#needed but by necessity delayed until I have a little extra cash.
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mochideleche · 4 years
You can’t keep away from fate | CH6
Pairing : Percy jackson x demigod!reader
summary : The daughter of destiny- literally, along with inevitability, compulsion and necessity. Being the child of a primordial goddess doesn’t really assure you a quiet calm life but when you return to new york after five years of being shipped off to boarding school, your once mundane life says goodbye.
A/N This part is a very long as i’m trying to fit each book into one part, but then nobody would want to scroll for 70 miles so i’m going to half ‘book 4′ in half. If your confused as to where the story started, it starts after the titan’s curse during the spring and this one starts at the beginning of battle of the labyrinth. Also please feel free to ask any questions about the story because I have a lot planned but sometimes forget to explain all the little things so please do comment your queries, I hope you enjoy! 
contents page
Percy wasn’t exactly hoping for his last day before camp to go as badly as he had expected it to go. If somebody had told him that 2 empousa would should show up, nearly slice his head off and explode his new school and blamed it on him, he wouldn’t be surprised but thoroughly disappointed. And to add to that, if someone had told him that the mortal girl- who he now knew as rachel, had seen the whole thing, written her number on his arm and demanded he explained what the hell what had happened, well he would’ve just stayed in bed that day. 
But he couldn’t do that. He had his orientation day at his new high school but he wouldn’t have mind to miss that. It was the fact that after his induction he would be making his way to camp half blood. Camp half blood. oh how percy missed the place, with it’s white greek buildings, strawberry fields and forest filled with dangerous monsters- it was his favourite place on earth. Even better, the day after he arrived, you would be there.
You were meant to go along with annabeth to pick up percy and bring him to camp but your flight got delayed and you wouldn’t arrive until the next morning. Percy was sad, he’d missed you, despite practically talking on the phone every other night - when you were just about to go to sleep and percy had just got home from school  (due to time difference), he wanted to be able to see your face, see you in front of him and be able maybe to hold your hand, hug you...
But before percy could get lost in his thoughts annabeth began to talk to the cab driver. 
Percy almost forgot that she was in the cab with him. once she had seen rachel and then witnessed her write her number on percy’s arm, she had suddenly given percy the cold shoulder. Percy had no idea what she was angry about. He wanted to talk about what had been going on at camp but annabeth refused to reply to him- only giving him blunt answers or just shrugging her shoulders. 
“Just here will be fine” annabeth said and the taxi driver was the most confused, but as soon as she offered him a wad of cash he kept his mouth shut. 
Annabeth and percy hiked up to the top of the hill and as they reached the summit, percy laid his eyes on the view in front of him. Normally the sight would make him warm to the bone but something was different- like there was tension in the air but he didn’t have time to think about it as he was suddenly attacked with a hug.
Shocked, percy just stayed very still until he looked down to see Y/H/C hair and smelt the fragrance of magnolias. 
“Y/N!” Percy exclaimed, and immediately wrapped his arms around you. 
Percy was surprised, happy- no not just happy, he was overjoyed. Here you were, physically in front of him, he couldn’t have asked for anything else in the whole world. 
“I thought your flight got delayed!” Percy asked, of course he didn’t really care, all he cared was that you were there and he didn’t care as to why. 
“Surprise!” you said, stepping back and smiling up at him, “It was only delayed for an hour- so unfortunately i wasn’t able to make it to pick you up but i’m still here!” 
Percy smiled at you, staring at your pretty face as your coffee coloured eyes crinkled with your smile, “yeah, you are” 
“I’m going to speak to Clarisse” annabeth spoke up and began to walk away.
Percy snapped this head towards her, it was almost as if she just said, i’m going to eat my socks. 
“What why?” Percy questioned, looking at you to see if you were equally as confused but this didn’t seem to phase you.
“We’ve been working on something, i’ll fill you in later” and with that annabeth ran off. 
“What was that about? Annabeth and Clarisse? you must be joking-” but percy paused to see that your eyebrows were furrowed and your eyes were focused on his arm.
He looked down panicked to see if had suddenly spurted an extra limb but as soon as he saw the black marker, he hid his arm behind his back. 
“Is that a number?” You asked, eerily calm. 
“It’s not what you think” Percy sputtered but your eyes narrowed on his, you made him very nervous.
“Who’s is it?” you demand but managed to keep your voice levelled. 
“I-uh” Percy couldn’t bring himself to speak. You looked- well Percy couldn’t tell. You were angry for sure but it was more like a calm angry, the most scariest kind. Percy knew that you could probably kill him on the spot but you didn’t move a muscle. 
“You what?” you queried, raising an eyebrow, gods percy was terrified. 
Percy slumped and looked away from you, there was no way he would be able to explain what had happened if you were staring daggers at him. 
The two of you decided to walk down to the green into the camp as percy explained. Well more like you just began walking away and percy had no choice but to trail after you like a lost puppy. But he did seem to notice that as he neared the end of his story your stance seemed more relax, hopefully you weren’t as angry anymore. 
You turned to face him, a sad look on your face, “well i’m glad you’re okay” she said, then a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips, “can’t have you making a fool of yourself in front of some empousa can we?” 
“Well i’m sorry princess, but if you didn’t notice they were very intent on killing me and i had to protect rachel”  Percy protested, nudging you.
“Easy work” you shrugged, then you gave a laugh, “i’m joking... or am i?” and you broke out laughing again and this time percy joined you, he couldn’t have stayed angry at you for a second, even if he was just pretending. 
If anyone had told percy that things would just get worse after he arrived at camp half blood, well- at this point he was kind of expecting it. He felt as if the gods were just seeing how much he could take but he wasn’t at all in the least surprised. 
After grover’s trial, the dodgy quintus guy, falling into the labyrinth and having to go on a quest when he was sure he’d get at least a week of relaxation before anything tried to destroy him, percy was feeling pretty depressed. 
And even worse, that just meant less time to spend with you. But that wasn’t only effected by the fact Percy had to go on a quest. 
You hadn’t been seen for the majority of that day or the day before. Only during activates and quick moments between them had percy seen you. You hadn’t even been at dinner the other night and percy was very confused. But annabeth had assured him that you were just doing what she called, “Field work for chiron” 
“You shouldn’t worry, Y/N is very capable of taking care of herself” Annabeth was saying as her and percy had taken a break from talking about their quest strategies. 
“Field work?” what kind of field work?” Percy questioned, totally ignoring annabeth’s notion to not ask about the subject again. 
Annabeth huffed, “Why do you care?”
Percy felt the anger rising in his chest, “Of course I care! If there’s a titan army out there and she’s all alone, i’d be worried to death if anything happens to her!” 
Annabeth looked at percy, it seems as if she had only just taken notice of him and was looking as if she was evaluating him. She shrugged, “chiron’s got her scouting the borders, we’ve been getting a lot of attacks recently...” 
she trailed off as if re-deciding that maybe she shouldn’t tell percy, “anyways, Y/N is one of the most powerful demigods i know, she’ll be okay” 
The coldness in annabeths tone began to soften as she saw percy’s scrunched up eyebrows and frown, “she’ll be back tonight, you can ask her then” 
And sure enough you were, after dinner you and percy sat at the dock and this time the naiads gave the both of you enough space, perhaps they sensed the tension between the two of you and thought it would be best to stay clear just in case a fight broke out. 
“You feeling okay? I know i wouldn’t be if i’d have to go in the labyrinth- i’d be way too claustrophobic” You said trying to make conversation.
“Thanks for making me feel so much better” percy mumbled, and you faced him.
“This must suck, i mean, you did just get here...” 
and so did you, percy wanted to say, i don't want to leave you just yet, but percy didn’t say anything like that. 
“Yeah, sucks worse than having to clip hades toenails”
“Percy!” you laughed, and the sound brought a smile to percy’s face.
You leaned an elbow on your crossed legs and rested your face on your palm. 
Percy stared at you, the reflection of the moonlight on the river landed on your face, making it seem as if you had the flowing face of a naiad- a much prettier naiad though, percy thought.
“I’m sorry” you said suddenly, the soft look on your face faltering slightly, “I should’ve told you why i wasn't around as much”
Percy blinked. At first he was slightly angry, not at you- angry at how chiron had made you go out in the forest by yourself. Percy had no doubt that you could handle anything that came at you- with your elemental powers, goddess radiance and killer swordsplay, he wasn’t worried about monsters hurting you. He was angry at the fact that this had taken you away from him. 
But now he understood, if anyone should take on this task, it should be you. 
“You don’t need to apologise,” percy said, breaking eye contact with you and leaning back, “But you should’ve told me so that i could’ve gone with you”
You gave a soft laugh and percy turned to you to ask something sarcastic like, what’s so funny, you don’t think i can fight monsters just as well? but then he saw the sad smile at your face, “percy, i didn’t want to give you another thing to worry about” 
You were right, percy did have other things to worry about. 
Just the thought of it made him want to hurl, on his 16th birthday percy had to make a decision that would save the world or end it. 
But then looking at you, sadly gazing into the river made percy think. Just how nice life would be if all he had to worry about was exams or if he got onto the swim team or not? He wanted an easy life, then maybe he could’ve got all the time he wanted to spend with you. Percy got angry- why did it have to be him? what did he do to deserve this fate?
You wrapped your hand gently around percy’s wrist, it was only then percy noticed he was making a mini whirl pool. 
He stared at your dainty hand and perfectly manicured nails, gods he loved everything about you, and then looked up into you coffee coloured eyes. 
“I know it will come out okay,” you said sweetly, “you can do this”
“yeah but i’m not the daughter of a primordial goddess who can sword fight with both hands and make people stop breathing by just looking at them” 
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll show you how it feels when i suffocate monsters” 
“No need princess,” percy smirked, “you take my breath away every time i look at you” 
Your cheeks tinted red and you turned away from percy, he burst out laughing. 
But his laughter was cut short when a wave of water rose from the river and drenched him. 
Percy was left sputtering, spitting out the water that had entered his mouth and blinking the droplets out of his eyes. He then lifted up his hand to send his own wave on you but you were smiling dangerously at him, 
“Try it, and you’ll breath your last breath”
He slowly lowered his hand, “alright, you win, this once princess” 
“This once he says” you mumbled under your breath, laughing as you and percy began to make your way back to the cabins. 
You stood by zeus’ fist that morning along with everyone else to send off annabeth and the rest. You were worried. It was obvious since everybody else was- the labyrinth wasn’t exactly all fun and games, it was built to be a living death trap. and the fact that your friends were going in there with no reliable way of getting around made you nervous. 
But at least you didn’t have to go on the quest, let alone lead it.
