daevastanner · 2 months
Scene I want w/ Gwyn & Rhys
Rhysand: I miss my sister. I miss being an older brother to her.
Gwyn: What do you miss about it most?
Rhysand: Everything. Annoying her. Teasing her. Being her conspirator and keeping her secrets. I have a family of my own now, but nothing can mend that loss.
Gwyn: It sounds like you were a good brother.
Rhysand: I tried to be.
Gwyn: I never had an older brother.
Rhysand: *softly* Would you like one?
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Rapid-fire Gwynriel headcanons, the first 10 that come to your mind. GO GO GO
And I hope you have a nice trip!
Holy crap @fimproda 10!? Let’s try
Gwyn is related to the vanserra’s and azriel has to sit through some awkward and heated family dinners
Gwyn will kiss az first
The bond will snap for Gwyn before it does for Az
During their mating ceremony, they bind their hands with her Valkyrie ribbon and the shadows bind themselves around their wrists too and it gives Gwyn the ability to communicate with the shadows
The shadows like Gwyn better than Az and are absolutely infatuated with her
They are into some real KINKY shit. Like they are gone for MONTHS when they accept the bond
I go back and forth between them living in the house of wind with Nesta and Cassian and having a home in velaris/ getting the townhome as a mating gift
Once Gwyn gets used to flying she loves it when azriel throws her in the air and lets her free fall and she just wants to go flying all the time
She always knows it’s azriel touching her because of his scars and she helps him heal his body image and worthiness issues
Of course azriel takes her around Velaris and gets her comfortable with human interactions
Also @daevastanner newest fic reminds me that Rhys says in canon that he is the most similar to Az and it just makes sense that Gwyn is Rhys’s parallel.
I know some of these are pretty universal headcanons but these are some of my favorites 💕
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sunshinebingo · 17 days
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Gwyn and Azriel stumble across Rhys as they leave for their date.
Gwynriel with a dash of Gwynsand - 700 words
For @lulling-night-sky who is a sucker for fluff and anything that has to do with Rhysand (except my fics where he gets beaten up)
“Ready?” Azriel asked Gwyn after having gaped at her in awe for a while.
Gwyn beamed, her heart fluttering at how flustered she had – not for the first time – rendered the usually stoic Spymaster, and nodded excitedly.
She had been looking forward to this moment for the entire day. Even as she had fed and played with Nyx, her thoughts had kept going back to Azriel and their upcoming evening together.
Having happily agreed to spend the day looking after the little lord with Nesta at the River House so that his parents could focus on their duties, Gwyn had decided to bring everything that she would need and get ready for her date with Azriel here instead of asking someone to winnow or fly her back to the House of Wind. Besides, Emerie and her had spent so much time here with the inner circle that the High Lord and Lady always had a guest room reserved for them.
She took the hand that Azriel offered and followed him from the bottom of the staircase to the foyer. From the living area, she heard the voices of Nesta and Cassian who was enthusiastically responding to the prattling of Nyx, as well as Feyre who had returned while Gwyn was stressing out over whether to put her hair up or leave it down.
She had gone with the third option proposed by Nesta to tie the top half up with a pretty silver hair stick gifted to her by Emerie for Solstice. The best thing about it was the thin dagger hidden inside that could potentially come in handy. She might be going out with one of deadliest – and most handsome – male alive, but she was still a Valkyrie who loved daggers, especially when they were disguised as pretty accessories.
“You are breathtaking.”
Gwyn blushed from his compliment. Emerie and Nesta were right about the fact that her little black dress was the ideal choice. It was also a perfect match to Azriel’s entirely black attire.
“So are you, Shadowsinger.”
His answering smile almost made her trip on her own feet. He brought their intertwined hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles.
Azriel opened the door and started to leave when another set of footsteps was heard coming their way. Looking to her left, Gwyn saw Rhysand strolling towards them with his hands in his pockets, no doubt having completed his work for the day and ready to reunite with his mate and son.
“Bye Rhys.” She waved a hand at him.
Gwyn still couldn’t believe how close they have become over the past few years. Sometimes they were a High Lord and a Valkyrie who worked together for the well-being of those they cared for, other times they were confidants who listened and offered support. Sometimes they were like protective siblings who looked out for each other, oftentimes they were the type of siblings who teased and pestered the other. But at the core of all these versions of them were mutual respect and care. The kind of bond that Gwyn never thought that she would ever have. None of the relationships that she had forged so far had been expected, yet they were all precious in their own way.
