#I ended up rushing this because I wanted it up before I went on holiday otherwise it would never have been done
tongue-like-a-razor · 5 months
Brother's Best Friend - Part 11
Jake Seresin x F!Reader
A/N: Fair warning: I didn't have much time this week so this was a bit rushed and definitely not my best piece of work, but I really wanted to do at least *something* for the holidays!
Summary: The trials and tribulations of falling for your brother's best friend.
CW: New Years Eve party, banter, fluff fluff fluff
WC: ~2300
Part 1 | Masterlist
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“So,” Bradley starts slowly, drawing out a suspenseful silence with a smirk as he butters his toast. “I met study group guy.”
You look up from your plate in alarm, your fork halfway to your mouth, and awkwardly meet your brother’s gaze.
Jake, who’s just set his food down to your left, picks his coffee back up, ready to make a quick exit.
“Uh, where?” you ask, trying to sound casual, but you’re so nervous that your voice wavers.
“Here,” Bradley replies with a grin as he makes his way to the table. “He came by to see how your exam went.”
“Oh?” You gulp anxiously.
“How considerate of him,” Jake notes moodily, setting his coffee back down and giving you a look.
“I agree.” Bradley sits down. “I think he wanted to compare study strategies,” he continues, then clears his throat. “Since the two of you didn’t end up studying together.”
Jake’s eyes go wide as he lets out a feigned gasp. “You didn’t?”
You give Jake an annoyed look and then glance back at your brother who is watching you with a pair of raised eyebrows. “Yeah,” you nod, “about that. Umm, the thing is…”
“You lied?” Jake brings a hand to his chest as though this revelation continues to shock him.
You glare at him irritably. “Partly.”
“Which part?” Bradley enquires, biting into his toast.
You sigh. “The part about study group guy.”
Bradley grimaces. “Why?”
“Yeah,” Jake chimes in, finally taking a seat. “Why?”
“Because I obviously made the wrong decision studying at home,” you retort, eyeing Jake bitterly. “And I just needed somebody to blame.”
Jake watches you cautiously, likely wondering if you indeed think you’ve made a mistake. Good.
“So, you bombed your midterm, big deal.” Bradley waves a hand. “We wouldn’t judge you. Guess that means he won’t be attending tonight’s party.”
You purse your lips. “Nope,” you confirm. “I’ll be all alone.”
Jake tries to catch your gaze as you rise from the table. “We’ll be here.”
“Aren’t you gonna bring your girl?” Bradley asks.
“Nah.” Jake waves a hand.
“Why not?”
Jake eyes you pointedly. “Not really sure where we stand, to be honest.”
You gasp theatrically. “Oh dear! Trouble in paradise?”
Jake throws you a flat look and grumbles, “Well, she’s sort of hard to read at times.”
“Because you’re illiterate?” you retort.
Bradley snorts while Jake scoffs in offence. “Dump her!” Bradley cries as you bring your dishes to the sink. “Life’s too short for mysteries.”
Jake sighs. “She does love to keep me guessing.”
Bradley shakes his head in disapproval after taking his last bite. “She’s playing games with you, man. It’s not worth it.” He gets up and follows you to the sink. “How ‘bout you? You need a date for tonight?”
“Huh?” you say in surprise, having been under the impression that your turn under the microscope was over.
“Remember that dude you met at the Hard Deck last summer? The one you said was ‘so hot’” – Bradley visibly shudders – “I just found out that he’s into you.”
“What dude?” Jake asks abruptly, his posture instantly going rigid.
“The one from 22,” Bradley clarifies. “The backseater. Forgot his name.”
“The douche from Michigan?” Jake makes a face and quickly rises from the table. “You think he’s hot?” he asks you incredulously.
Before you have a chance to respond, Bradley continues. “Apparently he ran into you last week at the café?”
You blink between Bradley and Jake as the latter approaches. While it’s true that you saw one of Bradley’s colleagues the previous week, you’ve since forgotten all about that encounter, because the very next day was when Jake had finally made his move. You start to back out of the kitchen but both Bradley and Jake follow you out. “I have some errands to run,” you say quickly.
“Nothing’s open,” Jake reminds you.
“Do you want me to invite him tonight or not?” Bradley asks, already scrolling through his contacts.
Jake elbows Bradley aggressively. “You’re seriously trying to get your sister laid?”
Bradley cringes. “Dude! Don’t go there!”
Jake stares at Bradley. “What do you think is gonna happen?”
You scoff at Jake incredulously. “Excuse me?”
Jake turns to look at you and places his hands on his hips with an impatient exhale. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I just don’t want her to be alone on New Years!” Bradley exclaims, still looking down at his phone.
“She’s not gonna be!” Jake cries desperately.
“I don’t want the date, Bradley,” you say, putting on your shoes despite having absolutely nowhere to go.
“Why not?” Bradley enquires.
“I just don’t. I’m fine with being alone.”
“You won’t be alone,” Jake repeats, the frustration in his voice noticeably mounting.
“I thought you liked him,” Bradley says, slightly deflated. Clearly, he assumed that he was doing you a favor.
“I don’t even know him,” you say. “I just thought he was good-looking, that’s all.”
Jake makes a face. “He’s not.”
You roll your eyes. “Appearance is subjective.”
Jake stubbornly shakes his head but makes no further comment.
“Okay, so why not give him a chance?” Bradley presses. “It’s not like you’re seeing someone. Right?”
You give Jake a quick glance before conducting a thorough examination of your own shoes. “Well, kind of.”
“Kind of?” Jake asks, slightly panicked.
You continue studying your feet. “I think.”
“Who is he? What’s he like?” Bradley asks.
“Uh,” you stall, “he’s alright.”
Jake lets out a muffled cry. “Alright?” he asks and you try not to wince at his utterly obvious outrage.
Meanwhile, Bradley raises an eyebrow. “Wow,” he says wryly. “Sounds promising.”
“What else?” Jake says quickly.
You look up at him in disbelief. “Occasionally aggravating.”
Bradley appears puzzled. “Why are you with this guy?”
Jake squares his shoulders. “He must be extremely handsome.”
Bradley looks back at you. “Is he?”
You roll your eyes. “He’s cute.”
“Cute?!” Jake exclaims.
Bradley laughs. “I really think you should give my guy a try.”
Jake crosses his arms over his chest and stands up taller. “I’m sure there’s more to this guy than just… his looks.” He’s blatantly searching your face now, as if Bradley isn’t even present.
You start to nervously fix your hair in the mirror at the front door. “I’m not interested in your guy, Bradley.”
“Why not?”
“Because…” You sigh resignedly while Jake watches your reflection. “I… I like my guy.”
Jake stares at your face in the mirror as if this is news to him. Then, his mouth slips momentarily into a smile before he sucks in his cheeks to hide it.
Bradley grimaces. “Why?”
“Because, he’s…” another reluctant sigh, “…he’s a good guy.”
“That’s kind of vague,” Jake comments, still trying to suppress a grin.
You shoot him a glare while Bradley chuckles. Then, he says, “Alright, fine. Maybe in a couple of weeks when you’re single again.”
Jake looks at Bradley sharply. “Why would she be single again?”
“Come on, when was the last time my sister liked a guy enough to stay with him long-term? She finds something wrong with everyone she dates.”
Jake shifts his weight uncomfortably. “Maybe this one will stick.”
“Doubt it.” Bradley shrugs.
“This one’s different, Bradley,” you say quietly, turning to face them again.
Jake looks back at you. “He is?”
“How so?” Bradley asks.
You pause, hesitant to reveal the truth. “He… makes me feel…”
Bradley watches you dubiously. “Pretty?”
Jake also takes a stab: “Aroused?”
You let out a weary sigh and lock eyes with Jake. “Safe.”
He stares at you with a stunned expression while Bradley nods approvingly.
“Happy,” you continue.
This time, Jake doesn’t hide his smile, but Bradley raises his eyebrows as though your response has surprised him.
“Strong,” you say.
“Wow,” Bradley mutters.
Jake lowers his gaze with a grin, but you decide to add, “And aroused, I mean –”
“Oh god!” Bradley exclaims.
Jake chuckles, glancing up at you again.
Bradley shakes his head. “I get it, you’re in love. But, Seresin – I just remembered: I’ve got the perfect girl for you!” He holds up his phone, beaming.
Bradley decides to invite the perfect girl just in case because he can see how much his dear friend has suffered at the hands of his mysterious lover. And the perfect girl just happens to be Jake Seresin’s exact type. You try to ignore her flirtatious behavior while Bradley all but pushes Jake in her direction. Your brother seems so keen to set Jake up, you start to wonder what his vested interest might be.
There are enough people in attendance that you can watch Jake without worrying about anyone noticing that you’re staring. So, you pour yourself a fourth martini and head back into the living room to see what your brother’s best friend is up to. You barely make it past the couch, however, when someone you’ve only met once in your life takes your hand and starts encouraging you to spin under his arm.
You glance over at Jake, whose date is also trying to get him to dance. Taking a sizeable gulp of your drink, you follow through with the spin and smile uncomfortably at your new dance partner. The room is bustling because the ball is about to drop and everyone has gathered for the countdown, so you’re forced to crane your neck every so often in order to check on Jake.
He notices your new friend right away, locking eyes with you despite his own supposed date trying to monopolize his attention. You wish you could steal a moment with him when the new year arrives, but Bradley would notice his friend’s absence in a heartbeat considering he’s been tailing Jake all night, making sure that he was having a good time.
When the champagne flutes start making their rounds and the crowd erupts in an enthusiastic countdown, however, Jake separates from his friends and starts making his way through the bodies toward you. He nods his head in the direction of the hall before he’s even come near you, inviting you to join him. But you glance back at Bradley and see that he is already searching for Jake in the crowd that’s suddenly doubled in size as everyone has made their way into the living room.
You shake your head at Jake regrettably. The last thing you need is for the year to start with Bradley walking in on the two of you making out.
Jake gestures more vigorously with his head, urging you to follow and, when you refuse, he moves closer and reaches out to grab your hand. You don’t resist when he pulls you in and, before you can check to see if Bradley has finally given up his search, the clock strikes midnight, and Jake takes your face in his hands and kisses you right there in the middle of the living room amidst the explosion of cheers that welcome the new year.
You hope there is enough commotion in your vicinity to obscure the way Jake’s hands slide sensually down to your neck and then take your shoulders as he steers you through the crowd out of the room, his lips avidly devouring yours the entire time. Somehow, the two of you make it out without even looking up and, once you’re more or less alone, Jake mutters, “Your brother is getting real fucking annoying.”
You chuckle as he plants kisses along your jawline. The two of you are still moving through the house, into the darkness of the entry hall. “He’s been extra involved today,” you agree.
“He’s been fucking annoying,” Jake repeats, sucking on the side of your neck as you come to a halt in the foyer and he wraps his arms around you.
“He’s your best friend,” you remind him.
Jake presses you gently against the front door and licks your earlobe, whispering, “Who the fuck were you dancing with?” You giggle and feel his lips spread into a smile against your skin. “Oh, you think that’s funny?” he asks, and you feel his tongue on your ear again. “You think it’s funny that I had to actively restrain myself from socking him?”
“What about you?” you say, still laughing. “You were with that girl all night!”
Jake whimpers into your neck and his hold on you tightens. “All I wanted was this.” You close your eyes when his mouth finds yours once more. “My new year’s resolution is that I’m never gonna stop kissing you,” he mutters between pecks to your lips.
You giggle again and then sigh, slightly pushing him away. “What are we going to do?”
“I just told you what I’m going to do,” he says, going in for another kiss.
You turn your head and he ends up kissing your cheek. “This is how we’re going to spend the new year? Sneaking around? Hiding in dark corners?”
Jake exhales slowly, resting his forehead on your temple. “I’m going to tell him,” he assures you.
“What are you going to tell him?” you ask, hoping that this question might lead Jake to reveal the nature of your relationship as he sees it.
He leans away from you and looks you in the eye. “That I make you feel aroused, of course.” Your jaw drops in outrage and you let out a yelp that quickly turns into a cackle. Jake is grinning widely, pleased with the effectiveness of his joke. Then, he draws you closer and his face changes shape. He squares his jaw and you see the evidence of a nervous gulp in the bob of his Adam’s apple. “I’m gonna tell him that you’re the girl I told him about,” he says, his tone low but steady. You gaze at him in silence, afraid to move a muscle lest he reconsider the sudden sincerity of his words. “The one I can’t stop talking about.” He swallows again. “The one I’ve been obsessing over.” He pauses to study your reaction as though he’s afraid he might be scaring you off. “The one that I – uh” – he takes a deep breath and then lets out a chuckle, shaking his head. He takes your hands in his and weaves his fingers through yours, tugging you forward until his lips connect with the tip of your nose. “Oh god, Baby B,” he says, leaning into you affectionately. “I should probably stop talking now.”
*That's all folks! Happy New Year!*
Read Part 12
Hangman Tag List:
A/N: The rest of the list will be in the comments. As always, let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 11 months
Sad Conrad request. Surprising him at the beach house and being there through the hard moments with his mom
Grab your tissues, this is a sad one
Warnings: mention of cancer/death
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’She won’t get better. It’s too late,’’ a crying Conrad said through the phone one late evening of May.
You sat up in your bed, giving him your best attention as your heart clenched.
These past few months, Susannah had been trying a new treatment for her cancer. She initially didn’t want to do it, but she would do anything for her boys. It’s been tough for her and the boys, physically and emotionally, but Susannah was a fighter. If she could beat cancer once, she could do it again, right?
Today, she had an appointment with her oncologist to see if the treatment was working. Conrad had been very stressed over it, calling you more often just to hear your reassuring words. You stayed optimistic for his sake, but you couldn’t lie to him. There were chances the treatment did not work.
‘’S-she’s gonna die.’’ His voice cracked at the last word, causing a tear to slip down your face.
That night, you almost booked a flight to Boston just to hold him in your arms.
When June came, you all went to Cousins’ beach for the last time. The last summer, her last summer.
On the day of the Fishers’ arrival, you sat on Conrad’s perfectly made bed and waited for him to walk through his door. It felt strange to be alone in their holiday house. Susannah had helped you plan the surprise for Conrad, mailing you a double of the keys a week before their arrival. He had been taking care of her so well during her treatment, she wanted to thank him in a special way.
You heard the door open downstairs, Conrad and Jeremiah’s voices soon filling the house. A know formed in your stomach, excited and nervous at the same time. Susannah’s voice mixed with the two, asking Conrad to take the bags upstairs.
The stairs creaked under his steps, listening as he took his mother’s bags to her room first, then his own. You held your breath as you saw the doorknob turn, soon revealing the boy you had missed so much with one bag over his shoulder and his suitcase in his other hand.
A mix of complete surprise and confusion spread on his face when he saw you sitting there on his bed.
‘’Hi.’’ You stood and a smile curled on Conrad’s lips for the first time in a while.
He dropped his bag and the suitcase’s handle and rushed over to you, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you from the ground. You wrapped your own arms around his neck as your legs did the same to his waist, finally in each other‘s hold.
‘’What are you doing here? You said you wouldn’t be here until Sunday.’’
You pulled back slightly, pushing that one piece of hair from his pretty eyes. You missed him and the soft smile he only kept for you. ‘’I drove here two days early to surprise you.’’
‘’Consider me surprised,’’ he said, closing the space between you and kissing you for the first time since spring break. Without breaking the kiss, Conrad took you to his bed, toppling on it in a mess of tangled limbs. ‘’How did you get in? Did you pick our backdoor?’’
His eyebrows drew closer. ‘’My mom?’’
You nodded.
For a very short moment, Conrad was happy. And it was all because of you — with the help of Susannah.
As the summer went by, and Conrad was turning into a shell of his person. He was barely ever leaving the beach house or his mother’s side, wanting to spend as much time with her as possible before the end.
Since her last scan, the cancer had spread. She was getting more sick each day, becoming more tired and frail every time you saw her. Her blond hair was gone, replaced by a bandana that covered her bald head.
It was sad to watch.
‘’I hate to make this all about me, but who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to do if my mom’s not there?’’ Conrad asked one night you were sitting on the back porch, his feet dipped in the pool water.
