#I am just looking for any excuse to draw this character he is my favorite!
Hi friend, long time no see. Can we get howdy pillar gets annoyed by his brother Latter Pillar talking about poems and stuff. Imagine barnaby sees it wats going on lol
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Hey unknowlulu! :) Good to hear from you, and I hope you are doing well! I just imagine while Latter is reading his heart out, Howdy just gives Barnaby a look of "help me" and Barnaby finds the whole situation hilarious but does not know how to help.
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cruciomee · 4 months
Why do you like the Greens so much. You seem very kind and it’s weird to me you like the clear villains/usurpers of the story (especially because they die out).
Honestly, I would normally be upset at this kind of question simply because I hate discourse. I am a people pleaser & in my heart I want everyone to be happy in the fandom. So normally, I would ignore this but not gonna lie. This question was kind of funny.
First & foremost, I was really neutral before I joined Twitter. I did not care about the silly who has more right to rule nonsense. I read fire and blood before the show came & the only thing I was looking forward to was “The Battle Above the Gods Eye” & Sunfyre coming back (because that dragon comes back!) Characters on both sides were equally interesting, but also equally boring for me. It was a specific part of the fandom on twitter to turn me so team green
On a sheer engagement level I have found that anything I draw with team black does not get very much interaction. You would think that ifRhaenyra is the most popular character in the show, if you draw something of her you will get some from of engagement but that is most definitely not the case. so sometimes I wonder if she actually has fans or is this fandom just full of people looking for a fight & use her as their excuse. Either way, I like drawing team black characters but what’s the point if no one wants to actually see it.
Now onto my personal opinions, I like my favorite characters to suffer. I hate cookie cutter happy go lucky stuff. The better a character is made to seem the more I don’t care about them. They become extremely boring to me. Im someone who likes a messy character. The more toxic the person the better. just because I like that kind of character doesn’t mean it has any effect on me as an actual person. fiction is not the same as reality! I don’t like discord in reality, but I love it in fiction! I hate toxicity in reality, but I love it in fiction! Aegon ii is a pathetic trashcan & I love to see him suffer. I can’t wait to see him burnt & broken! I also can’t wait to see him force himself off of Milk of the poppy & for his dragon to come back to him against all odds. I’m so ready to see his death, he needs to be alone & miserable. The fact I’m a kind person who honestly loves drawing kids & family interactions more than anything has nothing to do with what I want to see/read. I read some crazy toxic fanfic & the character I like the most is always the one getting emotionally destroyed in them. Everyone has their thing that they are into & I would never judge them so why should you judge me for liking a bunch of miserable losers who wear green in a show about dragons fighting for no good reason other than on who has more privilege to sit on a metal chair made of swords.
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papabigtoes · 9 months
How are you feeling about knubbs
I thought he was FANTASTIC in this movie (you gave me an excuse to draw him from it) !
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(very in depth response below)
I love his character and how he acts. The facials of him sassily kicking the breakfast table killed me in a watchparty I had with my friends
And yes, all three of us went “NOOOOO!” when he was engulfed by the explosions.
I will say, as much as I tried to avoid spoilers, his death was spoiled for me in my inbox once the leaks circled around last week. It wasn’t it being spoiled that made me groan - it was the fact they were typed as if the annoying orange grew fingers and wanted to be EXTRA quirky. I am embarassed for the anon because all it made me feel was the same way I feel when I stumble upon a millenial making videos with their dog where they speak in this pseudo-european accent all squeaky. If you ever wanna make me clench my toes in disgust, just send me clips of dogs with bad forced accents all chipmunked. that one audio that goes “IF MONDAYE WAS A VEGGIETABLE, IT WOULD BE A ZZUCHEYENEYE, BECAUSE ITS ZUCHS!” oughhh i will be white knuckling my phone like murderface on twitter when he shits bro
THEN, I saw people on instagram and one had Dick’s face as it was melting from Nathan’s trip. When I saw that image before the movie, I believed either A.) When MF got exorcised Salacia jumped into the closest body and because he wasn’t a demi-god, his body began to legit melt, OR B.) it tied into the fact Crozier hired Knubbler to get info on the band since S1E2. And he was revealing that he wasn’t actually as good-intentioned as the band thought.
The fact he continued to be a wholesome wine aunt and hippie stoner uncle hyrbid to the boys, AND THE FACT CROZIER HAD AN ARC (in my au I have him be like a grumpy grandpa to the boys, and a dad figure to MF so the fuel this film gave me for fan art? BOUNTIFUL) god it was truly a feast
I think I would be more sad if they decided to have the route be that Knubbler was terrified to die. If he was pounding on that shield in a panic, oh that would hurt! He looked so accepting of it, looking at the band with confidence that they’d indeed save the world, was a pretty damn awesome way to go. He went out like a true gear - he feared not his mortality.
I will say, his passing wont cause me to cease drawin’ him and William! I’ll draw him like he died but he got better so he’s ok.
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have a lot of dickface stuff I want to include into my fan piece au, and he’ll still be a favorite to draw when it comes to it. Lmk if you want me to draw any knubbler angst with mf and whatnot, because I’ll probably continue with my favorite route with drawing him - the Cheese Route™️.
What do you feel about it, anon? You don’t have to answer back, but I do enjoy Talkin’ Klok and would love to hear your thoughts too!
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sunshine-jesse · 6 months
In defense of Andrew Graves: A character arc in one sentence
HEY! I rewrote this essay and fleshed it out a lot. I'm keeping the original here for posterity, but the new version renders this one completely obsolete. Find it here!
I've focused a lot on Ashley in my past writings. She's my favorite character in the story (and depending on how episode 3 pans out, maybe ever) and I'm pretty mortified by how some parts of the fandom have reacted towards her, so I pretty much made it my life's mission to push back against that. From highlighting the ways Andrew mistreats her, to coming up with justifications for her behavior that aren't just being a manipulative bitch, I really wanted to prove that a more favorable picture of her could be painted than most were willing to.
But in doing so, I've left Andrew in the dust.
In highlighting his flaws and the ways he mistreats Ashley, I think I've implied a level of intentionality to his actions that I don't believe he has. Most of his worst actions are spur of the moment, or caused by a fundamental conflict that exists between his desires and his idea of the way things should be. That doesn't excuse them, obviously! But they do reveal interesting things about his character and how it develops over the course of the game. He starts out as a doormat, but eventually settles on either his bitterness or a sense of calmness and acceptance, both over Ashley.
But what exactly causes this change?
There's plenty of reason to believe that he was slowly evolving before the story took place, but within the context of the work itself, I believe there are two points where he can no longer ignore the changes that have happened to this point, both of which are in the first chapter: The killing of the warden and the 302 lady. In the first case, he was forced to do it to protect Ashley in a way he hadn't done before, or depending on how you look at it, since the death of Nina. But the intentionality was the key point here. After this point, he calls Ashley Leyley, which may or may not seem important at this point, but it's something I'll draw attention to later, so keep that in mind.
Next is the killing of the 302 lady, which is the much, much bigger point. We don't learn much about it until later on- as at first he just gives an excuse about the nail gun that doesn't line up with what we see on the map- but during the dream, it's revealed it was a calculated, intentional killing that he did to make sure there was no evidence left behind, and because Ashley (supposedly) would've wanted him to do it anyway. I say supposedly because Ashley herself doesn't seem to ever want Andrew to kill for her past Nina's death, because he only ever kills for her to defend one or both of them. If you want more evidence that violence for violence's sake isn't something she wants, look at this part in the final dream:
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A knife isn't what opens the door, despite it being placed on the ground in that very map. While it seems obvious that the knife (violence) would be the key to solving the puzzle, it's put there explicitly to show you that it isn't. It's not what she wants; what she wants is a flower.
