#Everyone here shares 1 braincell
paranoia-art · 2 months
Why did the whole fandom just randomly agree on how Alastor and his mother looks like in human form. Did Vivzipop even confirm his appearance???? DO WE ALL REALLY SHARE THE SAME BRAINCELL?????
Ain't no way everyone imagines Alastors human form the same. Yet here we are.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I want Duke included in batfam family fics. being the older sibling Damian needs, relatable yet guiding. Tim being ‘Dukes robin’ and having lots of respect for Tim yet he’d also steal his slice of pie. Duke and Jason hanging out, and Jason appreciating how he never tries to lecture him. Duke and dick matching vibes (or as much as they can) when on patrol and somewhat in the family, and both trying to make their brothers calm tf down. Bruce trying desperately to not fuck up with Duke like he did his other sons, only serving to confuse and slightly alarm Duke. Alfred and duke being the only ones with more then *1* braincell.
he also has so much potential for angst of being a meta in a family everyone thinks hates metas, and people somehow forget him???
(I have more just don’t have the energy to write it all down)
Heck yes! I agree that Duke needs to be included in more batfam fics (and especially as a more pivotal role). I personally try to add him a bit, but I fear I do not include him enough as a key member of the batfam.
Duke is hella important and should be treated as such. I'd love to see more fics with him pissing off GCPD for fun. Just chaos and pranks against GCPD, rogues, Batman, and the Batkids. Also, he should he allowed to punch (or kick) as many JL members as he pleases (Hal was just the first).
Duke and Dick having similar fashion ideas is a cute idea I've seen in the fandom. I would also just love to see more fanart of Duke rocking some fun outfits for galas (especially if the galas follow the AU of Gotham being super weird with their social norms). Duke being featured on magazine covers, being asked to model, and being interviewed would be cool fanwork ideas to play around with. I've seen so many of the other batboys and none with Duke as a magazine cover.
Here's my ideas on how Duke could interact with different batfam members. Feel free to reblog if you have ideas yourself or think the dynamic should be different.
I feel like Duke and Cass would get along really well as chaos gremlins who get away with their shenanigans. Messing with Commissioner Gordon is a favorite pass time of theirs. For some reason, even when presented with evidence, Bruce doesn't believe that Duke and Cass would do the things they get away with. It's both impressive and annoying to the other batkids.
Duke could have a weird relationship with Tim. On one hand, Tim is Duke's Robin. The cases he's solved, feats he's accomplished, and respect Gotham has for Tim's Robin in general (for being Batman's therapy kid) are unfathomable. On the other hand, he's seen Tim walk into the same wall four times within three minutes. They both share a love for riddles, but Tim can be an idiot at interpersonal relationships.
For Damian, Duke has seen how the world picks up kids and spits them out. He's seen kids lashing out, how they merely want to defend themselves, and how fantastic they are once you get to know them. He's been angry and spiteful at the world too. For Damian, Duke's hella impressed at the kid's heart despite all the shit he's been dealt. Duke would encourage chaos, talk with the kid about how different emotions have impacted Duke's actions and life, and is an overall supportive figure. They can often be seen doing both wild stunts and "common for their age group" activities for fun (although the game Sorry is banned because of them).
Jason and Duke would probably have a complicated relationship due to Red Hood's actions. Their similar childhoods (as far as economically and location based) would lead to jokes and shared customs that they chat with Steph about (such as Creepy Toe Joe or that specific gas station or the phrase they say as they passed that one pothole). Despite that, they have different viewpoints on Bruce and murder.
Duke is probably one of the more emotionally intelligent and communicative batfam members. If Alfred is the sassy version, Duke would get a good laugh out of those remarks and the astute observations.
Bruce and Duke angst could go hard. Bruce is trying so hard not to make his past mistakes. Duke and his perception of Bruce (he holds Bruce in high regard) and how that affects their relationship.
As far as Duke being in a "perceived to hate metas" family, that could either be hilarious or angst. I imagine people trying to intervene or "save" Duke from the Bats would be infuriating and sad to see.
Duke could also laugh at the batkids' superhero friends and how they, even as adults, are banned from entering Gotham. Duke is free to live in the manor and come and go as he pleases. Any of the batkid's meta friends have to be snuck into Gotham.
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
Priest (Author) Character Upper Bracket
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
*Xi Ping fanart volunteered by @stellarish / used with permission
[“Anti-propaganda” is not allowed. Please only give reasons to vote FOR a character, and please be courteous in the notes.]
Han Yuan from Liu Yao
“Unlike us that had a vagrant life, domesticated kids are shy; I have to look after him in future.” - Han Yuan about Cheng Qian
Submission: Cringefail loser(most affectionate) dragon boi. Gone edgy but his family loves him anyway.
The “idiot” from the description - “A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.”
“our fav -1 braincell kiddo”
Xi Ping from Tai Sui
He is literally everything to me. Pure chaos condensed into a single person. Everyone loves him, everyone hates him. He does his best, he doesn't try at all, he beats up monsters with a qin, he brought about the destruction of the entire cultivation world…
Han Muchun from Liu Yao
"Only I, your master, would not detest you, my dirty girl. If it were your first senior brother here, he would have stewed you." - Han Muchun to Shuikeng, Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect, Chapter 29
[No propaganda submitted]
Took some disciples for his declining sect and unexpectedly became a father
(Sharing a picture with Tong Ru because zooming in any further makes it almost indistinguishable. Also, pain.)
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moiraineswife · 9 months
Moiraine And Lan - The Inability To Communicate Trauma
Hello friends. It has been quite some time. Quite some time since I have: absolutely lost all my fucking shit over my blorbos at great length via a long and quotation filled tumblr meta. Fear not: the status quo of the universe returns, and I am once again: back on my bullshit (literally hours before the next episode airs and this gets drowned/replaced with New Content. Because I’m smart like that). ANYWAY.
Today we’re going to discuss: Mo and Lan and the singular moron-flavoured braincell they share, bond or no bond. More seriously, however: I’ve noticed a few bits of commentary/takes/analysis of the current state of their…well state, let’s be frank here, and realised that my contrary ass has: Different Opinions. So I figured I’d share them. Bc that’s what I do.
(Obligatory disclaimer that there is no right or wrong way to interpret something - that’s why it’s an interpretation, and this is not a call out or a “oh wow you’re wrong and here’s why!!!!” post directed at anyone or anything. Just my observation that I am going against the grain of what I’ve seen and thus throwing out: a new chew toy for us to gnaw on).
Also: please do note that this post will cover, rather extensively/in-depth, the trauma arc that Lan and Moiraine are going through at the moment and will contain trigger warnings for: depression, PTSD, trauma response, rape (in the context of the analogy that Verin presented), suicide, suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt (again: all in the context of the show/previous events), and everything related to the topics that have been raised in the first two episodes for these characters. Be safe and tap out if you need to!
So. Obligatory wiffle aside: what shall we discuss? In a nutshell (bc I’m real good at that) I’m covering how, as I see it/am fascinated by it: the responses that they’re having to each other at the moment are mirrors/insights into the responses that they’re each having to the recent traumas that they’ve both suffered. In more depth/the points where I think I differ from the norm we’re going to cover: 
1)-why Lan is: not an idiot, actually. I see it as him being still perfectly capable of READING/understanding Moiraine without the bond; what he’s having difficulty with is COMMUNICATING with her without the bond
2)- that Moiraine is actually: ALSO failing dismally at communicating with Lan, and that she’s doing: a real fucking bad job of manipulating him. (is she HURTING him? Yes. 100%. Is she MANIPULATING him into doing what she wants? Given that she clearly wants nothing more than for him to: leave her, and that after 5 solid months he has: not left, I’m just going to put out the idea that maybe she’s not quite meeting her all of her targets in this area.
3)- wow they’re both doing incredibly stupid things, and they’re doing them for the same incredibly stupid reasons, and they are, in fact: INCREDIBLY THE SAME. See: singular moron-flavoured brain cell. This manifests slightly differently, due to their own individual traumas influencing the specifics of their actions/thought processes - but the general underlying thesis is the same for both.
The TL;DR here is that: these weirdos still know each other, and love each other, and understand each other without their bond. Can they communicate any of what they want to communicate in any kind of effective way? No. No they cannot. They BOTH suck. (I say that with legitimately all the love in the world).
So. Let’s start with Lan. Purely because I think my takes on him are the most Spicy/differ the most from everyone else’s and, let’s be honest, everything here feeds into everything else and this is going to get complicated where I start SO. Drama first. (I think it’s what they would want).
Okay so first and foremost I want to try and establish/explain what I mentioned at the outset of this thing which is: Lan is not blind, he’s not stupid, and he is not suddenly completely and utterly incapable of understanding a single feel that Moiraine feels if he can’t feel it with her via bond.
The largest and most obvious piece of evidence for this feels like the best one to start with and, for me, this is the fact that: HE DIRECTLY AND COMPLETELY CALLS HER OUT ON HER BULLSHIT, TO HER FACE, TWICE!!! 
“Don’t smile at me. You can shut me out, try to drive me away, but don’t you dare smile at me. As though everything is fine. As though you don’t know exactly what you’re doing.”
This is from episode 1, where he finally snaps at her after she gives him that fake ass little smile and is like ‘is an aes sedai not allowed her secrets’ when he tries to talk to her/get her to explain: literally anything to him. And THAT is what pushes him over the edge. 
She has been cold. She has been dismissive. She has flat out ignored him like he’s not even present. He has taken it all. Not happily, and with obvious frustration, but he hasn’t said a peep. Not when she gives him one brusque, dismissive one-word orders (“door”) like a dog. Or when she deliberately turns away from him and refuses to so much as look at them - he endures all of that and just takes it and let’s her do it. Because he understands that this is her current expression of: not being fine. 
If she WAS fine, she would not be doing these things, and he knows that, and I think sees it as something like a storm to weather? It is something that will pass (he hopes) if he has the patience and the strength to wait it out. When she smiles at him? When she tries to make a JOKE out of what she’s doing? Out of the secrets that she’s been keeping from him - secrets like the fact that she was planning on going to the Eye of the World to die without him - THAT is not acceptable. She’s smiling at him and trying to joke with him as though they’re still capable of that - as though they can still tease each other the way they did, as though things are fine, both in herself, and between them, and they are NOT. When she’s treating him like a slave, or a stranger, or an annoyance - that is strangely better - because it’s this unspoken acknowledgement/agreement (the only one they’ve been able to achieve) that this is because things are not fine. She treats him badly because she’s not fine, he KNOWS she’s treating him badly because she’s not fine - is a strange kind of shared truth. Like sarcasm - something said/done where both parties know that the meaning/intent is completely different. Smiling, joking, pretending she’s fine? That is an insult, because he knows damn well she is NOT in that place.
Okay, so let’s look at the second instance of this, which occurs in episode 2 (oh how quaint) and is as follows: 
L: “Then tell me! You and I have walked this path together. Every step, every choice, every sacrifice.”
M: “We have never walked this path together. You have never seen the forest for the trees because I have never shown it to you.”
L: “I know what you’re trying to do. You can’t push me away.”
Again, as with the previous scene, he tries to get her to talk to him, to stop keeping secrets from him, to share this with her and let him help her carry her burdens the way they always have. She puts him walls, she, again, tries to force distance - she tells him that they have never been together as he says. And he calls her out. AGAIN. He knows what she’s trying to do. It hasn’t changed. She’s still just doing the same thing she’s been doing from the start of episode 1 - trying to force him away, because she’s desperate, and she’s suffering, and she doesn’t have anything else but this - even if he knows what she’s doing, even if it hasn’t worked so far. 
Both of them are guilty of this - both of them get one idea stuck in their minds of how to handle this situation/how to fix everything, and they both refuse to change. They both dig their heels in, plant their stakes, pick their hills to die on, and are refuse to budge for love, money, or common sense. For Lan it’s in trying to get her to talk, to open up, to push back on the destructive coping mechanisms she’s got - trying to force her to include him, tying to force her to include herself and come to dinner with them etc. For Mo it’s this: it’s pushing him away, because she is no longer worthy of him (and believes she never was) and protecting him.
(to continue this: unhinged adventure, pls continue under the cut!)
So she commits to this, even if she honestly knows it probably won’t work now, either. (she empties her entire quiver on him in this scene, and the atomic bomb she had in her back pocket too for good measure. These things she’s been holding back in reserve, the last cards to play - that she misled him about Rand’s death, that she has discovered they (and notice that she still says “we” when she talks about this - even though she went to the Eye alone, even though she made that choice alone, even though she rejects the idea that they have been together on this quest, as he says - when she is not actively choosing every word to hurt him, she thinks of them and what they’ve done as an unconscious “we” and a unit) have freed Ishamael/possibly other Forsaken - one after the other, meant to just overwhelm him and be the final coup de grace. And it STILL doesn’t work. She unleashes everything she has on him and he STILL insists that he’s not leaving her. And it’s because he knows - as he just said - what she’s doing, and why. And he will not let her. And he says that to her “I’m not letting you walk away from me again” - because the last time he did: she went to the Eye to get herself killed. And it’s only by some miracle and twist of cruelty that she was left alive to suffer instead.
