#Dirk x Rose
davekat-sucks · 19 days
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bootpoot · 1 month
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late night drawings
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starmksz · 1 year
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sneak peak 4 charms I'm selling teehee
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gunkmusher · 8 months
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@rosemarymonths day 12: au
late again. octorber has been absolutely KICKING MY ASS!!!! anyway i’m really happy with this. the owl house au (the moth house? 👀👀👀)
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greeneryandcacti · 1 year
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abandonedafterimage · 3 months
I can feel my Homestuck interest coming back soooo
You guys should send me Strider requests, or just homestuck requests in general. the striders are my fave tho (yes, also Bro)
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Its been a while so some of my homestuck knowledge has left my brain, so what some things are called have probably left my brain. but thats not gonna stop me.
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winters0689 · 3 months
Happy International Women’s Day! Here are a few of my favorite fictional female characters!
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mxescargot · 19 days
dirk and jake. rose and kanaya. overanalytical strilondes and their green things they can’t seem to love right.
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cervicorvus · 1 year
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Some Homestuck beach doodles based on a recent unfortunate sunscreen incident that definitely didn’t happen to me ft the aftermath of said incident and why “shirtless Jake English” is now viable on an insurance claim on Earth C 👀
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kinfusion · 7 months
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some beta kids + plus sprites
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some alpha kids
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and these kidswap daves...
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davekat-sucks · 26 days
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mothtarts · 1 year
shits this out after 20 minutes of doodling
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Would it be alright to request a platonic/sibling reader being looked after by the Strilondes after falling ill? It can just be one of them if you feel more comfortable writing that :D
Family dynamics... my favorite.
   It wasn’t often that you managed to get sick, so when you found yourself waking up one morning and your face felt like it was melting off the very surface of your skin you let out a audible groan. Your eyes open blurry to the sunlight coming in from your curtains and you wiggled more under your blankets against the rude disturbance.
The sounds of pots and pans came from your slightly opened doorway and even though you knew that they weren’t that high in volume it seemed to be amplified almost ten-fold to your eardrums. You rose to a sitting position with your blanket wrapped around your shoulders and took a shaky step out of your bed, your socks sliding against the cold hardwood floors and out into the hallway.
Each step that you took seemed to require momentous effort and focusing on the dizziness that wracked your head wasn’t easy to deal with either. By the time you had made it into the doorway of the kitchen you felt the dizziness get even worse.
Dave was at the stove and was trying to flip the currently bubbling pancake over to the other side while Rose was sitting with Roxy at the kitchen island chatting about something that you couldn’t place meaning to. Dirk was busying himself with gathering plates from the cabinet when he spotted you.
He went to raise the hand that wasn’t holding the stack of plates before his eyes landed on your disheveled form.
You could see his eyebrows quirk on one side of his face before he walked over to you, leaving the plates on the countertop next to Dave. When he got closer to you, you could feel just how gross you probably looked when his eyes continued to scan over you.
He brought a scarred hand and gently placed the back of his palm to your very too warm forehead, his skin a wonderfully cool comparison to your own. You saw his mouth thin into a straighter line.
“Y/N, you’re burning up.” He replied softly but you could tell that everyone else in the room heard him since they all went quiet.
Dave peered over to you and his eyebrows knitted together. “You look like shit.”
You were about to flip him off when a cough began from your throat, and you instead held it to your mouth in a fist and turned your head. When the coughing fit had passed you let out a pitiful whine. “I feel like shit.”
Roxy rose from her seat next to Rose and quickly made her way over to you.
She held your face in her hands and her own pink eyes scanned over your face and her expression melted into worry and concern. “Y/N, you need to get back to bed, pronto.” She instructed and wrapped the blanket beginning to fall from your shoulders back up snugly around you. “Here, I’ll help you, you seem unsteady.”
You felt embarrassed but grateful at the same time at your siblings show of concern and familial love towards you. You simply nodded your head and let her lead you back to your room in an awkward shuffle from you, but a helpful expression from her.
She lifted the blankets up from you as you crawled into the warm comforts of your bed, and gently cascaded it over you.  “There you are Y/N… now I don’t want to see you up and about unless it’s if you have to go to the bathroom.” She told you sternly but the kind smile that was on her face contrasted her tone.
