#I get being mad about what Nintendo did but it's not her fault
velvet-apricots · 1 year
People are already writing fics of Yona, Sidon's fiance, being murdered. She's not in the way of your selfship, OC canon ship, or sidlink. You can still write and draw all of that.
Honestly, The way fandom treats female characters is appalling sometimes. 😒
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
You're so right about the racist and imperialist bullshit, and something tragic to me is that this does not feel in the slightest like Zelda. In BOTW at LEAST, she's shown to actually be very smart, and while it's understandable (although not excusable) that she would have this worldview due to being raised thinking Hyrule is always right, it just really feels like she should be examining this more closely and seeing problems with it. But Nintendo won't do that, in no small part because they're cowards.
I would talk in detail about how mad I am at how they portray Ganondorf and the Gerudo, but I will spare you the 50 page essay
Okay but in all seriousness though, idk, I do sort of feel like this is still fairly in character for this Zelda. I found BOTW (and Age of Calamity) characterized her as someone who is very... I don't know, traditional? To an aggressive degree, even when that adherence to tradition is actively hurting her. I mean, the closest she ever comes to actually trying to defy her fate is when she gets mad at a rock that one time. Which comes at the end of her having spent about 60% of her entire life standing in ponds and praying at said rocks in the hope that maybe this time it'll work out, because that's what she's supposed to be doing. It's canonically mentioned somewhere she almost killed herself accidentally as a kid, because she refused to get out of the damn prayer pond until she collapsed from hypothermia. Like yeah, it's fucked up that she was expected to do that... but she never thought there was anything wrong with her having to do that. She just figured she was the problem for not getting the magic at the right time.
And the narrative backs her up on this, because once she has her divine powers, BAM, all her problems are solved. She's a calm, confident leader who knows exactly what to do in every possible situation, no matter what. BOTW Zelda is an extremely passive character tbh; she seems very determined to be exactly the person she is expected to be, and she's not remotely interested in actually examining if those expectations are correct.
(though in regards to her being smart they did kinda do her dirty in TOTK; why the hell did Mineru need to fix the knockoff sheikah slate for her. zelda canonically is interested in sheikah tech. why tf does an ancient person that's never even seen a sheikah slate before need to repair it for her, NINTENDO EXPLAIN)
Anyways, and in regards to her morals... I gotta say, while she was at the point of being able to do the hard work to self examine and walk it back, BOTW Zelda definitely read as a possible baby nationalist to me. I mean, let's be real here, she is incredibly priviledged; she's the future ruler of the damn kingdom by Divine Right, and has spent her entire life being told that. And at the same time, she has really low self esteem... and no inclination to try and change the situation that's ruining her self worth. Which is how you get that one memory of Zelda using her privilege to abuse her indentured servant (indentured, because let's be real here, Link does not have the option to just quit his miserable job), knowingly tries to get him in trouble (if she runs off alone and gets hurt, it's Link's fault for losing her in the first place), and is disturbingly cool with dehumanizing him for being stuck doing his job ("It seems I'm the only one with a mind of my own around here"). And she uses her station to publicly humiliate him at one point, because that ceremony at the sacred ground was fucking painful to watch, and let's be honest here... there's no way in hell it was only the four champions attending this apparently really important ceremony; there was totally a crowd that was cut to avoid having to model all that shit.
Not that she was actively trying to humiliate him, but like... she's the one with all the power in this relationship. Link is a knight of the kingdom, and she's the soon to be Queen. Link is going through all those memories well aware that Zelda can and possibly will destroy his entire life the second she gets the chance. My point is, Zelda is extremely privileged, and it's her responsibility to understand that and be careful not to abuse her power. But the game never even suggests that she notices or cares about it. I mean fuck, even after she stops actively abusing Link, I still don't think she treats him very well. I mean for fucks sake, that one memory with the frog is really upsetting to me - she's certain her and Link and friends and everything is fine, but the power dynamics have not changed. She's still got him at a massive disadvantage, but she doesn't even hesitate to demand that he eat a live frog on the spot so she can see what happens. I liked to think that she was actually trying to make amends with Link for her mistreatment of him, but the game never really shows proof of her trying beyond the most shallow gestures possible (really? you gave him some food, and that makes up for abusing your indentured servant? that's the whole process?).
And all things considered, in TOTK, I... do not see any evidence of her having gotten better. She's just gotten worse, and I can see that as being a trauma reaction; she's basically lost everything, and now she needs to rule a kingdom after a century holding back an apocalypse. I understand why she wouldn't be in a place for self growth after that. But the unfortunate fact of life is that trauma and terrible situations can bring out the absolute worst in people - not to bring real politics into this, but after WW1 Germany was absolutely ruined, as the winners of the war imposed some completely impossible demands on them. People were starving and desperate, and that drove the country into fascism. So that's how we get TOTK Zelda - someone who is absolutely certain that divine forces make her the single most important person in the room at any given moment, Hyrule is a perfect and superior kingdom that can do no wrong, and anyone who disagrees is pure evil and must be destroyed. As for her treatment of Link... I honestly don't see it improving much. She still treats him as more of an object than a person, at least as far as I've seen - the last she saw of him, he'd suffered a horrible and traumatic injury, and yet she just takes it as a fact that he will be perfectly able and willing to take up her fight in the future; what else could he possibly be doing if not serving Zelda? That's his only purpose in life, of course he'll still be willing to do exactly as she orders.
Also jesus christ, the cult of personality built up around Zelda in game... there's so many red flags there. Despite all the genuinely monstorous shit that the fake Zelda pulls, nobody even considers being mad at her for it, even when they're still certain she's the real deal. She's the Divine Princess, of course she can torture and brainwash her subjects without consequences if she wants to, and her victims will still love her for it because they're certain they deserved it. No matter how dark things get, nobody even gets annoyed with 'Zelda' for hurting them. They're just scared that they've done something wrong to upset her, and worried they might not be able to serve her well enough.
(Can you tell the whole thing with Yunobo and the Fire Temple pissed me off, because that was infuriating)
It's good if a ruler is loved and respected by their people of course, but the level of blind devotion she's encouraged is... worrying. Of course, that's only there because the writers love Zelda and can't have let anyone question their precious favourite character, but I'm looking at this from a Watsonian perspective, and that perspective makes for a very disturbing picture. A good leader wants their people to feel safe contradicting them and asking questions. But instead we have people putting so much blind faith in her, they're completely willing to strip naked and walk into monster dens without weapons, because they think that was her orders, and they would never question Princess Zelda. And in universe, a group of researchers being ready to commit suicide on her orders is framed as being a touching sign of their devotion to her. If she was actually a good leader, then she would be horrified that her research team almost killed themselves over misheard orders; but Penn happily comments about how great it is that people would slit their own throats for her amusement, and Link never tries to correct him, suggesting that yeah, she actually does want her people to be willing to kill themselves at her command. Or at least Link finds that completely believable and in character for her.
And at the very least, things like that show that she's not interested in building an environment of equal communication and responsibility. Zelda is rebuilding a Hyrule where the royal family is the ultimate authority, and people should be willing to die before they even consider questioning her orders. So of course Ganondorf is pure evil and must be destroyed - he had to be asked repeatedly before he would kneel before the Hylian throne. Doesn't he know he's an outsider, and therefor inferior to the Divine Royalty? He refuses to accept that his race is inherently lesser to the Hylians, so he must be evil.
I mean, that in of itself is a pretty interesting story; the Hyrule established in TOTK is dark, and the entire culture is genuinely horrifying. This setting is extremely bleak, and I'd be interested if we could actually explore the implications of Link being expected to uphold this dystopian nightmare, and slowly turning against Zelda as he realizes how she truly sees the world.
But that's a nuanced and interesting story, so that's never going to happen; instead we just get this absolute shitshow of a plot, and like 75% of the fandom firmly ignores the racism and imperialism, because what kind of madman would actually want to be immersed in the story and worldbuilding of a role-playing game.
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desudog · 7 months
And tropes aren't necessarily bad, it's just refusing to establish a character beyond them that sucks. Tropes are old storytelling tools and aren't inherently a sin. In fact, I'd argue that in franchises like Fire Emblem, having tropes especially surrounding characters like the main lords or royalty and those surrounding them is pretty normal and warranted as medival royalty is not really something most readers are going to go "oh I see enough of these people every day in my life. So really, I expect something unique." I've never been mad that a lord is chivalrous and brave and kind. I do get mad when that's all they are and they have the charisma of a pizza box. (COUGHROYCOUGH)
I never hated Xander for being loyal to his country and bullheaded. It's a totally fine trope to put a broad shouldered and strong brow'd prince heir to a kingdom of conquest in. He fit it there. I wasn't mad when he was stubborn or slow to believe the people he loved could hurt him, because it was "tropey" or "predictable." I think even, predicting what some characters will feel emotionally just means you understand them.
I hated Xander for being written poorly. I hated that he was a wildly different person in supports than he was in actual main novel points. I hated that Xander could tell us that harming civilians was never okay in one scene and then randomly say in another that it's simply a price of war. It wasn't the fault of the trope. If anything, if they stuck more heavily to the trope, he'd have less issues.
I never hated Camilla for being overbearing and mothering, I never hated Leo for being bratty and insecure, I never hated Elise for being optimistic.
I hated when Camilla's attachment to Corrin made the writers never let her drop it and therefore gave her very few chances to exist as an independent character. I hated when Leo was reduced to comedy or treated as if he was asking too much when asking for clarity or kindness. I hated when Elise was sidelined because they didn't know how to write her interacting with harder subjects.
I don't think tropes are bad. I still feel like there's a difference between just any "romantic guy who sucks at flirting" and Laslow/Inigo. There's a dividing line between using tropes because you don't want to write a character, and using tropes to help the reader feel more like they already know characters (which Corrin /does/. Xander playing into a sometimes gullible and dogmatic nobleman of war, as well as being a mentoring older brother, makes us go "ok, I feel like I can predict how he will act towards me." It allows the reader to feel more like Corrin, who has known Xander before we start playing. It allows them to skip a lot of this "showing us who he is" phase and skip to more advanced portrayal of this character type to make him stand out as his own character, which is sadly, often underutilized in fates.
Of course
At the end of the day, Fates is an unfinished paper snowflake of its original script which overshot and got too in love with its story to be portrayed in a DS game Nintendo only half cared about
Engage was fully finished and always intended to be... shit. So much that Nintendo stepped in and told them Alear was a bad character.
At the end of the day Xander was designed to be a prince. Corrin was designed to be a youth who was heavily sheltered. Alear was designed to be an isekai protagonist. Genuinely.
I dont hate tropes. I think blaming tropes is barking up the wrong tree. The DS games didn't overrely on tropes more than the GBA and Famicom games did. They arguably often relied less on them. When characters are lacking depth and it becomes apparent they were never intended to have depth so that they would sell easier, it's a major problem. That's the problem. Not recognizable tropes
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
The Dark Beginnings ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 0 Pt.16 ~
[ A World of Madness - Akira Yamaoka]
Lord Phanto : You don't have the courage to become a hero. Just fight yourself with hatred, pure rage, and sadness! Unleash your true potential!
"Give in the Hate...Channel the anger...and control your sadness!"
(Lord Phanto laughing evilly)
Patty : You aren't the hero that we expected!
Liz : You're so lucky that it's all your fault that you brought your courage into a world of pain and suffering just like how we did to real world au!
Tsubaki : Coward! I lost the ones I love because of you!
Death the Kid : you're a despicable brat, Maka Albarn!
Ashley : Yeah! It's all her fault and so does Shinra Kusakabe!
Kimial Diehl : I thought you were the hero of your own story, but now you're nothing but a coward to the real world itself!
Maka Albarn : Yada...Yada...YADAAAAAA!!!
(everyone laughing evilly)
Maka's Bully : Hey, everyone! It's Maka Albarn, the hero who lost her own world due to the fault of her and the likes of Shinra! Your so-called lying was a part of protecting his legacy and you, heir of the Phantonian race, is a spawn to the devil's will!
Girl : Stupid girl! You call yourself a hero? You are nothing but the devil's spawn and a puppet to his will!
Maka Albarn : Please! I didn't do anything wrong! Stop it! I'm not! I'm not! I did no such thing! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (starts crying) Boku wa...B-Boku wa...Itai! Itai!
Lord Phanto : Give your courage the fear, the pain, and suffering! Show me the power of your hatred, your anger, and your sadness! And make it all to combine your powers to unleash the Shattered Resonace!
Maka Albarn : (crying) Yamette Kudasai o!
(everyone's laughing)
Black Star : Look at her. A no goody two shoes meister. Too bad that I scamming you by cheating your boyfriend! Thanks for the NTR by the way!
Maka Albarn : Papa, Mama, sister! You still have me right.
Spirit Albarn : Sorry, but we're just going to leave you behind and be with your sister so that she would be Soul Evans' girlfriend.
Maka Albarn : Matte! Chotto Matte! Don't leave me behind! Dont' leave me behind! Everyone! *clenches fist* Kirai...kirai...Kirai...Kirai...Minasan, watashi wa...Watashi wa... (cotinues to cry and furiously yells) WATASHI WA ANATA GA KIRAI!!!
Maka Albarn : (about to wake up) ....Huh? What is this place?
Clairs Sinclair : Hey, can you hear me? Hey, kid! Can you hear me?
Elliot Edwards : Come on, wake up! *snaps finger* You! Are you a representative to Sega? Or are you some kind of representative to Nintendo?
Claris Sinclair : [To Elliot] What? No! she's not from one of those kind in Japan, we're a dream world! World full of dreams and this is equivalent to other dream worlds such as Subcon. We're still in our dreams connected by one.
Elliot Edwards : Oh good. You're finally awake! I'm Elliot Edwards the famous B-Ball player of Twin Seeds and this one over here is the singing diva Claris Sinclair, who also happened to be a failure at Sega's Next Idol. *DBZ SFX : PUNCH+BOING!*
Clair Sinclair : If I was a failure at a Next Idol show, consider the judges to give you a bop for your that! Sorry about that.
