#I got free tickets to an amusement park and thought it’d be fun
jamesleoherlihy · 16 days
2 hr car ride w my sister in the passenger seat and we just barely managed to not kill each other yay
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looooooooomis · 3 years
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   five  |  t h e  c a b i n (part I)
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count:  5.6k (I’M SORRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY) warnings: s m u t (18 +!!!!!)
A/N: after 8 months of MIA, SHE’S BACK BABY!!! this is part 1 of 2 of our fav couple being at the cabin x next chapter will have soft moments I promise lmao 
You should have been paying more attention.
If you’d been paying more attention, you wouldn’t have had five sets of eyes currently watching your every move, waiting for an answer you didn’t have. Why had you thought it was a good idea to stay up as late as you had packing your overnight bag for the cabin? If you had gone to bed at a reasonable hour, you wouldn’t have been as braindead as you currently were and, if you hadn’t been braindead, you wouldn’t have wound up in whatever ring of hell you were currently stuck in as your friends stared at you as though you’d grown a second head.
You pleaded with your tongue to say anything, pleaded for your brain to register a decent enough lie to make this uncomfortable silence end but nothing came out of your mouth. Only a pathetic hum and a gusto of forced laughter.
You wanted to die.
It should have been an easy enough answer to what was an even easier question. One that you’d practiced answering for the last two days and yet, as the moment for the lie came and went, you were left scrambling like a fucking moron.
You didn’t dare look at Billy as Sid curled into his side knowing if you managed to catch his coffee-coloured stare, you’d only be met with something between terror and amusement as you royally shit the bed. So, instead, you did the next best thing. You replayed the question over and over again in your head until you were driven mad.
‘Are you up for a movie this weekend?’
It was a simple enough question, one you’d managed to decline easily enough but, as Tatum frowned and asked the one question you were expecting to hear, your mind went blank.
‘Why? What are you doing?’
The answer you were supposed to say: I have to babysit my cousin in Santa Rosa all weekend. The answer they got? Silence. Pure, awkward as fuck, silence.
“Earth to Y/N,” Tatum laughed, brows furrowing. “Are you alive?”
“Sorry,” you huffed out a quiet laugh and shook your head, “I barely slept last night, I’m braindead.”
While it wasn’t a lie, you were still on edge. You’d think after months of sneaking around with the asshole sitting in front of you that you would have chilled out a little more but not today. Maybe it was the nerves of a full weekend away with Billy Loomis as his girlfriend hosted a fucking movie night sans her boyfriend and best friend – but something was making you stumble over what should have been second nature to you.
“You feeling okay?” Sid, the angel she was, asked with a small frown. Your stomach twisted in the familiar way it always did when your sweet friend showed concern. Concern which you most definitely didn’t deserve. “You seem…off.”
It would have been so easy to confess your dark little twisted affair with Billy right then and there. To just open your mouth and let the truth of everything you’d been doing behind her back play out. But you knew it would break her heart and, more than that, you were a fucking coward.
“I’m fine, Sid,” you smacked on a small smile and leaned into your locker. You had one more class until you were home free. Free of your friends’ inquiring eyes, free of Biology, free of Woodsboro. If you managed to get through this incredibly uncomfortable moment. “And I would if I could, trust me. I have to babysit my little cousin in Santa Rosa.” You feigned disappointment with a small frown. You could see Stu’s lips tug up in mild amusement out of the corner of your eye. “She’s nine, so if I don’t come back on Monday, know that she annoyed me to death.”
Randy scoffed and casually threw his arm around your neck. “Every day I’m thankful I don’t have any snot-nosed kids in my family. Losing my weekend to babysit? I’d rather rot.”
Despite your guilt, you managed a small smile as you looked across at him. “I think the kid would rather you rot, too. You’d be a terrible babysitter.”
“She’s right,” Tatum smirked, “you’d show the kid one of your weirdo movies where a girl with big tits is running helplessly away from her killer. It’d scar the kid for life.”
“Or,” Randy mused, “prepare them for the real world. Put some hair on their chest and all that shit.”
“Furthering my point, Meeks, you’d be a shit babysitter.” You laughed. “But, yeah, I’ll be suffering at the hands of a nine-year-old, so you guys have fun without me.”
“How about you, lover boy?” Tatum asked, looking across at Billy. “Will you be joining us this weekend?”
You should have averted your eyes. Should have done anything besides wait, with bated breath, to see what Billy would say. Slowly, those brown eyes tapered over towards you just briefly before looking at Tatum. With a casual shrug of his shoulders, Billy shook his head and leaned into Sid. “Can’t,” he merely said, “I’m going up north with my dad. He wants to get some of his affairs in order or something, I don’t know.” He ran a hand through his hair. “All I know is I was promised free beer if I helped him. So, I’m helping him.”
If Sid caught onto his lie, her face didn’t betray her once. And, as she looked up at her boyfriend with doting eyes, you couldn’t help but feel that pang of shame slice into your gut once again. She believed him. She always believed him. Believed you. Regardless of how good it felt to have Billy, that shame of knowing just who it was unwittingly hurting in the process never dissipated.
“You sure you guys won’t need help?” Sid asked, further digging that knife of shame into your chest. “Besides this movie, I’ve got nothing else going on this weekend.”
“Real nice,” Randy teased. “She’d rather watch Billy’s dad punch away at a fucking calculator then sit down with her nearest and dearest.”
Billy ignored Randy entirely as he glanced down at the brunette. “I’m sure,” he affirmed, giving her a quick squeeze. “Enjoy the movie night. I’ll be there for the next one.”
He lied so effortlessly, so casually, that it should have unnerved you. But it didn’t. Because for as good of a liar Billy Loomis was, you were right here with him. This dangerous little game the two of you were playing was becoming second nature to you and for as much as it pained you to see Sidney get lied to, you couldn’t help yourself.
You loved Billy. Billy loved you. Right person, wrong time. Only rather than wait like you knew you should have, Billy’s glow was much too enthralling to miss. You were both moths to each other’s’ flames and no amount of guilt or shame was strong enough to outweigh the otherworldly affliction the two of you had for one another.
The bell signifying your final class rung out, snapping you out of your brief reverie as you blinked and focused on pushing Randy off of you. “Want to drive me to the bus station?” You asked him. “I don’t want to drive all the way to Santa Rosa, so I bought a bus ticket.”
“Tonight?” Randy considered it briefly before shrugging. “Sure, I guess. I’ve got a shift tonight at seven, though. When’s your bus leave?”
“Six thirty,” you lied, mainly doing this so that should anyone drive by your house this weekend and see your car still neatly parked in your driveway, they wouldn’t bat an eye. “I owe you.”
“Yeah, you do,” Randy agreed. “And, lucky for you, I accept a lot of different payment options.” He wriggled his brows, earning a playful smack from you and an annoyed glare from Billy. Thankfully, Randy didn’t catch onto the latter. “Pick you up at six?”
You nodded. “Perfect.”
With your eyes flickering to Billy’s once more, you managed to shoot everyone a quick smile before disappearing down the hall towards Biology. Just how you’d managed to dance your way out of what could have been an incredibly awkward moment, you didn’t know. But as you felt that weighty stare of Billy’s on your back as you walked away, there was an air of excitement that swallowed you whole.
No matter how much guilt you felt, no matter how sick it made you to see Sidney get hurt, even if she didn’t quite know about just yet, there was a much larger part of you that couldn’t wait to get Billy alone.
Because for the first time in the seven months since you’d started this torrid little affair, you were finally getting Billy all to yourself. No prying eyes, no secret kisses, no having to hide every part of your relationship with the man. None of that.
This weekend, it was you and it was Billy.
And you couldn’t fucking wait.
Randy, being the superstar he was, had dropped you off at the station a little after six-fifteen and by six-thirty-two, just around the time the actual bus was leaving for Santa Rosa, you were scrambling into Billy’s car with a wild grin on your face.
Just how the pair of you had managed to pull it off, especially given your brain lapse earlier in the day, was beyond you. But, as Billy tore off down the main street leading to the freeway, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of freedom engulf you the farther and farther you got from town.
It was exhilarating.
And, as you glanced at Billy, who couldn’t have looked more like a movie star with his dark locks blowing with the wind cascading in through his open window, you couldn’t help but reach across the divide to gently squeeze his jean-clad thigh.
“Thank you,” you found yourself muttering and as those brown eyes met yours, you couldn’t help but grin. “For your stupid key proposal. In hindsight, it was very sweet.”
The dimple in Billy’s cheek deepened as his own grin grew. “Glad you let me steal you away?”
You loosened your seatbelt momentarily and leaned across to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Very glad.” You made a move to pull away but stopped when he gently grabbed your chin with the hand not holding the wheel. “What—”
The kiss, while dangerously stupid, was short and sweet but the emotion behind it, the genuine happiness that exuded out of Billy in those few seconds was palpable. “I really do fucking love you, you know that?”
“You’ve mentioned it,” you hummed and slinked back into your seat. When his large hand found your thigh, he gave it a firm squeeze that sent shockwaves throughout your whole body.
“Not going to say it back?” He teased, giving you a sidelong glance as he drew nearer to the freeway.
“I’d rather show it.” Rather than put your seatbelt back on, you shimmed in your seat and leaned into him as your fingers scraped along his thighs towards the button of his jeans. “Eyes on the road, Loomis.”
Easier said than done, Billy thought, torn between watching the road and watching you unzip his jeans. Raising his ass out of the seat just long enough to allow you to tug his pants down his thighs, the second Billy saw yours eyes light up as his now somewhat erect cock sprung free of his jeans, keeping his eyes on the road seemed impossible. But, the second he saw that pretty mouth of yours perk up in anticipation, it was game over. “Are you trying to get us killed?”
A low chuckle escaped your lips as you began to pump his length with your hand. “Focus on the road, Billy.”
“You say that like it’s easy.” Not being able to keep his hands off of you, he reached for your nipple and gave it a pinch through your shirt. “Take your shirt off, baby.”
“Shut up and drive.” You chided him, shimming in your seat so that you were on your knees leaning over the console. His cock was rock hard now and, as you ran your tongue alongside his length, from the base of it all the way up to coax your tongue along the precum that had gathered along his head, you felt him shiver beneath you.
“Fuck,” he hissed, tangling his fingers through your hair. You were too fucking good with that mouth of yours.
Still pumping the base of his cock with one hand, you swirled your tongue along the tip of his dick again before taking that perfectly girthy cock in your mouth. His grip tightened on your hair and your eyes watered as he pushed your head down to fully take the length of him inside of your mouth. He heard you gag on him but even as his grip eased up, you continued your pursuit of deepthroating him.
His breathing was shallow as he felt your hot mouth all over him. Between the sounds of your wet mouth taking him in and the occasional gag as you choked on his length, Billy was in heaven.
But having you this close as you fucked him with your mouth whilst still fully clothed was killing him. He needed to feel you. He wanted to feel your juices on his fingers and running down those perfect fucking thighs as he fingerfucked you. He wanted to hear you moan, feel you moan on his cock as he made you feel as good as you were making him feel.
He wanted all of you, needed all of you.  
Trying his damnedest not to shut his eyes as your mouth brought him closer to the edge, he reached beneath you to work on your own zipper but when that proved to be impossible, a frustrated growl tore out of his lips. “Undo your pants.” He hissed through bared teeth.
You hummed against his dick which nearly sent him into the other land of traffic. “No,” you purred, “I want to make you feel good.”
With one hand on the wheel and the other now gliding up and down your back as you fucked him with your mouth, Billy couldn’t help but buck into your mouth as you began to massage his balls. He was going to bust and soon if he wasn’t careful.
You were too fucking good and he was too fucking in love with you not to get lost in the way you made him feel.
“Touch yourself, at least,” he breathed out, desperate to see that pretty cunt. “Please, baby.”
Not granting him the satisfaction, you simply dug your nails into his thighs and moaned onto his cock and the sensation of it alone was almost enough to make him come down your throat. It seemed to slither around his cock, making him twitch and buck into your mouth.
But it was the second you moaned out his name as you swirled your wet mouth along the head of his dick one final time, swallowing back his precum with a contented hum, that Billy blew his loud inside of your mouth.
For a good five seconds, he didn’t care if he crashed the goddamn car as he watched you swallow his seed. He was bucking into your mouth, his breathing was ragged, as you guzzled him back and, as you finally released his cock with a pop, Billy almost lost it.
With a devilish grin, you simply wiped a finger along the edge of your lips and leaned back into your seat with a satisfied glimmer in your eyes. You knew you’d be in for it once he got his hands on you at the cabin, but for now, as you watched him lamely try and pull his jeans up his body to cover his slowly softening cock, you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What’s the matter, Billy?” You teased, fastening your seatbelt back up. “You look a little rattled.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he simpered, not bothering with the zipper or button of his jeans. Instead, he reached across the divide and grabbed for your hand as he ghosted his lips across your knuckles. “Just wait until we get to the cabin.”
With your suspicions confirmed, you couldn’t help but beam across at him as you drove further and further away from Woodsboro. That was definitely a threat and good god were you excited for its execution.
By the time you’d pulled into the Loomis family cabin, it was pitch black outside.
The moon was too high in the sky and only a sliver of its light poked through the tall pine trees that surrounded the small house but, even with the low light surrounding you, the shadows that danced along the lake was enough to bring out a small smile as you quietly made your way out of the car. You didn’t need full sun to see the beauty surrounding you and the smell of the fresh air mixed with the spice of pine made any ounce of nerves filter out of you.
You were happy.
Unreservedly so.
Glancing across the roof towards Billy, he seemed almost distracted as he looked around at the familiar surroundings. You couldn’t quite tell if he was feeling as happy as you were in those brief moments, but you couldn’t quite blame him for that. The cabin held a lot of memories within it, many of which you knew included his mother. Where you felt freed and excited, you could tell the weight of his current whereabouts was heavy on his shoulders.
“Hey,” you muttered, slicing into the quietude around you. Walking around the front of the car, those brown eyes found yours as you circled your arms around his middle. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he assured, but his voice was low and distant. All the same, however, his strong arms enveloped you as he kissed your hairline. “Lost in a memory, I guess.”
You nodded into the crook of his neck but said nothing. He needed time to decompress, to familiarize himself with a house he hadn’t been in since his mother left. So, you’d give him that time.
For what must have been minutes, the two of you simply stood at the helm of porch holding onto one another. It wasn’t until Billy placed another quick kiss to your forehead that you felt his arms slowly fall only to grasp your hand in his own. “Come on,” he hummed. His grip on your hand was firm as he walked up the steps leading to the wrap around porch and as he stuck the key inside of the lock and opened the front door, the smell of cedar surrounded you.
The cabin was gorgeous. Wooden slats covered every square inch of the small house and a small fireplace sat at the front of the house with a worn-in couch and chair facing it. It was obvious nobody had come to visit for quite some time judging by the dust lining most of the countertops and shelving units, but you didn’t care.
To you, it was perfect.
Your own little oasis with the boy you loved without any sort of outside interruption.
You released his hand to take a brief look around the small living space but you could feel his eyes on you with every step you took. You knew he was looking to get even with you after your little stunt in the car, but you also knew that he hadn’t quite been expecting the swell of emotions to hit him upon driving up to the cabin. So, you continued to wander around the cabin to both grant him the space he may or may not have needed and, simply, to snoop around.
There were family pictures lining the tables and one in particular made you smile as you caught sight of a young Billy swinging from a tire swing. With a quiet laugh, you picked the frame up and surveyed it with a fond smile on your lips. “Cute,” you remarked, looking across to catch his stare. “A little model, eh?”
Billy watched you carefully place the frame down on the table before continuing on with your self-guided tour. No matter how hard he tried, regardless of the bittersweet memories swirling around inside of his brain, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Not that he ever really could, but there was an ease rolling off of you tonight, coming off of you in waves, that drew him in.
“I’ve been thinking about this all week, you know that?” He remarked, leaning against the back of the couch as he watched you pick up another picture frame. “Just me and you. Out here alone in the woods for an entire weekend.”
“Sounds like a scary movie when you put it that way,” you goaded with a wink. “Or a really niche porno.”
“Why not a bit of both?” His molasses coloured eyes glimmered mischievously as you walked up to him and stepped between his legs. The second you were close, he pulled you flush against his chest and kissed the tip of your nose as he pushed your hair back and away from your face. “Both could be fun.”
You grinned. “I’m down for anything,” you shrugged. “So long as you promise to take me on an actual date tomorrow. We’re not just fucking like bunnies inside of the cabin all weekend.”
“Heaven forbid,” he leaned in and gave you a slow, torturous kiss.
“I’m serious, Billy,” you moaned.
Pulling away from your mouth, Billy nudged his nose against yours and nodded. “The entire population in Bumfuck, California will know you’re my girl by the end of the weekend,” he avowed, skimming his hands down to your ass to give it a firm squeeze. “I promise.”
“Oh, yeah?” You hummed, kissing him again.
His calloused hands slipped beneath your shirt and scraped up your side. “Yeah.” Digging his hips into yours, he gave you one last kiss before nodding towards the bedroom. “Take your clothes off.”
You giggled as he slapped your ass to steer you down the narrow hallway. “And if I don’t?”
“I’ll rip them off of you,” he simply said, “so either they remain in one piece or I ruin your outfit.”
You glanced down at your jeans and tank before frowning. You looked cute tonight and you’d be damned if the bastard ripped them. So, being the good girl you were, you held his stare and slowly slinked out of your clothes. His eyes seemed so much darker as he watched you strip and the small smirk he wore slowly fell into a hungry thin line as you then perched yourself on the edge of the bed, completely nude.
“You just going to stand there looking pretty or are you going to do something about this?” You slipped your fingers between your thighs and ran your fingers along your swollen clit. A low moan slipped out of your lips at the sensation. “I’m already so wet for you, Billy.”
Slowly, Billy stepped towards you and undid his belt. Leaning down, he kissed you, hard, and steered you backwards on the bed beneath you until your head reached the soft pillows. You could feel his cock straining against his jeans but rather than grant himself any sort of reprieve, you watched him gently grasp your hands and raise them above your head only to wrap his belt around your wrists.
In the blink of an eye, you were tied to the bedposts.
“Is this payback for the car blowie?” You laughed, looking up at your restrained wrists. “If it is, I can’t say I’m mad about it.”
“You wanted something between a horror movie and a niche porno, remember?” He hummed against your skin, placing sloppy kisses along the vein that ran along your neck as he pinched your nipple. “God, you’re fucking perfect. You know that?”
He bit down on your collarbone, kissing his way down your chest until his warm mouth wrapped around your nipple. You could feel his teeth slither along your breast as his tongue lapped expertly on the sensitive bud. You hissed, arching into his mouth as your wrists, on instinct, fought for freedom. “Hardly.”
His eyes met yours as he slowly released your nipple. You were in nothing, of course, but he was still fully clothed, and you hated him for it. You hungrily eyed the bulge in his jeans as he propped himself up on his arm, letting his other hand glide up your chest and neck until it cupped your cheek. His nose brushed against yours, nudging it up to allow his lips to hover just over yours. Close enough that you could almost taste them, but much too far away to satisfy the hunger you had for the man.
“I love you,” he whispered, thumb stroking the apple of your cheek as his warm, brown eyes swallowed you up. “You know that, right?”
“Yes,” you swallowed hard and tilted your head up just enough to finally catch his lips. But, just as quickly as it happened, the man pulled away and let his hand begin to roam down your body. His mouth was at your ear now, nibbling at your earlobe as his hot breath slithered against your neck. You shivered. “I love you, too.”
His voice was gruff in your ear. “I’d kill for you,” his hand continued its journey down your throat, brushing past your nipple, down the length of your stomach until reaching the small smattering of hair along your mound. He was careful to keep his hands from dipping any lower, tormenting you as best to his ability, which just about killed you, if you were being honest. “You know that?”
Bucking your hips up, you nearly growled at the lack of attention you were receiving. You were soaked and touch-starved for him. His fingers, his mouth, the erection currently poking into your thigh, anything. “I wouldn’t ask you to do that,” you managed a quiet laugh. “But I appreciate it.”
His teeth bit down on your neck again. “But, I would. I’d do anything for you, sweetheart.”
His hand slipped further down to your sopping cunt and as he slowly slipped his fingers through your wet folds, the moan he got in return nearly killed him. “Billy,” you whispered desperately. It felt as though you were going to die if you didn’t feel him inside of you. “Please.”
His lips hovered over yours and on instinct, you caught his bottom lip between your teeth and bucked your hips against his hand. He snarled as you bit down on his lip but as the metallic taste of blood met his tongue, it was as though Billy was transcending. His pace on your clit quickened but it was still too slow for you and he knew it. He was torturing you, killing you, and he was enjoying every second of it. Struggling against the belt, your struggle was all for naught as it didn’t so much as move an inch.
“You’d love me, no matter what, right?” He asked, slipping one of his fingers inside of you as he kissed his way down to your chest. Lapping at your nipple, Billy was gentle at first before biting down hard enough to draw blood. Tit for Tat.
“Yes,” you moaned. Your entire body was on fire as his fingers brought you closer to the edge. “But I’d love you even more if you fucked me. You’re killing me, Loomis.”
Licking up the small trail of blood off of your tits, Billy hummed against your nipple and added another finger inside of your pussy. He’d fuck you soon but right now, he needed to feel your entire body light up the way it always had when he drove you into that fit of madness. You were a woman unhinged in the bedroom, he knew as much, and he knew exactly how to get that animal inside of you out.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he admired, reaching his hand up to coat your tit in your own slick. When it was sufficiently wet, he licked your juices off of your breast and growled. God, you tasted so fucking good. “You’re my girl, Y/N, you’re always going to be my girl, right?”
You looked up at him as those words fell from his lips. His brown hair hung down his forehead, his neck red from the strain of having to watch you writhe beneath him without doing a damned thing about it. But what struck you was the look of vulnerability in those brown eyes. That longing, far-away look as his eyes searched yours.
He wanted nothing more than to hear you say that you wanted him. Needed him. Just as much as he needed you.
“Always,” the answer tumbled out of your lips before you so much as thought twice. “I’m your girl, Billy.”
His mouth caught yours in a bruising kiss. Finally, his pace quickened inside of you as met your throbbing core with his dept fingers. With his thumb circling your clit, he dipped two fingers inside of you and grinned against your mouth as you let out a low, desperate moan.
It happened so fast after that. One moment, you were the one tied up on the bed and the next, he’d released you, stripped himself naked, and managed to flip you over so that you were the one on top of him, straddling his waist. Pulling away from you mouth, Billy’s eyes darkened as he saw that familiar glimmer in your eyes. That animalistic side of you was out in full force now.
“Get up here.” He demanded.
You smirked and leaned across him so that your lips hovered over his. “Why would I want to do that?”
He leaned up, the veins in his neck swelled against his neck as he caught your bottom lip between his teeth. “Get. Up. Here.”