So, why is this important? Why am I centering Ashley- again- when this essay is supposed to be about Andrew?
Because I think it's important to point out the discrepancy between what he thinks Ashley wants, and what she really wants. When Ashley starts to grill Andrew over the killing of the 302 lady, he gets mad. Very mad. Ashley sees it as pointless, as him covering his own ass, but he genuinely did it for her sake, because he thought that's what she wanted, and that it'd make her happy. But what makes her happy isn't violence- or any similarly extreme action for that matter- it's attention and validation. Something he's always reluctant to give her, despite the fact that he always chose her over the alternatives. But despite making that choice, it's always empty and meaningless, because in Ashley's mind, he never did it for her sake.
And hoo boy, does he not like it being framed like this.
But is she wrong, though? He WAS the one who chopped up the Warden, and he WAS the one who chose to kill the 302 lady. Violence is his job, it's all he knows. He has to do it to take care of Leyley, right? To protect her? To keep her happy? Then why doesn't he ever acknowledge it? Why does he never admit that he did it for her sake, to keep her happy?
Because he doesn't know what he sees her as.
In his unique dream sequence, he sees two versions of Ashley; the child version of her- Leyley- and the adult version of her- Ashley. And the differences in the ways he interacts with the two of them are stunning. Leyley is an obstinate, annoying child. She's the one he NEEDS to take care of, and he hates that. He hates Leyley for what she did for his childhood. He hates that he needs to provide for her. He has the option of trying to kill her, even, over something as small as a candle!
But in the room with all the murders, the gilded cage, he sees Ashley as an adult. This version of Ashley is stuck in a closet that he himself has to open- and to choose to see. Their interactions are calm and friendly. She teases him a bit, sure, but she's still helpful, and they have fun together. He doesn't need her, and she doesn't need him. He needed Leyley- needed the candle- but here, there are other limbs strewn about for him to take. And, crucially, he doesn't even have the option to kill this Ashley for one of the limbs.
And during the choking scene, he lets her go the moment she acknowledges that he doesn't need her anymore.
What he really wants is Ashley for Ashley's sake. Not for what she can provide him. He doesn't even need her for sleep, he just wants her. But Ashley has trouble acknowledging this, because he's never before shown that WANT. Only a NEED. She keeps trying to find ways to make him need her, because she's never seen what his desire for her is really like. She's only ever seen him desiring someone else, someone other than her. She's only ever seen him as Andy, because she's never truly seen Andrew, only the violence he can inflict on others. Andrew, meanwhile is arguably further along in the realization of their relationship, because he can see and acknowledge both sides of Ashley.
He can see Leyley, the needy, bratty child who always needs his attention, that he needs to provide for. The one he hates and wants to get rid of. The one he kills for to protect. And he can see Ashley, the one who engages in friendly and cute banter with him. Who comforts and shows him physical affection. The one he loves. The one he kills for to make happy.
He just can't choose which one he wants to see. Every outside influence- from his parents, to Julia, to Nina- makes him see her as Leyley. Ashley herself makes him see her as Leyley too, whenever she brings up all the things he did for her, and calls him Andy, his child self, instead of Andrew, his current self. And as long as he sees that child, he feels like one too, and can never give Ashley anything that comes from the heart.
But he really, really wants to see Ashley as an adult. He wants to take pride in her, how much she's grown, and how driven and competent she really is.
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But god damn, does that bitch ever make it hard.
But in the end, it's him who has to make the choice how to see her. Ashley can only see what she's shown, but Andrew can choose.
And in the basement scene, he makes that choice.
If Ashley refuses to leave him alone with their parents, that's it. In one of the most critical and important moments of his life, she couldn't give him the space needed to make up his own mind. She couldn't treat him as an adult. She couldn't see him as Andrew. If she does give him that choice, she chooses to acknowledge that Andrew is an adult who can be trusted to make his own decisions, even though she (perhaps foolishly) believes that this choice lines up with her own interests. And frankly it does either way, but in accepting their mom's offer, her chooses to see her as Leyley once and for all. He chooses not to reciprocate what Ashley showed him. He does it because he needs to, not because he wants to. Because it's his duty, not his desire.
But if he WANTS to?
That respect becomes mutual.
In choosing to treat each other like adults, to treat their relationship as one of desire rather than need, Andy starts to die. From that point on, their relationship becomes a lot more friendly, lighthearted, and playful. They ironically start acting more like children, but to quote CS Lewis:
"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence."
He's not ashamed of being playful with Ashley, or showing affection towards her. He's grown up. He finally sees her, and himself, as an adult- although he still doesn't show that in full until much later on (more or that later). But in Decay, he still sees her as a child, and to an extent, probably himself. Let's compare the ways in which he reacts to being called Andy. In Decay, he lashes out at Ashley and gets angry, even threatening her. But in Questionable Burial, he calmly says that Andy is dead and doesn't need Ashley's comfort, but still tries to reassure her that she's still needed. He's not ashamed of or hostile towards their prior dynamic, because he's grown past it. He still recognizes Ashley's need to feel needed, but he still RECOGNIZES it, where he was hostile towards it before.
It's a display of respect towards her feelings.
This interaction doesn't happen in the Sane ending, however. He doesn't play games with her and is just a lot less fun to be around all together. Why is that? Because he still hasn't yet shaken viewing Ashley as Leyley there. He still views her as a burden, as someone who needs taking care of. He's calmly accepted that, too, mind you, but he lacks respect for her because she's still a child, in his mind. But in Questionable?
The vision did more than just make him extremely embarrassed and lay his deepest desires bare. It forced him to recognize Ashley as an adult. When choosing between "Never" and "Never say never," if Never is chosen, the burden of thought is lifted off of him. But if Ashley chooses "Never say never!", he has to reckon with the fact that Ashley is an adult, someone who can consent to those kinds of things. Someone who MIGHT. Someone who has agency, and can make her own decisions. And more importantly… someone who can trust him to make his own.
Whether he desires sex or not is secondary; he's always had those feelings and has always been ashamed of it. But now that the part of him where that shame came from is dead and buried, there's no childish impulse to grow up. There's no attachment to the hate and bitterness he had before. Look at what he worries about when he picks up that she's uncertain or confused about who he is now:
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This is the one sentence I was referring to in the title.
It's her feelings.
He wants to be fun to be around. He wants to make Ashley happy. He loves her, and not as a romantic interest or even as a sibling. He loves her independent of all that baggage.
He loves her as a person.
In learning to respect Ashley, our boy has finally grown up. But there's a certain intimacy to being hurt by someone else that Ashley isn't getting in this ending, and now she has to reckon with that. And that's really, really hard to do when you're so used to being hurt.
Especially when you're no longer around someone who wants to kill the part of you that needs nurturing the most.
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tinkerbelle05 · 9 months
hi! can you write a miles (1610) x gn/fem pop star s/o? thanks so much!!
My Muse
Characters: 1610!Miles Morales x Black!Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: (Requested) Thanks for the reqs, sweets
Warning: none :)
A/N: Did I use this as an excuse to talk about my favorite songs? Maybe lol. Let me know if you have heard of any of these, they are listed below.
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Dating someone famous was not for the weak, Miles expected that. You tried to keep your relationship private, knowing how unhinged your fans could be. You loved and appreciated them (well most of them) but they could be a bit much at times.
And because of that your dating life was on standby until you met Miles. He was perfection in every sense of the world. And somehow, when your relationship inevitablely got leaked, he was calm about it. Well of course during first week Miles was the definition of a mess because who wouldn’t be. He was constantly refreshing the comment section of posts and the like.
But after that he went private and kinda moved on. Two months later and it was like the leak never existed. You moved on with your lives and the rest of the world did too.