“Okay Rox…” you muttered softly and shifted some in bed while trying to find a position that didn’t make the waves of dizziness any worse than it already was.
A gentle knock came from your doorway, and you didn’t have the energy to even turn your head towards the soft sound and instead listened and glanced your eyes up to the familiar figure belonging to Rose.
She handed Roxy a bottle of what you assumed was cold medication by the common place it had in your medicine drawer in the bathroom. After handing Roxy the medication she knelt to your eye level on your floor and patted your shoulder that was hidden by your blanket. The warmth that seeped from her hand to your body was comforting. “It would figure our little sibling would manage to get sick.” She says in a tone that was not mocking but made you laugh weakly. “Dirk and Dave are handling getting you something in your stomach, but from the way you’re holding your hand over your mouth I believe we’ll have to wait on that.”
Roxy’s eyes widened as she frantically grabbed your trashcan that was sitting next to your desk and just in the nick of time was able to align it with your stream of vomit that expelled itself from your body.
Rose grimaced while looking away and excused herself to fetch some water for you to take your medicine with and leave Roxy on the more… on hands care.
Roxy ran her hand up and down your back and continued these ministrations while you heaved your heart out into the luckily previously empty bin as you clutched it close to your body.
Rose walked back in with a tall glass of water and sat them on your nightstand and gave Roxy a nod before motioning with her thumb towards the kitchen and left as quickly as she came.
The older blond shook out a couple tablets from the bottle before twisting it back and grabbed the glass of water with the other before handing one at a time to you for you to take.
You popped the pills into your mouth before downing it with a few gulps of water, relishing in how it coated your dry and scratchy throat. You handed the glass back to Roxy and laid your head back onto your pillow as your eyes began to get heavier. When the weight got too much you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.
You stirred at the sound of feet against your floors growing closer as you lazily opened a eyelid, vision blurry. The figure still a mix of colors until you rubbed at your eyes and stared up at them.
Dave’s mouth lifted in a half smile, the dimples on his cheeks over prominent. He leaned down to sit a tray with a steaming bowl of what you assumed was soup. And it smelled heavenly to your emptied stomach.
You managed to rise to a sitting position and reached over to take a few small sips from the refilled glass of water by your bedside, bendy straw of your favorite color stuck up from the top.
You tested bigger sips from the colorful straw. Your throat felt a lot less hoarse, the cool liquid only helping in that regard. “Water has never felt as good as it does right now.” You sighed happily in relief. “Now this soup? Looks fucking amazing.”
You twirled the soup and it’s contents around with her spoon, admiring the different colors of ingredients faintly vortexed as you did so. The steam coming off from it hitting your nostrils pleasantly.
“Dirk and Rose made that for you. You should’ve seen Roxy when she peeled out of here to head to the market just to get the ingredients for it. Dirk looked as if he was gonna die by how he held onto the handle on the door.” Dave replied. The small chuckle emitting from his lips made you do so yourself as well.
“They didn’t have to go through all that trouble.” You told him with a small smile.
You gave the soup a couple more stirs before lifting a moderately sized amount to your lips, noting to blow on it softly as not to spill.
The soup tasted as amazing as it smelled. The veggies weren’t cooked to mush as most canned ones would be, and the broth you felt you could drink straight out if it had cooled down a bit more to where it wouldn’t scaled your tongue. The small bits of chicken that accompanied the twisted egg noodles added more substance and made your tummy all the more happy to continue eating.
Dave watched you eat quietly, relieved that you seemed to be getting back to your usual self. He wouldn’t say it aloud, but he was more anxious than he first thought when you walked in the kitchen that morning with her cosmic blanket wrapped around your form. You looked so pale, your usually color was absent from your face.
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He crossed his legs on your bed, one lifted up to where he could rest his chin on top of. His red eyes peering through the vague color of his ever prominent sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. “Taste good?”
You hummed audibly, scooping up another spoonful. “Like is was blessed from God.” You returned as you did a small kiss theatrically.
This caused Dave to laugh louder compared to the soft chuckle he had done earlier. “Glad to hear it dude.”