“Be home by midnight,” he ordered, pursing his lips to stop the smile that was threatening to break on his lips. His violet eyes sparkled like the first stars that had started to appear in the sky. Azriel snorted at the curfew that his brother was imposing on Gwyn.
“Fuck off.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re not my father.”
Rhys crossed his arms and puffed his chest. The arrogant asshole, she thought.
“I’m old enough to be.”
Gwyn laughed. She squeezed Azriel’s hand and dragged him out of the door, eager to finally be alone with him.
“You’re old enough to be the cauldron’s father,” she shouted at Rhys before slamming his own door shut in his face.
The sound of Rhys’ gasp on the other side of the door was covered by the chuckle that Azriel let out beside her. What a lovely way to start their evening!
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Rhys, to Gwyn: This is Azriel, he hates himself and never smiles but he also has wings, doesn’t know how to make bracelets or open up about his feelings, is a sore loser, and giggles when you call him baby.
Gwyn, handing over cash: I’ll take him.
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hellogoodbye14 · 1 year
*Gwyn, Rhys and Azriel trying to help a Night Court resident identify a perpetrator*
Resident: The fae was singing I want it that way during the crime.
*Rhys steps forward*
Rhys: Guys I’m going to need you guys to sing this song turn by turn.
Gwyn: *Squeals* oh good idea. Let’s go number 1
Perp 1: You are my fire🤨
Rhys: Number 2, keep it going
Perp 2: The one desire 🙄
Gwyn: Number 3
Perp 3: Believe when I say, I want it that way 😳
*Gwyn lip syncing alongside*
Rhys: *nodding head with beat* Number 4
Perp 4: I want it that way
Gwyn and Rhys: TELL ME WHY.
Everyone: Ain’t nothing but a heartache
Gwyn and Rhys: TELL ME WHY
Everyone: Ain’t nothing but a mistake
Rhys: Now number 5
Perp 5: I never wanna hear you say 👀
Gwyn: WOO…
Everyone: I want it that way 💃🏼
Rhys: Ah, chills. Literal chills.
Gwyn: Ikr?!
Resident: It was number 5, number 5 killed my brother.
Gwyn: Oh my god, I forgot about that part.
Azriel: I’m never letting you guys conduct investigations again.
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sakhisaysthings · 1 year
If you get this post 3 random facts about yourself and send this to the last 5 people in your reblogs. Get to know the person behind the blog
1. I don't like mixing my food. Sweet should be sweet, sour should be sour, Savory should be Savory 😋
2. If you have a dog at home, I will forget about your existence and only be with the dog 🐕
3. I love ghar ka khaana!!!!
@filtercoffeeonsteroids tum bhi bhar do
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orphicauroras · 1 year
Gwyn Week Day 5: Friendship
I'm here thinking about how good of a friendship Gwyn and Rhysand would have. They're both such a nerds. Hell Rhysand even has a whole ass solar system built into his desk. And Gwyn is helping Merrill in her research about multiverses. They're definitely going to bond over that. I can see them exchanging random facts and knowledge everytime they meet. And arguing about which theory is right or wrong. Everyone else would be having fun and chilling and they'll be arguing about how old the universe really is or whether white holes are real or is it just our delusions speaking.
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imsointobooks · 2 years
Theories I love (Part 1):
Being shadow mommy. Coming into her role of priestess and co-leading the valkyries. Late night training sessions with Az and flirting with him and making him blush. Kissing him first. Being besties/ siblings with Rhys. Being close friends with Cass, Lucien and Feyre and of course her girl gang/ soul sisters Nesta and Emerie. Getting to know more about her Autumn Court heritage. Going out into Velaris to explore on her own. Visiting her sister's grave for closure and meeting some of the kids she saved that day. Helping with her immense knowledge and research in finding the 4th Dead Trove and being Az's spy buddy. Getting to explore her nymph heritage. I think Merril is sus but even if she isn't standing up to her. Honestly a maternal, fond relationship with her and Clotho. Nerding it out with Rhys. Getting to know about the mating bond first. Nyx loving her. Awesome kinky bookish idea sex scenes with Az and shadow play and bondage with ribbons. Casual cuddles between her and Az.
