#I also bought a chair XD
witchcraftingboop · 1 year
I have no idea how shopping for a desk chair turned to me buying 30+ mangas in one go, but yknow I'm not mad about it
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
How well would your OCs do if they were obligated by the universe to wear 6 inch platform heels for a day?
Hahaha I love this one!! Thank you!
(fun fact I myself own a pair of 6 inch platforms... they're knee-length white patent leather boots, I bought them for when I was in Kinky Boots and I can fucking dance in them. pas de bouree my ass lol)
Rae: She's not the most graceful, but she's able to stay on her feet alright. She also feels awkward as hell and really doesn't get the appeal, but Warren's lowkey losing his mind (Rae doesn't wear heels much...)
Robin: She's in decent shape, all things considered. She's used to opera and theatre - long days, intense rehearsals, all manner of costumes and shoes. She doesn't really like wearing shoes in general, since it makes it harder to use her mutation, but in terms of general function she's fine.
Madison: Baby giraffe. I mean, seriously. She's never worn heels a day in her life, she'd have better luck scooting around on an office chair all day XD
Ophelia: She's 6'5" in the shoes, so in the twenty minutes it takes her to walk down to the corner store and pick up a gallon of milk, she's mistaken for a drag queen three times. She doesn't care, and finds it a little funny. But the shoes hurt like hell to stand in, so she spends most of the day in her lab, tinkering at her desk.
Jasper: Picks up the balance side of it just fine since they're used to spending time on skates and that's not too terribly dissimilar... and enjoys being 5'9" for a while. Let's just hope it falls on a weekend, though, because they can't imagine having to go through a full ER shift in those things
Katherine: She's worn heels before, but nothing over 3 inches, so it's a bit of a learning curve. She also springs for a taxi to the museum that night... no way she's walking all across town in those shoes. Having to explain to the others that she's, for whatever reason, universally obligated to wear those shoes is honestly the weirdest part for her
Kestrel: Is mainly wondering how the hell they got into this position... thankfully they're able to shapeshift, so they can make sure their feet fit the shoes perfectly and don't hurt as much to wear for long stretches, but they're basically kicked off field work for the day (stiletto heels + loose dirt and mud... not fun)
Quinn: Okay so... for one thing, they're literally 6'9" in those shoes. For another, she should be fine balance-wise since she's actually worn shoes like that before (part of her self-discovery as a trans woman was experimenting with drag while she was at uni). However, she's already got issues with her legs and back, so she probably spends the day in bed - technically she's still wearing the shoes, she's just not standing on them.
Eris: "Fuck you, universe, the only stilettos I want are stiletto daggers!" - ends up having to wear the shoes anyway through some weird cosmic rule, hates every minute of it but still fights like Catwoman
Nikoletta: Oh she's rocking those pumps like there's no tomorrow. I mean holy shit. Shadow goddess right there. Abner would have a fucking aneurysm.
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jennyandvastraflint · 6 months
Xena Reactions S1Ep15!
Xena riding!
Oop they kneel? Xena is also confused
And suspicious of it
Oh who is this pretty woman
Oh we don't like this guy approaching with a knife. He's gonna get his ASS beat
Oh she spit fire xD
Pls the king looks ridiculous
DOPPRLGANGER!? I have had quite enough of doppelgangers tbh... 😭
Also where's Xena's wife Gabrielle
Boobs 👀
"Before I brushed my hair" THE SHADE???
Xena helpd the not-rich
"Sir. The assassin escaped." damn this guard is so 😐
Oop, yeah fuck slave traders
Tessa has pretty...... Clothes. XD
Diana is a bby
"Meet my friend Gabrielle, she'll take care of you"
Poor Xena tho in that pink dress XD
I know she'd yeet the flowers
"The harp?" 😂
Oh this guy is living his saviour fantasies... Meanwhile Xena does the actual work
Not him disarming like four men 🙄 Showoff
Also I feel like he's evil
"Hey guys, wait for me"
Does she have the message between her tits.
Gabrielle is CONFUSED
"It's test day, isn't it"
"Teach me how to be your gf"
I did say the "fawn-haired" guy is evil
Xena not wanting to have her hair brushed any longer (bet she'd let Gabrielle do it)
"But her curtsey is abominable" Wow you elitist prick
Pls she's PUSHING it
Uh oh...
Gosh the horseee
Not Diana complaining about the floor
Atch she doesn't like the cheese
Oh bbg you are a bit naive.
Her realising not everyone has as much to eat and lavish as her, hu.
Heh her just catching.
Ok so apparently the problen this guy has is being in love.
"You got that right, Plato"
Oh she stopped his bloodflow
Oh the super unemotional guy? 😂
OH SH- he was HUNG
Awww she bought food for them
Round killing thing "Shakram" "Bless you"
"I like it" Of course you do Gabrielle
Pls I love how the guys just carry a chair
"There's nothing for him to stand on"
That's just like Barbie and the Three Musketeers (I am very cultured)
"This is who I'm marrying?" No you fucking melon
Still don't quite trust the other guy. Fawn-haired
She is a lil silly.
"So romantic, isn't it" "Very."
"Hey that's what you're here for" shdhshhshs Said it before I'll say it again. Xena 🤝 Vastra being shitheads saying things like that
Glad we ended on a gay note
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gloryride · 5 months
I was tagged by @alphanight-vp @chevvy-yates @just-a-cybercroissant @rosapexa thank youuuuuu !
I have things but not visuals, just ideas and talking.
>> VP
I have anything to show, the last big project was the CP Birthday and took all my energy. I cleaned up my vp idea and i have ... 72 lines XD If you want an idea (sorry it's in french) :
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I'm in mood for writing, but it's chaotic, i have many MANY drafts on my phone and pc with some paragraph, just idea, a dialog, nothing full. But i can show you one of them
So, just another snippet of Virgile/Eve fic, i really need to finish this chapter, but translation takes lot of time (i can't full write in english)
"You never asked me what's my job." He coughed several times under the glare of the other disdainful customers before catching his breath, avoiding her look. This must have made him suspicious in the eyes of the woman in front of him; he always looked like a child caught at fault when confronted with moments like this. Virgile remained silent and Evelyn resumed, resting her elbows on the table, not giving up. "Because you're not interested? Or you know and you don't want to talk about it?" More than red, he was turning crimson. His gaze was on the restaurant's décor, the sleek modern style, the chrome accents to underline the white walls where hideous gaudy pictures were hung to make it look like art … everywhere but on her. Unable to escape, trapped by his chair and his lunch, he finally took a breath, and whispered, "I already know". She didn't seem offended, quite the opposite. "Thanks to NetWatch or…?" He cut her off with a firm gesture, finally turning his gaze towards her. "I would never use my job to get information on someone. We're adults, we can… talk." He sighed, his leg trembling and his hands twisting as if he were telling a shameful secret. "Because I've been to Clouds before and met you there." He thought he'd never have this conversation, Evelyn talked little about her private life and he'd hoped she'd continue to do so without having to justify anything. His heart raced and his hand caressing the back of his neck betrayed his nervousness. For her part, she continued to smile, almost amused, then took on an air of conspiracy as she moved a little further forward. "And you're ashamed of something?" Her steady voice sought information, perhaps she was imagining what they might have done. Virgile had difficulty swallowing before answering, his gaze shifting. "I don't know," he replied. "Is it wrong to take advantage of someone's unconsciousness to get rid of problems?" "By get rid of your problems, do you mean … sex?" Virgile's face froze and he opened his eyes wide. With a sudden movement, he almost spilt his drink. "What? No! No ! " He saw her laugh as he tried to calm down. "I never wanted to… with a doll."