Miles was hanging out in your room, music playing in the background. You were writing lyrics in your book and he was sketching in his. With the afternoon sun lighting up the room, the scene felt picturesque.
You felt someone watching you, and when you looked up, it was Miles. His face was resting on his palm and he had a lovesick expression on his face.
“You should take a picture, it'll last longer,” you joked and that broke him out of it whatever daydream he was having.
“Oh…oh. Um, was I staring?” He asked sheepishly.
“Yes, you were,” you chuckled. “But it’s cute.”
You leaned over and caught a glimpsed of his sketch book. But only that as he snatched the thing out of your reach. “Hey, hey, you know the deal. You look into my book, and I look into yours.”
You stared at Miles, mulling over the offer in your head, weighing the pros and cons in your head. “Okay, fine.”
You really wanted to see what that boy was so secretive about in there. And you always wanted to stare at the lil sketches he made of you. You exchanged books and went to looking.
You just hoped he wouldn't be a dork (affectionately) about what you written in your book.
But this is Miles we’re talking about here. Being dork is practically his middle name.
He glances up at you and his eyes says it all. Your cheeks were getting hot but thankfully with your complexion, it won't show.
“Can’t stop thinking ‘bout the way you kissed me, under the stars’?” Miles recounts the lyrics you wrote.
You ignored him and continued to look through his sketchbook. Even though you were enjoying his reactions.
It's one of your favorite parts about thing whole singing thing (other than the money obviously), it was how people reacted to your songs. Especially the ones who inspired it.
“Oh, and another one! ‘You’re the water when I’m stuck in the desert. You’re the Tylenol I take when my head hurts. You’re the sunshine of my life.’” He reads the words from the book with a smug smile on his face.
“What you cheesing for?” you asked with a big smile of your own.
Miles sets the book down on his overcrowded night table and comes closer to you, “You know, while reading this book, one would assume that I'm your muse."
He's staring at me with a teasing smirk on his face, “Well, am I?”
Instead of answering you shoved his book in his face and flipped through the multiple drawings that Miles has of you, “And what about this? Does this mean I'm your muse too?"
“Okay, okay you got me. I guess we’re both muses for eachother then?”
You look at him and can't help but smile, “Yea, I guess we are.”
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Tags: @butterfi, @somber-dreamz, @jam-skullz, @hoeboat101, @randomhoex, @badbehaviorxx, @gw3ndyswonderland, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @itstooearly-its3am, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @rosebunny, @maypersonne, @yourtsahik, @mur-docs, @sawi-06, @707xn, @andhdi68a, @emgavi, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @ellatienesuscosas, @laylasbunbunny, @minimari415, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @avatarl0v3r, @nerdyparker616, @jell0buss-37, @centipider, @keawio, @skullux, @luci1fer, @jazisc00l, @thebestandrealestever, @baneofthemultiverse, @1uvvmi,
Anonlist & Reqs Info & Masterlist & 500 Followers Celebration!! & Taglist
Songs used: ur so pretty - wasia project & best part -HER ft. Daniel Caesar
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kosije · 1 year
Can I request a Hirugami Sachiro fluff wherein the reader accidentally/unintentionally confesses her feelings >^<
I rlly love your writing!! I dont see much hirugami posts so id rlly appreciate it if you wrote this!
a/n: so so so sorry for my absence ^^; thank you for your support and im happy you enjoy my writing! Lightly edited, feel free to lmk any mistakes :)
Spring just might be your favorite season. The cool wind, flower blossoms, and calm days at the park with your best friend, Sachirou, and his pup make it hard for other seasons to compete.
“I’m gonna take her for another lap around, wanna come?” he asks, beckoning the playful Maltese puppy, who’s the same shade as his hair with two taps on his thighs. The only word you can think of to describe him is perfect. The bright blue cloudless sky and green flower-dotted grass seem like they’re only as radiant as the man standing in them in front of you. His smile is dazzling and his white tee tight and khakis show off his physique.
You say you're still short of breath, hoping he couldn’t tell that you were gawking at him.
he nods, turning his focus to the Maltese and grabbing her leash.
Only once he’s out of sight do you smoothen out your floral dress and take a swig of the ice-cold lemonade he had packed in the basket holding the rest of your snacks. It’s one thing to find your best friend attractive. It was a fact that he was gorgeous. Whether it was you two walking through the halls, attending his volleyball games, or going to the park for a picnic, Sachirou always seemed to draw the attention of everyone around him. And just a light brush to his curly hair would have any girl falling for him. But in love?
You can tell you’re pushing it. Even if your diary has his name written on every page with hearts around it, you know he’s not yours. You’re his friend, and friends are only meant to be friendly.
So how come when you see the two run back a few minutes later, your heart skips a beat and you let yourself pretend the two- or three of you are on a date? After hours pass of talking, running, drawing, singing, dancing, and eating, you both decide to wine down at his apartment.
“I just feel that she’d be much better with the side character. I mean, they have way more chemistry.” You say in between snacking on a random bag of chips you grabbed from the basket.
“You’re better than me. If she ends up with the bad boy as a cliche, I might shit myself,” He says, laughing when you scrunch your nose to him and let out an airy laugh. You think you see his cheeks go pink, but before you can ask about it, his dog jumps between you two.
“Hey! Down girl!” He says leaning back to avoid being hit by her tail while you hide your chip bag and move to cuddle her, giggling over how Sachirou shouldn’t be so mean to her.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d believe she’ll to steal you away from me. Am I not cute enough?” He coos with a fake pout. Even if he is teasing, you can still feel your heartbeat spike.
“How could anything be cuter than you, Sachi?” You say subconsciously, still playing with his dog. It’s only after a couple beats of silence that you realize that was definitely not said in your head, and you feel a wave of embarrassment.
“I don’t know why I said that...” You mumble, not daring to look up and see his reaction. No matter how many excuses you tried to think of, none of them negated how obviously unfriendly you meant that.
“Listen I’m so-“
“Do you mean that?” His voice is soft, and against all of your reservations, your head turns up to face him. His lips are slightly parted, and his cheeks are flush.
You can’t find it in yourself to lie to him when he looks at you like that. So against the butterflies threatening to escape along with the chips, you breathlessly say yes.
His dog jumps from your lap, running off to somewhere you can’t bring yourself to focus on because his body is getting impossibly too yours. To the point where your fingertips are ghosting each other.
“How do you feel about me, really?” He asks his face now close enough that you can feel the shakey breath he lets out after the question. His eyes are steady on yours, but only for a beat does it flicker to your lips and you try your best to swallow the lump down your throat.
“I......What I feel for you is stronger than friendship. It has been stronger than that for a while now,” you confess, leaning into him with a rush of courage. “Is that... okay?”
“Is that okay?!” He squeaks, his voice cracking before tackling you down on his couch in a hug that almost knocks the wind out of you.
“Can’t... breathe,” you gasp, making him spring up and apologize profusely.
“A simple ‘yes’ would’ve been good,” you say, not being able to hide the elated grin pulling at your lips.
“It’s more than ‘okay’, stupid. Oh my gosh, do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this? Being in love with your best friend is a bigger cliche than that movie we were watching.”
If the hug didn’t make your heart skip a beat, his confessing he’s felt the same way as you make your heart feel like it’ll stop right here.
“Tell me about it.” You say, watching his breath hitch before moving his hand to your cheek, pulling you closer to him by his feather-light touch moving to your chin.
Wordlessly, his lips catch yours, and you feel your head spin. His kiss is soft and intoxicating, but so passionate you’re left gripping on his shirt. You both pull back for hair, and his eyes glint like he’s looking at the stars.
“I love you.” The words are easy and flow effortlessly from your lips like they’ve been said countless times before.
