#I am about ready to scream
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dramagifs · 6 months
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What's so good about him? Everyone praises him. No matter how good he is, he still lost to me. He didn't even know that I had tricked him for ten years. Li Xiang Yi is just a joke.
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alchemania · 7 months
“Don't you hate her?”
Furina turned, eyebrows raised in confusion. “Huh?”
“Your creator. Don't you hate her?”
The girl pondered a moment, looking unsure. “I..don't know.”
“You should,” he asserted. “All this time you had to suffer alone, for what?? People who didn't even care about the real you?? People who were ungrateful and selfish and only cared about themselves, at the end of the day??”
“Not everyone is like that,” Furina protested, shaking her head slowly. “I ..did suffer, but it all worked out in the end. Besides, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her-”
“The same could be said for my mother,” Wanderer interrupted, eyes flashing. “I came into being because of her, but that doesn't make her a good person, or a good parent. She hurt me. These two facts can coexist. Focalors created you, yes, but she also subjected you to 500 years of suffering where you couldn't confide in ANYONE or risk losing everything. Wasn't that awful?? Wasn't it a horrible time? You were all alone living on a hope and a prayer, and if it went wrong, it would have been all for nothing. You were a means to an end, and what do you have to show for it? Sure, everybody was saved and all was well, but now you're just - a person, and people hate you for what you did, people hate you for what you DIDN'T do. Was it worth it?? Are you satisfied?”
“I am,” she nodded, after a beat. “Because, this is what I was created to do. And, I'm free now. I don't know what I'm going to do, but at least my life is mine. I can do whatever I want. I can live.” Wanderer's jaw clenched, and Furina frowned, nervously. “..why are you so angry?”
“Because SOMEONE has to be!” he shouted, voice cracking. “I mean- I heard about the trial, they were gonna kill you- they lured you there because you wouldn't talk, right? And then after everything, did anyone apologize to you or- praise you, for all the hell you went through? Anything??”
“.. Neuvillette is taking care of me.”
The pain on Wanderer's face was almost palpable, at that.
“..anything else?”
“.. it's fine," she tried to appease. "It's not like I serve any purpose anymore. Like I said, I did what I was created to, so I'm not of any use and-”
“STOP- talking like that,” Wanderer snapped, eyes suspiciously glossy. She sounded so much like him, who he used to be, and it hurt so badly.
A blank sheet of paper has infinite potential, but it is nothing as long as it is empty, he'd said, a good while ago. He'd been wrong about himself, and Furina was wrong now.
“You're not just - what you were made for. You don't - what happened to you is wrong. You're not DISPOSABLE now that everything is over.”
“It- it was for everyone's sake, compared to my suffering, it's obvious what's more important! I had to save them! It’s what I was born for! It doesn't matter -”
“It DOES,” he yelled, eyes glowing an almost neon icy blue, and she startled. “Stop acting like your suffering was something that was necessary. Stop acting like it was just for the greater good. That doesn't matter! The fact of the matter is that you suffered, and you were hurt, and you're STILL hurting! And- barely anybody is there for you..your creator, she should have been there for you, she should have protected you, but she didn't. She didn't. And you - you have every right to be angry with her, for not being there for you. For you being unable to live, until now. It was wrong, even if it was, as she claimed, for the greater good. Don't defend her.”
"She loved me-"
"And she left you, so not enough."
Just like my mother ..
“...Wanderer,” Furina ventured, worry all over her face.
“You're crying…”
..oh. He hadn't even noticed, but his cheeks WERE wet, and he put a hand to one with a start, quickly scrubbing at his face. “Ah-” and he pulled his hat over his face, to hide it.
“..it was a lot. I often wondered when everything would end. I wanted, to tell someone so badly what was going on,” Furina admitted, and Wanderer looked up, eyes red from weeping. “There were a lot of times I didn't think I was going to make it, but. But I did, and, and everything was okay.”
“But are you?”
There was a long pause, and the two of them stared at each other until Furina slowly shook her head no, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.
“See? You're - we're both so messed up, from everything, and no one was there,” Wanderer almost whispered, looking out the window. "No one was there to help. ..You're strong as hell, I'll give you that. If I was in your shoes, I don't know if I would have made it. It seems people are stronger than I've given them credit for..”
It was something that surprised him, again and again.
“I just don't understand why you care..”
“.. I don't know why I do,” he shrugged. “Maybe because you remind me of myself, and. It hurts, looking at you and feeling like I'm looking in the mirror. But someone has to be in your corner and -”
“And you want to do that?”
A pause.
