estapa-edwards · 1 day
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paring: Will Smith x reader
word count: 3.4k
requested? no
warnings: use of y/n. slight smut? ig.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
The echo of blades slicing through the ice reverberated throughout the rink, mingling with the sharp clatter of pucks against sticks. Boston College's hockey arena was a hub of activity, with the men's and women's teams often sharing practice times. Will Smith, the star forward of the men's team, was in the midst of a grueling drill, his focus unwavering as he maneuvered the puck with skillful precision.
On the other side of the rink, Y/N Leonard was equally absorbed in her practice. As the captain of the women's team, she had a reputation to uphold. Her brother, Ryan Leonard, was a defenseman on the men's team and one of Will's closest friends. Despite their close connection, Y/N and Will's relationship was anything but friendly.
Their rivalry was legendary, a bitter clash of egos and competitive spirits that had brewed over the years. It was an open secret that they couldn't stand each other, always bickering and challenging each other on and off the ice. But beneath the surface of their animosity lay a secret even their closest friends didn't suspect—they were enemies with benefits.
--- --- --- 
Their first encounter had been a clash of wills at a party during their freshman year. The backyard of one of the off-campus houses had been transformed into a mini-rink for the night, complete with floodlights and a rowdy audience. Y/N, confident and fierce, had seen Will's cocky grin as he dominated the makeshift rink. Fueled by competitive spirit and maybe a bit too much beer, she had skated up to him and issued a challenge.
"One-on-one, Smith. Unless you're scared to lose to a girl."
Will had laughed, a sound that grated on Y/N's nerves. "You're on, Leonard. Let's see what you've got."
The stakes were high—bragging rights for the rest of the year. The game had been intense, filled with taunts and near-miss goals, ending in a narrow victory for Will. Y/N had been livid, her competitive nature unable to accept defeat gracefully. Their enmity was sealed that night, a rivalry born from mutual respect and a burning desire to prove themselves.
But as the months passed, their rivalry took an unexpected turn. Their heated arguments would often end in moments of undeniable chemistry, and one fateful night after a particularly intense game, their anger had erupted into something else entirely.
--- --- --- 
The game against Northeastern had been brutal, leaving both teams exhausted and irritable. The men's and women's teams had played back-to-back games, each fiercely contested and ending in narrow victories. The adrenaline was still pumping through Y/N's veins as she stormed into the locker room, replaying every missed opportunity and close call in her mind.
"Nice game, Leonard," Will's voice echoed through the empty hall, dripping with sarcasm as he followed her inside.
Y/N spun around, her eyes blazing. "What do you want, Smith? Here to gloat?"
Will smirked, stepping closer. "Just thought I'd congratulate you on not choking under pressure. For once."
The tension between them crackled like static electricity. Y/N's anger flared, her fists clenching at her sides. "You're such an asshole."
"Better than being a sore loser," Will shot back, his voice low and dangerous.
The words hung in the air, their breaths coming in short, heated bursts. Without thinking, Y/N closed the distance between them, her anger morphing into something else entirely. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, all the pent-up frustration and desire boiled over.
Y/N grabbed Will's jersey, yanking him down to her level. Their lips crashed together, the kiss fierce and demanding. Will responded instantly, his hands gripping her waist as he backed her against the lockers. The cold metal pressed into her back, a stark contrast to the heat of their kiss.
It was a clash of wills, their tongues battling for dominance as they gave in to the primal urge that had been simmering beneath the surface for months. Will's hands roamed over Y/N's body, his touch igniting a fire within her that she couldn't deny. She tugged at his jersey, needing to feel his skin against hers.
They broke apart briefly, gasping for air. Y/N's eyes were wild, her lips swollen from the intensity of their kiss. "This doesn't mean anything," she panted, her voice trembling with a mix of desire and defiance.
"Right," Will agreed, his voice equally breathless. "Just blowing off steam."
Their mouths collided again, more urgent this time. Y/N's hands found the hem of Will's jersey, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside. Her fingers traced the hard planes of his chest, savoring the feel of his muscles tensing under her touch.
Will's hands were equally busy, sliding under her jersey and up her back, pulling her closer. Their bodies pressed together, the heat between them almost unbearable. Y/N's head spun with the intensity of their connection, every nerve ending on fire.
Somehow, they managed to shed the rest of their clothes, their desire too overwhelming to care about the cold or the hard floor beneath them. Will's hands were everywhere, exploring every inch of her skin as if memorizing it. Y/N responded in kind, her nails digging into his back, leaving marks in their wake.