The day annabeth had received the prophecy she had begun to break down. You took her to the big house so that nobody would see your best friend in a panic attack and tried to calm her down. 
You rubbed her back soothingly, “annabeth, i know you can do this- you are the smartest person i know, and a child of athena- you can do this” 
She sniffled back a sob, “i have no idea what i was thinking, how are we going to get through that maze just on my gut feeling?” 
You stared at annabeth sympathetically- you had no idea. 
“Well maybe it’s one of those things when you just don't think about it” you suggested, shrugging your shoulders- you really couldn’t think of any other better ideas, “Maybe you do just have to feel it” 
You thought that idea was absolute centaur poop but it made annabeth laugh, “yeah, maybe” 
You nodded encouragingly, “well let’s start now, try to take your mind off the quest so later you can think clearly and strategise” 
Annabeth sat quietly, she wasn’t replying but you could tell she had agreed and was willing to take her mind off the labyrinth, you tried to come up with conversation. 
“Have you heard anything from nico then?” 
Not the best topic- it could’ve been worser than to talk about than the quest but it seemed to distract annabeth well.
“No, not really- I think percy has though, he mentioned a dream he had of nico”
You nodded, percy had told you about this too. Nico di angelo wasn’t someone you had met but percy had naturally told you about it. You felt sorry for nico, for a boy so young to go through so much- you couldn’t even begin to understand how that must feel. 
You couldn’t blame him for going rogue and something in your gut told you that he should be found before he could fall into luke’s hands.
“Speaking of percy,“ annabeth began and you looked up to see that she was no longer crying, “has he been mentioning that rachel girl anymore?” she asked, a slightly malicious tone creeping into her voice.
“Annabeth, that wasn’t his fault, besides it was her who wrote her number on his arm. And no, he hasn’t...” you trailed off trying to avoid annabeths analysing gaze. 
You must admit on the day percy came to camp and you saw the number on his arm- you were upset.
It was no secret now that you liked percy- with his dark hair, dreamy sea green eyes, golden personality and kind heart, you couldn’t help but swoon over the son of Poseidon.
And you supposed that percy wasn’t really exclusive to you, half the camp had a crush on him too, so it was a dead give away that people in the mortal world would find him just as attractive. 
You didn't bring up anything, you didn't really think that percy had ‘the hots’ for you- you just thought that came with the hero persona, but the certain things he did- calling you everyday, sneaking to the docks at night with you, calling you princess. 
That made your heart palpitate
And annabeth being annabeth saw through you right away. 
She admitted to you that she too once had a little crush on percy but she was still hung up on luke that it just felt wrong, and she supposed due to that her crush died out and well- the rest is history. 
“Well i’m just saying you need to be careful, percy is rather oblivious to most things and if he’s going around letting any girl write their numbers on his arms-”
“Annabeth,” you smiled.
“I’m just saying,” she reasoned, lifting her hands up in a shrug, “if he turns out to be trash and breaks your heart, i won’t even think twice about throwing him under a pegasus stampede” 
You laughed, gods how you were so lucky to have annabeth as your best friend. 
And now due to that you were dying from anxiety as you watched her re-check her backpack and standing strong with determination. 
you gave her a hug, “Don’t panic, im sure things won't be too bad,” total lie. “Stay safe okay?”
Annabeth nodded grimly, “Thanks Y/N, you keep safe too” 
She stepped back and began to talk to chiron, percy approached you next.
You looked up to him, “Try not to do anything stupid while you’re gone okay?” you did your best to not let your voice get stuck in your throat and tried to sound upbeat and confident for percys part. 
Percy scoffed, “Please, we all know i can’t keep that promise” He looked uneasily to the side, despite seeming so laid back you knew how he was really feeling on the inside. 
You tried for a laugh but it kind of sounded pathetic, so you just hugged him instead.
No words were needed but percy hugged you back, tighter this time. His arms wrapped around your waist as if he was hugging you like it was your last- no no no don’t be pessimistic.
You tried to let go multiple times, planning on stepping back but still feeling percy’s arms stay like solid iron around you, but finally you had the courage to detangle your arms from under his and stepped back so you could look at him.
His sea green eyes stared sadly at your face, you tried your best to control your blush. Even at a time like this you still got butterflies over him. 
Annabeth called percy, the rest of them were already at the entrance, her voice acting like a pin to your little bubble. You caught the flash of disappointment in percy’s face.
he turned back to you and gave you a little bow, “Until next time, princess” 
You stifled a giggle, “adieu” and covered your face to stop the other on-lookers from seeing your blush as percy and the rest clambered into the fissure. 
How many days had it been? 2 3? percy couldn’t tell, for all he knew a week could have gone by and it would have only felt like half a day. Time went by differently in the labyrinth, percy knew that- but he didn’t exactly think it would be so disorienting. Having not seen the outside world for a while it felt off having to sleep everyone and then since they didn’t even know when night time was. 
They were taking camp and percy had just finished his shift and had begun to sleep but of course that only meant nightmares. 
He was back at long island, in the forest near the camp. He didn’t know how he knew but he could just feel it. He felt worried for a second, if he was having another dream about luke and he was already near camp half blood- but as soon as he saw a petite figure standing against the trees, he doubted that this was a nightmare at all. 
You stood feet shoulder width apart with your arms crossed casually but you were  peering through the trees with a determined look. Percy had seen that face before, it was the face you wore every time you were duelling with him. 
That couldn’t be a good sign. 
you were wearing a grey cami tucked into washed out jeans and with a flannel tied around your waist. You looked amazing and percy wished that he could just stare at you all day- but a sudden gust of wind blew past him, it almost threw him off his feet. Percy stumbled back and looked at you. Naturally you were unaffected, the wind only succeeding in blowing back your long hair which was tied up in a tight ponytail. 
You scrunched your nose in distaste and begrudgingly flicked out your hands, the two drakon bone blades extending to their full length. You began to stride forward, spinning the blades in you hands like jedi do in starwars- percy was very envious of that, and set off in between the cluster of trees. 
Percy followed behind you, trying to keep his distance just in case you swung your sword through his torso. Percy didn’t know if you could still cut him whilst he was dreaming but he wasn’t really willing to find out. 
Another gust of wind came but this time it blew away from you, percy had a thought that maybe you were the one summoning the harsh winds. He watched as the wind carried a few stray leaves up with it and it dancing through the trees out of sight. 
Percy remembered you mentioning to him one time that when you controlled the winds you could feel everything the wind felt. You’d told him that when you were with the hunters of artemis, they had taught you how to use that ability to scout out monsters who were hiding. And that didn’t make him feel any better. 
He looked over at you, your face was calm but your eyes were narrow as if you felt something was wrong. Then the calmness of your face disappeared when a small look of shock painted your face. You immediately began to look around as if you could sense something was watching you, then you looked directly at percy. 
Percy wasn’t new to his dreams interacting with him, but that was when he was dreaming about gods who were omniscient and all powerful. But his thought was cut short when a humungous wind pushed through you.
This time, you were taken aback as you lost your footing and hand to bring your hands to your face to shield yourself from the twigs and leaves that came with the gust. As it died down you bounded down into the trees. 
It was for a quick second but percy had caught it and it made him nervous- the scowl on your face. 
You were one to not ever lose your temper, more like you let it boil behind a scary calmness. Percy had never seen you shout or show any reckless anger so seeing that scathing stare you gave whatever you were chasing made him worry. 
He followed you, at much difficulty as you were a very fast runner, the trees became a blur in his side vision and you hair flickered behind you like a horse’s tail when it was anxious. 
Then you skidded to a stop, percy would’ve bashed straight into you if he didn’t stop about ten feet behind you when he saw your target. 
It loomed over you, about 12 feet tall and was as wide as the width of three of trees in the forest surrounding you. Percy almost thought it was a tree but it inched forward, lifting the thing percy thought was its unnaturally arm up over it’s head. Then with speeds that couldn’t be possible for a thing that size, it brought it down. 
Percy shouted out your name but that was pointless, you couldn’t hear him, neither did you need his warning. 
You crossed both swords as the limb, which percy now saw was a huge wooden club, made contact with you. You stumbled under the weight but you pushed back and the club went up in flames. 
As cool as it was, it was totally pointless, cyclopes were fire resisant- in order to work in harsh conditions, but that wasn’t what you were going for. 
The eruption of fire sent the cyclopes into confusion and he bent down to examine his newly lit stick. Now Percy could see it’s ugly face, distorted and wrinkled as if it’d spent a life time frowning. It’s singular beady eye blinking slowly in confusion. 
Seeing a cyclopes attack you, made percy feel sick. Cyclopes were supposed to be good, like percy’s brother tyson and the cyclopes that worked in his fathers forges. Seeing this was just a whole type of wrong. 
The second the cyclops faltered you disappeared from under his club and jumped onto the tip of it and began running towards it’s arm. The fire didn’t affect you, and neither did gravity seem to be pulling you down - comes with the perks of being as powerful as a minor goddess, percy thought.
You continued on you path even as you passed onto the cyclops’ arm, and as you did, you dug both your swords into it, opening his limb as you dashed towards it’s head. 
This shook the cyclops out of it’s daze as a frown made its way on it’s face. It raised it’s other hand to swipe at you but you were now perched on his shoulder. 
Percy had seen some pretty gruesome things, but this was next level gross. Blood was flowing everywhere, parts of the fire on the club were being doused out by it and when the cyclops moved percy could see parts of white bone. 
The cyclops looked more confused than in pain as he turned towards you, craning his neck so that he could face you and his multiple chins being put on full display. 
And when percy thought he had seen enough, you took both your sword and cut the head off the cyclops. 
The head fell to the ground and rolled towards percy like a great boulder in an avalanche. He barely had time to scramble away, just missing it as the cyclops’ eye stared lifelessly at him. 
Percy turned back to the body which was now dissolving into yellow dust, and you began glide to the ground gracefully, before landing on your feet. Despite the grace in you descent, percy noticed on how you stumbled a little bit under your own weight and how you were breathing heavily. 
he instinctively began to walk towards you, wanting to let you lean against him and tell you how badass you were but as he did, you looked up- you stared right at him. 
Then percy woke up - back drenched in a cold sweat, breath heaving as if he had actually run beside you and the picture of your coffee coloured eyes staring right at him, burning in his mind. 
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I'm in a bad situation right now regarding work/home/finances, and my depression is telling me that I'm powerless, and people who are supposed to be helping me are telling me toughen up and deal with it. Like, my helping professionals are telling me that. Have you got a good word for this Tuesday?
First off, sweetheart, I am so sorry for the delay, I didn’t get any message notifications until just now, so this was a surprise (*shakes fist at tumblr*)
Now, second first-off: Your depression is a stupid liar, and you are not powerless. I know depression is a really convincing bitch, and that sometimes you feel powerless, but I promise that it just isn’t so!
