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90363462 · 4 months
Happy #GalentinesDay! Sending love to all you glorious gals out there! Tag your besties to wish them a happy Galentine's Day! ❤️
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playfulsparksp · 4 months
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Happy Galentine's Day to all the amazing women out there! 💖👭 Today, we celebrate the power of friendship, laughter, and sisterhood. Tag your best gal pals and let them know how much they mean to you! 💕✨ #GalentinesDay #FriendshipGoals #WomenSupportingWomen
#Playfulsparks #PlayfulsparksProductionBDP #ForHire #LookingFor #Illustrator #Animator #Creative #Kidlit #Childrensbookillustrator #ChildrensBook #Kidsbooks #Author #Disney #Art #AnimationStudio #Mimai #Marketing #Advertising #Viral #Trending
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sapphicdisclosures · 1 year
happy galentines day to all the gal pals out there
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marybrownnaturals · 1 year
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Here's to the gals who lift us up, support us, and make life so much sweeter 💕 Happy Galentine's Day! 🎉
Visit our online shop at www.barebeautynaturals.com and check out our all-natural products for you and your gals.
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backandimbamon · 2 years
pt. 2 of Bonnie Playing with Damon’s Hair as requested by @godessofbucky 💗
Bonnie gets it.
Gets it as in grabs it and gets in as in understands it, because this is the one thing that will keep her mouth and mind occupied, the singular coping mechanism that isn’t as dangerous as letting her fingers trail through Damon’s hair or letting her mind linger on his lips to dredge up a kiss she pushed so far into her memory, it has cobwebs.
But not just any honey; local, raw organic honey that the minimart used to sell before it finally shut down the same day her orange balloon slipped out of her hand and went up, up, and away. The very honey that Abigail Bennett finished in one sitting whilst pregnant, which sent fetus Bonnie into a sugar high and Abby straight to the emergency room.
So when she takes her first spoonful since before she can remember, she gets why this honey almost killed her in the womb with it’s smoky, spicy essence, as dark as molasses and the sweetest jaw-tingling aftertaste.
“Mmmm.” She groans and just like that, all the space Damon takes up in her brain is temporarily supplemented with this miraculous nectar.
By the third day, the bottle is halfway gone and she’s long since abandoned the spoon, instead using her index and middle finger to dip into the jar so deep that her fingertips tap the bottom.
She’s in the middle of sucking the tacky deliciousness off of her knuckles when Damon enters the kitchen then freezes.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” He asks, evaluating her fingers in her mouth like he’s impressed.
Bonnie is obviously annoyed that even her guilty pleasures he has to ruin. (And be apart of.) “Shut up.”
“The little witch elbow-deep in her honey pot. I think I had a dream about this last night.”
Even with how awkward it’s been between them since the incident she’ll never speak on, he can never miss a day of innuendos. It’s her job to put him in check but that seems so exhausting lately.
She sighs. It’s easy to focus on his less appealing characteristics but when he’s constantly serving sex on a platter, all of those things that make her eyes roll become fuzzy…insignificant.
“What’s so special about it anyway?”
“The fact that you can’t taste it,” Bonnie says in between licks.
He takes his thumb along the rim and pops it in his mouth quickly. “Looks like I just did.”
“Happy Galentine’s Day!”
Bonnie has a white box the size of her palm with a red ribbon wrapped in fourths. Her hand is outstretched proudly and there’s a genuine, toothy grin on her face.
“Am I supposed to understand what that is?”
According to Bonnie, this May 10th 1994 is actually Valentine’s Day, Elena’s favorite holiday due to the chocolates and flowers and Caroline’s favorite holiday for the excessive use of the color pink.
“Galentine’s day as in-“
“Valentine’s day but for… gals? I hate to break it to you, Bon but there’s this thing between my legs that obstructs my rights to participate.”
“Oh my god. Please just say normal things for once.”
“Normal is so difficult, though.” He grabs the little gift and opens it unceremoniously, discarding the ribbon and box over his shoulder. Just when he’s about to say the day is stupid and the gifts are stupid and they should continue on with figuring out how to escape his stupid repeating hell, Damon stops himself, his mouth still ajar with words unsaid before he settles on half a smile.
It’s a necklace, a thin silver necklace that catches every hint of light, it may as well be chrome. Minimal in its design, discreet if not for the tiny witch’s hat charm attempting to weigh it down.
He looks at Bonnie who has this eager expression on her face asking Do you like it? Do you like it? Do you? Do you?
And he does, he loves it but instead he says, “I hate it.”
Most days he misses her.
Especially in moments like these where his bubble bath foam is up to his nose and his water is hot enough to burn him, he thinks of Elena, then he thinks of how awfully empty his bathroom counter looks without all of her bobby pins and he actually anticipates her coming in, leaving bits of herself for him like she normally does without a second thought before he remembers that this is hell.
It’s the morning of Valentine’s Day and only Elena knows that he’s a romantic who’d have the room filled with so many flowers, she’d forget where the doors were.
He sinks a little lower in his tub and tries to hear her voice say his name, with that same weight- same effort- it stabs him how he can never get the tone quite right.
On the brink of despair, covered in bubbles, Damon considers turning off his humanity. For once, he wants to think of doe eyes, olive skin, and brown hair without feeling a damn thing but he can’t. He has to sit with this torture if it ensures that Bonnie is safe.
Every time her fingers lace through his hair, he thinks of it as her counting to ten, realizing she’s here with another solid body who can exist in the silence and not disappear. He’s become so attached to her, she’s ever the worm that wiggles its way in his thoughts no matter how deep the soil is from the surface.
Damon loves it. She is his one thing he never had to share with anyone, so he wants every bit of her that slips through the cracks of the guard she built years ago. He wants to be apart of Bonnie like the sadness and the beauty, and that’s the only way he can view this place as an opportunity.
Wearing her backless leotard today like a tiny ballerina that opens with a jewelry box, twirling to her special lullaby. Holding out a gift for him simply because she’s sweeter than that honey she’s addicted to.
He thinks of the kiss. The weight of her lips on his, so soft and timid at first. Her skin the perfect counterpart to his tongue, how the scent in the crook of her neck was enough to make his eyes water with want.
Of course Damon has to say that he hates the necklace to get her to stop looking at him like that, with her eyes wide marbles of pure green hope, as if she trusts him, as if she believes in him. The god of his world looking up at him with admiration- it makes him stop every train of thought he possesses- even the ones that lead straight to Elena.
It’s dangerous, the fact that the little witch has all this power without knowing, so he must wriggle out of her control, look passed her charms and hold on to a hate he can no longer recollect.
They’re both just trying to cope, Bonnie with her honey and Damon with his hate to occupy themselves from each other.
He starts an argument with his hand in his pocket, holding on to his favorite necklace like a lifeline as he lies and lies.
She is embarrassed that she allowed herself to care enough to pet a monster.
They argue on Valentine’s Day for hours about things that don’t matter or make sense but the thing is, the two of them have never looked more like a real couple.
Bonnie wakes up the next morning to a matte black box next to her. The house is quiet for once, no Boyz II Men or obnoxious whistling, no clinking of pots and pans, no buzzing of the microwave, or sizzling of pancakes; it’s the first time she’s truly felt alone.
She leverages herself, looks around in the silence as if Damon is hiding in the blinds or something then grabs her new quiet companion to place in her lap. Her sudden movement causes a card to flop out from underneath her box that reads I was being a dick in award-winning calligraphy.
“Wow,” she says to herself, admittedly taken aback that his penmanship is better than hers.
“Mmmm,” she mumbles with the smell that greets her when she removes the lid. Down in the box are gorgeous little chocolates, nutty and sweet- and once she takes a bite she realizes they’re caramel-honeyed bonbons. “Awww…”
It’s his way of saying sorry without actually saying it, and he may have a point because these taste way better than an apology.