Elliot Edwards : Ow, Clairs. That hurt! So much for being a girl with a strong punch. But okay, I get it now. You got a name visitor, you're not the one from around these parts. This world you're living in, is Twin Seeds, and it's connected to the Sega/Sonic Team Multiverse.
Claris Sinclair : We are visitors who had or hearts and souls to dualize with a fellow friends, we helped him and they say that he's a nightmaren from those guys and kept him imprisoned for so long.
Maka Albarn : Maka Albarn, I am from the real world and you must be the ones connected to the real world. So it's good. We're all good. Not too shabby for a place like this in your world does it? Since when did you ended up in 1998 after a group of some Fire Soldiers that saved you? Where they Fire Force or what?
Clairs Sinclair : Burning Rangers, a group of firefightins and one of the representatives created by Sonic Team's Yuji Naka, co-creator of the Blue Blur.
Elliot Edwards : Yep. That definitely sounds like Fire Force. Long before Soul Eater existed in Real World AU, the world of Fire Force was on the Ohkuboverse's first organizations, they nearly lost getting burned or slaughter after the battle with Demon Vibe's creation, the Evangelist itself. And then after defeating it, BOOM! The world of Soul Eater you lived in has existed.
Maka Albarn : Not dead, hiding. They were survivors who survived the Time Eater's attack in the Ohkuboverse, sented to their childhoods or being slaughtered and then the last one was executed. Fire Force shed it's name to a new Fire Soldier organization known as Burning Rangers. the organization joined the Sega world as burning Rangers.
Elliot Edwards : I see. Sonic Team's very own Fire Force, a game that simply about one year before Sonic's true 3d adventure on the Dreamcast. From Shinra's world to Sega World. The game inspired and foreshadowed the prequel of Shinra's life as a Fire Soldier.
Maka Albarn : Maybe I understand about Shinra's Legacy. You don't seem to understand the eyes of truth, kid. With my courage and your help, I will break myself free from the influence of Shinra Kusakabe and relcaim the name Fire Force from Sega and it's position! But my relatives won't follow the directions if only that I will prove that truth is with me to see that Fire Force is still alive and active! That's why mom told that the world created was to bring hope and without the despair that was gifted from the minds of Sephiroth!
Elliot Edwards : Sephiroth, you mean that one winged bastard from that JRPG game. He was the giver to Humanity's despair? At the end of the bad day, everyone in Twin Seeds to thinking that we're failures and could lead us into the unknown despair. Wizeman's a no good cook for to be a nightmaren god better than the wizard EeNeMe or Nightmare himself. Good thing that the courage of you that Nights won't hear about this.
Nights : Did somebody say "Courage"? Gladly you asked.
Maka Albarn : You sound close.
[Fragmented Nights - Tomok Sasaki]
Nights : I am, because I'm right behind you.
Maka Albarn : Huh? What in-Who in the actual...[behind her is Nights and turns] Woah! Who are you!? What in the fu-!?
Nights : Hello, visitor! Don't be afraid! I'm not going to harm you! I want to show your inner peace to fight your dreams with courage and that's why you are here that I summoned you.
Maka Albarn : You must be a Sega Representative.
Elliot Edwards : One of the Characters made by Sonic's creators.
Nights : That's right and right the first time! Nights the Nightmaren, created by his creator Naoto Ohshima! Since you finally stopped Wizeman's corruption of corrupting your dream, I will give you help to save Real World AU from the Forces of Evil. Don't tell Yuji Naka about this. He won't never know. Will you help us out on defeating Wizeman so we may solve the problem?
Maka Albarn : Okay, I will do it! Even if it means killing gods like Kirby won't do anything for courage, but to saving Real World AU from danger! Okay then, I will give you help and to the help to this world! So hear me out, Jester! Cause I, Maka Albarn, will make myself a true hero! A hero that his or her story will be renewed!
Wizeman : Impossible. We have an intruder who just entered the world of Nightopia, and I believe it's one of the representative comes from a world of JRPGs.
Reala : Really? You don't sound to sure, Master Wizeman. That means the company Sqaure Enix has predicted Yuji Naka to work with them in order to create the Maestro their selves.
Wizeman : Any predictions, Reala? Will their be any consequences on the actions of a girl who wanted to save Real World AU from the forces true evil itself?
Reala : Might be my guess. But I want to follow the Ohkuboverse's progress quickly, it's about to harm her little world of Real World AU itself, there won't be anything left from it before that entity Demon Vibe will the conquer the galaxy on purpose.
Wizeman : As granted. I will give all Nightmarens to a proper vision to seek the futures of what will happen if the Ohkuboverse would really be the destruction of Real World AU itself.
Reala : Interesting. I hope that Nights wouldn't mind a girl's heart and souls as a part of courage, I see. Something to pass the time while the Dream of Demon Vibe's galactic conquest is still unifinished and would probably resume it to complete. (chuckles, then laughs, and continues laughs evilly) Beadichinoa NiGHTS!
~ Prologue 16 : Heroes of Courage ~
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satanic-assistant · 3 years
Jeff and I got ready for bed together, for once. His "happy pets" as I have started calling Smile dog and Grinny cat much to their dismay, hardly ever let me see him without his jacket. Let alone his shirt entirely.
The happy pets were being suspicious; smile was a bit of a darker pink and smiling wider than normal a clear sign he was up to something, and Grinny cat wasn't being as much of a nuisance which made me think he was sick or planning something bad.
Jeff of course didn't notice, busy making"innuendos" that we both knew the happy pets would never let happen.
Getting in the bed was awkward to say the least, but we managed it with me hugging him from behind while smile was in his arms and Grinny was covering his feet, like a fuzzy rug.
It normally takes Jeff awhile to sleep but I put my hand in his hair and suddenly, gentle snores.
"you are so touch starved I swear, gum bug."
Making horrible but somehow cute pet names for each other was an inside joke, but got really mean about it sometimes especially when he was mad. He made me cry at least once and then his sadist would show, laughing at me and calling me even worse names. He never apologized for it, but I forgave him it was a joke anyway. Besides Jane walked in and threw things at Jeff and called him "twinkle toes" and he didn't let that go.
Eventually I got to sleep too. I was hoping for a nice dream, but then I heard an all too familiar voice.
"heeey there, ahem "gum bug" how're you, in my dream?"
When we heard Smile dog budge in
"the sarcasm is crippling, Jeff. Anyway Grin and I won't get in the way of you two's disgusting human acts."
And with that Smile was gone. I looked up at Jeff, who was staring at me with what can only be described as, embarrassment and obsession.
"what are you looking at-...."
I tried to snap him back to a conversation
My voice trailed away as I look down and see a very "suggestive" outfit. I look back at Jeff with the look reserved for Grinny when she tries to swipe a crispy chicken nugget from Sally.
He looks like he's fighting a very hard battle with himself, somewhere along the lines of; should I take what's been given to me, against staying in this relationship.
I tried to snap him back to a conversation.
"w- who does he think he is. We both know he isn't and can't be "fixed". So what does he mean "disgusting human acts"?!"
Jeff didn't answer, looking at me like "take what has been given" was winning. He never answered me which was very chilling to say the least.
I'm maybe slightly uncomfortable right now, I'm not really saving myself for anything or anyone, but Jeff is the kind of person you'd want experience with before trying anything out. For once he said something before me, surprising me.
"ahemmm anyyywayyyy maaaybeee we should try to wake up, though I doubt either of them would let that happen."
I kind of wanted to know what the huge change of pace was for so I asked
"W- what was that? The change of pace! One day I can't look at you without a jacket, next we have to bang!?"
Maybe I was getting hysterical but I was justified. Plus I didn't get an answer just a recognizing
I'm getting hot and shakey now, it's a weird but exciting experience even if nothing happens.
"instead of doing anything I know I can't do, how about we just talk???"
I know he'll laugh at it but I know I can't do anything he wants.
"I guessss but you have to be in my lap, and I'm touching you. Not my fault we're here, but I'm going to take advantage of it."
I agreed and the night was eventful and slow thanks to smile's dream manipulation. We both laughed, I told him about how the twinkle toes thing made me feel, he still didn't apologize so I got annoyed at him.
"okay then Twink-le toes, see how it feels when I ignore you."
Tilting my nose up away from his face with a little puff of breath.
He grabs my face with two hands, not really helping his point, and drags my head to look at him. He was cute in some kind of e-boy or emo way, the thought making me giggle
"what're you laughin about Hug Bug~?"
I could only reply honestly through laughs.
"You look like a emo, or an e-boy, I can only see you with the-"
"I can see the-"
Bursting out into laughs again my throat almost hurting
"I can see the stupid little chains but they're coming out of your s- swe- sw-weater pocket-"
Crumpling up to hold my stomach I look at his face, he looks dramatically unamused, at least. I think he does it can hard to tell with out his eyelids and eyebrows sometimes. Nonetheless his face reads "I'm not humoring this shit, but it is kind of funny." Not being able to tell only makes me laugh even more. By the time I calm down my throat is sore and my stomach feels liquefied.
He starts saying something but I don't hear, so I responded with maybe the worst choice I could have picked.
"What did you say stupid e-boy?"
He looks absolutely enraged and I'm half afraid of getting hit, but as always he was just being as dramatic as possible.
"I swear I'm going to make you go to sleep whether you want to or not, Snot Cake."
I decided to try and match his drama.
"Oh my heart, it hurts. My vessel only used for love has been damaged to no end!"
We both continued one upping each other's dramatisms until we were yelling at nothing, I gave in because I knew he never would. I pecked a smooch on his cheek and lay down, my outfit finally changing into my own clothes signaling I was awake.
Jeff still sleeping soundly like a baby. I reached over and tried to pet his hair until Grinny walked up and demand that I feed her, I look at the near by clock it says 12:30 am. I have no idea how Jeff ever went to bed before 1:00 but I have a feeling it was a combination of be hugged for once and the head rubs.
"No Grinny it's nowhere near breakfast."
I was tired and could hear it in my voice
Grinny, being hungry voiced his complaints in BEN's voice.
"I am Hungry, I will wake Jeff up right now! Do you think I won't!? Watch me!"
I'm tired and not in the mood to hear Grinny's bs, responding to him saying.
"Do you want a treat then?"
Just to shut him up.
Both Happy pets shoot up at the word and get on to the floor ready to tail me until occupied with their late night snack.
I try to be quiet though for no real reason, most of the proxies being awake or gone anyway.
BEN was playing on his new nintendo Masky is cleaning up Hoody's room while Hoody watches. Toby is pestering EJ for nothing other than entertainment. Jane, Clockwork and the other grown women were out having a "girl's night out" which they deserve to be honest Liu, well Sully was out aswell but not for socializing, he was doing what most of the proxies did best, kill. LJ doesn't sleep often. The real concerns are Sally sleeping soundly and Slenderman passed out on the couch.
Sally is a child and Slenderman being intimidating, I'm a fairly new proxy and I don't want to piss him off too much.
I get downstairs and in the kitchen, very aware to be even more quiet than before. Getting the respective treat cans for Smile and Grinny, I prepare them and put crunchy treats on top.
About to put the bowls on the floor, Grinny plays another great prank knowing full well I'm trying to be quiet as possible.
"Heeeey We're hungry Ya'know!"
I shoot a begging look at the two of them before putting the bowls down faster and running upstairs.
Getting to the room without confrontation, I keep the door open, knowing Grinny will try to prank me again if I close it.
"hmm morning uhhh- busy bee. Where were you?"
Jeff's sleepy voice makes me fill with some kind of energy I can't explain. Swooning nonetheless I answer.
"Giving your asshole animals late night snacks."
I say in a voice more irritated than I meant to sound.
"ohh don't care, but okay."
He says with a smirk and a shrug. I pick up a pillow and smack him with it, making him jump and grab me by the waist, pulling me into his lap.
"Don't get so buzzy, Honey cake~"
I turn around and try to hit him with my hand only successful once on his thick skull.
"the damn cat threatened and then pranked me!"
I get huffy and try to melt out his grasp, again failing in that endeavor, again attempting to hit him.
"Come on slug bug, don't treat me like that."
The only thing that gets me to calm down is his voice. I push him into our previous spots on the bed only missing the happy pets. He doesn't fall asleep right away this time, but I do finally getting rest without two furry assholes pestering my dreams.
Scene sorry if it's hard to read, this is my first fanfic anyway, I hope you enjoyed it.
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Outside chapter 13: Moving in
And here's chapter 13 everyone! The climax for the arc is coming soon, so hold onto your Puppets everyone!
Although I may or may not put up Happy Times episode 3 first, depends on what I feel like writing these next two weeks. So, y'know, keep an eye out. :D
The next day started easily enough. Will and Stacy ate breakfast, and the set up the bedroom for Scout to stay in. Stacy saw no point in forcing the Puppet to hide in a bag all day again, when they could simply let her stay in the bedroom instead. She set up the laptop with Netflix, and made sure the Switch was all charged up for her to play on when she got bored of movies. She even asked what kind of snacks she'd want, though that didn't get a reply.
Still, they managed to get her settled in and locked the door just in time for Lisa and Mason to show up. Though Lisa was more than a little curious about it.
"So." The blonde started, quirking an eyebrow. "Why'd you lock the bedroom door?" Her tone was teasing, but Stacy felt a cold rush of fear from what she might think if she found Scout. Would Lisa run? Or would she be violent to Scout? Or worse, would she want to play dress up with her?
No. Under no circumstances should Lisa find out about the Puppet. Not yet, and not now.
"It's just a mess from last night, so we figured we'd be polite about it." Stacy told her, the lie she'd practiced coming easily. Will knew the story too, and had even checked it for holes.
"Oh, please, you two are as vanilla as fresh milk." Lisa countered, and Stacy panicked. The one thing they hadn't considered! "What are you hiding in there? A puppy? Or maybe a kitten?" She looked excited, and Stacy could feel a headache coming on.
"Nothing you need to see, Lisa." Will told her as he walked past. "Now, are you gonna help us out or not? I want to get this done today, so I don't have to pay extra for the truck."
