#I fuckin love doing doodle pages like this
ricky-mortis · 15 days
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We’ve heard of werewolf Curt- but what about vampire Owen?
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luck-of-the-drawings · 4 months
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#RRAAHH IM IN LOVE WITH THIS SHOW SOOO GOODDAMN MUCH!! each o these characters has STOLEN my HEART!!!#LIKE EMIZEEELLL i love emizel so much.. runnin around announcing that HE isa PRINCE while shiloh FINALLY quietly clicks the pieces together#nathan hanover you MADMAN!!! that slow dramatic guitar riff as emizel makes that announcement was so fuckin COOL UGHHHH#MR HANOVER DOES IT AGAIN just creating tracks that absoultely WORM into my MIND and HHEAARRT UUGHHGHH#emizel is so cool and so funny and so adorable UUGHH ill gush abt him more when i finally post my emizel n soda doodle page#ARTHUR FUCKING BENNET. i totally get why grizz has a hard time playing him. hes cool and stoic n its not easy to play a man o little words#BUT BBOOOY DOES HE DO IT WELL!! arthur DOES come off as so stoic n cool & it just makes his lil misfortunes all the more charming#like falling into the red fear or confrontin edward twilight or accidentally doing lsd. I LOVE THATS HES THE BAD LUCK GUY.#okay uhhu uhh i have limited room here what else should i say uhh. THE NPCS. MY GOD THE NPCS. CHARLIE U WONDERFUL MADMAN#edward twilight is SUCH a funny fucking antagonist. and supposedly his magic stuff is super scary?? SO EXCITED TO SEE MORE OF THAT#ill ramble abt mr deacon keller later eheh i have a. uh. a doodle page in the works. so in the meantime DAYBRINGER SOLOMON!!#“HERE COMES THE SUN MOTHERFUCKER!” “ILL SEE YOU IN HELL. NOT. IM GOING TO HEAVEN. BITCH.” like come on now. oh my god. i need him#BIG POWERFUL BEAST AND EVERY WORD HE SAYS HAS ME CRACKING UP. THE MUFFLED VOICE IN THE DARK BROKEN BY “LIGHT!”#TRULY HILARIOUS AND YET TRULY HORRIFYING. I FUCKIN LOVE CHARLIE NPCS SO MUCH. I HOPE WE SEE HIM AGAIN OHH MY GOOOODDD#OKAYokay. im normal now. ill talk abt the piece. if u read my tags this far then u get special secret knowledge abt the artistic process#IM VERY HAPPY WITH MY COLORS! i know they were hallucinating on drugs so i just recalled the times i did drugs & used that as my influence#REMEMBER KIDS! acid is totally fine if ur safe and responsible about it. do acid and then stare at my art for a bit trrruuust me. IT MOVES!#anyway i think thats all my thoughts here. thank you for looking at my art n thanku if ur one o the ppl that says nice things in the tags#U are LITERLY my life blood i pick up each of u n kiss u so sweetly on the head. remember to try acid!!!!
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sluckythewizard · 20 days
so uhh i DID start writing again but this time its w my Riptide Cowboy Au Thats Also Just An Animorphs Au. here check out this very small bit of it. (under the cut is an OLD doodle page that i made based around this idea)
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#ITS AN ANIMORPHS AU BABY AND THAT MEANS THAT THERES YEERKS BABY OOH YEAH#I LOVE YEERKS THEYRE JUST LITTLE SLUGS THAT CRAWL INTO YOUR BRAIN#im very happy w my descriptions in this lil snippet. i hope it comes across as scary as i wish it to be#im also still very happy w this doodle page. check out chip he has a pickaxe earring now#jay also comes from an airforce family. instead of RAFT its called CRAFT#yknow like air craft. teehee. also instead of the planet o MANA im thinkin o calling it either LIFE or STAMINA#yknow like how ina game u have ur health bar n mana bar n you get what i fuckin mean#OKAY AND ILL ALSO MAKE A CONFESSION. I HAVNT READ ANIMORPHS SINCE ELEMENTRY SCHOOL#IVE BEEN MEANING TO READ IT AGAIN. BUT IT STILL HAD SUCHAN IMPACT ON ME I THINK I REMEMBER ENOUGH#i wont be following any Exact canon of animorphs bc yknow what this is a different planet. or somethingm#yes i DO plan on giving the trio the power to morph#and yes i DO plan on making C.R.A.F.T entirely infiltrated by yeerks. jays dad is especially taken already#ayvas also been taken for a very very long time. even before she died#im thinking edyn in this au would also be taken. teehehee. her and her yeerk work together tho maybe#OOH lizzie is out there also. running w a big n awesome caravan of bandits. caspian is an alien but im not sure what kind yet#yknow whjat i could inject whatever wacky alien shit i want in this au. my world. my world. my world.#anyway if u feed me ideas i might eat them. i might eat them. i feel so fuckin possessed tofay#EVERYTHING IS SO DARK HEEEEEL[P!!! HELP MEEE!!! HEEEEELLP!!!!!!!!!