Tummy full, and the feeling of death farther than it had been in the past few hours you let out a contented sigh. “That was amazing, thank you guys.” you beamed before taking and downing the rest of your water in a couple gulps. “I feel so much better.”
Dave nodded then reached out to take your now emptied bowel and cup. “Do you want seconds?” he asked while rattling the spoon on the ceramic in one hand. “There’s seriously so much of this. We all have had some and there’s still like half left.”
You nodded almost immediately. “Yes, please. Could I get some apple juice this time too?” you asked while batting your eyelashes, smirk growing bigger when you saw him roll his eyes with the movement of his head.
He used his free hand to ruffle the locks of your hair, which you squeaked out now laughing and batting his hand away.
“For sure.”
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Love from the Sea - Calliope/Jade Fic
Prompt: Mermaid AU
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Prompt from: @yearoftheotpevent​
Media: Homestuck, Mermaid AU/Aquariumstuck AU
Genres: Fluff, pre-established relationship, mermaid x human
Characters: Jade Harley, Calliope, Dave Strider, Caliborn (mentioned), Dirk Strider (mentioned), Marquise Spinneret Mindfang (mentioned)
Pairing(s): Jade/Calliope, Dirk/Caliborn (very lightly implied)
CW/TW - None!
Word Count: 3880
Slush dumped from the clouds, being too cold for rain and too warm for snow. February was almost over, and spring time was almost here! Jade wasn’t one for the winter or cold weather. Maybe it was her upbringing in the Pacific Islands, or maybe it was that thing Rose kept asking her to look into…seasonal affective disorder? Regardless of what it was, Jade was more than ready to start growing plants and spending time in the sun! Despite her dodgy relationship with the winter season, it didn’t stop her from making the long drive from her rural home to the Skaian Aquarium. Despite the length of the drive, podcasts and radio music gave her company as she went.
It was around 9 o’clock when Jade pulled into the aquarium parking lot. It was a Sunday, which meant that she had about two hours before the building was opened up to the public. She would normally have to wait like the rest of the Skaian residence, but she was blessed with being friends with a worker! Jade shivered as she turned off her car, the warm air being quickly overtaken by the cold. She slipped back on her puffy, gray winter jacket, exiting her car. She shivered as she shoved her keys into the pockets on her skirt, which were massive in comparison to the average jean pocket. Zipping up her jacket took no time at all, and she began her way to the aquarium. She jogged as she did so, trying to keep warm as her teeth chattered from the cold. She had made sure that her ID was on the outside of her jacket, so she could scan herself in without having to unzip and release all the warmth she had been storing.
Jade got to the aquarium entrance in no time at all. Normally the doors would just be open, and you could buy tickets to go see all the animals at the reception desk inside. That would not be the case for Jade, since she was coming in early. Before she would have to wait for Dave to let her in, but he pulled through and got her an official pass to allow her to come in basically whenever she wanted. She jolted and shivered as she pulled her hand out of her pocket to scan her ID. Much to her relief, she wouldn’t have to fight it. It worked the first time and the automatic doors opened for her. She entered the aquarium and the smell of salt water assaulted her nose. Dave was not there to greet her as he usually was, but that was alright. Jade knew where she was going. The aquarium was dark, the only lights being from the massive windows. There was the faint humming in the background, any of those with fish would recognize it as a filtering system. The aquarium was massive and they needed to have a massive filtering system to care for all of the creatures that lived inside. It was a surprise that the humming wasn’t louder!
The first stop on Jade’s mental list was the employee backroom. It was on the first floor and relatively hard to find if you didn’t know where to look. It was on the opposite side of the floor that the receptionist desk was at and was near the indoor penguin exhibit. The penguins had an indoor and outdoor exhibit, and if the weather was appropriate and there were enough people working, then the penguins could go outside! The door was around there, and most were too enthralled by the penguins to notice employees walking in and out.
Most of the penguins were awake when she arrived at their enclosure, swimming around and playing with each other. As Jade walked past, a penguin came up to her in the water, looking at her with curious eyes. She smiled and bent down, putting her finger against the cold glass. The penguin put its beak to her finger from the other side, following it as she made little shapes against the glass. Penguins were so cute and so very silly! Jade had never worked with them personally, but she loved watching them play and swim around. She was surprised that the penguin was playing with her, maybe it recognized her somehow?