I have ... 5 XL mods waiting to finish XD 2 old mods i port in XL, 2 clothes and 1 thing. I don't like to talk more about it bc they're not finish, not much pics And now i'm done with npv commissions until february, i can mod for myself. So i need to :
update NPVanessa (new tattoos, new clothes, new hair)
update NPV Oscar (new clothes - young version)
redo NPVirgile (with his style i created for him)
redo NPV Isao (i borked him and now he has a wardrobe)
redo NPValentin (new body with Gymfiend, new clothes)
finish NPV Mieko
Would like to finish Enzo's scars on his hands too, and so update his npv too. I also want to finish my custom npcs for Eve for example (maybe release it ? idk) i want to learn to do props, i failed for CP bday, i found a plan B I want to learn to port clothes, i bought some because they were on sale but that's it I want to learn custom poses bc i have ... 3 sets in mind ! ... i will never have time until february XD
tagging (no pressure of course !) : @breezypunk @medtech-mara @cybervesna @nananarc @mhbcaps and anyone who wants !
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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December 17: Kalafina Acitivities & Ambient Border -DAWN- Pre-Event Report
Tweet 1 & 2 by Hikaru | Instagram post by Hikaru
Finally have some time to sit down and post a little. I did tweet a few pictures here and there so if you follow me you will already know what I have been up to. But I have been feeling too exhausted to actually make proper posts. With such a busy schedule, it’s really no surprise that I keep falling into bed as soon as I get back to the hotel. Today was a more or less relaxed shopping day so I got back early.
After arriving in Japan on December 16 and having a pretty hectic first day, I spent December 17 doing a ton of Kalafina-related stuff. Was wearing a HiKei-inspired outfit to match the occasion and of course I brought my Cakey-beret which I won during her fan club lottery. Feels so nice to wear it here in Japan.
A fellow Kalafina-fan was kind enough to accompany me on some of my Kalafina activities. I get lost quite easily so I am always grateful to have someone around who knows the area.
Kalafina Pinky Ring: FINALLY!! I have been waiting for this opportunity FOREVER! The ring is so much prettier than the one they came up with for their 10th Anniversary. Also, they actually wore this themselves. Quite religiously back then. Keiko wears hers regularly up until this day! The other day Hikaru also wore it for Keiko’s birthday live broadcast. I am sure Wakana still owns hers as well.I have always wanted this ring but in the past I was too stingy and then the pandemic happened and I really didn’t wanna order something this pricey online. So yeah, first thing on my list was the AHKAH store. Best Christmas present ever! Is it weird that I kinda feel married to them now? XD Haha, okay, maybe “married” is not the right word. Oh well.I guess you could say that I am feeling a very strong connection now. Even stronger than before.
PIERRE HERMÉ cake: We all know that Hikaru surprised Keiko with a special chocolate cake on her birthday. It was actually quite easy to figure out where she got it from so of course I had to get one. It’s affordable and pretty small so I was able to finish it within a few days. Since it was a special limited Christmas edition, it tasted a LOT like Christmas. Very gingerbread-y with a hint of jam. Delicious!
Meguro River: I’ve never actually been to Meguro river so I thought I’d check out some of the spots that Hikaru had visited. One day I wanna see the cherry blossoms. I kinda regret not coming at night because there seems to be some sort of nice illumination thingy going on there...Oh well...maybe next time.
Ambient Border -DAWN-: Still can’t believe how easy it was to get a ticket for this. Was a bit intimidated by the TIGET service at first but it turned out to be quite convenient. Simple payment and you get a digital ticket. Had no issues with it. Seems like it was on a first-come-first-serve basis because depending on how early you bought your ticket the lower your number was. People were then allowed to enter the venue in order of their number to find a good spot. Thank God they provided chairs! Wouldn’t have liked standing for this event. Anyway, my number was 41 and I ended up on an aisle seat a few rows away from the stage. Pretty much had a clear view. I chose the Christmas ticket so I got a little A4-sized character card as present. Also bought the pamphlet since I hadn’t ordered that online (only got the Asebi bromides back then). The event started with Hikaru’s Ambient Border and OMG, seeing her in real life again for the first time in THREE years almost killed me. I quite literally teared up. To get an up-close view of her in such a tiny venue while she was wearing this super sexy cyber-punk outfit, I mean, who wouldn’t have combusted at that?! Hikaru sounded great and I was happy to finally hear the song live (it’s one of my faves from her album). Also made sure to buy the special Hikaru drink ^_^ It was a fruity ice-tea so thankfully something I was able to enjoy. After Hikaru, Yuki Sasaki sang his song for the the play and that concluded the first live corner. We pretty much transitioned right away to the two Q&A corners. The cast of the play is way too big so they had to separate the group. During the first set Hikaru was on stage together with a bunch of the other cast members (including Yuki Sasaki and Marina Hamada - I feel like their stories will be quite tightly interwoven which is also why they are singing the insert song “Under the Rain” together but more on that later). The mods had a little box from which everyone got to pick two short questions. It was mostly play-related stuff but I loved how carefree everyone was. I’ve actually never seen Hikaru like this on stage. Usually it takes her a while to warm up to her surrounding and most of the time she is a bit nervous or reserved but among this group of nerds she seems to feel 100% at home. She was clowning around with everyone as if she had known them forever. Super precious. Won’t lie, the second section of the Q&A and the prologue act for Ambient Border dragged a bit because Hikaru wasn’t involved in those but overall they were interesting and got me quite hyped for the play. I REALLY hope we’ll get a broadcast just like we did with her first play. They finished the event with another live corner. First Marina Hamada performed her solo song and then she was joined on stage to reveal a brand new insert song called “Under the Rain”. It’s a collab with Hikaru and Yuki Sasaki. All three got to sing a verse and then they all sang the chorus together. The verses are really lovely, the chorus is just okay I guess. I wonder if this song will ever get an official release. There was some talk about a CD but they didn’t really make an official announcement. Honestly, a CD for the entire play would be neat.
I really regret not getting a ticket for the evening show as well just to see and hear a bit more of Hikaru but then again, it was probably a good thing because jet lag would have kicked my ass sooner rather than later.
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racingcore · 1 month
Logan needs more confidence please and not the team fucking him up sometimes. But i have seen many Logan fans on here on tumblr. maybe my circle just doesnt overlap much of his if you get what i mean?
Well, I was talking about more visible and impactable fb, like ig or even tt, something that let him quickly get fb which is noticeable by teams and could bringthem money. Buy, you right I saw a lot of Logan's fans here.
about Kmag, if they bring in ollie and decided to keep hulkenberg idk where he will go. so thats why i was unsure about it.