When Will finally entered her, it was like a dam breaking. The sensation was almost too much, a mix of pleasure and pain that left her gasping. They moved together in a frantic rhythm, their bodies finding a natural sync despite their previous animosity.
It was raw, intense, and utterly consuming. Y/N had never felt anything like it, every touch, every thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. She clung to Will, her fingers tangled in his hair, as they reached the peak together.
In the aftermath, they lay tangled on the cold floor, their breaths mingling in the quiet of the locker room. Y/N's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions—desire, confusion, and a lingering sense of defiance.
Will broke the silence first, his voice surprisingly gentle. "This changes nothing, you know."
Y/N nodded, her resolve hardening. "I know. We're still enemies."
"Right," he agreed, but there was a hint of something softer in his eyes as he looked at her.
As they dressed in silence, the reality of what had just happened began to sink in. They had crossed a line, one that could never be uncrossed.
--- --- ---
Sneaking around had become second nature to them. They'd find isolated corners of the rink or meet in the early hours of the morning when the campus was quiet. Despite their constant bickering, they couldn't deny the magnetic pull between them.
Their secret meetings were a mix of passion and frustration, each encounter leaving them more confused and conflicted. They were enemies, rivals on and off the ice, but in those stolen moments, they were something else entirely.
One night, after a particularly grueling practice, Y/N received a text from Will.
Will: Meet me at the old equipment room. Midnight.
Y/N's heart raced. She knew she should ignore him, and should put an end to this dangerous game they were playing. But something about Will drew her in, and she found herself unable to resist.
The old equipment room was tucked away in a forgotten corner of the arena. It was their sanctuary, a place where they could be together without prying eyes. Y/N slipped inside, her breath visible in the cold air. Will was already there, leaning against a stack of crates.
"You took your time," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Had to make sure no one followed me," Y/N retorted, closing the door behind her.
Will's eyes softened as he approached her. "You know, we don't have to keep doing this."
Y/N sighed, her resolve wavering. "I know. But... I can't stay away."
"Neither can I," Will admitted, pulling her into his arms.
Their kisses were desperate, fueled by the fear of being discovered and the intensity of their hidden emotions.
--- --- ---
As the season progressed, tensions on and off the ice began to mount. Boston College was preparing for a series of critical games that would determine their standings in the league. The pressure was immense, and both the men's and women's teams were feeling the strain.
Y/N and Will's clandestine relationship became increasingly difficult to maintain. The late-night rendezvous and stolen glances were no longer enough. Their teammates began to notice the tension between them, though no one suspected the true nature of their interactions.
One evening, after a particularly grueling practice, Ryan confronted Y/N. "You've been acting weird lately. Is everything okay?"
Y/N hesitated, unsure how to respond. "Just stressed about the games. It's nothing."
Ryan frowned, not entirely convinced. "If you say so. Just remember, you can talk to me about anything."
Y/N forced a smile. "Thanks, Ry."
Later that night, Y/N received a text from Will.
Will: We need to talk. Meet me at the equipment room.
As Y/N made her way down the dimly lit hallways of the arena, her nerves grew. She wasn't sure why she felt so anxious. This was supposed to be just another one of their secret meetings, another chance to lose themselves in the intensity of their connection. But something about Will's message had set her on edge.
She pushed open the door to the old equipment room, her breath hitching as she saw Will standing there, his face shadowed by the dim light. His expression was serious, almost pained, and her heart sank.
"We need to talk," he said, his voice heavy with emotion.
Y/N took a tentative step closer, her eyes searching his. "What is it, Will? What's wrong?"
Will took a deep breath, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that made her stomach twist. "We need to end this, Y/N. We can't keep doing this."
The words hit her like a punch to the gut, leaving her reeling. "What are you talking about? Why?"
Will ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. "This... whatever this is, it's messing with our heads. We can't focus on the game, and it's only going to get worse. We need to stop seeing each other. For good."
Y/N felt a surge of confusion and anger. "So that's it? You're just going to walk away?"
"It's not that simple," Will said, his voice strained. "I care about you, Y/N. But this is too much. We're hurting ourselves and our teams. We have to think about what's best for everyone."
Tears welled in Y/N's eyes, her mind racing. "You think ending things will make everything better? What about us?"