Still, even when we can see past Depression’s Lies, to have the people that are supposed to support us be the exact opposite of helpful only compounds that feeling of helplessness. (Seriously, is there anything less helpful than “toughen up” or “calm down”? Ugh.) If you are able to, I might suggest you telling your professionals that they aren’t helping you by being dismissive. Telling you to “deal with it” when you are clearly looking for help in regards to how to deal with it is not okay (or professional.)
If you have more specific things, I’m more than happy to help you find more specific resources/give more specific advice, but here are some links/bits of advice from my experience that may be helpful.
I personally struggle with money management because of my bipolar disorder and executive dysfunction (it’s really hard for me to follow through on things like budget plans). The times where I have been most successful, I have used the following methods: 1) use cash whenever possible; when you have cash, put specific amounts into envelopes labelled with what they are for (i.e. $40 for phone bill, $60 for weekly groceries, $500 from this check for rent/mortgage-add $200 from next check, $20 for this week’s “fun money” and $20 for next week, if you get paid bi-weekly) Any leftover money from rounding up your expenses (i.e. you estimate $60 for your gas bill, but you only end up needing to pay $52) can be put in an “emergency” envelope, or a “fancy dinner out” one, or a “weekend trip” one. Or it can sit there and give you a little cushion for next month. Which is really nice, honestly.
Alternatively, use sticky notes to label your actual cash, and paper clips to bunch them together. 2) KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS IN THE BAG WITH ANY NON-NECESSITY PURCHASES! If you find you either don’t need/want the thing a few days later, or need the extra cash for a bill (or a treat for yourself like coffee and dessert with a friend!) you can return it easily! When my mania would lead to frivolous spending, I’d actually get in the habit of leaving everything in my trunk until I could make a level headed decision or get a second opinion on whether or not I really needed those things.
The best thing for me with these tricks, is it only requires a basic understanding of my finances, which means I can avoid a lot of the guilt and anxiety that comes with looking at my bank balance and my bills and realizing how tight my margins are. So, by breaking down bills into “the electric bill is approximately $60 bucks, so I need to set aside $30 twice a month” I can avoid having to instead look at my bill and my nearly depleted balance at the end of the month and having a meltdown.
Here are some sites to check out for more budget tips:
This one talks about the envelope method
This one is a basic “how to budget when you really don’t want to” guide. It has some good tips (that I plan on following up on, because we’re at a tough place financially right now, too). We can totally be “slogging through this shitty thing” buddies.
This one has some more good tips (automatic payments, etc), as well as having a really reassuring tone (it literally addresses how depression makes money management difficult, and how it’s all a big, awful cycle).
If your work difficulties are due to un- or under-employment, I am extra sorry. That’s a terrible place to be, and it compounds all the rest of it. I’m happy to help you look for work if you want to give me some details, I spend a lot of time on job boards.
I’m hoping the “home” issue is just stress, and not that you are in a precarious housing situation. If you want to send another ask with more details, I can talk through some options with you for either situation.
I hope that this is at least a little helpful, darling. If there’s anything else I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to drop another message (I’ll keep an eye out for it!) Take care of yourself, sweetheart.
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crasherfly · 4 years
It’s Not You, Dummy, It’s Capitalism
We all need to work less.
That’s the conclusion I’ve drawn after 3 weeks on a 30 hour schedule. It’s too soon to say the change has been truly life-altering, but I can promise you it’s made a difference.
To clarify, my situation is a rather remarkable one- 
I work in the government, so I’m union protected. That, in and of itself, is of great importance and a source of security unavailable to most people in 2020.
Due to a pending budget crisis, we were given the opportunity to request reduced hours on a voluntary basis. We could retain our vacation accrual and insurance benefits. We’d simply work less.
I live in a dual-income household where the second income is considerably higher than my own. As such, my cost-of-living needs are offset accordingly.
Basically, all of the above had to be true for this option to be viable for me. Stars-aligning kind of stuff. It is absolutely an economic privilege that I recognize many do not have access to.
My student loan payments are delayed until January, so that’s a huge expense temporarily delayed that played a major factor in my choice.
So, goes without saying that yes, I am remarkably lucky. I’m not out of touch with the fact that many, many folks could not make this work. Luckily, that’s the point of this post! In a better world, everyone SHOULD have the chance to make this work.
With that out of the way, I would like to repeat, we all need to work less. Even if it’s just ten hours less, it would make all the difference.
The first week of my 30 hour/3 day work schedule was marked mostly by sleep and inactivity, my body simply recovering from the absolute insanity of 2020, which for me had been marked by constant workplace turmoil, incredibly strict job requirements, relentless electronic monitoring and the looming threat of budget-induced layoffs. Couple this with the stress of a self-induced diet and a tight spending budget as I pursued paying off all my credit cards, and it’s little wonder that I came face to face with a true, no-holds-barred meltdown in early August. 
I mean, sure, I had lost weight and considerably paid down my debts, but I was also drinking more than I had at any time since maybe college. My impulse spending had returned with a vengeance as I obsessively sought out new thrills. I was almost exclusively plugged into my video games and anime. I wasn’t creating, I was barely socializing, and my off time was just enough for me to catch up on sleep and occasionally work out before going straight back to the 40 hour, 4 day slog.
There was no epiphany moment in August where I realized I was having a meltdown and needed a change. I wouldn’t recognize my meltdown for what it was until weeks after the fact.
But when my department offered the reduced schedule option, something deep within me stirred- and I grabbed that opportunity as quick as I could. It was a visceral reaction. I knew that emotionally, spiritually, physically, I was in a world of hurt- and I knew why. It wouldn’t take a new therapist or hours of meditation to confirm- it was my job. I hated my job, just as surely as I had hated the job that came before it and the job before that- and it was killing me.
But economic necessity kept me from doing anything about it. I needed insurance. I needed the security of a paycheck. I needed to eat, to have a gym membership, to fill my car with gas, etc.
So when my workplace said “hey, we’ll let you keep all your benefits, just work less and take a smaller check”, I realized that hey...this was a pretty fair compromise. So I went for it.
The results? Well. See for yourself-
I sleep more, and with regularity, and without as many vicious all-nighters. I don’t spend time freaking out about how little control I have over my time, or how the sooner I go to sleep, the sooner I’ll just wake up and start the next terrible day of work all over again.
My workouts go longer and to greater effect, and I have more energy for them.
I’m actually writing on a daily basis again.
My homespace is the cleanest it has ever been, in spite of 3 pets and an ongoing pest infestation. I’m even doing laundry regularly. It’s wild.
I’m reading, meditating and watching media with intention, because my focus is slowly repairing itself now that I’m not in front of a screen 10-14 hours a day.
I have more time to invest in and socialize with the people around me.
I drink less. A lot less. And it’s become incrementally easier to continue making wise and kind consumption choices for my body- choices that will surely prolong my life, if I can keep them up.
I’ve been able to take up the side-projects and learning endeavors I had been putting off or had written off as pipe-dreams, ‘cuz I now have the emotional surplus to take them on.
And the list goes on- so many small things- cooking for myself regularly, not forgetting to brush my teeth, putting on new clothes every day- stuff that like, SHOULD be normal stuff, but just wasn’t, for me, is finally happening, ‘cuz I finally feel like I have the energy for it.
What I’ve learned so far is that when you aren’t killing yourself 40 hours a week, you might end up having more resources available to you than you did before.
I thought I’d be feeling a tight belt after my first check- but if anything, I’m shocked at how much more economic freedom I feel. Gone are the stress-induced impulses to spend on  items I don’t need. If anything, having less in the bank account has helped me look on the raw amount of STUFF I have accrued in my adult life and appreciate it more deeply- as well as part with a good deal of it.-
Not unlike my video game backlog, I’ve learned I have no small number of personal backlogs that have built up over the years. Books, movies, crafts, legos, electronics, workout gear- you name it, I probably have a collection built up for it- created in a moment of Capitalism-induced stress where the act of building that backlog was mistaken as accomplishment of following through on its end-objective.
These backlog collections were the product of excess- things purchased just ‘cuz. Things purchased to make the 40 hour death march feel Worth It. I mean, who wants to take a paycheck and see nothing for it beyond a few debt balances marginally reduce? When you have a pinball table sitting in your living room, that feels like a far more tangible reward for your work and stress.
But now that the work schedule stress is at least marginally reduced, the root cause of these growing backlogs having been addressed, I don’t feel like I need that pinball table. And as the days press on and my energy continues to return piece by piece, I realize that the several hundred bucks I traded in were more than worth what I’ve gained back in personal health. And as a result, I have more left over in the bank- turns out when I feel good, I don’t feel the need to constantly bleed cash or obsess over full online shipping carts. 
I just straight up don’t miss the money.
I mean, yes, obviously, less income can and does suck. Telling people I willingly took a lighter schedule often meets with a mix of reactions ranging from confusion to concern to outright disdain and judgement. If a sudden expense comes up- say, a medical emergency, I’d have to revisit this arrangement. And there’s always a chance I could get laid off, ‘cuz Covid is ravaging our economy, so having little cushion for that possibility is a source of stress and concern.
But otherwise, my case is a remarkable one. I was able to look at my current check, guess how much I’d be losing by reducing my hours, and feel pretty good about what I was left with. Most people can’t make that math work, and I empathize with that. 
But my point here isn’t to marvel over how lucky I am. My point here is that when you realize that it is POSSIBLE to retain essential benefits like health insurance without the proverbial gun of a 40 hour work week pointed at your head, you start to realize just how different American society could be- for the better.
Here are just a few things that could so easily be different if American society was even a little willing to bend just a tiny bit.
We don’t need to work 40 hours a week. It’s an imaginary and stagnant number that means literally nothing. We sure as hell don’t need to be on the job 5 days either.
Similarly, we don’t NEED most of the benefits employers dangle in front of us to keep ups for 40+ hours a week- benefits that could easily be transferred over to pure pay/financial compensation. 
I’d go so far as to say we don’t even really NEED the extra money, either, but for everyone to require less money is to assume that A) our entire economic ecosystem could change overnight (unlikely) and B) Most businesses can’t afford to pay us more for less raw productivity (patently false in most cases).
We don’t need to use half of our earned income for a place to live. We don’t even need to use a third of it or a quarter.
Good food doesn’t have to be as expensive as it is, and a gym membership/fitness assistance doesn’t have to be a luxury available only to those who can pay for it.
Medical insurance doesn’t need to be conditional- and it sure as fuck shouldn’t be tied to employment. Oh, and “elective” medical care and therapy should absolutely be freely available.
