#Elizabeth Walsh
cardcaptorsakura96 · 6 days
Kara and Lena's Adventure at Nevermore
Fandom: Supergirl, Wednesday
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Elizabeth Walsh, Lillian Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Morticia Addams, Gomez Addams, Alex Danvers, Lex Luthor, Sam Arias, Winn Schott Jr., J'onn J'onzz, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Clark Kent, Zatanna
Summary: After an incident and the vanishing of her best friend, Lena is forced to attend Nevermore in hopes of learning to control her powers. She hates the idea because her cousin Morticia, who she detests with a passion, attends there. However, a certain blonde student captures Lena's attention and makes Nevermore more appealing to her.
Note: This this as a part of Supergirl May-hem. Like to give a special thanks to @theredcapeofk for providing art for this fic and @mad2balive for beta reading for me. This was the first time for me to participate in an event like this and I am glad they have helped me make this go as smoothly as possible.
Lena sat with her head against the limo window watching the vast green trees and valleys go by while listening to Don’t Speak by No Doubt. She was going over the things in her life that got her to this point and the unfairness of it all. She just wished that she was back at home underneath the covers. She was suddenly brought out of her thoughts by a soft tap of her knee. 
She pressed pause on her CD player and looked up to see three adults staring up at her with concern: Her father and mother, Lionel Luthor and Elizabeth Walsh, were sitting across from her with Lionel’s wife, Lillian Luthor, sitting to her right. Lena had always found their relationship a little peculiar. Lionel and Lillian entered a polyamorous relationship with Elizabeth about a year before she was born and they had been together ever since. It was not the norm, but she liked it because she had an extra person to love and call Mom. However, now she can’t stand any of them because she feels betrayed by them all. 
Lena narrowed her eyes and snapped, “What?”
Lionel rubbed his temple and said, “You don’t have to answer with that tone.”
“You’re kicking me out of the house and abandoning me in the middle of nowhere. How do you expect me to sound?” seethed Lena. 
Her mother winced but tried to keep a passive look on her face.
“That is not what is happening here. Nevermore is a wonderful school. They have wonderful teachers, the students are friendly, and you will learn more ways to control your magic,” Elizabeth tried to reason.
“I control my magic just fine. I’m even better at magic than you!” scoffed Lena. 
Elizabeth grimaced at that last statement and tried to return to a more passive face. 
“That may be true sweetie, but the way you’ve been using your magic is… less than desirable.”
Lena scowled while looking back out the window. “I have been practicing magic wonderfully,” she muttered. 
Lena felt Lillian grabbed her hand softly. She looked over to Lillian staring at her with a soft smile on her face. 
“You have a gift with magic. While I found the last stunt hilarious….”
Lionel frowned and asked, “Really, Lillian?”
Lillian looked up startled and asked, “What? I’m not going to lie to the girl. It was funny.” She turned back to Lena with a soft smile and said, “As I was saying, it was a funny stunt and I get why you did it, but violence shouldn’t be your go-to when someone has slighted you or someone else in this household.”
“But Morgan Edge was being a jackass,” muttered Lena. 
Elizabeth sighed and said, “Language, sweetie.”
Lena rolled her eyes and said, “Morgan Edge is a butt face. Happy now?”
Lionel rubbed the back of his neck and asked, “You don’t think what you did was the least bit overkill?”
Lena thought back to what happened a week ago. After school, she walked to L-Corp to listen to a presentation that Lex and Edge were putting together about a new energy-saving initiative.
However, Lex never showed up to the meeting, just Edge. He went on to pitch his own idea of replacing steel with nth metal since a new supply of it was found in South America and it is stronger than any metal on Earth. Because of the large supply of it found, it would save energy costs.
While Edge was explaining the numbers, Lena found it odd that Lex was still missing and used her magic to try to locate him. She found him locked in a broom closet with a pit bull. Lex had managed to get to the top shelf where the dog couldn’t reach him. 
She used magic to poof the dog away, but the damage was done. Lex was a babbling mess with scratch marks everywhere, and a urine stain on his pants. She instantly poofed him to a hospital so that he could be treated and given a sedative to calm down. While the doctors were working on Lex, she poofed back to L-Corp and burst back into the boardroom where Edge was finishing up his presentation. She remembers the confrontation with Edge vividly. 