Will's expression softened, a flicker of pain crossing his features. "There is no 'us,' Y/N. We're enemies, remember? We can't pretend this is something it's not."
Y/N's anger flared, her heart aching with a mix of hurt and betrayal. "You think I don't know that? But you can't just turn off your feelings like a switch, Will. This isn't just about the game."
"I know," Will whispered, his voice breaking. "But it's the only way."
They stood there in silence, the weight of his words hanging between them. Y/N's mind was a whirlwind of emotions, each one more confusing than the last. She wanted to scream, to fight, to make him see that what they had was real. But the look in his eyes told her that he had already made up his mind.
"Fine," she said, her voice trembling. "If that's what you want."
Will nodded, his expression resigned. "It's for the best."
Without another word, Y/N turned and walked away, her heart heavy with the weight of their decision. She didn't look back, couldn't bear to see the finality in his eyes.
--- --- --- 
The days that followed were a painful blur for Y/N. Every time she and Will saw each other, the air between them was thick with unresolved tension. Their once heated banter was replaced by uncomfortable silence and awkward glances. It was clear to everyone around them that something was off.
During practice, Y/N could feel the weight of her teammates' curious eyes on her. They whispered among themselves, speculating about the sudden change in her demeanor. Her game was affected too—her usual precision and focus were marred by hesitation and distraction.
At one point, her coach pulled her aside. "Y/N, your head's not in the game. What's going on?"
"It's nothing, Coach," she lied, forcing a smile. "Just... personal stuff."
The coach gave her a knowing look but didn't press further. "Get it together, Leonard. We need you at your best."
Ryan, however, was not so easily deterred. He had noticed the tension between Y/N and Will and couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had happened. After a particularly tense practice, he cornered her in the locker room.
"Y/N, what's going on with you and Will?" Ryan asked, his voice low but insistent. "You two have been acting weird for days."
Y/N sighed, knowing she couldn't keep lying to him. "Ryan, it's complicated. Can we talk about it later?"
"No," Ryan said firmly. "We talk about it now. You're my sister, and I need to know what's going on."
Y/N took a deep breath, her eyes filling with tears. "Will and I... we were seeing each other. But it's over now."
Ryan's eyes widened in surprise. "You and Will? Why didn't you tell me?"
"We didn't want anyone to know," Y/N admitted. "It was complicated, and we thought we could handle it. But it all fell apart."
Ryan's expression softened, his anger melting into concern. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I had no idea. Are you okay?"
"No," Y/N said, her voice breaking. "I'm not okay. It's been really hard."
Ryan pulled her into a hug, his arms wrapping around her protectively. "I'm here for you, Y/N. We'll get through this together."
--- --- --- 
The tension between Ryan and Will simmered beneath the surface, threatening to boil over with each passing day. Ryan couldn't shake the anger that burned inside him, the betrayal he felt on behalf of his little sister.
After practice one evening, Ryan approached Will, his expression dark and stormy.
"We need to talk," Ryan said, his voice low but charged with emotion.
Will tensed, bracing himself for the confrontation he had been dreading. He knew he had hurt Y/N, but facing her brother's wrath was a whole new level of guilt.
"Look, Ryan, I know you're angry," Will began, his voice strained. "But you have to understand..."
"Understand what, Will?" Ryan interrupted, his voice rising with frustration. "That you broke my sister's heart?"
Will winced at the accusation, the weight of his actions pressing down on him like a ton of bricks. "I never meant to hurt her, Ryan. I care about her more than anything."
"Then why did you end things?" Ryan demanded, his eyes flashing with anger. "If you care about her, why did you walk away?"
Will struggled to find the right words, his guilt and remorse threatening to choke him. "It's complicated, Ryan. We were hurting each other, and I thought it was for the best."
"For the best?" Ryan scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You think breaking her heart was for the best?"
Will shook his head, his own frustration mounting. "I don't know, okay? I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was protecting her."
"Protecting her?" Ryan repeated, his incredulity turning to rage. "From what, exactly? From you?"
The accusation hit Will like a punch to the gut, leaving him reeling with guilt and shame. He had thought he was doing what was best for Y/N, but now he saw the pain he had caused, the damage he had inflicted on the woman he cared about more than anything.
"I screwed up, okay?" Will admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "I never should have let things get this far. I never should have hurt her."
Ryan's anger softened, replaced by a flicker of sympathy. "You hurt her, Will. But you can still fix it. You can still make things right."
Will nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "I will. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right with Y/N."