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abra-ka-dammit · 1 year
every year i get to add another year to "longest ive ever been single since i first started dating" and idk man. this isnt a record im TRYING to keep beating but
literally how do you meet people as an adult i do not understand
all i go to is work and theres not exactly prospects there in a staff of 4 men i wouldnt be attracted to even if they were single, and one woman who is straight and married and also my boss's daughter
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tainted-liquor · 8 months
'Hot Wheels! ...🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ft. 1610Miles
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...⋆。° ✮
Ingredients: sugar, kisses, n a lil bit of lemon zest!
TWs: A lil suggestive, but nth serious? Miles js runs a hot wheels car across yo ass like a ramp😭
A/N: Inspired by my man lol
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It was dark outside. Wayyy too dark, the kind of dark where your main priority would be to go straight home, regardless of what temptations of bright colors pushed themselves into your face. But right now, you were In Miles' house while his parents were out on their little 15-year anniversary date. You spent the whole day dancing in his room, trying on some of his shorts for the sheer fun of it, and watching TV together so close that it would've sent Mrs. Morales into a coma. It was around 9 o'clock, and the two lovebirds still weren't back from their date.
So, you decided to do something to pass the time. You hopped on on the plushy material of the Morales' couch, doodling in Miles' sketchbook while you waited for him to finish taking his shower. Did you nearly lose your shit when you saw his many many Gwen drawings? Yeah. But you were instantly relieved to see most of them crossed out, painted over, or replaced with drawings of you entirely.
You scribbled down a rough sketch of Miles, groaning in frustration when it didn't turn out how you imagined. He looked French instead of Puerto Rican, and everything decided it wanted to go wrong. You put down the pencil, letting it fall between the concave of its pages before scrolling on your phone. It wasn't very long until Miles emerged from the bathroom, internally panicking as his toned muscles stared at your from his short-sleeved white tee. "Eugh, you stink. Get back in the shower" You joked, sporting a wicked grin and a quiet laugh.
He side-eyed you, looking you up and down before sucking his teeth. "I will throw you off that couch, don't play with me" he chuckled, shifting closer so you could see the tiny blue box in his right hand. "Oooh, what's that?" You asked, turning your head as he loomed over you. He opened the box, revealing 3 toy cars stacked on each other. "My cars!" He beamed, flopping comfortably on the living room floor as he took out every toy car oh so gently. "Cars? Like, Hot Wheels cars?" You inquired, watching as he pretended to rev up the engine.
It was no surprise that he owned toy cars, you had already seen his massive collection of rare toys and posters around his room. You thought it was cute, silently admiring as he explained why he even has the cars, and breaking down their value. "I mean, I can put them away if you want?" He asked, sounding slightly more embarrassed by the second. "Oh, no no no! I love that you have interests!" You reassured. You watched him stay in his own little world, before continuing to scroll on your phone.
It wasn't long before Miles looked back up at you, suddenly brewing an idea. He slowed his actions, analyzing your posture and looking down at his cars. He fought back a smirk that crept on his face, slowly advancing towards you like he was trying to see what you were looking at on your phone. You didn't really notice he was getting closer, finding yourself lost in the world of TikTok as you watched a guy dance to Kung Fu Fighting. And you didn't notice until you felt cold metal hit the fabric of your shorts.
"AH-! FUCK-MILES WH-..." You began, turning around to see Miles using the curve of your spine and the silhouette of your behind as a ramp. Miles burst out in laughter, shivering as he ran each car across your backside. "Are you fuckin' serious right now?" You deadpanned. He nodded, a smug but clearly overjoyed grin plastered on his face. "What? It's-...pffFFHAHAA...It's the perfect ramp!"
"Make me smack you miles"
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Taglist: @ashsostrange @chessbox @janaeby @faeriesoiree333 @Fivestardior @an1bara @bachirasegoist @milesnanana77 @niaurluv @sp1derw1re @ban-al3x
taglist form <3 https://forms.gle/iZbuc8PAAo5k5xXG6
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vendetta-ari · 3 months
Your fav anon is backkkkk! Hey Love! May I request a Vox (and you can include Lucifer too) x Artist (f!) reader headcannons? As I’ve said before, take your time! ♡ ♡
anyways, here Luci + Vox x artist reader
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~ Lucifer and you always create and paint things together, he loves your creativity and he adores your art
~ You and Luci exchange ducks on special days, like valentine's day,  Christmas, and birthdays.
~ You always exchange art tips with each other,  bother being artists and your own unique ways.
~ Many times you have painted Lucifer's ducks for him when he's feeling down.