‘’You can talk to me. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.’’ You put your hand on his shoulders and he started to sob as you felt your own tears blurring your vision.
‘’She’s too young to die. She’ll never come to my college graduation or Jere’s high school graduation.’’
A few weeks later, you and Conrad were watching a movie in the living room, when Susannah came to get a glass of water. Conrad had fallen asleep against you, too tired to stay up late like he used to these days. You asked if she needed your help, but she smiled and said she was okay.
Before going back to her room, she came to the living room and put her hand on your arm. ‘’Thank you for being there for Connie. He doesn’t say, but he’s taking it the hardest. When I… He’s gonna take it the hardest.’’ She looked down at her son, a sad smile on her lips and tears welling in her eyes. ‘’Please take care of him.’’
When Susannah took her last breath, the weather was gloomy and dark outside, reflecting perfectly the feeling of the coming weeks.
You got the call at 3am and drove down to Boston, to the Fishers’ home. A red-eyed teary Jeremiah answered the door. You gave him a long hug, then headed to Conrad’s room. Laurel and her kids were there, all grieving the loss of a close friend — a non-blood-related family member.
As you entered Conrad's room, the somber atmosphere weighed heavily. The curtains were shut, plunging the room into semi-darkness, illuminated by the smallest crack of light coming from the top of the window. On the bed was Conrad, still in his clothes from last night, crying in silence and holding the old shark plushie his mother got him as a child. It had seen better days and was missing one eye, he hadn’t let go of it since coming home from the hospital.
His shoulders stiffened when he heard the door opening, about to rudely shoo out whoever had come to check on him, but relaxed when he saw you. Your hair was gathered in a loose ponytail, strands framing your face, and your shirt was an old one of Conrad’s, but none of that mattered to him. There was no one else he wanted to see beside his mom than you.
Lifting his head from the shark plushie, the steady flow of tears on his face. breaking your heart. His blue eyes, once vibrant, were now red and swollen from hours of crying, just like his brother’s.
You opened your mouth to speak, but words seemed inadequate in the face of such profound loss. So you said nothing.
You laid with him on the bed, wrapping your arms around his shoulder and pulling him into you like you had done these past months. The second his face met your chest, his sobs filled the room, finally allowing himself to let go now that you were there to catch him.
Rare were the times you had seen Conrad, but it was heartbreaking every time. You rubbed circles around his back and rested your cheek on his head, feeling his tears soak your shirt as he cried, silent tears falling from your own eyes.
You stayed like that for what felt like hours — just the two of you laying on his bed. Laurel didn’t bother checking on him, knowing he was well taken after with you. It was a weight off her shoulders, one less thing she needed to worry about.  
As the night was starting to fall outside, you felt Conrad's breathing even out, telling you he had fallen asleep. You didn't know how long he had been up for, but he must've been exhausted — in every way.
You carefully reached out to grab the soft blanket from behind him, trying to not wake him, but Conrad tightened his grip on you as he sensed your movement, afraid of losing the anchor that kept him grounded. 
‘’Don’t leave me too,’’ he mumbled, his voice so small and weak you didn't hear it.
You stayed still, frozen by his words. The vulnerability in his voice pierced your heart, and you realized that even in his sleep, his fear of abandonment lingered. 
Gently, you brushed your fingers through his hair, softly whispering back to him in reassurance.  ‘’I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'll be right here when you wake up.’’
You vowed to be there for him, to support him through the darkest hours of his journey, and you planned on keeping that promise you made to Susannah, even if it meant staying up all night holding him or skipping a few days of classes at college. 
With great care, you shifted your position, sliding out from under him just enough to reach the blanket. As you draped it over both of you, he instinctively clung tighter to you, seeking the comfort of your presence.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully @aerangi @hallecarey1
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llolianarchives · 9 months
The Prefect and The Draconia
A short overview of the Ramshackle prefect and their strange (but kind) horned fellow friend: as seen through the eyes of outsiders.
(A/N: #Malleyuu notes with an OC but feel free to project. We're all delulu here ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ )
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His Henchman is crazy.
Or at least, that's what Grim thinks when he's woken up at sunrise to Yue's bizarre ramblings. Something about the time being 1 AM, then fireflies at night, and a tall, horned figure – is what he takes from their babble amidst his own groans and pleas to return to sleep. He'd think them delirious from slumber, mumbling about another dream, if it weren't for the way Yue's eyes sparkled with genuine interest. Grim yields, in the end, for one of the many things he's learned about his reliable servant is that they can be awfully enthusiastic when it comes to this world's curiosities.
“He told me to call him whatever I want,” Yue continues, ruffling Grim's fur dry with a clean rag. Before he could insert magnificent ideas of his own, they beat him to it with a soft smile on their lips.
“I'm thinking of naming him Nyx: the personification of the night. What do you think?”
“What? Because he only shows up at night?” Like some wacky cryptid.
He hears his henchman forgo the brush, letting it clatter loudly against the table.
“Hm... Nyx, huh...” Grim falls into thought, testing the name on his tongue like premium quality tuna. He doesn't even notice how Yue ties the striped ribbon around his neck. Triumphant, he turns to them with a grin.
“That's not half-bad, Henchman! It's cool and mysterious. Not as cool and mysterious as me, of course, but I'd say it's a close second!”
“Naturally. I wouldn't dare bestow a name mightier than the Great Grim's.”
Despite the stream of praise his henchman delivers (which he pleasantly basks in), Yue eventually derails, returning to speak of the horned man yet again. What Grim's superior brain gathers is this: One, this Nyx guy is super weird. Two, Yue's interest has been piqued like no other before.
He'll demand some omurice as payment for his counsel later on.
. . .
Malleus has made a friend.
The news was dropped onto Lilia's lap rather unceremoniously when one night, the Young Lord—having just returned from another evening excursion, went to sit with him in the Diasomnia lounge. This time, however, the quaintest of smiles adorned his face... It was an unusual sight but certainly not unwelcome. And much like any doting parent, his curiosity led him to ask.
Malleus had replied with a question of his own.
"Lilia, do you know of the Prefect that resides in Ramshackle Dorm?"
"Yue? Why yes, of course. I've spoken to them once or twice. They made quite a show during the Ceremony."
Yue— Lilia soon comes to learn— is completely unaware of Malleus's identity as a prince and a figure of authority, of power. As such, they bear no fear for him, even going so far as to bestow him a pet name, of all things.
(“Nyx? As in the night spirit? How fitting.")
Thus began the pattern of Lilia covering for Malleus's nighttime absence, not daring to ask nor scold when the prince would return in strange and stranger states.
When he would return to the dormitory partially caked with dirt and mud (a consequence of helping the prefect with their little garden of life.) Or when he would return with a box of homemade cake, a pretty stone from their walks, a drawing of him supposedly made by the prefect's beast, and with inquiries of the complexities of human nature.
Sometimes, Lilia can't help but feel a bit guilty, constantly boring witness to Silver and Sebek's searches into the night.
Yet that sliver of guilt fades, in the end, when Malleus smiles more often than before, when he approaches Lilia in the winter with the request of delivering a Holiday Card.
As he watches the magicless human rush into their abode, card in hand, ghosts and Grim awaiting their entrance...
he has never felt prouder and more grateful for fate.
. . .
From a distance, Vil watches.
He watches as the feared Briar Prince lets a small, feeble human talk his ear off, calm and unresisting, a hand on his chin as he ponders along Yue's barrage of words. He gives the prefect full reign of the conversation. He lets himself be taken away by their stories and details. He lets them speak, which they do.
Just after the horrors, highs, lows, and thrills of the VDC, the two chat as if nothing even happened. The onslaught of it all feels like a fever dream to Vil. First, the mental toll of overblotting, then their loss to RSA's nursery rhyme performance, and now the shocking reveal of Yue (innocent, bold, mundane little Yue) and Malleus Draconia's relationship.
He isn't even sure what to make of it. They're clearly friends, yet Vil can't bring himself to chalk it up to just that. His years and years of showbiz cinema has taught him the ins and outs of body language. He watches. He sees:
There's the smiles on both their faces; cheeks raised taut, dimples carved with genuine laughter. There's that glimmer in Yue's eyes and the odd tenderness of Malleus's own, both gazes locked onto one another with an undisturbed focus. There's the fact that Yue had given him an invitation to the VDC, or that Malleus had fixed the stage partially to show off to the magicless human, or that their hands are currently mere centimeters away from each other.
In the end, Vil averts his gaze, weariness crashing into him all at once and he feels a pair of hands grasp onto his shoulders, keeping him standing. Rook smiles, gentle, knowing, annoying. Vil resigns to his whims and lets his Huntsman guide him back to the Pomefiore Dorm, the chatter of Yue and Malleus and everyone else fading away.
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reysdriver · 8 months
Back To School | R.L.
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Remus is about to leave to teach at Hogwarts — husband!remus x wife!reader angst/fluff
warnings: it's angst but it's fluffy really
words: 0.5k
a/n: I was gonna finish this and post it way back at the beginning of the month, but then I ended up writing a whole bunch of other stuff so I forgot about this lol
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You and your husband had awoken to the early-morning alarm ringing around your bedroom, but Remus shut it off quickly so you could get an extra few minutes in bed together. 
After you decided you had to get up or else Remus would be late, you got up, got ready, and started making a simple breakfast together. You sliced fruit while Remus made toast for you both, then you sat down opposite each other at your table and ate, making small bits of conversation throughout. 
When you finished, you told Remus to leave your plates at the table—you would do a whole load of dishes to distract yourself later—and you both went to collect all of Remus’ things.
Since he got the job at the beginning of summer, you had been giving him all sorts of little gifts, things he would need for work, and some little mementos to remember each other and stay sane while you were apart for so long. 
“And you’re sure you’ve got everything?” You were sure Remus packed everything he’d need for the next three months away in his bags, but you were just stalling so you didn’t have to part ways with him yet. 
“What would I have forgotten, dove?”
You answered him quietly. “Me.”
Your husband fought back a smile, not wanting to seem too happy when you were sad. “I could never forget you, my sweet girl; I just can’t pack you in my suitcase and bring you with me, now can I?”
“We haven’t tried yet…” You said, a half-faux pout on your face. 
The both of you imagined the sight of Remus trying to sneak you into Hogwarts via his luggage. It brought a smile to your face that you didn’t want to be there in this solemn moment. 
“I’d have to choose between you and my clothes, dove. And as tough of a decision as that is, I can’t go to work naked; I’d be fired before classes could even start.”
“That means you would have to come home, right?” You asked it in a way that told him exactly what you were thinking, and he had to shut it down. 
“I would come home, but then we would have no money and would have to live in a shack made of hay somewhere because we wouldn’t be able to afford a whole house with just you working.”
Remus pulled you into a hug, cocooning you in his long arms and his comforting chest. You both stayed in that embrace, breathing slow and deep together to level your emotions. It was nice, just not nice enough knowing that this was the last time you’d be in your flat together until the winter holidays. 
Remus started loosening his grip on your body, which earned him an upset look from you. 
“We’re gonna be late if we don’t go soon. We won’t be able to say goodbye again at the train station if we’re rushing.” He explained nicely. 
You sighed, knowing he was right. “Okay, but you have to promise me at least one good hug at the station.”
“As long as I have time to spare, I’ll give it all to you.”
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soaringwide · 23 days
Pick a Card - What is your soul nudging you towards? - Spirituality
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Hello and welcome to a new pick a card collective reading. This time we're going to focus on your spiritual side with the question, What is your soul nudging you towards?
The idea is to welcome any message, any nudge from your soul to encourage you to explore something spiritually. I will keep this open and see what shows up. Never done that specific question, and I'm using a deck I'm not super used to, so you're welcome to leave feedback as it is as much of an exploration for you as it is for me!
As always remember that this is a general reading meant for multiple people, there are only three piles and a shit ton of you. Spirituality is very personal so take what resonates and leave out the rest.
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Cards: Parasite, King of Pentacles, Threshold Guardian, 9 of Pentacles, Idiot, 2 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, Pure Balance, 8 of Swords, Abyss, Queen of Pentacles, Female Warrior, Knight of Pentacles, Holder of Light, Page of Cups, 9 of Cups, Imprisoner, Inner Companion, the World
Right off the bat you've got so many pentacles cards, especially towards the end of the suite like wow, and in placements targeting your current situation and energies. It's a indication that you're currently very focused on the physical aspects of your life in a very abundance-focused way. Which BTW doesn't only mean money but your physical life as a whole. You may just be very focused on your physical routine, your job and building your home, taking care of your body and enjoying the pleasures of life.
This shows right at the beginning of your spread, where we can see that your focus on abundance and enjoying the things of life is interfering with your spiritual development. Its almost like you're carrying so many outside things with you that it leaves no space for tuning in with yourself only. And when you try, it's again very hard to do due to the noise and clutter within you. You are very preoccupied with your job or career, very focused on buying stuff or planning holidays or outings, very focused on your body. I'd say also rather detached from thinking and feeling your spirituality. Like it's barely a tiny thought in your mind but apart from that you pay no attention to it. It's almost like you don't really want to.
However, I do think that this is not happening by mistake and that you need to go through this phase, and if it's so difficult to brute force yourself out of it, or if you feel no desire to do so at all, its because you are sort of blocked from doing that in order not to hijack your natural development. You needed this break, to focus on your own pleasure and physical abundance, to reconnect with what's immediately real and knowable and build a life for yourself. There is this idea of outside forces actually protecting that phase of your life so that you don't rush towards something before you're ready to, which would be counter-productive.
In the past, you were not always the wisest and have made a lot of not so smart decisions, with not so great consequences… you might have been warned but ignored it or failed to see it and proceeded anyway. However, you have learned from it and rebuilt yourself, and I think your current phase of life is part of that; that need to repair your life and the damage you went through. For some of you, it's also possible that you've got a great deal of theoretical knowledge but not much personal practice to back it up, or that you were just repeating what others did without understanding anything about it, and you came to the realization that I made no sense and was pointless, so you withdrew.
What is your soul nudging you towards is balance. As we saw, you're very focused on your physical life, but it is not a bad thing and actually something you needed in order to be the person you wanted to be in the world. But your soul is now calling for some adjustments in order to bring balance into that. At this point it mostly have to do with the way you think, because it seems that you're trapping yourself and refusing to move. You're being asked to take the blinds off and told you have all the power to do so. Now, do you want it right now? I think for some of you it may take a bit of time, but that's the next step anyway and what your soul is nudging you towards.
For challenges you will face, there will be some type of leap of faith to be made. A path that you may accept or reject and that will change your trajectory. You may need to leave your sense of comfort and security a bit here and let go of some of the clutter surrounding you so that you can leave space for change and these new energies. It comes as a challenge because I think you're very reluctant to change at the moment, even distrusting it a bit.
For what help is available, I think for some of you you may rely on the support of a female warrior power of some kind, be it a divinity or a female mentor figure with those qualities, whether in this world or in the other. This will help you stay grounded and make slow but deliberate movements. This support will help you feel secure through the changes and add a layer of protection. For some of you it's about embodying these female warrior qualities. Regardless of gender, it can be described at the need to defend yourself, honor your boundaries and fight for what you believe is right. You might be inspired by someone to act and think like that.
For what steps to take, there is a need to return to source, and it's clarified by two cups cards, the only ones in your reading. So you will be called to reconnect with your emotions, and to put to rest some of them that ate hindering you without you knowing because they are so bottled up. There is a need to make space before you can welcome anything new.
Final advice: you are completing a powerful cycle and, right now, you're tying up loose ends. You may still feel somehow like in a state of spiritual hibernation but worry not because its all part of the process. This is coming to an end as well. This phase is part of a larger developmental process, and i'm getting that help is available from your guides or spirits, however you want to call them or conceptualize them. So I think for you it will be very important to tune it within yourself and with your spiritual court and find the personal advice you need. This reading is general and meant for many people so it won't be able to be tailored to your needs. I really think you have all the answers you need within and that it's a matter of daring to see it and daring to take that leap of faith. You are not alone, you are supported and loved and help is available to you.