"Fine, fine. But I am so gonna find out what you guys are hiding in there!" She promised. Stacy just scoffed as they followed Will outside.
"Good luck." Was all she said, even knowing Lisa would only take it as a challenge. She had faith, though, that her friend wouldn't be able to beat it.
Not that it stopped her from trying, of course. Lisa was nothing if not determined.
And so, in between carrying boxes into Will's house, the attempted to see what was in the bedroom. It started simple, with just trying to see through the keyhole or under the door. And then Mason caught her outside, trying to look in the window.
"Okay Lees, seriously?! Are you high? Because this seems like the kind of thing only High Lisa would do." He scolded as he dragged her back inside by the arm. Luckily Will and Stacy weren't nearby, or she'd be getting a double helping of Disappointed Glaring. No, they were getting ready to go buy everyone Subway, which was real nice of them if you asked Mason.
"Lil bit." She admitted. "But don't you wanna know what Mr. and Mrs. Vanilla think is kinky?" Mason just sighed, rubbing his eyes as she continued. "I'll bet they aren't, really. I think they adopted a pet! Which would be really weird for Stacy, since she doesn't like animals."
"You're such a fucking motormouth when you get high." He groaned before practically flinging her into the armchair in the living room. He grabbed his phone and put on a random YouTube video. "Watch that and try to sober up a bit, okay? And no more trying to look in their bedroom, you fucking weirdo."
"Yeah okay..." She mumbled, already entranced by the cat video. Mason smirked as he went back outside to see their friends off and double check the U haul for any forgotten boxes. He caught them just as they were getting into Will's car.
"We'll be back soon." Will said as Stacy climbed in the passenger seat. He himself was already in the driver's seat, food list clutched in one hand. "Stay out of our bedroom. And my basement."
"Will do boss!" Mason agreed, then watched them go. He checked the truck, finding no boxes. He closed the door, then went back inside to wait for Will and Stacy to return.
He went to the living room, only to find Lisa not where he left her. the only thing on the arm chair was his cell phone, neatly placed in the very center. He swore and picked it, shoving it in his pocket as he rushed to the bedroom door. She was there, of course, kneeling in front of it as she picked the lock. She looked up as he approached, looking quite cheery.
"Now's our chance!" She hissed excitedly as she worked the door. Mason grabbed her arm, trying to pull her away even as she kept working.
"Lees, no! You don't know what could be in there!" He insisted, but she pulled back. He didn't fight her too hard, not wanting to hurt her, but she was quite obviously out of her mind.
"C'mon Mason! Don't tell me you're not curious!" She grinned as she broke free, and finished unlocking the door. "Ooooh, what if it's that weird occult stuff they're into? That could be fun."
"No, it wouldn't!" Mason had seen things, back when Will had first started his hunting hobby. Things that still gave him nightmares sometimes. "We shouldn't open that door."
"Too late!" Lisa exclaimed gleefully, shoving it open and peering inside. Despite his protests, Mason did too, curious as to what exactly Will would allow to be kept in his bedroom.
'Maybe it is just a puppy or something. God I hope that's all it is.' He thought desperately, tensed to run at the first sign of trouble.
For a long moment, nothing happened. There was no movement, and the bedroom looked just like it always did, though with an open laptop and a Switch on the bed. Mason sighed in relief, and went to close the door.
"See? Nothing there except a computer and Nintendo. Now, let's close the door and lock up again before they get back and we get in trouble." He closed the door, completely missing the small figure that sneaked out as he did so.
"Pfft, lame." Lisa knelt down and began to try and re-lock the door. "I thought for sure there'd be a dildo or something on the floor, at the very least!"
"Yeah, well, there's not. So let's never mention this to anyone ever, okay?" Mason asked, turning and going into the kitchen, only to freeze at what he saw there.
"Ugh, fiiiine!" The blonde groaned as she finished up. She stood up, only to find her friend standing stock still in front of the kitchen counter. "Uh, Mason?" She joined him, only to stop and stare too.
"Nobody fucking move!" It was a small blue hand puppet with purple hair. It was pointing  a large kitchen cleaver straight at them, and glaring with angry yellow eyes. It looked mad, madder than Mason could remember any other doll looking.
And it was the cutest thing Lisa had ever seen.
"You're so adorable!" She squealed, making both puppet and Mason jump. The puppet readjusted it's grip, now pointing the knife at her while Mason stared at her with a dumbfounded expression.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He yelled. "We're being mugged by a possessed puppet, and you think it's cute?! Lisa!"
"But look at it! It's got little mitten hands, and some of the most realistic hair I've ever seen! It's so cute!" She reached for it, only drawing back when it swung the knife wildly at her hands. "Aw, I can't believe Stacy never told me about you!"
"How fucking high are you?!" Mason asked at the same the Puppet yelled "Get the hell out of my house!"
A dull thump sounded behind them, and the two humans turned to see Will staring at the Puppet in shock, Subway bags on the floor around him. "She has a knife." He muttered, sounding just a little bit broken. "Why does she have a knife? I  hid all the knives."
Stacy came charging around him, more bags hanging from her arm. She went right pass Mason and Lisa, and grabbed the knife away from the Puppet. She set it down on the counter then grabbed the Puppet up and hugged her close, though she resisted.
"They broke into the bedroom!" She insisted, jabbing a mitten hand at the two. "They broke in! I didn't break out, I swear!" Her voice held a desperate edge to it, one that made Lisa feel bad for being curious at all. For one white hot second, she worried Stacy might be the type to punish the poor thing for this.
"Scout- Scout it's fine! I'm not mad." Stacy turned to glare at Lisa. "At you, anyways." She finished, a stern tone to her voice. Lisa knew immediately she had to try and defuse the situation.
"Aw, c'mon Stace! You can't fault me for thinking you guys were hiding something in there. And, I was right! You were hiding this adorable little thing! How could you do that to me Stacy?" She gave puppy dog eyes, but her friend just sighed.
"You're lucky I only have one hand, or I'd smack you." She deadpanned.
"Fair enough." The blonde grinned. "Let me make it up to you. I can make this little cutie some new shirts, so she's not wearing that filthy one all the time."
Stacy paused. She... didn't actually know if Scout could take off her shirt. She supposed she could always wear any new ones over it, but wasn't sure.
"I don't know..." Stacy said out loud. She looked over to where Mason was helping Will pick up their food, a quiet conversation passing between them. She wasn't too sure what they were talking about, but figured it had to be Scout.
"Aw, c'mon! It shouldn't be too hard. What is she, about American Girl doll size? I make clothes in that size all the time for my sisters."
"...I'll think about it." Stacy finally said, as Scout climbed up onto her shoulder, and to the top of her head. The Puppet pulled on her hair, but Stacy was able to keep herself from reacting to the pain. It wasn't that bad, compared to what she'd been through already. And she didn't want to remove the Puppet anyways, in case she went back to being a recluse.
Lisa helped get some plates set up and distribute the food, chattering all the while about all the clothes she was going to make for Scout. Shirts, hats, even tiny mittens for when it got cold out. Scout found it all very absurd, although Stacy seemed interested in it.
'I'm not going to need those things anyways. Why is Stacy even humoring her?' Scout watched as the Hosts all sat and started to eat, still perched on her Host's head. She desperately wanted to try what they were eating, but turned away when Stacy offered her some. 'You don't even want to stay. No point in trying it anyway. Besides, it's just dumb Host feed.'
After lunch Mason and Lisa left for home, with Mason promising not to let Lisa have anymore weed. Meanwhile Will went to return the big truck they'd used, leaving Stacy and Scout alone. The Puppet took the time to look around, noting how many boxes there were stacked against the walls. Some of them had writing on them, but many were blank. Stacy sighed as she took in all the blank ones, hand on her hip.
"Would it really kill him to label things for once." She muttered, then gave Scout a grim look. "He did this when he moved up here. Didn't write down what was in a single box, and then ended up buying a lot of stuff he didn't need to simply because he couldn't find it." She grabbed a small knife out of her pocket, opening it with some difficulty, then jabbed it into one of the unmarked boxes. "Let's see which one of these has my comics in it..."
Scout watched her open the box from the couch, listening to the noises of frustration when what the Host wanted wasn't there. She wasn't deterred, though, and quickly moved to the next unlabeled box after scrawling on the newly opened one with a smelly black marker. Each new box held either a groan of frustration, or a shout of excitement as Stacy searched through each one for what she needed.
"Y'know, this is almost like Christmas. Except, more annoying cause I'm trying to find my stuff, rather than getting new stuff." She said after a while of of box opening. She finished writing and turned to the Puppet, who was absorbed in one of the comics she'd found. Speaking of, we'll probably be going to my grandpa's cabin with my family for Christmas this year. I should probably figure out how to tell them about you."
"Why?" Scout asked. She didn't see a point to
"Well, you'd be coming with us, obviously." Stacy told her, and the Puppet felt herself freeze up at the implication. The Host didn't notice. "My brother, Danny, he's gonna love you!"
'No I'm not.' She thought sadly as the human rambled on about her brother. 'I'm not going anywhere else if I can help it.'
Her plan had been working, quite well actually. She'd felt tired, lethargic even. And each movement had felt more and more difficult as time passed, to the point where she'd been sure it was about to end any day.
And then Stacy's fucking friends had opened the fucking door, and Stacy had grabbed her. Now she felt stronger than ever, and her plan was ruined.
No, she realized suddenly, while Stacy continued talking about her parents, not entirely ruined. She remembered something Riley had told her, before she'd been stitched to her very first Host. The bond relied on physical contact, but also proximity. Her energy would drain faster if she was further away.
"Hey, Host." She piped up, interrupting the human, who turned to look at her with a confused(and slightly hurt, but Scout ignored that) expression.
"Hmm?" She tilted her head, still bent over a half opened box. When Scout didn't answer immediately she started to get worried and straightened up. "What? Is something wrong?"
For a moment, Scout didn't speak, staring down at the colorful pages spread out in front of her. She didn't want to do this, but wasn't any other choice. Not for her, anyways. Never for her.
'No turning back now. This Puppet's going down! Before anyone else gets hurt...'
"Do you think we could have a window open tonight?"
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Day #10: Sniping Gone Okay
Double digits and still no sight of The Bad Batch trailer. Someone better give up the trailer now because Nintendo already made their trailer go out!
Also, there was some intense learning of shooting and Jedi forms for this.
After a long argument from Crosshair and Korkie ended with Korkie going to his bunk, Crosshair took Fennec and they exited out of the ship with their sniper rifles. The area where they landed wasn’t too crowded with jungle life, but they needed better practice areas somewhere and targets that were better than rocks. 
Crosshair sighed. He may still be angry at Hunter, but he does miss his brother’s hunting skills. Hunter would always find the best places for Crosshair to practice his sniper skills. And Tech and his gizmos. He could always rely on Tech knowing what animals were living in any planet. It was fun getting them food when he had to hunt. 
But he was alone. No Hunter. No Tech. No brothers. 
“You okay?” Fennec asked.
“Nothing,” he told her. “Let’s find a place to shoot. Think the trees might be a good spot. Tall enough for both of us.”
Fennec said not as they walked away from the ship and found enough tall trees to hold both of them. Crosshair was the first one to get on top of a tree branch and check the strength of the tree. He nodded and give Fennec the signal that meant they’ll be fine. Fennec went up and was soon nice to Crosshair who got to his stance. He had the rifle aimed at a foreign fruit and shot a bull’s eye as Fennec got to her stance. Fennec was surprised by the instant firing and almost lost her balance.
“Don’t get surprised,” Crosshair said. “You’ll die faster that way.”
“You never warn anyone,” she scolded.
“I’m a sniper, I should never warn anyone that forgot to prepare.”
“Well, you’re teaching me. That should be different.”
Crosshair shrugged and took aim once again. He had a precise aim and shot another bull’s eye at another fruit. Fennec did the same, but she didn’t get a bull’s eye on her target.
“Your aim’s reliable,” Crosshair agreed. “But the precision of the aim doesn’t help your life.”
“You’re not telling me anything.”
“Fine. Look at that fruit over there.”
Fennec looked at the tree in front of them. There were too many fruit to say which one was the one Crosshair was going to shoot.
“To me, it’s five meter south, and two meters left. I’m at the edge of the fruit on the left, but my hand is steady and I’m quick to get it in the center.”
Fennec took her sniper and looked through her scope. She was seeing the fruit Crosshair was hitting, she wasn't fast enough before Crosshair hit another bull’s eye.
“I saw it,” she said. “I’m wasn’t fast, but I saw it.”
“It’s not your fault if you’re not that fast. You’re just a novice. I, on the hand hand, am a master at this.”
Fennec groaned and took her stance. She wanted to prove Crosshair wrong. She took her stance, had a target and locked on it, she slowly went to the center and shot. 
But she didn’t shoot correctly because Crosshair thought it would be fun to scare her and howled.
“You jerk!” she screamed. “I had it.”
“You did, but you stopped focusing on the target and lost control of the shooting. I learned that fear and surprises are not to be focused on went I’m sniping.”
“I’m not like you. I never got to learn how to snipe that way. I wasn’t born to shoot people in war-torn areas. I was a young girl who wanted a life for herself.”
“Then forget that little girl and be like the young woman who almost killed me and my brothers. You took a shot at us and I was impressed. What happened to that woman?”
“I was just starting to be a mercenary. I just got my rifle. I was still using a blaster when I took up being a sniper. You guys were my first group!”
“So you came to me, fully knowing how bad you are at sniping for now, and wanted me to teach you by lying to me? You’re worse than Korkie!”
“And you’re the cruelest clone to ever be created. You don’t even know how to be a good person.”
Crosshair said nothing as Fennec got down from her branch and left. Crosshair got down from his branch and went on to yell at her to come back, but Fennec kept going back to the ship leaving the sniper alone.