She’s still in the tank top and underwear she’d slept in, ruling her candies too delicious and too thoughtful to not thank Damon immediately after brushing her teeth. The pink of her fingernails chips ever so slightly with the quickness in which she descends the stairs, fingertips trailing the bannister absentmindedly.
“Damon?” She is only a little worried when he doesn’t reply immediately but apparently he’s in the study with a book up to his face.
“You were being a dick.”
He sets the book in his lap, half-smirk in place. “I was.”
“But I forgive you. Thank you.”
Damon isn’t done just yet, though, he reaches beside him to pick up a jewelry box, identical to the one he opened yesterday except this one is red with a white ribbon around it.
Her eyebrows lift before she grabs it, tosses the ribbon behind her and gasps.
Pearls, two rows of Golden South Sea Pearls that are almost invisible when Damon clasps them against her golden brown skin-a breathtaking necklace that stops right at the base of her neck. The shade of the pearls would make a perfect nude had it not been emphasized with Pigeon Blood Rubies, one on both rows, diagonal to each other as if she’s been bitten.
“Oh my god,” she touches them with her fingertips, stunned.
“Happy Day-After Valentine’s Day, Bonnie.”
Despite all he’s done to prove he’s sorry, there’s an actual apology probing the insides of his mouth. Even worse, an explanation as to why he’s been so grumpy lately. As he’s about to tell her everything, Bonnie says, “I miss her too, you know?” She has a knack for streamlining his thoughts. “So it’s not an excuse.”
“I know, you’re right. You’re absolutely right.”
She looks at him mockingly, hand at her heart and mouth agape, “Damon admitting he’s wrong?”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I simply said you’re right. And you are, now let’s move on.”
They’re smiling at each other the way that two ultra best friends do, yet his eyes dip to her mouth and she mirrors him. Bonnie averts her gaze to reach for her honey that’s never too far away but Damon pushes it out of her grasp.
He lays his head in her lap and soon after, her fingertips are tracing through tufts of raven soft hair gentle enough that his eyelashes flutter.
Damon believes the little witch can weave webs of gold with fingers so gentle and he’d tangle himself all up in it without her having to ask.
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danamartist · 3 years
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Parks and Rec was such a good-natured show, and Leslie Knope’s sweet optimism always stood out. She was right about a lot of things, but especially the need to celebrate the gal friends in your life. Happy Galentine’s Day to all the lovely ladies!
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stylishwithcam · 3 years
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Hi everyone!!!!!! You know what time is it ??? It’s VALENTINES time...🍰🤍
For all the love birds out there....I wish you all the best and all the happiness in the world 💌
I am sure that the feeling of loving someone is really strong and beautiful 💟
And for those who did not find their soulmates/ love of their life’s...do not lose your hopes....because remember somewhere out there is that one person that is going to adore you with all of their hearts and love you so so much that you couldn not even imagine.......🥺L.O.V.E is beautiful and we just need to wait for us to experience it
QUESTION of the day!!!!!
Do you have your favorite song with your love one?? Reply in the comments🤍🍰and
Okey....now some cheesy love songs for you all
Credits: https://pin.it/ljSMtfZ
I will put more later
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quinncupine · 3 years
For the valentines ask!
23 💝 24 💗 50 💖
OK, for the asks!!
23: Whats your dream wedding like?
Hmm I think It would definitely be a small gathering of like my closest friends and family. (But knowing my mom, she would want a big wedding, but thats just not my style) I like lowkey parties and this would definitely be low key. I want a barn reception( can take the girl out of the country but ya can't take the country outta the girl), you know with the fairy lights and the soft pastels and the light that seeps through the old wood to give the place a hazy glow...okay so I'm a sucker for cutesy romantic places😊
24: What makes you blush?
Um everything?! But definitely if I catch someone staring at me from like across the room, or if someone compliments my smile (I'm very insecure about that), or when they brush their fingertips across my arms just light enough to give me goosebumps, or if they show up at my door with a basket full of dinner they just made for me because I had off-handedly mentioned something about that very same food last week or when they bump your shoulder while your walking together or...ok I'm getting carried away. I feel very loving today what can I say?🥰
50: What's your dreamhouse?
I dont need anything fancy and definitely not something big. I think a nice simple country house thats just far enough from town that I don't feel isolated but the neighbors are still pretty spaced out. I loved growing up in the country and I want to move out of the city after I find a new job because city life ain't for this gal, especially after the year we just had! (But i mean I won't complain if I end up in a chateau in the French countryside drinking wine all day🙃🍷)
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mikrocosmonaut · 4 years
dessert wine pt. 1 ♡│ pjm
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pairing: jimin x reader
[ part of the ‘Galentine’s Day’ miniseries ]
summary: Setting up for Galentine’s Day at Jimin’s house was going great until he raided his parents’ alcohol cabinet. Drunk on ice cream and dessert wine, it becomes harder and harder for you to ignore the new, intrusive thoughts you’ve been having about your best friend. And to make matters worse - the party hasn’t even started yet!
word count: 4-5k
warnings: very light smut, bad language, slight voyeurism if u squint, y/n and jimin are oblivious dumbasses, part 2 will contain actual smut so beware~
genre: mutual pining, f2l, jealousy, lots of fluff, eventual smut
a/n: hey lovelies, sorry for the slight delay due to internet problems. sorry in advance for any errors, this is the first piece of writing I’ve done in months so I’m probably rusty as hell lol. hope you enjoy and keep an eye out for part 2 of Jimin’s story. I’ll be posting the other members’ parts throughout the month so stay tuned for updates :) happy reading~
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It’s February 14th. Life is great. And you have the cutest best friend in the whole world who has kindly invited the whole group to a ‘small gathering’ to celebrate the occasion.
Jimin told you to turn up at his house a few hours early to help him set up. His mom and dad are currently on a cruise somewhere in the Mediterranean -romantic, right?- so your gang has the run of their modern, spacious barn-conversion for the entire night. You’ve been to Jimin’s house several times before, often staying over to avoid your shitty roommate back at the dorms.  
Jimin has no shitty roommate of his own, because Jimin commutes to university. He says there’d be no point paying for the overpriced student dorms when he only lives about forty minutes train-journey away. And also, because his mom does his laundry for him.
By now, you’re no stranger to the grandeur of Jimin’s house -or ‘The Chateau’, as you like to teasingly call it. There’s a kind of fancy atmosphere about the place: the minimalistic décor, the huge dining table and even the trophy cabinet in the hall. Yet for all the luxury he lives in, your friend remains annoyingly humble and down to earth.
When you rock up at Jimin’s that afternoon, he opens the front door to find you a little pissed off and a whole lot soaked. It’s raining heavily, and you stand on his porch like a lost, soggy puppy, big eyes pleading for sympathy and arms huddled around your denim-jacket-clad torso.
Your friend simply raises his eyebrows, stepping aside to let you past. You can’t help but sigh in relief as the warm, vanilla-scented air of Jimin’s house greets your shivering form. The house feels like your second home.
“Really?” Jimin says out of nowhere after a few seconds of silence. He’s trying to sound scolding, but you can see a smile pulling at the corners of his plump lips, “A denim jacket? In February?!”
You grumpily flinch away from his reproach, “Jeez, sorry, Mom.” Shooting him a mournful glare, you begin to peel off the offending denim article, dripping water everywhere, “Okay- first of all, it’s not my fault! I couldn’t find my actual waterproof coat anywhere, I think my klepto roommate must have stolen it or something.”
You finish removing the drenched jacket and fling it towards Jimin’s face. Impeccable reflexes as ever, he catches it seamlessly before it hits him, though his eyebrows climb higher up when he catches sight of your baggy t shirt. You grunt as you kick off your shoes, then continue your rant,
“Secondly…It was like, really sunny earlier, dude! I was tricked! It looked warm out, okay?”
Jimin lets out an exasperated sigh and drapes your jacket over the coat rack to dry off, “Y/n. I repeat: it’s February!” He rolls his eyes at you and walks towards the stairs.
