#I have four more episodes to watch though hope he doesn't find “love” by the end
thebatcreature · 2 months
I must say I'm sensing a strong aroace aura around Bertie Wooster
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leverage-ot3 · 4 months
Is leverage redemption worth watching? I love Leverage but idk if i could enjoy the show if hardison isn't in most episodes or if the reboot sells out in some way.
okay so I showed up to this ask like four months late with a smoothie so I'm sorry about that BUT
does redemption have it's flaws? yes, I will be the first to admit that!
however, as someone who deeply loves leverage, the characters and what the show stands for, I still can find myself enjoying redemption.
there's one post that's in my drafts talking about the differences between the og and redemption and the so-called universe physics (how logic works in both shows and how they are the same/differ) and there are definitely some differences. there are some really good posts comparing them in the tags and I'll try to tag them as watch redemption when they come up!
I'm going to be really honest right now and say that (no shade) I feel like redemption s1-2 were lacking because john rogers was not a main writer for them. devlin and the others are great and know their stuff, but redemption was missing some of the grit (balanced with everything else) that the original run had. redemption is more fun and lighthearted (where the og was still fun and had comedic elements but also had a more jaded perspective). I think part of that change is the absence of nate as a character and what he brought to the table, but the other part of that is very much the way the show is written overall
I have seen some criticism about parker being a caricature of what she was in the original run (ex: how she goes to a child's psychologist and uses puppets sometimes, is overtly weird, more loud about stuff, etc) BUT I will say that I think there's some nuance to that
I don't think the child psychiatrist thing is infantalizing- some methods of therapy work for people more than others and that is me speaking as someone who works in mental health. if play therapy and stuff like that work for you as an adult, good for you! whatever works for you is more than enough the overtly and loudly being weird thing I really do think can be taken either way. in the original run part of parker's character progression was that she was learning how to interact with people normally (or at least more efficiently), but her being more out about that now can be taken as she is more comfortable in her skin and acting like she wants because she is surrounded by people who love and support her. maybe she doesn't want to (or have to!) mask all the time and I don't see a problem with that
HOWEVER! there are certain criticisms that are related to her characterizations and overlaps with her autism and I don't want to speak over the autism community about those aspects and how they have manifested in her character in redemption so I'm leaving it there
as for the hardison being absent aspect- I was REALLY afraid of that at first BUT the loss isn't so deeply impactful when you have characters like breanna and harry added to the mix. I went in ambivalent about harry and excited to have breanna (a canon queer) joining the team, but I have come to love and cherish both of them dearly and wouldn't want to replace them or lose them as characters in this found family ensemble. I think the writers handled aldis' packed schedule really well and even though he isn't there in most episodes, his presence is still very much around. parker and eliot talk about him and reference him when he's gone. so do sophie and breanna, even harry. he isn't on the screen but the relationships he's formed with the other characters and the impact he's had on them is very evident.
there are some takes from users about whether or not the ot3 was queerbait, un-canoned, etc in redemption. I have a lot of thoughts about it and a lot of them are incomprehensible but what I can say is that I have renewed hopes for the progression and canon development of their relationship now that john rogers is back as the main writer for s3
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heartofwritiing · 8 months
and you just can’t say goodbye.
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paring: (zombur) William Godwinson x fem!reader
summary: Wil gets bitten, and angst ensues.
authors note: HUGE thanks to @ax-y10 for the help because originally this fic was gonna end a lot more agnsty but then they gave me an idea that was more on the happy side! I've never written a zombie apocalypse setting before so please excuse anything I get wrong. I've only watched other people play The Last of Us and I've briefly seen one episode of The Walking Dead so you can see how this will probably go. lol. The Sorry Boys zombie video is brain-rotting in my head rn I've watched it about four times now. yes. I love Zombur, so here's a drive-by of me throwing this fic at you and then skirting off with smoke from my tires. enjoy the brainrot :p (I'm so sorry this took me so long to get out, I've been procrastinating finishing it because I'm having some self-doubt at the minute but I hope you guys like this anyway even though it's a mess lol)
warnings: zombie apocalypse au, angst, death, violence, swearing, lots of kissing, characters use guns, the writer doesn't know anything about how guns work lmao, sort of happy end? super unedited!
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"shit! I'm out of ammo!"
You pulled the trigger on the handgun once more, but nothing. It was luck that you had even found one. Even so early on in an apocalypse. A month had gone by since the first day of the outbreak. Though it was likely that you should've died on the first day, you don't know why you've survived this long. you should be dead.
At first, you thought staying in your apartment was the best chance you had of surviving. Big mistake. That strategy turned south when your front door was barged in after four days of no disturbance from any outsiders. Your boyfriend Wil had grabbed everything you could carry, and you hadn't stopped moving ever since.
Now, you and Wil found yourselves trapped in an alley with no escape. A pack of infected had cornered you, slowly closing in while making menacing noises. Wil bravely stood between you and the horde, fighting them off to protect you.
"Climb up the fire escape!" he shouted back at you.
You looked around until you spotted a ladder conveniently placed on the side of the building within reach. Infected were dropping like flies as Wil's shots echoed through the air. The ladder shook as you climbed, heart pounding in your ears. You glimpsed down to check and see if Wil was following, to find he was surrounded on all sides by infected. Your heart dropped when you saw one of their mouths was too close to his wrist. By the time you called out his name, it was already too late.
'Fuck!' Wil screamed as the infected bit through his skin and charred his flesh. Blood gushed down his arm and around the infected's mouth. You cry his name as he reeled back his fist and punched the infected repeatedly until it staggered off of him, but it was too late. Your eyes were fixed on him as he quickly climbed up the ladder, gasping for breath as he did so. He seemed in immense pain as he pulled his body up the ladder, slightly struggling.
Upon reaching the roof, you found a roof access leading to a floor with multiple doors, revealing it to be an apartment complex. Wil was already feeling the effects of the infection. His skin was sticky with sweat, the bitter taste left in his mouth tasting the blood rising in his throat, and the sudden vertigo he got just by rushing down the stairs was enough to make him nauseous.
You came to the floor with all the apartment units and quickly kicked in the door of the closest one. It took a few attempts to kick the door, and then bam! The sound of splitting wood and the door bouncing off the wall made a delirious Wil jump.
You entered the small room, helping Wil through the doorway, and setting him down gently before closing the door. You searched around for something to barricade the door with. Just in case of any infected find you. The only thing that looked heavy enough was the dresser tucked into the corner. Using all your muscles, you pushed the object across the room with the bottom of the dresser scraping against the wood, grimacing at the loud noise.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you knew you were safe for now. You dusted your hands off and turned back to Wil who was slumped against the wall on the floor, clutching his bitten arm. Wincing and squirming from the heat burning through his skin spreading throughout his veins.
The room was dim, and you noticed the sweat beading down his forehead. You quickly took your backpack off your shoulders and strode over to him. Taking out the first-aid kit you had for emergencies, you pulled out the tiny bottle of anti-septic cleaning solution and the roll of bandages.
You gazed down at his wrist, which was curled against his chest, shrouding you from looking at it. The ring of teeth marks oozing out the color of maroon as black vines protruded around the area, extending over his skin. His head lulled to the side as he let out a moan of pain.
"No, baby, keep your eyes open," you tried to lure him back to consciousness. Take his hand and position it palm up in your lap. He whines like a wounded animal in response.
Unscrewing the cap, you quickly prep the cotton pads. Then you quickly realize you should've put on gloves beforehand. Muttering curses under your breath you shake your head at the thought, There was no time.
"What are you doing?" Wil's voice slurs. He sounds groggy, like something is trying to creep up his throat to escape, not him. It scares you. You refuse to look at him.
"I have to clean the wound before it gets infected," you say nonchalantly.
With the little strength he has left, Will reaches out his unbitten hand to catch yours. You stop your movements in disbelief of his actions, tears brimming in your eyes as you try to save his life, but he stops you again. You both know what's inevitable, you just can't accept it.
"Wil-" you try to pull out of his grasp. You reach out to touch his wrist again this time, he is the one who pulls away.
"Look at me," he pleads. You can't bring yourself to shift your eyes to his, knowing this was inevitable. You had to try. He had to let you try.
"just stop."
Wil tries to grab the items from your hands, but you move too quickly for his shrinking reflexes to keep up. Moving beginning to be too strenuous.
"I can't- Wil-" You struggle to fight against him, too scared to hurt him. Though he's already dying.
"Stop, honey..." he quivers.
"Just let me save you!" you cry. It echoes through the room. The air is tense, and you finally meet his eyes. His skin is sickly pale, eyes bright with red veins and glossy. Purple hues outline under his soft doe eyes as they peer into yours. He fists the hem of your shirt, inviting you closer. Your breaths mix together as he presses his forehead to yours.
The words hang between you, but you bite your tongue. You want to tell him how much you want him to stay and not give up. Deep down, you already know it's not enough.
"It's too late for me darling, leave me here.”
“I'm not leaving you,” you say sternly, shaking your head.
You were determined to stay with him, no matter how difficult things got, you were unwilling to abandon him.
“Please, I don’t want you to see me turn into a monster.” his voice wavered. Your heart sank. No matter what, he would always be your Wil. Sweet, caring, and lovable Wil. Whom you adored with every fiber of your being.
You reach up to cup his face with your hands, but they feel cool against your clammy skin. His cheekbones are slowly becoming more prominent. You stare into his eyes, but the urge to tell him to be quiet becomes harder as anger festers in your chest. However, it's not anger towards him, but rather frustration towards the universe.
Instead, you snuggle up next to him to demonstrate your lack of fear and your trust in him. You want to be by his side and provide comfort. You understand that it's unrealistic to expect him to recover from this infection given his history of being sick and having a weakened immune system. It's best to accept the inevitable outcome.
It's unclear how much time has passed while the two of you remain in that position. His arm securely around your shoulder holding you close, with your arm laid across his lap where your fingers provided soft circles against his hip bone. The room grows darker as the sun sets. The air feels eerie yet comforting all at once with Wil by your side. Nothing but the sounds of his raspy breathing and occasional coughing fit to surround you. He whispers through the dark against the crown of your head with horse words. Sweet nothings, promises that make you curl into him further so he can't see the single tear you shed.
He lifts his hand to gently cup your cheek, tilting your head to meet his gaze. Selfishly, he leans in for a soft kiss. You whine at the metallic taste in his mouth when he groans to part his lips so his tongue finds yours. It makes your head spin like a top how this man makes you feel. His lips are chapped, rough, and fast as he indulges in you for maybe the last time. You gasp and reach up to tangle your fingers in his locks to reel him closer to you. His hand finds the underside of your thigh, digging into your flesh. The mere touch of his hand sets your body ablaze and sends shivers down your spine.
