#FMA 2009
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He’s so silly looking i love him so much
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matt0044 · 8 months
FullMetal Alchemist 2003 is a bad adaptation…
…but a darn good Anime taken on its own terms. However, talking about how it’s “better” or “worse” than Brotherhood (y’all know who you are) is pointless when… neither was intended to be like or outdo the other.
Say the Manga is… ingredients for a meal, said meal being Brotherhood or 03.
03 utilizes some plot beats and storylines from the Manga but modifies upon them in order to create set up for the largely original plot that’s of its own making.
It knows what to keep, what to tweak and what to excise from something that will inevitably be different in tone as well as character evolution.
By contrast, Brotherhood intends to be more true to the Manga but not all of it. Various plot beats are retooled like the investigation of Liore are made the second adventure we see of the Elrics.
Some like the Youswell Mine and Yoki are skipped over with a passing mention before later being adapted later in a truncated adaptation.
Some are outright changed such as the Elrics and Winry learning of Hughes dying before Maria Ross’s accusation of such hits the papers. That is, with a later scene of them meeting Grace and Elicia over the matter.
This list goes on…
Though some find they haven’t found their sea legs at first, this adaptation shakes out to be one of the 2010s big gateway Anime titles. Either way, it’s a technically better adaptation of the original Manga by default.
03 didn’t adapt the Manga but with filler ala the Big Three of Shonen Jump. Rather it built a new story around the parts of the Manga it had to work with a went off. Probably one of the few Anime Original Endings that have stood the test of time really.
Now HOW those elements were handled for each version 03 had focused on can make for a good discussion at the very least. But neither version of FMA should be judged by what it isn’t and never was going to be.
It just… makes it hard to humor a comparison when one is clearly preferred over the other. Especially when some mostly amount to petty memes and potshots.
I know this saying is rightfully maligned but for this context? I don’t care who started it, somebody has to end it.
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mrshobbit · 1 year
This girl must be severely traumatised after all the shit she saw scar do
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(im calling bullshit if she aint)
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Today’s character of the day is: Wrath aka King Bradley from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
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strawberryraviegutz · 2 years
I’ve been seeing some misinformation going around about how Amestris represents Nazi germany based off of some of the imagery in fma. And while those are valid criticisms to have, I’d also like to point out that the creator herself didn’t base Amestris off of Germany at all when creating it. Or any specific nation for that matter.
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paunchsalazar · 10 months
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Ed again
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lotus-pear · 9 months
not to be that person but studio bones could and would change the ending of bungou stray dogs if they so desired. how do i know you ask? because that’s what they did with fullmetal alchemist and soul eater.
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conniechiwal · 10 months
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nitw · 2 years
ive rewatched fma brotherhood like 30 times but i ONLY JUST NOW noticed the way roy hugs riza here after mei heals her. iirc this is the only royai hug in the entire show. what the fuck dude
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kvvkee · 1 year
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iiyarada · 4 months
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Proud of her transition <3
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mrshobbit · 1 year
i want this woman to step on me so much
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when she curb stomped that crusty dusty old man into the concrete- i fell, i fell so fast
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Today’s character of the day is: Gluttony from Full Metal Alchemist
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setaripendragon · 5 months
WIP Game
No one tagged me, I tagged myself in because I want to and you can't stop me =P And I'm tagging everyone who sees this that writes! Do it! Dooo iiit!
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I don't actually have a WIP folder, I have WIP folders, plural. So, I'm adding a rule that I can't have posted any of the fic online anywhere for it to qualify, and I also have to have worked on it some time in the last... four years?
Let's see if that keeps me below the 50 fics mark (place your bets now)...
A Song of Ice and Fire
Codywan In Westeros
King Eddard Stark
Time-travel TyrionSansa
Pevensie Starks
Cat SI
Assassins Creed
Desmond's PLP
Desmond meets Darcy
The Lost Nomads
Ursakoda Canon Crossover
Phole Time Travel
Dimension Hopping Chris and Wyatt
Gramarye Book 2
Critical Role
Molly Lives... In Caleb's Head
Molly Does a Time Travel
The Patchwork Bower
Slave AU
OT3 Does a Time Travel
FullMetal Alchemist
Time Travel Outsider PoV
What Is Remembered Forever
RoyEd Adopts Harry Potter
Ed Gets Time Swapped
Wei Wuxian as a RoyEd Baby
A Body for a Body
Psychic Wolves AU
RoyEd Time Travel
RoyEd Arranged Marriage
Rise of the Guardians
Hold Out Your Hand Sequel
Everyone Loves Pitch
The Journal of General Kozmotis Pitchiner
Time Travelling Eggsy
The King's Whores
Chavs and Gentlemen
Kingsman's Wolves
Lord of the Rings
Durincest Polyamory
On the Hunt
Sam Time Travel Adventure
Courting Fate
Seven Ladies Time Travel Epic
Gimli As Celebrimbor Reincarnation
Thilbo Reincarnation
Polyamorous Hobbits
Three for a Marriage Four for a Birth
Soulmarks Book 3: Our Song
Heterodyne Legacy #2
One Piece
Secret Marriage
StrawHat Time Travel
Trans Sanji
Who Are You
Peaky Blinders
Time Travel
Soulmate Colours
Heart of Birmingham
Self Insert AU
Pride and Prejudice
A Better Timeline
Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
Friends in Low Places
Skyfall (James Bond)
Calendar Novel: Time-travelling Q
Harry Potter Crossover
JAQ Polyamory Negotiations
Q Has a Symbiote
Fathers and Daughters
Star Wars
Obi-wan is a Slut
Firefly Crossover
Egg-preg Drabbles
CodyMace Time Travel
404 Battalion Not Found
Aitash Tu Akos
Release My Soul
Strange and Norrell
All Other Wives
Miss Jennifer Strange
ArabellaChildermassSegundus Time Travel
SI: Childermass Family Drabbles
How to Make a Baby with an Angel
Atlantis Sideplot: Princess Mia
Wayward Hunters: Where Are the Winchesters
Time Travel Wish Fulfillment
Rising Star #2
Teen Wolf
Noah and the Tattoos
The Blue People Movie (Avatar)
Tsu'tey's Twins
Time Travel Fix It
The Untamed (MDZS)
In Memoriam
WangNingXian Reincarnation
Ed as Zangse Sanren
Zangse and Changze Save the Day
WangXian Reborn as RuoShan
The Witcher
River God and the Sorceress
Curse of the Black Sun
VesiJask: The Sacking of Kaer Morhen
Old Guard Ianto
Aaand the total comes to 90! At least it's less than a 100... And that's just the stuff I've worked on recently! (Yes, four years is recent. I have fics I haven't actually touched in 6+ years that are still marinating in my brain, waiting for the pieces to fall into place) If you've trawled through all of those to get here, you've got more stamina than I do!
Please ask about anything that piques your interest! I'd love to talk about some of these, see if it gets the creative juices flowing. (Also feel free to ask about any of the WIPs I have posted on here or Ao3!)
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lokh · 8 months
lrb suddenly reminded me of the song innocence by alice nine which i havent thought about for a hot minute
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