“I love you too.” He says, with that same smile that’s always lit everything around him up.
Softly, he pulls you into his chest, reviling in the realization that all of his feelings have led up to (what was) his wildest dreams coming true.
And when you hear his heart hammering against his chest as he presses his lips softly on your forehead, only then is it obvious that there is no better season than spring.
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wonderful-magician · 2 months
OK do you ship dinahboose and if you do I NEED YOUR THOUGHTS. ( I saw you where analyzing ceeb’s characterization sooo) if not just use this as a free space to ramble about something else idk 💀
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it is 1:am but I am so desperate to ramble and I also will take any excuse to draw any ship I like ever which is almost too many so excuse me if I sound nonsensical
OKAY I LOVE DINAHBOOSE obv I've been into this musical for a total of 2 weeks or so- so I'm still scrounging every bit of Information on these guys that I can. And I've done wayyy more research on CB than I have Dinah ( he has a lot more to look at though ) but these two just make sense to me. They just make sense. Opposites but not opposites. They are confusing and they are both confused. But at least they can hold hands while confused.
Personally I struggle to ever hate or dislike ships unless there's like a blindingly obvious reason to dislike a ship. But dinahboose is probably my second favorite ship so far for StEx ( Electraboose has 1st place and Krupp/purse has 3rd )
Totally not gonna use this to talk about my personal rewrite of StEx.. specifically C.B. because I don't want to make a post just for it LMAO.
So yeah I've been basically studying C.B. ( or, I guess caboose because he hasn't been called C.B in a long time... but C.B has more personality.. ) and my version of C.B. is probably a horrible amalgamation of OLC and 2015 Bochum. Because I love radio aesthetics and the Dinah friendship but I also love the toy soldier aesthetic and absolutely batshit laugh ( I also love it when C.B. is played by somebody too flexible for their own good ) hes just a glorified circus clown on wheels with a radio set strapped to his head.
And I wish I could pretend that I understand cutting him but I do and I don't and I do. Because I honestly feel like C.B in the original does more than Electra lmao. But I don't think cutting people is the solution most the time tbh.
Okay onto more half asleep rambling that is likely to change because I'm still in the early stages of this rewrite. But. I recognize that C.B. has some issues. The one most of my friends point out is that he seemingly has no motive. He just... Is silly I guess. And I think this is a bit funny because I do like an antagonist with the motive of " it would be funny " , but at the same time. Kind of hard to make that character very ...er... Well I'll just say it does get a bit boring.
Something I also heard was that in the reasons C.B. has been cut was because caboose's aren't exactly used anymore, which is totally fair!
But could also totally be a motivation! Think about it, why is C.B still working? Still working with the freight despite essentially being useless? Because greaseball wants to keep him around to use him for cheating. Easy! Obviously none of this could easily be translated to the show. But for some comics/writings? Yes. Yes.
Think about it. Rusty is struggling, he feels a bit useless because steam is falling behind! So he tries to win and prove himself. But who else feels useless because of their job being replaced? C.B. but unlike rusty, C.B takes the other path, instead of trying to be a role model and win or prove himself. He just goes down the path of crime. And hey, he's probably a crazy adrenaline junky too so he's still doing it for the fun!
And why does he betray greaseball? Plenty of reasons. C.B might dislike greaseball because of poor treatment, he might dislikes greaseball for his treatment of Dinah, he probably just wants to get the adrenaline high of betraying him in the first place. Maybe to prove that he's important and needed because if he doesn't help, greaseball will lose. And he wants to hold it over him for his own personal desire of self importance. Who knows. He's a complicated little clown he is.
Ok anyway yeah I'm like the #3 Dinahboose supporter I will draw them more hehbehehehee
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yolowritter · 23 days
Can I give you my rant about the absolute MESS Astruc and the rest of the staff did with the background of ML? Because it's infuriating to a history buff and cultural appreciator like me. Especially after the episode Darkblade shows they CAN do a good job (the story of the ancestor Darkblade is the last years of Bernard VII, Count of Armagnac and Conestable of France, just with names filed off), they just choose to be lazy. And infuriating.
Side material references the Fox, Bee, Turtle, Peacock, and Butterfly Miraculous as the Elemental Miraculous, drawing in the Wuxing... And they never explored that.
The Miraculous Order was based in Tibet... Except the Wuxing link above and everything else we see of the Order say they're Daoist-adiacent, and the Tibetan monasteries are Buddhist. And let's not go on the fact Tibet was a different and often rival civilization to China (even the CCP admits that, and bases their control on how China had CONQUERED Tibet before the British got involved) yet the Order is quite obviously Chinese...
Gabi Gassette changed name in Gabriel Agreste... Except this is impossible under French law. Changing one's personal name is already hard enough, and changing the family name requires a petition to the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC proving you have a good reason under French law (and by what is shown, he didn't have one).
Joan of Arc never user her sword in combat, and in fact created her famous banner to have an excuse to not fight. So the scene of her getting time displaced and drawing a sword to fight is utterly ahistorical.
Lila Rossi is coded as an Italian, and I say that as an actual Italian. Her gestures, her expressivity, her hamminess, even her vindicativeness ("vendetta" is actually the generic Italian word for "revenge", but in English it became the word for "horrific revenge" because we're THAT vindicative), everything says she's an Italian teenaged girl. So all the "Cerise" nonsense is frankly ridiculous...
Now the really infuriating one, their take on Joan of Arc, of how she and the English bearer of the Black Cat were manipulated by the ambition of the Kings of France and England. Except Charles of France was the Dauphin, that is the heir to the throne, and grasping at straws to save France from the invasion when Joan showed up and requested he gave her an army to throw the English out of France and couldn't get crowned until Joan reconquered Reims, the city of the coronation. As for Henry VI of England, he was SIX (almost seven) when Joan entered the war (hence why Charles had a chance to reclaim the throne, to be crowned King of France one had to be a knight, and that meant one had to be an adult). These guys claimed Joan and Dark Grimalkin were manipulated by a desperate prince who was considering giving up and by a six years old child.
Sorry for the rant... But seriously, why did they do all of that?!
Because it's Thomas Astruc, and frankly I have no idea! Don't worry, rants are always welcome! By all means, I'm sure there's more stuff if we look for it! As a fellow history nerd, and also with Joan being my single favorite French historical figure ever, I have been seething ever since I saw their take on her. Henry the VI was literally just a child, and Charles was dependant on Joan because the English were demolishing France at the time! There is a perfectly good story in real history as to what could have happened to her and Dark Grimalkin! Just do an "partners on opposide sides of a war", slap in the iconic banner as her Miraculous weapon and call it a day! It would have been so much easier to follow real history! They didn't even need to do any work!
And as for the Cerise nonsense...that "explanation" better be really good. It better be Dark Souls-level deep lore with an interconnected backstory that ties up every single mystery in Lila's character better than Scooby Doo ever could, or I am going to lose my mind! I've already said this in my Lila post, but it's genuinely offensive that they had such a great idea for a character, and built her up so much...just to say "oh well actually she has three moms who don't even know eachother, and her name is Cerise, or Iris, or...something else". Lile c'mon! For Nooroo's sake here, it's a blatantly poor attempt to make her interesting again and it only worked because the fandom is grasping at straws for theory material because of the hiatus!
Any side material for the show just doesn't do a good enough job at actually giving us something new, or at the very least something interesting. The Miraculous and Kwami are constantly sidelined because why bother talking about this extremely high-potential universe you have in your show's Lore...if you didn't bother to fill in the blanks? Kwami are supposed to be Gods, Season 2 has references to Plagg blowing up Atlantis! Myths are apparently real in this universe! Please do something with that Thomas, it's free money! But nope, of course they ignore it.