It's frantic and passionate, your love for him shown physically. When you disconnect, suddenly remember you need to breathe. his eyes are hazy and his pupils are blown. You are sure you look like a flustered mess.
"I love you," he says sincerely, and you believe him.
It stings in your chest, you can't stand it.
"I love you more," you reply.
You tuck yourself into his neck, breathing in the scent of sweat and outdoors, and it's calming. Wil rests his head on the crown of your head. You neglect how his breathing has slowed as you drift off to sleep.
The next time you open your eyes, the sun peeks through the window, casting a golden glow over the bedroom. Your bones crack when you sit up to stretch from sleeping in the same position all night. You knew you'd regret it later when you had back pain for days. You turn to Wil, who doesn't stir when you move. Your heart dropped when you noticed something different about him.
Around his eyes were a darker color than the previous night. His cheekbones were completely sunken in where you could almost see the bone. his lips were a blueish color and his chest was rising and falling.
This was your fault. You should have stayed awake.
Tears streamed down your face as you called out his name, gently shaking his body, but he didn't respond.
"Wil!" you wailed, begging for him to come back.
You slumped forward, cradling him against your chest, pressing kisses to his temple, and muttering apologies against his cold skin. You felt your heart break as you realized he was gone, and tears rolled down your face as you held him close to you. You felt a deep emptiness settle in your heart. You knew you would never fill the void his death had left. You sobbed, gripping him tighter, and whispered your final goodbye. You held him close, cherishing holding home one last time. Knowing that you would never be the same again.
You're too distraught to move. You don't want to leave him here, but you don't have any other choice. The urge to keep on and survive was slowly fading now that you had no one left in this cruel world.
Wil felt heavy in your arms to the point where your arms were falling asleep, but you refused to let go. If you were to leave now, you may be tempted to never return to the person you once were. Allow your sorrow to consume you. The one good thing left in your life was gone.
You suddenly felt hands grab your lower back, causing you to yelp in surprise. Fingers gripe harshly at your skin through your clothes. Wil's chilled breath glides up your spine as he lets out a deep groan against your collarbone. He was alive? How?
His lips ghosted across your collarbone, pressing his nose directly into your pulse point. His hot breath fans across your exposed skin, causing goosebumps to rise along your body. Then, you feel his teeth nipping at your skin, and your eyes widen realizing his intentions.
You jerk away and shove him off you roughly. Crawling backward, quickly shuffling away from him, your heart pounding, until your back hits the opposite wall with a thump. You wince in pain from the impact and notice Wil gradually beginning to crawl toward you. A fixed gaze over his sheer white eyes, almost glowing like moonbeams. Chills ran down your spine as you gazed at your former lover, unrecognizable.
You froze as he approached, shrinking in on yourself. His body lazily dragged itself across the wooden floor, scrapping and groaning with every floorboard. Once he was close enough, his hand unexpectedly reached to grasp your ankle, and you screamed in fear. Nails harshly dig into your skin and create recent moon shapes that make you cry out.
He yanked you with a surprising strength until you were laid beneath him, overbearing you. You are powerless as Wil, or not Wil's body leaned over you and cadged you with his arms. Tears flow from the corners of your eyes and into your ears as his face inches towards you.
"Please," you whisper. Again, he tilts his head in curiosity at you.
"William?" Your eyes bore into his, trying to find some trace of life left in them. You observe his eyes returning to their natural color and a look of terror crossing his face as he regains consciousness. He staggers back and moves away from you frantically, clutching his chest and struggling to breathe.
You both sit on opposite sides of the room against the wall, he stares into the floor burning holes into the wood, avoiding your eyes. You just blink blankly at him in shock, knees tucked against your chest again.
Wil cradled his skull, clutching fist fulls of his hair, squeezing his eyes shut, and heaving breaths of panic puffed out his mouth. Mumbles of "I'm sorry," repeated like a mantra over, and over out shakily.
You let out an unsteady breath, His eyes quickly flicked over to you and fear flooded your senses once again.
"Darling?" he tries, his voice hoarse. He moves towards the center of the room, positioning himself a safe distance from you. “I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me..." his voice trails off.
He noticed your tense reaction upon watching him inch closer to you, and it broke his heart to see you trembling in fear due to his prior actions. He could never forgive himself for causing you such distress.
"is it really you?" you asked.
"I don't know," he says honestly. "I don't feel like myself, It's like I'm trying to grab hold of a stearing wheel and fight for control right now."
Your heart sank at his words. You let them maul over in your head for a moment. It sounded like your Wil, but you hesitated in reaching out to him. So, was he alive? He didn't look it, his skin was still deathly pale and almost decayed. Nose now dripping with dried blood that ran down his lips.
His head hangs low as he silently sobs. He didn’t want this. Now he was dead and was leaving you to defend yourself. He swore he would always protect you and he’s failed. He knows its selfish to ask you to stay with him, you should just leave him here to rot. Still, he begs you.
“Please, darling dont leave me,” You shake your head and crawl towards him. He might be an undead zombie now, but you still loved him more than anything else is this life. You would do anything for him. You take his face in your hands to tilt his head up but he avoids your eyes. “look at me,” his eyes shift to yours.
“I wanna help you baby, and im sure as hell not gonna leave you, not now, not ever.” you proclaim. “So don’t you dare ever try and push me away, because im staying. No matter how complicated things get.”
You bring yourself to kiss his forehead, your warm lips making him sigh out from the touch. He holds you for what feels like hours. Eventually you both know you’ll have to leave this abandoned apartment, whether you run out of food or more zombies show up. move on, then figure things out. Whatever it takes you would stay together, no matter what.
taglist: @trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 @scenefaez @starsyoubreaklikesugardust @drop-of-void
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yelenasdiary · 11 months
Kate Bishop x Reader. Taking place during Episode 2. Reader is a young surgeon and Kate's girlfriend. Kate returns injured with Clint. Reader may be Clint's daughter and doesn't know his daughter is dating Kate.
Secrets Out
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Surgeon! Barton! Reader
Summary: Treating your girlfriend wasn’t how you thought you’d be spending your Sunday afternoon at work.
Tiny Angst | Fluff | Mentions of Blood | Medical Talk | Slight Language Warning | 1.2K | 
AC: Thank you for sending this!! Although I have only seen Hawkeye once, I loved the idea and there needs to be so much more Kate fics! I hope you enjoy this x 
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As part of your studies to become a surgeon, you had to do some volunteer work at the local hospital to help put what you've learned so far into practice. Of course, given you're only half-way through your second year of med school, you weren't expected to do any major operations like a heart transplant. You would scrub in on operations like that and watch as the surgeon did their magic and other times you'd help out in emergency. 
Tonight, was exactly that, a few hours in the emergency room helping out the nurses. You never knew what injury would walk through those big sliding doors. "Alright, Mrs Anderson, take it easy for the rest of the week, okay?" you smiled softly at the elderly woman who had slipped in her kitchen while making dinner. She required a few small stitches. 
"Thank you, doc!" the woman smiled before you showed her out. With her cart, you placed it in the filing system at the front desk before taking a much needed mouthful of your soon to be cold coffee when your eyes locked onto the next patient who walked into the ER.
"Dad?" you questioned as you wandered over to him, "are you okay?!" you asked in a worry. Your eyes scanning every part of him for any injuries or signs of blood.
"It's not me honey" he assured you, "it's Kate" he added. Your heart sunk as you saw your girlfriend standing behind your father with a soft smile and a large gash on her forehead as she mouthed "I'm sorry" when you raised a concerned brow at her. 
"What happened?" you asked. 
"I slipped" Kate lied which only made you tilt your heard at the dark-haired woman.
"Take a seat on bed four, I'll be with you in a moment" you replied, giving your girlfriend a non-impressed look. Your dad, Clint, followed Kate to the bed where they both waited for you to return with fresh instruments to stitch Kate's forehead up. It was hard for you to keep your worries to a minimum when your father was yet to know about your relationship with his crime fighting partner. 
You returned with everything you needed and began to clean up the blood that made a river down the side of Kate's face. She would see the worry in your eyes and knew she'd be getting a talk when she was home alone with you. Clint offered to get some fresh coffee as it would take a while for you to make sure Kate could leave in be better condition she arrived in. 
"What happened?" you asked as you jabbed her with some lidocaine to numb the area before giving the woman stitches. 
"It was just a little fight; you should see the others! I think they'll need a lot more than stitches" she replied with a chuckle. You didn't find it funny though. 
"Baby, I already worry about my dad out there fighting aliens and whatever else, now I have to worry about you as well and somehow, I'm more worried about you than my dad" you explained as you prepared the stitches. Kate gently placed her hand over your blue gloved hand, making you look at her once more. 
"I promise you, I'm okay" she assured you. 
"Honey, I'm about to give you 4 stitches, I wouldn't exactly say that's okay" 
Kate didn't want to make you worry any more than you already were, "what can I do to make this up to you?" she asked. 
"You could be more careful? Maybe not throw yourself into fights?" You raised a brow at her once more. Kate raised your hand to her lips and kissed your covered knuckles as she looked up at you, "your wish is my command" she smiled softly. Her cuteness was more than enough for you to forgive her and make you blush, you chuckled, "now I have to change my gloves again" you playfully rolled your eyes before taking off the now contaminated gloves. 
As you turned around to get more gloves, you were met with the very protective look of your father who had just seen everything. He moved slightly to the left and made eye contact with Kate while instantly gulping and sloughing in hopes it would hide her from the glaring look from your father. 
"So, which one of you is going to explain this?" he asked, placing the two take away coffee cups in the bin before crossing his arms over his chest. 
"Dad, not here, not now" you tried to keep professional as you grabbed a fresh set of gloves. 
You would've had Kate stitched up and out the door by now if it wasn't for the glaring stare your father was giving the two of you. Not a word was spoken as you stitched up your girlfriend's gash while your mind tried its best to not think about the talk you're going to have to have with your father. 
It was safe to say that your dad has always been extremely protective of you, you're his eldest child and nobody would ever be good enough for his little girl. Even through high school, anybody you dated not only got a talking too from your father but also his friends, the avengers. 
"How long have you two been dating?" Clint asked, breaking the silence. Kate looked at you as she chewed the inside of her cheek, it was clear she was slightly scared of what your father and her mentor might think of her dating you. 