Releasing your lip, Billy watched you smirk and crawl up the remainder of his body until your pussy was less than an inch away from his mouth. Grabbing onto the metal of the headboard you’d just been tied up to, you gasped as Billy’s tongue slid into your folds. Finding your clit instantly, you moaned and allowed your eyes to fall shut as you reached down to play with your hardened nipples.
Fuck, what Billy could do with his mouth should have been illegal.
He sucked and lapped at your clit as you rocked back and forth against his mouth. His fingers dug into your hips, so much so that you knew there would be bruises in the morning but, blinded by the pleasure between your thighs, you couldn’t care less.  
The moans that were coming out of you were raw and guttural and, as you played with your own tits, envisioning his hands being the ones to squeeze and nip on the swollen buds of your nipples, you saw stars.
“Fuck,” you moaned out, “Billy, baby, fuck.”
He pulled your hips further down so that you were sitting on his face. Not just hovering but sitting on that perfect mouth of his as he held you in place. You knew it must have been hard for him to breathe but he was adamant and as his tongue continued its assault on your throbbing cunt, you came devastatingly hard and incredibly loud.
Stars danced behind your eyes as you continued to ride out your orgasm. When you couldn’t take another second of Billy’s skilled tongue, you climbed off of him only to feel his large hands take hold of your hips again.
Swinging you around so that you were on your back and he was the one hovering over you, Billy wasted no time in slipping his rock-hard erection into your soaking pussy.
He was thrusting hard and the sounds of your juices squelching with every thrust of his cock would have been off-putting if it hadn’t been for the raw, primal need coursing off of the pair of you in waves. He was kissing your lips and biting them and suckling your neck as he continued to rail into you with all of passion in the world. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen him this riled up and you had to admit it was inherently sexy seeing him so affected by you.
Not surprising in the least, it didn’t take him long to come. You’d riled him up to the point of no return in the car and, as you felt him come inside of you, you all but laughed when he dramatically crashed on the bed beside you.
Sweat glistened over every inch of body and the sheen of your juices was still on his lips as he kissed you. This kiss was slow, methodical. Sweet. And you felt yourself fall even harder for the man as he broke the kiss and gently brushed your hair away from your now damp forehead.
Wrapping one arm around your chest, Billy held you against him as he propped himself against the headboard. You were both naked and sweating and while a shower was something you both definitely needed, neither of you found yourselves all too willing to move out of the other’s embrace.
“Is it hard being back here?” You asked, listening to his heart beating in his chest.
“For a second, maybe,” he admitted, soothing your hair down. “Not now.”
“What’s changed?” You asked with a small smile. “The sex was that good, huh?”
A quiet chuckle shook his chest as he kissed the top of your head. “I think horror meets niche porn is my new favourite genre.”
Kissing his naked chest, you grinned into his body. “Same.”
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
Fun and Only
Summary: During a night out, Y/N and Arthur bump into someone from Arthur’s past. Y/N tries to decipher him.
Warnings: Swearing
Words: 4,088
A/N: This was a request from the sweet, kind @imdeaddear2! I hope you like it! Thank you for making the request, because I never would have written this scenario without it. 😀 Special thanks to @arthurflecc for the beautiful intro pic! Also, thanks to @hhandley80​ for reviewing the exchange in the middle section!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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"Y/N, it's little league season. Know what that means?"
Needing to finish the paragraph she was reading, Y/N raised a finger. The dense case on her desk was a tough assignment; she'd been toiling at it most of the morning. She liked her new position. Truly. But the pace at which she prepared files was slower than she would have preferred. The particulars of labor laws were, well...laborious. Reviewing evidence types she wasn't familiar with took time. It made her impatient. Anxious to soak up all the information she could get her hands on.
But, she supposed, no longer being plagued by guilt for indirectly supporting the Waynes was worth the learning curve.
Leaning back in her chair, she crossed her ankles, swinging her foot back and forth as she regarded Terry. While he was incredibly friendly, chatting with everyone and anyone, they remained acquaintances. Periodically, she conferred with him over a motion or sought to get his opinion about the upcoming mayoral election. ("I've seen Wayne's legal bullshit. He's not getting my vote.") Those discussions didn't go far. Usually, he tried to bond over parental matters - she and Arthur didn't even have a plant.
She could tell this was going to be another attempt. "You're doing a fundraiser and I should buy chocolate bars?" she asked.
"Even better." Digging into his too-tight pants pocket, he retrieved a checkbook-sized pamphlet. "The Gotham Squires are selling these to charter a bus for the All-Stars tournament. They're the number two team in the state!" He shoved a photo of his kid at her.
She murmured a polite, "He's all grown-up." He spoke of the team's new uniforms and his nine-year-old's batting average. Half-listening, she flipped through the booklet. It was a coupon collection, mostly two-for-one sales at various restaurants and vouchers for discounted movie tickets, good on weekdays only. They were quite pricey at fifteen dollars apiece. But she was inclined to buy one. The savings might help Arthur practice letting go of his wallet. Allow him to stop worrying about money and indulge a little, the way he deserved.
What made the cash fly from her purse to Terry's palm was the certificate in the back: a half-off deal for Amusement Mile. Satisfaction was written all over her face as she studied the yellow cardstock's terms and conditions, the outline of a circus tent, the faded ink encouraging her to "Enjoy the Ride!" Coming from a rural area, she'd never gone to an amusement park. One had been four or so hours east, but her father had preferred to stay close to home, fearing he might be needed in an emergency.
The annual county fair had been a must. Everyone had worn his or her Sunday Best, the occasional breeze kicking up dirt as they toured the fairground. The rides had been creaky, unsound, and should have been reported to the local safety commission. She'd gone on the Tilt-A-Whirl and the giant slide, waving at her parents and hanging onto her burlap sack. One year, Mabel had screamed and cried until Y/N grabbed her hand and led them out of the house of mirrors.
Swinging the mallet as hard as he could, her father had impressed her mother with the strongman game. The puck wouldn't hit the bell. Doily and needlework competitions had been her mother's purview, crafts Y/N had practiced but quickly tired of. She'd preferred the pie contest. Her mouth had watered, hankering for a taste of the first-place winner. The agricultural exhibits had been the largest section, with its prized horses, pigs, and chickens. She'd broken the rules and stuck her fingers in the rabbit cages to feel their soft fur; she'd been bitten once.
Wistfulness wasn't the only reason the theme park appealed to her. There was Arthur's history with it. He kept a postcard of the Ferris wheel pinned to the divider in his writing nook. And he'd described some of the odd jobs he'd done. Carrying boxes of merchandise, filling in for other clowns, picking up litter (and keeping the returnables). It hadn't been steady, merely hours offered to him if he'd inquired. But it'd given him pocket change. Enough to buy cigarettes and keep the utilities on for another month.
The week had been warm up till now, and the good weather was expected to continue. He loved taking her to new corners of the city, had ever since their first date. Introducing her to his old stomping ground wouldn't take a lot of convincing.
When she got home, he was perched on the sofa, clad in a thermal shirt and a pair of her too-short pajama bottoms. (A funny combination that meant their laundry was in the machine.) Elbows on his knees, journal on the coffee table, and pen at the ready, his concentration was plain to see. The discipline he had to pursue his dreams, the way he studied comedy specials on TV was admirable. She got a glass of water and smiled at his ill-timed laughter. That he didn't understand the host's humor was logical. Roasts were usually unkind. While Arthur's jokes weren't always funny, they weren't mean-spirited.
She crouched next to him, peppered kisses along his shoulder. His damp curls brushed her cheek, and she breathed in the zesty musk of his shampoo. "I wouldn't waste too much effort on this guy," she said. Her caress followed the freckles on his bare forearm, feeling the muscle flutter under her fingertips. "He's kind of an asshole."
"The audience helps me figure out the timing." He muted the television, lips quirking. "You like some of his songs."
"He makes a better singer than comedian," she rebutted with a peck.
They went over their respective days, how his earlier appointment went, the paperwork she'd done. Tuna casserole was their choice for dinner, and Arthur put on an LP while they cooked. Once the dish was in the oven, she hugged him close. "I have an idea for Thursday night." She went over the Amusement Mile discount, enthused about his expertise, reveled in how her praise softened his features and brightened his eyes. "I'd love it if you took me around. Taught me all the magic behind the scenes. And I'm dying to see where you do your street performances." She massaged the nape of his neck. "Maybe I'll stop by and give you a tip."
Crooked tooth peeking out, he nodded. Then he grasped the counter on either side of her hips and pressed his forehead to hers. "That sounds great."
A small memorial flowerbed, filled with alternating swirls of white gardenias, purple pansies, and yellow daffodils, was situated just beyond the park's main entrance. The marble fountain bubbling in the center reminded Y/N of a bird bath. It was modest, from a bygone era in which the wealthy hadn't dared to flaunt their fortunes for fear of strikes. The bronze plaque declared the city's thanks to Benjamin Wayne for funding Amusement Mile's construction during the height of Gotham's industrial boom. Before most of the factories had fled. Before times had become tough for the majority Gothamites. It was annoying, how the Waynes had their fingers in everything. She hoped not one nickel of what they spent tonight went into their bank accounts.
Arthur paid it no mind. His head was tipped back a degree or two, his clear green eyes darting from attraction to attraction. Smoking was one of his habits she disapproved of. But she couldn't dispute how attractive he was, puffing the cigarette dangling from his puckered lips. The chestnut tones of his brown hair were brought to the fore by the grounds' multi-color lighting, and a lock or two fell over his temples. The loose curls at his neck bounced with each step, a boyish buoyancy to his gait.
Her stomach growled as soon as the aroma of fair food hit her. They picked a booth that claimed it sold Gotham's original franks. He asked to order for her. She let him, watching as his grin widened and he stated, "Four hot dogs for my girlfriend and me, please. With relish and mustard." Then they shared a candy apple, taking turns nibbling at the fruit's hard, sugary shell. Its juice dribbled onto her pale pink top, staining the embroidered neckline. Her groan of disapproval became giggling as he stole chaste kisses, wiping her off as she chewed.
His palm at the small of her back, guiding her as they walked down the midway, fanned a glow in her heart. He'd made headway when it came to displaying his affection in public, though he still tended towards timidity. Early on, she'd concluded his reticence had nothing to do with her - he never pulled away if she grabbed at him. He was simply a gentleman.
Most examples he followed were from an older era, one lost to the bluntness of the eighties. Those moments he'd let himself go, when he'd make it clear they were a couple, lifted her spirit. Not only due to the pride she felt at being on his arm, but also because it meant he was finding his own way. Arthur wasn't a shy suitor or a contemporary romantic hero. Rather, he was somewhere in the middle. Old fashioned, through and through, with threads of modernity woven into his fibers.
As they strolled, they stumbled onto a black and white photo booth. She sat on its cracked wooden stool and tried to tug him inside. But he wanted a picture of her, he said. To put in his wallet. To look at if he was having a bad day and wasn't at home. Her response was to snag his collar and yank him to her lips. Snorting, he shut the nylon curtain. At the clink of quarters in the coin slot, she straightened her puffed, cap sleeves and fixed her hair in the scratched featherweight mirror. The camera's flashes blinded her, but she thought she'd managed to smile naturally enough.
Before she had a chance to stand, he whipped open the drape and showed her the strip of portraits. "I knew I was dating the prettiest woman in the city. Maybe even the sweetest."
She cupped his cheeks as she stepped out. Rubbed the tip of her nose to his. He was unfailingly generous. Too generous. While she was fine with her appearance, she wouldn't win a beauty pageant. Hell, she wouldn't even be a runner-up. Or a contestant. And sweet was one of the last words she'd use to describe herself. But she wasn't going to correct him. "And I found the handsomest, funniest man." His stare was wide-eyed. After releasing a stuttering breath, he pulled her along.
Upon entering the gaming area, he slung his arm around her waist. Mischief laced his whisper as he spilled secrets. The darts for the balloon pop were dull, the balloons underinflated. He advised her to stay clear of the baseball and milk bottle stand, saying, "The bottom bottles have lead in them. You'll never knock them over."
Then he warned her off the ring toss, saying the rings were too small to win the best prizes. She decided to take her chances, regardless, and paid the attendant. Arthur tutted gently as she gave him the last ring, having already wasted four.  A step to the side, then he paused to line up his throw. A short clap announced his victory. The prize options included a dinky toy car and a rubber snake. She picked a plastic, red keychain, embossed with "I was Amused in 1982" and the silhouette of a coaster. It was an improvement over her old car dealership tag. "I'll think of tonight whenever I see it."
Gaze fixed on her mouth, he sighed happily. He began to reach towards her, his arm raised ever so slightly-
"Art!" a rich baritone called. "Hey, Art!"
Arthur flinched. She moved to peer behind him. The approaching man was tall, his balding head half a foot higher than Arthur's. A blue and red flannel shirt with gray trousers covered his portly physique. Confidence oozed from him with every stride, a pleasantly surprised smirk on his round face.
Y/N's interest was piqued. Unless it was someone who remembered Arthur from Live! with Murray Franklin, no one ever approached him on the street. And she hadn't heard him be referred to by anything other than his proper name (besides Penny's terrible "Happy.").
But his reactions concerned her. Arthur's back tensed as the man closed in, stopping a yard away. "Hi, Randall."
"How's my boy been?" Randall asked jovially, hands at his sides. "Gary told us about your mom. Could you use a little cheering up?"
Arthur blinked faster than usual. "No. She's okay. And I feel a lot better now."
"Oh. Well, good for you," Randall said.
Going back and forth between them, she tried to puzzle out their dynamic. Their familiarity was obvious. Randall seemed caring enough, although she found it odd he'd referred to her thirty-five-year-old partner as "boy." Arthur had mentioned Gary was a former colleague. It would make sense Randall was, too.
He threw her a glance. "Hey, you have family visiting. Is this your cousin?"
She brushed off the assumption and extended her hand. "I'm Y/N L/N. His girlfriend."
"Oh, yeah. The paralegal." He shook it firmly before addressing Arthur again. "Gary said you finally got a date."
The pat to Arthur's bicep was a little too hard, jolting his stiff frame. The set of his jaw and flaring of his nostrils betrayed a turmoil she hadn't initially picked up on. She touched his hand but he shoved it in his pocket.
All right. She had to get to the bottom of this. It was hard to ascertain if his current reaction was due to his social challenges (which could cause discomfort) or Randall's words. She didn't want to jump to conclusions. After all, she and Patricia teased each other whenever they met for lunch or chatted on the phone. A good ribbing was needed every once in a while.
Starting a cross-examination in front of Arthur would contribute to his unease. After a moment's deliberation, she nudged him. It took a couple of tries to get his attention. "Would you please get us a large lemonade?" His brows rose, anxiety in the wrinkles of his forehead. She stretched to kiss his temple. His eyes narrowed but he got the hint, scuffing his shoe and glowering at Randall as he walked off.
When Arthur rounded a corner by the water pistol race, she lounged on one of the booth's metal poles. "Have you known Arthur long?"
Randall nodded in the direction Arthur had gone. "We worked at HaHa's. I'm a clown, too. We did parties, the children's hospital, store openings."
"Arthur loved that job." She crossed her arms over her chest. "It's too bad the slow season hit. But he's doing pretty well on his own."
Confusion crossed the big man's visage. "Uh, yeah. The slow season." He chuckled, then. "Anyway, you and Art, huh?"
Smiling broadly, she folded her arms over her chest. "Yes, me and Art."
"Pretty serious, huh?"
If he wanted gossip to bring back to the workplace, she'd gladly give him some. Especially if it reflected well on Arthur. "We live together. It's been great."
"No kidding." With a sardonic grin, he shook his head. "A woman like you. I didn't know he had it in him. It was always just him and his mom. Talked about stand-up sometimes. Mostly kept to himself, though. Never really talked much." Randall shrugged lightly. "But we liked him. He did all the shitty jobs no one wanted and never complained."
Arching a brow, Y/N felt her suspicions grow. While Arthur was learning to disagree and contradict her without hesitation, he nevertheless had the inclination to go along. It was plausible he hadn't argued about gigs. Had they taken his preferences into account?
Then Randall confirmed her skepticism, saying in a jokey tone, "That laugh really got everyone going, too. And his laminated cards. We had a pool on whether it was part of his act. I mean, him being in Arkham and all, who knows what the fuck he could have come up with?"
Deciphering what kind of man stood in front of her was suddenly uncomplicated. She'd run into his type all too often. They lurked in garages and offices. Diners and restaurants. Courtrooms on both sides of the bench. People with no real power who walked on others. Persons who threw their weight around to feel in charge. Bullies who hid behind a veneer of kindness.
She understood why he'd called Arthur "boy."
What she said had to be chosen carefully. Randall and Arthur worked in the same field, likely competed for clients. If her big mouth came back on Arthur, she wouldn't forgive herself. She straightened, squared her shoulders, and forced her voice to stay professional. "If you liked him, wouldn't you have split the less desirable jobs with him? I'm sure he didn't like being taken advantage of."
His looked at her in disbelief. "Hey, he was paid fair and square, like all of us."
"And he understands how to speak to a 'woman like me' more than you ever will." A sharp exhale as her cheeks burned. "From what Arthur has said, you could learn a lot from Gary. Please tell him hello from us and have a good evening." With that, she headed off to find Arthur, ignoring Randall's lame attempts to call her back.
Arthur was in line when she spotted him. He stepped forward and pointed to the menu. As she approached, she noticed how he fidgeted with his cigarette, tapping it repeatedly though there was no ash. The subtle tremble in his knee. If he continued to carry himself so tightly, his muscles would cramp.
Clearing her throat, she slipped behind him and hugged his back. "Did you have to deal with that insufferable know-it-all every day?"
He grabbed the proffered cup from the clerk and headed to a nearby table. Plunked himself down and took a drag off his smoke. Stress poured off him, clear in every flex of his fingers. His palm went to his stomach as he practiced controlling his breathing. "What- What did he tell you? That everyone thought I was a freak? How much I fucked up?" His voice lowered then, barely above a whisper. She could tell he was talking to himself. "The hospital?"
"Enough to know he was a jerk. I'm glad you're not there anymore." She put her chin on his shoulder. Watched him take a sip of lemonade. "Nothing he said matters, but I told him how important you are to me." She tucked a hair behind his ear, and he leaned into her touch. Their gazes met, his shining in the dim light. The evening had been fantastic so far. She wasn't going to let some asshole ruin it. "Come on," she urged, jutting her hip towards him. "We still have half the park to explore."
About a third of the way through their ride on the Mad Hatter, Amusement Mile's famous coaster, Y/N realized eating had been a mistake. A big one. Thrown to a fro in the sharp curves, she could nearly taste the bile in the throat. She pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, willing her nausea to pass. For his part, Arthur appeared exhilarated, laughing with every peak and valley. Seeing that happiness was a gift, one that gratified and partially distracted from her queasiness.
Fortunately, the enclosed cabins on the Ferris wheel were a respite. They waited an extra turn to board the outer wheel, which rotated at a leisurely pace and allowed her stomach to settle. The view from the top was beautiful, Gotham Cathedral's lit spires and the Westward Bridge prominent against the night sky. Wayne Tower was also visible, but she did her best to ignore the high-rise and its gaudy "W." He pointed in the direction of Burnley and said, "There's our home." She was unexpectedly moved. Then he kissed her soundly, which quickly advanced to mild necking when the wheel paused.
The carousel was antique, according to the sign. The only original attraction left in the park. A massive wooden structure with a mirrored center, it had three rows of horses, broken up by the occasional bench. He stepped onto the gray platform and picked one, painted red and yellow, roses etched along its back. But she climbed a nearby leaping horse instead, its black mane and tan body faded by years of sunlight.
He quirked a dark brow until she beckoned him with a nod. Cheeks pink, countenance tender in the lingering blinks of the incandescent bulbs, he followed suit. "Hang onto me," she instructed. As the calliope's whistles began their jaunty tune, he cupped her hips and pressed into her. A flutter tickled her stomach. She reclined against him, let her eyes fall shut as his warmth surrounded her. Round and round they went, chuckling airily. Not at any jokes or amusements, but at the joy of one another.
Arthur picked the last ride, an old mill called Romantic River Caves. She had to stop herself from snickering at the idea of a middle-aged woman and her nearly-middle-aged boyfriend cruising along in something built for teenagers. But he delighted in cliches and corniness, a preference she attributed to his inexperience and kind nature. Though such gestures hadn't thrilled her since she was a girl, she appreciated them with him.
The boats were short and narrow, just wide enough for the two of them to sit side-by-side. Curved backrests encouraged cuddling. Off-key versions of old standards played through tinny speakers. Myriad displays were inside, a mix of plaster dioramas and paintings. Two swans swimming, their beaks touching. A couple on a picnic under a tree. Bouquets and hearts galore. There were five or so seconds of darkness between each one. He took advantage of those breaks, kissing her again and again until she was breathless.
She scanned the starry painting above them, the comets' trails stretched across the tunnel's ceiling. "It's been a long time since I've done anything like this. Twenty-five? Thirty years?"
"Me, too. I snuck in when I was a kid. To see the circus and the merry-go-round." He smoothed his hair back, pressed his legs tighter together. "When I moonlighted here, I could've gone on the rides and to the shows. I- I didn't want to alone."
He paused and she put her palm on his thigh. Gave him an encouraging squeeze. "That postcard I have?" he said. "By my desk? It was in my locker at HaHa's." His fingers covered hers, tips tracing her knuckles. "It's good to have a person to have fun with. To have you."
She beamed at that sentiment, for she felt it, too. Yes, she'd been complete on her own. No, she hadn't been lonely. But he added to her existence. Introduced her to activities and experiences she hadn't previously considered or realized she'd needed. Going to a comedy club. Dancing despite her lack of skill. Or enjoying vulnerability during quiet conversations in their bedroom rather than fearing it. He'd broadened her life in ways she was still discovering. And he regularly told her she'd bettered his. "You're my favorite ride," she said.
A sharp snort left him, followed by a bashful chuckle. He shook his head. "You're crazy."
"I didn't mean that." She batted his chest playfully. Tried to cross her legs under the safety bar. "This relationship we've started." Light appeared at the end of the tunnel, the shallow pool's grimy floor coming into view as the water level fell. Soon they'd be amongst the crowd. "Remember when I said we'd never be perfect? I like our imperfections. They fit. Like..." She contemplated. "A pen and paper. They're good on their own but they're best together." Cringing, she covered her face. "God, that didn't even make sense. A pen needs paper."