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Cards: Two of Swords, Grindstone, Five of Wands, Leader, Ace of Wands, Abyss, Scapegoat, Sun rx, Hidden knowledge, Light Bearer, 9 of Pentacles, the Emperor rx, Hierophant, Staff of the Gods, Threshold Guardian, Mother Earth, Blood Ancestor, Spirit Guide, Home and Hearth
For where you currently are spiritually, you are undergoing an intense process of refinement of your self that is divinely guided to push growth. From your point of view, it's manifesting as a time of struggle and even inner conflict that is pushing you to take a stance and make a decision. What it is exactly will vary for different folks, but I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about because it's quite obvious it's creating some inner tensions that must be quite uncomfortable to experience. The message here is that it serves a bigger purpose and that the outcome will depend on your choice to create movement in a specific direction.
For what energies are surrounding you, with the combination of the Leader and the Ace of Wands, it definitely points at a very fiery, action oriented energy. You are called to embody the positive attributes of a wise and powerful leader who takes the matter into their own hands and do not let fate decide their path for them. While committed to move forward, you also do not loose sight of your values and what you care about, which is not about hesitating but rather being fully rooted in your beliefs and let that fuel you. So I think whatever change you are going through, it's not about an extreme shift of paradigm, but rather, deepening things powerfully and owning your choices fully.
I think in the past, you had a tendency to shift the blame and avoid owning up to your actions. There is a hint or arrogance, over confidence and egoism here with the Sun reversed, embodying the flaws of Leo when unbalanced. I think you have been through something that forced you to change the way you approach things, distance yourself from some practices or behaviors for example, which brought you to where you are now. This is a very precious knowledge you can rely on and I think it's what brought you to these positive leader qualities and made you wiser and more empathetic while keeping your very radiating and go-getter attributes.
For what you soul is nudging you towards, its really interesting that you get yet again another authority figure with the Emperor, although this time it is reversed. I'm seeing this as a warning to not over do the masculine side of yourself that risk making you too stubborn and rigid, but rather welcome some type of ease and receptiveness. You might be too serious and not pleasure oriented enough so there's definitely a need to balance things a bit, without changing your nature completely. I'm also getting with the Light Bearer that you are called to make a very positive impact on those around you and your community, to bring them Light in the dark through your work, actions, advice or knowledge. And this call would benefit greatly from adding a but of that compassionate and easy going energy i talked about above as it will help you connect with people but also help you stay happy and abundant by not burning yourself out too fast.
For the challenge you will face in this process, I'm strongly getting the need to step away from known religious or magical structures and to carve out your own path. However you will not be spiritually alone in this, but will rather be in direct contact with the spiritual powers, as in you will draw directly from the source in order to materialize and express what needs to be. It comes as a challenge because you are in uncharted territories, it's a lot of pressure and it's hard to know where to go since no one has been here before, or at least not in an obvious and easy to access way.
The good thing is that help is available in two ways. One, you do not have to worry about stepping somewhere you are not meant to, because these places are guarded and you will be facing a closed door if you go too far. So whatever it is, you are guided and protected on your path. The second thing is the wisdom of the Earth itself. I'm getting that you could get great help from the natural world and its spirits and non human inhabitants. You might benefit a lot from looking at natural phenomenon and learning the deeper meaning of them or connect with your local spiritual ecosystem. The Land itself could be a powerful ally too.
For what steps to take forward, you are strongly being called to connect with ancestors, and by that I don't mean solely ancestors or your lineage, but also those who share a connection with you because they walked on your path before you. Strong spirit worker vibe from this pile. This could mean trying to divine with them or honoring them and praying, which will allow them to help you. However, I would just remind you the need to do things in your own way and not simply copying and pasting other people's practices into your own, as we saw it was a very strong message for you. So try to be creative and think outside of the box but do remember that there is tremendous wisdom to be gained from those that came before you.
For the final advice, don't hesitate to connect with your spirit guides and those who are your spiritual home in order to find comfort, security and rest. Yes you are called to stand up for yourself, but you are certainly not alone and it is important to remember and share moments with your loved ones, from this realm and beyond. A second message is also to be careful about your energy levels and make sure you home is a suitable place for that magical and physically. You've got lots to do so take care of yourself and don't hesitate to reach out for help when you are struggling.
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MASSIVE DISCLAIMER PLEASE READ I do not want to fear-monger but this reading is very heavy and I'm pretty sure it's only going to apply to some of you. If you do not relate please do not worry and keep scrolling. If you do relate I hope you will find some hope in this. I really hesitated releasing this pile at all but I feel like it's more important to be truthful about the message that I received than making cool readings for tumblr… The message was hammered clearly but, again, I'm pretty sure it's meant for a very small amount of people, if not just one or two. Take care.
Cards: Place of Healing, Creator of Time, the Hanged Man, Archon & Aion, Bailiff, Death, Blood Ancestor, Premonition, 5 of Swords, Magical Temple, 6 of Cups, Knight of Wands, Spirit Guide, Death, Queen of Swords, Shamaness, 2 of Wands, Strength rx
Let's start by looking at where you are currently spiritually.
From your point of view, it might seems like not much is happening and that you are forced to stay still. You are focusing on healing deeply and slowly. Some of you might have been sick recently or going through some type of intense mental or physical form of stress and you are now in the process of rejuvenating yourself, forced to stay where you are because you cannot move further. However, something very important and new is being birthed here. Think as a seed being planted, or even further back, the initial spiritual spark of a seed before it reaches the physical plane. So yeah it might seem like not a whole lot is going on but there is something very powerful at play here that has a lot of transforming potential.
Okay… for the energies surrounding you, you got 3 cards directly referencing Death. It seems some of you are indeed seriously sick at the moment, or taking care of someone who is about to pass onto the other side, or dealing with a very recent loss and in the process of mourning. If that's not the case, worry not that just mean it isn't your pile! If you do relate to this, know that I really empathize with you and we'll see what advice is available to you shortly. Another possibility is that some of you might be working with the spirit of the deceased, or being surrounded by them heavily.
For what you've learned in the past that is relevant to your current situation, you got two cards referencing union and one referencing messaged from above. I really think this pile talks to people who have formed deep bonds with some type of divine or spiritual entity that taught them a lot through messages sent to them. It talks about commitment and a mutually beneficial relationship. Some of you could even be under some form of spiritual contract with these powers. In all cases this pile is quite involved spiritually.
For what you soul is nudging you towards, you got yet other cards referencing death. I think it's either referencing to someone who has passed away or is about to, and in both cases its a great loss for you. You might be called to help them pass to the other side, help them move on and acting like a mediumistic bridge. You might be experiencing premonition regarding this event before hand, or dream about them after the fact. You soul is nudging you to take on the role of a psychopomp and communicate with this deceased person. I think that's something you haven't done before and feel quite worried about but I think you are sort of forced by the circumstances.
For the challenges you will face, i think this whole experience will be very difficult for you because you've lost some type of home in this person and you get reminded of your common memories constantly. You might feel the need to power through that to skip the pain and focus on the task ahead in order to protect yourself from grief. I cannot tell whether its a good or bad thing as everyone processes grief differently, just pay attention to how you react; be patient and gentle with yourself.
The help available is your spirit guides (whatever that means for you) who are here to protect and sooth your soul. You are highly encouraged to reach out to them however you feel comfortable to and call their help. They are here for you in this difficult time and you should not hesitate relying on them.
Steps to take: you will be facing your primordial fear regarding death and endings, and you must take the necessary steps to honor that natural cycle of life. You do seem to have a very special relationship with it though and you are called to step up to that role. You must not hang onto what has been lost for that it is gone, but instead, embrace change with respect and reverence and let things follow their course on the other side. With the Queen of Swords, you are called to embrace this new perspective and the deep changes that come with it. You will need to be sharp with your mind and your intentions and show the way ahead for this soul. Again I'm getting this idea of being between the earth and the sky, like a bridge.
For the final advice, this experience you are or will be going through is a tale old as humanity itself. A very old form of magic. Its a powerful and raw time that will push you to take on a role you might have never considered. Your path is humble but extremely important. It will change the way you see the world and life. Now is not the time to doubt your power and abilities for you have all that's needed to succeed. Those who've left us leave a hole but they are also our strength. I'm getting that you might benefit from reading practices surrounding Death in different culture, or dive deeper into you own. Stories of old can help you navigate this situation greatly.
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chrisevansonly · 8 months
𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 | 𝒐𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓 𝒑𝒊𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊
☁︎ oscar piastri x female reader
☁︎ oscar is experiencing thanksgiving with your family for the first time….and boy is it crazy
☁︎ no warnings just fluff and maybe a tad overwhelmed oscar lol
☁︎ i can’t believe october is starting to come to an end, these little fall fics have been making me so happy, i think ill do another one in december too to get ready for christmas 🤭 p.s thanksgiving in canada is beginning of october in contrast to the USA which is end of november in case you’re confused :)
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Thanksgiving was a little chaotic in your family, when everyone gathered together and all sat down for the annual fall meal, only this year it was your boyfriend Oscar’s first time attending it with you. He knew you got your vibrant and extroverted personality from your parents, but now that he looks back on it, he’s pretty sure your entire family played a part in it.
“Oscar when do you and my little sunshine plan on having children hmm?” your grandma asked, causing you to choke on your water
Oscar laughed patting your back gently to help with your coughing
“I think whenever the time is right, we’re in no rush”
“Well you’re only getting older!”
You shook your head at the old woman’s antics your mother stepping in before you
“Mom, leave these two alone, they’re both still in their early twenties, no babies for them, eat your turkey”
“Never too early to have a baby, such nonsense!”
Leaning over to Oscar you looked at him apologetically
“I’m sorry, she’s very persistent”
He only smiled, kissing your forehead as he squeezed your knee under the table
“I don’t mind at all, it’ll happen someday anyway”
The two of you may have been young but you both knew that you were endgame for each other, there was no one else on earth more perfect for either of you, and everyone was starting to see that.
“So Oscar, i’ve been watching your season, looks pretty good this year”
It was your father’s time to chime in, Oscar nodding as he gave your father 100% of his attention.
“Yes, it’s been going really well, the car feels good this year, so i’m looking forward to finishing the next few races and then having some time off” he replied, a bit hesitantly as he always did with your dad
“That’s good to hear, I’d love to come see a race sometime”
You smiled
“You should come to Las Vegas with us dad! You and mom have been wanting to go back there so why not?”
In hindsight you should have asked Oscar first if he was okay with this, but knowing him, he wouldn’t mind at all. He loved spending time with your family as much as you did with his.
“Oh that’s a great idea honey, i’m sure we can figure something out!”
The rest of dinner went off without a hitch, calm conversation and laughter shared between everyone, you could already feel the classic thanksgiving hangover hitting you as you lounged on the couch tucked into Oscar’s side, your eyes heavy and tired.
Oscar laughed hearing your little cousins playing uno in the other room as you rolled your eyes. If anyone was the loudest on these holidays it was the kiddos.
It wasn’t long before your aunt went in there and told them off, quiet chatter resuming after the mini scream fest over the classical card game had ensued. Truth be told you were nervous for Oscar to experience thanksgiving with your family because you weren’t always put together and fancy, you were loud and energetic, your family loved playing games, having treasure hunts and playing games of charades.
You knew deep down it wouldn’t everyone’s cup of tea but Oscar wouldn’t have it any other way. He’d never felt more comfortable and at home like he did with you when you visited your family. It made him feel normal and accepted, he didn’t have to worry about the media, the race track or the constant murmurs going around the paddock.
“How was your first thanksgiving experience love?”
He smiled down at you, his finger tips running up and down your back
“I loved it, really it was so much, I can’t wait to keep experiencing this craziness with you”
“Oscar loves the thanksgiving craziness…never thought i’d say that”
The Aussie laughed leaning down to kiss you
“Well now I get to experience a different craziness from yours everyday”
You frowned jokingly but he was quick to once again bring his lips to yours, deepening the kiss enough to have your face flush, thankfully your family too enamoured in their own activities to notice your little display of affection.
“I love you and all your craziness darling, it’s what makes you, you.” he stated softly, taking his time to admire you
“I love you more.”
Oscar had all he needed right in front of him, he’d never felt more welcomed and appreciated than he did right now, curled up on the couch at your parents house after a delicious dinner, something he would continue to be apart of for years…and years to come.
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neocitybooty · 8 months
Honey, I'm home. [M]
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Summary: Your husband is constantly away but he makes up for it once he returns.
Genre: Smut, Aged up (early 30s)
Characters: Mark Lee, femme reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: unprotected sex, bodily fluids
A/N: Just some more Mark brainrot. This is also a treat because I've been so busy with life. I'm going to continue with my ongoing fics after this :)
You felt movement from the other side of the bed and a pair of arms wrapping around your waist, shortly after. You slowly blinked out of your sleep and stirred as you were greeted by the moonlight.
It was late.
You waited until midnight, but your husband, Mark…He didn’t show.
Disappointment was no foreign concept to you and it seemed to be a recurring theme in your marriage. You knew it wasn’t Mark's fault and you were well aware of what marrying him would mean for you. The kind of life you would live. Wealthy and pampered… but hidden.
No public posts. No public dates. Lonely birthdays. Lonely holidays.
At least for the time being.
But you loved him. And you knew he loved you too. Some things just couldn’t be helped.
“Babe..” Mark whispered softly in your ear. The familiar and innocent tone was enough to cause your lips to tug upward. You turned your body to wrap your arms and leg around him.
He chuckled and squeezed you tighter as you both buried your faces into each other’s neck.
“Yeah, I missed you too.” Mark said into your neck as he slid his hand into your shorts and softly rubbed your bare ass cheek. He gave it a firm squeeze before finally kissing you. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt the warm flesh against your own. He pulled away but you immediately kissed him again.
He looked at you with a puzzled look on his face and you couldn’t help but caress his cheek as the cheekbone rose at a slant and his amused eyes twinkled underneath the moonlight.
“You want to do this right now?” Mark asked you. His voice was low and raspy. Taunting. He knew what you wanted. Because he wanted it too.
You didn’t get a chance to answer. Mark was already pulling off your shorts before you could process your thoughts.
A few hours prior, you were upset. You were complaining to your sister about missing out on yet another holiday because your husband wasn’t in town. You would be going to bed alone, with nothing but an “I love you” to keep you from reaching the brink of insanity. It was reassuring, but it just wasn’t enough. His physical presence was what you truly longed for.
Mark told you…. He told you….you wouldn’t spend Valentine’s day alone this year.
And yet...
You did. But in this moment, you believed a strike against him wouldn’t be fair. In the end, you would be falling asleep in his arms.
“I’m sorry I got back so late, baby. I rushed here as fast as I could.” He softly said into your ear, his tone genuinely apologetic.
You moaned in response as he slipped your lace underwear off of you. A trail of warm kisses decorated your neck as his fingers found his way between your legs. You kept your arms wrapped around his neck and shifted your head so you could kiss him deeply. You were now on your side and draped your leg over him once again.
You gasped and went stiff when you felt Mark’s fingers intrude your wet hole, his thumb gently rubbing your nub. The both of you could hear the squelching of your fluids as he found a steady rhythm. You let out a loud moan as your hips started to gyrate against his fingers.
“Shh, baby. You’re going to wake up the neighbors.” Mark kissed behind your ear and muttered a curse underneath his breath. “Just focus on me.”
Oh how you've missed this.
He brought his lips back to your's and you grew more aroused as your hips and tongue moved along with Mark’s fingers as he continued to slowly move his digits inside of you. You could feel his smile against your lips each time your body would tense up and you would clench around his fingers. But your mind was preoccupied with the taste of his hungry lips.
His kisses were urgent. Needy. Every kiss was as passionate as the last and you only wanted more.
He finally removed his fingers and you felt as though you were breathing for the first time. You heavily exhaled and moaned softly as your hips rolled, the feeling of emptiness becoming unbearable.
“Shiit.” Mark examined his glistening fingers. In awe at the amount of fluid that transferred. “You missed me this much? I can’t wait to show you how much I've missed you.” He bit his lip and gently pulled you onto him, slowly moving his hips as you straddled him.