Ryan studied him for a moment, his expression unreadable. "You better, Will.”
With that, Ryan turned and walked away, leaving Will alone with his thoughts and his guilt.
--- --- ---
After yet another practice filled with tense interactions and awkward silences, Will knew he couldn't continue to avoid confronting Y/N. He needed to talk to her, to try to make things right between them, even if it meant facing her anger head-on.
As the rest of the team filed out of the locker room, Will lingered behind, waiting for the opportune moment to approach Y/N. When the room finally emptied, he took a deep breath and approached her, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Y/N, can we talk?" Will asked, his voice tentative.
Y/N's expression hardened, her eyes flashing with anger. "I don't have anything to say to you, Will."
Will swallowed nervously, steeling himself for the confrontation that was about to unfold. "Please, just hear me out. I know I messed up, but I want to make things right."
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, her expression skeptical. "And how do you plan on doing that?"
Will took a step closer, his eyes pleading. "By talking. By listening. By being honest with each other."
Y/N scoffed, her anger boiling over. "Honest? Like you were honest with me when you ended things out of nowhere?"
Will winced at the accusation, the guilt washing over him like a tidal wave. "I know I hurt you, Y/N. I never meant to. I was just... scared. Scared of what we were becoming, of how much I cared about you."
Y/N's anger softened slightly, replaced by a flicker of hurt. "So you decided to end things without even talking to me about it?"
"I know it was a mistake," Will admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "I was wrong to push you away like that. I should have talked to you, tried to work through our issues together."
Y/N's walls began to crumble, her anger giving way to vulnerability. "I miss you, Will. I miss us."
Will reached out tentatively, his hand brushing against hers. "I miss you too, Y/N. More than you'll ever know."
For a moment, they stood there in silence, the weight of their emotions hanging between them like a heavy fog. Then, slowly, hesitantly, Y/N stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Will and burying her face in his chest.
"I'm sorry," Will whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."
Y/N nodded, her own tears mingling with his. "I forgive you, Will. But we have a lot of work to do if we're going to make this right."
Will nodded, his heart lighter than it had been in weeks. "I know. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes."
--- --- ---  
A few months had passed, and the day had finally arrived—the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. As Will stood before the crowd gathered at the press conference, a sense of pride and accomplishment washed over him.
Surrounded by his teammates, coaches, and family, Will signed the three-year entry-level contract with the San Jose Sharks, officially beginning the next chapter of his hockey career.
But amidst the excitement and celebration, there was one person who stood out above all others—Y/N.
She stood by Will's side throughout the entire press conference, her hand clasped tightly in his, her eyes filled with pride and love.
As Will put pen to paper, signing his name on the dotted line, Y/N couldn't help but feel a swell of emotion. She had watched him overcome countless obstacles and setbacks, always pushing himself to be the best player he could be.
And now, as he embarked on this new journey with the San Jose Sharks, she knew that she would be there every step of the way, cheering him on from the sidelines, supporting him through the highs and lows of professional hockey.
As the cameras flashed and the reporters clamored for interviews, Y/N squeezed Will's hand, a silent promise passing between them. No matter where this new chapter took them, they would face it together, hand in hand, hearts intertwined.
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this is all over the place oh well.
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midnightmayhem13 · 2 days
Hii! Could I request the marvel ladies reaction to reader referring to them as her girlfriend for the first time <33
now i see daylight
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this is so adorable! and ofc coming rightt up(ultra delayed post)
warning!- some suggestive bits(nothing specifically said)
Carol Danvers
once awhile, u and the girls go to a fancy jazz club. usually it's an excuse for you guys to dress up and get wine drunk and wake up feeling refreshed, albeit a lil hungover. this time, you and your lovely gf Carol go as a together. you wore a stunning navy blue dress and she wore a casual navy suit. Carol was drooling over you and she couldn't stop staring at you but you were also obsessing over ur sexy buff ass gf. you walk in hand in hand and go around the party talking to ur friends. you and carol separate for js a moment. when ur friends head home u sit there sipping ur drink alone and a man comes to sit next to you and start bugging you. "hey beautiful, you here alone?" "no im actually with someone" you answer sternly. thanks to Carols quick reflexes, you don't have to suffer long. she puts a firm hand on ur back and kisses the top of ur head. but thanks to the drinks he doesnt take the hint. "why don't u take me home dove; i'll show you want i can do." you and carol giggle. as she's about to say smt, you interupt. "actually" leaning into Carol, putting ur hand on her stomach as her hand goes over ur shoulder. "i'm gonna be taking my beautiful girlfriend home so you can go now." Gosh you've never looked sexier to carol. she honestly js starts fawning over you and lets out a THATS MY GIRL and hugs you super tight bc her heart js melted. you're so proud about being with her and she cannot contain the blush that's on her cheek. you two walk out (ur lipstick all over Carols face and neck) she's so giddy about the events that happened and cannot stop kissing u all over. it's like ur first date all over again and honestly, she can't wait to call u her wife!!
