can learn magic ?? So that was a super easy connection to make
I have a lot of different design notes for my version of bestie Guide too but this mess is already way too long
So I'll end it with songs that were a huge inspiration when I started working on this AU
Powerwolf: Sacramental sister, My will be done, Midnight Madonna, Demons are a girls best friend, Reverent of rats Ghost: Cirice, Mary on a cross
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carefulfears · 1 year
top five annoying mulder moments <3
okay, i have two lists for you: annoying moments that i find endearing, and annoying moments that make me want to beat him over the head with a chair
annoying moments that i find endearing:
(as of today, these could all be different tomorrow)
1/ "you mean i might get my 29.95 worth after all?" (731)
insane thing to say with 6 minutes to live about the mail-order VHS tape that might save your life. the way he casually cracked jokes in front of that bomb haunts me. unfortunately, this joke made me laugh so hard when i first watched this episode, that it became a core memory of the show to me, and it's still one of my favorite lines
related: putting on a comedy show for the nazis in the pine bluff variant
"ooh, is this the pepsi challenge? how 'bout some fresh air, boys" "you can just call me a cab, that'd be fine" sir they are about to execute you in a field
2/ his general behavior with the neighbors in arcadia
not his behavior towards scully, that's a different thing. i'm talking about mulder showing up in a neighborhood that deeply values regulations and appearances, and dragging out his basketball hoop at 10:30 at night. kicking mailboxes. putting that plastic flamingo in the lawn.
he went undercover in this subdivision to investigate the disappearances of multiple missing families, and his entire investigative strategy, is to fuck around and find out.
the fact that the neighbors start off concerned for him, worried that the monster is going to kill him for violating the HOA rules, and trying to warn him and help him, but eventually are so irritated that they decide to just leave him to die
is without a doubt my favorite thing about this episode.
3/ running in front of a car (colony)
literally made eye contact with the driver and kept running into traffic....busted up that guy's whole windshield.....like he went THROUGH that guy's windshield.....once again, i say, do you have ANY IDEA HOW PISSED I WOULD BE to just be minding my own business driving home from work, and end up with a MULDER-SHAPED HOLE in my windshield.....and then he just mumbled something about getting the wind knocked out of him?? and got up and kept running?? you KNOW he didn't pay for that guy's car. used "i got hit by a car" as an excuse for not filing his report on time??? i love him but he is not serious people
4/ reading the articles in a porno mag at the office (the jersey devil)
the jersey devil my most beloved most watched episode ever....cannot even express to you how funny i find it that when scully got into work, he's just sitting there staring intently at porn and starts telling her about the articles. he turns the magazine so that she can see. kinda the funniest thing that he ever did.
+ scully's lil "workin hard, mulder?" and "sorry to interrupt your serious investigation" ...they're best friends
5/ "why don't you take that gun and shoot yourself in the head like you shot my father" (piper maru)
BONUS: all of his comments about religion (various episodes)
i put this one on the list and took it back off so many times but i have to speak my truth. every last one of them. i know they're mean and judgmental. i like it.
honorable mention: the mulder ditch™ (too many episodes in too many circumstances to make one of the lists but the way he constantly just leaves scully places deserves to be included. he literally has the object permanence of a 3-month old)
annoying moments that make me contemplate violence:
(only came up with 4 for now...but they're serious to me)
1/ "when he's old enough, tell the kid i went down swinging." (vienen)
me when i'm two weeks out of the grave and have purposefully endangered my ass on a boat full of killer alien goo and my idea of a funny sarcastic joke is to goad my partner into saving me by JOKING!!!! about her having to tell my baby that i'm DEAD!!!
what compelled him to say this. this is my "WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS" infographic mulder moment.
my favorite part is how scully doesn't even address it she just gives that kind of "jesus fucking christ" sigh and tells him to put doggett on the phone lol
2/ “all this because i didn’t get you a desk?” (never again)
literally god forbid a girl have an existential crisis in some FUCKING PEACEEEEE
3/ "diana saw it too. and no matter what you think, she's certainly not going to go around saying that just because science can't prove it, it isn't true." (the beginning)
listen, i defend him for the diana stuff, and i get it. i could write you a dissertation on the complications and emotions of it and why he says things like this or whatever. but it still annoys the ever-loving fucking hell out of me.
this one bothers me more than "scully, you're making this personal" because it's such a direct blow to the core of their dynamic and to what she tries to do for him. this comes so soon after he looked at her in the hallway and told her that her rationalism and science saved him.
which is a moment that meant so much to her and that she references in this same episode. she grabs his hand and she says "you told me that my science kept you honest. that it made you question your assumptions. that by it, i'd made you a whole person."
she has memorized everything that he's ever said and she heard him so deeply in that hallway. she stays so dedicated to offering that science and rationalism that she knows he needs, that she heard him say was best for him.
that moment in that hallway changed them for the rest of their lives, and this is when skepticism and belief start to morph from genuine ideology into roles that they play for each other.
she's doing her part, she's offering him her side, she's playing her role. and he throws it back in her face, says he'll just go play with diana then, because diana would never counter him with science.
LOLLLL okay then spooky, we'll fucking see if it's diana that comes to save your ass in the bermuda triangle
4/ "you act like you're surprised" (three words)
debated putting this one on here because everyone knows i loveeee three words and i loveeee s8 mulder and i'm obsessed with this scene, i've written multiple pieces about the fish in it, i wouldn't change a word of it
but i just have to because this is the other one that grates at me in the back of my head from time to time...because it's not that he doesn't think resurrection is surprising. it's not that he thinks it's a given that he'll always be around.
he just cannot hear and acknowledge how painful and difficult losing him was for her. because it would mean hearing and acknowledging that what he does matters, not because of what he can do or find, but because it matters that he's there. because it matters whether he lives or dies.
this episode is so heartbreakingly cruel in a way that they just aren't to each other, and that's what i love about it and what makes it stand out to me.
she's pregnant with his baby and she buried him. she was ripped off of his corpse screaming and she planned a funeral and decorated a nursery at the same time, alone. she sat in a hospital chair and held his hand for days when she knew he couldn't feel it.
for six months, he was gone. for three months, he wasn't ever coming back. that first day that they were looking for him, she teared up and whispered, "i just can't take the chance that i'm never gonna see him again," to skinner, and then she lived in a reality where she was never going to see him again. for three months.
she prayed and she prayed and she prayed and then she got to cry and laugh and hold onto him and take him home. and she tried to tell him, quietly, about the last six months. about how she doesn't think he could ever understand what it was like. about how she prayed, and about how her prayers "have been answered."
she told him how hard it was to learn he was missing, to search, to find him dead. "and now to have you back...," she smiled and said through tears.
"well, you act like you're surprised."
in less than 24 hours he is going to run towards death again and she is going to be left again with nothing to do but pray, and he cannot hear that it matters.
(y’all, remind me to do a post about mulder + humor in s8)
BONUS: referring to his mother's house as "the vineyard" (various episodes)
this one isn't that deep to me but "scully, i'm at the vineyard" just IRKS me like it gets on my NERVES. just an obnoxious ass thing to say
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