#Hokage mansion
zanypaintertriumph · 1 year
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Tsunade attacks Sora for calling her "old lady"...even though she actually is.
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Road to Ninja
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mmurderhousewrites · 2 months
I NEED reader and Kakashi making out while reader is on his lap jesus fuck I've been so horny for him for weeks bro and I can't find anymore good fics that I haven't read 🥲
Yesss this is my first time writing for Kakashi too so i hope enjoy!
Warnings: making out, suggestive themes
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Growing up together in the village and joining the ANBU together when you were teenagers, Your friends and people around the village weren't surprised when you and Kakashi finally made it Official. After all, you went through a lot with each other.
Your relationship was going pretty well but of course with Kakashi being Hokage and you still being an ANBU member the two of your wouldn't see each other for days and sometimes weeks.
In your case, the last 4 days you spent in Sunagakure dealing with your own private mission. So of course it was ideal for you to sneak into the Hokage's office and visit your boyfriend when you got back.
Sitting on Kakashi's lap, your tongues clash against each other as you battle each other for dominance. Your couldn't help but grind against his lap, feeling his growing erection under you.
Kakashi groans into your mouth, arms wrapping around you waist to pull your body closer. You pull away for a second, looking down at this beautiful being you called a boyfriend.
"Should we go home?" You question, grinding against his bulge.
"No i think we should stay right here" he says scooching you back a bit, giving him space to unzip his pants. "You're gonna sit right here while i finish up, okay princess?" He raises an eyebrow, smirking.
Your cheeks are for sure a shade of red at this point. You nod your head, biting your lip, "Okay."
Let's just say the guards watching the Hokage mansion that night definitely cannot look either you and Kakashi in the eyes anymore.
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ravewoodx · 2 years
The Copy Ninja: part 2
Kakashi Hatake imagine (pt1)
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It has been a few weeks since Kakashi found out about baby number 2. You where giving him all the time in the world to tell your son Sakumo about the new additional. But the only problem was your stomach was starting to grow and show. 
Kakashi did not know how to tell his son about becoming a big brother. Would he evern understand? Well Sakumo is very smart, a genius. A very jealous genius. 
“Kashi just tell him. Is the famous copy ninja that scared of his own son?” You teased as you sat in the hokage office with him. You always made sure to bring him a fresh lunch when he’s working and well when your not throwing up or too swollen to walk through the village.
“Then why don’t you tell him?” He teased back making you laugh. 
“I might as well, by the tie you get to it baby will be ere already.” You said rubbing your stomach. You are half way through the pregnancy. This time it was a bit more simple, you knew what to expect. Things where just a little bit easier. 
“Lord 7th?” A knock came at the door. You sighed knowing your time with your husband was up. 
“I will see you later.” He said as he quickly got up helping you up from the chair. 
“Will you pick up Sakumo?” You asked 
“Of course. I did promise him I’ll help him train.” Kakashi said placing another kiss on your temple. 
“I am making the perfect smoked salmon for dinner. So do not be late.” You threatened him giving him stern eyes. 
“Yes of course dear.” He said with his cheeky smile. 
Just as he said Kakashi was at the academy gates waiting. He tried to pick up Sakumo most days after school. He did his best to get out of the office on time. He liked the time he got alone with his son, hearing about his day. He also didn’t want to make you walk all the way through the village. The Hatake clan mansion he restored was a little out of the way.
“Papa!” His sound voice yelled as he ran to him. 
“Ready for training?” He asked as he handed his son an apple. 
“Of course! I want to show you something new I know!” He said between bites of the apple. Kakashi could probably listen to his son go on all day and not get bored. 
Kakashi understood his son was only 4 but he was a prodigy just like he was. His son didn’t even have the sharingan but seemed to be able to pick up jitsu very fast. 
“watch this!” sakumo yelled before throwing some hand signs. Kakashi followed, the hand signs for the fireball jitsu & lighting? The fire ball that Sakumo blew out was bright blue with lighting. It went far burning all the target on the field. 
“Wow Sakumo, did you learn that all on your own?” Kakashi asked looking at his son proudly.
“Kind of. I was practice the fire ball jitsu you taught me. Then I think I messed it up and then this happened.” He said shrugging. 
“Sakumo you will be the greatest shinobi. You must not only be strong but smart. You have a lot of important people to protect.” Kakashi said as he kneeled in front of his son. 
“I know that. You’ll be really old and weak soon so I have to protect mommy...and you.” Sakumo said his cheeks getting a little pink. He wouldn't admit it but he really liked hearing so much praise from his father. 
“Not just mama and me. You have to protect someone else also.” Kakashi said knowing he needed to tell his son about the new baby. 
“And Konoha” Sukamo said 
“Well yes but there’s someone else. They will be smaller then you and you need to protect them. Your going to be a big brother, they will look up to you. “ Kakashi said as he saw the wheels turning in his sons head.
“I don’t want a little brother.” Sakumo huffed crossing his hands. 
“Well your getting one. Mama is pregant and you’ll have a little baby brother or sister very very soon. So you need to start asking like a strong big brother.” Kakashi said taking his sons hand as they started their way back home. 
“Why are you and mama having another baby? Am I not good enough?” He asked not daring to look up at his father. 
“Sakumo, do not say things like that. We love you so much. But mama and I have so much love that we want to share it.” Kakashi started to explain.
“Gross” His son mumbled not wanting to hear about whatever it was Kakashi was trying to explain. 
“Sakumo, you will make a great big brother. Just wait, once the baby is born you will feel so much love.” He said laughing a this son. 
“Is that how you felt when I was born?” He asked.
“I have never felt so happy in my life. You are the one who made me a father, thats why I gave you my fathers name.” Kakashi said making Sakumo smile. Maybe having a little sibling wont be so bad. 
The months went by pretty fast and soon your where almost too big to do anything. You weren’t sure if you where happy or angery that your water broke in the middle of the night. You where happy because Kakashi was right there.
“We need to grab the over night bag. Also I need to shower really fast. There is lunches and dinners made just in case I’ll be in the hospital long. And Sakum! Whos going to stay with him? What about getting him to school?” You panicked trying to pack your bag. 
“Don’t worry, I called Naurto, he’s going to watch him and get him to school. Sakura is already waiting for us at the hospital.” Kakashi said trying to be calm for the both of you. nothing really faced him, he already planned everything to make it less stressful for you. 
“Mama where you going?” a small voice spoke. You say Sakumo standing in the door way in his pajamas. 
“Little mochi is coming. I have to get to the hospital. and you’ll be a big brother by the morning.” You said as you tried your best to lean down. You where too worried to leave him alone. 
“That must be Naruto.” Kakashi said as he heard a knock at the door. 
“No I want to go too.” Your son whined. 
“Naruto can bring you in the morning.” Kakashi tried to reason with his son.
“No” Sakumo was very stubborn like his father. 
“okay let’s go please.” You cried feeling the contractions getting a lot closer. Kakashi picked you up as Naruto took the little copy ninja. 
Labor was easier this time around then the first. But it was still long and painful night. Kakashi stayed by your side the whole time.
Naruto sat in the waiting room trying his best to distract Sakumo. Naruto was 18 when Kakashi told team 7 about you being pregnant. He knew this little kid all his life. It was weird seeing Kakashi as someone more then his sensei. It was even weirder to have a little Kakashi try and boss him around. 
“Do you think I will be a good big brother?” Sakumo asked Naruto. 
“Of course. I always wanted a little brother or sister. But then I got team 7. Their my family now.” Naruto said not too sure what to say. 
“You did so good love.” Kakashi said brushing your slightly damp hair back from your forehead. The room was filled with a small cry as sakura cleaned off the baby. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked still worried about you. Your charka was lower then normal. You weren’t a ninja so he always worried for you. 
“Congratulations, you have a beautiful healthy daughter.” sakura said handing you the small baby. Kakashi say next to you with doe eyes watching his wife and daughter. 
“Welcome to the world Rishi.” You said as your hand ran through the silver hair. Your daughter opened her big dark eyes looking around. 
“Good job Kakashi, the great copy ninja of all the lands. made another damn copy.” You teased before gently handing the baby to Kakashi. He looks so odd with the baby. She was so small compared to his large stature. 
“She looks a lot like me doesn’t she?” Kakashi said with a smile. 
“Can you get Sakumo?” You said as Kakashi handed the baby back to you. He thought you’d want to rest but he knew better then to not listen to you. He walked into the waiting area smirking to find Naruto spawned out on the chair with Sakumo on top of him asleep. 
“Uh- Naruto. Is this how you watch over a kid. He is a sneaky one. The things he could’ve done when you where asleep.” Kakashi teased as he kicked Naruto leg to wake him up. 
“Oh Kakashi Sensei. I was just resting my eyes.” He said rubbing his neck as Sakumo woke up. 
“Do you want to go meet your baby sister?” Kakashi asked taking his sons hand.
“Naruto did you hear that! I have a little sister.” Sakumo said excitedly, no signs of sleep leaving. 
“Better go check on her and your mom big brother Sakumo.” Naruto said with his famous grin. 