Darcy Lewis
Darcy is the smartest girl you know. and naturally as an Avenger you introduce her to Tony and safe to say he's very impressed with her and pats you on the back for finding such a brilliant girl. everyone likes Darcy too!! she makes you happy, she's hot, she's loyal, and mf is a Dr and an astrophysicist!! you always flaunt that. well when a big company asks the avengers to come work with them bc some sort of anomaly (think wandavision but no one's dead bc i said so) has accured and they need some brains and brawns. while tony and bruce alone were smarter than all of the companies scientists; they bit off more than they could chew. after a few weeks of all the scientists working at it, they only advance a bit. you go home and darcy comes over and you rant to her about it bc ur fed up. and suggest the idea of bringing her to help and she considers it. she spends the night so she might as well tag along and see what she can do. at first the companies big boss disregards her and even tries to push her away from the monitors. you grab his wrist "don't you touch her. and just so yk my girlfriend is smarter than all ur stupid scientists so i suggest you let her take a look so she can fix wtv ur men can't" Darcy is actually frozen to her spot bc that was so hot. the heat from her cheeks spread all the way down and she's at a loss for words. her face turns bright red and she nudges you too stop cutting the guys circulation off (she's well aware you'll break this guys arm for her). she thanks you and kisses ur cheek as she sits down. give her a few hours and BOOM. she's gotten to the bottom of the problem and has two possible ways to fix it, they both end up working. Darcy bugs about how much you brag about her. you give her a whole speech on why she's the greatest women ever as you hold her. she loves you with her whole heart and has never felt safer in her big bad avengers gfs arms.
Maria Hill
Even though Maria is always incredibly busy with Shield, and you with the avengers, you always find time to be together. but being women of high power has never been easy. that being said, both of you get looked down on even after showing ur skill time and time again. so you arrive at headquarters looking for your bad ass gf, carrying with you a few treats so she doesn't forget to eat. as you make ur way towards everyone they seem to be doing their usual thing. you could spot her from a mile away away. she's the most beautiful women you've ever laid eyes on. you approach her. her eyes land on you and her face immediately lights up. she greats you with a tight hug, a kiss on the head and then the lips. she's gotten more comfortable with being affectionate at work, you notice. "thank you baby" she says sweetly, completely contrasting to the harsh tone she uses with her troops. "i'll be back in a second" she goes to tell her most trusted troop to take charge as she steps out for a second. almost as if she cannot live in peace, a scrawny, insecure guy comes out of nowhere and starts complaining about Maria being off duty (who even is he) he starts causes a scene and honestly makes you laugh a bit. you two go to walk off to ignore him and suddenly the hoe grabs you!! yeahh maria is not gonna let this go. but when she goes to interfere but yank your arm away "my girlfriend has all of this under control so why don't you turn around and get back to work, the nerve of you!" Maria jaw is DROPPED. i mean she knew you could get serious but seeing her adorable gf give commands does something to her body. almost as if she's shy being in ur presence. she's sure she's never smiled bigger. you turn around and grab her had and guide her to the break room. she feels like she has a silly little school girl crush as she giddily follows you around.