Oh, I'm semi-sure hulk going to audi, soo that where I was coming from with kmag seat.
well here we go. for 2025 only. not perfect and just from top of my head. i am biased.
Exactly what I mean it to be absolutely biased no logic included.
So, for 2025 i agree with Ferrari: lewis and charles. But I'd also love to see max and charles for mischief and the plot)
Rbr: max and checo are well. But I also would love to see oscar as max teammate.
McLaren: I don't know, don't like the team currently, but I'd like to see violent version of carlando lol)
Mercedes: george and seb❤️‍🔥. george and carlos (once again just for drama) and agree with george and alex would be also nicceee)
Am: I actually lobe their current lineup
Vcarb: Yuuukkiii and Liam (my pookies)
Haas: out of the grid replaced or bought by some other team. Don't like them from the beginning. But to be serious ollie obviously (child abuse 🙄) and kimi (double childe abuse) because I like their team from f2. No logic involved with two chaotic rookies in one team. They could still McLaren from carlando as well actually. Also I'd like to see oliie with charles in ferrari.
Sauber: hulk and kmag. Love that duo this year. Completely menaces together. Let's add some horrific pitstops here, because it's truly to violent to make 2 babies going through this.
Williams: zero thoughts. I'd let for those who left play actual musical chairs to take this two seats. Well one seat, Zhou take the first.
Alpine: they are perfect, lmao. I wouldn't change anything. (Pierre, I love you, babe, but it's too fanny to change. You're a brave man, you could handle it one more season)
hi anon! i went to sleep last night after replying to your previous ask. replying now cuz well the chaos of the race is well far behind.
oh you are right about Logan in that case. He should have a nice PR thing going on cuz you know the other driver on the grid who is not doing good and is gunning for the main seat is just here cuz of PR value and looking to get the seat out of it.
yes yes i am semi sure about Hulk to Audi too but that makes me think that for next year they can keep Hulk and bring in Ollie and Kmag has nowhere to go.
So, for 2025 i agree with Ferrari: lewis and charles. But I'd also love to see max and charles for mischief and the plot)
lmao can you imagine Max in Ferrari? the absolute shit roasting that will go behing the scenes and Charles defending too. PR ferrari videos but they are just Charles and Max on crack cuz they dont even have to act XD
i want george and alex just cuz of their lore ngl
i agree with pretty much everything after except about pierre. i need to see that pookie in a nice car pls 🥺
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saellefanwork · 3 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖
Reminder: This Demon Slayer fic is rated Mature (adults only) for canon-typical violence and eventual suggestive or explicit sexual content
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Chapter 28: Fated Love
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Even the ceaseless flow of time Cannot fray the crimson thread Of our everlasting bond
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Author Note: Here it is!!! The final chapter of this story. Wow. What an adventure. That's not completely over yet, since this story will still be uploaded later when I'll be creating artworks for it. I don't know yet if I'll put all of them directly inside the chapters or oustide of them. What do you think? Perhaps I'll also post some bonus chapters with cut scenes will see the light of day in the upcoming months if people are interested :D Thank you for your support! Hope you enjoy the final!
This Epilogue contains major KNY ending spoilers.
Cultural Insight: In contemporary Japanese culture, young women express their feelings on Valentine's Day by presenting chocolates to boys or men they are close to. These chocolates come in two categories: giri-chocos, typically affordable and store-bought, given to male friends and colleagues, and honmei-chocos, more personalized and expensive chocolates reserved for expressing love. White Day follows one month later, when boys or men reciprocate by gifting white chocolate and additional presents to the women who shared their feelings.
Additionnal Tumblr Note: Wowwww sorry Tumblr readers, I forgot to update it here for Valentine's day (it was on my Patreon/Kofi then on AO3/Quotev though XD) Enjoy a late Valentine's day now and here though ;)
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Two centuries later
"Tojuro!" a voice urgently hushed. "Psst. Tojuro, hey, wake up before the sensei catches you!"
Sensing someone shaking him, Rengoku Tojuro swiftly opened his eyes, sitting up with alertness. He pushed his chair away noisily, standing upright and facing an invisible interlocutor.
"Sorry for the distraction, Dad. I'll do one hundred drills and clean the dojo as compensation!" he declared loudly.
A profound silence fell upon the classroom, the high school students and their teacher gazing in astonishment at the young man's unexpected interruption. The boy blinked his large eyes, looking around with a perplexed expression. Realizing the situation, he burst into laughter, scratching the back of his head.
"Ha! My apologies, sensei! I thought I was still in practice."
The teacher; who was known for being bad-tempered bordering to violent, glared at him with contempt. “That excuse again, uh…? I’ll show you what it means to slack off during my lecture, Rengoku!” he shouted angrily, breaking his chalk into his hand and throwing it at his student in a gesture of pure rage.
His wrath intensified when the boy effortlessly caught it mid-air.
"Oops! That's dangerous, sensei. Be careful it doesn't slip from your grasp again in the future."
Disregarding his teacher's crimson fury, the teenager walked to the front desk and returned the chalk pieces with a broad innocent smile. His comrades observed him with mouths agape, some finding amusement or even admiration in his unfearful demeanor, others struck by his obliviousness to the situation, and many nervously awaiting the teacher's response.
In the end, another teacher passing by intervened before things escalated, and Tojuro only faced additional chores and an extra assignment for discipline, coupled with abundant threats that his parents would be notified if he ever nodded off during a lesson again.
"You're truly passionate about kendo, Tojuro... to the point of not sleeping enough and dreaming about it in class," his best friend Kamado Sumihiko remarked as they exited the building. "It's admirable, but you should be more careful in school; your grades might suffer, and the teachers will start giving you a hard time."
"It's kind of you to worry, Sumihiko, but I've got it. Hey, do you remember your promise for today?"
"Yes..." sighed his companion. "I'll be attending the kendo session tonight."
"Great! I've got a set ready for you, just as we planned!"
Sumihiko smiled somewhat reluctantly, pondering how he found himself in this predicament. A week ago, the teenager had lost a bet against his best friend—or so Tojuro claimed. In reality, the young Kamado couldn't recall making any bet in the first place. However, the flame-haired boy had insisted so vehemently, narrating the bet's circumstances with such persuasive conviction, that Sumihiko eventually yielded, mostly to put an end to the matter.
Now, Tojuro was bringing him to his family dojo on the outskirts of Setagaya to introduce him to his favorite martial art. Once both were attired in hakama and keikogi, the senior handed the novice a bamboo shinai. As Sumihiko grasped the training weapon, he experienced a peculiar sense of familiarity, despite never having held a similar object before. They were in the middle of the fundamentals when a female voice interrupted them.
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Emerging from the girls' changing room, you spotted Tojuro and a burgundy-haired adolescent of the same age, unfamiliar to you. You approached them with a smile, always delighted when you had some time to talk with the sensei's son. He was a bit younger than you, but unlike some boys his age, he wasn’t immature. In fact, he was friendly and enjoyable to converse with, and even his quirky antics looked cute to you. He was a passionate, good-hearted person, and a skilled kendo partner.