Also I’m going to take a brief sidebar here, before we move on to Further Evidence/thoughts on this. But I think that it’s really important to consider LAN’S trauma in what he’s doing and why? Like, I think people are doing this for Mo already? They recognise that she wouldn’t be behaving this way if she 1)- wasn’t trying to protect Lan (her intention) and 2)- wasn’t suffering the effects of her trauma/being cut off from the Power at the Eye. Lan is a little less obvious (both in that his trauma is not a single fixed point/event that’s very obvious and easy to refer back to; and that he’s a bit less blunt Lan Mo’s “brick to the face” techniques and motivations) but, as I said at the start: his reactions to Mo are a direct reflection/window into his own trauma responses.
So, as I just mentioned - Lan is SO adamant about not leaving Moiraine, not giving her the opportunity to distance them/push him away - because the last time she did that, in just nudging him, like, an inch to the left, she used that to mask their bond and skip off into the Blight to go get herself killed with Rand. And there is: no doubt, and no question, and no room for wiggling or negotiation on this. They BOTH were FULLY aware that that was a suicide mission. The first thing he says to her when he finds her is “you’re alive” - because he was sure that history was repeating on him.
Because I think that it’s very important to not just consider Mo’s actions here, I think it’s important to remember Lan’s experience with Stepin as well. The two played out very similarly for him/parallel each other almost exactly. They both talked to him about Nynaeve, encouraging him to seek a love and a life with her. They both manipulated him/the circumstances to make it impossible for him to try and protect them - Stepin by drugging him, and Moiraine by masking the bond so he was unable to sense her, so that they could leave him. They both had clear plans and intentions - and both of their ultimate goals was for it to end in their death (obviously the REASONS behind this are very different - Mo was trying to save the world; while Stepin’s had already ended). But in both cases, Lan wakes up alone, realising that they’ve left him, realising, instantly, what they intend to do and in both cases: he was too late and he feels that he failed. Stepin he finds dead - and the only reason that he DOESN’T find that has happened to Mo is not because of something he did, it’s not because he got to her in time, it’s not because he protected her, it’s not because HE did anything at all - it’s just because some whim of cruelty decided to spare her. And these two events happen within, like, a week of each other I want to say? Like that’s…That’s an incredibly damaging and traumatising thing to go through ONCE - but back to back? How guilty must he have felt? How ANGRY with himself? Because how could he not have learned? How could he have let this happen AGAIN?
Of course he’s terrified now. Of course he’s terrified that if he leaves she’s going to die. Of course he refuses - past the point of any sense or reason - to just back down and leave. He is certain that if he does it will mean the death of the person that he loves the most in this world. And it will be HIS fault. She’s being cruel to him, she’s pushing him away, she’s ignoring him, she’s ordering him around, she’s deliberately pushing every button he’s got, and stabbing her knife in every sensitive spot she’s discovered over the last twenty years. And what kind of weak, selfish, useless person would he be to let that be all it takes for him to just say ‘well fine, I’ll just abandon you and let you kill yourself without me’. He cannot fail again. He WILL NOT fail again. He has been here, history is repeating on him again and he will not let it. Whatever she says to him. However she hurts him. Whatever he has to endure to weather this storm with her he will. Because none of this pain even comes CLOSE to what it will be like if he leaves her and she hurts herself and that is entirely his fault.
(Note: I do not actually think that Moiraine is actively suicidal at this point. As Verin notes - she chooses to fight every day. She wakes up, she fills her buckets, she puts one foot in front of the other and she clearly keeps going. It’s wobbly, and it’s messy, and she’s clearly grieving and depressed and traumatised - but she is not suicidal. Does LAN know that? Can Lan, without the bond, and with Stepin, and the Eye, haunting him even begin to scrape together the required rationality to see that? No. Lan sees Moiraine as being in just as much danger as she sees him being in and all he can do, all he has left to do in this world is protect her. And so he will).
To conclude the wrap of: the most painful breakup scene in the history of the world (for me and my present blorbos at this present moment in time, anyway) I want to just talk about the infamous “we were never equals”. And a lot of it has been covered, and I agree with the takes that Moiraine does not believe herself equal to Lan (and never did (SELF ESTEEM ISSUES!? IN MY CODEPENDENT PLATONIC SOULMATE RELATIONSHIP!? NOOOOO!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)) and that is how she’s able to say this oath wise. I just want to touch on the fact that some people seem to be like ‘bro how can u not see what she’s saying DIRECTLY TO UR FACE, BRO!? COME ON LAN. LISTEN!!!!’ and like. So, to bring up a controversial and possible shocking observation: Lan is, in fact: still a human being! Emotions are messy, and logic is a fine and wonderful thing from a couch, yelling at your tv screen, and with the delightful ability to rewind and replay conversations/moments in time to be able to link them together nicely.
But Moiraine has been cruel to him for months at this point in an effort to drive him away. And, as discussed - he knows what she’s doing. He knows WHY she’s doing it. He is enduring it and putting up with it and stomaching it without throwing things at her because he knows it’s an expression of pain and is a reaction to what she’s been through. But he’s also hurt by it. Not least because: even if she’s only SAYING these things to hurt him/drive him away - she still believes them enough that they’re true for her to be able to actually get them out of her mouth. That HURTS. That’s going to break you down, that’s going to GET to you, that’s going to be thing that keeps him up at night and just echoes in his head over and over again and like - my man’s self-esteem and self-worth wasn’t actually sitting up at the peak of Dragonmount BEFORE 5 months of this, like dear Light people.
To have the person you love the most in this world tell you that “I don’t want my saddle to slip” (I don’t trust you to do this for me), to have her admit that she deliberately misled him, that she has actively kept important, possibly world-changing events from you, that she says, to your face - the thing that you are MOST afraid of, the thing that tormented him via Machin Shin, the thing that torments him still about Stepin - that he FAILED her? For her to believe that so firmly that it’s truth to her? Of course he doesn’t think he’s worthy of her? Of course he’s willing to take what she says at face value. SHE CAN’T FUCKING LIE!!!! And the set-up to this is so important, because she goes right for the jugular in this scene, and she does so repeatedly, in quick succession.
So she hits him with: ‘actually I lied when I said before that WE were going to the Tower - I’m going on my own without you. We yote a forsaken out into the world OOPS. -I refuse to explain anything to you. -We have never been walking this path together. -I have never showed you everything, I have always hidden things from you. -OH also ur lil sheepherder dude is actually: not dead and never was, I #lied to ur face abt that. -I am loyal to the Dragon - and ONLY him. -You can’t protect me anymore without the bond. -No, you’re not my Warder, you failed me, and I would be dead in spite of you if not for the help of people more competent than you. -ALSO here’s our good buddy Alanna and I am going to THREATEN TO HAVE HER TAKE YOUR BOND BY FORCE IF YOU KEEP REFUSING ME and I arranged this ahead of time to make this right. ALL of this gets dumped on his head in the space of LITERALLY AROUND TWO MINUTES. Like damn Mo the bloody Fades were less efficient than that.
He has just had all of that thrown in his face - the things she’s been holding back, keeping in case she needed them - her lying to him, her isolating him, her NEVER walking this path with him or ever showing him all that she saw, telling him that he is not her Warder anymore, that he has FAILED to protect her, that she will have him bonded against his will just to get rid of him. And he stands there on the ground, while she gazes down at him from on top of her horse (which she mounted - for the first time we’ve seen on screen - without his aid (which is a GUTTING little touch, because we see him smoothly and seamlessly help her mount a couple of times in season 1)) and she just says, to his face, the TRUTH, as he asked for: they were never equals.
And she can say that because she believes that he is better than her, and we know that, but can you blame him for not quite catching that in the moment????? She’s just told him that he’s a failure, that she’d be dead and he didn’t do a damn thing to protect her, that she will have someone bond him forcibly - and in this moment she just says what he’s been thinking for months, for YEARS honestly, given what machin shin torments him with “you can’t protect her. You’ll watch her die.” Of course he believes it. He is ALREADY taking an irrational level of responsibility over all of this, over what he perceives as his failures.
Adeleas calls him out for this and tells him he’s taking it too personally (and he IS) - he is assuming responsibility for not preventing something as though that means that he caused it. And again: this is a trauma response. This is an overreaction to a perceived series of circumstances that led to the death of a friend he’s had for possibly decades, to the one person he is supposed to protect, who he let go on a suicide mission alone so that he could get fucking laid, who he let slip away from him AGAIN to get attacked by Fades - where he failed her FOR A THIRD TIME. But like…He starts this little conversation off with her by apologising because he didn’t sense the Fades. He has: absolutely no way, reasonable or other ways, to sense INVISIBLE CREATURES THAT MOVE THROUGH SHADOW without the bond giving him the ability to do so. It’s a ridiculous thing to say. It has no logic to it at all and that’s the POINT. He is not capable of logic about this situation. He is blaming himself for everything - every single thing he can think of, whether it’s reasonable or not, is his fault, and his responsibility - he should have sensed the fades, he should have sensed her leaving, he should have stopped her going to the Eye, he should have stopped her from being cut off. He is trying to assert control, he is trying to assign blame and reason to the things that have happened to him - to the losses he has suffered - so that he can stop suffering them. And he can’t. He can’t. It happens over. And over. And over. AND OVER again. The trolloc blade that hit Moiraine in the Two Rivers and nearly killing her. Logain’s shield exploding and the axe handle piercing her side and nearly killing her. Being drugged by Stepin who killed himself while Lan was absent. Letting himself be distracted by Nynaeve while Mo went to the Eye. Missing Mo leaving AGAIN and her being attacked by the Fades. Actually getting there while the attack was in progress finally at LAST being able to DO something, to STOP something - and he can’t even fucking manage that. Over and over and over he fails people and he loses them and it’s his fault and he can’t stop it. He’s been retraumatised by circumstance, and is now retraumatising HIMSELF by adding even more perceived failings to the existing tally. Of course he believes her. He’s just been waiting for her to say that to him from the day they bonded. NO ONE IN THIS DYNAMIC HAS ANY SELF-ESTEEM. LIKE THEY STARTED WITH ZERO TOTAL AND SOMEHOW IT’S GOTTEN WORSE.
Okay so shifting focus slightly for the last thing I want to say about Lan, but still related, because: the problem (for me) is not that they cannot read/understand each other, it’s that they cannot COMMUNICATE with each other. And there is a distinction here. Lan’s issue is not lack of understanding where Mo is at - he sees her suffering, knows she’s not fine, understands she is reacting to the loss she endured at the Eye, he gets that. He’s known her for twenty years - bond or no bond - he knows what pain looks like when he sees it in her eyes. That’s not it. What he’s struggling with, and what he’s frustrated by is that they are not TALKING. He knows how she’s feeling - he doesn’t know what to do about that. He doesn’t know how to TALK about that with her. He doesn’t know how to fix it because she refuses to engage with it at all - and they’re SO bad at this that they don’t even get to the part where she can ignore him trying to talk abt the actual problem, bc she just nips it in the bud and ignores him/deflects him from the opening bland ‘small-talk’ set-up questions to start making forrays into that. 
Because before all of that would have happened instinctively via the bond - she feels the bad feels, he knows why, he sends the required good feels back/makes her tea/gives her an extra blanket/just responds without having to think about and, and this is the key point: without having to talk. Because, let’s be real here: these idiots BOTH suck at talking about their emotions/needs. Genuinely think they would both just lie on the ground and fucking die rather than say ‘I need a bandage because I’m BLEEDING PROFUSELY FROM EVERY ORIFICE.’ Because they’re deeply repressed, traumatised people who were never given the tools/language/space they needed to be able to safely and healthily learn to express their feels (but that…is a different piece of meta for another day). 
THE POINT IS: we’re now going to turn to my beloved, my man, my favourite, the myth, the legend, the ICON: Tomas and his tomatoes. And by this I do of course mean that we’re doing a deep dive of the scene where Tomas gives Lan some advice after they go out to the (absolutely THRIVING - good job my man) garden to pick some tomatoes for dinner (or at least….Tomas goes out to pick tomatoes for dinner; and Lan goes out to brood in his proximity while he does so. ) But eh. Tomayto, tomahto….) ANYWAY: 
So this scene gives Lan a chance to talk about losing the bond - and I think that is important as well? Likely obviously Moiraine is Going Through It here, and Lan hasn’t been cut off from the Power/isn’t dealing with that experience but WE DON’T PLAY TRAUMA OLYMPICS IN THIS HOUSE!!! PAIN IS PAIN AND IT SHOULD ALL BE VALIDATED AND DEALT WITH IN A CONSTRUCTIVE AND POSITIVE WAY. Ahem. Anyway. It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: QUOTE TIME AGAIN;
“The bond made things easier. It was like a friend walking along with us chatting away so we never had to.”
I think this is a really interesting (and honestly fascinating) way to describe the bond - to personify it and see it as another individual existing between them and making things easier by doing the things that they both struggle to do - use their goddamn words. 
“She’s tired, she’s hungry, she’s angry, she’s afraid. Now silence.”
This part, too, I think is really telling. Because if I had to put money on it and pick out the Top 4 Feelings Moiraine Is Having I think I could do a lot worse than ‘tired, hungry, angry, and afraid’. He KNOWS how she’s feeling. He can read that in her still. He doesn’t need the bond to tell him that. That’s not what he’s missing. He doesn’t need the bond to point out what she’s feeling to him, and he doesn’t miss that aspect, he misses the ‘chatting away’, he misses the noise, he misses the COMMUNICATION, and he is struggling with the silence.