~ You two took a picture on your anniversary and you printed it out and painted it, he hangs it up on his wall and he always says its “The best thing I've ever, ever owned my dear!” he always gets all cheery and smiles when he sees it
~ You paint lucifers nails for him, last time you made a lil duck design on them
~ People can always tell when you two have been hanging out because the two of you are all giggly and smiling covered in paint
~ You painted a mural in his room, an apple using both his and your favorite colors
~ you give all your art pieces to Luci, you tried to sell one of them and the poor guy almost cried
~ he's basically drowning in your paintings and all your artwork, he doesn't mind at all though. although he is running out of space…
~ whatever he'll just expand his room to fit more of your work.
~ you have forced Lucifer to let you do makeup on him, he wasn't too happy but you laughed your ass off at his annoyance and makeup covered face
~ He cant stay mad at you for too long though, when your mad at luci you'll grab one of his ducks and paint them a different color completely and rub paint off some off his other ducks
~ when you finally calm down you repaint all for them with him though, as an apology. 
~ the two of you often take walks through the rings of hell for inspiration 
~ surprisingly, the screams of everyone being tortured is great to get those creative juices flowing
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☆ Now let's be for real here guys, Vox can't draw for shit, so him being with an artist reader is kinda cute and unique and funny
☆ But you on the other hand, “your art is beautiful! n’ it should be hung up in a museum or something like that doll, I seriously dunno how you do it”
☆ During certain shows where they need sets, props, or anything related to that, you'll be the one painting them being the first to volunteer  you totally didn't draw a dick kn one of the sets and embarrass him on live television pft- noo psh- hah why would you ever do such a thing? it must've been val!
☆ You couldn't keep your laughter when Vox drew that picture of Alastor when be was throwing his hissy fit on live television 
☆ you redraw a picture of Alastor for Vox to tear up crumble and kick around as a stress reliever 
☆ Vox realized that you drew a picture of Alastor, didn't matter what it was for you still drew him, just then he got angry again and demanded that you draw a picture of him
☆ just one more thing to stroke his ego I suppose 
☆ You and velvette are besties, she often steals you away from Vox so you two can draw up outfits
☆ and he totally doesn't ever never get mad at her because of that
☆ You often draw in a red and blue journal Vox gave you as a gift once, it was in a whim but you still love it dearly 
☆ you draw pictures of him and you together with little hearts around them, but vox doesn't need to know that
☆ but one time he did look through your journal, out of curiosity. trying to hide the blush that spread across his face, he grabbed a pen and wrote little messages on a few of your doodles "Didn't know she was that obsessed with me" he mumbled under his breath while flipping through the pages
☆ “We're gonna recreate this photo tomorrow,  meet me at my office in 4:00 dollface” -Vox
☆ when you noticed the note you almost lost your mind fangirling over this TV man
☆So you did as you were told and met him at his office, getting there a little bit early
☆ And just like that he picked you up and carried you bridal style to his chair, kissing you softly all over, with you giggling and blushing, creating your drawing perfectly.
-xoxo, Ari
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fattybattysblog · 2 months
Someone You Want to Know Better
Thanks for the tag @mothboypoison I love tag games so don't feel bad about tagging me in them!
last song: Masterpiece by Motionless in White
favorite color: Blue. Specifically a cyan blue.
currently watching: Rewatching 3rd Rock from the Sun
sweet/savory/spicy: Ooh, hard choice... I like to drink my sweet and I eat more savory than spicy. But I do like spicy.
relationship status: Taken by two handsome, sweet, and lovable guys~ <3 Dating every fictional man I ever met in my head.
current obsession: Jujutsu Kaisen is very strong in my interests right now, but I have also drawn 4 full pages of doodles about that fuckin Pal, lmao. I think it's safe to say Bushi is my obsession right now.
last thing you googled: A list of DDR songs. Which led to me finding Stepmania and a site that sells dance pads and now I really want a dance pad because I miss playing DDR.
I shall tag @tsunderesalty and @tsukimefuku but absolutely don't do it if you don't want to.
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
Hello hi, it's me again, I just wanted to dedicate this ask to say I fuckin love the Shaker Sisters and the Mayor :) Also is there a secret boss in that Dark World?
Sal, Pep, and The Mayor. I’m so glad you like them just as much as I do. They were always a blast to write for.
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They aren’t gone necessarily for the story, but their darkworld arc is essentially done uwu
And for the Secret Boss! McOven!!
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She doesn’t really appear in the normal route, but the weird route, she does get a few pages. I do more doodles of her in my tags.
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glitchtricks94 · 11 months
Demon Slayer Drabbles!: Upper Moons 5 and 6 with a Darling That Draws Them!
