foodwithrecipes · 1 day
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Mix Fruit Cooler. Fruits are packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, potassium, folate, and various antioxidants. Read the full recipe
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spicyvegrecipes · 3 months
How to make Hung Curd Sandwich | Dahi Sandwich recipe
Dahi (Hung Curd)Sandwich recipe Today, I bring you a sandwich – The Dahi Sandwich or the Yogurt Sandwich. Dahi (Hung Curd)Sandwich is a creamy, healthy sandwich with fresh vegetables. The curd sandwich is an easy breakfast or snack recipe for kids and adults. This colourful sandwich is easy to make and tastes very delicious. It is a great way to sneak vegetables into your kid’s diet. Today we…
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vera-frolova · 5 months
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15 Easy Slow Cooker Recipes-Under 375 Calories! - Hello HealthyHello Healthy Discover the deliciousness of slow cooker meals that won't break the calorie bank. These 15 easy recipes are perfect for busy English-speaking foodies.
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Chipotle Almond Dip Recipe 
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fastdiet · 10 months
🍞 Keto Bread: Is It Diet-Friendly? 🥖 1. Discover the truth about keto bread and its compatibility with your diet goals. 🤔 Uncover the secrets behind this low-carb alternative that promises to satisfy your bread cravings without sabotaging your weight loss efforts. 🍞 2. Dive into the world of keto bread and explore its unique ingredients and nutritional benefits. 🌾 Learn how this bread substitute, made with almond or coconut flour, can help you maintain ketosis while still enjoying the taste and texture of traditional bread. 🥥 3. Unleash your inner bread lover while staying true to your keto lifestyle. 🙌 Explore the various brands and recipes available, and find out whether keto bread is a suitable addition to your meal plan. 🍽️ Discover the possibilities and make informed choices for a healthier, bread-filled life.1. The Basics of Keto Bread: Understanding the Low-Carb Concept🍞 Keto bread is a low-carb alternative to traditional bread, perfect for those following a ketogenic diet. 🥖 It is made using low-carb flours like almond or coconut flour, which are high in healthy fats and low in carbohydrates. 🌾 Unlike regular bread, keto bread contains minimal amounts of carbohydrates, making it suitable for those aiming to reduce their carb intake. 🍽️ This bread is a great option for individuals looking to maintain ketosis, a metabolic state where the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. ✅ Keto bread can be a versatile addition to your diet, allowing you to enjoy sandwiches, toast, or even French toast while staying within your low-carb goals. 🥯 It can be easily customized with various flavors and add-ins like herbs, seeds, or cheese to enhance the taste and texture. 🚫 However, it's important to note that keto bread should be consumed in moderation, as it can still contribute to calorie intake and hinder weight loss if overconsumed.2. Exploring the Ingredients: What Makes Keto Bread Diet-Friendly?When it comes to keto bread, the ingredients play a crucial role in making it diet-friendly. 🥖 1. Almond flour: This low-carb alternative to wheat flour is packed with healthy fats and fiber. 🌰 2. Coconut flour: Another excellent option, it's high in fiber and low in carbs, making it ideal for keto. 🥥 3. Psyllium husk: This fiber-rich ingredient adds texture and helps bind the bread together. 🌾 4. Eggs: Eggs provide structure and moisture to the bread while adding protein to your diet. 🍳 5. Baking powder: It helps the bread rise without adding any carbs, ensuring a fluffy texture. 🥧 6. Healthy fats: Ingredients like butter, ghee, or coconut oil add richness and flavor to the bread. 🧈 7. Sweeteners: Natural sweeteners like stevia or erythritol can be used sparingly to add a touch of sweetness. 🍯 8. Salt and spices: Adding a pinch of salt and your favorite spices enhances the overall taste. 🧂 By combining these keto-friendly ingredients, you can enjoy delicious bread while staying on track with your diet. 😋3. Nutritional Benefits of Keto Bread: How Does It Fit into a Low-Carb Diet?🍞 Keto bread offers several nutritional benefits that make it a great fit for a low-carb diet. 🥖 It is low in carbohydrates, making it an ideal choice for those following a ketogenic or low-carb eating plan. 🥪 Additionally, keto bread is high in healthy fats and protein, which can help keep you feeling satisfied and full for longer periods. 🌾 Unlike traditional bread, keto bread is typically made with almond or coconut flour, which are gluten-free alternatives. 🥑 This means that individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease can still enjoy bread without any adverse effects. 🌿 Keto bread is also rich in fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut. 🌰 It contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, which support overall health and well-being. 🍽️ Incorporating keto bread into your low-carb diet can provide a delicious and nutritious option for satisfying your bread cravings. 