The Guardian Order...well, I call them "The Jedi from Wish" for a reason. Like okay, religious order that has conservative thinking and backwards methods in a new world that is rapidly and constantly evolving. Cool concept! Unfortunately they don't even get their designs right, can't be consistent with which religion they're even based on, contradict themselves all the time, and make them utterly irrelevant after Su Han's first appearence. His only job in the story is to show up, yell at the protagonists, and then be proven wrong because "Ladybug is always right", only to apologize and then yeet himself to Brazil or something! I have an entire rant about this guy, but I'll refrain atm.
And lastly abt Gabriel's name change, I honestly didn't know that. Cool info, I'll add to my list of "times the writers didn't do their 5-minute google search". But like, c'mon. You're choosing to incorporate an important detail about your main villain into his backstory. Shouldn't you have somebody do the research to see if that's even possible? Even the intern is better than no one! I swear...and then us fanfic authors spend hours upon hours looking up obscure stuff just so one sentence/joke can be factually correct.
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lunarfeat21 · 8 months
To the anon that send me an ask, my dumbass deleted it by accident and I am sorry! Fortunately, I copied/pasted your ask in my notes before my mistake, so we’re saved!
Anonymous asked:
So it’s time for me to ask you about your favorite characters in RiD2015 >:)
No backing off from this one, UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!
*Runs away like a gremlin but trips on a rock and falls over*
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Oh poor anon, you have no idea what you unleashed upon... nah just kidding, but thank you for releasing my inner feral gushings of my favorites!
Without further ado, I RELEASE MY BELOVES!!!
Let's start off with my all time favorite!
What do I like about her? hmm... EVERYTHING!
From her strong and buff physique (it's nice to see more frame variants in femmes, WE NEED THEM HASBRO!), her boundless energy, to her impressive memorization of protocols and their numbers. A tough, but smart cookie.
 I’m not sure about you guys, but I’ll spend HOURS listening to her just rambling about regulations on a car ride while nodding like an idiot. Gosh, I’m starting to fall for her…
Fixit, Fixit, Fixit, my sweet wholesome minicon bean!
Adorable dude, a cheery character that I adored when seeing him on screen. Had a chuckle when he glitched out when he was about to say certain words in dyes- mics- rhymes! Regardless, dude helped his team out in every way. He’s the team’s technician and repairman, basically the backbone, even pulling out profiles of the Alchemor’s escapees via ship’s computers. 
I remember one episode where my dude is brawling a shady manager of an ex-champion (while I cheered on at 3 am) or in another episode where my dude’s original programming kicked in and turned into a terminator, but a prison guard… it doesn’t really help that there's about 100+ minicons like him (tbh I don’t know the total numbers)… do what you will with this information…
The mafia boss, angry moose on the loose, boss... babe
Bastard reminded me of those stereotypical noir film mafia bosses (it doesn’t really help that there’s him eating pizza in an official art piece… help…), and I'm not wrong. Plus his appearance and voice is… enamored to say the least…
Bro sounds pissed and will be pissed if something doesn’t go in his way, or someone doing stupid shit. Come on, this huge antler jockey is a freaking crime boss, so of course why wouldn’t he be pissed? He wouldn’t stop until he got what he wants, whether going back to cybertron, leadership, or objects of interest (and shredding someone to pieces, I’m talking about you, Clampdown! You sniveling snitch!).
Jetstorm & Slipstream
My Sweet Bun 1 & Sweet Bun 2, I love you both to death!
Both him and Slipstream are freaking cute (look me straight in the eye and tell me otherwise), and both are nearly the same height as a grown man (source? A screenshot I took for references in future digital drawings).
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Jetstorm is a bit more creative than Slipstream and Drift combined, but a bit as well impulsive (which can lead him to trouble with Drift). Overall, he and other Minicons are adorable and if they committed crimes, I'll excuse them.
I’m going to repeat what I said about Drift’s minicons earlier, both are freaking adorable! Unlike Jetstorm, Slipstream is more chill and prefers to follow his master’s instructions. Despite the contrasting personalities, these two are a force to be trifled with via teamwork! Mess with one, get wrecked by the other! Perish!
Gotta love the dude, timid but nice. Before ever seeing on screen, I read some posts that headcanoned him as the sparkling of Knockout and Breakdown. After that, I can see why. Cute tho!
Alright I’m not beating a bush, this mf is attractive as fock!
At any dang episode I’m watching, the scheming wolf always makes me smile as if I’m happy to see him! (well duh, I am!) 
He knows how to capture attention with that soft, yet alluring charismatic voice, offering compliments, and seems nice… except that shit he’s doing is an illusion, and will stab you in the back if there’s an opportunity! Brother nearly had me in the first half, not gonna lie. This dude knows how to wrap people in his claw, or if that fails, time to off them in the name of his future empire!
Oh my god… Nightra is something…
How did she and Strongarm become friends? Both are competitive, yet polar opposites of each other. Don’t get me wrong, I like her as well, so playful, carefree, and mischievous (even that leads her to trouble and ultimately her going rogue).
Aside from her similar buffy appearance like Strongarm (omgistarttofallforbuffywomen), her voice is… soothing to hear, yet not AND IT MADE ME BLUSH!!! THEY PICKED A GOOD VA FOR THE JOB! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I had to go to dreamland (lalalalalalala)
Another attractive mf, and bastard (derogatory)
Fucker has good aesthetics (color wise and design), if charsmatic is a aroma, it’s him with a dark aura. Twisting innocent bots into their rotten former shells, yeah this is what this dude does after his ‘shadows’ brought in the stolen goods in exchange for shelter and guidance. Mmm, moral corruption…
I like you Shadowmaru-err Shadowraker, but I don’t like you at the same time. I remember when you kidnapped my fave minicons and promised that you would punish them for betraying you! (glad you got boxed on the pede, ya jerk!) Glad karma bit you in the ass!
Alright, gushing time is over! That's all folks! BYEE!
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dragon-queen21 · 6 months
Do you have any other Danganronpa agere headcannons I’m just curious about what you think about the cast
I’ve have ever so many headcanons for this show! They are all so easily agere coded I swear. I am taking this as my excuse to info dump about my top favorite characters :3
~Celestia just gives off massive caregiver vibes.
~Perhaps she regresses herself too but not as often. If she ever does she’s still going to be the oldest in the room.
~Not going to put up with temper tantrums. Pouting. Fine. Acceptable even. She draws the line at full blow tantrums. That’s someone else’s property to deal with now
~She would have an army of stuffed animals. All very aesthetically pleasing, super cute and fluffy.
~When Ishimaru became friends with Mondo that would probably be the first time he regressed himself and not just taking care of other.
~Actually having a friend to be small together was a huge encouragement and often times Mondo went out of his way to make sure the attention was on him and not his friend who was still very self conscious about being small
~Mondo regressing to a toddler stuck in their terrible twos and trying to drag down Ishimaru with him
~Togami would probably be the kind of person who says he doesn’t care whether anyone is regressed, it’s none of his business and he could care less if someone gets hurt while small, and then actually care quite a lot.
~He doesn’t directly step in to help, just making sure to keep an eye out from a distance so nothing too bad happens. Preparing snacks and leaving them out, reading a story out loud if ask too, etc.
~Togami’s probably picked up very quickly on who in the group is a regressor just by observation whether or not that person has said anything.
~Would probably out anyone who was trying to keep their regression a secret because he knows they need a chance to take a break considering the situation they find themselves in and if they’re not going to at least attempt to keep some of their mental health in check then he’s going to step in and try and do something about it. (Specifically looking at Fukawa and Naegi for this)
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
two weeks late? what do you mean? ...haha.
sorry i have excuses okay? I moved houses in that time and then got sick. like i said, lateness is becoming my brand i guess
anyways this week (last week) it is time for
The Opera in the Outback Caper!!