You felt his hard cock underneath you and it finally dawned on you that Mark had been naked the entire time. He moaned softly when his tip made contact with your wet opening and you reacted by grabbing it and squatting right above it.
Mark reached over to the nightstand and turned on the dim lamp. You smiled at him once the light revealed his features. He responded with a warm smile that reached his eyes and gave you a nod. He did always love to watch.
You held eye contact with him as you slowly lowered yourself, letting his member disappear into your wet core. You gasped as you felt yourself stretching to accommodate his size after months of using alternatives that just didn’t measure up.
Mark whimpered underneath you and slid a hand up into your shirt to fondle a breast. You put your hand over his and started to ride him. Mark let out a breath as his eyes rolled back and he sank even lower into his pillow. You lifted yourself again and lowered slowly enough for you to savor the feeling. You let out a soft moan as you felt yourself getting wetter as the movement grew easier.
“Fuckkk.” Mark shook his head softly and bit his lip again. "Baby, I'm going insane…." Mark could barely finish the sentence before a quiet moan took over. His eyes shut tighter as his fingers dug deeper into your flesh. You yelped when he suddenly started fucking into you. You leaned forward, eventually switching from your feet to your knees, and rested your hand on his chest, a familiar sensation forming in your lower region.
“Are you close, baby? Wait for me. Let’s finish together, yeah?” Mark breathed out as he continued pounding into you. He pulled you into his chest and held your hands behind your back, by the wrists. His eyebrows scrunched together as he began to concentrate so he could last longer- but you began to shake.
“Oh babe no, wait.” Mark whined and gently flipped you over so he was on top. You moaned as he repositioned himself while still inside of you. He filled you up in ways you never thought possible,
You squirmed underneath him as months of pent up sexual frustration surged through Mark’s body. He plunged deeper into you with a long grunt and you instinctively held onto him.
“You take it so well.” He grunted into your ear as he pinned each hand to the sides of your head. He nuzzled his chin into your neck and exhaled as your entire body moved in unison with his thrusts. “I’m so close, baby. Oh fuck..”
You wrapped your legs around him as he stiffened and groaned. You felt the warmth of his seed spill into you as Mark rested on you.
He sighed and propped himself up to look at you with a smile.
“I didn’t finish…” You said softly.
“I've gathered….give me a few minutes and I’ll take care of it.” Mark said as he held eye contact with you. A small smile formed on his lips as he started to caress your cheek.
“Can you do that thing that I like?” You asked him shyly.
Mark let out a small laugh and kissed you. “We’re gonna need a towel.”
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justwonder113 · 5 months
Showering Innie with affection
Bang Chan; Lee Know; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; Seungmin
Summary: After hearing that your boyfriend overworked himself and fainted you rush to help him.
Warnings: reading being bold and affectionate. Reverse comfort fic. Jeongin is overworked and has fever(reader showershim with hugs and kisses despite that). Jengin is feeling insecure.Bunch of fluff in the end. Reader is female. Chan and reader are best friends. Stressed stray kids. Kinda suggestive in the end. Not proofread it's like 4am rn and my eyes ate literally on fire.
word count-3.5k
A/N-This was my first request made by @aninhrys and I was beyond excited to write it. I tried my best and I really hope you like it🩷
Also merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it on 25th and happy holidays to everyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas. Please take care of yoursleves❤️❤️❤️
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To say that you were proud of your boyfriend was a severe understatement of what you were feeling wight now. You were jumping out of your bones from excitement and astonishment, both as The Yang Jeongin's girlfriend and as a fellow stay. The performance they had put on was beyond amazing, it was spectacular! It blew your mind how did they come up with such creative, unique and extraordinary content.
After watching it it was no wonder it took this much work. You knew both Jeongin and his group members were perfectionists, but it was beyond than that. You couldn't even comprehend how much work it actually took and required. Thinking about it, you felt even more guilty that you couldn't be there for him. That's why you couldn't wait to see him, he didn't know you were arriving to see him. You were practically jumping with excitement. You couldn't wait to see him and hug him so tight, to tell him just how much you loved the performance. You would tell him how proud of him you were and how much you loved him.
It killed your heart that you weren't with him on such an important day as this. You knew how stressed he was and how much he was overworking himself, and you tried to be there for him as much as you could, but you only could do so much when your work was an absolute nightmare and gave you task after task to do. Honestly, you would quit if you could, but that would be just unreasonable from your side right now so you had to calm yourself down. However, you were really pissed that you had to miss everything because of this too. You had to jump out of your skin and overwork yourself to the bone so that you could arrive at Osaka at the same day as the first day of MAMA awards, and this was the best you could do. Fortunately for you you saw their performance before the flight, you missed the rest of the show but you were grateful you saw their performance. You would really hate it if you both missed the chance watch it live there and also on your phone. You also pitied everyone on the same plane as you, because they had to deal with and tolerate your whole obsessed fan persona. You wouldn't be surprised if you ended up on social media as a some type of crazy lady.
As soon as you walked out of the airport you caught a taxi and immediately went to the bakery Innie and boys were talking about earlier, everyone was talking about it earlier and the boys said they wanted to try it out themselves. You were sure they would appreciate the gesture after a long tiring day. You hoped you could reach the bakery before it closed, it was quite late after all.
It seemed that the lady Luck was on your side, because you reached it right before it was about to close and bought everything they had left, pointing first at the small cake that basically screamed Innie's name. You thanked the shop owner million times and left the place with the most satisfied smile ever.
You sat in the taxi again which was waiting by the shop patiently, you thanked the driver for waiting and took out your phone. You had left it on airplaine mode, no wonder there were zero notifications. You turned it off and let's just say your phone almost exploded from the amount of notifications. The internet must have gone crazy about the performance. Could you blame them tho?! What shocked you was that there were at least ten missed calls from Chan and countless messages from him. He was an absolute angel and despite hectic schedule he helped you a lot with your surprise. It was unusual for him to call this much tho... Did something happen? You quickly took your earphones and dialed his nimber, and as you waited you decided to see the notifications. Your heart dropped to the ground when you saw the article with the bold headline that IN from stray kids had fainted at the end of the performance. How could you not notice? Was he okay? What happened? What caused this? Chan had not finished saying hello when you dramatically asked "How is he?" Chan sighed, "Chan what happened how is he?" "Doctor said that he should be fine, he's in his room to rest, we're at the hotel now. He won't come out tho. Doctor said it was because he's malnourished, we made him eat but he refuses to talk." He sounded exhausted, which pulled your heartstrings, you knew him, he was surely blaming himself for this. You tried to talk, to soothe him, but he didn't let you "I thought he looked pale, but he said that he was just nervous and he got all wobbly at the end, I thought he was just tired but the next second he was falling and I barely managed to catch him. I should have noticed, I'm sorry..." You sighed, "it's not your fault Chan, I know you're the leader and you feel responsible but it isn't your fault okay? I will talk to him, I will make him talk to me. I'm almost there, can you come down and get me?" You tried to calm him, and you did need help getting in the hotel and past their security. Chan agreed and hang up. You sighed and watched the clip couple more times, he did look pale and like he had lost some weight. What was he even thinking? You were going to give him piece of your mind! Of course after you made sure he was okay. You felt beyond worried, you couldn't wait to see him. You felt guilty you couldn't be there for him, damn your work, maybe you could've prevented this by being there for him and looking after him.
You quickly gathered your things as soon as the taxi stopped, Chan was already outside, he greeted you and helped you with yout luggage. He was in a big hoodie and face mask so that people wouldn't recognize him. He gave you a sad smile once you took out everything and the driver left, you smiled back and went in for a hug. "I am so going to scold him after I see that he's all good. How dare he make you worry like that?! You are my best friend since forever, I've known you for way longer than him, and he worrys you like this, I can already see new gray hairs. Don't you worry Channie I will talk some sense to him." You joked to lift the mood as you softly patted his back, Chan let out an airy chuckle, he was smiling but it didn't really reach his eyes.
He led you inside the hotel and meanwhile talked to you about how Innie basically locked himself into the room as soon as they got here. They tried to talk to him but Innie basically shrugged them off, saying he was tired and that he wanted to sleep. They knew he wasn't asleep based on how they could hear him huffing and walking around all worked up. At some point Minho got mad and threatened to knock the door down if he didn't talk to them but even that didn't work. So here they were feeling helpless that they couldn't do anything.
In a minute or two, you were in front of Jeongin's room. Felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin were still in the hallway chatting. All of them came to you and excitedly hugged you when they saw you. Chan quickly shushed them, warning them that it was a surprise. You told all of them how proud of them you were, how you loved the performance and how you basically watched it trillion times. You then gave them the baked goods you had gotten, leaving the tiny box with a little cake to give Innie.
Chan said that he would give you some time, and led the boys into Seungmin's room. His room became today's hangout spot. He also told you to call him or text him if you needed anything, you gave him a reassuring smile, pointing that you've got it, he returned the smile and walked away with boys who gave you thumbs up and encouraging words.
You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. You were met with silence so you tried again. "I told you that I wanted to sleep!" You hear Innie groan out. "It's me Innie." You decided to uncover yourself and waited for a response. After a couple of seconds you softly called out his name again, unsure if he heard you.
You heard soft thuds and in a second you were face to face with your boyfriend who immediately engulfed you in a hug. You quickly leaned into it and wrapped your arms tightly around his waist. Feeling content at finally being next to him. You missed him too much, you felt horrible you couldn't come to him sooner.
You snuggled him more and that's when you felt it. His body was way more warm than usual. To confirm your suspicions you leaned back much to his protest and put your lips on his forehead. You were proven right immediately, he was basically burning up and his skin was damp from sweat. You gently held his face between your hands and carefully examined him. He was clearly pale, he had also lost weight, it was apparent, his cheeks were more sunken, his eyes were bloodshot and he had dark eyebags. His skin was covered in thin layer of sweat yet he still was lightly shivering. The sight broke your heart.
You led him inside his room and carefully closed the door. If he didn't feel ready to see boys yet you were going to respect that. You led him to the bed and sat him down. He was in some sweats and the Hoodie you had gotten him, so you told him to get under the covers while you looked for the first aid kit. You found electronic thermometer and quickly went to him. You were right he had a high fever. You quickly got up to get water and other stuff but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist softly. You obliged and sat next to him on the bed, he was still shivering despite being under cover.
"How are you feeling sunshine, do you want anything?" You asked as softly as you could as you waved your fingers through his hair, he immediately leaned into the touch. He looked really tired.
"I'm glad you're here. I really missed you. By the look on your face I'm guessing you saw the clip." He sighed out after few seconds.
"Yeah... how are you feeling now? Please tell me the truth." You gently took his hand with your other one that wasn't scratching his scalp.
"I don't know tired, I feel like I could sleep for days." He sighed and rubbed his face, his eyes were even more red when he let go. "Are they still outside?" He couldn't even look you in the eyes, you sighed.
"They're in Seungmin's room, they're really worried baby." You spoke with a soft voice, "I think you should talk to them."
"I know." His voice was defeated.
"What's the issue then? Please talk to me I want to help."
"I don't know. I know they're just worried about me, but I feel guilty." He turned to you and held your hand, he almost always did that, especially when he was feeling nervous or stressed. His hand always found yours and held it tightly. Either that or he played with your fingers. "It's just, they already treat me like a baby, I feel like I've given then even more reason to do so because I'm incompetent and can't even take care of myself. I feel like I let them down."
Hearing this broke your heart. "Innie baby, there's no way they're dissapointed with you. They're just really worried about you, Chan looked stressed out of his mind, boys were literally waiting outside your room because they're worried and all they want to know that you're okay. And let me just tell you, they baby you because you're adorable like that. I also have this unsatiable urge sometimes so, so strong to I don't know pamper you and give you everything in the whole wide world. It's because I love you and boys do it too because they love and appreciate you. It really hurts my heart that you're being this hard on yourself." Jeongin looked into your eyes, he looked like he was about to cry.
"Can we cuddle?" How could you say no to him? You immediately got under the covers and straddled him close to your body. He immediately looked more content the second his head laid on your chest. You slid your fingers through his hair again and resumed massaging his scalp.
"Baby, your fever is high, you need to take some medicine. How about we ask the boys to get you some, and while they get it you can eat some cake I bought you and drink water? I don't want you to take meds on empty stomach. How does that sound?"
"I feel guilty asking boys that..." He grumbled and hid his face into your chest you couldn't help but smile at his cute antics.
"Nonsense, I'm telling you they just want to hear how you're doing. Also you have to attend second day of the MAMA awards, you need to be in a good shape, we can't have you go with a fever. We need to take care of that." You waited for a few seconds but the answer didn't come. "How about I text them this, and I will get the meds, and you can talk to them whenever you feel ready? But I think you shouldn't make them wait that long." You tried to reason, you understood that Jeongin felt guilty and had many mixed feelings right now, but you also understood rest of them, they were just worried, it was unfair to them, they didn't do anything wrong.
"I will talk to them." Jeongin sighed, clearly feeling nervous but you reassured him that you were with him. You facetimed Channie who picked after the first ring. Everyone was at Seungmin's room and immediately started bawling at Innie how they missed him and how they were worried. They bombarded him with tons of questions, both reasonable ones and chaotic ones, basically, they were being themselves.
Innie explained to them that he was feeling fine and that he was sorry for making them worry. Boys quickly reassured him that they were good. Chan still seemed to worry as he noticed that Innie still looked really pale even on camera. You explained to him that he had a fever. Boys immediately volunteered to get him some meds, and if there were anything else he wanted. Your boyfriend shyly explained that he was fine.
Chan said that he would be there quickly with meds and other stuff. And he was good on his wordsm. In a few minutes all of them were by your door and gave you a huge packet of medicine and various snacks. They basically tackled Innie into a crushing hug much to his protest, your boyfriend kept whining that he might get them sick, but none of them seem to care. Your boyfriend also seemed rejoiced to have them near, not that he would admit it.
After talking for a while and them acting like a worried mother hens they resolved everything, Innie ate the cake you bought and some other snacks and also drank medicine. He already seemingly looked better. Soon after they all left you to go to sleep. All of them basically warned you one by one to call them if you needed anything. You wished them goodnight and here you were now, cuddled in bed together. Both of you changed into your pyjamas and held each other close, content with being by each others side. Your one hand softly scratched his scalp, while the other stroked his back as he laid on your chest and listened to your heartbeat.
"I'm really glad you're here, I know I don't say it enough but I really love you." You smiled at him and kissed his eyebrow.
"Is this rare soft Innie moment? The fever must've got to you, you're going all soft." Your boyfriend scoffed but didn't really protest much. You placed couple of more kisses on his cheek. "I love you too baby." You leaned in and pecked his lips, his lips immediately chased you. Oh so he was in an affectionate mood. Good for you. You leaned in and started littering his face with kisses. "Have I told you lately how breathtaking you look?" Innie shook his head, he looked at you with unsure eyes. You smiled at him warmly and softly pecked his lips. "I swear only you can manage to look this handsome even while sick. You even look hot all flushed up and pale. Don't take it as an invitation to neglect your health tho. You look most handome and beautiful when you're all healthy and well." You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes which looked at you expectantly, so warm and so full of love. You couldn't help but place another kiss on his slightly chapped but still oh so soft lips. "I feel like I don't say enough, probably because you're sassy enough, but, I want you to know that I think you're the most beautiful person ever." You noticed that Jeongin looked flushed for all new reasons now and it was a green light for you to continue.
"I didn't believe that there could be something ideal, perfect, something that's universally ideal doesn't exist. Perfection is like a scam and doesn't exist. However, at the same time, whenever I look at you I think that this is what perfection looks like. I absolutely adore and love your otherworldly handsome appearance, I love your eyes," you placed soft kisses on his eyelids," I love your nose, "another kiss ok the tip of his nose, "I absolutely adore your pretty lips," you softly kissed him, he was absolutely putty in your hands and looked at you with awestruck gaze, "I love love love your dimples," you made sure to kiss both of them when you saw them appear from his smile, it made you smile in return. "I love your cheeks." You littered kisses on both of them, noticing that Jeongin's hand migrated on your waist and held you tight against him.