As she went away, Crosshair attempt to drop his rifle in anger, but he didn’t. He clutched it hard in his hands and heard thunder. He thought it was okay to stay at his spot for a while and just scream at the sky. He doesn’t understand why people kept blaming him for things he couldn’t control. He didn’t know his last mission with his brothers would almost kill them, he didn’t know how to teach anyone anything, and he truly had no idea that Fennec just started sniping.
The rain suddenly poured and Crosshair walked to a tall tree and climb up. He didn’t want to go back to the ship. He knew Korkie would possible be able to fly it. Maybe he can finally have someone who actually cares for him. Crosshair wasn't a Mandalorian and Korkie needed one to protect him. He was just a defective clone, a nobody who got lucky. A failure who survived. 
Suddenly, Crosshair heard it. A voice that sounded so familiar. 
“Don’t tell me he ran for me?” Crosshair thought. “Korkie? In this rain?”
“Crosshair!” Korkie yelled. “Crosshair! I know you’re here somewhere! I saw you in my visions!”
Crosshair didn’t want to listen to him. This can’t be Korkie. It just can’t be. He was rude to him just hours ago. Why come for him? He was better without Crosshair.
“I get it, Crosshair. You’re angry at what she said. I would be too if someone called me cruel, but you can’t do this to yourself. You’re not alone in this. I’m here and I won’t leave you alone. I know, it’s because I have no one other than my nanny, but I don’t care at all! You’re my friend. We can argue all we want and there will be ones that truly hurt, but that’s part of our relationship. Words hurt, but how we can mend ourselves is better than doing more harm. We did things to ourselves that caused us more pain, but I’m here willing to listen to you. I will wait here until you come out and meet me. I’m not losing you. I’m with you for the long run.”
Crosshair got out of the tree and saw Korkie. His hair was damp and everywhere. He had mud on his boots and he looked so exhausted. Yet, he was smiling. He also looked like he was crying.
“You actually came for me?” Crosshair asked.
“You think I’ll leave you?” Korkie croaked. “You saved me from my aunt and Mandalore. I’m never leaving my friend behind.”
Crosshair was surprised when Korkie hugged him, but he knows it meant how worried Korkie was. Korkie was so scared of being lonely and losing his first friend in this new chaotic galaxy was enough for him to run after Crosshair.
“Did you leave the ship to Fennec?You know she’ll steal that from us.”
“My ship runs on fingerprints remember? Unless she can hack, we’re safe.”
“Oh right.”
The two walked back at the Katalyst. Korkie talked about how he had to use his visions to check where they might be going and went to another vision when he knew they were safe. They kept talking all the way to that ship and saw an apologetic Fennec when they got there. 
“I’m sorry for leaving you there,” she said. “I’m just angry at your attitude and wanted some time alone.”
“I understand completely. How you think I ended up with Korkie?”
“You can just drop me off at the next planet, maybe I can find someone who won’t be mad at me.”
“Now hold on! I might have been mad, but I’m not giving up on you. I’ll try to keep my emotion in check, but you’re also going to have to warn me next time.”
“Can we include Korkie in the training? He seems to know the place you want and I didn’t tell him.”
Crosshair looked at Korkie and smiled. Korkie did not like the smile at all, but he understood what it meant.
“As long as Korkie actually knows the place, then he’ll join.”
“You mean you’re just going to use my visions, aren’t you?”
“Well, how else are you going to control them?”
Korkie sighed and went to the fresher. He needs a bath to make he doesn't get sick. Crosshair followed because there were two showers in the fresher. They both didn’t want to get sick.
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Unwanted House Guest: Valentine’s Run - Part 4
Should probably mention that this is based on characters created by  @tamarinfrog , @searching-for-bananaflies , @cafe-cardamari , @bottledupcomic , etc.
And based on the video games Splatoon, Splatoon 2, and Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion by Nintendo.
Arnick let go of the Octoling Girl’s hands, walked over to the bear statue shaped radio, picked it up, and began shaking it like a deadbeat that owed him money. “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?” he shouted.
“What’s the problem?” asked Mr. Grizz.
“The problem, SIR…” Arnick said with disdain, “is that if I understand correctly, you expect me to teach three rookies, who barely speak any Inklish, and turn them into Salmon Running savants, using sink or swim tactics, in nothing more than a few hours! Yet that can’t possibly be right because you’d have to be COMPLETELY MAD TO THINK THAT’S POSSIBLE!!!”
“Oh it’s not that bad-“ the bear statue said before Arnick cut him off.
“YOU! WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR!?” Arnick barked while he pointed an accusatory finger at the young Octoling boy.
<Uhh…> the poor boy stuttered, <…what did he say?>
<I think he asked you what your favorite color is, but…> the oldest Octoling said before trailing off.
“OH MY COD!” Arnick wailed while once again screaming at the statue and shaking it like a Polar-Roid Picture, “SOME OF THEM DON’T EVEN SPEAK INKLISH AT ALL!! HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY EXPECT US TO COMMUNICATE IF WE ARE LITERALLY SPEAKING TWO DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!!!”
“Oh I’m sure you can figure something out,” the voice from the statue said, “I mean you’ve worked with Octolings before, right?”
Arnick bellowed while once again shaking the statue like a Magic 8-Ball that said his chances of winning the lottery looked dim.
The youngest Octoling girl looked up to her big sister and asked, <Is… Is he okay?>
<I’m… not sure,> she said with hesitation, <he’s using Inklish words I’ve never heard before.>
“Whoa! Whoa! Easy there, kid! You don’t wanna break the radio and have it deducted from your pay now, do yah?” Reasoned the statue. Arnick stopped bear-handling the statue, but still wanted to give it a few more shakes for good measure. “That’s better. Now look,” Mr. Grizz explained, “I understand this isn’t the ideal situation or anything, I get that. Really, I do! But you’re a smart guy, and one tough employee to boot! If anyone can make this work, it’d be you!”
Flattery was not going to get Mr. Grizz anywhere with Arnick at this point.
“So just chin up. Be professional. And do your best! You got this, kid,” the statue encouraged, “now why don’t you go over there and meet your co-workers. Make a good first impression on them. Okay? Okay. Grizz, out!”
The radio shut off and there was an awkward silence that filled the air. Arnick set the wooden bear statue/radio down on the small table it was originally sitting on. He looked unnaturally calm and serene.
While showing no emotion on his face, Arnick reached into his pockets as though he was looking for something. Seconds later, he began looking around the boat after not finding what he wanted in his pockets. His eyes settled on a fold-able wooden chair that was sitting peacefully on the main deck. Arnick nodded to himself as if saying, “Ahh, yes. This should do it.”
Before describing what happens next, it is worth mentioning that Arnick does have some experience with the Octarian language. After living with Tetrox for a few years now, he naturally picked up on some words here and there that she would mutter under her breath, or slip out in normal conversation (which was rare because she spoke spectacular Inklish). Arnick had also done a little self study on how to speak Octarian off and on again over the years.
Now that Arnick was going to be working with three Octolings in a team, his knowledge of the Octarian language began to surface to the forefront of his mind.
…unfortunately, all of it was language that should never be spoken out loud in public.
<HOLY SEA COW!> Aadi said with a mix of awe and surprise.
Nalini’s tentacles were pointing straight up well before the foul-mouthed Inkling slammed the wooden chair against the deck railing. She dove to cover Lajni’s ears as if hearing the steady stream of Octarian obscenities and euphemisms would melt them off her head. Nalini hadn’t heard such a cascade of curses and swears that flowed like a river since her days in Octarian boot camp.
The Inkling was now jumping up and down on the wooden fragments of the former chair, kicking a piece every now and then like he was punting a Clam Blitz Ball. Nalini tried to focus on what he was saying over the sound of the crunching wood and could make out, <-AUDACITY OF THAT POMPOUS FISH MONGER WHO NEEDS TO HAVE A HARPOON SHOVED RIGHT UP HIS-> before tuning it out again. She looked over to her brother who seemed rather impressed with the Inkling for what Nalini feared was for all the wrong reasons.
The Inkling then picked up a chair leg that somehow was not yet smashed and then began hitting it against the railing. One thing was very clear to Nalini:
…this guy had some anger issues.
About two minutes later, the Inkling had finally stopped raging and was now trying desperately to catch his breath. Being that angry took a lot of energy, and it showed! Finally getting a breath in, the inking turned around and began to walk towards the three siblings.
Lajni and Aadi quickly dived behind Nalini’s back when the inkling approached them. He coughed, cleared his throat, and then tried to explain in broken Octarian, <Sorry… I was… upset…>
Nalini wasn’t entirely sure if she should answer him in Octarian or Inklish at first, but before she could decide, Aadi’s instinctively blurted out, <Upset? I’d hate to see him when he’s->
<AADI!> Nalini scolded him with a shushing gesture. She turned and addressed the Inkling. <Is everything okay?>
<Yes…> the lanky Inkling said. It looked like he wanted to say more but wasn’t sure how to say it properly. Nalini was surprised he was having this much trouble communicating after rambling off nearly every single Octarian expletive, curse, and swear word just seconds ago. <Hard… explain…> he continued before Nalini cut him off in Inklish.
“It be easier if I speak the Inklish?” Asked Nalini.
“Yes, thank you,” said the Inkling, “and my apologies for earlier. Just to be clear, I was not angry at any of you. I was angry at Mr. Grizz since I think it is highly unfair to all of us to be put in this difficult situation.”
Nalini blinked as she processed what the Inkling had just said. He was speaking very formally, but also using words she wasn’t familiar with here and there. She smiled back, looking to make a good impression (and relieved to know his anger wasn’t because of who they were or anything), “It is understandable, Mr. Sixwayfrumsunday”
“My name is Arnick,” said the Inkling.
“Eh?” Nalini squeaked while suddenly feeling very embarrassed, “Ah… I… I am sorry about-”
“No, no. It’s my fault, really,” Arnick interjected, “I shouldn’t have let my usual snark and sarcasm get the better of me,” said Arnick, “Given our respective language barriers and cultural differences, I can see how you could misunderstand what I was saying. I’m sure my diatribe of foul Octarian language didn’t help either.”
Nalini understood roughly half of what Arnick said. She was now beginning to have serious doubts about taking Lajni and Aadi with her today. She hadn’t considered the possibility that they would be paired with an Inkling since she had been on all Octoling teams on her last four runs. She thought that was the way things normally went, but apparently, on those first four runs, she just happened to get lucky. She began to wonder if there was a way out of this, and said, “Maybe… Running Salmon… Not such good idea today, Mr. Arnick.”
“Stilton,” Arnick corrected.
Nalini was once again surprised, “Eh?”
<My name is Arnick Stilton,> Arnick said in Octarian to make sure that he was clear, “You can address me as Arnick, if you wish.”
Nalini was feeling extremely embarrassed. She thought she was pretty good at Inklish, but after speaking with Arnick for just a few minutes, she felt woefully inadequate for handling this situation. She looked down at the ground and could feel a small tear form in her eye.
<AADI! STOP!> Nalini ordered.
<But Nalini…> Aadi said with a figurative tail between his legs.
<He didn’t say anything mean! It’s just…> Nalini paused as he she admitted what she didn’t want to admit, <…I’m having more trouble understanding him than I thought I would.>
Lajni chimed in, <Even after all those classes?>
Nalini nodded, <I’m just… so embarrassed right now. That’s all. So don’t be mean to Arnick, okay? He wasn’t being mean.>
After the tantrum Arnick threw, Lajni was skeptical. <Really?> She asked innocently.
<Yes, really,> Nalini confirmed before turning to Arnick, “I am sorry. My brother… he get too… excited sometimes. Please be forgiving him.” Nalini then wrapped an arm around Aadi’s shoulder and said, “This… is my younger brother. His name is Aadi.”
Arnick extended a hand for a handshake, “Good to meet you, Aadi.”
Glancing at the boy with the Afro, Arnick could see the look in Aadi’s eyes. He was glaring at Arnick as though he wasn’t too sure about him. Given Arnick’s recent behavior and attitude, Arnick couldn’t really blame him for being suspicious.  Not to mention how he’d react if he knew about Arnick’s past of being very anti-Octarian.
“I am sorry. He no speak Inklish,” Nalini explained.
The weight of the situation began to sink in for Arnick. Given that Aadi couldn’t understand a single word Arnick said, there was no way to give him any reassurance that he was a decent fellow. Arnick then turned to the youngest of the three Octolings who looked like she had just turned fourteen and finally got her humanoid form. She seemed scared, but curious, and didn’t show any signs of distrust like Aadi did.
“This is my younger sister. Her name is Lajni,” Nalini introduced.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Lajni,” Arnick said while extending a hand.
This time, Arnick put on the most cheerful smile he could muster to try and put the young girl at ease. After some hesitation, Lajni stepped from behind her sister and shook Arnick’s hand. Arnick’s smile became even more genuine as he began to feel like he was making progress.
With introductions out of the way, now was the time to get down to business. With two teammates that couldn’t understand any Inklish, he needed to work out something and fast before their shift started. Arnick immediately marched over to the table and was about to take a seat before realizing his seat was the one he had pulverized into sawdust a few minutes earlier. Grabbing the other chairs and putting them around the table, he called out, “Nalini, could you bring Aadi and Lajni over here? We’re going to need to work something out and fast, or we’re all going to be fish food!”
To Be Continued...
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forkanna · 4 years
NOTE: Oh my God, thanks so much to all of you for reading along and all your reviews! I'm glad you're into this story! This chapter sets up the next "arc" so to speak.
Everything settled a bit more once production resumed on Into The Unknown. Elsa was so busy that she didn't find time to dwell often on Anna's home situation, and Anna clearly wasn't dying or in the hospital. The game helped, even though she didn't really think she was getting any better at it; at least it served as a regular distraction.
"So," Honey commented when she caught her Pokemonning in the dressing room, "this is new."
"I-it's nothing," she told her as she shut the clamshell lid and tried to slide the device under her purse - but Honey snatched it. "Hey, careful!"
"Well if it's nothing, how careful do I have to be with nothing?" She started turning it over in her hands. "This is one of those Nintendo things, right? My little sister has one."
Standing, she held a hand out in front of her. "Would you mind returning my property, please?"
