alphashley14 · 11 months
Oh, wow.
So, somebody commented on one of my older fics today and I was like: "People are actually still reading this? And they still like it???"
So ya know what? I'm acknowledging that intense dragonlock fic I wrote in 2019!
More Precious than Gold by alphashley14!
The first fic I ever actually completed (all of the ones written before that are totally abandoned) and my first fic ever to reach over 100 comments!
After he is killed by a black arrow, Smaug is reborn as William Sherlock Scott Holmes. In this new life, Sherlock learns something that was denied to him as a dragon: love. And he gathers a horde far more precious than the gold he left under the mountain. When Moriarty tries to take three of Sherlock's most beloved treasures away, what is a dragon to do other than save them... and burn everyone and everything that gets in his way. Dragonlock!
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Many recommendations for dragon sherlock fics? Could be AO3 or anything else.
Hey Lovely!!
AHHHHH none that I've read, but here are what I've got tagged on my MFL list:
How to Tame Your Dragon by Mad_Maudlin (E, 12,859 w., 1 Ch. || Magical / Dragon AU || Dub Con, Mind Fuck, D/S Themes, Emotional Manipulation, Collars, Sorcerer Sherlock, Dragon John) – Sorcerer!Sherlock sets out to trap himself a pet dragon. Said dragon turns out to be far more interesting than he initially anticipated.
Those Who Dream Of The Sky by Berty (T, 17,978 w., 1 Ch. || Fantasy / Dragon AU || Dragon Sherlock, Soul Bond, Telepathic Bond, Friendship / Love, Dragon Riders) –  The stories say that dragons were once the defenders of good and peacekeepers of the skies. They say that the people of Beron and the people of Pharo had a bond, a link that allowed these incredible creatures to move among humans, and that for generations, children were fostered between families where they might find these partners. But times had changed. For centuries now there had been no dragons and they had become the stuff of myth. Dragons were stories for winter nights; wild and wise, fierce and free, something from another age. So when a young Pharon asks to be hosted by a Berond family, some are wary. These are strange days and rumours abound. But John Watson's family have a long tradition of respect and old-fashioned pride in the tales that say that their family once produced some of the strongest partnerships from the legends. Sherlock Holmes has heard these tales and his research has brought him here to see if there is any truth in them. Because the east wind is coming. And it has wings.
The Jaguar and the Dragon Series by evisionarts (M, 22,764+ w. across 2 works || Series WiP || Urban Fantasy AU || BAMF John, BAMF Mycroft, BAMF Lestrade, Fae & Faeries, Dragon Sherlock, Dragon Mycroft, Silver Fox Lestrade, Cat John, Royalty) – This made no sense. He should be infused with adrenaline, his fight or flight response fully engaged. John wasn’t the only vicious predator here after all. Sherlock was stronger than any shifter no matter what its form and outwitting one would be child’s play. Yet his body didn’t seem to recognize the danger.
The Detective's Dragon by 9240Lena (NR, 50,750+ w., 10/? Ch. || WiP || Dragons / Modern Magical Realism AU || Transformation, Human Sherlock, Dragon John, Protective John, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Shapeshifting, Necromancy, Urban Fantasy, Supernatural Elements, Mythical Creatures / Beings) – Sherlock stumbles upon a interesting golden dragon at a weekend market after running away from Lestrade and his team with crime scene evidence. Sherlock got to know him as John. If only he knew, what it seems to be a start of a wonderful companionship is the start of events that brings them further into the world of magic, and the unknown.In response, Sherlock does what he knows best; learn, deduce, and thrive. (On indefinite hiatus)
The Dragon's Spell Series by ImpossibleElement (M, 280,698 w. across 4 works || Decendants Fusion || Alternating POV, Heroes & Villains, Humour, Romance, Mystery, Drama, Slow Burn, Teenlock, Dragons, Dubious Sherlock) – In a world where magic is obsolete and the villains have been trapped inside an island without it; one young man will have a chance to change everything for himself and everyone else. For better or for worse. Definitely for worse.
Feel free to add any if you got them, guys!!
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wakey wakey sherly,are you still asleep?
Yes. Who dares to awaken me? And who dares to call me 'Sherly'?
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Ya know wat?
ima start a dragonlocke
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avkamfher · 2 years
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I’ve made a little riser for my DragonLock parts. Got an idea for multi-level scenes and no-one else has made one yet, we will see how this works.
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willsherjohnkhan · 5 years
Update - Here Be Dragons
Chapter Five: On a Wing and a Prayer
Has been uploaded.