THAT is what the bond used to do for them - it used to ‘chat away so they never had to’. A friend, a helper, who facilitated between them and allowed them to communicate when they couldn’t speak/didn’t have the words. We see this over and over and OVER again in season 1. They have whole ass conversations without making a single peep. Most notably in extremely tense or emotional moments - Kerene’s funeral and the look they share, Lan struggling with Stepin’s grief, coming to Moiraine, kneeling beside her, holding her hand - so much happens in that scene in particular. Without saying a word he communicates an exhaustion, a fatigue, a grief and a sorrow - a need for comfort and support - and she gives it. At Stepin’s funeral - the lookk that he gives her, the way he seeks her in the crowd, again needing her strength, which she gives to him through their bond and across a room. THAT’S what’s gone. That’s what he keeps trying to get back. 
Because he gives her that same look - that same obvious cry for help and look of desperation at the end of ep 1 with the Fade battle. He is WRECKED he is DONE, he’s disarmed, he cannot stand, he can barely crawl - he NEEDS her, he needs her strength, he needs her help. She tries to channel - she reaches for the power, as she would once have reached for him through their bond - and it does not come. It is not there. It cannot help them. And the words that he speaks to her then echo a repeated sentiment he’s had for her throughout: “what aren’t you telling me?”
The bond isn’t there to talk for her anymore. And she refuses. Consistently. Verin and Adeleas comment on Bayle visiting - and Lan notes that she doesn’t tell him any more than she tells them. After Bayle is gone, Lan tries to small talk, he slaps on a casual little smile and he asks a mundane ‘let’s start the ball rolling on that conversation thing’ question, easy to answer, nothing tense, nothing painful, a very common “how did it go?” she ignores him. He presses further - asks who that person was? She gives him the bare minimum (and doesn’t answer the question he’s ACTUALLY asking) and then he tries to push again - what did she want. At which point she hits him with that fake smile and the ‘can an aes sedai not have her secrets?’ - and he’s not even really asking for much. He’s not asking what he actually wants to ask which is: how are you? Are you okay? What can I do? What do you need? What are you thinking? And this idea repeats - in ep 2, when he tries to point out it takes 8 aes sedai to cut someone off, she snaps that he has no conception of the power the forsaken have - so he snaps at her to tell him then. And she refuses. 
They are both FEELING - and their feelings are seen. Lan sees how Mo struggles he sees how she shuts herself away, he sees that she’s not eating, and not sleeping, that she’s frustrated, and she’s frightened. Mo sees that she’s hurting him, she sees that he’s frustrated as well. They know this. But they’re not TALKING. They’re not COMMUNICATING. And at the dinner sequence - this is what Verin, Adeleas and Tomas try to give them advice about - their history is the “common language” that they are; maybe he needs to listen to what she IS saying and not try and demand her to say other things. They don’t know how to talk about things like this - they’re not good at that ANYWAY - but with each other? When they’ve never had to before? When for once, for the first time for both of them, it was effortless to share these things and communicate these deep insecurities and emotions that they struggle to give to others? THAT’S what they’re lacking and that’s what the biggest problem is.
Alright let’s leave poor Lan be for now, I have tormented him enough. On to Momo. This will (hopefully, dear god) be shorter, because people have covered Mo before. We know that she’s traumatised, we know she’s trying to push Lan away to protect him, we know she’s trying to regain control, she feels powerless, she feels helpless, she is trying to deal with something life-altering, something that made her vulnerable and helpless, she’s being reckless with her safety, she’s taking foolish risks etc etc.
The point I want to touch on here is the idea around her ‘manipulating’ Lan, because I usually see this go hand-in-hand with the Lan stuff I talked about already. Largely: how ironic that without the bond Lan doesn’t understand her/cannot read her, but Moiraine is doing it so well with him and i must: respectfully decline to go along with that perspective. And this is (I imagine u know what im going to say now) *inhales deeply* because they SUCK AT COMMUNICATING!!!! 
It doesn’t really MATTER that he is trying to open her up/communicate that he loves her, and he’s there for her, and he wants to support her; while she is trying to communicate the same - she loves him, she cares about him, she wants to protect him. They are both: failing dismally. Lan’s incessant pestering of Mo to talk to him is just making her clam up more and more because she can’t and what’s more: she doesn’t bloody want to. She wants to shove her trauma under a rug in the corner of Verin’s study, and then she wants to drag a bookshelf over the top of it, and then she wants to fill the bookcase with books, and then she wants to put a whole bunch of extra things on top of the bookcase, and then she wants to flee the country and forget that any of that ever exists because she does not want to deal with it. And Lan keeps pushing. He keeps trying to make her talk, because he’s desperate, and he misses the chattering of their friend the bond, and he wants to help, her wants her to let him back in, and it’s just pissing her off. Which is what the cottage squad calls him out for (when will Mo get her ‘come to jesus’ talk?? For Fairness? Like i need this too).
So Lan is coming at this: far too softly, and far too indirectly in a lot of ways. He never asks about what he actually wants to ask about. He talks about the weather, or how shiny Aldieb’s coat is this morning, or how nice and red and juicy Tomas’s tomatoes are. He never actually just says what he wants to say which is: “I love you, and I’m worried about you, and I’m failing you more and more every day and I’m sorry and I need you” he pussyfoots around it and avoids it and lets her shut him down because that hurts and, well, he deserves that hurt so alright then.
And then there’s Mo. Who has managed to somehow twist the logic of the universe so that she can say “I love you” by, uh *checks notes*: Not saying anything at all/ignoring him. Or by saying things like “you failed me” instead. Because she is just THAT powerful. Okay I’m being a bit sarcastic here, clearly, but she has convinced herself (based on how her trauma is affecting her) that she: 1)- does not deserve Lan/is not worthy of him and so he should leave her so he can be happy and 2)- she needs to protect him and so he should leave her and go and be safe.
Maybe she tried to articulate this at some point? Sit him and down and be like ‘okay Allan so I know u have a lot of trauma abt, like, being abandoned/being left behind so ppl u love can go do themselves great harm but…it would REALLY be just swell for me if u left me all by myself while i go through possibly the worst things that’s ever happened to me: alone. Okay? Okay.” However I doubt this. Bc, as previously and repeatedly discussed: these two can’t communicate for SHIT right now.
I think she probably made some sort of roundabout suggestion? Like she didn’t directly say ‘you need to leave me because reasons’ but she probably…asked him to go the White Tower and watch over Nyn and Eggy, or maybe go with Perrin and the Shienarans to help, or even ‘hey remember Mat? The little scrungly one?? I wonder where he is’ and he just told her ‘absolutely fucking not’ (or words to that effect) so she had to try something else instead. Which is: being mean af.
So far so good and I think we’re all (relatively) in agreement to this point. But then people think…She’s being successful here? And she’s reading him well - largely because she knows EXACTLY what to say to hurt him? And yes, she absolutely does, I will 100% give you that. Blade directly to the heart each and every time, she never misses. HOWEVER. This is not the actual point. Causing Lan pain is not her endgame - it’s actually just the painful middle step that’s hurting her too to try and get her to her endgame.
Manipulation essentially involves doing ‘y’ (in this case being deliberately cruel/causing Lan pain) to make the person do ‘x’ (in this case: push Lan away and make him leave her), in theory/if it’s super successful: without the person realising that you’ve orchestrated this/making it seem like it was all their idea/decision. This is, uh, not working too great. It’s been 5 months and Lan is probably less likely to leave her now than he was when she started (because he now has 5 months worth of knowing that she is actively trying to get him to leave so she can do the Light only knows what and if that’s what she wants him to do while she’s in this state then it’s absolutely the last thing that he feels he should do - so in that sense this has actually backfired kinda spectacularly on Mo. Because: SHE’S COMMUNICATING JUST AS BADLY AS HE IS!!!!!!!!!! Just. On the COMPLETE opposite end of the spectrum to him. Because they’re drama and aesthetic that way.
And the added bonus content of this is: she CAN do this. She can (and does) manipulate people spectacularly well. Take Bayle for example (god she needed that little win SO badly, bless her and her buckets). She wanted: to see/examine the broken heartstone - but what is she actually going to DO with it? She doesn’t want to put it in a fancy display case or collect it, she wants to know WHY it broke. So what she ACTUALLY wants from him is information. Information such as: the poem. So she haggles with him on the thing she actually wants - makes him feel like he’s getting a win when he agrees to budge on that, far cheaper, item - but then he counters and says that he won’t move on the heartstone chunk itself - which she has no interest in. So she gets her essential infodump poem for a bargain price, and takes Bayle down like six pegs in the process. 10/10, excellently managed misdirection, making him do all the work and lowering the price of the poem so she didn’t even have to ask for it, and making himself look like a plonker into the bargain. Delicious. She CAN manipulate people - she just cannot manipulate Lan (not in this instance/about this anyway) because she’s as wrongfooted as he is, and is scrambling as much as he is without the bond, to try and find a language she never thought she’d need to try and speak with him.
And so if we now consider BOTH of them: they’re in this very weird space here, where the traumas that they have suffered, and the reactions they’re having are placing them in this fundamental position of opposition. Because their needs/the things they believe/have convinced themselves they have to do put them in direct conflict with one another. They’re like an immovable object meets an unstoppable force, right? And this idea reveals itself in several smaller ways - eg: Lan thinking that Mo needs company and to not isolate herself to get better; while for Mo that just feels completely intolerable and she wants to be alone and in Her Space, her study, where she is in control and can pretend to her visitors/informants that all is well and nothing has changed. But I think the biggest point it revolves around/where it’s most obvious is that, ultimately, their absolute overall goal is to protect the other person?
The difference/tragedy of this is that: Moiraine believes fundamentally that Lan is in danger WITH her, and that she has to make him leave in order to protect him. Lan believes fundamentally that Moiraine will be in danger WITHOUT him and that he has to stay in order to protect her. And this is the hill they’ve both chosen as their last stand/thing to die for. So she is going to push him and push him and push him, and she is going to hurt HERSELF by being crueller and crueller and crueller to him to protect him. And all the while he is going to endure and endure and endure and let himself be hurt to protect her.
AND THEN IT GETS WORSE (or better if ur twisted and u enjoy these kinds of parallels the way i do) because: they are both stubbornly trying to protect the other; but they’re also both feeling like they’re martyring themselves/are hurting themselves more and more to do so. She feels like he is being stubborn and forcing her to hurt him more and more every day - which she does not want to do - when he could just go, just let this end, just leave her the way she clearly wants him to! But this will make her stronger. She will be stronger for this, for having let him go, and for knowing that at least she managed to protect him. So she will just keep going - tomorrow, that will do it, he has to break tomorrow, he has to finally break tomorrow. And this goes on. The next day. Maybe the next day. The next–
And then HE feels like he is enduring, and that the pain she is inflicting on him is his cross to bear, and he has to endure it because he will NOT leave her, no matter what she throws at him. And it’s almost a test of his will and his love and his devotion (even though I think he knows it’s not: but it’s kind of become his own little personal quest. Because yes. Yes he SHOULD suffer this way. She SHOULD hurt him like this. He deserves it after how he failed her. He has to take this pain. He has to prove what he’s willing to go through for her, prove how dedicated he is, how much he will suffer for her, how even she cannot break him). And he too is thinking that next day it will get better. If he can just endure, just survive this onslaught, it will end. It will get better. She will get better. This will pass. He just has to prove his strength and last as long as he needs to in order to see that through.
And, to bring us back to the start of this extremely long and rambling essay I present you my final, deeply insightful, deeply professional, deeply ~meta~ thought which is that: they are BOTH. SO. FUCKING. S T U P I D!!!! (in a genuinely really interesting and complex and  fascinating way, as i have hopefully discussed/explained - the idea that their lost bond/connection makes them mirror/echo each other but now in a destructive way? That instead of seamlessly and instinctively meeting each others’ needs they are both unconsciously and unintentionally triggering the other person’s trauma and making things WORSE? What an absolutely fascinating take/an incredibly subtle but profound way to show the depth of exactly what they’ve lost/how much it has affected them while ALSO rooting the entire thing in their individual traumas, experiences, and characters - like who ever wrote/conceived of this NEEDS A GODDAMN RAISE I SWEAR) But also yes they are: morons. Absolutely. Without a doubt. One singular moron brain cell that ping pongs between the two of them but is, fundamentally: the same. Absolutely fucking delighted. Can’t wait to see where this goes from here. Join me again in the future for me: ‘wow Rowyn that’s a whole lotta thoughts u got there buddy’.
Also I swear I’m friendly and I like engaging/talking with ppl! Pls feel free to comment/reblog/message!!! And do note that if u reblog i WILL read and appreciate ur tags bc im: one of those Old People. 
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arcaneniffler · 18 days
Sharing my thoughts for Bridgerton season 3 cause I’m a hater
spoilers obviously i guess?
Disclaimer: i have not read the books but I have enjoyed both previous seasons more
Things I didn’t like (there’ll be things I liked too we just need to get this out of the way):
They tried to swamp in SO MANY side plots that I kinda lost the fact that this was Penelope and Colin’s love story?