I KNOW I HAVE A SMUT IN THE WORKS BUT Y'ALL ARE GONNA BE ON HOLD. I got this idea while talking with @vampcubus, lovely person btw, love them lots, so here we are. Also Gyutaro brainrot is real. We got two men, just finished writing them, gonna post and pass out, please enjoy the fluff. Read beneath the cut, because it's late and my usual style is escaping me at the moment. Anyways, with that out of the way, kick back, relax and enjoy~ -Glitchtricks
He doesn't understand why you were stealing so many glances at him while scribbling in that blank book he stole for you to use, the scratching of the pencil lead against the paper filling the room, drawing Gyutaro from his meditation to focus on your tinier frame. Amber eyes lock with yours and Gyutaro raises a brow seeing you blush brightly and shyly look back at what you're working on, the scraping sounds intensifying in the silence of the demon's den. He got to his feet, dragging himself to your side. You were awfully weird for a human, a lot unlike the traditional artists of the land, you worked more with lead and that book rather than paint. It was odd, but Gyutaro figured he wasn't in any position to judge, you did decide to be his after all. "Oi, what're you doin', human, eh?" The demon croaked out, trying to look over your shoulder to see just what you were scribbling, his carved eyes catching sight of what looked to be a tuft of hair before you yanked the book to your chest. "Hey, let me see that!" The demon growled. "I-It's embarrassing!" You whined, Gyutaro rolling his eyes at you. "Aren't we partners or lovers or somethin'? The fuck you hidin' that's so bad? Can't be worse than me." "Don't talk about yourself like that." "Just gimme the damn book." Gyutaro growled, snatching you sketchbook from you as you let out a yelp. The upper moon didn't care much for your protests as he started flicking through the pages, flowers, people, and buildings of all sorts filling the pages, until he noticed a pattern emerging, little sketches of himself beginning to appear in the buildings; imagery of his hunts with Daki, him grinning maniacally while clutching his flesh laden kama in his hands, and then full pages of just him making various expressions, the most frequent being of him smiling, little hearts doodled next to the carefully made portraits of him. Gyutaro was quick to fall silent, his heart clenching in his chest as he shoved the book back into your hands, not wanting to believe what he just saw. You meekly looked up at him, face dusted red. "Uhm...I-" "Why am I in there?" "Wha-" "You heard me." Gyutaro growled, baring his teeth threateningly. "Why the fuck am I in there?!" "Because I like to draw you..." You murmured, feeling disappointment bubble in your chest. "You look so incredible, and unique, a-and since we love each other I thought you would mind?" "I-I don't- I just- I can't- Ugh, fuckin' damn it..." Gyutaro let out a sigh, his shoulders sagging more than normal. "Do...do you want me to pose or some shit...?" You perked up, looking at your beloved with those sparkling eyes that never failed to make his heart pound. "Would you mind...?" You asked hopefully, you demonic darling shaking his head no and getting to his feet. "Just tell me what to do, 'kay?" Fuck, you loved this man.
Gyokko adored that you were like him, an artist, a visionary, and all while being a sublime beauty in and of yourself; a muse of unprecedented measures! And oh, how cutely you scrawl away in that little sketchbook he had gifted you, Gyokko practically buzzed in delight. You were perched in the center of his coiled, serpentine tail, his smooth fish like scales scraping your skin comfortingly as you worked away at another portrait of your eccentric lover. Gyokko adored watching you sketch, especially depictions of him, the demon letting out excited chitters seeing your beautiful pencilwork. He'd model for you, pose, be the muse you adored so much. He'd also offer surprisingly excellent critiques for you to use and incorporate into your work. He expected the same from you, of course! He was an artist as well, and since you were one like him, he held you opinions far higher than anyone else's. That took a little getting used to for you, as his...art was often rather grotesque and stomach churning, the screams of his victims nor the fact that they seemed stitched together helped the matter. You powered through though, making Gyokko the happiest demon alive with your praises and suggestions, always making use of them for inspiration. "Oh, my muse, you captured me so well in this!" Gyokko cooed to you, a blush creeping up to your cheeks seeing how pleased your beloved was. "Ah, I'm glad you think so, I've been trying to practice with more lighting techniques." You replied softly, the lead of your pencil scraping soothingly against the rough paper, Gyokko's hand soon enveloping your own to guide you. "Care to let me help, my sweet muse?" He asked softly, grinning wide when you nodded. Gyokko was always eager to indulge in his craft, and always hungry to indulge in yours. Fuckin' hell I can't quite characterize I need to watch Swordsmith Village.
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snailsdraw · 1 year
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[Start ID: 4 more pages of HLVRAI doodles about Darnold joining the Science Team and Half-Life creatures. Warning for blood in the 4th page.