"A few months" you replied as you began to finish up Kate's stitches. Your father's eyes looked direct at Kate as you backed away from her and removed your gloves once again. "Remind me again my number one rule, Bishop" he spoke sternly. 
"Not to flirt with your daughter" Kate confessed. 
"Lucky you because it was me to who flirted with Kate" you turned to your dad who wasn't impressed. "Why? I mean, you can ha-"
"Dad!" you interrupted him, "I know you love me, and you care about me but, so does Kate. She's amazing, she's respectful, she's funny, she's smart and beyond beautiful, she makes me happy and for once, please, just give this one a chance. No talks from your or the others, if I didn't think Kate would be good for me, I wouldn't have asked her out myself" you explained, slightly unloading some built up feelings. 
Clint took a moment to think about what you were saying, his eyes drifted back to Kate before he sighed in defeat. "Can I just say one thing?" Your father asked, you nodded. 
"You hurt her in anyway a-"
"I know, you'll kill me and then most likely the Avengers will kill me and for some reason I feel like you'd kill me again" Kate interrupted, chuckling nervously at her own words. You couldn't help but shoot your dad and unimpressed look before he opened his mouth again. 
"You best come to dinner Friday night then, Laura is going to want to know about this" he replied. Your dad won't admit it but he couldn't have picked anybody better for you to date. He knew Kate would never hurt you and that she would treat you with nothing but love and respect, it just meant now he had to really make sure that she wouldn't get hurt on the job.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @kiwiana145  | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok |  @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @musicinourlips | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @blue-serendipityy | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | 
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agentofteamvaliant · 1 year
Musicals Aren't Supposed to Have Encores | Luke Dunphy x fem!reader
Based on season 4 episode 14 of Modern Family: "A Slight at the Opera."
Warnings: None? Two eighth-graders kiss a few times... does that need a warning?
Word count: 2,052
Summary: Luke and Y/n step up to new roles in "The Phantom of the Opera" performance their middle school is presenting. Cam doesn't know what to do when the audience calls for an encore at the end of the show.
A.N.: Notes vs notes became a very hard thing to keep track of while writing this. Because I had notes, as in musical notes that you sing or play. And notes, as in theatre notes, directions as to what to do, and ideas of what needs to change. The struggle of being both a music kid and a theatre kid is real.
"What do you mean Genevieve is sick?" Cam exclaimed to the girl's mother over the phone, "First our Phantom falls ill, and now our Christine? Does the world think our theater department is filled with actors?... No, of course, I'm sorry. I hope she feels better soon."
Theatre never goes exactly as planned. You're bound to have bumps along the way. Cam was prepared for that. He had backup props and backup lavaliers. What he hadn't prepared for was for both his Phantom and his Christine to get sick.
Having already found and lost hope in having Luke play the Phantom, Cam felt he was running low on ideas and patience. So, he turned to his assistant director/stage manager: Y/n.
"Well, Y/n. What do you think?" Cam asked.
"About which?" she replied, "We've got a couple problems right now."
"Either. Any. All. I don't know," he was obviously at the end of his wits.
"I think that you should show Manny the video you have of Luke so that he can see what you want him to be doing," she offered.
"Alright," Cam agreed, calling Manny over to watch the recording, "And what about Christine? I hate to say it, but Genevieve was the only soprano we had who could--"
"Luke has to do it," Manny cut in, before rushing off to undo the damage he had done.
"Well, that solves that problem," Y/n said cheerfully.
"I doubt any of them even know all the words, let alone the right notes, the right timing..." Cam trailed off, "Luke could you run 'The Phantom of the Opera,' please?"
"The whole show?" Luke asked, surprised.
"No, the song," Cam clarified with an exasperated shake of his head that looked much more like Mitchell's mannerisms than his own.
"Uh, sure, yeah. I don't know my cue without Christine's part, though."
"Y/n, could you sing Christine's parts until I figure out a replacement?" Cam requested turning to her.
"Well, I don't normally... but I guess I could... I do know the words, and the notes, and the timing and blocking... Sure." She replied.
The two walked over to the piano to practice. Y/n hadn't gotten more than four lines in when the whole theater was staring at her. Cam realized that maybe his Christine had been hiding in plain sight just like his Phantom. Her vibrato was perfect. Her voice paired perfectly with Luke's. Y/n and Luke looked up shocked when the entire ensemble came in perfectly on cue to find that Cam was conducting them like a choir. Y/n smiled at Luke, as they turned so the entire cast was rehearsing together. When they got to the part where Christine climbs up in notes, everyone's jaws hung open. Y/n herself was a tad surprised at how cleanly the notes came from her chest. Sure she loved to sing. Sure she had practiced this entire musical what felt like a million times. But to hear it in a theater. To hear how creepy her friend Luke could sound, perfectly portraying the Phantom. To hear the song all around her. It felt unreal. Especially when she got to the E6. She knew that for Genevieve they had lowered it, but she also knew that she could hit it. So, she ditched the note Cam had given the original Christine and chose instead to follow the regular notes of the song.
"Y/n," Cam started once the song was over, "You need to play Christine. Your voice is perfect. You know all the directions I gave. You understand what I'm trying to do with this show. Please, we need you as Christine."
"Okay, okay," she replied quickly.
They were very lucky that the costumes, which had been brought in for different actors, fit Y/n and Luke almost perfectly. Everything after casting Y/n had been rushed chaos. She had called her mom to bring her a pair of white heels since the original shoes didn't fit. But she neglected to tell her mom why she needed the shoes, simply insisting that the show sounded amazing and her family just had to come. Standing backstage, Y/n and Luke were talking while she used safety pins to shorten his cape. They didn't exactly have a replacement stage manager after all and she had offered to continue with both roles.
"You look really pretty," Luke commented as she stood up and handed him his pinned cloak.
"Thank you," she replied, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks, "you should wear suits more often, you look quite dashing. I'd lose the mask though, your face is too cute to be covered."
Now it was Luke's turn to blush. He knew that Y/n was good at flustering people, of course he did, they had been best friends for years and she was his long-time crush, but he had never found himself on the receiving end of her flattery.
"Hey!" She called out quietly to one of their castmates, "That's not where that prop goes. Go put it on the prop table where it belongs."
"You know we're supposed to kiss, right?" Luke asked when Y/n turned back to him.
"Yes," she answered, "Poor Genevieve and Marcus, do you think that's why they're both sick? They had to kiss so much in rehearsal."
"Oh yeah, poor things, they had to kiss someone over and over again," he said, sarcasm dripping off every word.
"Careful," Y/n chided, "I'll kiss you over and over again."
"Like that's a threat," Luke snarked, before remembering who he was talking to, the confidence leaving him at once, "--I mean, we should probably practice at least once. Just, so we're on the same page. Know what to expect."
"Hmm, probably," she said slowly, before grabbing his hand and pulling him toward her.
Y/n kissed him gently, sweetly. And then it was over, and Luke decided he would do whatever it took to be able to kiss her again.
"Alright," Cam called, all the actors gathering around, "Uh... Luke, Y/n if I could talk to you for a moment after we're done. Alright, everyone, this is going to be great, there's nothing more we can do at this point. I know we've had a few hiccups, but I think we've come out stronger. So, good luck. Just, don't think about the audience. Be loose, speak clearly and enunciate, and have fun. Break a leg!"
When he had dismissed everyone else, Y/n and Luke walked over to Cam.
"Ah, good," he began, "I just want you to know how proud I am of you. And I wanted to make sure you didn't have any questions. Last minute confusions?"
"Nope," Luke said.
"None," Y/n confirmed.
"Good, good. And the kiss, I know we didn't talk about it. You're both alright with it?"
"Yes. We made sure to go over that with each other. We're on the same page. We know what to expect," she clarified, smiling at Cam, before looking at Luke with what he swore was a smirk.
"Wonderful. Then I'll go introduce our show, and we will begin," Cam said before leaving with a flourish.
The show was going perfectly. The audience was already captivated and they were only five songs in. When the iconic opening notes to "The Phantom of the Opera" began to play Y/n could feel people shift in their seats. She felt the pressure to perform the song well but didn't find herself nervous. One glance at Luke told her he felt the same way. Hearing how their voices melded together perfectly, Y/n was filled with giddy happiness. She couldn't have really explained it, but it pushed her further. When she began her climbing notes they were even stronger than they had been earlier.
They had taken an intermission between the two acts, and Y/n was enjoying some lemon honey tea, while a speaker next to her played "Something to Believe In" from Newsies. Luke was sitting in a makeup chair, across from her with his own cup, fidgeting as prosthetics were being applied to his face. In between taking sips of tea, the two were softly singing along to their favorite musical number, causing the poor kid trying to do Luke's makeup to continuously snap at him for moving his head.
"And if I'm gone tomorrow"
"What was ours still will be"
"I have something to believe in"
"Now that I know you believed in me."
Out in the audience, Haley had arrived during intermission and was now entering the theater with everyone else.
"I left the house as soon as I got your text," Haley exclaimed to Alex, "I can't believe Luke is playing the lead!"
Backstage, Cam called quietly: "Curtain's up again in five! You're doing great, y'all!"
Finally, they were reaching the end of the play. Alex was clinging to Haley's arm, practically holding her breath. By that point she had all but forgotten that her brother was playing the Phantom, having become deeply invested in the story. Not until Christine was standing, turning the Phantom to face her, did Haley lean over to Alex to whisper: "Can you believe that's Luke?"
Then, Christine kissed him.
"Oh my gosh," Alex exclaimed lightly to her sister, "They like each other."
"Who?" Haley replayed, "The Phantom and what's-her-name?"
"No, Luke and Y/n."
"Oh, yeah, duh. They have for years."
Then, Christine was kissing him again.
The curtain came down and then raised again, leaving the cast to bow. They led the audience in applause to the sound crew, the lighting crew, the musicians, and then Cam who joined them on stage. The curtain went down again, but the audience's applause didn't die down with it, rather it picked up. A few parents in the audience called for an encore, and soon the entire theater joined in.
"We don't have an encore," Cam quickly whispered to the cast, "Musicals aren't supposed to have encores. But they seem to really want one, does anyone have anything?"
"We do," Luke said, looking at the girl next to him.
"We do?" Y/n questioned, her eyebrows raised.
"Sure, 'Something to Believe In,'" he told her, before turning to Cam, "From Newsies."
"Are you sure?"
"We know the whole thing by heart," Y/n assured him.
Cam walked out in front of the curtain.