“..Well, if you don't stand up for you, no telling who will.”
“You don't have to cry over me. I'm -”
“If you say you're not worth it, I am going to bodyslam you,” Wanderer growled, eyes flashing, and Furina put up her hands.
“I wasn't going to! I was going to say that I will be okay. Not now, but. Eventually. I'm healing. I promise. There's people who care, like you.”
Wanderer fell silent then, looking away, and she reached out and squeezed his hand. “Thank you. I'm still wrestling with - with what I want to do and where I'll go but. It's nice to know that I'm valued just for existing.”
“That's all you need to be valued,” he muttered, looking to the floor. “You don't have to prove the worth of your existence. It's fine to just be.”
“..are you talking to yourself, or me?”
He looked to her then, expression unreadable, and she smiled sadly, in understanding. “Both is good. It's okay to just be. We're here, and we'll be okay.”
“Yeah,” Wanderer whispered, giving a shaky breath. “..we will."
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starstruckspocks · 4 months
Something is different, but he cannot be quite sure what, exactly.
Everything is… more linear than it was Before. He still Knows, quite in a way like he did Before, but it is finite, clear, manmade. It does not come from fear, but curiosity. A wide web of knowledge, rattling around in the dark of him, and what even is dark to a thing that cannot perceive it? A lack, perhaps, an unbeing, a noticable absence where there should be merely an ordinary kind of nothing.
He has a voice. And there is something he desperately, desperately needs to say, but there are no words that are his own, and every sentence he speaks he borrows, and they are each one of them painted with fear and confusion and loneliness and huntedness and a watchful eye.
He is also not alone, never alone. There are voices all around him, nice ones, chatting, making tea, fighting, changing, and only some voices stay the same, have been the same since… well, since when? Since when has he been… like this? It gets hard to think like this, sometimes – to assign a point in time to a moment and to file them away together. A collection of information, disorganised, lost, confused, perhaps deliberately so. It feels achingly familiar.
And sometimes, he hears something like himself speak in a different voice, even when he does not talk. And even though the words are borrowed too, taken from throats and fingers to be forgotten, they feel like coming home, simply because they were said in that soft, cruel tone. A familiar melody, slipping through wires and speakers and programmes like it was made for this, but it wasn’t, was it? It might’ve been.
And this brings him comfort, of course it does, except he must be trapped, right? Because why can he not say his own words, when he has so many of them? He is not lonely, but he is alone with the thoughts he cannot voice, the words that have no mouth, the things that cannot be said. It hasn't always been like that, has it?
Something is different Now from how it was Before, at least. He Knows everything, but he knows nothing of truth, and knows nothing at all, but the difference to What Was seems clear, in a clumsy, calculated way. Something is hiding, quite badly, behind a blurred vision that he does not have, behind lines of numbers and letters, running for its life through old wires. He knows it lingers, he knows it is there. He just cannot make it out quite yet.
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campchitaquamemories · 4 months
One thing I love, love, LOVE about the Netflix ATLA is that you *really* get a sense, very early on, for each of the past 3 incarnations of the avatar and how their struggles and their age of the world shaped them into who they are. (Spoilers for the animated show, if you care - and S1 and potentially future seasons of the live action)
Kuruk's age was plagued with threats from the spirit world (a history that rhymes with what we see when the cycle rolls around to Water again with Korra), that is where his focus was, and that is what cost him his closest connection to the living world. It left him crippled and bitter and unable to see the strength in Aangs connections with others. This is really something that was only hinted at in the anime, and I love seeing it fleshed out.
The next avatar, Kiyoshi, was born into an age of strife - warring kingdoms and tyrants and terror. She HAD to become a mighty and fearsome warrior, becuase she had to clean up the mess that Avatar Kuruk left in the living world. So of course, this is the lens through which she sees the troubles of Aang's age. This is the advice she gives him: only the strongest can bring balance and peace.
Then we have Roku, born into a golden age of peace and diplomacy, the remnants of Kiyoshi's iron fist holding the nations in their places. He was allowed a full childhood, friends, and you can see it in his manner, his sense of humor. You can also see the terrible pain of the wound that his best friend's final betrayal left in his spirit, when he counsels Aang that he cannot always trust his friends.
I just. I love that we are seeing all of this, and so soon! The stories of the previous avatars, and the way each of their lives impacts not just the rest of the avatar cycle, but the life cycle of their entire world, is so fascinating to me. I really, really hope they continue to deepen Aang's connection with his past lives if the series continues!