“Thank you Naruto.” Kakashi said before leading his son back tot he hospital room. 
“Mama!” He yelled as he ran into the room. 
“Come here baby.” You said as Kakashi easily picked up your son putting him the bed gently next to you. 
“I’m not a baby, I’m a big brother now.” he said as he leaned over your lap looking at his sister.
“She’s so cute” He said in awh. He couldn’t believe she was real. 
“She looks just like you when you where a baby.” You said smiling.
“Really? I don’t think I was that small” He asked with big eyes. 
“Of course, you and Rishi are little copies of papa.” You said smirking at Kakashi. 
“Maybe your next little sister will look just like mommy.” Kakashi said giving you a wink. 
“Mama you already have another baby in your belly?!” Sakumo asked with wide terrified eyes. 
“No your father thinks he’s just funny.” you said sending your husband a glare. 
“Maybe we will have to keep trying till we get one that looks like you?” Kakashi asked making you smack his chest. He couldn’t help it, he loved his family, he loved you for giving him this family. He wanted to stay in this moment forever. And he already noted that he will keep putting babies in you until you had your own clan. 
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13as07 · 5 months
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Desert Lily #1
(Kankuro Sabaku)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to unknown]
Requested by: Myself
[Idea (somewhat) inspired by the imagine above]
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 4,123
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Definitely going to do a part #2 and #3 cause I like this story line
     I hum softly to myself as I walk through the empty hallways of the Hokage mansion. I'm not a fan of the place. The muniment gives me the creeps; as do its residents.
Well, just Lord Fifth. The way he slithers around the huge place, appearing where he pleases when he pleases. Given it is rightfully his home and always has been. Nepo-baby at its finest. Though I shouldn't be so harsh. Temari and Kankuro hold high standings in the village because of their father right alongside our Hokage.
I should take it as an honor that our Lord welcomes me into his home, even if it doesn't seem he does it willingly.
As if Kankuro's emotionally underdeveloped brother could hear my thoughts, a door swings open with the Sand's Kage walking out of it. He's wrapped up in his official robes, the Kage hat coating his face heavily from the oversizing. A big hat for a big-headed Hokage. I smile a bit at that. I’m really mean, perhaps I should be nice to my village's leader. Or at the very least, be nice to the little brother of the man courting me.
"Lord Fifth," I mumble, bowing my head down. If my thoughts can't be nice, my body language can be.
"Do not bow to me," he huffs, my eyes catching a glimpse of the end of his robes as he walks toward me.
"I didn't know you didn't appreciate respect," I mumble, snapping my head back up. I shouldn't have said that. My big mouth always getting in the way.
Gaara tilts his head some, a sliver of confusion in his eyes as he looks at me. "I appreciate the respect given to me by all my civilians," he answers, tipping his hat back. It doesn't stay though, slipping right back down to coat his eyes.
What a humorous little guy. I know very little about Kankura's childhood and even less about the childhood of his siblings. From the offhand comments and whispers around the village, it was not very pleasant, much less the luxurious one you'd expect for the princes and princess of our village. Even if only a fraction of the rumors are true, it would explain a lot.
     "Is that so?" I ask, a bit of a smile pulling at the corners of my mouth.
     "Yes," he answers shortly, turning on his heels and walking away. "Walk with me?" Gaara asks though it's more of a statement than a question. I obey, making quick steps so I can fall in pace with him. "What are your thoughts on sapphires?"
     "Sapphires?" I ask, glancing at the young leader of our village. He's looking back at me, the paleness of his eyes catching me off guard a bit. I snap my eyes away, focusing on the hallway ahead of us.
     "Yes," he answers shortly, eyes still burning into me.
     "They're nice... I think."
     "You think?" Gaara asks, stopping his movements.
     I stop too, turning my attention back to the scary kid standing next to me. Our Lord is the same age as me, but despite that, he still has quite the baby face. "I've never seen one so I don't know."
     He rolls my words over for a while, still looking at me as he does so. Our Lord's eyes are pretty despite their pale coloring of them. They remind me of Kankuro's, though Ro's are brighter than his brother's.
     "Well," he starts, head tilted in confusion again. "A lady of your standing should know what a sapphire is."
     "My Lord, I do not have any standing in the village. I'm not even on the waitlist to be considered for any standing. Perhaps you are mixing up my bloodline," I answer in a bit of a ramble.
     Does my Lord not know who I am? I mean, I would understand since our village is quite large but his brother is courting me. Am I not the only woman Kankuro is courting? Maybe both of them were misled about my family. Is Kankuro going to stop courting me when this misunderstanding is cleared up?
     "Of course, you have standing in the village. Quite a high standing, might I add," Gaara says, starting up his paces again.
     I follow after him, face scrunched up with confusion. Did he not hear me? Maybe he just doesn't believe me. What has Ro told his brother about me? Is he ashamed of courting the daughter of a nightshade farmer?
     "My Lord-" I try again, but get cut off.
     My voice catches in my throat, causing a small squeak to come out instead. "Gaara," I say quietly before continuing my sentence. "I don't think you understand-"
     Once again, I get cut off. "I am aware of your bloodline. I am also aware of my bloodline. The same bloodline my brother shares. Even without my... egotistical brother, your family is quite useful to our village. After all, I don't know a single shinobi within the gates of the village that hasn't used nightshade after an injury."
     Oh. Maybe he's not confused. "I still don't fully follow, my Lord."
     "Gaara," he corrects again, causing the warmth of embarrassment to start crawling up my neck. "You shall eventually. I may not understand my brother but I am aware of his title, the title you'll inherit."
     "I don't-"
     "I must go. The meeting break will be ending soon. I shall see you soon I assume, Princess?" With that Gaara knocks on the door next to us before nodding at me. Before I can get another word in, he turns on his heels and starts walking back down the corridor.
     My head is spinning as I look after him. What title am I going to inherit from Kankuro? How would I even inherit anything from him? Why was the Lord asking me about sapphires? Why would he want to walk with me? Why did he call me Princess? There's no way he meant it as a pet name, he doesn't even know what sarcasm is! Why would he want me to call him-
     "Y/N?" A voice calls, cutting off my thoughts. I'm getting annoyed with getting cut off. Do people have no respect?
     It takes a second but I do end up processing it as Ro's voice. "Ro," I call, turning in the direction of his voice. Even more confusion rolls around my head as I look at him. "You're... where's... goodbye," I stumble over my words for a second before closing the door, separating me from a makeup-less Kankuro.
     My suitor hasn't kept his features hidden from me. He's taken his hood and forehead protection off around me before, showing his brown locks and his face better. I've even played with his hair before, usually picking out sand specks after a mission or training exercise. I've held his face so many times that I have the layout memorized and almost permanent purple ink on my fingertips from his makeup.
     I've never seen Ro without his makeup though. He's very handsome with and without it on. I just wasn't prepared to see his bare face after the confusion dump his brother left me in.
     I feel like this is a big step in our relationship... right? I mean, he's never seen me without makeup either. If Kankuro saw me without makeup I'd consider it a big step. Does he expect to see my bare face now too? Is he upset I saw him without his face paint on? Is he going to be mad? Maybe I should apologize. Maybe I should just go home.
     A knock on the door cuts me out of my thoughts again. It causes more confusion to swirl around my head. The confusion is quickly racing towards upset territory. A second and third knock echo through the hallway, not helping the headache that has started to form from my overthinking. A fourth, fifth, and sixth knock comes before I decide to open the door again.
     "Hello my Desert Lily," Ro says, a smile on his still bare face. His head is titled in confusion, the same way Lord Fifth's was a few minutes ago. The confusion has reached his soft eyes, concern mixing with it. "Are you alright?"
"I'm... my..." I puff out my checks, trying to get words to form as I focus on Ro's face. I like him without his face paint. Don't get me wrong, he looks good in it, but his face is so handsome without it.
"My little Lily," he mumbles, hands reaching out to cup my face. The roughness of his skin brings me some comfort and helps me sort my thoughts a little easier. "What is on your mind?"
"You're not... you don't have your face paint on," I answer, sucking my cheek in so I can nibble on it.
My eyes end up settling on Ro's mouth, memories of our first kiss swirling around my head. It happened a couple of days ago. It was sweet but short. I didn't want it to be that short, and I wanted it to happen again but it didn't. The Lord ended up needing him for something, so I didn't get what I wanted.
"Do you not like it?" He asks, his words slow and careful as they fill the air. His tone is filled with worry, also evident from his scrunched-up face.
"If you don't like it I'll go put some on. I don't mind," Kankuro rushes out, eyes blinking quickly as he scans my face.
"You just... look handsome," I answer, tilting my head in worry. "Ro? Do you... you know you don't have to change your appearance for me right?"
"Ya, of course, I know that," he rushes out, his breath a little huffy as he drops his hold on my face. "It would be, so lame if I... yes, I know that." I tuck his reaction away for later. I have the feeling if I push the subject it'll end up with us talking in circles. "So... um was the whole 'goodbye' thing just because of this?" He asks, circling his face a couple of times.
"No, your brother has me doing mental laps."