“Hey Jade.”
Jade jolted upright, which caused the penguin to swim off. She looked to her left and grinned. Standing before her was one of her very good friends! His sunglasses reflected the lights from the penguin exhibit, and his normally side-swept, blonde hair was pulled back into a low man-bun. There was never a time that he didn’t complain about it, but he worked one-on-one with the more exotic creatures at the zoo, and the last thing that he needed was to be yanked into the water and die.
“Dave!” Jade gasped, before pulling him into a tight hug. Dave wheezed and patted her shoulder, an awkward yet friendly gesture. She pulled away and he pushed up his glasses adjusting back to his “cool guy” stature. That was just mostly keeping his hands in his pockets at all times. 
“Hanging out with the penguins?”
“Yep! They’re really cute.” Jade said with a chirp, watching Dave as he crouched down to see the penguins as they swam through the water. They appeared to recognize him, doing little spins and splashes in the water.
“Yeah, I guess they’re pretty cute. At least until they start asking for fish. Have you seen what their mouths look like?” Dave stood up and grabbed Jade by her shoulders, “They have fucking nightmare mouths Jade. It’s like looking into one of those metal crusher machines, with a million little spines just waiting to tear up your flesh.”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m not here to feed the penguins! I’m here to see Callie.”
“Callie? What do you…ah. Right right, I know what you’re talking about.” Dave nodded, his hands finding his way back into his pockets. He gestured towards the door with his head, and walked towards it. Jade followed, taking off her fluffy coat as she did so. The two entered the room, and Jade opened Dave’s locker. It was relatively empty, with a sad slumped over backpack being the only thing inside. She shoved her coat into it, and emptied her pockets, not wanting to risk anything getting wet.
Dave waited patiently against the wall next to the door that would lead them to where Jade wanted to go. Once the locker was closed, he opened the door and entered, Jade on his heels.
“How has Callie been?”
“Uhh, she’s been good. We’re working on getting a proper spot set up for her soon.”
“How exciting!” Jade gasped, maybe she wouldn't have to go the roundabout way of meeting up with Calliope!
“Haha yeah. She’s been real cool. Let us run tests and other medical things.”
“Isn’t she amazing! She’s always so nice and kind! I love her.” The Skaian Aquarium was known for its exotic animals and its rehabilitation programs, taking care of sick animals and then releasing them back out into the wild. As of a few months ago, they had found some creatures that were unlike anyone had ever seen. Mermaids and sirens and whatnot were from myths! Creatures conjured by the human mind. At least, up until the Skaian Aquarium had discovered an injured sea spider, one that was massive and had a human-like torso. She had the smarts and cunningness of any other human, but she lived in the sea and had aquatic biology. Her name was Mindfang, and would be the first of many merpeople that the aquarium would take in.
The sea snake known as Calliope was soon to follow. She was searching for shelter and ended up at the aquarium. She was not injured, unlike Mindfang, and was much less violent. Jade couldn’t blame Mindfang for being violent, though. If someone took her from her home then she would be pretty upset too! Calliope was always willing to answer questions about her home, as well as any anatomical questions the staff had. Jade often visited her, just to chat about nothing in particular. They got along splendidly and despite Calliope’s appearance being what some would describe as eerie, Jade loved the way she looked. Calliope was a long and twisting sea snake, being well up to forty feet long! She was also very skeletal, not having any skin! Although what appeared to be bones was also muscle? How did that work? The staff weren’t sure. Nobody was sure, really.
Regardless of what she looked like, Jade adored her! From the moment the two of them met a month ago, they were like two peas in a pod! They just clicked. Almost every conversation went swimmingly, and Jade spent many hours of the day just chatting away with her! And recently, she and Jade had been a bit more…touchy? Nothing too crazy, but Jade often found herself placing kisses on Callie’s cheeks and skull. Jade wasn’t sure if it would be considered a relationship, but they were probably a bit more than friends? It didn’t matter much though, since most interaction between them was just that! Between them! No one else! Despite what Dave and the other workers warned her not to do, Jade often found herself swimming in Callie’s tank with her. Since the temperature of the water was very warm, being around 80 degrees fahrenheit or 26.67 degrees celsius! She didn’t worry about freezing or being too cold to swim back up. She didn’t worry about drowning much at all, since Callie made a point to keep her head near or above the water at all times.