Before the Science Team leaves the Mixology Department Lab, Darnold has to arm himself. He holds a conical flask and wine bottle with a silly straw stuck through the cork, both containing sleep potion, looking around: "Hmm…I'll need somewhere to store these…something…" He spots a box of decorations on the nearby shelf and his eyes light up: "Oh!" He picks it up with a delighted "Aha!" and sets it down on his lab table. "I know everyone's been telling me to stow these away somewhere, but I always knew we'd need them someday," he says, beginning to rifle through the contents and past a coil of fairy lights until he finds what he's looking for and exclaims, "Ah, there we go!"
He raises a transparent glass bulb ornament with a string attached on top out of the box with a huge grin. Later, he proudly shows off the now sleep-potion-filled glass bulbs hanging from a belt he's since buckled around his waist. He now has a defense weapon he can throw at hostile creatures to knock them out without killing them. Bonus drawing: Gordon is disturbed by how Darnold seems to never run out of his potion-bulbs even though he's been slinging them consistently. "How do you keep replenishing those so quick?? Weren't you just out???" he asks. The four potion-bulbs strapped to Darnold's belt haven't gone down in numbers despite having taken two in his hands. He looks at Gordon, puzzled: "I have an inventory, Dr Freeman. Don't…don't you have one?"
Separate scenario: Benrey shoots a reproachful look at the Snark creature he's holding in his hand, his other hand it bit held away from it: "ow, aw wuh the hell bro, no biting." The one-eyed, bug-like alien hisses at him, ready to go again. Benrey begins shoving the Snark into his mouth, only delayed in progress by the angry, screeching creature holding itself back with its two hooked front legs. Gordon yells at him: "Wh- DON'T FUCKIN' EAT IT?!!"
Separate scenario: Darnold holds up a docile Spore Launcher, the puppy-sized, toothy, lungfish-like creature quiet in his hands. It has a smooth rounded skull crowned by spikes, two spindly front legs, gills along its side and trailing tentacles. Darnold looks at it, the nervousness melting from his face. His mouth turns up in a little smile: "H-huh, I…You might just be the only thing that hasn't tried to kill me today..." Extra drawing: Darnold, with the right side of his head sprayed with blood and wearing a tight-lipped smile, pets the Spore Launcher cradled in his arms to soothe himself as fighting and gunshots ring out around him.
End ID.]
Previous parts to the Darnold saga found here: [Part 1.]
I love Spore Launcher so much *hands it gently to Darnold* your emotional support, sir.
Thanks to my friend for imparting to me the wonderful knowledge of Half Life creatures <3 [heart] (you know who you are >:))
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crispy-bonnie · 1 year
Salutations , Fried Rabbit !!!! May I Please Request : Dallas , Bain , Sniper And Cloaker With A Y/N That Really Loves Drawing Them ?
I Can Just See Y/N Drawing The Cloaker And The Man Going " Do You Want Me To Pose For You ? " Rose & Jack Style JWJDJEDJEDJ—
i read this request and my brain literally got hit in the fuckin face with an idea like holy shit i love this prompt help ??? /gen
You like to draw your S/O - PAYDAY + FBI
Dallas didn't pay too much attention to it at first
When you came up to him in his office and asked if you could chill there, he just let you and payed little attention
However, he later started noticing the glances you kept casting at him every now and then, and it was starting to get on his nerves just a tad
When he asked about it, you quietly explained that you were just drawing, and he asked to see it
If you don't share it, then he'll respect your privacy, but say that you definitely should show him some time
If you do show it though, he nearly has a heart attack [/pos] upon seeing the little sketch of himself in your notebook
Not only do you draw well, but the way you drew him just has him melting like
Does he really look that good to you?
He tells you that you should draw more often, and even says he'll model for you if you want
In reality, he just wants to see more pieces of him being made
He'll ask to keep one of them and if you let him, he'll have it framed on his desk because he loves it so much
Dallas himself tried to draw you as well
It was decent, but it could definitely use practice lol
Bain always wondered why you always had your nose stuffed in a notebook whilst scribbling on the page like there was no fuckin tomorrow
You didn't show anyone what was in there either, so Bain decided to send Dallas on a secret 'mission'
What he actually did was get Dallas to steal your notebook while you were on a heist and send him pictures of the pages
Bain nearly choked on his vape when he saw the images like help-
Your notebook was full of your interpretations of Bain based off of the very little information that you could gather during heists
He finds it fuckin adorable like oh my god
As much as Bain wants to reveal his appearance to you and see how you'd draw it, he can't because his whole deal is being mysterious ooOOooOOOoooOoo
He hints towards his appearance whenever you're on a solo heist, hoping that you'll incorporate them into your drawings
If he finds that you actually add these hints he'll fuckin melt
Regardless, he ends up getting fed up with waiting and arranges a meetup between the two of you under the guise of a heist
Once you two are face to face, he offers to model for you and oh my god the way you just squealed in excitement as you got your notebook out /pos
I like to think that Bain lowkey is self-concious about his appearance when it comes to meeting up with you, so when you draw him in his usual wear/style he melts oml
If you let him, he'll keep the drawing on one of his monitors to remind himself that he's perfect the way he is
After all, the drawing is how you see him through your eyes, and it ensures him that he is beautiful no matter what
Oh my fucking god this man
As per usual, he broke into your god damn room again through the vent and caught you drawing something
He didn't catch exactly what it was because you hid your notebook before he kicked the vent cover off, as you heard him crawling against the metal of the vents
Regardless, Cloaker managed to get it from you anyway and started flipping through the pages
He didn't say much about the drawings. He just shrugged and said 'cool' before leaving
But in reality, he was flustered as all fuck about it
Like did he really look that hot to you?? What???