But Honey was too busy fixing her with a knowing smirk. "So… for the sake of argument, how old is this snack you're talking to online?"
No answer. Just a blush that was actually visible through the heavy set makeup.
"That young?" she asked with raised eyebrows. "Alright. None of my business. But, um… aren't you taking this a little far? You're mimicking her interests and all. Most people would say that's serious."
"It's only a game," she grunted, snatching it out of her hands and shoving it in her thousand-dollar designer purse. "And she's only a friend… she has a boyfriend, and college classes."
Her co-star saw through the pointed insistence that Anna was of age, but didn't remark on it; just nodded in acknowledgement. "Okay. For the record, though, I wasn't trying to judge, I'm just… well, you said it yourself; you're worried about how the public would react if word got out. And it would be worse if she was a kid."
"Well, she's not." Then she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I don't know what I'm doing… I like her, I really do. But she's not available and neither am I. But I should be able to just have a friend, right?"
"You should, yes. Is that what you want from this girl?"
Elsa's brow furrowed. "No. But it's what I can have."
"Norberg, come on." She shrugged and let that drop for now. "Okay, so I was just going to ask you to ask you, but now you need cheering up so it's even more important. I'm going on a spa trip this weekend with Kristoff. Tag along, get your mind off the daily stress. And you can still call your little side piece, so it's not an intervention or anything."
"Oh… I don't know, I was supposed to meet up with my parents for lunch on Sat… urd… you know what? Let's do it. They're just going to micromanage my entire life as usual."
Honey laughed and clapped excitedly. "That's the spirit! Come on, let's go find matching robes!"
"What? I mean, don't they provide those?!" But she was already being dragged off to costuming.
                                                   ~ o ~
However, it was only Tuesday. Elsa privately wished she didn't have multiple days to fret over doing something this impulsive, but it was what it was. She ended up confessing to Anna the following night that she was thinking of telling her friend she was feeling under the weather.
"Whaaaat, why?" she laughed on the other end of the line. "Sounds like she wants some girl time; like, she's taking her boyfriend and still doesn't mind you coming, right?"
"But we aren't very close." Still picking at the dregs of her Lean Cuisine, she said, "I know you have to cam soon, I'm sorry… ignore me."
"Nnnnope. And maybe she wants to get closer; actually be biffers instead of just some hoe you know."
"Maybe. She does keep taking me shopping and things… I don't know, I'm so bad at everything."
Anna laughed and made a grunting noise; Elsa was reasonably sure she had flopped onto her bed again. "So, uh, where's this fancy pants place you're going again?"
"Oh, something… Hermosa? I don't even know what it means." Her mind flashed back to the adorable mechanic, so she hurried to say, "It's way out in Santa Barbara, which Honey insists will mean we won't see paparazzi, but I have a feeling we will, anyway."
"Huh… okay, cool, cool." Then she cleared her throat. "W-well, I mean not cool if they show up, but I was saying 'cool' about the whole trip. And we both know you gotta loosen up, man; let your hair down and whatever. We've been talking about that."
"Right. And talking about you needing to do the opposite. How are your classes going?"
"Oh… they're going," she hedged. When Elsa only grunted, she relented, "I'm a little behind in the calc, but like I said, I don't think I'm gonna use it much when I'm slinging hoagies or whatever, right? So who cares?"
"We both will care when you have to take more classes for more credit hours, and you fall behind."
"Yes, motherrrrr," she drawled out. When Elsa sighed, she followed up, "Sorry. I know you're just having my back and all. But I got this, okay? Promise."
"Thank you. Because I know you're good at camming, but we both agree that's not your permanent career. You are destined for something greater; I can feel it."
"Yeah, maybe." There was a long pause as Elsa stood up to dump the rest of her food. "Hey… Mountie?"
Anna swallowed hard. "Listen. We got this batshit thing where I'm friends with a celebrity but I don't know which one. And I'm not digging dirt, but I can't help thinking, like… if I did find out, by accident or on purpose… would you be mad? Upset? It's… I guess I wanna know if…"
Maybe Elsa wasn't great at interpersonal relations, but she could figure this one out. "You want to know if my anonymity is more important to me than… you."
"What?! N-nawww, that's dumb, we're just-"
"It isn't."
"Oh." There was a small pause. Elsa might have been wrong, but she was reasonably sure the girl was smiling when she said, "Sorry, I just was… curious and shit."
"No problem," she chuckled softly. "And… I probably will tell you someday. It's just a delicate situation."
"Oh, no big deal… just you've seen a lot more of me than I have of you, dude."
Snorting, she leaned against the kitchen counter. "Not my fault, Anna. Seriously, you were like a used car salesman trying to upsell me your butthole."
"SHEEZE, will you let it go?!"
                                                  To Be Continued…
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rianncreates · 5 years
Family part 8
"The rock has been inactive ever since Banner found you" a sigh "it's like the energy that was inside of it just disappeared like it was never there." Carol sits next to your bed holding your hand. She takes comfort and seeing your steady breathing and the steady beeping of the heart monitor the only signs you were still alive. It had been a few days since your accident and still there had been no progress. No signs of anything being wrong with you, your vitals were strong as ever and  the baby seemed to be fine as well, yet still no signs of consciousness, Tony had tried everything that he could think of and if he was not with you he would be with Bruce trying to find some new way to approach this situation. So many tests and theories went around but still they remained in the dark on how to help you.
Carol was starting to really worry to the point that your son knew something was wrong,trying to cheer up Carol every chance he had. “Nick has been asking for you, you know. Wondering when is mommy coming home to tell him the discoveries you made in the day.”  she smiles but it did not reach her eyes. She sits there a bit taking a stroll down memory lane.
It had been a long day at the compound full of sparring and training new recruits. Her only getting a break for lunch together with Steve. She enjoyed talking to him about how he became Captain America. They had become quite close since they were both underdogs in the army/air force, at their time. As she turns the keys in the door essentially unlocking it she pushes it open. Goose dashing past her to go outside. Smiling  shaking her head and shouting inside"I'm home!"
Silence meets her as a greeting she frowns a bit as she closes the front door. Usually you are always near to greet her with your son in tow. Either in your arms to transfer him over to Carol or crawling behind you so he could get some exercise.
She walks around the house looking for any sign of you. Your voice drifting over to her as she nears the nursery. Slowly pushing the door open she sees you with the baby at the changing station seemingly dressing him after his bath.
"Im sure I can combine the kree tech and Tony's nano tech up and make momma a better suit."You say to him as you put his little Captain America onesie on. He smiles as he looks up at you and claps his little hands. "Oh you agree with me huh, I should upgrade mommas suit?" You coo at him as you tickle his belly.
"As long as you don't make me wear a skirt i'm down." Carol whispers in your ear making you jump " Carol!!" Her laughter is like a melody along side your son's. As you try but fail to be mad at her, your lips twitching upwards
Talking to your son about your job had become like your very own bedtime story between you two. As he grew up it didn't stop, in fact it became your thing. You would exchange Ideas with him and at times him giving you some pointers but really it was baby babble. He loved it, to be able to play scientist with his mommy.
Banner walked into the room quietly as to not to disturb you two. He worked around the room getting a few things changed up and checking your vitals again. After a few minutes he cleared his throat to get Carol's attention. "I need to draw some blood." She got up from where she's sitting and nods towards him. "I need to go check on Nick anyway." She tells him, leaving him to do what he needs.
As she walked down the hall she sighs the last few days had been hard on her. The whole situation had taken a toll on her emotionally. She not only worried about you but her son as well. It had been hard on him too, to not seeing his mommy every moment of every day. Maybe she should have taken him to see you, as she continued to debate it with herself  as she suddenly hears a child's laughter. She smiled as she walked into the room. Seeing Morgan, Peter and little Nick playing some sort of game on the floor.
Ever since the accident, everyone had tried to help Carol one way or the other. Either taking care of Nick, entertaining him in every possible way, anything that would help distract your son from the situation. Carol walks over to the kids "Momma!" Nick screams the second he notices her. Running as fast as he could on his little legs, Carol kneels as she opens her arms for him to slam into her. She kisses his hair as she hugs him "hey buddy, having fun." She says as he pulls a bit away to look at him.
"Petew was showing us how to pway mawio cart!!." She gasps in mock excitement "mario kart!? That´s awesome!" Carol made it a rule to herself to always be cheery and happy so she didn't worry her son. She looks over to both Peter and Morgan "Hey guys." She greets them
"Hey aunt Carol." They say at the same time. She smiled as she focused on Peter. "He didn't give you too much trouble did he?" He shakes his head as he gets up from the floor leaving Morgan with the game device, hoping that she does not dismantles it again. Walking over to Carol he goes into a bit more detail about her sons behaviour. "He's been great really just a lot of questions about the game." She chuckles at that " Y/N is actually waiting till his ten to introduce him to her nintendo 64." She says as she gets lost in thought about that night where you debated your reason of raising your son knowing and playing on retro video games.
"It was either that or legos and I certainly didn't want a repeat of the Death Star fiasco." Peter says. Morgan's voice suddenly popping up beside Carol’s head. "Hey it was not my fault!" She argues, he looks over "You swallowed the part Mo!" He fires back.
"It clearly says on the box 'Choking Hazard keep away from children 3 and under'" she counters doing her mother's signature stare.
Carol chuckles once more "She's got you there kid." She tells Peter before turning her attention to her toddler.
"Are you hungry baby?" She asks, he grabs her face with his chubby hands as he looks seriously at her. "Staving!!" She chuckles at his dramatics surely getting it from Tony with the amount of babysitting he does.
Going into the compounds kitchen she sits him in the booster seat. She starts to get stuff to make the both of them lunch. Getting some fruits and stuff you would approve of. As they munch on their sandwiches they talk about anything and everything. "Momma, when is mommy waking up?" He asks as he munches on a grape. She slows her chewing trying to come up with something to tell him after a minute he looks at her impatiently. She decides to go for the truth. "I don't know buddy, but uncle Tony and uncle Bruce are trying to help her out." She answers him as she moves the hair covering his eyes. He needs a haircut she thinks to herself. Nick sighs and continues with his meal. Carol feels guilty for not letting him see you for a while now. She had her reasons though, even if Tony says nothing is wrong with you does not mean you could possibly take a turn for the worse. She definitely doesn't want him to see that. Yet after some debating with herself she thinks it would not hurt to let him see you at least once.
That is how she finds herself walking into your room with Nick in her arms. After talking with Tony and making sure that they would not be making any test on you, she brought him in.
"Remember buddy you have to be gentle ok." She tells him with a slightly warning undertone, he nods that he understands her. She gently places him next to you in the bed. Carol watches as he crawls a bit closer to you. As gently as a 3 year old can be, he places a kiss to your cheek. "Hi mommy, I miss you." He whispers as to not to disturb you, Carol stays quiet as she watches the scene unfold in front of her. "Momma says you sick and that you need to sweep." He pats the side of your head and says "feel betwer mommy." Carol closes her eyes taking a deep breath. She can not believe the sweetness coming from him it makes her want to cry. When she opens her eyes she notices that he has wedged himself next to your body somehow placing your arm around himself. He closes his eyes and just stays there, Carol doesn't have the heart to pull him away. So she sits on her normal chair and lets him have some time with his mommy.
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hollowphobia-casual · 4 years
The Amazing World Of Friendship Part MMXIX, The Return Of The Rising Awakened Empire
It’s that time of year again! The time I let down my defences and expose my emotions bare to all my friends so that I may thank and gush all over them, because despite my cynical hate filled shell, deep, deep, deep, deep, deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep down I’m actually someone who just wants to be loved, maybe.
But joking and honest truths disguised as jokes aside, there is something I would like to say, most of the time.., I feel like I have imposter syndrome, not regarding my art and my work, but with my friends! I have SO many wonderful friends and I honestly love them to bits and yet every year due to work, time zones, time schedules or just my inability to start a conversation I don’t get to talk to them or they go neglected for ages and I hate that so much about myself. My friends, all of them, are such wonderful people and they deserve so much better than what I give them, I love you guys, so very much..., I’m sorry for being such a terrible friend.
THAT SAID! It’s time to embarrass these lovely losers by letting them know just how much I care, kukuku.
@articbleu​ [Twitter]
Hah! Speaking of friends whom I’m constantly feel like I am neglecting, where do I begin without feeling like I’m treading over the same ground? You are one of the many artists whom I consider an inspiration, your dedication, drive and sheer will is aweing inspiring, like, I dunno if I can ever get over how much I think about it, I remember a time where we were both almost at the same level and now you are off doing who knows what, last I checked, you were studying in Korea, which is awesome, I’m so happy for you. But when ever I’m working and I feel like I can’t achieve, I look to you and tell myself, I can do better. I dunno if we’ll ever talk like we used to, so much time has passed since we last spoke, I dunno if we are the same people and there are times when I look back on my past, things I said that I regret and wonder if maybe you shouldn’t be my friend, not because I hate you, but because there are better people than me, who are more deserving of your attention, admiration and so much more, but regardless of what comes and what may happen, you have been or are, my friend and I love you, please, keep shooting like the star you are!
@nightmargin​ [twitter]
Okay, imagine this, so you met this cool girl who likes to draw weird, amazing and beautiful things on Deviantart, you enter a character tournament two with them, you chat about anime and stuff, then just a few years later THEY RELEASE ONE MOST ACCLAIMED INDIE GAMES KNOWN, like Whaaaaa-, there is not a day that goes by I don’t see One Shot stuff like, wha-, I dunno.., and she’s still making stuff it’s fucking incredible, WHY ARE MY FRIENDS SO TALENTED.., hah, go damit didn’t want to be melancholy.. ..,But like, shit, I just want to support my friends and let them know how much I give a shit, just how impressed I am, how happy for them I am but truth is I hardly get to see them, which is not your fault, you are making games, doing art, and having to be a social media presence, it’s exhausting, I understand, I just hope you know that I care still, that when I see your characters around the web, in fanart, in VRchat and other places, it makes me SO happy, I just want to hug you and let you know that you are doing an amazing job and that I couldn’t be more proud of you, I hope you know that.