After a second you follow, thudding up the staircase after him, “Whatever! Oh – and what’s your issue with my t-shirt, by the way? You looked at it just then was like I’d killed your dog or something.”
You reach the top of the stairs, by now struggling to keep up with Jimin’s long strides. Curse his beautiful, graceful gazelle legs.
Jimin looks back at you, face still unimpressed, “I don’t have a dog.” His tone is flat, intentionally missing the point and he disappears from view through the doorway into his bedroom. His voice echoes out onto the landing, “Nah, the t-shirt itself is fine. I just thought you’d have a more festive outfit for tonight, is all.”
“Huh?” You frown, “But it’s just a Galentine’s Day gathering at yours, you said! We’re not going out, just hanging here, so what’s the-”
You immediately trail off as you enter Jimin’s room and are greeted by the sight of a dozen or so balloons in various shades of red scattered around every available surface. Jimin has already flopped onto his bed in the middle of it all, arm raised and shielding both eyes wearily. His hoodie has come up a bit, exposing his stomach and you try not to let your gaze linger on the sliver of soft, peach skin. Weird. It’s really been too long since you last got laid if you’re being horny for Jimin. Just the thought makes your face screw up like you’ve tasted something sour.
Tearing your eyes from his sprawled form, you only then begin to notice multiple carrier bags stuffed full of tacky decorations amongst the balloons. You even catch a peek of what look like the most garish fake roses you’ve ever seen.
You take a second to process this scene. All the red and pink is making your head swim. You breathe out a quiet, ‘what the fuck’, shaking your head in bewilderment. Maybe Jimin has finally lost it. Carefully, you pick a path through the assembled obstacle course of crap on the floor and plop down beside Jimin, pushing balloons aside as you do so.
“Yo, Jimin,” You nudge his leg with your elbow, “You planning on starting up the world’s most nauseating home décor shop or something?”
Your best friend rolls over to face you, mouth settling into his signature mochi pout, “Noooo. It’s for Gal’entine’s Day. I wanted to make an effort with decorations, y’know. Seeing as we’re all losers who’d otherwise be spending the day alone.”
You snort and reach out to ruffle the boy’s warm, gray hair, “Aw, Jiminie, you’re too much! That’s so cute, but you don’t need to do all that for a gathering, especially when it’s just the guys! I guarantee over half of them will be tipsy before they even arrive.”
On past Galentine’s Days you’ve usually all just gone out for pizza or bowling: something casual with plenty of drinking involved. And while Jimin had always gone out of his way to make the whole event as cheesy and cute as possible (one year he even gave handmade cards to each of you), this was a whole new level of extra you’d not been prepared for.
The tips of Jimin’s ears are turning pink and he buries his face into the duvet in embarrassment, “Don’t tease me! I just didn’t want people to feel lonely today.”
For a minute, you’re struggling to make out the muffled words but when you do, they hit you with a jolt. Personally, never gone in for Valentine’s Day and all the lovey-dovey bullshit that it stands for. Even on Valentine’s Days where you weren’t single, you barely made an effort. You’d maybe order a pizza and have sex, but that was it.
It was only when you met Jimin and he started hosting these ‘Galentine’s’ events that you started to take notice of and even begin to look forward the date. Because Jimin’s version was all about celebrating the gals -or boys, as most of your friends have turned out to be- and how much you all meant to each other. So, you suppose you never considered the possibility that Jimin was lonely, when he had his whole Galentine’s thing. Heck, now that you think about it, maybe that’s the whole reason he started doing it in the first place?
You stare as Jimin’s ears flush even more, wondering if you are a terrible friend for never even considering this realm of possibility before. Maybe. But Jimin’s never seemed to mind, at least.
It’s no real secret that you’re oblivious enough to your own feelings most of the time: you’ve had your fair share of hook-ups and casual things during your time at college, but you’ve never gotten caught up in anything serious. Never had the time to even think properly about relationships, let alone wonder about the state of your friends’ own romantic lives.
Now that you think about it, Jimin has never really clicked romantically with anyone, that you can think of. He doesn’t generally like talking about that kind of stuff, he finds it hard to discuss deeper topics without getting embarrassed.
Unless he’s drunk. Then he’ll cling onto anyone he can find and fully dive into his whole romantic psyche without shame.
Jimin rolls over to glare at you, the colour of his cheeks now matching his ears, whether that’s from embarrassment or being smushed against the quilt is unclear. You shake off your confused thoughts of romance and loneliness and Park Jimin’s love life and nudge him again whilst you try and think of something to say.
He shies away from your elbow, still sulking, “Why’d you think I asked you to come help me set up today in the first place? Obviously, that means preparing for tonight.”
You roll your eyes, “Oh, I dunno, maybe because ‘preparing for the tonight’ to us usually means doing facemasks and trading gossip before the others get here?”
Jimin narrows his eyes, “Not today.”
For a minute, neither of you say anything. Jimin is looking oddly conflicted, like he’s debating whether to speak or not. Finally, he blurts out, “-but did you bring some? Face masks, I mean. Just if you have any on you. My skin would thank you for it.”
He taps his cheek. His fucking flawless, smooth cheek, that is so clear it practically glows. The sheer audacity of the lies has you cackling.
A moment later and Jimin’s laughing too: airy, indulgent giggles whilst you reach for your day-bag that you’d dumped beside the bed.
You produce two thin packets triumphantly, like some kind of skincare magician, grinning at your friend, “Park Jimin-ssi, my precious facemasks are wasted on your already perfect skin. But fine. Let’s put up the decorations first, though. Then we can properly have a pamper date until the boys arrive.”
Jimin’s face lights up and he gives you a strange half-hug as he tries to avoid bursting any of the balloons. “You’re the best, Y/n!”
You sigh sympathetically and pat his head, “I know, doll. 
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By the time you’ve finished putting up all the decorations, you feel as though you’ve run a marathon. What a workout. You could sleep for about ten years. Your arm muscles especially ache, but you still manage to expertly affix Jimin’s sheet-mask for him after putting on your own.
In return for the pain suffered on your behalf though, you’ve demanded compensation in the form of ice cream. Like the obedient mochi he is, a sheet-masked, bouncy Jimin returns from the kitchen after a few minutes bearing two generous bowls of ice cream and a bottle of something wedged under his arm.
You’d been sprawled on the cream couch in the living room flipping through one of his mom’s many interior décor magazines, but you crane your neck nosily as he hands you your bowl, “What’s that?” You nod to the bottle after unsuccessfully trying to read the label upside down.
Jimin takes a seat and holds out the bottle to you. You turn it over once in your hands, feeling the liquid inside splash around. You frown, “’Dessert wine’?! The fuck is that?”
Jimin shrugs, “Found it in my parents’ drinks cabinet. I thought we could try it with our ice cream. Seems pretty self-explanatory, right?”
“Woah, Jimin-ssi is really going for it with his pre-game today!” You tease, though you decide to humour him, twisting off the cork with a small ‘pop’. You take a cautious sniff, “Fuck!” Your eyes are watering at the sudden sweet scent and for some reason you almost feel like you have to sneeze.
Jimin watches while digging into his ice cream, “Does it smell strong?”
You pull a face and eye the dark-coloured bottle with caution, “I don’t even know. Just smells really, really sweet. Oh well, guess there’s only one way to find out if it’s any good.”
With the go-ahead from you, Jimin hops up and walks to a tall, glass-fronted cabinet on the far side of the room. He opens the door and retrieves two small-ish wine glasses before heading back to stand in front of you. You pour the wine while he holds the glasses. The wine splashes out of the bottle in a warm, tempting crimson. You really hope you don’t accidentally spill any on the expensive cream couch.
Jimin returns to his spot beside you and holds up his glass, “Cheers! To having the best Galentine’s Day yet.”
You bring your glass to meet his with a pleasant clink and the two of you simultaneously knock the stuff back. If the smell of the wine had your eyes watering, the taste almost makes you splutter. Instead, though, you swallow it down quickly, thinking once again of the sofa.