"Didn't you say you needed me?" he teased, pulling her hand from her brow to place it on his sternum. "I don't mind being your paper." Blushing, Y/N turned to him when he cupped her jaw. Ran his thumbs over her cheeks. She joined him in ignoring the attendant's instruction to disembark. Arthur kissed her, a delicate graze to her mouth before he drew her bottom lip between his. "You're the best ride, too."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​, @howdylilflower​, @sweet-nothings04​, @stephieraptorr​, @rommies​, @fallenstarsabyss​, @gruffle1​, @octopus-plasma​, @tsukiakarinobara​, @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​, @another-day-in-chuckletown​, @hhandley80​, @jokerownsmysoul​, @64-crayon​
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ohmrlove · 4 years
Hello! I’ve been asking a bunch of people to do this request because I want to see everyone’s different headcanons. How would the MLQC boys react to MC being a single mother? She never told them she has a 7yr son because they never thought to ask and we’ll call him Liam instead of “her son”. So they found out when Liam ran to her. MC is still young since Liam was born from unfortunate events like rape (she loves her son to death). How would the guys try to bond with Liam?
Trigger warning: ask centers around rape
🍷 Victor 🍷
He never would have imagined you were a single mother, let alone to a seven-year old. You were really good at hiding it!
It’s likely he overheard a snippet of a phone call when trying to approach you about work. A tiny little ‘love you mommy!’ on the phone during a break he didn’t know you were taking
Is kind of blown away you can strike the work-life balance and avoid being so consumed. Victor, himself, is bad at balancing intimate relationships outside of work so you mystify him
Gets super curious about this kid and slyly devises some work event that it’d be okay to bring them to
Realizes it’s a bad idea when he’s overwhelmed with the sheer amount of people--and kids--he has to greet, but likes that your kid was pretty quiet (shy) and sat at a table with you
He was playing with the big, fancy cloth napkins and Victor decided to fold one up in a semi-complicated design next to his
You introduce the two and it starts as Victor showing him how to fold napkins and teaching him about food
Casually drops Souvenir having a ‘Little Chefs day’ and encourages you to bring him
Victor can’t be the one running the class (obviously) so Mr. Mills does it and he helps grab all the stuff to make mac n’ cheese
Your son follows along, gets messy, and corrects Victor on how much cheese mac n’ cheese ACTUALLY needs. (“You want it to be really good! The best, like angels singing in your mouth, and that means lots of cheese!”)
Victor’s stomach hurts from all the cheese, but the whole thing was amusing
He’s suddenly ‘in the neighborhood’ a lot, and comes to sit with you and your son
When you have to collaborate with him on work, Victor insists you bring him so you don’t waste money on a babysitter. (”There’s two of us and one of him, it can’t be that hard.”)
Eventually learns the truth after the two of you have grown much closer and takes a deep, personal interest in making sure Liam never has that awful person for a father figure
“Just because” trips to places the three of you would like
Is basically your boyfriend/the dad figure but won’t own up to it unless super pissed off or being challenged in public. Will admit to it more when you’re married.
📢 Gavin 📢
Kind of dense about it. Had suspicions but no proof, and when he saw you two side by side, you picking him up to hug him, the similarities were PRETTY OBVIOUS
Birdcop felt kinda dumb
Becomes hyperfocused after that. When did this happen? A SEVEN YEAR OLD?! He never would’ve guessed!
Is worried the kid will be the total opposite of him--not super active, hates loud noises, etc--but is glad he can break the ice by showing him a cop car or his motorcycle
Answers all the typically excited job questions as best he can
Conveniently shows up at a school fitness day as a supervisor or some safety tie-in with the police department
Is happy to see him being nice to the other students and participates a little but mostly watches with you on the sidelines
Doesn’t ask you some of his questions since there’s other people nearby, but invites you two to ‘a little place’ he was going to afterwards
One dinner date turns into a few more, and Gavin is grasping at straws trying to invite you to stuff just to hang out. He’s got a soft spot for the kid and he sees his eyes light up and Gavin just can’t.
They turn into weekend buddies--fun at the park, movies, the whole nine yards!
He realizes this dynamic is getting pretty serious when your kid invites him to an award night at school. It’s just you two and Gavin is embarrassed but soooo proud! His heart is fluttering!
You tell him the truth about Liam’s conception and Gavin can only HOPE the guy is already dead. Boy is MAD. The news reported some wind issues for the next few hours, even into the next day.
Probably has a dark circle of people and MAKES SURE the guy doesn’t cause you any problems and stays FAR AWAY.
Focuses on being a good figure in Liam’s life.
The type to go ‘I know that kid’ and cheer him on at school functions. He’s got a distant older brother/aloof but warm personality so the transition to dad is going to be natural and hard to see.
🔬 Lucien 🔬
Probably figured it out before you ever told him. Considered that he’s a cousin/nephew or the kid happens to look somewhat like you (features can be common, etc.) but his gut says otherwise
Now that he thinks about it, he’s seen the kid off in the background when he dropped by your house sometimes. He just assumed you were babysitting a neighbor child.
When the two of you come to see him, holding hands, he knows. You’d run back to Lucien’s house and picked something up for him while he was stuck in a lecture.
Is too nosy for his own good--no matter how subtle--and offers to treat you for the errand. Whatever your kid wanted, he picked.
Lucien’s a people-watcher and found your kid’s table manners pretty interesting and he was pleased to note he wasn’t overly loud.
Their interests didn’t perfectly line up but Lucien’s absolutely voracious when it comes to learning and reading, so he had SOMETHING to say about Liam’s likes. Didn’t mind learning more from your excited, scatterbrained kid. It’s always funny to see people so passionate.
If he likes to sketch, Lucien could probably turn a sketch into a tiny robot or something. That puts him high on Liam’s list!
If he’s a more active/outdoor child, Lucien will invite the two of you along on a less-serious version of field research
Lucien can somehow always find the most interesting but less public city events, so it makes it fun and mysterious to tag along
Volunteers to babysit him when you’re super busy
They swap books and Lucien seems to have extra movie tickets lately
You guys drive to the Research Center to check on him one night when his experiment runs late and Lucien knows that this is a thing. You guys are a thing now. You’ve shown him that dedication and he’ll give it back two-fold (at least).
When he realizes no father figure’s coming in to make a fuss, Lucien has several theories. Finally inquires over a cup of tea, late at night when Liam’s asleep.
“Although certainly not ideal, Liam’s proof that good things can come out of a bad situation.”
He’s pretty vigilant about renewing any court-based paperwork that involves keeping the father away. Would probably kill him to really get him out of the picture, but has too many ideas and would rather not bother. The ultimate victory would be yours and Liam’s success, and he’ll invest in that instead.
🎤 Kiro 🎤
You and Liam were out buying groceries and running errands on your day off. Kiro was out (in disguise) trying to follow the diet his nutritionist set up...plus a few bag of chips
The two of you ran into each other at a booth giving away free samples. Kiro ABSOLUTELY can never turn down samples because they’re too small to matter and they’re usually junk food.
He says hello vaguely, as always, but when the kid says ‘Mommy, who’s that?’ Kiro absolutely loses it with disbelief and excitement
You rush him back to your house before he can blow his cover and the media gets the wrong idea
Kiro’s naturally a big kid at heart, and with his charming Evol, it won’t be hard for him to connect. Not that he’d use it.
If he gets too excited, it’ll happen accidentally.
He’s used to kids being excited to meet him so it’s a pretty easy introduction.
They talk superheroes, food, and all kinds of things!
If your kid’s not a big singer or dancer, Kiro’s more than happy to show him how to play the guitar or drums the next time you hang out. Kind of regrets that last one. But hey, he’s happy! That counts for something!
These two TOTALLY have a system where Liam brings him ‘contraband’ food when you visit and he HAS to take it because it would be rude to refuse a fan’s gift. Savin is not pleased.
Liam starts to understand that Kiro’s really busy or can’t go outside a lot/has to be private, so when the three of you hang out you usually bingewatch stuff or play video games. There’s always waaay too much takeout, but it’s delicious!
If you go to Kiro’s place, he probably installs a little fake sports hoop so they can play indoor games
Sometimes drops little coded messages in live vids (”And a special hello to my main man L!”) he loves it because it drives the internet absolutely nuts with trying to figure out who it is
He’ll casually arrange phone calls/voice messages from any of your son’s favorite TV characters/actors and make it seem like a ‘no biggie’ kind of thing. Kid super loves him then!
Not 100% what Kiro was aiming for--just trying to do something nice--but he’ll take it!
When he bothers to share any good news with Kiro, that’s when he knows he’s in the circle. You guys are close now.
When Kiro’s out supporting bands of designing a new stage line up, he likes your son’s input and will probably add a few of his favorite bands just so he has a reason to come.
It’s an unlikely family, but it’s a happy one. A happy one that is guarded to the teeth and Kiro has no qualms about bulldozing that disgusting excuse of a human in court.
May or may not put out a hit as Key. He’s a master hacker and could get rid of traces pretty easily 
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luvknow · 6 years
press play | bang chan
genre: radio dj!chan x reader feat. minho | college au ; fluff ; humor ; light angst ; dialogue-heavy summary: bang chan, founder and one of the hosts of the campus’s most popular radio show, raises money for charity where students can purchase tickets to be put in a lottery. the winner gets to go on a one-on-one date with none other than CB97 himself, all expenses paid. when you hear chan say your name over the radio, you’re stuck wondering how your name even got there in the first place. wc: 7.1k (jsbdjsbd)
warning - mentions of drinking/college party
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“What’s up, friends!? You’re listening to 3RACHA Radio. It’s CB on the mic, with J.ONE and SPEARB right beside me and if you’re just tuning in, we just got off with caller number seven about his frequent unfortunate event with his roommate exiling him with the good ol’ ‘sock on the door handle’. We hope all goes well with you, number seven! And remember: don’t be a snitch and tattle on the RA.”
“Oh good, you’re listening.”
Without any warning or even a simple knock on your door, Minho walked into your apartment unsolicited and took a seat next to you at the kitchen table that doubled as another desk as you spread all of your study materials on top. Then, he had the audacity to go into your fridge and take a drink.
“Hello to you, too. Sure, you can have a drink! Just take whatever’s in the fridge,” you say sarcastically as an unbothered Minho chugs his drink of choice.
“’Sup. Anyways, you’re listening to 3RACHA, right?”
“Against my will, but yes. Why am I listening to it again?”
“I put in a shout out for you!”
“That’s it!?”
“What do you mean, ‘that’s it’!? Isn’t it so cool to hear your name over the radio and everyone knows that it’s you?”
“Our campus is huge, I doubt people will know it’s me.”
“Well, you’ll know it’s you, and that’s all that matters. You’re already listening anyways, so just wait for it.”
You rolled your eyes as Minho takes his seat next to you, though not before he grabs a snack to munch on while you both listen to the radio that played in the background. Somehow throughout most days of the week, Minho ended up at your place after class either hanging out or eating your food. He even slept on your couch on some days because he was too lazy to take walk for ten minutes. After eating all of your food and spending more time at your apartment than yourself, you really considered asking him to pay rent since he might as well be living there.
You yank the bag of chips away from the hungry boy. “Stop eating my food! You still owe me like, two more bags!”
He pouted cutely, knowing too well that it was your weakness. “But I’m hungry ~ Just add it to my tab!”
“You’re never going to pay me back,” you scoffed, reluctantly handing him back your chips.
“How big is my tab, anyways?”
“Three bags of potato chips now, two four-packs of ramen, at least a carton of eggs because of the ramen, a pint of ice cream and -” you paused to mentally calculate how many drinks he owed you. “Twelve cans of cola.”
“Yeah, yikes. Now pay me back.”
“Soon, soon ~”
“How can you even eat that much and still have a six pack?”
“It’s called going to the gym. Maybe use your free membership once in a while and you’ll have one, too,” he teased.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“The time has come, everyone! The moment we’ve all been waiting for,” you both heard J.ONE say on the radio.
“Oh, I think this is it!” Minho squealed, hitting your arm repeatedly. “Listen, listen!”
“That’s right, J.ONE. We’re about to find out the lucky sucker who gets to go on a date with our one and only hyung, CB97.”
“It’s unfortunate for them, really.”
“Hey! I’m right here!” CB whined.
“Ugh, a date with Chan? That poor soul...” you tisked.
Minho didn’t respond and just sipped his cola silently.
“We’ll now pull from the lottery, where all of your tickets are mixed up in this big jar. Then, we’ll call the number on the ticket and set up your date on-air, right now!” J.ONE cheered.
“Ah, why am I so nervous?” Chan said.
“It’s because we tried selling you to all these people in the lottery. But hey, we raised over $500 for school supplies for children!”
“That’s incredible. I can’t wait to meet one of you guys who contributed to this crazy amount. SPEARB, pick a name!”
You were only half paying attention to the show as you tried to finish your homework, thinking it wasn’t time for any shout outs to be said. The only time you ever listened to 3RACHA RADIO was with Minho and even then, you never really paid attention. It’s not that you weren’t a fan of the show - you thought their concept was super cool.
But the Djs? Well... 
“And the lucky winner is... _____!”
“What’s up?” you asked Minho, not looking up from your homework.
“You said my name?”
“That wasn’t me who said your name.”
“Who else would have said it -? Wait...”
As if on cue, your cellphone rang, with the caller ID coming from campus. At this point, Minho struggled to hold in his laugh when you looked at him with wide, terrified eyes.
“What did you do!?” you hissed.
“Just answer the phone!”
“Hello, _____ ~ Please pick up ~!” SPEARB sang.
Minho was unfazed when you shot him the iciest glare while you answered your phone. “H-Hello...?” you stuttered.
“Congratulations! You were picked from the lottery drawing and won an all-expenses paid date with our one and only CB97!”
You silently mouthed at least a dozen curse words at Minho, who could only decipher a total of four.
“Ah, wow, that’s crazy...! I can’t believe the chances that this really happened!” You really couldn’t believe it, especially since you never bought a ticket. “It’s like I won the real lottery!” you said in your fakest cheerful voice.
“That’s great to hear! CB, would you do the honors of arranging your date?”
“I would love to. So _____, what kind of food do you like to eat?”
“All kinds.”
“Did you want to do anything romantic? Like the movies, or the amusement park? Museum, maybe?”
“You know, all of that sounds so expensive. I don’t want to waste your time and go through all of that!” You were practically begging him not to make the date any longer than it should be. You don’t even think you could last through dinner with him.
“Nonsense! It’s never a waste of time if I’m spending it with listeners like you.”
You exaggerated the way you rolled your eyes and Minho chucked a pillow at you.
‘Be nice!’ he mouthed silently.
“Um, I’m ok with anything, really,” you told him.
“Ok, so I’ll just surprise you the night of! We’ll play the night by ear. Does this weekend at seven sound good with you?”
“Actually, that’s really bad timing, because -” Before you knew it, Minho took your phone and ran around your apartment before you could reject Chan’s suggestion. “Hey!”
“Yes, this weekend at seven is perfect!” he said in a shrill voice that impersonated you.
“Great! I can’t wait until then. I’ll see you soon.”
“Goodbye, Channie ~” Minho sang. He then quickly hung up your phone and ran away as far as possible from you before you could stab him with your pen.
“I’m going to kill you,” you threatened after shutting off the radio.
“Wait, don’t hurt me! I can explain!” He giggled before you tackled him on the couch.
“Why is my name in the lottery!? I never even bought a ticket from them!”
“‘You’ actually bought fifty of them.”
“You bought fifty tickets just so you could see me be miserable on a date with Bang Chan!? Must be nice to have that kind of money just lying around!”
“I didn’t want to put my name down and I thought it’d be funny to put yours down instead! I didn’t think they’d actual pick it, I’m sorry ~!!” he groaned under your weight. “Can you get off of me, please!? I have a weak back!”
Reluctantly, you did as he begged. Then you ran your hands through your hair, stressed from the events that happened in a mere three-minute call. You still couldn’t believe you were set to go on a date with Bang Chan.
“You’re the worst friend ever and I hate you,” you pouted.
“I don’t get it, why are you so upset? He’s a cool guy. Handsome, too. And funny. Why would anyone not want to go on a date with him?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go on this date instead?”
“Yes, dumbass. I’m just confused - I’ve never met anyone who hated 3RACHA before.”
“Ok, I don’t hate 3RACHA. The show’s actually decently written and I don’t even know the other djs. It’s just Chan that rubs me the wrong way.”
“What happened?”
You sigh deeply, falling into your couch as you recalled events from your very first college party with Chan.
“So BamBam threw this party the night he moved into his apartment our first year of college, right? It was huge, like anyone who was anyone was there and it was a great time. I came with Seokmin, Minghao, and Mingyu and we were just hanging out waiting to play some game, and suddenly Chan stumbled in between us and spilled his drink all. over. me.”
“So he was drunk and spilled a little bit, that’s normal at parties!”
“Oh, but there’s more, my dear Minho,” you chimed. “He puked all over my shoes two seconds later.”
“Yeah, imagine that - covered in sticky jungle juice on the top half and Chan’s vomit on the bottom half. And the worst part about everything was that Chan never apologized! He just kept on walking!! Can you believe that?”
“I don’t know, that seems like some petty stuff to be angry over. Maybe he’ll redeem himself and apologize next week when you go on a date?”
“I doubt it. It was so long ago, I don’t even think he remembers it was me, let alone knows who I am.”
“Oh, trust me, he knows who you are.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, you and I are together pretty often, so the guys see me with you a lot. And they know I take you to the parties. They all pretty much know who you are by now.”
“C’mon, it’ll be fun! He’s not that rude when he’s sober, I promise,” Minho said as he nudged your side. It was weird for Minho to be pushing you to go on a date like this. It felt like he was hiding something. But he always teased you about not going on enough dates, so maybe that’s why.
“Even then, I’ve just heard so many things about him, you know?”
“What do you mean?”
The whole thing about Chan spilling the contents of his cup and his gut all over you was surprisingly not what you were worried about the most. What you were worried about was Chan’s overwhelming popularity, so to say. You’ve heard tons of rumors on what it was like to go on a date with him and most of them consisted of him gumming up the works so he could get what he wanted at the end of the night. Even if this date was fake and all for the purpose of fulfilling the lottery, who’s to say that he wouldn’t try something, anyways? All you knew was that you had to be extra careful around him.
“Isn’t Chan kind of like a playboy? He gets around all the time because of 3RACHA Radio. What if he tries something?”
“He’s wouldn’t do that to you. You’re not some person he wanted to hook up with at some sleazy party. You’re someone he wants to take out on a date.”
“Yeah, a forced date... But ok, I trust you,” you caved in. “If it starts to get really bad though, I’m gonna call you to get me out of there.”
“Fine. It’s the least I could do, I guess.”
“Literally the bare minimum.”
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“Hey, you look pretty good!”
Tonight was the big night that everyone was waiting for - your lottery date with Bang Chan. You had no idea where he was taking you, so you dressed as semi-casual as possible, hoping you’d fit whatever environment that was thrown at you. When you walked out of your room, Minho gave you his thumbs up of approval.
“Like you actually look put-together for once,” he teased.
“I’m still mad at you.”
“Oh, come on! I said I was sorry! And like you said, if it’s really that bad, you can call me and I’ll come pick you up asap.”
“What’s your excuse if he asks?”
“I don’t know, that your dog’s in the emergency room, or something.”
“I don’t have a dog...”
“Ok, but he doesn’t know that.”
A knock came at your door and now was not the best time to start getting nervous. What was there to be nervous about, anyways? You’ve been on plenty of dates before, and with boys you actually liked, so this should be a piece of cake, right?
“_____? It’s me, Chan.”
“Can you tell him I went to the emergency room instead?” you begged Minho.
“Shut up and just enjoy your free date with free food. But be home by midnight ~!”
With a huge sigh, you bucked up the courage to take the first steps in getting this date over with.
On the other side of your door stood a dashing and handsome Chan patiently waiting. He had his hands behind his back as if he was hiding something. You were so curious about what he was hiding that you failed to notice the slight drop in his jaw.
“Hey,” he breathed out. “You look great.”
“Not so bad yourself,” you admitted. “What are you hiding...?”
“Hm? Oh!” Chan hands you a bouquet of your favorite flowers wrapped neatly in brown paper - an arrangement that must not have been cheap. “I asked Minho what your favorite flower was so I could get them.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” you said, though you couldn’t help but admire the beautiful bouquet in your arms. A smile broke on your lips and Chan thinks to himself that he must be making the right moves so far. “I love them. Thank you.”
“Shall we?” Like a true gentleman, he extends an elbow for you to take and without hesitation, you accepted.
“Wow, I didn’t take you as the gentleman type.”
“Is it because I spilled my drink and threw up on you our first year?”
“Ah, so you do remember,” you scolded. “Good. I was afraid I had to remind you.”
“Of course I do! How could I not remember the most embarrassing night of my college life?”
“What even happened?”
“You really want to know what happened?” You nodded eagerly. A blushing Chan turned his head and avoided eye contact. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“To me? Why?”
“I thought you were really cute, so I drank a couple drinks to buck up the courage to talk to you and thought ‘hey, Chan, you’re definitely not sober right now, go talk to her’.”
“And so you spilled everything on me instead and walked away.”
“Yup, that’s exactly it,” with his free hand, he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, pink still evident on his cheeks. “I’m so sorry for that night. I’ve been too embarrassed to talk to you ever since. Do you forgive me?”
Chan’s flattery was on a whole other level than you had expected and now you weren’t sure what words were real and what words were just for show. He really just admitted that he thought you were cute five minutes into the date and you swore to yourself that you wouldn’t fall for anything like that. Yet here you were, taking in his every word, and so ready to forgive him just because he asked.
I mean, all he did was apologize for spilling on you... It’s not like he was trying anything yet, right? No harm done yet.
“All is forgiven, I guess,” you teasingly sighed. “Only if you tell me what’s planned for tonight.”
“Dinner and a movie. Does that deserve forgiveness now?”
“It does.”
“Thank god.”
Sitting down at a candlelit setting was quite awkward at first. You felt so adult - like you two were both real adults going on a real date together. But Chan made things much easier because he was an easy-going guy. He made it feel more like you two were just friends hanging out and pretending to be fancy and forgetting all about the other paying customers who gave you dirty looks whenever you burst out laughing.
Time never seemed to pass your mind the entire evening.
“Oh, shit,” Chan cursed. “We’re late for the movie.”
“Aren’t there previews?”
“Yeah, but we're really late for the movie - like we missed the entire thing.”
“Oh, yikes.”
“Yeah,” Chan chuckled. “Guess we were having too much fun.”
“That’s a shame... Wanna get dessert?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Ice cream always tasted better when it was free and after 10:00pm. It was a popular place to be, so a ton of sweet-deprived students always crowded the place at this time. When the both of you walked in, it felt like all eyes were on you.
Oh yeah, you almost forgot how well-known the founder and host of the campus’ most popular radio show was.
You knew Chan must have sensed your anxiousness by the way he grabbed your hand and guided you through the line. Even if this was one of his moves, how could you be mad at his sweet gesture? A gentle squeeze in return earned you a soft smile from him.
After lacing his fingers with yours, he helped you keep your attention on him and the ice cream only. You opted for your favorite flavor as you always did, but Chan went for a more adventurous one - one that was all black and looked like it could stain your clothes if he got too close.
“What is that?” you asked after exiting the shoppe.
“Black sesame. It’s actually very good! Wanna try some?”