Cloaker made sure to pass by you a lot more, making sure to spiffy himself up for your drawings
At some point, he got tired of you not actually showing him the rest of your drawings, so while you were sitting in some hallway and doodling, he just walked up to you, crouched down to your level and said:
"Do you want me to pose for you?"
You were redder than the red on your uniform I swear
If you say no, he'll just continue annoying you until you say yes, and once you do, he'll immediately start posing
He'll listen to you when you ask him to pose a certain way, but he does his damn best to make his poses as sexual as possible
Watching you doodle rapidly with a tomato-red face was just the cutest thing ever like
He was trying not to break pose just to embrace you oml
Once you finish and show him, he just stares for a hot minute before going:
"Hey y'know I could be a nude model for ya if you like-"
You slapped him in the face with your notebook
Whether or not you accept this offer is up to you
No I'm not writing that
Sniper first caught you drawing him while on the job
Like Dallas, he didn't really try to bother you too much about it
You two were sitting atop a tower and keeping an eye out for enemies when he noticed you jotting something down in your notebook
He always thought it was just some sort of journal log or something, but those thoughts changed when he started noticing you glancing at him from the corner of his eye
Eventually he just speaks up about it since he's pretty curious on why you're focused more on your notebook than the job at hand
"Whatcha writin'?"
You quickly tell him that you aren't writing anything, and now he's really intrigued. Without looking away from his scope, he asks once more:
"Well, what are ya drawin'?"
If you lie and say you're drawing someone or something else, he just chuckles and points out how he's noticed you staring at him for the past few minutes
You eventually admit it, which elicits yet another lighthearted laugh out of him as he asks to see it
If you show it to him, his face visibly goes red
He's not used to people looking at him, let alone viewing him in such a positive manner
In a stuttery voice, he just says that it looks good and that you should draw more
If you two end up in the same situation of being put on the same watch post, he'll make sure that he's positioned well enough so you can see his face, just so that you can draw him
He'll constantly be asking to see what you've drawn, and his heart just melts every time he sees a drawing of him on the page
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shameboree · 1 year
I still think you should make a patreon. Even if inconsistent I'd pay to see ur filth but also just doodles n shit
THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT BOO unfortunately i get kinda Nervy abt it tho. like if i draw one (1) horny thing that doesnt look like it came w a 7 page legal explicitly and meticulously outlined consent contract attached im gonna get doxxed for being a Rape Apologist so im forced to activate my trap card and out my Traumas so im Allowed To Be Horny but then they reverse uno my ass and actually i am the Bad and Wrong kind of victim so theyre gonna send all my slutty anime cummies to my boss saying im probs also a pedo just for good measure and its gonna be fuckin awkward as shit because my boss touches grass and is just gonna be like ..?? okay you draw sexy cartoons?? anyway we are critically understaffed and patients are dying lol!!
already i am constantly in agonies over any of my silly little mlb draws being a degree too Spicy and someone going YEAH kels is a fucking DANGER TO SOCIETY and should have their license revoked IMMEDIATELY. can you imagine someone sending my fanart to the Board. first of all they would throw it out but do you know how utterly mortifying it would be to stand in front of them and defend my license over absolutely Vile accusations but every piece of evidence is marinette and adrien kissing, and also probably bad vibes the au?!? legitimately i would rather empty someones clot filled cbi bag over my head that would be beyond embarrassing.
