#I am traveling a lot lately so me getting to go to my library is often rare now
starrynight0612 · 2 years
I love Libby. I've managed to read so much this year checking out e-books from my library. But there are moments that I miss that I can't replicate virtually.
The casual browsing of the shelves. The spot in the library that I claimed for my own by the window with a charging port nearby. The random wonder when I find a book misplaced on a shelf and question if someone's trying to hide it or if it's been shelved incorrectly. Browsing through the book to see how small the font is. Looking through the art in a children's book for the fun of it. Trying to find spots on the shelves to stack the books I'm going to check out. The smell of a book that no one's touched in decades. The timid smile when you make eye contact with someone in the same section as you. The sore knees from inspecting each book on the lowest shelf one by one. Reading through multiple zines or other stuff you're not in the mood to take to your home but still want to read. Finding the quietest part of the library. The wave of nostalgia that hits you as you see someone pick up a book that you've read and wish you could read for the first time again. But there's no jealousy in your thoughts, just well wishes and hopes that the book means as much to them as it did to you. Finding little notes in books that the previous reader left behind or their bookmarks. The smile of librarians who work so hard and don't let on that they're nervous about funding. The special selections where librarians show you a little of them and you make sure to check out because librarians have good taste. I miss the library.
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annab-nana · 5 months
Hi Anna, I hope I am not too late to request “I wish we could live together already.” prompt with Tom Holland ;)
omg yes, here you go angel :)
warnings: not proofread, use of pet names (darling)
❀ masterlist ❀
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"thank you for coming," tom whispered into the darkness that surrounded you two. "you have no idea how much i was missing you. sam thought i might go crazy when he came a couple of weeks ago."
your smile widened against the fabric of his shirt as you snuggled further into his chest.
"honestly, so was i, but it's only three more weeks after i leave, right?"
"supposed to be, yeah." the way he said that made you think it could possibly be a bit longer so you didn't press the subject.
being in his arms made you realize just how much you'd longed to be there since he left for filming. he started nearly five months ago. he visited you after the first month when his schedule cleared a little bit. you'd planned to come to him a few weeks after his visit, but the week leading up to it, two people in your department at work quit with no warning, leaving you with all the work to do by yourself.
you were devastated that you couldn't see tom, but he assured you that it was alright. he was too busy with filming anyway, so there wouldn't have been a lot of time spent together. you got a good pay raise out of it so that was a plus. it took them a while to find replacements and when they did, you had to do a lot to help train them, but now, you could finally take a bit of a break.
you squeezed your arms tighter around him and tried to be even closer to him though it was almost impossible. "i missed you so much. i wish i could be with you all the time."
tom smiled and pressed a kiss to your head. "me too, darling."
after a good bout of silence of just you and tom lying together in his bed, tom muttered the words, "i wish we could live together already."
he thought you were already asleep, if not close to it, so when you lifted your head to look at him, you heard his small but quick intake of breath.
"why can't we?" you suggested.
"i-" he paused to ponder it. "i don't know. i just figured with me traveling so much, it wouldn't make a lot of sense and you already live so close to your job. it's logical you'd want to stay there and i don't want to pull you from there, but i want to stay living near my family and-"
"tom?" you called, pausing his speech so you could speak. "yes, you travel a lot, but after each trip, you'd be coming home to me. yeah, my job is close to where i work, but i don't mind a longer commute or even looking for another job if that means i get to live with you. and i love your family, so being close to them would be good for me too. tom, i love you and you are my home, so if you're serious about living together, then i am too."
though it was difficult to see in the dark, his smile was always hard to miss. "have i mentioned how much i love you?"
you giggled before pressing your lips to his in a quick peck. "you may have mentioned it once or twice."
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tuesday again 2/13/2024
writing cover letters like "Market Research Firm 953989464860, will YOU be my Valentine?"
also, a fallout 4 femslash fic for femslash feb
Fresh Blood by the Eels off their 2009 album Hombre Loco. i would say this is another "i think a vampire probably wrote this low, grooving track" but there are several howls featured. wikipedia says it is about a werewolf. this song sounds like it has a simple bassline and simple drums but it knows what it's about. it's probably secretly really complicated but i specced in knowing about fabric, not about music.
it makes me want to ice skate really fast and also sounds like watching broken highway lane dividers go by late at night. fascinating that the back half of the four-plus minute song is fully instrumental. definitely a song for when you are traveling, or perhaps proceeding. spotify
Sun down on the sorry day By nightlights the children pray I know you're probably gettin' ready for bed Beautiful woman get out of my head I'm so tired of the same old crud Sweet baby I need fresh blood
i've been mainlining The Black Keys' album Brothers so it makes sense this popped up on my Discover Weekly spotify playlist
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in 2015, the year i dropped out of college, the closest comic/weird nerd shit store was a forty minute drive from my house. i bought the first issue of the serialized anthology comics magazine The Island bc i liked the Moebius-esque cover by Brandon Graham, before i knew who either of those artists were or that i liked them. i think it was ten bucks, and having to show my drivers' license really sticks in my brain for some reason. the point i am slowly approaching is that the magazine only ran for fifteen issues, and i didn't buy any other copies bc ten bucks a month was too dear for me, but it was a tremendous incubator for artists i would end up loving. about half the time i stumble across a lovely self-contained book that knocks my socks off i find out it started life in The Island.
All his life, Hank Cho wanted to join the ranks of the Habsec—the rulers of the orbital habitat his people call home. But when he finds a powerful, forbidden weapon from the deep past, a single moment of violence sets his life—and the brutal society of the habitat—into upheaval. Hunted by the cannibalistic Habsec and sheltered by former enemies, Cho finds himself caught within a civil war that threatens to destroy his world. A new barbarian sci-fi adventure by SIMON ROY (PROPHET, JAN'S ATOMIC HEART, Tiger Lung), originally serialized in ISLAND MAGAZINE.
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Simon Roy's Habitat asks: do you want to hear a story about a generation ship gone wrong? this is a guy who really knows how to draw mechs and all their fiddly bits and loves doing it, which is a really transferrable skill to lovingly detailing the crumbling brutalist neo-mesoamerican architecture. the Habsec cannibals and their bits and pieces of scavenged armor blend in so well, it's genuinely shocking when we see someone in full, kept up, incredibly colorful armor. gorgeous, gorgeous book. love a fucked up generation ship.
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found while perusing the stacks of the library that was closest to a bunch of other admin errands i was running, bc i finally have a tx drivers license and can start collecting tx library cards
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im also asking myself why the hell i'm watching yellowstone with my bestie and her husband. it has every trigger warning and a lot of them would make me decline the experience had i looked them up beforehand. however, the inevitablilty of each little tragedy feeding into the circular threshing maw that is the Dutton family is really clicking for me. like well! that mom sure did die in the most traumatizing way possible! and wow that really does go a long way toward explaining why the daughter is self-medicating to an alarming degree AND why no one else is doing anything about it bc they're all still mad at her for being very tangential to her mom's death!
the amount of Stuff that happens per episode is truly astonishing. one of my favorite parts of the ttrpg Beamsaber is the downtime between missions, bc you get to have some really bonkers interactions with people who don't usually interact. despite its huge cast, Yellowstone doesn't yet feel incoherent or like it's jumped the shark in its first season bc it's really successful at getting its huge cast to have unexpected interactions with each other. this sounds a little bit like praising it for knowing how to be good television, but this is a neowestern about a land grab that's also a familial dynasty drama that's really leaning into the familial dynasty part of it. it would be very easy for this to become incoherent or bad at switching between storylines, but so far it's really good at it. it's not beamsaber or black sails bc nothing will ever be beamsaber or black sails but it's really scratching that itch of many small rapidly shifting factions and rapidly shifting political goals bc each child is their own horrible little faction and they have a lot of time where they're trapped in cars or helicopters together getting around their ranch, which is simply too large.
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we're trying to watch the yellowstone franchise in release order, and the yellowstone prequel with tim mcgraw came out between the first and second seasons. we will not be continuing this. this is a bog standard wagon train western. cripplingly boring after the brazen insanity of the first season. also i think it is in poor taste at best and irresponsible at worst to show a suicide on screen.
i said i don't know why i'm watching this but i do know why i'm watching yellowstone, and that's bc my bestie keeps seeing tiktoks about it. sometimes im influenced in real life
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changed my sheets this week and didn't chortle at the TOP OR BOTTOM tag which is how i know im having. a brain time. another way you can tell im having a brain time are these screenshots of the Breath of the Wild map. as you may or may not remember from last week, last week i had very little of the map filled out.
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now is this EXPLORED? good heavens no. i have under 40 shrines DISCOVERED. i have simply beelined to each tower and went VERY fast. or was very sneaky. the three towers i have not bothered to climb yet are the ones i would have to actually fight some guys about. fuck the akkala tower for real.
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i love to accidentally get way too close to dragons and die. some fun things about this run: incredibly, exceptionally rainy. except for the stint in the literal desert and the five minutes in the snowfield it has been raining about 70% of the time, which has made climbing very annoying. another fun thing about this run: exceptionally low ancient shaft drop rate, which makes getting ancient arrows to safely kill guardians from afar very difficult. bc as discussed above i have optimized this little blond boy to be very fast and very sneaky to get up the towers very quickly in the two minute spans of time it is not raining.
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another fun thing about this run: not very good at successfully spitting out riders next to horses. you can only see the tip of spinch's hat bc he is underground.
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i have unlocked the elephant and the falcon, i haven't gotten much farther than finding painkillers for the goron boss and stalled out at the yiga clan stealth mission. bc despite liking being a sneaky fast sniper out in the world, i fucking hate an enforced stealth mission. i don't think i ever got past this part in my other run either.
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not jacked enough to unlock the master sword, i think you need twelve hearts? i would rather have more stamina so i can get faster horses + the princess's horse.
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after i unlocked a bunch of towers i spent a goofy amount of time in the Lake Floria system herself hunting for treasure chests (there are easily fifty chests in the water. wild) to get the 10k rupees to unlock the last great fairy. i also spent several real-life hours video game mining video game ore. this was deeply annoying bc i sold off all my gems to get 10k rupees and then had nothing to get those sweet sweet high level upgrades with. this was the point on sunday night where i realized i was getting irrationally annoyed with a game that is supposed to be fun, and is NOT meant to support the kind of grinding i was doing. that was enough video game for one day thank you.
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did you know there's a korok in the shrine of resurrection? me either.