"Oh great, what did Gaara do now?" Ro asks, taking hold of my hand and gently tugging me into his room.
This is another first. I've never been in his room before. It's how I expected it to look. Tools and puppet parts are littered all over the room. There's less mess than there is in his workshop, but still very much a puppet-making space. His bed is one of those huge fancy beds with the currents you can pull around it. There's a small couch pushed across from a TV, the coffee table in front of it covered in different scrolls and paper. The wood-shaving-covered desk in the corner looks the same as the coffee table. Two single doors are stamped into one of the walls, but both are closed so I don't know what's passed them.
"My Lily?" Kankuro calls, pulling my attention from my surroundings to himself again.
"He just... said a lot of confusing things."
"Like what?" He asks, gently herding me towards his bed. I do as he wants, heading towards the bed before sitting on the edge of it, the footboard gently digging into my thighs.
     "He asked me about sapphires," I answer, scanning over the room again. My focus is mostly on the puppet parts. Kankuro's art always interests me; all the different colors and how the parts are put together.
     "He asked you about what?" Ro asks, voice chipped and sharp with anger as he asks his question.
     "About sapphires," I repeat carefully, tearing my eyes away from a half-made spider-looking puppet. Ro's chest is pumping fast, eyes wide but I'm not sure why. His voice seemed angry but his eyes seem fearful. "Why are you upset?"
     "I'm not upset. I'm fine. What... exactly did he ask?"
     "Just my thoughts on them," I answer, trying to keep my voice calm in light in hopes it'll run off on my suitor.
     "Okay, okay, okay," Kankuro mumbles to himself, pacing around the room. A piece of wood catches his eye, turning his panicked attention toward it. I watch as he toys with it, his eyes scanning the room for something. "What are your thoughts on them?" He asks, words broken up as he walks toward whatever he is searching for. It's a pencil.
     I watch as he sketches soft lines into the wood, my eyes locking in his fingers that flex and relax against his work. "Haven't seen one so I don't have any thoughts on them."
     Silence falls between us, giving me time to look over his half-worked art pieces again. When the board digging into my thighs becomes too much I decide to shove my shoes off and settle into the bed better.
     Once I'm comfortable lying on my back with my knees propped up, Ro peeps up again. "Is that all you two talked about?" His words are careful again, attention on me as he scans my face. His face is the shallow 'trying to stay cool' look he does when we run into shinobis around the village. I don't know how to take that.
     "No, we talked about some other things too."
     "Like what?" Kankuro's sentence falls out so quickly that it almost overlaps the end of my own. Is he mad I talked with his brother? Is that why he's trying so hard to keep her cool?
     "He seemed a little upset when I bowed," I murmur, doing my own scanning for a reaction. I've seen Ro mad before and it's pretty scary. Would he lose his temper with me? I'd be lying if I said the knowledge of what Kankuro can do didn't scare me. He is a puppeteer after all, which makes it pretty easy to control others, especially those that aren't trained as shunobis, like me.
     His face softens, concern breaking the mask he tried to hide behind. "What do you mean by upset?"
     "Lord Fifth was just a little snippy about me bowing to him. Well, I wouldn't say snippy. He was pretty relaxed about it and about me calling him Lord instead of Gaara."
     Kankuro's mask is back up for a second before a huge smile covers his face. "My brother asked you to call him by his name?" I nod my head, yes, sending him a small smile back. "That's... chill," he murmurs, turning his attention back to his wood chunk.
     My sand prince is a really happy person, but other than his normal 'happy-go-lucky' attitude he won't show his other emotions very much or for very long. I've accepted that if we do plan to start a relationship it'll take some time to build enough trust for Ro to be more open about himself and his feelings.
     Once again silence falls between us, but this time Kankuro moves closer to me. He sits down on the edge of the bed, his back to me as he focuses on his handy work. I take the time to admire the soft outline of his shoulder muscles. Puppeteering works out your arms a lot and it has done Ro some favors.
     Before I can stop myself I reach my hand out, letting my fingertips feather over his shoulder muscles. Ro tenses under my touch but slowly starts to relax as my hand dances over his clothing. "I want to talk to you about something," I whisper, sliding myself closer so both hands can rub on him.
     The pencil scratches that were filling the space stop, but nothing else ends up filling the space. "So, the main thing your brother and me talked about was social standings."
     "Gaara can be a little... unaware of what he says sometimes. Whatever he said probably just came out wrong."
     "I don't know about that. He seemed pretty set on what he said," I mumble as I sit up. I shift myself around again, sitting on my knees. I make sure to keep plenty of space between us, causing my arms to stay stretched out. I start massaging Ro's shoulders instead of my light touches. I can tell he needs it from all the knots tightened up under his skin.
     "What did he say?" Kankuro says, a soft groan following his words.
     My heart flips at the sound as thoughts of our kiss fill my head again. I can feel the heat crawling across my face as the thought of asking for another - deeper - kiss keeps repeating in my head.
     "Gaara said I have 'high social standing' and when I tried to correct him he kept insisting I did. He also mentioned something about title inheritance which I don't understand at all. Plus your brother called me 'Princess' and I'm pretty sure it has to do with all that cause I don't think your brother understands pet names," the words come out in a word dump, my attempt to shove the words out before my overthinking gets to me.
     Ro's head tips back to look at me, eyelashes flutter on overtime as he rapidly blinks at me. I stare back at him, my eyes blinking a lot slower than his. "My desert Lily," he says, his words warm as they collide with my ears. The warmth continues to fill me up, making me feel like actual lilies are blooming in my chest.
     "Ya?" I call back, my eyes settling on his lips again. I want another kiss. I let myself scoot closer, my hands dipping down to his chest as I move.
     "You are aware of my siblings and my titles, ya?" He asks, eyes drooping over my face slowly. Kankuro's hands slide up, tangling themselves with mine, the wooden project completely forgotten.
     I hum a yes, dipping my head down lower. The space between us is thin, so thin that only a sheet of paper could slip through. My mind races from our position. Should I kiss him? Should I wait for him to kiss me? Am I too close to him? Am I not close enough?
     "Uh... with... our father being the last Kage, my siblings and I still hold titles of... um, princess and prince, which passes down to our life partners and kids." Ro's words come out broken again, his head tilting to take up more of the small space between us. His lips are so close to mine that I can almost feel them against me.
     "Oh," I breathe out before fluttering my eyes closed. I need him to kiss me, I need him to do it now before my thoughts pull me back.
     The bedsheets ruffle as Kankuro shifts again, his lips feathery light against mine. "There are customs that come with that though. Approval from the family Kage, family jewelry being gifted, and a dumb long list of all the other customs."
     I can feel a desperate whine clawing up my throat from the teasing butterfly touches. "Kankuro," I whisper, a hum being sent back as an answer. I huff a little, coating his face in warm air.
     I can feel the smile curling on his lips, which only makes the stifled whine even harder to hold down. More shifting fills my ears before the feeling of Ro's fingertips ghost over my neck. Shivers are chased by sparks that rash from his small touches. "I can't read your mind. Tell me what you want, my beautiful flower."
     By the last syllable, my whine had won. The long soft mewl gets me what I want. Ro's hand slides around my neck, his palm barely against my neck, fingertips slightly denting my skin as he holds me still. His lips are finally pressed against my own, his mouth catching my noise before it's finished. Our lips dance against each other for a while, lungs screaming for air, and more sparks filling me up and sinking to my stomach.
     When Kankuro pulls away another whine spills out, getting me sparkling eyes and a soft chuckle from my suitor. My nails dig gently into his chest as I attempt to pull him back to my lips. Once again I'm given what I want, a string of soft short kisses.
     Sadly my kisses are cut off from a knock at the door. "I'm sorry," Ro mumbles, peppering a few more kisses to my lips before letting me go. I can feel the deep pout on my face as I watch him get up and walk over to the door.
     He smiles at me softly, eyes soft and so full of admiration as he looks at me. "Absolutely gorgeous," Kankuro murmurs before turning his attention away from me.
     I flap back on the bed, the tension slowly creeping out of me from the lack of Ro being wrapped up in my space. I watch as he opens the door, cracking it enough to fit himself in the open space but closed enough that I'm not seen. Is he ashamed of me being in his room? Or is he just worked up from our make-out session? Maybe it's part of the customs he was talking about? Is me being in his room against those customs?
     The voice on the other side of the door is hushed enough that I can't make out the words but loud enough that I recognize it as Temari. "I know," Kankuro whines, slumping against the door frame.
     Another hushed whispering before "No, she's not in here, that would be like so against the rules."
     This round of mumbles is harsher, Temari's anger making her voice raise a bit. "I know!" Ro whines again, a groan following his words. It's not the relaxed happy groan from earlier though, this one is a pissy groan. "Ya, ya, ya. Give me a couple of minutes," he answers again before slamming the door shut. The frame creeks against the tension before falling silent again.
     Once the door is shut Kankuro races back to the bed. His hand is instantly back in place, gently wrapped back around my neck, the other pinning my wrists down as he hovers over me. I can feel every inch of him pressed against me, securing my spot on the mattress.