@doodlediddy​ @doodledittydaisy​ [Twitter]
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Okay so, this is a friend where neither of us are to blame for staying out of touch because, HOLY FUCK YOU HAVE A BABY! AAAAA, you made a little person and they are so cute! On the rare occasion I go onto the hellsite that is Facebook, I get to catch glimpses of you and your lovely child, whom I terribly do not know the name or gender of A+ friendship right there, but yeah, GURL, you have an infant and they are precious, I don’t blame you for a second for not being in touch, it feels so weird, not too many years ago you were talking me off the ledge and then you got married, then you got baby fat AND NOT IT’S ESCAPE! I’m so happy for your family, fuck, that’s so weird, it’s YOUR family, not your family, YOUR FAMILY! AAAAaaaaa!
@mistercrowbar​ [Twitter]
I MET HER!, I MET HER!, I MET HER! No you guys don’t understand, I MET CROWBAR AND IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! We looked at beautiful lakes, we watched netflix, We ate burgers, looked at destroyed cranes, went to Ikea, watched more netflix, bought DnD stuff, ate more burgers, tried a beaver tail, more netflix, talked about lobsters and my little pony, looked at fossils, got mad at the ocean, yelled at drivers, more netflix… It was great, I loved it, would sleep on the floor again, 10/10. But Okay so I know that many people would think of Crowbar as intimidating, she’s not an emotionally open person I know, but to be honest it just makes friendship with her special, getting to know her on a level where you can read her is something that is truly treasurable and I’m so lucky to have that, she’s a unique person to love and that’s what's so great about her, she isn’t like everyone else, I wouldn’t change her for anything in the world…, okay maybe I’d allow her let me hug her more so I can tell her how great she is and she can’t flee, haha. I know I get on her nerves sometimes and I’m probably not the best friend on her list, I mean, I’m guessing, but considering how I measure up to some of the other people she knows, I can easily see that, I mean who knows thow, maybe I’m not a tier friend and maybe just a different friend and I just.., haha, I dunno why I obsess over this, how important I am to my friends, maybe because I just want them to be the happiest they can be and when I know I’m depriving them of joy, I question myself. But I am happy for what happiness I do bring to her, the moments I’m useful, when I am needed or just enjoyable company, those are the best moments for me, I’d give anything just to hear Crowbar laugh once every day, that’s how important of a friend she is to me.
@valbey-the-girl​ [twitter]
THIS ASSHOLE! Has been with me since I can remember, which probably annoys him, because I’m not the easiest person to friends with, specially of late, my mood has been all over the fucking place, I’m happy, sad, depressed, angry, frustated and yet he doesn’t complain…, that I know of.., and in return.., I send him lewd christmas gifts that make his parents question him and his life choices. Haha, friendship. But honestly, I like that about him, he’s one of the true people I know that makes me feel like we have a ‘normal’ friendship, we are not overly affectionate, we can speak openly to one another and we don’t like all of them same things and all I want to do is make him laugh and find a game that I’m good at and that he sucks at, because god damit, he seems like he’s an expert at everything, fuck you! I know times right now are tough for you, I can’t imagine it’s easy, shits going down at home, work and there is some asshole asking if your free once every Saturday so you can pretend to be a dwarf, just know if you need anything, you can always ask me, you’ve been there for me, don’t forget I’m here for you.
@dansome0203 [Twitter]
Don’t say how you are terrible friend because you haven’t been talking to him much, you say it every year, Don’t say how you are terrible friend because you haven’t been talking to him much, you say it every year, Don’t say how you are terrible friend because you haven’t been talking to him much, you say it every year,... -checks Script- “I’m a terrible Friend..” FUCK. -inhale- The man I look to for inspiration on cute girls and large boobs! God, I only really got to know this guy at the tail end of my Deviantart carrier before the big move to Tumblr and even then it was less a ‘WE ARE FRIENDS SWORN TO A BLOOD OATH’ and more me oddly poking him now and again, trying to start a conversation failing miserably, a tradition that would continue for about…, nine years…, nine years.. God I am a terrible friend. But enough about my inability to simply converse with people, what can I say about this Dan, he’s fucking great to start with, on the odd times I do actually get to talk to him I know he is nothing more than a chill dude who creates a lovely and warm atmosphere around him that draws people in, he has a fantastic sense of humour which is only equaled by his creative flair, no I’m not talking about the boobs, but more his designs for his characters, colour choices and so much more, I am honestly not joking when I say that I look at this guys work for inspiration from time to time, because I find his designs just that appealing and insightful. I would love for nothing than to just sit in a call with this guy and talk shop, or talk, or anything…, I wanna love you Dan, let me love you!
Gwyn Graham
And right of the gates… I FORGOT WHAT THERE TUMBLR USERNAME IS GOD DAMMIT! So for once me being a bad friend is entirely my fault!, we’ve always had a rocky time zone/schedule conflict even when we use to play DnD with each other, because life sadly, is not easy, fuck I wish it was. But also sadly I dunno what you’ve been up to, I dunno how you have been. I hope you are well and happy, did you get date? Are you on the lamb for murder? Who knows, but I like to think you are happy, I hope you are, I wish that you are.
@taplaos @tapliciousart [Twitter]
I bought three shirts from you and my father ignored the washing instructions so they are now basically ruined.-sigh- That said they are some amazing fucking shirts, so gonna try and be less of a downer here, but yes, like most of my friends, I am terribly out of touch with this wonderful person, HOWEVER, they have been fucking busy, designing some of the sickest Pokemon related merchandise I’ve ever seen, two things immediately come to mind when ever I see their amazing work up on my twitter, one… Why have Nintendo/Game Freak issued a take down notice and second, WHY HAVEN’T THEY HIRED YOU and I don’t mean that in a fanboy sort of, I love you pay attention to me sort of way, I actually mean that, your designs are so appealing, humorous, creative and at the same time, family friendly, like, there is such a demand for Pokemon related merchandise and you are just popping it out like nobody's business, christ, you are too good at this, it’s why I really need to sit down and talk to you about helping me design T-shirts at some point. Honestly, if you haven’t, go check out their stuff, seriously, do it, DO IT NOW!
@tuz-ohtopia @dm-tuz [Twitter] [Patreon]
When I started out I was ‘aware’ of Tuzzy, but I didn’t really know him, it wasn’t until I started getting involved with DnD that I started to know him and that was because he was the DM of my two other friends, so sadly I can never say that me and Tuzo have had the strongest of friendships. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I dislike Tuzo, I think the guy is great, the times we’ve actually spoken it’s been fantastic and talking shop with him was always a highlight, but it just.., amazes me, how I guy I barely knew went from a simple background presence to almost being everywhere I look. For you who don’t know, Tuzo is now a DM for hire and even has a Patreon where he offers up custom monsters, tiles and such, it’s so amazing to see how far he has come, it’s great, even if he has an unhealthy obsession with a lesser version of DnD, haha. I’m so proud of him and his unbound campaign is so enjoyable, experiencing it though his players is incredible and the assets he creates are outstanding, I just wish I had his time management, because I can not create assets to the same level or detail he does. This man has inspired me as a DM, an artist and a creator, and I don’t know if he is even aware that he has done that, Tuzo, keep doing what you're doing, because it’s amazing.
@nickala [Twitter]
Nicki’s Twitter describes her as a wannabe concept artist and an actual scientist and I’m probably the reverse haha, a wannabe scientist, god I love Nicki’s job, I really should talk to her about it, but then again I dunno how much of it she is allowed to openly discuss, she is after all handling human remains, so… I’ve mentioned it before, but I love Nicki, she makes life, make sense and it’s great, but more importantly than that, she’s just.., fantastic, funny, caring, but human. Like she feels so relatable with how she expresses herself, everything comes with a little frustration, a little guilt and honesty, which might sound like a weird thing to admire, but there are so many people these days who want to be fake, they want to be these, ideal versions that don’t exist, trying so hard and it becomes, exhausting and almost impossible to talk to them, because they wear a mask and you don’t know what their true intentions are. But not with Nicki, they talk and you can feel that raw emotion, it’s so satisfying to read text, to hear a voice and just know the complexity of a person, it’s refreshing and I cherish it.., even if I don’t talk to them that often.., I’m a sham of a friend -cries-
@mortooncian-art [Twitter]
I just met this lovely gal this year and…, I’m as bad with talking to them as I am with Dan…, I hope it doesn’t continue for about nine years…, I don’t want to be awkwardly skirting conversations at 37.
Sadly I can’t say much of them as a person, mostly because I’ve only really gotten to meet them this year, the aforementioned being a terrible person/friend, but I can talk about what drew me to them, because I was always aware of Thren? Mortoon?...uh.. Oh god I dunno what to call them..FU- I had always been aware of them since Deviantart and their art was appealing I just never made the leap to try and talk to them, because COWARD, it wasn’t until sometime last year, I can’t recall who but someone was reblogging their work, I believe it was Dan or Calien, it was from his DnD session and her little tiefling was just.., so..fucking CUTE! I loved her and wanted to know so much about her and looking into her work I found more and more cute loveable characters, and I dunno how to describe it, but her art just has this beautiful, cute and sexy charm to it that makes you just want to.. LIKE AND REBLOG IT… So after that, I just wanted to get know her, it seems so stupid thinking about it, liking someones art you think to yourself, hey I want to know this person on a personal level and maybe talk to them! And then, you get it and you clam up due to your social awkwardness and inability to manage a time schedule, haha.. But yes, I’m so glad I’ve been given a chance to talk to her, maybe if time allows it, I won’t screw it up in getting to be her friend.
@clauseart [Twitter] [Webcomic]
Yes, my fellow british artist whom I constantly compare myself against to measure my self success and my constantly conclude my lack of value… ...That’s not a joke I really do do this. Enough about me, I’ve mentioned it before with a few.., or most.., artist here, met on DA and look at where they are now, this girl, this them, this BEAST, started out with a crazy pinwheel and appearing in almost every OCT (Original Character Tournament) you can think of and now, they have an amazing webcomic about an amazing buff ginger and a kid whom I dislike (I’m sorry, I just wanna punch him,). Also a DnD character who seems from a distance seems like the drunk aunt who hates her family children.., I dunno I know nothing about their character and I really should ask someone, but if I’m right I want a gold star. But regardless, I am so proud of them, their creativity and artistic skill seems to have nothing but skyrocketed since the end of the OCT era of our lives and the dawn of tumblr, not to mention the just general progression of their comics, which I will leave a link to and if you don’t read this super funny and amazingly well drawn comic I will.. I really want to say more about them, I do! Sadly, I consider myself a friend, but I dunno if I even have that right, our friendship was very, distant, not in a negative way, but more like someone you chat to in a tescos (For any curious americans think Walmart), and now, I feel like I’m just a one man cheer squad. And honestly, I am okay with that, I get to see them improve and feel proud for them and they have a wonderful life as it is, what's more to want?
@lou0 @hunnylou0 [Twitter]
Lou has been one of my longest…, acquaintances? Okay I’m not saying that Lou isn’t a friend, I mean, I consider her a friend, but I’ve known her since I rejoined DA under the name Clockworkable, since then she’s been a source Joy, laughter, inspiration and to some extent a free expression, but, I could never feel like I was her equal or at least a friend, we were never close, despite how I tried to be.., she’s a difficult person to talk to, which isn’t her fault! Nothing ever seems to go her way, which.. Pisses me off so much, because she’s just a nice, beautiful and kind person who just deserves nothing but affection and I’d love to give it to her, even if it’s just a hug. But I know it can be hard.. That said, I’ve gotten the chance to really talk to her, getting to know her, the true her and it’s as wonderful as you’d think it would be, she is a true expression of her art, joyful, cheeky, funny, playful and kind, sweet, brutally honest, but that’s never a bad thing in my books. I dunno even now if I’m a good friend to her, I dunno if she’d even think of me as one, but I am happy that I’m a little bit here for her, more than I was before, I just want to make her happy.
@sunshinedrago [twitter]
Don’t be friends with this woman, it starts off small like “Oh, would you like to play Final Fantasy XIV?” and then the next thing you know your talking to scottish fairies and questioning your life decisions. I met this crazy spanish.. “ITALIAN!” Italian woman about three.., maybe four years ago? I can’t even remember how we met, like I know we met because we needed someone for a DnD game, but I can’t recall if it was me she contacted or someone else, haha, I’m getting old. Either way it doesn’t matter, because I’m so happy that I did, she’s encouraging, kind, sympathetic, honest and joyful, but more importantly realistic and down to earth, this woman is not a pity party and has introduced me to some of the most important anime and shows I could imagine, as well as help fueled my addiction to some games, a few years back I’d never played an MMO and now look at me...a broken shell of my former self…, obsessing over loot drops and glamorous for a fictional 3D bunny girl…She’s also one of my more active and talkative friends, which helps with my crippling depression haha, I dunno what else to say, It’s not like there isn’t a lot to say, just that I’ve said it over and over again, she’s a great friend and someone I wish I knew sooner, she feels like a friend I’ve always had, but I only met three years ago. Yeah.
@jabbage [Twitter]
What can I say, Smart, dedicated, driven, focused, talented, learned and amazing… ...Yep…, not just saying that because I am terrible friend…, not another example of not staying in touch with people, made worse by the fact they live in england…, nope…, are you buying it yet? I want to talk about how they inspire me, how they fuel my motivation, but sadly I have to just slap myself and twitter, because GURL never appears on my dash, but just.., THEY’VE WRITTEN SO MANY STORIES! H-how! I just.., I can’t get one webcomic done, I am so proud of her because of this, I should just be able to say that, but I don’t want to, I mean I do, I am proud, but I always want to talk about them as a person, I wanna mention times they’ve made me laugh, made me smile, but there is only a fleeting moment in a minecraft server sometime ago and… I am so sorry, for being a bad friend, but you don’t really need me to enrich your life.., JUST LOOK AT ALL YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED! You are so amazing, one woman army, just AAAAA, so great! I love it, I love you, keep being amazing!, don’t stop! Burn bright, burn far and burn hard! Go!