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also did you know magnesis ACTIVATES on the windmills in Hebra but i can't figure out how to get close enough to any of them to do anything about it. annoying.
this has got to be so funny from ganons point of view. i unlocked the elephant and the falcon in under a week of in-game time and then spent several in-game months mining and collecting clothes. would that make ganon more or less anxious d'you think
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cross stitch update. this confetti in the rover square. i am dying. here’s what it will look like finished, and a link to buy the pattern
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i had such high hopes for pin stitches as a thread finishing method but i had to rip out a mistake near a pin stitch and accidentally ripped out the entire pin and single confetti cross stitch. so what the fuck. i am an insane woman who likes to fully submerge and lightly hand wash projects before they get framed to remove all the oils (yes i wash my hands before stitching, i do get paranoid) and i am not confident pin stitches will hold up to that. oh well. the loop method is pretty great in halving the number of ends i have to weave in, even though i feel like it is extremely wasteful and leaves me with lots of short useless lengths my cats would love to eat. so the gains from halving thread management are really not offset by the meticulous cat management i must embark upon every time i do my fun relaxing hobby.
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and the back, which is a horror. and will only become more of a horror. but once this is framed no one will actually see it so it's FINE. i am FINE with this. i started this knowing there was going to be lots of confetti. that's the point of this masochistic pattern
i wrote the first chapter of this fic last summer and outlined the emotional beats (but not much else) while procrastinating moving and have finally lightly polished the first chapter and threw it on the archive. im trying to let things molder less and just fucking post them in the hopes this activates the writing part of my brain again but who could say what's going on up there. this is still something that hasn't quite returned to me post-covid round 2
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this will eventually be an E-rated 5+1 fic fixing all the fucking bullshit around Cait Fallout4's companion quest. she will NOT go in the magic chair that tortures her into not being a junkie and being the perfect waifu. she is going to stumble backwards and accidentally into some harm reduction and get railed by a mean top. the mean top and the harm reduction won't fix her but they certainly won't hurt.
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unrequitedloveletter · 7 months
Heartbeat- K.B x gn! Heartrender! reader
all right! Last day of this event and the goal with this one was to make myself cry. I'll be rereading and editing it the day it comes out, too, so this fic is for anyone who needs a good cry and doesn't mind crying on Halloween.
Fic type- this is angst.
Warnings- a lot of mentions of matthias' death, mentions of blood, drowning, stabbing
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The final day of October in Ketterdam was shaping up to be at a minimum, decent. The pumpkin-flavoured drinks still dominated the bars and would hold their rightful place until around the 15th of the next month, at which point the winter season would take full hold five-ish weeks in advance and you would not be able to escape the sight of sugar cookies and various ceramic ornaments or the smell of fresh pine, eucalyptus, gingerbread and cinnamon.
You were working behind the bar, making yourself a shift drink--a pumpkin spice martini because you, too, were a fiend for the fall drinks and your shift was nearly done with anyway--when Kaz approached.
"Drinking during a shift, are you?" He asked, sitting down at one of the barstools. You'd been working more and more shifts at the bar lately, one near the University of Ketterdam. You were a part-timer with the Dregs, one who Kaz considered apart of his inner circle, and when you weren't in the Slat or at the bar, you were at uni, studying to get a degree in library science.
"Drinking at the end of it," you said. "Two minutes to go. You'll probably have me at the end of my shift when this conversation is done. What do you want?"
Kaz grinned, and you took a sip of your martini before setting it on the counter, grabbing a glass and pouring rum into it. You slid it across the counter, and Kaz took it with one gloved hand.
"Heist," he said. "Tonight. Can you manage?"
"Where?" You asked. "How many days of my study fortnight are you asking me to miss?"
Kaz grinned. "A fortnight is fourteen days," he said. "Five days on the boat, five days back the way we came. We're due for a heist in the Wandering Isle, but thanks to the heist we pulled for the Ravkan royalty over the summer, Nikolai added one of his speed boats to the limited sum they were able to offer. The likes of the Wandering Isle would take three weeks, normally, so thank your saints for Ravka, your royals, and their limited available funds."
"Just because I am Ravkan does not mean I like the royals, nor that I claim them in any respect," you said. "Zoya Nazyalensky is quite admirable indeed, but the Lantsovs have run the country into the ground since the first in their line sat his pathetic ass on the throne. I have no respect for the Lantsov line, even as handsome as Nikolai turned out in spite of the previous men of his lineage."
Kaz took a sip of his rum. "Ten days of travelling in total," he said. "Two days in the Wandering Isle to get the jewelry we need. You can study for your finals on the boat, if you need to, and then you can study for the remaining two days before your break ends and we're home. Are you in?"
You scoffed. "I joined the Dregs when we were sixteen. I've been in on every major job we've done since--unless this isn't major?"
"Sixty million kruge."
"Level of risk?"
"Trapdoors in the tiles on the floor that take you to a windowless and relatively inescapable lower level, a security system that defaults to flooding the building and leaving no survivors. Without Jesper, the windows would be lined with unrelenting Grisha steel and glass, so they would be unbreakable and effectively leave us to drown."
"And with him?"
"He can manipulate it enough so that it can be broken, and he's agreed to," Kaz said. "The risk amounts to the reward, I think."
"Last time we got money in the high end of the millions, we lost someone," you said. "I love the heists, and I love you enough to consider it, but the risk might just be too high. I can't stand the thought of losing the likes of any of the rest of us."
"You paid off your college debts," Kaz said. "You own a home in the financial district, even if you don't live in it. With this kind of money, you wouldn't have to work a day."
"You used your portion to renovate the Slat and buy out Pekkas buildings," you said. "What you've done with the rest of it, I don't know. This money could just mean more expansions, and if you keep going like that you'll be the king of the Barrel one of these days."
You took a sip of your martini and Kaz shrugged.
"So, you're in?"
"Obviously," you said. "I'll even wear my amplifier. If I can slow our heartrates before we drown and then liven them up once the water has drained, we'll be set to go."
Kaz laughed, a rare but true sound, and your heart gave a flip.
"Your shift?"
"Finished about half a minute ago now. Walk me back to the Slat?"
Kaz finished off his brandy, and you finished off your martini, and the two of you left the bar. You walked home in relative silence, occasionally talking about the heist as you went.
You'd packed everything necessary for the journey and were on the Lantsov-gifted speed boat at midnight, sharing a brownie with Nina in a common area belowdecks as you registered Kaz's heartbeat from where he stood upstairs, looking on at an empty horizon while standing at the centre of the boat.
"You do that a lot," Nina noticed as you popped a piece of the brownie into your mouth. "I used to do it, too, before the parem hit."
"Do what?" You asked, one of your hands going to the bear claw necklace you only tended to wear in dire situations. It amplified your abilities as a Heartrender, allowed you to sense the differences in peoples heartbeats and choose who to keep standing on their feet.
"That," Nina gestured. "And when you wear your amplifier, you go seeking for heartbeats. Gives you something to listen to."
"I do not," you said, part of you still focused on the rhythmic beat of Kaz's heart in his chest. "And besides, how could I need something to listen to when I have the sound of the waves?"
"You don't like the waves much," Nina observed. "One of the things you and Kaz have bonded over since you started dating three years ago, I would assume. Is it his heartbeat you're listening to?"
You flushed, shook your head. "I'm not listening to anyones," you denied. "I don't do that."
"Yes you do," Nina said with a laugh. "All Heartrenders who're strong enough to do it do it. During the Ice Court, I did it with Matthias'--had I not taken the parem, I would've been able to listen to his heart when it stopped."
"If you hadn't taken the parem, we'd all be dead," you said. "I am grateful for your sacrifice, and Matthias', but I think that if you could've heard his heart as it stopped you never would've stopped grieving--you still grieve him."
"I'm learning the art of moving on," Nina said with a grin. "I wanted to hold onto him forever, and I know that it's not feasible. He's buried in Fjerda to connect with Djel, and I am here. I am helping Kaz Brekker on a heist and I am sharing a brownie with the person who is probably the love of his life, and everything is okay."
You grinned at her, let go of Kaz's heart and instead absorbed the sound of the silence in the room.
"You are not the person you were when we did the Ice Court," Nina said. "You are not the person who came to Ketterdam to escape the war--you've changed, and it's for the better. Matthias would like the person I am now, and as much as I take solace in that, I do not need to know that to keep functioning as a person."
You sighed, looked around the room in search of a bottle of brandy.
The lounge area was simple--a couch pressed against one wall, a window just a foot or two above it that looked out onto the upper level, and a small drawer with a couple of bottles of various liqours and cups to drink them from. A table was in front of the two of you and would probably be used when Jesper came in, seeking something entertaining like a game of rummy or war without making any bets.
You grabbed yourself a brandy, grabbed Nina one and clinked your glass against hers.
"To not being the people we once were," you said. She grinned.
"To listening to the heartbeats of those we love the most."
You both sipped your brandy, and you let yourself be content, not quite aware of the storm that would make landfall in the Wandering Isle at the same time you did.
The water had already risen to your kneecaps by the time you registered just how wrong things had gone. Everyone else had rushed out while you, Jesper, and Kaz stayed behind to fight--it meant that Inej, Wylan, and Nina were safe. That was all that really mattered as you fought the guards, some part of you having tuned into Kaz's heartbeat as you fought them off.
They were coming at you in droves, nearly impossible to fight as the water continued to rise, and when you looked at Kaz, he looked half dead as it were. You livened up his heart, forced the sound of it to thrum in his ears.
You are still alive, you thought. You are still here. Stay with me. Don't give in. I can't lose you.
"I've weakened the windows!" Jesper shouted. "Get near them! We can punch our way through the glass and then hope the water cushions our fall!"
You began to move that way, watching as Kaz did the same. "We can't keep fighting them like this!"
You clutched a hand to your amplifier. "I can't take them all on at once--there were a thousand when we started, there are five hundred now!"
The water had risen from your knees to your shoulders in a matter of minutes, and soon it would rise past your head. You would have to hold your breath as you punched through the weakened windows and fell out of the windows, onto the pavement.
You were still listening to Kaz's heart as the water rose, though. You'd been rendered a bit useless in the water, having to use your arms to keep yourself from sinking rather than swimming.
The water reached your neck. You glanced at Kaz as his heart slowed, saw him in a fight with one of the guards.
It was because of the fact that you were listening to the thrum of his heart in his chest that you heard the very moment it stopped beating.
You glanced at Kaz again. A knife had been jabbed into his chest fatally. You wished you'd chosen to be a healer instead.