"Rengoku-kun! Did you come early to give your friend a tour of the dojo? Will you introduce us?"
"Ha! Senpai! Hello!! This is my best friend, Kamado Sumihiko; he's here to try kendo for the first time! Sumihiko, this is Nagase Himawari-senpai—she’s two years our senior."
You and Sumihiko exchanged warm greetings, an inexplicable sense of familiarity coursing through you despite it being your first encounter. A similar sensation had washed over you when you first met the Rengokus. The newcomer observed you with curiosity. He found you very pretty, but what intrigued him the most was Tojuro's reaction in your presence— he was losing composure, turning scarlet, and suddenly becoming overexcited. He spoke even louder than usual, and his companion winced in pain as his eardrums vibrated.
"Nagase-senpai is extremely skilled!" Tojuro almost shouted to his friend. "She's a regional champion!"
You responded with a casual gesture.
"Japan is full of talented people, and you're certainly one of them, Rengoku-kun. I'm just happy to practice an activity I'm passionate about with excellent partners like you," you said, winking at him. "Ha! Your father just arrived; the class is going to start."
You strolled away towards the gathering spot of the sensei and the rest of the club members. Tojuro stood frozen in place, looking lovestruck after that wink and unexpected compliment. Sumihiko watched him with growing curiosity, not used to seeing him react like this.
"Tojuro... Do you have a crush on your senpai?" he asked.
"Huh?! Is it that obvious?!" responded the boy with a shocked expression, his cheeks ablaze.
"Yes... and if it's a secret, you should speak more quietly... I see now why you're so dedicated to kendo," his friend added, amused.
"Huh?! No, of course not! I don't have such impure motivations! I've always loved kendo! Although, I must admit, it's even more enjoyable since she joined the club a few months ago..."
"Tojuro, Kamado, get over here!" thundered the sensei's voice.
"Scary…," muttered Sumihiko as he obeyed, while Tojuro seemed as cheerful as ever under his father's strict tutelage.
The training session unfolded smoothly, and the young Kamado proved to be a gifted student, just as his best friend had predicted. He found out that he appreciated the practice and the dojo’s atmosphere. Even though he doubted he could ever match Tojuro's fervor and commitment to the sport, the idea of becoming a club member and engaging in regular exercise began to appeal to him. Additionally, this decision would bring satisfaction to his mother, who frequently emphasized the benefits of martial arts for instilling discipline in him. Though, a part of his motivation was also linked to the potential romantic connection between Tojuro and you. He cheered for his friend and wanted to be there as support.
Several weeks transpired without any significant developments between you and Tojuro. Nevertheless, Sumihiko remained convinced of your particular fondness for the young Rengoku among the dojo members, even though determining whether it was romantic interest proved challenging at this stage. The issue lay with Tojuro: despite his typical lively and confident demeanor, he unexplainably lost his composure in your presence outside of training. For instance, when you suggested going somewhere, he readily agreed but consistently dragged someone else along, usually Sumihiko. Conversely, although it was evident he enjoyed spending time with you, he never initiated any plans himself. It was rather perplexing, and Sumihiko eventually brought it to his friend’s attention.
"I don't want her to feel pressured!" Tojuro explained earnestly. "Considering someone as kind and popular as Nagase-senpai, I can only imagine the constant stream of suitors vying for her attention. I wouldn't want to add my own insistent advances to that list. Besides, being the sensei's son, I worry she might feel obligated to accept my invitation. I'd rather let her take the lead in that matter."
"Our senpai is undoubtedly kind, but I believe she's more than capable of expressing a refusal," retorted Sumihiko. "If you never take the initiative, she might think you're not interested, and you could risk losing her interest altogether."
"What?! Really?!" Tojuro asked in a panicked voice.
""Furthermore, it doesn't explain why you don't go unaccompanied when she proposes going out," pointed out his friend.
"T-that’s because..." the other boy struggled to find an excuse, mouth wide open, blinking. No valid argument came to him. It was clear he was simply nervous about being alone with you.
"Next time, try going alone," Sumihiko suggested with a sigh. "I feel like a third wheel anyway when I’m around. Consider it a challenge, alright?"
"Hmm! I'll do that, then!" replied Tojuro, crossing his arms with determination, though fear was evident in his eyes. "Do you have any other advice, Sumihiko-sensei?!"
"I don't know much either," the concerned party defended with an embarrassed look, scratching the back of his head. "I'm just sharing my thoughts... Oh! It's Valentine's Day soon, right? It might be an opportunity to learn more about her feelings."
Tojuro's cheeks deepened in color at the mere mention of Valentine's Day. The event, which typically held little interest for him, had slipped his mind. The prospect of receiving chocolates from you alone was enough to quicken his heartbeat. He realized he needed to show you his affection before then.
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In the following weeks, Sumihiko noticed that his friend took his advice to heart, perhaps a bit too eagerly. Tojuro seized every opportunity to suggest outings, even for trivial activities like visiting the vending machine or taking a short walk together. Fortunately, you appeared pleasantly surprised by your kouhai's spontaneous invitations and almost always accepted them when your schedule permitted. The two of you even exchanged numbers, and Tojuro seemed to be on cloud nine for several days, losing focus in class and receiving more scolding from his father and teachers. Thankfully, Tojuro's academic prowess helped cushion the impact on his grades.
Valentine's Day loomed on the horizon, and the tension among high schoolers grew palpable. Amid Tojuro's coping hyperactivity and Yoshiteru's incessant whining, Sumihiko found himself stressed about the upcoming event, even though collecting chocolates or not didn't matter much to him. Unable to keep up with his friends' antics any longer, he eventually advised them to directly ask the girls they liked if they intended to offer them chocolates.
As previously, Tojuro diligently followed Sumihiko's instructions and planned to broach the subject on your next stroll together through the city center, scheduled just a few days before Valentine's Day.
The date itself was delightful. You watched an action movie, delved into manga café, then spend some time in an arcade. At the end of the afternoon, both of you enjoyed crepes while sitting next to each other in a serene park. Despite the numerous opportunities that these activities had presented, Tojuro hadn’t dared to make a move on you once, fearing to make you uncomfortable. With each passing moment, his concern grew, and he started to fret whether he could even muster the courage to bring up the topic of chocolates with you.
"Earth to Rengoku, do you copy?" you playfully asked. He sent you a confused glance. It seemed like you had been talking to him for a while, and he wasn’t paying attention.
“Huh? Oh, sorry, I was deep in thought,” he scratched the back of his head, feeling a bit foolish.
"I was asking if you wanted to run a dojo like your father, Tojuro-kun?"
"Hmm...!" Tojuro crossed his arms, pondering an answer. This pose invoked a pleasant sense of familiarity in you, as if you had always known him to make this gesture, even though it was impossible: you had met a few months ago, almost a year now. "I think I’d rather become a teacher! I’m pretty fond of history, especially historical warfare. Maybe I could teach that. But I still plan to help my father at the dojo alongside my studies and future work, since I’ll probably inherit it someday.