Jimin’s face is screwed up beneath his sheet mask, “You weren’t kidding about it being sweet,” he says in a strained voice and you can’t help but laugh.
“Maybe if we alternate between eating ice cream and taking sips it won’t be so bad?” You can’t help but shudder in spite of your suggestion, “Even though it tastes pretty nasty. We shouldn’t waste it, though,”
Jimin hums in agreement, and sure enough, you both eventually find a more bearable system of dessert/dessert wine intake.
Shit. Jimin’s portions of ice cream had been so generous that you’d already finished your glass of wine before you’d made it a third of the way through your serving. It’s weird, the more you drink, the nicer the wine tastes. So nice that you’re pouring yourself another glass without even blinking and topping up Jimin’s while you’re at it.
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 And that’s basically how you ended up here, thirty minutes later, laid flat out on the floor like a starfish while Jimin laughs manically from the couch. Your empty bowls and glasses are stacked on the coffee table and Jimin drains the remaining dregs of the wine straight from the bottle. Although you had at least remembered to take off your sheet-masks on time, any further preparations for the night were forgotten.
 You brush the carpet under your palms appreciatively, “God, Jiminie, your floor is soooo comfy,”
 Jimin does this thing when he laughs where he flings himself in any given direction, deflating in a fit of spluttered giggles like if you undid the knot of a balloon. You love his laugh.
 “You’re welcome,” he garbles, already drunk as all hell. He raises his head to look at you, “Hey, watch you don’t make it all dirty with your gross ass t shirt,”
 Oof. You’d forgotten about the shirt.
 You glare up at Jimin and that only makes him laugh more, “Hey! It’s not-”
 You falter. Even in your state, after a quick visual confirmation, you have to admit that your tatty, now ice-cream-stained top is looking worse for wear.
 Jimin glances at the clock and gets to his feet, holding a hand out to you, “Come on, mucky pup. Only got about fifteen minutes until the guys begin to turn up and I still need to get dressed.” His nose wrinkles in disapproval, “And we need to do something about your outfit.”
 Upstairs, you sit with your back to Jimin on his desk chair, decidedly not even breathing in his direction while he flips through the hangers in his closet. You hug your legs to your chest and rest your chin on your knees. Your face feels hot. Curse that fucking wine. You’re gonna have to pace yourself with the rest of your drinks tonight.
 You hear the rustle of fabric followed by a muffled thump of what you assume is Jimin discarding his worn clothes onto the floor. You wonder whether he’s just changing his hoodie or putting on fresh pants too. Fuck. Why is your brain even going there? You need a distraction.
 You unlock your phone and open Spotify to look for a suitable playlist for the gathering; anything to try and squash thoughts about the ambiguous state of undress your best friend is currently in.
 You’re startled, however, by the sudden tap on your shoulder. You jump, locking your phone on reflex as if you’d been caught looking at porn and not a Spotify playlist and turn to look at Jimin over your shoulder.
 Your lungs feel like they’re being squeezed. A shirtless Jimin stands behind you, so close that you can smell his familiar vanilla scent, practically feel the heat radiating off his bare skin. Oh my God. You’ve seen him in various stages of undress plenty of times: he’s your best friend. And he’s not exactly shy. Hell, one time you and Taehyung had to strip him and put him in the bath after he puked all over himself at a party. You think that yourself and Taehyung are more embarrassed by the memory than Jimin himself.
 None of the other times you’ve seen Jimin without clothes have ever come close to invoking the fucking primal reaction your body is currently having. Your stomach actually flips. You struggle to pull air back into your lungs but oh God. Jimin is so soft and slender yet at the same time his muscles swell beneath his beautiful, peach skin that’s as clear as his face.
 And speaking of his face, when you eventually manage to meet his gaze, his dark eyes look just as dazed as you feel and -. Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck. His delicate, plump lips are stained a deep cherry from the wine. You swallow.
 You reluctantly drag your brain back down to earth as Jimin waves his hand in front of your face. You finally focus and realise he’s been holding a jumper out to you this whole time.
You blink stupidly at the article of clothing, “Huh?”
Jimin huffs in exasperation and drops the jumper down onto your head, turning away to slip into the shirt he’d finally decided on, “You should try this on. I’ll lend it to you for the night. I feel like it could look cute with those jeans.” He chuckles and the low sound of it sends blood rushing to your face. You’re so thankful that he’s not looking at you anymore. “Better than what you’re currently wearing, anyway.”
You open your mouth, searching for some kind of cohesive response before managing a mumbled “thanks”.
You stand up, holding the sweater out in front of you. You recognise it as one of Jimin’s favourites. You always say how nice it looks on him.
His voice sounds from the other side of the room, “It was in my laundry hamper but I did a sniff-check and I think it’s okay. I only wore it for a couple hours the other day so it should be fine.”
You don’t even attempt a reply. Your head’s still swimming. Partly from the booze and partly from these new, weirdly horny thoughts you’re having about your closest friend. Whatever. The guys will be here soon. Better hurry and get dressed.
By now, Jimin has finished buttoning his shirt and stands in front of his mirror, smoothing down the fabric and checking his reflection. Still caught up in your inner conflicting emotions, you grab at the hem of your shirt. You’re about to pull it up over your head when your eyes meet his in the mirror.
You freeze, top halfway off. He waits. Neither of you look away. In the reflection, Jimin’s eyes are large and dark. Almost hungry. You feel your heart pounding against your ribs, hear the blood in your eardrums tear through the sudden silence of the room.
You’ve never cared about changing in front of him, not bothering to kick him out or anything. You’ve done this thousands of times. So, what the fuck is actually going on with you today? You mentally scold yourself. Today is no different from any day, you’re just overthinking it because it’s Valentine’s Day and it’s been so long since you’ve gotten any action. You are here with your platonic friend of several years, literally just changing your outfit. No big deal.
So that’s that. To prove the point to yourself, you grit your teeth and tug your shirt the rest of the way off in one quick motion before you chicken out and make things even weirder. You can’t, however, fight the blush off your face as Jimin very audibly takes a shaky breath, still transfixed as he watches your reflection.
Why isn’t he looking away?! Why aren’t you looking away?!
Goosebumps prickle over your bare collarbones as you let the discarded top fall to the floor. It’s not cold but you’re shivering. You absently thank the gods that you’re wearing a presentable bra today by chance and not one of your usual comfy-but-ugly nude coloured numbers.
The white bralette you’re currently wearing is still comfy (do you own anything that isn’t?) but it’s super cute, all lace and little ribbons on the straps. You know for a fact that it looks good on you, and that Jimin is lucky to even be blessed with this view but that doesn’t stop the wave of self-consciousness that washes over you. You fight the urge to run and hide yourself away from him forever.
You’re about to put on Jimin’s sweater when you are once again stopped in your tracks. Scratch that. You’re completely floored.
It’s the smallest action, and an unconscious one at that. But even so, Jimin’s subtle swipe of his tongue over his bottom lip, wetting it, has heat pooling between your legs. Your hands go completely slack and the sweater you were previously clutching falls to the floor.
“Y/n,” The husky edge to his voice and the sound of your own name somehow catch you off guard. You almost can’t believe it when you find yourself walking closer to him on autopilot, coming to a stop right behind him, all the while never looking away from his reflection. He follows your movements in the mirror, at one point allowing his gaze to not so subtly shift down from your face. His eyes linger on your chest.
You’re inches from him now. All it would take is a step forwards and you’d be pressing your breasts against his back. You could wrap your arms around him from behind, capture his earlobe between your lips. You shiver again. You’re both acting incredibly calm considering the fact that what you’re doing is essentially stomping all over your friendship.
You can feel it though: this whole time, a new, unfamiliar energy has been building between the two of you and by now it’s almost palpable. The air tastes like lightning.
“Jiminie,” You breathe.