Jesper lurched forward, nodded at you as the water took you even further, rising past your head and plunging you beneath the surface. You swam to a window, punched it open wide enough and punched the walls still, letting Jesper take Kaz's corpse out first, falling out of the window thereafter and landing in the puddle that'd formed on the ground.
You started crying when you looked at him. Kaz was gone.
Jesper was crying, too. "We need--he has to--"
"The boat," you said. "Take him to the boat--I need a second, Jes. I need a thousand."
Jesper nodded at you. "I'm sorry this happened. I know how much you cared."
You watched Jesper walk away, carrying your beloveds corpse bridal style, and curled in on yourself.
He was gone. Kaz Brekker was gone.
He'd died by being stabbed--a painful death indeed, but not more painful than the fate you wished to deliver to his killer.
"Did you--you weren't--" Nina started as she came into your quarters on the ship. "Oh, Y/N."
"I was," you said. "I heard his heart when it stopped. I wanted to save him but I couldn't."
Nina sighed, walked into the room, lied down next to you. "He has found his peace."
You didn't believe that. You weren't sure if you believed anything.
"I know," you said anyway.
He was gone, and you were incomplete, but there was nothing more that could be done--if he had found his peace, you too would find yours in time.
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aladaylessecondblog · 5 months
i embrace what others fear (good tav x gortash pt 2)
TW: Tav is lonely and one of the voices isn't so nice anymore. Smut.
[previous chapter here]
to lady gortash, I don't know what you said to the temple but I got to sleep in a real bed with a feather pillow! it felt weird. mother says it's because we was on the road too long and I'll get used to it.
The next three letters were carefully written with the stiff pen strokes of children who were still learning to write their letters but by gum were they going to write anyway.
the teacher says we must say thank you. because there is a publik pubblic a school for everyone because of you. I don't like numbers but we get to play games and i like reading about heroes in the books.
too lady gortash, the new clothes are itchy but they donn't got holes
my flower is not sick anymore! thank you.
When Tav doubted she'd done the right thing, she brought out these letters to ease her mind. Four months had passed since the wedding, and they had been some of the loneliest of her life. Oh certainly she was surrounded by enough people that it need not be so, but her friends, those whose company she wanted most--
--letters were all she had of them, with some colder than others.
You should see what Karlach has done with Moonrise Towers. It's a wonderful if noisy place to spend time, perhaps not best for studying...but I am improving the library. Karlach seems to enjoy reading now she doesn't have to worry so much about setting the books on fire, Gale had written.
We thank you for the restoration of our hideout, but it was not necessary. Please do not feel obligated to shower us with such attentions, especially if (as I guess) your husband may be displeased by it. I am sure you have his concerns very much at heart, Jaheira wrote. But if you travel, I would be happy to see you again.
That sort of thing she had expected from Jaheira, from whom she had never expected that much warmth--she didn't know the woman that long or that well. Shadowheart didn't write at all, but others wrote OF her, and how busy she was learning Selunite magic from Isobel (who was settling into the House of Healing with Aylin). Karlach's letters were always long-expected and always short.
Lot of work to be done, but don't feel obligated to run and help us. You're busy enough as it is, said her last, I imagine you do it to keep out of his way as much as you can. I was in Rivington last month, and they were singing your praises...so I guess you have managed to make something of this.
The only truly warm letter she had gotten of late, from any of them, was from Wyll. She'd written him a letter after Karlach's last, and his reply came with assurances that he didn't see her any differently for what she'd done.
You do what you think is right, you do what you see will help people, and judgment follows. This is unfortunately the way things go sometimes--well I know it. I know I did not sound pleased by it, and really, I wasn't--I don't think anyone was--but I won't judge you for making this deal. You did what you could to save everyone from the tadpoles...including my father. I'm only glad he never knew what I almost agreed to in order to save him.
It did surprise me to hear Karlach didn't inform you she was making a trip to Rivington, especially since Shadowheart came with her...
That had hurt more than Tav thought it would. That two of her friends had been there, had been that close, and hadn't even thought to tell her they were there. She was in Rivington nearly every day for some reason or another...it would have been EASY to get hold of her!
She ached. She ached for a conversation to see how they were doing, for talk of something that didn't have to do with the goings-on of Baldur's Gate, for companionship from those she'd gone through so much with.
But since Gortash, it seemed most of them wanted little to do with her, as if he were a poisoned dagger they were afraid she'd turn on them.
Tav folded her arms on her desk and put her head down. She'd been back in her quarters looking over the letters in her dressing gown, and despite how relatively early in the afternoon it was she found herself tired.
Her mind drifted.
Dealing with Gortash himself had, strangely, been much easier than she thought it would.
Tav did not see him too frequently during the day unless there was some event she was required to join him for. In which case, he put on all the airs and gave off every indication that their marriage was a happy one. A soft kiss on the hand here, a smirking whisper in the ear there...
(She would sometimes hear the ladies at court gossiping about how lucky she was, and the men joking about the hold she had over him)
Had he been Astarion or Halsin she would have been delighted, but as things stood she found herself increasingly hoping he'd stop doing it...
...because she was beginning to enjoy it, and she wasn't quite sure when that had happened.
With as intolerably rude as everyone has been, I suppose I can't blame you for it, Astarion's voice said suddenly, He falsifies affection even better than I did. But do try to remember it's only a trick...
Of course, she thought, of course it's a trick. He wants to ensure he doesn't wake up with a knife in his back.It's not REAL.
Nothing like what you had with us, love. That was something special, something I flatter myself you could never find with HIM.
Gortash had kept to his word regarding the steady flow of coin to do her charitable works, though he did now and then admonish her for not spending more on finery. An Archduke's wife should look the part, he'd said. She had caved just slightly and bought several gowns with a nauseating amount of brocade silk and lace, and to sweeten things further had taken to wearing more gold-colored fabrics trimmed with black thread. An inversion of his own favored color scheme but similar enough that it pleased him.
A thing which followed into their sex life.
That first night Tav had spent with Gortash had set the tone for all of their future couplings and she found (with no small amount of shame) that she enjoyed it. Lengthy days of working at her several causes, or dealing with catty nobles left her mentally exhausted, so yielding without the need to think was...
(And the fact that those lingering voices of her two loves stopped when she was in his bed helped too. Everything painful just...stopped...when she was beneath him.)
Gortash didn't ask it of her very often, either. Usually once a week, sometimes twice. He hadn't been lying when he said he didn't have the typical man's need for frequent sex...at least, not that she knew. Maybe he was going to Sharess's Caress twice a day without her ever knowing. But when he came to her chamber, or ask her to his, it always followed that he was the dominant one--no matter which of them was on top. Soft scolding if she 'disobeyed', praise for doing as he asked...but if she said no to an evening with him, that was the end of it.
I need him to stop making it good, she thought, I need the kindness to stop, I need him to be that vicious evil cunt he's always been.
Why was he behaving like this? It didn't make any sense, but she found herself relaxing over it more and more, growing used to those lingering touches and saucy looks and little orders.
He may not love you, but he certainly likes you, Halsin's voice spoke in Tav's mind, That cannot be a positive thing...
Oh, it is no sin to make nice with the one who could ruin it all if they wanted to, came the reply in Astarion's voice.
But it is to be a bedfellow with evil.
"I didn't want to," Tav murmured, "Believe me, I didn't want to, but there weren't a lot of other options."
You didn't need to go this far, Halsin's voice accused. You could have taken the netherstone yourself.
"He knows how to use them, it was..."
A wounded bird may be caged, but you had the choice, my heart. You have done this to yourself.
Tav took several deep and shaky breaths, but the misery finally overwhelmed her. She burst into tears and sobbed on the desk.
...shuffling of paper beside her...
Tav shifted in her seat, and realized she'd fallen asleep. The light that had been merely waning outside was now turned to full night, and the room would have been dark if not for the fireplace at the far end of the room. She sat up, mumbling and rubbing the sleep from her red eyes said, "Sorry, Berlina, I...I had a lot to do..."
But it was not the chambermaid beside her. It was Gortash, and he was holding Wyll's letter.
She reached up to take it and he lifted it just a little higher. She didn't think it a good idea to snatch it, and waited--certain anger would be coming, in some way or another.
It didn't.
"Apologies," he said quietly, handing the letter back after he finished reading it. "But seeing as it was from the Grand Duke, I wanted to be sure you weren't planning anything."
"That wouldn't solve anything," Tav replied, rubbing her eyes. "I have no reason to be plotting against you."
"No reason? Really?"
My heart, are you so blind as to shut your eyes to everything?
No, Tav thought, No, I'm only saying that to keep him happy. To make him THINK I'm being foolish.
Good work, darling, Astarion's voice said then, Men like him are easy to keep happy.
"We've an understanding I don't want to jeopardize," Tav finally said, "And if I WERE to plot against you, I wouldn't be stupid enough to use notes."
There was a dark chuckle then, and as she got up Gortash moved the chair she'd been sitting in aside and stood in its place.
"That almost sounds treasonous, my dear."
That tone, Tav knew that tone. There was an edge in his voice but he wasn't angry...he was playing at it. He was testing the waters, to see if she was...in the mood. Much like the way he spoke out of the bedroom, he danced around the main point of their...amorous activities, and never asked outright.
But if she doubted his intent at all, there would always come a touch that confirmed it. Today it was his hands on her hips and a slight push against hers.
"And if it should be? What would the Archduke do to someone who committed such a crime?" She lay her head back against his shoulder--a returning hint of her own. "Would it be off with my head?"
The exhausted grief was still there, and she was eager to banish it, to feel something that wasn't emptiness.
One hand came up, and she felt a slight prick from the steel claws of his gauntlet teasing at her neck.
"It's possible he would be in the mood to forgive. I've heard his day has been full of politics and fools and rebellious fires to snuff out. So," The claw on his glove's forefinger traced over her pulse, "Perhaps if this treasonous woman makes amends, the Archduke could be persuaded to show mercy."
Darling, he's so utterly predictable, isn't he?
It was easy, so unutterably easy, to stay slack, to cast out the doubt, to simply obey.
(She could practically FEEL Halsin glowering at her from some unseen point. When had his voice in her mind turned so cruel?)
To obey evil is to let it win.
"Or," Gortash took a seat in the chair he'd moved, and tugged her down into his lap, "Perhaps that would be too generous, and he should treat a traitor as such."
"And if that traitor thinks she has done right?"