She approached him like a cat about to pounce on its prey. She tapped his shoulder while looking at him passively.
“Is there a reason why you locked my brother in the broom closet with a pit bull?” Lena demanded. 
Edge chuckled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Lena looked down at her hands nonchalantly and said, “I found him in the closet not too long ago. The pit bull had run him up to the top shelf. The closet is only able to be locked with a key from the outside, so Lex couldn’t have done it himself. When I asked him what happened, all he could say was ‘Edge’ over and over again.”
Edge smirked and said, “‘Edge’ could refer to so many things. Besides, it’s kind of pathetic that Lex couldn’t stand up for himself against a dog. The most basic of people can do that.”
Lena raised an eyebrow and asked, “Oh really?”
Edge laughed obnoxiously which caused Lena’s skin to crawl. “Everybody knows that your brother doesn’t really have thick skin when it comes to business, or anything else for that matter. He comes from a Wasp-y upbringing, but he is anything but. L-Corp needs strong and dominant leaders who can take the reigns. Not those that cry in the corner.” 
Lena narrowed her eyes and frowned. Her eyes turned black and started walking toward Edge, which caused him to gulp. When Edge looked around, his face fell when he noticed that everyone in the room was frozen in place and silent.
Edged looked back at Lena and stuttered, “It’s…nothing…personal….kid….”
Lena stopped within inches of him and smirked. “I find it funny that you think that you’re a Wasp considering you’re really just a worker bee gathering things in attempts to make your mommy richer and hoping that she loves you more for it. Too bad that she’ll still ignore you no matter what you do.” 
Edge took a step back hesitantly and said more confidently, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Lena smiled while brushing her hand against his arm which caused him to gasp. He was so nervous that he didn’t notice a purple glow going from her hand to his arm. 
“Maybe you should be reminded of what bees do when a Wasp tries to enter solo in their hive.”
Lena cackled as she turned around and left. The room became lively again after she left. Everybody left the room except for Edge, who sat in the room in stunned silence. 
Lena has thought back to that day with a smile on her face often. 
Lena looked back at Lionel smiling and said, “I don’t think that it was overkill at all.”
“You had bees burst through the wall at his home and attack him,” Elizabeth said with a deadpan stare.
Lena looked down while pulling at her dress and said, “They just bit him. It is not like any of them used their poison stingers to kill him. If I wanted that, I would’ve done something that didn’t leave a body.”
Lillian raised an eyebrow and said, “You realize that it’s comments like that which have us concerned?”
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arianzackril · 9 months
— Сколько раз ты это переслушала?
— Nothing is missing, nothing is gone...
А если серьёзно, то теперь это одна из моих любимых адаптаций Призрака Оперы. Сие великолепие ну уж очень непопулярно (я даже тексты песен не смогла найти), как по мне, незаслуженно. В нём прекрасно всё: постановка, костюмы, декорации, юмор, грим, и, конечно же, актёры. Думаю, как-нибудь позже ещё напишу о нём отзыв, а сейчас пока достаточно других забот.
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esmiephan · 2 years
It's been a long time I wanted to watch the 1991 musical, directed by Darwin Knight, produced by Lynda Bryant, Abe Hirschfeld, Samantha Klein, Karen Poindexter and Knight himself, with David Stellar as Erik and Elizabeth Walsh as Christine. Well, I watched it yesterday, and... i am so, but SO disappointed.
So summarizing, Erik is the "spirit of music" (yeah, no angel at all) that tought Christine's voice during 10 years. As we know, he is the Opera Ghost, he threatens the managers, ask money, ask box 5, and stalks Christine. He bothers that arrogant bitch-y Carlotta and wants Christine to sing in the Opera House. Fine. It's accurate to the novel at some point, we have Christine fainting and going to Erik's lair, where he demands her to sing his music Don Juan Triumphant. Now, this is the part where Knight and his company proved that they misunderstood everything. Erik is obssessed with "beauty", "alternative art" and his own music, he never ONCE say "Christine, I love you, stay with me!". No, he just wants her voice. That's all. He is obssessed with his music and wants her to sing.
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Wow... ok, what bothers me the most is that they missed Don Juan's whole point. Christine says the Don Juan of the legend "was an outcast for his passion", while Erik defends him saying he was a man ahead of his time, and everyone wrongly fear their passion and blablabla...