"Don't you think they look swollen a little? I feel like I've put on some weight." Jeongin shyly admitted which made you frown.
"Is this why you didn't eat?" The absence of answer confirmed your suspicion. You sighed and held his face gently in you hand, Jeongin looked guilty but he looked at you when you asked him to. "Listen, all I want is for you to feel comfortable. If you feel like you want to lose some weight I will support you, as long as you do it safely and don't starve yourself like you did now. It's your body and whatever you want to do with it is your choice, I will support your any decision as long as it doesn't put you in danger." You bought him closer and kissed his lips then his forehead. "I've never thought your cheeks looked swollen or anything of that kind. You looked healthy and well for me, now it feels like you're skin and bones. You're handsome don't get me wrong, but you look drained. I just want you to prioritise your health okay?" Jeongin nodded, his eyes watered up again, you gently wiped away his tears and kissed his face all over again, smiling when you noticed that the corners of his lips lifted up and you were greeted with your favourite dimples.
"Okay, I love you." Jeongin muttered against your lips before sealing them together. It was your turn to become all putty. You tried to return the kiss with the same passion as your boyfriend put in, you felt like melting, Your limbs felt like jello and your heart was soaring in your ribcage. You felt surrounded by him, all your senses were overflowing. You didn't think that he had remotely any idea about the chokehold he had over you and how bad you were obsessed over him. Honestly it was beyond you how The Yang Jeongin could ever feel insecure. He was image of perfection in your eyes. Sure you had your differences but that was what made you love him even more. You really had to show him how much you really loved him and how perfect he was.
You slid your hand from his neck into his nape and grabbed his hair making him lean back a little. He looked at you in surprise not expecting for you to be this bold.
"Innie baby, do you want me to tell you more about everything I love about you?" He looked at you unsure for a second but quickly nodded his head once it sinked in. You couldn't help but smile, this was going to be a long night. You leaned back in again and sealed your lips again ready to show him all your love.
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upslapmeal · 6 months
Notes from the Taskmaster 16x10 recording
The last two episode recordings I went to, I meant to make comprehensive notes when I got home afterwards that I would be able to look back at and post when the episode aired. I did not, in fact, end up doing that. So this time I was determined to have lots of notes, and made them on the go in the breaks in recording. However. They were made in a rush and I never went back through them to pad them out (you'd really think I would have learned by now). So instead of just having to rely on my memory, I ended up with an almost coded list of words and phrases that it's taken me pretty much 2 weeks to sit down and decipher lol. So with that said:
the pre-episode Greg-Alex entertainment was Greg getting Alex to sing a song about a recent news story to the tune of a song suggested by the audience - in this case it was Trump's lawsuit (the one in May 2023 since there are...a few) to the tune of Wuthering Heights
Alex really went for the whole live thing, and was constantly referring to it throughout the episode
when the contestants came onstage, I obviously first saw Sam in his bright colours and blond hair
we were right on the back balcony and my first impression from that distance was that he kinda looked like Jamie Laing lol
Greg made a passing comment about how he's been dressing in grey but I was completely taken by surprise when the vt rolled and he looked completely different!
I had assumed he'd actually buzzed his hair and didn't realise it was a wig until the ep aired
Sue made comments throughout the episode about how Sam looked like Dahmer
Lucy's prize task story, unsurprisingly, went on for ages and included a whole story about the holiday they went on that I tragically cannot remember
I was so glad they didn't cut 'untaffled' because I looked through my notes before again before watching the episode and couldn't for the life of me remember what she'd said
Greg's said that his immediate response to naked Alex in the prize task was that he was 'smooth like an eel'
After Julian's prize task there was a discussion about how people wanted to be buried, and at one point (I wish I could remember the conversation leading up to this) either Greg or Alex said they would be buried 'together forever in the Victoria monument'
There was a whole long debate about whether Sam intended to use nature as part of his doughnut task, and whether the bird toppling Ms Doughnut to her death should be counted
Greg told Sam to 'convince me to give you 3 points'
Sam went on talking about how amazing nature is and how we're all connected and at one point said 'consider the statistics.....3000' (I'm 99% sure this is what he said and I didn't just forget the rest of the quote)
Julian's exercise name was absolutely not a one-off, to the point they started running a 'cunt count' for the episode
Sue talked about how she had recently had an ADHD diagnosis, and that she kept viewing tasks holistically rather than paying attention to the details. This was specifically in relation to the exercise where she just did the same thing 4 times
I'm not sure if we saw the full extended version of Hotel Taskmaster, but we definitely saw a cut that included more than the aired version (though tbh I think they do that for most tasks and I just noticed this one bc we got the extended version)
We got an 'I put it to you' from Greg that Alex-as-Qrs looked genuinely cool
Lucy described Alex as having 'tight metallic buns' which Greg later referred to as his 'robot arse'
I cannot stress how much of a breakdown Susan had in the studio about the forks and marbles - you get a glimpse in the episode but that was nothing!
Susan also took AGES to do her throw in the live task - she kept on being about to throw before being interrupted, or saying her arms were too short, or that she needed a wee, or having a fit of giggles, and the longer it went the worse it got lol
Greg and Alex also had a go at it, and Sue wanted another go without the pressure. Greg and Sue got the ball in but Alex didn't
Don't ask me to remember the context, but at one point during the record, Greg told a story about someone he knew (whose name he said he would tell the others backstage) who would have sex in a cow mask and would demand 'LOOK AT ME!!!'. Anyway that was referred back to a few times in the ep
When Sam was given the trophy he just stood near-motionless with it for what felt like ages before we got to the hugs and everything
And now we enter the magical world of ~what on earth was this note referring to~ where I just hope someone else who was there (@politicalprocrastinator how's your memory?) sees this and can fill me in on what I've forgotten:
At some point around the prize / first task I wrote 'correct dog guess'. Whose dog? What was being guessed? Absolutely no idea
At some point there was a joke about the 'former Prime Minister', I think the idea being that by the time the episode aired we'd inevitably have a new PM? but I honestly can't remember
Someone called someone else submissive in a way notable enough for me to have written 'submissive' as a one-word bullet point, but not notable enough for me to actually remember
And now three bullet points which I will present in their original form:
Bum hole in back
Get in bath
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy
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(not my gif)
pre-outbreak and happy Joel :)
Summary: It’s nearing Halloween and Y/N invited Joel over to hand out candy and have a few drinks after helping him put out decorations, Sarah was out trick or treating with some of her friends and wouldn’t be home until morning and things end up getting spicy between Joel and Y/N wink wink
Warnings: smut, bottom Y/N , alcohol, dirty talk, biting, multiple orgasms, teasing, praise.
It was the Monday before Halloween, 2002 and Joel was excited to say the least, he loved the holiday and he loved seeing the subdivision full of life. He had got an early start on setting out decorations when he noticed that his neighbor, Y/N, was also starting early.
Y/N was chaotically putting out stringy fake cobweb decorations and it looked like he was struggling quite a bit.
Joel laughed to himself, noticing how Y/N kept getting his fingers caught in the fake webs and started to walk over to ask if he needed help.
“Hey! One second I’m almost…Fuck.” Y/N said before getting the decoration caught up by his shoulder somehow.
“Must’ve caught a thread, here, let me get it.” Joel offered up, reaching up to Y/N’s shoulder to grab the string. He pulled it off of his shoulder and handed it to him.
“Thanks, I can’t believe I’ve lived here for almost three months and never got your name, I’m Y/N.” He reached out his empty hand.
“Joel,” He smiled and went to shake Y/N’s hand, “Hey uh, I’m almost done over at my place if you need a hand.” he offered up.
“Oh, that would be really nice” Y/N smiled back at Joel.
The pair finished right as it was getting dark and after Y/N reached down to plug in the purple and orange lights, the two simply marveled at the decorating job they completed.
“Thanks Joel, I appreciate it.” Y/N rolled up his sleeves and looked over to the man next to him before speaking again.
“Hey, would you like to come have a couple drinks on Halloween and hand out candy? I mean it’s only fair because you helped me do all of this.” He motioned to the decorations.
Joel looked over at Y/N and thought for a second before replying with a simple, “Yeah that’d be nice”.
Flash forward to that Thursday and Y/N was sitting out in his driveway in a lawn chair watching Joel say goodbye to Sarah.
“If you need anything you tell Veronica’s mom to call me alright baby?” He said going to hug his daughter.
“Okay dad, love you!” She said turning to run towards her group of friends huddled on the street.
“Love you too baby! Have fun!” He yelled as she crossed to greet her friends.
Y/N noticed Joel run back inside his house and for a split second thought Joel had forgotten about their plans but then a group of trick or treaters started walking up his driveway and the thought slipped his mind.
Inside, Joel was running around his house finding all of the pieces for his costume, he dressed up every year and since Y/N had just moved in in July, he’d never known about Joel being one of the only adults on the street dressing up. He found all the pieces of the set as quickly as he could and looked in the mirror after he put all of it on. He smiled to himself and grabbed his cell and went outside.
Y/N was still sitting out in the lawn chair set up in his driveway when Joel walked over, “Hey Y/N sorry if I’m late at all, had to change real fast.” He smiled.
Y/N was absolutely awe struck. Joel was dressed up in full cowboy attire, decked out with a bandana around his neck and a leather hat on.
“No it’s all good Joel, there wasn’t any rush or anything. It’s still pretty early.” He said standing up to go grab a second chair so Joel could sit.
Joel found two cans of beer, one unopened and he assumed it was for him, but didn’t want to make himself too much at home and waited to wait til Y/N got back to ask to drink it.
Y/N came back with Joel’s chair in his arms and unfolded it so he could sit down.
“So, I’m guessing you dress up every year?” Y/N asked as he sat.
“No these are my normal clothes, is there something wrong with them?” Joel asked looking down at his clothes, looking up at, Y/N and laughing.
“You look nice Joel.” Y/N smiled.
“Oh, I almost forgot, here’s the drink I promised, we could always go inside and get more later if you want.” Y/N said, grabbing the can next to his own and handing it over to Joel.
“Thanks.” Joel grabbed the beer, opened it, and took a drink.
More kids came and went and then came and went again before Joel’s phone started ringing. He answered and talked for a few minutes before hanging up. Y/N glanced over at him while he was putting his phone back in his pocket, Joel looked over at him and started explaining the call.
“Sarah’s staying at her friends house tonight, so if your offer from earlier is still up we can go on inside.”
Y/N nodded and smiled “Yeah, we can go”
The pair stood up and Y/N got the chairs while Joel got the nearing empty cans and the candy bowl with about a handful left of candy to the front door and they went inside.
Joel was met with a pleasant smell as he walked in, Y/N’s house was beautifully decorated and incredibly clean. Joel thought back when he remembered that he has never seen a kid or another adult come in or enter and it hit him that Y/N lived alone.
“It’s uh, nothing special.” Y/N said noticing Joel looking around like he’s never been in a house before.
“you have a nice house, Y/N.” Joel said following the other man into the kitchen area.
“Are you a whiskey and coke man?” Y/N asked
“Take a look at me.” Joel said sitting down at the bar.
Y/N chuckled and grabbed two whiskey glasses and opening up the fridge to grab a two liter of coke. he brought the glasses and soda to the bar where the bottle of whiskey was sitting.
Joel was still sat in his costume, he took off his hat when he sat down but kept everything else on. Y/N couldn’t help but smile as he poured the drinks, Joel took a notice and smirked at the man in front of him.
Y/N finished pouring and scooted one of the glasses to Joel and watched as he took a swig. He swallowed thickly and felt the burn he’d grown to love go down his throat. He set the glass back on the table and raised both of his eyebrows
“Goes down smooth.” He said as Y/N finally took a drink, who nodded after putting his glass down next to Joel’s.
A few drinks later, almost half of the whiskey bottle was empty and Y/N and Joel were sitting on the couch watching a movie that Joel insisted was ‘the best thing to come out’. The first two buttons on Joel’s shirt had come unbuttoned and the bandana he had around his neck had disappeared. The two men had a very pleasant glow inside of them from the drinks.
Out of seemingly nowhere, Y/N had gotten hungry and remembered that he had bought cereal the day before and got the best idea on the planet.
“I’m gonna get some cereal, you want a bowl?” he got up to go to the kitchen.
“I’m good.” Joel replied from the couch.
Y/N saw out of the corner of his eye that Joel stood up and started walking over to him.
“You need something Joel?”
Joel sat down at the bar again and just watched as Y/N made his cereal.
“You sobering up?” Y/N asked, he was himself so he was curious about Joel’s state.
“Yeah.” he said.
His voice was deep and it sounded like he was tired, Y/N found it incredibly attractive.
Y/N sat his bowl down on the bar in front of Joel.
“Your costume looked really good tonight Joel.” he said not trying to hide that he was eyeing the man across the bar up and down.
Joel was taken aback by the sudden change in Y/N’s demeanor, he went from an awkward dude who kept getting stuck in fake cobwebs, and now he was talking him up.
It wasn’t a bad thing to Joel though.
“I bet you’d like it better if it was off, huh?”
Joel smirked and stood up
Y/N was suddenly speechless.
“Can’t be all quiet now, Y/N.”
Joel walked his way around the bar and stood in front of Y/N, who swallowed just as thick as Joel when he took the first drink of whiskey a few hours prior.
“Saw you eyeing me up all night pretty boy.”
Y/N said nothing again.
It was his turn to be shocked, he had never thought that Joel could get like this, but he could honestly get used to it.
“Joel are you completely sober.” it was less of a question and more like a demand to know.
“Yes Y/N, swear.” Joel replied.
“So you won’t regret kissing me?”
“Will you regret letting me kiss you?”
Y/N shook his head no and Joel leaned in to kiss him. As he deepened the kiss, Joel pushed him back to lean against the counter top. His arm snaked around Y/N’s waist and he took a sharp breath in through his nose.
Y/N was the first to pull away, but he took one look at Joel’s lust filled face and went right back in for another kiss. This one felt different from the other, there was a hunger in it. Both men knew that this wouldn’t be a kiss that lead to nothing.
Joel pulled away first this time.
“You tell me now if you don’t want this to go any further.” He said, he could one hundred percent tell that Y/N wanted to go further but he just wanted to make sure.
“I want to Joel, please.” Y/N whispered.
Joel moved off of Y/N and let him lead the way to the couch.
Y/N sat down and took off his thermal shirt and Joel un-buckled his belt and pulled it off before sitting down next to Y/N.
“How do you want to do this?” Joel asked looking over at Y/N.
“Can I sit on your lap?”
Joel nodded slowly and smirked once again as Y/N threw his legs over his own thighs. Y/N put his hands on Joel’s shoulders and pulled him in for another kiss.
Almost immediately Joel’s tongue prodded ad Y/N’s lips, he turned his head to the side a little bit to get a better angle to be able to let Joel into his mouth.
After the kiss, both were left breathless.
“If you keep smirking like that I’ll explode.” Y/N said as he panted slightly. Joel chuckled in response. He said nothing as he shrugged Y/N’s hands off his shoulders and leaned forward. He put his arms on Y/N’s hips to hold him in place and went straight for his neck. He kissed lightly at the space where Y/N’s shoulder and neck met. Y/N gasped as Joel bit down, it wasn’t hard enough to draw blood, but it was hard enough to make Y/N buck his hips up towards Joel.
Between Joel’s mouth and the friction in Y/N’s jeans, he let out multiple small whines and pleas. Joel pulled off of Y/N and looked at his neck, admiring the red blotches and bite marks on it.
“Joel please do something!” Y/N begged, grinding his hips down onto Joel’s, feeling everything in the process. Joel groaned at the friction that he caused between them.
“Fuck.” is all he said in response.
Joel reached down to un-button Y/N’s jeans as fast as he could. When he got them undone, he pulled the band of his boxers down and let his dick spring free. he spit in his palm and finally gave Y/N what he wanted the most.
Y/N’s head flew back as he let out a groan, his eyes screwed shut and he furrowed his brows.
“Look at me, Y/N.” Joel demanded, stopping his hand right at Y/N’s base.