     He wastes no time, lips back against mine. Ro is a lot rougher this time; hand tighter on my skin, lips doing all they can to bruise mine, body pinning me in place. Kankuro's hunger is evident from the way he devours me, only pulling back long enough to suck in a quick breath before going back to my mouth.
     "I'm sorry," he races out once he's gotten his fill. Ro's hands stay in place but are back to the light touches from before. He picks himself off of me a bit, giving me room to move around again. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... I am so sorry, my little lily." More apologies fall from my suitor, each one chased by little kisses on any skin Ro can get to. His hand shifts as he jumps between my neck and my face.
     "I'm sorry."
     "I shouldn't have - I'm sorry. I really should have - I'm sorry," I can feel the waves of panic ripping off of him, his kisses getting desperate as if he can kiss the experience off my skin.
     "Kankuro," I call again, wiggling my wrists in his hold.
     His hands drop off of me and shift to lifting himself off of me, leaving him in a push-up-like form. "I'm sorry," he says for the hundredth time.
     "Why are you sorry?" I murmur, lifting my hands to cup his face.
     Ro's head tilts, gentle kisses being pressed against my fingers. "I shouldn't have been so rough without asking," he whispers as if the words will click my reaction in the other direction.
     "Kankuro," I call out smoothly, letting my fingertips slide against his lips as he presses more kisses into me. "It's okay, you're fine, I'm fine. Just give a little bit of a warning next time, okay?"
     "Okay. Okay, I will, I swear, okay," he murmurs more to himself than me. It hurts a bit seeing how panicked he is. Maybe Kankuro fears what he can do to me more than I fear it myself. I think in our next meeting I should start poking at his life before me. There has to be a reason Ro fears himself so much. "I'm sorry," he says again, soft kisses tracing up my arm.
     "It's okay," I answer again, softly playing with the ends of his hair. Perhaps my suitor’s walls aren't as high as I thought they were.
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Kakashi's death with Pain seems to me to be a chapter that shows Kakashi's evolution and it also shows what a great character he is, since he gave his life for someone and also thanks to the talk he had with his father, Sakumo can rest in peace knowing that his son forgave him and that he's no longer the same person who loved to follow the rules. Well..I thought that what I said above was common sense but today I was surprised to see that someone said that Kakashi's death was "silly and meaningless", some people watched Naruto with their eyes closed..
Honestly i think people who say this only think a death is ‘meaningful’ if a person stays dead
We see how meaningful Kakashi’s death is to himself, his story, and the people around him. We get a glimps at two people who clearly care deeply about him when he dies.
Tsunade, who cries and destroys a pillar of the Hokage mansion when she gets the news, signifying the destruction of a pillar of Konoha
Gai, who’s on a mission and surrounded by his students but stops in his tracks because he feels Kakashi’s death. We don’t know if he truely understands what happens, but it’s exactly like the scene where Naruto feels Jiraiya’s death. Something is gone. Someone important to him is no longer there and his soul just called out to tell him this. He’s not even in the village and he’s already preparing himself for terrible news because he knows something terrible has happened.
Naruto’s reaction is a lot more toned down but you can hear it. He asks about Kakashi specifically and gets really quiet when Tsunade can’t answer him. He can’t lash out or cry because Pein is there and he has to protect the village, but he came home and immediately recognized that his Sensei’s chakra wasn’t there and had to ask even though (as said in his own words) it was very possible Kakashi was just away on a mission.
Choji’s reaction is more open with crying, but it makes sense because at the end of the day Kakashi gave his life saving Choji’s and that has to hurt. And when Kakashi wakes up alive again he’s so overwhelmed with relief that he cries more.
And then you go to Kakashi’s story. Kakashi, who we don’t know a lot about but have just started to learn a bit about, and we finally get to meet his father. The man Chiyo mistook him as when she first saw him, and who clearly has a reputation
And for the first time since we meet him, Kakashi is soft. Not just for a second, but the entire time. He’s open and relaxed and happy. For the first time in his life he can let down his guards and just relax completely because there is no more danger.
Then you have his connection with his father and thise sweet words of forgiveness. How Sakumo looks so surprised and then happy because he was so regretful over his death that he waited for his son for YEARS to apologize to him, only to have Kakashi tell him
‘I was mad. I hated you at one time and what you had done, but i’ve learned and i forgive you, but most importantly i am PROUD if you’ and that scene hits so hard cuz till this point we don’t see Kakashi openly say he’s proud of someone. He restricts himself, but after this point he’s more open of his pride. We know when he’s proud but he doesn’t really say it out loud until after he comes back to life. It was like he couldn’t say it out loud until he said it to his father, and instead he said it in weird and awkward ways (telling Naruto ‘i’m finally starting to like you’ while he was working on creating the rasenshuriken, which i think is anime only but still sort of highlights how Kakashi never outright says ‘i’m proud of you’ even to himself)
Kakashi’s death was so meaningful, but because he comes back to life people assume it means nothing.
It takes away Naruto’s ‘losing his sensei’ (which we see with Jiraiya but ok) or it was just ‘pointless’. It’s just complainers being complainers tbh. Nothing is ever good enough for them
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honeyhatake · 2 years
Forgive Me/Kakashis Love
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Summary- Kakashi comes home late yet again. He spends all day making it up to his girlfriend that he adores so much.
Word Count- 2.3K
Warnings- None, just fluff!
Contents- f!reader, x-reader, fluff
“…I’d rather spend all my days making it up to her instead of wishing she was still here.”
Rain poured down on me as I walked home early this morning. It was almost like a punishment for not coming home on time yet again. The air was crisp, and the rain made my skin cold. Without my mask I’m sure my cheeks would have been rosy.
Today would be the third time I had fallen asleep in my office. Working tirelessly to complete as much paperwork as I could. Being Hokage was not an easy job, Y/n understood that. She always adjusted her schedule to accommodate me being late. That fact made guilt run cold in my veins, wondering how much was too much.
With my keys in the front door, I unlocked it quietly and made my way inside the hokage mansion. It had been a couple years now and I still wasn’t used to living here. Y/n did appreciate not sharing a twin size bed anymore though. She was the main reason I agreed to move here in the first place. That and perhaps the hope of growing a family someday.
Getting my shoes off I smelled the scent of clean laundry and cinnamon, as if she had one of her candles going. Being careful to not drip water through the house, I slipped off my vest and left it by the front door. I made my way to the kitchen that was spotless, much like the rest of the house. I hope she didn’t overwork herself today. Once I open the fridge I see a plate of food with a small note in front of it.
“Kakashi, be sure to clean up once you’re done.”
Yep, she was mad. There was no denying that fact. With a sigh I moved the note to the counter and took the plate from the fridge. Before throwing it in the microwave I removed the plastic wrap and threw it in the bin. This time had definitely been worse. The last two times this happened, I at least made it home before she went to bed. My stomach churned from more than just hunger as I leaned my back against the kitchen counter. I need to make it up to her, she doesn’t deserve this…
Making sure my plate was cleaned and put away I quietly tiptoed to the back of the house. Opening our shared bedroom door and quietly stepping in. The smell of her hit my nose and I almost hummed in delight. I missed her so much, but she needed her rest. It was only about 6am after all.
I changed quietly into some more casual clothing. Pulling on some gray sweats and a black t-shirt. I looked over at my beautiful girlfriend, the sun hitting her just right as it peeked through the blinds. Her skin glowing, making my heart swell. Her breathing steady, she looked so at peace. I almost forgot how much trouble I was in.
With a nod to myself, I turn and head back out into the living space. I pull out her favorite blankets and relight that cinnamon candle. I needed to set up something nice for her, something cozy. She needs to know that I care. I can’t do all this if I don’t have her to come home to afterall. I rearranged the blankets and pillows just how she liked them, and then went back to the kitchen.
It had been a while since I had cooked, but something was better than nothing. I settled on making her a rolled omelet that had plenty of protein and veggies. While that started to cook, I made her a pot of coffee. Being this a relatively easy dish, it was ready in no time. I plated her food and got her coffee ready; making sure it was just how she liked it.
Holding both the plate and mug I gracefully walk back into our room and set it on her night stand. I smile as she continues to sleep, before my eyes shift to the curtains. Walking over to them I pushed them back. The rain clouds were still heavy as it rained over the village. Townsfolk slowly started to rise and I could hear young ninja getting ready for school. Maybe one day we’d have a child of our own attending the academy.
Brushing off the thought, I cracked the window just a bit. I felt the energy in the room shift and turned back around to see a set of beautiful eyes staring back at me. Still a bit groggy from sleep. Her hair was a bit disheveled and she had a bit of dried drool on her cheek.
I smiled at her through my mask and tilted my head. “Good morning gorgeous, I made you breakfast! It’s behind you when you’re ready!”
“Nice to see you made it home…” Yep, still mad. Y/n starts to sit up and turns to look at her food. I note how she fell asleep in one of my shirts, assuming she had missed me. I blush a little at how cute it looked on her.