Finding his self - worth and self - love. Bat bois bond and fun. Kinky bedroom scenes. Getting touched when he realises others love for him and acceptance of him (because it is there). Getting exasperated with his shadows for being obsessed with Gwyn. Closure with Mor. Babysitting Nyx moments. Him singing. Him crying once in front of people and letting out his emotions. Being the sweetiest and hottest in bed with Gwyn. Late night sparring sessions. Jealousy from Balthazar over Gwyn. Being a protective ass and getting his ass handed to him for trying to be a white knight. Accepting his illyrian heritage and doing his best to make it better. Spy missions for the dead trove. Late night research sessions and stargazing with Gwyn. Beinga mused by her and in awe of how she slays in her Court of Nightmares look. Honestly some funny thoughts about Amren in his head. Being more open with the IC. Craving touch from bis favourite Valkyrie. Shirtless scene. Truthteller scene. Dad style trying to scold his shadows for sneaking of to Gwyn and then Gwyn scolds him for being rude to the adorable minions. A strategy point where he comes up with a really smart solution to a problem. A separate moment with all of the IC members. Becoming friends with Lucien and apologising to him.
Being besties and nerding it out with Gwyn. Azzie and Rhysie moments. Proud and loving dad moments. Competing with Feyre for their child's first word. Providing the chafing with a smirk when Gwynriel's bond clicks. Amren and Rhys friendship. Nesta and Rhys friendship and random gift giving. Teasing Az about Gwyn.
Tough but loving mom moments. Girls night out with her, Gwyn and Nesta. Observing how good Az and Gwyn are together. Her and Nesta being sisters. Her and Mor friendship and helping her out with Emerie. Lucien and her being besties again pleaseeee.
Going to the day court and becoming a courtier. Observing how people behave and using her natural charm to be a diplomat and come into her own. Going to the spring court and seeing it bloom. Possibly becoming its consort with Lucien (because i don't find her much of a High Lady material) and helping others out in it and gardening. Maintaing her friendship and having a closer bond with Nuala and Cerridwen (idk if i spelled that right). Being distant but amicable with her sisters because honestly she's a self-centered sister and idk want their to be some rlly close bond with her and Nesta and Feyre as a resolution. As a person Elain can be cool but family wise she's a Taryn. Not being coddled by the NC and going out to explore likes she wanted to with Lucien. Being friends with the BoE but initially they don't like her she has to earn their friendship and protection. Donning Day Court fashion. Rejecting the mating bond but being with Lucien. Getting jealous of Lucien with someone else. Being a goddamn courtier and helping out and being seen as something more than a pretty face and using her charm and observance. Helping defeat Koschei.
Becoming High Lord of the Spring Court (hell no is Helion dying idc). Getting an apology/ redemption arc from Tamlin for his abuse. Becoming besties with Feyre again. BoE friendship and sass and die for each other style moments. Being a courtier and ambassador. BEING HAPPY AND LOVED. Realising he will not be used by others abd will fight for himself and put himself first. I love his approach towards Elain in every aspect nothing change. I don't want a head over heels love thing more the finding her worthy that is there rn. Closure regarding Jesminda. Dad Helion and baby Lucien moments. Mommy LA and Eris bro moments too. Figuring out his day court powers. Gagging over his dad and mom being lovey-dovey. Being the sassy sarcastic awesome we know he is. Reviving the Spring Court. Helping defeat Koschei. Hanging out with his brother in laws.
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greenleaf777 · 3 months
I don’t think people understand that they like the IDEA of elucien and gwynriel not the actual canon story being presented to us.
Elain has spent 3 whole books and 2 years ignoring and avoiding Luciens existence, why would that suddenly change in her book? She spent 3 books pushing Lucien away and pulling Azriel closer. Elains last “interaction “ with Lucien in acosf speaks volumes. Lucien has soent slmost the same amount of time being completely separated from his supposed mate with no issue at all.
Gwyn and Az don’t actually have any romantic subtext at all in ACOSF. The closest gwyn got to showing interest in a male is when she blushed at Rhys 😂 Gwynsand anyone?
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gra-leitora · 2 years
“I am the rock against which the waves break. Gwyn raised her sword. “Nothing can break me.”
A Court of Silver Flames - Sarah J. Maas
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meher-sumedha · 2 years
Gwyn and Rhys sitting on a bench together.
Azriel : Why do you both look so sad?
Gwyn : You might wanna sit down for this
Azriel : *sits down*
Rhys : The bench is freshly painted.