sharon carter
(this is power broker sharon bc she's hot but no one's dead BC I SAID SO) To say sharon was kinda nervous about telling you about her job was an understatement. i mean you were an avenger but also the love of her life. it was a long talk but you got it to work. anyways you hung around a lot at her place bc hello?? it's huge and you love seeing ur hot gf do illegal ass things bccc she wasn't an avenger level threat (yet) so by ur logic, we're chilling. and she was on okay terms with steve, bucky and sam. when she hosts her auctions you're always welcome to come to them too! you want to be there just in case the worse happens, even tho she's more than capable of controlling it. but that doesn't mean you're safe from any guys or gals that want to hit on you. if they know who you are, you're okay but if they don't know who you are or have a death note they'll hit on you. usually you hang low or by the bar bc sharon's busy at these events. as you sip your favorite margarita you feel a tap on your shoulder. a security guard? "uhm hi can i help you?" you ask politely. unbeknownst to you sharon's watching (she always is) and heading her way over to you. the guards are specifically told not to speak to you unless u speak to them. she's possessive what can you say. "i'm not sure you're on the list your gonna have to step out" he says roughly grabbing ur arm and tugging you off your stool. sharon is basically bolting at this point. "my girlfriends the owner of this place and is the reason you buy ur meals so get off of me" you say and push him back. he's about to tackle you bc yk ego. until he sees an arm snake around your waist. oh sh*t. "get the hell out my house" sharon says and he gets escorted out. you'll probably never hear from him again. sharon grabs your waist and pulls you impossibly close to her as she places her lips on yours. "that was so sexy baby" she says on ur lips. her stern demeanor almost broke when she heard you calling her your girlfriend so proudly. it made her knees want to buckle and she felt like kicking her feet. she finally got the girl of her dreams and u guys were a match made it heaven. she can't stop thinking of this moment for months to come and definitely shows how proud she is of you later that night.
nebula thought she was gonna be a lot of things in life. but never did she think she was gonna be the girlfriend of the most beautiful and kind girl in the galaxy. she seriously never expected to ever be blessed by your presence much rather be loved so deeply by you. although she's been weary of love her whole life, you've completely changed her perspective. you love her so deeply it's almost unfathomable. that being said, anything you guys are in a new planet and go explore you always make sure to stick to her side. who's gonna mess with ur big ass blue gf?? not to mention she's possessive with you and aggressive with anyone but you. she's also so gentle with her sweet girl. so you'd expect any on looker to stay away from you bc nebula likes to walk around with her hand on ur butt while holding you close. but when some weird looking dude approaches nebula immediately become alert but all he does is aggressively bump into her "hey watch where the hell your going u got ur dirty paws on my girlfriend!" you yell as you grab wtv the hell is on top of his (maybe hair??) and he has no other choice but to apologize to nebula. when he leaves nebula is left speechless. why are you so proud that ur dating her?she can't control herself tho and pulls you into an ally to passionately make out with you. that was so hot. she lifts you by ur butt and presses you against a wall. you giggle and pull away as she chases ur lips "what's with this nebby?" "i love you." she says hoarsely. she didn't know how to respond to the whole situation. she couldn't care less about what the guy said or didn't say. but you loved her so much and we're so open about it. she was gonna love you forever.
kate bishop
Kates sure you could do something so simple as breathing and she would get giddy. she's no kidding. she absolutely adores you and you adore her. that's why you two just work. and while not all things come to you guys that simple most things do. you to do have your fights but they can usually be resolved with a good talk followed by a movie marathon with pizza and Lucky cuddles. so that's what you guys are doing right now. don't get me wrong, this happens on a weekly bases not just when you guys are having an argument. it's just a chill saturday afternoon, both you and kate resting from having a hard week in training and working with adults who never seemed to be pleased with any improvement in any skill. but anyways. you kate and lucky are all cuddled up on her couch as you decide what movie to pick out. as if it's a 6th sense kate suddenly gasps "we didn't order pizza!" and even lucky pops his head up, distraught by this horrible news. you have a good laugh but kate is seriously concerned about this. you stroke her hair and kiss it and tell her you'll order it rn. kate js smiles snuggly at lucky (who she high fives) as she leans her head on ur tit and receives head rubs. you call her favorite pizza place and order ur usual order while she finds a few movies to binge. thanks to nyc, ur pizza arrives in no time. and when you hear the bell ring you and lucky go answer the door. kates too busy complaining cuz her pillows gone. as you answer the door luckys right there as ur security. "haha your dogs really cute!" says the delivery guy "thank you my girlfriend found him!" you say simply as you tip him and close the door. kate literally gets up and runs around as she squeals. you thought she was just really hungry but after she picks you up when you put the pizza down she tells you other wise. she spins you around and cannot take the big goofy smile off her face. she's left speechless but her smile speaks for her. when you ask her about it your heart melts at how pure she is. the rest of the night she's has that smile on her face as she's resting on ur favorite pillow, you!!
a/n- so sorry this took so long and it's kinda crappy! i was kinda stuck so they all sound similar but hopefully you guys enjoyed! send requests!!🤍🤍
stay safe hoes🤍
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fatkish · 3 days
Hi! Could you write Tamaki Amajiki Having a 5 year old sister. But who is the COMPLETE opposite of him.