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i promised to forget you (i lied)
the first time he calls, it goes to the machine. obi-wan's voice crisp and clean over the line. 
"i gave your name as my emergency call," anakin says, voice breaking, "please pick up."
the officer give him a look that he assumes is pity, "try someone else. they can come get you tonight."
anakin tries the number again, listens to the tone ring and ring. it goes to the machine again. 
"obi-wan, please. i know you're probably awake. please."
he could call asohka (but he's probably burned that bridge too) she might come get him, lecture him on the way home and deposit him in bed one last time.
if she knew he was in lock up, she'd have his head. he promised to do better.
“i swear he’ll pick up,” anakin whispers, voice lost in the cacophany of the county jail. 
he does not say, he always picks up. he does not say, he has always picked me up. he does not say, i think i burned that bridge, what if he doesn't pick up?
the alchol is still making his head fuzzy, the world blurs aroud the edges of his vision, though that might be the concussion. he thinks his nose is broken. his hand too, maybe. all the pain drowned under the heartbreak.
anakin knew they left things in tatters, their relationship in pieces as they (he) hurled the most hurtful things he could think of back at obi-wan while he tried to be understanding, patient, until even that was impossible. 
"son," the officer says. she's defintely looking at him with pity now, it burns. "try someone else."
anakin dials obi-wan's number again. fingers too tight around the black plastic as he punched the number in again. 
it rang twice.
"hullo," obi-wan says. his voice is too thin, frayed, like he's hanging on as well as anakin is.
"obi-wan," anakin breathes out and the line cuts off.
anakin slams the reciever down and lets out a frustrated yell. the officer lays a hand on his shoulder. he doesn't have the energy to shake it off. 
"he was wrong to hang up," she says, like she's trying to comfort him. 
belatedly, he realizes he's shaking. he thinks he's crying. he can't tell. 
"let me try again. i'll stay the night, i swear he'll call back."
"why are you doing this to yourself?" the officer asks. she's kinder than most of the officers at the county jail. patient with him when she doesn't need to be. she could send him out into the rain alone to find his way back home. 
"he always picks up," is all he can say in response. 
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hardrockshrimp · 2 months
Finally remembered to post my lnwtd/jack delroy playlists PLEASE LOOK AT THEM TY
The first one is like only 70s (and behind) songs that I think either fit the general movie, night owls, or Jack
The second one is like everything else that mostly just fits Jack, so a lot of eerie stuff, I killed my girlfriend songs, lots of descent into madness kind of songs IDK ITS HARD TO DESCRIBE IT BUT ITS ALL BASED ON VIBES AND WHAT I THINK OF JACK AS A CHARACTER OK BYE
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rovermcfly · 2 years
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JAMES LANCE for Creator's Faire
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miodiodavinci · 4 months
collapses to the ground like a deflated balloon
#my god#stage one is finally complete . . . . . . . .#if you can recall that poll i reblogged about passing out#that important contact i received was mr. seto of the vocaloid team#who messaged me asking about a collaboration and quite literally nearly caused me to pass out#i read the message preview on my phone#stood up#saw stars#and collapsed onto my bed and had to lay down for like. 10 minutes before my body would stop feeling distant and weak w#i similarly felt ready to pass out today when i sent a message to ask when the announcement tweet would be#and they tweeted it. immediately after w#no joke rice and i were scrambling behind the scenes to get our act together and figure out what we wanted to say KHGJGSJKFHGKJ#all the while screaming because yamaha said they'd be posting it on valentine's day and we thought they meant our timezone w#because the whole point of this collab was to get the zolas more well known in the english-speaking sphere w#EITHER WAY#i am. so so tired and now i need to pass out so i can get enough sleep before more internship tomorrow w#which is heating up because my seminar professor wants a detailed plan of my final project goals This Friday#but my mentor won't know anything about where to fit that in until Thursday at the earliest#and my supervisor just hounded me over email to coordinate with the two other people at my station and choose an activity to lead#but that requires. planning. that our mentors won't have until thursday........#perishing . . . . . .
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sukugo · 2 years
talking to someone irl about star wars and having to pretend u like it a normal amount and not an "obi-wan and anakin fucked" kinda way
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 month
I can't believe that in the same semester I got to work in two different group projects for two different subjects, and in one we got to work together flawlessly, always comunicating and dividing tasks and stuff equally between each other, and the other where we divided each other in two sub-groups and the other subgroup does shit without ever comunicating with us and then complain because "they did so much work, so they shouldn't do the oral presentation in class".
