#Fantastic sky
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Beautiful from Ordinary Days
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elbiotipo · 8 days
I feel kinda sad that Starfield seems to have crashed because I really did like the "NASA-punk" thing they had going on. Unfortunately it was not only boring but every part of the game has a cutscene. It's crazy. Instead of flying through endless space it feels like you're flying through Star Wars transition shots.
Like most nerds I've also dreamed up about my perfect space game and something I knew even before writing a single line of code is that you can't have a space game if you don't pilot the ship. The space aventure fantasy, as unrealistic it might be, is about being like A Guy who sits on a cockpit and flies from planet to planet. If you're not gonna have that at least commit to realism and have you be a passenger in other ships, like a Star Trek officer, you don't pilot the ship but you do Trek the Stars. But letting you have a personal ship and NOT letting you pilot it from surface to orbit is nonsense.
In fact, Bethesda could have done something unique. The holy grail of space games is to let you seamlessly depart from a planet, fly around and land anywhere. Even if the planets were mostly empty, it would be so cool to fly around icy moons or vast oceans. No Man's Sky lets you do that. There is nothing more relaxing that flying around in No Man's Sky. Bethesda had all the resources in the world but instead they made Fast Travel Sky. See this is why FTL methods are your most important sci-fi worldbuilding choice.
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punster-2319 · 1 year
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manuellarts · 1 month
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"For I am the One,
The True Source of Light;
Greater than a mere star,
and the most Honored.
Brighter than the Sun,
if not the Sun Himself,
I am to become."
another impromptu verses to accompany the drawing ⎯⎯⎯ while it might have started with good intentions, I believe that Resh's ultimate goal was likely to overthrow Megabird and take her place as the source of Light, as he judged that her light was weakening. he comes to believe that he is the only one from who emanates the Light, and who gives life to the Kingdom. Basically that nothing could live or prosper without his existence.
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Can you tell I have an obsession? Eh? Okay
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wutheringmights · 3 months
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Chapter 27: The Holy Lament & The Good Night Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Additional Tags: Linked Universe (Legend of Zelda), Alternate Universe, Character Study, War, world building, Trauma, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Political Intrigue, Found Family, Angst and Humor, Warriors is a very complicated person, Warriors also does not know Time is Mask, Warriors (Linked Universe)-centric, Canon-Typical Violence, Heavy Angst, Manipulation, Morally Ambiguous Character, Please read content warnings before each chapter, Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Implied Sexual Content, Power Imbalance, Implied/Referenced Torture, Blood and Injury, Disabled Character, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Summary: “You are going to hear a lot of terrible things about me. Most of it is going to be true.” Being the hero who saved Hyrule from a bloody war was a thankless job that left Warriors with more regrets than he cared to remember. He only started to heal after meeting his fellow heroes from across time and joining them on their quest to defeat the black-blooded monsters. But when his time-hopping journey takes him back home, he finds his kingdom on the brink of war once more. This war threatens to ensnare not only Warriors, but his newfound family as well. Warriors will do whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if that means becoming a traitor to the kingdom he gave up everything to save. But the harder Warriors works to protect his family, the more the secrets of his dark past come to life. Who is Captain Link Walton, the Hero of Warriors? What happened to the two other heroes he had once fought alongside all those years ago? When this is over, will Warriors even have a family left to save or is he doomed to repeat his past mistakes? (Once, there were three brothers: the captain, the engineer, and the child. Their story did not have a happy ending.)
If I didn't force myself to post this now, I don't think I ever will. I have not been so nervous about a chapter in a very long time.
Does that bode well for me? No. But I will march on nonetheless. Insert joke about this chapter is already over half a million words long and all the rights it gives me to do whatever the hell I want at this point.
In this chapter of--and I cannot stress this enough--my incredibly niche fanfiction:
Link has a fun night out on what is totally not the Hylian equivalent of Halloween
Ganondorf is here, and you know what that means! Keeping Up With the Harkinians is back!
And... uh... what I can only describe as the stupidest decision I have ever made (yay)
>> Read it here >>
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ariadne-mouse · 1 year
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Here's some cover art for @saturdaysky's dark and compelling character study, poisoning the well, in which Caleb receives a Sending from Trent Ikithon while the travelling through Aeor with Essek and the rest of the Mighty Nein. If you enjoyed their other works Rare Gift or fulcrum, check this out! As always, mind the tags.
A few stills below the cut; I like the middle one as a nice visually balanced cover:
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lepetitdragonvert · 1 year
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Mountains in the Sky
Date unknown
Artist : Robert Caney (1847-1911)
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bonefall · 5 months
have you talked about fern leaf yet by any chance? i love her a lot :3
Fern Leaf's one of the few things that's enjoyable about those last two books lmaoo, but the thing that ended up happening was that BB!DOTC got MASSIVELY overhauled. It's the arc I'm not honoring fully; and a big part of that is making the main books JUST be about the formation of the Clans.