"Being a teacher would suit you well! You have good grades, and you definitely have the charisma and patience for the job. You’re very likeable too. It will be amusing to hear you being called 'Rengoku-sensei.'"
Tojuro blushed. "Thanks. What about you? What would you like to do after your finals?" he inquired curiously.
"I'd like to become an athlete, but my family insists I should have a 'real' job on the side, just in case. I guess I’ll pursue a degree in accounting. That way, I could assist them with their martial arts equipment business while still chasing my dream."
"That's great! Let's give it our all, then!" Tojuro exclaimed, raising his hand for a high-five.
You grinned, meeting his enthusiasm with an energetic clap hands. Your fingers lingered a moment against his, maybe a tad longer than the typical friendly gesture. Or perhaps he was imagining it, because the contact felt too brief when you finally pulled away and stood up.
"Well... I have to go home. Thanks for today; it was fun."
"Thank you very much as well, Nagase-senpai!"
"You don’t have to be so formal with me, especially when we're outside the club. We’re friends now, aren’t we?" you inquired with a sweet smile.
He nodded enthusiastically, delighted to gradually break down the social barriers between you. As you readied yourself to put your bag back on your shoulder, he thought, "She's about to leave. This is my last chance to ask her."
"Nagase-senp-..., Himawari-senpai, are you planning to give me chocolates for Valentine's Day?"
If Sumihiko had been present, he might have facepalmed himself with a weary sigh at such a straightforward query. With an amused smile, you turned to your kouhai, crossing your arms in a teasing pose.
"Maybe… What kind of chocolates would you like, Tojuro-kun?"
Tojuro hadn't anticipated this question. Of course, he yearned honmei choco from you (chocolates for a loved one), but expressing that directly could be awkward if you were planning giri-choco (friendship chocolates). He didn't want to influence your decision.
He grinned and responded, "Whichever your heart desires! I'll gladly accept them, no matter what!"
Now it was your turn to blush intensely at this honest and romantic response. Typically, you were not someone easily thrown off balance.
"I... alright. Um... See you then, Tojuro-kun."
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The much-anticipated Valentine's Day finally arrived the following week, and the school was abuzz with excitement. Teachers struggled to maintain order, as students were solely preoccupied by the expectancy of chocolate exchanges and their underlying meanings.
Sumihiko, being well liked by many girls in their school, ended up collecting a lot of giri-chocos. He also stumbled on a honmei choco accompanied by an anonymous love letter in his locker, sparking widespread speculation about the mysterious identity of the secret admirer. Yoshiteru, on the other hand, received only a fistful of giri-chocos, and most were made by his own family, much to his disappointment.
Tojuro, however, was crumbling under a mountain of chocolates. He didn’t refuse any, but when faced with what seemed like honmei gifts, he would take them with a pre-emptive note:
"Thank you very much! I hope these are giri-choco because my heart is already taken!"
In response, the girls hastily claimed they had indeed prepared giri-choco, even if it wasn't the case, eager to avoid an awkward rejection.
At the end of the day, burdened with the numerous sweet offerings tucked into his backpack and clutched in his hands, the young kendoka hurried to the dojo. Since this session was reserved for experienced students, Sumihiko went straight home after school. Already attired in hakama and armor, you greeted the sensei's son with a smile upon his arrival, but your exchange remained brief as training swiftly commenced. After the class concluded, you distributed chocolates to the club members to share, and also presented a box to the sensei, who graciously accepted them, placing them beside the ones his wife had made for him. Tojuro received nothing personal and had minimal interaction with you, as you found yourself engulfed in conversations with seniors eager to discuss upcoming competitions.
Contemplating whether to wait for you, Tojuro ultimately dismissed the idea. After all, you had never confirmed that you would make chocolates for him, and showing that he expected them would be impolite. He finally decided to go back home and bid everyone farewell. Your gaze followed him as he left but you didn't stop him.
Upon reaching his home, Tojuro slumped on his bed. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't disappointed with the day's conclusion, but he refrained from overthinking about the events. The absence of chocolates didn’t necessarily indicate you disliked him; perhaps you had your reasons. Without clear signals from you, though, he knew he would need all his courage to express his feelings directly one day. He held onto the hope that, in case of rejection, you would still be willing to remain his friend.
Somewhat apprehensive, he decided to divert his thoughts by indulging in silly social media videos. After an hour of adorable cat memes, a message that suddenly appeared on his screen made him sit up abruptly.
"Meet me at the usual park."
The text was from you. As if summoned, Tojuro hurriedly put on his jacket and dashed out of the house. Seated on a swing a few streets away, you noticed him sprinting towards you with a surprised look. Only a few minutes had passed since you sent the notification.
"Wow, you're quick! You didn't even take a moment to answer."
Catching his breath from the run, he inhaled deeply and straightened up, wearing a serious expression. "Yeah... I didn't want to keep you waiting, in case it was important... why did you want to see me...?"
His dedication and earnestness brought a smile to your face. You handed him a small red paper bag, adorned with a golden ribbon.
"Here, I wanted to give you this after kendo practice, but there were too many people, and I didn't want to draw unnecessary attention on us."
Beaming with anticipation, Tojuro accepted the package. Upon opening it, he discovered a heart-shaped box of treats, strongly suggesting that it contained honmei-choco. His heart skipped a beat.
"You can open it and taste them," you invited him. "I'm quite pleased with how they turned out."
Nodding excitedly, he lifted the lid and uncovered beautifully crafted homemade chocolates, adorned with small edible flames— the crest of his family and of the kendo club. Taking a bite, his eyes immediately lit up.
"UMAI!" he exclaimed loudly.
Startled, passersby turned their attention to you. You chuckled, muffling the sound within the sleeve of your jacket.
"I'm glad you like them."
"These are the best chocolates I've ever had," Tojuro assured. "Thank you for making them for me! I'll savor them dearly!"
"You received a lot, though. I saw all the packages you were carrying earlier," you remarked mischievously.
"Perhaps, but I was only waiting for yours!" he replied honestly.
Cheeks aflame, your gaze dropped to your toes out of embarrassment.
"If you liked them that much, I could make them for you again next year," you said bashfully.
Tojuro's smile illuminated the scene, competing with the setting sun. He took one of your hands in his and exclaimed, "If you're okay with it, you can make them for me for the rest of our lives, Himawari. I'll never get tired of them!"
Curious onlookers discreetly observed, drawn by the spectacle of this unusual public declaration. Your already warm cheeks turned crimson, but you couldn't help laughing at his enthusiasm. It looked more like a marriage proposal than a suggestion to go out together. Not that you minded too much, though. Taking his other hand, you leaned closer to him and lightly pecked his cheek, amused by his lovestruck expression when you stepped back.
"Hehe! That’s a deal, then, Tojuro. I challenge you to accept them for that long!"