“I'm sorry, love! I feel terrible over this, and I'm going to be making it up to you all day! I promise!” I had crouched down to look at her directly, though she kept her eyes locked on her food. I knew now it was best to give her space when she was upset, at least a little bit. Giving her a quick kiss through my mask on her shoulder, I moved back to the kitchen.
Y/n was a stubborn woman. She always fought for the things she wanted, and usually won. That’s how we ended up together after all. She was top of her class and a fine ninja. Very strong and skilled in water style ninjutsu. I always admired her work, and I was always thankful any time I got the opportunity to work with her. Nowadays, she trains beginners and self defense courses. She’s done a lot for Konoha, and has even helped me any time I had a tough decision to make. Y/n is a real blessing to me, and I just hoped she knew how much sunshine she really brought into my life. Even when she justifiably gave me the cold shoulder. She deserved nothing but the world and more.
While I reminisced, I cleaned up the dishes and poured myself my own cup of coffee, gingerly taking my mask off. I leaned against the counter and furrowed my brows when Y/n strolled into the kitchen with her plate and mug. I quickly set my cup down and jumped to prevent her from cleaning her dishes. “Now, now. I got it. You go sit on the couch and relax. Everythings already set up for you.” She gave me the cutest dirty look and made a sharp turn around to head to the living room.
With her dishes now clean, I made my way to her and past the couch. Her eyes followed me as I stopped at the shelf by the television pulling out her favorite movies. My lips pulled into a grin when I turned back and handed them to her. “Pick one! We can watch one now, then another later if you’d like.” She cocked her brow at me and took the movies. Looking them over in her hands, most likely weighing the pros and cons, then handed me the one that she knew I wasn’t particularly fond of. Breathing out a laugh, I take it from her and pops it in the DVD player.
The couch dips as I plop down next to her, she shifts in her seat and stares at the screen. I wasn’t sure when the last time was that she had watched this movie, but I knew it had to have been a while. She was as busy as me most days, if not buisier. “Don’t you have work to do or something?” Her cold tone brought me back to reality.
“No love, I’m taking this day to make it up to you. It’s the least I could do… It’s your day off too, isn’t it?” I looked over at her with gentle eyes and watched as she pursed her lips with a nod.
“Mhm, you still have a lot to do. Don't think breakfast and some fluffy blankets are gonna get you out of the dog house that easily.” For the first time that morning, she made real eye contact with me. Even though she was upset, I still couldn’t help but adore her. In the end I’d rather spend all my days making it up to her instead of wishing she was still here. I gave her a nod and looked back towards the screen.
“Of course dear, I don’t plan on stopping until I’m forgiven.”
About a half an hour was left of the movie. We had watched in silence the whole time. Only briefly chatting to discuss what time I got home, and if I had eaten the dinner she made for me or not. I answered all questions honestly, getting a well deserved scolding from her. Then a kurt thank you when I told her how delicious dinner was. I tried to keep a level head with her. Getting upset when she had every right to be upset with me would do us no good. That’s when I decided to sneak away so I could draw her a bath.
I filled the tub up with bubbles and her favorite scents. Throwing in some extra rose petals we happened to have lying around. I lit some more candles and dimmed the lights. I even set up a speaker just in case she wanted some music, and made sure to throw a robe and a towel in the dryer so they were warm for her. As I set up the finishing touches, she made her way into the bathroom and only half smiled at me. I took that as progress being made.
“Get in sweetheart, it's all ready for you. I'll go make you some tea and grab you some snacks as well. Need anything else?” She looked at all the candles and the bath itself then back to me.
“My book would be nice…” I grin and pinch her cheek gently, heading out to give her some privacy. I made quick work of gathering the things she requested of me, and set them on a tray where they were safe and she could easily reach them.
Y/n was already in the bath when I walked in, her hair up and the bubbles covering her perfectly. She looked so pretty in the candlelight it made my heart skip a bit. I tried not to stare too much and made my way back out quickly. She thanked me as I left, and I had to hold my breath to keep from saying something suggestive. Today was not the day for that.
Taking a deep breath, I slowly exhaled and made my way back to our room. Closing the window, and starting in on making our bed. While I did so I had the brilliant idea to make a call to the local flower shop in hopes that they’d make a delivery. After a five minute call, they agreed to do so and told me they’d bring them over shortly.
“Kashi! Kashi, I need more snacks!” I chuckled as I heard her call out from the tub. Another step towards forgiveness as I noted her using my pet name. I head back towards the kitchen and grab her some more of her favorite snacks, along with her now warm towel and robe. Once I reach the bathroom, the doorbell rings. “Who’s that?” Y/n asks, trying to look over at me. I just shake my head at her.
“Don’t worry about it, just relax and enjoy your bath.” I shut the door behind me as I head out again and answer the front door. I thank the delivery girl and pay her, watching as she shakily takes the money from me, seeming to be a bit flustered. That’s when I remembered I wasn't wearing my mask. I cursed at myself for that but tried to move on quickly. I needed to get these flowers set up in our room before Y/n got out of the tub.
I filled a vase with water, and cut the stems before placing them inside. Holding the vase securely, I moved them to the dresser in our bedroom. They sat in front of the window so they had plenty of light. With precision my hands and fingers moved around the leaves and stems rearranging them to be perfect, almost picture worthy. A part of me hoped she’d like them, even though I knew she would. They were her favorite after all.
I smiled content with my work, yet jumped when I felt a hand gently placed on my arm. Must have had my guard down. I looked down and saw my cute girlfriend dressed in the robe I left for her, dawning her favorite color of course. She finally had a smile on her face while she looked at the flowers and then looked up at me.
“Those for me?” I chuckle and fold my arms, putting one of my hands over hers.
“Well they are your favorite aren’t they?” I smile and bends down, she gets up on her tiptoes and meets me halfway. Kissing her gently before she falls back in place with her feet flat on the hardwood floor. “So… am I out of the dog house now?”
She laughs and takes a step to sniff at the flowers. “Oh, I suppose. Though, I do kinda like you taking care of me like this. Might have to have you do this until bedtime.” I chuckle and step forward behind her, placing my hands gently on her hips. I dip down and kiss her cheek before whispering sweetly in her ear.
“Anything for you, my dear.”
That’s it! Hope you all liked it! Feel free to comment and like if feel up to it! I’d greatly appreciate it! Let me know if you wanna be tagged in my next story too! Still hoping to get a story up every Monday night! Thank you all for reading! 💕
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strawberrystepmom · 2 months
Each of your favs has one hour to learn a new skill and perform it for you or be kicked out of the mansion. What do they learn and how are their performances?
this is hilarious lmaooooo thank you for asking woo woo!!!! i’ll rate them out of 10
let me start with the group that takes this challenge seriously and picks their skills wisely:
- kakashi decides to learn a new recipe that uses a cooking technique he has never used before. he chooses wisely and is able to master this in one hour. 10/10, perfect as always. hokage daisuki 💓
- fukuzawa plays to his natural gifts and also my emotion and decides to learn a new dance he invites me to join him in doing so i can learn too. 11/10, the entire house is mad at him for a week.
- grimmjow learns to juggle but he does it shirtless and only in gray sweatpants. wait what was he doing again? sorry i got a little focused on the bounce of his redacted anyway 10/10
- hyoga who is arguably the most calculating man in the mansion claims he did not know how to fold origami prior to this request but no one can prove him a liar so apparently he became really good at folding perfect paper cats in one hour. 10/10
now for those who picked poorly and or did not play to their strengths:
- satoru decided to try and learn a fancy new singing technique but caught wind of grimmjow juggling and thought “i can do that and way better” and stole his idea. again, idek what he’s doing bc those balls are swinging and that’s all i can see but it was rude of him to copy. bad boy. 9/10
- obi decides to demonstrate that he has learned how to carefully open packages of chips in an hour. sadly, he did not. chips are on the floor and he’s very sorry. his head is in my lap for head pats and gentle reassurances. 9/10
- itto tries to teach himself pig Latin. he’s really cute so it doesn’t even matter. 10/10 and i ask him if he wants to learn some body language next
everyone else has politely opted out bc they know I won’t kick them out lmfao
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saintgoths · 6 months
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ
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WORDS - 3,366.
SUMMARY - sarada and suiren sneak out to the hokage mansion.
feedback would be appreciated!
previous chapter - chapter six.
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Sarada anxiously breathed through her nose, the older twin had wondered how deep asleep their mother had to be for them to successfully sneak out of their home, verily, Sarada and Suiren had numerous of attempts when they had attempted to creep out of their home just be met with an offended pink-haired woman standing in front of the entrance.
Sarada and Suiren had briefly spoke about how today’s shift must’ve been tiresome for their mother ere they proceeded with their trip towards the Hokage Mansion. As Sarada held herself unsure the girl had yet protectively stood in front of her sister as she had guided them towards the destination.
“I think within this time we can just walk in,” Suiren muttered and as Sarada had shifted her red frames up the bridge of her nose, she had let out a shaky breath.
“I wonder why I agreed to do this,” Sarada responded and quickly, Suiren had shot her sister a look.
“Because we’re sisters, twins specficially and the Water Stone is mine,” Suiren hastily answered and surprised, the short-haired girl had stopped in her tracks and as kickback, Suiren had walked into her.