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notes as always under the cut!
player's australian accent is hilarious
bro the writers were researching australia and they saw carmen the opera and their eyes shot out of their heads like looney toons
according to wikipedia if this episode had gone like the opera carmen would have stabbed a bitch to death and then sung about fucking somebody all night from prison. but yeah carmen would have also ended up stabbed to death in the end so....leaning towards the bad omen scale
that fifteen person orchestra is really pulling its weight damn
can you imagine being gray in this episode he has literally no idea what the fuck is going on wheeze
this is totally way later in the episode but wait a minute if the vile device fried all the soundboards how the hell did the rest of the opera keep going
its gra-YUHM
that surprised pikachu face jdsghdjhga
god fuck i hate that he flirts with her im getting it out of the way right now so i don't harp on it later but i do not like it
Gray Ham says enjoy the show and carmen walks like a penguin her ankles go WAY up
i love love love watching the progression of carmen's faith in vile go from her mostly playful, almost dismissive air in the start to realizing just how dangerous this all is and i think it starts RIGHT HERE, realizing that theyve killed crackle's memories of her and VILE
mentally i am the guy dressed as a soldier who is staring straight ahead and singing with one blank smile on his face
something about that swing and how carmen's coattails move is just mwah
carmen stays there for literally no reason how did you not see le chevre coming over to kick you in the back girl
that subliminal messaging device falling was sooo on key 🫦
so nitpicky but that opera singer is NOT opening her mouth enough literally watch any video of an opera singer their mouths are going twice that wide
the way she just plucks it from his hand is so funny
i love this fight btw. its so dynamic but its SILENT. and the entire fight is based around the need to not draw attention to themselves and disrupt the performance. very cool fight
like yeah the flips and the way they pull on each other's clothing and jump and use the bars and stuff super cool
literally the second time le chevre has done that exact same thing girly
that landing HAD to hurt SO BAD are you kidding
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also love how carmen goes in slow motion before this but the music doesnt thats hilarious
wouldnt it have been funny if as carmen the singer was singing her high note carmen the thief fell on her
love the standing ovation and curtsy for the uh. fourth song of the opera
player was in record mode because he secretly loves opera and wanted to record the live performance of his favorite habanera
HUAN HONK HUNK HONK HA HION HA HONK he does bleat like a goat
i find it very hard to believe that le chevre is so flippant about the mindwiping thing seeing as dr bellum is potentially setting him up for the exact same circumstances today in fighting carmen lmao
i love when characters on screens look at things from the perspective of the. screen
"remix" its just you dr bellum
carmen: haha quip player: oh girl u fucked up girl
love Carmen's thought process of being completely unaffected by the thing that got blasted directly in her face just because she wasn't the target
player does the most
i love doctor denim jeans she seems like such a nice enthusiastic person
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look at her shes so excited
what was carmen standing up there looking for anyway
pls player didnt even know it was gray but he knew. he was just like ffs carmen not the silver jambon
love how carmen is pinpointing his orders from vile as the problem and not. his willingness and ability to kill her
he's got good hearing wow
sparky is actually australian slang for an electrician. good to know. shocked crackle didnt name himself Sparky
love how crackles tone changes from joking to that dramatic "year of my life" speech i dont remember if they used that for flashbacks or trailers or what but its for something lol
"electrician" gray you sit at the desk and press buttons as far as we can tell dude
"yeah stranger go online and find some random guy to take you into the australian outback <3 my experience couldnt help you avoid a potentially bad situation there at all."
shes like four feet away and he's screaming lmaoo
it is just her name, honey maid
"the outback- may sound like somewhere you would take a man to shoot him but we have to save that for next season!"
mad respect for them primarily referring to it as uluru so it sticks that way and not the more colonialized name of ayers rock, which was given to it by, surprise surprise, a brit
its a miracle the car didnt break down in the outback after player told her to be careful in the harsh terrain. literally two episode ago he was like "be careful of altitude sickness!!" and then she died
god the music and animation in this episode are gorgeous though arent they?
miro is the most patient man on the planet
ivy being so fed up with him wheeze
carmen being polite and excusing herself from the conversation! never thought i'd see the day lol
i love miro he's just like what. what do you mean. who are you guys and he's right
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for sure the only tourist in the car
where did carmen get those hot little pink glasses and coats did they mug a couple workers or what
ivy and zack's sibling dynamic forever
she is for sure like five feet from that door and should not be running for as long as she is while talking to player she is a split second away from crashing into the wall
pls the rocket is so close to the facilities it would take the buildings out
anyone else love the animation when ivy's waving the id badge at mom jeans denim
zack's little salute ive never noticed that before
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yeah your new interns. the most conspicuous american twenty year olds we can find who apparently blend in with every situation, including fashion week in milan
who voices bell bottom jeans because her australian accent is sketch is it sharon. it sounds a little like bellum
IT IS SHARON ok sorry queen your australian accent is not great </3
is there a "where in space is carmen sandiego" where zack and ivy go to an alien planet because i havent watched any of the 90s show but. that feels like it would happen
was player directing her through that or did carmen just randomly learn to hack too
love the single button to launch a whole rocket its so funny
brancusi jeans: that was the day i decided the laboratory is no place for opera speakers: opera in the laboratory skinny jeans: wow this is the best thing that has ever happened to me
i wonder if that cart wheel was 3d
ivy expertly tied that woman up great job ivy. ig she learned from boston lol. interesting tho- that is how carmen tied them up, and i wonder if carmen taught them
uh oh spaghettio
again cs color theory <3 with the button going green when vile's plan starts to work
the rocket launched in less that 3 minutes! btw it will take more than 4 until we get to the final countdown. and we will cut down much of the space in between but its totally less than three ok
love the way ivy smashes through that door
wheeze the control panel at the top of the tower
zack's got the best australian accent out of all the terrible australian accents in this show. he could be on bluey
zack's cold chuckle before he tells el topo that the dingoes are mauling his boyfriend is priceless its so funny
adore the clear shock and horror in carmen's voice when she realizes what she's done. good gina moment thank you for a moment gina. oh nevermind that what have i done was sad and limp :(
le chevre said grrr. WHAT? OUGH!
"let go" yes le chevre that is something she would do while you're dangling her a thousand feet above the ground
pls my video started buffering and it just went "OUT OF MY WA-" and then the screen went black ivy killed it
love ivy shes such a girlboss
still not sure btw how top and bottom arent recognizing the boston kids its. what the third, fourth time?
that little thing le chevre does i think must be a vile taught thing, which is interesting. he hooks his arms under hers and holds her there that way. i say that because in the s2 opener episode el topo does the exact same thing to carmen
the gays are so funny i love them
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ivy comes very close to dying a horrible death this episode lol
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"i've got you."