And just like that, Jimin whips round and clasps your face in his delicate hands, fingers brushing your temples. He’s not tall, a fact you frequently like to tease him about, but right now you feel tiny as he looms over you, face finger lengths from your own.
His thumb moves to stroke your cheek, trailing down to your mouth and his gaze follows. Jimin’s own mouth parts slightly as he runs his thumb over your lips. You’re searching his expression but it’s unreadable. The lust in his gaze, however, is undeniable.
This feels like a joke. Your best friend, Park Jimin, is softly caressing your features and looking at you in such a way that is practically sinful, and you don’t mind it. Moreover, you are so turned on that you wonder if you have ever been this horny before in your entire life.
 Jimin’s sweater is forgotten on the floor. Your breathing is shallow and quick and your chest heaves, covered only by the lace bralette. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Jimin, his thumb leaving your mouth to cup your jaw while he unabashedly traces the contours of your chest with his eyes.
He goes to dip his head but stops himself, now eye-level with you. You’ve never seen Jimin so serious, without even the trace of a smile on his face. He looks at you with such a mix of emotions you can’t pick just one out.
Carefully, you slip an arm up and over his shoulder, burying your hand in his thick hair. Your movements are slow and gentle, as if any sudden action would break the spell you both seem to have fallen under.
You can feel his breathe on your lips, still sweet from the wine as he lets out a barely audible groan, “Fuck…Y/n, I-”
And then you’re really crossing the point of no return. Because you’re leaning in to taste your best friend’s beautiful, wine-stained lips.
 Before you can even feel them on your own, a loud chiming echoes throughout the house, scaring the crap out of you. The two of you spring apart, spell broken. And shit. You can’t even look at him.
He grabs his phone, lighting up the time: 7:10pm. Ten minutes past the time he gave for the others to turn up. The room is spinning once more. You’d lost track of the time completely. If the others had been on time none of this would have even happened.
Would that have been good or bad? You don’t know.
Jimin begins to stutter out something: an apology, an explanation maybe – you can’t tell – but he’s interrupted by the same obnoxious chime before, this time prolonged and insistent. Someone’s obviously holding the button down. Your money’s on Yoongi.
Jimin looks defeated, mouth still working to form words but no sound’s coming out. He casts one last, mournful look at you before he scampers out of the room without saying anything.
You’re still frozen.
What the fuck just happened?
You hear the sound of the front door opening downstairs followed by multiple scolding voices, unhappy at being made to wait out in the cold and Jimin’s good-natured apologies. As your friends begin to file on into the house, letting out boisterous whoops at all the decorations around the rooms, you force yourself to move.
You can already hear Namjoon asking where you are. You’d told him you were arriving early, and sooner or later you just know that one of them will come upstairs looking for you.
For the sake of whatever dignity you have left, you need to put some clothes on. You can’t let the others find you standing topless and flushed in the middle of Jimin’s bedroom.
You pick up the sweater and pull it on. It smells of soap and vanilla and warmth. Jimin’s smell.
You wrap your arms round yourself and are surprised to find that you’re blinking back tears. A dread settles deep within you. You’ve possibly just ruined probably the best thing you have in your life right now. Yours and Jimin’s friendship means the world to you. So how could you be so stupid?!
You sniff. There’s no time to think about that stuff now. You just need to get through tonight. Enjoy yourself. You can talk about it with Jimin tomorrow. It’s Galentine’s Day, after all.
You hear someone thudding up the stairs, followed closely by shouts of, “Y/n, where you at?”
You smile and turn towards the door, “Coming, Hobi!”
Before you leave, you take one last look in the mirror, definitely not thinking about the way Jimin’s eyes gleamed at you in his reflection mere moments ago. You quickly wipe away any remaining tears gathered on your eyelashes and you’re good to go.
It’s going to be some night. You blame the dessert wine.
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© mikrocosmonaut 2020
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squishsqrl · 3 years
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To all the gals out there Happy Galentine’s!!! Thank you Leslie Knope for this day. https://www.instagram.com/p/CLPSR6kgf6X/?igshid=15fr0jmznf8cn
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letswritefanfiction · 4 years
Pink Macarons
A Pokemon oneshot. Also can be read on ffnet here.
Summary: Who needs a man on Valentine’s Day? After the events of XYZ, Serena and her friends try out the new livestreaming feature on Pokévision, whilst trying to make the most of a difficult holiday by baking and hanging out together. Onesided Amour and onesided PoffleShipping.
“I can’t figure out how to do it!” Serena moaned as she fiddled with the equipment setup. “I don’t know if it’s the laptop or the camera!”
“Let Shauna do it,” Miette said. “She’s the only one of us to have used the new livestream feature before. We need you with food prep anyway.”
Food prep, at this point, was mostly done, thanks to the work Serena had done earlier. Every counter in the Pokémon Center kitchen was covered in all the ingredients needed for baking: sugar, moo moo butter, flour, and lots and lots of berries. Every spot that wasn’t had equipment like mixers and bowls.
“Yeah, I don’t remember how to cut the Qualot Berry so that it looks pretty,” Nini said, struggling with a paring knife.
Serena gratefully abandoned the filming setup to help Nini as Shauna, wiping her hands on her apron, took her place.
“If you can’t do that, you can always just cover it in chocolate and call it a day,” Serena said as she demonstrated, leaving a perfectly carved rose. “And remember to save these little bits for your Pokémon! Nobody likes waste.”
There was a little scrap pile going of edible berry bits that Serena was going to give to Pancham later. Delphox was the only one of her Pokémon out at the moment as Pancham couldn’t be trusted during the cooking process and Sylveon would likely be jumpy around this lively group of girls. Not to mention that with four girls in the room, space was already limited.
“Okay, save the little gems of wisdom for when we’re actually on the air,” Miette said sarcastically as she managed to sculpt a berry rose just as Serena had.
“I’ve got it!” Shauna exclaimed as she stepped away from the laptop.
“Wait, we’re live now?” Serena squeaked.
“Yep!” Shauna waved into the camera. “Hi, Serena’s audience! Happy Galentine’s Day!”
“No, no, I have to introduce—excuse me, Nini—us and what we’re doing!”
Serena scooted past Nini, placing the paring knife on the kitchen island behind her as she scrambled to join Shauna in front of the camera.
“Hi, I’m Serena! And this is my partner Delphox,” Serena said, gesturing in the background to where Delphox was washing the last of the berries. “And today—”
“On Galentine’s Day,” Shauna inserted.
“On Valentine’s Day, I have a special treat for you! My first ever livestream! And my friends Shauna, Miette, and Nini are all here to help me out. Their socials are in the information tab below—and they’re all great Pokémon Performers, so you should follow them if you don’t already. Thanks to everyone who saw my post on Fletchat today and is tuning in! Today, we have a Q and A planned where you can ask me and my friends questions while we bake for Valentine’s Day!”
Miette gave Serena a sympathetic look. “Serena, you’re talking really fast. Seems like you’re nervous.”
Serena gave the camera a big, cheesy smile and said with the utmost confidence: “I am!”
Miette shook her head and went back to working with the berries.
“I’ll be doing most of the moderating,” Shauna said, coming back in front of the camera, “so let me see those questions! Oh, here’s one. What are we baking, gals?”
“Everything,” Miette said.
“We’re making Poké Puffs and macarons,” Serena answered, ignoring Miette. “And we’ll be giving tips throughout the broadcast for those at home who are interested!”
“And for us,” Nini added. “Serena’s a much better pâtissière than we are.”
“Oh, you guys, I don’t know about that!” Serena said, trying to fight off her blush. “Anyway, for Valentine’s Day, we’re making everything pink and romantic. So that means heart-shaped macarons and beautifully decorated Poké Puffs.”
“Del phox del!”
“Oh, and we’ll be doing some taste tests too.”
“Serena, why don’t you let them know what we’re working on right now?”
“Good idea, Shauna! So, Miette and Nini are working on sculpting some fruit to make pretty toppings for the Poké Puffs—if you want a video on that, I can make one—and I have our macaron batter here! Delphox, can you hand me the Persim Berries and the pink towel?”