"Then she needs to be reminded," he whispered in her ear, "That HER sense of right is not the one that matters."
There was a slight laugh then.
"The Archduke must think everything belongs to him," Tav replied in a mildly defiant tone. "He should be willing to prove it, if he truly thinks it is so."
In silence Gortash opened her dressing gown and bared her body to the open air; a second later the gauntlet's claws were gripping at one of her breasts.
She tensed slightly, and felt him smirk against her neck as he went on. The claws were a slight stinging pain and yet--and yet there was something about that pain that aroused her.
"No undergarments at all? My, my, perhaps mercy is in the cards after all. But you're being a bit lazy...I believe you'll need to work for it."
She would've reached for his cock but he was still fully dressed with her atop him. She shifted about to at least move her hand over the forming bulge, but Gortash tugged her hand away with his bare one, and placed it between her legs.
"I'd far rather you be prepared to take me," he whispered in her ear, "So go on. Make yourself ready."
The hatred Tav had felt at first when these things would happen was not as strong as it had once been. What good was it to fight, especially when the result felt so good? When she found herself wanting it anyway?
With his hand still over hers, she obeyed, stroking carefully. Awkwardly at first, with occasional little whimpers from the small pain of being groped by that gauntlet. When she thought she was wet enough, she made to pull her hand back--but he pushed it back down.
The whisper that came next was dark, insistent, and by the GODS did it stoke the fire in her belly...
"Did I tell you to stop? I thought you were eager to please."
A slightly tighter grip from the gauntlet, a reminder...
Tav started to stroke herself again, circling and pressing against her clit. She was breathing a little more roughly a minute or two later, when she brought her fingers down and thrust them inside her. A moan sounded off, and she heard a chuckle from Gortash.
The gauntlet moved up, and those claws traced at her lips, pushed just slightly on her lower lip. She opened her mouth and in two of those claws went--gently, but pricking at her tongue. With nothing else to do with it and the heat building in her core, she found herself sucking at the claws.
"Oh, very good," he praised her, "You see, this is what I enjoy coming back to of an evening."
His other hand pressed at the one of hers between her legs, encouraging her to go more quickly.
"I could pay a whore for this, certainly, but...there's nothing quite so sweet as obedience from someone who does it on her own."
A smirk against her neck.
"But this isn't enough for you, is it?"
Tav was zoning out--pleasure was leaping in her gut the longer her fingers teased her clit and worked inside her. The lusty heat was rising, the pleasure along with it and the desperation to race to climax--
Just when she could practically taste it, Gortash pulled her hand away. She squirmed and tried to bring her hand back down, but he wouldn't allow it. The gauntlet was drawn back, two of its fingers absolutely soaked, letting her finally speak again.
"I've decided it's time for you to stop," he said, gripping tightly at her wrist, using the strict tone of voice he always did at these moments. "Are you planning to tell me no?"
Tav relaxed as best she could, but the denial of that burning need was agonizing. Fifteen seconds, then thirty...
"Very good," he praised, and Tav couldn't stop the good feeling that came from hearing those words. What WAS that? She didn't know, but she wanted more of it. Wanted more of the almost gentle way that dangerous set of claws were stroking at her neck, the way he was holding at her wrist. Tenderness and a firm hand at the same time. "Now stand up and lean over your desk."
She moved up, her dressing gown still hanging open, and leaned over the desk. Behind her there was a by-now familiar sound--the slight jangling sound of Gortash removing his belt, followed soon after by the sound of shifting fabric.
(Strangely, while he preferred her either nude or close to it, Gortash didn't seem to favor it for himself.)
A sudden thrust of his cock--no warning--forced a moan from her throat as the sudden intrusion spread and filled her perfectly. It was almost painful to want more, and not to get it. The thrusts that followed were certainly pleasurable, but too slow. She wanted, no, needed him to fuck her faster.
But he didn't. Gortash's easy pace stayed just that as his hands moved down--the gauntlet covered hand stayed at her hip, while the other moved between her legs. Just as he gave another thrust he stroked--
It was like lightning in her belly, the sudden leap of ecstasy. Lightning that struck and brought pleasure with it, but left her wanting when it was gone.
"Oh," Tav moaned, "You...utter tease..."
He pulled back and pushed forward, as hard and deep as he could. The fevered sound that it drove from her lips was even more whorish than the first.
"Just what I wanted to hear. Now..." His uncovered hand moved to one of her breasts, and gripping tightly at it he hauled her up and into a standing position. She was leaning against him now, with his lazy thrusts hitting deep enough that she would've let him do anything if only he kept moving.
(She wanted it, wanted HIM, everything he was going to give her)
"Please," Tav found herself begging, "Please, I..."
Gortash's voice turned diabolical, in a way that made her throb, "What do you want, Tav? Tell me. Tell me."
(Why, why, why was she losing control like this?)
He didn't wait for her reply, merely moved the hand he'd had holding one of her breasts down to her abdomen--and now his voice was that familiar, insistent whisper in her ear. "You want a little lord in your belly."
She had never found herself pushed this far before--cried out to be bred in the throes of passion, perhaps, but never did she want it so badly, and never with him.
And then climax tore through her body, a shock of pure unbridled ecstasy that sparked and spread through her body in a rapid surge. She practically screamed out, and shuddered as he kept going through it. Six, seven seconds, more, Tav didn't know; all she knew was that for that short period all was right with the world.
Or at least, she felt heavenly enough to think of nothing else.
Gortash groaned and suddenly stopped--his body gave a shudder of its own--and there was a sudden warm pulse inside her.
For a few moments they stood there, relaxed, basking in the glow of satisfaction. There was a kiss at her jawline, and a soft caress at her belly. Then an amused sort of sound, maybe a chuckle.
He let go of Tav, she stumbled slightly from the shakiness of her legs, and she realized the small wounds his gauntlet had left on her hip were bleeding. She healed them, and after catching her breath could stand up a little straighter.
"Clearly I have been neglecting my duties," he said in a soft tone, "What a terrible husband I would be, if I didn't give you what you so desperately need."
She couldn't respond, but as she retied the belt on her dressing gown and turned around to face him, there was no need.
He kissed her, and for the first time in months she didn't feel so alone.
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honeym4rk · 2 years
another mark friends-to-lovers au lol
part of the same storyline as my previous post !!!! where mark and oc are best friends in the same friend group in high school and oc starts falling for mark even though he likes to play into the running joke that they're some perfect couple.
i think i might make this another series of oneshots bc i... am not ready to write a whole full blown fic yet AHAHAHAH we'll see lol but i just wanted to put this up in case i never touch it again
here's the previous post!
It’s almost as if Mark wants to continue proving you wrong. Because as much as you think there’s already so much about him that’s attractive, endearing, hot, whatever; he seems to pile on even more labels and traits that make you want to melt into a puddle of nothingness. It's like he's aiming to become one of those... multi-hyphenates that the teachers in school like to talk about.
He got his stupid Driver’s License. 
And to be honest, you never really thought it was hot that people could drive- it’s literally just operating an automobile, a routine of turning the steering wheel and hitting pedals- so what about it could possibly ever evoke any sense of attractive quality to it?
Maybe you’re just biased because it’s Mark who’s driving right now, after so long of boasting about how he got his license and how he’s already “reeeaaalllyyy good”. You sit in the passenger’s seat as he drives you back home from another day at the Library, and you buckle your seatbelt just a little tighter, holding onto it in fear as he starts the car to pull out of the parking lot.
He punches at your shoulder lightly, “Hey! I promise I’m fine! Look, I can do the one handed thingy!”
“Literally, don’t. Isn’t it dangerous, or something?”
“I mean, kinda, but I swear I’ve got it down. See?”
And got it down, he does- and you can’t lie and say it wasn’t cool. Maybe even hot. His hand on the steering wheel, he turns around to look behind the car, leaning in a little closer to you, and you have to will yourself to look away from the concentration on his face, and how good he looks with his hair out and not hidden by a cap, his circle-rimmed glasses resting on his nose. Your eyes land on the knife of a jawline he has, and then they naturally travel up to his lips that are so incredibly pink and plump-
“Cool, right?” He manoeuvres successfully, and makes a straight to send you home, and you gulp, staring straight at the street in front of you. It’s almost as if his stare has a weight of its own, crushing you, pressing you to squeeze into the car door. It’s so embarrassing that you’re secretly harbouring all of these feelings, they’re so…. strange, and maybe even inappropriate since you’re just friends.
“Okay, fine, it is pretty cool. Now you just have to get me home in one piece.” You laugh, and just pray, that for the love of God, you can just get through another day without getting flustered over something stupid like this.
“Oh yeah, I wanted you to listen to this! Unlock my phone and go into my Spotify, it’s the top playlist.”
He hands you his phone, and continues, “You remember Phony Ppl, right? They had that song you liked with Megan Thee Stallion? Well, I found one of their new songs and someone in a YouTube comment said it was sampled on the first song in that playlist, but I swore it sounded like this old 5SOS song.”
Huh. Funny. The very first song in the playlist is titled ‘I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On,’ and you literally want to punch yourself in the face. You press play.
It’s a funky disco-beat- Mark’s recommendation playlist for you has been full of these songs lately. 
“Hmm, it’s fun! I love the synths, they’re going crazy. Also, love your car’s stereo? Wow!”
You’re starting to really like it, it’s groovy, it’s fun, and then she starts singing, so you look at the lyrics on his phone- they’re not synced to the song, so you just scroll, skimming through in curiosity. And in huge, bold, white letters, almost to mock you,
You read me wrong. I wasn’t trying to lead you on. I want a friend. I didn’t mean to turn you on.
Haha. Oh my God. Hahahaha. You nod your head in awkwardness, but then try to play it off by looking like you’re just doing it to the music. 
“Right?! It’s such a bop, man! And yeah, sometimes I have to stop myself from playing the music too loud. If not I can literally feel the vibrations in my fingers. Okay, anyways, the song itself is like, seven whole minutes, and gets kinda repetitive at the end, so you can just skip to the next one. Just listen to the intro!”
‘Nowhere But Up’ sounds pretty similar to the previous song, it’s pretty clear they did sample it, yet they’ve definitely made it their own since the vibe is completely different, and the lyrics are still on the screen, and Wow! They do not get any better.
So, like hold on, you, you wait, so you want me to chase you through this song? Huh, you sound crazy, you sound crazy. The last thing I remember is you said that you want me.