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iheartsherlock89 · 5 years
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Hurt John, and Sherlock would turn into a dragon.
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johnlockfanficrec · 5 years
Hi! I can’t find this fic! It’s an AU where Sherlock is a dragon and working with John in Afghanistan. It was unfinished the last I read it, but it’s been awhile...
Hi, there! So sorry it took me forever to get to this, but I think I might’ve found this one for you. Is it this one?
Dragon’s Soldier (159k+) (WIP as of 30 Jan 2019): When the dragons “came out” to the rest of the world, nobody expected the resulting War that broke out between Humans and Beasts. Both sides afraid and suspicious of each other, Humans drove Dragons into slavery, imprisoning them and turning their children into weapons for the military. Forced into hiding, many Dragons disguised themselves as Human and kept their secrets locked away, awaiting for the day when the royal blood line long since vanished would once again reappear and lay waste to the Humans that oppressed them.John is a reluctant soldier in the Queen’s Army, hoping to pay his medical school degree with three years of service. He’s just been told to pick out a Dragon from the Kennels to train and serve beside in the War in Afghanistan. More than a little afraid and yet fascinated by the creatures, he just hopes he doesn’t end up barbequed…Sherlock Holmes can’t remember his past, but one thing is for certain: He is never going to become some Human’s pet. However John Watson doesn’t exactly seem like the typical Human.Can Dragon and Man really get along? Or even more, become friends?
Hope this is the right one!
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neverendingfanart · 6 years
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“Save him."
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jonmjefferson · 3 years
First House #3Dprinting #3Dtabletop
First House #3Dprinting #3Dtabletop
First House There was a meme that I ran across recently that summed up so much of my frustrations lately. The gist of the meme was Rage Against the Machine must have been talking about 3D printers. Yeah, it made me laugh. Sure, there is a lot you can do with a 3D printer. But part of the fun is all the extra aggravation that comes with it. Over the past couple weeks, I started having some…
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mojoflower · 6 years
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Sometimes Sherlock would open his giant sea-colored eyes and wonder what he had done in a previous life to be condemned to such tranquility as he’d experienced for decades. Quiet. Calm. Peaceful. It was hateful.
Y'all know that old children’s song Puff the Magic Dragon? About the intense relationship that developed between the lonely old dragon and an open-hearted, loving little boy?
What if Sherlock had been that dragon? And John was the child who found him on the beach? Would these two lonely souls reach out for one another as they always have? Would they find that transcendent connection that has us reading tens of thousands of words about all the different ways they might meet?
The Autumn Mist written by MojoFlower and illustrated by Kayjaykayme (G, 2.5k, complete)    
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I remember reading a fic once where wars were fought on Dragons and John has to relearn how to fly and meets Sherlock in the London Dragon Aviary. I remember there being a scene about Dragons hatching in a big room of sand if that helps. Google is not being a friend at the moment.
Hey Nonny!
Oooo, I have no idea which fic this is! I'd love to know which one it is. It MIGHT be on my Dragonlock AU (MFL’s) list, but I am unsure.
Anyone able to give us a suggestion??
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todoroki-simp26 · 7 years
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Art: anotherwellkeptsecret
i love when dragonlock purs like kitten and happy to see john and is possessive 
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My little brother has created an etsy shop for his DnD models - honestly the time and effort he puts into this is incredible! So if you can give it a little love and a share that would be amazing 
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fortnoxprops-blog · 6 years
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Let’s go to war! Waaaagh! (Caption provided by the girlfriend 😜) Planning on basing these 3 later this week! Terrain is 3d printed, and will be painted eventually. #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #tabletopgames #nmm #miniatures #orc #orks #reaperbones #miniatures #miniaturepainting #painting #40k #vallejopaints #d20 #waaagh #twitchcreative #dragonlock #3dprinting #3dprint
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bulecelup · 7 years
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“What-,” John began, as he looked from the necklace, back at Sherlock. “I don’t understand.” Sherlock smiled softly as he scooted closer on the couch and took John’s hands into his.
“I love you, John,” he said, his blue-grey eyes shiny with emotion. “I have for quite some time and I couldn’t figure out how to tell you, until today.” Sherlock paused and took a deep breath before continuing.
[Love To Last An Eternity -Johnlock, read here]
Part Four of Fic/Art Collaboration with Ashley. we’re doing Freebatch pairings (Guixon, Kharthur, Johnlock, Juliver, StrangeRoss, WallaceLester) with DragonAU! hope you enjoy it.
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