“If you want to use food dye to color your batter, you can, but I prefer to use more natural ingredients,” Serena explained as she took the items from Delphox. “If you put Persim Berries in bright sunlight, even after being picked, they become very rich in color. Then you can put them in a towel like this, and wring them out to get a very bright juice!”
Serena demonstrated putting a few berries in the cloth and twisting it. Dark pink juice bled from the towel and into the bowl that the berries had been in, and Serena showed it to the camera before pouring it into the white macaron batter.
“Persim Berries don’t have a lot of flavor,” Nini added. “So you don’t have to worry about your food tasting weird when you use it.”
“Very true, Nini. With macarons, all you have to worry about is that you don’t water down the texture too much, so start with a little bit. And you can always reduce the juice on the stove so that it’s more potent. Just make sure it cools down all the way first, because you don’t want to deflate your egg whites!”
As Serena folded the batter, Shauna was scrolling through comments on Pokévision and Fletchat, looking for questions.
“Aw, this is sweet,” Shauna cooed. “How can four lovely girls such as yourselves be without dates on Valentine’s Day? I’d take any of you out. Thank you so much!”
“Well, now seems like a nice time for a reminder that not everyone is alone on Valentine’s Day because they failed to get a date,” Nini said. “Some of us either don’t want a date today or maybe don’t want a date ever.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s the case for all of us,” Miette drawled. “Right, Serena?”
“Hmm?” Serena asked, a blush rising to her face as she reached for a piping bag. “Um, sure. Everyone’s different.”
Serena knew that Miette was just trying to get a rise of her—like always. She should have expected that live TV wouldn’t make her behave any differently. But Serena had a job to do here, and Miette’s antics weren’t going to steer her off-course.
“So when your batter is this consistency just scoop it into your piping bag and make sure you have a sheet tray ready,” Serena said, steering the conversation back to what she was doing.
“Ooh, Shauna, you’re not reading out the good stuff,” Miette said, leaning over Shauna’s shoulder to read the live feed. “LuvdiscLuver—very Valentinesy name, I approve—wants to know if there’s anyone Serena wishes she were out with tonight.”
“Hahahaha,” Serena barked, the laugh coming out completely unnatural. “I, uh, I love my girls, so I couldn’t be happier here baking with them.”
“Lies!” Miette got her face close up to the camera and pointing accusingly at Serena. “There is definitely someone Serena would rather be with, and I know who it is.”
Shauna shook her head at Miette and Nini, poked her on the shoulder. “It’s not your business to talk about that,” she whispered.
“Ooh, the comments are really coming in now!” Shauna said, scanning as the comments went flying by. “Everyone wants to know your crush, Serena!”
“Are you sure they don’t want to know how to shape macarons into hearts?” Serena asked, tilting the camera down so that the people could see what was happening on her sheet tray—rather than the boiling blush on her face. “If some of them don’t turn out perfect, just make sure to put that one on the bottom of your finished product!”
“Okay, Serena doesn’t have to tell you all that,” Shauna said, crouching down to get into the camera’s frame. “But to get back at Miette, I’ll tell you that she has a crush on the same person Serena does!”
Shauna gasped dramatically, putting a hand in front of her mouth as she looked at Miette and scurried out of frame.
Miette grabbed the camera and jerked it back up so it was right at eye-level. “Yep, that’s the truth; thanks, Shauna. One thing you all don’t know about Serena—she has great taste in guys. So of course I like the same one.”
Serena looked down at her macarons. They were hardly the best ones she’d ever done—most of them would qualify as bottom-halves, if that were possible. She could only hope that all the distractions hadn’t messed up the recipe. Macarons required such a specific finish, it would be obvious immediately if something went wrong.
At least Delphox was keeping things on track. She’d already rinsed out the bowl that the batter had been in and was reaching to do the same with the pastry bag.
“Okay,” Serena said. “I’m just going to slip these in the oven and then we can move on to our PokéPuff batter! Girls?”
Serena was going for a neutral vanilla base with pink sprinkles and a custard-like sour Colbur Berry topping. Then the girls would make them almost look like fruit tarts, putting the beautifully cut berries on top. All four of the girls knew how to make PokéPuffs by heart, and were able to get together the ingredients for this particular version of Serena’s with machine-like precision. Serena was weighing the dry ingredients, Miette measuring the wet, and Nini was juicing the Colbur berries.
“Wow, you guys are getting a lot of questions,” Shauna mused as she grated a little bit of the pink flesh of the spiky berries to add a bit of Valentine’s pink to the PokéPuffs.
“I have a link to my blog post about this recipe in the description,” Serena said. She’d written the post up that day and used pictures from her practice batches. If Pokémon Performing didn’t go her way, she could always be a food blogger.
“No, not about that—though you girls are doing great,” Shauna said absently as the wet and dry ingredients were combined. “No, people want to know how you two can stay friends when you have a crush on the same boy.”
Serena—whose face had finally returned to its even, beige complexion—could feel herself flushing again. When she’d said she wanted the livestream to be pink-themed, she hadn’t thought her face would be a part of it. Though, she was sure that Miette would use it as an excuse for her behavior.
“Well, it’s not serious for me,” Miette said, answering first since Serena had taken over the batter and Nini was handling the topping. “I mean, I like this guy. He’s cute, kind, and skilled. He ticks the boxes, you know? But I don’t honestly know him that well. I can recognize that and know that my feelings for my friend, Serena, are more important than a little crush on some guy.”
Serena looked up from where she’d been staring intently at the batter that she, frankly, was beginning to over-mix now that she’d put the sprinkles in. She blinked at Miette, surprised to hear such a mature response.
“Here, lemme take that,” Miette said, grabbing the bowl from Serena and beginning to dole the mixture out into a greased cupcake tin. That left Serena on screen with Nini mixing away in the background.
“Um, well, it’s different for me,” Serena started nervously. She couldn’t forget the fact that she wasn’t just in a room with her four friends and her Pokémon. There were thousands of concurrent viewers right now, watching as she floundered for the perfect words. “You could say…it’s more serious for me. I know this guy really well and I’ve liked him for a long time. But like Miette said, that’s different from our friendship. I mean, she teases me about it, and maybe it seems like she doesn’t care, but I trust her enough to know that she wouldn’t betray me or do something that would really hurt me.”
“What would you do if one of you were to start dating this mystery guy, someone wants to know?” Shauna asked.
“I’d get over it,” Miette said, popping her head back in frame as she finished up with the PokéPuffs. “Always more Goldeen in the sea.”
“Serena?” Shauna prompted.
“I haven’t really thought about it,” Serena said honestly. “Realistically, I mean. Because, in reality, I don’t think he’s ready to date either of us. Or anyone. I mean, maybe I tell myself that just because he didn’t show much interest in me, even after the signs I gave him.”
Serena avoided eye contact with the girls. She still hadn’t told any of them about their one kiss. Knowing Ash, he could have missed all the smaller signs she’d given him…but she didn’t believe even he could mistake what that kiss had meant for her.
“I don’t believe that,” Shauna said, jumping in next to Serena. “Look, we all know this guy. And, for all his good points, which Miette pointed out, I think we can all agree that he’s not boyfriend material quite yet. He’s not ready. Right, Nini?”
Nini looked up. “Um…let’s just say he’s the type you have to be patient with.”
“And I’m not that patient,” Miette said. “So in the event that Serena and what’s-his-face end up together, I’m going to give her a big congratulations. You win.”
Just then, the timer for the macarons went off and Serena scrambled to turn it off, not wanting the sound to be too irritating on the livestream.
“How are they looking, Delphox?” she asked.
“Del, del!”
Delphox reached in and pulled out the sheet tray, and Serena could see the perfect feet that the macarons had formed. They might not be shaped impeccably, but at least they’d cooked well.
“That’s perfect,” Nini, said. “Now we can put in the PokéPuffs!”