Annoyed, Suiren had stood up straight as her look had effortlessly expressed her annoyance. “The Water Stone is yours?” Sarada slowly repeated and suspicious, Sarada had fully twisted her gaze towards her sister, arms crossed, curious with her younger sister’s intentions. “I thought the Water Stone belonged to the Land of Water.”
“And I’m the amplifier,” Suiren corrected. “If the Stone wasn’t mine---I’d have no connection to it.”
Easily defeated, Sarada had dropped her shoulders. “You’re right,” and in triumph, Suiren had bounced on her feet, her hands had fell against her sister’s shoulders ere she had pushed Sarada to resume their trip towards the Hokage Mansion.
The rest of walk had been quiet, with brief speeches being thrown between the two sisters, besides the fact that the night had been eerily dark and quiet, which had normally contrasted the scene that usually bustled in Konoha, Sarada had slowly gathered the enthusiasm to get the Stone with her sister, yet it wasn’t like Sarada would turn around and leave her sister to do it on her own. As much as she did not want to do it, she was just as curious and due to that, the older twin had reticently cursed herself for being so indecisive.
Plus, Suiren had been correct, mayhap security had a meeting, but to enter the Hokage Mansion was very easy for the two girls, though, if Suiren had been truthful, Konoha had a thing where it had been too trusting of its citizens.
“What do you want the Stone for?” Sarada questioned and with her presence now beside her older sister, Suiren briefly glanced in the direction of Sarada.
“It’ll help with my powers,” Suiren truthfully responded.
“Water Powers?” Sarada figured and intrigued, she had once more twisted her arms around each other. “What about the other Stones, do you think you’ll need them?”
“There’ll be a moment where I’ll need to get those as well, I don’t understand what the outcome will be,” Suiren said, “but I know it’ll help me with something.”
Comprehensive with Suiren’s claim, Sarada had remained silent and Suiren could feel the uneasy essence breeze from her sister, awkwardly, Suiren has scratched her elbow, a clumsy grin on her face. “Wow, I’m surprised how easy it is for us to freely walk down the mansion,” Suiren mentioned, it had been at least two minutes since the girls had walked down the dimly lit corridors, Suiren had occasionally forgotten how many doors they were in the building, it had reminded the long-haired girl of being in a train speeding past houses.
“Do not jinx it,” Sarada whispered and the second Sarada’s short sentence had left her lips, a tall figure had stood in front of them, a tall man that had carried shoulder-length hair, and had worn the standard join outfit, Suiren had recognised the appearance, the man that had worn his forehead protector like a bandana, chiefly with his trademark toothpick in his mouth with that usual calm look on his face.
He was someone who usually worked for the Hokage two seats back, their Godmother, Lady Tsunade, Suiren had thought perhaps he had wanted to work for Lord Naruto now since he was known to be a man who was always on his feet. Though, currently, his calm exterior had been replaced with a hasty scowl.
“What are you two doing here?” Genma asked and caught red-handed, the two girls froze in their spots as the looming figure of the tall being had stalked over them.
Perplexed and stuck on how to explain themselves, Sarada and Suiren had quickly exchanged looks as they reticently debriefed on how to execute their reason.
Eventually confident, Suiren stood up straight as her face twisted into a close and rapacious demeanour. “We should be allowed here since Lord Hokage is like our uncle.”
Stupefied, Genma pulled himself back as he grumbled a few incomprehensible words that lowly expressed his surprise. “I-“
“I promise if you do not get out of my way, I will cause the biggest scene!” Suiren raised, “and I don’t know if you are aware, but I’m very persuasive, Genma, I’ll find way to knock you out of the position and have you forbidden from entering this place again!”
Shocked, both Sarada and Genma lingered in surprised silence---just as Suiren had delivered a dainty toothy smile. The only noise that had articulated was the light sounds that echoed from the clacks of Suiren’s heeled boots, as she swerved right past the older man’s body and resumed her trip to where the Water Stone resided in.
Gently humoured, Sarada quickly turned her face from the man and quickly followed her sister’s footsteps, suddenly at ease on how fun the little trip from their home had become.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
Careful, the two girls had snuck into the room the Water Stone had laid imprisoned in, the room had been dark thus Sarada had been able to observe the light flicker from the stone waved the second it had sensed Suiren’s arrival. Reticent, Sarada remained intrigued, satisfied by the beauty of the object.
“Katsuke was interested in the stone,” Suiren began, and as she had closed the door behind them, Sarada had examined the chakra box the orb had been in, and with curiosity, Sarada had raised her hand to touch the chakra box---to be responded with an effect of ripples, which had caused her hand had quickly bounce off the object.
Amazed, Sarada pressed her impacted hand against her chest. Intrigued with the security that had been placed for it, she had now turned her vision towards her sister. “How are you going to get it out?” Sarada questioned and eagerly, Suiren had walked towards the object.
“There’s so much that you don’t know that’s been going on,” Suiren muttered and interested, Sarada had resumed to listen to her sister’s ramble---as she had patiently anticipated to see what her sister would do, though, before Suiren had done anything, she had turned to look at her sister, her soft eyes now solid and stern. “Promise me Sarada, that whatever you see or hear happen will not be mentioned to anyone else.”
Hesitant with anxiety, Sarada nodded her head. “I promise, I won’t tell anyone else.”
Thus, Suiren had begun to tell Sarada her story that had included Sora. The elements of the story she had been told from Dragon Spirit had been repeated to Sarada who stared at her, eyes wide like a bulb, comprehensive of the burden her sister had currently carried.
“The Water Stone will help with my life source,” Suiren said, and just as Sarada had attempted to inquire Suiren on how she would take the Water Stone, the younger Uchiha had already raised her hand in direct level of the chakra box, eyes pierced with concentration as Suiren pushed herself to think what she had wanted to do. Thus, as reality had bent to her will, Suiren’s hand had slowly entered the chakra box without restriction.
In awe, Sarada’s eyes glistened with surprise and shock as she had observed the circumstance displayed right in front of her. The moment Suiren had fully pulled the orb out of the transparent box, the stone had laid innocently against both of her palms, and the hue and brightness of the item had zapped in luminosity.
Suiren had gasped at the wind-like feeling that had gushed passed her body and through her veins and in reaction to her contact with the stone, her hair began to slowly float along with the other objects in the room, gently, Suiren had been lifted off her feet and mildly, her body had floated in the room, Sarada’s head had shadowed Suiren’s movements and had watched how the glow of the Water Stone had mirrored in Suiren’s eyes.
Blue light had emitted in Suiren’s eyes and as kickback, the atmosphere began to shake, as impact, during the time the power of the stone had inserted inside of her; Sarada had found trouble keeping herself on her feet. The tumbling of the room had vibrated throughout the rest of the building as the ethereal episode had played through Suiren and the second the abilities had been transferred inside the girl’s body a certain blond man had entered the room, alarmed.
The girl had gently landed on her feet and in sync the stone had stopped glowing and the shaking of the building had come to a halt. Too infatuated with what happened the twins hadn’t recognised the tall being who had looked down at them with surprise---until the graceless soft cough had emitted from his mouth and quickly, their heads had snapped towards his direction.
Lord Hokage.
Who had always introduced himself as their uncle, thus in short silent speculation, the girls had wondered how in deep trouble they were in.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
“Entering the building at night without permission, threatening a member of the Hokage Palace, and attempt theft of a vital object---I can expect this from Suiren, but Sarada?” Naruto breathed, “how can you allow your sister to do this?”
Thus, in short remorse, Sarada had anxiously gulped down her anxiety as she puzzled the words she had wanted to use. Though, what she had wanted to say had been cut from the Hokage’s continuous complaint. “And you even allowed Suiren to take the powers from the Water Stone!”
“It’s not like I can give the power back,” Suiren said.
“God---I’m going to get in a lot of trouble with your mother---”
“You can just not tell her,” Suiren suggested and in a brief pause, Naruto shared a look with the long-haired girl who returned with a smile.
Hastily, the man sat up on his seat in deep thought, if he did play along with what Suiren had suggested, there could be many ways the outcome could manifest. “You were being irresponsible with the object,” Naruto said seriously and with how stern the man had sounded there was a quick whiplash of guilt the two girls quickly felt. “You have to tell your mother what you did and if you don’t, I’ll tell her myself.”
As kickback, the two girls gasped as they briskly shared a look with each other. “You’re being unfair!” Suiren cried out as she looked back at him, mild tears had fallen down her cheeks while Sarada placed a comforting hand against her sister’s back.
“I’m so sorry Hokage-Sama, as the older sister I should’ve been more wary,” Sarada apologised and in ponder, Naruto clasped his hands together.
“I won’t tell Sakura if Suiren makes up for it,” Naruto candidly implied and in that second, Suiren’s crocodile tears had come to a stop.
“Why do I have to be the only one to make up for it?” Suiren complained and with a knowing look, Naruto pulled himself to his feet.
“Because I know it was your idea,” he factually concluded and in a brief motion, Suiren folded her arms. “From now on, you have to babysit my daughter Himawari, starting tomorrow.”