Benedict and that random woman? I mean okay she’s cool but I guess it was unnecessary. Like it didn’t add anything to the plot, it would’ve been more interesting to see more about his artistic career but no, we have to see that he’s a rake (like every single Bridgerton man lol)
Colin’s Littlefinger moment? (You know what I’m talking about corporate can’t find the difference between them, they’re the same picture) wtf
WAY too few moments with my baddies Lady Danbury and Queen Charlotte
I just didn’t feel the chemistry between Pen and Colin, sue me.
Colin didn’t grovel enough. You can’t change my mind
Also Colin’s personality is… nonexistent? Like yeah did he get hotter? But did he have any distinguishable traits that weren’t “i have studied abroad and now I think I’m cooler than everyone”, “i’m such a rake lol” or “wow was Pen always this pretty?”
I didn’t feel the VIBES with them I’m sorry Colin could’ve done better😭
The WINK (deserves jail time)
The balloon scene was goofy AF. My girl had 5-8 business days to run away but she just stood there like 👁️👄👁️
Lord Debling nature guy just slipping down to her and spooning her like what’s that gonna do? Bro had 1 braincell and it was focused on those endangered birds
Colin and friends ™️ leaving everything behind to stop the balloon from taking off, then 5 seconds later balloon guy just levitating away as if nothing had happened? xdd
I’m all for Violet finding happiness but idk that guy just seemed random. Also something’s definitely off — other than him being a rake — cause Lady Danbury does NOT like him
The fact that it’s two parts ugh
Queerbaiting at its finest when we know they’re going to keep the book couples…
Things I liked (finally)
Penelope!! She’s so beautiful
Queen Charlotte’s wigs? Otherwordly
Francesca and her guy? My introvert babies
Anthony and Kate omg
The Featherington sisters were so funny actually. Like I didn’t like them before but they made this whole season better
Snow on the beach and Pitbull is the combo we didn’t know we needed in the bridgerton soundtrack
The fact that *the dream* was Colin’s and not Pen’s 🥹
Cressida and Eloise!! Most likely nothing will happen but I am here for the barest hint of sapphics
I also like Cressida’s redemption arc. She was an awful person but everyone deserves second chances and I think her friendship with Eloise is truly helping her become a better person. It was nice to see her side too, her conflicts about life as a woman and her issues with her parents. She’s still not an overly “positive” or “supporting” character, but I believe she’s on the way. I’d jump out of my window in happiness if something more than friendship happened with her and El🤭
All in all, part 1 so far was disappointing in my opinion. I am eagerly awaiting part 2, hoping it’ll make up for it and not let me down. I hope the Lady Whistledown reveal won’t be downplayed and Colin won’t be like “oh you’re Lady W? Whatever no worries idc” (although idk how it happens in the book)
What are your thoughts? Theories?
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cinnamonwords · 2 years
Marauders Free-use Fantasy
Pairing(s) James Potter x Lily Evans, James Potter x Female!Reader, James Potter x Marlene McKinnon, Remus Lupin x Lily Evans, Remus Lupin x Female!Reader, Sirius Black x Lily Evans, Sirius Black x Female!Reader
Warnings I wrote this at 1 am if you see any mistake, ignore them, free use, somnophilia (established consent), p in v, oral, anal, curse words, foursome (MMMF), not cheating- sharing, no condoms, creampie
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The marauders shared everything. Thoughts, ideas, braincells, clothes, food, money, even women.
So when Sirius stormed into their shared bedroom and began humping Remus’ sleeping girlfriend, he payed no mind. It was a common thing for them, everyone consented. James sometimes sought out Sirius’ girlfriend, Marlene, because he liked her dominant attitude and the way her big tits wrapped around his cock. Remus loved teasing James’ girlfriend, Lily, with his long, hot tongue. And Sirius’ current obsession was you, Remus’ girlfriend. You were a filthy whore who loved to be fucked anywhere, anytime, and Sirius loved watching your eyes cross as he pushed his cum deep inside your uterus.
Remus continued his herbology paper as if Sirius hadn’t undressed his beloved and was now fondling her breasts and hammering his cock into her tight cunt. You were surprisingly still deep asleep, the only indication that you knew what was happening were your soft mewls and broken moans.
Remus could no long concentrate. The sound of Sirius’ heavy balls slapping against your skin accompanied by your moans and whimpers made it impossible for him to think.
“James, do me a favor and shut her up.”
“Anything for you, moony.” James, who had previously been busy brainstorming ideas for his and Lily’s anniversary, quickly brought his cock out and walked towards Remus’ bed to shove it into your open mouth.
With 2/3 holes filled your whines increased in volume as you wished to be full in your anus as well. Remus sighed as he put his herbology paper aside and instead joined the threesome on his bed. He lubed you best he could with Sirius’ bruising thrusts before he gave you what you wanted and inserted his long, thick cock into your asshole.
How did we get here? Remus wondered back to that humid September night.
James and Lily had just started dating and things could not have been better. James was funny and kind and had truly matured other the summer, Lily was so glad Mary and Dorcas convinced her to give him a chance. One date had turned into many others, which turned into boyfriend and girlfriend, and now James and Lily celebrated 6 months of dating. Half a year!
For their 6 month anniversary James had prepared a beautiful scavenger hunt of places and times James fell in love with Lily. The scavenger hunt led Lily into James’ bed where they made love to each other under the dim light of candles. James’ cock was inside of Lily’s tight fluttering cunt when he got the strangest thought, ‘Sirius and Remus need to experience this’.
The thought scared James. He was usually very protective of Lily and even the thought of another person getting to experience her beautiful pussy made him red with anger. But for some reason the thought of his mates, Sirius and Remus, fucking his girlfriend didn’t anger him, it aroused him.
He obviously kept this thought to himself and only entertained the idea at night with his fist wrapped tightly around his cock. The thought was eating him alive and of course his friends and girlfriend noticed. Remus and Sirius were confused. It had been weeks of James acting strange, he wouldn’t look them in the eye and he flinched when they touched him- something was clearly bothering him but he wouldn’t spit it out. Lily was equally confused. It seemed after the night of the 6 month anniversary James didn’t have time for her anymore. He avoided her in the hallway and tensed whenever she brushed her tits against his arm to let him know she was thinking about him.
James’ strange behavior continued for two more weeks until Sirius got tired of it. If James wouldn’t tell him what was wrong then he was left with no choice but to consult the journal. Last Christmas Professor McGonagall had gifted James a journal and told him to write down his thoughts instead of entering her class during her off period and talking her ear off. James had played it off at first but he actually ended up loving the gift and journaling his every move and thought.
Sirius skimmed the pages. He hated to intrude on James’ privacy like this but if he did something wrong he needed to know, he would not lose his best friend. What Sirius found was unexpected but honestly better than anything his overthinking mind came up with. Little Jamesie had thoughts about Sirius and Remus fucking his girlfriend and he was embarrassed about it. Sirius grinned as he raced off towards the library to inform Lily and Remus. If James wanted to see his girlfriend be used and fucked by his best mates then that’s what he would see.
James sneakily entered the Gryffindor tower and climbed up the stairs to his dorm room. Avoiding his friends and his lover was no easy task and James was tired and achy from jumping into broom closets and running out of classrooms as soon as the bell rang. James didn’t expect to hear moaning and grunting coming from his dorm room though. Eh, he could just sneak into bed, he was exhausted. James kept his eyes down and movements quiet as he entered the dorm room and crept his way towards his bed.
“Jamie” a high pitched moan James knew all too well cut through the silence and made him freeze.
His eyes darted up and he was met with a sight only in his wettest dreams. Lily was naked on his bed, on her hands and knees, with Remus’ cock buried deep inside her cunt and Sirius’ cock balls deep in her mouth. James must have slipped on the stairs and died because he was in heaven. His sweet, innocent Lilypad being stretched out by his best mates cocks.
“We’ve been waiting for you, Prongs.”
“Such a good girl you have here, mate. Should have heard her moans when Rem pushed into her for the first time.”
James was sure his brain was deceiving him. This was just like in his dreams, there was no way they would know- his journal. They read his journal.
“Come here, my love. I still have one hole left to fill.” Lily extended her hand towards him and James almost tripped over himself as he quickly stumbled to grab it.
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aha-chuu · 1 year
Alhaitham ships I like and respect
I realise I typically only post about Kavetham but I actually love a lot of Alhaitham ships (my mans deserves all the love). Here's a list and my reasons for shipping them, because I just got home from uni and I'm bored. These are all ships that I like, the rating is just "how would this realistically go?".
1) Kaveh/Alhaitham
Getting this one out of the way cos <3 we know. I really enjoy their bickering dynamic and they both have very strong personalities, which I adore. That's why I feel the need to be more picky with the fics I read, actually, cos sometimes people write one of them very uncharacteristically just so they don't have to deal with writing two characters with uh *checks notes* personalities lol.
They are both babygirl and they are both Problems. I think their relationship would be undefined but exclusive - neither of them say they're dating, but they've also never sleep around with other people. I kinda like the hc that Kaveh got around a bit more before they met/started their situationship, but I also vibe with the idea that he lied and told Alhaitham he was "oh so experienced" just to one up him.
Rating: 9/10
2) Cyno/Alhaitham
Hehe this one's an oldie but a goodie. So here's the thing: back in 3.1, this was The Sumeru ship. Cynari was also there , definitely, but there was a loud fandom quite obsessed with the enemies to lovers trope. Which! Some people call Kavetham enemies to lovers, wrong, they never had a fistfight; they're just rivals and lovers.
Anyway, Cyno and Alhaitham are a great ship cos we have battle boyfriends with an eventual soft dynamic. I especially love in Act 5 of the archon quest, when they continue to disagree but they're on the same side - Cyno is very against Alhaitham's reckless plan. They have a lot of contrast in their approaches to life, but at this point they have mutual respect for one another that I think could develop beautifully.
The only issue i have with their dynamic is that I struggle to imagine how they would end up together. Maybe after a fight, one of them almost dies and so there's a dramatic kiss?? I don't think Alhaitham would be so romantic tbh, and Cyno is more likely to be very straightforward with a confession, but I think he might not be honest about his feelings in order to focus on Justice™.
Rating: 7/10
3) Dehya/Alhaitham
Yes. I also occasionally like f/m ships. My issue with this one is simply that I ship Dehya with Dunyazarad more, so I think this would be a more one sided crush on Alhaitham's part. I have a hc that he's just, into claymore users. Dehya serves cunt and beats people up and Alhaitham is like "pls come back to the Akademiya, you're so so cool <3".
Maybe I have a crush on Dehya. Maybe that's the issue hm.
I can't see Dehya dating him or Alhaitham really wanting to date her - just a little crush and then a good friendship.
Rating: 10/10 for vibes, 3/10 for practicality
4) Nilou/Alhaitham
Consider: Nilou is cute. Alhaitham is cute. She thinks he's a cool treason-man and he thinks she's the only person as crazy as he is for immediately agreeing to the dangerous plan everyone else took 80% of the run time complaining about.
Would they actually ever date? I think they'd hold hands once, but then figure out very quickly that they have almost nothing in common. Alhaitham would want a more headstrong person to counter his bluntness, and Nilou would find his introversion frustrating in a dating context.
Rating: 4/10
5) Tighnari/Alhaitham
I sort of see this dynamic as the healthiest version of opposites attract on this list. Now, they're both stubborn bastards, however - where I think Alhaitham and Kaveh lose all braincells upon being in the same room, I think Tighnari and Alhaitham maintain their intelligence.
I like the idea that post archon quest they shared an infirmary room in the Birmastan (Alhaitham via head trauma, Tighnari for his untreated lightning strike lol). They both quickly get fed up with their friends' overprotectiveness and kick the likes of Cyno and Kaveh out. They are both Akademiya graduates who've kind of denounced the Akademiya, Tighnari by quitting to become a forest ranger and Alhaitham by phoning in his entire career :')).
So they get to talking since they only really knew each other through Kaveh previously, and then they vibe doing their own thing when they get bored of conversation. I think they'd understand each other pretty well, and Alhaitham would brush off Tighnari's nagging and Tighnari find Alhaitham's abrasiveness endearing, since he's not an idiot.
Rating: 7/10
However, the context I most like them in is -
6) Kaveh/Alhaitham/Cyno/Tighari
I am an 4ggravate girlie. I love a good poly ship and these guys work very well.
Basically just a combination of everything I've already said:
Alhaitham & Kaveh and Cyno & Tighnari are both in situationships. These are open relationships.
Alhaitham and Cyno (who didn't previously know each other well) start seeing one another in a new light when they're stuck in the desert together for a month fighting against the sages. Feelings ensue.
After the drama, Kaveh realises he wants to make the situation with Alhaitham more concrete because he was worried. He also hangs out with Cyno a lot after Alhaitham and Tighnari kick them out of the infirmary.
So many high stakes and the close companionship makes it so they're all sort of on board with trying a poly sitch. Tighnari seems the type to bring it up first, to Cyno and then to Alhaitham and Kaveh.
Cyno likes the idea but worries a bit that Kaveh and Alhaitham's dynamic would get in the way of an actually healthy relationship.
Alhaitham is a bit iffy cos like - free time, introversion etc, but he does think it would be a good idea to test it out.