Friend. Don Juan was an evil selfish bitch-y man that seduced and decieved young women. He mocked one of his victim's dead father, Don Giovanni, but then he is dragged to hell by Giovanni's spirit. This is what happened. There is no fucking outcast or passion about it. The Leroux Erik NEVER defended Don Juan's shit villain-y, actually, he wrote a completely different Don Juan. What the fuck this version wanted to mean?
Erik's purpose is flat and empty in this version. He is obssessed with beauty, and his music, and Christine's voice... that's all. Really. WHERE IS HIS PASSION AND LOVE FOR CHRISINE?? WHERE?
And the worst of all. Christine unmasks Erik (he has a good deformity btw) and he says "oh you will reject me as everyone else did". Ok, so we will have an explanation about his past and how much he suffered because of his face?
No. Absolutely nothing. No tragic past, no importance for his deformity. If he wasn't deformed, it wouldn't change absolutely nothing in the story.
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Let's keep it going. Christine attemps the masked ball, without her black dominó as in most of the adaptations, she dances with Raoul and decides to tell her story for him in the rooftop. Erik has no Red Death, kills Joseph Buquet (who was a drunk murderous stalker creep) and fucks Carlotta's throat when she tries to sing. He even dances with Carlotta for some reason. Christine and Raoul aren't really friends, they have nothing but one memory of Raoul getting her scarp, something that happened about 20 years ago. They didn't even know their names, but for some reason they felt in love. Erik kidnaps Christine and forces her to sing his music. How dramatic.
Well, the Daroga appears (WOW, AMAZING, ISN'T IT?) and helps Raoul to rescue Christine. Then we have the worst ending possible, really, Erik peacefully lets Christine chose either she wants him or the viscount. She simply chooses Raoul and leaves.
This scene is supposed to be beautiful and dramatic because Christine touches Erik's hand and he's all "aawwnnnoowwn my hand", but. That makes no sense. He wanted his music. Not love. He touched Christine and Carlotta before, wtf. Him and Daroga have a little frenemy momment, which is useless because nothing about they or their past is explained... and then... Erik finds a young ballerina and presents himself as the Spirit of Music. Again, doing the same shit he did to Christine.
I hated how they didn't explain about Erik's horrible past. His deformed face is equal to NOTHING here. This Erik is not, in anyway, the same character we see in the novel. Really, even the ALW musical that made him more manipulative than he was understood the story better than this musical, oh but much better. This Erik lost completely his original essence. He seems to be obssessed over his own music than in love with Christine, when it's completely the opposite in the novel – he didn't want Christine to sing his music, he wanted her to follow her dream and to marry her. He wanted her love and company, that's all. In here, he's just a flat "villain" that doesn't even threat the Opera House as a whole. Ok, he killed Buquet, but who cares to that drunk murderous nobody? Erik is supposed to be a tragic anti-hero whose redemption would be reached after he experienced love for the first time. But here, he seems to be just a madman obssessed with "beauty" and "his music" and now he is decieving another girl. Where is the man who was abused by everyone because of his face, and is now craved for love and lost in despair? He's gone, replaced by a weird mad "genius".
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Christine is so petty and uninteresting, really. The kind, brave and independent woman we have in the novel is gone too.
Raoul is probably the worst part here. He is supposed to be a childhood friend that she would rememberer, and not a random nobody who simply brought her scarp to her about 20 years later. He is... _nothing_ here. Like, literally NOTHING. Where is the jeaously, insane, childish and stalker viscount who purchased and humiliated Christine? In here, they are two strangers who felt in love because... yes?
A lot of people are happy because of the Daroga, but he's completely useless and forgotable here. He has nothing to do with this version.
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Madame Giry is so random and nonsense, she seems to know about something the whole show, but in the end... well, again, it was nothing. I loved Carlotta, that ballerina song, the managers and some of Erik's aspects (like the make-up), though. David Staller and Elizabeth Walsh were amazing. I'm glad they casted a black ator to play the Daroga too. But as a whole, it's AT BEST a 6.5/10 adaptation.