The End
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Modern Era Secret: In their first White Day together, Tojuro presented Himawari with homemade white chocolates and the memoirs of Kyojuro Rengoku, the brother of his ancestor almost ten generations ago. The chocolates were a bit busted, however Himawari loved the writings of the famous swordsman and co-founder of the Flame dojo. She was surprised to find that his wife shared the same name as hers but didn't dwell on it, attributing it to an amusing coincidence.
Thank you for reading to the end! If you liked this fic, consider liking it, commenting, reblogging it and/or subscribing to my page! It always set the flame in my heart ablaze ❤️‍🔥
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reikoackerman · 2 years
Off Days with Levi (iii)
Characters: Levi x Rei (me)
Genre: Modern!au
Warnings: SFW, fluff. Extremely self-indulgent. Does not follow present timeline (aka there are no Ackerman Juniors, just Levi and I with our three dogs and two rabbits XD). Mentions of a FPS game.
A/N: I was doing a clay mask at 5pm and this stupid idea just came into my head I am sorry. Also..... I might write a continuation to this.......... hahaha.
It was a lazy afternoon, and Levi and I had nothing to do. We've cleaned the house, done the laundry, and even cleaned the dogs and changed the hay for the rabbits' cages. It was also raining heavily and we couldn't go out as well.
Levi was in his study room, playing CounterStrike with Erwin, Mike, and Moblit. I would usually join them during their games, but I suck at playing first-person shooter games and they managed to get Moblit to substitute me.
Rolling around in bed, I was scrolling through Instagram and I came across an advertisement about sheet masks. Just then, I had an idea. I went to my drawer and searched for a tub of clay mask that my cousin bought from Sydney. I excitedly clipped my fringe up with my Hello Kitty hair clips and went to the toilet, putting on the clay mask.
Returning back, I saw Levi lying on the bed. I didn't know his game ended so soon. Levi saw me returning and jumped.
"What the fuck is this greyish green shit on your face?"
"It's a clay mask, amour. The one I'm doing is supposedly good for moisturising my skin." I lay my head on Levi's chest, looking up to see what he was reading on his phone. It was a walkthrough on how to clear a certain chapter in his game.
"I know something else than can mosturise your skin better than this gross-smelling thing. It probably smells better too." Levi smirked and I rolled my eyes, hitting his thigh.
"No, Levi, I am not putting your cum on my face. Also, you should do it too. Your skin is looking kinda meh recently." I sat up right and went back to my drawer, fishing out another tub of clay mask. It was bluish unlike mine. I also took out a fluffy white headband with rabbit ears. Going back to the bed, I pulled Levi up and he complained his way from the room to the toilet.
I forced him to sit down on the toilet seat and made him wear the headband while I applied the clay mask on him.
"This is supposed to help your skin become glowy," I giggled. Levi looked like someone from the Avatar movie instead, his grey eyes and bluish skin making him look like an alien.
"And how long do I have to put this shit on my face? I want to continue gaming. We were taking a break and Moblit and I are about to kick Erwin and Mike's ass." Levi grumbled and wrinkled his nose again.
"Until the clay dries," I dragged Levi back to the bed, "and in this shitty weather, maybe 25 to 30 minutes. Also, no headphones during gaming. You're going to squash my rabbit headband." Levi groaned. I pulled him back to the room and he sat down on the chair, pulling out the wires of his headphones unwillingly.
Soon, the four of them were back online and continued playing their game. It was funny watching Levi, because there were a lot of times where he wanted to scratch his face, but he resisted the urge to do so because he didn't want to dirty his hands. I sneakily took a photo of Levi's face and sent it into my group chat with Erwin's, Mike's, and Moblit's spouses, giggling because I was anticipating their response. Levi gave me the side eye when he saw what I was doing, but he couldn't say anything because the microphone was on.
"Tch, that was easy," Levi muttered after 30 minutes. His game ended and they were all taking a break again. "can I wash this stupid thing off now?" I giggled and nodded, bringing Levi to the toilet, I helped him to wash off the clay mask and as he dried his face with his towel, he kept looking into the mirror. I sniggered and washed the mask off my face. My husband can be so vain sometimes.
"I told you, this will help your skin become glowy," laughing, I dried my face and did my skin care, "anyway, I'm not done with you yet, amour." Levi rolled his eyes again.
"What kind of weird shit are you going to put on my face again?" I gave him a small smile.
"I'm going to give you a facial tonight." Levi rolled his eyes.
"A what?"
"A facial, amour. It's good for your skin. You're going to love it, and you're going to thank me for it."
Levi continued to look at his face in the mirror, touching his jaw. His skin was indeed looking a little dry and dull. He looked at me while I was putting on my moisturiser. When I turned to look at him, Levi gave me a small smile.
"... okay."
"Yay!" I flung my arms around Levi, giving him a hug. "You're going to love it, really. And I promise you, you're going to ask me to do it again for you next time."
"We'll see." Levi followed me out of the toilet and we went back into the room. Levi took his phone and after a while he frowned. "What the fuck?" I peeped over his shoulder and laughed. Erwin sent him a message saying "nice mask" along with the photo I took of him. Erwin's wife, Mia, must have showed him the photo I sent in our chat. Mike replied saying "didn't know you were this vain, bro." and Moblit sent a laughing emoji in their chat. Levi rolled his eyes.
"Aww don't worry, they're just jealous," I joked, earning a flick to my forehead. Levi climbed onto the bed and pulled me into his embrace.
"Mon cœur." Levi spoke after keeping silent for a while. I gave a small hum in response. "Do that facial for me tonight." I laughed hearing him.
"Why, can't wait to show off to them?" I chuckled.
"Yeah, I'm going to make them jealous that my wife can do this for me." He sniggered and pulled me tighter into his embrace. We cuddled for a while more before Levi pushed himself off the bed. They were about to play their next round. "And for now, Moblit and I are going to kick their asses again."
As Levi continued playing his game, I couldn't maintain my excitement. In my head, I was already thinking of the skincare products I was going to use on Levi tonight, and how nice his skin is going to look after the facial. I couldn't wait for tonight to come faster.
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struungout · 1 year
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I also finally hung up this chair I bought from sdrcow on Instagram. Remembered I had some leftover screw hooks in my toolbox and was able to just hand twist one into my ceiling. Anyway pardon the headless body, her head will be home hopefully soon. xD
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kierans-crow · 7 months
14, 15, 19, and 26 for the animal crossing ask game!
14. Fav in-game event you’ve experienced so far?
Ooh, good question. The first time I celebrated my birthday on the island was very touching. Roald, one of my first villagers who immediately endeared himself to my heart came to get me and hosted the party. It was so sweet.
Pro-tip, if you save the cupcakes, they're the best gift for your villagers' birthdays!
Nowadays, my fave event is New Years. Past couple years my mom, who also owns the game, and I come to one of our islands to ring in the new year 'together' - it's been a fun tradition where we're not keeping each other up (we time travel to celebrate early so we can go to bed XD ) but can still be together for it.
15. Any fav custom designs that you or other players have created?
oh, yeah! I have a stone path that I can make into a circle and it fits the fountain perfectly. I have a bloodied coat that fits my ttrpg character, Ichabod, well and i dress up as him for Halloween. A lace trimmed shirt from an artist I follow who got into the game briefly.