As Chan tried to shove his cone in your direction, you let go of his hand and backed away immediately.
“Gross, no thank you.”
“C’mon, when would you ever try this again!?”
“Exactly. Just one lick!”
“No!” you giggled, trying to avoid the dangerously dark ice cream. “Hey, be careful throwing your ice cream around like that!”
“Why, are you afraid I might spill it on you - Oh, shit.”
What you feared most had really just happened - a single drop of melted black sesame ice cream landed on your really cute shirt and now you were mad. You were going to make Chan pay. This would be for all the clothing he’s ever ruined and for future ones to come.
“You know, Chan, I was having a really good time on our fake date until now,” you tisked, approaching him slowly with your ice cream locked and loaded on a spoon. The cautious boy backed away slowly. “But now it’s ruined.”
“W-Wait, I didn’t mean to!” he shrieked in between laughs. “I’m sorry!”
“Sorry’s not enough this time. This is one of my favorite shirts, and now I gotta avenge it.”
“Ok, but do you really have to -”
A deep sigh escaped his lips when he realized you were not going to back down from this. So reluctantly, he held his arms wide open to widen your target.
“Hit me with your best shot, _____ -” and before he could finish his sentence, you already aimed and catapulted right at his chest. “Jeez, at least let me finish!”
“We’re even now ~” you sang happily as you walked passed.
It was probably around midnight by the time you arrived home, but you still felt like the night was young and there was so much left for the two of you to do. But the rules of the lottery stated that Chan had to have you home by Midnight or else it violated the school’s rules and now you arrived at the front of your apartment feelings a bit unfulfilled.
“Something on your mind?” Chan asked.
“I don’t know. I kind of wanted the night to keep going,” you shrugged.
“Really?” he beamed cutely.
“Are you surprised?”
“I am. I thought you hated me.”
“I’m not going to lie, I kind of did. I actually really didn’t want to go until Minho stole my phone and said yes.”
“Why didn’t you want to go?”
“I-I don’t know...” you quickly became the shy one. How do you tell him that he has a reputation of being a playboy in a nice way? “I know this was fake and for the lottery and show and everything, but you’re so... experienced in all of this, aren’t you? I’ve never really been on a date before.”
“Ah, so that’s what scared you?” he chuckled. “I suppose I am experienced, as you said, but I wouldn’t pull any moves like that on you. I like you too much to be so boyish like that.”
“I like you, too - even after all of my clothes you’ve stained. And I’m glad Minho took my phone and told you yes to this date.”
“I’m glad he did, too.” Chan’s gentle smile really knew how to pull at your heart strings. “H-Hey, so I wanted to ask... would you like to maybe hang out some time? For real?”
Almost immediately, you said, “Yeah. I’d like that.”
And with a gentle kiss on the back of your hand, he bid you farewell.
“Good night, my love ~” he teased.
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After your lottery date, you and Chan stayed true to your word that you two would hang out some time and it happened a lot more often than you expected. Nearly every chance you two had some free time in between or after classes, your time would be split up between spending it with Minho or spending it with Chan.
“I can’t believe he’s replacing me,” Minho tisked. “After disliking him for so long, you go on one date and suddenly you’re head over heels for him.”
“Ok one, it was not a real date, and two, I’m not falling for him like that!”
“Either way, I made this happen, so you’re welcome.”
You also found yourself listening to the show every time they were on air, and every now and then, Chan would throw in a shout out or dedicate a song to you without explicitly saying it on the radio.
chan [9:43 PM]: hey, are you listening right now? i played this song for you ~
you [9:45 PM]: i practically have a playlist by now after all the songs you’ve played for me lol.
chan [9:45 PM]: i guess you do huh? do you like it so far?
you [9:46 PM]: i like it a lot! i’ve never had one before. have you made playlists for others before?
chan [9:47 PM]: nope. only for you.
you [9:49 PM]: wow, i feel special lol.
chan [9:49 PM]: you are to me.
Small gestures like that and other things like buying more of your favorite flowers, or treating you to late night ice cream, and especially daring to hold your hand when you two were together was making your situation way more difficult than you could ever imagine. He was so sweet and kind and unlike any boy you’ve ever met. You could understand why he was so experienced with dating because how could anyone resist him when he made you feel so special?
You suddenly felt small just thinking about all the rumors you’ve heard.
How could you have found yourself stuck in between so quickly? And what were you to do? Now you were confused and stuck wondering if Chan could ever share the same feelings because people who were just friends wouldn’t be like this with one another, right?
Another Friday night in was spent listening to 3RACHA Radio in your quiet apartment as you attempted to finish small assignments that were due on Monday, but you were so caught up in the show whenever Chan talked that you couldn’t even focus. So instead of bothering with them, you pushed them aside and put your whole attention to the radio.
God, you were whipped.
“Thank you, caller number eight, for that very, um, graphic story,” J.ONE cleared his throat. “And that’s our last caller for tonight, guys.”
“Jeez, already? These days, time seems to get shorter and shorter on the show,” Chan said. “Before we end the night, we’d like to give a happy birthday shout out to our very good friend, Hyunjin! Happy birthday, bro! Can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight at your party.”
Oh, you had no idea it was Hyunjin’s birthday today. Minho had failed to invite you to the party as he always had with the other guys’ birthdays.
After turning off the radio, you called Minho with a sour expression on your face.
“Yo,” he greeted.
“Are you mad at me or something? Or does Hyunjin hate me?”
“What? No, why?”
“Why didn’t you invite me to his party?”
“Oh, that... I didn’t think you wanted to go...?”
“Why would I not want to go out on a Friday night?”
“Ok, you’re more than welcome to come with me, it’s just... Don’t get mad, ok?”
“Spill, Minho!”
“I didn’t want to bring you because Chan said he was taking someone else.”
Oh... Well, did you feel like an idiot, or what?
“So he told you not to invite me?” you asked, voice just above a whisper.
“No, I was the one who didn’t invite you because I didn’t want you to see that.”
“Thanks for trying to protect me, but I think I can handle it,” you said sincerely. It was moments like these that you thanked Minho for being such a good friend. “Can you pick me up on your way there?”
“Yeah. I’ll be over in thirty minutes.”
Now you were angry. At Chan, at yourself, at this entire situation! How could you be foolish enough to fall for Chan’s gestures when he was probably doing the same thing to that other poor soul he was taking to the party?
Or maybe you were just reading too much into this...
Maybe Chan thought of you as just a friend - a friend he bought flowers for, a friend he held hands with, a friend he’d pepper kisses on the top of you head - you know, just friend things, right? He probably saw all of that just another form of platonic affection, and you were just stupid enough to think it meant something more.
Who knew who else he was playing this game with? Either way, maybe two could play at this game. You were going to have fun without him tonight.
When Minho walked in and saw what you were wearing, his eyes went wide and his cheeks tinted pink.
“Whoa, you look... u-uh, good,” he stuttered. “You trying to rile someone up tonight?”
“Maybe. Hey, can I ask you a favor tonight?”
“Sure. I kind of owe you one after not inviting you, anyways.”
“Can I use you to get back at him?”
“What!?” he shrieked. “You’re going to drag me into this!?”
“Please ~? I won’t do anything gross like kiss you or anything, just like, dance with you or stick by you most of the time.”
“... Fine, just... yeah, don’t kiss me. You can get really kissy when you drink.”
Minho could tell simply by the way you walked to the party that you were here to play a serious game. But all of your unwavering confidence flew out the door when you walked in. The place was packed like sardines with drunk friends and strangers who were either dancing, making out, or anything in between.
And even in such a crowded place like this, you immediately spotted Chan talking and smiling with some girl who was holding his hand.
Before you could feel any more miserable, Minho boyishly wrapped his arm around you and dragged you to the kitchen where all the alcohol was.
“I need a shot or four,” you told your best friend.
“Pace yourself tonight, ok? Knowing you, you’ll do something stupid if you don’t.”
It was bottoms up for the next several minutes for you, to which you definitely did not heed Minho’s advice. You can’t remember how many you’ve taken, but by the looks on your friend’s face, it can’t be a low number.
The alcohol helps you forget why you even wanted to go to Hyunjin’s birthday in the first place. You spend a good hour mingling with yours and Minho’s mutual friends and you were finally given the pleasure to meet all of the boys whom you’ve heard so much about.
“Oh, they’re all so handsome ~!” you gushed, cheeks glowing pinker by the minute.
“I like them. You should bring them around more often,” a flirty Jisung said as he side-hugged you.
“Alright alright, shoo!” Minho said, slapping his arms off of you. He pulled you in close to whisper in your ear. “Hey, he’s looking at you.”
You looked across the room to where Minho was gesturing at and had a hard time focusing on Chan’s shocked expression that soon melted into something you could have mistook for hurt. You were much too intoxicated to read into it nor did you care that he was completely ignoring the girl he came with just to look at you. Regardless, you didn’t like the attention you were feeding him, as he didn’t need it from you, anyways.
You needed to get out of there.
“Let’s dance,” you said, dragging Minho to the dance floor.
“Oh, good call.”
Dancing with Minho the way everyone else in the room was dancing was too raunchy for your immature souls, so you opted for a more innocent position. You had your hands wrapped around his neck and he rested his on your hips and enjoyed the music that deafened your ears.
“He followed us,” Minho yelled over the music. “He’s behind you. I guess this is a good sign?”
“Eh, who gives a fuck anymore,” you pouted sourly. “He can go take her home for all I care.”
“Don’t say that, I know you care.”
“Of course I do... But what can I do? He asked her to come tonight, not me. Besides, why does it matter when I have you, anyways ~”
“You’re gross, don’t say that, either!”
As you danced with Minho in the middle of the dance floor, you both were too drunk and too into each other to notice Chan’s piercing gaze. If you had danced on Minho just like every other person in this room was doing to their partner, maybe Chan wouldn’t have felt so... angry. But no, he saw you throwing your head back while laughing, playing with his hair, and hold him closely in a tight hug.
And for Chan, that was the worst part about seeing you with Minho - it was knowing that Minho was someone so special to you and you shared this intimate moment with him right in front of Chan who couldn’t even dream of being in Minho’s position.
But he couldn’t blame you. How could he when he brought the girl he was dancing with instead? He brought this upon himself, all because he feared that he was committing to you too quickly. But it’s not like you two were even official or exclusive or anything, right? So it’s not like he was wrong for bringing someone else...
But now seeing that Minho was the one who got to laugh with you and hold you close and not Chan, he couldn’t help but feel angry, as he saw the tables turn before him.
Towards the end of the night, neither you nor Minho were seen still at the party, and Chan can only assume from there where you two had gone off. Probably back to your place, since he’s heard so many stories of Minho practically living there, anyways...
But maybe you didn’t take him home, as your mutual friend came running up to Chan and his girl out of breath and a little frantic.
“Hey, have you seen _____?”
“No, why? Are they ok?” he asked, though wishing he didn’t sound like he cared so much.
“They wanted to get some fresh air a couple of minutes ago and now I can’t find them and they’re not answering their phone. They can get a little wander-y when they drinks, so they could have gone or ended up literally anywhere...”
“I’ll help you,” he said immediately. Chan left his date behind and now he was out the door running in all directions to look for you.
Thirty minutes were spent running around the neighborhood and campus calling your name while calling your phone. It was still ringing on Chan’s end, so you hadn’t turned it off or ran out of battery yet, but you still wouldn’t answer. After nearly an hour of searching, and almost giving up, Chan could hear the faint ring of your phone off in the distance.
“_____?” he called out, but no one answer.
As he ran towards the sound of your phone ringing, he could feel his nervousness rising just thinking about seeing you face-to-face again after tonight’s events. How was he supposed to face you? Would you even want to see him again after tonight?
On an empty sidewalk on one of the campus’s main streets, there you were walking back towards the party. You must have been so tired by the way you dragged your feet on the floor. For a minute, Chan just followed you and watched you, noticing just from your body language that you were upset and he wondered if it was all because of him.
Chan called your phone one more time. He watched you look at the caller idea, sigh deeply, and shove the phone back in your pocket.
“My love, please pick up your phone ~,” Chan said loud enough for you to hear.
Your feet froze to the concrete and you didn’t even bother turning around to look at him. Not when your face was all red and a bit puffy.
Before you could walk away again, Chan ran up in front of you.
“Hey,” he said softly. By the look he was giving you, you about thought how you must have looked so pathetic after crying. “What’s wrong...?”
“Nothing,” you replied curtly. “What are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you. Minho said you ran off, so I got worried and -”
“Well, I’m fine. You can go back now.” When you tried to walk around Chan, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him. “What?”
“Why are you running away from me? Is it because of that girl I brought?”
“I don’t care what you do or who you do on your free time. It’s none of my business.”
“_____, please, it’s not what you think.”
“I really liked you,” you admitted. God, how many drinks did you have for you to admit that so easily? You saw Chan’s face twist in surprise. “I didn’t want to because I knew something like this was going to happen. Why did you do all those things for me if you didn’t like me, too?”
“But I do. I like you so, so much.”
You searched for any sign of insincerity as he confessed to you, but you couldn’t find any, so what were you supposed to believe?
“Then who was she?” you asked, although you’re not sure if you want to hear the answer.
“She’s just someone I brought to the party.”
“Do you like her, too?”
“No, I don’t!”
“So all the touching and dancing with her meant nothing to you?”
“Yes, it meant nothing to me. What about you and Minho?” he accused.
“Whoa, Minho’s my best friend!”
“Best friends don’t look at each other like that.”
All of this arguing was just running in circles and if you weren’t the one blaming him for your hurt feelings, then he’d blame his own on you and Minho. It was going nowhere, and it was already 3:00am, so maybe you should save all this fighting for another time.
“Just leave me alone,” you muttered, walking away from Chan once more.
“_____, wait.”
But he didn’t chase after you. He was tired, too.
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“Good evening, friends,” Chan greeted in his mic. “It’s ya boy CB alone on the mic tonight as J.ONE and SPEARB have finals to study for. Tonight I will not be answering any phone calls as I am not so much in the mood to do so. I mean this in the nicest way possible. It’s not because of you guys, it’s never because of you guys, it’s just one of those days, you know?”
A couple of weeks after the party, you had successfully avoided Chan and his many phone calls. Every time, you were closer and closer to just caving in and picking up the phone, but you never did. Lately, the calls had lessened by the day, and you’d think the pain in your chest would subside with it, but it only strengthened and you didn’t know how much longer you could keep up the facade. You also thought a good way to cope with your feelings was to listen to Chan on the radio, but boy, were you completely wrong.
You felt like you could fall for him all over again.
“Today has been one of those days where there’s only one thing I could think about. Well, in my case, it was one person I could only think about...” Your heart leaped in your chest at his words. “You know those kinds of days, right? Where you think about them all day and you get really happy inside just thinking about their smile, or their laugh, or even remembering something as stupid as staining their shirt with black sesame ice cream one time?”
Was he describing your first date?
“Yeah, tonight is one of those nights. Actually, it’s been every night for me lately. That’s right, guys, your boy CB has been bit by some stupid love bug. And what sucks the most is that I miss them dearly...”
And you missed him dearly, too.
“I miss them so much that I made them a playlist. Throughout the past couple of months, I’ve played and dedicated one song every show to this person, and now I put them and some more songs all together into one stupid playlist, which I will play tonight. This is for you, _____. I hope you’re listening, and know that I miss you.”
You remembered every song except the last couple on the playlist before he even pressed play. You wrote each of them down every time he texted you that he dedicated it to you in hopes that one day you’d actually make the playlist for yourself, but now he did it for you and you couldn’t stop your heart from bursting.
“Ah, after I said I wouldn’t take any calls, you guys still light up the lines, huh? I’m in a good mood after my confession, so I guess I can answer one ~ Caller number nine, what’s up?”
“Oh, my God, this is so cute!” A voice gushed over the phone. “How is _____? Are you two a thing?”
Chan sighed deeply. “That’s a tough question to answer, my love. I’m not too sure how they’re doing. But I hope they’re doing better than I am.”
For the rest of the evening, you listened to Chan’s solo show that consisted of only your playlist songs and long talks to callers about relationship advice. He got so caught up with his callers and the show that it went on for an extra hour longer, though you wished it went on even longer. You could never get tired of hearing his voice.
“Alright guys, no more calls this time, I mean it. I can’t believe I extended a whole hour with you all. It felt like ten minutes! Thank you all for the kind words and I hope mine help you, too, even just a little. I have some matters to attend to tonight, so this is CB telling you all good night and to stay safe always. This is 3RACHA Radio, signing off.”
After turning off your radio, you contemplated and paced around your room with your phone on the table for almost an hour on whether you should call Chan or not. Well, to be honest, it was more like you had already decided you wanted to call him, but what would you say? You felt so stupid being so mad at him from the party when you didn’t even let him explain, and who knows if he’d even want to see you anymore -
A knock came at your door and interrupted your thoughts. It was probably Minho wanting to eat after studying.
But when you opened your door, you didn’t expect to see a bashful Chan hiding the same bouquet of flowers behind his back.
“Hey,” he greeted shyly.
“Hi,” you said back, unable to hide your growing smile. You couldn’t be more happy to see him. “Come in.”
It was an awkward couple of minutes because you two haven’t spoken or seen each other since that night. After handing you the flowers, Chan watched you eagerly put them in a vase with water and thought how you must have been happy to see him if you were smiling this much.
“Did you listen to the show tonight?” he asked.
“I did. You made me a playlist?”
“I finished your playlist,” he corrected. “Do you like it?”
“I love it. Can I have it?”
“Y-Yeah, here,” he handed you a usb drive and you immediately plugged it into your laptop and pressed play, wanting to listen to the whole thing all over again.
“_____, I really like you,” Chan said, not wasting any time. “I like you so much.”
Immediately, you replied, “I like you, too.”
“Really? Do you forgive me?”
“Of course I do, I just... I was scared, you know? How was I supposed to compete with someone like her? Or anyone else?”
“There’s no competition if you already won,” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. He planted a kiss on your forehead, a feeling that you’ve missed so dearly.
“Mm, I missed you.”
“I missed you more. Always more.”
“Are you staying?” you asked.
“If you’ll have me.”
“Of course I will. Let me make fun of you for the song choices.”
“Ok, but don’t get too mean, I’m sensitive.”