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daevastanner · 3 months
My contribution for Gwynriel weeks2024 is this Gwynsand/dark!Gwyn fanfic. Please enjoy this extra moody first chapter now available on Ao3. Chapter 2 to come tomorrow!
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r h y s a n d
Rhysand waited patiently in his office in the House of Wind for the next witness to arrive.
He’d been hearing testimonies from the priestesses of Sangravah all day. 
Well, a few of them. Only the ones who had volunteered to relive the nightmares that had transpired, all in exchange for the chance they may get a morsel of justice.
The heavy oak door opened, and Clotho came striding into the warmly lit office, another unfamiliar acolyte behind her. With a gnarled hand, she gestured to the high-backed sitting chair in front of Rhysand’s mahogany desk. 
The acolyte gave Clotho a hollow smile, nodding in confirmation that she could leave her alone with the High Lord.
With a bow of her head, Clotho retreated, the door clicking shut behind her.
Rhys took a moment to perceive the female before him. She had pin straight coppery hair, tucked behind her pointed ears. Her face was smattered with caramel colored freckles that contrasted starkly against her sallow complexion. 
No doubt Sangravah had taken its toll on her. 
She gave Rhys that same empty smile she’d given Clotho. The expression did not meet her large, teal eyes, the skin beneath them bearing bruise-like smudges. He recognized the expression. He’d worn it plenty of times after he’d returned from Under the Mountain. It was the smile he donned when he could feel the phantom scratch of Amarantha’s nails, the echo of her gluttonous moans. 
Rhys returned the priestess’s polite smile, shoving his ghosts to the back of his mind. He leaned his elbows on his desk, trying to appear at ease. “Let’s get introductions out of the way. My name is Rhysand, I am High Lord of the Night Court.”
“Acolyte Gwyneth Berdara, formerly of the Temple of Sangravah,” she replied primly although her voice was slightly hoarse. 
Rhys arched a brow attempting to keep things conversational. “Gwyneth Berdara? You’re one of the priestesses who have accepted postage at The House of Wind.”
He’d given all the acolytes from Sangravah two options upon their relocating. A post: serving in the House of Wind with a private room in the library dormitories, including access to regular counseling sessions; or passage: an escort to their family or friends after assessment by healers.
The choice was theirs.
Most of this particular lot accepted passage, with only ten requesting a post.
One of those ten, being Gwyneth Berdara.
“I look forward to beginning my service,” Gwyneth said with a slight bow of her head. There was a faint glimmer in her eyes, one that hadn’t been there before. “If there has been one bit of hope in the past week, it’s that I may do some good in the High Lord’s name.”
The way she spoke wasn’t as though she wished to appease him, but not insincere. It was almost admiring, yet bashful. Like speaking to your greatest hero, or happening upon your most respected artist. He would gladly receive her praise if it alleviated the weight of the ghosts bearing down on her. 
As though sensing his assessment, Gwyn’s cheeks pinkened. “I’m just very familiar with your policies in Velaris and the work you’ve done for the females of Illyria. Not to mention the orphans of the Capital cities.” 
Rhys smiled, heat blooming in his own cheeks at the enthusiasm in her reply. “I wasn’t aware anyone was monitoring my policies.”
“I have been,” Gwyn said. A beat passed, then, “I specialized in the care of the orphans at Sangravah. And my twin and I are— were nymphs.”
He heard the unspoken words in the latter-half of the sentence. 
‘I’m a halfbreed too.’
He shrugged his shoulders. “Genetic status is irrelevant in the Velaris—“
“Thanks to you,” Gwyneth finished, then ducked her head, seemingly embarrassed. “My lord.”
Right, well, perhaps she’d be comfortable enough to discuss her thoughts on his policies with him in a few years. Once she’d acclimated. If she had positive opinions, she’d certainly have negative ones, and it had been a long time since someone who didn’t know Rhys intimately had critiqued him.
“Well, I appreciate you volunteering for both the library and this interview, Priestess,” Rhysand said. “May I explain how you will be giving your testimony?”
Gwyneth bobbed her head, that broken smile resurfacing on her lips.
Rhysand explained how he intended to utilize his daemati magic to view the events of her memories from the attack on Sangravah. He’d then use the information he found to look for any familiar faces or weak points in their enemy’s defenses.
“If the use of my gift gives you pause, I’ll happily take a verbal account,” Rhys finished.