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riilsports · 2 years
Rams’ Walsh selected as 2022 Alice Sullivan Scholarship winner
July 11, 2022
    Congratulations to Elizabeth Walsh, who has been selected as the 2022 recipient of the Alice Sullivan Memorial Scholarship 
     The scholarship is awarded in memory of Alice Sullivan. A teacher and administrator at East Providence High School for four decades, Sullivan also served as the Assistant Executive Director of the Rhode Island Interscholastic League and was the moving force in the early 1970s for the development of girls athletics in our state. 
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     Walsh graduated this year from La Salle Academy, where she competed for the Rams’ field hockey, ice hockey and softball teams, serving as a captain on the field hockey and ice hockey teams and helping both teams earn state championship appearances.
      A member of the Rhode Island and National Italian Honor Societies, as well as the La Salle Academy Women in STEM Club, Walsh was an honors student throughout her four years at La Salle, finishing out her time there by taking four Advanced Placement courses in preparation for her first year at St. Lawrence University, where she plans to major in Biology and Veterinary Science.
    She also looks forward to playing Division I field hockey at St. Lawrence, as well as for the Saints’ club ice hockey team.
    For the past three years, Walsh has been officiating youth ice hockey games, advancing to Level 2 in 2020, and has already identified programs in New York where she can continue to referee while she is at college.
        In addition, for the past three seasons Walsh has served as a volunteer coach for the Rhode Island Special Hockey program working with children and young adults with developmental disabilities. That experience has been especially rewarding, she says, describing a special bond she formed with one of the players last season.
   “He would seek me out each week to work with him,” Walsh wrote in her application for the Alice Sullivan Scholarship. “He looked forward to the weekly sessions as a motivator; playing hockey was a guiding force that got him through each day. Knowing I was helping him achieve his goal of being included in something he loved so much, and how that goal was inspiring him to succeed in all aspects of life, gave me unique perspective on my efforts. I was helping him build confidence, learn a sense of independence and discover personal strength, which was an empowering discovery.”
       Walsh plans to continue “making a meaningful impact and helping the players embrace and love the game that has taught me so many life lessons about sportsmanship, trust and the great power of working together as a team.”
      “As a multi-sport player, ice hockey referee and volunteer ice hockey coach, I know that I will always be a contributor to sports,” she continued. “In the future, I hope to expand my officiating and coaching efforts beyond ice hockey to other sports. Continuing to help young athletes succeed in every aspect of their life will be a constant part of my life.”
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mar-nu-falmar · 1 year
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Elizabeth McGovern and Kate Walsh as Jane x Roxanne in Angels Crest (dir. Gaby Dellal, 2011)
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flintsdragon · 1 year
shoutout cunty OBGYN’s on abc shows from the 00s. gotta be one of my favorite genders
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rhllorthered · 3 months
The Assault on Caswell was such an amazing climax to Heartsong. It has so many highs and lows, I can barely stand it. From "silent no more", to Rico, to Gordo v. Dale, and defeating Robert. But it always BREAKS me when heartbroken, bewildered Carter's first words are calling for Elizabeth, when she comforts him while he breaks, and the way he is hollowed out after.
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notforemmetophobes · 6 months
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Christmas with the Kranks (2004) - M. Emmet Walsh 
[photoset #4 of 4]
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milton-dammers · 8 months
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The Frighteners [1996] dir. Peter Jackson
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jeevesreads · 8 months
15 of My Favorite Holiday Romance Books
It’s that time of year! October officially kicks off the start of holiday romance season, and I’m just fine with that. I love reading a cute Christmas story, a festive and feel good read, or a hot holiday novella as we head towards the end of the year. There are some spectacular full-length books on this list, but this is also the only season when I like to indulge in quick, festive novellas. As…
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 10 months
An Unexpected Journey
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Lena Luthor, Samantha Arias, Ruby Arias, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Lillian Luthor, Elizabeth Walsh, Lionel Luthor, Original Characters-Ari Arias and Jonas Arias
Summary: Lena is going on a forced vacation with her best friend Sam and her daughter Ruby. However, things don't go exactly as planned when they reached their destination. This story I did is for the AO3 Tag Roulette: July 2023 from Prompt Roulette. The tags that I used from this were the following: Opera singers; sudoku; magnolias; wicked eyes and wicked hearts; fox. I am not sure if I will continue it our not. Let me know in the comments if you want to see more.