You chuckle sardonically before you can even stop yourself, and you should’ve seen this coming, but he asks you what’s so funny and you have to come up with a lie on the spot.
“Oh, no, the bass is ridiculously good! That part in the intro? It’s so good. This part.” You replay the part, and he agrees, “Yeah! Their bass lines are always so sick.” There is a moment of silence shared just to listen to the music, and the suffocating feeling of his eyes on you is back for a brief moment before he continues to tap the rhythm on the steering wheel, head bopping to the beat.
Then his phone buzzes, the ping interrupting your moment of solace, and you see the text message notification from Karina before he can even ask who it is. 
[karina ☺️, 2002] heeeey wru
Your heart drops to your stomach- it’s almost as if this is the perfect storm of events and it’s not even just your confirmation bias, almost as if he did play those songs to unknowingly reject you, no- almost as if he knew you how you felt, almost as if he was deliberately trying to shut you down. 
“Ooooooo! Karina just texted you.” You wiggle your eyebrows and try to force as much excitement and curiosity as possible for someone that just got their life and soul sucked out of their body. 
“Oh, um,” Mark, too, looks pretty shocked. “Can IIIIIIIII open it?” You stare intently at him, waiting for his answer, stare right at his face like he has something to explain to you. Which, he doesn’t, not necessarily. But you still feel this way anyway. He licks his lips, as if in contemplation.
“Yeah, sure. What’d she say?” 
“She just asked where you are. Are you supposed to be anywhere right now?” Hands clammy, you click on the notification. At first glance, it does look like they’ve been talking quite a bit- they even texted each other ‘gn’ three days ago. Everything is sending you into a frenzy, and you’re trying to convince yourself it’s just a normal thing people do. Friends do. You’ve texted Yeonjun ‘goodnight’ before, and it doesn’t mean anything. Where does he have to be? Are they supposed to go on a date? Where could they be possibly going on a Saturday Night? 
His voice cuts off your train of thought- “Oh, shit!” His voice cracks, and there’s just so much panic packed into the tiny space of his car, “I’m supposed to be in some Zoom Call right now, it’s for the project we’re doing. Uhhh, tell her I’m on the way home right now, I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”
You type away, and all the fear that struck terror in your soul seems to have deflated, yet it’s left your heart palpitating. You feel so stupid for feeling so worked up about this, it’s crazy. Never in your life had you thought you’d be overcome with jealousy, even if it was for a tiny moment, but you suppose that it’s really just the uncertainty that spurs it all. 
You know, since you don’t know how he feels about you. No clue at all about whether or not he reciprocates whatever stupid crush you have. He literally just recommended two songs that were about turning someone down. But then again, when has he ever sent cryptic messages through his song choices? It’s totally unlike him, and your leaping-to-conclusions- brain is just incredible at making complete nonsense of anything that’s happening. 
God, you need to convene with Minji and Ryujin again. Your hand is itching to whip your phone out to send a text, why in front of Mark you’re not too sure, maybe the desperation really has gotten to you.
“Can I take the call at your place? It’s only going to be, like, thirty minutes max, I think.” He’s come over multiple times, it really isn’t that big of a deal. It’s fine. Your mom likes him. Haha. 
“Yeah, sure, I think my mom’s home and she probably wouldn’t mind.”
The next song has started.
“Great, thanks! Oh, this was the last song I wanted to show you, the 5SOS one? Do you hear the similarity? Like the chord progressions, and the rhythm? It’s not the same synth sound, I mean, duh, it’s a guitar, but yeah.”
When you’re talking to your girls, do you talk about me? Do you tell’ em that you love me the way that I’ve been loving you?
You are seriously going to punch yourself in the face later.
LOL yeah um let me know what i should do with this fic should i try to flesh it out and write a whole story that really flows or just post the random scenarios agashgahee
also the songs are: i didn't mean to turn you on - cherelle nowhere but up - phony ppl girls talk boys - 5sos
go have a listen!!! they are such boppy songs lol.
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you’re genuienly one of my fav writers! may I request the seduce me brothers with an s/o that’s a vampire? or some other supernatural being?
AHH OMG AM I REALLY? THANK YOU SO MUCH THAT ACTUALLY MEANS SO MUCH TO ME OMG 😪😪🫶🫶 i love you forever, Thank you so much for your request!! I hope you enjoy it!! I also decided to include what type of vampire they are. EX: taking inspo from Draculara from Monsrer High, or the Cullens in Twilight!
Warnings: death, blood drinking, implied smut,
Navigation!!! // Masterlist!!!
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You’re a regular vampire ( Dracula Coded )
He could sense it off of you, it was painfully obvious you were hungry
It was pretty dark out, and the club he was in was equally as dark
You don’t approach anyone, but others do approach you
You’re noticeably older, but not by much, maybe late 20’s early 30’s
In human years…
James decides to go over to you, what’s the worst that can happen? everything
Luckily for him you recognize that scent, and after a few drinks you’re both off to some cheap hotel room
It starts with a one night stand, one James usually doesn’t do, but you draw him in so easily it’s hard to resist
He doesn’t let you go, he refuses too
You two sneak off into small alleyways, hidden in the shadows where you’re safe
Usually if you ever go out it’s with an umbrella or long sleeve
rainy days with you are perfect for him >>
likes going to blood parties with you, which is just a fancy dance vampires have every few months
he’s seen you drink blood, he doesn’t partake in it, but he does feel better knowing you aren’t hungry
doesn’t condone you hunting humans but also doesn’t try very hard to stop you so ;)
( Victorian Vampire )
Met at a demon ball
He was HOOKED when he saw you
He thought you were drinking wine until he saw how much it stained your lips and cup
He’s naturally flirty, and so are you
You two talk for hours about other worldly food is so much better than human food
He’s so sad when you leave :( but he gets excited when you appear in a library the next day
Cue him finding out you can travel through shadows and paintings ?!?!?!
Thinks it’s so cool and absolutely asks you out on a date
you go to a rave party when he watches you hunt
he’s in love
he helps you hide the body
he’s gonna marry you
( Twillight based )
He met you on the bus …
not the most romantic but it was late at night and you were hungry
he watched you devour the bus driver
Of course you didn’t try to attack him but you acted like everything was normal afterwards
just casually started talking to him with blood all over you and he’s like ??? bitch wtf but like in a hot way
pulls the “ so you have plans later?” knowing damn well you don’t
you two end up having a one night stand, and the strength battle between you two is steamy ~
he does see you again though, it’s on his way home from work
he sees a dead body, he also sees you, he now sees nothing wrong and dismisses the complaints of noise, who ever knew? not him that’s for sure
you two hunt imps or animals a lot, you make a game out of it
he likes that you can be outside with him
shine bright like a diamond
( Draculara coded )
met at a bakery
you wanted a cupcake and Matthew asked if you needed help with balancing the cupcake and holding your umbrella together
it’s 80 degrees out
when you hand him the umbrella you step in the shade, and he follows slightly
you make small talk with him and he tells you he’s on the hunt to try all the bakery’s in the city to find the best cupcakes
you tell him the best bakery burnt down in 1857 and he’s like … come again?
he knew you weren’t human but vampire was not what he was expecting
panicked and thought you were gonna bite him
you did not bite him
he likes that you’re vegan though
at least you two can eat together, as long as it’s inside and not with a lot of sunlight through the windows
probably the most cautious about blood being around you
( psychic vampire )
he actually loves that you can communicate telepathically
you also help with his headaches which he really appreciates
you two met under a bridge
he saw you kill someone and was like um… no thank you !!
but he did decide to give you a chance, he’s seen enough death one by a pretty vampire wouldn’t hurt
probably cuts himself on purpose for you
you don’t take the blood because you know it wasn’t an accident
he calms your bad behavior sometimes, messing with people’s minds and stuff
you help get rid of his mind reading powers
he loves you forever >>
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ireallylovepuppies101 · 9 months
Cat-Dad AU
Here’s another IM AU for all of you to enjoy! I talked a little bit about it it on the IM server, and I brainstormed this a LOT with my friend @midnightfire830 lately so I think it’s about time I post it on tumblr.
So some of you may know about my Dad-Felix AU fic on AO3, well this is sorta similar, but has a few new unique twists to it. In this AU, before meeting Wilson, Felix would be traveling around, not really having a plan to go somewhere specific. Just, wandering, and trying to think of what to do with his life. He gets close to approaching a small town, when he hears something strange. Curious, he follows the sound, until he reaches it, and to his horror, finds an abandoned baby demon crying his little heart out on the ground.
Felix quickly picks up the baby, soothes him until he stops crying, and waits for someone to show up looking for the baby… but no one comes.
So, Felix makes a decision. He takes the baby with him, and tries to find him a safe place to live and grow up. Until then he’ll take care of the baby he decides to name Bendy.
That plan doesn’t exactly go as Felix thought it would. Not only would people not trust a zany offering a free baby (which, to be fair, I wouldn’t trust the Warners if they offered a free baby to me), but people also want nothing to do with a demon. Which bugs Felix to no end, because those people weren’t willing to get to know the sweet, loving baby boy that Bendy is, who’s face lights up every morning when he gets Felix to wake up, has the cutest giggle, and has so much wonder and curiosity behind his little eyes.
After many failed attempts to find Bendy a home himself, Felix slowly begins to accept that he’s now Bendy’s dad, and promises the little demon that he’ll do his best to raise him and give him all the love he needs. Felix does a damn good job at keeping that promise, even if being zany makes things trickier, and somewhat dangerous trying to raise a non-zany baby. Felix taps into his new “dad reflex” by dodging more dangerous gags, or at least keeping Bendy from the dangerous gag while he takes the hit. If another zany attempts to pull a dangerous gag on Felix intentionally, they freeze (sometimes literally) from Felix aiming an ice cold glare into their soul.
“I am currently holding a non-zany baby, who can get VERY hurt. THINK, CAREFULLY.”
By the time Felix and Wilson do meet, Felix would very clearly be sleep deprived. Working his tail off to take care of Bendy and provide for him even if it means going without sleep or a solid meal for a while, not to mention dealing with not at all knowing how to raise a demon since no damn library has any books on demon child care. So Wilson offers to watch Bendy so Felix can take a nap, and when Bendy doesn’t try biting Wilson (since Bendy bites almost anyone who tries holding him that isn’t Felix) Felix would be out cold within seconds, and stay out cold for HOURS.