@flunafloon [Twitter]
I can’t say how much of a bad friend I am again.., please, she deserves better than me, here is the link to her Etsy store.
@daco-taco [Twitter]
God I have a bleeding heart.., I say because I don’t really know Daco, hell I dunno if I even register as ‘friend’, I’ve followed them since Deviantart and I loved their art, for the most part I was content to be just that and then…, I just saw them upset, and fuck me, haha. I hate that I hate people being in pain so much I dunno why it destroys the core of who I am.., so now I’m in a discord server, or trying to be, feeling constantly judge, because I want to make someone happy and I dunno if I am even doing the job. Haha, what does that say about me?
I want to say a lot about charanty, I want to say we were great friends, I wanna say we talked from sunrise to sunset, I want to so badly.., dumb ideas we had, silly jokes we shared, moments of confusion, anger, tears.., bliss, regret.. But sadly I can’t, not that I don’t like them, no no, Charanty is amazing, but like something truly amazing, they are never around all the time, which sucks, because they are truly amazing, creative, beautiful in their mannerisms and perfect in their imperfection. I wish I could enjoy them more often.
I have many friends whom I want to be happy, Chubbu probably more than anything and sometimes I blame myself for their sadness, I know I am not the root cause, but I can still blame myself for moments of silence, moments of stupidity and overall not trying harder. Chubbu is.., affectionately irrational and down to earth, the best of times they are infectiously fun to provoke, play with and tease, while at the same time being caring and hopeful, I’ve only had the pleasure of knowing them for this year and even still it feels like I’ve known them longer, but I can’t wait to get to know them more as time goes on, I hope I do, I wish I do.
@hypertronic [Twitter]
Hyper…, Hyper.., “Your a terrible friend again aren’t you?” I mean.., YES, okay so Hyper started off as someone who was a fan of one my characters and since then I’ve had the pleasure of being taken out of the limelight and watching them grow into an amazing artist and COMIC CREATOR, AAAAA, so Park Of Plutonia, Hyper’s comic was a silly little RP group that was on DA, but look at it now! The amazing world she had hidden away in her head, now for you to read and I really recommend you go read it, especially if you want something different and unique, I really want to say more than just ‘go check out her comic’, I really do.
-breaths- “You were a bad friend again” GOD DAMMIT, YES! You know the saying never meet you idols! Because all you will do is upset them and make them judge you, HAHAHHA, SO! I became aware of Mon thanks to a small show I’m pretty sure NO ONE has heard of called Critical Role, they drew fanart for it quite regularly and I loved it! I even commented on their stuff from time and time, but there wasn’t much to it. Then I had a friend drag me into the world of FFXIV and to my surprise I met Mon…, after like a week or ten before I realised who she was, how would you describe Mon as a person? Like a rabbit doped up on sugar and caffeine, especially when she’s tired, cause then it’s like x2, what I’m saying is Mon is excitable and positive, which sadly doesn’t really gel well with my down to earth, grumpy I hate everything because I can’t act cute attitude that I’ve cultivated. So despite how much you’d think we are friends and how amazing and creative she is, we clash a lot, and honestly I feel like I am just WAITING for the moment, where she declares she has had enough of me and just throws me out of the friendship circle, because…, I know that not all people gel and sadly as much as I want to, I feel like I’m bringing her nothing but pain and I don’t want to do that, she’s creative and amazing, as well as so positive, she doesn’t need someone like me hurting her all the time.  
@spookydraws, @spesiria, @totalobelisk, @ssksscrapboard, @horrorjuice, @riyamilea
“More friend’s you have trouble staying in contact with?” Mmm.. “Amazing wonderful people who you’d love to talk to for days on end, but you are always just too busy for them, too involved in yourself to even say hi?” Yeah.. “Are they even your friends anymore? Are you worth anything to them, I think at this point you should do them a favour and unfollow them, because in the schemes of their lives you aren’t exactly making an impact are you? If anything you slow them down, maybe you are just slowing everyone down? How many more of you ‘friends’ are going to be added to a stockpile of names you can just gush over, because you don’t know them as people anymore, they don’t impact your life and they probably haven’t had a second thought about them?” …, I just think they are amazing people who need to be recongised for how talented and beautiful they are, life is hard and the voices in our heads can be fucking disgusting to us, so everyone just needs a moment, a person to just hug them and them, I love you, I dunno if you even know me but you are so important, don’t forget how important you are and just how meaningful you are, I’m probably just a stranger to you, but you have never for one second not been important to me in some way, I hope you are happy and that you live every second of your life knowing that you are loved by atleast one person. Cause in the end, that’s all we really want isn’t it, we just want someone to tell us that they love us, that we mean something to them, that we are important.
@phantomdotexe [Twitter]
The living definition of too kind for her own good, it’s both your best quality and your worst quality. An amazing talented person who’s managed to influence a small cults worth of people under the ideal of one uniform symbol and then gets upset how she hasn’t done anything with it. I love you to bits, your drive, your kind nature, but at the same time I worry for you, you have so many self defeating thoughts and worries, all stemming from your lack of respect for your own skill and your ability to try and please everyone at once, which can especially be seen with the ‘everyones opinion is valid’ If you made short stories based on your vision or merch, you’d make money in no time, but as it might contradict with someone else's, you don’t. Now I know this is meant to be a ‘I love my friends’ thing, but the truth is I do, I love you so much, but at the same time I have to tell you, you need to stop fretting, you always worried about other people, asking when they are going to bed and such, but then you are equally as bad of the same thing, burning the candle at both ends, rather than trying to resolve any of your problems. As someone who cares, let other people worry and focus on yourself, see you strengths for what they really are and go and make bank.
Only had the pleasure to speak to you twice on live streams, mostly knew you for your art, I dunno what I can really say? Here, you’re a new friend and I can’t wait to get to know you more… Man this was short.., fuck.., I really wanted to say something else…, uh.. .. .... ....shit
Lady Violi
Man, I wish I drew more personal projects like you did, haha, Okay so, a bit of honesty, when I first saw you on DA I have to be frank and say I didn’t think much of your art back then, but I am so happy to see not only was I proben wrong, but your art had grown incredibly sicne there, no just in scale and scope, but in detail, colour, it’s fantastic, is there places it could use improvement, yeah, but no one is perfect, but that’s enough about you creatively, what about you the person!
Well like I said I didn’t think much at first, but as time went on I became a little intimadated by you, probably cause of my own guilt more than anything else, but, doesn’t really matter, I’m just happy we actually talked, because discussing things with you is always a high light of my day, I’m so eager when your online because have such a nice easy and approach manner of conversation that’s infectious to me, and I love it.
And the best part! It’s only been a year since we started talking, I’m so excited how we’ll grow in friendship as time goes on, I know it’ll be worth it!
And.., that’s it, If you actually read through all of these and not just your own, I’d be surpruised, but I’m happy I wrote this, even if my arm hurts, things needed to be said, apologises needed to be made and love needed to be shared, thank you all.
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heyyylittlemo · 4 years
**Beware of Nintendo Switch Scam**
    Everybody is cooped up these days--Animal Crossing: New Horizons has got so many of us intrigued--and Nintendo Switch demands are piling up. Admittedly, we all like some good fun and what better way to spend it than testing out the new beautiful god-smacking Animal Crossing everybody has been raging about? From those beautiful lavish interior design shots, to the diva-divine clothing lines, to the peaceful tranquil music lashed across in screenshots and play-throughs. Who DOESN’T want to get their hands on a Nintendo Switch right now? 
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     I really wanted my own switch for these reasons. I am a die-hard fan of animal crossing. You bet I was making my ways as a Tom Nook slave since the Gamecube days. Ever since I heard about the new game for the switch I knew I HAD TO HAVE IT. The thing is, the timing was never right. I didn’t have a switch. 
     When we did get it one Christmas, the game was set to launch MONTHS away. I had planned to call dibs on it during my birthday, or y’know Christmas. But no miracle happened. It was coming out in MARCH. 
     So, after deliberately DYING about the fact that I had no switch for my own and that I had no new Animal Crossing--my mother backstabbed me (perhaps unknowingly) and bought my 10 year old sister the game for her B-day. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, the BETRAYAL. This was a MAJOR loss for me being that now that meant she’d own the island. And we all know how we feel about this whole whose-is-what-it Island situation. There’s a whole lot of debates about it. 
I know it’s not the biggest deal, but the disappointment across my face was evident--more so than I would have wished. I gotta say it really upset me. It’s the feeling of hoping for something so dear to you being stripped out and patched into someone else’ grasp after passionately weaving it out in your pursuits. You know that it doesn’t stitch together as well as with the ones’ whose lap its been placed in, and yet it doesn’t necessarily belong to you either. And you’d think that it’d be obvious, and it hurts a lot, but you just have to accept that  sometimes you don’t get what you want even after talking about it like your life was depending on it. Yeah, I’m still salty about is, so what? That’s not even what matters! SHE owns the island. 
I knew she’d grow tired and ditch ACNH after 1-2 weeks of playing. Still, that wouldn’t mean that i’d get to just re-vamp the island, or take it over, or *cough* *cough* destroy it. 
So I decided I’d get myself a Nintendo Switch and buy ACNH. Something about seeing someone HAVE what I wanted on their own terms just itched me to make it happen for myself, so I declared war. War on my wallet. 
      Now that I have bought a Nintendo Switch, I realize that along with God, the universe also doesn’t like me. 
Wanna know why? Well, when I first searched for the Nintendo Switch online the results for sights and their pricing was DRASTICALLY different to what I see now when I look it up. The website in which stole me of $99 of my hard-earned busting my ass off money, is NOWHERE to be seen anymore. It’s almost like it didn’t exist. The problem is: it does. You may be next. And you may be scammed. But damn, God, why did it have to be me? 
I know that my blog isn’t about this topic usually--but I just wanted to warn anyone out there who is trying to get a good deal on a Nintendo Switch. Because I just got scammed big time. Yes, now we’re finally getting into the actual exposé of this site after side-baring about how much of a Judas situation this manifesting Animal Crossing New Horizons into my life has been for me!!
     You see, prices on Nintendo Switches are CRAZY HIGH now that times arer hard. People want to overcharge for these things. It’s hard to run across a good deal near the original price of the Nintendo Switch. And when you’re desperate like me and you’ve had the raging hormones of i’ve just been et-tu-brutue’d by your mother you may just not hear the warning signs going off in your head and jump to the best sounding deal. 
But here’s the deal--there is no deal. 
     Yet just like flies, the lollipop caught mein google-eyed eyes and stuck me to its lies. When I saw this A-MAH-ZING $98.75 listing for the console from Solefiness.fun as the 1st website recommended to me from google--I freaked. 
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Being offered right next to those sky high prices from websites like Ebay and Tecobuy(whose offers ranged from $350-450) Solefiness.fun was really bringing out the “I CAN DO THIS” in me. 
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I love cheap thrills. I felt like a rat walking in to the cheese, who couldn’t see the trap. 
   I took no time into emptying my wallet. Which fair enough, I deserved it. If I’m stupid enough to jump right in the shark’s mouth CAN I really be mad that I got eaten? Who buys from a site which such low prices and no reviews and no sense of security? 
   Surprisingly, probably a lot of people(can’t confirm that)--maybe I’m the only one. Let’s say I’m not though. Well, who would be at risk? Other desperates, and of course those who like me, don’t know anything a dime about “finessing”. 
 And it kinda is my fault that I’m not “caught” up on all the latest terms since recently adulting into the world and having no chance to chase up to these new expressions, such as “finesse”. 
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     If I knew a lick about what “finesse” meant then maybe I would’ve noped right out of that transaction. Hell, even dodged that site after it was recommended to me. How meta can this scam-site get? Cleverly naming itself “Solefiness.fun” as it slicks us away of our money. Maybe I should have listened to my brother and downloaded TikTok. I would’ve known what finessing was all about. 
     But at the same time, NOBODY deserves to be scammed. After serving a bunch of Karens do you THINK I want to just hand my money over to some basement-boy Bobby whose “finessing” his way by breaking the hearts of little Animal Crossing lovers--Switch lovers--Playstation 4 lovers--and whatever else this crude prude “sells” on his/her site? 
     Bitch, you have a storm coming in wreaking my Nintendo dreams. I’m about to switch it up real quick! I don’t want non y’all to get finessed, so I’m about to spread the word about this baloney. 
If you’re wondering: how DID I not see the danger signs? Sure it might’ve been called finesse something something, but weren’t there others clues? OF COURSE.  I wanted to believe in this great deal, was all. It was the desperation--the spontaneous energy--and now the sober regret. I was so proud of cashing out for this purchase. So excited. But not for long. 
 Because I awoke the minute it charged my account and refused to complete my order. Why did it charge me AND still ask for a payment?  Why was my damn cart still full? Who the hell do you think you are charging my account under some new company name--which is now Chinese-and labeling my purchase under the category of “Construction”? 
Let’s not forget that USPS has not informed me of ANY packages and the tracking tells me you delivered it to me 10 DAYS before I even placed the order? What in the scam-oli?
Long story short, it wasn’t very hard to build a case against this site. Especially since the order # started with “idc” and followed with a bunch of randomized numbers and letters? Nice try finessing phineases and ferb fucker. 
I know order #s are VERY random but it had this randomness that just screamed imagined and randomized by a fucked up human scammer. It won’t bot-y or natural. It was orchestrated the house. 