Basically being a menace. Speaking her mind all the time, loving to play with bugs and tormenting showing them to her classmates. (Like one time chasing a bunch of screaming girls with a stick full of spiders) Making trouble constantly, etc.
Yet still love and even look up to her brother. While she may think he can be a bit of a chicken at times. She thinks he’s the coolest person ever! He can be brave, has beaten a lot of bad guys before. AND is a HERO! She will happily brag about her hero brother to her friends.
Tamaki Amajiki x Child Sibling Reader
You are Tamaki’s 5 year old sister. You’re a hyperactive kid who loves bugs and says what you’re thinking
Unlike your brother, you’re not shy and are very loud and somewhat boisterous. Your high energy personality is the complete opposite of Tamaki. But you love him
Whenever he’d come home, you’d run straight to him and beg him to tell you all about his hero exploits. You’d listen intently as you sat on his lap snuggled into him. He’d smile seeing you so happy
You have book of bugs and brings it everywhere with her and tries to identify every bug she sees by their scientific name
Loves collecting bug and has various plastic terrariums filled with bugs she’s caught. She releases the ones she catches after she’s throughly studied them
She has a journal filled with drawings of bugs she made and uses it to study bugs
Isn’t afraid of cockroaches, spiders, centipedes, etc and even has a pet tarantula named Fuzz due to tarantulas being covered in hairs
She loves to throw the molts (shed exoskeleton) of her tarantula at people or will just set the molt by someone and wait for them to freak out
Will talk about bugs and creep/gross people out by describing things in depth like how spiders eat their prey
Has no filter so she’ll say whatever she’s thinking and occasionally unintentionally insults people or is rude. For example, when other kids are talking about their grades and someone says they’re going to ace the test even though that person isn’t smart, she’ll ask them how they’re going to ace the test when they’re not smart. She’s brutally honest
She’s very talkative and often times talks over people or unintentionally dominates conversations
She loves showing pictures of Tamaki to her classmates and brags about his latest ventures as a hero
She’ll study different things that relate to bugs like chemistry for venoms and such as well as environmental sciences.
Reader, at least for the girls in school, is said to be the hero of the school since she happily deals with bugs like roaches
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superkitten-poison · 6 months
james somerton's cowriter nick is going on discord to defend the channel against plagiarism accusations by saying he doesn't even do any research i'm crying x
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amicus-siderum · 11 months
Crepus definitely taught young Diluc and Kaeya to show care and respect towards animals. I like to think he fed strays and sheltered them when it was particularly cold or rainy. I don't think he'd go out of his way to track down every stray animal and check up on them regularly (like Thoma) but would extend his caring hand if a situation requiring it occurred.
Diluc and Kaeya both grew up taking those values on board. They'd find lost or injured animals in the forest while playing and would scoop them up and run back to the mansion quickly to tend to them. They rarely ever kept them for longer than they strictly needed to stay there (the maids had enough work with two little knights-in-training). Strays would be rehomed to people they knew and wild animals would be treated and returned to their natural habitats, even if it did sometimes make the boys sad to see them go.
I think they exercise this learned value. They both love animals!
Diluc developed a fascination for birds in his teenage years, and only cultivated it further over his travels, realising just how useful a bird of prey really is. He takes special care of any and all birds he finds, and has even constructed an aviary for the ones that can't be returned to their original homes.
Kaeya has taken to the smaller mammals, like cats and dogs. He believes they possess an intelligence far superior to most humans, able to read people's natures and intentions. He's taken quite a lot of animals into his home over the years, and, more often than not, they come back, so he ends up sleeping with a bunch of cats and dogs curled up around him.
At the end of the day, no matter what the animal, they all seem to have a natural affinity for both Diluc and Kaeya, and they naturally just have to give them the love, care and fuss they deserve.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
People do know they don't have to buy a Stanley, right? Or whatever the fuck is the current bottle people want. You got your bottle for free in an event in 2015? All the power to you, but if having a cup that matches their outfit makes someone happy, why the fuck do you care????? Are you paying for their bottle? No, you're not. The bottle will still be produced. What's the ethical problem here??? If having a blue cup, and a pink cup, and a cup that makes me look like a koala keeps me going, then it's a necessary purchase. You're not the one spending money on it so why do you care?????????