By the time he wakes back up Bendy would be freshly cleaned, in a new change of baby clothes, fed, and be giggling up a storm as Wilson tickles him with his feathery fingers. After Felix eats a nice filling meal, Wilson gives Felix an extremely generous offer. If Felix wants to, he can go to college, and until he can get his life in proper order where he can afford a place to stay for him and Bendy, they can stay with Wilson at his house as long as Felix helps out.
Felix would be EXTREMELY grateful.
Bendy over the first few years of his life grows up in Wilson’s house. Wilson practically becomes his grandpa with how much he helps take care of him and how he treats Felix like a son. Felix works on not being zany anymore for his own and Bendy’s sake, as well as attending college, and raising Bendy in a much better home life where the little demon always has a roof over his head and a full belly. He also has an easier time figuring out how to raise a demon now that he has Wilson helping him.
Now, time for some funfacts!
-Felix came up with Bendy’s name after watching and laughing over how Bendy’s tail would bend in all kinds of different directions.
-Since there aren't any published books about demon child care, Felix started writing a "book" (AKA a notebook) on things he learned from raising Bendy over the years. Even when Bendy's a teenager he's still taking down notes. It wasn't perfect but it was certainly better then nothing.
-RIP any zany who pulled a gag on Felix that made baby Bendy cry. That’s an easy way to make a protective cat dad MAD and send someone flying with a single punch.
-Felix’s Magic Bag is practically a nanny to Bendy. It makes sure Bendy stays safe, and stays put, when Felix occasionally hits his sleep debt limit and ends up sleeping through Bendy crying or how he tries getting into stuff once he starts crawling.
-When Felix and Bendy moved in with Wilson, Wilson took Felix to go toy shopping for Bendy since all Felix would have is a few teething toys for Bendy to play with. Felix picked out a few things himself, but Wilson spotted something and absolutely HAD to get for baby Bendy. A BIG, plushy T-rex. So big that as a baby Bendy could sleep on top of it like a bed, and as a toddler Bendy would barely be the same size as it. It would forever be Bendy’s favorite toy, which he named Trex once he started learning how to talk.
-Felix would occasionally have to bring Bendy with him to college classes when he wouldn’t have anyone to watch him. Certainly got him a lot of funny looks when classmates saw him come into class carrying a demon baby, that funny enough looks pretty similar to him, and how his Magic Bag turned into a little baby seat and kept Bendy entertained for Felix to focus. It got Felix a lot of attention from the women in his classes though, who all made him blush saying how cute Bendy is and that he’s such a sweet dad.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!!!
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eternalwritess · 3 months
i hope i'm not requesting anything at a bad time; i guess i'll take a romantic matchup for hazbin?? i know helluva's in tje same universe i'm just. uegj,
Pronouns: they/them/theirs; anytime i shoot for they/he i forget 2 seconds later, it's like there's just a single semi-visible crumb of man inside that i can rarely beat in a footrace i'm sorry. He's There.
Sexuality: gay (nblm/mlm/achillean)
Personality: gonna be real with you, i am. honestly kind of a nervous wreck?? i'm trying my best not to be so timid or insecure to such a degree but anxiety is something i struggle with Horrendously and i? die,
might also be a lil depressed and a lil lost in life but we're not talking about that today—
if i manage to feel comfortable enough with someone though i can definitely either be a complete doofus or very clingy (or in a romantic context, touch-starved) and very,,,, puppybrained?? as they say??? a
Hobbies: aside from venting my emotions through baking and being a bit of a bookworm or library-mouse, i tend to draw somewhat often (even if it's kinda. b a d) and i've been on a stream-watching kick as of late?? i may also touch a video game from time to time, but like. don't a lot of us
Pet peeves: off the top of my head, when people try accusing me of shit i didn't do, fake people, when people handle time travel plotlines Like That (you know what i'm talking about), mother's day
idrk man it's hard to recall pet peeves for me when i'm not Completely pissed or salty, i hope that's sufficient💦
i'm sorry if i butchered the format i have n o idea how this is gonna look as a submitted ask 🏃‍♂️
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
i wasn't really given much to work with so sorry if its kinda short and inaccurate
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You probably met at the hotel and just needed someone to talk to and Charlie wasn't there so he decided to listen to you
He'd most likely talk with you over your anxiety and try to calm you down if things get too bad
"Deep breaths"
As for venting he's heard it all and knows how to deal with it all so he's more than willing just to listen to you and give you advice from there.
He's not that big into electronics but I'm sure that you might be able to get him to watch a few streams with you if he's in the mood
He wouldn't mind the clingyness very much as long as it doesn't become paranoia or anything harmful to the relationship or such
You and him might discuss books every now and then and he would try and give you reccomendations even if they might be a bit out of style
"Have you read?..."
He likes your drawings and likes watching you improve and will gently tease you about them and then say how good they are and how you've improved
Husk isn't a fake person at all and is more of a down to Earth person
He's very honest and will most likely never lie to you if he does it's most likely about him being an overlord because he's embarrassed or with his contract with Alastor just because he doesn't want you to get worried
But even if he did and you found out he would apologize and you might go through a rough patch but thats about it
Over all it would be a very caring relationship <3
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You’ll need the context of Victor’s Springtime Revival Date for the phone calls as they contain crucial references. So, make sure to read the event story and date first! ♡
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
[Note]: The first call takes place during the 12 days separation period, and the second call happens after the date~ ♡
【1st Call】
Victor: It’s hardly been half an hour into the beginning of work time, and a certain someone already has the time to slack off?
MC: Victor, how did you find the time to call?
Victor: It’s break time for me now. In just ten minutes of not looking at my phone, over twenty messages have popped up.
Victor: When I clicked to see, it was either a bunch of emojis or a link to a short clip. You even changed your profile picture and sign on Moments within this time.
Victor: You said you were gonna go to the set to supervise, are these the things you planned on doing?
MC: Of course not. Actually, it’s because I’ve been stuck in traffic for an hour. I haven’t gotten to the set yet.
MC: From what it seems, I’m only five kilometers away. But the cars at the front are not moving at all. It seems there’s been a bump between two vehicles or something.
MC: If it weren’t for the equipment in the trunk, I would have gotten out of the car and walked on foot.
Victor: Dummy. Five kilometers is not a short distance, don’t be silly.
MC: I won’t. I was just saying. I’m fine, I was just a little bored, that’s all.
MC: But hearing your voice now, my fretful mind has already gotten a lot better! Are you still busy, though? I’m not holding you up, am I?
Victor: No. There are still fifteen minutes left before the next session starts, so I can keep you company for a while.
Victor: I’ve watched the video you sent me. When I get back, we can take pictures of Pudding in that similar model.
Victor: About the three pajamas, the duckling set is suitable for wearing at home, and the rabbit ear set is thicker in comparison, so it’s more suitable for going out to pick up the deliveries.
Victor: Also, the travel blog article is too long. So, I’ll read it after the meeting and tell you about it afterward.
MC: Victor, I’m so moved… you actually read every single message I sent carefully.
MC: Although you’ve always been like this, at this moment when I’m stuck in traffic, it has a special meaning for me!
Victor: …dummy. The desire to share comes from an emotional attachment, so of course, I won’t miss it.
MC: Hehe, I know~ To hear you say that like this, it feels like being stuck in traffic for an hour won’t be so bad.
MC: …ah! The car is moving.
Victor: Why do you sound so reluctant?
MC: Of course I do. I was clearly hoping that the car would start moving at once, but now I want to be stuck in traffic for five more minutes.
MC: Like this, I can talk to you a little longer. After all, you have meetings these days…
Victor: There’s no need to be depressed. The break schedule for this conference is reasonable, and there won’t be any lack of phone calls.
Victor: Alright, let’s get to work. The weather has been dry lately, so remember to drink plenty of water.
Victor: I’m hanging up now.
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【2nd Call】
Victor: I got your email. There were about 1 GB of images, and it took me quite a while to go through them.
Victor: So you’ve been giggling all morning today looking at these pictures?
MC: Yup. I happened to stumble upon this website in the morning, where you can composite images using special techniques.
MC: Users can upload images and combine them with the resources from the public library to create special effects.
MC: So, I uploaded our photos to try it out.
Victor: The quality of most of the images is pretty good. Seems like the technology of this site is quite mature.
Victor: However, a certain someone better explain the “Cat Victor” folder to me.
MC: Hahaha, that’s the set I’ve combined with utmost care!
MC: Although Rembrandt-style and Picasso-style Victor each have their own artistic beauty, I still like the little kitty the best!
Victor: In your eyes, do I resemble these pictures?
MC: Yes! Look at the whiskers; it brings the feeling of a little bit of grandeur and reserve, a little bit of aloofness, and a little bit of insouciance…
MC: Don’t they resemble the cat Victor during the Evol abnormality?
[Tidbits]: MC is referring to their Interflowing Date~ 
Victor: I think you’ve been looking at electronic screens too much lately, and we need to have you see an ophthalmologist.
MC: Humph. If you don’t like it, I will enjoy these results all by myself from now on and won’t share them with you.
Victor: It’s okay. I don’t dislike it.
Victor: LFG invested in a pilot project a few years ago, and it had a similar image-processing technology.
Victor: The results of that project, however, are mainly used for historical research and medical guidance.
MC: I didn’t know that you’d already set foot even in this domain long ago…
Victor: I’m simply in charge of the investment decisions, not the specific operations.
Victor: Anyway, compared to those pretty pictures, I like this “old age” folder more.
Victor: The photos have a strong sense of realism and farsightedness.
MC: I like them too!
MC: Even though the generated “grandpa” Victor has wrinkles all over his face, he is still as handsome and prideful as ever~
Victor: Likewise. Even though a certain someone in the photos is old, she is still very cute.
MC: When I was looking at these photos, I was reminded of our nostalgic trip a few days ago.
MC: In the future, when we become old and gray, we will composite a few “back to youth” pictures!
Victor: There’s no need for that.
Victor: Every photo taken with you will be stored and backed up securely, so we won’t lose them.
Victor: If you want to “experience youth,” how about setting aside some time this weekend to go out with me and feel the spring?
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innytoes · 1 year
Hello, five (or more, I wouldn't say no) spontaneous headcanons about a willex boarding school au? 👀 (sfw please)
-When Caleb gets a call that his sister left custody over her son to him, a nephew he never even knew he had, he is like: wtf. When he comes to meet with the social worker and sees the long hair, tie-dye crop top, and earring, he’s like: of course I am taking him in. (There’s a reason he hasn’t talked to his family for decades and he will not have them do the same to Willie as they did to him.)