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drops her
she did not have to slide down the rocket like that but thank god she did. hot of her. love that her hair came down and her glasses came off for maximum hotness she booked it over here you can tell
the two gays are literally just >:( >:(
shit my pants joke
everyone laugh
player is literally that friend trying to get his bff not to get back in that toxic relationship GIRL HE TRIED TO KILL YOU LIKE. A WEEK AGO HE AINT WORTH THE FRESH START BROTHERLY RELATIONSHIP
i do like gina's voice acting here though. she does sound like she's actually. feeling things
god the shots in this show are so pretty
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look at that. art
even the light changing from green to red once she decides to blow him off. yes yes yes yes the red represents safety and certainty and as soon as that green light turns not only does it physically block her from crossing over to him just like she's mentally decided not to put it puts any question of vile completely out of the question
insert that tumblr post about wanting to make eye contact with someone from across a street and then disappear behind a bus here bc i can't find it
woohoo carmen leading herself to believe that the only way she can keep people safe is to avoid them. im sure this wont come into play in any future searches for more familial figures of carmen's
i like all the human and animal remains in maelstrom's office. cool of him tbh
they wanted to say "bring me the head" so bad
anyway PAPER STAR! TRANSITION SENTENCE TO NEXT EP! i love next ep paper star is so cool. also beginnings of julethief. look, i have a transition sentence too.
next week is actually two days ago on saturday but thats okay ill hopefully get it done sometime this week, so i can be on time for being late this saturday. hope you liked this ep's notes <3
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silenthillmutual · 1 year
For the violence 🔥: 8, 12, 22, and 25 (concerning either Pathologic or the Souls games)
8: common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
daniil is not a wild partyboy. like that interpretation makes 0 sense for his character. all he does is hyperfocus on defeating death to the detriment of all else. i have literally never understood this vision of him as a hedonist. i get that it's wish fulfillment to make characters wild and provocative but that is just a different character altogether. and it's so bizarre that people will do this when andrey is literally right there. genuinely wondering what fucking game everyone else played.
also do fanon designs count here because i am sick to bastard death of seeing young thin dainty white eileen the crow. actually just sick to bastard death of seeing thin interpretations of characters in any media ever but as of late i'm like would y'all stop de-beefing alfred and solaire. at least with artemy people have the excuse of his model looking thin despite textual evidence supporting him being built like a bear but what is the fucking excuse with the other two. everyone is a coward.
12: the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
something i love actually about patho is that pretty much every character has a lover out there, so even if i don't like them i know someone else does. personally i'm a fan of victor kain, especially in classic where andrey says that victor actually wants to leave town and get an education. i think that's why he is the closest to daniil of the family, but despite seeming like the normalest Kain he is absolutely still deranged. he's just kind of polite about it. i don't know that i have a reason people should like him, though, because generally with my faves i understand why people don't.
closer to the goal here would be specifically classic aglaya, i love her. she's so wordy. it's easy to get lost in her manipulations because she seems so straightfoward. there is truth in what she says, of course, and we as the player know that, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have her own objectives. i think she's fascinating, especially as the routes go on, seeing her lose her patience by the time you get to the changeling route. people always say they want morally gray woman characters and she's one of them!! which is a big reason to like her. she's ruthless but sympathetic. and i think that's very neat.
22: your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
so many people are in a rush to characterize daniil as The Worst Person Ever that they miss my favorite type of daniil quest which is "these kids are doing something dangerous and i must intervene" aka, dadkovsy moments. i'm especially fond of him running off to find these kids' missing dads on day ???? (sometime after the army arrives) because they're crying about it and know he'll help them. i see so many people (cough cough reddit) characterizing daniil as hating children based on a line that as far as i know he never even says in pathologic 2, which he would theoretically say to clara, about not liking children. and it's just people taking that statement at face value while ignoring what actually happens in the game and it's so frustrating to watch people fall for that over and over.
25: common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i have. so many. i have rewritten this answer like three times now. but i think the thing that really bugs me is when people are like, "no one is talking about / writing fic about / drawing x character because they're too busy talking about / writing about / drawing y character who is boring / evil / morally inferior because they are popular." like i get it. being a fan of a side character sucks. being a fan of a rare pairing sucks. but like. as someone who has in the past and sometimes does still write for side characters and rare pairings, where are you all when it comes to interacting with the content that is being made? people will complain to the ends of the earth about the lack of gen fic. so why the hell aren't any of you commenting on it or sharing it? i have written it. my friends have written it. i know how little interaction it gets. if you want to see it you have to nurture it. like the concept of fandom is built around interaction, if you're not willing to interact then like as a fic author i cannot fucking help you. idk that whole attitude just. grates on me.
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hella1975 · 1 year
Reading Tams Chapter 4 : )
Haven't started yet but if whatsherface dies im going to be very disappointed 
Muchen is being a real twat right about now
I feel like Zukos going to fire bend at him
He didnt
Lihua to the rescue!
Are they going to kill her???
No they didnt okay 
I was scared there for a second
Im not mad im disappointed
Im not going to recover from this 
I dont think Zuko is either, seems like the type of thing thats going to haunt him the rest of the series.
“if you have me on tumblr then you know lihua was always going to die” idk if you mean like ‘hellas inner circle’ people or people who follow you in general but if its the latter NO THE FUCK I DIDNT 
You let me get emotionally attached I cant believe you
This is traumatic
I didnt have the intention of all but three of these points being about Lihua but thats your own fault
Im getting her name tattooed onto me now i feel the burden to carry her memory with me the rest of my life
Oh my God hella this is the worst thing you’ve ever done
I can excuse you torturing Zuko for like 3 or 4 months (???) and giving him a macBeth level mental breakdown BUT I DRAW THE LINE AT YOU KILLING LIHUA
idek if im spelling her name right.
Im going to have a macbeth level mental breakdown now
Ill try to move on
Have you seen that post that says like ‘when you read multiple fics from the same author sometimes you notice certain like patterns and things that just keep popping up in their writing and stories’? Thats not to quote it but thats the general idea.  
Like in my thing about the last chapter I mentioned the whole ‘leaving a blade behind to tell someone you didnt leave willingly’ thing is prevalent in both taob and tams.  WELL APPARENTLY YOU ALSO GET OFF ON KILLING PEOPLE WHO ARE VERY YOUNG BUT ALSO OLDER SIBLINGS AND THEYRE YOUNGER SIBLINGS ARE ALSO DEPENDANT ON THEM’
 Lihua is with Lanse now in a very specific part of heaven reserved for the characters you have the absolute audacity to murder in cold blood
That should have been the first sign
I am never growing attached to people who has L as the first letter of their name again that you write.
Currently scanning my mind of any of the taob people whose name starts with L and I cant think of anyone so this might not be a reliable indicator.
I cant believe this
Okay serious now
I think
We’ll see
Another thing for my ‘favorite things about hella’ thing and this time it isnt about your writing skills!
(which are magnificent btw, you make it too easy to praise your writing)
You do this thing where you add an x to the end of your messages.  Like I’ve seen you do it on discord and when you screenshot messages you do it and I just think its neat.  
Its not prominent or deep but its worth mentioning
your live reactions kill me both bc you're so lovely and also seeing INSTANT contradictions is hilarious. im glad you liked the chapter my love <3 i always look forward to your asks, they make my day x <- a kiss for u <3
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bookofmirth · 1 year
I am curious to know what you think of Cassian and Nesta's relationship? I know a lot of people (myself included) was disappointed with how he handled things and how their relationship developed.
I would have wished he stood up for her more. I understand that the IC is his family, but it takes nothing to draw boundaries. It was surprising to see how comfortable they were insulting Nesta in his presence. Even more so, to see him agreeing with those insults or believing the worst of her.
Besides how terrible the hiking scene was (and how he shared joy with Rhysand about Nesta suffering through it) my biggest ick would have to be how he handled their mating bond.
In a moment of emotional awareness, Cassian decided to leave Nesta for a week because he knew she was unprepared for the bond between them and wanted her to "come to terms with it".
But later on, when Nesta tries to have a conversation about what she is comfortable with when it comes to mating bonds, he throws a huge temper tantrum. This doesn't make sense because pages before, he knew that Nesta wasn't 100% onboard with being mates. But when she admits to this out loud, he suddenly has a problem with it?
Overall, Nessian really sucked for me in this book and really changed the way I viewed his character. I think he's a jerk.
S/N: The hiking scene also sets a dangerous precedent. Is this how Cassian will choose to handle fights between the sisters now? Every time Nesta upsets Feyre, would he send her on a hike to punish her again. And gloat with Rhys about her suffering. Not that there should be any competition, but it seems Nesta will never have someone defend her the way everyone defends Feyre. Or go to such lengths for her.