4. Comparing Keto Bread to Traditional Bread: Is It a Healthier Alternative?When comparing keto bread to traditional bread, it's important to consider the health benefits. Keto bread is a healthier alternative due to: Lower carbohydrate content, which can aid in weight loss and blood sugar control. Higher fat content, providing a source of energy and promoting satiety. Increased protein content, supporting muscle growth and repair. Rich in fiber, aiding digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness. Minimal additives and preservatives, reducing potential health risks. However, traditional bread also has its advantages: Familiar taste and texture, which can be comforting and satisfying. More variety in flavors and types, offering a wider range of options. Lower cost compared to specialty keto bread options. Widely available in grocery stores, making it convenient to purchase. Ultimately, the choice between keto bread and traditional bread depends on individual dietary goals and preferences. 🥖🥯5. Tips for Making Keto Bread at Home: Recipes and Techniques to Try🍞 Looking to make delicious keto bread at home? Here are some tips, recipes, and techniques to help you on your low-carb baking journey! 🌾 Use almond or coconut flour instead of traditional wheat flour for a keto-friendly option. 🥚 Include eggs in your recipe to add moisture and structure to the bread. 🧂 Don't forget to add salt to enhance the flavor of your keto bread. 🥄 Experiment with different low-carb sweeteners like erythritol or stevia to satisfy your sweet tooth. 🥣 Incorporate psyllium husk or ground flaxseed to give your bread a more bread-like texture. 🍞 Try out different recipes like keto bagels, buns, or even cheesy garlic bread to keep things interesting. 🕒 Allow your keto bread to cool completely before slicing to ensure a better texture. 🔥 Preheat your oven properly to ensure even baking and a nicely browned crust. 🍴 Enjoy your homemade keto bread with your favorite toppings like avocado, butter, or sugar-free jam.6. Incorporating Keto Bread into Your Diet: Creative Ways to Enjoy this Low-Carb OptionWhen it comes to incorporating keto bread into your diet, the possibilities are endless! Here are some creative ways to enjoy this delicious low-carb option: 🥪 Sandwiches: Swap out traditional bread for keto bread to make mouthwatering sandwiches. Load them up with your favorite fillings and enjoy a satisfying meal. 🥞 French toast: Indulge in a keto-friendly version of this classic breakfast dish. Dip slices of keto bread in a mixture of beaten eggs, cinnamon, and vanilla extract, then cook until golden brown. 🥗 Croutons: Cut keto bread into small cubes, toss them in olive oil, and season with herbs and spices. Bake until crispy, and add them to salads for a delightful crunch. 🍔 Burger buns: Create a keto-friendly burger by using keto bread as your bun. Top it with a juicy patty, cheese, and all your favorite toppings for a satisfying and low-carb meal. 🧀 Grilled cheese: Make a gooey and cheesy keto grilled cheese sandwich by using keto bread and your favorite cheese. Toast it until the cheese is melted and enjoy a comforting treat. 🥖 Garlic bread: Slice keto bread, spread a mixture of butter, minced garlic, and parsley on top, and bake until golden and fragrant. Serve it alongside your favorite keto-friendly pasta dish. 🥐 Keto croissants: Get creative in the kitchen and make your own keto croissants using keto bread. Roll the bread into a crescent shape, bake until golden, and enjoy a flaky and low-carb pastry. 🥪 Open-faced sandwiches: Use keto bread as a base for open-faced sandwiches. Top it with avocado, smoked salmon, or any other keto-friendly ingredients for a quick and delicious meal. 🍰 Bread pudding: Don't let leftover keto bread go to waste! Turn it into a delectable bread pudding by soaking it in a mixture of eggs, cream, sweetener, and spices. Bake until golden and enjoy a keto-friendly dessert. With these creative ideas, you can enjoy the taste and texture of bread while following a low-carb keto diet. Get ready to explore new flavors and satisfy your cravings without compromising your health goals! In conclusion, keto bread can be a diet-friendly option for those following a ketogenic lifestyle. 🍞 It is low in carbs, high in healthy fats, and can help maintain ketosis. However, it is important to read labels carefully and choose breads made with quality ingredients. 🧐 Remember, portion control is key to ensure you stay within your daily carb limit. Enjoy your keto bread with a smile! 😊 While keto bread may not be suitable for everyone, it offers a tasty alternative for those on a low-carb diet. 🥖 Its unique ingredients and nutritional profile make it a viable option for those craving bread while staying in ketosis. Just be mindful of the portion size and choose breads that align with your dietary goals. 🙌 So go ahead, indulge in a slice of keto bread and savor the satisfaction of maintaining your diet without compromising on taste! 🍽️ https://fastdiet.net/keto-bread-is-it-diet-friendly/?_unique_id=649bff832d4b0
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
Discover the Deliciously Healthy Secret Walden Farms Italian Dressing
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In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, finding delicious food options that don't compromise on taste or nutrition can be a challenge. However, there's a secret that health-conscious individuals around the world have discovered: Walden Farms Italian Dressing. This delectable dressing is not only packed with flavor but also boasts incredible health benefits. Join us as we explore the wonders of Walden Farms Italian Dressing and why it has become a worldwide viral sensation.