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ramheavenandhell · 5 years
Getting out of a Parking Ticket
AN: This story was heavily inspired by this picture that was drawn by @naughtyorganic (many, many thanks for allowing me to use it as cover art!! <3) Warnings: RookieCopRick/MiamiMorty oral smut Summary: Miami Morty is forced to wait in the car while his Rick takes care of some business. His waiting time gets sweetened when Cop Rick is writing parking tickets and comes to his car. After all, he can't just sit by and watch while his Rick gets a ticket for parking in a no parking allowed zone…
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Getting out of a Parking Ticket The blond pouted as his Rick got out of the car. "I'll be quick and I make it up to you when I'm back, Princess. Just keep watch on the car, okay?" he said as he straightened his pink jacket. "Okay, but you better make up for it good." Miami Morty responded. As his Rick went off to make his little business deal, the Morty still pouted a little more. After all, he usually came along to most of his deals even when they were on the Citadel of Ricks. Morty opened the glove compartment and picked out a strawberry-flavored lollipop, removing the wrapper and popping it into his mouth as he still sulked. Meanwhile, a Cop Rick made his round, writing parking tickets for all the vehicles that were parked on the sidewalk. The poor guy had been reduced to being a meter maid for the time being, because of what had had happened to his Morty Partner. Well, considering that he had shot him, he would have actually expected a more severe punishment, so he should call himself lucky that he got away with it like this. He lifted one side of his eyebrow as he spotted a pink Cadillac. It was bit unusual to see an earth car like that on the Citadel, but not the weirdest thing that he had seen. Just as he stood next to the car with the tinted windows and began to write on his notepad, the door on the passenger side opened. "Oh, is there a problem, Mr. Officer?" the boy asked as he got out of the car. Cop Rick blinked a little in surprise. The boy was a Morty, but he had never seen a Morty that looked like this even though he had seen quite a few different versions of them. This teen had long blond hair, which was kept out of his face by a blue headband. He wore a short matching blue top, a brown leopard-print fur jacket and only pink speedos as well as some blue sandals. His tanned skin was also quite remarkable as well as his glitter make-up that was visible underneath his pink-tinted sunglasses. He looked like he just came straight from the beach. The boy pushed the sunglasses up to rest on his headband and gave the red sucker that he held in his other hand a quick lick while he looked at him with half-lidded eyes and a questioning gaze that looked… seductive? The Rick couldn't help but blush a little. "Your car is parked in a no stopping or parking allowed zone so I have to write you a ticket." He explained while continuing to scribble on his notepad. Morty's eyes widened and he instantly jumped to latch onto Cop Rick's arm and stop him from writing anymore. "Oh please, Mr. Officer. Can't you maybe make a little exception?" "I'm sorry, but either you drive the car away right now or I'll have to give you the ticket." Rick stuck strictly to the regulations. He wanted to be a good cop, not a corrupt one. Even though he had to admit, that the boy was quite distracting. Especially, as he started to press his entire body up against him and looked with pleading eyes up at him while his tongue twirled around that lollipop. It made Rick blush even harder. "But I'm not allowed to drive the car, Mr. Officer. My Rick would be really angry if I did and he's going to be back in a minute anyways." Morty batted his eyelashes while he tried to convince the cop. "I'm really sorry, but I can't ju— " Rick was interrupted as Morty started to tug on him. "No, really. He'll be back real quick and then we're gone. You know, why don't you just wait for a minute and see for yourself?" The boy said and kept pulling the police officer towards the car. "We can just wait inside for a moment." Rick knew that it wasn't a good idea, but stunned from surprise, he let the boy maneuver him in the passenger seat. "I can't do that. I still have more work to do." He kept protesting, albeit only verbally. Miami Morty climbed in after him and took a seat on his lap before closing the door. "You're a very hard working Rick, Officer. I think you deserve a little break." Cop Rick squirmed a little under the teen, seemingly uncomfortable with the close proximity. "No. I really shouldn't…" Morty trailed one finger over the collar of his uniform before letting it trail down Rick's chest. "It's really true what they say about men in uniform. I never knew that a Rick could look so sexy." He drawled as he fixed the other with a seductive gaze again. Rick suddenly started to feel a little too hot in his clothes. Even without checking in the rearview mirror, he knew that his face must have been glowing bright red right now. Morty giggled. It was cute to see a Rick getting so shy and flustered. It was certainly a rare sight for the boy. This may even be fun for him… "Jeez, you're so tense…" The boy said as he let his hand wander up again and lightly massaged the Cop Rick's shoulder. He stuck his sucker into his mouth so he had the other hand free to touch and massage the other with both appendages now. Rick couldn't hold back a groan as the nimble fingers dug into his stiff muscles and helped relax them. He instinctively bit his lower lip to stifle any more sounds from escaping him, but he did have to admit that it really felt damn good. Morty giggled again as he saw Rick close his eyes in bliss. If he was enjoying the little massage this much, how was he going to react when they came to the good stuff? Morty wanted to find out. "Hold on a second." he said as he turned around, showing off how flexible he was since he still straddled the Rick and grasped for the wrapper that he had blindly thrown on the dashboard earlier on. He rewrapped his slobbered up lollipop before placing it neatly back on the dashboard and out of the way. "My Rick just hates it when the interior of his car gets dirty." The boy explained as he saw the other's confused face. No sex without condoms in the car was one of the major rules, but Morty knew some other way to ensure that things won't get messy. He unconsciously licked his lips at the thought. The movement of the pink tongue didn't go unnoticed by the cop who gulped. His hands were then back on the Rick's upper body, nimble fingers stroking and kneading over the uniform. "If you like this I know something that you'll like even more." He hummed. As his hands ran lower and got dangerously close to Rick's belt, the old man began to sputter. In quick movements, Morty slid down from his lap till he was kneeling between the cop's legs, ignoring the stuttered protests. "Now, now. Just relax." The boy said with a seductive grin and reached to open the other's pants. Deft fingers quickly unbuckled the belt before Morty leaned forward to open the button and zipper only with his teeth and tongue, all the while looking up at Rick who blushed like crazy and eventually had to avert his eyes. To the blond's delight, the already stiff member, which was still covered by briefs, lifted to peek out of the opened fly. Again, with only his teeth, he pulled on the waistband and tugged the light-blue boxers down till the police officer's erection sprang free and slapped against his stomach. Morty thought that it was almost laughable that this Rick was already fully hard even though he hadn't done much of anything yet. Been probably a while. Maybe he should be merciful and not tease the poor thing too much… but it'd be no fun then, right? Without breaking his gaze from Rick who had been looking back at him again, he nuzzled against the hot hard flesh with his cheek. Morty looked as cute and innocent as he could while he did that, smiling up at the flushing cop who looked like he couldn't decide if he wanted to watch or not. It was amusing how shy he acted, averting his eyes every few moments, just to look back down again while his cock twitched delightedly. Not wanting to stop with the teasing so soon, Morty began to gently nose at the shaft now, still careful to avoid using his lips even if his mouth was already starting to water at the scent. After he decided that he had done enough worshipping, he moved his face back again to use his hands now. His left hand went to grasp the base of the cock while the index finger of his right trailed slowly up and down the shaft. As that digit finally reached the angry red tip, the other fingers joined in to dance around the head, but still carefully avoided the opening at which the first drops of precum already started to gather. Morty couldn't help, but giggle as he saw the tormented face that the Cop Rick made. Deciding to be a little merciful, he fully grasped the hard length in his hand and strengthening his grip, moving up and down to pump the shaft. Rick panted and some soft moans accidentally escaped from his mouth. It wasn't even a question if this was the first time that the boy was giving someone a handjob… or well, maybe it was and he was just really talented. When Morty twisted his wrist just the right way, as he still pumped him, Rick decided that he was very talented either way and clenched his eyes shut. He had to bite down on his lower lip in order to avoid letting any more embarrassing sounds slip. Morty was still amused as he constantly changed his focus between Rick's face and crotch where his hand was still busy slowly working him to completion. Man, he really wanted to see the cop's reaction to when he would start bringing his mouth into the game! Being the impatient little thing that he was, he decided to do just that right now. So, he brought his fingers back to the tip while his lips took over in taking care of the underside of the shaft. He mouthed at the length, all the way from root to frenulum and one of his fingers finally – mercifully – rubbed over the slit and smeared the precum all over the glans, inciting some barely repressed whimpers. With big smiling eyes, he watched Rick's reactions from his position. The view was downright delicious: lower lip being bitten almost hard enough to draw blood, eyes clenched shut tightly in concentration and head thrown back while a bright red flush was covering his cheeks and his face and entire body were twitching occasionally. Never before had he met a Rick that was this cute – or a Rick that he would even dare to label "cute" for that matter. Deciding that he had done enough teasing now, Morty removed his fingers and let his tongued glide over the wet tip. Moaning at the taste, he didn't wait any longer and took the member into his mouth. Expertly he relaxed his throat muscles and took in the entire length. Rick couldn't suppress a loud moan as he felt the wet heat completely envelope him. His left hand came to rest in the blond mane, as he looked down, but he only let it softly lay there without pulling at it or trying to guide the boy's head one way or another. Morty took notice of that, but wouldn't have minded it either way. He swallowed around the hot, pulsing erection that was lodged deep inside his throat, before he slowly pulled back and swirled his tongue all over the shaft. As he reached the tip, he gave one hard suck, before he dove back down again. Like this, he started a fast pace, literally fucking his face on Rick's cock. Cop Rick didn't even seem to by trying to hold his moans and groans in and his fingers buried itself in the blond locks and twirled them absentmindedly. His hips had also started to move in a matching rhythm to the boy's movements as he bucked into the tantalizing mouth. They both knew that Rick wouldn't be able to last for much longer. With one last hard buck and a loud groan, he finally reached his climax and filled the blond's mouth with his sticky cum. Morty dutifully swallowed everything that the other had to give. Panting heavily the cop fell back into the seat. "That was…" he drawled mindlessly. Morty smirked mischievously up at him now, still kneeling between his legs. One of his finger was trailing along his thigh as he said, "Well, Officer, I'm sure that you can overlook my Rick's little traffic offense now. If you do, I'll keep this to myself…" Those words rattle the police officer up as if he only now realized what he had done. He had just gotten a blowjob from a Morty and that while he was still on duty. With panicked movements, he stuffed himself into his pants again and then quickly exited the car. Grinning like the cat that got the cream – quite literally – Morty moved to sit back in the now empty passenger seat again and watched the officer walk off with still slightly trembling legs. Miami Rick just happened to leave the building in which he had met his business partners as he saw the Cop Rick stumbling out of his car. He looked briefly after the police officer before he darted over to his car and threw open the door on the driver side. "What did that cop just do in my car?!" Rick demanded, lifting his sunglasses as he looked sternly at his Morty. Morty just relaxed further back into his seat after retrieving his lollipop again and nonchalantly replied. "I just saved you from getting a parking ticket. You're welcome." Grumbling, Rick climbed into the driver seat. "Well, the guy had better not made a mess in here." He just hated it if the interior of his car got dirty.
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AN: I have plans to turn this into a little series. The next part would be MiamiRick/CopRick, but no promises when I'm done with the next installment.
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Part 1 of Getting out of Trouble
Part 2 of Getting out of Trouble: Convincing
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] Growth Drama CD Vol. 3 - Track 5
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Track 5! This one’s a pretty fun and light-hearted track~ It’s so enjoyable!
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
Under the cut, enjoy~
Track 5: [遊園地に行こう!] “Let’s go to the amusement park!”
(cheery carnival music)
MAMORU: Ah, Sekishima-san, over here!
MINAKO: Good afternoon! Thank you for inviting us today.
MAMORU: Thank you for accepting our invitation, too! It was sudden but is it okay?
MINAKO: It’s perfect, actually! We’re going back to Hokkaido tomorrow and I couldn’t decide on where I wanted to go before returning. I feel like I’m being spoiled but is it okay for you, too? You have work, don’t you?
MAMORU: Yes, that’s right but our work starts at evening so don’t worry about it. We’ll be filming a music video at the amusement park at night later.
MINAKO: Eh~ That’s amazing!
MAMORU: We got free passes for a one day ride-all-you-can ticket. And so, we decided to invite the both of you.
MAMORU: It’d be a waste not to use them and I thought that it might make Tohma-kun happy, too.
MAMORU: Tohma-kun, good afternoon.
TOHMA: G-good afternoon.
RYOTA: Here, have these. It’s passes for both Sekishima-san and Tohma-kun.
MINAKO:  Thank you very much. Tohma-kun?
TOHMA: Ah… Thank you very much.
RYOTA: You’re welcome.
KOKI: Good afternoon, Sekishima-san, Tohma-kun. Welcome.
KOKI: Is your husband doing alright? I heard he had a fever.
MINAKO: Yes. I’m very sorry even after you went all the way to invite my family. It would have been great to come here together.
MINAKO: Ah, but even though it’s a fever it’s not really that high. I think that he’s sleeping at the hotel right now. Even the doctor said that if he took it easy today, he’ll be right as rain tomorrow!
KOKI: I see. I’m so relieved that it’s nothing serious.
MINAKO: Me, too. I think it’s because he got too tired at working at the stall all day yesterday. He told me to tell you all ‘thank you’ though.
KOKI: If it’s thanks, please say it to our manager, Mochiduki-san. He’s the one who got us the free passes after all.
MINAKO: (chuckles) Oh, you’re right. Thank you very much for inviting us today.
MINATO: Ah, no, don’t mind it. It’s good PR for the park too so please enjoy yourselves to the fullest today.
KEN: Good afternoon! I’m Yaegashi Kensuke. Do you remember me?
TOHMA: I mean, I just talked to you the other day.
KEN: I see. That’s great! Let’s enjoy ourselves today~! Do you like amusement parks?
TOHMA: Well… It’s so-so…
KEN: I see, I see. So you love them, huh?
TOHMA: HAH?! I didn’t say that!
KEN: Sure, sure~ Let’s go buy some popcorn or hotdogs later, too.
KEN: Man, I’m kinda scared at how I’m so used to dealing with guys who aren’t honest with their feelings~
RYOTA: That-- (grabs Ken’s shoulder) I wonder who you’re talking about~?
(people screaming)
KEN: This one’s definitely the first!
KEN: A rollercoaster!
TOHMA: Uwah~! So high…!
KOKI: It is quite high, isn’t it?
MAMORU: Uwah… So fast…
KOKI: Quite so, huh?
RYOTA: It’s got quite a momentum. Oh, it twists, too.
KEN: Look at how the rail twists! It’s just like Ryo.
MAMORU: (laughs) That’s a good one, Ken-kun!
RYOTA: (cheerful and yet menacing tone) You two~
MINATO: Eh, I can ride one, too? Really? Yay! This is my first time riding a rollercoaster in a suit!
KOKI: Mochiduki-san, are you fine with riding thrill rides like this one?
MINATO: Yes! I actually really love amusement parks, you see? Man, this job just got a lot more fun~
(rollercoaster going up)
TOHMA: (laughing and giggling)
KEN: Yay~!!
MAMORU: Ugh… Riding one after so long’s getting to me…
MAMORU: It’s coming back to me…
KOKI: (chuckles) Are you okay?
KEN: Next one’s… Oh! Let’s do that one. The coffee cup!
MAMORU: Ugh… Isn’t it dangerous to go ride something that spins around so much after riding one that spun around so much, too?
MAMORU: Big Brother’s at his limit and feels like something’s gonna come out…
TOHMA: I kinda wanna see that…
TOHMA: I’ll spin it around a lot, ‘kay~? (sparkles)
MAMORU: (gasps) Tohma-kun’s such a frightening child…! Do you really wanna see Big Brother’s limit that much?!
MINAKO: Ah, I won’t be riding but I’ll be cheering you on, okay?
MAMORU: Sekishima-san’s protecting herself!!
KEN: Then~ This cup will be me, Mamoru, and Tohma-kun. And over there’s Ryo, Ko, and Mochiduki-san.
MINATO: Alright, Tohma-kun! It’s a competition!
KOKI: Mochiduki-san’s all gung-ho about this…
KEN: Alright, then, me and Tohma-kun will challenge you!
TOHMA: It’s a battle!
KOKI: He’s gung-ho, too…
RYOTA: Even so, everyone’s really—
(Tohma and Minato start spinning the cups vigorously)
RYOTA: W-woah…! Wha--- AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
MAMORU/RYOTA: (panting and trying to catch their breaths)
KOKI: Mamoru, Ryo. Are you two alright?
MINATO: We-we have something here to drink, too. Which one would you like, the cold one or the hot one?
RYOTA: (angrily) Mochiduki-san!
MINATO: Ah-ah, yes…?
RYOTA: There’s no next time, okay?!
KEN: We had some casualties but I’d say the battle was a fair one.
TOHMA: (giggles) It was a great match, wasn’t it?
KEN: Right~?
KEN/TOHMA: Yay~ (high fives)
(train whistling and happy music plays)
KOKI: The wind is calm and this feels relaxing, doesn’t it?
RYOTA: The wind feels so good.
MAMORU: Peacefulness is the best~
KOKI: You two look better now.
KEN: What’s wrong?
TOHMA: Isn’t this train car standing out too much?
MINATO: It’s quite high and it’s full of boys after all.
MINAKO: (from below) Tohma-kun~! I’m taking a picture! Come on, look over here~
TOHMA: I-it’s embarrassing…
KEN: Eh? Come on, it’s fine~! Alright, peace~ Yay!
(people chattering)
TOHMA: I wanna ride that! The go-karts.
KEN: Alright, let’s go! We will become one with the wind!
KOKI: So go-karts are next, huh?
KOKI: Oh yeah, I’ve always wanted to get a car license.
KOKI: Since I think it’d be easier with Mochiduki-san around, maybe now’s the time for me to get one.
RYOTA: Oh, then I’ll go with you. I’ve been thinking that it’s about time for me to get one, too.
MAMORU: Yes, yes~ I wanna go with you, too~
KOKI: You haven’t gotten your license yet, Mamoru?
MAMORU: I worked right after graduating high school, you see? I couldn’t find the time.
(go-karts speeding around)
KEN: Behold! This wonderful steering!
TOHMA: Ah, he got past me!
MINAKO: (from the spectator’s area) Tohma-kun, don’t lose!
TOHMA: Here I go!
RYOTA: I think that Ken over there feeling the wind would want to get his license soon, too.
RYOTA: Let’s try to schedule it together next time.
KOKI: You’re right.
MINATO: Oh, there’s a haunted house over there! It looks like it’s getting less crowded so want to go take a look?
TOHMA: Yeah, let’s!
MAMORU: Ko-kun and I’ll pass. We’ll go buy some popcorn~
TOHMA: Ah, that! Kensuke, it says “Lucky Attack”! I wanna try!
KEN: Let’s see… Ah! It’s that thing where you need to hit all nine with one ball. I like that! I’m pretty good at that.
TOHMA: I play baseball too so I won’t lose!
KEN: Oh~! Then, it’s another battle!
KOKI: This is my first time.
RYOTA: Eh? Really?
KOKI: Yeah. Though I’ve seen people do it before.
MAMORU: (on fire) Let me show you how it’s done, Ko-kun.
KEN: Somehow… Some guy overflowing with confidence suddenly appeared…!
RYOTA: Mamoru, are you okay? I can feel like you’re raising a flag…
MAMORU: I won’t wait.
MAMORU: Looks like my time has come. I wish you wouldn’t lump me in with those who are only doing it for fun.
RYOTA: No, uh… This is actually meant for fun though…
MAMORU: I forget not my NEET days! I managed to win a 5000 yen price for completing a challenge perfectly at a batting center similar to this game.
MAMORU: I had bet my life on that day!
KEN: Uwah… He’s so serious…
RYOTA: More like he’s got a plan brewing under all that…
MAMORU: First one’s the middle!
MAMORU: Number 5, here I go!
MAMORU: Roar, my vanishing attack! Fujimura Mamoru Typhoon!!!
KOKI: Won’t it be bad if it disappeared though?
(ball hits the mark)
ALL: Woah~!
TOHMA: It’s number 2!
KEN: It wasn’t number 5…
MAMORU: Continuing with… Number 5!
MAMORU: Typhoon #2! HYAH!!
ALL: Woah!
KOKI: It was number 1.
KEN: Not number 5… How about not aiming for any numbers…?
MAMORU: Next one…! (voice cracking) Number 5!
MAMORU: Typhoon #3!!
ALL: Woah…!
RYOTA: Number 9.
KEN: The only one you’re not hitting is the middle one…
MINAKO: Oh, speaking of…!
(Mamoru continues to throw baseballs intensely in the background)
MINAKO: Back then, Fujimura-kun was in charge of cheering during a ball game and I was a bit surprised at his vigorous cheering.
KOKI: I see. He hasn’t changed at all, has he?
TOHMA: That was fun~! I think I’m a bit hungry now…
MINAKO: I’m a little hungry, too. Ah, they’re selling hotdogs over there~ Tohma-kun, do you want some?
TOHMA: Ah… Um…
RYOTA: I want some, too. Let’s go buy some together. Tohma-kun, you want some too, right?
TOHMA: Ah, yeah, I want some.
MINAKO: Got it~ We’ll go buy some, okay?
MINATO: Ah, I’ll go with you. They might want something to drink, too.
KEN: Uwah~ I played a lot today~!
MAMORU: We did ride a lot of things, didn’t we?
TOHMA: If we ride two more, we’d be completely finished with this area!
KEN: For real?! Aren’t we awesome?
KOKI: No one normally visits during weekdays after all.
MAMORU: Ah, that table over there’s free. Should we sit? Let’s all take a breather.
KEN: Sure!
(they all walk to the table and sit down)
KEN: So, Tohma, you havin’ fun?
TOHMA: Yep~!
KEN: I’m glad! Even Sekishima-san was happy that she got a lot of good pictures of you.
KEN: She said it’s going to be a gift for her husband, your father, I mean.
TOHMA: Ah… I see…
MAMORU: Hey, Tohma-kun.
MAMORU: What sort of person was your mother? Is she easy-going just like Sekishima-san?
TOHMA: … My mother… My real mother died from an illness when I was really small so I don’t remember her much.
MAMORU: I see… You’re kinda like me, huh?
MAMORU: I lost both of my parents in an accident, you see? I was raised in an orphanage.
MAMORU: I was really young back then so I don’t remember anything about my mom or my dad at all.
TOHMA: Is that so…?
MAMORU: You know? I had a lot of aspirations and dreams regarding my parents.
MAMORU: Like, would it feel like this is both of them were alive right now? Or maybe it would feel like something else. I kept thinking about that.
MAMORU: I don’t know what it would feel like normally so I can only watch others, like you and Sekishima-san, from a distance and speculate.
TOHMA: … I see…
MAMORU: Somehow, it’s a little difficult, isn’t it?
TOHMA: Yeah… It is.
TOHMA: I know that Matsuyama-san cares for me. I know that Father’s not saying anything even though he’s troubled about it. I know all that but…
TOHMA: It’s really difficult. I know that adults think about a lot of things but… Kids do, too.
MAMORU: I understand.
TOHMA: Yeah…
MAMORU: Hey, Tohma-kun. This might sound a little carefree but, for me I think it’d be great if you two could get along better or something.
TOHMA: … Better…?
MAMORU: Yep. A family’s someone who you’re with for a long time, right? I guess if it’s a little difficult for you, it’d be troublesome, huh?
MAMORU: That’s why, I thought it’d be a little better if you found something in common [that you can get along about].
MAMORU: Just because you’ve become mother and child doesn’t mean that you have to be super close. But I don’t think that you should be so distant as well just because you’re not connected by blood.
MAMORU: I love both Sekishima-san and Tohma-kun so I think it’d be best for you two to be always smiling like you do now.
TOHMA: Always smiling, huh…?
KEN: Today, Tohma-kun was smiling a lot compared to the other day we met~!
TOHMA: That time… You guys seemed like suspicious people so… I’m sorry.
KEN: You heard him, Mamoru~ Don’t mind!
MAMORU: I’m not the only one he thought was suspicious, okay?
TOHMA: (laughs)
TOHMA: I… If I laugh with Matsuyama-san, do you think my mom would get angry?
KOKI: Get angry?
TOHMA: Yeah.
TOHMA: Would she think that I’ve forgotten about her? Would she think that her place is being taken?
TOHMA: I… I love my mom, too. Even though I don’t remember her much… She’s important to me.
KEN: Tohma…
KOKI: Since no one knows the correct answer, can I tell you what I think?
TOHMA: Yeah…
KOKI: The fact that you treasure your late mother so means that you’re a nice person. If you’re this nice then I think that your mother was very kind as well.
KOKI: If that’s so then she definitely won’t get angry. I think she would love to see you happy and smiling rather than making a sad and troubled face.
KOKI: That’s what I think. Surely.
TOHMA: Do you think so?
TOHMA: (chuckles) I hope that’s true!
KEN: No, no, no! Not ‘hope’, it definitely is! It’s totally obvious!
TOHMA: (laughs) Eh~?
(Ryota and the others walk back)
RYOTA: Sorry for the wait. The line for the soft-serve ice cream got long so it took quite a while.
KOKI: Welcome back. You even bought ice cream?
MINATO: It says it was a Hokkaido-special soft-serve ice cream. As a proud Hokkaido native, I wanted to check if it’s true!
RYOTA: Even if he says that, I think he just wanted to eat something sweet~
MAMORU: (chuckles) That’s true. I want some, too!
KEN: Me, too!
MINAKO: There’s some for Tohma-kun, too~ Try and taste if it’s really up to a Hokkaido native’s standard~
TOHMA: Ah… Thank you, Minako-san!
MINAKO: Eh,,,?!
TOHMA: It’s still a little difficult calling you “Mom” so… That’s why for now, I’ll call you “Minako-san” just like how Father calls you.
MINAKO: (holding back tears) Yes… Yes, that’s enough for me~! That’s completely fine! Nice to meet you, Tohma-kun!
MINAKO: Ah, does saying “nice to meet you” sound strange? (laughs)
MAMORU: (laughs)
47 notes · View notes
I Wrote a Simpsons Script...
Over the last couple of months, when I’ve had time, I’ve tried to write something that was not only better than what’s currently being produced but could also find a place lower down the seasons. I don’t think I’ve been successful but I thought I’d share my endeavors for an important reason: It made me realize how hard coming up with an idea, writing and editing a script for a cartoon was. For some background, I write scripts for films part time and try to sell them, so far (obviously, because I wouldn't shut up about it if I had) I’ve not been able too (partly because it’s tough to sell scripts in England and partly because I don’t have the money/time/resources to make them independently) but I do have some experience in shaping a narrative, the structure of scripts and other techniques, so I’ve not walked into this blind. Whether it’s good or not is your opinion, seriously, feel free to criticize it, if you think it’s bad, tell me, I’m a grown man, I can take criticism. If you like it, that’s allowed too, but the main question is this: What season do you think it’d fit into?
Be warned, it’s 30 pages on Word so it’s a long read, it’s your choice, you don’t have to. For reference: Italics are description, bold is who’s talking, normal is dialogue, (Beside name is ‘Off Screen’, under name is the way the line is delivered).
(Disclaimer: I obviously don’t own the rights to the Simpsons, this is a non-profit idea and simply a writing exercise to keep me amused, so I believe it falls within fair use, please don’t sue! If you want me to take it down, I will.)  
COUCH GAG: The family sit on the couch, Maggie is a baby’s bottle, Lisa a plastic cup, Bart a glass, Marge a wine glass and Homer a beer mug. They are then filled with drink, Maggie with milk, Lisa with orange juice, Bart with Buzz cola, Marge with Wine and Homer with Duff.