Except being a full-time parent and running the HGC is not a great combination, especially with Willie’s flair for Chaos. So he makes him a deal: he can go to any boarding school in the country, or even the world, if he promises to behave enough not to get kicked out, and in return he can wreak whatever chaos he wants in the summers (within reason).
-Willie chooses the boarding school because they have a great art program, they’re queer-friendly (Caleb called to check), and it’s in the Woods and he 1) always liked the woods and 2) wants to see Bigfoot.
-Alex’ parents sent him to boarding school after he came out. Alex is not sure he understands their reasoning, given that it is an all-boy’s boarding school and that is like the opposite of ‘straightening him out’, but anything is better than the icy silence at home. Alex’ parents do not know the entire stack of Hot Gay Boarding School Romance Novels under his older sister’s bed that Alex may or may not have borrowed.
-Listen Alex likes his roommate Luke and he’s kind of open to the idea of starting a band with him but also he is SO ENERGETIC and he cannot sit still and he’s always humming and it drives Alex insane.
-So he goes to hide out in the library. Not the fancy new one with amazing computers and a 3D printer and shit, the dusty old one nobody uses because the wifi is shit and it‘s always cold and drafty but it looks great on pamphlets for the Old Money crowd. He bundles up in his hoodie and finds a comfy armchair and just gets to Be Still for a moment.
-Except his peace and quiet is interrupted at a gleeful shout and then a maniac on a skateboard comes into view, sliding his board on the fancy brass railings before landing hard and rolling right into Alex and his comfy armchair, sending both of them toppling backward.
-“Oh man you dinged my board” meetcute etc etc.
-Lots of cute sneaking around in the dark holding hands dates. Willie shows him how to get on the roof and it’s so peaceful and pretty there he loves it. They take up a blanket and watch the stars next time, and share their first kiss there.
-Maybe he sends his sister a postcard like: ‘Boarding school is great, I am learning so much, all this nature is so good for me, etc etc platitudes’ along with an abbreviated title of one of their favourite books with the chapter in which the main characters have their first kiss... on a rooftop.
- “I dunno what HGBSRNCH12 means, Mom, I think he was just trying to clean his pen or something, it’s just a random scribble. You know Alex hates when pens aren’t writing smoothly.”
-Soon they form a little group with Bobby (rich parents who travel a lot and don’t want to take him with them) and Reggie (the scholarship kid). Reggie is upset there are no secret societies at this school. He thought maybe none of them just wanted him, but he could still catch one in the act of secret society-ing. But Bobby (a legacy kid) told him there weren’t any.
-Obvs they start a secret society just for the fun of it. Since they can’t play music late at night without getting caught (then it’s not a Secret Society, Luke, you dumbass), their activities include Sneaking, Stealing Snacks, Trying To Find Bigfoot and/or Mothman in the woods, and picnics on the roof. But while wearing dramatic hoods and holding (fake, battery-powered, Alex does not trust these goofballs with fire) candles and stuff.
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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rothjuje · 1 year
Loved all your comments on my solo travel inquiry. A couple people said FOMO is real, and you were right. I told Justin I was going to plan trips with or without him and then the following week he started planning one for us hahaha.
Summer. Every time there is a break from school, every time, I think ooh this is going to be so nice, get to sleep in, not worry about the crazy of different schedules etc. No. No Jess. The kids will wake up even earlier with instant whines of “I’m borrred!”
Tuesday we did a farm, a park, and then the lake for $1 ice cream. Wednesday we played/swam at the lake for most of the day. Thursday we went to a touch a truck event, the library, a park, and then swimming at a friend’s pool. And this morning the kids played happily for an hour before the “I’m borrred” and constant bickering started. Whyyy. I’m so tired. George and I have been going to bed early/sleeping late to recover. I’m also old so I’m sore and had to take Motrin to walk straight after 3 nonstop days, oy.
One of my best friends up here has a pool. We hang together several times a week because she also has a 6 year old and a 3 year old. Anyway, was super excited to use her pool this summer but turns out my pool fantasy is really more of a nightmare. George simply will not get in after several days of coaxing. But he does love to throw things into the pool. Dirt. Towels. Shoes. Clothes. Phones. It hasn’t been fun. My friend is convinced that pools are relaxing for adults and fun for kids. But she also ingests a lot of weed. I ingest no weed and I find George at the pool to be very, very stressful. He won’t wear a swim diaper or a floaty (not that he gets in but I am very fearful of him falling in while he bends over the edge trying to retrieve stuff he’s chucked in).
Anyway. My friend says I’m letting anxiety control my life. The pool dilemma is causing us to butt heads. But. Why should I take my neurodivergent child who is unaware of drowning or consequences in general to a pool where I have to constantly control his behavior? I mean anything sounds more fun than that. If he was my only kid then okay, but I have to constantly leave him in the pool area to take the girls to the bathroom or get them a snack etc and maybe it is anxiety. Maybe it is secondary trauma from our first placement who had brain damage from a near drowning incident. Or maybe it’s normal to not feel relaxed while at the pool with 3 kids that don’t know how to swim, one being neurodivergent.
I can understand her feelings being hurt that I no longer want to bring the kids over, but I am honestly so sick of having to explain to people that trying to keep George safe in certain situations is mentally taxing eg by bodies of water or in busy downtown areas (he likes to be near the street so he can watch trucks go by).
I’m just tired of being the uptight friend. I’m so chill at home or at fenced in parks or at the beach or lake (George and Genna love sand/playing at the shore). I hate being the one to constantly veto plans or control where they take place. Honestly, I rather my friends just hang out without us and let me escape to the low-stress lake that no one else wants to go to. But they feel guilty and then I feel bad and ugh.
Is there a solution I’m missing?
Anyway. So so excited for a normal weekend without recitals or holidays, it’s been almost a month since our last normal/chill weekend. I’m looking forward to catching up on chores which probably sounds boring but the state of our house and lack of clean laundry is starting to super stress me out. I’m also so behind on gardening stuff, some of my plant babies desperately need to be replanted or pruned.
I probably sound like the least fun person after this post 😂
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ninja-muse · 11 months
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So, June was a month! Felt like several, but apparently still just the one. Usually I measure the length of a month in books read—more books equals a “faster” month, fewer books equals a “slower” one—but that doesn’t work this time. I read nine books, so about my average. I think the number of “this was fine” books skewed things, as did The Hands of the Emperor which was excellent, but also very long.
And yes, I’ve finally read The Hands of the Emperor! It was everything I expected it to be and more, and just lovely and charming and cozy and all of things. I am bummed that my library doesn’t have the sequel, not that I’d be launching into it right off anyway. It’s the principle of the thing. The only reason it didn’t get my Review of the Month is because it’s hard to take photos of ebook covers….
On the opposite end of the spectrum, my TBR shelf book this month was a last-minute scramble and I opted for something short as a result. (And a classic, because I hadn’t read one of those in a while.) Tortilla Flat really hasn’t aged well, folks. Let’s all hope my next classic is better.
The other last-minute addition to this post is DIGGER IS HERE! I got the notice that it shipped late last week but didn’t think it would be coming to my door quite so soon. It has bookmarks, plural, you guys! I would be jumping into it next except that I’ve barely finished Shubeik Lubeik and I need to put space between excellent graphic novels.
Next up, though? One of the ARCs I hauled this month is The Frugal Wizard’s Guide to Surviving Medieval England. I’m going to be starting it today.
(Episode Thirteen is my other hauled book this month. I’d forgotten I’d requested a copy from a book rep.)
Other life events? I finally saw The Importance of Being Earnest performed! Another last-minute thing, that. I heard about it near the end of May and dithered about getting a ticket because the theatre was a bit of a trek, and then went, well, when else am I going to see it… Worth it, and that’s one thing off my bucket list.
Hopefully July has a lot of good books to make up for the kind of average reading month I’ve just had. Wish me luck!
And now without further ado, in order of enjoyment…
The Hands of the Emperor - Victoria Goddard Cliopher, Secretary to His Radiancy, the Last Emperor of Astandalas, invites his lord on a beach vacation. He has no idea how this will change the world—or his life.
Pacific Islander-coded protagonist, cast contains a range of ethnicities and skin tones, 🇨🇦
Shubeik Lubeik - Deena Mohamed A Cairo kiosk owner tries to sell off three wishes. It doesn’t quite go as planned.
Egyptian cast, largely Muslim cast, Egyptian author, #ownvoices for Egyptian
warning: depression, suicidal ideation, death of a child
Shadowlands - Matthew Green Short histories of lost settlements from across the UK.
The Golem of Brooklyn - Adam Mansbach Len creates a golem while stoned. This is only his first poor decision of the week. Road trip, anyone? Out in September
largely Jewish cast, 🏳️‍🌈 (lesbian) secondary character, Jewish author, #ownvoices for Jewishness
warning: anti-Semites, white supremacists, homophobes
The Helios Syndrome - Vivian Shaw A freelance necromancer must help determine why an airplane crashed, while being haunted by a pilot.
🏳️‍🌈 (gay) protagonist, 🏳️‍🌈 (gay/bi) secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author
The Dress Diary of Mrs. Anne Sykes - Kate Strasdin A history of Victorian fashion through the lens of a fabric scrapbook.
The Gifts - Liz Hyder In 1840s England, a woman grows wings, a storyteller comes to London, a wife grows unsatisfied, and a doctor gets ambitious.
Black British POV character, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (gay)
warning: racism, misogyny, animal death, medical content
The Road to Roswell - Connie Willis Francie travels to Roswell to save her college roommate from a misguided marriage, and promptly finds herself on an involuntary road trip with an alien.
Tortilla Flat - John Steinbeck A group of friends ramble around old-time Monterey.
multiracial protagonists, largely BIPOC cast
warning: racism, misogyny, alcohol, racial slurs
The Gay Best Friend - Nicolas DiDomizio Dom’s best friends are getting married! Which is great, except he’s having to keep secrets for both of them and maybe he needs to think a bit about expectations and authenticity.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (gay), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (gay), 🏳️‍🌈 author, #ownvoices
Currently reading:
Nothing! I start July with a clean slate.
Monthly total: 10 Yearly total: 62/140 Queer books: 2 Authors of colour: 1 Books by women: 6 Authors outside the binary: 0 Canadian authors: 1 Off the TBR shelves: 1 Books hauled: 2 ARCs acquired: 5 ARCs unhauled: 4 DNFs: 0
January February March April May
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blackblux · 13 days
Au ideas or prompts for fellow fanfic writers writers for miraculous ladybug
Killer au: so basically marinette reaches her breaking point in post season 5 and actually kills Gabriel agreste (aka hawkmoth) she takes the miraculous of the butterfly.