"Well, ladies and gentlefolk. You asked for an encore, so an encore you will receive," as Cam spoke, Manny ran to tell the pianist what the encore would be.
Cam continued, "But first, I'd like to thank my terrific cast for getting over humongous hurdles, especially my incredible leads, who only stepped into their roles today, having previously not been a part of the cast, but the crew. And who, just now, pulled an extra song out of their hats, like theatre magicians,"
He looked at the pianist asking, "We're ready?"
The pianist confirmed he was, indeed, ready.
"This is 'Something to Believe In' from Newsies," Cam said with a smile, before walking off stage.
The curtain had risen again, revealing that the mobile set pieces had been removed. There stood Luke and Y/n, the former of which had changed slightly: he had ditched his suit jacket, rolled up his sleeves, messed up his hair, and was standing so the audience could only see the normal side of his face. Their plan was to run the scene from first line to exit, and that's exactly what they did.
Sitting in the audience, Alex and Haley quietly squealed to each other. For years, they had been having monthly movie nights, just Haley, Alex, Luke, and Y/n. And each month, they watched one of four movies. Newsies being one of those movies. They had often joked that Y/n was like Katherine, joining another family. And each time "Something to Believe In" would start, someone would say it must be one of the best love songs ever, and the rest of the kids would agree.
Boy, did the two actors have fun with it. The nudging, the kiss. The playful looks turned to silent flirting. Everything they wanted to do in their own lives, and the song required all of it. When the curtain lowered for the final time, the audience erupted in cheers. Backstage, Cam ran to Y/n and Luke, engulfing them in a hug only a proud director/uncle could give.
I don't own Modern Family or any of its characters/plots. I don't own The Phantom of the Opera or any of its characters/plots/songs. I don't own Newsies or any of its characters/plots/songs.
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lastweeksshirttonight · 4 months
I've listened to this almost four times at this point, so I better write some thoughts on it. (Did you need them? Probably not but humor me.)
This whole podcast talks deeply about the emotional toll of COVID and the pandemic, so be advised.
Interview starts at 16:10.
To start, I think a thread that runs through this entire episode is Marc being more cynical or bitter than John about a point, and John pausing to realign himself with what his actual level of cynicism is. You can tell that Marc and John like each other a lot, but there is also a tension to some of their discussions that I find really interesting. Like a mental chess match where Marc has a clear POV and John is trying to subtly spin the response to be closer to his own ideals.
The interview opens with the two of them talking about microphone levels and people not being closer to the mic and how irritating it is when people don't know how to use microphones. I am weak to John talking
I haven't watched Rachel Maddow in a while, is she really doing radio shows about Spiro Agnew? What? Why?
John speaking about context and contextualizing our current dark reality. The way he viewed the pandemic and the extent of society's flaws, and how nothing was fixed was really interesting. For as much as he's said that he's allergic to sincerity, that's just plainly untrue. He really does want to believe in the best of everything around him - he later talks about how he loves his children so much it's painful, and I had the same thought. Marc's darkness is something else though, I would laugh helplessly too at being reminded that 30% of the country wants to kill me specifically (help)
"It will eat your messages and shit them back into your face." I truly enjoy when John goes this blue, it always surprises and delights me.
John wants everything to have a system. He really likes the John Wick coin-based hotel system. I don't quite know how the two of them got from the comfort conspiracy theories can provide in dark times to John Wick but hey.
Marc being mad about having no awards and John being like "you really didn't need to say your bitterness out loud bro" killed me.
John has no idea why LWT was moved into another category. He doesn't even know who he's competing against. The Emmys basically afford him the right to be left alone with his show. I think he values that more than anything in regards to LWT - this topic comes up multiple times in this podcast and John stresses that having no sponsors to be beholden to, no commercials, and seemingly little to no oversight makes them able to do things that just can't be done on commercial television. There are more details to mine about this later, but it seems like, for all the absolute chaos of HBO and Warner and Discovery (something John likens to continually having new fathers around and wondering if he even has to bother learning their names), he's still relatively free to plug away at LWT the way he and his team envision it. Which is a relief to hear, honestly, the delayed announcement of LWT being renewed really made me concerned that Discovery in particular was done dealing with him.
I like how John, when given questions, will often ask clarifying follow-ups in this. He's not one for vagueness as it seems - the one that particularly stuck out to me was Marc relaying how he struggles with pulling his thoughts together on current events, using the Gaza crisis as an example for him before asking how John settles on topics. John's response is to ask if Marc means in general, or om Gaza specifically. The conversation moves into the general and how LWT is made now that it's ten years in (John calls the research department a machine and I can tell Marc is hoping that John literally invented a research machine from his tone of voice), but those are two very different conversations that could be pulled from that one question.
I also love John and Marc taking the piss out of John's show. Truly, if John leaves his desk, you obviously just sat through 30 minutes of the worst human misery possible.
Marc: "Because of your innate Britishness and your sense of humor, that... you do irritate -"
John, sounding like something just activated in his brain and as darkly as I've ever heard him: "I love to."
Marc: " - the right - ???"
My new favorite running theme in John's interviews is his apparently very tense relationship with his lawyers. The nitty gritty of the legal needs of the show, and how John views his lawyers and the frustrations that come with trying to do hard-hitting topics while having lawyers drop out from conflicts of interest, always fascinates me.
John also delves into the security he requires because of the breadth of people he's pissed off. He doesn't seem to care at all and enjoys pissing these people off, despite his wife's concerns. (I'm so sorry Kate you married a deeply weird man) John derives such pleasure from irritating people that it outweighs, say, never being able to go to Thailand without being arrested.
I cannot believe the Sacklers tried to come to the LWT office. Jesus Christ the entitled gall of these people.
Marc offends John with his assessment of England having many destroyed buildings, which leads into him saying, in a way reminiscent of the long-lost American from the Bugle, that he "enjoys the castles". God I miss the American. "How old's this wall? Holy fuck!"
Marc: "What are we gonna do about the futility..."
John: -cracks the fuck up-
Marc, finding his point: "...of..."
John: "Let it hang. Feel free to let that hang in the air. Let's just all enjoy the fact that we're all filling it in and coming up with different, equally valid, depressing ends to that sentence."
John is so severely offended and killed by Marc's suggestion that he did a Q&A tour. The absolute lowest form of entertainment in both of their minds. John mentions that he emphatically told people they could leave before the Q&A they hosted at the John and Seth stand up show I was at because he feels so strongly about this. I wrongly assumed this was because John hates himself and can't imagine people sticking around for him, but in my defense, that's usually the reason he tells people not to do something/shits on his bangs/etc.
(We still have like 30 min of this podcast, why am I like this)
The question of "what's gonna happen" is a pretty dark one, as John notes. He fears the worst but hopes people will work hard to stop the path we're on. Marc wanting to illustrate where we are is pretty ridiculous, as John points out - just look around.
I think Marc talking about what "all right" means to people gets to something that deeply concerns me about what the future of this country will be for me. I don't want to be that cynical but there is a deep well of selfishness in the US (rightfully identified) that does keep the country from uniting and fighting for survival in times like this. We're definitely at that turning point and I really want to hope we don't drive off the cliff.
I am not really emotionally prepared for jokes about John being in prison, I was genuinely a bit concerned about that The Last Time. That's my own problem though.
I didn't expect to get more information about John leaving The Daily Show on this podcast, but that's one of the most interesting things discussed. Marc asks if John left TDS because he felt the freedom he has with HBO wasn't there, and John says that wasn't the case - his contract expired at the end of 2013, after his summer hosting gig. Ideally, and Jon and John had discussed this (!!), the goal was to have John do TDS in the summers so John could, you know, rest. Sleep. Not be beholden to the horrors all the time. But Comedy Central, in John's blunt words, "didn't really care", so he went to HBO. The way that John mentions that "they would have probably kept [Jon] longer" if they'd actually tried to keep John around sounds just a tinge bitter and honestly, yeah. I'm annoyed hearing that we could have had this magical 2-host version of TDS and CC just... sucks. God I hate them. They gave me most of my worldview as a teenager because of TDS, but fucking A man.
Also interesting to hear, however vaguely, that John had some other offers. Wonder what those were. My best guess, based on what else was going on at that time, is TBS (who later made Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and were building around Conan) might have made a play.
I'm not a parent, but I do appreciate the discussion of parenthood, particularly how anxiety-inducing it can be. Hearing John talk about his worries regarding his prematurely-born son definitely resonated, and I'm glad his son is doing well now. ❤️
The brick joke in the middle of the parenting discussion is the hardest I've ever laughed at Marc Maron. Truly. Masterful brick joke.
I don't have an elegant tag for this - there's much more than what I touched on here in the podcast, and I appreciate how deep the conversation gets. It was really nice to listen to this multiple times during my hell day, and to hear John talk deeper about things that he's rarely asked about.
Also I'm sorry I wrote like fucking too many k words on this, I clearly had thoughts
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colossus-of-clout · 1 year
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies, Sloppy Seconds Ain't My Style - S1E06
This was one of my favorite episodes! There was so much character development that I didn't mind the lack of musical numbers.
CYNTHIA: Loved watching the Cynthia/Lydia story develop. The realization of their feelings for each other... Watching Cynthia try to pull away from Lydia to suppress what she was feeling was a story that was all too familiar.. You could feel the tension. The scene right before the play in the music room, when they default to their original acting exercise, was the best part of the entire show. When they're saying "your hair is brown" / "my hair is brown" you can see the desire in their eyes... They're saying "Hey, I understand because I feel it too. You're not alone." Transitioning from the hair discussion to the "I'm scared" admission was immaculate. You could see how confused and terrified and vulnerable they felt in that moment and I LOVED how Lydia leaned into it by admitting how scared she was by her feelings... In that moment, we saw a peak of her character that we've never seen before. This wasn't about another theatre production, because she's so confident in her abilities as an actress... This was about her saying "I'll hold your hand and jump off of the cliff with you, even though I'm fearful of the fallout."
JANE: In this ep, there’s so much to Jane’s character. We got to take a deeper dive into Susan and see why she operates the way that she does. I love that Jane didn't exploit that moment of weakness and allowed Susan to see the good in people. I also enjoyed that this moment showed Jane that she doesn't need to he president in order to make a difference at Rydell. Big fan of her realization that she doesn't want to help Buddy out, but she wants to impact change from where she is and only with her girls. In that moment, we see a parallel to her relationship with Richie in the last episode when she refused his jacket because she has her own.