The concern from many of the workers there was that they worried that the merpeople (that’s what Jade had started calling them) would “go rogue” and start hunting down humans. Jade thought that was ridiculous, so she kept doing it.
“She’s pretty cool.”
“Any updates with what’s going on or…?” Dave nodded, “We’re thinking about moving some of them to exhibits for the public. With their expressed permission, obviously.”
“Of course of course.” Jade nodded along. She had heard all about the trials and arguments that the aquarium had with both the government and within its own walls. Many members of the staff simply wanted to ship them off to government sites for experimentation while others wanted to continue to learn about them in a more humane and rehabilitation-like manner. Dave was among the latter group. He ended up being one of the ones chosen to go to congress to argue in the merpeoples’ favor, which Jade heard all about. In the end, surprisingly, the humanitarians had won. There was still some debate about whether or not the public should know about it, but whatever happened had to be better than them being shipped off to torture sites!
What was to happen with the public and the merpeople was out of their hands. However, the aquarium workers had started to argue for more enriching tanks. Currently they were just put into large, glass tubes with basically nothing inside. The argument being posed as of now is that if a human was put into a room with nothing in it, then they would go insane! It is cruel to expect that of any animal, especially not one with sentience.
“Currently we’re planning on moving Calliope into a temporary holding tank so we can move Mindfang to Calliope’s current tank and then move Calliope into Mindfang’s tank since it’s bigger.”
“That sounds really tricky…”
“Eh. We’ve done crazier things.” He just shrugs.”
The two approach the labyrinth that lay underneath the aquarium, it was like a hospital, but with a more scientific vibe to it. It had many large rooms solely for storing large animals like the merpeople found in the ocean. There was a lot of other storage as well, but Jade had never seen it. It was also a research and medical lab, for when animals had to be taken care of or studied. Dave scanned his ID and the large metal door opened. It sounded like a fork being ground against a chalkboard and Jade covered her ears with her hands in response. Once the door opened fully, she removed them from her head and walked inside.
Jade made sure to anticipate the sound when she stepped in, tensing up as Dave scanned his ID again to close the door. The door made the horrible scraping sound and she and Dave both visibly cringed.
“Why does it even do that??” She asked, baffled. The aquarium was built almost perfectly, so how in the world was the door able to scrape across the floor? “I wish I knew. It has done that every, single, time, that I have been here, Jade. Every single goddamn time.”
Dave had scoffed in exasperation and Jade chuckled a little at him. The two would’ve made it to Calliope’s tank in record time if Jade hadn’t gotten distracted. There were many tanks in the basement of the aquarium, most of them dim and empty. So when Jade had noticed Dirk standing over a tank that was usually empty. He seemed very involved with his work, so Jade wouldn’t call out to him, but she did gesture at Dave for an explanation.
“Hm? Oh. Yeah, Dirk’s working with the new guy. Apparently he’s Calliope’s twin brother.”
“Oh!!!” She chirped, putting her hands together, smiling. And then, she remembered all the things Calliope and told her about him and her face immediately fell, “Oh.” “So I assume you’ve heard about him?”
“Unfortunately.” Jade seethed out quietly, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. Dave snorted. “So…what’s Dirk doing with him? I thought he didn’t really like anybody?”
“He doesn’t seem to mind Dirk.”
“How come?” Dave could only shrug.
The tank that held Calliope wasn’t too far from where they were. Dave got a text from one of the aquarium managers that he had to return back up to the surface to take care of some things. Jade could only laugh a little at his dramatic groan as he almost immediately began to come up with excuses to stall for time. Dave dropped Jade off at Calliope’s tank, despite her not needing it, and taking the longest route possible back up the stairs. The room that Calliope’s tank was in smelt constantly like sea water. Like every room, there was a long platform that led to the top of the tank. Since Calliope was always very amicable and polite, they had a ladder installed so a person could enter and exit the water if necessary. The staff trusted Calliope. She had shown no desire to escape and since she did medical examinations and studies without issue, it was decided to just install a ladder into it.