19. Fav reaction in the game?
I love being able to sit places XD Also the Intense stare…
26. A funny story of something that happened to you in the game
When I first started out I had my little heart set on an ironwood kitchen set. All matching furniture… the whole 9 yards. I needed the Ironwood kitchenette to go with the chair and the tables. Except to craft one, you need a Cutting Board.
Here's the thing: There are 100s of items in the game. Some are more common than others; thhe Cutting Board is not extremely common. It'll be a drop from the balloon gifts, but it doesn't drop often. It's, from what I understand, one of the more rare items in the game.
I also got a switch and bought the game some time after my partner got it… though, considering the timeline, we weren't dating yet. Having had the game for longer, they had a cutting board DIY, and could make one for me. So they did and I got my ironwood kitchen set!
And then, Immediately, I shot down a cutting board from the sky. I set it on the table as if it were in use.
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moonlightpirate · 9 months
I'm currently feeling almost like an actual adult laying here in my room. My fan with the multi colored blades broke the other day so had to buy a new one and of course my options were basically adult looking ones. I finally bought a desk type thing for my room so I have somewhere to place my laptop for my meetings. But now it has me conflicted and realizing I need to make decisions about keeping things and figure out finding storage that I wasn't prepared for. Because I'm moving the one thing where I kept a lot of things and putting my desk there. So like where is all that stuff going to go xD also need a chair for the desk.
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typically-untypical · 10 months
If you were given $1mil on the basis that you had to put towards something arbitrary and self-indulgent, what would you spend it on?
This was the most interesting question to me from an ask game thing I just reblogged, and I wanted to share the opportunity to answer an interesting question ^w^
I'm assuming arbitrary and self-indulgent means I can't spend it on a house. I'm also going to say multiple things since there isn't a singular item, that would come even close to that amount, that I want. which means I would probably spend a good amount of it on a custom gaming tabletop, however, I don't imagine that would be more than 50k even with custom chairs to go with it. I'm talking about a table with a TV inlay so you can have the combat maps visible to everyone and a retractable GM screen kind of thing.
Then probably another 20k on some outdoor furniture for my backyard so I can host tea parties and such. I'm also trying to be practical about space (which might partially defeat the purpose of arbitrary but meh oh well).
Next on the list is a couple of trips to my friends but even if I visit all of my overseas friends I don't think I'll spend more than 100k total and here's the problem with a million dollars, after getting these big ticket items I want, I still haven't broken half of that number. Even if I had bought a house and then filled it with things I think I wouldn't hit 1mil, I might get close because houses are so expensive but I probably wouldn't hit it.
After visiting my friends I'm going to start finding small businesses to shop for and there are a lot of things I would buy. I want to redo my entire wardrobe anyway!
Hope that's enough XD I feel like, since I didn't price all of this out, it's not enough but it was still a fun question.
Why do I want to price this out?
If anyone else wants to send me question with interesting rules to them, please do! This was fun!
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A day after Christmas [2022] I bought Little Campers and it is a MEGA cute kit!! I wanted to also fit the swings in the garden but there's not enough space for that. That campfire must be the coolest thing ever, along with that tent, and home-made "TV," and animal chairs, and- Sigh, I wish those pillows were not only for decor. We only have one other pillow sitting that actually works, would be cool to have two now... Oh, well!!
This is the post where toddlers finally turn into children!! Hello, more variety in interactions. I mean, again, toddlers are cute but only for a few first days. The backyard is ready for the "big" boys already, and their room has been slightly modified as well. Bunk beds really are a space saver and I love them so much. The thing about mismatching furniture is that while some were bought, half of them came from dumpster diving. That black cushion? Found in trash XDDD The Owls are earning more than Serafin has at the very start of his adventure alone so in time there will be changes but not now. Not in the near future for sure. But in time XD
I also find it funny how jarringly different Sims made by me look when dropped in the game. There are a handful of townies that I put from my other saves to kind of enrich the environment; it's kind of like putting new decorations for your fish tank!! The thing is that I sometimes like to be extra when creating them - especially occult Sims - so the results are as shown. I think Serafin doesn't mind, though, as he's used to being an occult manget. Here he is, befriending a vampire celebrity Tri Amour - she's very cute once you get to know her!!
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levi-supreme · 1 year
Rei! I have this imagine in my head of you, Levi and Renée in the kitchen. The boys are close by in a playpen (is that what you would call it?) and you and Levi play pass the baby with Charlotte on one of your hips at all times.
Whether you and / or Levi love cooking or it's not generally your favorite (but isn't it?) Renée woke up one morning wanting to make blueberry muffins and it's become a family event as you pour and mix and laugh together and make a bit of a mess but clean as you go and make so much you put the extra in a cake pan.
While it's baking you check on the twins who have been playing with soft toys together and get excited for the upcoming sweets (I remember Léon is a blueberry fan!) and let Renée hold Charlotte, they share an unbreakable sisterly bond.
Levi takes out the muffins and cake because he doesn't want Renée to get burned but once it's cool enough lets her take them all out of the tin and you all sit around enjoying a a family made breakfast together as Renée talks about the next thing she wants to make!
Also anyone in our household like oatmeal? I kind of think that's a healthy, simple breakfast option in your household that you can add different toppings to depending on who likes what.
PS: Can I borrow Charlotte? Jeans getting baby fever again and I need to borrow a baby to hold him over LOL.
Eliza!!!!! 🥺🥺 oh man you have no idea how wide my smile was after seeing this!!! I played out this entire fluffy scenario in my head and I can't stop smiling 💖
I'm going to answer this below the cut because you know me, and my response is going to be long as heck haha XD
Self-ship assumptions!
Levi and I cook a lot at home, and Renée enjoys being our little helper in the kitchen now that she's older!! We'll let her stand on a stool and watch over her while she fries her own scrambled eggs, or makes her own sunny side ups! When I'm chopping vegetables, I'll give some of the unwanted bits or leftover to Renée and she'll chop them on a small wooden chopping board with a butter knife haha.
When we aren't cooking or preparing loads of food, we'll take turns carrying Charlotte and cook while the other watches the twins (and make sure they aren't playing rough). Otherwise, Charlotte is still too young to be in the kitchen with us hehe, so we'll leave her in the cot in our room and have Renée watch over her!
Levi and I aren't really big fans of baking, but for our princess, we got all of them baking necessities and supplies haha. Levi did remind Renée that this is real food and ingredients and not play-doh or clay, so she has to be extra careful. We even got Renée a nice pink apron to wear around the kitchen! Renée wanted to eat blueberry muffins one day after seeing it in a children's cookbook we bought her. We all have lots of fun trying to make the mix! Renée kept wanting to add more blueberries into the mix because she knows Léon loves them!
Renée loves to carry Charlotte, but she would put her down on the sofa or couch after a while and complains that her sister is too heavy haha. Renée likes to play peek-a-boo with Charlotte, and Levi and I can hear their laughter in the kitchen!