NANCY: Though Nance had a smaller part in this episode, she really used that opportunity to shine. We got to see the amount of care she puts into each of her pieces (just imagine how long it took to make each of the girls their own jacket from scratch.....eeek!) we saw her switch from a more commanding and bossy attitude to that of relying on someone else (Hazel) and submitting herself enough to ask for help on something she's so passionate about...and then crediting Hazel for the vision, despite Nancy creating the designs. We also see how committed she is to the girls when Cynthia runs away. Her first priority was to find her and supporther through whatever was bothering her. This really struck me because Nancy is so proud of her designs, but rather than sticking around to watch her art come to life, she sprinted away to find her girls to go support Cynthia.
OLIVIA: My favorite character for last ofc. I loved seeing how passionate she was about making sure that the election results weren't rigged. She believes in Jane and the Pink Ladies so much and I love watching her fight to keep the group unified... You can tell that she felt so alone before the four of them became friends. She feels like she belongs now and she's so happy when she's around the girls. I hate how Mr. Daniels continues to have such a hold on her... All of the guys at Rydell would die for a chance with her, especially Gil....but I'm still holding out hope for Jane and Olivia. I love Richie but the sparkle in Olivia’s eyes and the smile plastered on her face when Jane is nearby....come on.
GIRL GANG: I also loved the shift in the group dynamic from "We're coming together because we want to change things" to “Hey, we actually really care about each other regardless of whether or not we have a single unifying factor!" The last few shots of the girls at Cynthia's was incredible. It reminded me of the Winnie the Pooh quote about not trying to cheer someone up, but just existing with them as they process everything. Also, I loved the ode to Jan when all of the girls sang along to the ipana song. I'm definitely excited/interested to see how Cynthia and Lydia's relationship will impact the group dynamic. I feel like the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies already have an idea that she isn't attracted to men, well except for Shy Guy lmao, so it won’t be a big deal to the gangs but I hope no one outs her or gives them trouble.
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roguetelepaths · 3 months
byron + 1, 2, 5, 24,
Oh fuck yeah I was hoping someone would do this. This is going to be a massive wall of text and I'm sorry but also I'm really not. You have unleashed the infodump dragon and it's not leaving until it's run off some of its zoomies.
Why do you like or dislike this character?
You know a fun fact about me is that I was on Team Byron Disliker when I first started Season 5 just due to what I'd heard through pop culture osmosis. I even made a post to that effect after watching a couple of his episodes (deleted now because I was sick of seeing it in my notes) that got some circulation in the fandom. But the further I got into that arc and the more I thought about him, the less I saw what I expected to see when I started. Instead I saw someone who, though flawed, spent most of the time he was on screen trying to be gentle and compassionate and trying to protect his people in a situation that was hell bent on making it as hard as possible for him to do those things.
I do think he has a manipulative streak, and I do think he's the type to occasionally do very hurtful things because he believes he's doing so for the right reasons (see for example that fucking "doesn't it feel nice to be asked" scene between him and Lyta in The Paragon of Animals, even as a Lyta/Byron shipper that makes me SO ANGRY because that point could be made in LITERALLY any other way that didn't involve demeaning her and shouting at her, I get that you're pissed off at the people who did that to her but taking it out on her isn't gonna help anyone so stop) but those flaws when combined with his genuine good intentions and abundance of care are fascinating.
A big part of why I think people dislike him as a character is because those flaws are presented as an immutable Fact Of Who He Is, which, yeah, I can see why someone would find that insufferable, but I like writing character growth and he deserves some.
Tl;dr, I like him because he's complicated. I dislike the way canon never seemed to want to grapple with those complications.
Favorite canon thing about this character?
That scene with the one guy in Downbelow. You know the one. Letting someone punch you repeatedly because you want to teach them a lesson about how finding a target to beat up on isn't actually going to solve their problems is... genuinely fucking baller and I wish we'd gotten to see more of that side of him.
Also that thing with Lyta in Strange Relations that's basically a mutual "I'm not overextending myself YOU'RE overextending yourself! Please slow down and rest 🥺" is probably what made me ship them as hard as I do. Dipping out of canon and into my fic for a second, but that interaction is so different from their first interaction that I kind of have to wonder if someone talked to him about the way he treated her. (I may have written a missing scene about that but it needs some fine tuning before I feel good about posting it.)
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
oh my god!!! so many. SO MANY. But uhhhh I can narrow it down to like four?
Runaway by The National as a general theme song
I, Carrion (Icarian) by Hozier as a soft and sad song for him and Lyta
The Deserter's Song by Radical Face as a backstory reveal song
New World Coming (any version but I like the one by Nina Simone best because. Come on. It's Nina fucking Simone how can you top that) because I'm almost certain it was one of the songs JMS pulled from when he was writing That Song For That Scene.
What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I've been saying this from the very beginning— The Signless from Homestuck. (Yes, I'm a Homestuck enjoyer. Sorry.) I just love my pacifist resistance leaders with feral partners and tragic endings okay.
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iliiuan · 4 months
Babylon 5 S1E7 The War Prayer
In which we run into one of my favorite actors and enjoy some very cliche plotlines.
That's an intense episode name.
Delenn is giving homoerotic vibes with this performance artist. (Actually, Delenn gives erotic vibes with quite a few characters, doesn't she? Sinclair, her religious assistant, this performance artist...)
She got branded with the male/female sign. That's just weird. I hope she has an excellent plastic surgeon.
.....did Garibaldi destroy Susan's coffee plant?
A little Centauri family drama. Nice.
Digging into Susan's romantic past, I see. Eight years, eh?
Sounds like the Centauri elite are inbred assholes. Haha Londo hates his wife. Classic "I'm miserable, so you young people should be miserable, too."
OHMYGOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?! Fucking Luitenant Tao. I love you.
Visiting the glowing orb again, I see. What is Kosh watching? Studying humanity, it looks like.
The doctor has seen the Vorlon neked. Very intriguing.
You're a bitter old man, Londo. And super gross.
Home Guard is so accurate.
Susan, crying herself to sleep? I'm not buying it.
I don't think she wants to be with you, dude. You're giving big stalker vibes.
Ah, young love. Deadly as always.
G'Kar, Narns aren't even being targeted. Are you behind the attacks, by chance? Wouldn't put it past you.
Oof. My boy took a beating there.
Malcolm is creepy.
Men always have to be assholes to women for dressing nice and having good hygiene. Maybe take a note and improve yourselves assholes.
Centauri Minbari philosophical face-off. I think the Minbari win that round.
Oh yeah. Malcolm is a bigot. Sorry, Ivonova.
Sinclair's going to take on the gang single-handed again, I see. Didn't he promise to stop doing that?
Londo, you were dancing two episodes ago. Stop lying to yourself.
Delenn sees through you, Sinclair.
Earth First. We'll strip-mine the other planets later.
Pinche Londo. You're way too excited about this. It was sweet of you to find a workaround for the young lovers, though.
Good luck with that. Assassinating those four takes more than some stealth suits and a half-baked plan. (If you were serious about assassinating them, you wouldn't have pre played your hand. You would have killed them first.)
What a horribly choreographed fight scene. I'm in love.
You should check for more cloaked people. They could have an observer ready to report back if anything goes wrong. (This is why I can't do crime. I'm too aware of all the things that can go wrong, but I don't have the resources to prevent said things from going wrong. Plus anxiety. Bad, bad anxiety.)
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captaincassianandorr · 4 months
Australian Survivor: Titans V.s Rebels Ep 3
-Middle Aged Mafia is a cool name for an alliance honestly. -Also Peta tattoos are not that intimidating really. Between her and Kelli my nerves are grating -Omg Kirby I love her. "This is not Love Island. This is Survivor." -I'm loving the tribe dynamics and how normally what would happen is the young people would band together and vote out the weak and on both tribes, it looks like the older people are banning together (banning? banding?) instead. Which I love to see. -Peta "Come into the majority," to Kirby. Peta...you are FOUR out of TWELVE. 4/12 is not a majority. -Purple edits do make me sad. We've not heard ANYTHING from Scott, Aileen or Kitty really. I mean I know Kitty is there but I don't know anything about her REWARD -Viola is a beast. I love watching her in competitions. -Battle of the Speedos here with Nathan and Alex. Nathan was so quick there. -I like Feras more than I thought I would. I thought I would hate him from the bios/videos lol. -Mark was so quick there at the reward. -Lol Nathan saying it's his charm that's helping him in the game. Haven't they written your name down twice? -And Peta finds an idol. -Immunity challenge time. -AND we actually hear from Garrick! He speaks! And Aileen speaks! (briefly no confessionals yet) -Rebels trying to throw the challenge but doing horribly at pretending they are not. It's not usually a very smart idea to throw a challenge. -Jaden just went through the bag like it was nothing. -And the Titans still almost losing even though Rebels are trying to throw the challenge lol. -Tobias also doing awfully on the slingshot challenge. -Kirby <3 Doing what a guy couldn't and shooting the stacks of blocks down easily. -LOL this is so chaotic and funny with Rebels trying to throw it but Titans possibly ruining their plan. But the Titans win immunity for the first time. -"We threw the challenge," Yes yes you did Alex, but you almost won it anyway which made it funnier. -Trying to get rid of Kelli does make sense to me in a way. The way she talks about the guys is just a bit ick. -Garrick is definitely suspicious about the throwing of the challenge saying that he and Feras were the only ones pushing the cart. And he got a confessional! -Loving this blindsides. Actually all 3 of these episodes vote outs have been fantastic. -Kelli is not the best actor in the world. Had to agree with Garrick when he said she's hopeless mate lol. But on the other hand I'd usually prefer chaotic/hopeless players over boring ones. -Peta asking if she's missing something. Yes, you are missing something. 4 is still not a majority. -I'm loving Kirby's gameplay here. Sneaky and puts her in good position in both the cuddle crew/the other alliance. -Kelli's bad acting at the tribal omg. no one is safe. I hope Peta doesn't play her idol -Feras is interesting me. He's so chaotic and thriving in the chaos. -Time to vote. -HEHEHEHE a blindside coming. I love a blindside. -Raymond is so awkward "I hope it's not me going home." Well I did see a few votes for him in the votes -The editing of these vote readouts is beautiful because it makes it seem like Kelly/Raymond are going home and then Peta gets votes lol. -And then the cuddle club was 3/4 (learn what a majority is guys) -Oooh the preview for next episode ahhh how can I wait until Sunday for that? WHAT IS IN THAT BOX? I want to know! Never seen that before on Survivor. -And Peta saying the "minority" rose up to take control lol Peta no you were in a minority but thought you were in a majority.