Gwyneth’s mouth was pressed in a flat line, all color drained from her face. “Which is more helpful?”
Rhys felt his stomach sink. What she had lived through had to be too traumatic to recount verbally, especially with so little time to process whatever had occurred.  
At least using his daemati magic, Rhysand would be sifting through her mind alone, with her no wiser as to the contents he was making note of.
“Strictly speaking, mental accounts are more reliable and while most invasive, require you to remember less details. Those who choose verbal typically take issue with the intimate nature of my gifts. It’s a matter of comfortability.”
Gwyneth Berdara nodded, chewing her lower lip, then finally said, “I’d rather you get as much detail as possible to apprehend the responsible parties. I trust you to use your abilities honorably.” 
Rhys dipped his head. “While your trust is not misplaced, Priestess, I appreciate it all the same. If you could just–”
“On one condition, please, my lord.”
His brows rose at the distressed creases lining her forehead, indicating it had taken great courage for her to speak up. He nodded for her to continue. 
“I would ask,” Gwyneth began, “that whatever you see does not alter the way you have regarded me since I entered this office. I’ve… I’ve had enough pity.” 
Rhys felt a frown tug at the corners of his lips. He knew all about pity. To his knowledge, many priestesses and children had seen immeasurable horrors during the attacks. Morrigan and Azriel had plenty of accounts they’d relayed with somber eyes while nursing their respective glasses of alcohol. 
“On my word as High Lord of the Night Court, you will have no pity from me, Gwyneth Berdara.”
On my word as someone who has had his fill of pity as well…
Gwyneth’s answering smile was feeble and forced, but true. “Then we may proceed. Tell me what is needed of me.” 
Rhys instructed the priestess to relax as best she could and close her eyes. She may feel a slight probing within her skull, and if at any point she did not wish to continue, she need only say so. Verbally or mentally, he would pick up on her request and withdraw immediately. 
She had no questions, only took a steeling breath and leaned back in her seat, folding her hands neatly in her lap. Her eyes slid shut, lips pressed in a tight line once more. “I’m ready,” she said softly. 
Rhysand concentrated on her, carefully setting aside his sympathies. Only when her shoulders relaxed did he close his own eyes, and dive in. 
Read the rest on Ao3
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hlizr50 · 3 years
Teaser Tuesday
Enjoy this snippet from Chapter 14 of The Raven and the Songbird!
New chapters drop every Sunday!
“May I ask you something… personal? Rhysand?” Her courage did not match the strength of her tone, but when his dark brows rose expectantly she continued, “How do you heal? What… what has helped you recover from, well, everything? If you don’t want to share, please say so. I know the topic isn’t one I would normally broach. But, like you said, we seem to share some similar… experiences.”
The High Lord waved away her apology. “It helps to talk. At least about some things. When I think of my mother and sister, I do my best to remember the joy that we all shared. I choose to recall my mother taking care of me and Cassian and Azriel. I think about how my mother’s heart was so beautiful and loving that she sewed a wardrobe of gowns for my mate, even though they never got to meet. I imagine my sister helping, chatting about how anyone who was shackled to me for the rest of their life would have to be pretty damned patient and the most extraordinary of females, and how she wouldn’t wish me upon anyone for a practical eternity,” he snorted, and Gwyn giggled. “My sister was irreverent and bold. Much like you, at least from what I hear.”
Her head tilted, unsure of what that meant. “From what you hear?” Rhys just ran fingers through his hair before giving her a pointed look.
“Azriel doesn’t speak freely about much, but you are by far his favorite subject.”
“Oh Gods,” she squeaked, covering her burning face with her hands. She knew her embarrassment was likely painting her red, the sound of her High Lord’s mirth drifting into her ringing ears.
“My apologies, Gwyneth. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” His voice was a soothing silk that did nothing to cool the fire in her cheeks.
“I’m not sure that’s entirely true, Rhys,” she snapped back, receiving a throaty guffaw in return.
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sunshinebingo · 2 months
Even Lovers Drown -
Chapter 19
Synopsis: Sirens are known to be merciless creatures who lure their prey with their ethereal voices.
But what happens when Gwyneth, a half Fae half siren, meets someone who is immune to her song? Maybe she doesn’t need it for him to want her.