So my dears, DO NOT BUY FROM: https://www.solefiness.fun/
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irl-dogboy · 4 years
ok gonna. vent and stuff under the cut. im very sorry ive been doing these vent posts so often recently i have just not been having a good time u_u lmk if u read through and need anything tagged. i might make a whole new tag for ppl to block bc ngl i dont think anybody wants to read these lol
iiiiiiiiiiiiiii grew up too fast and i wish that the adults in my life were responsible!!!! yup thats what today’s problem is!!!!!!
i hate that i have to play parent to my parents and aunts and uncles when they get drunk. and ill admit that they dont get drunk often!!! but. when they do its so annoying. and i feel like a dick for saying that (which is a whole other problem) but i can hear uncle harassing my fucking dog right now, shes trying to sleep bcause today has been really stressful for her. but shes being woken up by his annoying aggressive dog and his yelling and annoying shit. and i want to go get my dog and bring her in and make sure shes ok but i cant because im literally terrified of him.
but like i know that my parents have been irresponsible fucks since the very fucking beginning!!!!! i was watching family guy at age 4!!!!!! i was allowed to do whatever the fuck i wanted online when i was like 8!!!!!!!! EIGHT YEARS OLD!!!!!! I MADE A DEVIANTART ACCOUNT IN 2012!!!!! I WAS FUCKING EIGHT OR NINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THEY DIDNT CARE!!!!!!!!! i dont do it anymore but i used to do nsfw roleplays when i was 11 fucking years old!!!!! i found pony porn when i was 10!!!!!! they did not fucking care!!! not once did they check, or ask me about what i was doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they dont know to this day!!!!! and i dont know if i can call that any kind of traumatic but its certainly given me a shit ton of problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive been being the bigger person, the responsible one, since i was 11 years old. im so fucking sick of it. its not like hurried child syndrome, but. i just. hello????? and ive been brainwashed or something to feel bad for thinking that theyre assholes!!! its never their fault, its always “you know we’re shit parents” LIKE SELF AWARENESS FIXES ANYTHING!!!!! good job buddy you acknowledged something ive known for 5 or 6 years. gonna do anything to change? no? rad!!! and its like??? i cant even complain to them because theyve done good things too!!! i have a nintendo switch. i have a 3ds. i have a laptop, and a tablet, and a little portable speaker, so theyve made me think that im spoiled for wanting an ounce of responsibility!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
and the thing that gets me the most, more than anything that theyve ever done to me, is my parents have been putting off taking my dog to the vet. which is fucking insane. because she has a giant fucking tumor and its getting worse and shes acting different and shes old and i want her to live as long and as happily as possible but she cant even curl up into a lil donut to sleep because of the tumor she has. and it just makes me so fucking MAD because ive been begging them to take her to the vet for months in case its something bad and we dont wanna be too late to save her they just keep!!!! putting it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its like? am i the only one that fucking cares about her???? im the only one that feeds her and fills up her water and checks on her when shes stressed and i want her to be okay because shes basically the only thing im fucking living for and i want her to be ok. so. fucking. badly
and like. obviously this is some real intense wishful thinking but i wish that like a teacher or a distant relative would appear and just. take me away. idk. i just wish my parents werent my parents and my family wasnt my family LOL
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Answer 1 through 60
1. selfie: There's plenty on my Instagram page, WTFisCLB2. what would you name your future kids? I'm bad at naming things. I'd probably name it first thing I see in the room, like Bed or Nintendo Switch or something3. do you miss anyone? Couple friends that live in other states that moved like 5ish years ago4. what are you looking forward to? Riot Fest and new Hesitation Wounds and Shredder albums. 5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? My two besties I live with right now. 6. is it hard for you to get over someone? Depends. One person was hard, but I'm over her in the sense that I've come to peace with how things are between us. 7. what was your life like last year? Not ideal....I was packing, maybe.8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? Nope. I don't cry much. 9. who did you last see in person? My roommates. 10. are you good at hiding your feelings? Yuuuuuuuuuuup11. are you listening to music right now? Yes I am, I'm listening to The Uncluded12. what is something you want right now? A burrito13. how do you feel right now? Feelin alright14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? Friday15. personality description: I don't know smart ass? 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? All the time. It's called being employed. 17. opinion on insecurities. We all got them. Sometimes you beat them, some times you learn to live with them. It's best to not let them rule your life. It's a struggle. 18. do you miss how things were a year ago? Nope19. have you ever been to New York? Yes, loved it. Best bagels I've ever had in my life. 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? Vanilla Isis by Shredders21. age and birthday? 35, 11/7/198322. description of crush. Super smart and super cute. Both like intimidatingly so.23. fear(s) Heights and brain eating amoeba 24. height 5'725. role model: Anyone that stood up for anything, really. 26. idol(s): Billy 27. things i hate: Wet socks, hot weather, awful smells, bananas28. i’ll love you if…you make me laugh29. favourite film(s): Akira, Anchorman, Mad Max Fury Road, and The Raid30. favourite tv show(s): Bob's Burgers, Fargo, currently31. 3 random facts: I'm the oldest brother, magenta isn't a real color, there is no god32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? mainly girls33. something you want to learn: music theory34. most embarrassing moment: I don't know. I tend to try to forget those. 35. favourite subject: Physics 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Go to Seattle, buy an electric car, never work a real job ever again. 37. favourite actor/actress: I don't really have one38. favourite comedian(s): Dave Chappelle, Michelle Wolfe, Wanda Sykes, Hannibal Buress39. favourite sport(s): To play, basketball, to watch, basketball and baseball40. favourite memory: Summer of 2007...or 2008. Shit was dope41. relationship status: Single and I guess I'm ready to mingle42. favourite book(s): Akira, East of West, John Dies at the End43. favourite song ever: Otha Fish by The Pharcyde44. age you get mistaken for: Mid to late 20's, I guess45. how you found out about your idol: I was dancing with myself. 46. what my last text message says: Ok47. turn ons: Making me laugh, nose piercing, smarts48. turn offs: smells bad, boring, and prude, like in the sense that they're like weird about sex stuff.49. where i want to be right now: somewhere with less people50. favourite picture of your idol: Don't have one51. starsign: Scorpio, is that what this means? 52. something i’m talented at: cutting someone to the core53. 5 things that make me happy: New music, concerts, new comics, pizza, friends, peace and quiet54. something thats worrying me at the moment: Work, just I don't wanna go. 55. tumblr friends: Most of them don't even use Tumblr anymore, and the ones that still do, I know in real life. 56. favourite food(s): Pizza, Mexican, Mediterranean, and mac and cheese57. favourite animal(s): Blue ring octopus, hippos, and Rhinos58. description of my best friend: One is preggers and is very funny about it, the other is a fucking dummy who draws, and is loyal to a fault. 59. why i joined tumblr: Boredom60. ask me anything you want: One time my brother punched me in the junk really hard and we had to go to our grandparents house to stay for the weekend, and I remember every time I moved my legs I was in excruciating pain. I never told anyone about this.
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For the fanfic asks: A, S, and T!
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
Coming up with titles is either difficult for me or really easy for me.  And I never really have “one way” of coming up with a fic name.  Here’s some examples:
Burning Stars just randomly popped into my mind as a title, so I just sort of threw it down as a name.  Later on, I figured a way for it to “make more sense”, so please stay tuned for that.
Liminal Spaces is still sitting in my files under its original name – Sargasso Nights, which I just thought sounded too cheesy for what the fic was about.  
Better Together was almost named Soft Starlight but I got mad at myself for consistently naming things after space things/star things, and I wanted the fic to focus in on Krystal and Fox’s dynamic (since lord knows Nintendo won’t do it) so I went with something that was more about “them” a less about… well, just randomly fluffy words.
I think the only fic that’s labeled something very obscurely is Tempered, which was inspired by Final Fantasy XIV.  Tempering is something in the game’s lore where a person becomes effectively irreversibly brainwashed by a godlike entity called a primal…. We’ll not talk about why that’s relevant just yet.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Specific to the SF fandom: Honestly? I love the idea of Star Wolf and Star Fox working together, which I see in a lot of other fics.  I have ideas for this eventually happening in a post-Command setting.  
Not-entirely-good General Pepper is one I enjoy also.  The ol’ hound dog is a character I’ve quickly become interested in writing lately.  I understand there were some fics maybe in the early 2000s that really covered General Pepper as a morally grey character and that sort of thing just kinda stuck around.
In a general fandom tropes: I love war buddies to lovers.  I also love “we were cold to each other at first, now we love each other” as a trope.  Also “grumpy with a soft-hearted significant other” is always fantastic.  And “tol with smol”.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Specific to the SF fandom: I’m not really big on how a lot of fic writers/artists put characters put gay characters in the “twink/bara” tropes. And I know that twink/bara is usually terminology used towards gay characters but I think the entire notion of that sort of thing only seems to happen with gay characters, like? You don’t ever seen extremes like that taken with any other type of couple, so it just inherently makes me suspicious that fetishizing is happening and I get big uncomfy at that.
Alternatively, and I see this more on FF.net than AO3– Girls getting sidelined for the guys because “girls are boring lmao”.  Or getting blamed for things they had nothing to do with. “Oh no, Fox is sad because Krystal is gone from the team and it’s Krystal’s fault that happened” even though Fox is the one that kicked her.  
In general fandom tropes: I never really got much into AUs so much as UAs (alternate universes vs universe alterations).  I’ve never really been a fan of “met at a coffee shop, I’m the barista and I’m horny for my customer” sort of dealio either. I’m more of a “ok, sure, x thing happened in canon but what if y thing also happened” and just take what already exists and like… tweak it.  Make it the same but also different.  Like I’d rather read a fic about Pigma being framed and Peppy secretly being the one that betrayed James than a fic about Wolf being the barista at Fox’s frequent hang out coffee shop. 
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247krp · 5 years
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— Rejoice, little lambs! We have recovered our own Kang Bitnara, spotted prancing about in the Southwest Side. I remember seeing her with The Party Animals back in high school, but I’m not here to spill yesterday’s tea. So straight to the rundown: can you say joyful and high-spirited? Apparently now she spends time as the owner of Su Noraebang and a chain of cybercafes, and keeps skeletons buried at Prague Tower, 001. But those won’t stay hidden for long, if you and I have any say on it. Welcome back, Tina the Turner; we missed you so.
In case you don’t remember the devil’s name, here’s to refresh your memory:
When you have as much money as Bitnara’s family does, things almost never translate as a real concern. She was raised with no limits in a limitless-wealthy family, which wasn’t unheard-of amongst her family and friends. Rich people only relate to richer people - some kind of monetary inbreed. Bitnara’s transgressions got her no more than a slap on the wrist because they had nothing to worry about.
Thankfully they had a daughter that was smart enough to rarely get caught. Honestly, they admired Bitnara’s artistry to get out of trouble more than got mad at her for the mess she got herself into in the first place - much like a test, to see if their kid got what it took to make hard decisions when those decisions presented themselves. Cheongnam thrived in gossip and drama, and to that, Bitnara was a full plate. She challenged herself, it seemed. The eyes of someone who had an addiction. Some still say she is responsible for the incident with the red dye in the water fountains, and that wasn’t very harmful compared to other things people said about her.
Colorful hair, tongue piercings, hidden tattoo, drugs, hangovers - she’s been through all the “wild teenager” starter pack. Being a teenager with so much money and no barriers created a little thirsty monster with a sweet, naive face. Nara had this coup de foudre condition, she’s always been beautiful, and knowing that made everything worse.
Only inevitably, people grow up.
Nevermind the memory lane though, the present is always the ripest fruit:
Bitnara is a fuuuunn person, she is easy to get along if you don’t care about too-loud people. After burning through all the crazy shit one person could live in their entire life on the span of her high school years alone, Nara is not scared of speaking her mind and living like she wants to, making her own rules.
She’s been called the B-word, the C-word, the W-word over and over again. It starts to lose it’s power after a while, no more shock value you know. Hey, she was even called daddy once, but that was in a more advantageous scenario.
Her sense of humor developed over the years, and her wilderness tamed down and cooled off a bit. Things you do when you’re younger, you know. Owning her business helped Nara mature and grow up, showing once again she had a good head for numbers and her high IQ didn’t dilute under those years using fun substances back in school. She is a clever, sharp woman when it comes to her obligations, but the day-to-day out of the office Bitnara still carries her usual goofiness and taste for adventure.
Her laughter shatter glasses so she is not allowed in some stores (that is a joke, she breaks glasses only by accidentally elbowing them off tables), she is as lazy as a fat cat and hates getting out of bed unless someone is catching on fire, and just as a fat cat food is her religion and source of happiness.
Bitnara bad-decision-making power tool is still gin and tonic, knocking a few down et voilà, you got yourself a whole malfunctioning uncensored gay nightmare ready to collect regrets.
But we are nothing if not open books – my job is to ensure you get to the best pages:
Kang Bitnara - no, wait, don’t call her that unless you are her mother scolding her for getting home late with barbecue sauce on her cheek. If you want to get home late, at least look presentable - Hani is better. She’s been asking people to call her Hani for forever, because it’s cute, and she is a cute person, isn’t she? Just wait and you will see. Friends from school still call her Tina despite her efforts, because that fucking nickname sticks to her back with epoxy glue.
Look, it’s not her fault Nara had the power to laser-track confused girls and say, make out with those girls. There was this rumor Bitnara could turn any straight girl into not-so-straight after a few nervous makeout sessions. Well, it wasn’t so much a rumor as it was practically the truth, but maybe she just had a very well-tunned gaydar and a restless tongue.
Where did that Nara go? She was such a power-lesbian in high school, and now she’s basically a cat lady with no cute nickname. She’s rich and beautiful and dating still sucks, BIG TIME. Yeah, turns out dating as an adult is absolute shit garbage. Anyway, Nara usually introduces herself as Hani to people she is meeting for the first time.
Her fighting spirit manifests if you question her about the things she loves: food, keeping up with pop culture, her cat and her job. Her first crush ever was Samus Aran from the classic awesome 1986 Nintendo game, Metroid. People won’t take her for it, but Bitnara has a degree in computer engineering and programming. She just never shows the world her skills, well hidden under perfect makeup and seamless hair extensions.
Her family is still filthy rich, and Hani is following up that path. She rarely has to work, hiding competent people to do that for her. Fy karaoke bars with deals in all the right places, and a chain of cyber cafes filled to the brim with Overwatch addicts. It might seem like not a big deal, but she brings the bank and invests wisely. It’s hard to fool her when it comes to business-business, leave that weak spot for heart-business instead.
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