Nini did just that as Delphox set out the macaron halves to cool and Serena started on the buttercream filling, able to do it completely by muscle memory.
“Aw, Serena, look at this comment,” Shauna said. “It says: Don’t worry, Serena. Relationships are all about timing. This guy might be the guy for you, or Miette, in parenthesis, but today wasn’t the day. Maybe tomorrow or next Valentine’s Day.”
“That’s so nice,” Serena said, touched to find that her fans were such lovely people. “I’d be lying if I didn’t say I hope you’re right.”
Delphox had been fanning a sheet pan over the macarons, quickening their cool-down process. Miette touched one of the cookies and declared, “I think they’re cool enough to pipe now!”
Serena had just started scooping the buttercream into a fresh piping bag when Shauna came over and bumped her on the hip. “I’ll do this part, Serena. You should read what people are saying to you for a minute. They’re your fans!”
Since this was Serena’s first livestream, she was surprised to see how quickly the chat was flying by. It was hard to grab onto any one thing to respond to, but it was touching to see how many people were watching and cared enough to write in. There were messages about the food, people saying they were fans of the other girls, and lots of people grateful for the stream, as they didn’t have any Valentines plans themselves. They didn’t feel so lonely, because they felt a kinship with Serena and her friends.
Serena couldn’t help but think of Valentine’s Days passed as she imagined all the people at home watching her stream. Last Valentine’s Day, Serena had been traveling with Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie. It had been lovely to be with Ash, of course, though it wasn’t exactly in the way she might have hoped. And every year before that, she’d been alone with her mother, wishing that she was with Ash, or someday would be. Funny how when she finally was, it ended up being so different from her imagination.
Really, it felt like her first real Valentine’s Day was this one. Even if she didn’t have a date, this was the first time she was doing anything to celebrate. And everyone at home was celebrating along with her.
“You know what, I want to answer that first question honestly,” Serena declared suddenly.
“Which one?” Shauna asked
“The first one Miette asked—”
“Geez, that was, like, half an hour ago!”
“Regardless,” Serena said. “The one about who I wish I was with tonight. The truth is that I feel a bit sad that I’m not with the guy I have a crush on. I feel a bit lonely, like I’m seeing a lot of you at home feel. But you know what? I think I would probably feel a bit lonely if I were on a dream date with him too. I think that’s just something that people feel. But what I said before was the truth too: I couldn’t be happier to be with my gal pals tonight, enjoying Galentine’s Day.”
Shauna grinned. “Yeah! Galentine’s Day!”
“Or Palentine’s or whatever it is for you,” Serena continued. “Any day that reminds us of our connections with other people, and Pokémon,” Serena added, sparing a look at Delphox, “and encourages us to spend time with them is a good day. But it’s just what you make of it.”
“And we,” Nini said, bringing the finished macarons into the picture, “are making the finest desserts in Kalos tonight.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Serena started, only to be cut off by Miette plopping one in her mouth.
“No, she’s right. Fuck, Serena, these are amazing!”
“Miette!” Serena exclaimed. “You can’t say that!”
Miette wiped a bit of frosting off the corner of her mouth and winked at the camera. “Oops.”
“Seriously, Miette, they could strike my channel!”
“Nothing to be done now!”
“Okay!” Shauna said, pushing in front of the other girls. “I think that’s the end of our stream! Thanks to Serena for hosting all of us, and make sure you check out everyone’s links in the description below. Sorry you all couldn’t see us assemble the PokéPuffs, but rest assured that we will, and then we’ll eat all of them until the only pain we have is in our stomachs. Everyone, have a fantastic Galentine’s Day and we’ll see you all next time! Bye!”
Only Nini managed to join in waving to the camera before Shauna ended the broadcast with a sigh.
“Well, that’s that.”
“Why did you end the broadcast there?” Serena asked. “Shouldn’t I have said something to everyone? What if there were more comments we needed to respond to?”
“Sorry, I just figured we’d better end things before Miette decided to say anything else.”
“I really am sorry, Serena,” Miette said, in a tone that made it difficult for Serena to tell if she was being truthful or not. “These are just some really effing good macarons. For real.”
“If that’s the case…” Nini reached over and grabbed one, giving it a once over. Despite the uneven heart shape, the cookie had the same coloring all the way through, looking perfectly cooked all the way around. When she popped it into her mouth, she couldn’t help but moan. “Oh yeah. We’re definitely gonna eat these until our stomachs hurt.”
Serena was unable to hide a grin as any irritation she felt towards Miette or Shauna evaporated. She just loved feeding people good food.
“Just you wait until the PokéPuffs are ready,” Serena said, pulling out a berry that looked like a large lima bean. “I got us some Micle berries. They’re pretty rare, but they have this incredible flavor that makes your mouth just pucker like when you’re drinking a dry wine. Squeezing just a bit of them on top of my PokéPuffs is my secret weapon.”
“God, how can you be making me hungry while I’m already eating?” Shauna asked, digging into the macarons as well.
“Ugh, why aren’t they ready yet?” Nini complained.
Serena shrugged. “Guess we’ll just have to spend all day together.”
The girls looked at each other, smiling. Yeah, maybe it would have been nice to be in a nice romantic restaurant across from Ash, holding hands and eating expensive food. But beyond that possibility, Serena was so thankful for the reality of her best girl friends here with her on this February fourteenth, doing something they all loved, together.
That was really a happy Valentine’s day.
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lettercollectors · 4 years
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Once again it is February 13th which means Galentine’s Day is upon us, the (un)official day for ditching love and instead celebrate all the ladies in your life. For the second year in a row we’ve decided to take this opportunity to celebrate ladies the only way we know how: by highlighting some of our favorite literary gal-pals. These ladies are all an inspiration to us with their dedication to each other, and we are both impressed and jealous of their bonds. The friendships on the list come from a wide range of genres and characteristics. Some of them are sisters, some of them are just like sisters. Some of them bonded instantly, some of them had to learn to love each other. Some of them articulate their love for each other shamelessly and constantly, some of them love nothing more than giving each other shit. But no matter what form their friendship takes they all have one thing in common: they love and support one another unconditionally. And isn’t that just what Galentine’s Day is all about? Ladies celebrating ladies!
Manon & the Thirteen, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
So Manon said, looking them each in the eye,”I would rather fly with you than with ten thousand Ironteeth at my side.” She smiled slightly. “Tomorrow we will show them why.” Her coven grinned, wicked and defiant, and touched two fingers to their brows in deference. Manon returned the gesture, bowing her head as she did. “We are the Thirteen,” she said. “From now until the darkness claims us.”
Katy & Dee, The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Every part of my body ached, and I could feel blood in a lot of places, some really uncomfortable places, but I had to get through to her. I had to. “It was my fault. I know that! And I’ll never fully forgive myself for what it did to you and to our friendship. But we got past that, because you’re like a sister to me.”
Kristen & Sloan, The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez
She took the handle from me, and we stood there in the hallway, flanked by framed photos on the walls, having a silent exchange. We could practically read each other’s minds. She hated this was happening to me. She wished she could take it away, make it better. But she couldn’t, and she didn’t even know how to even start.
Lizzie & Jane, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
“My dear Jane!” exclaimed Elizabeth, “you are too good. Your sweetness and disinterestedness are really angelic; I do not know what to say to you. I feel as if I had never done you justice, or loved you as you deserve.”
Lou & Coco, Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin
”We met when we were six. I’d … wandered away from my coven. My aunt and I—we didn’t get along much, and she’d … well—” She stopped abruptly. “It doesn’t matter. Lou found me. She tried to make me laugh, braided flowers in my hair to make me feel better. When I finally stopped crying, she tossed a mud pie in my face.”
Anne & Diana, Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
“Oh, Diana, will you promise faithfully to never to forget me, the friend of your youth, no matter what dearer friends may caress thee?” “Indeed I will,” sobbed Diana, “and I’ll never have another bosom friend – I don’t want to have. I couldn’t love anybody as I love you.”