The Unparalleled Flavor:
Walden Farms Italian Dressing is renowned for its exceptional taste. Made with a blend of herbs, spices, and authentic Italian flavors, it captures the essence of traditional Italian cuisine. Whether you're using it as a marinade for grilled chicken, drizzling it over fresh salads, or using it as a dipping sauce, this dressing elevates every dish it touches.
Zero Calories, Zero Guilt:
What sets Walden Farms Italian Dressing apart from other dressings on the market is its unique nutritional profile. Imagine enjoying a rich, creamy dressing without adding any extra calories to your meal. With Walden Farms, this dream becomes a reality. Their Italian Dressing is entirely calorie-free, making it an excellent choice for those looking to manage their weight or reduce their calorie intake.
Sugar-Free and Low in Fat:
While many dressings are laden with sugar and unhealthy fats, Walden Farms Italian Dressing stands out by being sugar-free and low in fat. By using natural sweeteners and carefully selected ingredients, this dressing allows you to savor the taste without compromising your health goals. Whether you're following a low-sugar diet or simply want to reduce your sugar intake, this dressing provides a guilt-free option for your favorite dishes.
Gluten-Free and Allergen-Friendly:
For individuals with specific dietary restrictions or allergies, finding suitable food products can be a daunting task. However, Walden Farms Italian Dressing caters to a wide range of dietary needs. It is gluten-free, making it suitable for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Additionally, it contains no nuts, dairy, or eggs, making it a safe option for individuals with common allergens.
Versatility in the Kitchen:
Beyond its delectable taste and health benefits, Walden Farms Italian Dressing is incredibly versatile in the kitchen. Its delightful flavor makes it a perfect addition to various recipes. Use it to enhance the taste of pasta salads, sandwiches, vegetable medleys, or even as a sauce for your homemade pizza. The possibilities are endless, and its widespread popularity is a testament to its adaptability.
Walden Farms Italian Dressing has taken the world by storm, captivating taste buds and revolutionizing healthy eating. With its unrivaled flavor, zero calories, sugar-free formulation, and allergen-friendly nature, this dressing offers a guilt-free indulgence for health-conscious individuals. Whether you're striving for weight management, adhering to specific dietary needs, or simply seeking a flavorful addition to your meals, Walden Farms Italian Dressing is the secret you need to discover. Embrace this deliciously healthy dressing and elevate your culinary experience like never before.
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all-fitness-world · 2 months
Creamy High-Protein Strawberry Fluff Dessert Recipe! 🍓🍰
Indulge guilt-free with this creamy and protein-packed strawberry fluff dessert! Made with wholesome ingredients like Greek yogurt, strawberries, and vanilla wafers, this dessert is a delightful treat for any occasion. Follow the simple steps below to create this delicious masterpiece and satisfy your sweet tooth without derailing your fitness goals! Ingredients: 1 vanilla triple zero Okios yogurt cup (or 150g) 60g strawberries 10 vanilla wafers 10g natural strawberry jam 4g sugar-free cheesecake pudding mix 16g Cool Whip Directions: Stir pudding mix into yogurt until well combined. Cut strawberries into tiny pieces. In a Tupperware container, layer half of the yogurt mix, top with half the vanilla wafers, half the strawberries, then spread half the Cool Whip. Dollop the jam on top and spread around. Repeat the layering process. Refrigerate for 1–2 hours, or until cookies are soft. Enjoy the creamy, fluffy goodness guilt-free! Macros per serving: 303 calories, 48g carbs, 6.2g fat, 16.8g protein
#strawberryrecipe #highproteindessert #macrofriendlyrecipe #healthyeating #dessertrecipe #highprotein #guiltfreedessert #fatloss #sweettreats #easyrecipe #yummydessert #fitnessfood #homemadedessert #cleaneating#dietfriendly#strawberryrecipe,#highproteindessert,#macrofriendlyrecipe,#healthyeating,#dessertrecipe, #highprotein,#guiltfreedessert,#fatloss,#sweettreats,#easyrecipe,#yummydessert,#fitnessfood,#homemadedessert,#cleaneating,#dietfriendly
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relentlessxxchaos · 4 years
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20 Diet-Friendly Mexican Recipes | The Leaf Nutrisystem Blog
20 Diet-Friendly Mexican Recipes | The Leaf Nutrisystem Blog
Feel like a fajita? Sure! Craving a quesadilla? Go for it. Yup, you can even have fish tacos and crispy nachos. And nope, we’re not going loco.