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there’s being a teenage girl in your 20s then there’s whatever the fuck the babyface by sorry mom experience is
#i absolutely hate the phrase ‘teenage girl in your 20s’ idea it’s infantilising and will only stunt yr mental + emotional development#because if you keep doing that you’ll be 30 something saying shit like ‘i’m a 21 year old in my 30s’ which just sounds worse lol#and so on#and it’s not exactly a new phenomenon either bc women (mainly) will say they’re 21 with x amount of years extra experience#it’s just. idk. the obsession with perpetual yourh looks worse on people who are already young i guess#anyway back to babyface sorry mom. the album of all time; resonates with the ‘teenage girl in your 20s’ idea#(which for me has always been about being directionless and lost in life and feeling younger because you can see all your other 20-something#friends grow up and get jobs and finish their degrees n shit. and that makes you feel younger; almost teenager like)#(whereas i see a lot of people saying ‘teenage girl in my 20s’ as a way of almost bragging about being immature??#like not knowing how to do things or speak on certain subjects#stuff like ‘when he talks to me about the economy but i’m#literally a teenage girl in my 20s’ LIKE DO YOU NOT HEAR YOURSELF??#and of course i’m not shaming people for not knowing shit i mean look at me. i can’t drive i have no job and i dropped out of uni#but the REFUSAL to learn is astounding. like people think they can get away with being deliberately oblivious because they have#the self-proclaimed mentality of a teenage girl. and how do you think Actual Teenage Girls feel about people assigning their demographic as#being oblivious and vapid and lacking awareness#you know. traits that have historically been assigned to teenage girls that I Can Actively Remember trying to not associate with.#and my female peers were also arguing against as teenagers.#i dunno. in the words of tame impala it feels like we only go backwards)#long tags#kaycore#(fuck it. putting this in the sorry mom tag)#sorry mom band#babyface sorry mom
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skinreflectsthesun · 7 months
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frayedcircus · 9 months
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doodling in a whiteboard with some friends and accidentally created the sloppiest most pathetic wet cat of a man you’ve ever seen. i hate him so much i hope he dissolves.
we named him cohan rivers bc it’s an awful name<333
(he secretly has weezer blue eyes)
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thank you to @pearonpizza @yellowfrog456 @unofficial-trader-joes and @barrkcaat for helping create this horrible guy.
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thermesiini · 4 days
you can be incredibly well read and knowledgeable but still a complete immature tool you know one doesn't cancel out the other
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anonymous-user-a · 24 days
Girl what
Do you think I am proud of using suicide to threaten a fourteen-year-old? If you do, you are mistaken. Unfortunately for you all, I do not care for morals or my health; I care for the safety of my loved ones.
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infizero · 1 month
still crazy that bede's gym leader outfit is just straight up the trans flag
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questwithambition · 5 months
For the End of the Year Asks: 11 and 22.
Happy New Year! 🎊
Thank you for asking - a very happy new year to you too!! I hope it brings many good tidings 🤍
11. Something you want to do again next year?
I was able to catch most of my favorite artists live this year as well as many great other ones (at gigs and festivals), and it was incredible. I’m not sure I can put words to how I felt but it’s always so joyful. Alas, I won’t be able to top that next year, but I really want to make sure I go and enjoy live music.
22. Favourite place you visited this year?
New York City! I went there on a solo trip in June, to celebrate graduating, and I had an amazing time. Visited museums, walked so so much, dropped in and out of many interesting shops, ate amazing breakfast food, saw a musical and the ballet, and just had the best time.
(I do however wish the museums were free, I would have loved to go back multiple times to visit more that was on display as they have so many big ones where I could spend countless hours admiring the exhibits.)
I also want to shoutout London again here - making sure I make the most of living in such an incredible city. I was able to see so many shows, gigs, ballets; met up with friends in many cafes, museums, food halls, and I am continually enjoying discovering the city.
From the end of year asks
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sugaroto · 1 year
Absolutely no one:
My 8 year old cousin breaking into my home with her friend whom I've never met: Hey wanna hear the happy news?
Me: Wh-
Her: I burned my finger and cut my leg!
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hecksupremechips · 1 year
If you’re a parent and you make your kids pay rent in exchange for living with you after age 18 I think you should get beaten to death
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anglerfishenthusiast · 10 months
listening to tv girl but frowning with my arms crossed and shaking my head the entire time so everyone knows i hate brad petering
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