Word Count: 9,903
Chapter: 1/?
Elizabeth went to stoked the flames in the fire hoping she could learn anything from them. She was irritated because it was taking her a while to invoke a vision. She was used to the grand fire places of the palace versus the fire pit in the run down cabin that her and the remaining royals were hiding in. After poking at the fire for a bit, she started to get a clear image. Her face fell from what she saw. She quickly rushed to the window to confirm the image for herself. Her pulsed raced when she saw a mob approaching in the distance. They had outrun mobs before, but that was when there was about twenty people max. This mob at least had 5,000 people, possibly even more.
“If even a small portion of them have magic reducing weapons like the other mobs…,” thought Elizabeth.
She quickly shook her head. She needed to move quickly. While the mob looked to be a half hour away, they unfortunately sent 100 scouts ahead. They were ten minutes from the cabin, and she wasn’t sure if any of them had something that could penetrate the magical barrier she put around it. She quickly, but quietly woke up her lover Lionel and his wife Lillian, and the Arias: Ari and Jonas. She peaked into the bedroom and saw that her four year old daughter Lena and the Arias’ 8 year old daughter Samantha was still asleep. She quietly closed to the door and went back to the adults.
“Why are you waking us up at this hour?” yawned Lillian. 
“We have been found. There is a mob of 5000 on their way to this location as we speak. The scouts that they sent ahead are almost at the cabin.”
“Then we will fight,” said Lionel. 
“We should easily beat a mob with two dragons and a sorceress,” said Jonas. 
“They don’t stand a chance,” Ari smirked. 
As Lionel, Ari, and Jonas started to get up to prepare for battle, Lillian stared at Elizabeth’s solemn expression.
“Everyone wait,” said Lillian
“We don’t have time for this,” said Lionel. 
“She isn’t telling us everything. There is something wrong,” said Lillian frowning. 
Lionel turned to Elizabeth and ask, “Is that true?”
Elizabeth nodded and said, “We are not going to win this fight.”
“How can you say that?” asked Ari baffled. 
“As dragons, you and Jonas are able to smell things from miles away. The same goes for your hearing. The mob and the scouts are all in a 20 mile radius. Did you hear or smell this group coming?”
“No,” said Ari looking worried. 
“So, they found us. That doesn’t mean anything,” said Lionel.
“No, Lionel. Something is wrong. If Ari and I didn’t sense anything that means that they are using magic blockers,” said Jonas solemnly.
“Which makes this particular mob lethal. If they have magical blockers, they more than likely have the Avarice potion that has been killing off a lot of magical creatures,” said Elizabeth.
“And if they had anywhere near as many potions as they did in Charlesburg….,” whispered Ari.
The room went silent for a minute until Lillian asked, “What about that option you mentioned a month ago about transporting us all to a new world?”
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mrsannellaperlman · 2 years
One Day At The Amusement Park
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Everything is decorated with bright colorful ornament which illuminating the dark hall to be alive once more. Día de los muertos, a traditional holiday celebrated on November 1st which is the date of today. Addison Montgomery is loitering in a waiting line for the Gran Fiesta ride in the Carnahan amusement park. It is her first time visiting this place of Carnahan. Therefore, everything and anything fascinate her; from the majestic la ciudad de los muertos to a mexican-traditional ofrenda.
“it's your turn, amiga. Viva Mexico.” The staff greeted the redhead customer using her  feigned mexican accent which was thick and pretentious but Addison did not make any remark about that matter. Instead she nodded politely in acknowledgment.
“single ride, sí?”
 “yes.” Addison answered curtly and the lady staff led her towards a little wooden boat which is undoubtedly electrically control by a system. But in that boat there is already someone else in it. So, Addison walked to the next one.
“Where are you going? This is your seat. Errr....you do not mind right? It was known to Addison since she has been hanging out with psychologist friend Amelia frequently enough that the function of this question was not intended to be an inquiry but a statement more or less. The fancy word “right” was added so that it would feel as if one’s have the ability to choose.
Despite of the inconvenience, Addison truly did not mind. Hence, she shook her head.  Besides, It's not even his first time to take a ride with complete stranger. She understood the doctrine: nothing comes for free. It is remains accurate that people with single ride wait shorter time than those couple and family people but sometimes you do experience a long silence of awkwardness throughout the ride that you wish you had taken the acceptable opportunity of waiting in family line to enjoy the moment alone carefree.