Cars/transportation/clothing/utilities/essential personal items (clothes/furniture/internet/etc) do not have to be paywalled behind requisite job/personal security- the same requisite security that often requires these very same things before you can obtain said security.
It should go without saying that you should not need job experience to gain job experience. Generally speaking, the people making twice as much as you are no different from you save for a few essential personal contacts that got them where they are. You could do what they do if given the proper time and training. In a perfect world, we could freely apply for anything, and it would be illegal to list years of experience or a degree as a job requirement.
We do not need to let employers monopolize our lives- no matter what incentives they might dangle in front of us. Our jobs should be just that- jobs. A place we go to create something for someone else in exchange for compensation. They should not be our purpose. They should not take up the majority of our time. They should not cost us our physical or emotional well-being. 
We need to stop pretending that our employers are interested in anything beyond productivity for the sake of productivity.
And then we need to prioritize ourselves accordingly.
The list can go on and on.
So many of these things really aren’t a reach. They truly aren’t. Other countries do them, and have met with success. But whether by stubbornness or greed or simple laziness, American society just can’t or won’t consider these asks.
I’ll just end with this-
I’m on the other side of the typical employer-employee agreement, where I’m retaining my most important benefits but simply working and earning less. It’s a realization of like, half a bullet-point from my “how society can get better” list, but even this mere half-realization is a life-changer.
It’s not the right choice for everyone. And certainly, there are people who would even prefer to work and earn more.
But our entire society shouldn’t be contingent on that being the ONLY option.
Everyone should have the choice to do what I’m doing right now, if they want.
But for that to happen, our society needs to fundamentally change.
I believe if our society changes and extends even the most meager of employment and benefit flexibility to its citizens, we would all, every last one of us, be happier and more fulfilled. 
If you’re working 40+ hours a week grinding out a living and are beating yourself up ‘cuz you don’t have time or energy to keep your home clean, work out, eat healthy, do your laundry, invest in social opportunities, skill building, or even undertake personal investments like a car or an updated wardrobe-
It’s not a You issue.
It’s a Capitalism issue.
And the only way it’ll be fixed is everyone can be afforded the same opportunity as I have been.
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exowould · 7 years
exo as shoppers you see at the supermarket
• has to shop on a full stomach (last time he shopped hungry he bought too much food and it went to waste since he couldn’t finish them in time) 
• loves to meal prep so he has an organised shopping list
• his trolley is filled with lean meats, protein powder, vegetables, fruit and cat food
• has trouble reaching items on shelves sometimes, embarrassed to ask for help so he’ll just buy a different brand that he can reach
• he tastes the free samples and the way he eats make it look very delicious so other customers tries it and buys the product.
• prefers organic food if he can find them
• reads gossip magazines whilst waiting for the line to move
• has a shopping list written on a small notebook, crosses items off as he buys stuff
• his trolley is filled with the most basic ingredients needed to make classic dishes that will feed and please the whole family
• bulk buys items if they’re on sale (especially if it’s 50% off)
• he has multiple coupons to use from the newspaper and flyers
• it annoys the employees but he’s a regular so...plus he’s so polite
• still blows his budget for some reason
• brings his own shopping bags (environment friendly!)
• he did write a list, but he forgot to bring it
• is a regular shopper at this particular supermarket, all the workers know him and he loves talking to them
• "I’ll give you a little extra for free” says the deli workers since they love him (he is thankful but feels guilty at the same time)
• “Do I have some at home already?”. Buys it anyways. Already has 5 of them at home. 
• tries the free samples since he is walking past. He buys the item even if he doesn’t like it because the employee is so nice and he doesn’t want to upset them.
• helps the elderly customers use the self checkout machine and carries their groceries to their car
• after putting his shopping in the car, he’ll put the trolleys together and push them back to the store (people mistake him as an employee) 
• doesn’t buy groceries until his fridge only has a bottle of beer in it and only has one packet of instant noodles left
• he doesn’t really have a list, just as long he has the necessities and some instant noodles
• tries the free samples, but never buys the product. Comes back after 5 minutes to try some more
• places his trolley in the way of people trying to get past
• pushes his trolley like a racing car, he turns too quickly and nearly hits people. 
• goes crazy in the snack aisle
• holds up the line because he dropped his change on the ground 
• what’s a shopping list?
• he’ll know what to buy when he sees it
• goes in and out every aisle even if there’s nothing there that he needs
• wants to go in and out of the shop in less than 30 minutes but he is delayed because he helps people reach stuff on shelves because he is tall
• awkwardly leaves the cashier to run and get something he forgot
• accidentally uses a “card only” self checkout when he only has cash
• when he reaches home he realises he forgot to buy the one thing he went to the shop to get
• has a crumpled up piece of paper with a list
• plays with the security cameras, security workers are always amused
• pushes the trolley and then lifts his feet while going forward (wheeee~~)
• buys those bulk packages of water (24 bottles) 
• always visits the kid toys section
• enjoys reading the funny birthday cards in the party aisle (people can hear his laugh all across the store)
• forgets to put the divider for the next person after he finishes putting his items on the belt
• enjoys trying out new recipes so his list is different each week
• buys fresh ingredients, rarely buys instant food
• you can see him smelling each fruit and vegetable he buys
• he also struggles to reach things on high shelves, proceeds to step up the shelves
• “do you have anything fresher out the back?” “do you have this cut of meat available?” “why don’t you guys stock this anymore?”
• places his items on the conveyor belt in the order he wants them bagged
• feels flustered when he hasn’t put his change away yet and the cashier starts serving the next customer
• leaves his dogs outside and tells them that dad won’t be long
• he did write a list but misplaced it somewhere along the way
• his trolley is mostly bags of dog food
• loves his chicken: chicken tenders, chicken nuggets, whole rotisserie chickens etc...
• stays in front of a shelf a bit longer than normal people, he’s trying to think if this item was on his list. people awkwardly go around him to get an item.
• accidentally knocked into a tower of canned soup, helps re stack it
• uses the self checkout however he really should use the checkout with a cashier 
• he has a list, he just doesn’t follow it
• his trolley always has gummies, candy, chocolate and chips
• suho has to accompany him so that he does get proper food to eat for the week
• without suho, his trolley is filled with instant and reheatable food
• he’s that person that takes out an item he decides he doesn’t need and puts it on a random shelf rather than putting it back on it’s original shelf
• buys a lot of unnecessary items (”I do eat this often!” “Since when?!”) Item expires at home and/or goes bad in the fridge
• tries to sneak in extra candy and gum at the checkout but suho ends up taking it back out
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strollerslab-blog · 5 years
12 Essential Travel Tips You Need To Know Before Traveling
Looking for great travel tips and advice? We spent 13 months traveling around the world, visiting 35 countries.
In total, we've traveled to sixty-seven countries across six continents.
We have learned a great deal and wish to share our information with you.
Here are some Travel Tips might help you or make easier your tour.
Use Google Maps
I cannot tell you the way several hours of your time and stress this has saved Maine over the years.
Did you recognize that Google Maps works offline, even once your phone is on heavier-than-air craft mode?
All you have got to try and do is certify to load a town in Google Maps BEFORE obtaining off the plane (or feat your hotel) — and therefore the very little blue
GPS dot can follow you around as you wander the town.
This is especially helpful when you’re in a foreign taxi so you can make sure to see exactly where the driver is taking you.
For Booking Flights, Use Google Flights & Kayak
It seems like there are so many flight search engines these days, which it’s frustrating to find which ones are best.
I will tell you from first-hand expertise (booking 400+ flights) that Google Flights & Kayak square measure the foremost reliable and least expensive search engines out there. Google Flights makes is easy to compare flight prices across various dates in a month, and Kayak simply has every airline in its database that you can imagine. I never book a flight without searching for both of them.
– Delete your browser’s cookies before shopping for associate airline price ticket, because the prices usually go up when you visit multiple travel sites.
– Wait until midnight to book your flight because there will be more of an inventory and better rates because many seats are put on a 24-hour hold.
– Book flights in associate “Incognito Window” of Google Chrome, thus there are not any cookies.
Use TEP to get internet access
TEP is that the best thanks to getting online in 100+ countries!
Everyone forever asks ME however I buy my pc and phone to figure abroad.
I used to buy local SIM cards (from a local Phone provider) every time I hopped borders, which was a nightmare! Now, whenever I’m not in a public Wi-Fi zone (like in a cafe or hotel), I turn on my TEP portable hotspot device. TEP gives me internet access in 100+ countries, and it works by using local Sims to guarantee the fastest internet speeds. They even just launched a 4G model, which gives you even faster speeds!
Use Uber Whenever Possible
Uber came in handy loads throughout my South America trip.
As I write this, Uber is active in 76 countries, and I highly recommend using it whenever you can.
The 2 main reasons why you must use Uber is as a result of it’s cheaper and safer than commonplace taxis.
Inside of the app, you have all the information of the driver and you are protected by the company should anything go wrong.
Always Use ATM’s to pull out Local Currency
The reason being that ATMs always have the most up-to-date exchange rate, and they cannot rip you off. Most banks do charge a fee for international ATM withdraws, but I switched over to Schwab Bank because they reimburse me for all foreign ATM fees. If you aren’t from the U.S.
(Schwab is just accessible for Americans), then do a quick Google Search for banks in your country that waive foreign ATM fees.
Try to avoid “Money Exchange” desks if possible, because they always take a commission (even if it says “no fee”). Obviously, if there are no ATMs around or you lost your debit card, then exchanging cash at an exchange desk is your only option.
Also, you must continually resolve what the rate of exchange is before you land during a given country, thus you’ll decipher what proportion money to require out (assuming
There is no Wi-Fi at the airport).
Be Flexible
We invariably arrange for delays and check out to not get upset once things inevitably fail.
Patience is extremely important when traveling!
Make a List
About a week or so before each trip, I make a mental list of items I don’t want to forget — which I WILL forget if I don’t write them down.
I’ve learned that after I consider one thing, I want to write down it down.
Learn Common Phrases of the Local Language
A simple “Please,” “Thank you,” and “I’m sorry” within the native language goes a protracted approach.
I conjointly wish to learn the word for a brew, however, that’s simply me.
Don’t Forget an Extra Camera Battery (or Two)
Have you ever gotten to it epic sunset photograph spot and realized your camera battery is dead and you don’t have a backup?
I attempt to bring a minimum of 3 camera batteries on all of our journeys so we have a tendency to don’t miss out on it an excellent shot.
Make Photocopies of Important Documents
In my early twenties, I used to be superb regarding keeping a duplicate of my passport during a separate bag from my actual passport.
Then I got lazy.
Recently, a fan of mine lost her passport at the landing field.