Adrien witnessed the murder by getting out of the room he was locked in. Adrien thinks that ladybug can make a wish to bring his father back.
Adrien: ladybug please bring him it's just a small wish right?
Ladybug: someone has to die if want him back plus it's better anyway no one can take you away from me *she says detransforming into marinette one eye of her was red and tikki and plagg looked horrified*.
Adrien: mari...marinette how are you ladybug and why father!!?
Marinette: it's me now that you know who I am we can be together!!
Tikki: adrien run away from her!! .
Adrien: marinette relax it's it was just a self defence kill hehe *he sees marinette use tikki's power without the miraculous or saying lucky charm to create a short scythe*, marinette please put your weapon down you might be akumatized.
Marinette: AKUMATIZED we are supposed to be talking about love, I see maybe you are a sentimonster made by him to trick me * she brutally sliced his hands but he fought back but in the end he lost his limbs were on the floor blood uzing out and his was smashed into a pool of bones, blood and flesh.
Bunnix: what the hell happened to this place it thought it was a default timeline *she knocked this version of marinette and set her to a white place* done.
Meanwhile the unconscious killed was dragged by what looked like an akumatized marinette through a portal after bunnix left her.
Alastor marinette au
So this starts in season 1 instead of marinette being late. She gets to school early and doesn't meet master fu on the way adrien received the black cat miraculous and another random 15 year old civilian receiving the ladybug miraculous instead. Marinette and alya become friends and marinette sees Ivan being bullied instead of helping she sees adrien the perfect boy and her future husband. They go to class and Ivan gets akumatized adrien transformed and together with random ladybug fight stone heart and win while marinette ran to the library and hid behind a book shelf a book fell on her she opens it and reads that she can sign contracts with friendly creatures or request something from them.
Marinette opened the book and saw many options:
Scarlet king
Bill cipher
And collector (the best option).
Marinette decided to go with alastor because she could not read clearly.
Alastor: hello my dear would you like request something from me.
Marinette: well sorry for disturbing you mister well I have a crush on adrien agreste you see.
Alastor: Ok but there is a price to be paid relax it's not expensive.
Marinette: thank god it's not expensive hehe I don't have a lot of money.
Alastor uses his magic on adrian it failed due the miraculous protection but it did not matter as long he had finished his part of the deal marinette's soul belongs to him.
Alastor: I'm than I'm dear now it's time to pay * alastor uses voodoo to possess marinette body*
Alanette: this body is nice I love it.
Master fu: I sensed a demon.
Final au is DnD au
Marinette travels on crazy adventures with some of her fellow guild members of the mist hunter guild.
Marinette lawden
Class: artifacar/ chaos alchemist.
Race: arch-human (night type)
Nature: chaotic neutral
Fun fact: made a crown for evil king which when worn would shrink and crush the head with ease.
Title: the problem (by miss bustier) and lazy genius inventor.
Felix fathom
Class: sword assassin
Race: high-elf
Nature: chaotic good
Fun fact: he has started many rebellions.
Title: the rebel
Alya caisere
Class: illusionist
Race: human
Nature: neutral good
Fun fact: she is marinette's best friend
Linx (oc)
Class: blood hunter/tracker
Race: arch-dragonoid (blood type)
Nature: neutral evil
Fun fact: the he has been kicked out of many guilds but his tracking skills are great.
I hope you people have or try to make aus with this
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johaerys-writes · 1 year
Get to know me
I was tagged by @baejax-the-great, thank you so much pal! 
Share your wallpaper: My phone background for the past six months or so has been the same Patrochilles art that I'm actually not sure if I should post here without permission from the artist lol. But I can confirm that it's the cutest, most loveliest drawing of them, and Achilles looks so baby in it and I love staring at it every time I open up my phone :')
The last song you listened to: Unbound by Asgeir
Currently Reading:  Ten Days That Shook The World by John Reed (don't ask why or how, but my autistic Special Interest of choice for the past 2-3 weeks has been the political intrigue surrounding WWI and how it fuelled the October Revolution so I've been reading any book/watching any documentary I can get my hands on about it), and I've also been listening to The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath while doing chores and stuff
Last Movie: Everything Everywhere All at Once with @baejax-the-great
Craving: Travel :|
What are you wearing right now: My fluffiest house robe and my fluffy slippers and super comfy and soft socks, and yes I'm still in pyjamas 
How tall are you: 167 cm, no idea how that translates in feet and inches lol don't make me google it
Piercings: I have one piercing in each ear, I've often thought about getting more but needles be scary 
Tattoos: 6, and planning to finish my half sleeve by the end of the year
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses, and I do sometimes wear contacts as well
Last drink: I am currently drinking some lukewarm coffee with oat milk :3
Last show: In the past couple years I've become so bad with starting shows and actually sticking with them lol, but I did do a rewatch of Neon Genesis Evangelion fairly recently..... OH and I watched Interview with the Vampire with @baejax-the-great a little while back which was super fun!! (because apparently I can't watch something unless I can shit talk or go feral over it with Bae LOL)
Last thing you ate: Toast with peanut butter and an apple
Favourite colour: Oooh that's such a hard question to answer!! The first colour that comes to mind is blue -- I always gravitate towards some version of blue, and currently it's deep navy blue, but I also own a lot of powder blue stuff. It's either that or baby pink or cream tbh, but I also own a good amount of gold/mustard things as well. Yellow makes me happy. I find jewel green incredibly pretty though I weirdly don't own anything of that colour (which reminds me I should perhaps make that a priority)
Current obsession: I'm guessing this is a fandom related question, so I'm going to be predictable and say that I'm, as usual, obsessed with Patrochilles and most of the other pairings I am currently writing, even though anxiety over real life stuff hasn't let me engage with them as much as I want lately. I do think about them a lot and have lots of ideas for new stories, and I'm also working my way back into catching up with fics I love, which I haven't been able to do in a while despite the joy it normally gives me. Brains can be very uncooperative at times, but what can you do about it lol. 
Unrelated Obsession: As I mentioned earlier I have been obsessed with Russian and generally European politics of the early 20th century for some weird ass reason lmao, but I've also been reading an in-depth analysis of Aeschylus' life and work I found in some corner of my library, which led me to looking up some academic papers about it, which led me to signing up for an online course about Athenian tragedy, so um?? I don't know what it is with me and going down those endless rabbit holes lately ahah. 
Any pets: I have a cat, aka a baby and a bastard and a devil spawn all wrapped in one (he is currently sleeping like an angel after attempting to tear down the curtains)
Do you have a crush on anyone: Um. Like, on a real life person? A fictional person? I do have crushes on several of my mutuals so if y'all are reading it I'm kissing you on the forehead MWAH
Favourite fictional character: I can't choose, don't make me choose!!!!!!! I can't choose between my children. But if I had to choose then maybe.... Patroclus? But also, Achilles? But also, my OC Tristan Trevelyan and Dorian Pavus from DA? But also Shiro and Keith from VLD? But also -- SEE, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE
The last place you traveled: It feels like it's been SO long since I've traveled anywhere. I went to Aegina island last summer but since then I haven't been outside the city for even a DAY and it's been driving me crazy. I just need to see some green and blue and listen to nothing but birds or waves or the wind (at this point I'll even take the rooster that woke me up EVERY DAMN MORNING when I was in Aegina lmao). I'm planning on going on a day trip to Mycenae soon though so I'm very excited about that 😄
Tagging forth to @in-arlathan, @mogwaei, @tessa1972, @aymayzing, @inquisitoracorn, @tevivinter, @elveny, @pikapeppa, @petrowriting @peggy-sue-reads-a-book @juliafied, @vimlos, @gloriesunsung, @figsandphiltatos, @gwensparlour, @glimmerofgold, @sabino-sea, and so many more of my mutuals that I'm actually too shy to tag here. But seriously if you're reading this and it looks fun please do it and tag me, I'm nosy and I want to know everything about you LOL  
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artgirllullaby · 10 months
Under the Stars
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So.... I made a ScaraxMona (WanderMona) fanfic a while ago and left it sitting on my stuff cause I wasn't confident or sure if I should post... But two days ago I got high on caffeine and in abstinence of my anxiety medicine which gave a sudden burst of courage and completely off my rails... then later had a depression crisis that E and the squad had to deal with (sorry guys)
So, in the middle of that, I forgot to post here too... So here we are.
Hope you guys like!
ScaraxMona Playlist: Spotify/Youtube
Original Notes: So, this was a impulsive writing I had after watching some Scaramona montage on YouTube (thx Feniko) and then went into Scaramona hell. This was written before Sumeru Arc and was sitting on my stuff cause my anxiety is really bad lately and having no therapy isn't helping, but on a crisis today I fixed some stuff on it when i had no internet and decided to post on impulse (again) and I'll probably regret later cause I have no idea where this is going aside the fact I have a playlist, took coffee and am on VERY HIGH ANXIETY AND CAFEINE DRIVE SO LETS GO YAHOOO
Under the Stars
(You collected Part I of "Ocean of Stars and Wondering Clouds")
When Mona met the Wanderer, she didn’t know why she was so aware and suspicious of him, but her sixth sense didn’t let her guard down for any minute. In fact, everytime he showed up she would be more aware of him. The traveler had told he was someone they had met before, but many things happened and it was complicated to explain why she didn’t remember, but he went through a lot and had changed. 
They had met when the Traveler got her into the Akademia through their connections (which later she found out that was no one other than Sumeru’s archon herself), but not as a student, just a researcher who had access to their library and facilities as much she wanted as long it had to do with her subject of study. 
She had seen through the constellations that Traveler would save the nation or do something along those lines, but then again she avoided looking too much or taking it as raw truth, the memory of the former adventurer she met still haunted her once in a while. Normally, she would pick on their constellation just to see how they were, if they were doing well or alive in their long months apart in adventures and then continue her day. If she happened to look and they weren’t doing well, she would send a letter. She would look into the stars later and learn they were getting better and wasn't exactly because of her letters, but there was a weird relief to send them. 
So when she received a letter back telling her to go to Sumeru and she got free access to the whole library, to say Mona choked on her tea, would be completely right. She was on her way to Sumeru the very next day.
~~~~~~Continue Reading on AO3/FF-net
(trust me, it's too long for Tumblr)
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