I think you sent this before I answered this ask, but some of my general feelings about nessian are there!
They seemed in character to me in acosf, in that they had a lot of push and pull, and they are more antagonistic towards one another than sjm's other couples. There is teasing and challenging each other, and there is being downright mean, and nessian can veer into being mean territory which, for me, means they'll never be my favorite. (I just put that in bold because it's the tl;dr of my feelings on their ship.) I like to explore the tension and how they try to grapple with one another emotionally, but it's more an intellectual exercise for me, than something I like or have fun with.
Re: the hike scene, Cassian didn't send her off on the hike. Rhys ordered her out of Velaris and Azriel packed their bags before Cassian even got to him, so putting this whole situation on Cassian is inaccurate. Rhys saying he was going to kill Nesta was absolutely out of line, but he was acting in fear and anger. I can make you a list of times where Nesta also reacts in fear and anger, and the fandom tries to make excuses for her all the time. It's a messy situation and I don't think anyone comes out of it looking good, is my point. But it involves many more people than just Cassian and Nesta, its root had nothing to do with Cassian, so I don't think that it says anything about their romantic relationship, necessarily.
I've seen other people make the same statement as you, that it seems like Nesta won't have someone ready to throw down for her the way that Feyre does, that we assume Elain will, that Aelin does, etc. That's fair! Perhaps that will come with time? We haven't seen nessian as a couple post-her dealing with her trauma and guilt in acosf. I think it's absolutely possible that she will get that. acosf ended right at the point of them finally coming together and accepting that they were going to be together and be mates, so we haven't yet seen them in a committed, public relationship! Now that I think of it, what fluff did we get in acosf? Nesta's most light-hearted moments were all with Gwyn and Emerie. I think we will get that with her and Cassian later on.
I guess my question with Cassian is - what would people have preferred Cassian do differently, that 1) would be in character, and 2) wouldn't force him to take sides? I absolutely hate the idea that Cassian is supposed to be the bigger person all the time because that's not how relationships works, it's incredibly unfair to him, and it also puts him in a weird dad/therapist position to Nesta, which is also not how relationships work. If we were to switch their genders, I think it'd be easier to see how and why that's such a troubling role to ask one person in a relationship to take.
*side note, I am just putting this post out here as my opinion and I'm not looking to have that changed. I don't care enough to engage in debate about who was meaner to whom. I'm here for character analysis, not character wars. Ultimately, I don't care to engage in a verbal fight about which character was "more wrong" or who was meaner or who was morally superior. (This is not directed at you anon, just at anyone who might get ideas about coming into my inbox to fight. IDC.)
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drhu0806 · 8 months
2 - "Don't worry, I got you."
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 (fanfiction) Characters: Astarion, custom Tav/player character Rating: T Warnings: strong language, flirtatious dialogue, spoilers for Act 2 and Act 3
A sick roiling storm churns in the pit of Kainé’s stomach as she paces the room. The moon, sitting high in the night sky, betrays the late hour, yet sleep is far from the first thing on her mind. A maelstrom of regret and fear chases any thought of rest away, and she can’t bear to keep herself still lest it consume her.
Atop the bed on the far side of the room, a pair of red eyes tracks her manic movements. Astarion almost feels dizzy watching her incessant pacing; he assumed she would eventually wear herself out, but the sight of her intensely furrowed brow and the nervous glint in her eyes leads him to believe she’ll likely wear down a path in the wooden floors long before she feels the need to come to bed. He considered so many possibilities on how to coax her, ranging from faintly nefarious to outright risqué, but his little schemes are all washed away seeing her slowly growing panic.
With a sigh, he leaves his comfortable perch on the bed. Kainé, so lost in her thoughts, doesn’t even notice his approach, and he even lets her make several rounds past him before finally taking hold of her shoulders, stopping her in her tracks.
“Darling, as much as I enjoy watching you go, I think I enjoy having you in my bed even more,” he teases. The flirty persona quickly falls away however, as his hands move to her face. It’s tight with apprehension, and in those once fiery eyes now dimmed, he sees traces of years worth of unspoken words, the burden of countless nights wondering what she could have done, what she shouldn’t have done, of what might have been.
Stroking her face, Astarion’s expression is soft as he says, “I like to think that I am far more interesting to focus your attention on than a shabby wooden floor. I’m all pointy ears for you, my love, so don’t be shy. Tell me your woes.”
To his delight, Kainé lets out a small laugh, some of the tension within her bleeding away. She presses his hand closer to her cheek, breathing him in as she tries to recenter herself.
“I’m… I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to see her,” she confesses.
“My dearest, are you, perhaps, feeling fear?”
It comes out as a laugh, but there’s far from any malice in it. In spite of herself, she throws him a glare.
“What? Why are you making it sound like I don’t?”
“You, my bold and brave Kainé? Might I remind you of when you so emphatically told a god of the dead’s Chosen to, oh, what was it again? To fuck off? Or of the time you were practically jumping with glee to get Gale to fling you across the room as an enlarged owlbear? Or—and this is my favorite, truly a classic—when you so fearlessly shoved your hand into a hole containing the live, pulsing flesh of a mindflayer colony?” He chuckles again at the memory. “No, you’ll have to excuse me if I begin to think that fear isn’t a part of your vocabulary.”
In spite of his words, Astarion draws her close, pressing his lips to her forehead. “But I know there’s a first time for everything.”
Closing her eyes, she does her best to take in his words, hoping they become a soothing balm against her weary soul. It’s easier to feel a little braver with him here, to believe she won’t crumble as easily in the face of her own demons. But there will always be some doubt.
“I just… I don’t know if I can fix this. I want to but… I feel like I’ll just mess it up.”
She looks so unsure in that moment, so lost and untethered. Astarion gathers her in his arms and holds her close. Not that long ago, in a graveyard in the shadow of night, she had promised him that she would be there for him whenever he needed her, like she always had been before then. Just for once, he wants to be the one to anchor her.
“Whatever you need, I’ll be here,” he vows. “There’s no need to worry, love. I’ve got you.”
Kainé recognizes his words, and she smiles where she’s nestled in the crook of his neck. In time she’s finally coaxed into bed, and somehow she rests easy, comforted in knowing that no matter what tomorrow brings, he’ll be right there next to her.
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deus-irae · 10 months
Hello everyone.
A little introduction before we begin~
My name is Eon, a true Scorpio(I love astrology 🙃) I am 26, passionate fan of AIs and Robots and altogether a really mellow person. I dont like drama and if I should come across a callout post or something similar, I will simply ignore it. Most of the time it's simply not worth the effort to read.
I am not here for this kind of stuff and don't need to be told which whom to interact with or not. You do you and if I am not okay with what you are doing or acting, I will simply ignore you. End of story.
Also... English is not my first language, I am originally from Austria so please excuse any grammatical errors from my side :p
I write occasionally and draw as well. I am a digital artist and use Medibang Paint Pro because it's easy and brings excellent results :) I just started to learn how to program as well so I look forward to meet other people who already have more experience in it than me. What else... Oh yeah, i am also in a couple Fandoms right now which include:
Marathon(The Bungie Game)I Love Durandal with all my ♥️. He's my special blorbo 😶
The Murderbot Diaries
Colossus: The Forbin project
Favorite Characters: Arlong(Onepiece), Durandal(Marathon), Freeza(DBZ), AM, Hal 9000, Tau, Colossus and Guardian.
This is not my first time on Tumblr, I was here a couple years ago already but kind of lost interest. Now since I am currently on vacation I decided to make a new account to start fresh so to speak.
I look forward meeting new people on here so feel free to jump in my chat or inbox. :)
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