She was told that if she had brought a duplicate of it and further passport photos they'd have let her travel.
Since she didn’t, she was forced to forfeit a $2,000 flight and a week in Europe. I now carry a copy with me. 
Carry Your necessities
A few necessary things should move into your carry-on.
A bathing costume is additionally a decent plan if you're happening a beach vacation.
You can buy most of these things if your bag gets lost, but having them in your carry-on will save you money and time if your luggage gets lost in transit. 
Separate Your Personal Items
A few necessary things should move into your carry-on.
A bathing costume is additionally a decent plan if you're happening a beach vacation.
You can buy most of these things if your bag gets lost, but having them in your carry-on will save you money and time if your luggage gets lost in transit.
There are many more tips!! We have experienced lots of travels. To get more travel tips just visit https://www.obokash.com/. So there are many things to say, stay tuned!!
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When 43% Of Americans Can't Pay For Food And Rent, We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/when-43-of-americans-cant-pay-for-food-and-rent-we-can-say-economic-collapse-is-here/
When 43% Of Americans Can't Pay For Food And Rent, We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here
Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,
You know all those reports about how lots of Americans can’t afford a $1000 surprise expense like a medical bill or a car repair? Well, forget additional expenses. It turns out that nearly half of the families in America are struggling to pay for food and rent. And that means that the economic collapse isn’t just “coming.” It’s HERE.
United Way has done a study on a group of Americans they call ALICE: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The study found that this group does not make the money needed “to survive in the modern economy.”
ALICE is your child care worker, your parent on Social Security, the cashier at your supermarket, the gas attendant, the salesperson at your big box store, your waitress, a home health aide, an office clerk. ALICE cannot always pay the bills, has little or nothing in savings, and is forced to make tough choices such as deciding between quality child care or paying the rent. One unexpected car repair or medical bill can push these financially strapped families over the edge.
ALICE is a hardworking member of the community who is employed yet does not earn enough to afford the basic necessities of life.
ALICE earns above the federal poverty level but does not earn enough to afford a bare-bones household budget of housing, child care, food, transportation, and healthcare. (source)
Between families living below the poverty line due to unemployment or disability and ALICEs, the study discovered that 43% of Americans were struggling to cover basic necessities like rent and food.
Where are families struggling the most?
Some states have more families living in ALICE levels than others. The 3 states with the most families barely surviving paycheck to paycheck are California, New Mexico, and Hawaii. Each of these states saw 49% of families struggling. North Dakota had the lowest ALICE percentage with 32%. You can check how your state fares right here. Despite the lowest unemployment rate since 2000, families all over the country are barely getting by.
The media page of the ALICE website is jammed with headlines that are all too familiar for many Americans:
Report: Michigan makes little progress in lifting working poor to financial stability
After a decade of tax cuts — Ohioans in financial hardship
Louisiana families work hard, but still can’t cover necessities
44 percent of Florida households, mostly working poor, struggling to meet basic needs
Third of New Jersey households can’t afford basic necessities
42 percent of Wisconsin households struggle to pay bills
And on and on and on…
The economic collapse of America is here.
While many families are still doing okay, the specter of poverty looms over many of us. Many of us know that we’re one personal financial catastrophe away from disaster. I wrote recently about my own family’s struggle with a large medical bill.
Obviously, I’m not telling you about our financial saga to make myself look bad. I’m telling you because I want you to know that no matter how much you try to do everything right, financial problems can happen to anyone, at any time. Whether you have $100 in the bank or $100,000 in the bank, something can happen that wipes out your emergency fund just like it did mine.
This doesn’t mean that you failed financially – it means that circumstances can affect you, just like they do everyone else, no matter how careful you are.
Before my daughter’s illness, I was doing everything “right.”
I had enough money in my emergency fund to carry me through 3 lean months
I had numerous credit cards with zero balances
My only debt was my car
My kids are going to school without student loans
I opted out of health insurance because it was more financially practical to pay cash (and I still agree with that decision)
Everything was great.
Until it wasn’t. (source)
This is a story that probably rings true to more and more familiar to a growing number of families every week.
While my income hasn’t dropped – it’s grown – I am still struggling to pay off those bills and recover. I’ve taken on a significant amount of extra work to get things back under control, and still, I worry it won’t be enough.
Sound familiar?
If it does, it’s because – and of this, I am quite certain – the long-heralded economic collapse of America is upon us. When hard-working families who should be “middle class” can barely afford to eat and keep a roof over their heads, things are only going to devolve further.
Look at other examples of economic collapse
This is just the beginning of a looming collapse in America.
Remember back when Greece began to collapse? It was the same thing – no one could afford the basics and things went downhill pretty quickly from there. It really hit the papers when a strict austerity program was instituted and culminated when a “bank holiday” shut down the financial system for an entire week.
There are similar stories in the UK (where the taxpayers can still fund a 45 million dollar wedding but poor families can’t afford to eat every day), Argentina, and Cyprus.
Jose wrote for us about the warning signs that the collapse of Venezuela was approaching and they’re eerily familiar. Food rationing began, the cost of medical care became prohibitive, the health insurance system began to fail, and people began to make difficult choices about rent versus food.
I don’t know how it could be any more clear than the fact that nearly half of the American population is also making that decision each month.
What’s the answer?
While the United Way hopes to boost the minimum wage, I don’t feel that is the answer because it will drive businesses to let employees go when they can’t afford to pay them. We have seen this happen in fast food establishments in which humans are on their way to being replaced by self-service kiosks and burger-flipping robots.
I believe the only answer is to begin to produce more than we consume. Currently, Americans are like a horde of locusts, working at jobs that produce nothing, but consuming rabidly the imports that feed us, clothe us, and entertain us. We’re looking at economic tariffs on imports that may increase their price up to 40% and our own exports will be subject to tariffs in return.
If you find yourself in a tough spot, these tips from The Cheapskate’s Guide to the Galaxy may help.
Audit your situation. See where all your money is going, see how much debt you’re in, and see what the most immediate ramifications will be.
Take care of the most important things first. In most situations, keeping your home paid for (rent or mortgage), paying utilities, and making your auto and insurance payments should come first. Take care of the things that will have the most immediate ramifications first.
You may have to make some late payments on less vital things. If so, communicate with those to whom you owe money and try to make arrangements. This may affect your credit, but by communicating with them, you can keep damage to a minimum.
Cut your expenses. When you audit your situation, you may find some places that you can slash your regular expenses. Don’t hesitate to reduce services that are unnecessary or to whittle down your monthly obligations. (More ideas here)
Put a little money back into your emergency fund as soon as possible. This may sound counterintuitive but having a bit of money for minor emergencies means that you won’t need to rely on credit cards for these things, putting you even further in the hole.
Pay off your debts. Use the snowball method to attack your debts. Start paying these off AFTER you pay for the things I recommended in step 2.
Use the things you have on hand. Delay a trip to the store for as long as possible by planning a menu using the food in your pantry and freezer. (Think about the stockpile challenge we did and use those strategies. Get some ideas for meals from your stockpile in this article) Use the shampoo, soap, and personal hygiene products that you have already instead of buying new products.
Raise extra money. This may come from selling things you don’t need, taking on some extra work, or by creating a product or service to sell. However you do this, use the extra revenue wisely to get out of debt and to rebuild your emergency fund. There are more ideas for making money quickly in this issue.
And to harden yourself against the collapse that will only get worse, make these changes to help your family survive.
What can you store?” is not the right question to ask.
“What can you make?” – that’s the right question.
Your focus has to be on long-term sustainability, frugality, and self-reliance.  Don’t get me wrong – a stockpile is sensible and an essential course of action. It should definitely be part of your preparedness plan.
However, you need to also be ready for the time when the supplies in your well-stocked pantry are no longer available.  You need to be able to meet as many of your own needs as possible or you’ll end up being one of those people wearing dirty clothes because you can’t find laundry soap or going hungry because you can’t find any food at the stores – or can’t afford it if you can find it. You need to be ready for the end of a consumer-driven lifestyle, because quite frankly, there may soon come a day when there are no consumer goods to be had. Here are some ways to work on your
Here are some ways to work on your self-reliance:
Looking for the thrifty answer using things you have on hand, instead of purchasing a solution to every problem
Fixing things that are broken instead of replacing them
Eating simple food you prepare from scratch
Producing as much of your own food as possible
Learning to forage
Using “old-fashioned” alternatives for disposable things like diapers, wipes, feminine hygiene supplies, paper towels, and the like
Learning to make cleaning supplies and soaps, especially from accessible supplies (like vinegar, ash, and foraged natural ingredients)
Learning to make pantry basics like vinegar, sourdough, and cultured dairy products
Learning to preserve your harvests to see you through the lean days of winter
Providing your own services like heat, garbage disposal, and water
Learning about natural remedies from accessible sources
Learning to protect your family and property
It’s only by reducing your need for the things sold in stores that you can exempt yourself from the chaos and desperation that will erupt when everyone realizes that an economic collapse has occurred.
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foursprout-blog · 6 years
When 43% Of Americans Can't Pay For Food And Rent, We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/when-43-of-americans-cant-pay-for-food-and-rent-we-can-say-economic-collapse-is-here/
When 43% Of Americans Can't Pay For Food And Rent, We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here
Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,
You know all those reports about how lots of Americans can’t afford a $1000 surprise expense like a medical bill or a car repair? Well, forget additional expenses. It turns out that nearly half of the families in America are struggling to pay for food and rent. And that means that the economic collapse isn’t just “coming.” It’s HERE.
United Way has done a study on a group of Americans they call ALICE: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The study found that this group does not make the money needed “to survive in the modern economy.”
ALICE is your child care worker, your parent on Social Security, the cashier at your supermarket, the gas attendant, the salesperson at your big box store, your waitress, a home health aide, an office clerk. ALICE cannot always pay the bills, has little or nothing in savings, and is forced to make tough choices such as deciding between quality child care or paying the rent. One unexpected car repair or medical bill can push these financially strapped families over the edge.
ALICE is a hardworking member of the community who is employed yet does not earn enough to afford the basic necessities of life.
ALICE earns above the federal poverty level but does not earn enough to afford a bare-bones household budget of housing, child care, food, transportation, and healthcare. (source)
Between families living below the poverty line due to unemployment or disability and ALICEs, the study discovered that 43% of Americans were struggling to cover basic necessities like rent and food.
Where are families struggling the most?
Some states have more families living in ALICE levels than others. The 3 states with the most families barely surviving paycheck to paycheck are California, New Mexico, and Hawaii. Each of these states saw 49% of families struggling. North Dakota had the lowest ALICE percentage with 32%. You can check how your state fares right here. Despite the lowest unemployment rate since 2000, families all over the country are barely getting by.