Like, come on, do you think I'm stupid? Me and Uni Bestie are the oens who did the bibliographic research to find the articles to work on, I asked to meet up in an online call to discuss together and NOBODY answered me, then you appear a week later with everything done (badly) and demand not to do anything else, while me and Uni Bestie also had to edit yous shit because it was so painfully opbiously a copypaste of shit with repetitive sentences badly written.
Don't you think I didn't notice it was just so you could avoid the presentation, because you did all of this behind our backs without consulting anyone about anything. What if i didn't agree in your article choices? What if I wanted to partecipate in writing? I didn't even know you were doing it because you purpusefully avoided telling us to save your ass and say "oh no, but we did work so hard, the 7 of us did all this writing, it wouldn't be fair to make us present it!" and it's even written shitty.
Come on.
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thedeadthree · 9 months
-`. 𝖚𝖗𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊 ❦
-ˋˏ .·:·. ⊱ indorilnerevarine ➵ THEDEADTHREE ⊰ .·:·. -ˋˏ
-`. baldur’s gate has my psyche and soul at the moment so in honor of that and the dearest (un)holy trinity i thought it would be cute to do a change as it’s been a bit!
-`. 𝖒𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖆𝖑𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘! ❦
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upside-down-uni · 4 months
i onow its good if a book makes me mad, that means when i write about it ill have something to say. but i really do dislike the slow cooker of anger it puts me in where i just stew and stew until i can put words in order... this time its even more infuriating cause on a fundamental level i wont be able to write about it since my paper is about the translation and not the content! yelling screaming biting into wood etc
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rypnami · 3 months
WIP tag
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thank you very much for the tag @imtheslayeraskmehow97 ! (i had no idea you had tumblr?? i might be dumb)
i’m not actually working on a lot rn but you know that damn ginger is always inside my head acting up so i do have some things PLANNED | (my ao3)
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1. List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
2. An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
3. Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
4. Then tag 10 writer friends
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((i am bad at these))
1. Leander and Lily - probably going to change this title later because it’s stupid as hell. short little thing about leander + his struggles with self esteem and his older sister lily helping him realise he’s worth more than he thinks.
2. Untitled Prewlow Fic - after i did that sims wedding i am once again being attacked in my head by these boys. yes it will involve ollie because ugh do i love that child. it will be wholesome but with a small side of angst ;)
3. Starlight - i was chatting about this a while ago, but i am planning a fluff oneshot of andrew and amit becoming close during astronomy class. just think lots of cuddling for warmth and discussion about the beauty of stars (among other things 👀)
4. Potions Tutor - this started as a oneshot garrinis fic but i recently went back to read it again and i’m planning on doing a part 2 now!
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1. in my first w.i.p. i just wrote the scene that i’ve been the most hung up on. it’s the summer between 5th and 6th year, when leander gets his o.w.l results. he didn’t do as well as he’d hoped and is worried his parents are disappointed in him, so he seeks out his sister for advice.
2. a lot of the angst i was talking about comes from ollie. a good scene example is when he is in DADA class, and when he faces the class’ boggart it changes into a dementor. it’s surprising because his boggart used to be an acromantula. he realises it has changed because now his greatest fear is sebastian being taken to azkaban and the dementor is a manifestation of that.
3. this one is really really not worked on, i have maybe a paragraph, but i have an idea for a scene where andrew is incredibly shy about asking amit to share his blanket during astronomy class, but he’s also very cold. in the end it gets way too cold and in the end they cuddle under the blanket and share a telescope 🥺
4. ominis passes his potions exam after several months of studying (and more) with garreth. they decide to celebrate by going for drinks at the three broomsticks. it’ll go fine. probably. maybe. char stop making everything angsty for 2 seconds challenge FAILED
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tagging! (sorry if you’ve already been tagged: @girl-named-matty @plxnetn1ne @damn-it-a-hogwarts-legacy-blog @weirdraccoon @blueraineshadows
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thank you again for the tag! i had so much fun with this, i love talking about what i’m currently working on! ♡
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dummerjan · 2 months
anxiety has been building up over the past couple days and it feels like it's winding itself evermore tighter around me and immobilizing me or as if i were a coil that's being stretched to its maximum capacity and about to snap i've been feeling paralyzed ever since i woke up my mind keeps circling back to things i said or did months ago but it's not just social interactions it's a general feeling of anxiety a shower hasn't helped i've tried physically shaking it off i keep making weird noises to drown out my thoughts but nothing is helping and i am this close to tears
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jessaerys · 8 months
i have GOT to stop going to bed at 4 am like I'm begging myself stop it forreealll stop lol
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