Y/N pulled his head back up and opened his eyes, “Joel, please. Please don’t stop.” he whined.
“I don’t want you cummin’ yet baby,” Joel took his hand off of Y/N, “I want you comin’ completely undone with me inside you.”
Y/N was speechless for the second time tonight.
Joel leaned in to whisper to him, “Get up and take off your pants.”
“I know you’ve got lube and condoms around here somewhere, go get ‘em.” Joel said.
Y/N nodded and Joel watched him turn away and almost sprint to his room. He got everything and went back into the living room and saw that Joel had rid himself of his tight jeans and was slowly stroking himself with his head leaned back. Y/N tossed the lube and condom onto the couch cushion and finally got a good look at Joel’s dick. He for sure thought he would start drooling if Joel didn’t snap his head up when he heard the items hit the couch.
Y/N got back into Joel’s lap and went in for another kiss, after they pulled apart, Joel grabbed the lube from the cushion beside them and opened it up one handed. He squeezed a little bit onto his fingers and rubbed them against his thumb to warm up the gel. He decided he wanted to start slow and reached around to prod at Y/N’s entrance, maintaining eye contact with Y/N the whole time.
“Joel please stop teasing me.” Y/N’s hands ended up on Joel’s shoulders again and he dug his nails into the skin there.
Joel fit his middle finger next to his index and started scissoring them to stretch Y/N out. He writhed as Joel kept his movements at a steady pace.
“Joel ‘m gonna cum.” Y/N said as white hot pleasure took over his body.
He came with a long stretched out moan and Joel pulled his fingers out.
“D’ya think you could give me one more babe?”
Y/N nodded and looked down to see Joel’s dick leaking pre-cum onto his stomach and reached to wrap his hand around it. and Joel hummed in satisfaction.
“You’re being so good for me.” He said as Y/N picked up his speed.
Y/N stopped his hand and reached over for the condom. He opened it and started to roll it out onto Joel. The condom itself was pre-lubricated and there was still lube on Y/N’s hole so after it was rolled all the way on, Y/N lifted himself to give Joel room to reposition himself.
Joel held his dick in place as Y/N sat himself on it. The both of them groaned as Joel bottomed out.
“You’ve done this before, huh?” Joel asked moving Y/N’s hair off of his sweaty forehead.
“Mhm.” he nodded.
“So ya know how to ride?”
“Yeah.” Y/N breathed out heavily.
He put his hands back on Joel’s shoulders and used his arms to help himself lift halfway off of Joel and pushed himself back down with a whine, he kept us this rhythm for a couple minutes before Joel took his hand down to wrap around Y/N and stroke him in the same rhythm as his bouncing.
Y/N was squeezing around Joel’s cock and his jaw dropped to make an ‘o’ face.
“‘S so good keep goin’ baby” Joel’s hand had moved to Y/N’s waist and his jaw had tightened.
He thought for a second before slamming Y/N down onto himself and fucking up into him.
Y/N let out a stream of curses and Joel’s grip only got harder as he relentlessly slammed into him. Y/N brought a hand to his dick and started stroking with Joel’s thrusts. He let out one final ‘fuck’ as he came into his fist.
Joel didn’t stop though, “I’m almost there baby, c’mon.”
He let out a grunt when Y/N started grinding down on his dick. Small chants of ‘ah’ left his mouth as the man on top of him kept going. As Joels thrusts got sloppier and his grip on Y/N’s waist got tighter, Y/N knew he was close.
Joel came into the condom mere seconds later, “Fuck Y/N.” He panted.
Y/N got up off of Joel with minimal struggle, both of them were sensitive and neither wanted to hurt the other, and Joel pulled off the condom, tying it off and going to the bathroom to throw it away.
“Do you want to stay the night? It would be rude of me to tell you to go home.” Y/N said, grabbing his pants and boxers to throw them in the dirty laundry bin.
“Yeah, if it’s not too much trouble, can I shower though?”
Y/N nodded and brought him to his bedroom to shower in the en suite. He got into his dresser and got out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt for Joel to put on after he got out and laid it on the bathroom counter.
About ten minutes later, Joel left the bathroom in the pajamas Y/N had put out for him and saw that he was already in bed.
Joel got into the bed on the side that Y/N wasn’t on and got under the blanket. Just as he went to close his eyes, he remembered.
I have work tomorrow.
“I’ll call in sick.” he said to himself, seemingly forgetting he wasn’t alone.
“Hm?” Y/N asked, his voice filled with sleep.
“Nothin’,” Joel scooted closer to Y/N and closed his eyes “Goodnight.”
“Night Joel, thank you for staying.”
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joshleyson · 5 months
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December film dump 🎞️
Growing up in Mindanao for almost 2 decades and never actually being able to traverse the picturesque landscapes in the eastern part of the island is something that I know I have to break before the year ends. So I did.
I flew from Manila to Cebu so early in the morning to catch a connecting flight to Siargao by noon. Traveling to Siargao was a lot of firsts for me. Not having to go to every detail but when the plane was about to take off to Siargao, we were all offloaded due to the bad weather on the island. Fortunately, instead of having to fly back to Manila, the airline was kind enough to take me to a nearby hotel in Cebu, all expenses paid including food, transportation, and next-day ticket. It was an unexpected staycation which surprisingly I enjoyed.
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Coming from a very tiring day at work and then going to the airport, I felt like I really needed this quiet time, and I was able to check in to this lavish hotel all by myself while waiting for my flight the next day. Also, I had a great night as well in Cebu catching up with one of my long-time friends and her beaux. I went back to my hotel around 3 in the morning because there’s just so many things to catch up and I really missed my homie so much. Keyword: low-maintenance friendships.
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So the day finally came, and I was able to land safely on the island of Siargao. Right off the bat on my first night, I had a lovely dinner with my travel friends slash buddies at work and we went to a bar, and danced the night away which to me serves as a prelude to the great experience this vibrant community had in stored for me as a Mindanaoan that have never set foot beyond the confines of Zamboanga and western Mindanao.
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We spent our days being on the road which to me was such a release. Being able to smell the fresh ocean breeze while blasting our favorite Y2K songs in the car and relying on Waze or Google Maps for our next destination, to me, makes the trip so much fun because of the spontaneity and unpredictability that it brings. We went island hopping, danced in the boat, swam on open waters, ate our hearts out, moved from one accommodation to another, and I tried surfing for the first time! I never thought I would enjoy the experience because it was raining lightly at that time and the waves were so big it could easily engulf me, but man, best day ever!!!! I fell on the surfing board and slammed my body on the rushing waves several times but being able to stand on the surfboard for the first time was such a liberating experience. A little bit of a stretch, but it was and I will try it again once I go back to Siargao.
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I flew back to Cebu and then to Manila to catch one of my friend’s wedding and luckily I made it with no delay. Looking at the pictures that I got to develop from a Fuji film camera that I brought with me on the island, I am reminded again of the incredible healing power of what it’s like to try new things, be with nature, and just breathe. Knowing that the year is about to end in a couple of weeks, I felt so blessed to have that opportunity to break the complicated rhythm of corporate life and to disconnect for a moment. 
After 3 weeks, I get to fly back to Boracay to celebrate New Year’s Eve. So many epic moments that I am also grateful for which I may save for the future but nevertheless, my last month of 2023 was such a banger and I hope it always feels that way.
By the way, I’m writing all these on my iPhone because I’m too tired to get up and open my MacBook, so I appreciate you for hanging with me this far. So that’s it for 2023!
Simply put, I just want to say Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones, and may 2024 be as effervescent as your hopes and dreams for the future.
(December, 2023)
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(Photos were shot using Fujifilm Simpleace 35 mm camera + iPhone 15 Pro Max)
FOLLOW ME: Instagram/TikTok/Twitter: joshleyson
(Music by Grammy nominee, Victoria Monét. All rights belong to her and her publishers. For personal and non-commercial use only. Stream her great catalogue on Spotify and Apple Music.)
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thatsdemko · 1 year
never too busy for you - k. mbappé
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↳ I do not own this gif. this gif belongs to its rightful owner.
v-day collection
requested: y
pairings: kylian mbappé x reader
warnings: established relationship + some google translate French + semi short + wee bit of fluff
a/n: remember if you want a Valentine’s Day imagine or blurb you need to submit it before February 28th, 2023! ps I don’t like the way this ends 😅
he was a busy man. football was his top priority and his love—even if he swore you ranked above the sport. so when February rolled around and you both sat down to look at your schedules, you already had planned that celebrating Valentine’s Day wasn’t going to be in the books.
it wasn’t anything you were super sad about. having been in a relationship with kylian for two years now, there were certain holidays and birthdays that he had to miss, but he always made it up to you. and it wasn’t like you weren’t spoiled or treated like a princess everyday, so you were fine missing out on one day.
so when Valentine’s Day rolled around you both were too occupied to even have noted the date. work was so consuming, you didn’t notice the few coworkers with flowers and candies from loved ones. and kylian was so consumed in football, he didn’t have time to listen in on the semi-romantic conversations his teammates were having.
when he finally got home from practice one evening, you were dead asleep on the couch when he looked at the calendar noticing Valentine’s Day had passed. it was two days ago.
“oh baise moi.” he looked over at you on the couch and then back at the calendar. his life was so busy and he hated that. he could only think of one thing that could make up for lost time together and for Valentine’s Day. (oh fuck me)
the next morning you woke up to the smell of sweet pancakes. it brought a smile to your face at the gesture, but it also confused you as to why kylian was still home. he was supposed to be training.
getting up you threw the covers off your body, rushing down the stairs to see your boyfriend shoving chocolate chips in his mouth while flipping pancakes. “aren’t you supposed to be working out?” you asked, noting the time on the clock he was supposed to have been long gone hours ago.
he looked over at you with a smile on his face, “not anymore, mon amour. taking a couple of days off to be with you.” he grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him to plant a kiss on your temple.
you pulled away, looking up with furrowed eyebrows, “why? what happened?”
he laughed, shaking his head “why does something always have to be bad? I just want to be with you.” it was a sweet gesture. but you couldn’t imagine him actually being able to spend a couple of days off from football to be with you. you knew by the end of today he would be itching to get back out there.
uneasy, you nodded along going to make yourself a cup of coffee to see he had already done so. it was done just the way you liked it. a little bit of cream and a little bit of sugar. he remembered.
you turned to face him, coffee in hand, “there has to be a reason why you’re taking a couple of days off, kylian. I don’t believe it’s just because.”
he sighed, you weren’t going to drop it until he actually told you the truth. because you both knew those words were only somewhat true. there was always more to it with him. “we didn’t get to spend Valentine’s Day together. so I want to make up for it.”
a smile formed on your lips. you could care less about missing Valentine’s Day, it hadn’t even occurred to you that the date had passed, but you were excited to spend some well rested time together. you felt like you hadn’t see much of kylian last month. “so what do you want to do today?” you asked and for the first time ever he was completely fine having nothing on his schedule or doing anything.
“whatever you want to do, I’m down.”
with nothing but a clear schedule, you went from movie marathons, to baking sweets, make out sessions, and taking naps. everyday off he had consisted of the same thing, a whole lot of nothing. you figured he’d have broke at some point and went for run or use the treadmill, but he stuck to his promise. he did anything you wanted to do and took some well needed time off. needless to say, he needed that time with you more than he thought.
“I think these past couple of days have been the best days with you.”
“same for me, mon amour. happy very late Valentine’s Day.”
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equallyshaw · 6 months
ᴅᴀʏ ꜱɪx: ᴀʟʟ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ ɪꜱ ʏᴏᴜ - ᴄᴏɴɴᴏʀ ʙᴇᴅᴀʀᴅ
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part of holidays with equallyshaw
warnings: none!
word count: 4.5k + 🫣
also for context, she is a year older than him, so shes 19 right now almost 20.
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ᴄᴏɴɴᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴇʟ ʜᴀᴅ been friends since birth, or well they used to be. ironically noel ended up in chicago after growing up in vancouver for 14 years and when connor had gone off to regina. it seemed as though noel had forgotten about connor, he had surmised. and hoped that once he came to chicago - officially - that the two would see one another again.
ofcourse as luck would have it, they would.
"noel!" she heard her name yelled from downstairs. she sighed, putting down her romance novel, and took in the white flurries that had miraculously come just in time for christmas eve, in a day. she stood up, picked up her coffee mug, and headed down the three flights of stairs. when her father moved her and her brother to chicago, they quickly fell in love with the brownstone that just happened to be available as soon as he took the job. especially in the area that they were, and because noel adored the area so much she opted to stay in the city and go to school in the loop. after her freshman year of dorm living, she convinced her best friend abby from highschool to join her in off-campus housing- and now here she was back in her bedroom, for holiday break.
noel had made it down to the landing, right before the foyer and heard her dad talking with somebody, and the two were laughing. her eyebrows crinkled, unsurely. as soon as she hit the top step, connor froze. he swallowed, his gaze shifting from noels father and towards his best friend and the girl that he had loved for some time. she jogged down to the last step, and that's when she recognized him. she tilted her head just a bit, and gave a weary smile. "connor?" he stood silent for a minute before speaking, "hey noel, its good to see you." he said and she nodded softly. "yeah, you too." she hummed, pulling a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "how long has it been?" she questioned, shifting her hold on the mug before her dad swiped it from her. "ill get you some more." he said before leaving the two.
"about 6 years almost." he stated and she nodded, "right." she hummed looking at the historic wood floor. "oh! congrats by the way. my dad was really excited that chicago drafted you. apparently, they needed a good ole canadian to lead the team again." she said grinning, and he nodded smiling. "yeah i was pretty stoked when i remembered that you guys had moved here. my parents had hoped that we'd cross each other's path at some point. they were thankful and relieved to know your parents were here." he exclaimed and she nodded, "they always did say that you were like their second son. which doesn't hurt." she grinned, "do you want something to eat? drink?" she questioned and he shrugged, "did i hear coffee?" he smirked and she nodded, "ofcourse! my dad can never go a day with out." she hummed, pulling him towards the kitchen. "nice house by the way." he said as they went through the dining room and then down two halls. she nodded, "yeah. things changed a lot when my dad got the job. my dad was finally able to give the historic home my mom had always dreamed of." she shrugged, before htye entered the black and white marble floor. "connor!" her mom gushed, putting down her knife and rushing over to see the boy.