From the moment Jade walked into the room, Calliope was visible. She was very long and her coloring went from a medium shade of green that got darker as you went along her body. Her tail almost a pure shade of black. She had these little fins that were all over her spine that were a bright lime color. This shade of green was shared with her cheek spirals, eyes, and freckles she had! Calliope had told Jade that all of her lime green spots would glow if she went down deep into the ocean, although due to the light and lack of depth within her tank, she couldn’t show Jade. Jade could see Calliope from a mile away, and her heart began to race. What was supposed to be a walkway became a diving board in Jade’s mind. She slipped off her socks and shoes, leaving them in a neat pile.
“CALLIE!” Jade shouted and her bare feet began to slam against the metal bars. It felt like running across floor grates, but Jade didn’t care. There was a few seconds in between her shout and her diving into the water. Calliope had shifted in her tank, adjusting herself so she and Jade wouldn’t hit each other.
Warm water enveloped her, like a hug or blanket. Her clothes detached themselves from her skin, waving and flowing like coral. She felt her glasses slip from her face, despite her going into the water face first. Opening her eyes to grab them was out of the question, since she didn’t want to deal with salty eyes. Before she even got the chance to think though, a pair of sharp, skeletal hands gently lifted her by her under arms. She tilted her head upwards, her face breaching the surface. The air was cold as the warm water slipped down the curves of her face. Her vision was blurry, even as she wiped the water from her eyes. That was until Calliope took her glasses from the water, shaking them to get as much water off as she could.
Gently, Calliope set the glasses  on Jade’s face. “Hello, love.” Jade giggled, her cheeks flushing slightly. As water dripped from her glasses, Calliope’s face came into view. Despite Calliope’s opinion, Jade loved holding her face. The spiral patterns on her cheeks were so cute, her eyes were large and had thick eyelashes. Jade loved her face, she loved her high cheekbones and her heart shaped nose.
“Hehehe, hi Callie.” She said, pressing her lips against Calliope’s forehead. “How have you been? I’ve heard that they’re possibly moving you!”
Before responding, Calliope carried Jade over to the ladder and sat her down, so she was sitting on one of the rungs. Her upper chest was out of the water, her shirt pressed flat against her skin. Calliope was also out of the water slightly, but it was just her head and the top of her broad shoulders. Her hands were wrapped around the sides of the ladder, her eyes not moving from Jade. “They are indeed! They worry that being here by myself with no surroundings will cause me to become stressed.”
Jade cupped Calliope’s cheek, “Are you…stressed?”
“Oh! Hee hee, not at all! While the days do tend to blur, and sometimes it can get lonely, but that isn’t anything I’m not used to.” Jade frowned. “Ah, however, I am not as alone as I was when I was out in the ocean. I get to see and talk with people frequently.”
Calliope reached her hand out of the water, and pushed a piece of Jade’s hair out of her face, “And, I love getting to see you. How can I be stressed when I know that you are coming to visit?”
“Hehe!” Jade pressed a kiss to Calliope’s forehead, “I know that being here isn’t toooo exciting hehe, but have you done anything interesting lately?”
As Calliope began to speak, Jade lowered herself down a rung. The cold air had begun to bother her, and the tightness of her shirt was beginning to bother her. All of her body was underwater from her neck down. Calliope followed suit, her body shifting in the water. Jade’s green eyes turned from Calliope’s and towards the swishing movement of her tail. Where did her torso begin and her tail end…? Questions for another time, Jade supposed. Despite her no longer keeping eye contact, she was still paying attention.”
“Dirk recently introduced me to land chess! It is very similar to a game that my brother and I used to play. The rules are a little different, but they are stagnant and don’t change, so it was very easy to pick up on!”
“Yeah??? I never was too good at chess…” “I could teach you, if you’d like!”
“That might be fun! Did you end up beating Dirk?”
“Oh yes! And Dave as well. It was good fun! I sometimes wonder what my brother would think of the game…haa. That’s a silly thing to think about, don’t you think?”
There was silence for a moment, neither sure what to say. Jade put her hand against Calliope’s cheek, feeling the spiral mark on her.