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shiki-stars · 5 months
Sailor Moon - Thoughts (S01EP01-EP12)
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I binged through the first season of Sailor Moon (46 episodes) in four days (technically five, but it was only two episodes left after 12AM...), so I'll gather all my notes and talk about them now. I'll separate this into four posts and they're separated by the episodes I watched each day.
01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
spoilers! regarding| tuxedo mask's true identity
Believe me when I say these posts are taking me for-e-ver because apparently my brain has never once uttered a conherent sentence.
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Jan. 1
First of all. Usagi's mom is SO PRETTY. I love the shade of her hair.
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She is beauty, she is grace.
The first time Usagi met Mamoru, I just. I could tell he was important to the story. I could guess who he was supposed to be (I'd be right about that, of course). He looked a little old, but I told myself it was just his attire and sunglasses.
The moment he took off his sunglasses I had two thoughts:
"Oh mah god, he has very blue eyes. Slightly disturbingly so."
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Ultimately, having finished the first season, I will say Usagi and Mamoru's story together is lovely. However, I was still very uncomfortable with their dynamic prior to episode 34. More on that in a later post.
I really like Naru, even though we've only just met her, but I loved her whole look and voice. She has a girly way of speaking but a boyish tone. It's a really nice voice to listen to as it's not too soft or too brash. She's great, I sure hope nothing bad happens to her.
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I haven't watched anime in a while to be honest, and if I did, they were just new seasons of anime I'd started previously. I don't know how common it is, but I'd forgotten how quickly the main conflict could be introduced(?) Even so, I think Sailor Moon was very quick to show us, the viewers, who the mastermind was. Usually, the main characters would be fighting the henchmen and their minions with little to no knowledge of a bigger person until later, which still holds true for Sailor Moon. The difference is that we knew of the bigger person. I think most animes would have had the viewers find out about the bigger person along with the cast, or only a few episodes prior. Again, I don't really know how common it is, I rarely remember the beginning of shows because everything after it shoves it in an unreachable corner. It makes sense though, I think; introduce antagonist/conflict, slice of life a few dozen episodes, reiterate conflict, another few dozens with more inconveniences and henchmen/minion fighting, reintroduce conflict and solve it within 12 episodes. The formula for most magical girl shows if I do say so myself, give or take.
FIRST TRANSFORMATION!!! Loved it. Iconic. The brooch is so small and dainty. I loved that when Usagi's top was forming, it forms a ribbon heart!!! It's so freaking cute.
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I think what could also be really cute is to have a ribbon dance magical girl and she does that thing where she twirls the ribbon wand above her head while the ribbons fall and swirl around her body when she trasforms! I'm sure one exists out there. (Sailor Venus's transformation is almost exactly what I was envisioning, but I feel like it's still not quite there, it's not... ribbon enough...? Perhaps it's the way it doesn't flow like a ribbon and how it's moving too fast.)
Usagi said she was a Cancer so I decided to search it up, and it turns out we have the same birthday, June 30th! A few episodes later I found out we also have the same blood type???
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The soundtrack is lovely, really. Very jazzy.
Feelings on Jadeite. He can be a pretty boy sometimes.
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Other times, he's an abomination. It's okay Usagi. I would also cry if a man looked at me with that face. I just dislike the entire facial expression, especially the smug smile (I don't like smug smiles with a dip) and the weird eyes with large white... I don't know what it's supposed to be. The shine? Why is it so big? It's unsettling and not in a "I'm supposed to feel this way" way.
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Expisode four :/ I'm sure their message wasn't to go on diets and that you have to be skinny to be beautiful, the opposite really, but the intent was not conveyed well at all. The episode was handled distastefully, from everyone feeding Usagi insecurities to all the girls experiencing anorexia. I'm having a hard time putting thoughts into words right now, but I'm sure this is a discussion many has had with other people, so I'll leave it at that for now.
I only noticed this in episode seven, but since episode six, Tuxedo Mask's cape was changed from a black and white... I don't know what to call this pattern, TO A BISEXUAL CAPE. Very slay. Canon.
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Him jumping backwards into a rainbow is also very telling.
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The "cool grown up musician" transformation is my favorite of all the appearance changes in season one. She looks so pretty and I love the way the stars are bouncing and synced to the music and beats!!! That and the three lines that shoot up UGH I don't know, it does something very giddy to me.
Sailor Moon getting an album was crazy though, I love that for her.
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THE GREEN GOO. I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS SUCH AN EARLY EPISODE. If I had a nickle for every time an anime I saw on TV as a child turn out to be from an early episode without knowing, I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Episode seven of Sailor Moon being one, Nami from One Piece stabbing her arm tattoo being the other.
I find it funny and a little silly that the monster decided they were also going to be in a bath towel even though there was no reason to take their clothes off in the first place.
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I think what could've been really cool for the intro was to only reveal Ami and Rei here after they were properly introduced in their episodes! Keep their appearances a secret, only have Sailor Moon unveil herself at first, it would've been so cool TwT
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I legit thought these three women were the same person until I opened three tabs and kept switching back and forth through each one (EP1/5/9). But in my defense I was watching these at 5AM with a rock brain and wax eyelids.
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Episode 10 (when Sailor Mars was found) really tested my patience because Usagi cried so much. I hate characters that cry a lot (Deku) and I can understand crying because you're in pain or sad or frustrated, but Usagi cries to whine about the most trifling matters. I understand that being a crybaby is part of Usagi's gag and was made known to us in episode one, but I felt that it was way too overdone in this episode. Here's a screenshot of my live comments while watching episode 10.
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Can I just. I'd like to make another comment. About Jadeite.
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The following comment is not for Jadeite, it's for the pretty lady:
Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique-
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They're gay. They're so gay. This is a couple. Rei is bisexual. Ami is lesbian but doesn't realize until she's either in high school or college.
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I ship them? A little? Don't have a specific reason. I like the way they flirt by not flirting? Maybe I just really like Thetis???
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I will say, I'm a little dissappointed with the obvious favoritism going on. Not only is Usagi's transformation longer and more intricate, her top/skirt/boots/accessories all having a moment to shine while Ami and Rei's showcase a quicker full body transformation, she also gets her own music for when she uses her special skill, Moon Tiara Action. Ami and Rei, on the other hand, don't have such treatment for their Bubble Spray and Fire Soul/Akuryo Taisan. "Usagi's the main character!" "It's called Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon for a reason." Okay :( Give my girls justice.
That's all for episodes one through twelve! Check out some of my favorite screenshots :)
01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
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Beige Stars - Divder @/saradika-graphics Purple Hearts - Divider @/cafekitsune Purple Heart Fairy Lights - Divider @/benkeibear
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Heya saw you repost something about ouat I didn’t know you watch the show I am a big hook fan What you like about the show? (snow, charming and them are so boring huh? like that they support hook tho)
I only just recently watched Once Upon a Time for the first (second and third) time. And let me say, I am in love. It hits all my interests - literature appropriations, fairy tales, pretty boy actors who act with their eyes, Scotsmen and Irishmen and a cast who are friends outside of the show as well.
I love a story with good flashbacks and great transitions, and this show delivers. It also delivers on brilliantly appropriated fairy tales. This is the first time I've ever liked Snow White. I love that so many of the Red Riding Hood texts are engaged to create her character. There are so many beautiful and emotional storylines and interesting takes on characters. Any text where characterisation is favoured above plot is a win in my book and this show delivers in spades.
I will never get over how brilliant the casting is and how hard actors like Lana Parrilla worked to make the casting work in her favour. The choice of who plays a young version of Snow and Cora are exceptional. Robbie Kay is perfectly Peter Pan. The costumes are brilliant, especially Elsa's purple Frozen dress.
I love the parallels and callbacks in this show as well. They foreshadow and engage with information retrospectively brilliantly on Once. I love the extended family dynamics, the overall themes of hope and finding people, finding family.
I love Captain Hook too! I love his transformation from good to vengeful - for his brother, for Milah. I'm a sucker for anyone who can love that deeply, that loyally. And I love how hard he tries to return to the side of good, to disentangle the man from the legend of the fearsome pirate, and that while he may be a pirate he never completely lost his faith in "good form." (An episode I could discuss ad nauseum and not even for Captain Swan and Snowing feels but for the brotherhood of it all - that Hook and Charming are the replacements for the brother's they lost, that Hook lost and gained a brother to dreamshade, and that he was probably so scared that what happened to Liam would happen to David especially given that the last time the Jolly Roger flew he lost Liam in much the same way David is in peril). And that doesn't even broach the topic of how much I love Hook and Henry and their relationship over the course of the series. Or his relationship with Snow and how similar they are, how much she and Charming love him, both of which make me smile.
I do wish we had more information about Hook's backstory, in all honesty. Not just Hook, though, I suppose. It's probably the half-season storylines that mean we only get a snippet of the Darlings and Bae and a hug for a reunion but nothing more, a single moment of Tink being proud of Hook and Neal, that sort of thing, and I would have definitely loved more of that Neverland trio - especially because it was so important to Hook and Neal's characters. But then again, the old aphorism comes into play, "leave the audience wanting more."
I'm going to disagree with you on Snowing being boring, though. Although I can see why they may come across that way in the series that is so action-packed. But I don't think the action of domestic life is any less thrilling than the action of battle, and Snowing post-season four get a chance to have that settled down family life, "farm life" as Snow once called her dream for her future, after all the trials of tribulations they'd been through. There's a nobility in the simple life, of not being the cause or even part of the drama (much like Mondler, which is the way I would analogise this pairing given that those two get called "boring" or "uneventful" in much the same way despite living the domestic, quiet life) and Snow and Charming deserve a little bit of peace.
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sepyana · 9 months
Jjba Diamond Is Unbreakable Ep 30 - FINALE Thoughts
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This is gonna be a big one. Part one of two maybe?
Ep 30
Kira Yoshikage's no good very bad day.
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Shinobu is not good with cats for someone who supposedly likes them.
I've always loved cats so seeing them hurt upsets me a bit more than other animals. Funnily enough, dogs die a lot more in jjba than cats but I'm pretty sure Araki likes dogs more.
I was going thru jojowiki's interview archive and found this interesting bit from Araki:
To me, dogs symbolize loyalty and friendship. All you cat lovers out there might be wondering why I didn't pick a cat, but I feel like a cat would betray them somewhere along the line (laughs wryly). They may be a playmate for you, but they're not your friend. I always end up putting cats on the enemy side, like with how the elder D'Arby used them to cheat which might say something about how I view them."