"mrs. murphy! how are you?" he questioned as she pulled back a bit to inspect the now 5'11 boy. "good good! how are you?" she questioned, returning to her chopping board. noel took her coffee mug out of the nespresso machine, and placed another one for connor. she took out the medium roast pod from the drawer, before grabbing coffee creamer from the fridge. oh shoot, she thought, she didn't know what he liked in coffee. "hey connor? what do you want for coffee?" she questioned, turning back towards him. "whatever you're doing is fine." he said before her mom pushed connor into the island chair. "sit sit, i want to hear all about your time here so far. tell me about regina too!" her mom said continuing to prepare dinner. noel brought her mug to her lip, not to drink just yet but to hide the small grin that was forming. connor flicked his gaze towards noel for a brief second, before looking at noel's mom. noel turned back towards the coffee machine, putting some creamer in his cup before bringing it over to him. she sat down next to him, and he made a weird face. "this is so you." he said but continued to drink it. "last time i checked, i didn't start drinking coffee until i was 17." she said without really catching her self. connor nodded softly, a wave of uneasiness filled him. "so connor! tell us about your parents!" her mom butt in, and noel silently thanked the universe for it.
a few hours later, with a home-cooked meal and some cookies placed in a tin, noel was walking connor out. "please come back soon! we'd love to have you for dinner again." her mom said hugging the boy tightly. "i can never go without your cooking again! giving my mom a run for her money." he joked, and her parents laughed. she pulled away before he went to hug noel's dad. "ill walk him out." noel announced and then she walked him back through the halls and to the front door. "wheres your brother?" he questioned, "oh! he's uh, he lives in the loop now with his girlfriend." she said shrugging waiting for him to slip his shoes back on. she peered out the window next to the door and smiled, it was still snowing. "well drive safely, its still snowing." she said as he finished. he nodded, "would you, would you like to get coffee with me tomorrow? my parents fly in tonight late, and so they wont be up for a while." he explained. she waited a brief second, before nodding. "id love that connor." she smiled before pulling him in for a hug. a good chill went up connor's spine and butterflies erupted from within noel. she began to pull away, and she could feel his breath at one point. she tried to hide her blushing as they pulled away for good, "how about philz coffee in lincoln park, say 9 ?" he questioned and she nodded. "ill be there." she grinned, before opening the door. she waited a few seconds before shutting the door, once he opened the small courtyard gate and then he was gone.
it was 9 am the next morning, and noel had just sat down at a table with a hot coffee. her leg tapped anxiously, as she waited for him. and even though connor wasn't that guy, she was worried about him bailing on her. because, again- she was the one who stopped talking to him once she moved. her roommate and best friend abby had just woken up when connor walked through the door. abby and noel were on the phone, and abby was harping about something when she noticed connor find her within he coffee shop. he waltzed over to her, and sat down in front of her. she held up a finger, and nodded at whatever abby was saying. "ill be by afterwards and then we can talk about this." noel said before saying bye to her friend. "sorry my best friend was trying to explain what happened last night when she went out." she shrugged, sipping her coffee. "no problem, im gonna go order and ill be back." he said standing up and walking over towards the counter. she sat back, pulling off her long coat and sipped her coffee.
connor heard his name called a few minutes later, and he quickly swiped it from the counter. "so! tell me about your friend." he said, trying to start the 'catching up' conversation. she smiled, "i met her the first day of highschool, and we've been inseparable since. we had joint grad parties, and we roomed our freshman year at depaul, and now were still together down the street actually." she said shrugging, "she's been my best friend through everything. i couldn't have picked a better person to share so many amazing memories with." she added, and connor nodded. "that's nice." he hummed, sipping his iced coffee. "yeah, it made moving here a lot easier." she finished. he nodded, "yeah, it was hard after you left but me leaving at 15 definitely helped." he began, "oh right ! you left for regina." she said before grinning, and then out a soft chuckle. "you're such a child!" he said joining her. "i promise im an adult but everytime, its made me laugh." she hummed, her giggles claiming down. "but anywho, continue!" she squeled, placing her arms on the table. "it was good! met a lot of my close buddies there. was basically homeschooled when my mom was there." he shrugged, "oh right! they do things differently here." she said sipping some coffee. "but that was sweet of her to relocate. im sure melanie likes being back home now." she giggled, and he nodded. "yeah, it definitely helped my parents relationship. oddly enough, they got closer when she came to live with me. and now that they go back and fourth with my sister, its evident." he said sipping his coffee. "how is mads doing?" she questioned, "shes good! started her sophomore year at Calgary in business and is working at lululemon as she takes classes, up at bc." he said and noel smiled, "that was her dream. ubc." she hummed smiling widely. connor took in her wide smile, and in turn smiled.
"god i miss that girl. sister i never had." she hummed, "is she here for christmas?" she questioned and he nodded. "oh that's right! my mom wanted to know what you guys were doing tomorrow." he said.
an hour later, the two walked out the coffee shop doors and they began their descent toward her apartment, that she lived in. they chatted the whole way there, catching up and laughing over some good times. they took the elevator up to the third floor, and quickly made their way over to the door. "abby?" noel called out, opening up the door all the way for him to slip through. "abby?" she called again, slipping her shoes off. "hey! hey?" abby said stepping out to the hallway and didn't realize connor was there. "ouu! you're connor bedard the one she neve-" and noel cut her off, "yes abby, miss chatty cathy." noel joked, as abby grinned. "anywho im abby her best friend and you are connor bedard that everybody in this city knows about but i could really care less." she said before turning back to the kitchen. noel snickered as she rolled her eyes playfully, "that's her." she said as connor said, "that's her." he laughed, as she began to take him on a tour of the apartment. "and here is my room." she said allowing him to walk in first. she leaned against the doorframe, watching him inspect her room. he took in all the photographs she had on the all and the one next to her bed. a picture of them when they were 12, and they had finished up a school project. "you still have this?" he asked, picking up the frame and looking at it closer. she nodded, "yeah that was one i knew i had to take from my parents house, it was too good not to." she mused, taking off her jacket and hanging it up.
she sat down on the bed, and he set the frame down before joining her. she sat there pretzeled styled, "so what trouble did you get into when i left?" she teased.
when connor left to uber back to his fancy apartment building, abby drilled noel with questions. "oh come on you still like him!" abby accused her as noel just blushed. "he was the first guy i really liked, and always believed that if i hadn't moved away we would have ended up together. but he found somebody back in vancouver." noel said tucking her chin on her knee. "wait, but i thought that rumor wasn't true." and noel shrugged, "beats me." she hummed. "but he for sure likes you i know it! i saw the way he looked at you when yall walked in. it was hard not to notice. like you hung the stars and the moond!" abby further explained- the last part sing song, but noel shrugged. "nah. thats just connor. he probably looks at mads and his mom the same way, hell he probably looked at my mom that same way yesterday too. its just how he is." she shrugged but abby wasn't buying it. "whatever you say, but are you guys going to have them come over tomorrow?" she questioned. "i don't know, i sent a text to my parents but haven't heard a thing. but we used to have christmas morning together, we'd pile into one house and open presents, and then have brunch before afternoon mass for us." noel explained, "i always looked forward to christmas eve since the three of us and my brother would have a sleepover at whoevers house it was at that year, it was our tradition. the murphy-bedard christmas story." she smiled, a flurry of memories flooding her mind. "maybe you'll get lucky, and find yourselves under the mistletoe your parents put up." abby grinned, sipping coco. noel rolled her eyes, before standing up. "ill see you tomorrow, im going to chill in my room." she said beginning to walk off, "no phone sex!" abby called and noel groaned playfully.
back at connor's place, he was talking to his sister madi. he was explaining each and every detail of that day, his face lightening up the whole time. madi just sat back and grinned, asking questions here and there. she hadn't seen connor be this giddy in a long while. "did you ever tell her?" madi questioned as connor finished, "tell her what?" he asked as his eyebrows crinkled, while leaning to grab his hot coco. "did you ever tell her about your relentless crush as a kid?" she grinned, before sipping hers. he shook his head, "i don't know what your talking about." he mused and she chuckled. "connor i love you but don't act like a dummy. brendan and i both knew that yall liked one another. so no lying here." she chastised. he sighed, resting the mug on his knee. "she's never once expressed anything, so i never said anything. so why would i say it now?" he questioned, and madi did the same. "maybe then you two would finally get together." melanie stated as she walked into the living room that overlooked the city. "you knew?" he asked, bewildered. melanie laughed, "its a parents job to recognize these things. do you remember how heartbroken you were when she left and what she didn't call or text you she'd made it to chicago? absolutely wrecked." she mused, as madi snickered. "see?" madi said, cocking an eyebrow. connor sighed shaking his head.
"im back!" noel announced walking into the brownstone. "sweetie, good you're here!" her mom said coming out to greet her at the door. ""whos here?" she questioned "im gonna go change and ill be down to have some brunch." noel said and her mom shook her head, taking her coat and bag and placing it near the door. "no need." her mom smiled taking her hand and pulling her into the kitchen and where the breakfast table stood. "noel!" she heard the famous melanie bedard voice call out as soon as she entered, "melanie!" noel smiled widely and melanie walked over. "soo good to see you again missy. we've missed you." she smiled pulling back a bit to place her hands on the side of her head, like she had as a child. "nelly!" madi said from beside her, and melanie let her go. madi and noel hugged each other tightly, truly the sisters they never had. "oh my god i could cry!" noel said giggling and madi joined in. "if you do im gonna and it isn't gonna be pretty." she said as they smiled at one another. "i cant believe you grew!" noel said as they parted, "i cant belive you didn't." madi joked and everybody laughed. noel was the odd one out in the family, barely coming out to 5'4 while her family was 5'10 and above. "hush now. im sure i could still drop kick you and beat you on beam." she said eyeing her, and giving her a playful finger point. "that you could." madi hummed, pointing right back at her. "hi tom!" she said as she finally found the very tall dude, "hi sweetie! so good to see you." he said and she nodded, "you as well. all of you guys!" she smiled looking back towards the rest of the family. connor was missing. "he's with your brother." madi answered her, and noel nodded.
"coffee?" her dad asked and she nodded, taking the expresso. "been saving the last one for you." he smiled placing the mug in her hand, and she grinned. "thankyou." she smiled, sipping her peppermint coffee. "thanks dad." she hummed, placing it on the counter. "ill be right back, i need to go check something." she said to her mom and her mom perked up, "grades?" she questioned and noel nodded. "let us know hun how ya did." her mom smiled, and noel nodded again. noel made her way upstairs to the third floor, and heard laughter coming out of her brothers room. she hurried to her room on the opposite end, and shut her door behind her. she leaned against it trying to collect her thoughts, which ranged from grades, money and ofcourse connor. all the above, as any college student thought.
she sat down at her old desktop her dad had given to her a few years ago for her birthday, saying that the old computer still worked well. she signed in quickly doing the damn double sign in her college did, and she waited for the screen to load. as soon as it loaded, she did a double take before smiling widely. her hard work had paid off, earning herself a 3.7 gpa. she logged off and headed back towards her door and when she opened it, she was surprised to see connor standing their patiently with a hand raised to knock. she swallowed hardly, a blur of anxiety washing over her.
"uh..hi!" she said opening her door like she had at her apartment, and allowed him to walk through. as she was shutting it, she saw her brother do a small salute before he jogged down the stairs.
"whats up connor?" she questioned, as he sat down in the desk chair. he spun around in it, and leaned his forearms on his knees. "everything ok?" she questioned heading over to her closet and slide the door open. "i wanted to talk to you about something, something that I've wanted to speak to you about for years, now." he said nervously, and she looked back at him as she tried to grab a bin from the top shelf of her closet. she growled, turning around and hopping a bit to grab it. with no luck. connor stood up and took a few big steps, reaching her. he grabbed it, and she now only recognized how close she was to the 5'11 hockey player. she swallowed, "thankyou." she said staring directly into his blue eyes. he smiled, "ofcourse." he said not moving an inch. he was too mesmerized by the girl, as cheesy as that sounds. "we shoul-" he cut the girl off by doing the one thing he'd wanted to do for years. it was the same thing she'd wanted to do as well.
he pulled her in closer as his hands found her back, and hers found his neck. she even stood on her tippy toes, to find the back of his head. they pulled away after a few seconds, blushing like fools. they rested their foreheads against one another. their breathing heavy as they looked at one another. "you don't know how long I've waited for that to happen, truly." she hummed smiling. "you don't know how long I've waited you to do that so i could tell you how much i liked you." she added, "liked?" he questioned, and she grinned. "ok i still do, i..honestly never stopped." she said giddily. "I've had a crush on you for so long, i just always told myself you didn't like me back." he said pulling away a bit more. she shook her head, "i never said anything because i always thought you had a thing for shannon." she said giggling a bit. he shook his head, placing a finger underneath her chin. "it was always you noel, always nelly." he smiled, leaning in again to kiss her. she felt heat creep up throughout her body, noel not being able to get enough of the dark blonde boy. connor was absolutely mad about this girl, and kissing her made him go absolutely wild. she pulled away when she felt they were getting carried away, "okay connor as much as i'd like to continue this. we need to go back down there." she said pulling away from him. "but i promise that once i start up school again, and your parents go back north- there will be much more time for this. whatever this may be." she hummed, picking up her phone from the desk. connor nodded, coming up in front of her, and pushing her gently back into the desk. "promise you're not gonna disappear on me again. ghost me?" he mused, cocking an eye brow. he was being semi serious, she could tell. "i promise not too. you're stuck with me boy." she grinned pushing him back and took ahold of his hand, pulling him into the hallway.
it was around 9 pm when the bedard family were leaving for the night. they promised to come for one last dinner before the three of them went back up north, and the murphy family would keep them to that promise. noel had just walked into the kitchen to grab a tin and place some cookies her mom had made the day before. connor came in and stood behind her, placing a soft hand on her back. "coffee tomorrow morning?" he questioned, placing his hand on the counter beside her, and he now hovered behind her. "shore. how about someplace near here? i can pick you up if you'd like." she offered but he shook her head, "ill pick you up, so you don't have to walk any place nor pick me up." he offered and she nodded. "i guess that'll be okay, but i swear to god connor if you try killing us, im never letting you drive in this place again!" she said and connor chuckled. "she isn't joking, she'll hold her promise. or grudge." brendan her older brother said as he walked into the kitchen. connor quickly shifted away from the girl, but brendan only laughed. "didn't we just have the conversation?" brendan teased leaning his arms on the counter, and noel whipped her head towards connor. "what conversation?" she questioned and connor blushed. "me giving him the go on asking you out, once and for all." brendan said shoving a cookie in his mouth. "suttle brendan, suttle." noel said shaking her head with a fake scowl. "just no funny business, or at least don't kiss in front of me. i don't want to see that." he said fake gagging. madi then walked in, "see what?" she asked and connor groaned. "told them i don't want them to kiss in front of us. we already have to deal with their presence, we don't need all that kissing or touchiness." brendan said making madi giggle. "i agree." she said taking a cookie and biting it. "can we like not? but you knew?!" she whipped at madi who nodded. "good lord, seems like we were the only oblivious ones." she hummed, and madi nodded. "we had a running bet on what age you two would realize." madi grinned. "oh fuck off, the both of you." noel said closing the tin full of desserts and held it out for madi. "thankyou, gonna go finish this tonight." she smiled before leaving the kitchen. "text me soon?" he asked connor who nodded. brendan left the room so now it was only the two lovebirds. noel sighed, cleaning up some of the cookies.
"i cant believe that everybody noticed before we did." connor said chuckling. "i know, i fear its gonna haunt us forever." she hummed, and connor looked over at her. watching her sort cookies, for a few seconds. he smiled softly, "you know as a kid, its so dumb, i used to ask santa for you to- y'know, like like me." she gushed, popping an oreo ball in her mouth. "oh really?" he grinned, taking a peanut butter cookie and taking a bite out of it. "uh uh, remember when we heard the song 'all i want for christmas?' she paused waiting for him to nod, and he did. "i always used to say, all i want for christmas is for connor to like me or maybe y'know kiss me." she mused as her nerves flared. "really?" he quizzed and she nodded. "oh most definitely. every year before i moved." she smiled softly.
"come on connor, were leaving!" they heard melanie call out and noel had an idea.
"wait! come here." she whispered, grabbing ahold of his hand and pulling him out of the kitchen and towards the back room that was a small reading area, library and had a fireplace. she stopped in the doorframe and waited for him to realize.
"what?" he questioned, watching as her smile turned into a grin. "use your eyes, bedsy." she hummed, "bedsy? thought you hated that nickname." he mused, and she shook her head. "nah i just hated that i didn't come up with it." she smiled. he smiled back before looking around and then up above them. "oh. i get it now." he said looking down at the girl. "do you now?" she hummed, and he nodded leaning in closer. he placed his hands on her pale cheeks, before kissing her softly.
it was cut short.
"i literally told you not to kiss in front of me." brendan called out before pretending to gag. noel giggled, pushing her forehead into connors chest in embarrassment. "oh my god! ew no!" madi said recognizing where they were at.
"mommmm!" brendan called out and noel only laughed in response, as madi called out for melanie making connor laugh too.
"the murphy-bedard story - continues!" melanie screamed, with her mom adding a cheer with her.
"ready to face our audience?" noel grinned looking up at him, and he nodded. "just one more." he hummed before kissing her once more.
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hope you all enjoyed!!!
tags: @cuttergauthier @toasttt11 @jayda12 @jackhues @dancerbailey
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lavellenchanted · 5 months
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The Courtship of Peggy Carter (fic coming soon)
When Steve returns to the 1940s, he knows he wants to be with Peggy, but he can't help but worry about how the years they have both lived through have changed them - so he proposes that they start dating and get to know each other again. But Peggy has her own ideas about how their courtship will go, and is a woman determined to get what she wants. Namely Steve. In her bed. Sooner than he seems to be planning to get there.