“It’s alright.” The tall lady waved her hand in dismissal and sit down next to the stranger.
Orchestral mariachi started to play in the background accentuate Addison’s excited feeling up to the rate of number seven! She looked around the place with a sparkle glimpse in her eye like the very ones you can see of a 10 year old boy who has taste a delicious wine for the first time. Then, her emerald eyes shifted and fell upon the next person situated right next to her now. 
Certainly, she had seen the stranger’s face since the moment she sat but only partially because a quarter of it was covered by those curly blonde hair. The woman is now writing or perhaps drawing and constantly gazing up to the scenery before her with a pair of eyes as blue as the cloudless sky of May. 
 Addison pulled out her phone out of habit to check the calls, although there were none. Richard knew that she was on vacation which is something she rarely took but after what Addison has been through, she considered that perhaps getting away from the familiar environment, exploring new places or do something she hardly ever does like visit the theme park along without any children like a loser will bring peace to her mind even for a brief moment of time but she needed this escape.
After a few clicks, she recognized from the corner of her eyes that she has been observed distantly but surely enough. Therefore, Addison pointed out to the stranger coolly without looking up from the phone.
"You are watching."
“Oh, Sorry, I was just…” The redhead slipped her phone to her purse and started directly to the younger woman’s eye which is full of guilt while her brain was running 140 km per hour to find any plausible excuse for such an privacy-intruding action.
“Just?” It happened often even during high school that it became Addison’s temperament to tease people who shows a tendency of interest in her. Therefore, the wicked lady tried to push the other passenger within the same boat to the edge of her emotion so that she could enjoy the adorable face that remains speechless and starstruck.
Biting her lipstick-free lip, the blonde woman avoided Addison’s eyes and tried to fix it anywhere to distract her misty mind until she settled down at the right spot at her black-covered sketchbook on her lap. Then spoke with the sincere truth, she replied shyly—“You inspired me that’s all.” 
An artist
Though, Addison could never guess it otherwise: messy hair, grey tank top and an oversized deep purple cardigan that no longer in style after the 90’s era. She has never dated an artist before because the opportunity for Science to meet Arts was rare. They’ll be in the studio, painting some masterpieces all day and only left for three meals which none of them barely complete the standard. On the other hand, as a devoted doctor, she’ll hanging around the hospital—-checking people’s pulse, conducting the ultrasound and inform people their baby’s evolution. Answering in experience, it was once in the blue moon that she complete the three meal nutrition standard either.
“Can I see it?” Addison initiated the conversation further only to assure the younger woman whom, judging on her face solely, might be at least 4 years younger than herself.
“No.” She answered abruptly without giving much thought to the request and it triggered Addison’s competitiveness in consequence. She was known to the medical stuffs and interns that she’s a kind of woman who gets what she wants. if I want it, I get it.
“But it’s my picture, I’m certain. Besides, I did not give you my consent yet.”
Hearing that guilt began to establish themselves into a big sand castle , only visible through the eyes of Margot Fairmont, the one whose intention was to sketch the scenery in silence for the rest of the ride but when her eyes landed upon this elegant lady, she couldn’t resist the temptation to set her pencil and commenced her work. Not that she noticed that she has been staring for too long, longer for a person to look at the complete stranger as if trying to evaluate the whole facial structure of the other’s.
“Sorry, I’ll get rid of the drawing, I promise. In fact , let’s rip it now.
The movement was swift but as the automatic boat was entering the tunnel, Addison grabbed the other’s hand which is about to snatch a page in her sketchbook away. 
“It’s not like I will reprimand you anyway. Finish what you started and in the meantime entertain me with a conversation. That’s the price for this model.”
Margot swallowed her saliva down her throat, embarrassed and excited all at once. Her parents were Catholic so she was raised in a very strict upbringing. Never has she ever experienced this kind of thing with women before, let alone men. The ticklish sensation coiled in her pancreas and she wasn’t certain whether it was due to the fact that she hasn’t been eating anything all day long or was it because of the woman whose face was inappropriately close to her. Just a brief moment that it registered her dirty mind “she made me want to sin.” But then the train of thoughts terminated quickly by her consciousness.