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Read on Ao3
Warning: Blood and mild torture
Gwyn’s gaze remained locked on the pair of violet eyes that was fixed on her while her body slowly woke up from her mind begging it to. The sound of chains rattling mixed with that of her heavy breathing as her tail and hands moved in a plea for freedom. The chains tightened around her and forced her to stop.
“Sing and you die,” the voice that belonged to the male made her shiver.
Gwyn gulped. Her lungs burned and the top half of her body felt dry; her face, her breast, her hands that had been bound in front of her and the part of her tail that was not lying in the water that was only a few inches deep beneath her. Her gills opened and closed faster than they would have if she was fully submerged. She truly felt like a fish that was being deprived of water. Every little movement she made reminded her that she was a fish that had previously been battered and bruised by another fish. Images of the purple siren flashed through her mind and urged her to ask,
“How is he?” her voice came out raspy.
Tag list (let me of you want to be added/removed): @shadowsxgwynriel @iambutmortal @trashforazriel @hlizr50 @headcanonheadcase @hiimheresworld @freyjas-musings @starfall-spirit @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @sv0430 @wrotethestars
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Azriel: *dramatically watches the rainfall through the window, lit cigarette in hand with a melancholy look on his face* We were born alone and we're going to die alone.
Rhys: For god's sake, Az. Gwyn left three minutes ago to get a book from the library.
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hellogoodbye14 · 2 years
Gwyn's freaked out about some priestess exam during girl's night so Emerie gets her drunk to shut her up. Cut to the training ring with Azriel training (maybe shirtless?), and Gwyn wanders in all giggling and tispy and is just really really forward and apparently likes to cuddle and Az is just there trying not to die from the cuteness and blushing. She snuggles upto him and he has to carry her to bed like that while she keeps talking with her lips on his neck and flustered Az and "oh god is she trying to kill him"
(She ends up calling him adorable which he is vehemently against but she refuses all his reasons of why he is scary bad shadowsinger)
Tell me why a small scene turned into a whole ass one-shot. Just gwynriel things 🤷🏻‍♀️❤️
Emerie sighed at the sight before her eyes.
Gwyn groaned and banged a rather large book against her head. Papers and scrolls lay haphazardly all around her and there was a stack of files which was taller than Amren sitting besides her.
“I’m going to fail it.”
“You won’t fail it. You’ve prepared for it for months and even Clotho said she wasn’t worried about you.”
“If I fail, I’ll have to be Merril’s assistant for a whole year.”
Emerie shook her head, her bestfriend was spiralling and this stress wouldn’t help her for her exam in a few days.
She pulled on Gwyn’s arm, “Okay, that’s enough. We’re going out.”
“No, I can’t. I still have the prythian history, then the ancient runes and the pris- hey ow!”
Emerie dragged Gwyn out the library and made the way towards the exit.
“You are freakishly strong”, muttered Gwyn.
Emerie smirked, “Why, thank you.”
“Where are we going?”, asked Gwyn.
“Rita’s. We’re getting you drunk.”
“Oh the place where you sigh and look at a certain night court second all night?”, said Gwyn teasingly.
“Shut up.”
“Well she stares longingly right back at you. You both really need to do something about all that sexual tension.”
“Gwyn!”, gasped Emerie who was pretty sure she was blushing all the way down to her toes.
Azriel felt a bit worried. He knew Gwyn was stressed and probably busy with studying.. but she never missed out on what had become a routine for them after solstice. They would always come up here during late hours and train under the moonlight. Afterwards they’d sit together side by side and just talk. Tonight was the first night, she hadn’t come and Azriel had felt a pang of worry and disappointment.
Shortly after, Rhys had flown in to train in the ring and Azriel joined him.
Rhys jumped into a high spinning kick that sent Azriel to the floor, and he rolled away before Rhys could attempt contact again.
“You seem a bit distracted dear Az.”
Rhys used his right forearm to block a crescent kick that Azriel had landed perfectly, the sound of bone on bone ringing across the training ring.
“I’m not distracted.”
Rhys snorted as he backed away.
“Sure thing. Haven’t had a certain priestess slash valkyrie on your mind at all?”
Azriel paused.
Rhys raised an eyebrow.
“You know I used to come up here all the time to train, that was until I stumbled upon the two of you.”
“You saw that?”
Rhys smiled, “Yeap. Also saw you blush a few times. I realised after that it was a common thing so I stopped coming. Well that was until tonight when I saw it empty.”
“I do not blush”, said Azriel knowing he might have been blushing at the moment.