Kaveh is pretty totally on board cos all his friends are super hot, though he says "I should have tried using a foursome to force Alhaitham out of his shell ages ago" which actually delays the process quite a lot :'))
Rating: 10/10, Alhaitham gets three boyfriends I cannot see any issues
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taekozuyang · 1 year
the line between us
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⭒ suna rintarou x fem!reader
⭒ tags: fbw to lovers (?) | angst | love triangle | emotionally constipated suna | ARAN APPEARS HERE and he's the only person with actual braincells, we love him for that
⭒ nsfw tags: face fucking | oral sex | nipple pinching (punishment) | booty calls | mentions of penetration | let me know if i miss anything
⭒ wc: 5.1k
ㅡafter the stunt pulled at the party, you find yourself with an answer you seeked for but wished never had to know.
a/n: a repost (tho i took down the first one hours after its release) bc i finally, for the love of god, proofread this. it's not perfect but it's the best it can get. anyway, i hope you guys enjoy this. sympathize with me, cry with me. goodluck ;)
the drabble i based this off | part 1
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the morning has been dragging you out as though you could sense every student's wasted energy from last weekend's party. even you have not recovered from the events that unraveled that nightㅡalbeit, a particular blonde made it almost unforgettable. he made it clear to leave a receipt, a topic to gossip about on a sober monday morning.
"you're dating y/n?!" the blonde announces in an obnoxiously loud voice.
to be fair, how could not one's ear be piqued by a controversial statement? even you, the subject of the news, had your eyes goggling at osamu's twin, the infamous blonde setter who broke the news to everyone, miya atsumu.
osamu peels his head away from the fake kiss to look at his brother with a face you could imagine, embarrassed or worse horrified. his face instantly beats red, which does not help at all because it made him look guilty. in a snap, everyone's eyes were on you. a spectacle in a midst of a bleak university life.
"since when?! i thought you guys were just friends?" as atsumu pressed it became more complicated.
if osamu denies dating then the plan will collapse in a matter of seconds all because of his brother's nosiness. besides, osamu is concerned about you. he knows that putting a label on a romantic relationship is a concept hard for you to grasp. he does not want to make you feel uncomfortable by insensitively claiming that you both are dating. thus, the best response he could muster is to divert the attention.
"what's with that ugly expression on your face?" he insults him with his biggest pride (aside from being one of japan’s best setter) "and what's it with you if i am or am not dating (y/n)? it's not like you don't know her."
as atsumu theatrically gasps out loud, his drink spilling over the rim of his cup at his sudden movement your eyes gravitate toward the far corner of the room so easily as though being with him for more than a year or so made you instinctively find him in a crowded room. all faces turn blank as you spot him standing alone with a cup in hand and eyes locked with yours. he neither moved a muscle nor stray his focus from you. instead, he stares at you as if the argument between the twins and the loud music in the room vanishes into white noise. he was hard to read. he appeared as if he was the person you first met, and not the one you spent rainy days in bed, clothed with nothing but his arms around your naked waist.
in the end, osamu was forced to give a vague answer to redeem the situation. "maybe, we're dating. maybe, we're not." up until today atsumu has no idea of the truth.
no one knows the truth of your petty revenge.
today, you thought of giving back to osamu by baking him snacks during the food laboratory. it's a recipe you came up with for a project. you made it a point to make more than you are required so both you and osamu can share, like you always do. bonding over food has become a thing between the two of you.
monday is the only time of the week when you do not share a class with your friend and the only chance you get to meet him is when you cross paths at the corridor, which happened just now.
"samu!" you greet from a distance, your free hand waving at him. osamu reciprocates by flashing a smile.
"hey." he says, catching his breath as he jogs toward you. "do you have class after four?" he asks. when you utter no, his face lights up. "can you please do me a favor? my professor messed up my schedule."
"sure, as long as it's anything within my capacity," osamu lets out a relieved sigh.
"here," handing you a camera in his hand, you can already tell what it's about. "i promised tsum to record their practice game today at four but i couldn't since my professor is calling us for an unannounced consultation."
"this technically works in atsumu's favor." you arch a brow making the other pull the corner of his lips upward.
"i know my brother is a bit of an ass but i want to support him. i'm pursuing my passion and so does he, and he supports me with my cooking. i do not want to let him down today since this practice match is important to him and his team. so, technically..." he copies your wording endearingly as he suppresses a smile (how can you say no at this point??) "...it is important to me too. It’s a favor that works two ways, me and atsumu's but i'd say more of me since i do not want to get an earful from him when we get home so can you do this for me, please? pleaaase?"
you playfully roll your eyes as you say a half-hearted, "fine."
"yes! thank you! thank you!" osamu leans forward to catch you in a tight embrace. he pulls back to look at you at an arm's length. "i'll do anything to pay back the favor."
"you don't have to."
"no, i insist."
"samu, honestly, i'm in debt. i have to pay you back twice for the party last weekend."
"hm?" osamu angles his head to the side. "that's not a favor, it worked to my advantage too." you blink at him twice, confused if you heard him right.
"what?" but just as you asked, he shoves the camera in your hand as he walks past you.
"unimportant, bye!" he waves goodbye, leaving you baffled as you peer at both of your hands full of... wait... the food!
"samu, wait! the snack!" you lift a tight container in the air. "i baked these for you!"
instantly, osamu runs back to you with a grin that reaches his ears as you open the lid of the container. he takes a piece and bites large, enough to fill the sides of his cheeks. he thanks you hurriedly and wastes no time by briskly walking back down the hallway. a few steps away, he turns to look through his shoulder,
"ginger and cinnamon?! you're a mad scientist! when did you become a fan of cinnamon? it's on your every dish but it tastes good so i have zero complaints! thank you, (y/n)!" his comment makes you chuckle out loud only to be abruptly stopped by a realization that came after his innocent words. at that moment, your heart sinks gradually and silently into the depths of an open sea. it makes no noise, no signs of falling into a trap of nothingness that slowly turned into a tinge of pain. unable to grasp, your legs remained unmoved.
he loves cinnamon.
on days spent with you, suna basks himself in the warmth of your apartment and fresh bakes. he told you that he loves cinnamon and you find it telling of his personality. like a cinnamon scent, his outer physique holds a hint of spice and mystery, one that reels you in. but as you devour it, rolling it at the back of your tongue and savoring every ounce of its taste, you relish sweetness. it is him, in every aspect, it is him.
osamu leaves you to your thoughts as the gray-headed misses to take a cue from your running mind. you are far more affected by suna than you thought. you were used to orbiting each other's ecliptics that losing him means losing your balance. it takes it in you to harden your knees and turn your feet into motion. when did you end up being so emotionally affected by someone?
you empty your mind as you walk to the gym, debriefing yourself on the task at hand. when you arrived, the volleyball team is already doing rounds of warm-ups as the visiting university settles their things on the other side of the court. atsumu immediately sees you as he turns a lap, face contorting into a confused look. soon, he approaches you before the practice game begins.
"i'm samu's sub." you say when he nears you.
"how kind of you. is this your way of putting your best foot forward so i can approve you as my twin's girlfriend?" you almost choke, almost. right, he didn't know. you make a mental note to tell osamu that he should let his twin know or else his mouth will cause you both a problem.
"but seriously," atsumu takes the water bottle next to you then uncaps it before taking a gulp. he takes the bottle away from his mouth and speaks. "take care of samu. he may appear unfeeling most of the time but he's a 'lil softy inside. when we were young i cry out loud in front of many making me the expressive and loud twin while he remains the calm, emotionally stable one. though i always catch him crying alone in our room."
atsumu is beginning to believe that you are officially dating his brother and something about what he said puts a weight on your shoulder. although bringing you as his date to the party to show it off to suna is his plan, you do not want to hurt him in any way possible. if your pretentious act will stir him into an issue he does not want to be involved in, you have no one else but to blame yourself. after all, he did it for you.
a man walks up to atsumu and before he could utter a word his eyes met yours. a subtle surprise makes his brow twitch as he sees you holding the miya’s camera.
"you're here." aran states the obvious.
"yep, i'll record the practice match. oh! speaking of i can send you a file too just give me your email."
"sure, it's ojiro underscore-" you cut him off, smiling to him shyly.
"no! there's no way i'll remember that. send it to me over sms. i think you have my number."
"do i?" he asks though it seemed as if he's asking himself rather than you. he shrugs, "if i don't i'll ask rintarou."
a prominent pound in your chest vibrates through your ribs as his name is spoken. You have lost grip on the situation before you as you ponder. why do you feel this way? he’s meant to be just your fuck buddy, a man that warms your bed when the night feels cold, nothing more. but why... why do you feel this way?
"your ex." atsumu fails to read the room. aran side-glances him as he damps his face with a towel.
"we were not dating." you point out with gritted teeth. atsumu is once again intrigued.
"'were'." he repeats to himself. "right, 'cause you're currently dating osamu." aran looks at you then back to atsumu then back to you again obviously eavesdropping. just when you thought his mouth will cause you and his brother a problem, he brings it to you the earliest possible. aran is suna's closest friend. if there is anyone who knows suna like the back of their hand, it is aran.
taking a swift glance at aran who is currently busy folding his towel, thus you take this chance to round your eyes at the blonde and point to the man next to him using your eyes. with a forced smile, you wish for atsumu to take a hint. "you know what tsumu, let's talk about it some other time."
he looks at aran briefly before turning to you with his brows pressed to the center. although hesitant, atsumu nods. "alright, you and samu need to explain a lot of things, and you guys might need time too. i don't mind waiting, okay? just in the meantime please be gentle with him. and don’t tell him I said that!” he points at you defensively making you laugh.
“aw, aren’t you a sweet brother?” as you tease him, the deeper the creases on his face appears making his the top of cheeks round like steamed buns.
ultimately, atsumu leaves you to your task as he jogs to the court for the practice match. aran, on the other hand, did not say anything about you dating osamu but instead said his thanks for recording the match.
by the time the practice match ended, the sun has long set. even though tonight may be the ideal time to walk back to your apartment under the shadows of moonlight, the heavy rain pour stops you. worse, it won't let you go home. you left your umbrella at your place again, a bad habit you have since. hence, you're stuck at the sports building. the only way for you to go home without getting all soaked up is through atsumu who is still in the meeting with their coach which takes hours to finish including the allotted time for a cool down and stretching and tidying up the court or you can wait for the storm to pass by which may also take hours or a day even since it shows no signs of stopping.
having left with no choice, you bounce on the balls of your feet as you stare outside. the loud splatter of rain on the roof and cement deafens your hearing which made it impossible for you to hear the footsteps coming from behind. an oversized leather jacket drops on your head, therefore, snapping you to divert your attention at the source. before you could see the person's face, his voice says it all.
"you never bring your umbrella." suna says, walking past you with a hood over his head and hands tucked inside the pocket of his pants. he spare you a look as the image of him blends in with the rain.
it was the first time he spoke to you since the event at the pumpkin patch. the day you never felt the same.
you reach home half-wet and half-not. the bottom of your legs down to your feet is soaked making the feel of your shoes and socks icky from rain but from your waist up to your face is dry thanks to suna's leather jacket.
upon entering your apartment, a dilemma keeps your feet glued next to the coat rack. you do not like seeing a piece of his clothing that line his silhouette out in the space where you can see at any point in your small apartment but you must hang it or else you will leave droplets of water on the floor. call it pathetic but you do not want to be reminded of him. remembering him brings a wave of emotions you are not accustomed to, one that you have not completely deciphered yet.
torn, you leave it on the floor. shriveled into a pile of black making it hard to recognize as a piece of clothing. that is not the best solution and you should not be doing this but it works for now. satisfied, you leave it at your doorstep as you head to your room to change.
what was once a daily chore for suna suddenly turn foreign to him after a prolonged time of abstinence but it does not miss the fact that his body still knows how to pleasure an expectant doe beneath him.
"fuck me in the face, suna." the girl from his class drags her lips from the column of his neck down to his collarbones. when she attempts to suck on his skin to leave a mark, suna pinches her nipples as a punishment.
"i said no to hickeys." suna glares at her and all she could do is whine and pout her lips. but when he was with you, he would let you do anything. he would let you pepper his skin with bruised kisses, marking every inch of his body and oddly suna became fond of it. he looks at himself through the mirror with traces of you after morning and mornings could not be better than it was. having realized what he is thinking and feeling pathetic to reminiscing about you in a midst of having sex, suna lowers his body to the woman. to cloud his thoughts, he hovers her completely about to shove his cock again into her sensitive pussy when she stops him mid-doing so.