“I wonder what he’s up to…”
Before Jade could stop the words from coming out of her mouth, she spoke, “Maybe you can ask Dirk about him?”
“Dirk? Why would…?” Then it clicked, her hand went up to her mouth slowly and Jade cringed.
“I’m sorry Callie, maybe I shouldn't've-”
“No! No, don’t apologize. Is he…alright?”
“I think so. I didn’t see him, but Dirk was with him! So I am sure he’s fine.”
“It is probably for the best that you didn’t see him.” Calliope stated. Jade could see the odd expression on her face, but she could not tell what it was. Despite that, she knew something she should do. She took Calliope by her hand, and pushed against the walls of the tank. She swam out into the tank, Callie following shortly behind her. “Goodness Jade! You should be careful, love.”
“Hehe, I’ll be okay!”
“You should still be careful, something could always happen and-”
“And you’ll be there.” Jade said, flipping onto her back and floating there. 
Calliope smiled at her softly and went under the water for a moment. From her limited position, Jade could tell that Calliope was going in a small circle. She rose from the water behind Jade’s head, holding it above the water slightly more than it had been before. She gently touched Jade’s face, her skin warm under her touch. Their eyes connected, and Calliope leaned down and pressed her nose hole to the human’s forehead.
“I like it when it’s just us.”
“Yes.” Calliope agreed, running her clawed fingers through Jade’s hair as it moved in the water.
Jade turned around suddenly, kicking her feet to keep her head afloat. “I can’t wait until you get moved into a not boring tank! I’m almost scuba certified.”
“Scuba certified?”
“That means that someone can safely scuba dive deep into the water! When they go through the certification process, they are trained on how to use all of the equipment and stay safe. When I get certified, I’ll be able to go into the water with you! And when you get a new tank with all sorts of cool things instead of it being empty and isolating, we can explore it together!” Water entered into her nose as she spoke, turning around so she was facing Calliope properly. She coughed out the water and gasped for a breath. Despite this, she still smiled with the same excitement that she had spoken with. Calliope was worried for a second, but when Jade breathed three consecutive breaths without coughing or sputtering, her anxiety was lifted.
Jade wrapped her arms around Calliope’s chest, her foot touching Calliope’s tail. Her nose was barely above the water, but she wasn’t too worried. They were still, and the water reflected that. Calliope put her head against Jade’s, also wrapping her arms around the other. The tank she was in mimicked her home’s temperature, but no matter how warm it was supposed to be, she still felt cold. And often, alone. But when Jade was here, when they were so close. How could she feel anything else but warmth and comfort?
“That sounds delightful Jade. I cannot wait.”
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wolfgiselle · 1 year
Summary: Your name is Dave Strider, you're the victor of the 72nd Hunger Games, and the only thing you care about is keeping yourself and your brother safe.
Your name is Dirk Strider, and the Capitol made the mistake of turning you into what you are, before giving you every reason to want to see it burn.
Your name is Jake English, and surviving to become the single most popular victor in the Capitol might in fact have been a fate worse than death.
Your name is Rose Lalonde, and you're going to be the next Head Gamemaker no matter whose corpse you have to step over to get there.
Your name is Karkat Vantas, and you know you're going to die.
Your name is Terezi Pyrope, and you refuse to let them kill you.
Review: I recommend this story for any Homestuck or Hunger Games fans that love a good Hunger Games AU. The characters of Homestuck do a great job fitting into this world. They deal with some pretty fucked up shit in the actual canon, after all. Actually, their existence in this kind of world makes the world even darker. 
All of the characters are written well, but I give kudos especially for the interpretation of Karkat and Dave. These two are my babes. My OTP of Homestuck.  
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pochapal · 1 year
incredible confidence for someone who hasn't read umineko. interested to see if you'll need to change your chart later.
believe me i am not at all confident in this chart lmfao. my only conviction making it is "could they make it through a murder mystery" paired with how they performed during the homestuck epilogues (i am still operating under the assumption that there's going to be a big metafictional twist at some point in umineko and thus my epilogues comparisons can keep me going a little longer; if there is no "but you already knew that, right?" moment in this story i will enter an analytical flop era so severe i will not recover).
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