The media page of the ALICE website is jammed with headlines that are all too familiar for many Americans:
Report: Michigan makes little progress in lifting working poor to financial stability
After a decade of tax cuts — Ohioans in financial hardship
Louisiana families work hard, but still can’t cover necessities
44 percent of Florida households, mostly working poor, struggling to meet basic needs
Third of New Jersey households can’t afford basic necessities
42 percent of Wisconsin households struggle to pay bills
And on and on and on…
The economic collapse of America is here.
While many families are still doing okay, the specter of poverty looms over many of us. Many of us know that we’re one personal financial catastrophe away from disaster. I wrote recently about my own family’s struggle with a large medical bill.
Obviously, I’m not telling you about our financial saga to make myself look bad. I’m telling you because I want you to know that no matter how much you try to do everything right, financial problems can happen to anyone, at any time. Whether you have $100 in the bank or $100,000 in the bank, something can happen that wipes out your emergency fund just like it did mine.
This doesn’t mean that you failed financially – it means that circumstances can affect you, just like they do everyone else, no matter how careful you are.
Before my daughter’s illness, I was doing everything “right.”
I had enough money in my emergency fund to carry me through 3 lean months
I had numerous credit cards with zero balances
My only debt was my car
My kids are going to school without student loans
I opted out of health insurance because it was more financially practical to pay cash (and I still agree with that decision)
Everything was great.
Until it wasn’t. (source)
This is a story that probably rings true to more and more familiar to a growing number of families every week.
While my income hasn’t dropped – it’s grown – I am still struggling to pay off those bills and recover. I’ve taken on a significant amount of extra work to get things back under control, and still, I worry it won’t be enough.
Sound familiar?
If it does, it’s because – and of this, I am quite certain – the long-heralded economic collapse of America is upon us. When hard-working families who should be “middle class” can barely afford to eat and keep a roof over their heads, things are only going to devolve further.
Look at other examples of economic collapse
This is just the beginning of a looming collapse in America.
Remember back when Greece began to collapse? It was the same thing – no one could afford the basics and things went downhill pretty quickly from there. It really hit the papers when a strict austerity program was instituted and culminated when a “bank holiday” shut down the financial system for an entire week.
There are similar stories in the UK (where the taxpayers can still fund a 45 million dollar wedding but poor families can’t afford to eat every day), Argentina, and Cyprus.
Jose wrote for us about the warning signs that the collapse of Venezuela was approaching and they’re eerily familiar. Food rationing began, the cost of medical care became prohibitive, the health insurance system began to fail, and people began to make difficult choices about rent versus food.
I don’t know how it could be any more clear than the fact that nearly half of the American population is also making that decision each month.
What’s the answer?
While the United Way hopes to boost the minimum wage, I don’t feel that is the answer because it will drive businesses to let employees go when they can’t afford to pay them. We have seen this happen in fast food establishments in which humans are on their way to being replaced by self-service kiosks and burger-flipping robots.
I believe the only answer is to begin to produce more than we consume. Currently, Americans are like a horde of locusts, working at jobs that produce nothing, but consuming rabidly the imports that feed us, clothe us, and entertain us. We’re looking at economic tariffs on imports that may increase their price up to 40% and our own exports will be subject to tariffs in return.
If you find yourself in a tough spot, these tips from The Cheapskate’s Guide to the Galaxy may help.
Audit your situation. See where all your money is going, see how much debt you’re in, and see what the most immediate ramifications will be.
Take care of the most important things first. In most situations, keeping your home paid for (rent or mortgage), paying utilities, and making your auto and insurance payments should come first. Take care of the things that will have the most immediate ramifications first.
You may have to make some late payments on less vital things. If so, communicate with those to whom you owe money and try to make arrangements. This may affect your credit, but by communicating with them, you can keep damage to a minimum.
Cut your expenses. When you audit your situation, you may find some places that you can slash your regular expenses. Don’t hesitate to reduce services that are unnecessary or to whittle down your monthly obligations. (More ideas here)
Put a little money back into your emergency fund as soon as possible. This may sound counterintuitive but having a bit of money for minor emergencies means that you won’t need to rely on credit cards for these things, putting you even further in the hole.
Pay off your debts. Use the snowball method to attack your debts. Start paying these off AFTER you pay for the things I recommended in step 2.
Use the things you have on hand. Delay a trip to the store for as long as possible by planning a menu using the food in your pantry and freezer. (Think about the stockpile challenge we did and use those strategies. Get some ideas for meals from your stockpile in this article) Use the shampoo, soap, and personal hygiene products that you have already instead of buying new products.
Raise extra money. This may come from selling things you don’t need, taking on some extra work, or by creating a product or service to sell. However you do this, use the extra revenue wisely to get out of debt and to rebuild your emergency fund. There are more ideas for making money quickly in this issue.
And to harden yourself against the collapse that will only get worse, make these changes to help your family survive.
What can you store?” is not the right question to ask.
“What can you make?” – that’s the right question.
Your focus has to be on long-term sustainability, frugality, and self-reliance.  Don’t get me wrong – a stockpile is sensible and an essential course of action. It should definitely be part of your preparedness plan.
However, you need to also be ready for the time when the supplies in your well-stocked pantry are no longer available.  You need to be able to meet as many of your own needs as possible or you’ll end up being one of those people wearing dirty clothes because you can’t find laundry soap or going hungry because you can’t find any food at the stores – or can’t afford it if you can find it. You need to be ready for the end of a consumer-driven lifestyle, because quite frankly, there may soon come a day when there are no consumer goods to be had. Here are some ways to work on your
Here are some ways to work on your self-reliance:
Looking for the thrifty answer using things you have on hand, instead of purchasing a solution to every problem
Fixing things that are broken instead of replacing them
Eating simple food you prepare from scratch
Producing as much of your own food as possible
Learning to forage
Using “old-fashioned” alternatives for disposable things like diapers, wipes, feminine hygiene supplies, paper towels, and the like
Learning to make cleaning supplies and soaps, especially from accessible supplies (like vinegar, ash, and foraged natural ingredients)
Learning to make pantry basics like vinegar, sourdough, and cultured dairy products
Learning to preserve your harvests to see you through the lean days of winter
Providing your own services like heat, garbage disposal, and water
Learning about natural remedies from accessible sources
Learning to protect your family and property
It’s only by reducing your need for the things sold in stores that you can exempt yourself from the chaos and desperation that will erupt when everyone realizes that an economic collapse has occurred.
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carlosangalli-blog · 6 years
Carlo Sangalli
Avoiding High Marginal Tax Rates
Every news outlet within the nation says the big battle in the lame-duck Congress is over whether or not, and for whom, to permanently prolong the Bush-era tax charges.
This requires us to ask: What precisely is a "permanent" tax rate?
A historical past compiled by the Tax Foundation shows that now we have had 26 high charges for married couples since the fashionable revenue tax was enacted in 1913. On common, a "everlasting" tax price lasts lower than 4 years. This has held true during my working lifetime. I have seen nine separate top charges since I joined the work force 34 years ago, in 1976.
But this concentrate on the official top tax rates makes "permanent" sound extra permanent than it really is. We also needs to think about occasional surtaxes, like the ten percent Vietnam-era levy that introduced the actual high charge from 70 p.c to 77 % in 1969. The surtax itself fluctuated. It was 7.5 p.c in 1968 and a pair of.5 percent in 1970. Yet the "permanent" 70 percent price stayed fastened at 70 percent.
There also have been different complexities, like the imposition of a minimal tax (now extinct) and an alternate minimal tax (undoubtedly not extinct), in addition to inflation adjustments and earnings-associated section-outs of deductions and credits. A lot of these items change yearly.
So when the White Home and Congress discuss a "permanent" tax provision, they actually imply "for the following 12 months, except we determine to alter it sooner.
You probably know the final outlines of the current debate. President Obama and most Democrats want to permanently (strive to not chuckle) lengthen the tax charges enacted beneath President George W. Bush for many Americans, but not for people incomes more than $200,000 or couples incomes greater than $250,000. Democrats wish to elevate their rates again to the pre-Bush stage of 39.6 p.c, from the present 35 percent.
Republicans wish to completely (stop snickering) lengthen present rates for everyone. Republicans also need to carry the federal price range deficit under control, which inevitably means that someone's taxes are going to go up. This 12 months's model of "everlasting" comes with a self-destruct button labeled "deficit reduction.
Clearly, the argument just isn't about permanent tax modifications, because everlasting tax laws do not exist. That is really about attempting to separate the charges paid by upper-revenue households from those paid by everyone else. Democrats seem prepared to increase the higher-revenue rates for a yr or two, with a provision to robotically revert to larger charges thereafter, while leaving the rest of the rates in place without an automated future improve. Unlike the current situation, by which everyone's rates are set to rise next 12 months, the Democrats' strategy would protect most voters from the affect of the long run rate rise, which might translate into higher election results for Democrats.
By maintaining all the tax rates tightly linked, Republicans would ensure that Democrats who want to increase excessive-earnings taxes sooner or later should run on that tax increase platform, somewhat than letting an automatic adjustment happen whereas they shield most voters from it.
It's really not shocking, neither is it essentially a nasty factor, that tax rates change continuously. Circumstances change, and our tax legal guidelines have to alter with them. If we wish more services, we ultimately need to pay for them. If the economic system tanks and we don't trim authorities, the burden of supporting that government falls on fewer in a position shoulders. Most communities in this country run primarily on property taxes, which usually change yearly in accordance with mill levies and property values. There's nothing wrong with it.
But there's something improper with a soak-the-rich philosophy of revenue taxation: It does not work for long. Sudden and sharp will increase can elevate vital revenue for a little while, till enterprise and tax planning structures adapt. But ultimately, we've got at all times cycled again towards lower charges at the top end and a more even distribution of tax burdens, because the underside line is that most of us, not just the wealthy, are going to need to contribute to the prices of working the nation.
When you do not believe me, let's stroll down tax-reminiscence lane.
The 1913 version of the tax included a prime rate of seven p.c, which utilized to incomes above $500,000. That is more than $eleven million in today's dollars, in response to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The first $20,000 of 1913 revenue (that's $441,000 as we speak) was utterly exempt. The earnings tax was sold as a modest solution to get households named Rockefeller and Vanderbilt to fund the federal government.
However within 5 years, because the nation fought World Conflict I, a 6 % fee utilized to taxable incomes between zero and $4,000, whereas incomes above $1 million (about $15 million right this moment) had a 77 percent tax. When the warfare was over, the highest fee dropped to 25 p.c in the 1920s, but President Franklin D. Roosevelt helped increase it back to 79 percent in 1936, on incomes above $5 million. That $5 million threshold equals about $seventy five million at present. I'm unsure exactly whom FDR was trying to tax, but he definitely didn't like that person.