"not now, it hurts. you fucked me hard i can't take another round." the edge of her manicured nails graze softly on his jawline. the other hand scratching his back down from his shoulder blades down to his inner thighs. "but if you let me..." suna groans from the touch of her hand around his length. she teases him more by moving her hand slowly up and down. she caresses his tip using her thumb which causes suna to shut his eyes. his reaction fuels the girl's confidence, therefore, sliding down beneath him and between his thighs, arms pressing his waist down to her face.
suna steadies his balance by holding onto the headboard of the bed. his body gains its motion, banging his hips against her face, cock deep down on her throat. wet moans escape from his lips as she sucks harder, lips tightening around his hardened cock, and tongue dancing at every thrust he gives. lust and pleasure build in his core which pushes suna to gain speed. choking noises and groans fill the small room as the girl begs for more and suna gives exactly what she asks.
though he is reluctant to admit it, the past few days of shared awkward glances and cold shoulders have taken a toll on him. he should not be disappointed because who you are to him should be nothing more than friends with benefits. but something about how you carried yourself to the party, hand anchored over some guy's arm as you giggle at whatever lame joke the miya told you that he couldn't easily brush off. more so when you looked at him from a distance like a stranger and not a person whom you spent more than a year with.
drooling on suna's precum and her saliva, the girl's soft cries tangles with his stuttered breathing. Her jaw tenses but when she feels suna's thigh tense and his hips jerking, a sign that he is about to cum she welcomes every thrust. she wants the infamous suna rintarou of the fine arts department to cum at her disposal.
meanwhile, he blocks any thoughts of you in his head as he focuses on cumming in her mouth. albeit, the girl encourages him as she closes her lips around his digit. soon, a rush of intensity overcomes his body. he shudders as his thighs constricts and lose strength. It is not long when he finally reaches his orgasm. it takes a few lazy pumps in her mouth for him to ejaculate. the girl swallows as she searches for his eyes. however, suna’s lids are shut as he leans his face on his forearm resting on top of the headboard. he takes his softened cock from her mouth before lying on the bed beside her. not a few minutes in, his phone rings to a call. suna curses under his breath as he is forced to push himself up. due to lack of strength, he slides from the bed to the carpeted floor to reach for his phone tucked inside the pocket of his pants scattered on the floor.
"hello?" he says in short breaths.
"so, it's true." the boy says without a context making suna pull the phone away from his ear to read the contact name. it reads 'ojiro aran'.
"about what?" the girl crawls up next to him, kissing the back of suna's ear.
"about (y/n). damn, i thought you were reading things wrong."
"what about her?" just as suna asked, the girl cooed for him to come back to bed, trailing kisses on his neck to lure him to cuddle her.
"jesus fucking-, i heard that. i heard that! you know what. nevermind." a sound of a ceramic cup hitting the wooden center table resonates from the other line along with aran's frustrated tone.
"no, no, don't hang up." suna utters hurriedly before covering the microphone of his pocket device. he turns around to mouth "i can't." to the girl. he takes his boxers tossed near his pants only to be rendered to a deflated beat on the other line.
aran did hang up.
suna was quick on redialing his friend's number and to his luck, aran answered almost immediately.
"don't leave me hanging." he gathers his clothes on the floor before heading straight to the bathroom.
"if i hear another moan from a girl i fucking swear i will not answer your call again."
"it's barely a moan but yeah, yeah, whatever. she's not here." there is a short pause at the end before aran asks, voice threading on thin ice.
"that girl... that isn't (y/n), is it?" although the answer to it is obvious, it took suna a couple of seconds to respond. last month he was enjoying a free taste of a muffin, cookie, a bun, and more all with the soft kick and aroma of cinnamon. with you time seems to slow down, watching movies, fucking until both of you are breathless, and talking about random things until sleep finds its way on your lids. but now is different. he stands inside an acquaintance's bathroom with a fresh scent of lemon and sweets, far from how he remembers you.
"no." suna utters in a low tone.
"on a scale of one to ten, how fucked are you? how can you mess this up?! i was rooting for you guys!" suna remains silent as he bites on his molars. aran begins to narrate. "she was at the practice game this afternoon and saw her talking to miya. i approached them and she asked me if i wanted the file, volleyball stuff. anyway, after that atsumu was damned serious about the topic they were talking about. you know, i can only count the times he was serious about something using one hand, volleyball included."
"were they talking about the incident at the party?" suna sits on the toilet cover as he listens intently.
"i am not sure if it was regarding that night but atsumu was asking (y/n) to take care of his brother since they're dating. i'm starting to believe something is going on between osamu and (y/n). i mean, (y/n) doesn't date, just like you, and for her to ‘date’ osumu… hah! this is a stretch for her. she even took osamu’s spot as a recorder at today’s practice match." aran waits for him to say anything but the other kept his tongue stuck to his throat. the boy asks. "have you talked to her?"
suna mumbles a weak "no."
"why not?"
"i don't know! she's not texting me!" frustrated, suna's voice increases in volume.
"well, have you tried reaching her?"
"then, you're officially stupid! all you have to do is ask her why. is that hard to do?! for fucks sake you've slept with countless women but you still have zero ideas on how to deal with them?!" aran argues which heats the conversation even more.
"exactly! i only fuck with them but i never..." lost with words and unable to describe moments with you, suna curses out loud. "fuck this! fuck me! i fucking hate all of this!"
the boy with parted raven hair storms out of the apartment of the girl he barely remembers the name of and lets his feet take him anywhere. he never minds the heavy downpour of rain over his head. his thoughts are running fast, jumbled, and tangled into loops. aran's narrative and advice ring through his ears as doubts and feelings of betrayal resurfaces. out of all men in this world, you're dating someone whom suna kept a keen eye on. he was certain osamu had feelings for you long ago but you refuse to believe, teasing him about old foe jealousy. suna wasn't jealous. he can keep up with his lifestyle of sleeping with multiple women without feeling sheer jealousy when they turn to somebody else. it is something that never bothers him, or so he thinks.
his confidence is shaken when he finds himself knocking on a familiar door.
changing to comfortable oversized clothes and having a warm meal is not quite enough to change your thoughts on suna's leather jacket. you eye the innocent clothing lying on the floor begging to be picked up and hung over the hook like the others. if the jacket could speak it would have shouted at you to treat it fairly like the others on the rack.
"but your owner is a prick," you speak bitterly. great, now you're talking to a jacket. what's next? his shirt in your drawer? his phone number? his pictures on your phone? this is beginning to feel like an actual break up and it's causing you energy. you don't want to deal with these kinds of problems, mainly the reason why you never commit to a relationship.
when you were about to turn your face away from the front door, soft knocks on the door echoed.
"coming." you shout monotonously, dragging your feet to the door and freezing when the lights flicker. the thunder and lightning, heavy rain pouring, and unstable electricity power makes the scene before you like a deja vu of a horror film. after all, who the hell is visiting you at ten in the evening? and on a freaking stormy monday?
unlocking the barrel and twisting the knob open, you hesitantly pull on the door. behind it is the last person you expected. drenched and quivering in the rain and cold but he does not seem to mind or rather notice. however, his eyelids peel open when he sees you at the doorstep as though he, too, was clueless and surprised to see you.
"what are you doing here?" with a wide-eyed gaze your heart pounds in your chest. this is the first time you ever to talked to him in weeks.
"i-, a-are you," he stammers, swallowing thickly to regain his composure. he starts on the wrong foot. "why are you ignoring me?"
"rin, it's-" he cuts you off abruptly and fear comes alive when he asks.
"is it true? are you dating osamu?"
"listen, rin. i think you should-"
"tell me!" he shouts, a nerve on his forehead protruding from tension. "do you like him?! have you fallen for him?! do you imagine him as we fuck?!"
"NO! GOD, NO!" you scream. the sky rumbles and a harsh gust of wind swirls the trees into a stoic dance. the storm is with you. it unleashes wrath so you do not have to lose control. on the other hand, suna loses it.
"THEN, WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME?!" at that moment, you too fell into the pit of wrath.
"AND WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KISS HER IN FRONT OF ME?!" as if the rain is not enough to fill the gutter with pools of rainwater, the clouds burst. gradually, water breaks through the edges to rush through the drainages, like your tears that had overflown your lids, forming streaks of rivers on your cheeks.
your silent cry snapped suna back to his senses, stunned that he had made you cry. he did not intend to confront you in an argument nor did he wish for the situation to worsen, but in a matter of a minute or so, he made it happen. He runs his tongue over his dried purple lips and catches you off guard when he closes the gap, hand meeting with the side of your face. his thumb catches a tear as worry replaces anger on his face.
"i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make you cry. i shouldn't have raised my voice at you. i'm sorry, i'm sorry." he hushes you with a soothing voice. both of his hands on your face holding you like a fragile ornament ready to break anytime pressure is applied. the tip of his nose brushes against yours as your foreheads connect, and he dips in. a pair of cold lips touch yours in a prolonged peck before he draws back.
"kiss me back." yearning laces in his voice that almost convinces you to do just as you were told when he leans to steal another kiss. he urges you to move your mouth with his but he is left to an unmoving pair. he pulls back just enough for him to speak. "why won't you kiss me?" he pleads in question so gently that it breaks your heart.
"i can't." you lower your head down, unable to meet his gaze.
"why not?" his lids flutter open as he tilts your chin to search for your eyes.
"i can't do this with you. we have to stop."
"i don't understand." his thumb rubs circles on your cheeks and his brows pulled lower.
"it's not the same, at least for me."
it all makes sense now. everything that you felt from the day you saw him kiss a woman at the pumpkin patch to having him hold you in this manner. how thoughts of him perceiving you similarly to every other girl he slept with burn holes in your chest. how he made you feel special, how he treated you special. how he kissed no one but you, touched no one but you. in a dreamlike glimpse, you were convinced that you are more than just a body count on his list. that maybe, he felt it too. maybe, you are an exception. maybe, he can feel for you too.
"i'm greedy. i'm selfish. i'm not the same." you mutter, brows pressed gently to form a crease on your forehead. you lock eyes with him. "i want something you can never give."
in finality, the heavens wail for your broken heart. for a second you thank a friend for crying with you, holding you through your first heartbreak. and you hoped that as the storm past by, it washes off the pain that left your heart.
then, all of a sudden just before your mouth opens to speak your final words, the electricity in your apartment went off.
a temporary silence,
a temporary death.
breaths together in a still room,
you bleed your heart open.
"i want all of you."
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thank you for reading! as per usual, likes and rbs are very much appreciated. i also accept screaming keyboard smash as feedbacks, thanks lol.
masterlist | hq.list
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qapsiel · 3 months
Positivity anon here! Could I ask you to shout out to your five fave blogs? Just to make someone smile today and let them know you love their blog! Maybe even say a little about why!
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I'm more than happy to spread positivity and love, and I'll totally ignore the audacity to only give me 5 blogs and just do more hehe
I'm gonna start with @ruinedmyself because Kas was one of the first people to talk to me when I ventured into the spn fandom, and they've done nothing but make me feel incredibly welcomed <3 I love our silly little chats and also the pain we inflict on each other regularly. We really do share one (1) braincell, and I wouldn't want it any other way. You've got such a fantastic grip on Sam, on his badass-ery but also his softer and goofier side, and I scream excitedly whenever I see I got a reply from you!
No Sam without Dean, obviously, so I gotta yell about @bloodsalted a bit. Dixon is an extremely friendly person, and I'm still glad I managed to sweet-talk force you into joining me in hell. Or heaven, I suppose, is the better word, because our interactions are truly GREAT. Whether it's sexy times or angsty shit, every reply is magnificent and makes me giggle. You write Dean in all facets that make his character so lovable: his fears and passions and his silly times and also his anger. I love him to pieces!
Who doesn't love the king of hell? Cas, probably, but I adore every interaction with @murderdeals because it enables me to use all the pissed-off Cas icons. When you write Crowley, I can hear Mark yell into my ear. And honestly, I would have never guessed that Cas and Cain could become such good buddies, and yet they somehow ended up being the bestest bee bros, and that's largely due to your fantastic writing and your excellent grip on a character that can easily be branded the villain without second-guessing.
@singersalvaged should always be included in my rant about lovable people because she's just so chill to talk to! A truly great person who has an amazing view of Bobby Singer and writes him in a way that makes me believe the guy is standing behind me muttering idjit whenever I read a reply. And Allie! Let me gush about Allie, who's Cas' weed friend and brothel companion, and every single interaction just makes me howl with laughter. They're absolutely unhinged and dumb, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
While Crowley makes Cas want to eat glass, @eyeless-smiles makes him want to tear his own ears off because Corinth is such a fucking asshole (affectionate), a True Nightmare, and I love seeing him annoy Cas in every single paragraph. It's just hilarious, and they never hold their muse back, which is refreshing these days!
Cas loves to steal kids (just look at Jack), so it didn't take long for him to steal @innerwar 's Homelander when he was still a child with Vought. And honestly, I just adore this verse and you, friend? It's so funny and yet also sad, and I'm just so unbelievably happy that Homie gets a better life with this and that Cas gets to be a Dad again, and your writing is just SO FANTASTIC and catches Homelander's young voice brilliantly. 
I gotta yell about @nightmdic really loudly for a second because she is a FREAKING MAGNIFICENT OC and both Cas and I love her to pieces. She's kind and nice and helps Cas through his forced humanity without finding him (too) weird, and Paige just casually managed to write one of my favorite OCs here on Tumblr with her eye for detail and well-chosen words 
And last but not least, a big shoutout to @bleakfated who writes a lot of different spn muses (among others) and yet manages to hit that nail (= the voice of every single muse) square on the head every time! I hear Balthazar's funny-ironic voice when I write with him, I see Jody being Mom when I interact with her, I get the British Mick Vibes when it's his time to shine. I'm in awe of how someone manages to juggle so many muses and give everyone their own little voice. Kudos!