It wasn’t like Suiren disliked Himawari, but with the gasp she had let out made it seem like she did; she had raised her hands up in defence and to influence her uncle to make another option but she was soon ushered out of the office as Lord Hokage commented that it was time for them to go back home to theiir mother.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
The moment the house door had been unlocked, it was revealed that a certain pink-haired woman had motioned herself to gather her coat and slippers to search for her twin daughters, yet the moment the creak of the front door had been echoed through the Uchiha home, the matriarch had set herself to be relieved that her two girls were safe.
As she dropped her keys into her coat, Sakura hastily hugged her two girls, more relieved than angry. “Where were you two?!” She exclaimed in sadness and the second Sakura had pulled away from them, hands still on both of their shoulders, green eyes had quickly examined Suiren and Sarada to check for any bruises.
“I caught them having a night-walk,” Naruto answered and as he closed the door behind him, he quickly dusted his sandals against the welcome mat. Verily, Naruto didn’t like lying to his team-mate, but he’d rather not get in trouble with the woman known for her shocking temper. “During her time off missions, Suiren is going to be baby-sitting Himawari.”
Surprised, Sakura pulled her sight to her daughter, her expression agreeable. “It’ll take her mind off it,” Sakura said as she put her coat back onto its hanger and the moment Sakura finished her quick task, she walked towards her blond team-mate while the two girls silently walked towards the sofa.
Within Sakura’s and Naruto’s brief conversation, Suiren gently nudged her elbow into Sarada’s rib, eyes glinted with mischief that had Sarada wonder if there would be an end to her play. “Look,” Suiren whispered as she forcibly made her hand glow blue, in short awe, Sarada quickly covered Suiren’s hands in attempt to make Suiren not catch the attention of their mother.
“Be less obvious,” Sarada hushed and in response Suiren blew a light raspberry.
“She’ll be starting tomorrow,” the girls heard Naruto said and quickly, Suiren peeked her head towards the two adults. “Himawari is a brilliant child, there’ll be no issues,” Naruto winked and as Suiren didn’t utter a word, Sakura gathered the moment to tell the two girls to go back to bed.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
It took Suiren less than five minutes to fall asleep and appear in the place she had dreamt nights before. She had observed that the place had still carried the gloomy redness she had first seen when she had first interacted with the area, but there had been a singular commodity that had changed.
It was warmer, Suiren had been grateful that she did not have to shiver and hug herself for heat thus she focused to look for the boy, as much as a hostile person he displayed himself to be, Suiren had still liked the presence he had given her, perhaps, it was because she knew there had been a more delicate personality that had been hidden under the steel-like shell. Suiren had not really been someone to continue conversing with people who had brought her nothing but rudeness. Though, as she had said before, her dreams had always had meanings and Suiren had been eager to decipher this one.
Immediately, the girl had jumped, his arrival had been so airy that Suiren, the girl who had been known for her keen sensory hadn’t realised he was around till now. As she had turned to his direction, Suiren had sent him a look that displayed that she had disapproved of what he had just done. “I’m surprised to still see you here,” the boy said.
“It’s not like I wanted to be here,” Suiren replied and sassily, the girl had dropped her hand to her side as she had felt the offended look the boy had given her.
“Get out then.”
“Hmph,” Suiren rolled her eyes. “I just started dreaming, if I leave, I’ll wake up and I’m slumped.”
Silent, the boy had remained still as he had watched Suiren move closer to him, her features racy and undaunted with a hint of delicacy. “Why are you so hostile?” Suiren inquired and as much as her presence had made the boy feel nervous, he had still brought himself to furrow his eyebrows and throw a disdained look.
“Why are you so annoying?”
As a response, Suiren laughed. “The same can be asked to you,” she shrugged and offended he remained silent. His position still remained as before but his eyes shadowed every movement Suiren had made. “Where are you from?” Suiren asked, even though it was an attempt, there was a feeling that had underlined that the boy wouldn’t answer her question.
Annoyed, Suiren rolled her eyes as she strolled to where she had sat in the dream before, she had hugged herself as she pulled her legs against her chest. Quiet, the boy followed her, he still kept his distance but he had positioned himself closer than before. Patient, Suiren gently pressed the back of her head against the wall as she had waited for time to pass by.
“Are you going to sit there and wait for your energy to come back?” The boy asked and miffed, Suiren turned to look at the boy, irked.
“Well since you don’t want to have a normal conversation with me…” she trailed and annoyed, the boy pulled a face.
“We should focus on finding out why you’re here,” the boy countered and with a small tug on her lip, Suiren pulled her hands on top of her knees.
“Don’t you think answering questions about each other would help?” Suiren said, “I’ll go first, my name is Suiren.”
“That’s a pretty name,” he replied, “doesn’t it mean flint man?” He asked and the way his eyes glinted Suiren had understood that he had attempted to pull on her leg.
With a sour look on her face, Suiren turned to look away from him. “It also means lotus flower,” she said and humoured by his own comment, the boy had dryly chuckled at his own joke. “I’m also from Konoha.”
“I heard of that Village,” he commented, “I heard that the people there are known to be too nice.”
Suiren snorted in response, as she lowered her knees against her chest. “Well, I know that you’re hurt, scared and angry,” she listed as she returned her gaze to him and captured the furrowed gaze on his face. “I figured it out because this place symbolises your heart and your mind, it’s really dark and it lacks love here---”
“I’m not scared,” the boy spat and Suiren smiled.
“It’s okay to be scared,” Suiren said.
“I don’t fear anyone,” he continued.
“It’s okay to fear.”
“Who do you think you are?” The boy rudely asked. “Do you think you’re my saviour?!”
Surprised, Suiren threw her head back while a scoff had emerged from the back of her throat. “It wasn’t what I was planning to do---plus, isn’t the man supposed to be like that for the woman?”
Embarrassed, the boy turned his head away from her, unaware of the smirk that had been planted on her face. On the other hand, Suiren had then looked ahead of her. “I’ll be leaving now,” she said and as she pulled herself onto her feet, she prepared herself to leave, the boy peeled his lips separate from each other as he gathered the words to speak to her, but the girl had already left, leaving him alone in the dark abyss.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
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tariah23 · 4 months
waiting for my W-2 like Naruto longing for Sasuke to come back to Konoha so that they could watch the stars from the hokage’s mansion together……..
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zanypaintertriumph · 11 months
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The Never ending paperwork...
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flower1622 · 3 days
Running away from my family
Padme Amidala was running away as much as she could. She doesn't understand what happened. One moment she was having lunch with her family, then they just started saying about living forever together as a family. They looked at her and gave her dark smiles. She didn't think twice and ran away. Right now, she is trying to find a place to hide. She used the passeway her father created in the mansion in case something happened. She walks around trying to think a solution and how to get out of her house without being detected. She stumbled on something and noticed it was a small stone shining a bright white light. She takes it and holds it in her hand. Then, the light gets bigger making Padme disappear. She appears somewhere full of houses and people wearing different clothes from the ones she is used to. Padme continues walking, looking around this strange place.
In another universe:
Chi chi continues running through the forest. She stops in front of a cliff. She was holding a dragon ball in her hand. Suddenly, her husband appears in front of her with a dark expression on his face. He walks towards her and she makes her wish. The dragon appears and realizes Chi Chi's wish. A big light is formed around Chi Chi, making her disappear. Then, she appears in a strange place that Chi Chi recognizes it as a village. She walks around trying to find someone or something that could help her.
Hinata was running trough the village. She escaped and now her whole family and friends looking for her. As her husband is the Hokage, he asked everyone to guard the entrance and exit. So, it's really hard to get out alone by herself. She needs to disguise herself and think about a plan to run away. 
Hinata, Padme and Chi Chi are so distracted thinking about their families that they don't notice other people walking around in front of them. So, all three of them end up bumping into each other. The women fall on the ground. 
- Arg, my head! - Chi Chi complains and puts her hand on her forehead while she stands up. The other two do the same thing in silence.
- Are you two okay? - Hinata asks while she rubs her forehead. She was worried that she may have hurt the two other women.
- I'm okay! - Padme says while she also rubs her forehead a little bit.
- Yeah, me too! - Chichi says and looks around trying to recognize the place she was in.
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kaguyasconception · 1 year
Pre-Boruto Konohagakure Central Locations
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1. Ninja Academy:
Used heavily for both military and domestic affairs, established by the Nidaime Hokage, Tobirama Senju. It has been expanded many times to reach its current size, and the curriculum changed with new generations. It is found at the base of the Hokage mountain, this building also contains the administrative division where the Hokage office is located.
The jōnin station is near here, and as the heart of the villages power, they congregate at this location when not on duty to wait on the Hokage’s order, or in case of an emergency. On top of the building is the terrace where Team 7 first told Kakashi, and each other, their dreams for the future. The Hokage mountain can be viewed from this spot, which during emergencies, residents of Konoha can assemble at it.
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2. Hokage Residence:
Passed down from the Shodai Hokage, Hashirama Senju, this mansion is the residence of the current village leader. Its located near the academy and Hokage mountain, making it an ideal location.