World Conflict II introduced the best revenue tax fee in our history, ninety four %, to incomes above $200,000 (about $2.5 million as we speak) in 1944. Even the bottom-earnings taxpayers paid 23 % that 12 months. Then again, there was nothing much to buy anyway. After the conflict the speed dropped, but only by a sliver, to ninety one Carlo Sangalli p.c, where it roughly stood till the Nineteen Sixties. That's about as shut as we've come to a "permanent charge." However the code was so riddled with deductions and credits, comparable to a deduction for bank card interest (at a time when solely a rich few people had bank cards) that the efficient tax rate was a lot decrease.
A collection of tax reforms produced a much decrease and flatter charge structure. This culminated in the landmark 1986 tax legislation, which did away with a lot of these deductions, including credit card curiosity, in change for a everlasting most rate of 28 percent that was phased in by 1988. That permanent charge lasted three years. Since then we now have seen permanent increases to 31 p.c and 39.6 percent, followed by the Bush-era legal guidelines that, for price range causes, have been designed to expire this year.
In 2014, the federal tax brackets are 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%. For a taxpayer who's married and submitting collectively, regardless of how much the household makes, the first $18,a hundred and fifty of income after accounting for deductions and exemptions will solely be taxed at the 10% charge. Similarly, any earnings the household makes that is more than $18,one hundred fifty but lower than $73,800 is taxed at the 15% charge. At that point, the subsequent $75,050 is taxed at 25%, and so forth. Consequently, not all earnings a household makes through the course of the year is charged the same price. A marginal tax bracket is the speed that applies to the last greenback the family made.
It's crucial for all taxpayers to know their marginal fee. This info can help a shopper determine which type of investment accounts suits their state of affairs best, the way to structure an funding portfolio, and the way to decide the worth of certain deductions when submitting their tax return.
Roth or Traditional Retirement Accounts
Traditional retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s allow taxpayers to avoid recognizing earnings earned through the yr it was earned and push the need to acknowledge the income into a future 12 months. That is precious because many people are in the next bracket throughout their working years than they're throughout retirement. As an illustration, for an individual who's at present in the 25% marginal tax bracket, it may be advantageous to delay recognizing the earnings until the investor retires and has less income, inflicting him to be in solely the 15% bracket. Doing this is able to allow the taxpayer to keep away from paying taxes at 25% and permit him to pay at only the 15% fee.
Alternatively, a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) permits an investor to pay taxes on revenue throughout the yr it was earned however the cash then grows tax-free. Consequently, a Roth retirement account is great for somebody who believes they could be in a better bracket in the future. For example, a younger worker within the early levels of his profession who is within the 15% bracket however believes he could also be in the 25% or 28% bracket in the future would profit from paying all taxes on the earnings at his present fee of 15% after which getting tax-free funding progress. This would stop the investor from having to pay the upper future rate of 25% or 28% on the invested dollars.
Understanding your marginal tax bracket will help you identify when you would favor paying taxes on your invested dollars at your current price or if you happen to believe you may benefit from pushing the necessity to recognize the revenue right into a future tax 12 months. This is a important decision when planning for retirement and it might probably't accurately be made with out understanding your marginal tax rate.
Capital Positive aspects Price
A long term capital positive aspects tax price is the speed that applies to the growth of any asset held for longer than a 12 months that is not within a tax-advantaged account. In the event you buy stock exterior a tax-advantaged account, or purchase investment property, any growth within the worth of the funding will probably be taxed as capital gains.
An investor's capital features tax price is determined by the investor's marginal tax fee. For most taxpayers the long term capital good points tax charge is 15%. Nevertheless, if a taxpayer is in the 10% or 15% marginal tax bracket, the long term capital features tax charge is an amazing 0%! Additionally, many taxpayers in both the 35% or 39.6% tax bracket could find yourself paying capital good points at a rate of 20%.
Clearly, knowing your marginal tax bracket will help you analyze the attraction of constructing investments exterior of tax-advantaged accounts. Individuals who qualify for the 0% capital beneficial properties tax ought to actively seek for methods to benefit from this profit.
Additionally, figuring out your marginal tax charge may help you establish one of the best time to acknowledge lengthy-term capital gains. In case your marginal tax price might be 25% in 2014 -- leading to a capital positive aspects tax price of 15% -- however you imagine your marginal rate might be 15% in 2015 -- resulting in a capital positive factors tax rate of zero% -- it will save you cash and lower your tax bill to defer recognizing long-time period capitals gains till subsequent year.
Annuities are promoted as a means for invested dollars to obtain tax-deferred progress. However, when cash is withdrawn from an annuity it is taxed at the investor's marginal tax charge as opposed to his long run capital features tax rate. Knowing your marginal tax bracket may also help decide whether an annuity provides any worth to your portfolio, or whether or not it may truly be detrimental.
Suppose an investor is in the 15% marginal tax bracket. If this individual invests in an annuity, he'll avoid paying taxes on any of the investment's growth till the funds are withdrawn from the annuity. However, at that time the funding's development will be taxed at the taxpayer's marginal earnings tax bracket of 15%. Alternatively, if this identical investor utilized a taxable investment account moderately than an annuity, the funding's growth could be taxed on the investor's capital good points tax fee of zero%. On this case, investing in an annuity truly created a tax bill for this investor!
Clearly, realizing your marginal tax price and your ensuing capital beneficial properties tax charge might help you establish one of the best type of funding accounts on your personal scenario.
Itemized Deductions
The value of your itemized deductions is basically decided by your marginal tax bracket. For a simplified instance, take into account a taxpayer who could generate an additional $10,000 of deductions. Doing so would mean the person would pay taxes on $10,000 of income less than he would with out the deduction. If the person is within the 15% tax bracket, generating the deduction would lower the individual's tax invoice by $1,500 dollars ($10,000 x 15%). Nevertheless, if the person is within the 25% tax bracket, the identical deduction would decrease the individual's tax bill by $2,500 ($10,000 x 25%).
Consequently, knowing your marginal tax bracket might help determine when large itemized deductions must be taken. If you need to donate funds to your favorite charitable establishment, figuring out which 12 months you can be in the highest marginal tax bracket may also help you establish one of the best time to make the contribution.
Marginal Tax Rates Change
Many people's earnings is relatively constant yr-after-year. For these people, there will not be much fluctuation of their marginal tax bracket. However, any time you might have a significant increase or lower in revenue acknowledged during a yr, your marginal tax fee may change. Every time potential, it is best to anticipate how your current marginal tax fee might examine to your future marginal tax fee.This is another strong factor that can impact all the important thing monetary choices effected by your marginal tax rate.
Our income is taxed in a progressive manner. As your revenue increases, it slips into increased tax brackets where it is taxed at a higher rate. But earlier than your earnings is topic to these tax brackets, it should exceed your exemption and customary deduction. In any other case you pay no tax.
*Tax-free thresholds and submitting standing:
For 2013, your private exemption is $3,900 it doesn't matter what your submitting status is.
In case you are filing single then your commonplace deduction is $6,a hundred; it along with your personal exemption totals $10,000. So, in case you're submitting as 'single' then $10,000 is your tax threshold; you are solely taxed on revenue higher than this.
If you happen to're submitting married, your standard deduction is $12,200 - twice the only standard deduction. Increasing this quantity by two occasions the personal exemption makes the married tax threshold $20,000. You'll be able to see it's just 2 x the one submitting normal deduction and tax threshold.
Only that amount of earnings past threshold is taxed on the income tax rates given beneath - for single and for married filers.
If, as a single filer, you're sixty five or older your standard deduction is enhance by $1,200 to $7,300 putting your tax-free threshold at $eleven,200. You additionally get another $1,200 increase if you're blind.
And for those who're each over 65 and married submitting jointly, your tax-free threshold doubles to $22,four hundred.
So now that you realize your tax-free earnings threshold, let's see what the income tax rate is on any earnings that exceeds your threshold as a single and as a married filer.
*Earnings tax brackets:
Income is excess of your appropriate tax-free threshold is subject to federal revenue tax. The tax charge is dependent upon that excess income above your threshold earnings. The surplus earnings has a tax bracket amount and tax fee that is dependent upon your filing standing.
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zakochanaziom · 7 years
Skills That You Can Learn In The removals services Industry.
Make sure you inform banks, the submit office, the college, gym, library, family and pals. An essential job is to contact utility companies and make preparations to turn on the electricity, telephone, and water supply. Additionally contact cable Tv and internet providers. Research the residence plan rigorously. Observe down the size of the rooms and the dimensions of the furniture you will place in it. Evaluate shelf area and closet area within the apartment, this may make it easier to resolve on what number of books, curios, linen, kitchenware, and clothes you may accommodate comfortably.