anyway the internet is insane. id love to share my Drawings Of Perverse Nature but lj is Dead and with it the era of locked sexy art dumps to a vetted audience of fellow perverts
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luck-of-the-drawings · 8 months
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi prime defenders#jrwi pd spoilers#jrwi show#cw blood#okayokay tryin out this queue thing for the first time despite usin this webbed site since 2013. if all goes accordin to plan this should#post at noon tomorrow. in the mEANT TIME CAN I TAAALLK ABOUT THIS EPISODE PRETTY PLESe??? THIS SHOW IS SO FUCKIN FUNNY...#SO MANY BITS I WISH I COULDVE DRAWN.. THIS WHOLE SHOW IS SUCH A PERFECT CARTOON IN MY BRRAAIAIINN. VYNS whole deal with talkin to himself#wasnt his dealio like. he had like NO complications for most o the show before this. wats that one gravity falls scene with soos goin like#i knew it. im literally the perfect man. and then he raises his arms for a heavenly choir and a dove lands on him. thats vyncent. BUT NOOW#MY BOY COMPLICATED!!! THE OVERTHINKING THING IS SO FUCKIN GOOD AND FUNNY. MY BABY BOY CAN DO ANYTHING. HES SO GOOD AT BREAKING ROCKS#Oh and this doodle page also includes the winebago shenanigens after reuniting with tide. the DARTS remember the darts#remember when tide actually snapped at william for driving like a FOOL!!! LOVE THAT SO MUCH. i gotta draw tide more aauuughghghuhh#ohh my GOODD WILLIAMS BEEF WITH THE RABBIT N THE BOAR WAS SO FUNNY... THESE CHARACTERS ARE ALL SOO FLAWED#WILLIAM IS SUCH A LITTLE ASSHOLEE. VYNCENT IS STUBBORN BEYOND BELIEF AND REASON. DAKOTA IS PERFECT HES A LIL DUMB BUT HES SO SWEET AND KIND#AND OH MY GOD ONE MORE THING CAN I JUST SAY. bizly is such a magnifiscent dm. i remember sayin months ago that#he finds ways to stack impossible odds against our heroes while still leaving room for them to succeed. the pd hasnt taken a single W but!#theyre surviving!! theyre keeping it together! from meat planets to cartoons to other dimensions to fighting the GODS!!! pd is genuinely#such a delight to listen to. a comedy and a tragedy. a story of ragtag heroes doing their best to do good despite their own failings.
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glacierbash · 4 years
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today, I offer a load of sketches of my hunter
tomorrow? who knows...
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repulsion-gel · 6 years
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me: creates another au in my head and becomes obsessed with it in .5 seconds
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
Random Sokeefitz Headcanons Because What’re You Gonna Do? Stop Me?
keefe got an iphone in the forbidden cities and refuses to let go of it “because elvin music sucks and human music doesn’t, and i didn’t make a bunch of mood playlists to just abandon them!” 
it was quite some time until sophie found out that he’d made playlists dedicated to her and fitz - which she “aww”ed over for, like, a week
they ended up spending a whole day at splendor plains just listening to their favorite songs in his room 
sophie added a bunch of songs to the playlist that he made for her, and they spent hours trying to construct the “ultimate fitz playlist” 
fitz is mostly an acoustic and instrumental type of guy, so he didn’t really get why they were so excited when they showed him the playlists the next day, but he was happy that they were happy (and he had to admit, the vibes were spot on)
sophie and fitz both love talking about human history
for sophie, it’s one of the few subjects that she knows a lot about, and for fitz, he thinks it’s an interesting learning opportunity
they talk for hours about various events
it’s like they’re in their own little world, speaking their own language. mostly because nobody else understands what they’re talking about enough to casually jump into the discussion and they’re too put-off to want to ask them to put them up to speed, but still
since keefe lived in the forbidden cities for a while he knows a decent amount about humans from firsthand experience, but his knowledge is all of how various cultures are like now, not their histories
he’s never bothered to explain that though since sophie and fitz always look and sound like charmed little kids whenever they turn to him with ridiculously specific questions. they share a childish curiosity towards the world that softens their edges in this way that just makes him melt, and whenever he tries to shrug off questions because he has no idea what the answers are (but doesn’t want to admit it), they give him puppy eyes that he couldn’t say no to under any circumstances
so yeah keefe’s google search history is really fuckin’ weird 
but at least he knows the full story behind why that one old dead white dude used 20 something canons for percussion for his symphony instead of drums like a normal person
insomnia’s a bitch so there’s no guarantee of who wakes up first, but on nights where they sleep the recommended amount, it’s usually fitz. he’s a big morning person
keefe is the exact opposite. his partners have to drag him out of bed. if they even manage to un-pry him from curling around their bodies beforehand. mans is a koala, i tell you
in the beginning he felt bad about it, but after being reassured multiple times by his partners that they don’t mind how clingy he is, he has no shame about making them an hour late to work because he persuaded them into giving him extra cuddles
keefe and fitz always snuggle up to someone in their sleep, but sophie doesn’t always do that. don’t get her wrong, she loves the feeling, but sometimes she just needs a starfish break. keefe and fitz have fallen off the bed before because of how far they have to scoot over to ‘give her her space’
fitz holds people’s hands in his sleep. his partners adore it; fitz didn’t even realize it was something he did until sophie pointed it out 