“Well, okay.” Margot agreed, observing Addison’s smile transformed to a grin similarly to Cheshire Cat in Alice In Wonderland. However, to her surprise, the stranger still display no intention to move away back to her seat. She just stared at Margot’s face, contemplating and meditating simultaneously. The other woman’s hands, warm and soft like a cushion she wanted to let her face buried in, intertwined with her own, it was situated neatly on Margot’s lap and she eyed the sight of their hands tangling like tree branches that refuse to left each other for a moment, enjoying the warmth one last time before saying: “You know, if you don’t mind, I’ll need both my hands to draw properly.”
and that was when Addison let go of her hand
“I'm Margot Fairmont, call me Margot, if you want. You are?”
“Addison Montgomery.“
“ Irish?”
“My ancestors are but I’m American.” 
“I think I need to fix something. Do I have a permission to touch you?”This made Addison smirked flirtatiously. Then, she tilted her head and rested it on her left palm so that she can be at the closer proximity to Margot who currently widened her eyes in nervousness.
“Yes, anywhere you like.” The voice Addison used was breathy barely like a whisper and it was mumbled made only few centimeters apart from the listener’s delicate face. Margot, who was of a insecure and shy personality, found herself in a rather peculiar position—leaning back that she almost fell off the boat itself. 
So, after she gained her ability to function again, the blondie pushed Addison towards the seat the redhead was assigned to sit so that she would have some spaces to calm her nerves and shove these dancing butterflies out of her growling stomach.
After that, Margot ran her soft hand into Addison’s auburn hair to smoothen some parts and then she took a some time to observe Addison’s entire face in order to memorize the minute of detail so that the picture would come out impeccable. 
The artist smiled at her model before offering a compliment—“Adorable.” 
The instant model who never modeling before in her life since her true career is cutting woman’s vagina open and carrying some baby which look nothing like a creature out, she felt the heat running up to her cheeks because she rarely was praised for baking cute before. Mostly medical colleagues would address her as “Satan” or “Meryl Streep of the OR” to which were acceptable but indeed it really made her feel nice to have someone who sincerely thinks she is pretty without wanting to have sex with her. 
There was something special about this woman, a sense of mystery and enigmatic aura that surrounded her slender body. She was out of Addison’s league and not even close to the standard to be honest. With that golden messy hair, plain blue eyes, sweet personality and that smile, the doctor spent too much time thinking about the stranger’s facial structure that reminded her of a Botticelli angel until she was snapped out of her reverie by Margot’s speech.
“You know, this ride was inspired by the temple of Kukulcán, it's an chichen itza archeological site. Thousands of years ago, the Mayan people, they are like us in the way of faith, they believed in several gods. They prayed for them in return of abundance and one of the gods was named: KuKulkan. On the day of Equinox, KuKulkan will make his presence on earth by descending from the sky in the skin of a giant snake to take tributes from his believers and he will grant harvesting and ample agriculture in return” Margot narrated as she started to draw the eye part so that it would make her model look at her in concentration while she’s giving a brief lecture. As a manner of speaking, during her year at the university, Margot has attended a class called ‘The ancient architecture of Latin-American tribes”. At last, it proved to be of some use even though the use was to keep a woman lock eyes with hers for a sketching work.  
“So, you are an archeologist?” Amazed by the harangued historical lesson that was not paid to be lectured, Addison asked, a glint of interest started to form in her green orbs. Because truth be told, she was a sapiosexual or else she wouldn’t be attracted to her former husband and for the record, most of the people she dated are either performed incredibly well at academic field or showed a profound understanding of knowledge in their specialized department.
“No, I’m not qualified with the sense of adventure and besides, I prefer to stay at home and read some books, doing my architect works. Pay my bills and maybe just take a long nap.” The girl dreamily talked about her daily routine to Addison, shifting from talking and drawing back and forth but never did those at the same time. 
At one point, she calmly tugged the pencil behind her ear and retrieved a rubber band from her pocket before use it tie up her long cascading blonde hair in a neat pony tail, two stands dangling down like a tendril from both sides of her face.