We move down from a clear blue sky past a sign, ‘CHARITY FUN FAIR: WHERE ONLY THE CHAIRTY IS OBLIGATORY’, down into the park which has been taken over by various things.
There’s a puppet show, some games and a stage. It all looks very cost effective, as if they wanted to bare minimum to maximize profits.
Walking around are the Simpson’s, looking a bit bored, except Marge who’s seems disappointed. Lisa holds a brochure about the fair.
Fifteen dollars for cotton candy, what charity would charge such high prices?
Lisa consults the brochure.
‘Quimby retirement homes’.
(she reads more)
He wants a place in Tobago.
I thought he already embezzled funds for that?
No that was for his golf club membership in Bermuda.
I wish I could retire.
What’s stopping you?
Burns had us sign contracts in perpetuity in exchange for a second ice machine.
Quimby is on stage, along with a few others, and has a big smile on his face. Something sits under a sheet on a table beside him. He approaches the microphone to address the crowd, which includes the Simpsons.
Thank you ladies and gentleman for your tremendous charity. I’m one step closer to getting a holiday home in Trinidad.
There’s scattered applause, murmurs. Quimby doesn’t care, carries on as an assistant walks over with a bucket.
To show my appreciation I will now draw a winner from this bucket of parking tickets, that’s worth more than the prize in question, this-
Quimby unveils the prize, a toaster oven, has to be told by his assistant what it is.
Toaster oven, I didn’t want as a gift.
No applause this time, just coughs and confused looks. Quimby draws a ticket.
Marge Simpson.
The family react with little enthusiasm. Scattershot applause as they move up onto the stage.
(to Lisa)
Congratulations, Marge.
He shakes Lisa’s hand, she can’t be bothered to tell him, it’s over quickly enough.
(to his Assistant)
Bundle the cash, my flight leaves in an hour.
Quimby and his assistant leave, the stage is vacated by all but the Simpsons and a reporter, TOM, 20′s, The crowd disperses.
This is headline stuff, can I get a quote?
This is your headline? I thought you reported on real news, like your stories on the upcoming winter.
That was a Game of Thrones review.
We haven’t printed a real news story since the town got high speed broadband. No one reads the paper anymore.
Well, it would be nice to be named in the paper in a context other than: “we apologize for erroneously reporting the death of Homer Simpson”.
(to Homer)
Oh hey, I thought you looked familiar.
Can you print a different picture of me this time? That old one makes me look fat, I’m portly.
Sure, we’ll send our new guy round later.
I thought Fred was your photographer?
He was until 7/11 poached him. They offered him something we couldn’t.
Job satisfaction?
A wage.
Oh and that.
The family are sat around the table eating.
This is great pasta honey.
It’s Shepard’s pie.
Do you want the compliment or not?
Moe enters, camera in hand.
Hey everyone.
Hey Moe-
(sees camera)
Are you the Shoppers new photographer?
Moe looks around, stutters.
Uh... yeah... I sure am.
How did you get in?
Moe panics slightly.
Gather round, picture time.
There’s a knock on the door.
I should get that.
Marge walks past Moe, who stands awkwardly at the top of the room, to the front door.
Marge opens the door to CLIVE BREWER,  38, average looking, gentle.
I’m Clive Brewer, from the Shopper.
If your-
Marge turns right to find Moe has gone, then left to see an open window at the back of the living room.
Never mind. Please, come in.
Marge shuts the front door and walks Clive into the room, then sits back down.
Hi, it’s nice to meet you all. I thought it’d be good to have the toaster oven in the picture.
The what?
The prize you won.
Nothing, the family don’t remember it.
Earlier today.
It’s the reason I’m here.
You should probably just take the picture.
Alright, big smiles.
The family bunch up, Clive takes the picture.
The family are out shopping, Marge reads the newspaper, very proud that they’re on the front.
What a great picture, we’ll have to ask Clive for a copy, he’s so talented and nice.
Pfft, he’s no nicer than me, Carl, Lenny or Moe.
Last week you told me Moe throw a mug at you.
Oh, honey, that was only because I hit Lenny in the head with a pool cue to stop him biting Carl after he’d bruised Lenny’s arm in Moe’s annual pain Olympics.
Marge stares at him, doesn’t like any of that.
The shopper is housed in a wide, one storey building, Marge’s station wagon is parked outside.
Marge carries Maggie with her as she stands at the reception desk, a woman, FELICITY, walks over to her.
Hi, can I help?
I was looking for Clive Brewer, the photographer?
He should be at his desk. We can look after your baby while you talk to him. We’re running a day care to add a little extra cash until our readership picks up.
You are? I didn’t know that?
You didn’t? We advertise it all the time-
Marge enters what should be a loud bustling office, full of journalists and writers, but instead finds around twenty very unenthusiastic employees, mainly students, not doing much at all.
Clive stands out like a sore thumb, not least because he’s stationed by a window with the sun is beaming through it.
Marge walks over, Clive sees her, smiles.
Marge, hi, I assume you’re here because we referred to Homer as a “buffoon” in the article.
Well, he is really more of an oaf but I was actually hoping I could get a copy of the picture you took. It’d be nice to have one were Homer isn’t giving the kids rabbit ears.
She takes out her phone, opens up the picture folder and shows Clive several photo’s as she’s described. The shadow on the wall behind the kids makes them look like characters from ‘Life in Hell’.
I just don’t get why people find it funny.
Clive laughs. Stops when he really hears what Marge said.
Sure, I’ll print you off a copy.
Tom, walking past at the time, overhears the conversation.
The printer here doesn’t work.
It doesn’t?
No, wasn’t this explained when you were given the tour?
I was supposed to have had a tour?
Tom looks around.
He walks off. Clive sighs.
I guess I can’t print you off a copy.
Marge can see his disappointment, smiles trying to perk him up.
Don’t worry, we have a printer a home, you can bring the picture there.
Sounds like a plan.
Bart, Lisa and an annoyed looking Homer walk around the park, it’s barely been cleaned since yesterday, or the days before that.
How many days do I have to do this for?
Dr. Hibbert said you need to walk for at least an hour a day for the next three months.
Three months! What’s the point?
Dad, he said in your condition you could die at any moment.
That can’t come soon enough.
Lisa gives him an off look, concerned but confused as to whether Homer actually understands.
Why am I here?
You were supposed to be walking Santa’s Little Helper.
Oh, yeah.
I’m sure he’s getting plenty of fresh air.
CUT TO: The basement of the Simpson house, pitch black, SLH barking incessantly.
BACK TO: Homer and the kids walking, Lisa now concerned by the amount of rubbish about.
Did they even bother cleaning up from yesterday?
They pass a crumpled sign: 2017 CHARITY DRIVE. QUIMBY WANTS A PORSCHE.
Or last year?
Lisa, fly tipping is a part of nature, ever since the caveman.
It’s destroying the natural environment of the animals.
Looks like there adapting to it.
We pan across the rubbish, which the animals are using, including a family of raccoons operating the toaster oven.
Well, it’s not right, animals deserve to live with the same rights as us, nature deserves to flourish and not be cluttered by plastics that should be being recycled. I’m going to start a group to clean this place up.
Homer gets down to Lisa’s level, puts his hand on her shoulder to calm her.
Lisa, is this the type of thing were you ask me to join and I keep saying no and you just keep asking and interrupting while I’m trying to drink beer and watch TV, until I eventually cave?
Then consider me in.
Marge carries Maggie into the kitchen, leading Clive through with her.
She puts Maggie in the high chair.
Take a seat, I think the printer’s in the basement.
Clive takes a seat at the table, takes his bag off as he sits, from that he takes out his laptop and opens it on the table.
Marge walks to the basement door, opens it, SLH rushes out.
She disappears downstairs. Clive begins clicking through his laptop, trying to find the image.
He goes through various folders, opens one that he hadn’t meant too, it’s full of beautiful shots, landscapes of parks, woods and forests.
Clive opens one, a melancholic look upon his face. Maggie begins laughing.
Turning, Clive sees that it’s the picture Maggie is amused by.
You like it huh?
Yeah, it’s alright.
Marge can be heard coming back up.
Let’s just keep it between us.
He backs out of the folder, Maggie stops laughing.
Marge re-enters, carrying a really old looking printer.
Here we go. We only use it when Lisa wants to print out protest leaflets. Luckily she’s boycotting paper right now.
I’m sure it’ll work fine.
Marge puts it on the top, plugs it in, it comes on immediately. She hands Maggie the bottle she’s reaching for.
It’s connected. Here-
From his bag Clive takes a ream of paper, hands it to Marge.
Do you always carry so much paper?
Oh, I took it from the office.
I mean, there not actually paying me.
Marge shrugs, puts the paper in. Clive clicks on the picture, selects print, the process begins immediately.
He backs out of the folder, leaving him on the page with all the folders on.
Quickly the picture prints, Marge is very pleased with it.
What a great shot. You really do have a talent.
Clive is non committal, modest.
I’ve got the perfect frame for it too, hold there.
Marge leaves Clive sat with Maggie again, she sees the situation, ‘accidentally’ drops her bottle on the laptop, the printer starts up again.
Clive turns, looks panicked once he sees that it’s printing the pictures from earlier.
What are the odds?
One after another they print, Clive tries to grab them as quickly as he can, to hide them but can’t. Maggie laughs.
It fits perfectly.
Marge enters to see Clive stuffing a couple of the printed pictures into the toaster, she looks suspiciously at him, wondering what he’s up to.
At that moment the printer jams. The final fully printed picture flies out, lands at Marge’s feet.
Putting down the family portrait, she picks up the printed picture, a glorious shot of the early evening.
Clive, did you take this.
Clive looks embarrassed, by both his actions and Marge seeing his work.
It’s so expressive-
She moves around, fishes another from the oven.
They all are. Why would you hide them?
I guess because they remind me of what I had, lost.
Please, sit down, tell me.
Clive takes one of the pictures from the toaster, gives it to Maggie, then sits down.
An eight year old Clive sits on a stall.
My passion for photography came from my dad.
A photographer stands behind an old camera, readies the shot, beside him is Clive’s dad, DANIEL BREWER, 36, taking multiple pictures.
He was always taking pictures of me, the whole family.
Daniel takes pictures of Clive in the bathroom, sleeping, at school, playing sports, as he has his first kiss, first date and even through the window of his first ‘adult sleep over’.
I just started doing the same.
Clive takes pictures of Daniel in the bathroom, sleeping, at work, watching sports on TV, watching Clive play sports whilst Clive plays and while Daniel is taking pictures of Clive.
Are you two still close?
We haven’t been close for a while.
Daniel stands in the middle of the tracks, camera ready.
He was trying to take a picture of the front of a train.
A train can be heard approaching, Daniel takes his stance.
The train approaches from behind Daniel.
Daniel’s headstone is a camera, his picture is a picture of him taking a picture of the picture taker, presumably Clive.
The family weeps in sadness, as does a now eighteen year old Clive. Still, he continues to take pictures.
After that I vowed to take my time in my work and for a while that went well.
A happy Clive, now twenty eight, shows off the negatives of his work to his boss, MR. HARTFORD, 44.
He gets the thumbs up, which he takes a picture of.
But it didn’t last, with smart phones, people wanted shots quicker and I just didn’t work fast enough.
Clive arrives in the empty town square to take a picture of a new sculpture, he takes his stance and waits.
Over the course of the next twelve hours, hundreds of photographers, selfie taking tourists and interested locals take pictures.
There’s also a protest about the statue, people with banners and plaques turn up, then the police arrive to stop them, there’s a conversation and then the police join in with the protesters.
Lastly a work crew turns up and removes the statue, Clive is alone again, finally takes the picture.
Marge has sat and listened, she and Clive have also drunk coffee in the interim. Maggie is asleep, holding the picture Clive gave her.
Eventually the work began to dry up, now I’m wherever here is, taking pictures for nothing.
Clive, I’m so sorry.
He sits upset, but he’s been like this for a while so it’s almost normal to him.
It’s not the work or money I miss, it’s the feeling. That passion I used to have when I was an eight year old, like there was nothing more important.
I wish I could capture that again.
The door bursts open, an impassioned Lisa enters as SLH bolts out the house.
(loud, excitable)
Mom, get the printer, were making flyers!
Lisa has organized an impressive line-up, along with the family, her and Bart’s school classes, Skinner, Willie and Grampa, Jasper and the old Jewish man. Each has a rubbish picker, bag and hi-vis jacket.
Skinner looks annoyed and anxious, walks over to Lisa, who’s reading through her to-do list.
Exactly how many more favors does the school owe you? I feel this is bordering on absurd, especially since you already hijacked the band to play for sick children at the hospital.
Your right, maybe I have been abusing my power.
Skinner relaxes, but Lisa isn’t done.
Although I’m quite sure the building shouldn’t be held together with driftwood and crazy glue.
All Skinner’s good thoughts have gone, he groans.
Young lady, I’d like to see you run a school on two hundred and seventy five dollars a month without resorting to crazy glue and criminality.
Everyone is picking rubbish up, rather un-enthusiastically, but slowly the park is looking a little better.
Sat under a tree, watching, is Clive he eats a toasted sandwich. Marge walks over to him.
(sees the sandwich)
Where’d you get that?
A raccoon gave it too me.
Is any of this inspiring you?
It’s great to watch your daughter care so much about nature and boss around her principal but it feels like something’s missing, I can’t put my finger on it.
Lisa, seeing Marge and Clive talking, has come over.
Mr. Brewer, maybe joining in will inspire you, being involved with the experience.
Clive stands up, sandwich in hand.
Your right, it’d certainly be more helpful than me just sitting around. Hand me a stick.
In comes a stick, held by Homer, his bag and jacket in the other hand.
Have mine.
Clive takes it, Homer runs off, drops the rest of his stuff.
He walks back to Lisa.
Lisa, honey, I wouldn’t leave unless it was very important.
Homer snatches Clive’s sandwich-
Then runs off.
CUT TO: Close up, Homer, moments later. He laughs to himself.
Got away clean.
He looks around, finds he’s back in the park, gear on. He stares at his legs, accusingly.
(to his legs)
I said go to Moe!
Homer looks back up, finds Moe stood there, in full gear.
What are you doing here?
Moe laughs, looks away, remembering.
Well, you remember the other day, when I was in your house?
He looks back to Homer, who’s gone, his stuff on the floor.
Moe sighs, looks away, finds Homer stood the other side of him, chastising his legs, he looks up.
What are you doing here?
Lisa, Clive and the rest pick up what rubbish they can, but it’s a losing battle.
First the other kids leave at three o’clock with the school day over, then the old folks at four being called back for bedtime, then Skinner and Willie leave.
Now with only Clive and the family they face other residents openly fly tipping as they clean up. For everything cleaned three more things are dropped.
It hits early evening, everyone bar Lisa is exhausted.
Maggie is asleep on Marge’s shoulder, even she is yawning.
Lisa, I think we should stop for today, we need food and rest. We’ll come back tomorrow.
Lisa puts another can in the bag, knows that Marge is right but has a hard time accepting it.
But we aren’t even close to half way done and Clive-
She looks across the park, to the tree Clive was sat under earlier, where he is now, grabbing his stuff.
It’ll be better tomorrow.
Lisa well’s up.
But if we don’t do the work today, there won’t be a tomorrow.
In goes another can, her bag splits, the rubbish falls out and she bursts into tears.
The family stand, as sad as Lisa but unable to help her.
From the tree Clive can hear Lisa, he turns and sees her, his eyes ache over her pain, he can feel his own, the rejection, the loss of his father, in the pit of his stomach.
Grabbing his camera, Clive steels up, he aims and takes a picture.
ON THE COMPUTER SCREEN: The picture of Lisa crying, rubbish at her feet, family beside her. The headline reads: TOWN MUST CLEAN UP ACT.
Alone, Clive writes the story himself.
The paper runs through the machines, Clive snaps the process.
At the end of the process, the papers are bundled, Clive snaps it.
Paperboys throw bundles of the paper onto the street for waiting sellers, Clive is in the van handing the papers to them and, of course, taking pictures as he does.
A young paperboy rides his bike quickly, throwing papers to the doors.
Behind him Clive runs, struggling to keep up and take pictures at the same time.
Clive sleeps, exhausted, his finger on the resting on the button of his camera which faces him.
Marge is waking Lisa up, but Lisa is reluctant.
Do I have to get up?
No, honey but at least read the paper first.
This intrigues Lisa, she gets up fully and is handed the paper by Marge.
Her eyes light up seeing the headline and picture she reads the story below. The sub headline is: FRED FIRED. PAGES 3-12.
Do you think it made a difference?
I wouldn’t have woke you up if it hadn’t.
The whole town, inspired by the picture or perhaps feeling really guilty for making an eight year old cry, are out picking up rubbish.
Lisa watches over them, helping herself.
Clive enters the park, having just got back up, Lisa spots him immediately.
Oh Clive, thank you!
She gives Clive a hug, he half smiles, a little embarrassed.
Wow, I didn’t think it would have so much of an impact.
Then why did you do it?
Because I didn’t want you to give up, I wanted you to keep that passion, that fight that I lost.
Do you think you’ll rediscover yours?
Maybe in time, but right now I want to take pictures to show what can be achieved with a passionate spirit.
We start with a picture of Lisa stood in front of a large group of helpers. Lisa working within that group.
Moe, Homer and the other barflies picking up cans and bottle’s of beer.
Skinner picking up bricks. Skinner putting the bricks in his car.
Homer picking up the toaster oven. The raccoons fighting Homer for the toaster oven. Marge, Bart and Maggie helping Homer take the toaster oven. The raccoons crying.
Jimbo, Kearney and Dolph putting together a bin. Then putting Milhouse in the bin.
Shots of people cleaning, the park changing and eventually being clean.
Finally the whole town together in a photograph, in the background is a plane.
The town talks as it begins to disperse, rolling past the park is a black car, Quimby’s. The window rolls down.
Quimby, very well tanned, takes off his sunglasses to look at the scene in the park.
Someone find out what’s happening.
One of his bodyguards exits the car.
Through the window we watch the bodyguard, who is dressed top half in a suit and bottom half in shorts and sandals from the holiday, walk over to Carl and talk to him. He walks back to the car, leans in at the window.
Apparently the town came together to clean the park and Lenny’s having an ice cream party, can we go?
No you moron, but this park thing, that we can exploit.
How much money do we have left from the holiday?
Around three hundred dollars sir.
Lit up and looking good the museum has a stream of patrons entering it.
A doorman stands selling tickets, beside him there’s a sign:
Everyone in town is about, looking at the various pictures on the wall, a photographer, FRED, takes pictures of them.
Lisa stands looking at one of the pictures holding a program from the evening, Clive walks over to her.
What do you think?
They’re so good, I’m really impressed.
I’m glad you like them. Honestly I’ve never had a crowd this big for my work before, where’s the money going to?
Lisa consults the program.
It’s going to pay off Mayor Quimby’s tax bill.
Well, I would complain and say something like “if only you could clean up the corruption in the mayors office like you did the park”, but he did pay me two hundred dollars for tonight.
How would you like to make twice that a year?
Clive turns. His old boss Mr. Hartford is stood there.
Mr. Hartford? What are you doing here?
We were in town to do a story on small town mayoral corruption, until Mayor Quimby paid me fifty dollars not too. Then we saw the sign, figured we’d see your work.
It’s impressive, so how about coming back on staff?
Last time we spoke you said as long your daughter had a smart phone you wouldn’t need me?
Yes, what a four years it’s been.
Unfortunately Stephanie has gone from a cute twelve year old to a sullen sixteen year old.
Across the room STEPHANIE, 16, is sat on the floor, headphones on, in her own world.
The only pictures she takes now are of herself looking unhappy. I need a true photographer, I need you Clive.
Okay, but not for four hundred pound a year.
How about four hundred pounds a day?
He almost snaps Mr. Hartford’s hand off shake on it, which Hartford doesn’t quite understand.
Did I say a day or a month?
A day.
Darn it.
Nevermind, I probably fire you in a couple weeks anyway, I fire everyone eventually.
Mr. Hartford walks off.
Stephanie, you’re fired!
I guess this means you’re leaving?
If it’s any consolation I probably would have left anyway, the paper hired Fred back.
Fred walks over at the same time.
Are the rumours true, Fred?
No comment.
He takes a picture of Lisa and Clive, then leaves.
Thank you, Lisa. You’ve given me a taste of the passion I had for photography and a chance to have another go at making it into a career.
Well, thank you for helping me clean the park.
I have something to give you.
From his pocket Clive takes a picture, an image of train tracks, hands it to Lisa.
This is the last picture my dad ever took. I want you to have it.
Clive, I can’t take this.
Why not? It’s just a copy.
Yes, alright now.
Lisa, Clive, and the rest of the patrons turn to see Quimby at a hastily set up mic stand.
I’d like to welcome everyone, from art lovers to lovers of free food-
Cut to Homer holding two bowls of food that was supposed to be for everyone.
To this celebration of our town and it’s ‘do it anyway’ spirit. And now, welcome the man who took the pictures you see here tonight, without permission, Clive Brewer.
Clive looks surprised, walks over to the mic, applauded.
Wow, what a reception, but your applause should be for Lisa, she’s the one who inspired all of this.
He waves Lisa over, drops the mic stand to her size and moves away from it. She gets even greater applause.
I believe strongly that this town can be truly great if we all work together and to better ourselves each and every day.
She looks across to where Clive was, he’s gone, she looks back at the crowd, all of whom are fully engaged by her words.
Taking a deep breathe she continues on.
Clive watches Lisa through the window, smiles, takes a picture of her, then moves on.
We see Clive’s journey back to his job, then his work on the job.
We end on three pictures. The first of the front of a train. The second the back end of that same train and the third a picture taken of Clive by a nurse as he lays in a full body cast in a hospital. Big smile on his face.
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cupcakemolotov · 7 years
Today's Endless Skies
An AU where you can use ANY point in canon as a jumping off point! Pre and post canon are always popular choices. How would Klaus have reacted to human!Caroline? Or, since our endgame IS coming, how do you see it going down.
For @lalainajanes as a thank you for the body swap. Weirdly this went fluffy instead of smutty, but this will have to do! Hope you enjoy!
Chicago was cooler than she’d thought it’d be. Pinning a napkin between her knees, Caroline took her first taste of the hot dog she’d bought off a vendor and hummed in approval. She’d been disappointed my deep dish pizza, but this was delicious. The tiny park she’d found in her search for lunch was a lovely break from the press of tourists on the busier streets, and she took another careful bite. The wind wasn’t what she’d expected, and the spring gusts threatened to dislodge bits of relish and the napkin.
The last two days had been a much needed change from the chaos of Whitemore, the crazy from the whole Augustine mess. Maybe later she’d feel guilty about the text messages she’d been ignoring, the tiny bit of compulsion that had gotten her a decent hotel room at the last minute during the busy Spring Break season. Another itty bitty compulsion had gotten her an eager concierge who set about getting her tickets to the local museums and aquarium, and those were stuffed into her backpack.  She had a list of places she wanted to see. Food she wanted to try. Pictures she wanted to take, before she had to go back to the grind of her education and friend’s expectations.