It's what I wish the arc had been. Watching the actual dawn of the Clans happening before your eyes. Seeing how the naming system, the customs, deputyship, and the groups themselves came into existence. BB!DOTC is about the period BEFORE the Clans are officially formed.
So to do that, instead of the First Battle happening in Book 3, it's now in the LAST book. THAT is the moment when the Clans are officially formed. Slash has been cut completely. One Eye is now the major antagonist of Thunderstar's follow-up SE.
Aaaaand Fern Leaf is kind of up in the air because of that. I could just shuffle her in as a member of one of the proto-clans, but she feels too special for that, you get me? It's why I haven't talked about her too much, PLUS Milkweed, who is another cat who owns my entire heart.
I'm hoping that when I get deeper in the re-read I get some more ideas... I have a bit of a fixin' to maybe steal some of the Slash drama and give it over to BB!Clear Sky. He has the range.
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thegreatyin · 1 month
almost a full year after its release and i gotta say. i think my biggest tears of the kingdom hottake is that i still love it just as much a year later
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bonebabbles · 3 months
slash did disrespect the dead but at least he's not leaving the bodies out to rot like a spectacle for all to see. HORRENDOUSLY low bar, i know, but ... eugh
Like... he left Misty's corpse out there for at least a day, maybe longer. Wind Runner and Gorse HAPPENED to find it, and that lead to the Bumble death scene. Clear Sky disrespecting the dead was a relevant plot point.
But the team doesn't remember their own books so they've just totally forgotten that!
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 10 months
video games need to stop straight up telling me things abt the story. i rarely ever want a solid answer in a game that i'm playing ever. stop giving me story beats that i don't have to work for. stop rewarding me for not thinking after not giving me enough time to think.
give me lore morsels out of chronological order. give me unreliable narrators. give me shuffled perspectives. blur the lines between protagonist and antagonist and between past and present. give me confusing as fuck plot elements and force me to put the pieces together with my own bare hands or die trying. cryptic story lovers rise up.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
I know this isn't part of the prompts thing technically, but I was wondering about your opinion on this:
Ordonian Folktales: The Tale of the Stáblad & the Twisted Capaill
It's just a folktale I thought up to try & flesh out the culture of Ordon a bit is all.
I'd really like to see something on Twilight telling the story to the other Links, but again I understand if you don't. Perhaps with Twilight as the blorbo & horseshoes as the item if you're willing to stretch the prompt a bit?
If all I can get is your opinion/critique on it or even just a polite, "sorry, not doing it." Then, I'm more than okay with that.
So, yeah. If you're not feeling up for it, that's fine.
Twilight watched Warriors take an all too eager swig from his flask. He ignored it once, twice, thrice as he scraped some caked in mud out of his Epona's horseshoes. Then he noted, "You know, there's a tale in Ordon about a stable boy who liked to drink too much."
Warriors glanced at him in profile, eyes simultaneously teasing and curious. "Oh? Are you going to impart some country wisdom on me?"
Sky burst out laughing, his cheeks far too flushed. "But you two only got Courage from the Triforce!"
Twilight gingerly reached over and plucked the bottle out of Sky's hands. "That's definitely enough for you."
Time sipped his own flask slowly. "Go on, rancher."
Watching Warriors in particular, Twilight explained, "A stable boy used to steal moonshine from his boss. Never owned up to it, always enjoying getting drunk and having fun. One day he had to hide the stash from his boss, and he panicked, dunking it into the water trough. The boss' prized horse drank it and started to dance."
"Dancing horses is fun!" Wind piped in.
"Yeah, but she fell and broke her legs. They had to put her down to end her suffering." Twilight continued.
Wild's head shot up. "I don't like this story."
Warriors sighed. "Yes, yes, slovenly drunkenness is bad. We all can see the lesson here."
"The stable boy didn't own up to it, though," Twilight continued. "So the horse god punished him by turning him into a horse."
Sky hummed, eyes wide with wonder. "I want to turn into a loftwing."
Twilight laughed, reaching over and pulling the younger hero to him in a side hug. "You're a mess."
"Stuck as a horse forever, huh," Legend yawned, laying on his back and stargazing. "Kind of a nice amount of freedom to that."
"Oh, no, it doesn't end there," Twilight continued. "The next stable boy had the same vice and made the same mistake. When the first boy drank out of the trough, he danced and broke his legs as well. But he confessed his crimes before they could put him down, and for that he was transformed back."
Warriors finished off his drink, leaning against a rock. "Well. For starters. I wouldn't steal alcohol. I can just buy it."
Hyrule barked out a laugh. Twilight rolled his eyes.
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mx-metronome · 3 months
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Here’s a screenshot I took a week or so back that I really liked and forgot to post it
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puppyeared · 5 months
3 for ask game !!
3: 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
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send me a number!! 💌
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queenladonna · 1 year
2005 was a year of SO MANY iconic movies!
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ink-the-artist · 2 years
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