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lace4forest · 2 hours
The Legend of Zelda Forgotten Songs
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We've recently been drawing on Stream, so we ended up making a Legend of Zelda AU. (I'll post the stream vods on my channel later)
Basically Din and Farore decide to mess with Nayru, and shuffled the Triforce pieces.
Anyway! Zelda, the Hero of Songs, needs to search for the Forgotten Songs lost to Hyrule, to bring light back to the Kingdom. She teams up with Link the bard and the two travel together. The Scholar King Ganondorf of the Gorudo is trying to take over the Kingdom of Hyrule and bring silence and darkness to keep the Kingdom under his control.
The Nicknames Zelda - Song (Songs) Link - Lute Ganondorf - Cacophony
Rabbit hole time!
Zelda is the Hero of Songs. She has the Hero's Spirit, and was given the Triforce of Courage!
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Zelda is a menace to society. Yes. She fights in this dress, and she is GOOD AT IT. Her "Roll" is a little jump and spin. She also is a very physical character, she doesn't use a lot of magic Items, and don't let her looking frail fool you, she is very strong. (Yes Zelda has the Master Sword)
Link has been nicknamed Lute. He isn't fully Hylian, he is only half! The other half is Siren! He is a Bard. He also has the Triforce of Power! (Think of Zelda 2 btw) So the Northern Palace? Everyone remember that place? Yeah, Link's house is on the beach north of there, he has a cute little beach house, and also has an under water one (Because Siren/mer fun stuff)
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Now Link here is a little Uncanny, right? Well, literally EVERYONE in town think's that. That's why he lives out by himself on the beach. He does go into town and play music for money, and he's really good! (Because Siren) and people ALWAYS PAY HIM- (Because SIREN) He doesn't do anything bad tbh. Lastly, Link uses the magic Items here, he is also holding onto the Interments and sheet music they get from the Dungeons! (Looking for the Forgotten Songs of old to save Hyrule)
Now, Link and Zelda are besties, Zelda was traveling past his house, and she just wanted to see who lived there, met Link, liked his weird vibes (Literally all her guards were like NOOOOO SIREN BOY- But Zelda doesn't know) Also, Zelda gave Link Anxiety. (Zelda "No Fear" Hero of Songs traveling with the Siren Bard Link the Lute player)
OH! One last thing, Zelda doesn't know Link is half Siren. She just knows he has funky vibes and she likes the funky vibes. Someone (Villager) will be like "That is a Monster" and Zelda will be like "THAT IS MY BEST FRIEND" (Holds Link's face) "NOW SAY SORRY TO HIM" Villager - "....sorry" Zelda doesn't care.
(another link thing, sorry, that hair? that short hair? Yeah, No. That's an under cut, he has long hair, its just brained and stuffed into the hat)
LASTLY we have Ganondorf! He is cousins with Zelda, and he holds the Triforce of Wisdom! Ganondorf want's to take Hyrule, and he knows he is right behind Zelda for the throne, so all he needs to do is Kill Zelda! (He tried to just hire a guy to shoot her with a cross bow, the guy shot, Zelda cause the arrow, AND THREW IT BACK- NO BOW- and Killed that man.) Ganondorf had to think a little outside the box. His list of Priorities goes 1) Kill Zelda, 2) Kill Link and 3) Take over Hyrule.
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Now, Ganondorf here is SMART. (Nicknamed Cacophony) Ganondorf and Zelda are Cousins, and they are pretty close. Their relationship is VERY complicated. Like - Someone talking crap about Zelda in front of Ganondorf "HOW DARE YOU SAY THOSE THINGS!" Person - "That is your Mortal Enemy!" Ganon - "THAT IS MY COUSIN!" (Zelda does the same thing)
Link and Ganondorf also have a complex relationship, they have an emotional support group for talking about the crazy things Zelda did and the two just need a moment to reassure they are normal and it's just Zelda being weird.
Also Ganondorf is a magic user in this AU. He tries to outsmart his opponents when need be. And in this game he is fighting Zelda and Link, who share a single braincell. (I love those two so much oh my gosh XD)
The Dungeon's in the game would be actually kinda hard, relying on your ability to remember things and a LOT of Puzzles. The beginning you can just switch between Link and Zelda to figure stuff out, one being in another room and yelling the answers to the other type of thing. But as the game goes on (After Dungeon 3) Link will become unable to get into the Dungeon without Zelda finding the Interment inside and summoning him inside. (There will also be a Dungeon where you do mainly play as Link in, it's the water temple.)
Now, Dungeon's 1 through 6 you can get Link inside to help, but less and less. By Dungeon 7 Link is unable to be summoned inside. Again, you would need the Dungeon Item to summon Link, BUT Ganondorf is SMART. He figured this out, and went and TOOK THE ITEMS OUT- They are now in other Dungeons (You may find 2 Items inside one dungeon) You might need to return to a Dungeon for a Door you were unable to unlock with a new Item/song/sheet music.
But During Dungeon 7, when Zelda leaves she can tell a fight happened, the area is destroyed, and Link is nowhere to be seen. Ganondorf and his men ambushed Link, and Kidnapped him. (Along with all your stuff.) Zelda heads to Dungeon 8, learning that Link is somewhere inside.
(Our reasoning on why Link get's Kidnapped- "WELL ZELDA GETS KIDNAPPED ALL THE TIME! IT'S LINK'S TURN!")
Now Dungeon 8. Ganondorf is Smart. Zelda and Link Share a SINGLE Braincell. Each room is one of three things. 1) A previous Mini Boss (Link Dungeon 8(?) in Link's Awakening) 2) A Puzzle to get a key or something (Normal Dungeon stuff) OR 3) A Puzzle from a previous Dungeon, but the hint isn't in the Dungeon and Link isn't here to yell the answers for you.
So you will have to do one of three things for those rooms, Look up a guide online, Have a good memory and know what to do, Or go back to the Dungeon it was in, and write it down.
But if you leave you'll have to restart/run through the Dungeon again! AND THIS ONE DOESN'T HAVE A MAP- HAHAHA-
We wanted to create the hardest/funnest Dungeon. (Ganondorf is SMART, HE WANT'S ZELDA DEAD.)
Also, Ganondorf convinces the King to send Gaurds after Zelda and Link. (Kinda like Lttp, but instead of "YOU KIDNAPPED THE PRINCESS" It's more like "Zelda Please, You Need To Come Home!" and Zelda is like "GANONDORF IS EVIL" "No HE ISN'T!" "HIS VIBES ARE RANK!")
I might draw some short comics of them later tbh! (I think it's fun to make stories with everyone on stream, it was good, 10/10 will draw on stream again XD)
If you have any questions, just ask.
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bigassbowlingballhead · 11 months
Started 911 over the weekend and have already watched all of season 1 and half of season 2.
I started this show because I've seen so many edits of Buddie along side firstprince and wanted to see what the connection is. Beyond the obvious surface level, a half Mexican man, and a white blonde man. It does run deeper.
I ramble a lot mostly about season 2
I was speaking with a friend about Buck and Alex, they're the same. They just are. Same character, different fonts. Headstrong, yet sensitive. Impulsive, yet caring. Arrogant and charming, yet sweet and endearing. Protective surrogate parent older sister who knows about their big gay crush way before they even do.
And then Eddie enters the picture. He instantly put Buck on guard, due to his attractiveness and heroic past, he's deemed a threat to Buck. A threat to his position in the station, and his sex status symbol as a firefighter. That is, until, Buck finds out about Christopher and just completely softens on Eddie, and dare I say, falls in love with him. (that look in the truck after Eddie tells Buck about Christopher for the first time after the earthquake and Buck is just a big pair of gay heart eyes) you could argue, this is akin to Alex and Henry at the children's hospital and Alex watches Henry Claudette. And then get stuck together. Which brings us back to Buddie, running into a sideways hotel, almost getting smashed by an elevator in the shaft, and after the two idiots with a single shared braincell save everyone, Buck volunteers to take Eddie to get Christopher. And get's even bigger gayer heart eyes watching them reunite. (I'm never recovering from that)
Then there's the sister connection. Maddie and June both clearly know their brother's crush early. June and her magazine, Maddie just listening to Buck talk about Eddie.
Eddie makes Buck soften. He becomes a better version of himself. Much like, Alex does with Henry.
Only after 8 episodes of them, I really really get the link here. and I'm in trouble.
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DHIP beginning | The bloodbath
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"Oooh, you hear that? That's the sound of chaos about to start. Let's see what funsies is going to happen now!"
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"Jack ain't gonna risk this round this time and is going to run away from the Cornucopia. Let's see if that's the smart move!"
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"As expected from the two who had been a team with Kazuma and Darkness, Megumin and Aqua are getting fishing gear in advance! Clever girls!"
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"And there goes the traveler who defeated gods! Well at least she isn't trying her luck unlike the next contestant..."
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"Cause poor Tear grabbed an empty bag! Oofers on that part!"
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"For someone who isn't so much of a fighter? That's a wise choice!"
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"Ooh, if I don't recall it wrong, she's used to living in the forest. We'll have to see if this advantage will help her out or not!"
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"Oh so that's where my bottle was...Jerks should've let me know about this-- ANYWAY! He got lucky if he got a lighter!"
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"As the saying goes!....Run, bitch. Run."
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"Why is Goku of all people getting a handful of throwing knives...? Wait-- WHY is Goku of ALL PEOPLE HERE!?"
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"I guess flying is more accurate...At least she's getting away with the traveler...?"
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"Two powerful individuals running away? Either they are VERY experienced...Or have a screw loose."
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"Smart move! If he can protect himself he'll at least gain a better chance at survival!"
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"Wanda: 1. Furina: 0....Poor girl though--"
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"Two magical girls and a panty stealer both share the same braincells I see. Well at least each go their separate ways, I guess...Still bummed the other me died so soon."
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"Gurl why are you picking a trident when you're an outer god? Well whatever the reason, for a normal person it'll be super useful!"
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"If I had a nickel for everytime I saw people fight for a bag I'd have two nickels...Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice."
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"More people running away from the Cornucopia! I wonder why--"
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"Huh? It should say Daisuke! Oh well, sowwy~ Anyway-- Everyone in this pic but Ratih got some useful items. Though...I worry about anyone being in Velvet's range."
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"Uhhh...Guys, you two took eachother's weapon...Well this is going to be interesting!"
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"Seems like three girls from separate districts are helping eachother out-- now that's girl power!"
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"Speaking of girl power-- they're doing the smart thing here...Unlike the other me!!!"
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"Ehmmm...Huh... Dangerous move you're doing Akari...Good luck?"
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"And lastly Hanaka and Velderoth are running away from the Cornucopia as well..."
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"Well then...This is uhhh...Already starting off as a crazy hunger games....Let's see what will come next!"
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ominous-meme · 2 years
Hiya, everyone!! I was able to get a ticket to watch the online streaming of DigiFes 2022! The evening event had the whole Frontier Cast reading a new audio drama together, which takes place about 2 years after the series ends. Here are the details of what happens in the drama (whatever I understood, anyway! Please excuse any translation errors; my Japanese is still a work in progress):
Tagging @citrus-cactus, and anyone else who’d like to read this! I’ll write about the talk event in a separate post later on!
After becoming a middle schooler, Takuya gets an email telling him to come to that elevator area in Shibuya at 17:45…but when he goes, that mysterious elevator isn’t there
Izumi and Tomoki appear, and Takuya assumes they sent the mail to prank him, but it turns out they also got the same email
Junpei and Kouji also show up, with the latter seemingly enjoying teasing Takuya once or twice
Izumi’s kouhai gave her a stomach band (haramaki) as an elementary school graduation present (Junpei sounds jealous)
Tomoki is now the same age as “Takuya-oniichan” when they had the original adventure
Junpei and Kouji didn’t send the email either, so Takuya assumes it’s Kouichi, and states he may have come into contact with some dark and corrupt file or organisation and they may have to fight said organisation (Izumi thinks he may just be planning a surprise party or something)
But nobody believes him, not even Tomoki LMAO
Kouji spills some TEA: apparently Kouichi went out for tea…WITH A GIRL
Btw, the twins canonically attend the same middle school
So the girl wanted to confess to Kouichi, BUT SHE CONFESSED TO KOUJI BY ACCIDENT
He told Kouichi about it, but he apparently made a promise on his behalf to meet with her later
Kouichi suddenly appears and is like “Kouji, what the HELL did you do????”
Apparently Kouichi wanted to turn the girl down, but couldn’t, and somehow ended up meeting the girl’s PARENTS (comparing it to an arranged marriage meeting or something like that), because Kouji seemed to have made some pretty grand promises to the girl about “our future” (I didn’t fully catch what they said in this bit, sorry!)
The twins collectively share one (1) braincell, and apparently the twin with permanent custody is NOT Kouji
But they seem to have gotten used to being brothers - they get into a MASSIVE argument about the miscommunication involving the confession
Tomoki: “Twins…they’re really something, aren’t they?” (He used the word 大変 which refers to then situation being unfortunate)
Back to the mysterious email, the gang wonders who sent it, as the culprit could only be someone who knows about their adventure. Tomoki speculates about it being Katsuharu or one of the others from his group, but they don’t have the gang’s emails
Junpei comes to the conclusion that one of the gang is therefore lying: hence, the reveal of “Detective Junpei Shibayama”
Izumi: “when the heck did you become a detective”
“Detective Junpei Shibayama’s Case Files: Season 3, will now begin!”