When the muffins are cooled, Levi does let Renée take them out of the tray. She would gather our plates and put a muffin on them, and decorate it with other fruits too. Levi and I put the twins on their baby chairs and the boys make a mess eating with their hands (as long as they're not throwing food at each other.... we're fine XD). Renée says she wants to try making pancakes next time, and we're all looking forward to the next family fun!!
Oh yes, we love oatmeal in the Ackerman household!! Sometimes I make overnight oats for the boys, and I love making pancakes with oatmeal too!! Levi loves eating those pancakes as well, and sometimes he brings a jar of it to work for an afternoon snack!
Of course, you and Jean can baby sit our kids whenever you want!! Levi has very kindly reminded me to tell you all to stop giving Renée so many sweets (like the last time Jean did :x). Now that Charlotte is a little older, I'm sure you and Jean will have more fun playing with her now!! The twins might still be a little chaotic, but hey, they can spend their energy running around with Murphy!!
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gloryride · 6 months
🌱💤 and 💬 for Vanessa, Virgil and since his birthday is coming up, Oscar too!
Aaaaah thanks for asking about them ! and also giving love to Bimboy Oscar ♥♥
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
Almost green thumb ! Vanessa loved watching her grandmother tend to her flowers; she had a very colorful balcony and plants everywhere. Although not as talented as she was, Vaness enjoyed looking after them, caring for them and watching them grow. She chooses easy plants because she's short of time, and uses an original technique of mixing real and fake ones to get lots of them!
Team succulents and cacti! Virgile isn't very skilled, so he chose plants that are easy to look after. Sorry, Panam put these plants in his apartment! She's also brought along a few easy-care plants, which she can water when she comes, as Virgile sometimes tends to forget.
Plant killer. Not he doesn't like plants and flowers, but he always forgets to water them, so they die quickly in his appartment. So Aurore bought him plastic plants and he's happy, his home looks a bit greener like that and no more plant carcasses to throw away !
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
Silence. Vanessa needs peace and quiet to fall asleep, and the slightest noise as she drifts off to sleep can disturb her and make her angry, which doesn't help her fall asleep! That's why she never sleeps with the window open, as the constant noise from NC would be too disturbing. Conversely, it's impossible to sleep on the first night in the Badlands because it's too quiet xD
Panam. No, i'm kidding. Or not. He sleeps better with someone he loves is in his bed, he can avoid most of nightmares or being awake in middle of the night. But he also needs to have a blanket to sleep well, and Panam is a blanket thief, so ... xD
Just being good ! and it happens a lot because this boy can sleep mostly everywhere. You can find him sleeping on the beach in a chair, somewhere in Batty's, in one of VDB's netrunner chair ... nothing disturbs him !
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
"um", "like", "ya know" VIRGILE
"hmm", "i mean", "so"
"okay", "yeah", "oh"
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Eyyyyyyy so I had this day dream where Fushimi nightmare of one of Gotou's dolls and in the middle of the night goes to their room and tells gotou to burn it ◉‿◉
He finds Hidaka also having a nightmare about it and while that doll is still here. Fushimi being so sleepy suggests to sleep at Captains room because he bought captain lucky charms in every mission wherein he visits a temple XD
So he goes to munakata's room (let's say he gave him a spare key) and sleeps there peacefully.... Munakata wakes up to find the whole special squad there though hahahhaha
Somehow this makes me think of that scene during the thunderstorm in The Sound of Music, will Munakata have them all sing about their favorite things XD Imagine Gotou picks up some particularly cursed puppet from a strange person at a random night market, he’s very pleased by his new find and wants to show it off to all the squad. Hidaka goes running the moment Gotou walks towards him and almost runs into Fushimi, who looks over at Gotou and asks why Hidaka’s running off recklessly like an idiot. Gotou serenely says he isn’t sure and asks if Fushimi wants to see his new cursed item, holding up this ugly creepy puppet. Fushimi makes a face and is like don’t leave that thing out here. Gotou leaves to put the puppet in his room as Fushimi sits down to work. Except now for some reason he keeps feeling like something is watching him even when he’s alone in the room.
By late night Fushimi’s tired and extra cranky, he’s been working all day and been on edge for reasons he can’t explain, he just keeps feeling like he’s being watched. He storms back to his room and immediately falls asleep. Usually when he’s this tired he doesn’t dream at all but this time he has a dream of Gotou’s puppet like turning into Niki and playing with Fushimi on strings. Fushimi wakes up in a cold sweat, breathing hard and even shaking a little. He tries to go back to sleep but the moment he closes his eyes he sees the puppet again. Finally Fushimi clicks his tongue and grabs some knives, hiding them under his pajamas as he storms over to Gotou and Hidaka’s room and bangs on the door.
The door slams open and Hidaka just throws himself at Fushimi all ‘Fushimi-san, save me!’. Fushimi grumbles at him to get away and wonders what he thinks he’s doing, poor Hidaka just looks so miserable as he says Gotou went on a late night snack run and “it” won’t leave him alone. Fushimi pushes Hidaka aside and there’s the puppet, positioned right by the bed innocently surrounded by piles of cursed statues. Fushimi intended to burn the stupid thing but the more he looks at it the more he feels this gross clammy sense of dread, like right now in the dark he’s helpless. Hidaka asks what they should do, do they need a shrine priest to come and exorcise it, maybe he has some charms to ward off ghosts until morning. Fushimi snaps that why would he have any of that but then it occurs to him that there is one person who does.
Fushimi leads Hidaka to Munakata’s room, explaining that whenever he visits a temple on a mission Captain requests a souvenir charm and Fushimi always buys him the ‘warding off evil’ ones because he figured those were the most useless. Munakata never leaves his door locked (because his door is always open to his men of course) and as soon as they open the door they can feel this blast of clean air, like everywhere else is cursed but here. Hidaka wonders if this is okay and Fushimi says he doesn’t care, he wants to get some sleep. He walks right into Munakata’s room and settles himself in a chair with a blanket, falling right asleep. 
Hidaka hovers in the doorway, not sure what to do. Suddenly he hears a noise down the hall and nearly jumps as Doumyouji comes running, dragging Kamo behind him. Hidaka asks what’s wrong and Doumyouji is freaking out, waving his arms and yelling about “cursed puppet dreams.” Kamo admits he had a terrible dream also, Doumyouji’s almost in tears as he says the puppet was hunting him. Hidaka tries to be like I’m sure that didn’t happen but he actually isn’t so sure of that. Suddenly he’s hit by a flashlight beam and there’s Fuse and Enomoto, who also had terrible dreams and were going to get some water. A moment later Akiyama and Benzai come around the corner, they also had nightmares and went to have some late night tea and cake to calm themselves. Hidaka looks back at Munakata’s room and Enomoto asks if something’s in there. Hidaka’s like “well…” as he pushes the door open and they all instantly can feel how much nicer the air is in that room. Soon everyone’s fast asleep in Munakata’s room, he wakes up in the morning to find it seems he had a sleepover without realizing. (At some point when they all wake up Hidaka realizes that Gotou’s there too and wonders how he found them all, Gotou smiles and says “that child” told him, Fushimi immediately gets up like come on we’re going to go burn it now.)
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