Adjusting the tinfoil, she’d just stuffed another bite into her mouth when a familiar voice cut into her thoughts. “Care to slide over, love?”
She nearly choked, and gropped for the water bottle beneath the bench with watering eyes. When she finally composed herself, Klaus had pressed his lips together in a clear sign of hiding a smile, and she glared at him. “What are you doing here?”
A faint smile ghosted across his lips the, and his gaze lowered to the bench she’d deliberately taken up too much space on. Caroline debated popping that knowing bubble and saying no, but her curiosity would drive her insane. So she juggled her backpack and lunch to make enough room for him to sit. It didn’t surprise that he chose to sit as close as possible, the heat of his thigh brushing hers as he settled. It did surprised her when he unwrapped his own hotdog, seemingly perfectly at ease.
Not a look she’d have associated with Klaus, but one that was weirdly appealing.
“Seriously though,” she jabbed him with lightly with an elbow, not fighting the flicker at satisfaction as she jostled his food. “This is Chicago.”
A sardonic glance from beneath his lashes. “I’m aware, Caroline.”
She set her teeth as he took a of bite his hotdog, her nose wrinkling instinctively at the sight of jalapenos. Gross. “No, seriously, this had better be a case of really weird serendipity, because if you followed me here I’m going to get mean.”
The gleam of laughter in his gaze almost hid the faint shadows under his eyes, and she wondered long he had to go without sleep to look tired. She’d heard a few rumors from Stefan about the awfulness that had gone down in New Orleans, had maybe followed started following New Orleans PD twitter account out of pure curiosity. Finding Klaus here instead of tangled in whatever supernatural shenanigans were still occurring was kind of huge shock.
Klaus didn’t seem bothered by her staring, and she pretended not to watch as his tongue snaked out across his lips. One brow arched as he tipped his head in her direction, unphased by her scrutiny. “I assure you, I was just as surprised to see you wandering the streets of Chicago as I imagine you were to see me.”
She weighed his words, decided she’d believe him. Elena had only texted her once or twice, and Caroline had already told Bonnie that she needed a few days of space. There was no reason for her friends to have been worried about her, and none of them would have clued Klaus in to her plans. “Okay, then why are you here?”
“Business,” Klaus said.
Caroline paused in mid bite, eyes narrowed. “Do I want to know?”
He smiled, dimples cutting deep. “Nothing of real import, love. You shouldn’t be bothered on your vacation.”
She nodded, and they ate in silence for the next few moments as Caroline tried not to let the heat of him distract her. It was strangely comfortable sitting on a park bench and eating lunch with Klaus. It was so different than any of her other encounters with him, and the ease of it was slightly alarming. Caroline had always assumed that the next time she’d see Klaus would be a little awkward. Men tended to look at you differently once they’d seen you naked, and she’d somehow doubted that a thousand years of living would curb that.
The way that Klaus unabashedly watched her eat did hold little flickers of that scalding possessiveness she’d grown somewhat accustomed to seeing, but there was no expectation in his eyes. Instead, posture was as relaxed as she’d ever seen him, even though she knew he was tracking and cataloging every possible threat around him. It was likely that talking with Klaus on neutral territory would be a strain on her self control, but she found she didn’t want him to leave.
It was… nice.
“Why Chicago?” he murmured once she’d balled up the foil, water bottle crinkling in her hand as she finished it off. She looked at him in question and he glanced around before his gaze returned to her, nothing but curiosity on his face. “I’d have thought New York or L.A. would be more to your tastes.”
“Thought about it,” she said slowly, leaning back against the bench to enjoy the sunshine, ignoring that the move pushed her leg that much closer to his. “Seemed a bit predictable.”
Klaus mimicked her position, one booted foot crossing across the other. “Oh?”
Caroline considered how much she wanted to tell him, weighing her options. She knew it unlikely that Klaus would judge her, would even likely be a decent sounding board for the discontent she found herself wrestling with. Too good of one, really. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for that kind of honesty, not yet.
Tipping her head back, she sighed and watched a small child chase a balloon. “I just needed a break.”
Klaus was silent for several moments, clearly considering how best to respond to that statement. Finally he nodded, fingers laced across the flatness of his abdomen. “I can’t say that I blame you, love. Your friends are exactly what I’d consider restful.”
She rolled her eyes. “Really?”
He ignored the bite in her tone. “Tell me, what does Caroline Forbes do when she decides to spread her wings?”
Caroline shrugged, a small amused smile curling her lips. “Oh you know, the normal touristy things. Museums. Food. Getting lost on the loop. Maybe the Aquarium.”
“Sounds delightful,” he drawled.
She snorted, knowing full well that the Aquarium would be a nightmare for Klaus. So many people, the screaming children a constant clatter with his ears. Still, it wouldn’t do any good to let him think that she actually cared. “Why? Interested in seeing some dolphins do tricks?”
“Hardly,” Klaus said disdainfully. His head angled in her direction, eyes gone dark and tempting, tongue sliding across his bottom lip. “However, if you’d be interested in a few of the more… lesser known sights, I’d be happy to show you.”
She held herself still, refusing to show the shiver that threatened to roll down her spine at the rumble in his words. There was a wealth of invitations in his eyes, and she shouldn’t feel so breathless at just a few words. Refusing to let herself be dragged into the memories of the last time he’d been so closer, she cleared her throat. Particularly when she was pretty sure she might have a chance to reenact them, if she wanted too.
“I’ve got pretty high standards about touristy things, Klaus,” Caroline returned playfully, both brows arching. “Is this business of yours going to interrupt?”
He waved a hand, gaze dipping to trace the lines of her smile with his eyes. “I’m all yours.”
It was a loaded statement, and she refused to look beneath the surface, for the hints of gravel in his voice. Scraping her teeth over her lip, she poked the solid muscle of his bicep. “I get to change my mind if you’re boring.”
He caught her hand, flattened her palm against the hot muscle, his smile a wicked tease. “Not an accusation that I’ve had laid at my feet before, but I suppose there is a first time for everything. Feel free to offer suggestions.”
Looking heavenward for patience at the casual arrogance in his words, she still let him pull her to her feet. They discarded their trash, headed for the intersection they’d approved earlier. Klaus didn’t do anything like reach for her hand, but there was no doubt from the closeness of his body language they he was with her and it was another revelation that she didn’t mind that either.
“How long are you in Chicago?”
A quick, heated glance as they moved across the street. “I suppose that depends on you.”
Caroline considered that and decided that this Spring Break had the potential to be a lot more fun than she’d anticipated.
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warmau · 7 years
{Special} College!AU Yuta
major: plant biology
minor: n/a
sports: soccer team
clubs: photography club, earth coalition, did debate team for a while but only because he liked getting into arguments with doyoung in front of people LOL
is really popular, fun, and relaxed,,,,,,you can see him taking a stroll from the library to the lab looking absent mindedly at the trees or at the sky
but don’t underestimate him,,,,,because he’s actually really smart and organized
a lot of the research he does in his courses is praised by his teachers even though he’ll play it off and be like “ah~ i got it right? what luck!”
but in front of other students he’s like hell yeah im the prince of the plant biology major ~~
likes nature so decided he may as well make a career out of it, also taeil told him once that he looked good in white so getting to wear the lab coat kinda makes him giddy
but he frequently likes to hike and go to forests,,,even on days when it isn’t required for his major
flirts naturally with everyone, from the TA in class, to the people in his group, to people in completely different majors, once came in to check up on an experiment his group was doing on some eucalyptus plants and i shit u not he touched a leaf and was like “ahhhh, you look pretty today~” to the freaking plant
tried to tutor for plant ecology but yuta has this thing where he can plan everything perfectly in his head but when he gets to actually trying to explain anything he’s like ah,,,well,,,you see,,,,one plant,,,and other plant,,,,become friends??? wait no,,,,,biologically plants cant make friends,,,,,,they,,,,,,interact? first date? yEARS of EVOLUtiON haVE CREATed This pLANT,,,,,,,,,,,,does that not make sense
but hey,,,he tried his best
doyoung calls him “narcissist nakamoto” anytime they see each other on campus dfldskdg
but honestly,,,he’s not wrong,,,,,because every soccer game the uni has yuta somehow ends up flashing that handsome smile of his and ending up on the front page of the uni’s sports website, the uni journal, hell even the other teams school has photos of yuta because he’s undeniably attractive
esp in a soccer uniform with his hair pulled back, pretty sweat down his strong jawline, and his eyes that can go literally from ^__^ to the most sERIOUS expression
comes of cool~ and suave~ and like suuuuuch a smooth talker
but all of his friends just sneer when people gush about yuta because they’re all like “this is the dork who calls his mom at like midnight and says he misses her and cries” and also apparently enjoys kidlike things like amusement parks and kamen rider 
“isn’t yuta soooo manly and dreamy~?”
taeyong somewhere: he collects anime figures don’t trust him
jokes jokes
but it’s cute,,,,yuta is all flower boy charm in his pressed lab coat and brilliant big smile and always trying to show off that he’s a gentlemen 
but also squishing winwin’s cheeks during lunch because wahhh so cute and getting all happy over the new pokemon release like,,,,,how soft
his dorm is slightly disheveled but it proves that he works hard with stacks of books and highlighters alongside the many trophies and medals he’s won for the school
(and ofc,,,,,his kamen rider figurines lmfao)
but yep it’s summer!!! which means a lot of kids have left the campus but some classes are still going on
you happen to not be taking any,,,,but you get a job at the local fair that’s going to run all summer a couple blocks away from the uni so you decide it’d be better to just stay in the dorm and well,,,,,make that Money
yuta,,,,,,,is also staying but that’s because one of his group studies is being conducted by a teacher who won’t be back in the fall
and tbh you only know yuta vaguely,,,,you’re friends with jaehyun who has talked about him and you’ve seen him in the school news
but,,,,,you’ve also “heard” rumors about him,,,,,how apparently he likes to flirt as much as possible and isn’t really interested in anything serious
someone once said something about how he accepted ten confessions in a day but then broke up with the girls through text
and you don’t???? know him???? but those rumors feel weird and full of jealousy
but at the same time like what is it your business anyway not like you and yuta have ever interacted 
until,,,,,,that changes
see your job at the fair is pretty simple,,,,you sell tickets to the ferris wheel and tell people which cabins to sit in
the ferris wheel is pretty tiny considering this isn’t a permanent fair,,,,and the rides like 5 minutes tops,,,,,but it gets fairly popular
esp at night when all the couples walk by sharing ice-creams and cuddling up close when they buy tickets
and secretly you’re like blEGh,,,but at the same time cant lose this job so u just smile and sell tickets
and??? that’s when you notice that almost every night
yuta comes by
and you know it’s him from the face but also,,,you’ve heard him speaking japanese on the phone when buying tickets,,,,,and you don’t think anything of it
but he keeps only,,,buying,,,,one ticket,,,,,every night
and idk you don’t want to say anything because maybe,,,,this is his stress relief from summer classes????? but at the same time everyones saying this popular boy who could have anyone he wants on campus is spending his nights. alone. on the ferris wheel
somehow, without either of you saying much to each other you memorize the time he comes by and save a ticket just in case 
like two weeks into this whole ordeal you dont even ask him to pay you just hand him the ticket and yuta gives you a look but you’re just like,,,,,go
because honestly you start thinking up ridiculous scenarios like,,,maybe he cries in there???? maybe the ride reminds him of a lost loved one??? maybe,,,,,,,,he uses it as a place to scream out all his frustration 
and the tickets are way 2 overpriced anyway college kids need to help each other out
but ,,,, the night before the third week of summer classes starts yuta finally says something to you 
and when he does you almost fall down,,,,because????? but as you slide the ticket over he goes “this place closes in half an hour, right?”
you nod 
and he’s like “ill be by the entrance. let me treat you to dinner.” 
at first you think you’ve heard wrong - maybe that he needs to treat someone to dinner
but when you meet his gaze, yuta smiles and is like “i promise to be there.” before walking off like it’s the moST Casual thing to ask a STRANGER to dinner
it shocks you so much that you barely manage to stutter out a “ok” when he’s literally gone
as,,,,he promised yuta is standing at the entrance as you come out still wearing your uniform t-shirt with the fairs name sprawled across the front
and yuta motions to it and is like “cute” and you’re like um,,,,,,what is happening
and he smiles again,,,so bright even though it’s nearing ten pm and he’s like “i know you,,,,,not from the fair but from college. you go to the same one as me.” 
you nod slowly but you’re still obviously confused
which only makes yuta chuckle, throwing his head back a bit when he does but he’s like “don’t worry, im not being creepy or whatever. it’s just,,,,,i know you’ve been giving me the tickets for free for a while so i thought i should do something nice back.”
the sentiment calms you down a bit,,,even though you try to say it’s fine you don’t need to be treated but yuta just throws his hand around you
pulling you by the shoulder closer and he’s like “nah,,,,we college students need to jump at any chance we get not to waste money - so c’mon!”
and that’s how you end up at a small stall at the night market,,,,yuta piling food onto the tiny plastic table as you watch him balance drinks in his other hand
for a moment you think back to those photos you’d seen of him on the school website. the star shining athlete of the soccer team
yet here he was,,,,looking something close to a fool,,,,,but in the most endearing way
you don’t expect to talk with him for a longtime,,,,but you do. 
yuta has a way of making people feel comfortable,,,,he’s obviously sociable and sweet and it’s hard not to like someone who gives compliments and actually seems interested in you
especially since the summer semester has left you pretty lonely on campus,,,,
but when you check your watch you’re shocked to see it’s nearing 1am and you have a shift tomorrow at the fair 
so hurriedly you and yuta clean up and practically sprint back to the dorms,,,,yuta making a joke about how he hasn’t run this much since soccer practice ended 
but as you stop in front of your dorm yuta says your name,,,,,smiling and adding that he’ll see you tomorrow before heading off into the other direction 
and it’s not till your brushing your teeth,,,,,looking in the mirror that you realize,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that you just hung out with nakamoto yuta
the next night yuta shows up as usual,,,,this time he slips something toward you in exchange for the ticket,,,,,,a ice-cream bar from the grocery 
he says that it must suck to not be able to leave and take snacks and you look at the ice cream and go “how did you know my fav-”
and he grins and is like “ah, did you forget, you told me yesterday~ i personally like their green tea flavor more but,,,,”
and with that he waves,,,,going toward the ride and you sit there,,,,looking at the ice cream
and before you know it,,,there’s a small smile on your face
yuta is even waiting for you at the entrance again so you guys can walk back to campus together
this,,,happens for a bit,,,,,and then there’s a day when you have off and you pass yuta on campus only to have him call out to you and pout because you’re not at work~ he won’t see you later??
and you’re like nope i have the day off, you’ll actually have to pay for your ticket tonight 
he makes a face that makes you burst into giggles and he’s like ill have to call my sister for more money at this point,,,,,,,or oh,,,,,should i try and get doyoung to use his card,,,,
you shake your head because what street fair accepts cards???? and he’s like rats ur right,,,,,,
but it’s cute seeing him like this,,,,, in the daylight,,,,,eyes sparkling and pretty,,,,,,,
bUT you shake that thought off as soon as you see a group of underclassman walking by and calling out to yuta,,,,,saying something about how he still owes them all lunch or something
and the rumors you’d tried to forget come back to you,,,,,,,because hey he probably isn’t treating you any differently than how he treats others
catching feelings for him???? Big No No
but yuta turns back and says he’ll see you tomorrow then and there’s a hint of happiness in his tone,,,,,but again you’re sure you’re imagining it
so why is it that the next evening,,,,your stomach is full of butterflies,,,,,,you’re practically straining your neck to see if yuta is coming,,,,,,
the moment you see the familiar silhouette you start adjusting your hair and shirt,,,,,,,,god it makes you feel embarrassed but also,,,,,when his face appears in the window,,,,,smiling and happy
it makes your heartbeat surge and you mentally have to keep yourself in check as yuta tells you about something doyoung texted him this afternoon 
tbh as you hand him the single ticket,,,,,you get the sudden urge to ask ‘why don’t you ever take someone with you on the ride? like on a date?’
but you know you shouldn’t say something like that
but when you feel his hand brush against yours,,,,,you just,,,,,,you burst
“yuta, why don’t you ever ride the ferris wheel with someone else? someone,,,,,,special?”
yuta seems taken back,,,,,for a split moment even speechless but he just looks down at the ticket and you,,,,snap back into reality
and start to apologize because that was,,,,,rude of you,,,,,super rude,,,,,god why do you never thinK properly before speaking
but yuta just chuckles and is like “ok, you’re right i should take someone special can you give me another ticket?”
your heart literally drops into your stomach,,,,because,,,,,he does have someone special,,,,,,,,,,,,
but hiding your trembling hands as you print the ticket you hand it to him only to have yuta give it back and he’s like “let’s go.”
honestly speaking you shouldn’t ever leave your post at the ticket stand but the park is closing in ten minutes and there isn’t another person in sight so when yuta pulls you in behind him ,,,,,,
you find yourself sitting in the see-through cabinet,,,,,the lights of the two flickering below you as the wheel starts to turn
and you’re too busy looking at the view to notice yuta is staring at you
funnily enough,,,even though you’ve worked most of your summer there,,,,you’d actually never gotten to ride it before
so with the sudden invitation to get on,,,,,you kind of got excited,,,,,taking your phone out even to take photos
until you hear yutas voice
“so, ive taken someone special now. are you happy?”
and you look at him and blink,,,,,,,because wait,,,,,,,,are you that special someone???????
but ur like no no no way and so you change the topic and you’re like “why do you ride this every night? does it help you think?” 
but yuta just shrugs and is like “no. i just like it. i,,,,,,like it enough to ride it twice,,,,,three times but,,,,,,,”
and you look up from your phone at him and suddenly he’s leaning over
hand coming up to hold the side of your neck
and just as you reach the top you feel his lips against yours before he’s pulling away and whispering “but i like you so much that i thought if i come everyday,,,,if i ride this everyday,,,,,won’t they notice me in time?”
and,,,,,,,,no one has ever,,,,,,so straightforwardly,,,,,,,said something like that to you so you’re shocked,,,,, 
nearly dropping the phone in your hands but,,,,,,,,,but also,,,,,,you manage to ask “w-why?”
and yuta laughs,,,,,,hand on his stomach and he’s like “seriously? why? because,,,,,i saw you and it was like i was looking at my dream,,,,,,the person of my dreams,,,,,,,,and then when we got to talk i knew it was right. that you’re the one.”
the ferris wheel starts moving slowly again and once you and yuta get to the bottom you step out of the cabin,,,,,still trying to process the confession from him
when yuta’s hand slips into yours and he’s like c’mon your shift is over. let me treat you again.
and,,,,,,,you follow him but suddenly halfway down the streetyou stop and yuta turns to look at you and you’re like,,,,,,, “don’t play around.”
and he’s like ? what
and you yank your hand from his and you’re like “don’t play around with me. i don’t want to be just another person you woo and then,,,,,and then dump.”
yuta watches you,,,,,nervously looking toward the ground and he lets out a sigh and is like “do you think im playing? do you know how much money i spent on that ferris wheel in the first two weeks? 6 bucks for 6 days out of the week. that’s 36 a week, that’s 72 for tWO YOU KNOW WHAT 72 DOLLARS IS FOR A COLLEGE GUY DONT YOU”
and you look up and he’s like “listen,,,,,,some rumors about me are true. like how i stare out the window during class like a moron but am also ranked in the top five of my major. yeah i tend to fall over things because im not looking, but im still the ace of the soccer team. and yeah,,,,,,,,,i like to talk and be nice to lots of people but im not a player. my feelings for you are for real.”
you swallow the lump in you throat,,,but you’re also like,,,,,,,r-really?
and yuta is like yES really now do you feel the same or no?
you look at his outstretched hand,,,,,,,and you look at him,,,,,,,the smiling boy who’d treated you to dinner, who’d come everyday not to ride the ferris wheel but to see you,,,,,,,,,,,,and you take his hand
because what is there to lose in trusting this handsome, sweet guy,,,,,,who just happens to love corny things like the ferris wheel LOL
and most people cant believe yuta is actually dating,,,,,,,,,but not because of those stupid rumors but because he seemingly has never been interested
and when you meet his friends for the first time johnny asks if yuta didn’t perhaps pay you on the downlow to pretend-
but yuta is like heY im not you mr. chicago and ur like ????? and johnny is like fine fine fine
taeyong pats your shoulder and is like “good luck, he’s a handfull.”