“What about you?” Margot inquired further as she resumed to her drawing again and it appeared that the both of them have begun to feel comfortable with one another’s company. Even though, the ride is about to finish in few minutes ahead but it was unbeknownst to the two. Time flies when you are at your most happiest self, it was believed. 
“I’m a neonatal surgeon and don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“With that Oh-You-Have-The-most-boring-job-but-with-good-money look.”
“Isn’t it though?” They both laughed heartily in unison before silence crept because they have finally arrived at the center of the temple, both of them astonished at the sight, the architect put aside her ongoing work to enjoy the scenery for a moment. There were ancient words crafted on the ceiling and the sculpture of divine gods were meandering their ways located in a chosen order, looking very majestic and grand. Displaying at the bottom were dozen of indigenous people figures painted to look resemble as the actual ones as most as possible. Skeleton puppets fell from the rooftop and dancing in syncing rhythms to the song of mariachi in the background.
Addison just smiled at the distance of a lined-up lit candles that producing heat to fill the breezy wind from air conditioner while Margot giggled at the funny choreography of those skeletons. 
The moment has passed and the boat was back again on track and the shore is present at the end of the tunnel, it was not far out of sight. After the flirty doctor and the shy architect shared a memorable time at the center of the kukulkan temple, they stopped talking and immersed in the peaceful accompaniment of the other. It was soulful and warm yet no words were uttered, just the two of them sitting. Out of nowhere, the female recorded intercom voice started to bid the customers farewell and wish for them to come back again next time, first in English and then followed by Spanish version. 
At shore, Addison stepped out first, her long leg stood firmly on the ground with those 2 inches Louboutin heels. Without wanting to be sentimental to a perfect stranger she just fraternized with, she thought about saying goodbye and leave so that she didn’t have to look at the picture the girl has drawn and feel immensely utterly completely smitten by it. Because in every girl heart there is a tiny part that love those romantic gestures—flower giving, ice cream sharing, surprised gifts insofar as being presented with a portrait of herself. She knew this is a perfect trap but she could not debate anything since she was the one requesting the girl to draw her initially. 
Therefore, Addison decided to worsen the situation by no longer listening to her logical brain and offering her hand for Margot to take as she tried to step out of the boat with her sketchbook and her yellow backpack.
Margot accepted the kind offering and their hands touched. Although, this time it was different than other times they touched one another. 
To Margot Fairmont, the touch felt like a perpetual summer in July and the toy that she once adore. Like the lost jigsaw that she missed but never knew it was lost in the first place. Certainly, she will survive being deprive of this piece. However, when it come to the picture, everything comes to senses.
On the other hand, to Addison Montgomery, it was like a night of Christmas when she was in her youthful year and still believe in magic. Everything was mysterious and exciting to be discovered like opening up the layers of a present.
“Thank you.” Margot said, tugging a strand of hair behind her ears as she made it to the firm ground. She saw that Addison’s eyes were lingered at her sketchbook so the shorter lady opened the page up before writing some notes at the side of the paper and neatly tearing it out slowly so that it would not damage the picture. The act warmed Addison’s heart because of such careful considerate manner.
“Okay, as much as I want to keep this. It’s yours, as promised. Actually, I’m not done yet but you know with the time limit so…”
The redhead obtained the white sheet from the artistic stranger she grew to plant a seed of fondness towards. With the first glance to the portrait, she could tell instantly that the woman she just recently met possessed of a great talent at her hand. The meticulousness was expressed with lines and curves that were drawn, it looked realistic in black and white colors. It was answered now that Margot fell completely silent after the skeleton dancing because she was so devoted and focused in drawing  the smile Addison shown during that time insofar as captured the glint of the doctor’s eyes to be radiant through the paper-based picture. 
At the bottom of the picture was a signature that must be Margot’s. It was stylish with big M and the alphabet F that has a tiny poppy flower added at the end. Then, she noticed that Margot did write something else also but as she was about to read it, Addison looked up to see that her favorite stranger has now disappeared.
“To the doctor whose life was worthwhile because they live to heal others.” It read, beautifully written in Margot’s handwriting. The gone architect has charmed our great doctor, she knew that they might never meet again but at least, there was someone who appreciates her and her career and that was more amount happiness for her like a water to a withering plant.
“What a mysterious woman you are, Margot Fairmont.” Standing in the middle of the exit, Addison thought to herself.
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