The building contains many forbidden and dangerous scrolls, juts, and other top secret information, making it a highly sought after place for intruders, even before taking into account that the Hokage also lives there.
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3. Konoha Hospital:
The Konoha hospital contains both civilian doctors and medical-nin. Although most of the staff are skilled enough for basic treatment, special cases and certain emergencies mean that the higher skilled medics are required. Research in medicine and jutsu development occurs here.
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4. Movie Theatre:
Located on one of the largest roads in Konoha, the cinema is a popular site for adults. This may be due to the influx of Make-Out (Icha Icha) fans, as these R-rated screenings are often sold out for days. Young people do also frequent the cinema, with Princess Gale movies becoming well liked. Tickets for admission to the Make-Out (Icha Icha) viewing are around 180ryo per person.
At the bookstore, the Make-out Paradise volume 1-3 and Make-Out Violence books are sold at 120ryo each, the price of Make-Out Innocence and Make-Out Tactics is unknown, but thought to be similarly priced.
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5. Yamanaka Flowers:
This is a flower shop run by the Yamanaka clan, like an invitation to the land of dreams, the shop is filled with beautiful colours and scents. It was opened during the time of the Shodai Hokage, meaning its been ran for over 60 years.
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6. Naruto’s Neighbourhood:
Near the academy, always bustling with people. It contains many old shops.
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7. Ichiraku Ramen:
A favoured ramen shop within Konoha, founded 34 years before Shippuden by Teuchi, and ran alongside his daughter. Its popular amongst the old and young, famous for their strong commitment to taste and the tonkotsu they serve.
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8. Konoha Tea Avenue:
A row of tea and sweet shops with a great view of the Hokage mountain. A famous shop here is the Amaguriama sweet shop, known for its kuriyoukan (chestnuts and sweet bean jelly), and their kuri zenzai (chestnuts and red bean paste soup). It also contains the Dango shop Team 10 visit.
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9. Shushu-ya:
A Chinese restaurant selling huge plates of food and their own brand of sake.
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10. Reservoir:
A reservoir within Konoha, and a frequent waiting spot for Team 7.
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11. Naruto’s Place:
Naruto’s apartment consisted of an open plan kitchen and bedroom, a bathroom (11), a toilet (10), and a small training room covered with no windows. As shown in the below illustration the main room has the entrance to the apartment (1), shelves for shoes (2), a box of ramen (3), a sink to wash dishes (4), cupboards (5), Naruto’s old goggles on a shelf above his bed (6), an under bed storage area (7) and a mirror (8). The training room has a mini (and exhausted) Kakashi plush (9). Naruto is very fond of plants, as can be seen by his collection. His bedroom window is east facing, so the room gets plenty of natural light.
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Honourable Mentions
Konoha Hot Springs:
Dozens of hot springs to help shinobi relax, or even train. The hot springs are divided by gender.
Yakiniku Q:
This is a Korean restaurant within Konoha, shinobi teams frequent the place after missions or in times of celebration. Their most popular dish is salted beef tongue with welsh onion.
Hokage Rock:
Symbol of the village, with each Hokage’s faced carved into it. During emergencies everyone assembles here.
Kikyo Castle:
Castle near the village borders, site of where Gaara killed Dosu Kinuta, and near where Baki and Hayate Gekko fought.
Practice Grounds:
Used for shinobi training and skirmishes, more than fifty training grounds available with different sizes and layouts.
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naruto--headcanons · 8 months
Kakashi kept Sakumo's tanto, no matter how broken it became.
he kept the medkit Rin gifted him when he became jonin.
he kept Obito's goggles after the Kannabi bridge mission
and he kept Minato's torn hokage cloak.
it was painful, keeping them where he could see them every time he came home. they were reminders, these were his loved ones he was living for, after all. he never lived for himself.
whenever he faced a difficult mission, or decision, he'd take Obito's goggles and stare at them, thinking about what he'd do in that situation, always believing Obito would make the best decision.
one time, Naruto asked for his father's cloak. Kakashi gave it to him, and it was returned in full. the holes and missing chunks weren't there anymore. something about seeing it restored hurt. all he could see was Minato wearing it, but he appreciated it all the same.
and after Kakashi became hokage, he decided to take Minato's cloak and keep it in the hokage mansion, for himself and Naruto.
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thetoaddaddy · 2 months
👏 (Setting: the front of the Hokage's mansion!)
Ugh. He smells like stale booze. It’s seeping from his pores and clinging to his clothes. A night spent over drinking. Not the best idea. It was just one of those catch up type of nights. It’s been a while since he’s just hung out with Tsunade. He wanted to just shoot the shit with his oldest friend. Which led to drinking. Before he knew it they were stumbling around the estate acting like children. They mostly just talked, along with some other chaotic activities that drunks do best. Dancing on furniture, lamp shade on the head. They were partying like they were teenagers having their first run with alcohol.
Jiraiya rubs his aching stiff neck. He passed out at an odd angle. Head against a wall while the rest of him was half twisted about. His leg was at such a weird angle it took a few minutes for it to wake up from that pins and needles stage. He rubs his eyes next as he pauses for a moment. He stood at the door, not ready to go outside. But he didn’t tell Aina he’d be out all night and he really needs a shower to debooze himself. So he pushed the door open and stepped into the very bright light.
Much to his surprise Aina was standing out in front of the estate. He certainly felt like a guilty dog upon seeing her. If he did have floppy ears and a tail they would droop with shame as he walked over to apologize.
“Hey Aina, sorry I-!”
Sting. It stung and lingered. His head followed through, turning to the side with the force. She… slapped him. Open palm full contact hard slap across the cheek. Hell he even felt tears prick his eyes the pain was so sudden and different from anything he’s felt in years. He turns his head back and waited, watching her for what the hell would make her strike him out of the blue… Plus he was slightly too stunned to say anything.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
There’s a lot of things to love about Tsunade. She’s one of the strongest female character’s in the entire series as well as being a very damaged character who’s fighting just to get through every day.
She comes back to Konoha and takes the job of Hokage because of a kid she has only just met and procedes to lead the village for five years through some of the worst fights it has had to deal with. It’s under her leadership that Konoha works with the other villages, and unlike her Sensei she is actually unafraid to put the elder’s in their place.
Epic moment’s for Tsunade are numerous, but i’ll try not to get too carried away.
(Movie only) Poking Kakashi in the face and reminding him that accusing Naruto of attacking A, and thus throwing him into prison, was HIS idea and he has no right to judge her for being harsh (he looks like a scolded child. I love it. The auntie vibes are STRONG in this movie)
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Speaking of Kakashi, remmember when she found out that he died and she proceeded to destroy one of the pillers on the roof of the Hokage’s mansion? Because i do and i LOVE it. Tsunade has seen enough death in her life but that doesn’t stop her from taking a second to morn Kakashi’s death and literally destroy something in anger (also while looking for pics i saw a conversation about how her destroying that piller wS representative of Kakashi’s death being the destruction of a piller of Konoha and oh boy i had FEELINGS).
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Also, just the whole Pein attack in general was some bad ass Tsunade. I think Hashirama is the only other Hokage who could have protected Konoha and saved as many lives as Tsunade did. Her skills really shone through her as well as her connection with Lady Katsuyu.
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(Anime Only) showing Ino and Sakura what she looked like when she was younger. Tsunade looked so proud of herself while she was showing off her younger look. It’s clear that she just loves looking young and that her keeping herself looking younger has never been about sexual appeal but just enjoying being young. If she could turn back time and be 12 again i think she would, and not just to save Dan and her brother.
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Caving in Madara’s Sussano. This woman stood there and listened to Madara bad mouth her for the crime of not being as talented as her grandfather and instead of crying over it she proceded to destroy every judgement Madara made against her. She got stabbed through the abdomen and cut Madara’s sussano sword and shoved it out if her body. She got cut in half and still healed the other Kage’s using Katsuyu. SHE PUNCHED MADARA’s SUSSANO, A NEAR PERFECT DEFECE, AND SHATTERED THE RIB CAGE. Sure she was never going to win that fight, but damn did she do some major damage.
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The fact that she taught Sakura to gamble? Delightful. Love master and student bonding over non training activities.
Calling Kakashi stupid for how he faced Itachi? Fair. Man didn’t know what he was getting into because he didn’t have all the necessary info, but she’s still valid for calling him out on acting before thinking. He was so protective of Asuma, Kurenai and specifically Sasuke (and then Naruto when he realized Itachi was actually there for him) he just threw himself into a fight. Tsunade had every right to call him dumb.
Telling Naruto his only disease was being dumb XD one of my fav moment’s ever. Boy was not ready.
(Book only) yelling at Gai for ditching his position to catch a ride on the fancy new air balloon/plane. Also, her asking Gai to tell them what Kaiyo looked like always felt hilarious because this man forgets all the faces and i can only imagine that it was a stressful af conversation to have.
(Book only) ‘Kakashi take my job’ ‘no’ Kakashi take my job’ ‘no’ ‘kakashi take my-‘ ‘fine’ ‘ABOUT DAMN TIME’
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