Melanie & Wanda, The Host by Stephanie Meyer
“Thank you, Wanda. My sister. I will never forget you.” “Be happy, Mel. Enjoy it all. Appreciate it for me.”
Evie & Mabel, The Diviners by Libba Bray
The girls broke into fresh laughter. Mabel wiped her eyes. Inside, she felt warm and right with the world. Courageous. It was funny how one afternoon with a best friend could set a girl right.
Emma & Alexandra & Penelope & Nicola, The Girl Meets Duke Series by Tessa Dare
“You’re a miracle worker. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Emma.” Penny hugged her friend. For good measure, she hugged Alexandra and Nicola, too. “I don’t know what I’d do without any of you. My three graces.”
Charlotte & Jane, My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows & Brodi Ashton
Yes, she suspected that Jane had murdered Mr. Brocklehurst, but Jane was still her best friend. She and Jane Eyre were kindred spirits.
It is starting to get alarmingly apparent that we do not read enough books with kickass lady friends (although we like to think that the problem lies with the books, and not us), so please do let us know if we have missed your favorites. And don’t forget to check out 2019’s list to see what friendships we’ve included previously.
Now leave your partners at home, grab your gal-pals (and possibly some frittatas) and kick back with one of these excellent reads!🌺
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
It’s Galentine’s Day!! So here’s a shoutout to my favorite queens @paintedmegollden, @chloefran, @capri-adorn, and @babeejeon. You are all the most stunning humans I know. True gal pals. The mates to my soul. I love you all 🥳🤍✨
And to all of you sweethearts who follow this blog, happy early love day (or maybe not early) my lovelies!! I hope you all romance and woo the hell out of yourselves. You all deserve it 💖
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onthesandsofdreams · 4 years
Galentine’s Day Dinner
Fandom: BBC Sherlock Ships: Platonic Molly & Mary & Mrs. Hudson & Sally. Rating: G Words: 1005 Summary: Molly scrutinized the menu, it was fancy. It wasn’t something she was used to, but she figured that once in a while, it was fine to indulge. Mary ordered their wine, she knew that far better that either her, Sally or Mrs. Hudson. This was probably the fanciest dinner she'd ever been, but was thankful that Mary had invited them. Notes: A late entry to the Molly Appreciation Week Bingo. Using the prompts: Galentine’s Day and Fancy Dinner. Tagging: @mollyappreciationweek
Read @ AO3
“I can’t believe we have a table,” Molly said as she looked around. The restaurant decor was understated elegance, and she unconsciously smoothed imaginary wrinkles of her dress. “This is very nice.”
“I have to agree, fanciest places I’ve been.” Sally chimed in.
Mary gave her a smile. “It is, isn’t it? John brought me here once, and I thought it would be nice if we had a nice Galentine’s dinner here.”
“Well, that was very thoughtful of you, dear,” Mrs. Hudson replied as they sat at their table.
“Yes, thank you for inviting me,” Sally chimed in. Sally Donovan had been a recent inclusion to their circle. But they found her to be lovely and witty (when she wasn’t fighting with Sherlock) and her presence was a welcomed thing.
Molly scrutinized the menu, it was fancy. It wasn’t something she was used to, but she figured that once in a while, it was fine to indulge. Mary ordered their wine, she knew that far better that either her, Sally or Mrs. Hudson. This was probably the fanciest dinner she'd ever been, but was thankful that Mary had invited them.
Mary raised her glass, “To us, in Galentine’s Day!”
Molly, Sally and Mrs. Hudson raised and toasted as well. Molly drank her wine, it was exquisite. “This wine is delicious.”
“That’s why I picked it.”
“You know dear,” Mrs. Hudson addressed Mary. “This is all very nice, but I must insist on helping with the bill.”
“Absolutely not.” Mary firmly said. “I said I was treating my gals and so I am. I can cover this dinner, so let us sit down and enjoy our meal.”
“If you’re sure,” Molly intervened. “I don’t mind helping.”
“Yes,” Sally said. “The last thing I want is to be a leech. We can chip in, if you want.”
Mary waved her hand. “I have money, I’m not rich, but I have a cushy bank account. Let us enjoy and don’t worry about the bill. Order what you like.”
Molly was about to object again, but one pointed look from Mary killed whatever objection that might have bubbled up. So she looked at the menu, trying to decide what to get, everything simply sounded delicious.
In the end, she made her pick, ordered and they chatted happily while they waited for their food. Molly began to relax and feel at ease, it was dinner with her dear friends, nothing to feel nervous about it. Mrs. Hudson was saying how happy she was about this new tradition of Galentine’s Day, and Molly couldn’t help but to agree. Sally mentioned that it was thanks to an American show that Galentine’s Day had become a thing.
Their food arrived and only then did they fall silent. Her galette of pork was divine, and Molly closed her eyes and savoured it. Mrs. Hudson was vocally appreciative of her food also, Sally also praised her own meal, Mary simply nodded, a happy look to her face.
Once their first course was cleared, the chatting resumed. Molly laughed as Mary joked, Mrs. Hudson gave an unladylike snort when Mary told them of John playing with Rosie and having to deal with her getting sick because of it, Sally outright had laughed out loud.
Their second course arrived, and Molly happily ate her duck. Offering a bit to Mrs. Hudson after she asked how it tasted, Mrs. Hudson in turn offered her own monkfish dish. It was all truly excellent. And Molly was really happy, it was a lovely dinner and she couldn’t wait for dessert - as Mary had insisted they must also order - because it sounded intriguing.
Molly didn’t remember having such a fun and delicious meal, especially not with female friends. When she was in Uni, her friends partied, but she hadn’t been one for going to pubs and dancing until the early morning. Mousey Molly, she had been dubbed. But now, she had found female friends who were just as happy to sit down in her apartment, with a cuppa, homemade sandwiches and a silly romantic comedy as they were in a fine restaurant.
Their desserts were brought in and Molly savoured her soufflé. She had opted for it due to her love of passion fruit, and it was excellent. The combination of passion fruit and dark chocolate had been unexpected, but very good.
In the end, true to her word, Mary picked the bill.  They were in Mary's car when Mary asked. “So. Which course was your favourite? Because I loved my main course.”
“The dessert,” Molly spoke up. “It was surprising and unexpected.”
“Have to go for dessert,” Sally agreed with Molly. “But then again, I always had a sweet tooth. Everything was excellent.”
“I also loved my main, dear,” Mrs. Hudson agreed. “The monkfish was very delicious. But I have to admit, everything was.”
“That’s what I wanted. A nice dinner with my friends, good food and no men.”
Molly laughed. “Well, I enjoyed it very much. Thank you Mary.”
“Indeed, I agree. Thank you Mary, dear.”
“You’re all very welcome. We should do that again, you know? Fine special spots and from time to time, go and have fancy or elegant dinners or lunches. We can split the bill or take turns, before either of you protest.”
“Sounds good to me,” Sally said. “My friends in the force are great, but you ladies do know how to live it up.”
Mary laughed. “Thank you Sally! So, that’s the plan, Galentine’s Day and occasional dinners and lunches in special places for us four.”
“That sounds lovely,” Molly said. “This has to be the best Galentine’s Day I’ve ever had.”
“And the best part is, it won’t be the last.” Mary smiled at Molly.
‘No,’ Molly thought. ‘It won’t be.’ She had friends who cared for her, friends who wanted to spend time with her. To listen to her, to help her if she needed help. Molly’s smile was gentle and sincere. She was happy. “No it won’t.”
“Cheers to that.”
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hopelessbooklover · 5 years
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💕 Happy Galentines Day! 💕 shout out to all my favorite gals that are all over the world right now! I love you all so much!! Today’s hot take is on my story so peep that if you want to hear my rant about @thebachelorabctv and their outdated “need to get engaged” season finales. 👀 https://www.instagram.com/hopelessbooklover_/p/Bt1mEXSjDHk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10sqbhi9976pk
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