Once you have discovered the right residence and executed all the paper work you can now move in and benefit from the place. Transferring might be an intimidating course of and it is kind of exhausting to determine what to take with you and what to go away behind. Test with the house super whether or not the elevator can be used throughout the transfer and whether or not the house has any rules. The important thing to success is to be organized and plan your move. Determine on while you want to move and make a moving plan. The plan should embrace particulars like what shall be moved, who will do the packing, and the mover you'll use. Make an inventory for issues it's good to do. Choose an appropriate mover. Find one that has expertise in apartment transferring. Insist on a watertight contract. In case you personal a piano discover a mover who has experience in moving pianos. Antiques too want particular movers. In case you plan on doing the transferring utilizing a u-haul then invite associates over to assist shift the containers. Hire a u-haul of convenient dimension and find out what rules regarding transferring are. Plan on moving on a vacation or throughout off peak hours. Verify whether all your moving paperwork are in good order. Before closing up your old residence make certain the utilities are all turned off and all home windows and doors are safely fastened. Similarly, make certain necessities like mild, water, and heat or air conditioning are turned on and working in your new house. Have a picnic meal on day one. The simple solution to settle in is to unpack the containers containing kitchen and bedroom objects first adopted by the remaining. Moving might be accomplished without distress and affordably if done patiently and systematically. Oh The Warm Feeling ? Start packing at least six weeks earlier than the day you plan to maneuver. First pack fastidiously all things you don't plan to take with you after which the remainder. Label every box rigorously and make entries on a listing table. Use linen and clothing to buffer delicate and breakable gadgets. visit the site If your furnishings or decorative items are very priceless consider taking moving insurance for greater than what the moving firm gives. Pack room wise and tape things like screws and bolts in plastic sealed envelopes to the furniture itself. Where is ; Excessive Summer season ? Oh The Heat Feeling ? In the garden ? Steal My heart Away ? Can someone assist me? A pal of mine mentioned yesterday that there is this one ballad by Van Morrison which identify he simply could not discover out but. My friend would not know English, but he describes the song as this: It is a love ballad from Van's "middle of his profession years", and probably the most outstanding element is the distinguished contrabass which leads the melody. It might be even the only instrument in that track, definitely stronger than doable other instruments. Does anyone have an idea what music it may be? I like LOVE Van Morrison! Thanks for this hub. Timemanagement: The company must be capable to follow a time table and finish snow removing services in time. Many corporations take their time to finish the task or generally inadequate man power causes the delay. So examine on them about their timings and ensure they have an excellent fame about maintaining as much as their words. Inexpensive: the most important half is saved at the end. Make certain they're inexpensive. Many firms may charge a lot and never provide exceptional services. So make it possible for these genuine companies with all of the traits mentioned above are inexpensive and properly inside your finances. A trusted transferring man with van is one way or the other a challenge to find. Depending on where you reside or shifting, you must remember that it might take some time earlier than it's best to finally settle in along with your transferring out firm. And by following these simple ideas, you will be assured, no less than, that one can find a greater transferring man with a van to your moving out wants. So, it is time to maneuver in your new home. You are in all probability a bit labored up proper now, packing and preparing for the large day. If you feel you don't have enough time left to complete, then you may need slightly help from a dependable removing firm. Guarantee your IT employees are readily available to connect everybody as quickly as they get to the new workplace. There is nothing extra frustrating to your staff than ready for web connection earlier than they will begin work. They should get on with their job so your organization doesn’t endure financially and your necessary fame isn’t dented. It is a big step moving your small business to a new location but with a Melbourne Movers , your move can me smoother and extra efficient inflicting the least influence to your bottom line. Licensing is important because it is a affirmation that you are working with a company that has happy all the necessities that have been set by the licensing authorities in your State. Request the corporate for a duplicate of their insurance certificate. It will allow you to see the quantity of the indemnity and decide whether or not it might probably cowl for the objects you've gotten. In addition, you'll be capable to validate the expiry date of the indemnity insurance coverage to ensure that the coverage will nonetheless be valid and lively through the relocation day. That is an open subreddit dedicated to the technique of shifting from Point A to Point B. Suggestions, advice, offers, and every thing else thinkable. These are simply websites throughout the web, internet hosting worthy advice for individuals in transition. Do you might have some little-known-reality about moving that you simply need to share with everybody to make their lives easier? Here is where you discover them. If you have a question you need to ask the reddit group at large, that is the perfect approach to do it. IWantOut - An enormous community geared toward helping with expatriation. If you need out, they will help. EatCheapAndHealthy - The place that knows the most effective recipes to get you and your liked ones by means of that final push, and started on the opposite aspect of it. Relocation Enterprise Rankings (Shopper Affairs) - This site compares a robust number of relocation businesses by means of: customer service, price, measurement, licensing, reliability, and claims. Padmapper - A useful useful resource for locating properties and apartments/flats through a personalized overlay of Google Maps. Search by value, distance, house, pet allowance, and extra.
Go to a Undertaking That’s in Progress Close by
Get rid of ineffective issues
Utility costs
Your funds, changing cash for profit
Closing/financial Prices for a brand new home
Use your packing as the perfect opportunity to have a spring clear of your things
Hiring a company can prevent quite a lot of time
All these companies provide the most effective personalized companies which are much better than the normal elimination firms. The good issues are that they're very flexible by way of giving personalised man with a van facility, they typically work until late evening, provide service during weekends and on public holidays. They can be obtainable at a really brief term notice to accommodate any emergency situation or a final- minute work. There are experts in these companies who're skilled and are nicely conscious of their duties and with their expertise and understanding of the work can prevent you from moving into any probably awkward or costly conditions. The man that the company provides could appear fairly obvious, however the experience and expertise that he has concerning the removals and clearance would undoubtedly make your elimination course of more practical and problem-free. All the minute as well as massive tasks involved like packing or lifting of heavy gadgets and many others would be taken care of by them. So that you could possibly be completely stress-free throughout the entire course of whereas the man and van Removals Firm looks after all the necessary duties.
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theofficialcurlybae · 7 years
I recall sending out my final texts to all of my loved ones prior to making this trip to Haiti. I was super excited. I must have packed and unpacked a million times. Thinking of all the amazing food that I will eat. All the great places I would see! The great people I would meet. “It was discerning when I got replies back such as, “HAITI! WHYYYY?”
Uhm??? Why not? Before, I would have let that scare me away from venturing another country.
I was freaking out if I had the right clothes, if I had enough bug spray. If I had the right shoes. I started packing a month before the trip.
I have NEVER in my life thought about visiting Haiti. With the stigma people placed on Haiti, I was a bit apprehensive. But living in America, I have had the pleasure of actually having conversations with Haitians, and regardless of the living conditions, they beam with pride talking about their island.
I thought to myself, how can I judge an entire country, without ever actually being there, let alone have a conversation with a Haitian.
Even before hitting the plane, I noticed a trend in the Haitians that I have met. They are caring, loving, and uphold strong values. They work together, love to help others, and have love for ALL people regardless of their background.
Eveline, the coordinator, was so sweet. She went out of her way to give us gifts for our trip. We all got journals which came in handy for me. They all had a personalized message and pages of inspiration and pictures. It was so thoughtful and cute!
June 15, 2017: The Commute
I’ve learned, when there is a will there is a way. When we got to Ft. Lauderdale, we had many bags filled with donations. Because the bags were overweight, we may have had to leave some bags behind. With only 20 minutes to be checked in, we had to figure it out.
As we panicked, Natalie and Eveline were a little too calm. Natalie said, we can figure it out and at least try. We threw the heavy donations in the trash and stuffed our carry ons as much as possible. Luckily, we were able to get through with 2/3 of the donations and our flight was delayed so it bought us some more time.
It was a long day! We left our homes at 11pm. Then we drove to Fort. Lauderdale, got there at 3:30. We made it to Port-au-Prince at about 7ish. We didn’t make it to the hotel in La Gonave until about 3pm. We haven’t been to sleep since the day before the trip because we all had to go to work. We were all beat, but our day had just begun.
So let’s rewind a bit, now that I gave you the jist.
We finally got on the plane, and of course, I got my window seat and I was knocked out! When I woke up we were just about to land. Then I heard a loud cheer! Clapping, rooting, laughter, happiness. WHAT?
They were celebrating life! They acknowledged the pilot for getting us safely to Haiti. To show their appreciation EVERYONE clapped and cheered as we landed. Even being on the plane was a party in itself.
Once we landed in Port- au- Prince, we met with Marven, Donald and Mr. Lucus (Eveline’s dad.) We put our luggage in the kanté (bus).  
  Eveline, Marven, and Jasmine ready for this 3 hour drive.
This is actually a tap tap
We got comfy, it was a long ride to the dock where we had to catch the boat. Immediately I noticed that Haiti had many untouched roads, really good drivers, and raw beauty!
I can’t believe I was this close to this structure.
Haiti is rich in soil. All of their plants are rich in color and fragrance. Unlike anything I have ever seen!
The water looks like something out of a magazine!
After our three hour drive, we finally made it to the dock. This was another hour ride on a speed boat! This was my first time ever being on one. It was hard to fight off the motion sickness, but the view was too breathtaking to miss out. I certainly, sucked it up in fear of missing out!
We finally made it to this rustic hotel. Old school flavor. I thought to myself, WOW, I bet this is what St. Kitts looked like for my mom when she was growing up. I felt as though I took a ride in a time machine.
Look it! A pay phone! When was the last time you saw this?
Waiting to be checked in to my room.
We were able to eat lunch and take a 15 minute nap before heading out to our first mission. I finally got to my room that I shared with Amanda. I wanted to hurry and take a bath so that I could sleep.
First thing I realized… NO HOT WATER!!!! WHAT? This is a common thing in Haiti. This helped me learn to conserve water and take shorter baths. I immediately missed home. In my mind, I just expected at least warm water. To Haitians, warm water is not missed because it is not normal to have.
Now, I somehow managed to shower without getting hyperthermia and I was pooped! I wound up oversleeping and missed the kanté to the church. Amanda, Sandra, and I were left behind. We were offered a ride by the hotel staff, but not a ride I expected.
  I got my first experience on a 4 wheeler to the church! I was low-key happy that we missed it! Because….
That happened. I feel like I was in a scene of a movie.
Later I learned that 4 wheelers, mopeds, and other motor bikes were used as a form of taxi. I thought that was pretty clever. If you needed some extra cash, you don’t need an uber app. You just need your bike and a licenses! Pretty dope!
We finally got to the church for the award ceremony. The ceremony is something that Pathway to Hope put together to honor 10 schools that had exceptional students and honor the teachers & principals as well.
I thought it was pretty cool. The kids felt accomplished and teachers and principals felt appreciated! We help build morale in a place where these ceremonies are rare! It felt amazing.
It urged them to want to do better. It was really cool because even 2 days later, the students were still wearing their medals! They were so proud. I felt a little tug on my heart. I thought to myself, “mehn, I did this. We did this.” In America, we tend to take simple things like this for granted and here are these students and staff overly joyed for the simple recognition.
We came back and ended the evening with some reflection and an amazing meal. MY FIRST HAITIAN DINNER! I was too psyched…and hungry! It was a great feeling. I also had my first Haitian rum. Just a shot, for the culture. 😉
Twas a great day. I slept so hard.
I learned a few things that day:
I am able to adapt to uncomfortable situations for the sake of necessity.
I can appreciate a gift of thought over a gift of great expense.
I’ve learned to not prejudge a person or a place due to what others may perceive, especially if they’ve never visited themselves.
Do not take pictures of the natives. I learned the hard way. Then I put myselves in their shoes, how would I feel if someone came to St.Thomas and took pictures of me. It’s not that I have never seen Haitian people. I was admiring the beauty of the culture, but I could understand why they felt that way. Many people come to that island in hopes to “exploit” the poor living conditions. Yes. There is some poverty, but Haitians are rich in more ways than money. They are resourceful, have natural beauty, a sense of community and values. They know the true meaning of life. Something that many would never understand because the race for fame and riches is in the way.
On this trip, I broke many misconceptions of the island. I’ve become more respectful to other cultures. There I was, drunk with a sense of entitlement that I’ve never earned. I came to  this country and was welcomed with open arms.
This was only the beginning. Stay tuned for the rest of the trip! And remember….
We are CurlyBae
  My Breathtaking First Day on my Missionary Trip to Haiti I recall sending out my final texts to all of my loved ones prior to making this trip to Haiti.
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