Happy holidays @margarethcarter! I'm your Secret Santa this year - I'm so sorry your gift is so ridiculously late, but this month has just been incredibly full on. I am hoping to get your gift finished and up soon, but I didn't want to end the year without you getting anything.
You said you prefer post-Endgame time period and mentioned Peggy finding out that Steve's acquired some game since she last saw him, which what inspired this fic, so I hope when it's finally finished you will enjoy it, but in the meantime here is a little preview for you!
“And this . . . you being here . . . is it for good? Or do you have to go back?”
Steve held her gaze, serious and steady, the way he always did whenever he wanted her to know that what he was about to say was something he had thought over carefully.
“I’d like it to be. I came back because this place, this time, is where I belong. I wanted to come home, to have the life I never got a chance to have. And I want, very much, for that life to be with you.” 
For a moment Peggy felt as if she had forgotten how to breathe, her chest tight and her heart beating painfully hard against her ribs. She opened her mouth to tell him yes, that she wanted a life with him as well, but before the words could form he had brought a finger to her lips to keep her from speaking.
“But,” he continued softly, a tenderness in his expression that made her glow with warmth, “I don’t think that’s a decision either of us should be making right now.”
A faint frown creased Peggy’s forehead. “Why not?”
“Because of how good this feels.”
She couldn’t help quirking an eyebrow, one corner of her mouth curling upwards. “That’s a bad thing, is it?”
Steve chuckled. “No. I just mean . . . I’ve dreamed about being here with you for so long, it would be easy to rush into this. To forget that . . . a lot of time has passed, for both of us. And that we’re probably both different people than we were when I went into the ice.”
Peggy let out a slow breath. Part of her - the part that for the last four years had been filled with grief, sorrow and longing whenever she thought of Steve - was afraid, terrified that this moment of joy in finding him again was going to be cut short, and leave her with nothing but echoing silence of his absence once more. She wanted to cling on to him as tightly as she could, to hold him to her so she didn’t have to face the pain of losing him again.
Another, regrettably more sensible part of her, recognised that what he was saying was true. The four years she had spent being overlooked at the SSR had left their mark as surely as the war had, and now she was reinventing herself again as the Director of SHIELD. She felt very far from the young agent that had worked on Project Rebirth. 
And Steve . . . right now she could only guess at the sort of things Steve had lived through, the reasons for the weariness that lurked at the back of his eyes, the sadness  that seemed etched into his face, mingling with his joy when he had asked her if he could finally claim his dance.
��So what are you suggesting?” she asked, forcing a calmness she didn’t entirely feel. 
But to her surprise - and a little to her relief - Steve smiled.
“I’m suggesting that we date. Like we would have - should have - if things had gone the way we planned. Get to know each other as we are now. And if after we’ve dated for a while, we’re both sure this is still something we want . . .  well, then we can talk about what’s next.” 
Peggy almost wanted to laugh. “Are you telling me you travelled back nearly a century in time just to ask me on a date?”
His smile widened to a grin. “To start with, anyway.”
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alwritey-aphrodite · 5 months
2023 Holiday Blurbs
Every year, you and Jamie both come up with a maximum amount of presents to get each other, and every year, neither of you follow those guidelines. You just can’t help yourself, always feeling a need to spoil Jamie and physically unable to resist buying something you know he’ll love. Jamie’s the same exact way, and you’re not sure why you both pretend to agree not to spoil each other when you always turn around and do the opposite, but it’s practically a tradition at this point.
To no one’s surprise, the space around the tree is absolutely covered in presents come Christmas morning, and you can’t help but to laugh at the slightly ridiculous sight.
“Definitely went a little overboard,” Jamie says from the foot of the stairs, looking just a little bit sheepish.
“We’ll have to tone it down for next year,” you respond with a grin, knowing that if anything, you’ll only go even more overboard next year.
Despite the urge to rush to the tree and tear into the wrapping, you and Jamie head first to the kitchen, making coffee even though you’re both already close to bouncing off the walls with excitement. Every year, it gets harder and harder not to fall asleep halfway through dinner, so even though you’re energized now, the coffee is an essential part of the morning.
“Mum and Simon are on their way over, but I already warned them that you’re impatient and can’t wait to open your gifts,” Jamie says as you make your way back to the tree, coffee mugs in hand, as if he isn’t the one who’d sit and stare at the unopened gifts like a desperate child. Either way, it’s nice to get a moment with just the two of you in between all the holiday chaos, a moment to share your love with each other through your inability to not spoil each other.
The two of you take your seats in front of the tree, looking like eager children instead of respectable adults, but there’s no one to tell you no. You take turns handing each other gifts, getting to decide which one they open and when. It’s amazing to see just how much Jamie pays attention, how he can remember even the little things you point out or mention, with silly little gifts you’d said you liked months ago or a book you’ve wanted to read for forever but haven’t been able to find.
Jamie, the man who could buy whatever he wants whenever he wants, is surprisingly easy to shop for, even when you know he’d love anything you give him for the simple fact that it’s from you. Every time he opens a gift, he reacts like it’s the best thing he’s ever gotten, and you really do believe him, believe that he’s just over the moon that you think of him and know him well enough to buy something for him.
When you reach the end of the pile of gifts, and you both have one gift left, you decide to open them together, too overjoyed to notice how similar the packages look. Opening yours, there’s a simple chain with a letter j charm, and before you can really admire it, you’re bursting with laughter because you’d gotten Jamie that same exact thing. Once he holds up the chain with your first initial, he joins in with your laughter, the two of you barely settling enough to help each other with the clasps.
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Broken Hearts
Characters: George Weasley x reader
Summary: George Weasley has been in love with you for four years, not that he could tell you that because he is fairly sure you’re in love with Charlie. Sometimes the world forces truths to be told for fear of losing them forever, and some truths should have been spoken sooner.
Word Count: 2333 words
A/N: The wonderful @imaginemyfavoritefics was one of my reblog draw winners and as their prize requested some fluffy George Weasley, so here you are. I am so sorry it has taken me so long, but I hope you enjoy.
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At the tender age of sixteen, George Weasley fell in love. Totally, completely, heart and soul in love. Not that he knew what this feeling was when it first hit him, no, that would take him a while to figure out, although he was never certain that what he felt that first time he saw you was love, because surely love is deep and that needs more than simply seeing you, right? Although, and this theory came much later from his little sister, maybe kindred spirits recognize each other immediately and that is where the deeper connection lay.
It was a bright day despite the slight chill in the air, the beginning of the Easter holidays looked promising with talk of a little quidditch as those gathered at The Burrow chatted over breakfast. The sound of the front door opening and a familiar voice calling ‘hello’, had Molly jumping to her feet, hands clapping as she rushed to greet her second eldest.
“Charlie! I wasn’t expecting you until- oh my goodness! Hello dear, it is so lovely to finally meet you!”
His mother’s words piqued George’s interest and he exchanged a look with Fred before they both snuck to take a look. That’s when it happened, when George’s life went from a world before seeing you to a world in which he was painfully aware of your existence.
As you pulled back from his mother’s tight hug, a shaft of sunlight from the window fell upon your hair, creating a halo effect. He could have sworn his heart stopped entirely for a moment when you smiled, your face lighting up with such joy that he felt a pang of jealousy at not being the reason for it. George wanted you to smile at him like that, though he had no idea why, and then his mother had turned, guiding you towards the kitchen, towards him.
“Fred, George, why are you two always under my feet?” Molly asked in exasperation, causing you to giggle. Your eyes met George’s and he felt his cheeks heat in the warmth of your attention. He was so flustered that he didn’t even manage to say hello before you were ushered past him and seated at the kitchen table.
“Hope you two have been keeping out of trouble.” Charlie grinned at his younger brothers, and suddenly George realised something bloody obvious; you were here with Charlie.
Over the next few years, you were a frequent visitor to The Burrow, Charlie’s plus one to many events, although it was never entirely clear to people what that really meant. You had an apprenticeship working closely with the older Weasley, a great honor most people would kill for, and the two of you were clearly close. Molly already had the pair of you married off in her head, although Arthur felt the relationship was more like siblings, no romance.
George found himself looking forward to the holidays more and more, each one giving him the chance to spend some time with you. When you had given him your address and told him to write, he could have burst with excitement. Of course, you then extended the same offer to Fred which took the shine off it a little, but you had given it him first, and that was what he clung to.
It was a cold November evening at the end of Half Term that George’s fragile hopes were well and truly crushed. He had found himself sitting with you on a blanket as you watched the firework display, he and Fred had put together. A certain amount of fire whiskey had been consumed, which is possibly why he was able to speak in full sentences despite your arm touching his.
“You Weasley boys are so clever.” You hummed, eyes watching the bursts of colour in the sky above.
“Maybe you should tell some of my professors that.” He joked, stealing a glance at you as he preened at your compliment.
“Ah, don’t pay any attention to them. You and Fred will be just fine out in the big bad world. So, Fred and Angelina? He seems to be very happy, but what about you? When are we gonna hear about you asking someone out?”
George froze up a little at that. How could he possibly say that there was only one person he wanted in that way, and that you were that person, but he didn’t have to say anything as you continued on.
“You know, you shouldn’t wait for too long. That’s how you get stuck in this weird limbo where you end up with the object of your affection calling you ‘mate’ and not seeing you as a romantic option in the slightest.” Your eyes had now fallen on Charlie who was laughing and joking with Bill. As if sensing your gaze, he looked over and waved.
“Get over here, mate! You’ve gotta hear this!” Charlie called and you nodded, slowly getting to your feet and giving George a soft, sad smile.
“Whoever they are, they will be damned lucky to have you, just remember that.”
As he watched you walk over to Charlie, watched his big brother lazily wrap an arm around your shoulder and pull you against his side, George felt his heart completely shatter. Here he was pining for someone who was clearly in love with his big brother, life just was not fair.
Tugging at the bandage around his head once more, George put on a brave smile to hide just how self-conscious he felt. He busied himself with helping put up the marquee, following orders issued by his mother, avoiding actually socializing with people. He was happy for Bill, and they definitely needed a party to focus on in these dark times, but he wasn’t ready for the sympathetic looks he would be getting all day, especially not from you.
“There you are Georgie-boy.” Charlie grinned as he wandered over and patted his brother on the shoulder. “Mum told me to come give you a hand with glasses or something. Not sure what that woman is thinking giving you and me this job, may as well ask Ron while she’s at it.”
“Yeah.” George smiled, not that it quite reached his eyes. “We’d best not break too many of them.”
“You know who would be great at this?”
“Charlie Weasley, I can’t believe you have been volunteering my services!” Your voice cut through the air, the underlying amusement in your tone not lost on your best friend. As you came into sight, George felt his heart pick up speed, his tongue seeming to expand in his mouth while also drying out. You looked gorgeous, and he didn’t have the words to do you justice.
“I was just talking about you, mate! Come on, give us a hand.”
“Or maybe you could show me and George how it’s done, since you are ‘so good’ at all this.” You teased, moving to stand in front of George. Your hands came up and he swallowed thickly as your fingers adjusted his tie. “There you go. So handsome. Hey, Charlie, why can’t you look as good in a suit as you little brother?” You smirked, barely dodging Charlie’s attempt to swat your arm.
“I knew I should have brought Madeline to this.”
“You do realise I would have been attending this wedding anyway, right? Your mum would have sent me my own invite, or I could have been George’s plus one.”
“So, I’m basically saving my little brother from having to spend the entire day with you, I deserve something for that sacrifice.”
“I’ll make you a badge or something.”
“Who’s Madeline?” George finally managed to speak, he got out two whole words without his voice cracking.
“Oh, she’s the unfortunate soul who has agreed to date your brother. I mean, someone had to take that bullet.” You shrugged, a teasing smile on your face and not a hint of sadness or jealousy.
“Right, that’s it, no more plus one’s for you.” Charlie playfully scowled, heading into the tent to get to the actual task of sorting out the glass wear.
“I’ll just be George’s plus one then,” you called after him as you headed inside too, “at least until he gets himself fixed up, then I’ll just get your mum to adopt me.”
Shoving his hands in his pockets, George trailed after you, smiling to himself at the thought of you being his plus one indefinitely.
The world had got so dark, everything felt heavy, and any joy had been sucked from life. George stood in the kitchen of the safehouse, staring into his mug, trying not to think about what the morning would bring. Hogwarts had always been a safe place for him, for so many people, and knowing they were on the precipice of the most important battle was terrifying. Not that he could admit that, he had to be brave, right? He couldn’t show weakness.
“Sorry we’re late.” He heard Charlie’s voice and his head shot up, even as Bill was quietly reassuring him that it was okay, he was here now.
“I’ll go put the kettle on, can’t see anyone getting much sleep tonight.” You said before walking into the kitchen, a warm smile lighting up your face as you saw George. “Hey there, handsome. You want a brew or you good?”
“I could do with a top up, this one’s a bit cold.” He admitted, feeling guilty at how happy your presence made him. He should have been praying you weren’t coming, that you wouldn’t be put in danger, but right now he realised he needed to see you, needed a reminder of what it was they were all fighting for.
“How you holding up?” You asked softly, not intending for your conversation to be overheard.
“I’m okay.”
“Liar.” You smirked, and George found himself chuckling.
“I’m shitting myself. You?”
“Yeah, pretty much trying not to think about it because I think it scares the crap outta me. We’ll be okay though. We’ve got each others backs, and we can do this.” Your hand ran over his bicep, and he felt his breath stutter.
“You’re bloody brilliant, you know that.”
“Well, my tea making skills are legendary.” You joked.
“No. I mean it. I need you to know that I think you’re amazing. You’re so smart and brave and funny and gorgeous. You make everything feel better, just by being there. I should have told you years ago, should have been telling you every time I saw you, but there’s a very real possibility that I’m not gonna get the chance after tomorrow, so, I need you to know.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but Charlie and Bill bustled into the room and whatever your response would have been was lost in the chatter. More and more people crowded into the kitchen and even though George never had a chance to steal a moment away with you, he was happy knowing he had finally told you how he felt.
Dust from all the rubble hung in the air, making it thick and clawing with each breath. George had made his way to the Great Hall, relieved to see so many of his friends and family still standing. He pulled Fred into a hug, silently thanking every god he could think of that they had made it through. His relief was short lived though as his eyes scanned the assembled crowd and he failed to find you.
Breaking away from his brother, he frantically began searching, not wanting to look at the fallen, laid out on one side of the hall, he did not want to see you in that number. Charlie stumbled into the room, a lazy half smile on his lips as he wiped away some blood from his face. Once his mother had finally released him from her embrace, George had asked where you were, and Charlie had to admit he didn’t know, he’d lost track of you somewhere near the astronomy tower.
George’s heart was beating so loud that it was all he could hear, throbbing in his ear as he tried his best to keep calm. His hands shook as a myriad of emotions crossed his face, he was about to enlist Fred’s help to go search for you when he saw Charlie’s face light up. Turning to follow his brothers gaze, he saw you helping some Hogwarts pupils into the room, clearly in need of a little medical attention.
You looked up and smiled as soon as you saw Charlie, your eyes then searching for his little brother. Once your eyes locked with George’s, you began to walk towards him, your steps getting quicker until they were a full on run. Heading straight past Charlie, you threw your arms around George and held him so tight he thought he might pass out.
“Hey, love, you’re gonna have to let go a little so I can breathe.” He joked softly, smiling as you pulled back a little and looked up at him.
“It’s not my fault, I love you. You are the one who started it.”
George felt his knees give way. Had you just said that you love him? His hands came up to cup your face, his eyes searching yours for any indication that he had misheard. When he found none, he closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you like his life depended on it.
“Finally!” Fred declared, “All it took was a war and possible imminent death.”
“He got there eventually.” Charlie smirked, placing his arm around Fred’s shoulder and pulling him away.
“Four years! I’ve had four years of him going on and on and on…”
Fred’s grumblings went on unheeded by the two of you. George was just so happy that his broken heart was now whole, and he had every intention on making sure you would be his plus one for the rest of his life.
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