when they actually do get up out of bed and get ready for the day, fitz is almost always the one who makes breakfast 
he has a bunch of recipe books for baked goods. he has revisions where he thinks the recipes could be improved, and sticky notes on his favorite pages
keefe doodles on said sticky notes. one time he forgot to grab a sticky note for what he has drawing in pen and drew on the page. he freaked out because “oh shit that’s not removable fitz is gonna be so mad-”
fitz wasn’t mad. he thought the big mandala keefe had done in the corner of the page was super cool 
so did sophie
now keefe leaves little doodles on any unimportant/unofficial papers they leave out in hopes that it’ll make them smile when they notice
they always do 
ahem getting back on track - the thing that fitz makes the most is panakes pancakes. he made the recipe himself after sophie suggested it and everyone loves them, so it’s a regular thing he makes. also because they’re basically the healthiest elvin food he knows how to make, and he’s trying to cut down on sugar 
since he’s trying to cut down on sugar and sophie misses the variety of textures the human culinary world had to offer, they have a lot of human foods 
fitz doesn’t take sophie and keefe shopping in the forbidden cities anymore because they always get a shitload of stuff they don’t need. mostly containers and containers of oreos that they go through in a week 
once, sophie tried buying out the entire oreo section at walmart. fitz told her that buying out a huge section at one store was way too suspicious and to put most of them back
she did, but then she insisted on dragging them to five other stores to eventually accumulate the amount of oreo packages she was going for
keefe also got a bunch of other junk foods with way too much cholostreol for fitz’s comfort 
fitz literally just wanted to grab steak seasoning ‘cause it tasted good with some other veggies at home. that was all he wanted. and then he came home with seven bags of stuff he didn’t need
sophie has a habit of skipping meals when nobody tells her, “hey, you gotta eat something,” since she gets so consumed in assignments from various sources. hence why fitz meal plans and sends his partners with lunches (and sometimes even dinners, in sophie’s case, if he knows she’s gonna be at a long meeting or an overnight mission) like they’re first graders
keefe got her a lunchbox from the same company that made her sparkly unicorn journal that we saw in exile from when she was, like, five. it’s just as ridiculous as the journal was 
keefe and fitz laughed their asses off when sophie was so embarrassed by it that she literally painted the whole thing black so the rest of team valiant (mostly stina) would stop (lightheartedly) teasing her about it 
sophie’s super protective of her boys. she’s stepped in and told off strangers harrassing her boyfriends on multiple occasions, no hesitation, no regard for the whispers and eyes that follow her for a good while afterwards
it makes keefe’s day because !! someone cares about me enough to stand up for me!; it makes fitz’s day because wow, you’re so brave and i’m so lucky that you’re here for me 
they never say that stuff out loud, but the gestures they show her in return - from surprising her with fettuccine made from scratch for dinner after a long day dealing with the council to leaving extra kisses on her skin and holding onto her for just a little longer than usual - show their appreciation clearly enough
fitz has a thing for scooping up his partners in his arms and spinning them around when he’s really excited
but not to the extent that sophie does
it’s an easy thing for fitz to do, since he’s tall and got muscles, but it’s a lot more of an effort for sophie. a lot more of an achievement, since she’s literally an entire head shorter than fitz and not that much further up on keefe 
like, she lifted weights for months just so she’d be able to say she could carry not only keefe, but also fitz 
it was mostly to rub in keefe’s face that he’d lost a bet they’d made that she was too short to carry fitz around and owed her twenty bucks at first, but as time wore on she just liked the surety of having her bfs secure in her arms, and not in danger
keefe loves it when either of his partners pick him up and carry him around. it’s its own grade of attention that scratches his brain in a way he didn’t know he wanted just right 
i should probably stop now but i’m gonna add a few more things ‘cause you can’t stop me
forehead kisses are a Big Thing for them. it’s part of their daily routine. it’s mostly fitz giving and keefe and sophie receiving, but not always. they’re all happy about forehead kisses no matter what role they play in it, though 
hand kisses are also a Big Thing for them. moreso for keefe and fitz than either of them with sophie, but it’s still a thing 
sophie gets really flustered whenever either of her bfs (mostly fitz) kiss the back of her hand or her palm, but she doesn’t mind being a walking puddle of goo for the next few hours too much
keefe, on the other hand, relishes it. he’s overly dramatic about it when people are around for the laughs. but when it’s just him and fitz (or sophie - sophie doesn’t kiss hands very often, but when she does, it’s on his palm to put the cherry on top of a tender moment and keefe dies), he lets the joke-y mask fall. he lets the soft smile overtake his face. he lets himself give into the urge to pull fitz closer - for a long hug or a sleepy, loving kiss, depends on the day - he lets himself feel vulnerable and loved
when fitz eventually pulls away, keefe always draws a heart over the middle of his palm (where fitz kisses his hand every morning) as a physical reminder that this love is reciprocated and real  
and i have even more headcanons where this came from but i don’t think today is the day to see if i can max out the character/word limit with headcanons lol
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