Rhys patted him on the shoulder, “Yes you do, Shadowsinger. It’s kind of adorable.”
Azriel shoved a snickering Rhys away and was about to resume the sparring session when he heard an angelic voice behind him.
“Holy hell. Bless the Cauldron and all it’s miracles”, said Gwyn followed by a hiccup.
Both Rhys and Azriel turned around to find Gwyn, her long and gorgeous hair gleaming under the moonlight and her eyes solely focused on their bare torso’s.
“Gwyn, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, I was coming in for our nightly routine until I stumbled on this”, she pointed out her hand towards them, “ab-tastic perfection.”
Rhys snickered and Azriel couldn’t help but be amused. Apparently, Gwyn was an honest drunk.
She walked, well more like stumbled closer and Azriel quickly reached forward to stable her and put an arm around her.
She blushed, “Thank you, pretty.”
“I’m pretty?”
“Yeah huh, you’re the prettiest and the handsomest”, followed by a hiccup.
“You alright Gwyn?”, asked a smiling Rhys.
Gwyn nodded super quick after offering Rhys a salute, “Yes might fine and extremely pleasant to look at High lord. I’m sooooooo good. Emerie dragged me out and got me drunk.”
Gwyn wrapped her arms around Azriels arm and settled her head against his bare bicep. Azriel couldn’t help the flutter he felt in his stomach.
“And where is Emerie?”
“Oh, she and Mor got me home and then started making out crazy.”
Azriel and Rhys both looked at one another with smiles on their faces.
“About damn time”, muttered Rhys.
“And then I came here to make my appointment with this stud”, said Gwyn as she poked Azriels cheek with a finger.
He snickered.
“Alright, well I’ll leave you two to it then.”
Gwyn waved, “Say hi to Feyre for me! She’s so lovely. You’re so lucky.”
Rhys smiled and gave a small bow, “That I am.”
With that he winnowed away.
“So let’s train”, said Gwyn as she tried separating herself from Azriel.
“Oh no, I think we should keep the knives and swords away for now.”
Gwyn pouted up at him and Azriel snickered.
“What? Why?”
“You’re sotted.”
She gasped, “I am not.”
She tried stomping her foot but felt a rush of dizziness almost tipping her over until Azriel steadied her.
“Okay, maybe I am. What do we do?“
“What do you want to do?”
“We should cuddle. I love cuddling.”
Azriel felt his heartbeat get ten times faster. He’d be lying if he hadn’t thought about her. How couldn’t he? her grace, her strength, her loyalty was one of the best things he had the pleasure to witness. Her friendship was unconditional and her lips, he dreamt of tracing those lips…. those freckles. He shook his head a bit. It was easy, so easy to get lost to those fantasies. And it would be easier to act on them.
He saw her eyes dilate and fixate on his lips. But he wasn’t worthy of her, would never be.
He smiled sadly, “Lets get you to bed for now, Red.”
“And then we cuddle? Come on, I’ll be great. I promise. I give the best cuddles in the universe.”
“Of that, I have no doubt Berdara.”
He leaned down and took her into his arms.
He felt a warmth in his chest when she snuggled into him.
Her pert nose rubbed against his neck and Azriel gulped.
“You smell good, Shadowsinger”, she whispered as her lips moved against his neck.
Azriel looked up towards the sky, was she trying to kill him here?
“As do you do, Berdara. Even when you’re hammered with tequila. You’re exquisite.”
Gwyn giggled, his shadows dancing around her cheeks.
“You’re adorable Az.”
Azriel scoffed as he pushed open the door while maintaining his hold on Gwyn.
“I’m not adorable. I’m the Shadowsinger of the night court.“
“Yes yes, the big bad scary Shadowsinger of the Night court who is still adorable as hell.”
Azriel sighed in resignation, there was no getting through to her.
He leaned down and placed her on her bed. He started to stand upright but she grasped his neck.
“Stay with me.”
“Gwyn, I dont think - “
“Just stay. I can’t sleep without our nightly talking session.”
Her teal eyes implored, and there wasn’t a thing he could ever refuse her.
“Scoot over, Red.”
She did and he removed his shoes before laying next to her. She quickly snuggled in and placed her head on his chest, right above his heart. He tightened his arm around her.
“I’m glad you’re here”, she said sleepily.
He kissed her on her forehead lightly.
“Me too, Red.”
Requested by : @imsointobooks
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