you also learn of yuta’s undying fondness when it comes to transfer winwin which you dont mind because,,,,,the kids adorable and you and yuta are both like “he’s so cute” like 24/7
much to the disdain of literally everyone else,,,,,,,,winwin is lowkey savage though he told you once that you were too good for yuta who apparently is much more airheaded than it seems
but you were sure he was joking
until yuta literally almost burned down the dorm trying to make homemade takoyaki,,,,,,
but boyfriend!yuta is just,,,,,the best
he’s so fun and upbeat and never,,,,,like,,,,,,pushy
like sure he makes jokes about being prince of plant biology or the only man worthy of your attention
but he’s coming from a place of genuine love,,,,,and his want of your attention
which is kinda cute because if you ignore him for more than like twenty minutes you meet aegyo!yuta which,,,,,,,can either infuriate you or melt you it’s always a 50/50 draw on that one
yuta also loves taking photos which is something you leaned when everytime you’d go on a date he’d start taking candids of you
and you’d be like babe im just ordering off the menu we don’t need to take pic- but yuta is already like its fine i took one of you and it’s up on insta i tagged you check it out
his sister calls to check up on him and you’re always nervous to talk to her,,,,even though she roasts yuta to you and it’s amazing,,,but you’re always like i want your family to like me,,,,and yuta is like how could they not like you when i like you so freaking much
his sister told you about his flowershop job in highschool which you think is just the CUTEST so you always jokingly ask him to get you pretty custom bouquets 
but the thing is,,,,,,,,he does,,,,,,,he really does
and he surprises you with this big arrangement on the 100th day of dating and each flower has a meaning for what he thinks about you and it’s so beautiful,,,,,,,,yuta no matter how greasy he comes off secretly is a big sappy romantic. fight me on this
takes you hiking with him and if you get tired he’s always trying to get you to let him carry you and you’re like NO and he’s like “why not i am a man of nature, man of the mountains-” and ur like man of the mountains when you drop me accidentally off the cliff hell no nakamoto
if anything you do like hearing him talk about his major,,,,because people think he’s good looks and athleticism
but he’s also so smart,,,,,and his notes are all over the place sure but he knows what he’s doing and it makes you so proud
you caught him dancing in the lab once when he thought no one was alone. did he serenade a plant? he most def did
the hottest thing about him though,,,,is during his soccer matches it’s like 0 to 10000. at the beginning he smiles and waves at you blows air kisses and does the usual cringy sappy stuff
but,,,,,once the game is in heat,,,,,he changes completely
the softness in his eyes and smile are gone,,,,,,it’s just a fierce stare and raw determination 
and,,,,,,it’s ,,,,,,,,,a turn on especially when he wins and runs up the bleachers right up to you to get a kiss and slip his medal off to put around your neck
liKE,,,,,,,how idea,,,,,,,,,also getting to shower with him afterward?????? even more ideal
even though yuta can get pretty interesting,,,,intimately he’s always mush and goo for the kisses you give him on the tummy
when you both are just lazing around and he’s playing some 3ds game and you heads on his stomach going through your phone and you just lift up the hem of his shirt and kiss his tummy 
he makes the cutest,,,,,,,like the CUTEST hehehehe laugh,,,,,,,
“yuta,,,,don’t you have lab hours to do?” “yes,,,,but i also have cuddle hours to do so get over here”
when you’re upset,,,,,,yuta is,,,,,actually really good at comforting, he reminds you that he’s here,,,,,,by your side and nothing will hurt you and he’ll help you no matter what
and no matter how childish his interests are like video games and amusement parks,,,,,,he’s a serious man when it comes to you and your happiness
his mom texted you like 40000 baby photos of him which you love and cherish and yuta isn’t actually embarrassed at all tbh he thinks it’s adorable you fawn over him
(aka he lives for your attention. if you don’t give it to him, like i said, he turns into a mess of bad attempts on getting you to show him your love LOL) 
sleeps in class and still gets straight A’s - it’s infuriating 
but also,,,,,whenever you guys have time you’ll head into the city to the amusement park and get on the ferris wheel because no matter what yuta remembers it as your “first official date spot” even though that’d technically not be true
but it’s cute and it’s important to you two even though doyoung is like “go to a restaurant like ADULTS” but you and yuta aren’t rushing to grow up
any1 who spreads rumors about him gets you super worked up and you’ve screamed at a good number of people and yuta and the boys always hold you back
but afterword yuta is always kissing you madly because “wow i love you so much you stand up for me all the time and wow i love you ok im gonna keep kissing you no-”
you guys are a fun couple ok
still flirts with u even tho ur dating but he does it with plant puns to be cheesey. “will you never leaf me?” “if you were a flower you’d be a damndelion” “we were MINT to be”
what im saying is yuta comes off as not being a dork, but he’s the biggest dork
OH wearing his soccer team hoodie and people being like “wait, you’re dating nakamoto?” and you getting to be like yes ;-) yes i am ;-)
find other college!aus:
taeyong | bangtan | vixx | monsta x | got7 + kard + amber | seventeen | 
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jokertrap-ran · 7 years
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lin Jewelry Kiss (Volume 1) CV: 佐藤拓也 (Satou Takuya) as 紅玉透矢 (Kougyaku Touya)
04 商品テスト Track 04: Product Test
*Spoiler free: Translations under cut
It really is jammed after all. It was a right decision to head out a little earlier. At this rate, I guess we’ll reach our destination a little over noon…? Hm? What’s the matter? To think that you were really raring to go yesterday too. I never thought that I’d go out together with you either. Sorry for asking you to accompany me on a day off. About that “Owner” thing, could you stop calling me that for a day? It’s your long-awaited day-off after all. Calling me “Owner” and the like, wouldn’t that just make you think of work and dismiss the fun you experience? That’s precisely why you’ll call me by my name just for today. I also think that it’s an important thing to separate your work and private lives, you know? It’s kinda...refreshing. Ahem! Speaking of which, that outfit…...it might actually be the first time I’ve ever seen you wearing a one-piece. Heh~You wore piercings too? Well isn’t that great? It really suits you. Pfft- What’s with that? I’m not expecting to get anything from you. By the way, about lunch…...with the traffic like this, I don’t think we’ll reach the service area in time for it. What should we do? Sandwitches? Did you make them by yourself? No wonder. I noticed that you were carrying more items than usual. Could it be that you woke up early just for those? I thought that something happened since you were making such a tired looking expression since morning. Thanks.
Say….since you’ve already done all that and all, won’t you let me eat those sandwiches? I skipped breakfast so I’m really hungry right now. I’m in the middle of driving so I can’t let my hands off the wheel, please? No, there’s nothing I particularly hate but...what’s in those? If I had to choose between those then...egg would be nice.
*He eats the sandwich* ….Mm, delicious! Come on, hurry and let me eat the next one. *He eats it again and chokes* S-Sorry! I was focused on driving so I didn’t see that at all! Ahh, how about we eat the rest once we reach the amusement park?
Haa~ We managed to arrive here safely...Just like I thought, it gets this crowded during weekends huh~ Children and students...well, we’re all the same now that I think about it. Oi, where are you trying to go? The admissions are over there, isn’t it? Here, your ticket. I got it beforehand so we don’t have to queue up. It’s easier to do it this way because I don’t want to waste my time waiting. Really? This much’s normal, isn’t it. Moreover, I was the one who asked of you to accompany me for this. And so, where should we start off first? Headbands, you say…...um, you mean those with ears…? You aren’t gonna say that you want me to wear those too...right…? Did you think that they would suit me? I’ll accompany you if you’re buying them but you’re going to be the only one wearing them. Alright? Haa….and so, what are you gonna do about the rides? The Jet Coaster’s the way to go after all! Heh, our opinions are one and the same. Let’s go then.
Here, take this. Would a Soda have been better? Whew~ That was fun! I might actually get addicted to that exhilaration! Heh, even so, the picture taken when we were all falling downwards was really amusing! Pfft-- Just thinking about it makes me laugh, hehe! Nope, I lost to the expression you were making, ahahaha!! I can’t!! My stomach hurts--!! Ahaha...ahh...I got really thirsty after laughing. Pfft- that couldn’t be helped since your expressions were really amusing. You laughed while looking at my face too so we’re even. Come to think of it, there were still sandwiches left, right? Let’s eat them since we might as well do so. Which should I take...I had the egg one earlier…...hm? W-What are you getting all red for? Even I’ll get embarrassed…*He eats the sandwich* …...It’s delicious after all. Oh right, I’ll feed it to you this time. Come on, open your mouth a little more. You don’t have to hold back, come on.  Ahn~ Pfft- what’s with that? That’s too small of a bite. What are you getting all embarrassed about all of a sudden? Even though you were fine with letting me see your sleeping face. Here, bite down more of it. Ah~ah, you have to be careful with the force when doing that. Well that’s fine and all but now my finger has the ketchup from the sandwich. Honestly...mmph, it’s a waste like that so...lick it. Heh, just joking.
Ah! You- ...would someone normally lick it? Because it’s a beautiful finger…? What’s with that...I-I’m not turning red at all! Rather than that, how about we go to a different  attraction once you’re done eating this for a change? Where do you want to go next? How about we go to that one over there if you’re unable to decide? The Haunted House. Could it be that you’re no good with Haunted Houses? Then it’s decided! It seems like the Haunted House here was built from a haunted hospital~ There are also rumours that real ghosts appear every once in a while...how fun~ *He finishes the sandwich* Thanks for the food!  Well then, let’s hurry and head over!
Heh~ We’re gonna go in while handcuffed together huh. The keys to the handcuffs are at the goal…? Seems pretty fun! Come on, let’s hurry and go. What’s wrong? If you walk that far apart from me, won’t it be hard to walk? Or is it that you’re afraid after all~? Oh, really. Then let’s go~~!
Come to think of it, it was written that zombies will come and assault us in the middle of this all. Heh, is there even someone who’d get scared by something like that? Even though you say that, your hand’s been trembling ever since earlier. Haa, you’re really stubborn aren’t you? But that’s fine if it’s how you’re gonna be.
The atmosphere's really on point. I guess that’s one good point of using good quality stuff to make it realistic. It’s hard to walk if you’re pulling me backwards though. What’s wrong? Are you scared after all?
Hey! Don’t just stop walking all of a sudden! Did you forget that we were connected by handcuffs? Huh? There’s nothing at all. It’s fine so let’s proceed. Haa, I get it. Here, let’s hold hands. I don’t want to be held back by you too and it doesn’t seem like we can proceed on further if things stay like this either. You want to hurry and get out of here, don’t you? I don’t really mind if you tell me that you don’t want to hold hands though. Heh, that’s right, it would have been alright if you had just held my hand like you were told to since the beginning. It’s a little less scarier like this, right? Even still, to think that you had things that you feared…
You’re gonna act tough again? Huh? Which part of this is scary? That part of you’s really just plain childish. There’s no way that a doll would move on it’s own, is there? All these dolls here are just made to do so. What is it, all of a sudden? ...Are you...crying? Ahh...sorry. It’s all because I said that we’d go into the haunted house. I never thought that you’d be so scared. There, there, calm down. I’m with you, okay? It seems like you’ve calmed down a bit, do you think you can make it till the exit? We can exit through the emergency exit if you can’t. Alright. Let’s go then.
Haa~ We finally got out! To think that the zombies only came at the very end, that was surprising to say in the least. Heh! You dashed out to the exit with all your might too. Even so, to think that it was that hard to move about while being handcuffed...Huh? I’m fine. I could say the same to you as well, is your wrist okay? It’s all good if that’s the case. Well then, for the next ride...hm? What’s the matter? Your short’s strap? Was only the side strap broken? Alright, I bought a sewing kit so I can fix it for you now. From where we are right now...the rooms are closer. Bear with me for a while. It’s fine, just let yourself be carried. You can’t walk in that state, can you? If you’re saying that you’re embarassed, I’m the same too. Just put up with it since it’s an emergency!
I’ve explained to the situation to the staff here so sit on the bed and lift your skirt. I-It’s not like I’m going to do anything weird. That’s fine so just hurry up and do it. This one huh...it broke off from where it was originally attached to. It seems like it’d be better to re-sew the thing. What are you apologising for? The reason for a product test is to check and see if something like this would happen. Moreover, this only happened because the strap was made to be narrow. Heh, we did run quite a bit, having gone through the Jet Coaster and the Haunted House too so it can’t be helped. Come on, I’ll fix it together now so stay still.
Does it feel comfortable enough? I’ll fix anything if there are problems with them. I see. It doesn’t seem to be discommoding at all from what I can see so I guess the strap was the only one with an issue. The elasticity seems to be just right too. Alright, it’s done. Try walking a little to see if it’s fine, just in case.
Alright, I’m glad. Hm? You...pierced both your ears, right? You’re missing a side. Well, I guess that can’t be helped considering how small it was. Even if you say that, there’s no way we could find it in such a large place, right? Give it up. How about we return to the park area for now? It’s about time for the place to close too so how about riding something for a last ride? What would you like?
What a nice view. I’ve never actually ridden a ferris wheel. Take a look at this. There’s a guide on how to spend your time on the ferris wheel written on the panel. Let’s see….oh! What a coincidence, it seems like the parade starts at this time. Here, look below. If we can see it from this angle, it might be good to come back again. It’s also a great thing to come back here again with like minded people. Heh, that’s true. You had way more fun than me. I mean, you did bee-line towards the highest horse when we were at the Merry-Go-Round. Heh, just thinking about it makes me laugh. Didn’t you race for it much faster than the other kids around us? Heh, I wasn’t! That’s just...because I got too excited. We didn’t manage to get scores in at all because it was a cooperation game and you were really bad with the gun! There wasn’t any other choice but for me to give it my best, was there?
I bet. We never did hit the target at all. Meanwhile on the other hand, the parent and child beside us managed to hit the target a good lot. Even so, time really does fly. We have to go back once this is all over, don’t we. Pictures? What’s with that all of a sudden? Come to think of it, we didn’t take any today. Well, I guess we could get one for commemoration. I didn’t bring a camera along so is taking one with a phone allright?
…...Get over there a little. I can’t sit beside you like this, can I? So...who’s phone are we going to use. I’ll be leaving it to you then. Eh, you’re really bad at it! It’s blur! Lend it to me for a while. Come a little to the left. You’ll be cut off like that, wouldn’t you? Come closer over here! We can't both show on the photo if you don’t come at least this close. Come on, I’m taking it. Raise your face.
Yup, it's a good shot. Yeah, please send me that picture afterwards. I mean, it’s for commemoration, right?  Ah, it’s squeezy to be sitting here for the entire time, right? How about I return to that side?
Whoa-! What’s that? I don’t really know myself either but it might be better not to move about. What is it? Are you worried? It’s fine. It’ll move soon. Look at the night view since we’re already here. Hm? What’s wrong? It says “Please enjoy the night view” ...Ah, it seems like the ferris wheel will stop and all it’s lights will be switched off for this short period of time limited to the ride of this time period in order to view the night scenery. Heh, I know right? They should have told us so at the very beginning! Haa, well, I guess it worked out after all. I’ll head to the opposite side then. What’s wrong? Alright. I’ll stay over here. Well, I guess we’ll just have to enjoy the night view like this then.
Huh? What’s it this time? You’ll be inseparable if you kiss at the top of the ferris wheel. T-This kinda stuff is a jinx made up by couples, right? We aren’t even going out with each other either, right!?
Do you want to try it out? Like this...what will happen to us if I kiss you here like this. Do you dislike me? If that’s so then it’s fine, right?
Was I found out? That’s right, I was just teasing you a little since your reactions were so amusing! There’s no way I’d be serious, is there? Heh, my bad! What’s with wanting to ride a ferris wheel all of a sudden? Because it’s been a long time since you rode one? How do you even normally spend your weekends? That isn’t much different from usual if you don’t take a break! You know, it’s good and all to work hard but relax a little sometimes.
Haru’s...a different story since he’s a genius. You picked the wrong person to compare yourself with. That’s right, you can just be you and design things like how you usually do. You’ll become able to come up with your own design style one day. You don’t even have to rush, if anything happens, you can rely on me-......us. I’m bad at receiving customers too so I leave it to Sena. That’s how we split the stuff we can handle and that’s also why there are other staff around. Rely on us more! Heh, only your answers are good. You’ve finally become like your usual self now! That little persistent part of you is just nice. You didn’t seem to be able to relax at all today.
….I’m glad I came here with you today. Oh, the ferris wheel finally moved! We’ll reach the bottom soon so how about getting a better look at the view below?
Say, let’s come here again if there’s another chance, okay?
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All evens!
WOW I’m getting to this so fucking late I’m sorry I forgot to do this my entire day off so now I’m doing this at like midnight and I’ll post it tomorrow afternoon or something during my break
also thank you Allie once again for letting me ramble about my dumb self~
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Maybe a 3 or so? I think it depends on if I’m familiar with the environment I’m in or not, and if the darkness is something planned. I don’t mind walking around my home in the dark in the middle of the night, but I’d be less okay with the dark if it was due to a blackout at home.
Probably shoots up to 4 or 5 when I’m in unfamiliar places. This includes haunted houses in amusement parks. I’m a huge baby I just try to hide it
4. What is your favorite word?
God, there’s so many good ones. I really like the word “dawn”. “Smorgasboard” is good too. Also “succinct” and “bracket.” Those words just feel fun to say for me!
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“god why does my facial hair grow back so fast?”
it doesn’t really, but I like being clean shaven and I swear it grows to the point of being noticeable within 3 - 4 days and it’s really annoying.
8. What do you label yourself as?
A bunch of stuff, really! Male, straight, raver, diabetic, dropout, all that sort of stuff. Depends on the context we’re talking about too because this question feels super broad.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
I think I was in bed getting comfy to go to sleep. I got called into work that day and I was exhausted when I got home. Basically ate some food and watching a single youtube video and went to sleep.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
Think it was my friend/coworker actually. Pretty sure she was playfully jabbing at me and roasting me. I agreed with her (because I either completely agree unless I have something wittier to reply with) and I think she was all “Ahhh, you know I love you.”
Having a good relationship with your coworkers is nice~
14. What is your current desktop picture?
Right now, it’s the Dishonored 2 main screen! I actually use Wallpaper Engine from Steam which lets you use videos and animated loops as desktop wallpapers, so I have about 50+ on rotation right now that get switched out every hour.
16. The last song you listened to?
CA$H by Barely Alive!
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
The guy who was with his girlfriend as one of my customers yesterday when I got called in.
Listen asshole, the first thing I told you when you came up other than my “hi” was that we were out of slushies. We couldn’t make slushies. We refilled all the mix. What do you do? Ask me “what about the blue raspberry?”
“No sir, I apologize, but we’re out of slushies.”
“What about the lemonade?”
“Sir, like I just said, we’re out of slushie mix.”
“So you’re completely out of slushies?”
“Yes sir, that’s what I just said.”
and then when I gave you your change, you YANKED the bill out of my hand.
Like listen you fucking ignorant shit, you can’t be mad at me after I tried being polite multiple times and warned you multiple times and then get frustrated with you because you kept asking inane stupid fucking questions holding up my line of 20 OTHER CUSTOMERS
I hope that guy tripped later on that day and ate shit. God that pissed me off.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
Shit. I honestly hate my body in general. I guess my eyes can be pretty nice sometimes, but the light has to be hitting me in the right way. My eys are dark brown so you can’t really see a whole lot. I’ve always wished I had a different eye colour.
That, and I’m pretty tall for a Filipino dude, I think. Taller ones are growing up in Toronto now, but a lot that I see still are like 5′6″ or shorter. Being 5′8″ ain’t too bad.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Not????? really???? I think? Like really anything that I could be remotely good at is already something I share publicly (which would be making music really but I haven’t even been doing that.)
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Honestly, it’d just be the cold cut combo sandwich setup from Subway I always get except also with ham and a shit ton of bacon added, really. I get it cheese and toasted with Italians Herbs and Cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onions, cucumbers, mayo, and chipotle sauce.
I’m a simple man. The greatest sandwiches I ever have are from Subway because I never have sandwiches otherwise.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
fucking nowhere I have work dude and I get no shifts during tourist off-season I’m working as much as I can while I can
for the sake of funsies, and I know it’d sound boring, but I’d either pick California/Los Angeles or Florida. I’m not in a rush to go overseas because I feel that’d require a lot more planning and possibly learning phrases in a new language. I have family in California and friends in Florida so I wouldn’t have to worry about being alone, the Canadian dollar is weak as shit compared to the USD so I could buy things on the cheap there, and it wouldn’t be as huge of a culture shock while still being new to me (because I barely explored California with my family the one time I went because we did VERY tourist-y things.)
Also portions. I fucking inhale food, dude. Give me those US portions for meals CHEAPER than here in Canada, holy god.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
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No littering. Fuck y’all, if I’m creating my own society, I’m not letting SAVAGES in that don’t know how to clean up after themselves and throw things out properly. We’re keeping it clean here.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
It’s gotta be my laptop just because it’s the most expensive thing I own that I deeply care about. I could eventually afford another PS4, I don’t need a glamorous TV or anything, and I only upgraded to the iPhone 6 because my mom got a deal on it for $100. I could use that as an excuse to switch to Android.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
To avoid a cop-out and using California as an answer AGAIN, I think I’d really like a place in the Philippines. Not deep inner city though. Like, further away in the quieter cramped backalley houses like the one one of my aunts has there. I don’t want to be completely out in the country either.
I’d want to be able to get into the inner city relatively easily, and I want to really feel in tune with the background country more!
34. What was your last dream about?
Oh god, what was the last dream I even remember? I get so bad at remembering them now. OH NOW I REMEMBER PART OF ONE. I forgot most of it but I know at some point I ended up in the back of a large sorta hippie van? Like the back seats were removed and the back was all lined up tons of nice rugs and blankets and decorations. There were a few of my college classmates lying there with me and I was cuddling with one of them. That was a nice part of the dream I remember.
I don’t have dramatic or weird dreams. A lot of my dreams are just stuff like this. I’m really fucking romantically lonely I want physical intimacy ugggggggggggggggggh
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Oh yeah, at least three times. I already have to visit a hospital fairly frequently for my diabetes. First time was when I was just diagnosed with T1 Diabetes, and the second and third times were when I was in danger of DKA because I wasn’t taking my insulin. Second time was worse than the third. My nurses weren’t happy both times though.
38. What is the color of your socks?
I’m not wearing socks right now! I don’t wear socks at home unless I find it cold.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets, since I’m not a morning person. Both are pretty though!
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
Is this that newfangled Sportsball I always hear about? I’m not hip with the times yo, sorry.
No seriously I really don’t care about sports and the only ones I MIGHT care a tiny bit about are my local ones like the Blue Jays and Raptors, and that’s just out of a sense of Canadian/Torontonian pride more than anything.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
lol whoops I dropped out
dream goal is still to be a music producer and DJ. If that doesn’t end up panning out, I’d still like to go into something involving music or audio engineering. Sound mixing for TV/movies maybe? Doing front-of-house mixing for concerts and raves would be cool too.
46. Are you reliable?
I like to think so, but I know I slip up a lot sometimes.
48. Do you hold grudges?
To be honest, yeah, I still do. I can be pretty fucking bitter about things from my past.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Not the MOST, but this just happened a couple weeks ago (and it wasn’t really a conversation but whatever)
A woman came up to me while I was on cash wanting to buy something. She was holding a Canadian $20 in her hand. She approaches me, looks at her bill confused, looks up at me again, and asks “Do you guys accept cash?”
Like???????????? nothing has ever taken me that far aback before????? like I don’t????? what??? the fuck like miss??????? miss we are an establishment that provides goods for currency??????????????? damn I HOPE we accept cash at this physical shop because we’d probably come across some issues with our customers
This happened weeks ago and I still bring it up to people. It still bewilders the fuck out of me. What would possess people to think a physical store would not accept cash? What has troubled you in the past that would lead you to think that this cashier and this till you walked up to would ONLY accept debit/credit cards? Holy fuck.
52. How long could you go without talking?
To another person physically? A good while, I think. Probably a week, two weeks tops. I’ve stayed inside my apartment for a week straight before and I swear I barely talked to my mom too.
If talking to myself counts, than maybe a couple hours. Maybe. I talk and make comments to/by myself a lot.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
God no. I’d probably be trash at baking stuff. I’m surprised I can manage some stuff on the stovetop.
56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter/margarine for the most part. I’m a simple person. I could say peanut butter and jelly too, but it’s actually been over a year or so since I’ve had a PB&J.
58. What would be you dream car?
One that worked, was fairly stable, and had a damn good audio system.
I’m not really a car person, I really wouldn’t give too much of a shit what the car was. Maybe not a pick-up truck or a mini-van though, and that’s really it.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
Not in the stereotypical image of “aliens”, but I definitely believe that the universe is too fucking huge and operates on too massive a scale for there to not be any type of intelligent life somewhere else at SOME place.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
Either A or M. A’s probably my favourite vowel, and for some reason “LMNOP” is my favourite part of the classic Alphabet song, and M is the letter I like the best out of that section.
64. What do you think about babies?
Babies can be super cute and adorable sometimes! Other times though? Devil spawn. They can be double-edged swords sometimes.
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