Kouji: “Season 3?” Kouichi: “When was this series even confirmed?”
Junpei labels everyone as a suspect, and accuses the twins of being the culprits behind the email, because they could have alibis for each other, and there is a history of the twins impersonating each other, and therefore they used the girl’s confession to their advantage (and presumably sent the email from her phone? Idk, I couldn’t keep up with the technical details of Junpei’s “evidence”)
Junpei accuses the twins of currently impersonating each other, and they’re the culprits
Kouji: “Nope, you’re wrong” Kouichi: “Our faces are the same, but our voices are very different - shouldn’t you know that much?”
Everyone else starts getting into Detective Mode from then on, starting with Takuya, who suspects Izumi due to something about the haramaki from earlier (didn’t catch the explanation)
But absolutely nobody even takes his accusation seriously
The twins: 😑😑
Next is Tomoki’s investigation- his suspect is Junpei, because the culprit needs electricity to manipulate radio waves and send the email, and the only one who could do that is Blitzmon, Junpei’s spirit
Junpei: “My spirit isn’t that of electricity, it’s thunder” Tomoki: “Oh yeah” Junpei: “Don’t ‘oh yeah’ me!”
Izumi gives it a shot: her suspect is Tomoki
Tomoki, very straightforwardly: “Nope” Izumi: *goes on anyway*
Izumi: “The reason is that Tomoki is shy and embarrassed!” Tomoki: “I have never been embarrassed”
Izumi: “ The mail is anonymous, meaning the sender didn’t want to be known. Why would that be? Well, Tomoki wanted to see us and missed us all so bad, but he was too shy to say so. So he sent this email to have us gather together!”
A couple of them are convinced, with Kouichi saying that this is the closest thing to the truth so far
Everyone starts arguing about it, but Kouji jumps right in and accuses Takuya of being the culprit (unsurprisingly)
But since Takuya only recently got a cellphone of his own, he states that he has no idea how to send an email like that
Junpei: *attempts to bribe the culprit into revealing themselves using chocolate* (some detective you are)
Takuya: *yells at the culprit to reveal themselves, because it’s getting late and everyone’s tired*
No culprit is revealed, and Takuya is MISERABLE
Izumi: “But…I had fun. Seeing everyone’s faces after so long, having conversations with everyone…I feel good.”
Everyone agrees, and decides to go out and eat soba
They go to the restaurant, and everyone’s phones notify them of another email - and then the phones start glowing like they did when they turned into Digivices last time
Takuya: *laughs* “So that’s what it is…the culprits are you guys, right? Agnimon…”
Everyone’s respective spirits send them a message, checking in on them after so long (In order: Agnimon, Wolfmon, Fairymon, Chakmon, Blitzmon, Löwemon)
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pigamariofthestars · 1 month
Hello, World!
Hi there, Tumblr! Call me Allie. My pronouns are she/her. I am a sleep deprived gamer who enjoys making art and music based on my favorite things! I came here on Tumblr to share my ideas with the world!
Big tags:
Cor Caroli— The Big Marxolor Fanfiction! May create other fanfics later, but I don’t have others yet. Here’s the link!
Shadowlight— A story series created by me and a friend using our ocs. We haven’t really begun to write yet, but we have information! And soon enough I will make art regarding the story and characters!
Allie’s Braincells— Allie talks about normal stuff. Mostly.
Some notes for everyone:
This blog is a safe space for everyone! This means that if you are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc, please leave. You can’t be welcomed here, sorry.
You can ask anything to me or my characters as long as it is appropriate! I will always try my best to respond quickly, though it might take a little while because my life is kind of busy. :)
Another thing about that! Sometimes I can be very slow making art. If I am, it might end up taking several days to finish. Please try to be patient! :)
If you hadn’t figured out already, I am into a lot of different fandoms! I have made a list of the most notable ones that will be coming up the most often.
Another note:
I am very particular about ships and headcanons and I try to always think about canon facts while I create for them! You don’t have to pay attention to me if you don’t enjoy what I’m doing.
The Big Fandom List!
Paper Mario
All the other Mario-related games
Kingdom Hearts
The Stanley Parable
Tomodachi series, Miitopia, and other games involving Miis! I love Miis! :)
Of course there’s more than just these!
Madoka Magica
Sailor Moon
I am reading lots of manga and getting into more anime!
Harry Potter
Emily Windsnap
Keeper of the Lost Cities (kinda)
Of course, there’s more I like than just this.
Thank you for reading about me! I hope you enjoy my stuff! :)
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Note: I don't always keep my masterlist up to date but i try
A/N: All credit to the artists who made the gifs and dividers.
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Mae govannen!
Welcome to Aeonian Archives
My name is Kaiden and I will be your host
I post incorrect quotes and Fics
I'm a Transmasc Demiboy who is Abrosexual, who really enjoys writing for elves as you can tell from my masterlist, but I do write for other characters, I am a multishipper and a huge fan of rarepairs.
My favourite characters in Lord of the Rings are Haldir, Legolas and Elrond, Gildor and Glorfindel, my favourite hobbit characters are Thorin and Bilbo and my favourite Silmarillion characters are Maglor, Fingon, Finrod and Gil-Galad.
>Star Trek Blog is @im-a-doctor-not-a-dragonslayer >Shitposting/rebloging/oc Blog is @ecthelion-in-the-fountain >AO3 is aeonianarchives >Twitter is MantarKaiden >Pronouns Page
Follower Celebrations:
200 Followers Celebration [Closed]
Events: (yes I have started doing events and stuff now)
FOTFictober - Masterlist [Complete] Request November 2022 - Masterlist [Did Not Finish] [Complete]
Upcoming: Incorrect Quotes: > Lords of Gondolin - as the name suggests Series: >Time in flux - Lindir timetravels back to Gondolin [Wingfic] >Ghostly Ramblings - Medium Legolas >Ravens of Kidnapping - Thorin timetravling back, Kidnapping Bilbo who is then raised in Erebor by Belladonna >By the Gods - Reader is a Maiar >Frodo's Unexpected Family - Everyone lives AU and they all help raise Frodo even Thranduil and Elrond >The Wanderer who is never Lost - The Reader is Like a Ghost story >Tales as old as Time Woven Together - Oc Series but this is why I am posting about my Oc's >̶O̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶U̶p̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶D̶e̶a̶t̶h̶ Life, Round Two - Ya know the normal 'girl falls into desired reality trope
Ongoing: Incorrect Quotes: >Fëanorian's on Crack >The Colorful arguments of Thranduil and Fëanor >(in)correct JRR Tolkien Quotes >The King and His Feral Herald >House of Finwë family Arguments >They share one (1) Braincell between them [Gandalf and Elrond]
Series: >Fëanorian's bringing up there children [Just Maglor, Maedhros, Caranthir and Curufin raising there children] >Where do we go from here [Erestor x Reader] >Quite Nights Alone with you [Feren x Reader] >Parental Love [Elrond and Lindir fluff]
In order This Masterlist contains Links to: -Taglist -Rules and Requests -Tolkien OC (Infomation) Masterlist -My Blog Masterlist -My Incorrect Quotes Masterlists -Elves of Imladris Masterlist -Elves of Lothlórein Masterlist -Fëanorian's Masterlist -Elves of Fingolfin Masterlist -Elves of Gondolin Masterlist -Elves of the Greenwood Masterlist -Elves of Nargothrond Masterlist -The Valar Masterlist -Misc Masterlist -Tolkien OC (writing) Masterlist -Character x Character Masterlist -Recipes Masterlist -Misc series Masterlist -Aeonian's Recommended Corner - where i recommend Blogs
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want to be added to a Taglist: Here
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Star Trek Blog | Shitposting blog
Tolkien Oc Masterlist
My Blog Masterlist
RP Blog Masterlist
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Incorrect Quotes
Middle Earth Incorrect Quotes Masterlist
Fëanorian's on Crack Masterlist
The colourful Arguments of Thranduil and Fëanor Masterlist
(In)correct JRR Tolkien Quotes Masterlist
The King and his Feral Herald Masterlist
House of Finwë family Arguments Masterlist
They Share One (1) Brancell Between them Masterlist
[Upcoming] Lords of Gondolin
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-Lindir -Elrond -Elladan -Elrohir -Erestor -Gildor -Third Age Glorfindel
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[more elves coming]
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-Fëanor -Maedhros -Maglor -Celegorm -Caranthir -Curufin -Amrod -Amras
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-Turgon -Fingon -Fingolfin
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-Ecthelion -Galdor -Egalmoth -Maeglin -Glorfindel -Duilin -Rog
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-Oropher -Thranduil -Legolas -Feren -Galion -Elros the Guard -Melduir
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-Finrod -Gwindor
The Valar
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-Manwë -Namo -Irmo -Oromë  -Morgoth
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-Gil-Galad -Thorin Oakenshield -Kili -Aragorn -Smaug**(only write Platonically) -Mairon/Annatar/Sauron
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-Lúthion -Faeron -Valkor -Aerdis -Kyaris -Rae -Kiirion -Levos -Thilion -Nyeldo -Hyamro -Faelyn
Character X Character Masterlist
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-Golden fountain -Glorf x Lindir x Thel -Glorf x Lindir -Gil x Elrond x Celebrián -Gil x Elrond x Thranduil - Elrond x Thranduil -Bagginshield -Glorf x Erestor -Egalmoth x Duilin -Legolas x Haldir -Legolas x Haldir x Elladan -Feren x Lindir -Gigolas -Angbang -Russington -Feren x Elros -Feren x Elros x Lindir -Silvergifting -Gil x Elrond -Thranduil x Feren -Erestor x Gildor -Elros x Meludir
Fandom recipes: Here
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Fëanorian's bringing up there children
Aeonian's Recommended Corner
@animatorwierdo I took inspiration from them while writing my Glorfindel fic they are a really good writer
@icarus-fell-in-spring another blog I am in love with I also take inspiration from them when writing my characters
@jirtolkien - they are really talented they mostly post his doodles and Art as well as Incorrect quotes
@windrelyn - I am utterly surprised why I have forgot to put them here earlier, they have amazing art, and I am so honored that they made a peice to go with my 'king and his feral herald' series, JUST LOOK AT IT, it's so good and amazing ^_^.
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hummingbirdsinjune · 1 year
My School President Ep 12 thought dump (there are spoilers)
- The relief that Tinn's mom didn't force him to come out is astronomical. There is a very clear difference in Gun's comfort with his mom, and Tinn's reservation with his own parents. It's so so so important for him to come out on his own terms and a very big step for her to realize that when she saw how nervous he was.
- Tinn's mom forever. I'm actually glad we meet her as his mom in MSP before MLC because I have a feeling we really won't like her in MLC.
- That honest conversation queer youth has about knowing not everyone is accepting. So important coming from Gunn, to support Tinn after Tinn has supported him all this tim
- I don't know if I can watch this because Tiw's faces are too funny
- That's right Tiw take the credit you deserve
- The girlies returned!! Sob they're so cute
- Tinn entering his angry at the world arc in the last episode is wild. Now that he doesn't have Gun's success to focus on, I imagine he's going to dismantle the government.
- not the TANDEM BIKE on god that's the wildest thing in this show
- Tinn really said "you miss 100% of the chances you don't take"
- Sigh. I hope the stress doesn't last long lmao
- "Sound and I have no secrets" excuse me while I go cry
- Pat lmao right to the point. Por being so dumb. Yo finally using his 1 braincell. I love these kids.
- Gunn's friends 🤝 love, support, and happiness
-;Gun trying to help Tinn like just break my heart already
- oh yes more umbrella gays
- no I don't like crying gun I physically can't handle it
- aww so much of the school being supportive even though it's very weird to take and share photos of people without them saying it's okay but w/e you know for the sake of fiction
- literally stopping every 30 seconds to laugh at Chinzilla cooing over each other
- damn they really called us out about GunTinn or TinnGun lmao (yeah yeah Gun said GunTinn but of course he would. I'll stick with TinnGun)
- Obviously we knew from the preview that the comically bad guidance counselor is actually a close minded, judgemental person but it doesn't stop it from being shocking
- OH MY GOD IT WASNT TINN THROWING HANDS (screaming into the void)
- See this is why I refrained from saying anything bad about Kajorn. He's always been ripe for a character arc.
- Tinn's mom took her development in strides. I've been disappointed in her, and I am very proud of her. She just needed the time to adjust how she was looking
- I will live and die for happy Kajorn he's been uptight this whole series
- hehe SoundWin
- Here I was in my feeling about this being almost over and I'm not actually in part 4 yet lmao
- ep 12 is long AF lmao
- my soul. The TiwPor glances
- did they never get juniors? LOL the music club is doomed
- ayyyye Win get your man yes sir 🤭
- the contrast of kissing in this episode compared to the entire season has me like 😳 y'all I'm GROWN
- aw Pat 😂
- sound just?? Left his guitar?? that HE brought to school instead of a backpack?
- actually not hearing Tinn sing more is a crime
- Tinn's dad is such a dad lmfao
- Tinn 🤝 Tinn's Dad 🤝 The Thunder
- Gun you menace
- no official TiwPor 😭
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