It's a bit sad that he thinks cats can be companions like dogs but that explains a lot about Kira's heavy association with cats right? He has the "personality of a cat" too.
Let's talk about Shinobu and Hayato for a bit.
I do feel bad for her, her situation is definitely not enviable. My sympathy starts to run dry when we see how she treats Hayato, though. She is upset he isn't trying to build a connection with her as if it isn't her responsibility to do that. I think it's pretty clear that she doesn't like him because she views him as the reason why she is stuck in her marriage. Well, this is a sensitive and long topic so I'm cutting it here.
Speaking of Hayato, I like him. I wasn't expecting that considering how late he was introduced and how easy it would be to fuck it up. He helped a lot the move the plot forward. Watching him struggle and find a way to break through Bites The Dust was really entertaining (which I will get into later). There is one major thing about him that's hard to ignore and that's how he doesn't feel like an 11 year old at all. What kind of 11 year old installs cameras in their house to spy on ther parents? What's funnier is that the show ignores this like it's normal. As if everyone spied on their parents when they were in elementary school. It's so unnecessary too. Having him get suspicious about Stray Cat and learning Kira is an impostor while hiding would be enough. I'm not like, upset at this I'm just really confused.
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Stray cat acts on base instincts moreso than the other animals we have seen like Iggy and Pet Shop. It's weird that some animals are as smart as humans while other's are more like themselves.
I was initally confused on why they set up Kira having affection for Shinobu as it does not get brought up ever again. I think it's to give a reason for why he doesn't kill her. His need to kill grows stronger by day but he can't kill Shinobu without messing up the plot.
Ep 31 - 34
Okay, so, the next four episodes catalogue four different events happening in the same day all at once. Which is pretty cool. Diu has a big cast so of course we'd want to utilize them all, right?
I like this part the least, not because it's bad or anything. I just think other parts have more to offer.
Mikitaka just waited there as binoculars and hoping Josuke and Okuyasu would happen to walk there. It worked but. I feel like he made the situation worse? If he hadn't pointed it out Josuke and Okuyasu wouldn't go in the tower to begin with.
This stand is way too cool to only appear in two episodes. The design of the actual stand itself is a bit boring but the effects. The effects both look and sound great.
You need to make your target show their sign of fear twice for it to work. It reminds me of D'arby in that way. The interesting thing is that Terunosuke can also store items and himself in paper. If this stand was given to someone who is not a psychopath it could still be really useful.
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Yuya gets some time to shine. We are reaching the end so it was either gonna be now or never. I like his design fine. I can't say that his face heel turn was forced since we knew very little about the dude before anyway. I think it's funny that the reason he helps Josuke is because he would be very upset if this happened to one of his girls. Good job Yuya, you are experiencing compassion, and empathy! I also like the way he says "Highway Star!!".
Highway Star is not an outstanding design or anything but I do like the way the zipper on his chin looks like a pointy beard.
My main issue with this part is Terunosuke being turned into a book for the rest of time. He sucks but he is nowhere as bad as Angelo, I don't really think he deserves a fate worse than death like him. It's weird that Josuke causally does these things too. You could mention Giorno but he isn't even aware of GER's power. GER says so himself.
It's a bit unfortunate that the only dark skinned character in Part 4 literaly turns into an object. I don't think Araki intended this obviously but it's there now.
Cheap Trick
What kind of pranks Rohan has been pulling for Koichi to think this was a joke?
Curiosity killed the Rohan. I'm sure this is not gonna foreshadow anything.
Rohan always gets the weirdest stand fights I swear. They all specifically counter Heaven's Door in some way. Heaven's Door is juuust at the edge of being too OP. It's awkward to work with in some aspects. I'd say having Rohan actually write the commands instead of them naturally appearing would make more sense. This would make it even worse at fights but it's not meant to be that. I don't mind the stand as is though, it's literary called 'Heaven's Door" it's meant to be busted. Plus, Heaven's Door is adorable, it can be a lil OP, as a treat.
Cheap Trick looks like it has a diaper on. It looks like a baby if you squint hard enough. A lot of people do feel "trapped" by their kids, so uhh lol
Killer Queen
Kira finally goes in to for a kill. Unfortunately for him Hayato is a freak and has been following him thr entire time. It's entertaining to watch but it doesn't reveal anything about Kira that we don't already know.
Ep 35-36
There are a lot of great things about the Bites The Dust Arc. One thing I wanna mention is just how hopeless the situation feels. At first for Kira and then for our crew. Like,
Episode 35 starts with Kira getting checkmated by a child. He can't kill Hayato but he can't let him go either. Kira is incredibly arrogant but I wouldn't say he is impulsive. This was enough to get to him though, he kills Hayato without thinking and puts himself in the worst situation possible.
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He isn't even trying to keep cover at this point. Changing his hair to symbolize that.
You could say Kira gaining a new ability was a stupid asspull, I don't mind it at all. Stories like conflict and giving a villain powerups will create more conflict, unlike deus ex machinas, which remove them. Some people get really upset about those but idrc. I thought Jotaro being able to stop time was a really cool reveal. It's a bit lame that it didn't get foreshadowed at all but it's not the end of the world for me. It is the end of The World for Dio though :D
Bites The Dust activates. Seeing Hayato alive was weird enough but then you see Kira the most confident yet. He is so confident in fact that he straight up tells Hayato his real identity.
Kira is such a huge moron. He basically has the world at his side and he still somehow manages to fuck it up. I'm surprised that got away with murder for 15 years without Killer Queen or anything.
Kira revealing his identity becomes shortly relevant when we see Rohan, with what might be his best fit yet. I'm not sure about the gloves though.
I love how they did this scene. The slow reveal of Hayato's pages seeing the future. The music stopping and Rohan's voice getting lower and lower as he realises what is happening.
The protags and their allies are almost always very selfless. Rohan is going to die yet his main concern is telling others Kira's identity. Much in the same way Kak's last thought was telling Joseph The World's power. Also similar to how the last thing Ceasar does is get the antidote for Joseph. I don't really like how samey the allies are in that regard. At points, their total lack of self-preservation annoys me. I wanna talk about this more on another post but I doubt I'll do it.
I was a little sad about Rohan dying but I was mostly sad for Reimi. I did feel bad when she called him "Little Rohan". Imagine being Reimi in that situation.
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And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dusttttt
I like the simple set-ups and pay-offs this arc. You learn Hayato has most likely rewinded time before, then you see "Rohan Kishibe also died. You are shown whoever dies during Bites The Dust is fated to die again, then we are shown Hayato getting caught by out crew. Makes the moment infinitely more tense.
Also, i's incredibly concerning one of the first things Hayato thinks of is to kill himself. He is like 11!
I love that Killer Queen shows up to look at Hayato dead in the eyes. Hayato can't see stands, Bites The Dust is an independent stand. Killer Queen shows just enough emotion in these scenes to make you think. Not enough to be sure of any interpretation. I think that's a cool detail... Killer Queen in the manga doesn't have the intense look of her anime counterpart.
It was around at this point when I started think "I have no idea how they are going to get out of this."
Hayato calling Josuke for help was pretty smart! Kira not being able to use his stand while Bites The Dust is active makes a lot of sense. I feel stupid for not figuring that out sooner.
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Little man omg
Ep 37-38
I have a lot to say about this part but I also have nothing. There are a lot of small things so.. a lightning round:
The red glow of Killer Queen's eyes looks amazing. Combined eith the art and the animation she is just so menacing. Like in her initial appearance.
I appreciate that Josuke mentions Shigechi.
The fight between Crazy Diamond and Killer Queen was smooth as hell. The fights in Jojo are moreso about outsmarting the enemy and beating them up is the reward. You don't see them trade blow for blow like this.
The colors are especially nice too. Greenish blue Crazy Diamond is pretty.
Killer Queen being bad at fighting due to Kira's no conflict policy is not something I thought about before, but it makes a lot of sense. Of course someone like him wouldn't have a stand great in combat.
Kira saying he despises conflict more than anything else made me thing of Dio's whole "Peace of mind" speech. The thing human psyche wants is secure serenity and all that. I'd say this applies to Dio as well even though he doesn't consider himself human. This isn't about him though.
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Now that those are out of the way... let's talk Okuyasu's "death". I initially hated it, I like it a bit more now. Kira turning the dying Okuyasu into a bomb like Aya was brutal. When Terunosuke threw the paper with Koichi's name, Josuke went after it despite calling it bait. He said even if there was a minuscule chance of it being Koichi, he had save it. He knows that Okuyasu is a bomb but he cannot accept that. If the slight chance of him not being a bom was true, and he didn't save him, he would not be able to live with himself.
Josuke being in denial that Okuyasu died like how he did with his grandfather.
The way Crazy Diamond and Killer Queen contrast each other is lovely. KQ's ability stopping Josuke from healing and how CD can reverse Kira's explosions.
Okuyasu finally making a choice for himself and coiing back is a nice cap to his character arc. It was a really wholesome moment.
My main issue with it is I don't really like fake-out deaths. I don't think Araki is good at writing them. This was true for Avdol and it's true for Okuyasu. Just imagine if this was the way Okuyasu died for real. Gets killed out of nowhere at the end just so Josuke could have a sad moment. At first I thought maybe another bites thr fust would happen because it didn't feel right for him to die this way. But then the show kept insisting he was dead.
I felt like there were a lot of ways to do this without doing a fakeout death at the second to last episode of Part 4.
On a side note, I don't really understand how the dried blood works exactly? I don't understand how Kira can control the air bomb. Sure, he turned that thing into a bomb but it is Stray Cat who can control those things to begin with. Idk idk.
They used Dio's theme at the end there. Fits the moment well
Ep 39 - Epilogue
This my favourite episode in all of Jojo so far. I think I've watched the confrontation with Kira over 100 times at this point. It has the exact same effect on me cocomelon has on little kids haha
Kira's confession is already funny as is but then there is Killer Queen's thousand yard stare. She does NOT want to be there.
Everything about Kira's defeat was just so good. The animation, the colors, the sound effects, the voice acting, the timing it just hits the right spot.
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More evidence that Star Platinum can say things other than ora. Also, you really gotta love how they used the exact same music that played before Dio "killed" Joseph.
The intense music that hits when Jotaro and Rohan run towards Kira only for him to activate Bites the Dust. The effects were amazing. It makes tou think though, is this what you see when you die or is it from Kira thinking Bites The Dust activated. Who knows. (I can't believe jojo actually fake outed us with the fake BtD lol)
I love how everyone got to do something. Rohan and Reimi found Hayato. Hayato defeated Bites The Dust and let Kira be found by the crew. Josuke gravely injured Kira, Okuyasu got rid of his air bombs. Koichi gave Jotaro enough time for him to stop Kira for good. Reimi gathered everyone for help and sent his ass to hell at the end. Even my boy Arnold got to bite Kira's hand and help Reimi.