Some Mexican dishes may not be very diet-friendly (full-fat cheese and sour cream, we’re looking at you!). But with some simple tweaks and substitutions, you can still enjoy those unique and inspired south-of-the-border flavors without derailing your…
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povitaliancooking · 5 years
Chicken Marsala Special Short Episode
In this short video, I share some information about the lighter version of Chicken Marsala that I'm cooking for dinner.  I talk about how to make Chicken Marsala diet friendly with a few low calorie and low fat ingredient replacements.
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shwetalbharadwaj · 2 years
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Sugarfree, fat free, gluten free, Guilt Free😜😜 #fatfree #glutenfree #sugarfree #guiltfree #dietfriendly #ketorecipes #cake #chocolate #dessert #sweet #cookies #cakedecorating #birthdaycake #baking #cakedesign #bakery #cakesofinstagram #cupcakes #sweets #pastry #chocolatecake #cakeart #desserts #cakestagram #instacake #homebaker #buttercream #cakelover https://www.instagram.com/p/CaFFhI5poO3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Taco Bell Chipotle Sauce Recipe
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orphancookie69 · 2 years
Keto Stir Fry!
Stir Fry as a meal when you think about it invokes a couple of things. One of the first things for me is: cultural. It is very reminiscent of fried rice, which to more culturally Chinese people is a way to use leftovers. Somehow that's a staple at Panda Express, but most of the panda expresses are Americanized. Stir Fry, to me, is a rice based meal with meat and veges. Here is a keto friendly version! 
Cauliflower Rice
Cut your brocoli, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, 
Start with your base, and really fry the rice in a pan with seasoning and avocado spray
Bowl that and use the same pan to cook the sausage
Place the sausage in the bowl and start by cooking the onions
Once onions are cooked, place the rest of the veges/tofu in
Place the veges in the bowl
Serve with humice and avocados
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The supplies come from Aldi and Costco, in fact the sausage I like for this is the Paleo chicken sausage. Paleo is a kind of close diet to Keto, but what I like is it packs a lot of flavor in for not a lot of carbs. Otherwise you have good for you filling things like vegetables and tofu, and using something not that oily is just an all around good time. Great for making minimal leftovers, and even if you do...pop them with some eggs for breakfast the next day. You can do this in a wok if you have one as well! 
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motherscantina · 3 years
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🥗 Our taco salad looks innocent enough, but under all that crisp & cool local lettuce and fresh pico de Gallo, you'll find spicy beans, pulled chicken, and cheeses that have been baked to melty perfection inside our fried Mother's Cantina tortilla. 🤤 #veganfood #texmexfood #foodblogger #photooftheday #summervibes #dietfood #enchiladas #glutenfree #dietfriendly #realfood #tacos #margaritas #deckparty #oceancitymaryland #motherscantina #spicyfood #beachlife (at Ocean City, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO8iEajhmMm/?igshid=1x5x7x4e5zne2
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all-fitness-world · 2 months
Healthy Low Calorie Creamy Chicken
Indulge in a guilt-free creamy chicken dish that's both delicious and nutritious! Our recipe combines tender chicken with a creamy sauce that's light on calories but rich in flavor. Perfect for those watching their waistline without compromising on taste. Treat yourself to a satisfying meal that won't weigh you down!
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dietmumrepeat · 3 years
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The #snacks are amazing 👌🏼 Delicious #favabeans that are #highprotein #highfibre #lowcalorie #lowcarb #lowfat and are completely #plantbased for our #vegans 👏🏼🙌🏼💪🏼 The most perfect #dietfriendly alternative to #crisps and #peanuts when you want a #saltysnack 🙏🏼 Only 100 calories per pack 😇 Get yours today and #saveyourself from the #christmas #treats #cakes #nibbles #chocolates etc laid out everywhere you go! (at The 1:1 Diet with Amy and Steve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJVKGdRBtht/?igshid=g3u4ftymv98q
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