Part 4 is focused more on the group as a whole instead of Josuke like Parts 2 and 3. And that's okay. I hear some people say Josuke got done dirty but he has arguably carried the team harder than Jotaro did part 3. Only person who did almost as much as him was Koichi. People say Jotaro stole the spotlight from Josuke but Koichi did way more than Jotaro.
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I'm not crying about Reimi leaving, you are
It's so wholesome how Reimi treats Rohan like he is her younger brother. It's common here for little kids to have high school students who they look up to for help, a neighbor or a cousin of some kind. When you are so little sophomores feel like grown adults. It's more of a cultural thing as not all of them give a lot of importance to neighbors and extended family. I couldn't help but make the connection though. Not sure how it is in Japan.
Okuyasu looking after Stray Cat... Thank you Araki for not killing them off.
Shout out to Joduke for stealing Joseph's money. He deserved it.
Jotaro leaving Morioh on a boat instead of a plane cuz Joseph's there. Memories.
AND DONE. Actually not really. I wanna give some general thoughts about Part 4 later since this is more of a episode by episode thing. I still have some stuff to say unfortunately.
This took so much longer than part 3. I think there was a lot more stuff to talk about in part 4. You can definitely see why so many people have it as their favourite.
Uhh see anyone reading this after I finish Golden Wind. I'm gonna binge it this time. And liveblog just a bit.
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deaneverafter · 1 year
That Old Feeling
Beau in such distress all episode long 😭💔 I can't talk enough about how much Jensen embodies every role, shows every emotion so fully and viscerally!
Beau and Jenny 🥰🥺 Jenny once again having Beau's back, reassuring him, they're perfect as partners in (solving) crime and life! Her calling Beau "Arlen" for the first time ever had me feeling Emotions™️ Also, Jenny holding him back and being the only one in the world who can ✨ This is why they work so well, they know each other, they know how to calm each other down, be there. Literally no one else could've held back Beau, stopped him from doing something drastic this episode, and that is why him and Jenny are meant to be, they're the only ones who can calm each other down in situations like these.
Beau and Jenny in police vests, hubba hubba, they're so iconic for that 🥰💖 And I loved Jenny's protective stance standing in front of Beau in the warehouse scene 🥺💟
Beau so naturally telling Jenny "Watch my left!" He knows Jenny always has his back 🥺💕 And he look of pure terror on Jenny's face when she thought Beau was going to get hurt, it shows she loves him so much 🥺😭💕
Walt-Sunny killing team, I was so hoping to see it!
Awww, Emily finally remembering Beau is her dad when she needs to use his name to threaten Buck, what a special moment!! /s
Donno's alive, yayy! 😁
Another thing, Jensen's acting is so subtle yet effective in those small moments 💯 Ever since we found out his partner died, that scene where he gets scared about Jenny going in without backup had made me wondering if it had been a similar situation with Randy, him going in without backup, Beau taking on the guilt, holding the weight of the world on his shoulders because that's just who he is 🥺😔💟 and turns out it was 😢
I'm not going to lie though, I still think the season could've actually focused more on Beau and Jenny, their relationship, their pasts, so we could've gotten something more. I also think there's many things with the mystery that should've been explored more. Why does Buck kill, why did he stop, how did Walter play into it? Who killed Luke? But, sigh, I can be content with this ending (as long as nothing ever messes it up) 🥺
The ending! Man, I would've rioted if something bad happened to Beau, whether that had been him d-wording, or going back to hell. I love Beau so much, I could not have handled a bad ending for him, I'm just so happy right now 🥺💘 And this is why if there's a season four that they can't get Jensen for, they need to find a better way to make it work, something that isn't Texas, something that doesn't mess up Beau and Jenny's story.
When he showed up at her door, it had me screaming at my screen, Beau, don't go! ♥️
The way I love Jenny, you guys, her sassing him about an emergency 😂 Their sense of humour is so complementary, they're so perfect together 🥺🥰💖 "What if I told you I wasn't here for work?" "Then I'd invite you in for a beer." That, I love that so much! 😌😍
I love that Beau is finally thinking about what might be good for himself, how maybe leaving isn't what he needs, maybe he's ready to look to the future, let Jenny in. It's only with Jenny that he's able to let go of his past and guilt, allow in hope 🥺💖
And he said he didn't know if he was leaving, but he's ready to finally let Jenny in, and was talking like was planning their future together, and I- 🥺 His hand on her knee, her hand on his hand, it was such a small gesture but so romantic and intimate 🥰 Him knowing that he can let her in, she's there for him, they have something here ♥️ My heart!!!!! This ending scene was the perfect beginning for the rest of their lives 🥺💖💞💓
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
Does Aidan play a main role in Mayor of Kingstown s2? Thanks in advance!
To answer your question honestly: nope, not even close. We're five episodes into this season and so far he has appeared in four(or maybe 3, I can't remember) but he's only gotten one scene in each of the episodes and those scenes are never very long at all. The scene in Episode 5 has been his longest thus far this season.
I'm a bit disappointed. Last season was pretty much the same, though I think he appeared in less episodes last season, but Aidan said that they would be delving further into Milo and you would get to know him more in Season 2. So of course I hoped that would mean he would get more screen time. More than likely Aidan himself didn’t know for sure and was just hoping like we all were.
I mean, maybe they had planned to flesh the character out little by little over time. I'm not sure, but now I'm worried we may not even get the chance to find out. With Jeremy Renner being badly injured I think the future of the series is in jeopardy. Especially since it's not that well known and I don't think it's pulling in tons of fans, so them canceling it wouldn't come as a surprise at all.
I was so hoping he'd get a decent sized part in this series because he looks so much more like himself in it as opposed to KIN. That's not to say he doesn't look handsome in KIN, he looks very handsome, he just doesn't look like Aidan. However, the two things I really appreciate about KIN is that he gets a lot more screen time and he gets to use his real accent, which doesn't happen anywhere close to enough.
If you're asking to see if it's worth subscribing to Paramount+, I can't really answer that for you. I love the man and will watch any and everything he does, no matter how small the part. The only time I won't pay for something of his to see is if it's just not possible for me to, like it's only released in certain countries or not at all. Like Pickups. So my answer to if it's worth it will always be YES.
But I understand that there are more casual fans than myself (and I'm not saying that's bad, we all have our absolute #1 fave and many have a list of other people they keep tabs on or as I call them, side pieces). But listen, I truly do NOT understand why the whole world isn't in love with him. I can't wrap my head around it. He's perfect, it makes no sense. Nine years ago I took one look and I haven't been the same since.
BUT! if for some reason beyond all comprehension, he's a side piece for you like Tom Ellis is to me, then I would say that it's probably not worth subscribing to a channel you otherwise have no use for.
And once again, I apologize for replying to you with a novel. See what I mean people?! It's impossible for me to keep most of my replies short and sweet. Ugh. I did a short and sweet reply the other day so that's probably my limit on short and sweet for the month. Or the quarter, not sure which.
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eriexplosion · 7 months
Clone Wars - Destroy Malevolence
And finishing out the three parter!
There's something so funny about the slow speed chase they have going with The Malevolence. Yes it's literally on fire right now but it's still only mildly bothered by all the lasers being fired at it. It's just a big ship okay.
And then we cut to Grievous and he's going IT HAS NOT SUSTAINED EXTENSIVE DAMAGE! You have no hyperdrive or primary weapon and are, again, literally on fire if this doesn't count as extensive damage what does?
Speaking of massive understatements though, Padme arrives on the scene and says "This isn't right! That's a droid warship!"
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Like I think the exact kind of on fire warship that you just appeared in front of is the least of your worries right now.
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lt does not look safe out there, my lady.
Yeah no shit 3PO thank you for the analysis. Obsessed with him.
Anyway, this scenario I'm sure featured in 20 different Anakin nightmare scenarios. He's terrified of losing Padme but can function as normal because usually she's completely out of the line of fire. And here she is. Teleported directly into said line of fire. The sheer mental horror he must be going through when Ahsoka contacts the ship and his WIFE APPEARS.
I love that the rail station that Grievous is using to get around has a recording going MIND THE GAP. MIND THE GAP. MIND THE GAP. Things you only need because battle droids despite being expensive don't apparently come programmed to mind the gap.
That's your plan? Just fly there, land, hope they don't spot us, and walk in the door? Basically. Oh! Brilliant. Let's get going.
The perfect team. Obi-Wan and Anakin are simply built for each other. I love how Obi-Wan goes from sounding offended to just OH LOVELY LET'S GO in the blink of an eye. Definitely the man that wanted lightsaber nunchucks right there.
Kind of surprised by how fast they found Padme because there's still eight minutes left in the episode, but we still have some destruction to fit in there I guess.
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Behaviors for when you have a very secret relationship.
This is definitely more of a light hearted episode than the other two, just from the presence of C-3PO undergoing his usual Torments From An Uncaring Universe. Obi-Wan full on got him hit by a TRAIN. Bullying him.
It also helps that there are no clones in danger, I become much less distressed when there are no clones in danger.
One thing I love from Obi-Wan is DROIDEKA BOWLING where he sends it rolling with the force into like 10 other droids. It's a delight to watch but Grievous' defense is downright pathetic he's got one blaster and he's not even being all that determined in firing it. Come on lightsaber blender man, put up a fight.
(He does finally pull out the lightsabers later but Obi-Wan is pretty much unbothered about it)
I feel like this episode is kind of on the rushed side - while the 3PO bits are fun, I think that it could have been just as effective wiithout him and it would give us a few extra minutes to use on fighting Grievous and booby-trapping the ship. As it is, Grievous just looks so sad and pathetic here, which I guess he is but like, MORE sad and pathetic than usual.
Also kind of stupid. Shout out to loudly going I WILL MEET YOU AT OUR SECRET BASE IN SECTOR FOUR sure hope no one bugged your ship or anything. Would you like to give the exact address while you're at it? And the way he HANGS UP ON DOOKU when he realizes the Malevolence is just going to drive straight into a moon. Just. Click. Not having this conversation right now.
This was definitely a fun little ending to the three parter, but I can see why it didn't stick as hard as Plo Koon assuring the clones that they're more important than finding the weapon. I'm just always gonna be a sucker for clone feelings.
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